#the softest cutest ficlet
mushiewrites · 1 year
Day 3 - Cuddles
this lil group was requested by @elliot-tword (find the ask here)! this is actually inspired by an ask that actually was sent by elliot (here) and a concept post I made a while back (here), just with our lil dreamie as the lee this time <3 thank you so much elliot for the request! I hope u all enjoy :3
tickletober prompts here 🎃
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 858 words)
“Are you sure it was okay?” Dream asked quietly, his eyes glassy and unfocused as he picked at the loose threads protruding from the couch in the living room, sat in the middle of his two best friends. George and Sapnap exchanged nervous glances, both looking worried as they crowded closer to Dream. 
“What do you mean? Of course it was okay.” Sapnap pressed the right side of his body against Dreams, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leaning back against Dream’s own left arm. George followed on the opposite side, chiming in himself. 
“It was more than okay, Dream. It was incredible.” 
“I feel like I looked awkward in all the clips I’ve seen…” Dream trailed off, adjusting himself and allowing his body to relax back into the couch and against the other two, letting his head lull to the side until it rested against Sapnap’s shoulder. George let his arm rest over Sapnap’s behind Dream’s head, rubbing at Sapnap’s shoulder before running his hand through Dream’s messy curls. 
“It’s gonna look like that to you, it was your first show! Your first time performing! No one is expecting you to be perfect, baby.” George spoke gently, watching fondly as Dream let his head fall back further as he leaned into George’s hand. The blonde let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes and sliding deeper down into the couch. 
“Yeah I guess you’re right. I just don’t wanna look stupid, you know?” Dream replied after a few seconds, earning nods from both of his friends. Sapnap used his free hand to reach across his own body, letting the back of his hand rub gently over Dream’s cheek, his thumb rubbing the softer spot under his eye. He flinched at the sudden contact, a tiny squeak escaping him before relaxing back into the touch. 
George flashed Sapnap a smirk, making the youngest boy tilt his head slightly in confusion, but keeping his mouth shut as his curiosity got the best of him. George held up the hand that wasn’t currently buried in Dream’s hair and wiggled his fingers, holding back a giggle as Sapnap’s eyes widened. 
“You didn’t look stupid, Dream,” George began, trying to hide the smile that was evident in his voice. “You might look stupid now, though.” 
“Wh- George! Nohoho no! Don’t!” Dream’s question was interrupted when two hands suddenly appeared on his sides, squeezing up and down his ribcage and going down towards his hips. He squealed frantically, trying to pull his arms out from behind George and Sapnap to protect himself but finding them both stuck. 
“You’re right, George. He does look stupid,” Sapnap commented, spidering his hand up Dream’s side before wiggling his fingers over the poor boy’s tummy. “Stupidly cute.” 
“Oh shuhut up!” Dream complained, throwing his head to the side and hiding in the curve of Sapnap’s neck. They giggled along with him, loving the way that Dream was stuck in place, in the middle of their cuddle pile. 
“Shut up? He complimented you, Dream. That’s not very nice of you.” George followed suit, gently fluttering his fingers over Dream’s very sensitive lower tummy, making him buck his hips up with another squeal. 
“Nohoho please! Please I’m- Sahahpnap I’m sorry! Please!” Dream pleaded, giving Sapnap the biggest puppy eyes through his laughter. Sapnap could see the tears beginning to form at the sides of his eyes despite the tickles being soft, letting him know that he was a little bit further gone than both boys initially thought. 
Sapnap slowed his hand to a stop, gripping George’s and pulling it away to allow Dream some air to breathe. He cuddled into Dream, bringing a hand up to cradle the blonde’s head against his chest, Dream’s arms still trapped behind the two. George rolled his eyes at how easily Sapnap caved but again followed his actions, leaning against Dream and wrapping an arm around his neck, placing a soft kiss against his temple. 
“You know we love you so much, right? And we’re so proud of you, Dreamie.” Sapnap whispered, smiling and leaning his head against the top of Dream’s when he felt the blonde nod, along with a tiny hum of agreement. 
“Good. ‘Cause it’s true.” George spoke up, cuddling the two closer and letting his eyes closed, the calm atmosphere making him sleepy. 
“...You don’t have to stop, you know. If you don’t want to.” Dream commented after a while, staying hidden against Sapnap, embarrassed at what he was suggesting. George lifted his head and shot Sapnap a smirk, both boys immediately acting on his shy request. Sapnap let his hand gently flutter against the side of Dream’s neck while George let his fingers explore around his tummy, careful to not use too much pressure to keep him sleepy and relaxed.
The trio cuddled together like that for the rest of the night, with George and Sapnap gently praising Dream here and there through his giggles, letting him know how much they adore him. Eventually, they fell asleep together in the comfiest cuddle pile, wrapped up in the coziest blankets, with the cutest little smiles on their faces.
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greymantledlady · 1 year
hi grey! i recently stumbled upon your blog and read one of your lovely stevetony ficlets — the one with steve finding tony in bed cuddling a bunch of kittens and i just wanted to say it is one of the loveliest, cutest, softest, most wonderful things i’ve ever read. i’ve been having a hard time lately, going through lots of big changes irl, and gosh that fic was just so comforting. i teared up when tony revealed the reason why he brought the kittens home, how he just didn’t want to be alone, how he needed some company. that line just resonated with me so much and the next thing i knew my vision became blurry with tears. your writing is just so lovely, so gentle and soft and comforting, it genuinely felt so cozy, like falling asleep in a warm bed with my comfort movie playing softly in the background. it’s like the universe heard me, understood what i needed, and led me straight to your stevetony ficlet. i’m so excited to learn that you have a stevetony ficlet tag on your blog, and i can’t wait to read the rest of your stevetony ficlets. thank you for writing about the boys being soft and in love. your fic gave me a warm hug when i needed one.
earl 🤍
Omg, this was such a sweet message to get, thank you! I'm so glad you found my ficlet comforting 💙 and I hope you're okay and things become easier for you soon. Sending you love + hugs! 🥰
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leiasleftbun · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game!!!
Thank you for tagging me, @eleni-syndulla!!!
First Fic: My first fic was an angsty Han/Leia one, and it is still on AO3, it has just been orphaned. First (remaining under my name) AO3 fic is a smol FinnRey ficlet from 2017.
Softest Fic: I don’t exactly do many of those, so I would have to go with the cutest not filled with angst one, which would be "Mama, I Chews You!". I also always try to make the names mean many things or puns for my own entertainment.
Fic I Am Most Proud Of AND Fic That Shows My Progress: Literally anything not from 2016/2017 is an improvement, however slight. I pick "Jedi Night" and this is because I am proud I haven’t abandoned it, and it is over a year old. Latest chapters are just me being chaotic idgaf I am having a great time!
Favorite WIP: I have many, current favorite is likely a drunk Hera one. I have. A few.
TAG: @captainherasyndulla (yes, already tagged, but I enjoy bothering them)
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truckloadoffrogs · 4 years
Oh my GODDDD your praise kink Bucky series 😭😭😭💖💖💖 this is the cutest softest thing oh my goodness. Somehow it really does seem so perfect for Bucky to get completely melty at gentle praise/affirmation and it’s precious seeing him craving that from Steve/Steve being happy to praise his good boy. Reading these gave me the best warm fuzzy feeling in my chest and I love how you write the relationship between these two!!! 🥰
ahhhh thank you so so much!!!! this actually made my day !!!!! 🥰 I love thinking about prewar Stucky both because they’re just so fucking soft and because I would DIE for Tiny Dom Steve. i’m so glad you liked my little ficlets!! 💕💕
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midore-fuse903 · 4 years
20, 37 and 40 pls Feathers and Knives, because that fic hurt damn you
I meant to upload this earlier but my webpage reloaded itself and lost everything. So, let’s try this again shall we? 😂
20: So, I generally write when I am alone, or haven’t got something else to do. I struggle to write if I have anything else to do because my brain nags me telling me that I’m not being productive. So, I don’t write as much as I would like because my brain needs to let me. I also find that strong emotional spikes (of joy or sadness or anger etc) seem to drive my writing and give me something to build off of
37: My WIPs…
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Thankfully I just got them sorted into folders so it’s easier to sort through. Roughly though, I have three or four fics from some of my previous fandoms, about twenty original works (of varying lengths) and about twenty Drarry fics. I have a couple of soulmate ones, and a couple of fluffy ones, but I find fluff harder to write (evidently given Feathers and Knives). Iroically most of the ones there have happy endings planned, but that means nothing because I changed how I wanted Feathers and Knives to end not long before I did the last edits and uploaded it. So, planned happy endings mean nothing. I have a few short fics that I wanted to post and point into a ficlet collection/series but I’m not sure yet.
I was also looking back through today and found one there about soulmates that have a platonic soulmate’s name on one wrist and a romantic soulmate’s name on the other. Harry has Draco and Hermione. Hermione has Harry and Pansy (or maybe Draco) and confusion and drama ensues, but I don’t know if it will ever get finished because I don’t really remember where I was going with it, but maybe.
40: AHAHAAHAHAHAHHA Oh I knew the second I read through the asks this was going to pop up. You have truly made my day. An alternate ending for Feathers and Knives you shall get. Although, I would like to point out that the ask never dictated what kind of ending I am required to write….
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But I am in a good mood today, so we might not end up with both of them dead. We can hope right? Can’t get any worse...
{Feathers and Knives: Ending Rewrite (2.0)}
“I know you’re lying to me, Draco. I’m not upset. Well, I don’t know. Maybe I am. But that’s my issue to deal with. I deserve fair worse, and if I was prying, I’m sorry. I’m not accusing you of anything, and if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine, just have the guts to say it instead of trying to lie to my face.” He went to walk away, but found himself held back, embraced by two soft feathery wings.
“Don’t go, please.”
“Are you going to give me any kind of straight answer?”
“Then I think I want some space.”
Harry saw Draco a week later, the blonde had managed to avoid him successfully up until that point, but Minerva was holding a special family dinner for the end of term. He looked... lifeless. His eyes never seemed to focus on anything. The soft, or he supposed, knife-like wings were still and... slouching? Could wings slouch? Was that a thing? His hair fell limp and oily to just above his shoulders as though he hadn’t washed it since he had seen him a week ago. Honestly speaking, Harry didn’t think he had done anything since he had last seen him, not least of sleeping, given the black circles around the blondes unusually dark grey eyes and generally ragged and fatigued appearance. 
But, Harry remind himself, it wasn’t his problem. It never really had been. Harry wondered for a while if he might have liked it to be his problem, for it to their problem. But there was no chance of that. Draco had made sure of it. 
Harry took a breath, there was no point agonising over what might have happened. It was the way it was. He glanced once more at the dull-eyed blonde once more, before going back to his dinner and setting a smile on his face. He didn’t even notice the dull set of grey eyes watching him.
Later in the evening as all the younger years made their way up to the dormitories for bed, he thought he caught sight of the blonde, but before he could be sure they had already turned a corner and hastened up the next stairwell out of sight. But, Harry reasoned, it didn’t matter, did it? No, this had nothing to do with him anymore. 
The next day he waved off the students as the boarded the train on their way home for the holidays. He was kind of sad to see them go. The castle would be so much quieter without them. But on the other hand, the castle would be so much quieter without them!
He got a letter the next day asking about how Victoire’s - Bill and Fleur’s eldest daughter, one of Harry’s first years - classes were going, and to say thank you for being supportive when the rest of her family couldn’t be there. Bill and Fleur were really sweet and Victoire was the cutest. She had the softest blonde curls Harry had ever seen with the blue eyes like the sea. She was quite pale, but she got that from her mother because of her Veela heritage- Fleur was a Veela! Well not quite Harry knew. Kind of. Blood lines confused him. But she might know about Draco. Not that he wanted to know. It wasn’t his problem. And he should respect a fellow staff members boundaries and privacy. However, that didn’t stop him from writing very hasty letter, with a significant number of lines through it, asking about Veela wings and if Fleur had any books on Veela. 
Now staring down at the letter, he considered it a moment longer before adding a scrawl of some form tell them that he would write another letter about Victoire, and sent it. 
The next three days passed very, very slowly as Harry waited to hear anything back. He reasoned with himself that it shouldn’t have mattered. He was done with Draco. He had tried but it didn’t work. Did he want to be more than friends... maybe. But that was over now. The least he could do was find out why. 
On the fourth day he heard back, but not in the form he had expected. None other than Fluer herself stood at the door of the castle watching him as he stood there stock-still. 
“Fluer, i- I wasn’t expecting you!”
“Evidently, Harry,” the woman replied, her soft French accent creating a soft sing-song lilt to her voice.
“I’m sorry please come in,” he said holding the door open for her.
“Thank you. Now you mentioned in your letter that you wished to know about Veela, Harry. Why is that? You must know it is a very... closed community. Which is why I am sure you haven’t found anything and am now asking me.”
“I- just-” he sighed while she waited. “Yes, Fleur.”
“What’s going on, Harry? What are you trying to find out?”
“We- We’d better talk inside my office,” he said, any remains defences leaving him. Harry didn’t think he would have win against any of the Weasley women. he’d probably end up with his bottom hexed off and a few more than a few bruises to show for it. 
He trailed up the stairs to his office with the petite blonde following silently behind as he tried to figure out what to say. 
Finally seated, he began.
“Draco, Draco Malfoy is a Veela.” He paused for a reaction but the girl merely nodded without much thought. “And he’s lying to me.” Her ears perked spa bit at that but not by much. 
It wasn’t until Harry had finished explaining how the wings were around other people and how they were around him, and Draco’s evasion that she finally spoke. She had sat there for so long, her face impassive he was worried she wouldn’t say anything at all, but to say he was surprised when she finally did speak would definitely be an understatement. 
“Bill was right. You really are an oblivious man, Harry.” He blinked.
“I’m sorry... what?”
“You really have no clue, but I guess that was in part our decision,” she murmured, though Harry wasn’t certain he understood it. “Harry, I do not possess wings, but if I did they would be sharp like razors for everyone except Bill, and perhaps my children. No one else may touch my wings because traditionally, and in some cases even today, they are used as a weapon of defence, and what kind of weapon would it be if they were soft, Harry?”
“Wait, hang on. Slow down. Are you telling me...”
“I do not understand the nature of your relationship with Draco, nor will I pretend to understand, but there are only two types of people that may feel a Veela’s feather wings, and last I checked, he wasn’t your parent,” she smiled. 
“Harry, I am sorry to leave you like this, and given your... association, I am free if you ever want to ask questions or find information, but I believe you have something else you need to be doing right now.” When Harry didn’t respond she simply offered a sad smile as she rose from her chair. “Goodbye Harry. I hope this works out for you.”
And with that... he was alone. Really alone. Fleur... even if what she had said was right, especially if she was right, he was more alone than ever. Draco... Draco didn’t want him, and that hurt more than he ever thought it would. 
Okay okay okay! I take back what I said earlier. it might have gotten worse. I know, I am a terrible person and you want to hunt me down with an axe. I get that. But look on the bright side. I actually plan on creating a part two of this and putting both on AO3 as an alt ending, so... it’s not finished yet.... That’s good news, right? Maybe? Sorry...
Anyway, thank you for the ask. And I hope you enjoyed Anon. I will try to upload this and then write and upload the second part as soon as possible.
(Side note: I was trying to write this just as my really sad playlist came on and do you have any idea how hard it is to write a happy ending listening to the most depressing songs under the sun? Also, some of the terms and school times lines area mess. Don’t come for me.)
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