#the preambles are more for people who don't know as much about Rudy's Deal i'm PRETTY sure we've went over a lot of that together
fangs-4-fags · 2 months
oh sorry. 19 for appearance for roo. and 14 for objects
19, APPEARANCE: if your character had to get a tattoo, what would it be?
rudy's not a tattoos guy, they're painful and make it way easier to identify you to police if they're in a visible spot because you can't get rid of them lol, but maybe if we got him drunk enough or put a gun to his head we might be able to talk him into something! it's worth a shot!!!
he'd pick a small tattoo and have it in a hidden spot, probably a little red rose with thorns in that spot above the thigh that people pretty much never see unless you're completely naked.
you know where i mean right. adjacent to the groin. 🙄 whore.
anyway he wouldn't want to get anything deeply sentimental that people might ask about but a rose looks nice
14, OBJECTS: is there an item your character is embarrassed to own or embarrassed about wanting to own?
rudy doesn't really accumulate Sentimental Stuff or Embarrassing Things like most people do because of the way he lives. a rolling rudy gathers no moss etc etc. you know. the most sentimental thing he owns currently is probably the sunglasses dick gave him or his favorite shirt tbh.
i've thought about this a lot and really just the IDEA of admitting he'd want to accumulate a lot of "junk" in one place embarrasses him actually- it's hard to say you want to be vulnerable, to put down roots and be unable to completely pack up and bug out if everything comes crashing down around you (again.)
so i don't think he'd have anything WITH him that he'd be embarrassed about- but jack probably has plenty of old pictures and tapes of him packed up somewhere that rudy doesn't want anyone seeing.
(jack's a pack rat btw. he holds on to a lot of useless old junk.) (useless old junk... rudy...)
as far as something he'd want to own that he'd be embarrassed about, i think he'd be embarrassed to admit he wants to start a coin collection lol.
it's just a quiet nerdy hobby that he'd enjoy since he likes paying attention to little details and sorting small objects and he already knows a lot about coins.
kind of cheating since that's technically not "an item" but i don't care. what are you gonna do about it. kill me? not if i kill you first.
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