#the scariest part is that this isn't anything like the face he makes when lining up a shot. this is the face he makes when you ask for salt.
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non-un-topo · 6 months ago
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I was mesmerized by Luca's new flippy hair. Got carried away and accidentally brought back Owl Eyes Nicky
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smokescreenimusprime · 4 months ago
hmmmmm. There's been a bit of fluff for Dark Infection recently
how about I make it worse again :)
so. The S2 finale and start of S3 :)))
Smokescreen is, understandably, stressed as hell and is stuck splitting his focus
he spends much of it on edge and keeping an eye on Optimus's condition, while also trying to keep his mental walls up enough that Megatron won't be able to find them. More than once he was half tempted to leave Optimus out of fear of putting him in more danger but... well, this is the most danger he could be in
(once, only once when he was asleep, Smokescreen gave in to the desperate temptation to drip a bit of his own tainted blood into Optimus's lines just to give him a fraction more of a chance for survival, but the Matrix rejects it and Megatron laughs and Smokescreen feels the guilt and regret begin to eat at him)
he watches, speaks to him when he can, does anything at all to ease his pain
eventually he drifts off. His guard lowers and he doesn't even sleep, just dozes
like before, his dreams are havoc. Without Ratchet around to induce stasis, he once again meets Megatron in a middle space between the two of them. It's rather difficult to keep ones guard up when asleep, amidst the nightmares and twisting realities and facing his worst fears
they fight. Sort of. It's more Megatron mocking him and Smokescreen yelling back, two beings who cannot die simply trying to hurt the other in whatever way they can could of spite
eventually Smokescreen manages to get a jump on him. He reaches up, up, up, slipping between his limbs with his arms outstretched, reaching for the sensitive cables and energon lines exposed between bits of Megatron's exterior plating-
and Smokescreen wakes up to his hands wrapped around Optimus's throat
He hasn't started squeezing, his hands are resting gently on his neck like he was checking a pulse, and the bot in question was fast asleep. He could feel his energon moving sluggishly in his lines, not as strong as it should be but still alive
alive, and Smokescreen almost ended that
he doesn't let himself sleep afterwards. He keeps himself awake no matter what it takes, even as the days stretch on and the exhaustion clings to him like a leaden weight
and as he gets more tired, he can feel his mental barriers begin to crack. Not enough that they're found, but Megatron's voice begins to whisper in his ear, a near constant stream of chatter that manages to be worse than the deafening silence when Optimus sleeps
the scariest part is at some point Smokescreen loses track of the time and what is and isn't real. Sometimes he sees shadows moving and thinks the Cons have found them, other times he forgets that Megatron's voice is another person. It's all melding together into one single stream and all Smokescreen can do is keep himself awake
but even when Optimus is fixed, Smokescreen doesn't let himself sleep. Not yet. He needs to see this through to the end, needs to keep his walls up high so Megatron can't figure out what's happening, can't let the Autobots fight without him
he stumbles through the deserted, destroyed streets of Jasper, one step at a time until for the first time in he doesn't know how long, he finally sees bots who could stop him if he tried to hurt anybody and finally lets go
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ineedtherapist · 3 years ago
can i have grandpa caesar hcs? (basically he lived until part 3 and how he bonds with reader and the crusaders)
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eyyyoooo I survived another week
let's gooo fellasss
p/s: I run out of ideas lmaoo
there's so many things and concepts I want to talk about lol but take this kinda crap all over the place writing of mine and
please enjoy <3 :-
Old!Cae sdc hcs + reader
"Why? Ofc I'll be glad to help you, [ ]. Lead the way, caro/cara."
Part 3 Caesar is the sweetest and calmest member in the crusaders yet one of the scariest once he gets serious
The crusaders respect him more than joseph as a mentor, a friend and a father figure.
He bicker with oldseph all the time and also wins it all the time.
Oldcaeseph carry dumbass chaotic energy with caesar thinking he's actually the matured and reliable one when in reality he's not
Their fights end up to be childish as hell, the longer the fight goes on
call names and pick at each other is a love language for them
Talk about his past as much as Joseph do and always put freakingly helpful amazing advice in his story telling which is 35% more useful than Joseph. Also since you don't have to filter Caesar's words with endless sheetty puns and dad jokes.
kak sees him as an ideal adult figure and strive to be like him, ofc with his own identity and spark. Both Avdol and Polnareff seek advice from him when it comes to things they don't trust Joseph with. Not that kind of trust tho. Something along the line of "I don't think he can help me with it" type of things. Actually manage to make Joot open up. Not much but enough to let the guy take a break.
Is absolute softie for the reader. No one knows why but he get protective and try to keep bad influence joseph away from them.
Help reader with things they need and try to be there for them as much as he can.
Sassy oldcae is canon and you can't change my mind ppl
Absolutely picky bout his appearance/ how he present himself and get extremely dissapointed if any of the crusaders doesn't put any effort in theirs. He doesn't ask them to be supermodel or the likes. Just look neat and clean, that in itself is enough.
Extremely fab taste in fashion.
He and Joseph is the ultimate combo and they look cool asf fighting together side by side. Have better control in his power, stand and their usage than Joseph.
He fight as a support most of the time.
Honestly, after the fight with wamuu he just isn't the same anymore. His stamina and physical abilities are totally fcked. His face and body are covered with scars. He used to be fine with it even brag bout it to Joseph but now he's older he get sensitive bout this topic and not even Joseph mention bout it anymore until he brings it up himself. took a while ngl
His intuition isn't as good and he forget things. This piss him to no end.
Frequently get cranky on the smallest things at the most random time.
Not the one to complain bout food when he's young unless it's straight out of the trash can but this changes when he get older and he won't eat anything that doesn't suit his taste.
End up cooking his own dish most of the time.
He and Avdol are cooking partners and they exchange recipes, tips and such during their time together.
Listen. This guys is still flirty asf and a literal woman magnet. He talk smooth and play smooth.
Listen to ppl problems, know how to read the rooms and again, give extremely good advice.
Kak's gossip buddy. Both of them talk bout so many things from celebrity to tv shows to fashion to gaming and the list keep on going.
Have better temper and doesn't rush decisions especially the important ones. Still refuse to accept things that oppose his beliefs and standing but will listen to the said person points first before saying or doing anything.
Reader have daddy issues.
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vivinightingale · 3 years ago
Marrying their firefighter/cop s/o
Request by @sacredwarrior88 ! <3
Yugi Muto:
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It was honestly the day he has been ready for his entire life. The beautiful dress/tux you wore was something out of a fairytale.
He remembered how distraught you were when you realized the muscle you have gained from your line of work was more prominent with your wedding attire, but honestly he doesn't understand??
Even now as you stand in front of him reciting the vows of love he doesn't understand why you would dislike them?? It helps show all the hard work you put in your career. So it just made him more proud to call you his.
God does this boy love you.
When it's his turn he pours all his love and adoration into his words that it even makes the pastor tear up!
“And though your career as a cop takes you down a dangerous path, I promise to stay by your side and support you in any way I can. You will NEVER be alone.”
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To say Atem waited 2 life times for you isn't an understatement. When the two of you first met you were part of the royal guard, a captain to be specific. When he met you again your dreams were to be a cop to help protect the people.
Now here you were years later; wearing the most amazing dress/tux he had ever seen you wear, with him standing at the end of the aisle tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
He watched you grow into this beautiful person who helps protect the city you hold dear, and he honestly couldn't be prouder.
He would do anything to keep you by his side.
The vow exchange was beautiful and heartfelt. Though no one but you cried, everyone could feel the love behind his words.
“I have waited so long to call you mine, but I would wait as long as indeed to because you're worth every bit of that wait.”
Joey Wheeler:
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I won't lie to you, this man is a nervous wreck. He still doesn't understand what he did to deserve such a wonderful s/o like you, but he really doesn't want to screw it up now.
He stands in the front clenching and unclenching his sweaty hands as he watches you walk towards him. Your amazing dress/tux looked way better on you then your firehouse uniform
That sparkling smile you wore was the same smile you wore when you came home and told him you got your dream job of being a firefighter.
He wouldn’t trade this and those moments for anything.
When you finally reached him and vows were exchanged. He stumbled and mumbled a lot, but they were beautiful and heartfelt all the same
“I-I may not be good with….everything, b-but i promise to be a good husband! And to give you all the love and s-support you deserve!”
Tristan Taylor:
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So Joey was nervous, but Tristan is straight up a wreck. He talks all this big talk,but really he is really scared to mess the whole thing up.
Though he has seen you fight fires bigger than buildings, and go through fires to save people. This moment right here was the scariest thing he has ever faced.
Seeing you walk up to him in your beautiful dress/tux and your shining smile has him a happy wreck.
He wants to save this moment forever.
When the two of you exchange vows you both tear up, both of you hanging on to each other's words.
“I could never ask for someone as beautiful and amazing as you. Thank you for sticking it out with me in the long run…”
Duke Devlin:
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When you and Duke started dating he slowly evolved from a playboy to a simp. He supported you and your career of being a cop. He made sure you had breakfast in the morning, a lunch packed, and dinner for when you got home.
He was the perfect definition of House Husband except he didn't have the official title until now, and honestly he wouldn't have it any other way.
To him you looked good in anything, but your wedding attire was better than anything he has ever seen. However when you reached him at the altar he couldn't help but throw some suggestive comments your way.
This man continued to be a danger to your ever growing blush but you love him no matter what.
Though he wanted to lighten the mood he couldn't bring himself to throw in jokes into his vows. He wanted you to feel all the love he has for you.
“You have changed my life for the better, and I couldn't be more grateful to you. Allow me to spend the rest of my life repaying you.”
Seto Kaiba:
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Honestly he never thought he would see the day where he was sharing his life with another person who was his family. Though he would never admit it to you in public, it is a nice change for him.
He was scared for a while that the two of you would drift apart. With him constantly upping his business and you as a cop he thought there would hardly be time for just the two of you,but you made sure to make time for him and Mokuba..
And now here you both were, Standing at the Altar hand in hand sharing your own silent vows of love.
Being able to love you has been the most amazing feeling to him.
His vows are strong and confident; yet still full of love. He knew his place was by your side, and he wants you to know that.
“You have taught me more than anyone i have ever met, and i look forward to learning more with you by my side as my husband/wife”
Bakura Ryou:
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This boy was in tears before he even saw you walking down the aisle. You have saved him in more ways than one, and he can't believe he gets to call you his.
When the two of you were in highschool, a bad chemical reaction had caught the lab on fire. You were one of the few brave enough to go back and help as many students and staff that you coil. One of them so happened to be Bakura
Since then he has stuck by your side through everything. Graduation, training, and you eventually becoming the great firefighter that you are today..
You are his whole world
When you stop in front of him, and he gently grabs your hands he could help but say his vows before the priest could say anything
“You've been a light in my life for as long as i can remember, and i'm so happy to have you in life forever.”
Yami Bakura:
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Now...how did he get here?? Never in a million years did he ever see himself dressed up, and in front of an altar.
But here he is watching you walk towards him, a smile gracing your features, and dressed nicely in your dress/tux. The scowl from his face never left, but just by looking at how it softened upon seeing you one would know he loves you.
Being on the side of law, the two of you seem like a crack couple, but the two of you made it work in lovely ways. He stayed out of trouble when you were around, but kept it on the downlow when you were.
His cute little cop.
When you finally reached him he took your hands in his as his face grew red. His vows were stumbled but pure. He loves you, even if he doesn't show it often.
“You are as pure as a desert lily, and even though we don't see eye to eye on everything…..i-i...i love you.”
Marik Ishtar:
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He wears the biggest grin you have ever seen. From the day you agreed to date him he knew you were the one. You brought him joy and fun when nothing else would.
Though he traveled a lot he always came home to you. You were the only home he knew anymore.even when that home was covered in soot from another fire.
He adored you to no end,and he was so happy when you picked him up when he fell, when he got antsy to travel again,and when he came home months later.
May he never part from home too long.
When you finally reached him he could just grab your hands. He had to cup your cheeks to feel that you're really there. He wasted no time telling you how he felt even as he began to tear up.
“My starlight you have been a gift from the gods themselves, and I hope to make you as happy as you make me.”
Yami Marik:
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This man does believe in shit like that. He knew you belonged to him since the day he met you, but if a simple piece of metal and some simple words will make you happy he will do it.
He keeps everything small, but enough to satisfy you. He doesn't smile until he sees you. Something about how the light hit you made you seem angelic.
He knew that you were an officer, and that you protected the people,but he didnt care. You became something more than a pawn to him. He let you into his heart, to see parts of me no one else has.
You are a safe place for him and he adores it.
When you finally reached him he grabbed your hands in a gentle manner he stared deep into your eyes. His vows are powerful and full of determination.
“You have become a light I haven't seen in years. As long as you're with me I will protect you just like you have done with me.”
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official-weasley · 3 years ago
The Extraordinary Dragon (Part 1/6)
After about a century of me being gone and not writing a new story, I am back with a mini-series! 💙
I didn't have a good idea for a new OC so I decided to write a cute and fluffy story about Charlie training a dragon with a sad and mysterious past.
I would like to thank @am-i-space @madelineorionswan & @the-al-chemist for giving me ideas for the names of the dragons mentioned in the story. You are the best 💙 Since some of the dragons are mentioned in the later chapters I will make sure to include which dragons you named in the Masterlist for the story 💙
If you'd like to be tagged in every part the dragon with your name is mentioned please tell me and I will gladly do so 🤗
Warnings: Charlie being excited and obsessed with dragons.
Word count: 2,869
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A dragon's roar awakened me. It might sound terrifying to some, but it is a pure melody for my ears. I have been working in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary for almost 10 years now. Come to think of it tomorrow's the anniversary.
My co-workers constantly tease me, telling me that I'm a workaholic. I always disagree with them. I just love dragons and working with them. Am I a bit obsessed with the creatures? Maybe. But who wouldn't be so excited about having their dream job?
There is something so soothing working with a beast that can swallow you whole, yet if you have the right energy and you treat them right they can be more obedient than a Crup.
When I first got the job I worked with a team of researchers. Since I have never seen a dragon in real life before starting working, my boss Matthew wanted me to learn about their behavior and study them to be better prepared to do other things.
They all thought I will be bored out of my mind – because I applied for the care of dragons position and not researching – but I loved every second of it. All I had to do was wake up every morning and go to the assigned habitat and observe the dragon there and take notes. It's like reading a book about the creatures – something I did almost every day of my 7 years at Hogwarts – but you get to be around them every single day.
My mother thinks I am insane for wanting to be around such dangerous creatures and I had to promise her before I left for Romania that I will write home every day otherwise she is coming to get me at once. I guess she needs to know daily that I wasn't eaten by a dragon. The thing is that being hurt by a dragon is less likely than falling off a broom, so I don't know what she is so worried about.
The only one of my family members that knows about all my injuries and all my scars is my big brother Bill. He understands that I don't mind getting hurt and he doesn't get a heart attack every time I end up in the infirmary. It's nice to talk to someone about these things outside my workspace. Even though being a Curse Breaker isn't the safest job in the world, Bill's number of scars can't even compare to mine.
We do have protective gear and gloves but sometimes the dragon's fire and teeth are just too strong. We are lucky that we have wonderful healers that take care of us and we have remedies that heal burns within minutes so it's mostly just an annoyance.
The year after my training I worked only with Common Welsh Greens. The year after that I tamed two Antipodean Opaleyes and it was the best feeling to see them get excited and welcome me with a friendly roar every morning. Even though they were both adults it felt like dealing with two kids and it was so much fun. The latter are such sweethearts and I even taught one how to roll over. They are like dogs but bigger, way bigger.
After that, I tried to convince my boss to let me work with a more dangerous breed. It's not that I didn't like what I did but I like a challenge. I needed 2 months to convince him to let me work with 2 Chinese Fireballs and by the smirk on his face I knew I was in for a treat. They were brought to our reserve so they could breed but no matter how much others tried nobody succeeded at mating them.
When Matthew finally gave in – not seeing any harm in letting me try before they send them back – I remember I danced around my hut for a solid half an hour being so excited to work with them the next day.
I was surprised that nobody thought of the strategy I choose. It was true that they brought the dragons to us together but they didn't know each other and since nobody thought of trying to acquaint them first, I gave it a go.
After 3 days they were best mates and I gave them 4 more days to fully feel comfortable with each other before taking them to the mating habitat. I am more than proud to say that since then they have been parents 2 times. I did some great things since I started working in the Sanctuary but you never forget your first big achievement.
Due to Matthew being absolutely in awe of me succeeding after a week he allowed me to work with a bunch of Swedish Short-Snouts even though usually only a dragonologist with 5+ years of experience can work with them alone.
I was amused when I saw the faces of some of my older co-workers when they found out – thinking they were going to get the job. I love working with them even though they are the ones responsible for most of my scars. Just after the first day, one burned my entire forearm and everyone thought I was going to back off because of it but it only made me want to work with them more.
Now, after almost 10 years I have worked with every single breed of dragon except my favorite – the Hebridean Black. They are one of the most dangerous and stubborn kind and only a dragonologist with a lot of experience gets to work with them.
I got the glimpse of one when I was working with the research team but no matter how sneaky I tried to be, Matthew wouldn't let me get anywhere close to them. I even got a chance to work with a team that took care of a sick Norwegian Ridgeback even though they are considered to be the most dangerous.
A year ago I got a chance to be part of an exchange program at the Swedish Dragon Reserve and I worked with a Peruvian Vipertooth and a Ukrainian Ironbelly. My boss wasn't happy about the latter one as he reckoned I was too inexperienced to be around and try to tame the largest breed of dragons but as you can probably tell from what I told you so far, I was over the roof about it!
The Ironbelly might be the largest but they are among the least vicious ones – none of my co-workers would agree with me as most of them are terrified of them but I think they are adorable thinking since they are the biggest they are also the scariest. It's the same as with dogs – sometimes the smaller ones are more dangerous.
I got out of bed with a grin on my face. Even though I don't like to admit it I like reminiscing on my biggest achievements.
I made myself some breakfast – eggs and bacon as usual – while blasting music on my wireless. Nothing like singing while cooking and reading the letters my family sent me.
Mum and dad were going to visit George and Ron for the weekend. Bill and Fleur decided to repaint their living room. Ginny invited me to one of her games next week and Percy got another promotion.
I walked to the wall where I had a calendar hanging to mark the date of Ginny's game. It was the perfect event to meet with most of my family members and I love supporting her. I am proud of all my siblings' achievements but Ginny being the only girl among 6 boys made us all have a soft spot for her - even Percy, even though he would probably deny it if someone asked him about it.
Since I was working with three different dragons at the moment – Peruvian Vipertooth named Hel and two Romanian Longhorns Lasair and Rocker – I double-checked my schedule to see which one I am supposed to visit today. As I thought, it was Lasair. I know my schedule by heart but always check it twice– I don't want any dragon to be jealous thinking one is getting more attention from me.
My routine with the dragons was simple. First, they get their breakfast which is usually a piece of their favorite meat, except if it's our Common Welsh Green Crystal – she is the only dragon I have ever met that is a vegetarian and she mostly doesn't want to eat anything else than apples. It took us the longest time to figure out why she doesn't want to eat – vomiting out all the meat we gave her – until we moved her to an habitant with a pumpkin patch and them mysteriously disappearing overnight.
After the feeding, I like to play with them. That usually includes large balls or levitating rocks after which they can jump and run. Then it's my favorite part of the day – the flying lessons. We transport them to the part of the reserve that is built like a large stadium in the middle of the forest surrounded by mountains and it has 10 obstacles that the dragons have to learn to overcome so they are cleared for free-flying sessions.
After flying it's time for a brief pause to get the dragon back to its habitat and calm it down before giving it dinner and tucking it in.
Flying is the most fun thing we can do at our job. When Matthew told me that I am finally allowed to fly with them, I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I felt like crying my eyes out. I wanted to fly on a dragon ever since I was a kid and even though I heard rumors about training them in that way, I always thought it was too good to be true.
The first time I flew on a dragon was with a dragonologist named Jim. He showed me how to properly prepare the dragon to be in the mood to have a person on its back and how to lift off and then safely land. Vulcan the Opaleye was just the loveliest when I trained with him to trust me to the point that he would allow me to fly. Even though my dream is to one day fly on a Hebridean Black, I wouldn't change my first flight for anything in the world.
Vulcan was more than obedient and so careful to make me feel comfortable and constantly made sure I was still on his back. He flew in a straight line and at an even pace making me feel so safe that I let go of his shiny scales and lifted my hands in the air. I wanted to shout from all the adrenaline and excitement that ran through me but I didn't want to startle the dragon.
It's safe to say that I didn't sleep at all that night. The second I laid in my bed I felt as if I was still in the air with Vulcan and I couldn't help but wish to do that every day.
"Good morning, Lasair. What do you want to eat this morning? Boar, deer, moose perhaps?"Lasair lifted her head sleepily at me. I teased her with the options, knowing full well that moose was her favorite. If she could speak she would ask me if I can't remember her favorite meal.
"Don't worry, you'll get what you want." I winked at her and put on my gloves before taking out my wand and levitating the big chunk of meat to her.
Lasair was one of the rare dragons that ate her food slowly, so I loved to sit down next to her and watched her chew. If Matthew saw me, he would probably murder me for sitting so close to a dragon but he doesn't know that Lasair and I have an agreement of her keeping me alive and I give her some extra meat for dinner in return.
"So, Lassy, I have some bad news." I cleared my throat as the dragon stopped chewing and tilted her head toward me. "We have to sharpen your claws today."
Lasair groaned and went back to her breakfast.
"I know, I know. Not your favorite thing to do. Trust me if it was up to me, we would rather do something more fun like play with your favorite tire or play fetch with your ball. But the boss said it was time."
Lasair didn't react to my words but laid on the ground once she finished her meal and wrapped her tail around me.
"You know that cuddling and being cute won't work on me." I chuckled. "Not this time, at least."
The dragon's nostrils started to smoke and I knew she was trying to negotiate.
"Between you and me," I whispered, "I'll throw in another piece of meat if you'll be a good girl like last time. How about some boar for dessert, huh?"
Lasair let out a gentle roar, giving me a sign that she agrees with my terms.
"That's my girl. I knew we'll find a common ground." I grinned at her and got up so we could start our day.
"Okay, Lassy. I will need you to step on this mat and do the burying motion. As if you were burying the bones of a deer." I explained when Lasair looked at the mat in confusion.
I mimicked the gesture and she copied it and walked to the mat with grace as if she was a princess.
"There you go! I am so proud of you, Lasair. You really want that extra piece of meat, huh?" I laughed to myself.
"So that is how you get all dragons to behave as if they're Crups?" I turned toward the voice and saw Matthew's amused face, observing my work with the Romanian Longhorn.
"You were never meant to find out," I said in a dramatic voice.
"Oh, it's fine." Matthew swung his hand. "You'll need all the skills."
"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows at him as I stepped to Lasair to show her to step a bit forward so she could sharpen the claws on her back paws as well.
"Do you know what tomorrow is?" Matthew asked, observing my every move.
"No." I lied. I knew that tomorrow will be 10 years since I work in the reserve but I didn't want to boast about it.
"Come on, Charles. I know that you out of everyone here you’re the one who counts how long you are working here for." He smirked at me.
I couldn't believe it. He remembered that it's my 10th anniversary? I couldn't help but grin.
"What about it?" I tried acting casually.
"Well, the team was thinking about what to get you as a present..."
"Matt, you don't have to get me anything. You know I am just happy being surrounded by dragons." I smiled appreciatively.
"Well, how about you get surrounded by a new dragon?" He winked at me.
"What are you on about?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I was getting impatient, the excitement in me growing.
"We are getting a one-year-old Hebridean Black in a week from the MacFusty’s." Matthew started to explain. "And since you are so good at taming and being best mates with the three you’re taming now, I was thinking of assigning it to you."
"Did...did you just say a Hebridean Black?" I said in a voice that was barely a whisper. I couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. He was going to let me work with my favorite breed?
"You heard correctly, Charles." Matthew's smirk was growing larger.
"But...but I don't have enough experience, you said so yourself. You...you should give the job to someone worthy, to someone who will know how to handle the breed." I knew that I should've just shut up and thank him for the opportunity. Working with a Hebridean Black has been my goal ever since I can remember, but I have to keep my head clear and think of what's best for the dragon.
"Thinking like this is exactly why I am giving the job to you even though I told you the last time you begged me that you need at least 7 more years before you can work with them." Something in his eyes shifted. He had the exact expression on his face as he did when he assigned me to breed those two Fireballs.
"You are up to something. What's wrong with the dragon?" I pursed my lips at him.
"Oh, the dragon is just fine. Lovely, actually. I bet you two will have a lot of fun." The sarcastic tone in his voice told me that he was hiding something from me but I didn't dare to ask him about it.
He deemed me ready to work with a Hebridean Black. To work with my favorite breed. I am not about to jeopardize that if he thinks I am the one for the job. In a week my biggest dream will come true and there was nothing in the world that could ruin that.
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endvresurvivor · 2 years ago
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           ❛ i’m not saying i will ,  but i could !  best  keep  your  eyes  open ,  or  you  may  find  yourself  condemned  to  the  medical  tent .  very  scary , ❜   she  proceeds  to  try  and  make  the  scariest  face  she  can  muster ,  which  isn't  very  frightening  at  all .  in  fact ,  there  was  a  part  of  love  who  believed  she  couldn't  be  scary  even  if  she  tried .  still ,  it  wouldn't  stop  the  woman  from  trying  to  intimidate  the  older  man  just  a  little  bit ,  enough  to  have  him  at  least  consider  her  words .  in  all  truthfulness ,  frankie  was  she  closest  she'd  ever  had  to  a  parental  figure ,  especially  a  father ,  which  meant  love  took  it  upon  herself  to  ensure  his  wellbeing .  she  had  to .  ❛ okay ,  okay …  is  this  the  correct  moment  to  point  out  that  excessive  worry  is  bad  for  your  health ? ❜
           frowning  lightly  when  he  places  the  two  ration  cards  in  her  hand ,  love  can't  keep  from  giving  frankie  a  concerned  look .   she  appreciated  the  gift ,  yes ,  but  what  if  he  needed  it  more ?  ❛ are  you  sure ?  i …  please  don't  feel  like  you  have  to  give  me  anything , ❜  she  tells  him ,  gentle  yet  firm  so  that  he'll  know  she  means  it .  still ,  a  smile  slowly  finds  it's  way  onto  her  lips ,  grateful  as  ever .  ❛ you  better  be !  wait ,  speaking  of  your  job ,  um …  have  you  ever  been  down  into  the  subway ? ❜  love  asked ,  her  thoughts  instantly  falling  on  a  specific  person .  ❛ my- …  a  dear  friend  of  mine  went  down  there  the  other  day .  i  was  worried ,  he  told  me  there's  nothing  to  worry  about  but …  i  wanted  to  hear  what  you  think .  if  it's  actually  safe . ❜
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❛ very scary. ❜ a low chuckle, ❛ i don't like it when you're keepin' me in that place against my will, yknow that. ❜ he holds up a finger, playful glare on his features. frankie stands as the total opposite of what love embodies, as someone scary enough to intimidate— someone with red on his ledger, but also as someone who wouldn't hesitate to put himself before whoever he's got under his wing & luckily for love, it had been her. ❛ you should listen to your own advice then, eh? i'll stop when you stop worrying about me. ❜ it sounds like a promise, but he is sure as hell not keeping it.
he pretends not to notice the concern on her features, busying himself with the protein bar he had in his pocket, tearing the wrapping. ❛ 's no obligation i feel, if that's what you're hinting at. i'm just looking out after you. ❜ he gestures for her to put away the cards, taking a bite out of the bar when it's not the mention of the subway but the mention of her dear friend that makes him raise an eyebrow. only people bold enough to sneak away from the clutches of fedra and/or death dared to go underneath the city; he brushes it off, tightening his lips into a thin line. ❛ 's been a while but uh, yeah. if you know your shortcuts, it's one of the easiest ways to get out.. it's as safe as any other abandoned part of the qz. ❜ tone suddenly turns tender. ❛ why were you worried? ❜
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 3 years ago
So as a TC fan you must be happy with Flux so far
Very much so, yes.
I was a little hesitant during the first episode because it had such a breakneck pace and in general, I do feel like there was no need to introduce basically the whole cast in that episode. Like, Vinder? Williamson? Claire? None of them really needed to appear for the story that The Halloween Apocalypse was telling. That said, I enjoyed the episode a lot, and I enjoyed War of The Sontarans.
The Doctor's gambit where she offers information on herself to them only to reveal who she is was something that I don't think I've ever seen her do before but it's such a great trick. The line "Men like you make me wonder why I bother with humanity." Cut me deeper than I was expecting. It definitely echoes Harriet Jones, except this time The General isn't likeable at all and has no heroic deeds under his belt, nothing to justify it. But the most interesting part of that episode was the setup for the next one, with The Mouri and the planet Time. When the lantern creatures called Time "evil" I got chills.
Once, Upon Time may just be a big flashback episode, and I know The Doctor's flashbacks are the only ones that really matter, (except Maybe Vinder's, and those are pretty damn compelling, I won't lie) but that doesn't mean I don't love em. Getting to see Jo Martin again, getting to witness The Doctor during their time with The Division...it's all spooky as hell. And I didn't notice until this episode but Swarm changed actors when he escaped his prison...and he said "renewed at last." So...Swarm totally regenerated, right? Not sure what to make of that, but between this and Azure seemingly having been under the effect of a Chameleon Arch...I wonder about the true nature of the Ravagers. Anyway, this one was fascinating. But it was also in this one that I really noticed just how awful The Doctor has been to Yaz during Flux. I was legit mad at her, she's mistreating Yaz for being confused about things The Doctor won't tell her about, and I'm not here for it.
Village of The Angels is, and I don't say this lightly, the scariest that the Weeping Angels have been in years. It is easily their best story since Blink. The atmosphere and the way they're used, just. It all works really well. Claire is a delight and so are Peggy and Jericho. I haven't really talked about Vinder or Bel yet but I adore them both. I know there's a theory that they're The Doctor's birth parents, but like...that doesn't seem likely. At this point Swarm and Azure are more likely to be The Doctor's parents, if anything. Dan is someone I like more and more with every episode, and getting to see how The Flux has torn the universe apart also helps, especially now that time has begun to "run wild." I really dig the idea that Time is it's own force of nature and that The Division are the ones who decided to try and "tame" or control it. Speaking of them, I also enjoy the Rogue Angel's character and the way they flesh out this overarching villainous force. From their warnings to the ultimate betrayal, this is a solid story and it does something new with the angels. I really like the Rogue Angel as a character. Also, obligatory shoutout to that friggin cliffhanger.
Then again, it didn't amount to much, but that's okay. Survivors of The Flux is still such a sledgehammer to the face for everything it reveals. On one hand we have a neat storyline about Yaz, Dan, and Jericho traveling the world. We have Kate Stewart going full Doctor and offering the Grand Serpent a choice (little disappointed that he's just working with Sontarans but whatever) and the best part of the episode, The Doctor's scenes in....what I assume is Tecteun's Tardis? Yeah, we need to talk about her. What a villain, and what a performance. Seriously, this is one aspect which makes me very sad that we couldn't get a full ten episodes for Flux, because they keep introducing badass Division operatives that I want to know more about and then killing them off immediately. (Gat is underrated, by the way.) Tecteun is such a powerful presence and is very well characterized and just, everything about her. She's just as much of a monster as we all thought, but I cannot get over Barbara Flynn's performance and yes, Chibnall's writing as well. I so wish she'd gotten another episode or two, because her potential to stand as a rival with a unique dynamic to The Doctor...it's limitless. Every scene they shared captivated me, even before I knew who she was - though I kind of suspected it from the start.
I don't know if The Doctor's going to get her memories back in the next episode, but the trailer sure makes it seem like it. At this point, I have to wonder if The Doctor isn't a Ravager them-self, based on the title and how the Chameleon Arch was used on them. But if that were true, why did The Child appear as a human in the Matrix? It could have just been another visual filter, but The Fugitive Doctor looked human too. Either way, there's some connection between The Doctor and the Ravagers and I am now more sure than ever that they come from The Doctor's original universe, even if the Solitract Theory is probably dead at this point. We know where The Flux came from now. It's all a matter of reversing it. Again, not thrilled that the Sontarans are making a comeback, I kind of feel like we have enough to focus on, but oh well. Either way, you're right. As a fan of the Timeless Child storyline, I have been well fed by this season. And considering how popular Flux has been, I think this really goes to show: If you start to tell a story and the fans hate it...the solution isn't to erase the story you've already started telling and segue into a new one. Finish the story you've started to tell, because it pays off, and the alternative is Rise of Skywalker to awkwardly negate everything you have so far.
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mistaeq · 4 years ago
Caught in his fangs, freed in his claws.
Chapter 1.
TW // blood will be implied, kinda non-con relationship, vampires, werewolves, spooky things.
So. This is Dora's interactive halloween fic. What do I mean with "interactive". You choose your ending! Yay! At the end of every chapter, I'll give the reader a choice to make. You don't have to necessarily tell me your choices, you'll just have to keep them to yourselves and remember them as you go. Both endings will be posted - four, counting the not nsfw ones -, since the choice will be based on how many answer "A"s and "B"s you personally gave. But still, if you want to, you can share with me your choices! It'll be funny to know how would you behave!
Lord Higashikata x neutral!reader / Butler Nijimura x neutral!reader [depends on your choices <3]
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom... a young creature who was nothing more than a duchess/duke, was sitting in a carriage, waiting for their destiny to come. This is not about a princess/prince, no knights galloping on a noble steed, but the story of a pure, untouched creature who was sold to save their family. This was deeply illegal. This is why from the day they were born, their parents never declared their birth at the government. They were noble people, god dammit. They would have never let such a shame fall on their surname's fame, on their dynasty, on their family's reputation. So they waited, living their misery in secret. They waited until their eighteenth birthday to sell them to someone who they knew would have never aged and would have never died, in the meantime.
You had heard of this person. He was a Count, mercilessly buying people to gain pleasure from them. To be satisfied. Almost like a tribute, almost like the Minotaur myth. It sounded just like this man could never be without someone beside him, pleasuring him. But you spent eighteen years of your life with your parents by your side, reassuring you about the fact that this person would have treated you well and properly, and he would have given money to your family after every year of your life spent with him. He had never had the chance to ask for something like that before... but since your family had promised you to him since the very start, since the day you were born, he asked for them to make sure you made it to him as a virgin.
Did this mean... he wanted you to have your first time with him...? He wanted you sexually, someway? Maybe making sure you were untouched just for him? These were the questions that were bugging you all the way towards his castle. The carriage felt always colder, and you stared at the coachman, hoping he would someway reassure you. "Excuse me...? Do you know anything about the man I'm being brought to...?" as you asked, the carriage stopped, and the man turned towards you, clearing his voice. His cyan eyes looked so deep, they were cutting through you as the sharpest sword ever.
"You mean my uncle, Lord Higashikata, I figure." what a deep voice, you felt the goosebumps it caused creeping up behind your spine. Lord Higashikata? At least now you knew about his surname. The surname you maybe would have taken.
"Y/n Higashikata..." you murmured, just to hear how your name would have sounded with his surname, slightly whispering and fighting hard against the tears that were forming in your eyes. Your parents had made you use to this thought. But all you would have wanted, watching all the lovebirds flirting and kissing in the streets, you realized you would have rather chosen to slowly fall in love with someone, rather than being forcibly paired with that Count. Meet someone, make friends, spend time together... passing time making you fall in love. This is what you craved. But you would have never found it now. It was too late. Maybe.
It took waking up from your daydreaming, to notice that the coachman who was talking to you, had no body at all. Or better, he did have a body... but it was driving the carriage, while the thing that was talking to you was his head only, held up by a single hand of his instead of being on his neck. "What the heck?" you almost shouted, terrified, as you curled up against the carriage's seat. "What... what are you..." your voice broke, as the man put his head back on his driving body with a sarcastic laughter. Your eye fell on a notebook, which was right beside the coachman. It had a name on it. Probably his. "Are you possibly... Kujo Jotaro?"
"Why even bother asking. Does my head scare you, young creature?" Kujo's deep voice answered in a melancholic way, as his back relaxed against his seat. "You'll see way better shit than this, in that castle. My uncle did this to me. He's the only one who can fix me, so that I have to be loyal, if I want my reward." what? You didn't know why. But your instinct told you to investigate. The more you knew about your future husband, the better it would have been.
"Lord Higashikata did this to you...?" your soft voice asked, even if you already knew the answer. "Is he evil? Possessive?"
"Are you asking to know whether you have a choice without dying or not?" your breath hitched. Dying? What kinda man was he? And if you parents promised you to him as soon as you were born, how can he be as young as they said he looks like? Now that you thought about it... you had heard of this man wanting young boys and girls for his own pleasure during a time which was located way before your birth.
"Why hasn't he been killed yet?" when this question left your lips, you thought you were nuts. How could you let yourself ask such a thing to the Count's coachman? "How old is he...?" you immediately tried to cover up your last question with a new one, which anyways bugged you a lot as well. Jotaro shrugged.
"Nobody really remembers it precisely apart from him and his advisor. I think he's around two hundred..." No way you heard what you just heard. Were you gonna marry... an elderly man? But no, come on, two hundred years isn't even considered elderly, it's basically... dead? "You know..." Kujo continued. "...Vampire stuff." Oh. OH. So that's what it is. Vampire. Great, good to know your family had been planning to sell you to an edgy bat for eighteen years so far. Now, if possible, you were twice as terrified as before. You didn't dare to ask any more questions to the coachman, considering he sometimes even sounded pretty pissed at the thought of solving your doubts himself.
The jacket you had taken off while you were in the carriage, returned on your shoulders as it stopped in front of the scariest view ever. A castle, a giant, castle, where the only light available to make it clearer to your sight, was the moon. It wasn't even full, that night, so that there wasn't a great light to dispose of. Great. You waited for some seconds, as the coachman opened your door out, interrupting the whistle lingering in everyone's ears, when it all suddenly gets too silent. Only then, you had the occasion to notice two things. The first one, was that Kujo was ridiculously tall and muscular. The second one, way more scary, was that the carriage, since the beginning of your road, had been carried by... nothing. You swallowed, as your gaze decided not to stare at that too much. This counted for both Jotaro's muscles and the lack of horses. "Just get to the main door. Someone will be waiting for you."
His deep voice then left you, all alone, as he took his place back in the carriage, and you could swear you heard him murmur something on his way back, on the line of "This is the nth youngster that I bring for him... I feel like Charon." Seriously? Charon? Was he implying he had just brought you - and many others - to basic hell? You huffed and held back your tears, a true miracle. No need to cry now, this won't bring you back home, not that you're this much eager to see the two people who sold you to a vampire murderer. And probably an old man, too. Your feet moved, shyly, to the main, giant, iron made door. A short, smiling, reliable-looking guy, and a tall, muscular, serious-looking sentry, were waiting for you. You decided to talk to the short one first, as you noticed the white part of his right eye was black, instead. Plus, the iris of that eye was red, whereas the left one was blue.
"Uhm... hello?" you murmured, trying to smile the best you could, as your breath suddenly hitched at the feeling of the cold tip of something sharp against your neck. You didn't dare to move your face, or the blade would have wounded you. But you turned your eyes toward the taller sentry, the golden wolf decoration attached to his double-breasted jacket almost blinded you, as it reflected the moonbeams. You swallowed. The blonde, braided haired sentry didn't even think about backing off. Until...
"Keicho." the shorter guy talked, putting his hand on the sentry's. "You don't wanna slice our Lord's betrothed, do you?" he giggled. The man, Keicho, was it, backed off, and retracted the weapon from your neck. Now that you had a good sight of it, it looked like a long, heavy arrow.
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"No, I don't." the sentry hid the arrow behind his back, right where it probably was before, since you didn't even notice it until he attacked. "I apologize, Koichi." wait. For real? Koichi? Keicho and Koichi? Like Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Keicho and Koichi? You avoided giggling about this. The last thing you wanted was getting your head threatened to be cut off again. The little guy just nodded, and gestured you into entering the door. He would have followed and guided you. To keep on following Kujo's reference, Koichi would have been your Virgil in that hell. Keicho remained at the entrance of the castle. As a sentry, he was required there. He was, anyway, the most normal one you had met so far. Almost. ALMOST.
"So... Y/n, if I'm not mistaken?" the short one asked, his smile not abandoning him. He looked like a pacific person. You nodded. "Good, good. You're talking to Lord Higashikata's advisor. I stay by his side when he needs so, and he requested me to welcome you myself, since..." he smiled, to probably reassure you. The corridor looked neverending. "...you might have noticed Keicho isn't the most graceful man on Earth." Lord Higashikata's advisor... you're sure Kujo spent some positive words about him, previously, but you remembered none of them. You could just think you probably agreed, so far. "You're a special guest. Not like all the other people I've witnessed disappearing during my career." disappearing? Oh dear God. "You're a virgin, he mentioned that to me. Such a fresh creature never happened to him before. Higashikata Josuke wants to marry you." oh... Josuke. You now had found out his name, too.
"Do I have any hope of escap-" as you pronounced it, Koichi grabbed your arm.
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"Don't say it. Just don't." his voice didn't sound menacing or threatening. Just... scared. Scared or hopeless. As if his smile was just a way to hide a deep, stressful story. "Accept it the way it is. Just fall in love with him or... force yourself to do so. Or else, you'll die." the way he switched from this sentence, to a toothy smile, totally hurt your heart. Koichi was broken inside, yet you could just watch this happening and vaguely imagine your destiny beside that vampire. Old vampire. Probably. "Anyways..." he huffed. "It's all straight through this corridor, you're almost at the end. Just get the last door in the middle, at the end. The only door." Koichi bit his lip. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you like this... but I just heard some sounds... I'm afraid Keicho's fighting with the Lord's snake." oh great. Higashikata has a snake, you thought to yourself as the small guy left you alone in the corridor.
Great. Charon brought you to hell. Virgil brought you here, a step closer to Lucifer, who you saw in Josuke. What's next, a Beatrice? You almost chuckled, thinking it was so absurd you could have woken up right now back in your bed at home and be unimpressed. You felt a sudden goosebump, all of it in a single instant, but couldn't even have time to process what you felt, that you heard a loud sound of a door being angrily closed. "Guh! Shit..." what? Was there someone at the end of the corridor, now? You thought, processing the sight of someone lying on the ground, quickening your steps to get closer enough to see who it was without being suspected of something or attacked. There was, in fact, someone. It looked like a young guy, a long - almost waist long - grey braid coming from his hair, which were black on the top, was now squished to the ground, the double-breasted jacket was similar to Keicho's, as you noticed it had the same golden wolf shaped decoration on his chest. His skin, though, was much different from the usual. Flesh colored, yes, but grayer. Way grayer, as if it had no saturation at all. You saw him trying to stand up, planting a hand on the ground to lift his chest up, but he fell back down. You could notice that his right hand, the one he used to help himself, was covered by a crimson glove.
As you looked at him struggling, you knew there was only a thing to do. You would have...
a) ...helped him to stand up. You couldn't look at someone struggling without helping.
b) ...been careful and waited for him to stand up, to see if he was really harmless.
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rhymingtree · 3 years ago
I'm hoping that this is when we finally find out who Wraith actually is...
And if it's Danny... God help me I will be inconsolable.
You passed it every day, just like he unknowingly passed your cabin every day he was there. You snuck into it the first day back on the Alliance. You’d plopped down on his bed and stayed there for hours, staring into the wall until Duke had found you there.
Pain. 🙂
ZAC!!! How weird is it to write him from two different points in time. Cuz back in TS&TS his only friend was the Rampaging Russian and he had little hope of getting into Alpha. Now here he is, my lil boi's all grown up.
You’ll be in the dark. I wouldn’t recommend going at him alone.
I'll bet 10 bucks she'll go in alone anyways.
Obviously everyone else knows it too and I'm scared they'll actually die trying to get her away from danger
OOOOOHHHH Boone's with Stevie 😏😏😏😏
Ghost and Belov thirdwheeling every time either Jack and Duke or Boone and Steve are in the room is perfect
They're always either 😏😏😏 or 👁👄👁 and I love it
Jack and Duke would leave each other for Steve and they are both mutually ok with that. Nice. I mean who wouldn't
The squeal I let out at Hey, handsome was unnatural but nonetheless expected from me
Don't talk about Blue like that HAHAHAHAHA
The amount of good feels and comedy from this one part worries me... I feel like this is only to give me a false sense of security
Gurl I'm scared
Hehehe the big dumbasses
Do you think Bucky is living the Avengers Tower Fanfic dream of movie nights with Steve and team breakfasts because... aww
Soldier Boy ... is this a thing, will this come up in the bedroom for them or something because every time Bucky hears her say that I feel like it awakens something in him
HAHAHAH Sam... every time anyone shows affection whoever else in the room automatically goes 👁👄👁
Each time Ghost says Soldier Boy I get more convinced that she's the top in this relationship...Which is weird because they haven't even done anything yet. THEY WILL SOON RIGHT!?
If these two say their I love you's through the phone instead of while holding each other one more time... I'm gonna have a few choice words with Darke
My goodness Steve doesn't even deny it now this is terrific
Living life like normal? Oh, Bucky.... if only....
Tony is just vocalizing my thoughts right now
Boone is too much of a blabbermouth around Stevie.
I feel so bad for making Steve fuck off to the past in my fic now... he's mooning over Boone (rightfully so) and I ruined it and I'm sorry
I'll resolve that soon tho
Hey Darke...
When is Bucky going to put two and two together and figure out he's in love with Ghost 🙂
Sam doing an English accent reminds me of that one interview Mackie did where he just pulled the weirdest accent with the scariest facial expressions... and now that's the face he's making while narrating Steve talk to his girlfriend
Tony wants to follow Aftermath on a mission!?
no please god no that's only gonna complicate things further nonononononononono
🙂 They're all going anyways for fuck's sake
This is only gonna end well for them, isn't it....
Ooooh I like this suit a lot
And Boone's batons... me like
Why is it that every time they go globetrotting they're always risking their lives? Why can't they just go to Hong Kong to visit Disneyland or something... or go to Manila and not chase after corrupt politicians... just go to the beach and ride a banana boat it's less deadly
But on the other hand, he's checking himself out in the mirror. Yeah Bucky does look good in blue... and in nothing at all
Nevermind I just realized you were very adamant to fight for their right to go wherever they want without any constrictions that was the whole point of Civil War and I just completely forgot about it...
Shit... here we go... woohoo let's go fight Wraith...
im fucking scared im not gonna lie
Hehe grab the bitch that shouldn't be as funny as it was dangit
Oh fuck she did go alone didn't she... she's going in alone
full on sprinted in alone at the first sign of danger goddamnit
Gimme my ten bucks
N O V A K oh god
what's that book... why are they talking like this
Ghost... no... don't start begging for a dead man
oh hi wraith how u doin
ooh look he got an upgrade too
Novak sitting in the corner taking notes while these two have their scuffle reminds me of He Who Remains watching Loki and Sylvie fight... it's too casual for my liking... it's fucking terrifying how nonchalant he is about all this
and that notebook scares me what exactly has he been taking note of all this time
oh my god oh my god oh my god
oh shit the emp ohhhh
mmmkay so hes down... but our dear friend novak is still here and he fucking scares me
WHAT- oh no time to think they're fighting again ok
She called him Danny.... oh nooooo
well i just died in my seat thanks for that
....why isn't she fighting back....
Oh fucccccck they're here now too
Bucky.... please go back home i have a bad feeling about this
oh hey pietro... yeah... his girlfriend is in trouble... dont ask bucky about his
WANDAAAAA I love you, you morally grey witchling
Darke your two badass girlbosses are too hard to keep track off wth
ROGERS- goddamnit
Hehe... Batman...
Um... Bucky... don't find Ghost... please....
No no no no no nooooo
oh shit here we go
another ten bucks to him finding out who ghost is right now... given the circumstances I kinda want to lose
I mean... not aww.. it's scary...
I think I'm having a fucking heart attack
You have two choices. Him or me.
This fuckin' love-hate triangle is a fuckin' mess
Oh thank god he left oh lord....
Wait how old even is Ghost because for some reason in my head she's still in her late 20s, early 30s
Oh shite he's confronting Ghost now... I really don't wanna win the last bet
She's being so vague yet so clear at the same time and it hurts that he still hasn't figured it out...
“Have I seen you before?” He asked quickly, his eyes flicking to Libra as he approached, “Have I seen your face?”
Ghost scoffed, staring at him for a moment before he nodded, “Yes.”
Well, color me impatient
Oh. God. The fucking blood. I'm terrified. I'm intrigued. I'm scared.
I still have class tomorrow and it's already really late and now I'm gonna be thinking about this all fucking night.
Damn Darke what the heck
Oh shit and now Duke's mad... for very good reason... oh god...
Holy shit
She's throwing in the towel...
Which means she gets to go home
But still... Wraith's gonna get the right serum now... oh god
Don't bring Peter into this mess I don't want to see another precious character get hurt
NO- oh why the fuck am I still trying to tell these people what to do
Hehe... okay maybe I won't be upset if Sam and Scott interact after the compound break-in
I don't think (F/N) is in the mental state to go partying
Nor would she like it
Please don't.... that's just another recipe for disaster
That last gif in the notes made me laugh tho how dare u
Darke... you stress me out. I didn't even drink coffee today because I knew this was gonna be intense but HOW
You're so fricking good at fight scenes. How the heck do you do it.
And you owe me ten dollars.
I'm about to pull an all-nighter... but I won't even be able to focus because dang this was so good.
The way you write Novak and Wraith is so good. You make them both so jarringly different but each time they enter the room it's always the same pang of fear.
Ghost's dejection when she told Duke she was done... Oh god, my heart broke.
This was so good. And I'm fucking terrified.
Live in six hours (Sunday, February 20 @ 12:00am MST)
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“What do you got for me, Norway?”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small device and tossing it to you as he opened the door, “Short-range, hand-held EMP. If Wraith is using a Taskmaster helmet, it should take it out.”
“Great,” you said, rolling the device through your fingers. It was small, not as small as Boone’s SOS beacon but not as big as a FuckU 2.0.
A small smirk worked its way to your face. If you could shut him down, you could take him down and it would be—
“One minor issue, though.” Zac cleared his throat, raising a finger as he led you into the Perch.
Your smile was replaced by a sigh, “Of course there is.”
“It’s an EMP so it’s gonna take out anything around it.” Zac slid behind a computer, nodding to both Duke, Jack, and Belov where they were reclining at the conference table, “You take out his helmet, it’ll take out yours too. You’ll be in the dark. I wouldn’t recommend going at him alone.”
“She won’t,” Belov piped up, his feet up on the table, “We’ve had enough Batman shenanigans—”
You clicked your tongue with a sharp shake of your head, “Don't start with me, Belov. Especially not after yours and Boone's stunt.”
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