#the side characters that don't come from an existing Metroid title don't have the luxury of having existing reference material online
molagboop · 4 months
I need to draw Samus more. The one obstacle is drawing faces. It's not just that I haven't exactly nailed human faces, it's that I consistently envision her in at least six different styles simultaneously every time I try to put her to the page (that's why she looks different every time I draw her).
It's a constant battle between big and blocky (my beloved), cartoony and malleable for comedic purposes, and some hybrid look with influences from all over the place. Between wrangling the shape of the face and remembering how her hair works (harder than it sounds when you have 30 different versions of one character in your head), it's hard to find a happy medium sometimes. I'll get there, I just need to separate the different entities within the fleshy mass in my head from each other and use them appropriately.
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