#the outline is already at 10k words and I'm so far from finished and stuck on so many aspects😭
ill-cypher · 14 days
Oh man, I feel you on the Medstar books. And I, too, love to work them into my fics as often as possible. That and The Approaching Storm for good measure. It's also important that she was at Umbara.
Now that I finished the Medstar books later night, I just borrowed The Approaching Storm and plan on digging in to it!
I've been wanting to weave in the Umbaran Campaign into my story in some way beyond a simple mention, but I'm kind of stuck with no ideas on it rn unfortunately.
I wouldn't be surprised if they retcon it completely, but I also want to add her imprisonment on Felucia and subsequent rescue by Aayla shortly after her Knighting (since it's still considered to be canon in some way?). Of course the Legends story of it doesn't match with canon in any significant way so I would make major changes to it so it could fit into the timeline properly, but I feel like it could be a major turning point for her mentally—like the final nail in the coffin (or close to it) leading up to the Temple plot.
I have a lot of ideas and I really want to start writing it out, but at the same time I'm overly worried about characterization and it's completely stopping any progress. I really want to talk through my ideas before I work on it, but I don't really know anyone to talk to here other than my friend (who I assume would be willing to listen but she doesn't really know Barriss beyond looking over my shoulder while I was crying over TOTE).
Idk it's just super important to me that I do it well bc I love her character so much and I want to do right by her especially when she is so misunderstood
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tourneyofashvara · 1 year
Writing Update :D
I think I did the last one of these in April?? So here's another update:
I've been doing a lot of thinking about some of my older projects and I'm not sure that they're working. I wanted to query Path of the Dead this year but I think it's maybe just another figuring-things-out book. It's on a backburner. I might come back to it, I don't know.
I finished draft 1 of the april camp nano project (I think I mentioned that already?) and I'm going to start the second draft soon.
It's been a few months of mostly thinking and figuring out what projects are working and what really needs a pin stuck in it for the moment.
I dropped the second project I was doing in april, the one I only had 10k of as it wasn't really working. I planned another one and got as far as the outlining before dropping it. Muir-traigh which is the other bigger novel I was working on alongside Path of the Dead could be interesting, but the prose needs a lot of work and I think it needs another from scratch rewrite to really nail it.
But I finished a draft 0 of another project today. :D I'm going to jump straight into draft 1 for my july camp nano project. Hopefully I can get the word count up from the 45.5k it's sitting at right now.
After Vassura fails to predict the arrival of a storm which decimates their people’s dying home, they volunteer to join the handful of those who head out to find a way of contacting the surface. Dogged by the spectres who haunt the island, they are reluctantly aided by a broken automaton who once served those now chasing them as the group is slowly whittled down.
It's a little too soon to tell if it's going to be good. With the april project I felt as I was writing it that I had something, this one needs a little tweaking. The ending at the moment is a little dues-ex-machina-y. It's inspired by local history in the 4th century which is fun (romans and picts and all that) but on a series of floating islands. I think I also want to make it more of a horror than a fantasy. It could definitely be scarier, or just tenser.
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quaranmine · 2 years
news for "i'll be waiting" (ht.bahb sequel)!!
i finished the outline on friday! i already had a rough idea of the story and a partial outline, but the "final" outline was necessary. this means i definitely have all 26 hermits accounted for within the story, which was one of the hardest parts of starting this lol. the wordcount of the outline doc is 8.5k. it's 20 pages long with all my planning nonsense
the story has hit 10.5k!!!
the first two chapters are complete!!! (yes. that means the first two chapters are 10.5k on their own.)
the outline has 16 chapters so given the 10k wordcount for just two chapters, i may be here for a while, oops
if i get far enough ahead into it i might start posting chapters before it's finished, but i won't do that until i have a reliable enough backlog. we'll check back in at chapter 8 and see haha. i just don't want to not update for months on end--right now i have a great momentum going but i know from experience i will get stuck somewhere
in a particularly ambitious turn of events i am aiming for it being done by sometime in october. you can remind me of this later when im crying over doing this to myself.
i am thinking of series names for it. so if you see ht.bahb suddenly put into a series, it might not mean the sequel is coming out soon, but that i figured out what i wanna call it all
i started another writing challenge like i did the first time around. this time i'm keeping track of it on a spreadsheet and am allowed to count words toward any wips (or outline docs) so long as i do something. so far it's been 11 days in a row with no skips, and i've contributed 7k within those 11 days to this fic (and another 2.4k to finishing the outline) (for more stats, the total amount of words i've written on all wips in the past 11 days is 12.6k)
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