#the same sort of 'exclusive astral school/village/whatever' that tends to get roleplayed
liminalwings · 1 year
DMBR- Liber Draconis: A Dragon Grimoire by Christian J. Bullock
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I had to read this twice, because I apparently already read it once and could not remember a dang thing about it when I rediscovered it in my Kindle library. 
The short-and-not-so-sweet of it is this book is a mishmash of New Age, conspiracy theory, martial arts, and a lot of presenting UPG as fact.
By which I mean "Tiamat confirmed I was right therefore what I say must be true", happening no less than five times throughout the book. There is a lot of "Nibiru" talk, which lets you know just what some of their sources are (yet Sitchin actually isn't in their list of suggested reading. There is no bibliography or citations for anything they claim or explain, but do reference five of their other books they’ve written). D.J. Conway is another exalted source, and they follow a similar act of throwing random names at you as dragons to work with or who are supposed rulers or leaders in the "dragon council". There are also a lot of far-fetched grandiose claims, such as having to fight 'rouge (sic) dragons (you later find that this is happening IN SPACE. BY PILOTING LOST SPACE MACHINES [I shit you not])' on a nightly basis, a lack of understanding how air currents work in the section on energy work, or 'bending gravitons''. They also refer to themself as a "dragon mystic of the 52nd degree" of some sort of ‘Babylonian Mystery School’ which honestly means nothing, especially when it’s heavily implied that this degree and entire school is bestowed upon the author by the dragons themselves (confirmed after reading the synopsis of one of his other books). He also fails miserably at basic etymology, as evidenced by the sections on Root Words regarding word spells. Honestly, seeing that this is a self-published book (through Lulu), it suffers from a notable lack of editing and proof-reading. I mean seriously, February was originally ‘Nibiruary’? No. Just… no. A quick Google search shows that this author is literally the only source of this word. 
Man, I think I know why I don't remember reading this now: it's so goddamn bad. 
On the one hand, I'm not a fan of crapping on someone's personal practice. But when it reads like some kid's power fantasy mixed with a lot of Sitchin and Conway and paraded around as fact, well… let's just say "Bullock" indeed. The few good ideas in here are likely pulled from other authors in the suggested reading, such as Donald Tyson. But this is a particular flavor of "snowflake syndrome" and poor research that would have barely passed even Llewellyn’s editing process.
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