#the other unions have been pretty shitty too because historically the nurses' unions have been shitty to them
oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years
The one problem with multiparty political systems is that sometimes the most horrible party is the only one that is right about an issue.
The two Finnish nurses' unions have been having low-key industrial action since spring and they are again giving strike warnings, to which the current government (made up of Social Democrats, The Left, The Greens and the Center, almost all of which have young women as either leaders or in key ministerial roles) responded by proposing a law that limits nurses' right to strike and can force individual nurses to work under threat of fines. The law has been edited a bit now (maybe not fining individual nurses) because The Left party said they would vote against it and possibly get kicked out of the government. But they didn't insist on scrapping the whole law.
The only party genuinely against the entire law is the fucking extreme-right super-racist party Basic Finns. -_-
Like this is a basic human rights issue, a democracy issue, a fucking free market issue! The right to strike is a human right, forcing people to work even after they have quit their job is a horrible authoritarian thing to do, and in a free market nurses should be allowed to decide what is the price of their labour and if the employers don't want to pay it then the employers can do the fucking work themselves.
But the only ones with any principles in this issue are the fucking racists -_-
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