#the others only get tags once they've shown up repeatedly
wovenstarlight · 3 years
meesranks oc reference
like i said in the tags of my last ficlet, this is a list of my sranks OCs because i've made a bunch and i'm starting to lose track of them lmao
under the cut since it's subject to change etc etc
Shin Taemin (신태민)
short brown hair, brown eyes, broad build, heavily freckled face and shoulders, constant mischievous curl at the corners of his mouth
one of Han Yoojin's pre-regression teammates. one year older than him
oranges were his favorite fruit but he was total garbage at peeling them. this extends to all cooking, everything he makes comes out pixelated. as zmur says "useless in the kitchen"
good with management roles; when he was working alongside Yoojin, he used to do the team's accounting and Yoojin would do the people stuff for as long as they didn't recognize him; once they did, Taemin would switch out with him
his parents were out of the picture a long time ago; he and his younger sister, Sunhi, grew up with their harsh grandmother. was working to get an apartment for himself and Sunhi so that they could move away from said grandmother
died, aged 29, in an unfortunate dungeon accident right after they moved out. who knows what happened to Sunhi after that.
friendly and a bit boisterous but a bit rough around the edges (think a large, over-energetic dog). gets annoyed/angry easily and WILL pick unwise fights. doesn't like arguing with people he cares about, though, so he just clams up and gets upset
vexed and disturbed by Yoohyun's Black Blood Flames ability. blood isn't supposed to do all that
features in: YWBK, sensory ghosts AU, secret haunting AU, sixth sense AU
Lee Kijung (이기정): an older A-rank Hunter and soldier who went with Yoohyun on his first official dungeon raid, under government orders. looks up to Yoohyun already. considering joining Haeyeon. married to a woman named Yoon Narae. has a niece named Jihae who's in mutual pining with a boy named Woojae. features in: YWBK (23)
Baek Seohwa (백서화): the second A-rank in that first dungeon raid under Yoohyun; good defense, poor reaction time. not the greatest fighter; not keen on going pro as a Hunter. daughter of a single mother, Baek Jangmi, who works at a bakery.
Shin Sunhi (신선희)
Shin Taemin's younger sister; 7 years younger than him (22 when he died)
long brown hair with long fringe that falls over her eyes, brown eyes, heavily freckled face and shoulders, constant mischievous curl at the corners of her mouth
interested in entomology, on the tail end of graduating college
made of stern stuff, though she's very weak to family members
likes apples more than oranges
probably does the cooking at home so her brother doesn't give them both food poisoning
doesn't like most of her classmates, only... one of the girls is very strange. she wants to see where this is going
features in: YWBK (extras)
So Jisub (소지섭): front desk receptionist at Haeyeon Guild. forward and friendly. knows everyone who works in the building by name, somehow. features in: YWBK (extras)
Choi Yumi (최유미)
canon-OC, by which I mean she was in canon for like 5 minutes and then never spoken of again, so of course she is mine now
canonically E-rank hunter in a minor guild with Han Yoojin before her death, unemployed + hunting for jobs pre-dungeon shock, had a younger sibling whose school fees she was paying off. was keyworded by Yoojin. died in a dungeon raid (which sent Yoojin into a depressive drinking fit)
friendly and upbeat, was the first in the guild to really befriend Yoojin
readily accepts when she's wrong about something or someone
calls her younger sibling Baby because they are baby <3
features in: secret haunting AU, sixth sense AU
Ki Migyeong (기미경)
canonically one of the two bosses of the moving service Han Yoojin was employed under during the first dungeon shock; Awakened during the first attack. was keyworded by Yoojin. died at some point
no kids of her own, but she's quick to grow fond of younger people and mother them
adores both Yoojin and Choi Yumi, thinks they're both very good, hardworking kids, proud of them for taking responsibility for their siblings
despite Shin Taemin meeting all of the above standards as well, she does NOT get along with him easily lol. they're always arguing about something or the other. they care for each other very strongly though (mother-son sort of relationship), and the two of them might be closer than Ki Migyeong is with any of the other kids
strongly respects Song Taewon though she thinks he's a bit too uptight
is disdainful towards Han Yoohyun
polite and decent-ish at reigning in negative feelings towards people
features in: secret haunting AU, sixth sense AU
Lee Yoonji (이윤지) and Minho (이민호), the Lee twins
employees of Haeyeon Guild's HR department, working as Seok Simyeong's assistants
not actual blood siblings, let alone twins. their parents were longtime friends, and Yoonji/Minho themselves were born like a week or two apart. that combined with their startlingly similar personalities and interests meant everyone calls them twins. they do treat each other as siblings so they don't mind
both very tall, very cool, very attractive, straightforward and can be a little aggressive. used to be the intimidating power "couple" of their high school, which they found really funny because like. yeah they're cool and composed and intimidating but like. they're nerds. one time Minho ate Yoonji's yogurt and she was going to chase him and kill him for it but she fell down the stairs. he bought her ice cream in apology and got a popsicle for himself too but he dropped it on his shirt. clown behavior
feature in: cached AU
The Ducklings
a group of college kids who Awakened (mostly lower ranked) around the same time and formed a raid team. In Sixth Sense AU, they hired experienced Hunter HYJ as a guide and temporary leader through their early dungeons, to make sure they didn't get killed before they could get enough experience to make it on their own.
Lee Chaewon (이채원): (vice) captain of the team. smart, analytical, good at thinking straight in a crisis. generally takes point in researching and prepping for raids... or any other group activity. she wants to be either a personal trainer or a physical therapist. prone to overdosing on Red Bulls/other energy drink of her choice. dresses kind of goth. a Defense hunter
Kim Soojin (김수진): the relatively quiet, steady emotional backbone of the team. she likes butterflies a lot. a straight-A student and part of the track and field team. best friends with Chaewon (met her during a course they both took) and Yeonseok (met during track team). a melee-focused Combat hunter
Jeong Jaeseok (정재석): a loud, somewhat-manic punk in both appearance and behavior. highly emotional, and swaps between moods in a heartbeat. calls HYJ hyung-nim and respects him deeply. childhood friends with Yeonseok; because of that, he's more patient than he looks. a melee-focused Combat hunter
Moon Yeonseok (문연석): an anxious young man, smarter than he lets on. has an excellent memory but tends to second-guess himself. gets cold really easily and tends to dress warm, always wearing a thick scarf that Jaeseok got him. bites his nails a lot. childhood friends with Jaeseok, and the most comfortable around him. appreciates HYJ's reassuring presence. a Combat mage
Cho Wonwoo (초원우): a laid-back young man, using his time at college to break free of the suffocating pressure and restrictions placed on him by his parents. friendly and agreeable and a little gentler on easily-ruffled feathers like Yeonseok's, but also very particular about doing things Right. (maybe he hasn't broken that free, after all…) enjoys dancing and singing. he isn't the most academically inclined; relies on Soojin's tutoring a fair amount. lived quite close to Choi Yumi's house, though they never interacted. (in ghost AUs, after dying, they end up growing quite close; she's somewhere between a big sister and a parent to him.) a Support/Combat hunter, similar to HYJ
features in: sixth sense AU
and, of course, there's everyone marked as an OC in my yesterday will be kinder primer (browser-only link), including Kwon Jiyeon, Lee Hohyoung, and so on
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