#the point of my tags wasnt 'taika's homophobic' just 'taika shouldnt be an authority on what is and isn't homophobic'
I mean I 100% agree that Izzy is homophobic. And people need to be aware of that.
But somehow implying Taika is, is a little silly. Like he is not perfect. And people can say whatever about TLAT but he did what he could considering this is fucking Disney. He tried to make Val canonically bi in Ragnarok already and Disney just cut all the scenes. He makes mistakes but he is really doing his best. And he is really happy to be contributing to as much representation as he can.
Now he does say weird stuff without thinking sometimes.
i wasn't trying to say taika is homophobic, just that some of the "weird stuff" he's said doesn't make me think of him as like, the most well-informed person when it comes to lgbt issues.
the post i was referencing in my tags was this one, where taika is basically saying that in the world of ofmd being gay is normalized and none of the characters are homophobic. which, like... isn't true?? if being gay is normalized, why did lucius talk about pretending to be straight and having a beard?? and i'm glad u agree that izzy is homophobic bc im too tired to try and explain that in one sentence, lol. but one of the arguments in the tags of that post that argued against me said "you think you know better than a Show Creator??" which like, first of all, taika isn't a writer on the show and i rlly doubt he was all that involved with the actual story outside of directing the first episode. second of all, yeah, considering some of the "weird stuff" taika's said, i think i might have a better idea of what homophobia is than he does. at the very least i understand that it can take more forms than just "oh my god, you're gay????" or physical violence or throwing slurs around.
which is fine, tbh. god knows im not qualified to talk abt Māori culture or oppression. taika's done some good things w lgbt representation before, and he's also said some not so great things. he's not perfect! he's just some guy! i respect his talents as a director, actor, and writer, but i also try not to blindly praise him, and i especially don't consider stuff he says to be Word of God when it comes to ofmd
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