#the only thing these oddities do to fane is make him go 'fuck. how am i gonna hide THIS? FUCK.'
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
It’s been awhile since I’ve chatted about Fane, or more specifically, his oddities. I need to rectify this! STAT. >:3
Right now, I’m writing a little series of drabbles of an idea that’s been stuck in my head for weeks. I only just started, but I had to pause because a thought about Fane’s healing capabilities popped into my head. 
So, minor context: Fane gets impaled by a Behemoth. You know, the gigantic Red Templars that are literally just huge, lumbering mountains of red lyrium. Yeah, one of those. Cue a very panicked Inner Circle, this includes Solas because I’m evil, and Fane in a bad way. 
Like, yes, Fane is this conglomeration of...stuff, but his body is mortal. He can die, he can bleed. It just takes a lot to make him kneel. It’s actually a bad habit of Fane’s to not concede sometimes. He pushes his body over its limitations, and ends up getting hurt worse than if he were to heed them. However, and I just started thinking about this so bear with me, what if that’s because Fane knows that he’ll heal within a short amount of time? Or, subconsciously he knows that this is the case? I’ll explain what I mean by that.
But, for the record, I’m not saying, ‘Poof! Wound gone as soon as it appears’, but I like to think being a dragon affords some heightened regenerative abilities. An impalement would take copious amounts of time to properly heal, let alone be treated so it could, whereas an impalement for Fane would take far shorter to do either. 
This obviously begs the question, ‘If that’s the case, then why didn’t the scars from his father’s experiments heal?’ This is where the explanation comes in with the whole ‘subsconsciously’ knowing about his body’s ability to heal quickly.. 
Long story short: Fane was a child. He possessed the blood, but the potential that lay within it was dormant, hidden. For nearly 24 years, Fane believed he was just a typical elf with a lot of problems. It never crossed his mind that he could be something else, and so any draconic properties were, more or less, sleeping. Fane awakens to his oddities as time progresses and as he resonates with one side more than the other. Think of it like Cole leaning towards spirit and human, and shaping around the one he ends up being depending on your choices. Time goes on, Fane gravitates towards embracing his draconic side more, thus more doors open for him. He holds onto his mortal side, allowing it ‘blend’ with the other side, but Fane is first and foremost, a dragon. His elven side grants him the capabilites of speech and interaction, things he had always desired, but his soul and spirit is draconic. So, some parts of that bleed into each other.
His jaw dislocation, his spectral aspects (claws, scales, etc.), his ability to warp and control another by emotion alone, the fangs that he tries very hard to keep at bay (*snickers*), and, in regards to this, his increased rate of healing. These are all the doors that were locked and barred from Fane for so long, each one holding a new sense of self behind them. Each side he regains of himself, Fane becomes more. It’s an interesting series of developments, honestly. It’s why I love my boy so much. He has so much going on, and yet, it all ties together in the end. 
All in all, Fane heals quickly and when Solas realizes this, he just about goes into Uthenera again. Then again, Fane showing the wound after a week of healing and going, ‘See? Good as new.’ would do that, too. 
Thanks for coming to my brain blurb! I told you the hyperfixation is beginning to manifest again. I TOLD YOU. 
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