#the sam/goody friendship is like my life's blood lol
villa-kulla · 8 years
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“We have heard the chimes at midnight, have we not?”
While poetically prompted by the howl of a coyote around their late-night campfire, the quote “we have heard the chimes at midnight” has a double meaning. From Shakespeare’s Henry IV act 3 scene 2, the character Sir John Falstaff comes across his old acquaintance Justice Shallow, and the two begin reminiscing about old times. The phrase “we have heard the chimes at midnight” refers to youthful nights spent with old friends and staying up late enough to hear the chimes ring out at midnight, long after everyone else has gone to bed.
And in another - possibly coincidental - layer, the character who first utters the line, Sir John Falstaff, is a popular Shakespearian character known for being a flamboyant showman and cowardly knight. And the character he says it to is a Justice of the Peace. Sound like a certain confederate soldier and duly sworn warrant officer?
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