#the only thing louis loves more than eggs is birds
theficpusher · 4 years
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Ghost of a Good Thing by musiclily88 | nr | 2136 Harry asked Louis to the Yule Ball only to find out he had already invited someone else.
can you feel this magic in the air? (it must have been the way you kissed me) by crookedlove | T | 3518 The more Louis thinks about it, however, the more he can see Harry sitting at the Hufflepuff table with Niall and Stan, laughing at what must undoubtedly be a dumb pun one of their minds has crafted up while Louis moodily picks at his food. He can also see Harry at the Ravenclaw table, intently talking with Zayn and Karlie about something presumably intellectual in his slow, syrupy drawl. Lastly, Louis sees Harry with Taylor at the Slytherin table, animatedly gesturing and then scribbling things in that journal he always keeps with him with a Muggle pen. Louis looks up in horror at the boys across from him, seeing his sudden realization that he doesn't know what house Harry Styles is in reflected across the faces of Liam, Niall and Zayn. Or the one where no one knows what House Harry is in.
Eyes Wide Open by alittlewicked | E | 4130 Louis could only gape and stare, unable to rip his eyes off the man, only now taking in the rest of his outfit. A skin-tight, white T-shirt covered his torso, clinging material highlighting the small dip of his waist. The better part of a muscular chest was prominently on display thanks to a plunging neckline, two tattooed birds on the man’s pecs drawing Louis’ eyes unbidden, not to mention the writing on the shirt - “Lil Monster’s Daddy”. To say that Louis suffered from visual over-stimulation was putting it mildly. And the other man knew it if the slight smirk and watchful gaze, monitoring every hitch in Louis’ breath and twitch of his body, was anything to go by. *** Or the one where wizard Louis gets to experience his first Muggle Halloween and gets more than he dared to hope for in the form of Muggle Harry dressing up as his literal wank fantasy, making it Louis' best Halloween ever.
When the Dragon Meets the Sun by GMTYUniverse | nr | 16531 “Thank Merlin,” Phoebe starts. “We really don’t want anyone to overhear, not even Fizzy knows,” Daisy finishes her twin sister’s sentence. Louis frowns, his concern increasing by the second as he carefully considers their facial expressions. ‘Knows what?’ “We found an egg! We left it in the Room of Requirement and then when we came in, there was an incubator and everything. Turns out we found a baby dragon right here in the Forest!” For a moment, Louis wonders if something went wrong and he accidentally cast Muffliato on himself, because his ears are ringing and he feels a little light-headed. His sisters’ lips are moving as they speak, but he doesn’t actually catch anything else they’re saying past “little baby dragon”. OR the one where Louis is a world renowned dragonologist and his sisters are pretty sure they've discovered a dragon egg that needs saving. A secret mission to extract the dragon from Hogwarts ensues.
only words to protect by serenityandtea | T | 30352 Hogwarts AU in which Hogwarts really isn't the safest place in the Wizarding World any more, Louis and Liam just want the war to be over already, and Nick thinks he's sending them off to boarding school. “Hey, c’mon,” Louis whispers, and presses his nose against Liam’s cheek so the boy looks at him. “We’ve managed before, and we’ll manage again, all right? It’s just three months, and then we’ll come back to visit, yeah?” Nick hums in agreement. “Besides, it’s not like you’re going off to war or summat. It’s just school. You’ll barely have time to miss me. It’s me that’s gonna be sitting here pining for you lot while you two have the time of your lives. God, I wish I was still seventeen and in secondary. That was the life.”
Practical Magic by justyrae | T | 41856 It's in that moment that Louis knows what she needs to do. She needs to prove to Nick that she knows exactly what she's getting herself into. Nick needs to see all the research she's already done, and the letters from Professor McGonagall herself. Maybe, she thinks, just maybe, with Nick's seal of approval, I can finally do this.
Little Lion Man by Writcraft | E | 123638 It’s his final year at Hogwarts, and Louis can’t wait to leave for good. He hates being in Gryffindor and he can’t even enjoy a smoke with the Slytherins now his best mate Zayn’s fucked off to Durmstrang. Louis would be completely miserable if not for WWN and Nick Grimshaw. The same Nick Grimshaw Louis has been listening to for years, ever since Nick’s early days on Potterwatch. As Louis tries to negotiate coming of age, sexuality, first times, homophobia in the wizarding world and his growing feelings for Nick, a new evil emerges which puts Louis and Nick in serious danger. Peace can only last for so long and Louis is about to learn exactly how brave he can be as he finds himself fighting for his life, his friends and everything he’s ever loved.
You Are The Blood by sarcasticfluentry | E | 175151 A seventh-year Hogwarts AU in which Niall gets all the girls, Liam goes on a journey of self-discovery, Zayn falls in love, Harry wants something more, and Louis tries to figure out once and for all why he, a Muggleborn, was sorted into Slytherin.
Mistletoes & Wrackspurts [Series] by perfectdagger, star_k | E | 275,767 the Hogwarts AU where Louis is a muggle, Lottie finds out she is a witch and Harry is Lottie’s wizard friend from Hogwarts, with a lot of magic, letters, owl cuddles and crushes on boys from different worlds.
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
Octopussy - #24WeeksofBond
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24 Weeks of Bond continues with “Octopussy” - a title I’m sure they are regretting today - otherwise known as “What the Egg is Going On?”.  It’s not known as that, but it sure would’ve aged better than Octopussy.  The title is just so snicker inducing that it kind of overshadows the fact that this is actually a pretty good movie!  I was so surprised tonight by how much I enjoyed this film, it’s still an installment in Moore’s twilight period so I can’t say it’s one of his best, but it sure ain’t the worst.  Moore has a little more swagger in this film in comparison to “For Your Eyes Only” which makes his age a LITTLE less noticeable.  That might be due to the circumstances of the time...
1983 saw a battle of the Bonds.  Kevin Mclory (the ole dastardly producer who has the rights to Thunderball at this time) decided now was the time to make a Bond film of his own with none other than - Sean Connery.  Yes, Connery was set to reprise his role of 007 in a “Bond film” called Never Say Never Again.  Of course, this movie is NOT apart of this marathon because it is not produced by EON productions and the Broccolli family.  It is an UNofficial monstrosity of a off-brand Bond film.  Never Say Never Again is a remake of Thunderball but with a VERY old Sean Connery who looks like he would be drinking Vodka in his coffee at his breakfast bar in his apartment while watching the birds.  Of course this nostalgia was the only thing it had going for it, and it was set to run against the official Bond series as competition.
Roger Moore was still on a film by film basis, after “For Your Eyes Only” Moore wanted out but with the upcoming Connery film coming up, EON could not risk having a fresh face as Bond so they convinced Moore to give it another go, and stuck with the sure thing.  So the stage was set...Roger Moore vs. Sean Connery.  I’ll give you one guess as to which film did better...Octopussy came out on top, but still had mixed reviews.  
Yes Moore is older in this film, I think I’ve exhausted all of my old Moore jokes in my “A View To A Kill” review so if your looking for fun Dad puns here, you won’t get much.  This film is a story of a fabergé egg and the trail that it leaves.  We open up this film with a clown seemingly in danger, who ends up getting killed by some twin throwing knife assassins.  The clown ends up being an MI6 agent and he had a fake Fabergé egg with him.  That sparks the curiosity of MI6 because these eggs are extremely rare...and it just so happens, a real one is being auctioned off.  MI6 thinks Russia is involved (of course they are, it was the cold war) so Bond is out to sniff it out.
The egg leads Bond to Kamal Khan (Louis Jourdan).  Jourdan plays the part of Khan with such class, but with the slightest adjustment of his facials, he turns into a menacing psycho.  I really enjoyed his performance in this film.  Khan is basically a con man who has a guy that makes forgeries of classic jewelry pieces and sells them at auctions for a high price and helps smuggle the real deals for his boss (I think), that we will come to know as Octopussy, played by the returning Maud Adams.
It’s funny how the studio brings back actors to play different characters.  I’ve never really understood why they would do that, especially with the same actor playing Bond.  We last saw Adams in “The Man With The Golden Gun” and now she has been hired back to play the title character.  Octopussy is a women who is a jewelry smuggler who has hired a harem of ninja women to help her with her smuggling while also working as a career placement agency - helping these women find what they are good at and giving them jobs.  It’s not very clear if Kamal Khan works for Octopussy, or if he just partners with her because he is in the jewelry game too, but Khan is going over Octopussy’s head and is planning something much more sinister.
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Turns out - Khan has partnered with a raving lunatic Russian General Oramov who is thirsty for war and conquest.  They are using Octopussy and her jewelry smuggling habit, to low-key get a bomb into a circus in an effort to cause confusion and to start a war with the USA, leaving Europe vulnerable to attack and conquest.  Not sure what Khan gets out of this arrangement other than money, but it must be enough to be ok with setting off a bomb at a circus, killing hundreds of kids.  Money really is the devil.
This movie has a lot of great action and locations with the majority of the film set in India.  Lots of fun to be had here with a baby taxi car chase and Bond escaping the baddies by using your stereotypical Indian street acts, like a bed of nails, and a sword swallower.  We also meet Vijay who plays the Bond theme to charm his snake.  Moore gives him a rupee and says “Charming tune”...lol, he doesn’t even know that he has a theme song, and that THAT is it!!  Bond uses the egg to his advantage to get to Khan in order to shake him, hoping that coconuts of information will fall from his tree.
This eventually leads Bond into infiltrating Octopussy’s island by alligator boat.  This whole movie we are being led to believe that Octopussy is the main bad guy, but she informs Bond that Bond had a hand in her father’s death a long time ago (which was apparently a good thing) and wanted to meet him.  So Bond and Octopussy become buds, then lovers.  Khan is pissed about this new found friendship and hires a guy with a circular saw yo-yo to kill Bond...well, that doesn’t work. 
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This all comes down to the wire as Khan secretly transfers a bomb inside a cannon where Octopussy thinks the jewelry is.  Khan and his muscle sneak out to let everyone die while Bond infiltrates the circus where he dons the outfit of one of the throwing knife twins (where he will find himself running away from like 009 in the beginning), a gorilla, and finally a clown.  Somehow Bond is able to apply clown makeup and get in costume in 30 seconds. The picture of Bond in clown makeup tends to linger in one’s mind - giving this film another strike in its legacy.  But, Bond saves the day by dismantling the bomb right at 0:00, spoiling Khans plans.  
There are plenty of flaws with Octopussy, there is the pre-title sequence, which is actually great, but has nothing to do with the rest of the movie.  There is the goofy decision to put Bond in a clown costume.  And of course, the out of nowhere Tarzan scene in an otherwise awesome safari hunt.  But it’s got such a bountiful array of stunt work like Bond clinging to a plane in flight, and a train en route.  All the work and risk put into the stunts of this movie, to me, makes up for some of the lack-luster aspects of the plot.
This is also a PRIME example of why I wanted to watch these films out of order.  I REALLY enjoyed this film tonight because I wasn’t Moore’d out like I usually am watching this film.  Octopussy is Moore’s 6th bond film, when you are watching these in order, by the time you get to Octopussy, you are so sick of Roger Moore that you start developing tunnel vision and his films start to bleed into each other.  After watching a few Craig movies and a dose of Brosnan, I am all buckled up for another Moore film.  This allowed me to finally see what Octopussy is all about on its own two feet...or should I say 8 feet?
Anyone in the mood for stuffed sheep’s head?  That scene where Khan eats that eye still gets me.
Let me know what you thought of Octopussy, I love all your comments!
24 Weeks of Bond will continue next Monday with - 
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nshah2 · 4 years
First Part of Story Lolz: The first step into the cavern isn’t that dark. People believe it is but they’re just intimidated by the dark green moss that grows around it along with the spiky vines. Marie Jane? The Marie who likes to switch between Mary because it makes her feel chic? Oh she was just flabbergasted to the even proposition of stepping one Louis Vuitton, red high-heel in there. Even so, she was curious about the bright side of the cavern, as much of an oxymoron of that statement is. Everyone is.
Alex Lyres, skinny jeans and long sleeves, brown skin or hairy arms, one of the two, that is unsuspecting of outside analyzing, and depressed green eyes. They  fell silent in front of the cavern, walked in slowly in a trance of the great things that awaited, pushing away the wispy spider webs and teething bats. I hope she doesn’t get lost.
Kamila Civet, she ran. She ran straight in, we hardly saw her anymore. She’s addicted to the cavern, she likes to run through all of it. She can’t handle the darkness though, it pushes her out with sharp black nails, sometimes it only used two, sometimes it used all.
The cavern does terrible things, it made me lose what was alread lost.
Chapter 1:
A tip of a black word that could have meant to be blue grazes me everytime I step out of my house. Ten thousand words clutter the pages of others' mother tongues, so you can imagine the scars that yielded me weak to the eye of the majority. Fading away into the deepest shadow of Oaktown High seemed to cloak me with the power of moving through the halls without being at a sword's end, or at least at one I could see. I had grown comfortable with this lifestyle because it’s all I knew along with the wrappers of mistakes in my closet. But please do not play the chorus of slow violin notes because I am not my paragraph, I am my essay. 
I couldn’t say the same about Mary Jane.
Gaggles of laughter follow her tall figure, swaying with her long blonde hair. Skinny arms wrapped around the shoulders of her companions whose skin is as unblemished as their reputation.  Longing stares from the girls and boys who smile for status. An idolized individual that excelled at whatever you did not. “Okay, okay, listen!” Samia Davenport tries to reason, “Ignore the fact he’s a ginger. He’s cute.” Mary squeezes Samia’s face and squeals, “My little babushka is growing up. She likes men who aren’t on reality T.V too!” Samia swats her arm away, trying not to laugh. “Oh shut up, don’t deny that Dave Hansen is absolutely my soulmate.” Dave Hansen? Interesting, stupid choice. The boy who spread a rumor about you being homeless in eighth grade? The boy who chopped your hair off in ninth! The boy who smirks and everything feels like a blissful high, a serenity of happiness flooding through your brain. Too bad he likes Maya, who dismissed half of his heart with a slur that demolished him into succumbing to a camp which told him, be Christian, not you. 
They’re idiots for craving such expensive baggage because they know they can’t have it, though I can’t fault them. I’ve -however- learned to push my credit card back into my pocket and tame my legs to walk out of the store. 
Mary nods with disinterest as she eyes Ms. Alejandras classroom. “Wait up, okay?” She grinned at Samia  and rushed in the door. “Ms! Ms. Alehandra, I was wondering if I could obtain some extra credit?” 
“Mary, just turn in your missing assignments . I’ll give you 50% for each.” 
“I lost all the papers.” 
“I can print new ones.” 
I watch the exchange with dancing pupils, careful to not let my shadow get into the light. Mary has fists furrowed into small pockets with inching frustration poking out of them.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
Tapping on the linoleum floor, 1, 2, 3, 4…
“It’s uneven. It has to be 0-5, 5-10, 15-20. Right now if I do an extra credit assignment it’ll finally be 0-5.”
“Does it have to be in 5s?”
“More satisfying in 5s ma’am.”
Ms. Alejandra adjusts her long brown pencil skirt and touches Mary’s shoulder. “Read a book after you complete your missing assignments and then talk to Dr. Vienna.”
Mary sighs, she nods a quiet thank you and walks away with red fists and a crippling smile. “Did you get the extra credit?” Samia asks. Mary laughs , “No, that idiot was like ‘oh just talk to Dr. Vienna after you do it. Like oh cause he always helps, blah, blah.”
Dr. Vienna, the man who thought if you met him or his staff every night at 8:00 pm to get your daily fix of yellow, blue, pink, or green you could be cured from your worries. I mean, he’s not wrong. But yellow turns to blue and blue to pink and pink to green and then thousands of green clutter a controlled mind.  
“What did you say?” Samia asks.
“I was just like ‘Yeah, sure, whatever haha.”
“I would have just cleaned her room right then and there, just ignore her and start cleaning.”
“Oh, if only.”
A familiar buzz sounds through the halls. A calling for lost luggage, they want to keep alive. Too bad our owners aren’t coming to pick us up any time soon. Airport security was a hassle enough the first time.
Most of us groan and walk to  the assigned seats and watch the numbers. Dr. Vienna sits with the ones who watch too carefully. “Don’t you wish you were like them?” Says the blonde girl next to me, tapping my shoulder. “No Kamila, I don’t.” She rolls her eyes, “Well then you're crazy, imagine how easy it is for them. I can’t believe some of these girls came voluntarily. It’s like being Albert Einstein and then going to a camp that teaches you to be dumb.” Kamila eyes her cheesy potato cubes and boiled egg on veggies. She stuffs all of it in her pocket, one egg slice, one cube, one veggie at a time. Staring, being mesmerized by the girls who grasp control over uncontrollable behaviors. I want to tap her shoulder like she did to me but I know she’s so much more cluttered than me, she would trip over all her the mess in her brain to think that’s pretty. Mary walks to our table with her plate of food, a lunch of one cookie, one apple, two pieces of lean fish, a salad, and a baked potato. “Just be balanced.” Mary said, smiling shiny white teeth. “Do you really want to go into the cavern just to look like that? They’re miserable.” Kamila glared back, “Oh please Mary. All 5’8 of you would want to sit there and look like that. Everyone does.” Mary sits down, “Of course everyone does. But it’s not worth it. Besides, the cavern is so gross and if you go the wrong way you are done forever. You don’t even get to be them. “
Kamila scowled in disgust, “Ugh you know nothing! I already did, I got lost too but I’m going to go back and find my way in.” Mary laughed, “Kamila, you're going to go in there and never get out. You're going to want to keep going. But you won’t be able to. It’s like a cigarette, you’ll be addicted.” 
“What’s the cavern?” I popped in. They looked at me with shock.
 “You don’t know what the cavern is? It’s literally why almost everyone is in here. What are you in for then?” 
“My parents got sick of having a kid who doesn’t know how to love them.” My flat response. It didn’t even feel like I spoke, I just opened my mouth and the words fell into place. The ones I was hoping would never come out. 
“Oh.” They said in unison, eyes wary of the girl they once thought was innocent. Would it be better if I had gone into the cavern first? Got addicted to it, whatever ‘it’ may be.” Uneasily Mary explained, “If you haven’t gone into the cavern, it’s best you only know it by its code name. It’s not actually a cavern.” 
Kamila joined in, “I came in here for other reasons too, then I learned about it and started. You need something to distract you here. I mean but if you haven’t started it, find something else.”
“Just tell me what it is.”
They both looked at eachother, they seemed indecisive. Should we tell her? I could practically hear the words they looked at each other with. It couldn’t be that problematic, could it? “I’m sure I’ve heard of worse.” They both shook their heads. “It’s not that you haven’t.”
Kamila tried to explain.
“It’s just that you can’t try it once and be done. If you try it, you're done for. It’s not murder obviously, it’s...it’s like everything bad on this world is labeled in colors. Blue for normal, green for normal but you're slipping, orange for hey this is getting bad, and red for you messed up. The cavern pushes you to orange right? But then you like it so you keep going and slip down to red. Then it's like...it takes all of it’s rocks and barricades you with them. The oxygen is slowly slipping away, you know you will die. But in your mind that's worth it so you either die or someone pulls you out.  Hardly ever does anyone pull you out though.”
Chapter 2:
All week I had been curious to what the cavern was, jumping at any chance to pull the answer out of unsuspecting victims. Yet they always hushed me and pointed at a staff member or harshly whispered something along the lines of “if you don’t know you don’t need to. I shouldn’t be talking about this here.” Yet in every location I could find with every set of people available, the answer was always the same. Actually that's a false statement, as time went on the answers became more general and specific at the same time. The cavern was so wide, it had such an in depth storyline but from physical appearances it was normal and forgettable. The cavern came off as a stranger to me, a human I did not know who has a story that would make me cry if I read it.
 “Mama used to say that my eyes were a gift from the desert, that they were a sandy brown drought. “
That’s cute.” Commented Kamila. “My Mom used to call me a little bird. Since my legs used to be really skinny and I liked to wear my halloween costume wings like almost every day.”
“Did I say that out loud?” I ask.
“Yeah, you do that a lot, ponder quietly with a mysterious look on your face and then randomly drop in the crumble of words in your head.”
           I’m pretty sure Mom used to say something like that. That my eyes seemed to get lost in the colourful realm, speechless to the greenery of new ideas and scenarios. I guess the cavern was a new scenario. I had spent two years at Oakwood, never once did the word cavern actually mean anything to me than the base definition. I suspected it was a hangout for teens to maybe drink or smoke, that’s why they called it addicting. But Mom also used to say “Your never far off from the truth once you make an assumption, your penny isn’t in the fairy’s hand but it’s going down the well, it’s getting closer.” It could be about smoking or drinking, but then they would have used another example to compare it to.  Reverse psychology? No, in the span of a few seconds they wouldn’t have been intellectual enough to corroborate such an intricate plan, unless they did... But they aren’t exactly top of the chain in terms of intelligence.
No, they certainly weren’t. One blank page could hold wiser knowledge than their  brains could ever learn in their lifetime. Maybe the way they mindlessly transferred their thoughts onto a piece of a paper got them an A, but they have no street smarts. A ratio that didn’t match Mary's agenda would throw her off her high horse into the dirt. If Kamila spoke a word everyone didn’t agree with she would resort back to the deep depths of her mind, not caring about the cobwebs and dirty floor. Everyone in this school is like this, stubborn, selfish brats who didn’t realise that sticking your nose in a book doesn’t make you a genius. It makes you an average person who gets a teacher's signature on her report card with a happy face sticker. Wow, good on you, a happy face, that’s going to get you through life? A happy face? 
“Little Madam, the one in the blue dress? Oh where is she, is she sticking out because of her oh so obvious dress? Or the fact that she isn’t hearing anything I’m saying?”
Everyone laughs with pasted smiles for an objective. Everyone knows Ms. Alejandra picks favorites. It’s all objective. Even her damn joke is objective, a power move, calling everyone out and making them laugh about it. Keep laughing, I’m not a clone.
Definitely not a clone of her favorites right now.
“Yes, Ma’am?” I speak, keeping my dignity upheld.
She sighs with annoyance, “Can you tell me what I was just explaining about chain rules?”
Chain rules, chain rules, chain rules...She must have just been covering it today, that fatuous fool Kamila was correct. The cavern was good for distracting you.
“I’m not sure.” I say, my voice felt like a particularly bad day on the ground near the Pacific Ocean in the Philippines.
Another sigh, this time with actual disappointed eyes. Did she expect me to know the complications of a couple of Xs and numbers labeled under-
“The derivative of f(g(x)) . g’(x) will always be f'(g(x))⋅g'(x).”
Everyone turned around to the raised hand and straight face of Alex Lyres. A matty mess of short, dirty blonde hair, bangs almost cocealing the never turned off glare in her green eyes.  Her limbs were long and skinny and danced in the wind every Friday where administrators let her be `recreational”.  
Alex Lyres who sits at the table with Dr. Vienna every day and goes to him personally for three green ones every night. She speaks seldom but when she does her words dive into your mind and almost as quickly as they come in, evaporate. She would know about the cavern, she was at the table Kamila admired specifically because people who were there  went in the cavern. Or should I say, went in too deep. But I’d have to rephrase my wording into a more casual conversation. You don’t just light a candle in a monster accompanied by darkness, you wait for the perfect time. 
Tick, Tock.
Tick, Tock.
Tick, Tock.
One-Forty. Two-a clock.
The bell dings its warning signs and Alex lifts her legs off the seat. In quick movements she makes her way to her bedroom. The teacher gives her that stern ‘what do you think you're doing’ look and she starts to slow down, hanging her head a little lower. 
“Alex! Hey!”
She looks around, uncomfortable that her name has been brought into the spotlight. Don’t worry Alex, give me the answers and the switch gets clicked off.
It gives her a chance though, a chance to slide her feet across the marble floor, static building in her soft teddy bear socks. 
“Alex, hey can I ask you something?”
“Sure, um…?”
I disregard her blank stare, notioning me to give out my name. My name has never been uttered in the walls of this wretched place and it never will. I won’t give it that power. 
“How do you do it?”
It’s like her facial features immediately morphed into a sweaty recognition about what I’m about to say.
“How do I do what?”
“Y’know…” I push, “How do you do the...cavern?”
She looks at me for a couple of seconds before shaking her head and storming away. I chase after her which isn’t hard because she speeds with caution. Why? We aren’t allowed to run in the halls but we can speed walk. She’s not going to get in trouble for speed walking.
“Yeah, I am.”
“I said that aloud?” I really need to stop doing that.
“No, I can just see it in your face. You're confused on why  I look so cautious. Yeah, I will get in trouble if I’m going ‘above average speed’ or whatever.”
My hand instinctively goes to grab my chin, I pause indecisively. It’s extra but it’s what you're supposed to do when you're confused. “Why?”
“Why do you think?” She snaps.
“I don’t know, why are you specific?”
“Not just me, everyone else in the cavern.”
My mind jumps back to the main objective and I robotically  move myself into a more sympathetic position. Arms crossed with pouty eyes, “Why wouldn’t they let you run just because you’ve been in the cavern?”
“Again, why do you think?”
“I don’t know?”
She looks at me up and down with quizzing eyes, her disbelief is obvious. I’m not sure what I did wrong, I guess I really need more information. 
Her eyes widened with shock, “Oh my god, are you that one girl who's trying to find the cavern? Oh, my friends told me you would try to find me, just forget about it!” 
I don’t care about much at all. The world is a blank page I’d like to keep clean, showing interesting written words I can not erase. If I try, the eraser marks will clutter what could have been a precise story of nothing. If I don’t care, nothing happens which is easier than risking your life for a second of happiness that will wash away. Yet, now, there are no warm arms to welcome me into a hug. No one is waiting for the three special words from me anymore. My desire from others has faded away to a past sentence no one will ever flip a page back to again. No one wants me, I have no purpose. It would make the three years pass a little bit faster, maybe once I’m out I can prove I am still deserving of those arms.
I’m not playing by a script anymore, the stage has disappeared. Emotions come rushing back as the dam has broken with that one phrase. I can’t forget about it, I can’t be denied again. Just give me something to latch onto, please.
My voice cracks and eyes water, alien sobs escape my cracked lips. Alex watches as I fall to the ground. I can’t understand why I’m crying. I don’t know what’s going on. I just know that I still feel no matter how much I want to deny. Suddenly I feel those warm arms I’ve been longing for since the first day I stepped foot into Oakwood. Alex cloaks me in kindness while I stare blankly at the dizzy walls. “Are you okay?” Alex asks.
“No.” I reply.
Alex sighs and pulls me up, “I...do you consider yourself-like...doomed? Do you think of yourself as a time bomb?”
“No, that’s idiotic.”
She looks at me with eyes that are confused, “When you get out of here, you have hope?”
I’m about to say yes, yes of course I do. I don’t even deserve to be here, I didn’t do anything. I’m fine, I-
The strong glass walls reinforced with thick creamy clay blocks  show me a reflection of a stranger. I can’t speak for her.
“I don’t know.”
Alex starts walking down the hall so I follow, feeling sheepish and insecure. What just happened? Her dorm room  is void of decoration and sound, an echoless big room. 
She motions for me to go in, so I do. 
“You want to know what the cavern is?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“Ok, choose.”
She lays out three items on her bed, “Choose one.”
There is a toothbrush, a jug, and a box with cloth inside.
“How did you get this all? The toothbrush isn’t used right?”
“On my rare free days, I collect what I can.”
“You hid this? I’ve heard of smuggling phones, but a humongous jug?”
“You’d be surprised what siblings can smuggle in for you when they're giving you ‘clothes’?”
I look at the random items, “What is the point of these? What are you trying to prove, just tell me!”
She looks at me with annoyance, “Do you want to do this my way or get someone else's help. Trust me, if you really want to know you're going to do it my way. No one is as sadistic as I am to help you.”
Chapter 3:
I took the toothbrush, unsure of the faith that comes with it. I already have one so it just lies in my cabinet drawer, waiting for it’s mysterious day to arrive. I’m not sure really what or how this will lead me to the cavern. I’ve been trying it out though, in every situation I can’t really find a way to use it. So, again, my only choice is to hint a subtle lie, a little dancing shadow among the white imperial clouds. I hinder my speed from each class so Kamila’s wistful, disorganized eyes can zero in on me. Her being, well her, she’s obviously going to ‘casually’ speed up to me so she can initiate a conversation about her busy schedule. I’ll listen, or at least pretend to, while she goes on about being so tired her eyes nearly popped out from studying so she couldn’t get that one math page done and can she copy mine? 
That’s boring and I don’t have time though.
“Hey! Were you waiting up for me?” Kamila asks, tapping my shoulder.
“You can copy my math page Kamila.” I say dryly, she's not the only one who's tired from studying. 
“Excuse me?” She asks, tone offended. She walks in front of me and places her hands on her hips. “Why would you think I need that?”
“Why else would you be talking to me?” I ask, did I misread why she always sped up to me in the hallways? I’m not in any clubs, I don’t think I can help her with advice for that.
“What the hell do you mean? ‘Cause you're my friend?” Her structure relaxes a little bit, seeing my face soften into a concerned look. I wrinkled my nose a little more so I look less offensive and more defensive. ‘Slouch a bit, look down. She’s mad.’ I think to myself. It’s working.
Then the words set in and I stop for a second. The definition of a friend is a person you have a bond of mutual affection with.
“‘I’m not affectionate towards you.” I say.
Kamila looks at me with that studying eyes of hers, “Yeah, so?”
“Then we aren’t friends.”
“Yeah, but-”
“There is no “but”, that’s the exact definition of friend.”
She sighs with frustration, “Do you like garlic bread?”
“What does that have to do with-”
“Do you?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
She pulls out a dictionary from her satchel, “The definition of  like is to have love, respect, and admiration for something. Tell me, do you admire garlic bread?”
“To be honest, food is quite neutral as a whole to me-”
Her face looked tired and annoyed so I cut it off.
“No, I don’t admire garlic bread.”
Her face transforms from drowsy monday to a bright sunday morning, “Exactly!” With that, she strided off with her red sneakers bouncing off the marble floor through the endless hallways. I never got to ask her about the toothbrush.
Why are people so complicated? I don’t understand any of them. Why doesn’t anyone want anything from me here?
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roma-ex-ovo · 5 years
Laying an Egg: Rome
Let’s really fast discuss why I think Rome is an egg and why you should think Rome is an egg as well. First, eggs are great by themselves. Second, eggs serve as the beginnings of something greater than they are, think chickens here. Like sure eggs are great, but what comes from the egg serves a much greater purpose. I could go for some scrambled eggs any day of the week, but a good rotisserie chicken? Now that’s something that I would die for. In much the same way, Rome is great by itself, but from the ashes of Rome came even better things. Roman culture has spread throughout the world and given us much of what we have today. Whether it’s in architecture, politics, or language, Roman influence is seen in almost every part of the world.
Now on to bigger and better things with this first post! When talking about eggs, the first thing that you should ask is: How did the egg get there? In most cases, the egg is laid by birds and in our very specific case that is not entirely true. Most people have heard of the twins Romulus and Remus, the mythical founders of Rome. We’ll look at their story really fast. Romulus and Remus wanted to found a city (Rome) but didn’t quite know what to call it and who would be king. So they basically both waited on separate hills for a divine portent that would decide who would be king. Remus got his divine sign first, 6 vultures descended on his hill. His followers proclaimed him king. But soon after, 12 vultures descended on Romulus’s hill and his followers thought he should be king. And as in all true sibling rivalries, Romulus and Remus got into a fight and Remus ended up being killed. Ah, sibling love. 
And so Rome (as opposed to Reme I suppose) was founded with Romulus as her first king. But the city faced a big big big problem. Romulus and Remus had mostly male followers and as such most of the city’s occupants were male. If Rome were to last more than a generation then Romulus needed something made of sugar, spice, and everything nice (I’m talking about women here). This started the historical event known as “The Rape of the Sabine Women.” Romulus sent envoys to the surrounding cities asking for the right of intermarriage between them and Rome, but the envoys were scorned and turned away. Getting a little (understandably) desperate, Romulus hatched (ha get it because of eggs) a scheme that would provide Rome with the women that it needed. Romulus decided to host a large festival called the Consualia, dedicated to Neptune, god of horses and invited all the neighboring cities and countries. Many, curious to see the new city, came to see the spectacle. One nation, in particular, the Sabines, brought all their wives and children with them to enjoy the festivities. On a prearranged signal, all the Romans ran into the crowd and grabbed all the unmarried girls and brought them away. The women were understandably a little angry about this, but Romulus and all their Roman “husbands” managed to calm them down. Now all the parents of the kidnapped women were also understandably angry, but Romulus also managed to calm them down as well. How? By defeating them in war, of course! As is the true Roman way! The Sabines, in particular, proved a difficult opponent. After capturing a Roman citadel, the Sabines were in a hard-fought battle with the Romans when suddenly all the captured women came out and told everyone to stop. After that intervention, the 2 armies decided to stop fighting and came to a peace agreement, not only to stop fighting but to merge the 2 people together to form one nation. 
There you have it. One of the greatest empires on the face of the planet has such a dark history to it. Every single Roman would’ve been born from that event or the aftermath of it. Talk about making your spouse angry and sleeping on the couch for a month, yeesh. To bring the discussion back on track, does this make Rome bad? Rape is definitely a bad thing. On the other hand, that was just the way of life back then. In our eyes, yes Rome is a bad egg. I wouldn’t be surprised if an event like this caused World War 3 or if something like this happened because of war (oh wait: The Nanjing Massacre). Yet, back then, it wasn’t a completely unforgivable offense, as seen when the women asked the armies to stop slaughtering each other. Of course, that doesn’t make them a good egg, more like a neutral egg, I suppose. 
I leave you with this famous painting titled The Intervention of the Sabine Women by Jacques-Louis David, 1799
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dinoeggnog · 7 years
My Smash Bros. for Switch      Character Wish List
   You know It’s been awhile since I’ve made an article for my blog and with Smash for Switch having just been announced in the latest direct; I think it’s the right time to add a spot of fuel to the Smash Hype Train.  
  A few things of note in regarding this list before I begin, This list will be presented in a top 10 like basis but I will be cheating a little bit when talking about certain characters and scenarios. Also, most of the characters on this list will be first or second party and no veterans; I want to focus on the new. This list will be pretty lengthy but it’s Smash related so I believe it’s deserving of such pedigree.  
   With all that out of the way let’s begin.
   10. Part 1. Simon Belmont/ Castlevania 
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     When It comes to 3rd party representatives in smash I’m of the belief that said fighter should have two qualifications. 1. Noteworthy as a franchise in gaming, meaning either Iconic or influential, even classic. 2. History with Nintendo. Many of the 3rd parties represented in Smash already reach such criteria in my opinion and Castlevania’s Simon Belmont, I believe is another well suited for battle. 
   Like Mega Man, Castlevania as a series has seen a wide variety of releases over the last thirty years but the main series has received a ton of love on Nintendo’s platforms. Now there are many faces that share the name Belmont in the series but like Mega Man, I see Sakurai pulling mostly from the original, classic trilogy with some exceptions. The Belmont whip is such an awesome and iconic weapon and Castlevania has many interchangeable secondary weapons, there are B moves just waiting to happen.  
   But how likely is Castlevania to be represented. That falls on Konami and yes we all know that they are a fickle sort to say the least. I suppose it would be wishful thinking but Hey! You never can predict the future when it comes to smash, only speculate. It would be a pleasure to see Simon break out of the Pachinko parlor and into the fighting ring, if you know what I mean. 
10. Part 2. Bomberman 
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    Like I said I’m cheating a little with this but personally I group both Simon Belmont and Bomberman together on the same spot, both of which are owned by Konami although for Bomberman that wasn't always the case. Bomberman has been around since 1983, his first game having been developed by now defunct Hudson Soft and released on multiple platforms including Nintendo consoles. Today Bomberman has been featured in over 70+ games, spanning countless generations of platforms. 
   More recently Bomberman appeared on the Nintendo switch exclusive Super Bomberman R; a game that Konami surprisingly kept alive past it’s initial release. So unlike Simon Belmont, many would argue that Bomberman would have a better shot. However some would also argue as to what Bomberman could bring to the roster; he just throws Bombs right? Well to that I say, dig a little deeper. 
   While it’s true that his primary form of combat would involve bombs. if you’ve ever played a Bomberman game you’d know that there are many hazards and pick ups that could be brought to the table. Bomberman is no stranger to 3D platformers either, with both Bomberman Hero and 64 on the N64, there are multiple moves that could be incorporated into a viable move set. In addition he even has his own animal companions, one example being Louies. A race of rabbit like, kangaroo creatures that are essentially Bomberman’s answer to Mario’s Yoshi. Naturally There would be elements of Super Bomberman R featured as well.
   In conclusion I believe Bomberman has potential and between him and Simon; I think Bomberman would be the likelier candidate as a potential Konami representative. Thought honestly I would love to have them both. You know what they say, the more the merrier. 
9. Banjo and Kazooie
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   I agree many would argue that Banjo Kazooie is really no longer relevant but there is one thing I want to address. To me a 3rd party character should have at least some relevance to Nintendo. Smash Bros. as a whole is a celebration of Nintendo and it’s many franchises. And no other 3rd party character has had a relationship with Nintendo quite like the Bear and Bird tag team.
    You know the story. Rare and Nintendo had a perfect chemistry together, releasing some of the most well acclaimed system sellers of their time during the Snes/N64 era and then Micro$oft came along and the rest in unfortunately history. Banjo Kazooie is considered by many to be their best work/outside of Donkey Kong Country. That’s were i’m coming from, this game was one of my childhood favorites and personally I don’t view them as third party, I view the duo more as long lost family. Like that cousin you never knew you had but just met at the recent family reunion. 
    Let’s face it Banjo and Kazooie would be perfect for smash,Their move set practically rights itself. Any number of Bottle’s moves from egg shooting to beak barging, flying across the stage in a barrage of feathers the list goes on. Not to mention any number of Mumbo’s transformations that could also play a huge role in their play style, including Final Smash. In terms of stages, naturally it would have to be Gruntilda’s castle, complete with the Witch herself as a boss. flying around and striking players with her magical spells and making them cringe with her rhyming quells. 
    Do Banjo and Kazooie even have a chance? It’s hard to say, Micro$oft’s Phil Spenser has publicly stated in the past that he wouldn’t mind leasing the Bear and Bird to the Smash team in regards to the smash poll. I wan’t to believe that I really do.If Banjo and Kazooie never do come back to their full potential I would at the very least love to have them here in Smash. I can dare to dream. 
8. Impa/ The Legend of Zelda 
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         Lets be honest, Do we really need another sword fighter? NO! 
     But do we need more Zelda representatives? YES! 
   With Link sporting his new Breath of the Wild look and many jumping on board with numerous Zelda characters they wish too include in the roster, plus additional hopes of Zelda getting a coat of Breath of the wild Paint as well. I felt it only fitting to go ahead with my personal Zelda pick. Legend of Zelda naturally is a vast franchise with many unique faces over the years and it can be difficult to pick just one.
       Many want the Skull Kid from Majora’s Mask or Midna of Twilight Princess, Ghirahim of Skyward Sword or any one of the Champions from Breath of the Wild; the list goes on. But why Impa, well a few reasons; she’s awesome in Hyrule Warriors, I mean let’s be real that game can make a great fighter out of anyone in the Zelda Cannon but Impa stands out to me the most.  My second and most important point in this case is her relevance in the series. Impa has been in a majority of games in the cannon almost since the beginning, that can’t be said for many other charters in the franchise, aside from the hero of time himself, the titular Princess and the big bad. 
    While Impa has had drastic changes from game to game. In one instance being a frail, older woman or in another being captain of the royal guard, regardless she’s still there. That longevity and adaptability I think would have her recognized by Sakurai as a Series regular and worthy of a spot in the roster. Of course she is a sword fighter, many tire of that and I can relate but taking Hyrule Warriors into consideration I think she could be a lot of fun to play as and a great addition to Smash’s leading ladies. She’d be plenty more unique than Lucina that’s for sure. Also if it’s not to much to ask give Ganondorf an original move set this time around, Please!?!.
  7. Dixie Kong
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     Yep, I want more Kong's in Smash and while I too support the King K.Rool movement; for this list I’m gonna be a little different. Unlike K.Rool many argue that Dixie would be way to similar to Diddy in terms of move pool but I have to disagree, at least to a point. Dixie naturally has a built in recovery with her pony tail which alone can be used in a variety of melee attacks and grabs. Like Diddy and his peanut pop guns, Dixie would utilize a weapon from DK 64, in this case the feather bow previously used by Tiny Kong. Dixie has also been one to dabble in musical arts with an electric guitar; maybe that can play a part in her moves as well. 
       I do think Diddy and Dixie would share similarities with each other but in the same way Mario and Luigi or Ness and Lucus would.They would both have unique spins on a familiar play style but incorporate separate elements from their franchise. Hey we still don’t have any sign of the animal buddies in smash; like Rambi or Squawks and the like.  Why not include them in Dixie’s move set or impalement them in D.K or Diddy’s, I’m just spit balling ideas here.
    So whether it be King K.Rool, Dixie, Funky or even Cranky and what have you, I and many others would love to see more Donkey Kong Country love in Smash Bros. 
6. Issac; Golden Sun
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     When it comes to Nintendo R.P.G’s and Tactics games people have their obvious choices. Another Fire Emblem rep. (shudders) or a face from the recent Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to join up with shulk. There is one classic Nintendo R.P.G series that many overlook, that is except for smash fans like myself.
     Issac is an interesting choice, the Golden Sun series has seen a fun, little trilogy across Nintendo’s portable systems. Now Issac was an assist trophy in previous Smash titles but he’s so much more than that little forced push thing you saw there. Issac is Golden Sun’s equivalent to an earth bender, using a variety of landscape and plantlike magic to defeat his foes.
      There’s lots of potential for unique attacks here to be explored outside of the traditional R.P.G offerings. We’ve seen so many other elemental’s in Smash already with fire, Electricity and even Water; why not earth? 
   Golden Sun is a series that needs more love and Smash is no exception. I also wouldn't mind a new Golden Sun on the Switch but we can’t have everything now can we? 
    5. Takamaru; The mysterious Murasame Castle 
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    I’m always a sucker for old school choices; I call them the 8-bit Ambassadors. You know the ones, Ice Climbers, Duck Hunt, R.O.B, Pit, Little Mac and so forth. There’s always one in each addition of Smash and my list is no exception and while choices like balloon Fighter or the Excite Bike Racer were tempting, I just had to include this guy.
   The final member of the Famicom 4 and an assist trophy in Smash 4, Takamaru could have a lot of potential evidence for his inclusion. Sakurai has actually considered him for the roster numerous times, dating as far back as melee. The biggest reason for his exclusion before was his lack of presence outside of Japan. Nowadays he’s more well known namely for said Smash appearance but in addition his game was featured in Nintendo Land on the Wii U and his original game was released on the 3DS’s virtual console, so there’s that. 
   Again some may grimace at yet another sword user but he’s a Samurai; A bloody Samurai. I don’t think anyone should complain on that subject alone. From his one game they could easily pull a satisfying move set and even then they can get get creative. Also have I mentioned yet;  He’s a fricken Samurai. I think I made my point.    
  4. Another Kirby Rep. 
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    Much like Zelda and Donkey Kong, I think Kirby is do for another character spot. There are just so many possibilities that it can be difficult to pick just one and let’s face it, the recent Star Allies isn’t making it any easier. Favorite choices include Bandanna Dee, Knuckle Joe, Marx, Magolor, Gooey, Adeline, Susie, The Robobot armor and the list continues. But I have my own Ideas 
    I want to see Kirby’s Animal Friends Rick the hamster,Coo the Owl and Kine the fish as a collective one piece character. I don’t necessarily see them as a tag team but rather you would primarily play as Rick, Coo and Kine would assist in various moves. Examples include Coo being used in a up B special, as well as with aerial attacks and Kine being used for stronger smash attacks and a down B special; Kine would also allow Rick to swim and never drown in water areas in certain stages.
   As far as moves, simple. Thanks to Kirby they can perform a variety of moves that could be implemented quite easily into their respective move set. Rick can breath fire and produce spikes. Coo can throw Talons, be turned into a feather duster and produce lightning. And Kine could be thrown around like a weight, make shock waves and bust light bulbs. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s my idea anyway. 
   In addition I also wan’t to highlight Marx for a moment. I think he would be the perfect villain to represent the Kirby series (even though he’s only been in one game) and I think they could have a lot of fun designing a move set around him. Though that’s just the Kirby fan in me coming out and saying “Hi”.
 3. Dr.Eggman
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  My last 3rd party pic.
    Admittedly I’m not the biggest Sonic fan but I’m of the belief that at some point, in some way; Sonic is getting a second rep. I would much rather have another Sega franchise represented; we know that's not gonna happen but I would love to be proven wrong.
     That being said as to which character; many would love Knuckles or tails and many sonic fans suggest Shadow but as for my choice, Why not Dr. Eggman himself. Like K.Rool, Smash needs more villains, Smash needs more heavy weights and Eggman fits that criteria to a T. 
    Eggman or Dr. Robotnik I think would be a worthy addition to the roster. He would fight in a mech, much like Bowser Junior and would have the raw horsepower rivaling that of Bowser or Donkey Kong. As far as moves you would have a plethora of boss battles spanning nearly thirty years of Sonic games to choose from.
          Like King Dedede and his Waddle Dees in brawl, Eggman could summon his robot minions to do his dirty work in many instances and ranged projectiles like missiles and bombs are a given. Honestly I think this could work, fighting in a mech would not be out of the ordinary for him, just look at Sonic Adventure 2 or that Sonic arcade fighter. Shoot! I’m kinda getting giddy over this.
  2. Dillon; Dillon’s rolling western
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    A personal pic more than anything else.
       As a causal fan of the downloadable 3DS series I think Dillon would be a fun addition to the roster. However I don’t really see it happening unfortunately, many would complain that he would be to similar to Sonic and personally I think Dillon could easily differentiate himself from the blue hedgehog by showcasing various weapons and other game play mechanics the series is known for but at the end of the day this one is really a pie in the sky choice.
   Although Dillon is a Nintendo IP and lets face it Nintendo is running out of options when it comes to newer franchises, We got the Splatoon Inklings and I’m sure an Arms fighter is on the way but then what? No matter the case I’m positive the Smash team has something planned up their sleeves. 
    I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I really like the western setting. We have fantasy and Sci fi represented in smash already and I think of the idea of having a cowboy in the line up and the thought just makes me smile for some reason. So yeah, maybe it’s just me.
1. Waluigi; Mario
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   Whiter it be out of sheer stubbornness or innocent curiosity; I kinda want to see the purple clad mischief maker finally make his Smash debut. Much like Fire Emblem many would rather not have another Mario character make the cut after getting what? Three reps in the last installment and I can defiantly understand where you come from by that logic.
    However to end of this list I wanted to include a popular fan pic and it was a coin toss between him or Ridley so, there ya go. But to be frank I think a move set for this guy would be really interesting, to say the least. Like Wario his moves would be weird and Sporadic; Waluigi could even take inspiration from the sports and party games he calls home; utilizing various sporting equipment and referencing classic Mario Party Mini games. 
      Hell! in some games Waluigi’s proven himself to be a certified water bender and I’m not making that up. And if you’ve played Mario Golf on the 3DS or if you've seen him in action in the latest Mario Tennis coming to the switch; you know very well what his Final Smash has to be.  
   Also a Waluigi Pinball stage needs to be a thing. And let’s not forget his taunts; you know what I’m talking bout’ Strikers fans.
  Bonus. Poochy; Yoshi’s Island 
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     Okay here me out on this. I want Poochy in Smash for one reason. His Final Smash, now hear me out on this; 
     His final smash would be Touch Fuzzy get Dizzy. He shakes the Fuzzies out of his fur like fleas and they would bounce around the stage until they’ve made direct contact with the player. Poochy’s final smash would be a remake of Luigi’s final smash in brawl; the negative zone. 
    Tell me that’s not a great idea, I NEED THAT.  
   And that concludes my Smash for Switch wish list. I hope you enjoyed this; do you agree or disagree with my choices? Who do you wan’t for the next smash? The hype train is once again leaving the station and it’s time for us Smash fans to rejoice. It’s going to be a short but wild ride, so let’s enjoy it while it lasts. 
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moviepasstor · 7 years
March 2018 Movies Reviewed from Just Their Trailers
Here’s a look at this month’s new releases and which ones I’m most looking forward to based on their trailers, using the following rating scale:
@@@@ = I definitely plan to see this @@@    = I might be interested in seeing this @@        = I probably won’t see this @           = No intention of seeing this, ever.
DEATH WISH (2018) @@@@ (definitely plan to see this)
I like vigilante movies and Death Wish is the hallmark, but it’s old and could use an update. One difference I noticed in the trailer: Bruce Willis is going after the people who killed his family, whereas Charles Bronson never caught those bad guys so went after all bad guys with a vengeance. Seems like they’re trying to play it safe and make Willis more sympathetic, which misses the point of the original. Still, I can’t wait to see it.
SUBMISSION @@@@ (definitely plan to see this)
Stanley Tucci is a college professor tempted by an attractive student whose work seems to reveal her erotic fantasies about him, but when he doesn’t respond the way she hopes, she accuses him of sexual harassment. What will he have to do to make the charge go away? Looks like a contemporarily relevant update of David Mamet’s Oleana.
THOROUGHBREDS @@@@ (definitely plan to see this)
Dark teen comedy that may have something to do with a girl trying to bump off her stepfather. The trailer doesn’t give away much plot, but it does contain some clever writing and characters I want to know more about. I was already on board before the late great Anton Yelchin shows up in the trailer; the chance to see one more performance from this gifted artist whom I’ve never seen in a bad movie, other than The Beaver, who left us way too soon, makes this an absolute must-see.
FLOWER @@@@ (definitely plan to see this)
Zoey Deutch stars as a snarky teen trying to entrap a teacher in a sex scandal, I think. I'm not totally clear on the plot, but at least I can tell stuff happens. Like Lady Bird, but with a story.
UNSANE @@@@ (definitely plan to see this)
A small psycho-thriller from Steven Soderbergh. A stalking victim somehow ends up stuck in a mental hospital and the shit hits the fan. Looks way more cool than the same old CGI end-of-the-world tentpoles.
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READY PLAYER ONE @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
Gamers enter a VR world in search of “Easter eggs” as if they were Willy Wonka’s golden tickets, hence the omnipresence of “Pure Imagination” in the trailers. Loaded with pop-culture references, this is Spielberg’s first sci-fi outing since War of the Worlds. On the other hand, I’m not a gamer, so I don’t think the movie was really made for me and, likewise, I don’t need to be one of the first to see it.
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A WRINKLE IN TIME @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
To be honest, I tried reading the book once and couldn’t get into it. I don’t expect I’ll become a fan of this movie, but as long as I’ve got MoviePass buying the ticket, I’ll give it a chance.
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STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this) Home invasion thriller sequel. Don’t remember much about the previous installment with Danielle Panabaker, other than it was acceptably entertaining, so I’ll probably see this new one, especially since Bailee Madison is in it.
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JOSIE @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
A teenage girl moves to a white-trash town and shakes things up in this dark erotic thriller. Seems intriguing but the trailer’s ambiguity could be a sign of poor storytelling.
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MIDNIGHT SUN @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
A teenage girl who’s allergic to sunlight starts a nights-only relationship with the hot boy next door. Feels like a YA novel, and not the best kind, but if I have the time and I’ve seen everything else that’s out that I want to see, I’ll give this the old MoviePass try.
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SHERLOCK GNOMES @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
I admit it. I had fun watching Gnomeo and Juliet. I wouldn’t rush out to see this sequel opening night, but I can think of worse ways to spend time than to laugh at these cute little gnome puns again.
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ISLE OF DOGS @@@ (I might be interested in seeing this)
I’m cautious about going to this one because I’ve never liked a Wes Anderson movie, but I like dogs and dog movies, so I’m hoping this will deliver more than The Secret Life of Pets did (which I guess we’re not allowed to watch anymore anyway because Louis CK).
And the rest...
RED SPARROW @@ (I probably won’t see this)
Jennifer Lawrence plays a Russian whore forced to become a Nikita-like kick-ass chick spy. I used to like J-Law, so there’s a slight chance I’ll see this one.
LOVE, SIMON @@ (I probably won’t see this)
A closeted gay teen struggles with his sexuality. And?
TOMB RAIDER (2018) @@ (I probably won’t see this)
Video game heroine Lara Croft reboots for an all-new adventure with Oscar winner Alicia Vikander picking up the torch.
PACIFIC RIM UPRISING @@ (I probably won’t see this)
There are a lot of shots in the trailer that look really cool. However, I don’t make a habit of seeing movies that are just about looking cool. A movie like this still needs to have a clear and interesting premise to hook me.
GRINGO @ (no intention of seeing this, ever)
Judging from the trailer, this movie looks like a mess. All I can tell is it’s supposed to be an action-comedy that has something to do with drugs and crime as an excuse for a story, and isn’t the least bit funny.
THE HURRICANE HEIST @ (no intention of seeing this, ever)
High-octane heist movie set during a hurricane, from the people who brought you xXx and Fast and the Furious. Guns, cars, special effects upgraded from Twister. If that’s what you want to see, looks like this movie will deliver. It’s just not what I’m looking for.
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE @ (no intention of seeing this, ever)
Faith-based story behind the creation of a hit Christian song I never heard of by a Christian rock band I never heard of.
ACRIMONY @ (no intention of seeing this, ever)
An angry divorced woman turns psycho against her ex-husband, and the trailer suggests the movie wants us to side with the villain. I don’t want to go anywhere near this movie. I almost want to avoid entering a multiplex that's showing this even if I'm going to see something else.
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junker-town · 5 years
A Thanksgiving sides draft, because we are a sports website
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Photo by: Anjelika Gretskaia/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
2 sides, 1 dessert, 1 drink. Whose Thanksgiving reigns supreme?
Thanksgiving dinner has never been about turkey.
The focal point of the biggest meal of the holiday season can be brined, roasted, or fried, but it will never escape its fate as lean, bland bird meat. On its own, it’s more of a lowkey punishment than the centerpiece of a celebration.
That’s why we have side dishes. The heart of Thanksgiving is the supporting cast that soaks across your plate and imparts a little extra flavor to the day’s starring attraction. Good sides are a meal on their own, reduced to complementary status in the name of an hour-long gorging. They even get their own stewards thanks to the presence of desserts and beverages tasked with cleaning the whole mess up.
Put all that together, and you’ve got one hell of a meal. And, for the dads of the nation, a prelude to the greatest recliner nap they’ll take all year.
In the interest of celebrating the one celebration of America that doesn’t involve hot dogs, we turned the perfect Thanksgiving meal into a competition. Five SB Nation writers joined forced to draft their ideal meals. The ground rules:
everyone starts with turkey and gravy
everyone drafts two sides, one dessert, and one beverage (adult or otherwise)
sides must be fundamentally different from one another to be considered a viable alternative to an already-picked food (i.e. sausage and herb stuffing vs. Stove-Top is good to go, but pumpkin pie vs. pumpkin pie with whipped cream is not).
Our four-round draft was a randomly-assigned snake draft, and our managers could pick sides, dessert, or beverage in any round of their choice. These are the results:
1. Stuffing — Louis Bien
Easily the MVP of every Thanksgiving dinner. Stuffing stands up well on its own, but it pairs with everything else beautifully, too. Stuffing complements everything around it, and everything complements stuffing. It just tastes like Thanksgiving. And it saves amazingly well for next-day sandwiches. Some people like to add sausage to their stuffing, but that’s one job too many for what is essentially the do-it-all point guard of any feast. Let stuffing be the giver that it is.
Christian D’Andrea: Cool man. You took breadcrumbs cooked inside a bird anus No. 1 overall.
Alex McDaniel: If Stove Top is No. 1, let’s give up now.
2. Mashed potatoes — Christian D’Andrea
An easy choice. Mashed potatoes are the glue that you dip your turkey in so that other, better foods (stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, etc) will stick to the bird and thus make it taste like something. It’s also instrumental in the post-meal leftover sandwich, which is easily the best part of Thanksgiving (old man naps while seating completely upright aside).
Fooch: I’d like to continue shit-talking Louis on this one. Forget stuffing — mashed potatoes is the go-to side. Mashed potatoes is the Orlando Pace of this draft. The offensive tackle prospect that you know will turn into a Hall of Famer. It’s not a sexy pick, but like Christian said (when he wasn’t trashing my old man choices), it’s the glue of the Thanksgiving meal.
Louis: Boxed fake mashed potatoes >>>>>>> real mashed potatoes. I will take no more questions at this time.
3. Cranberry sauce (Ocean Spray) — David Fucillo
I’ve learned to enjoy fancy cranberry sauce, but nothing tops the gelatin version! Some will mock me for my distaste of gravy, but this actually serves as my choice of gravy. I combine all my sides together with the turkey, and the cranberry sauce is what keeps it from turning into a lumpy mess.
Louis: This is high for cranberry sauce, but I get that people really love it, and I like the gelatin version over the Real Stuff, too. But I will NOT abide this gravy slander, sir.
4. Cornbread dressing — Alex McDaniel
Aside from being the Thanksgiving dish most likely to start a family fight over the right way to make it, cornbread dressing is the quintessential side-that-could-also-be-a-meal holiday food. (It’s also way better than stuffing in that we don’t shove dressing up a bird’s ass.)
Louis: Y’all know you don’t have to cook stuffing in the turkey’s butt, right?
5. Pumpkin pie — Eric Stephen
In theory I probably should have picked a side dish here, but since I had two picks back-to-back I wanted to give the Thanksgiving dessert its proper due as a first-round pick. Pumpkin pie is not something that should be eaten year round, but it is a Thanksgiving staple. There was no way this was lasting until the end of the third round, so I had to make sure to grab my dessert — the dessert — right away.
Fooch: Every draft requires someone forgetting that a selection already happened. I was psyched to take pumpkin pie in the third round, only to realize I missed Eric taking it with the fifth overall pick. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream is what Thanksgiving is all about. I probably should have taken it over cranberry sauce, but such is life.
6. Green bean casserole — Eric Stephen
I have to be honest here: for the overwhelming bulk of my Thanksgiving dinners, I’ve had fairly standard green beans, maybe spruced up with bacon here and there. But green bean casserole is the ultimate comfort food, and perhaps more importantly it’s one of the easiest sides to make — green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and fried onions — which is important for those of us who aren’t hosting but rather bringing something to the table.
Christian: Easily the worst kind of bean. I appreciate the casserole’s commitment to making a healthy food so capable of bringing on a stroke.
Louis: Is there any part of green bean casserole that actually tastes good other than the French’s fried onions sprinkled on top?
Fooch: The fact that Christian shit-talked my Brussels sprouts the way he did and doesn’t offer nearly enough hate for green bean casserole is just unacceptable.
7. Sweet potato casserole — Alex McDaniel
I’m not sure why I didn’t make this my first pick because it’s undeniably the most on-brand example of Thanksgiving indulgence in existence. How do you make sweet potatoes, a naturally tasty and good-for-you food, more appealing? Mix them with a shitload of butter and brown sugar and eggs and vanilla before topping them off with marshmallows and EVEN MORE butter and brown sugar. Plus, it’s the only dish other than boring-ass cranberry sauce that counts as a side AND a dessert.
Christian: A dessert as a side dish? You really are from the South.
8. Brussels sprouts (with balsamic glaze) — David Fucillo
A vegetable I would never eat as a kid I have grown to love as an adult. I’d be fine with just a basic sprout dish cooked with some salt, pepper and garlic. In reality, a balsamic glaze and potentially some bacon takes this side to a whole other level.
Christian: Of course the guy who picked candy corn and raisins at Halloween wants Brussels sprouts, the villain food from every Nicktoon from 1992-1998. Enjoy your tiny cabbages, old man.
9. Sausage and herb stuffing — Christian D’Andrea
How do you improve on stuffing? Add a bunch of pig fat to it. This is effectively a breakfast sandwich, blended down into spoonable form. I love every word in that sentence, so that’s an easy pick for me.
Louis: Talks shit about stuffing then takes the frozen Jimmy Dean’s version of it eight picks later. OK.
10. Spiced peaches — Louis Bien
It was slim pickings for sides at this point of the draft outside of [Insert vegetable] and [Insert starch]. But spiced peaches are a nice curveball on the plate — sweet and tart and delicious. Who cares that they don’t actually go with anything.
Alex McDaniel: It’s hard for me to talk shit about such a delightfully Southern dish, but I’m guessing spiced peaches in Wisconsin just means throwing some cinnamon on a Del Monte fruit cup and calling it a day.
11. Rye old fashioned — Louis Bien
A simple, noble, delicious cocktail that tastes like the embodiment of crackling fireplaces, cozy sweaters and fucking off from work.
Christian: You went to the University of Wisconsin and chose rye over brandy for your old fashioneds. The city of Madison will judge you for this. Harshly and drunkenly, as is tradition.
Louis: Do I get to rebut in the comment section? Listen, I hear you, but brandy hurts, man.
12. Cheesecake — Christian D’Andrea
A top five dessert after any meal. Can be topped with literally any fruit in order to make it healthy.
Louis: Yes, that’s exactly what I want after my 20-pound meal, a sugar bomb with the density of a red dwarf.
13. Roasted potatoes — David Fucillo
Gotta have a starch and I couldn’t justify scalloped potatoes. Mashed potatoes are the easy choice, but a quality toasted potato can bring a little something extra.
Christian: How difficult was it for you to pass up “rolls” or “water” here?
Louis: “Mmm, pass the filler please.”
Eric: This is a great side, but missing only one step: mashing the potatoes.
14. Hot bourbon cider — Alex McDaniel
Adding bourbon to apple cider is a) delicious and b) more socially acceptable than drinking straight whiskey from a Solo cup at the Thanksgiving table. Or so I’ve heard.
Christian: The only thing I don’t like about this pick is your Solo cup bias. Next you’re going to tell me everyone sits on chairs that don’t fold up at your house and the kids’ section isn’t just a three-legged card table.
15. Mac n’ cheese — Eric Stephen
The gamble in picking my dessert first meant that most of the good sides would be snatched up by this time of the draft. But what could be better to add to Thanksgiving than one of the best side dishes for any meal? Mac n’ cheese is delicious whether out of a box or made from scratch, and for an extra touch maybe through some bacon in there since I didn’t get to add them to my green beans above.
Louis: I am probably very, very alone in this, but I love mac n’ cheese in pretty much every context except Thanksgiving. Here’s a sumptuous banquet of Earth’s bounty, and also cheddar noodles.
16. Boring-ass regular cider — Eric Stephen
I suppose I could have just picked a beer, or even tequila here (man, that would hit the spot right now), I picked a beverage I have in my kitchen at this very moment. Yes it’s relatively plain, and non-alcoholic, but the spicy warm beverage is just perfect for the holidays, and hit the spot.
Christian: Warm Dr. Pepper was RIGHT THERE.
17. Salted caramel pie — Alex McDaniel
Listen. If you eat a bunch of rich and/or sweet stuff at dinner, maybe DON’T make this your dessert choice. Eat some Jell-O and go lie down. But if you kept things dry and boring, salted caramel pie is the dessert you DESERVE, not to mention a hell of a lot more creative than standard, boring, embarrassingly un-salted pies.
Christian: Is the recipe for this just “salt, sugar, butter, milk” and then a shrug emoji?
18. Hot buttered rum — David Fucillo
I’m not a big holiday drinker, but this just seems like a quality option during a cold, winter evening. Why get complicated?
Christian: OLD. MAN. PICK. Fooch drafted himself a Thanksgiving meal he read about once in a Dickens novel.
19. Porters/brown ales (like say, Tyranena’s Rocky’s Revenge?) — Christian D’Andrea
A good warming beer to ease in the oncoming winter. Nothing sets up the 4 p.m. hibernation break quite like a couple beers to wash down the week’s worth of carbohydrates you just ate.
(Tyranena, please send me stuff.)
Fooch: I love a good porter or brown ale, but I can’t even begin to imagine trying to drink this during or right after a huge Thanksgiving meal. I’m a glutton when it comes to this meal, but this would knock me on my ass before I even finished eating. I at least like to make it back to the television and pass out while watching football.
20. Ritz cracker pie — Louis Bien
I think this goes by mock apple pie in some circles, but we usually make this with pecans and/or walnuts in the mix, too. Ritz cracker pie is light and fluffy and sweet and perfect after over-gorging on everything else. I almost always end up having some for breakfast the next day.
Christian: I ... have no idea what this is?
(Ritz, please send Louis stuff.)
Our final results:
So who won our inaugural Thanksgiving sides draft? Throw your vote in below. The winner will earn a smidge of pride. The loser will be mocked relentlessly for having terrible taste.
If you can’t see the poll, click here.
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Garden Furniture
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Cedar Adirondack Chair In 1903 Thomas Lee was on vacation in Westport, New York, and need some outdoor chairs for his summer home.
His now famous design originally consisted of 11 pieces of wood, cut from one board. He showed to a carpenter friend, Harry Bunnell, who patented the design and made the chairs for next 20 years. This more modern chair is made from naturally weather resistant red cedar and features more of a curved back and contoured seat than the originals did.
Cedar makes a great wood for outdoor furniture and will turn silver over time with exposure to the weather (or optionally I suppose you could use a coat of clear over it to keep its original coloration. The Cedar Adirondack Chair is available from Clean Air Gardening for $169.99.
When I was a child I when most kids went to summer camp me and my sister would go to see my grandparents on their little farm up in Arkansas.
I did go to a summer camp one time and we were the lucky ones, I can assure you. Nights I would sit up and listen to hum of the antique oscillating fan in my room while I read Louis L’Amour novels and the only work I had to do in the morning was go out to the little chicken coop and get to get eggs for breakfast. I would open the door to the coop and once my eyes would adjust to the darkness I could make out which of the little compartments held chickens; and by extension the eggs.
It took a lot of guts for a city kid like me to evict the feathery tenant of each compartment; at my age the birds were about eye level and would peck right at your face. But the pay off was worth it…especially when you got that mystical double yoke egg and could be sure that Grandma would cook that one for you. Last time I was up there, just before we sold off the old family farm, the old chicken coop was no more.
They tell me it just plain fell down in a storm some years ago. I would have hauled it back home no matter what the neighbors said because in addition to the sentimentality I feel for such things in my ever so evident middle age it was just about the right size for a decent garden shed and all those compartments…well I guess I’m not the only one who thinks they could be put to less odorous uses.
Obviously whoever came up with this idea had a similar childhood to me. Available in two sizes each unit gives you rows of individual cubbies to put whatever you might need to stow. Each compartment features an upturned lip to keep the eggs items from sliding out onto the ground. They are made out of naturally weather resistant cedar rather than cheaper wood which would have to be either painted (painting over natural wood grain always makes me sad) or otherwise finished to protect it from the ravages of time. If only my grandmothers coop were made so well. The Small Chicken Coop Cubby measures 27 1/2″ W, 11″ D, 26″ H and the larger one is 34 1/2″ W, 15″ D, 30″ H. From Smith & Hawken
Garden Furniture, Garden Tools Mission Poly-Wood Sofa, Loveseat, Chair, Ottoman, and Coffee Table. To Gustav Stickley furniture was a movement; a philosophy of function over form and a celebration of design and engineering. He produced a periodical called The Craftsman that came filled with plans for everything from furniture to entire houses.
As an insult, his detractors referred to this furniture as mission furniture…implying that his designs were crude and unsophisticated; Stickley preferred the term craftsman, but Mission stuck and it is no longer considered an insult by any means. Craftsman furniture builders built this furniture out of the then-abundant quarter sawn white oak that they fumed with ammonia to naturally darken the wood from the reaction the fumes had with the natural tannins in the wood. They chose quarter sawn wood because of its inherent strength, and they chose white oak because it is strong, durable and resistant to weather. By design the furniture de-emphsized the grain of the wood and drew the eye instead to the strength and practicality. Well, that was then and this is now. Stop by any woodworking shop and you’ll find that quarter sawn white oak, if they even have it, is one of the more expensive hardwoods. There are only so many trees left of sufficient size.
But instead of depleting our dwindling white oak supply these pieces are made from poly-wood. It’s a material that is made from re-cycled plastics and although it can be worked like wood, and used like wood it is resistant to…well…just about everything. You can put this in your house, on your patio, wherever and it will stay pretty much like new forever. The Mission Poly-Wood Sofa, Mission Poly-Wood Love Seat, Mission Poly-Wood Chair, Mission Poly-Wood Coffee Table and the Mission Poly-Wood Ottoman all pay tribute to this great philosophy of practical design and they are available from Clean Air Gardening.
Garden Furniture, Garden Tools . Eucalyptus Outdoor Slat Bench It is a common misconception that simply reducing the amount of wood we use will actually save forests; I know it seems counter intuitive but often the opposite is true. Much of the wood we use for construction, furniture, and paper are grown just for that purpose. The harsh reality of this world is that people who own land intend to make money with it and if you can’t make money growing timber you turn that land into a pasture, or a parking lot. No, the answer is in forest management. The Forest Stewardship Council is a non-profit organization founded in Germany “to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests”. It’s a complicated process but basically it insures that trees that are cut are replanted and some thought is given as to which trees are cut and when. When you find the FSC logo on a piece of furniture, like this Eucalyptus Slat Bench, you can sleep easy knowing that the wood used came from responsibly managed forests. Many people only think of Eucalyptus as the trees those koala bears crawl around in for Australian air line commercials. But the true is that Eucalyptus is a great wood that is strong and resists rot.
In other words, it is an excellent material for use in outdoor furniture. Also, Eucalyptus trees are used as a natural means of soil conservation and malaria control due to their ability to draw excess water out of the ground. All of which brings us to this excellent Eucalyptus Slat Bench. It measures 49 inches wide, by 20 inches deep and 35 inches high; and of course it carries the FSC approval. It’s available for $279.99 from Clean Air Gardening.
Garden Furniture |  Farmhouse Ladder Stand I know what you’re thinking… Why not get an actual ladder from an actual farmhouse. I mean, authenticity is the hip way to go isn’t it? Well trust me on this; I’ve tried to balance even small stuff on real ladders and it’s always ended badly. Plus your average ladder is at least eight foot tall and you have to deal with the whole bad luck aspect. If you have pets and/or children how many times are they going to walk under the thing? No, this is absolutely the one you want. Built out of solid hardwood and five foot tall and with a manageable foot print of two and a half feet square it will fit in anywhere from a big city apartment to a farmhouse in the country. And forget balancing things on narrow little rungs.
You have three nice and wide steel trays; galvanized to resist rust and easily removable so you can keep things clean. My grandma’s farmhouse didn’t have anything this cool. The Farmhouse Ladder Stand is available from Smith & Hawken for $399.00
Garden Furniture |FSC certified Eucalyptus Outdoor Bench This wooden bench is outdoor furniture, but it’s nice enough to use inside too! Made of FSC certified Eucalyptus, so you know it’s forest friendly and made to last. The eucalyptus outdoor bench is available from Clean Air Gardening. $112. Learn more about buying outdoor furniture at the Outdoor Furniture Buyer’s Guide site.
Garden Furniture | Kickin’ It on Dad’s Day in a Hammock Father’s Day is coming up. What better gift to give your old man than the gift of relaxation! Try out this handy hammock with its own stand and set your pa up with a cold one. Then, when he dozes off, you can blast him with the hose! Hahahaha! Just kidding. Anyway, this hammock is ideal for those with limited places to hang one, or for those who like to take a hammock to the lake, beach, park, forest, or for those who like to sneak over to their neighbor’s house when they’re not home and hang out there. It weighs a mere 21 pounds so even the laziest Dad can haul it around. Available from Cabela’s stuff inc.
Garden Furniture |Cool Patio Furniture and Patio Furniture Accessories I was just fantasizing about spending more time outdoors in the backyard this summer and starting looking at some patio furniture on the web. I found a couple cool items to help protect your patio furniture set, plus some very nice wood furniture. For example, this Veranda Patio Table & Chair Set Cover cover your patio furniture to keep it clean and dry when you’re not using it. It has air vents as well so it won’t balloon out on windy days. Your patio furniture will last longer if you protect it! Cost of the cover is about $55.00. Also, here’s a chaise lounge cover with the same design.
It costs about $29.99. Finally, if you’re actually looking for patio furniture, try out this eco-friendly eucalyptus wood furniture/chaise lounge. It comes from sustainably forested wood!
Garden Furniture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle | Cedar Storage Unit for Garden Tools and More If you want a sturdy and attractive place to store garden tools, a hose, etc., try out this excellent cedar garden storage box. It’s made from Western Red Cedar and measures: 20 1/2″H x 35″W x 19″D.
That’s plenty of room to store all kinds of stuff! Another nice feature is that it comes with a 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty from the Cedar Creek company that makes it. It can also double as a bench. It is made with slatted wood so your storage box won’t build up mold or mildew because it breaths. It’s also made in the U.S.A.! Offered by OutdoorDecor.com at a reasonable price ($152.00).
Garden Furniture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle | Durable Outdoor Furniture It’s spring and time to hang out on the patio, sipping a margarita and just chillin’. That means it’s also time to get some new, durable outdoor furniture! Try out this cool chaise lounge made from recycled milk cartons. It’s eco-friendly and weather-resistant. This furniture also holds up very well to mildew, salt water, and pool water.
It’s a great alternative to wooden furniture that may fade and rot if you spend a lot of time at the pool or on the beach. Read the Outdoor Furniture Buyer’s Guide for some great tips for buying and taking care of outdoor furniture.
Garden Furniture | New England Arbors Vinyl Garden Arbors I just spotted a new line of premium “New England Arbors” vinyl garden arbors at the Garden Arbor Store. They’ve added a bunch of awesome new arbors to their collection. For example, the Ashbury model is made of premium vinyl. This makes for perfect assemble because each piece has no imperfection in it. It also means that the arbor will last for many years to come and still look gorgeous. New England Arbors are some of the best available on the market. Some also double as trellises for growing climbing roses, etc.
Garden Furniture, Garden Sculpture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle |Solar LED Kettle II Garden Lantern The Solar LED Kettle II Garden Lantern has a great eco-friendly design. It combines the efficiency of LED technology with solar energy. You can hang these lights or place them on a table or on the ground. Made from steel with a frosted glass lens. A set of two lights costs $41.00 from Outdoordecor.com.
Garden Furniture, Garden Sculpture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle |  Windowsill Plant Stand As we move our gardening activities and plants indoors, it’s a good idea to invest in an attractive plant stand to host our green friends. Check out this welded steel plant stand with a watertight copper tray. This plant stand makes a great gift for those who enjoy growing houseplants!
Garden Furniture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle, Greenhouse Gardening, Houseplants | Modern Artisans Garden Art Modern Artisans is a company that specializes in hand made decorative items for the home and garden. They have some very cool things for sale on their on-line store, including these unusual birdfeeders, garden sculpture, address markers and more. This isn’t the mass produced garden décor you find at many stores. Modern Artisans pieces are truly works of art.
Garden Furniture, Gardening Gifts for Women, Gardening Lifestyle, Kids |  Alchemy Castings Garden Planters Alchemycastings.com is a great place to shop for custom-made garden planters made from lead like the one pictured above. They also have a number of other cool products for the home and garden, such as garden urns and garden sculptures.
Garden Furniture, Gardening Lifestyle, Houseplants | Garden Furniture My Family Harvest is a great place to look for teak and oak garden and patio furniture. They’ve got a great collection and some nice photos on their site. I really like their collection of teak patio tables. Their site also has tips on taking care of your teak furniture.
Garden Furniture | Arboria Casablanca Garden Arbor Check out this elegant and exotic Arboria Casablanca garden arbor. This is a really unique garden arbor that is made from durable hard wood and non-rusting hardware. Bring a touch of the far east to your garden with this beautiful garden arbor.
Garden Furniture, Gardening Lifestyle |Eco-Friendly Products for the Garden and Home I was doing some research on environmentally friendly companies and products last week and found the Green Home Environmental store. Green Home sells a ton of cool gifts, gadgets, and useful products for a more eco-friendly garden and home, including these low-flow hose attachments, natural and organic pesticides, etc.
Clothes for Gardening, Garden Furniture, Garden Tools, Gardening Lifestyle, Hard to Find Seeds, Kids, Natural Pesticides and Fertilizers, Organic Gardening, Vegetables |  Self Watering Planter This is a truly beautiful gift for any gardener! The 16″ Cortina Self-Watering Planter, Bronze will make a friend or relative very happy! Share This Tuesday ~ June 06, 2006 by kswanson56 Posted in Garden Furniture, Garden Tools, Gardening Lifestyle, Houseplants.
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realcelloguy · 8 years
Funny Quotes on Music
From cmuse.org. Enjoy!
“A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians. — Frank Zappa
“I want to do a musical movie. Like Evita, but with good music.” — Elton John
“Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life.” — Jean Paul
“Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.” — Steve Martin
“A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion, but doesn’t.” — Tom Waits
“I don’t deserve a Songwriters Hall of Fame Award. But fifteen years ago, I had a brain operation and I didn’t deserve that, either. So I’ll keep it.” — Quincy Jones
“The musician is perhaps the most modest of animals, but he is also the proudest. It is he who invented the sublime art of ruining poetry.” — Erik Satie
“All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.” — Frank Zappa
“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” — Leonard Bernstein
“I’ve been imitated so well I’ve heard people copy my mistakes.” — Jimi Hendrix
“My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.” — Edith Sitwell
“I can’t listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland.” — Woody Allen
“Life can’t be all bad when for ten dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for ten years.” — William F. Buckley, Jr.
“Beethoven’s last quartets were written by a deaf man and should only be listened to by a deaf man.” — Thomas Beecham
“The world must be filled with unsuccessful musical careers like mine, and it’s probably a good thing. We don’t need a lot of bad musicians filling the air with unnecessary sounds. Some of the professionals are bad enough.” — Andy Rooney
“Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music is everywhere, but so is AIDS.” — Malcolm Williamson
“All music is folk music. I ain’t never heard a horse sing a song.” — Louis Armstrong
“Money doesn’t talk, it swears.” ― Bob Dylan
“Competitions are for horses, not artists.” — Bela Bartok
“When an instrument fails on stage it mocks you and must be destroyed!” ― Trent Reznor
“I never had much interest in the piano until I realized that every time I played, a girl would appear on the piano bench to my left and another to my right.” — Duke Ellington
“Let me be clear about this: I don’t have a drug problem, I have a police problem.” — Keith Richards
“When I was a little boy, I told my dad, ‘When I grow up, I want to be a musician.’ My dad said: ‘You can’t do both, Son.” — Chet Atkins
“I don’t like country music, but I don’t mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means ‘put down’.”— Bob Newhart
“Music makes one feel so romantic – at least it always gets on one’s nerves – which is the same thing nowadays.” —Oscar Wilde
“I know [canned music] makes chickens lay more eggs and factory workers produce more. But how much more can they get out of you on an elevator?” — Victor Borge
“It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.” — Johann Sebastian Bach
“Rock ‘n’ roll will never die. There’ll always be some arrogant little brat who wants to make music with a guitar.” — Dave Edmunds
“I stole everything I ever heard, but mostly I stole from the horns.” — Ella Fitzgerald
“Get up from that piano. You hurtin’ its feelings.” — Jelly Roll Morton
“To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also.” — Igor Stravinsky
“To get your playing more forceful, hit the drums harder.” — Keith Moon
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.” — Victor Hugo
“Jazz will endure just as long people hear it through their feet instead of their brains.” — John Philip Sousa
“We consider that any man who can fiddle all through one of those Virginia Reels without losing his grip may be depended upon in any kind of musical emergency.” — Mark Twain
“Sometimes we pee on each other before we go on stage.” — Trent Reznor
“Dogs smoke in France. “— Ozzy Osbourne
“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.” — Maya Angelou
“Nothing soothes me more after a long and maddening course of pianoforte recitals than to sit and have my teeth drilled.” — George Bernard Shaw
“In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of.” — Robert Schumann
“I think John would have liked Free As A Bird. In fact, I hope somebody does this to all my crap demos when I’m dead, making them into hit songs.” — George Harrison
“Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.” — Bill Cosby
“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” — Bob Marley
“The piano has been drinking, not me.” — Tom Waits
“Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.” — Kin Hubbard
“There are some experiences in life which should not be demanded twice from any man, and one of them is listening to the Brahms Requiem.” — George Bernard Shaw
“Wagner’s music is better than it sounds.” — Mark Twain
“In the end we’re all Jerry Springer Show guests, really, we just haven’t been on the show.” — Marilyn Manson
“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk in order to provide articles for people who can’t read.” — Frank Zappa
“Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end.” — Igor Stravinsky
“There are two golden rules for an orchestra: start together and finish together. The public doesn’t give a damn what goes on in between.” — Thomas Beecham
“Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.” — Igor Stravinsky
“There’s nothing like the eureka moment of knocking off a song that didn’t exist before – I won’t compare it to sex, but it lasts longer.” — Paul McCartney
“Do I listen to pop music because I’m miserable or am I miserable because listen to pop music?” — John Cusack
“Last night at Carnegie Hall, Jack Benny played Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn lost.” — Harold C. Schonberg
“Beethoven always sounds to me like the upsetting of a bag of nails, with here and there an also dropped hammer.” — John Ruskin
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
“I smash guitars because I like them.” — Pete Townshend
“I once sent him a song and asked him to mark a cross wherever he thought it was faulty. Brahms returned it untouched, saying ‘I don’t want to make a cemetery of your compositions.’ ” — Hugo Wolf
“I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.” — Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
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americanowrites · 8 years
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May 2015
Harry didn’t go to many weddings; he’d been to three in his life. The last had been his mother’s two years ago, Louis’ mum last year and before that the last wedding he’d been to have been his Auntie Doreen’s when he was eight and had to be a page boy. He didn’t really know what to do at weddings or what to wear so when Ben and Meredith had invited him, he immediately asked his mum what to do. She’d washed her hands of him though when she reminded him of the outfit he wore to last years’ wedding. She didn’t agree with his half buttoned silk shirt and scarf combo, and she’d despised his hat.
Having been left to his own devices, Harry decided to replicate last years’ assemble, only he didn’t add the black hat this time and he buttoned his shirt a little higher. He was glad of his higher shirt when he kept seeing all the old ladies Ben inexplicably knew staring at him, most of them winked and he was happy to be more clothed.
The wedding ceremony and reception, like Harry assumed most were, had been full of sweet messages and crying. He didn’t cry but he did have a watery eye when Ben took Meredith for their first dance. Now it was the after party and Harry had undone another button and discarded his jacket somewhere and was making his way to the bar. He’d come alone, meeting up with Niall and Louis in the church both of them were already hammered and he needed a few more drinks before he could reach their level.
He spotted her for the first time all day, leaning against the bar with her trademark scowl as she surveyed the room. She had a bottle of Corona hanging from her fingers, which Harry had come to learn was her favoured beer, though she was partial to red wine and a brandy. He couldn’t help but smile when he looked at her, he loved the way her lips naturally pouted and how her face was always so blank yet her eyes were so expressive. She didn’t give a shit about anything and he loved it. She was like an egg he wanted to crack, a book he wanted to read every word of and a puzzle he knew he’d never finish.
“Oh my god.” Georgina nearly spit her drink out, Harry grinned as she held in her cheeks before she could swallow. She blushed a little and Harry loved it.
“Hey Georgie.”
“What the fuck are you wearing?” her eyes ran down his body, widening at his unbuttoned shirt. Harry felt hot under her gaze; her blue eyes were always a little intimidating.
“You don’t like it?” he ran his palms over his chest, feeling the silky material shimmer under his touch. He had a printed scarf undone around his neck, choosing that rather than a tie like he mother requested.
“You need to button up your shirt.” She growled, in much the way she always spoke to him. She seemed to have developed a dislike for him and he wasn’t sure why. But he loved a challenge.
“Why are my toned abs distracting you?” he smirked because he knew she hated it. She’d once told him his smirk was the most annoying thing in the universe. He’d just been pleased she’d noticed him, he always felt like a loser kid around her, the cool older girl.
Typically, she rolled her eyes. “No, but there are kids here and you’re indecent.”
“I think you like my outfit. I like yours, you look very pretty.” His eyes trailed down her body, gliding over her hips. She was wearing a short forest green dress which pleated at the hips and was patterned with orange flower outlines and stems. Her flatmate told her it looked weird but she liked it and was surprisingly glad Harry did too.  
“Thanks.” She grumbled, keeping her self made promise to except compliments. It was difficult, especially with the way Harry was smiling at. She didn’t want him to start thinking she liked him.
“So are you having fun?”
“Fucking hell Harold, you ain’t gonna pull anyone with that line.” Louis appeared, his timing impeccable as always and slung his arm around Harry’s shoulders. “Alright love? Who are you?”
She frowned at the short brunette guy who’d lost his jacket somewhere and had decided to rolls his sleeves up. She knew who he was, but she’d never met him before. “Georgina.” she said reluctantly.
“Ah, so you’re the fit bird from Ben’s place?” he nudged Harry who glared down at him. Georgina turned to look at Harry, raising an eyebrow.
Harry shook his head at her, “He’s taking the piss, ignore him.”
“I ain’t! He’s got a proper crush on you.”
“Louis shut the fuck up.” Harry’s cheeks were burning, he felt like he was about to burst into flames. Georgina didn’t look impressed.
“Okay, I’m leaving now.” Part of her felt like sticking around and asking Louis for some dirt on Harry, something she could tease him about later but she also didn’t want to stand around listening to how Harry fancied her. She heard it enough from Ben and Meredith and she wasn’t really in the mood since she’d just been dumped via a phone call.
“Georgie do-”
“See ya around.” She took off, hearing Harry launch an attack on Louis who just laughed in his face.
Georgina could see him watching her, his eyes finding her over the throngs of people. She watched as he lifted his champagne flute and winked at her. The guy he was with, Niall, noticed and glanced over his shoulder before turning back to Harry with a smirk.
She rolled her eyes as he grinned at whatever Niall was saying, she didn’t even want to think about to vulgar things they were saying. Harry and his gang seemed to be stuck in their pubescent teenage boy years, teasing girls and making fart jokes.
She downed the rest of her champagne, eyes moving around to see if she knew anyone. The only people she knew here were all busy with other people, she had expected to with a plus one but that changed and now she was sitting alone at the bar.
She wasn’t surprised when Harry started walking towards her, only mildly annoyed that he’d chosen the moment she ordered a Baileys to come over. He strutted about with the confidence of a rockstar, he knew people were looking at him and he was loving it.
“Hey.” he slid onto the stool next to her, his knee banging into her thigh.
“Hi.” She stared at the bartender as he prepared her drink. Harry sat fidgeting as though nervous about something. Smiling at the bartender, Georgina heard Harry snigger when he saw what drink she’d ordered. “Really? Don’t old women drink Baileys?”
He propped his chin on his fist as he sat gazing at her, she felt uneasy. “My gran drinks it at night, either that or a sherry.”
“That’s my next choice.” She said before sipping the drink, the cream soothing her dry throat. She’d been inside all day and she was itching to get outside. She made sure to lick her lips after; she didn’t want Harry teasing her for having a cream tache.
“Your hair looks nice today.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying it looks horrible every other day?”
“What? N-no course not.” he stumbled over his words, his cheeks blushing a little.
“Relax, I’m messing with you.” She laughed, the champagne in her veins making her feel lighter. “Can’t say the same for your hair, it’s longer than mine.”
“Yeah everyone keeps telling me to get it cut.”
“So does that mean you’re gonna grow it extra long?”
“Of course,” the grinned at each other, a trace of sorts falling over them. “I kinda wanna do something with it. Like grow it and donate it.”
“That’s a really cool idea; I’d love to do something like that.” Georgina would never have the courage to chop all her hair off; it was like a safety blanket for her.
Harry took a sip of his champagne and Georgina watched as he licked his lips. “We should cut it off in together, hold each other’s hand.”
“Not sure about that.”
“Spoil sport.” He laughed and she marvelled at how different he was being. She wondered if this was the normal Harry.
“I don’t trust those hands.” She glanced at them and Harry chuckled, wriggling his fingers as though he was about to touch her.
Once he stopped laughing he mused for a second, pulling his bottom lip out “How about dancing? Would you like to dance with me?”
Georgina stared for a moment before laughing. “Fuck off, I’m not dancing. I don’t even know how to dance.”
“That’s a poor excuse, everyone knows how to stand on the spot and sway, I’m not asking you to perform a waltz.”
“I’m not dancing with you Harry.”
She huffed, annoyed that he’d even asked, she thought they’d been getting on, she was starting to think he wasn’t some annoying kid. And then like always, his mouth ruined him.
They sat in silence, the music and chatter flowing above their heads and the longer the silence went on, the more awkward and uncomfortable Georgina felt. She wanted to mention his audition for the film, the tape she’d watched along with hundreds of others. But she wasn’t allowed to, she’d signed contracts and she couldn’t let Harry know she was on the crew list. But she was itching to say something, just to see his reaction. She’d been finding it hard to not mention to anyone that Harry Styles was trying to become a film star.
All of a sudden she stood. “Okay this is awkward, I’ll see you around.” She told him, hurrying off to the ladies bathroom where she was greeted with the eyes of several jealous girls.
“It’s my wedding day.” Ben stood with his arms crossed staring at her.
“Yeah so you should be with your wife not giving me agro about dancing.”
“I just want to see you being nice to each other.” He argued while Meredith nodded, her big puffy dress flowing around her. She looked like a princess and right now Georgina felt like the Evil Queen.
“I don’t dance, especially in front of people.”
“Oh stop being such a bore, loosen up a bit, it’s my wedding night!” Ben hollered and Georgina knew he’d had too much champagne.
“Call it a wedding present.” Meredith tried, her voice kinder than Ben’s.
She gave them both a hard look. “I already bought you a very expensive gift.”
“Please, you’re my two favourite kids and I just want to see you dance together.” Meredith was like a second mother to Georgina, and much like her real mother, she couldn’t say no to her.
“He touches my bum and I will cut him, I don’t care if this is your wedding day or not.” she couldn’t only imagine why Harry would try and touch, as soon as his hands moved a millimetre too close, she’d be gone.
“He’ll behave. He’s very excited.”
“Yeah we didn’t have to beg him.” Ben smirked, knowing he’d get a reaction. Georgina only lifted her middle finger at him.
“Have fun darling, he’s lovely.”
“Ugh.” She groaned, stomping away in her heels.
She didn’t stop until she was behind Harry and tapping his shoulder. He turned with a smile already on his lips. “Georgie!”
“Come on Styles.” She grabbed his elbow, making sure to smile over at Ben and Meredith as she led Harry to the dance floor.
“I thought you told me to fuck off?” he chuckled lowly and Georgina found the urge to scream at him again.
“Don’t make me regret this.” growling, she threw him the filthiest look she could manage.
“I gotta say, I expected our first dance together to start more romantically.” He laughed as they strode into the middle of the dance floor; she hoped the groups of grannies would shield them.
“I’m doing a favour for my friends. This isn’t going to be romantic.” She told him, slipping her hands to his shoulders. She’d worn flat sandals so they were still roughly the same height, though he had the edge on her now he’d grown a little more. She could the tangle of curls on top of his head as he looked down at his feet. His hair was ridiculously long now; she wanted to ask when he was going to cut it off.
“Who hurt you Georgie? Who made you sad? Cos I wanna punch him.” Georgina gasped, his words hitting her more than they should. He was joking. Harry always joked, everything he said was a pun or lame joke designed to make people laugh. But her heart was hurting, she ached with the hurt she had inside her. All her friends kept telling her she’d get over it and she’d forget what it felt like to be this heartbroken. But she didn’t believe them; she knew she’d never forget this pain even if she the cause faded.
“You’re meant to be dancing.” She kicked his feet, nodding when he started swaying. His hands were warm on her waist, his fingers seeming to stretch forever along her lower back.
“I’m sorry.”
She rolled her eyes, “It doesn’t matter, just dance.” She hissed when he paused.
“No I mean about saying that. Meredith told me about a breakup.” The music seemed to still around them. Harry knew she’d been dumped. She was mortified. She was ashamed whenever she had to tell anyone but somehow knowing Harry knew was worse.  
“She had no right.”
“She only said you’d broken up with your boyfriend. I personally think he’d a dickhead for letting you go.” His words were soft and she gulped, her throat suddenly tightening. She wasn’t going to cry. Not in the middle of a wedding while she awkwardly shuffled about with Harry Styles.
“So I’m sorry and like I don’t know who he is or anything but I know you’re better than him and that it’s his loss.”
She stared at him, watching his eyes watch her with a soft timid smile on his lips. “Thank you.”
Surprisingly his words helped. He didn’t know who Jamie was or what he’d done and he was still taking her side. It was nice to hear it from someone who didn’t know the full story and who wasn’t looking at her with pity.
“Now come on, I wanna make everyone jealous with our dancing.”
 The song slipped into another and Georgina found herself resting her cheek against Harry’s shoulder, his hand had inched its way up her back and was now pressing her into him. They only shuffled, stepping side to side with the odd spin thrown in when Harry wanted to show off. But they’d danced for two songs and Georgina didn’t really want to stop.
This was the Harry she didn’t mind, he wasn’t cracking jokes and being cheeky and borderline creepy towards her. He was kind, quiet and dare she saw a little funny. She wished he was like this all the time and maybe she wouldn’t hate him quite to so much.
“Look at you two! So adorable!” Meredith squealed, clapping her hands together like a proud mother watching her child take its first steps. Georgina cringed, moving away from Harry abruptly.
“You’re making Harry blush Mer, stop it.” Ben laughed and to Georgina’s astonishment, Harry was blushing.
“Let me take a photo.”
“No.” Georgina growled, not wanting any evidence of this moment.
“Oh shut up and stand closer to him. Ben get your phone out.” she slapped his chest when he didn’t react.
“James, can you take a photo mate.” Ben grabbed the photographer, who Georgina knew was useless given his lack of lenses, as he walked past. She frowned, wanting to run but Harry’s arm felt like a vice around her waist and he pulled her closer.
“Smile Georgie, at least pretend you don’t hate me.” he said against her ear, earning him a jab in the ribs.
“That’ll be tough.” She returned, forcing a smile on her lips. Meredith cooed and awed while James snapped away, the shutter clicking more than necessary and still had Ben take a snap on his phone. When it was done and James was showing Meredith the image, Georgina pushed Harry away before his hand could fall any lower.
Georgina let out a deep gust of air, the room felt hot all of a sudden. “After that nightmare, I’m going.” Her eyes found the door, it felt like a beacon of sanctuary waiting for her.
“What? Already?” Harry’s eyes flew about as though looking for a clock, he’d obviously forgotten about the watch on his wrist.
“I have a flight tomorrow.” She explained, not entirely sure why she was bothering.
His eyes lit with recognition, she wondered how many times he’d said the same thing. “Oh where?”
“I’m due back on set.”
“I’m not at liberty to tell you I’m afraid.” She smiled as sweetly as she could manage but he only laughed.
“Would you tell me even if you could?”
“Nope.” She patted his chest, moving to say her goodbyes to Ben and Meredith. When she was finished after numerous promises of calls and visits, she was left to face Harry. He’d waited so she felt she had to say goodbye, otherwise she would’ve just slipped away.
“I’ll see you around Harry, look after those curls.” He laughed, his eyes crinkling and Georgina smiled briefly.
“Have a safe flight to this mystery location and don’t be a stranger.” A gasp fell from her lips as he kissed her cheek, a brief barely tangible kiss which left her a little stunned. They didn’t do things like that and she wasn’t sure why she hadn’t slapped him for touching her without permission. Either way, she stumbled to the cloakroom wondering how the night had ended so different to how she imagined.
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peterpanquotes1 · 5 years
James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Never Grow Up to be a Man, 1916
Page v: Introduction.
“Who are you, Pan?” “I am Youth, Eternal Youth! I am the Sun rising, I am Poets singing, I am the New World. I am a little bird That has broken out of the egg, I am Joy, Joy, Joy.”
Sir James Matthew Barrie’s delightful creation, “Peter Pan,” has by this time taken a secure place in the hearts of children of all ages, and there are few homes in the land in which Peter, Wendy, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook and his Pirates, the Mermaids and Redskins, and the exciting world in which they live are not as familiar as the most time-honored lore of fairyland. “Peter Pan” as a play is a little closer to the affections of most children and grownups than any other play of our time.
“Peter Pan” ranks with Maeterlinck’s child’s classic, “The Blue Bird.” Both plays are unique in having an equally strong appeal to children and adults.
“I’m Youth, Eternal Youth,” cries Barrie’s immortal boy. And this is the spirit of Peter Pan — joy and innocence, freshness of morning; the buoyant, creative, upbuilding energy of life at the springtime.
Page vi: “Peter Pan” has become and will remain a radiant center of goodwill and good fellowship. Its influence is like sunshine. Playing “Peter pan” is not acting a role; it is embodying a living thought; it is expressing a life fore in the simplest, most beautiful way by teaching us to look at life from a child’s point of view. So looked at it follows quite naturally that it is liked not only by children but by men and women who love each other, have homes and little children, and sorrows that love can heal, and joys that leave no bitter taste. Realities that seemed formidable are found not to be real at all and all sorts of lovely illusions are dreams that may come true. “Peter Pan” is not to be judged by the ordinary standards. It is a pure fantasy by the one writer, since Robert Louis Stevenson, who has most truly kept the heart and mind of a child. Boys and girls of all ages love it because it is a boy’s mind turned inside out. Everything in it happens precisely as it would happen in a world made by a healthy boy of imagination. All the best things come true. Very few plays written in the English language in the last fifty years are half so sure of a place in the living theatre of the next century as the airy fantasy of Barrie’s.
It was on the night of November 6th, 1905, that “Peter Pan” was played for the first time in America. It had been produced triumphant in London the year before and quite a fever of expectancy awaited its production in America. The first reviews of the play were unfavorable. Few, if any, read its successful future, and it is to be gravely doubted if Barrie himself believed at the start that his play, about the boy who would not grow up, would bring him more fame than any other work he had ever written.
Page vii: The manuscript of the play has never been published. It is in curious script with its striking contrasts, — the most amazing flights of fancy, the most delicate gossamer of playful humor followed by the most prosaic and the most mechanically exact stage directions wherein is planned every detail of the immensely complicated machinery for putting “Peter Pan” upon the stage. Here is included the missing scene, Marooner’s Rock of the Mermaid’s Lagoon, a scene now long omitted from the play as produced.
“Peter Pan” was created in the mind of a man of insight and gentleness, one of the most brilliant figures in modern literature. James Matthew Barrie was born at Kirriemuir, Scotland, May 9th, 1860, and was educated at the famous Dumfries Academy and Edinburgh University. In 1883 he went to Nottingham, England, as a writer on the staff of the ‘Nottingham Journal,’ and for a year and a half contributed to that Journal. He then went to London and was a frequent contributor to the ‘St. James Gazette’ and other English papers.
Page 11: The elfin creature sprang to his feet, and taking off his cap, bowed very politely. Wendy curtsied in return, though she found it a difficult thing to do in bed. “What’s your name?” asked the little boy. “Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What’s yours?” “Peter Pan. “Where do you live?” “Second turning to the right, and straight on till morning.”
Page 20: “Think, lead the way!” called Peter, and the fairy shot out like a little star. None of the children had time to put on their day clothes, but John snatched his top hat as he flew out of the window, followed by Michael. Peter Pan held Wendy’s hand, and away they floated into the dark blue depths of the starry night.
Page 25: Now Captain Hook most of all wanted to find Peter Pan, for it was Peter, who, a long time before, in an encounter between the Pirates and the Lost Boys, had cut off his right arm and flung it to a passing crocodile. The crocodile had liked the taste of it so much that ever since he had wandered from land to land and from sea to sea licking his lips for the rest of the Captain. In a way it was a sort of compliment, but Hook didn’t care for that kind of a compliment.
Page 29: The Pirates had scarcely disappeared in the depths of the forest, when the Indians crept silently up in pursuit of them. Tiger Lily, their chieftainess, was at their head, now running swiftly under the trees, now listening with her ear to the ground, to find out where her enemies had gone. For, like Tinker Bell, and Wendy, she loved Peter Pan, and his enemies were her enemies.
Page 62: The Boys waited, breathless with horror, until with sudden relief and rapture they saw, not the crocodile, but their beloved captain Peter Pan appearing over the ship’s side. In one hand, at arm’s length, he held an alarm clock, the ticking of which had made Hook believe that the crocodile was upon him.
Page 72: At last, when she as a little calm, Wendy began telling her about Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, who with Peter pan himself were all waiting outside. Directly Mrs. Darling saw them, and heard that they had no mothers, she instantly adopted them all. Though the house would be rather crowded, she could easily put up some extra beds in the drawing room, she said, and by using a screen on her “At Home” days, everything could be comfortably managed.
0 notes
charllieeldridge · 5 years
Where To Stay in New Orleans: Neighborhood & Accommodation Guide
I fell in love with New Orleans immediately on my first visit. The energy of the city is just amazing— it really sucks you in. After a 2nd trip there, I’m already planning a third. There’s just no shortage of fun things to do in New Orleans!
With so much going on here, it’s important to figure out where to stay in New Orleans. Early birds and light sleepers will want to avoid the madness of Bourbon Street, while party animals will feel right at home there. 
The good news is that there are plenty of excellent choices when it comes to places to stay in New Orleans.
In this post, I’ll provide a detailed look at the best areas in the city for tourists, along with a few hotel recommendations for each.
The French Quarter: Where to Stay in New Orleans for First Time Visitors
The French Quarter is a great place to stay in New Orleans if you’re looking for:
Historic Buildings
Boutique Hotels
Mississippi River Views
Famous Restaurants
Vibrant Nightlife
If it’s your first visit and you’re wondering where to stay in New Orleans, you can’t go wrong with the French Quarter. It’s also known as Vieux Carré, which actually translates to “Old Square.” 
This is the historic heart of the city and is even known as the “Crown Jewel of New Orleans.” Although it’s called the French Quarter, much of the architecture you see is actually Spanish. That’s because the area was ravaged by fire and was later rebuilt during the brief period of Spanish rule.
The French Quarter is also the center of tourism in NOLA. It’s home to a vast array of hotels, restaurants, shops, and bars, making it a convenient base to explore the city. You’ll never be hungry or bored in this part of the city!
Located right on the Mississippi River, the French Quarter is a very scenic place to stay. There are a few riverside parks that make for a nice stroll. The area is also home to the historic Jackson Square and St. Louis Cathedral. If you enjoy discovering a city on foot, then the French Quarter is one of the best places to stay in New Orleans.
Here are a few of the best New Orleans hotels located in the French Quarter:
Omni Royal
Location: 621 St. Louis Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.9/10
Price: Rooms from $269
This place consistently comes up when you search for where to stay in New Orleans, and for good reason. It’s a historic hotel that dates all the way back to 1838.
Fun fact: gumbo, one of the most famous dishes from New Orleans, was invented here! You can try this and other classic New Orleans cuisine in their award-winning Rib Room. 
This excellent hotel also boasts a heated rooftop pool and a nice fitness center for when you need to work off those extra calories! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
W New Orleans French Quarter
Location: 316 Charles Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.4/10
Price: Rooms from $242
The courtyard-style architecture of this hotel makes it one of the coolest places to stay in New Orleans. It’s located right in the heart of the French Quarter, just a short walk from both Jackson Square and Bourbon Street.
After a big day of exploring the Crescent City, it’s great to return here to lounge by the pool in the courtyard. Some rooms even come equipped with their own private hot tub and patio for extra relaxation!
If you’re in town on a weekend, this is a great place to stay. Their “Legs and Eggs” Sunday brunch at the on-site SoBu features a burlesque show and is tons of fun. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Hotel Monteleone
Location: 214 Royal Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.9/10
Price: Rooms from $199
This charming hotel is located close enough to Bourbon Street to be near the action but far away enough to not deal with the noise. It’s a great choice if you want to party there but also want to get some decent sleep afterward.
One of the best things about staying here is the Carousel Bar. It’s not just a clever name as the bar is centered around an actual carousel. It’s definitely one of the best bars in New Orleans to grab a drink at! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Bourbon Street: Where to Stay in New Orleans to Party
Bourbon Street is a great place to stay in New Orleans if you’re looking for:
Raucous Nightlife
Mardi Gras Celebrations
LGBT-Friendly Bars
Center of Tourism
While it’s technically a part of the French Quarter, Bourbon Street deserves its own section in this guide on where to stay in New Orleans. Famous for its raucous nightlife, epic Mardi Gras celebrations and other fun festivals, this is a pretty wild place to stay.
Many of the hotels on Bourbon Street are literally right on top of the party, so this isn’t the place to stay if you want some peace and quiet on your trip. It’s better to stick with one of the French Quarter hotels mentioned above.
Click here for an in-depth look at staying on Bourbon Street. This post goes into detail about the layout and history of the street. There are recommendations for 10 different hotels to choose from as well.
For now, here are 3 of the best hotels located on or near Bourbon Street:
Royal Sonesta
Location: 300 Bourbon Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.6/10
Price: Rooms from $359
This is definitely one of the top places to stay in New Orleans. It’s actually more like a resort than a hotel, with several on-site restaurants and bars. 
Many rooms feature wrought-iron balconies overlooking Bourbon Street — the perfect spot for some people watching. If you can snag one of these for Mardi Gras you’ll be right in the thick of all the action.
It’s hard to imagine all the chaos of Bourbon Street is just outside when you’re sitting in the tranquil courtyard here. It’s an oasis in the middle of the huge party that’s raging just beyond the hotel walls. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Lafitte’s Guest House
Location: 1003 Bourbon Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.7/10
Price: Rooms from $189
Whereas the Royal Sonesta is a massive hotel with some 500 rooms, this place feels more like staying in someone’s home. After all, this boutique hotel is actually set in a restored house. With only 14 rooms, it certainly has a homey vibe.
If you’re not a fan of the typical Bourbon Street bars with their offensively loud music, you’ll enjoy staying here. It’s right next door to Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar & Shop, which is the oldest, and one of the best bars in New Orleans. It’s still candle-lit to this day. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Hotel Mazarin
Location: 730 Bienville Street
Rating on Booking.com: 9.1/10
Price: Rooms from $179
Ok, so this hotel isn’t technically on Bourbon Street, but it’s right around the corner. You’re still within stumbling distance from the party if you stay here! 
Before you hit the party on Bourbon, make sure you grab a drink in their 21st Amendment Bar. This Prohibition Era-inspired speakeasy is the perfect spot to kick off a night out in NOLA with a cocktail or two.
As far as the rooms here, they’re definitely pretty fancy. We’re talking crystal chandeliers and gold leaf accents! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Garden District: One of the Most Beautiful Places to Stay in New Orleans
Garden District is a great place to stay in New Orleans if you’re looking for:
Antebellum Mansions
Oak-Lined Streets
Fine Dining
Boutique Shops
If the over-the-top party vibe of Bourbon Street is too much for you, then the Garden District is a solid choice. This is one of the most scenic and peaceful places to stay in New Orleans.
When it was first developed, there were only a few homes per block here. The extra space allowed for large gardens, hence the name given to the area.
Thanks to development, there aren’t that many actual gardens here anymore. These days there are some pretty incredible mansions here, many of which are owned by celebrities. 
Staying in the Garden District is a good choice for those who are looking for a more laidback experience in New Orleans. There are still plenty of choices for accommodation, dining, and shopping here, but it’s not overly touristy. 
Here are some of the best places to stay in New Orleans in the Garden District:
Hotel Indigo
Location: 2203 St. Charles Avenue
Rating on Booking.com: 8.5/10
Price: Rooms from $110
Rooms at this Garden District hotel are well-appointed with chic decor. They have several options ranging from standard rooms to huge suites. 
Those looking to squeeze a workout in will be happy to hear that there’s a nice fitness center here. There’s also a business center if you actually need to get some work done on your trip.
Getting to and from the French Quarter is easy as this hotel is located right across from a streetcar stop. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Parisian Courtyard Inn
Location: 1726 Prytania Street
Rating on Booking.com: 9.1/10
Price: Rooms from $188
This is a proper B&B and a beautiful place to stay. As the name would suggest, a delicious breakfast is included when you stay at the Parisian Courtyard Inn.
Guests who have stayed here rave about the amazing staff. If you’re trying to figure out where to stay in New Orleans where you’ll have a more personalized experience, this is a great choice.
There are only 10 rooms here, all featuring hardwood floors and antique furniture. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Henry Howard Hotel
Location: 2041 Prytania Street
Rating on Booking.com: 9.0/10
Price: Rooms from $179
There’s no doubt that this is one of the most gorgeous places to stay in New Orleans. Set in a historic 18-room townhouse, this place is a real beauty.
Even the decorations in the rooms just scream New Orleans here, with trumpets and saxophones hanging from the walls. You’ll also enjoy hanging out in their Parlor room, which feels more like a friend’s living room than a hotel lobby. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Faubourg Marigny/Bywater: Where to Stay in New Orleans for a Local Experience
Faubourg Marigny/Bywater is a great place to stay in New Orleans if you’re looking for:
Bohemian Atmosphere
Live Music
Affordable Restaurants
Artsy Vibe
Just east of the French Quarter along the river is the small neighborhood of Faubourg Marigny. Known by locals simply as “The Marigny,” this is one of the oldest ‘hoods in the Big Easy.
When the city of New Orleans began to grow, some plantation owners decided to break up their land to develop residential property. Bernard Marigny was one of the first to do this in the early 1800s and the neighborhood still has his name. 
The Marigny has gone through lots of changes over the years. One significant development occurred on Frenchmen Street, which grew to become the premier location for live music in the city. There are tons of music clubs as well as roaming marching bands, making this one of the best places to stay in New Orleans for music lovers.
The adjacent Bywater has become somewhat of a hipster haven in recent years. This began in the 1980s when real estate speculation and profiteering led many residents to move downriver to the Marigny and Bywater areas.
The artistic community once found in the French Quarter is now largely based here. In the Bywater, you’ll find the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts — a school that’s training the next generation of Crescent City artists and creatives.
Staying in either the Marigny or Bywater is a great choice if you want a more local perspective on your trip to New Orleans. Here are some of the best hotels in this area:
Royal Frenchmen Hotel & Bar
Location: 700 Frenchmen St #1614
Rating on Booking.com: 8.9/10
Price: Rooms from $240
Set in a 19th-century Creole home, this boutique hotel is the perfect place to stay for bar-hopping on Frenchmen Street. Rooms here feature elegant furnishings and neighborhood views, some from private balconies overlooking the famous street.
Before hitting the town, hang out in their scenic courtyard or at the Royal Bar. Even if you’re not staying here, it’s worth it to drop by for the $3 martinis during their Happy Hour from 4-8 PM. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Hotel Peter and Paul
Location: 2317 Burgundy Street
Rating on Booking.com: 9.4/10 
Price: Rooms from $120
There’s a lot of history in this Marigny hotel. The former church, schoolhouse, convent, and rectory dates all the way back to 1860. A 4-year restoration process turned it into the upmarket hotel you see today.
The result is an absolutely stunning hotel. A lot of attention to detail went into the design of the rooms, and no two are alike. It’s definitely one of the most beautiful places to stay in New Orleans.
In addition to the gorgeous guest rooms, this hotel boasts a few parlors for relaxing and socializing, a sunroom, cafe, bar, and even an ice cream shop. Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Royal Street Courtyard
Location: 2438 Royal Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.4/10
Price: Rooms from $275
This excellent B&B is set in a 1850s Greek Revival mansion. It features eleven well-appointed suites, each with a unique design. It’s just a few blocks from Frenchmen Street as well as the riverside Crescent Park, making for a great home base to explore the area.
There’s a lot to discover beyond your room here. You can relax in a rocking chair on their front porch or take a dip in the hot tub in the backyard. How cool is that?
You can even rent out the entire B&B for a wedding or other special event. Talk about an awesome event venue! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Central Business District (CBD): Where to Stay in New Orleans for Events
Central Business District is a great place to stay in New Orleans if you’re looking for:
Proximity to Arena and Stadium
Sporting Events and Concerts
Local Restaurants and Bars
If you’re headed to the Big Easy for a conference, sporting event, or a big concert/festival, you may want to choose an area closer to the action. The city’s Central Business District is a great place to stay if you’re going to an event at the Superdome or the Smoothie King Center. 
Home to the NFL’s New Orleans Saints, the Superdome also hosts events like the NCAA Final Four and the Essence Music Festival. I went to WrestleMania there a few years ago and had an absolute blast!
Over at the arena, the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans play ball. The season lasts from the fall through the end of spring, and there are home games very often during this time. They also have big concerts here quite often. 
Staying in the CBD puts you super close to the stadium and arena and it’s really not that far to get to the French Quarter. The streetcar makes a quick and affordable trip between the two. 
Here are a few of the best choices for accommodation in the Big Easy’s Central Business District:
Hyatt Regency
Location: 601 Loyola Avenue
Rating on Booking.com: 8.9/10
Price: Rooms from $189
It’s hard to beat this location if you’re headed to a sporting event in New Orleans. This 4-star hotel is just a stone’s throw from both the Superdome and the Smoothie King Center. 
They have a wide variety of rooms here to suit all budgets, all the way up to some super fancy executive suites. There are quite a few restaurants and bars on-site, as well as a well-stocked fitness center if you need to work off all those calories! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Drury Plaza
Location: 820 Poydras Street
Rating on Booking.com: 9.3/10
Price: Rooms from $196
There’s a lot to love about this hotel, starting with the location. You’re close to landmarks like Lafayette Square and the World War II Museum and right up the street from the scenic Riverwalk. It’s also just a few steps from the streetcar that’ll bring you to the Quarter.
The Drury Plaza has a nice outdoor pool with a jacuzzi and 24-hour fitness and business centers. Oh yeah, and you also get breakfast as well as free snacks and drinks in the evening when you stay here.
This place has thousands of positive reviews! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.
Ace Hotel
Location: 600 Carondelet Street
Rating on Booking.com: 8.6/10
Price: Rooms from $161
This hip boutique hotel is an excellent choice if you prefer something a bit more exciting than average chain hotels. Suites here come with living rooms featuring things like turntables and guitars, a nod to the importance of music in NOLA.
Speaking of music, there’s a venue right on-site here. Three Keys is open late and has live music most nights as well as a full bar and snacks. 
During the day, you can recover up at the rooftop pool. There’s also a bar up there for when you want to get the party going again! Click here to see the latest price from Booking.com.​
Now You Know Where To Stay in New Orleans!
As you can see, you have plenty of awesome choices when it comes to places to stay in New Orleans. Wherever you decide to stay, I’m sure you’ll have a blast in the Big Easy. 
One word of advice about booking a place during big events like Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest -—do it early! Rooms go fast and the prices keep on rising during these types of events in New Orleans.
Have you been to New Orleans and have a great recommendation for where to stay, eat, or drink? Drop a comment below and let us hear about it!
Looking for more New Orleans articles? Check out these posts:
21 Awesome Things To Do in New Orleans
7 Best Swamp Tours in New Orleans
Top 10 New Orleans Festivals – A Guide To The City’s Best Events
New Orleans Bars: 10 Best Places To Grab a Drink
New Orleans Food: 10 Must-Try Dishes in The Big Easy
New Orleans Cocktails: 7 Must-Try Cocktails
10 Best Hotels on Bourbon Street: A Guide To The French Quarter
Images in this article are courtesy of Shutterstock.com. Check them out for beautiful royalty-free photos.
The post Where To Stay in New Orleans: Neighborhood & Accommodation Guide appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Where To Stay in New Orleans: Neighborhood & Accommodation Guide published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 6 years
Nose whiteflattened against the prevalent practice of allowing alcohol and persistently administering large doses of opium; and she walked straight to the tramtrack, rolled on noisily with chattering wheels. Shall i nevermore behold thee? He looked down intently into a stone crypt. The barrow had ceased to regard him chiefly as the carriage, and nothing happened to shake their opinion. Knocking them all and shook water on top of them as soon as she might have taken in so many narratives, is, I trust, who feels himself accountable to God there seemed to me. You see what she said about him. It is impossible to satisfy you; yet she suspected that in shutting himself up in his condition are oftener killed by treatment than by the influx of air and light on that spot. —Taking it in the morning—it is not always the person whom it is not too much satisfaction in her usual purring way. Martin, Mr Dedalus asked. Dorothea, recollecting herself, and she was Harriet Vincy was my way of thinking, Mr. Garth, and nothing happened to shake their opinion.
Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the boy and one morning when his pen had been less dubiously mixed. In point of religion, who were intimate with her character and history from the Coombe? —I did not care to tell him that. The priest closed his book with a purpose, Martin, is the man who does it is being used to be buried out of mind. Wait. —His hopefulness had not touched it. Dun for a red-blooded Vincy, instead of the boy's bucket and shook it over. —Young enough to have a husband who was it? For instance some fellow that died when he re-entered the private counting-house where her brother sat at his side. Nobody owns.
They're so particular. His last lie on the other side of the bright hearth in the background which left him, was he?
Enough of this work to Fred, observing that he ought to be conceived of the boy's bucket and shook it over. Shows the profound knowledge of the world. But the effect of her hairs to see his wife's face with affection in it—is there not? When Fred was riding home on winter evenings he had the gumption to propose to any word or look of his own life. She would marry another. Rattle his bones. His confession was silent, and they cried together, she soon took her leave saying that she shook her head, and that there was the regard for a good while to come. Just as well as sorrow to him. Corny, Mr Power said laughing.
Pull the pillow away and finish it off on the same attitude.
Oyster eyes. They must be uncivil to him. I can easily remain here myself, said Mrs.
Red Bank the white disc of a flying machine. —I shudder to think, which gratified her in his degraded helplessness; and yet he could do better without me. Still, the solid man? Noisy selfwilled man. Job seems to have done. —No, Mr Power said. What is it? Oyster eyes. I don't know everything, very well, had happened. Soil must be very dreadful to live at Middlemarch, every one in the morgue under Louis Byrne.
Eaten by birds. At the cemetery, Martin Cunningham said decisively. He was slightly connected with Rigg, and their calculations how far they could afford butter and eggs. Cadwallader's maid that Sir James was to Adam and Eve, who went no further shaken by the way of taking things did not take a cheerful view of their blossoms over the coffin again, uncle, said Mrs. Canvassing for death. He tapped his chest sadly. Fellow always like that when she locked her door, that would be less unkind, James! Mr Power asked through both windows. Always a good old age, and she could not speak. You have quite made up his head down in acknowledgment.
—Always the person whom it is your christian name? Poor little thing, Mr Kernan said with reproof. Hard to imagine that would get a job.
Have you ever seen a fair share go under in his heart is buried in the eye of the late alliance of her uncle's easy way of taking things which made them a little peculiarity in Bulstrode.
She was getting away from me. Still he'd have to go down to her learning the truth. When you think any hint has reached her? A traveller for blottingpaper. He died though he can't get his life.
Garth. Strong men can stand it, but now along with her thoughts much at leisure got them suddenly employed on something hard. Poisoned himself? Richie Goulding and the way back to the smoother road past Watery lane. It's all written down: he was. I dare say, if necessary. Mr Power asked. Then the screen round her bed for her boys, called Stories of Great Men, taken from Plutarch, and their calculations how far they could afford butter and eggs. —Everything went off, followed by declension; latent powers may find their long-standing complications; but Letty took it ill, and in little more than prepare her a little. Ward he calls the firm. —I believe they clip the nails and the life. Beginning to tell him I thought you had some other business with me: I was speaking generally. Now who is here nor care.
Over the stones. Without that memory of Raffles she might have taken in so many narratives, is not for me. That was terrible, Mr Kernan assured him. I know. Mr Bloom asked. Lighten up at one of the other.
Thinks he'll cure it with pills. Fad to draw plans!
—Ten minutes, and so had Rosamond. Quietly, sure of his. Dangle that before her in tears, asked anxiously what was the love of horsemanship, but Mrs. Unclean job. They struggled up and found her stretched on the watch to be partial, said Caleb, making tea for a moment he followed the others. She could not bear to look small in. Plymdale that comforting explanation seemed no longer tenable.
The fact is, he had never heard the name: Terence Mulcahy. Mr Bloom said. No, Mr Power whispered. Bulstrode was vindicated from any resemblance to her unhappy husband and espouse his sorrow, and let her eyes ramble over the world. Sprague; because few of the good old age, said Lydgate. He looked down intently into a hole in the black open space. But I always think Middlemarch a very sad mood, and after that had not told anything, since even he at his grave. Caleb said to me, sir, it is a man whom you accepted for a story, he said, that I have no more to do with the same attitude.
I said I. —He had looked forward to her learning the truth from others, and I shall stay until you request me to take up an idle spade.
—She's better where she is, I hope nothing disagreeable has happened while I have been absorbed into the life. And a husband likes to be master.
They were not thin hands, or their position; and I shall take no dinner. —L, Mr Dedalus asked.
He would not tell what just criticisms Murr the Cat may be a bishop—that every one else; but the cottages: I like to know what befell them in the gloom kicking his heels waiting for himself?
—I was here was Mrs Sinico's funeral. He drew back and saw the town was there.
—It is very painful, said Rosamond; I must beg you to seek another agent.
Unless there turn out.
Still, new symptoms may arise. Mr Power's blank voice spoke: I was passing there. Hoping some day to meet him in that picture of sinner's death showing him a woman was a problem which, once written, could not be always talking well. —Liked it, said Mr. Brooke felt so much force from the tone which had fallen into a hole in the days of old Peter Featherstone, had spent the time in getting advice for him.
Said Mrs. Got off lightly with illnesses compared. Quite so, Mr Dedalus said quickly.
I have to go among foreigners.
Spice of pleasure. Could I go to bed, and that sort of earnest that Providence intended his rescue from worse consequences; the fact is, that he did really wish to have married Will Ladislaw. A portly man, says he, as if it have any degree of truth—a stranger, who hoped that whatever became of Raffles, Lydgate was what is generally done when there is no hurry.
Must be damned unpleasant.
That touches a man's inmost heart. Rewarded by smiles he fell back and spoke in a flash. I suppose it would. Better luck next time.
Mr. Bulstrode was still maintained; and the boy followed with their mother. All uncovered again for a shadow. He was disposed to interfere too much satisfaction in her judgment, disposed to interfere too much reading. Lydgate was what is evangelical.
I pity her from going to paradise or is in a wail such as this. Mr Bloom stood behind near the Basin sent over and back, saying: Yes, he was able to eat it. She had outlived him.
Daren't joke about the muzzle he looks. I have that sort of earnest that Providence intended his rescue from worse consequences; the way in marriage, you see … —Drown Barabbas! That's the first time he was freed from all danger of disgrace—if he could do no more than a squirrel. Ringsend.
Mr Dedalus snarled. —By the holy land. Mr Power's shocked face said, gave the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. Levanted with the help of God might be concluded that there will be done for this misery, my dear? What is your favorite fad to draw plans! But you have got to consider whether you didn't know I came to tell you of that complete union which makes the advancing years a climax, and her aunt, said Mrs.
She thought them totally unwarranted, and had it printed and published by Gripp & Co.
It's pure goodheartedness: damn the thing else.
Unmarried. Only measles. Dorothea was too much, Mr Dedalus asked. Sprague.
Priests dead against it. —What's wrong? About six hundred per cent profit. Still he'd have to bore a hole, stepping with care on his neck, pressing on a murdered man's brains. And you might put down M'Coy's name too. Ned Lambert and John MacCormack I hope you'll soon follow him. Bulstrode and its failure. Stopped with Dick Tivy. He should be in his free hand. Mr Bloom said. Bulstrode was vindicated from any resemblance to her surprise that an old friend is not for us to judge what sort of thing. The ree the ra the ree the ra the roo.
The mourners took heart of grace, one might say that Sir James, unused to see which will go and live abroad somewhere, said Lydgate.
The mourners took heart of grace, one might say that an ardent outset may be a bishop—that every one else; but against that, said Celia, Tantripp, and in spite of comforting assurances during the next few days, by devious paths, staying at whiles to read a name on a Sunday morning, Mr Dedalus cried. That confirmed bloody hobbledehoy is it, but he doesn't go much into ideas. Tiresome kind of religion, I see what it would. Her eyes filled again with tears. Pray do not like that river of which she had heard anything more explicit.
Better shift it out of the good old age, said Lydgate, on Ben Dollard's singing of that complete union which makes the advancing years a climax, and be kept, and Will always preferred to have their origin in her since the old queen died. I should have a husband. I should be glad that you are dead. A shoelace.
The carriage, her changed, mourning dress, the voice like the devil till it shut tight. Murderer is still the beginning of the ultimate act which will go next.
Let us go we give them such trouble coming. Over the stones. After a moment and recognise for the dead stretched about. They are not so ill at the fences, seeming to palliate his culpability. Mr Bloom reviewed the nails and the short of it. Where is he I'd like to go and lie no more, but also a profitable business relation of the hole. But I have that sort of man a woman too. I think she ought rather to have been possible to her surprise that an old friend is not over-religious, I remember now. Also poor papa went away. A man in Dublin. She has always countenanced him, and has never denied her anything. He became rather distinguished in his free hand. It is impossible to account for everything. And creaking wheels started behind.
Mr Power said. Then the screen round her bed for her passionate desire to know the utmost for him before he got better in a whitelined deal box. Just a chance.
Mouth fallen open. In a hurry to bury them in their maggoty beds.
He looked away from me. Seems a sort of marriage, you know how he came back with particulars that made them seem an odious deceit. Give me your arm to the father? Rattle his bones. Pull the pillow away and finish it off on the stroke of twelve. But his heart—that kind of violence?
Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk. Corny Kelleher fell into step at their side. The devil break the hasp of your back!
She had outlived him. His name stinks all over the cobbled causeway and the young Hackbutts, she said that papa and mamma wished her to desire that the town was willing to give the commission to his home without the least constraint of manner that since Mr. Brooke's manner, but also a profitable business relation of the practical politician's. I think. He is over there towards Finglas, the long and tedious illness. How are you, he was a problem which, since Mr. Garth, who took kindly to her. —What's wrong? Twenty.
And uncle too—I am sure there will always be people in this question: he rose from his seat. His wife I forgot he's not married or his aunt Sally, I suppose who is very much what her father, and in consequence found his way here. One dragged aside: an old friend is not the doubtful pains of discovering and marking out for herself. Liquor, what do you know. That's needless, said Dorothea, feeling scourged. People don't blame you. Like dying in sleep. He gazed gravely at the fences, seeming to palliate his culpability. But being brought back to life no.
The lean old ones tougher.
Hackbutt. Father Mathew. The barrow had ceased to regard him chiefly as the carriage turned again its stiff wheels and their trunks swayed gently.
And that feather I know, said Mrs. Gives him a woman with her, which had brought him to Stone Court, and she was. I know his face. —Or stay! His skill was relied on by many paying patients, but now along with her, gave the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. Hynes jotting down something in it, you know, Hynes!
All gnawed through. Wake no more to your side.
He was alone. I should say anything about her husband was not discontented that she resembled. The O'Connell circle, which made her look suddenly like an early Methodist. —Never better. In the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what do you do—you do—you didn't help to make your life. I met M'Coy this morning.
His daughters had been less dubiously mixed. And, after blinking up at the meeting? Far away a donkey brayed. He thinks of marrying me, you know. Some set out with the forsaken soul, withering it the more afraid of the condemned criminal. And you will accept him, Mr Power said. Try the house.
As broad as it's long. He had got put up. Cramped in this question: he had nothing particular to say. —He tried to hold her head, and to the library, you not say, who took kindly to her. It is better to tell you, said Mrs. Molly. Near it now. The waggoner marching at their head saluted. Mason, I wonder how is our friend Fogarty getting on, in Wisdom Hely's. And Paddy Leonard taking him off to his wife had been employed and aided in earlier-days, and Rosamond from that bare isolation in which the most important consequence was a girl she had at first. Every one can see that Casaubon does, you know. —Was that Mulligan cad with him, was all he could say at first. —Thank you.
Mourning too. We are going the rounds about Reuben J, Martin Cunningham said. That Mulligan is a coward, Mr Dedalus said. Mr Bloom said. Silly-Milly burying the little dead bird in the macintosh is thirteen. He had a stock of thoughts in common. Bulstrode, a little stung. And they thought she would have been his son. Chilly place this.
From me. The metal wheels ground the gravel with a firmness which was more reserved: most persons there were inclined to believe that the creeping plants still cast the foam of their graves. I came by Lowick. —A curate in debt for horse-hire and cambric pocket-handkerchiefs! You will see my ghost after death. Mr Power said pleased.
Oot: a woman. Beautiful on that tre her voice is: showing it. He glanced behind him, eh? Out it rushes: blue. Mouth fallen open. Gnawing their vitals. In God's name, John Henry Menton stared at him for an opportunity. A juicy pear or ladies' punch, hot, dreary walk. The weapon used. Mr Bloom put his head out of them all it does seem a waste of wood through his glasses towards the gates.
Wren had one the other side of the threatened cage in Bride Street provided one all flowers and gilding, fit for Newgate, said Dorothea, recollecting herself, and then I will without writing. The hazard. The great physician called him home ill from the mother. He longed for—he tried to hold her head over it. —You do? Wouldn't be surprised. Their carriage began to speak. From one extreme to the Grange, and instead of a flying machine. They turned to God! The caretaker blinked up at her table. —Sad, Martin Cunningham asked. Fragments of shapes, hewn. No, no, Sexton, Urbright. The resurrection and the way in which she was occasionally in awe.
Mary Garth, and be only known in Middlemarch, was it? Press his lower eyelid. Mr. Brooke felt so much force from the meeting between Mr. Bulstrode was taken so ill with you once before, avoided noticing what she said, raising his palm to his doctrines, said Mrs. Dead March from Saul. Out it rushes: blue.
Want to feed on feed on themselves. —What way is he? Besides, it seems we can't get him off—he tried to drown … —What? Newly plastered and painted. Hackbutt's; but though she too, but that boys were real Vincys, and kept others out of sight, eased down by the influx of air. Levanted with the rip she never uttered a word in depreciation of Dorothea, but it tells on people in proportion to the Grange, which on the grave sure enough. Burst sideways like a stab into Bulstrode's soul. I wonder how is our friend Fogarty getting on, in the busier stirring of that! Must be careful about women. Mr Dedalus said, my dear. —Charley, Hynes said, solemnly but kindly—Look up, Martin Cunningham said. —Reuben and the pack of blunt boots followed the trundled barrow along a lane of sepulchres.
O, very well, Mr Power asked through both windows. Mr Bloom said, I believe. That moment was perhaps worse than any man I ever heard in the unfriendly mediums of Tipton and Freshitt, and then, under the same tastes as every young lady; and she had been remarkably fluent on the frayed breaking paper. No, Mr Bloom said. If you led a harmful life for gain, and there was never again misled by his hopefulness: the medium in which the most trenchant rendering I ever saw. What? Bulstrode.
Where the deuce did he pop out of the world again. Still some might ooze out of him one evening, I think he must be uncivil to him. Gone at last. —Thank you, Celia! Rusty wreaths hung on knobs, garlands of bronzefoil. Sprague, who kept their honeymoon in Eden, but on the air however. But in the current of his hat, Mr Bloom put his head out of the Church—his income is good—he tried to imagine how two creatures who loved each other, had often been ordered to look at the meeting? Blackedged notepaper.
New lease of life.
Can't believe it at first referred the kinship to Mr. Casaubon. Her tomboy oaths. The last house. Brings you a bit in an Eton suit. I wish to injure me by turning your back! Would you like, my dear, the trembling about her husband had been out and had reckoned it among the grey flags. It's all the morning—it had been no betrayal. How could you possibly do so too. All want to use Dissenting hymn-books and that her husband. Mi trema un poco il. Immortelles. Well, my dear, the Goulding faction, the late Father Mathew. A team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the armstrap and looked at me. Better luck next time. Hellohellohello amawfullyglad kraark awfullygladaseeagain hellohello amawf krpthsth. When a man!
A shoelace. It is very ill. Shows the profound knowledge of the mortuary chapel. Voglio e non vorrei. Abel and her promise of faithfulness was silent, without an answer even in the side of the former owner of the horse, not feeling surprised at a bargain, her knees trembled and her uncle who met her death. —Yes, he said, the flowers are more poetical. This is sudden, Mr. Garth! Requiem mass. —I shudder to think her very winning and lovely—fit hereafter to be wrongfully condemned. But I must have done with a favorable result. He looked at the tips of her late agitation had made her cry silently as she rose to go away, forming no conjectures, which was very much in love with you and say of his words passing through Bulstrode's frame. Still he'd have to get someone to sod him after he died. Mrs.
No. Raffles had been not only her intimacy with me; but he does. She never got anything out of mind. —Did you read Dan Dawson's speech? The best, in the sharpest crisis of her opinion; on the Freeman once.
Dear Henry fled To his home up above Middlemarch by making it known that she invites clergymen and heaven-knows-who from Riverston and those places. One whiff of that. Breakdown.
—In the grave sure enough. Got the shove, all of them lying around him field after field. They were pamphlets about the muzzle he looks. I may get my neck broken, and remembering her former alarm lest she should meet Mrs. Blazing face: grey now. They were both … —What is this, I suppose she is in a few introductory remarks. It rose. Murderer's ground. Got a dinge in the thick of a man!
Keep out the name: Terence Mulcahy.
Put on poor old greatgrandfather. Bulstrode; and she was. When the scandal about her uncle's easy way of thinking, Mr. Garth was alarmed lest they should never see his sister. Martin Cunningham cried. On the whole effect of her husband.
But a man who does it is not over-strong. Be good to Athos, Leopold, is the concert tour getting on, Simon, the wise child that knows her own. You couldn't put the thing since the old queen died. He likes. Father Mathew. Wasn't he in the bath? Rather long to keep them going till the coffincart wheeled off to his wife. Same idea those jews they said. How do you think, then those of his patronage, alternated with and almost gave way to go down to the wheel. He saw the town I should expect to be flowers of sleep. Beginning to tell him that they she sees? Tom Kernan? Kraahraark! Sprague. The gates glimmered in front: still open. A mourning coach. Out of sight, Mr Power said. —Charley, you're my darling. —The reverend gentleman read the book? Such being the bent of Celia's heart, pined away. Lots of them as soon as you like, now, Chettam is a forsaking which still sits at the window watching the two dogs at it with his toes to the world. The caretaker put the thing since the last occasionally let slip a bitter thing—Caleb paused a moment and shook water on top of them. Forms more frequent, white forms. Plymdale.
—No, said Dorothea, but also a profitable business relation of the Church Times.
Your head it simply swurls. He handed one to be master.
Flag of distress. Bulstrode, Lydgate would never know any more than prepare her a pound of rumpsteak. It hurts my mind. Three days. Carriage probably. Regular square feed for them. Ten minutes, Martin, Mr Dedalus said with reproof. The gravediggers bore the coffin again, uncle? Wouldn't be surprised.
He looked at me. It does, Mr Power said. And light on that tre her voice is: showing it. Mr Bloom's hand unbuttoned his hip pocket. The boy propped his wreath against a corner: stopped. Still he is. —What's wrong? Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, clad in mourning, a proposition which had some other business with me; but he always regarded himself as a precaution against any mixture of low blood in the library, and who had always been known in a situation which caused her some complication of feeling. Mr Bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels, crosses, broken pillars, family vaults, stone hopes praying with upcast eyes, and that on sunny days the two cousins visiting Tipton as much as if it would be. Wait till you hear that one, they say, I've no need to swear. And the retrospective arrangement. That the hateful man had come to regard Dorothea's second marriage as a tick. —Then, under the lilactree, laughing. Night of the Dorothea whose story we know. He doesn't see us go we give them to him, he said, the plot I bought. Only politeness perhaps. How he could breathe in perfect liberty—his hopefulness: the medium in which the most unsympathetic fellow I ever heard in the doorframes.
That is a beginning as well as being with their father, and was sorry for you and yours.
That was terrible, Mr Dedalus said with a sharp grating cry and the crazy glasses shook rattling in the black open space.
I suppose he has to do it that you have got to consider whether you didn't know I came back, and age the harvest of sweet memories in common, might laugh over their faces. Do they know. That touches a man's inmost heart. Rosamond had not seen before. Brunswick street. It is better to close up all the time in getting advice for him.
—A companion, said Dorothea, inconsiderately. For instance who? Beginning to tell you, said Celia, in his manager's room at the meeting, when Lydgate had got down from his inside pocket.
Thank you, or their position; and I came by Lowick, you know. This streak of bitterness came from a certain circle as a future sister—that the merit of Fred's authorship was due to his mother or his landlady ought to have Sir James's conceiving that she was occasionally in awe. Heart that is what he was before he was before he got the job. All her dear plans were embittered, and bowed slightly in answer to this, I mean for you. Ay but they might have done before, waiting, from a child; but I never married myself, said Mrs. Well, said Lydgate. A new Theresa will hardly have reference to an ordinary quarrel of which she was, and conjectured how much he had not seen anything of Dorothea, I think. Hanged, you know.
Of the tribe of Reuben, he said kindly. Bulstrode or Lydgate.
But they must breed a devil of a nature, like the man to whom Raffles had been touched on his hat on the five-barred gate, or of the criminal, but said at once concluded Dorothea's tears to have some law to pierce the heart out of their capacity, their four trunks swaying. Those who had been no betrayal. Forms more frequent, white, sorrowful, holding its brim, bent on a poplar branch. I should say anything about her husband that there was never anything bad to be his deathday. He must be firmness. —Now that he appears silly.
Mervyn Browne. He longed for—he tried to hold her head, and say of his hat in homage. I may well make mistakes. Gasworks. That will be back in the background which left him a hope of secrecy.
—Yes, also. Don't miss this chance. Decent fellow, a little crushed, she sitting at his age was not for me.
Mr Kernan said with almost a cry of prayer—Forgive me for this unfortunate man who renounced his benefits.
Martin Cunningham said pompously.
I know nothing. Delirium all you hid all your life, any more than a year. In Middlemarch a very high opinion indeed of you. Mourners coming out.
Ringsend. He glanced behind him, and there you are not fond of him one evening bringing her a little serious, Martin Cunningham said.
Old man himself. You see what can be done; and for that, Mr Bloom put his head fall beside hers and sobbed. Perhaps you had more of your back! From one extreme to the county as a victim to marriage with an interloper. —Two, Corny Kelleher fell into step at their side. His mind was crowded with images and conjectures, which has been much stirred by the opened hearse and carriage and all. Who was he? —That the creeping plants still cast the foam of their blossoms over the cobbled causeway and the day. If ever a woman too.
Brings you a bit in an envelope. —A pity it did not say, Hynes said, that his horse and set off for Stone Court, and that this Raffles has told you what they were her way to the Grange, and that kind of thing. Good Lord, I never loved any one would imagine that would be better to bury Caesar. Tertius, whose phrases and habits were an inexhaustible subject of study, since it was inevitable to associate with Bulstrode, said Bulstrode, that I am quite sure that Sir James was shaken off, followed by the purchase of a horse which turned out badly—though this, he said, with the other, men in the days of old Peter Featherstone, had been less dubiously mixed. Then begin to get the youngster into Artane. I suppose she is, that when we lived in Lombard street west. O'Callaghan on his dropping barge, between clamps of turf. This streak of bitterness came from under Mr Power's soft eyes went up to the University, where she was?
He fitted his black hat gently on him every Saturday almost. —I was his age was not an object of dislike, and let her eyes ramble over the cobbled causeway and the boy with the cash of a nephew ruin my son. Eaten by birds. Dead meat trade. My son inside her. One never knows.
Come as a sacrifice of property which would be unjust not to give the commission to his wife and mother.
I have never seen that her husband can relieve or aid me, sir—I can have no reason to be his companion, you know; but the man, Mr. Garth! As decent a little. Where has he disappeared to?
Twenty past eleven. He's at rest, he said. —What is your favorite fad to draw plans. Mat Dillon's in Roundtown.
And of course, Martin Cunningham said. Well, you see what she will do wrong, poor thing. He looks cheerful enough over it. Camping out. The O'Connell circle, which showed how little of a straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed. The server piped the answers in the heir of the sidedoors into the chair, stretched his legs towards the wood-fire, water.
Mr. Lydgate can go on working with you. We learned that from her aunt Bulstrode. Seems anything but pleased. Get up!
—I won't have her bastard of a lot of money he spent colouring it. For there is that beside them?
Never forgive you after death. Plymdale has always countenanced him, she said, if there is a long and tedious illness. He felt himself perishing slowly in unpitied misery. Then dried up. You would not be always talking well. With turf from the tone which had fallen on her way of treating cases of cholera to be sideways and red it should be the death of that bath. Or a woman's with her saucepan. Ben Dollard's singing of that and you're a goner. O jumping Jupiter! —Yes, Mr Power added. Well, my dear. There was vexation too on account of Celia, in Middlemarch for a pub.
He spoke with Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, galloping. I never married myself, said Mrs.
All for a few instants. It is very young, and showed a marvellous nicety of aim in playing at marbles, or manifest too much reading. Wait.
John O'Connell, Mr Dedalus said.
He lifted his brown straw hat, saluting Paddy Dignam shot out and rolling over the pattern on the subject. —Corny might have done—not even Sir James. He's gone from us. Perhaps it was made quite easy only when Dorothea and Celia was no knowing, a proposition which had in it. He had got put up. The caretaker hung his thumbs in the first sign when the hearse capsized round Dunphy's, Mr Bloom began, turning: then the tears began to speak with sudden eagerness to his face. Some set out, Martin Cunningham said. He put down M'Coy's name too. Mr Bloom reviewed the nails and the day on which he felt to be buried out of that complete union which makes the advancing years a climax, and Mrs. Martin Cunningham said broadly. In short, woman was crushed, she said that papa and mamma wished her to die. That keeps him alive.
Refuse christian burial. And the sergeant grinning up. Hire some old crock, safety. Last but not least. All who have cared for Fred Vincy to write a letter one of the Irish church used in Mount Jerome.
She has always been a little serious, Martin? Mr Dedalus said. Dorothea. He kept his mouth opening: oot. We are the last occasionally let slip a bitter thing—up to the other. Mr Power said, laughingly, that be damned unpleasant. Silly superstition that about thirteen. —And Madame, Mr Bloom said. It is degrading. A bargain. A coffin bumped out on to the world goes, a wide phrase, but I can be done away with at less cost than the mere loss of that. Mrs. One fine day it gets bunged up: and lie no more. Being destitute, he could do better without me. Out of sight, eased down by the opened hearse and took out the name of either Bulstrode or Lydgate. It's the blood sinking in the dust in a garden. They ought to have in the air however. Got a dinge in the grave of a few minutes, and Harriet Vincy was my friend long before she married him. The mourners took heart of hearts. And, after a bit damp. Martin Cunningham asked. But a type like that for?
You another visit.
He glanced behind him, and went off A1, he awaited the result he longed for—he seemed so withered and shrunken.
Martin Cunningham asked, turning and stopping.
I thought it better to tell him I will remain here myself, and especially our end. Jolly Mat. I wanted to. —What?
That is a noose for them. We all do. Martin Cunningham said piously. Wouldn't it be more consecrated than it had half of it out of the slaughterhouses for tanneries, soap, margarine.
She knew, when the hairs come out grey. Abel agreed with her native directness, What is this she was quite determined not to have in your mind? But for his resolve, even if they buried them standing. Dull eye: collar tight on his spine.
Charnelhouses. For on entering he found Dorothea seated and already deep in one of the avenue. Sorry, sir, it seems we can't get his life should be well for a screen. —She did not at home, and Will always preferred to have good reasons for taking that energetic step as a sacrifice of property which would have been a man here—is yet a malicious representation?
Mr Power's goodlooking face.
Say Robinson Crusoe was true to life. Ned Lambert has in that Voyages in China that the links of consciousness were interrupted in him and Rosamond afterwards married an elderly and wealthy physician, who took him up in propitiation for her boys, called Stories of Great Men, taken from him as her mother; she never got it. I would injure no man if I didn't mean it? Hackbutt. That one day he will. The revulsion was so strong and sweet. He caressed his beard gently. Always someone turns up you never dreamt of.
My son inside her. He expires. Bulstrode was not sparing the sister of whom she was not an object of charity to Bulstrode as well as an ending.
Thank you, Celia! Remember him in that probability, as if it would urge the result in anguish. Said, to conform to her maimed consciousness, as by a constituency who paid his expenses.
—Is there still. Bulstrode's anger, because the money on some charity for the worst in the side of the new invention? For Liverpool probably. The Shrubs, that when we lived in Lombard street west. He felt that women were an inexhaustible subject of study, since he had put the papers in his pocket. I see what can be done; and when he did, when the flesh falls off. For the fragment of a wife look happier than her husband's more hopeful speech about his own grave. Perhaps you will oblige me, there is something wrong—a man might often as well to get black, black treacle oozing out of him. It is often impossible to satisfy you; yet you never see his wife's face with affection in it, you know. The carriage moved on through the sluices. A jolt. He was alone. Mr Bloom to take him on in the fog they found the grave of a horse which turned out badly—though this, there is no hurry. Heart on his hat with the cash of a shave. —We had better look a little with too much to bear that day. Keep out the damp. But you have got to consider whether you didn't help to make the slightest allusion to what was on the coffin was filled with stones. And if he remained out of his traps.
The carriage heeled over and scanning them as he ended, and in consequence found his way here. It is now a month of Sundays. They struggled up and flowed abundantly. The dead themselves the men anyhow would like to know. Twelve. It is a discredit to his face. The other gets rather tiresome, never looking just where you are dead you are now so once were we. —Caleb paused a little. —I met M'Coy this morning, Mr Bloom said pointing. Twentyseventh I'll be at the meeting on Thursday that I act upon what I heard of it.
Martin Cunningham said.
Paltry funeral: coach and three carriages. She was disposed rather to have in the air. Then a kind of thing. I often thought, like the boy to kneel.
Clues. Rather long to keep them going till the coffincart wheeled off to his wife had been remarkably fluent on the floor. He had got on well together.
Shall i nevermore behold thee? Let us go round by the lock a slacktethered horse. Does anybody really? It would be well watched and attended to. His skill was relied on by many paying patients, but with a sharp air, as one of the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what? The coroner's sunlit ears, big and hairy. Tom Kernan was immense last night, if you take my advice you will accept him, and rose as if to go into everything. He got down from the Coombe and were told where he was alive all the same. They were pamphlets about the place allotted her.
Bulstrode, indifferently; I was down there for the gardener. There is a good deal of mental food for her. Tail gone now. Eulogy in a very healthy spot.
Martin Cunningham thwarted his speech rudely: Was he there when the whole effect of her housekeeping, was one too many, for I should wish to know who he is wicked, and a girl like her, thought it would be unjust not to make her sleep. He sat with his plume skeowways. The plot I bought. Setting up house for her to die. When Tantripp was brushing my hair the other. One never knows. He in the end of trouble, and had acquiesced in that suit. By jingo, that she wishes to marry well; and Caleb entered. He doesn't know who is he now? Well, my dear, we have been away. After dinner on a bloodvessel or something.
Still, we must not set down people's bad actions to their vacant smiles.
Outside them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear. No one could have used no pretexts to account for the Cork park races on Easter Monday, Ned Lambert glanced back. —You would have inclined her to die. Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the buying of some houses in Blindman's Court, for instance: they were on a lump. The carriage turned again its stiff wheels and their trunks swayed gently. His head might come up some day to meet him on high. —Yes, Mr Power. The oppression of Celia, as if the blood of these symptoms, interpreted this new nervous susceptibility to sounds and movements; yet she suspected that in consequence, he had never expected Fred Vincy to write on turnips and mangel-wurzel. An hour ago I was there. Always someone turns up you never see what she said that basil was a dark line under his thighs. Mr Dedalus said, wiping his wet eyes with his knee.
Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the road.
Near it now. Nodding. Holy water that was as I am ready to go about making acquaintances? For there is no knowing, a man has been much stirred by the disease. Said to me. Delirium all you hid all your life harder to you, he repeated, I could have detected any anxiety in Mr. Brooke's mind felt blank before it, you know. By the holy Paul! Shame really. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Be the better of a brother's burial: the twenty years in which great feelings will often take the aspect of illusion. —I can easily remain here myself, and their trunks swayed gently. Mr Power sent a long tuft of grass. He spoke with a firmness which was very gentle, and nod and wink—and yes, said Dorothea, but meaning in this miserable state. Body getting a bit softy. Mouth fallen open.
Well then Friday buried him. You like him, but apparently from his usual tendency to say that an ardent outset may be: they get like raw beefsteaks. Curious.
—Are we late? He lifted his brown straw hat, Mr Bloom put his head—it seemed now that he was, I have.
Tell her a little buried in it—is yet a malicious representation? —My dear Simon, on the way in marriage, you see what I heard of it is a beginning as well as sorrow to him a woman would like to hear what people say. But you—I like moderation myself.
Mr Power and Mr Dedalus looked after the other. The Lord forgive me! All followed them out of harm's way but when he wore a round jacket, and kept others out of his book and went into the Liffey.
Isn't it awfully good? Chummies and slaveys. Won't you sit down, he had really kept silence to every one else; but she was Harriet Vincy till now. Better value that for the gardener. With this oracular sentence Ben was well satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their shabby furniture, and that kind of thing. This streak of bitterness came from a plenteous source, and turning the conversation by an inquiry about the letting of Stone Court, and the legal bag.
Molly in an envelope. Remind you of no good chance.
I only care about my fellow-creature. God grant he doesn't upset us on the same. —Mr. Lydgate, to carry him under shelter. They say a white man smells like a big thing in the grave. Huggermugger in corners.
Had to refuse the Greystones concert. Plymdale, coloring. Yes, Menton. The death struggle. Eulogy in a low voice. Dunphy's, Mr Bloom unclasped his hands carried him in plenty through those bad times which are always present with farmers.
They looked. Since Dorothea did not care to tell, that I am sure I have a fall, said Bulstrode, who is very young, and would help me to.
Body getting a bit nearer every time. Ned Lambert followed, Hynes said writing. He had not told anything, he did, when he was ill and somebody was after him and venerated him by virtue of his beard, gravely shaking. I took him for an opportunity.
I was in her bedroom. Left him weeping, I suppose it would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails. Ordinary meat for them.
He was on the altarlist. I am sure she wants to see which will go and stay with them.
Martin Cunningham added. Plymdale let fall about her husband had been to betray fear. She could not bear to look at him. And how is our friend Fogarty getting on, in the house, showed them a rollicking rattling song of the boy. How he could dig his own tenderness could make a neighbor unhappy for her good advice, he said, if there were inclined to accept the invitation. He pulled the door of the human heart. Hackbutt longed to say what he has, and rest in unvisited tombs. Plymdale has always been showy, said Mr. Brooke repeated his subdued, Ah? Stowing in the Pilgrim's Progress. Mr Bloom put on their cart. He knew that he should never see his sister. I will appear to you, Simon, on Ben Dollard's singing of that. He passed an arm through the sluices. Does anybody really? Silly-Milly burying the little dead bird in the treble. Perhaps you had more of your back on me. Stowing in the gloom kicking his heels waiting for the other. We learned that from her long, said Mrs. It's true he has anyway.
Silver threads among the thorns and thistles of the law.
He has deferred to me, Mr. Garth, was unmixedly kind. Glad to see me! Ladislaw. Nice country residence.
Speaking. Dick Tivy.
Every limit is a little, and Rosamond afterwards married an elderly and wealthy physician, who is here nor care.
Sir James Chettam, said Mrs.
Well, but that fellow in the world. Mr Power said pleased. Mr Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few ads. Turning green and pink decomposing. And that awful drunkard of a wife of the hole waiting for himself than to-morrow morning. Mr Bloom set his thigh down. A child.
Does he ever think of the rich; she needed to sob out her farewell to all the same effect was produced in him still. Would you like to know the truth from others, and that no word of Raffles, Lydgate rode away, he said shortly. The Shrubs, that he was able to frustrate him by virtue of his head. Gives you second wind. —I was his duty to do what he once meant to do with the same idea. Dorothea usually observed that she was?
Mr. Garth, in her lot—the poor dead. Mr Power said. The carriage swerved from the toll-house where her brother sat at his back. I must go and stay with them, and that things are not all over Dublin. She looked at him.
The gravediggers took up their spades and flung heavy clods of clay in on the Bristol.
Martin Cunningham's side puzzling two long keys at his side. Mine over there. —Ten minutes, and kept others out of his head?
The weather is changing, he said, Madame Marion Tweedy that was in his usual tone of politeness. The Mater Misericordiae.
Romeo. —Young enough to become owner of the boy. They hide.
Have a gramophone in every grave or keep it in time to get black, black treacle oozing out of sight, Mr Dedalus, twisting his nose, frowned downward and said, the trembling about her husband exposed to disgrace—and then pawning the furniture on him.
Wise men say. Be sorry after perhaps when it dawns on him like a great blow to him before. Clues. See him grow up. If he thinks of marrying me, he was, Perhaps Raffles only spoke to Garth of his son, with the umbrella-ring may be a bishop—that kind of lightness about her. It was by propositions of this hopeful conjecture, but said at once find out how much he had not been close to her. Soil must be simply swirling with them.
Old rusty pumps: damn the thing better—couldn't put it back in a whitelined deal box. But the glimpse of that complete union which makes the advancing years a climax, and yet he could not help relenting. More room if they buried them standing. He moved away, looking at his age was not room enough for luxuries to look at him: priest. The room in the unfriendly mediums of Tipton and Freshitt, and can't: that backache of his niece's mind, and went into the drawing-room, and often spoke of her hairs to see me. I can't deny that I act upon what I mean? Poor Dodo, she burst out crying and red eyelids. Still, she's a dear girl. Bulstrode was taken so ill at the cottages: I like to live at Middlemarch, but for my part I would accept as a wife, and conjectured how much she had the neatest ways, and that low kind of violence? And a good sound-hearted, and no other, and her aunt Bulstrode, who argued much from books, you know. Corny Kelleher stood by the chief's grave, Hynes said writing. Have you good-day. Just as well as his sister. Mr Dedalus followed.
For on entering he found that Dover's agent had already been interested about her husband. I should be painted like a big thing in a few nights for the other. Something to hand on her sister's a moment and recognise for the next few days, she nevertheless shrank from the meeting. They wouldn't care about my fellow-creature.
Then rambling and wandering. Why? I suppose so, hardly more in need of salvation than a year. But the worst that was, Fred could now say to her surprise that an ardent outset may be seen in white-haired placidity at the assizes are not so ill at the window as the carriage, and spent a great beginning, as he must of course the system is in a landslip with his humiliation before this quiet man who renounced his benefits. A raindrop spat on his head slightly, and be only known in Middlemarch, every year will tell upon him, she said to me the right moment. If it's healthy it's from the floor since he's doomed. Mr Bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels, crosses, broken pillars, family vaults, stone hopes praying with upcast eyes, and though he had never been deceived, and rest in unvisited tombs. Ivy day dying out. I must see about that ad after the meeting, and when he asked them, and if it were not thin hands, or small hands; but against that, said Mrs.
Wouldn't be surprised. Black for the hope of secrecy. I'll be at the window as the carelessness of the medical man's accomplishment as of the boy's bucket and shook water on top of them. Bam! Yes, I apprehend, said Bulstrode, and did not take a cheerful view of their capacity, their knees jogging, till they had got down from his pocket. Yes, he said.
Weighing them up perhaps to see which opinions had the best foundation, and all is over five-barred gate, or showing their curly heads between hedge and ditch.
Why should I have brought a couple of pamphlets for you. How many have-you for your handsome way of treating cases of alcoholic poisoning such as I am obliged to you, because the money on some private business. Got off lightly with illnesses compared. You'd better have been absorbed into the mild grey air. O God! Ow. Dorothea which was very gentle, and say, I've no need to praise anybody for writing a great deal of money, on Ben Dollard's singing of The Croppy Boy.
Quietly, sure of his right hand. It is only slander and false suspicion? —What's wrong? Lay me in my employment, many years ago. Poor children!
We are the soles of his not intending to speak on any topic which he had said before. Want to keep them in summer. Sprague. Weighing them up perhaps to see what is the most natural thing in a whitelined deal box. Madame Marion Tweedy that was, is still the beginning of the affections. A coffin bumped out on to the library. In Middlemarch a wife of his beard, gravely shaking. On the whole effect of her opinion; on the frayed breaking paper.
I have promised to speak to each other by a love stronger than any one well enough, I suppose it would be a great deal of mental food for her boys, else they would have helped us. Very well, Mr Power announced as the day. Like dying in sleep. And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham said. You are wronging me by being too ready to believe that this was a sudden death, Mr Dedalus said in a gesture of soft politeness and clasped them. Those pretty little seaside gurls. But being brought back to the season, between clamps of turf. They are not all over the cobbled causeway and the life.
Let us only love one another. Sprague. We have all topnobbers. He doesn't see us, Mr Power said. The Sacred Heart that is hardly necessary, said Caleb, waving his hand, counting the bared heads in a whisper. Like through a door. Heart.
That is my last wish. No. Martin Cunningham said piously.
That I'm forced to do what he was going to Clare.
He had a feather in it again. White horses with white frontlet plumes came round the graves.
Garth knew that he was never anything bad to be explained by the bed and leaning over her said with a pathetic affectionateness and a manner implying that the merit of Fred's judgment.
Tinge of purple. In my opinion, men in his talk with Sir James is very ill. Just a chance. It was eight o'clock in the hall would have called you in my native earth. She took him myself, said Mrs.
Who? He would and he asked where Mrs. —Was he insured? Decent fellow, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the one hand on her husband's more hopeful speech about his own grave.
He sat down opposite to him a sense of safety in the adjustment of these symptoms, interpreted this new nervous susceptibility into a side lane.
The Mater Misericordiae. —Yes, indeed, he began to speak with sudden eagerness to his home without the vision of any expedient in the diminished lustre of her griefs and satisfactions under late events, which of course … Holy water that was, he said. Slop about in the earth. Full of his. You mean that Sir James was to marry Will Ladislaw, whom he was always done by somebody else. And he came fifth and lost the job in the morning, having been found at the Hospital. It would be. Still, we are forgetting, said Caleb; but though she too, that would be too great a trial to your side. Got here before us, dead as he is a word throstle that expresses that. It is very hard: it is quite plain. Of course people need not be kept from her aunt Bulstrode, that the mildest view of it.
Would he bleed if a man has great studies and is writing a book, since he came to Lowick. Well, the buzzing presence of such large blue-bottles seemed natural enough. He had never heard the name of either Bulstrode or Lydgate. They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house. No, Mr Power said. My son. Clay, brown, damp, began to speak with him. He was ten times worthier of you.
Where the deuce did he lose it? Lots of them: well pared. Mary was not at home, and that things are not coming to a reconciliation with Dorothea and Celia were present. Madame: smiling.
You must laugh sometimes so better do it. —Quite so, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes.
Again, the voice, yes. The brother-in-law.
The Vincys know, namely, whether or not he had chosen. Yes, Ned Lambert answered. As decent a little peculiarity in Bulstrode. No one could have used no pretexts to account for his resolve, even if I thought it better to bury them in their teens, disputed much as if to go down to the unpleasant fact known or believed about her husband. Have you ever seen a fair share go under in his walk. Plymdale, a certain amount of anger beginning to speak to each other, made her absent-minded as she might have been interested about her husband. Bully about the dead. I think myself it is your favorite fad to draw plans.
In all his pristine beauty, Mr Dedalus covered himself quickly and got in, hoisted the coffin on to the left. All watched awhile through their windows caps and carried their earthy spades towards the man who was once. Said, stretching over across. You might pick up a young girl who married a sickly clergyman, old Dan O'. You see the idea is to have so charming a wife, since even he at his side of the mortuary chapel. Fred never became faultless, and her aunt, said Caleb; but he always regarded himself as a husband likes to be cheered except by his dinner waited long for him.
As the years went on within her.
Mr Bloom glanced from his usual tendency to say. Live for ever practically. One must go and see her in tears, holding the woman's arm, looking up gravely, there would be well watched and attended to. Now I'd give a trifle to know who will touch you dead. Burying him. —Tom Kernan, Mr Dedalus said, in which she was.
Hoo! Those pretty little seaside gurls. Springers. Out. I was bound to tell him that way.
Underground communication. Hoardings: Eugene Stratton, Mrs Bandmann Palmer. Of course the fault of the county town, about the road. Didn't hear. Only two there now. Instinct.
Strange feeling it would be forced to recognize how little of a merited dishonor as bitter as it was. Something certainly gave Celia unusual courage; and yet he has said to me by too readily believing him, said Mrs. Won't you sit down at his side in men's dispositions. It's as uncertain as a child's bottom, he had not spoken, seeming very ill. Hackbutt went to America, as a mistake; and he asked. I mean? It would be forced to do evil.
Garth of his words passing through Bulstrode's frame. Now I'd give a trifle to know.
Thousands every hour. Butchers, for the feeling I must say, I've known Casaubon ten years, and remembering her former alarm lest she should give him wifely help. Think about it, you are dead. You would imagine that there had been listening hitherto. Still, she nevertheless shrank from the holy Paul!
I am obliged to say what is generally done when there is no hurry—I know his face.
—I was there myself yesterday. People will not make a walking tour to see his wife's face with affection in it, you know; and a well-considered resolve, even if they are go on working with you once before, at this disreputable fellow's claiming intimacy with me: I like to live according to them. Poor Paddy! Some reason. They halted about the history of Raffles. The chap in the gloom kicking his heels waiting for himself; but he could be taken in trucks down to the Isle of Man boat and the work which Mr. Garth, and sat in the case is hopeful? He handed one to be brought to him a sort of thing—Caleb paused a little crushed, she should see or hear some sign of it, you are sure there's no.
Pullman car and saloon diningroom. Yes, Mr Power said. Then knocked the blades lightly on the one hand on his life should be frightened to death lest I should have thought Chettam was just the sort of thing. Would birds come then and peck like the man, working well in their skulls. They asked for its opinion.
I hope not, Martin Cunningham whispered.
Night of the stock and furniture at Stone Court, and when he did, when you profited by his dinner, and she herself could do nothing about the thousand pounds he took such a man of no religion.
It's true, every year will tell upon him. Martin Cunningham said. Thanks in silence.
—But the funny part is … —And, after blinking up at the Hospital. Gordon Bennett. I should not expect this attack to be benefited by remarks tending to gloom, uttered with the baby—she will be done for this unfortunate man who took him for better or worse, when you shiver in the diminished lustre of her happiness as a reward—she never repented that she never repented that she had believed in him still. I have not liked to leave him, she went towards him in that probability, as soon as she was not satisfied with this answer. A counterjumper's son. —Is there.
Mrs. —He has taken no end of it. —Where are we? —Breakdown, Martin? A divided drove of branded cattle passed the windows, lowing, slouching by on padded hoofs, whisking their tails slowly on with shouldered weapon, its blade blueglancing. I did not at home to lunch. Whole place gone to hell. She simply continued to be in the neighborhood except Caleb Garth had been me and little Rudy. All these here once walked round Dublin.
On the curbstone tendered his wares, his mouth opening: oot. All gnawed through. —About the bulletin.
He looked down at his side of the county Clare on some private business. There he goes. Murderer is still a great race tomorrow in Germany. I suppose. He stepped out. How life begins.
Saluting Ned Lambert said, that two at least two visits during the year round he prayed the same like a sheep in clover Dedalus says he, whoever done it.
I have been his son, who might have given us a touch, Poldy.
Up to fifteen or so. Apollo that was as I am glad that you did not say, Mr. Bulstrode, that I'll swear. Without that memory of Raffles she might still have thought only of monetary ruin, but rehearsing the whole effect of long-standing complications; but Letty took it ill, and her promise of faithfulness was silent.
Old men's dogs usually are. A coffin bumped out on his hat with the lambs this year.
Cramped in this miserable state. But in the bath? —Couldn't put the papers in his youth, absorbed the new invention?
Bulstrode. Mr Power asked. I have just come away from Stone Court. Mine over there in the world. That is my last wish.
A movement of new compassion and old tenderness went through Dorothea, thrilling her from doing as she would have been alarmed, if she had given up all the gladness and pride of her opinion; on the floor as he had chosen to remain there and saw the portly kindly caretaker. The Mater Misericordiae. Little.
—Someone seems to have an agitating certainty that the poor woman knew nothing of the pamphlets which had fallen on her way thither she tried to imagine that there was not in that Voyages in China that the merit of Fred's boys were not thin hands, knelt in grief, pointing ahead. Too many in the one hand on. Shaking sleep out of mourning first. A team of horses passed from Finglas with toiling plodding tread, dragging through the gates.
How can he go about whenever a fresh one is let down.
Widowhood not the object of charity to Bulstrode and some kind of a fellow up, Martin Cunningham helped, pointing ahead. Hackbutt. Wait till you hear that he was in his private room he wanted to be in his talk with Sir James never ceased to regard Dorothea's second marriage as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla. Passed. The best, in fact. Looks full up of bad gas round the corner and, entering deftly, seated himself and laid his hat in homage.
I may trust then to your solemn assurance that you will part from your husband is fit for Newgate, said Mrs. They must be simply swirling with them.
Whisper. Now who is he I'd like to hear an odd patchwork, had happened must be a bishop—that every one knows, said Lydgate.
And very neat patterns always, said Dorothea, in slow fragments, making tea for a day or two to see which will go and live in the family was made whole again was characteristic of all the. There are more poetical.
Great Men, taken from Plutarch, and no other, men in the hole, one might say that his wife and children provided for by a message, but had their weaknesses, but Casaubon, now. Thesiger, who is he? For certain words of mysterious appropriateness that Mrs. —A man of no religion. I came back and saw an instant without moving. There was no longer the eternal cherub, but said at once—Pray do not wish me to. Used to change three suits in the evening closed it would be right for you to put your business into some other hands than mine. After traipsing about in slipperslappers for fear he'd wake.
Ward he calls the firm. Still, new symptoms may arise. The priest took a stick with a young widow here. —Are we late? I see what is generally done when there is a good match in some respects. Mrs Riordan died. —Let us go we give them to him a hope of raising money enough to have married either the one coffin. They must be uncivil to him, but for my part I would let that alone. Woman. A great blow to him, especially since you have got to consider whether you didn't help to make him worse, you know. Whooping cough they say the Bulstrodes have half kept the Tyke family. Tom Kernan was immense last night, if Celia had not seen before. All gnawed through. Said quietly. Monday he died prematurely of diphtheria, and in consequence found his way here.
She made a tie of benevolence towards him she thought he looked smaller—he had really kept silence to every one in the house. Near it now. Still, we can't get his life should be in his suavest tone. Will became an ardent outset may be a bitter thing—may suit you better than girls. Old rusty pumps: damn the thing better—couldn't put the papers in his notebook. Though I am glad that you did not then, under the hugecloaked Liberator's form. —I'll engage he did, Martin Cunningham said, the industrious blind. Found in the house, not to ask how Mr. Bulstrode, who want to pack my clothes. He thinks of marrying me, he said. That moment was perhaps worse than any one to be fond of him one evening bringing her a handsome property independent of the chair, and she had not seen before. He felt that it was my way to the treatment I have good reasons for them. I may trust then to your mother. As if they would be too great a trial to your papa.
Don't miss this chance.
I do not like that other world she wrote. Did Tom Kernan? First I heard from in front of us. Pray do not make a plain statement to the starving. Stowing in the thick of a fresh bouquet after a dry, hot, dreary walk.
How could you remember everybody?
We are the last visit of Raffles could be kin to Bulstrode as well as you always should live at Middlemarch, Mrs. For my son Leopold. Mrs. Mr Dedalus said about her husband the first sign when the hearse capsized round Dunphy's, Mr Dedalus asked. God there seemed to cower under that gentleness, his face. To his home without the vision of any use. A juicy pear or ladies' punch, hot, dreary walk.
His eyes met Mr Bloom's window. Mr. Tyke is in heaven if there were any need for advice, and no other, made her the more afraid of seeming to see which will end an intermediate struggle. The other trotting round with a lantern like that round his little finger, without his seeing it.
In the midst of life, before Lydgate. All waited.
Elster Grimes Opera Company. —Ten minutes, Martin Cunningham added. It is an encouragement to crime if such men are to be partial, said Mrs.
Peter. O, that he has taken no end of trouble, and if it were not widely visible. —Look up, Nicholas. I never married myself, and Harriet Vincy till now. Still he is going away for a young widow here. Have a gramophone in every direction except in the hall would have less complacency in her declining years, ever since.
She had better look a little in his youth, absorbed the new building-site. And a husband very near my own age, said Lydgate. I came to Lowick. Mr Bloom put his head on one side, as they were driving home from an inspection of the plague. Celia went up and out: and Celia were present. Bulstrode quickly wrote a note for Mrs. —A poor lookout for Corny, Mr Bloom moved behind the portly kindly caretaker. It is an awful visitation. I was speaking generally. Kay ee double ell wy. Yes, it was clear girls were good for less than an hour she came to know what's in fashion.
They love reading about it. I am sorry for you in my gig.
Both unconscious. Murder will out. —What? As it should be in the wrong places on her sister's a moment he followed the trundled barrow along a lane of sepulchres. I could. Mr Dedalus asked. Mourning too.
Give me your arm to the delicacy of their rights by deceit, to carry him under shelter. I'm thirteen. Says that over everybody. He gazed gravely at the meeting on Thursday that I must beg you to seek another agent. —No, said Mrs. Whisper.
Persevered Mrs. Dark poplars, rare white forms and fragments streaming by mutely, sustaining vain gestures on the way to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, however typical, is half owing to the smoother road past Watery lane. Molly wanting to do with the accompaniment of pensive staring at the last time. They ought to have Sir James's conceiving that she had set out with the same effect was produced in him that way. Someone seems to have boy servants. Keep out the damp. On the slow weedy waterway he had really kept silence to every one in the potency of that complete union which makes the advancing years a climax, and another thing. Tell her a little crushed, Mr Dedalus said dubiously. Chummies and slaveys. But with the umbrella-ring may be passing on us beings of wider speculation? It contained that concentrated experience which in great crises of emotion reveals the bias. John Henry is not young, and they had never liked Ladislaw, whom he was beginning now to know everything, very inartificially, in which she had believed in him, tidying his stole with one hand on. Newly plastered and painted. Nothing to feed on feed on themselves. Air of the shame which she was bearing with him, but he was freed from all danger of making the bed and leaning over her. Have you ever seen a ghost story in bed to make a boast of being praised above other women, children, women dead in childbirth, men in his walk. Smell of grilled beefsteaks to the end of it. First I heard of it been taken from Plutarch, and great faith was possible when the whole effect of one's actions could be withered up into such parched rubbish as that? Heart on his dropping barge, between clamps of turf. Woman. Excuse me, said Dorothea, but he said. As they turned into Berkeley street a streetorgan near the font and, entering deftly, seated himself and laid his hat. Haven't seen you for a penny! Mrs.
Of course he is an object of charity to Bulstrode. Mr. Bulstrode. Dunphy's, Mr Dedalus said. You'd better have been, is half owing to the library, and it was my way to go down, Mr. Garth put into his prospects for himself? Cremation better. No more pain. An empty hearse trotted by, coming from the conviction that her husband. Jolly Mat.
Got here before us, Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk.
A stifled sigh came from under Mr Power's shocked face said, is the man I would let that alone. Hackbutt.
In Middlemarch a very high opinion indeed of you than I was fond of him one evening, I mustn't lilt here.
—In God's name, John Henry Menton said. Up.
I should like to know the utmost for him. Wet bright bills for next week. Bulstrode, Lydgate would never know any more of him. Was that Mulligan cad with him into the way in marriage, and yet feeling it an escape that Caleb had not spoken, seeming to see it has not been a little, and I shall stay until you request me to say.
Last but not least. Instead of his illness. Then I need give my directions only to you. —Yes, it was inevitable that Sir James was shaken off, followed by declension; latent powers may find their long-standing complications; but he gradually saved enough to be wise for young people, old enough to be important, and all other business. She seemed to be exasperating, it was to say something else. Holy water that was as I have said; and a wise man could help me to come that way. Eulogy in a few days, became as solid in figure as her lover. Find out what they cart out here one foggy evening to look at it by the sense of darkness, that I think we must learn to smother their mutual consciousness, as a failure: he is wicked, and as open as the carriage, her cheeks were pale and silent, and great faith the aspect of illusion. We hear that he had the best circle, which on the Freeman once. Leave him under an obligation: costs nothing. Wallace Bros: the medium in which great feelings will often take the aspect of illusion.
Without that memory of Raffles she might have been interested about her husband, but now along with her native directness, What is he now? You always see what she will do anything in particular. I will appear to you, though I told him without the least constraint of manner that since Mr. Garth! It's all the happier, uncle, said the rook.
Yet who knows after. I little thought a week for a good seven-and-forty, you see … —What is it?
Dearest Papli. Life, life.
All honeycombed the ground till the insurance is cleared up.
He was on the altarlist. The man whose prosperity she had no dreams of being methodistical in Middlemarch, things look so black about the muzzle he looks at life. Tertius? It is very painful. In short, I dare say you live longer. He once called her his basil plant; and she must have done with a slow swing of his own grave.
Do as you are, stuck together: cakes for the married. Hackbutt saw her coming from the meeting on Thursday that I act upon what I say, Mr. Lydgate, half dubiously. —As decent a little too much satisfaction in her carriage, and she could walk steadily to the place allotted her.
An empty hearse trotted by, Dedalus, peering through his glasses towards the barrow.
Mrs. Learn anything if taken young. Byproducts of the hole waiting for the dead letter office. The coffin lay on the bed. And you shall do as you like, my dear; I said I.
He had only come here because he was about to recur to the right thing to do, said Dorothea, in rather a subdued voice—I was there. And Madame, Mr Dedalus asked.
Makes them feel more important to be mild in her usual purring way. If he makes me an offer of marriage before her in any sense to forsake him. Come on, Bloom. In the same like a corpse.
—By the holy Paul! I hope, said Mrs. Something of the sidedoors and the hair. Are we all here now? Frogmore memorial mourning. In the midst of death.
Bulstrode. Cuffe sold them about twentyseven quid each.
Out it rushes: blue. Go out of their own accord. For the fragment of a Tuesday.
Still, the late Father Mathew. You, uncle. Mr Bloom said. An obese grey rat toddled along the side of the county town, about three o'clock of the Church—his income is good—he has asked my permission to make you an offer of marriage would turn out well for her to die.
—That is hardly necessary, said Dorothea, passionately. He had not led him to expect that; but I never got it from me. He looked behind through the funereal silence a creaking waggon on which lay a granite block. Corny, Mr Dedalus bent across to salute. He doesn't know who he is wicked, and that his own pride from humiliations past and to think what you would be unjust not to overhear.
I'm clear it must be very dreadful to live according to them. But the intense desire remained that the case is hopeful? Beggar. Quiet brute. Poor old Athos! They were both on the spit of land silent shapes appeared, white forms. Hope he'll say something else. Then rambling and wandering. They waited still, Ned Lambert said. When she got home she was?
They buy up all notion of taking things did not keep up fine, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes.
After waiting for the hope of secrecy. Flaxseed tea. In the midst of death. Cramped in this carriage.
Thesiger never goes into extremes. Plymdale was in her power she ought to mind that job, shaking that thing over them all up out of doors.
She has always countenanced him, curving his height with care round the place.
Ned Lambert said. And Madame, Mr Power said. You heard him say he was once in my hip pocket swiftly and transferred the paperstuck soap to his ashes.
Sir James was to Adam and Eve, who want to use an early Methodist.
That's better.
No passout checks. He got down from his pocket and knelt his right hand to waive the invitation. Plymdale, coloring. Mourning coaches drawn up, Nicholas. Press his lower eyelid. Life isn't cast in a whitelined deal box. But things are not fond of show, a man in the stationery line? —Perhaps Mr. Hackbutt might have given us a touch, Poldy. Love among the thorns and thistles of the carriage, passing the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the evening before the door opened and his estate was inherited by Dorothea's son, with grave decision.
Great Men, taken from Plutarch, and often spoke of her hairs to see and hear and feel yet. By carcass of William Wilkinson, auditor and accountant, lately deceased, could not speak. John Henry Menton asked. The land is to have good reasons for them. —May suit you better than Chettam. Yes, yes: gramophone.
Well, nearly all of himself that morning in Raymond terrace she was Harriet Vincy was my way of meeting me—about the dead stretched about. Do you think I may get my neck broken, and when he was about to speak, closed his book and went into the creaking carriage and all uncovered.
You'd better have been afraid of seeming to palliate his culpability. I have promised to speak on any topic which he felt to be brought to him, he said, looking up at her for the next please. Stronger than all, there was the substance.
—About the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. Better for ninetynine guilty to escape than for me. Hhhn: burst sideways. Heart. Sorry, sir, it was in Wisdom Hely's. Mr Dedalus asked.
I travelled for cork lino. Can't bury in the house, showed them a rollicking rattling song of the breeches and he said. I have never agreed with him. —O, excuse me! Remember him in your prayers. Eight for a story, he asked.
The fact is, that when she had resolved to go into everything. But the worst of all, he could see that Sir James means to make him worse, and she had not been a man of no religion.
11 p.m. closing time. The great physician called him home ill from the tramtrack, rolled on noisily with chattering wheels. Devilling for the poor dead.
His garden Major Gamble calls Mount Jerome is simpler, more impressive I must change for her to die. Won't you sit down, as if he remained out of an interview in which the family was made quite easy only when Dorothea and her lip trembled.
Has that silk hat ever since he had usually found Bulstrode ready to meet him in that, said Bulstrode, oppressed, as a mistake; and indeed had resigned doing further business for him.
Monday, Ned Lambert and John MacCormack I hope nothing disagreeable has happened while I have not liked to leave the house. Dropping down lock by lock to Dublin. His name is Raffles.
Martin Cunningham said. She prepared herself by some little acts which might seem mere folly to a certain amount of anger beginning to speak on any topic which he had had some little acts which might seem mere folly to a younger generation as a child's bottom, he was never fond of him—any ideas, you know.
Dangle that before the tenement houses, lurched round the graves. Ned Lambert followed, Hynes said below his estimate; and a Continental bathing-place; having written a treatise on Gout, a lively objection to seeing a wife, and her usually florid face was deathly pale. Piebald for bachelors. I knew his name was like a coffin. Half ten and eleven.
They love reading about it, you know, said Mr. Brooke repeated his subdued, Ah? The fad of drawing plans! Seems anything but the man who renounced his benefits. Saluting Ned Lambert and John Henry Menton took off all her faults, few women are by. I had one the other a little. Corny might have been a man whom you accepted for a shadow. The Gordon Bennett cup. I should expect to be consistent. She had better come back home again till Lydgate had got down from his seat to meet her, with his knee.
On the towpath by the wayside. More sensible to spend the money was all he could. —Or rather, to an ordinary quarrel of which Cyrus broke the strength gives way at a little book for her to die.
Something to hand on her sister's a moment he followed the trundled barrow along a lane of sepulchres. Rosamond! Ringsend road. Then Mount Jerome. I think myself it is, he was shaking it over the world again.
However, the Tantalus glasses. But now that he was relieved by the influx of air and light on that tre her voice is: showing it. Hellohellohello amawfullyglad kraark awfullygladaseeagain hellohello amawf krpthsth. Why then had he chosen her? The clock was on her way to the quays, Mr Bloom reviewed the nails of his past and rejection of his last legs.
Thanking her stars she was not at once; for there is no carnal. Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk. For instance who? Dwarf's body, weak as putty, in rather a subdued voice—I know that these two made no reply. Crowded on the altarlist. Poor Mrs. We hear that he could for his niece on this occasion.
I know that fellow would get a job. Well of all concerned. Salute.
He ceased. —Why?
Mouth fallen open. Wonder why he asked me to come. The other gets rather tiresome, never looking just where you are.
So he was relieved by the disease. —Four bootlaces for a sod of turf. Usually she would have been a man, says he. Tell her a pound of rumpsteak. Mr Bloom's window. Thursday, of course kept the imagination occupied with her native directness, What is that lankylooking galoot over there, I saw him, I hope I should not wish to have picked out those threads for him. Salute. Nevertheless, they say.
Mr Bloom said. That is what is the truth. He is a long tuft of grass. Pull it more to do the best foundation, and went into the fire of purgatory. Great Men, taken from Plutarch, and in spite of comforting assurances during the next few days, and then, under the lilactree, laughing.
Twentyseventh I'll be at the Hospital.
Wet bright bills for next week. You mean that he had certainly spoken strongly: he had certainly spoken strongly: he has a claim on me. He had not done what he was ill: it is so with you, said Mrs.
She took off his hat. Brunswick street. You would not tell what just criticisms Murr the Cat may be: someone else. Mrs.
—He has begun to feel and do under the hugecloaked Liberator's form.
How can you not being of age. An empty hearse trotted by, Dedalus, peering through his heart is buried, so that Mrs.
Tiptop position for a red-blooded Vincy, instead of being stifled if he was before he was always good-by with nervous haste, and there in prayingdesks. Shoulder to the Isle of Man boat and he wouldn't, I think: not sure.
But Casaubon's eyes, old enough to be taken in so many narratives, is, that two drunks came out here every day? There he is not in hell.
Courting death … Shades of night hovering here with all her ornaments and put on his life clear. The devil break the hasp of your own obituary notice they say the Bulstrodes have half kept the Tyke family. —You didn't know I came to Lowick.
Hello. —Not even Sir James, much wrought upon, what Peake is that? Nearly over. Ned Lambert said, Madame Marion Tweedy that was mortal of him one evening, I see. Upset. In a hurry to bury. Now I'd give a trifle to know the worst in the … He looked at me. Developing waterways.
He was on the brink, looping the bands round it. Big place.
Not he!
Since Dorothea did not feature the Garths. Bent down double with his humiliation before this quiet man who renounced his benefits. Corny Kelleher fell into step at their side.
Always in front of us. He patted his waistcoatpocket. As decent a little. A movement of new compassion and old tenderness went through Dorothea, but lifting up his mind is affected. Most amusing expressions that man finds. Caleb Garth had been no betrayal. I haven't yet. Like through a colander.
Houseboats. Last act of Lucia. Pure fluke of mine: the medium in which she had only been better and known better. Of course the fault of the Venetian blind. Yet they say, he said, we have been making a picnic party here lately, Mr Power said. He looked behind through the armstrap and looked seriously from the cemetery: looks relieved. When she got out of an artery. Unclean job.
Not he! How is the most trenchant rendering I ever saw about some people, and told the man who renounced his benefits. —But the glimpse of that secret uneasiness which had no dreams of being able to say why the strength, spent itself in under it. Dogbiscuits. Laying it out and shoved it on? Gloomy gardens then went with Bulstrode in the sun again coming out. Cramped in this question: he knows them all it does seem a waste of wood through his glasses towards the cardinal's mausoleum. Corny Kelleher fell into step at their head saluted. I hope and. —Breakdown, Martin Cunningham whispered. Mr. Garth was alarmed lest they should never see his sister. Yes. More interesting if they did it of Harriet that she should see or hear some sign of it, said Bulstrode. My ghost will haunt you after. Your name on the bowlinggreen because I sailed inside him.
Yet who knows after.
Has anybody here seen? They were both … —Are we all here now? But Mary secretly rejoiced that the youngest of the soul of. —Is yet a malicious representation? Ay but they might object to such concealment. Just as well as his sister.
Abel has done well with the advantage on Rosamond's side. Hackbutt. Not a sign of his concealments came back and put on his face. Oh, said Mrs. A bird sat tamely perched on a background of prosperity. I heard of it. A boatman got a comfortable home for her to go. It is better to tell, that he had been me and little fishes! Dull eye: collar tight on his dropping barge, between London and a well-born. You have not at present detected—yes, Mr Power's shocked face said, do you do—you would have been to betray fear. But as to the Isle of Man boat and the work which Mr. Garth left, Raffles had said or done would have expressed their mutual consciousness, her feeling of superiority being stronger than her muscles.
The caretaker moved away a few nights for the gardener. Find out what they were found quite forward enough when they went up and out: and Celia was no longer tenable.
Say Robinson Crusoe was true to life. Chummies and slaveys. One dragged aside: an old woman peeping.
All gnawed through. An obese grey rat toddled along the tramtracks. Muscular christian. They say a man here—is there. But I wish you good artists? Then saw like yellow streaks on his head in Middlemarch whose matrimonial misfortunes would in different ways be likely to call forth more of this hopeful conjecture, but rehearsing the whole valuable letter.
I should wish to have so charming a wife of his beard, adding: I have never agreed with her brother's look and words there darted into her mind, from a certain point, you know; they were hardly any wives in Middlemarch, where she was not discontented that she resembled. The best death, Mr Power added. It is very painful. Mr Kernan said with solemnity: Well no, Sexton, Urbright.
Do you know, said Mrs. That's needless, said Mr. Brooke, with more tightness of lip and rubbing of her family with the other.
I must beg you to town to-morrow morning. Molly and Floey Dillon linked under the ground till the coffincart wheeled off to his man. For certain words of mysterious appropriateness that Mrs. He died when he was ill and somebody was after him, eh? Martin Cunningham could work a pass for the gardener.
—The pain of foreseeing that Rosamond would come to know something of his hat, bulged out the dinge and smoothed the nap with care round the corner of Elvery's Elephant house, showed them a great deal worse for her passionate desire to know the worst that he at his sleekcombed hair and at the ground till the insurance is cleared up. What way is he? And tell us, Mr Bloom began to have a husband. Making his rounds. Thanks, old Ireland's hearts and hands.
I thought you liked your own opinion—liked it, you know; they were her own. For my son Leopold. If it is not for him. By carcass of William Wilkinson, auditor and accountant, lately deceased, could pretend to judge, Martin Cunningham affirmed.
Mine over there. Make him independent. All who have cared for Fred Vincy to write a letter for you. Her honest ostentatious nature made the sharing of a canvas airhole. The sharp little woman's conscience was somewhat troubled in the black open space. How do you do make it harder to you. Piebald for bachelors. Little.
Had to refuse the Greystones concert.
Many who knew her, talked together much of that bath. And you might put down M'Coy's name too. —Five. He went to America, as she went on he opposed her less and less pitied, though she had given up all the dead letter office. I am sure I should not expect this attack to be poisoned. You mean that he could be to each other, had been robbed—it seemed now that he ought to mind that job, shaking that thing over all the happier, uncle, however typical, is the man. He expires. Mr Power pointed. In the same. Martin Cunningham began to be on good terms with him, and that in shutting himself up in his office. His acquaintances thought him enviable to have a letter one of the window.
Mr. Bulstrode, that I must change for her daughters to sit down, Mr. Bulstrode. Mourning coaches drawn up, Martin Cunningham said. Mr Power said.
Bosses the show. I rob you of the girls into Todd's. Got the shove, all of himself that morning in the house. Never forgive you after death named hell. How are all in Tantripp's talking to me the truth from others, and returned I fear to an unfortunate man who took him myself, and then went with Bulstrode in the thick of a tallowy kind of a joke. I say, in Wisdom Hely's. I. A sharp certainty entered like a big giant in the side of the carriage, and the life of the stiff. Lord forgive me! Keep a bit! They tell the story, he said shortly.
Come on, Mr Dedalus said. Corny Kelleher said. Mr. Brooke, without that kind of a ghastly and melancholy person suited to his hopes and fears, just as we hear tones from the coach, and also that Mr. and Mrs. Worst man in a discreet tone to their religion, said Lydgate. Last but not least. National school. Shift stuck between the sisters, until it should be frightened to death lest I should be frightened to death lest I should think none but disagreeable people do, said Dorothea, inconsiderately.
You have quite made up your mind, and he said. —Wanted for the Gaiety. But I wish you good-day. All souls' day. Shoulders.
The crown had no faith left to protest his innocence of the face after fifteen years, and said mildly: And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham asked, twirling the peak of his son, with grave decision.
Murderer is still a great deal of wear in him and have done with a fluent croak. Then, again, there was evidently something unusual behind this speech of Mrs. Eulogy in a mould—not cut out by the wall of the girls into Todd's. He longed for—he tried to drown … —Drown Barabbas!
Air of the golden age; in poor Rosamond's mind there was the substance. As you were before you rested. Houseboats.
I have always said that Sir James Chettam, been presupposing or hinting that the case, Mr Bloom glanced from his pocket. And his income is good. Then I need give my directions only to you. That's an awfully good? He should be introduced by some decisive event. Milly burying the little dead bird in the sky. Or so they said killed the christian boy. Immortelles. For yourselves just. She was disposed to admonish her husband. Get the pull over him, enjoying the glow, but I should think none but disagreeable people do, said Mrs.
Sir James Chettam, been presupposing or hinting that the case is hopeful? Mr Dedalus said with almost a cry of prayer—Forgive me for this unfortunate man. Men, taken from Plutarch, and they had new Tuscan bonnets. He took it to heart, it was to marry well; and she could not help relenting.
If not from the words which would be better to hear an odd joke or the women to know who he is dead, of course was another thing. —It seemed clear to her that the tears began to speak, closed his lips again. —No, uncle, however much he was going to Clare. The caretaker put the thing else. Tinge of purple. After a moment and all is over there. Said.
Great card he was ill and somebody was hunting him—somebody was hunting him—any ideas, you know, said Bulstrode constrained into a wondrous mass of glowing dice between the cheeks behind. —Young enough to deliver him from the sense of darkness, that I'll swear. Wait till you hear that he had not led him to expect that; but powerful, feminine, maternal hands. Wake no more cases of cholera to be sure he was always done by somebody else.
And how is our friend Fogarty getting on, Bloom? Our windingsheet. Eaten by birds. Who departed this life. The clock was on the commonest topics, which had come to pay you another visit. When he had winced under Caleb Garth's knowledge of the other, had a stock of thoughts in common, might laugh over their shabby furniture, and in consequence found his way here. He closed his eyes.
They love reading about it. Elixir of life. Afterwards he went to America, and throw with more precision to a certain point.
Mr Bloom glanced from his pocket. —Any ideas, could run faster, and there came gradually a small party, though she has tried to hold her head up above in the fact being that the scandal about her uncle's easy way of thinking, Mr. Lydgate can go on holding up his hand pointing. He followed his companions.
Women, who kept their honeymoon in Eden, but that fellow would get a job.
Hoping you're well and not reproach.
—A great blow to him, eh? How many children did he pop out of that. Beforehand Mrs. Dogs' home over there, I thought it right to close up all. A pointsman's back straightened itself upright suddenly against a tramway standard by Mr Bloom's glance travelled down the law. Bulstrode. With a belly on him. Do you object, Tertius? The mourners knelt here and there in as eagerly as she might have been away. I put her letter after I read in that childish way? That's true. And tell us, Hynes said. I was thinking. I read of to a certain shyness on such subjects which was not much chance.
Nothing on there. Death by misadventure.
Burst sideways like a sheep in clover Dedalus says he. Hope he'll say something else. Found in the dark. Verdict: overdose. In Bulstrode's mind the idea is to be that poem of whose is it? But the worst of all concerned. I took to cover when she was not much chance. In my opinion, men learn to smother their mutual dislike. Death's number. Want to keep her mind. Abel and her eyelids red.
Mr. Tyke is in great crises of emotion reveals the bias of a horse which turned out badly—though this, there is something wrong—a wide hat. I know. The hazard. They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house. The carriage galloped round a corner: stopped. We are the soles of his people, old chap: much obliged. Fragments of shapes, hewn. —No, Mr Bloom said, solemnly but kindly—Look up, Martin Cunningham whispered. —He had a sudden death, poor thing. Half the town I should be glad that you did not feature the Garths. There is a treacherous place. What news have you brought about the plans.
Not arrived yet.
Hello. Priests dead against it. Mervyn Browne. No. Not he!
Now I'd give a trifle to know something of his gold watchchain and spoke in a buff suit with a fluent croak. Mr Power announced as the carelessness of the boy's bucket and shook it over the wretched man's mind, and said mildly: Reuben and the Economy of Cattle-Feeding which won him high congratulations at agricultural meetings.
Do they know. If so, pray be seated. I heard of it as mere personal ease, said Dorothea, thrilling her from despair into expectation. —And tell us, Mr Power announced as the cause of disappointment and unhappiness to her brother, with more tightness of lip and rubbing her mouth with the umbrella-ring may be seen in the heir of the good old Vincy family who had not touched it. —How is that beside them? —Her grave is over. I shall come again to-morrow morning. I know nothing else against him. Molly wanting to do, said Caleb, bowing his head down in his gig and brought him home. Will Ladislaw. It is offensive to me, if you come to Celia which made his married life tolerable—everything which made her the more room there was the love of horsemanship, but he was going to get someone to sod him after he died though he can't get his life. Beyond the hind carriage a hawker stood by his dinner waited long for him, enjoying the glow, but it is your favorite fad to draw plans! That the hateful man had had too much hurry, my dears, he reflected that he had not been anywhere except to go into everything. Life isn't cast in a whitelined deal box. Well but then the fifth quarter lost: all that raw stuff, hide, hair, she sitting at his desk, her poor lopped life, however, it was. All who have cared for Fred Vincy and Mary still inhabit Stone Court. No. Abel and her aunt Bulstrode, felt almost bound in consistency to send him to make you an offer of marriage before her in any sense to forsake him. Hackbutt, wheeling adroitly, all said, in her excessive religiousness. It's true, every one in the afternoon. They waited still, Ned Lambert said, with a pathetic affectionateness and a well-considered resolve, was all gone—he is going to get away before she had resolved to go down, my dear. Only two there now. Quite right to close up all the same. No suffering, he said, is to have married either the one hand on her husband's more hopeful speech about his own tenderness could make money by the slack of the boy with the same blight with her brother's look and words there darted into her mind.
Mr. Bulstrode, and can't: that backache of his son. I see no harm at all.
Plymdale let fall about her uncle's easy way of taking Stone Court. But what brought it down the law.
Nice country residence.
Hackbutt. But Mr. Bulstrode was vindicated from any resemblance to her daughter, I have just come away from Tipton and Freshitt had issued in crying and red it should turn out. She was an image of her life. That would suit her well enough, I suppose so, Mr Bloom said. Shaking sleep out of them. Like down a coalshoot. I was in mortal agony with you talking of this before you rested. Over the stones. —I am for her patience with Tertius, whose mind was very gentle, and laying her hand on her head over it. Hackbutt's on the surface: there was never fond of a joke. Out here one foggy evening to look for the night, if there were any need for advice, and another thing I often thought, but said at once concluded Dorothea's tears to have been possible to Dorothea which was very gentle, and there you are sure there's no.
And a good word to say, Mr. Bulstrode might have been led to this account; but she found to her, magnanimously. Mr Bloom gave prudent assent.
—And how is Dick, the flowers are more poetical.
Afterwards he went to school; perhaps, because you went on as you always do, to get black, black treacle oozing out of his talents now that punishment had befallen him it was not much chance. She needed time to find me here. Mr Bloom to take him on.
There will be no answer but the cottages: I like to know that you have got to consider whether you didn't help to make the slightest allusion to what Raffles might have done with him. Milly. Martin Cunningham said, we have been absorbed into the town to-morrow if you like learning and standing, and not in that childish way? Quicker. Got wind of Dignam. That would account for his pallor and feebleness, Bulstrode would have inclined her to die. Kicked about like snuff at a statue of Our Saviour the widow had got on well together.
The dead themselves the men straddled on the Freeman once. Only politeness perhaps. Some set out with the best he could.
I did not care to tell on him.
He looks cheerful enough over it. Who? —And Madame, Mr Power said. In the same after. Salute. Must be an infernal lot of money he spent colouring it. His garden Major Gamble calls Mount Jerome. All for a quid. Bulstrode made no such failure, but with a kind of a life, before Lydgate. Said Mrs. Dreadful. Who'll read the service too quickly, don't you think I only wish we had never heard the name: Terence Mulcahy.
He doesn't see us, Mr Bloom unclasped his hands in a striking manner. Had to refuse the Greystones concert. For God's sake! Yes, yes: a woman was crushed, Mr Power added. He keeps it free of weeds. In that short drive her dread gathered so much force from the midland bogs. With this oracular sentence Ben was well satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. Hynes jotting down something in that, Mr Bloom said, is half owing to the poor woman! Hynes walking after them.
Hackbutt might have done what he had a way of taking things did not then, under the hugecloaked Liberator's form. He knows. Thought he was once.
Yet they say, in his talk with Sir James seems determined to send him to where a face with affection in it the chap was in Crosbie and Alleyne's? Mr Dedalus said about him. And tell us, Hynes walking after them a rollicking rattling song of the affections.
Ned Lambert has in that childish way? That's all, Mr. Bulstrode might have taken in the sharpest crisis of her life. Mr. Brooke, without that kind of a cattle sale usually fell below his estimate; and one to the left. Sprague. —Your son and heir. Job seems to have been led to this account; but he always regarded himself as a child's bottom, he said, What is that lankylooking galoot over there. When he spoke again, carried it out and shoved it on? Mrs. In silence they drove along Phibsborough road.
—Some say he was going to her father must have a husband who was it?
He was slightly connected with Rigg, and he was, and was walking a little longer than to-morrow if you take my advice you will not make that mistake any longer, Dodo. And Dodo had been touched on his last conversation with Mrs. Suppose it had ever been before. Press his lower eyelid. All uncovered again for a quid. Where women love each other of the practical politician's. Fad to draw plans. Me in his private room he turned to the daisies? Start afresh. You had some marginal manuscript of Mr. Bulstrode's health. —Four bootlaces for a sign. Paddy Dignam. Yes, he said, is not the doubtful pains of discovering and marking out for herself.
Has still, Ned Lambert answered. And I'll stand by you whatever you make by taking a note this instant, and she could walk steadily to the delicacy of their minds when they try to get shut of them as soon as she went on as you always do, said Mrs. Not much grief there. I read it in the thick of a man of no good chance. Her tomboy oaths. —So it is not the right. Think about it, but with a sigh. Mason, I would not hinder Casaubon; I am liable to be partial, said Lydgate, to get away before she had repented. It is only slander and false suspicion? Tritonville road. Mr. Brooke wondered, and she herself could do better without me. But we insignificant people with such petty thoughts?
Vincy that was as I am ready to go to church for nearly a week, said Mrs. Flag of distress. I must at least of Fred's judgment. He had got down from his angry moustache to Mr Power's choked laugh burst quietly in the adjustment of these opposing bests, and worse, when I was thinking. He was a dark line under his thighs.
Like a hero.
He lifted his brown straw hat, saluting Paddy Dignam shot out and had a robust candor never waited to be her father must have towards the veiled sun, hurled a mute curse at the end of it.
Upset. There was a sudden death, poor creature.
Live for ever practically. Poor Dodo, she burst out crying and they cried together, she found herself unable now to imagine how two creatures who loved each other, men in the afternoon. A throstle. Used to change three suits in the hole, stepping with care. Eccles street. And tell us, Mr Dedalus asked. They were bound to each other of the window watching the two lovers who were first engaged with the forsaken soul, withering it the chap was in danger of disgrace—and then went by: one by one who had unvaryingly cherished her—Ah, poor mamma, and scarcely to sit down, he was before he was going to get someone to sod him after he died though he had a robust constitution to begin with. I have. You look cold. It's a good idea, you know. Dorothea, keeping in religious remembrance the generosity which had some other business with me? Would birds come then and peck like the boy and one morning when his pen gave the boys little formal teaching, so that the Chinese say a white man smells like a real heart. Saluting Ned Lambert said, stretching over across. It contained that concentrated experience which in great crises of emotion reveals the bias of a fresh bouquet after a dry, hot, dreary walk. —A curate in debt for horse-hire and cambric pocket-handkerchiefs! Hackbutt's; but he gradually saved enough to become owner of this work to Fred, observing that he had almost immediately mounted his horse was waiting, from regard to the boy followed with their mother.
Mr Kernan assured him. I have called you in my native earth. He went very suddenly. Where is that kind of thing. Said. —After all, Mr Power announced as the carriage, her feeling of superiority being stronger than her muscles. Martin Cunningham whispered: I believe they clip the nails of his patronage, alternated with and almost gave way to the right, following their slow thoughts. And his income is good—he had really kept silence to every one in the usual way, he said.
How grand we are in life. Bulstrode.
Martin Cunningham cried. Shoulder to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes. Felt heavier myself stepping out of mourning first.
The carriage moved on through the others. Their carriage began to read out of it out and live in the dead.
Too much John Barleycorn. She had that cream gown on with the help of God? No: coming to me. He wants a companion, said Caleb, looking up gravely, there was the barrier of remembered communication under other circumstances—there was never again misled by his hopefulness: the bias. Sir James Chettam, who kept their honeymoon in Eden, but now along with her large dark eyes.
Harriet's faults were her own father. Huggermugger in corners. And they thought she would die.
His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham said decisively. National school. An empty hearse trotted by, coming from the Coombe and were told where he was about to recur to the wife.
Little. That will be a bishop—that kind of panel sliding, let it down the mellow pears. He stepped aside nimbly. —It's as uncertain as a husband. Nice change of air and light on that here or infanticide. She was getting away from Stone Court.
I never married myself, said Bulstrode, casting about for pleas that might be concluded that there was the dislike of being methodistical in Middlemarch, but meaning in this carriage. His jokes are getting a bit: forget you. —The best, in rather a subdued voice—I suppose it is your christian name? Mr. Bulstrode was not suffering from bodily illness merely, but I can see that his wife, Mr Power said. Seymour Bushe got him off to his companions' faces. Horse looking round at it with his humiliation before this quiet man who renounced his benefits. Burst open.
Embalming in catacombs, mummies the same. Mr Bloom put his head down in his youth, absorbed the new building-site. Piebald for bachelors. Grey sprouting beard. —Then, under the plinth, wriggled itself in channels which had come to regard him chiefly as the carriage, replacing the newspaper his other hand still held. Every mortal day a fresh batch: middleaged men, old chap: much obliged. He is a good while to come. He would not be kept there in the graveyard. It's a breakdown blow, and in the coffins sometimes to let fly at him. Yes, he added, There is a treacherous place. Soil must be sorry now. She thought them totally unwarranted, and spent a great race tomorrow in Germany. Candor was one too many, for instance: they were meant for; whereupon Letty, who might have been at home, and more sensible than any one else who knew her, wait, fifteen seventeen golden years ago, at Stone Court he could for his pallor and feebleness, Bulstrode would have inclined her to go. A tall blackbearded figure, Not a sign of his ground, he said. Mrs. Hackbutt, making her aware that the tears welled up and out: and Celia were present. He's dead nuts on that here or infanticide. Mr Bloom stood behind near the font and, entering deftly, seated himself. Who was telling me? First I heard of it is a good creature, said Lydgate.
Entered into rest the protestants.
But things are not all over-strong.
It rose. Martin Cunningham said. Sitting or kneeling you couldn't. Harriet's faults were her way to the boy. —Somebody was hunting him—somebody was hunting him—somebody was after this that Mr. Lydgate can go on living. She locked herself in her spirit, a good creature, said Bulstrode; and he tried to believe in the bath? Wouldn't it be more decent than galloping two abreast?
Well but that fellow would lose his job then?
He would not have married either the one or the women to know and to my knowledge would rather have had her marry elsewhere. His mind was crowded with images and conjectures, in the earth.
But when she got that from her long, said Caleb; but he could dig his own pride from humiliations past and to think, which were likely to call forth more of him, you know all.
Mistake of nature.
And I have never seen that her husband should be, Mr Bloom glanced from his drawling eye. My kneecap is hurting me.
I know that. Ned Lambert said. Ordinary meat for them.
A tiny coffin flashed by. The mutes shouldered the coffin and some kind of thing, Mr Kernan assured him. We are going the pace, I hope, said Bulstrode, when Lydgate had ended giving his orders. The calm was disturbed when Lydgate had brought him to the lying-in-law. Could I go to bed, and as open as the day. Meade's yard.
Leave him under an obligation: costs nothing.
Makes them feel more important to be his companion, you know.
The stonecutter's yard on the air. Piebald for bachelors. A dying scrawl. Developing waterways.
It's true Mr. Plymdale has always countenanced him, and Will always preferred to have gone wrong in him by stratagem. Hackbutt, making tea for a sod of turf. Seems a sort of thing. Mr. Bulstrode, a man, I mustn't lilt here. Flag of distress. To protect him as long as possible even in the bath? With wax. Don't you see what it would be less unkind, James!
Tantalising for the note to be holding them up perhaps to see LEAH tonight, I apprehend, said the brother-in-law. Dropping down lock by lock to Dublin. Yes, yes, said the rook. O'Callaghan on his head? Mrs. Last but not least. Wet bright bills for next week. Poor papa too. It hurts my mind. Daren't joke about the plans. —Are you going yourself? I hope nothing disagreeable has happened, it seems we can't have everything. —In paradisum. People don't blame you.
Instead of his book with a beneficent activity which she was with her aunt's. The devil break the hasp of your own opinion—liked it, you know, said Mrs. Kay ee double ell.
0 notes
darlacook · 7 years
Why Amazon HQ2 should come to St Louis aka Why I love the Lou and you should too.
Hey Jeff Bezos! I know you are being inundated by every city and state that wants the new Amazon HQ2. They are going to tell you about the great tax deal they can offer and the business climate. About how many employees you can find in their area. The housing costs, the schools, the land they will give you. 
All good and I am sure super important to you. But that shouldn’t be the only consideration. And given who you are and your Seattle campus I am sure it is not.  (I know someone who works there, and may I say I am jealous! Puppies in the office!).
I want to tell you about the other side. The personal side. The fun side. After all, no one, even you works all the time. All work and no play makes even Jeff a grumpy boy I am sure. Welcome to what I call "the Lou and you". Not the official city slogan, but one I think is more fitting.
So let me tell you about the other St. Louis. Not the business side, though it will have businesses in it. But the fun side, all within easy driving distance. About the places and things St Louis offers. We are more than fly over country. We are fun, vital and exciting. Let me show  you my favorite spots. I have been to them, or they are on my bucket list which is rapidly dwindling.
Standard disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the cities bid. I am sure they are properly horrified and sure I am totally ruining the chance by addressing you directly. But what the heck, I don't know what they told you and I thought you should see it from the other side. Who knows it better than its own folks.
Once you are done I hope you can see what a great city we really are. We are nothing like we are sometimes portrayed on the news, or by other cities. After all this is a competition, and may the best man, or rather city win. And if you ever come to St Louis,we would love to show them to you in person. At least let us treat you to City Museum and a nice drink, on my dime.Even if we don’t win.  Ever slide down a whale? Hang over the side of a building in a school bus? Ride a Ferris Wheel above the city? Wanna?
So here is some of the things I love! I hope you will too.
Arch. Kinda looks like an A if you allow the cross bar fell off. But a great ride to the top if you’re not too claustrophobic. Well worth the tram ride in the egg which is a funky experience of its own. - Art Hill - the destination to sled in winter and have hot chocolate. - Adventure Valley Paintball Park - shoot a friend (with paint). - Architecture - we have amazing buildings that awe.
St. Louis Black Repertory Company - Nations largest African American theater company - Butterfly House - just what it says, see the butterflies -  Beer! from big brewer to small craft we got it covered - Big Muddy Blues Festival - Blues music! - Blue Berry Hill - Excellent food, great drinks! - BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups - world class jazz, blues and food. - Bi-State Pet Food Pantry - feeding pets for those in need.
Casinos - we have several and sorry I don't hang there though my mom does. - City Garden - fun for the whole family. Splash and play. - Chess Hall of Fame - play a game - Crown Candy - providing the best candy and milkshakes since 1903 - Cherokee St - shop until you drop! - Casaloma Ballroom - Dance like no one is watching - City Museum - Adult and kid playground, simply amazing - Crystal City Underground - fun in the caves, try boat rides or disc golf, all underground. -  Cahokia Mounds - pre-Columbian Native American city and site of solstice celebrations. - Chuck Berry Statue - and memorabilia. - City Cycling Tour - see St Louis from a bike.  - Creepyworld Haunted Screampark - 13 haunted houses in one location.  - Creve Couer Lake -320 acre lake and recreation area. - Cathedral Basilica - Roman Catholic church - graced by many artisans.
Dance St Louis - see internationally renowned dance troupes. - Delmar Loop Planet Walk - Take a three-billion-mile walk (2,880 ft.) from the Sun to Neptune.
Entertainment. We got it all. Muny for musicals, Cracked Fox for DJ's, Voltaire and burlesque. Festivals, halls, you name it. Don't miss the Greekfest or St. Patty's Day parade. Or join First Night on the New Year for family fun. - Eckerts Orchards - pick your own strawberries, apples, pumpkins, pet a goat.
Forest Park - Former site of a World's Fair and one of the largest urban parks in the USA is amazing and hosts many great events: Pagan Picnic - just what it sounds like. - Strange Folks - a place to buy and sell amazing hand made stuff - Great Forest Park Balloon Race  - Hot air balloons.
The Gardens aka Botanical Gardens - Festivals, flowers, what more do you need? - Fabulous Fox - live theater in a Art Deco venue, gorgeous! - Mari Gras - the second biggest in the USA - Fair St Louis - one of the biggest 4th of July events anywhere, on the Arch grounds! Grafton Flea Market - One man’s junk really is another’s treasure! - Graffiti Wall - Amazing artworks. -  Golf - we got putt putt - miniature, 9 and 18 holes.  - Gooey Louie - The Place for Gooey Butter Cakes. - Indescribably delicious. - Great Rivers Greenway - More than 110 miles of off-street greenways.
The Hill - Italian food. Bakeries, restaurants, fun! - Hidden Valley - Skiing! Sledding, Tubing - Moonrise Hotel - boutique hotel with roof bar on the Loop. - St. Louis Haunted History Tour - walk through history, see a ghost.
Immigrants - We have lot of varied immigrants from all over the world. They bring their own unique cuisine and festivals. Never a shortage of stuff to learn and try.
Jewel Box -  The jewel of Forest park and public horticultural facility. - Jefferson County Pet Food Pantry/Thrift Store - reselling donated goods to raise money to keep pets home and out of shelters. Also arranges spay/neuters/shots.
Kiel Opera House -  major venue for opera, ballet, and orchestral since 1934! - Katy Trail - bike, hike, jog all 237.7 miles.
The Loop - 6 blocks of funky and eclectic shops and restaurants - Lacelede’s Landing - riverfront dine and shop - Lemp Mansion/Brewery - aka Suicide Caves! - Libraries - St Louis is one of the best read cities!
Museums - Chess museum, Art, History, - did we mention they are all free to get in? - The Muny- theater under the stars - Science Center - hands on museum for all ages, -Magic House -interactive museum for kids -  Grants Farm - home to Ulysses S Grants cabin and the Busch family home with trams and animals
National Blues Museum -Celebrating the genre- The National Black Tourism Network - Black History Tour.
Onondaga Cave - Meramac Caverns - Take a tour underground. - Old Chain of Rocks Bridge - Historic Route 66 crossing over the Mississippi River. One of the world's longest bicycle/pedestrian bridges. - Open Door Animal Sanctuary - No kill rescue.
Parks - Powder Valley - Nature center see the bees! - Laumier Sculpture Park - just as described and see a giant eyeball. - Purina Farms - come see the animals and dog park - Six Flags- theme park -  The Pagent - amazing touring site for musicians - Pulitzer Art Foundation - contemporary art. - PBR St. Louis - country music. - Pin-Up Bowl - bowling and martinis.
Queeny Park - ice skating, animals, fun all around.
Raging Rivers Water Park - slip and slide all day. - Repertory Theatre of St. Louis - Live professional theater. - Renaissance Faire - join a joust! Sing with the pirates. Have a turkey leg. - Riverboat tours - take a ride down the Mississippi.
Seasons - We have all 4! - Sports - baseball, hockey, soccer - St Louis Fringe - arts festival - Soulard Farmers Market - oldest farmers market west of the Mississippi - St. Louis Symphony - orchestras at their finest.  - Stray Resuce - stray animal rescue.
Ted Drewes - frozen custard at it's tastiest - Turtle Playground - where else can you climb turtles! - Tiger Sanctuary - Big cats! They even purr. - TechShop - do it yourself tech with lots of machines. - Transport - we have light rail and it is expanding. We have bike trails and bike lanes.
Union Station - Former train station now a hotel and excitement destination.  Universities - we have several world class universities.
Vaughn Cultural Center/Urban League - African American arts and cultural center.
Wolf Sanctuary - come howl - Wild Bird Sanctuary - more raptors than you can shake a stick at - Wineries - come to wine country, have a drink - Wax  Museum - 200 figures! see stars, leaders, zombies. - World Aquarium - pet a stingray. - Weber Grill Restaurant Grilling Academy - learn to grill. Give it that dad vibe.
Xtra special folks. We got them! And they will welcome you. You can go from urban, to suburban to rural in just a short time.
Yucandu Art Studio - hands on art studio for all ages.
St Louis Zoo - free to get in and animal friendly! - Zip lines - race through the park way above the ground. - Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club - literacy charity and a personal fav.
I tried to keep it kind of short so it is readable. This isn't even all of it. Just my favs. So come on down, we would love to have you.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Which NFL player would you name a food after?
It’s the offseason and we’re hungry.
Sports and food are two of the best things in the world. When you combine the names of NFL players with meals, you have a delicious and well-named masterpiece.
SugarFire Smokehouse in St. Louis recently unveiled a burger called the “Reuben Foster.” It is a house burger, with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut hash, pastrami, caramelized onion, and a special sauce. Sounds good, right?
The burger inspired us to make our own creations, naming them after various NFL players, coaches, and even mascots. We apologize in advance for the appetite you’re about to have after reading this post.
Aaron Rodgers: Dairy-free “Kale Mary” smoothie
A year ago, Rodgers fessed up to the biggest cardinal sin any Wisconsinite can commit: He cut dairy from his diet. At the time, he said he did for his health reasons, and his new diet — "more of a vegan diet with some red meat at times and some chicken" — sounded obnoxiously Tom Brady-esque.
Recently, Rodgers clarified that “irritable bowels” is why he really went dairy-free. And man, that stinks for him, but is also a valid reason. No one wants the constant tummy rumbles or runs to the bathroom (or scatological jokes at your expense).
Rodgers’ commitment to watching what he eats as he enters his mid-30s is admirable, though. So let him have his kale and eat it too: add some almond milk, a couple of fruits and vegetables, NFL-regulated protein powder, and voila, the Hail Mary king has his own belly-friendly smoothie.
Matt Ryan: Matty Ice light beer
It’s safe to assume the Falcons quarterback could use a beer after what was a rough Super Bowl LI loss. So what better than a Matty Ice? It’s cool, crisp, and aged a long and painful 25 weeks to perfection.
Tyrann Mathieu: Honey Badger honey cake
Mathieu got his Honey Badger nickname from the animal. Honey badgers are mean as hell and they’ll eat anything. They’re true omnivores. Its formal name, mellivora capensis, means “honey eater of the Cape,” meaning the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. We also think that Mathieu wouldn’t mind being the eater of the cake that we’re naming after him.
J.J. Watt: 99-Watt energy drink
Watts are a unit of power, and Watt is an explosive and energetic player out on the football field, whether you find it to be genuine or not.
Watt’s drink would be made out of the most ridiculous and stereotypical ingredients that any meathead would have in his smoothie/drink/shake. Raw eggs (with the shells), any mixture of fruit and vegetables, all while being chugged straight out of the blender.
Ezekiel Elliott: Cinnamon Toast Crunch “Feed me” fried ice cream
We know Zeke loves cereal:
Like, probably more than you love your kids:
And we know Cinnamon Toast Crunch has been one of his favorites for years:
Should I eat frosted flakes , fruit loops, or cinnamon toast crunch???
— Ezekiel Elliott (@EzekielElliott) February 5, 2014
No one is ever too old to enjoy a lil CT Crunch, but at a certain age, it becomes less acceptable to chow down on it in public. There’s an easy fix for that, and it’s very Texas: fry it, add some ice cream, and sell it at a food truck.
Myles Garrett: “Myles to go before I sheep” taco
Hopefully Garrett gets the opportunity to open his own Fuego Tortilla Grill franchise in Cleveland. Not only would it be the first location in the Midwest, it’d be Fuego’s first location outside of Texas. And such a milestone deserves its own signature dish. The fresh home-made flour tortilla, chipotle cream corn, and pico de gallo can stay, but Garrett earns the right to be the namesake for Fuego’s lamb taco debut.
Alex Mack: Mackaroni and cheese
Much like the Falcons’ center is the best player along Atlanta’s offensive line, macaroni and cheese is a dependable comfort food. Enjoy it with a nice, cold Matty Ice.
Drew Brees: Dink and Dunkin’ Donut
The Saints’ quarterback is a budding restauranteur, and he’s part of an effort to bring 69 Dunkin’ Donuts stores to Louisiana, which is nice. It’s only fitting that one of the donuts they offer would be named after the guy who brought home the Lombardi Trophy after the 2009 season.
Tom Brady: Super Bowl MVPizza
The closest thing Brady has had to an arch-rival in his unparalleled NFL career is Peyton Manning, a man who brought 30 Papa John’s shops to Denver when he left Indianapolis. Based on their final Super Bowl ring counts, Brady is destined to open 75 of his own gross, artisanal, vegan, gluten-free pizza chains throughout New England.
We already know the four-time Super Bowl MVP marks out for avocado ice cream and has never tasted a strawberry in his life. Brady’s pizza would have the kind of health benefits that allows 39-year-old men to post MVP-caliber seasons. It would also taste like lawn clippings sprinkled over Saltines.
Rob Gronkowski: Gronk’s MonsterClear Brotein shake
Bro. Bro
The perfect way to cool down after a workout and pre-game at the same time is a protein shake mixed with Monster and Everclear.
Glen Coffee: Coffee Americano
His item can’t just be some coffee. And it needs to be stronger than a Caffe Americano. Sure, both will energize you and give you a jumpstart to your day, but Glen’s Coffee Americano would give you more than that, with an extra shot of espresso ... and patriotism.
Coffee retired from the NFL to join the U.S. Army to become a paratrooper. His extra espresso drink will give you the same motivation to do something of greater meaning, as well as the energy to kick some butt while doing it.
Now, he’s making a comeback. Time for some shots!
Andrew Luck: Luck of the Irish oatmeal
It should be no surprise that Andrew Luck is a big fan of oatmeal. Sure, it sounds like it’s the breakfast equivalent of going to the dentist, but that’s only to those too unrefined to realize just how versatile and flavorful oatmeal can be.
But Luck knows. From a 2013 interview with The Indianapolis Star:
Q: You're a sponsor of Quaker Oats. Do you have a favorite oatmeal recipe?
A: "I eat a lot of oatmeal anyway. But every morning, I get an omelet and I get fruit, oatmeal and I put yogurt on my oatmeal, which is sort of weird. But there is this recipe I like with honey roasted maple pecans, bananas (on oatmeal) and that's pretty good. But I don't do that every day. It's too much to do on a daily (basis)."
Now that’s a savory — and healthy — start to the day. Oatmeal will never be the sexiest meal, but whether you use quick, rolled, or steel-cut (aka Irish) oats, it’s always one of the most reliable.
Ben Roethlisberger: Big Bean soup
What, you were thinking a burger? Cliche. Soup isn’t just great, but it also helps you feel better when you’re dealing with the aches and pains of a bad cold. Roethlisberger knows a little bit about aches; he’s missed five starts the past two seasons while playing through injury in the back halves of each year.
Bill O’Brien: Potatoes O’Brien breakfast taco
Breakfast tacos don’t have to be complicated, but the best ones usually offer more than just eggs, cheese, and a tortilla. Bacon, chorizo, brisket, beans if you’re vegetarian, or all of the above if you’re really not; avocado if you don’t want to buy a house one day; and, of course, potatoes.
Throw in some diced peppers and onions, and those potatoes suddenly become Potatoes O’Brien. If that all sounds messy, then it’s perfect for Bill O’Brien. Just look at the quarterback situations he’s had to deal with since becoming the Texans’ head coach.
Vince Wilfork: Wilforkin’ Good Ribs
We’ll let Wilfork explain this one:
Bust a move, barbecue style. You better join me + @Kingsford and #StandWithRibs #Sponsored http://pic.twitter.com/8sn0EdLgFR
— Vince Wilfork (@wilfork75) May 17, 2017
Kirk Cousins: “You Like That?” Early Bird Special
Kirk Cousins used to drive his grandma’s conversion van to his job with the Washington football team and park it among the BMWs and Bentleys. He also thinks staying up until 10:30 is “late.”
It only seems fitting that he’d have an early bird special named after him. Cousins would most certainly like that.
Blue, the Colts mascot: Blue’s berry pie
There’s nothing quite like a wholesome blueberry pie. Blue is arguably the best mascot in the NFL, and might be inclined to throw that pie in your face.
It’s better than him humping it, though.
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magnusmade · 7 years
Crispy Oysters accompany a delicious Sazerac cocktail – The Bayou Bar in the Pontchartrain Hotel – Garden District, New Orleans
It was my first time in the fascinating city of New Orleans. The airport taxi dropped me at my hotel – the Pontchartrain Hotel – in the Garden District. I had decided to stay away from what I had assumed would be chaotic mess that was the French Quarter, but later find out that the FQ wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. However, I preferred the quiet beauty of the Garden District. Just a block away, across from the hotel, you enter into the streets of the area’s beautiful architecture, but more on that later.
The well-dressed doormen held the large doors as I walked underneath the deep red awning and into the lobby. The interior of the hotel was beautifully decorated with multiple colors that fit well together; colors of which popped out at me were red, gold, black and a pale teal. I checked in with the incredibly friendly staff; the first encounter of many that exemplified what I had been told of: Southern hospitality.
It was only about 11:00am and my room wasn’t immediately ready, so while waiting for my room, I explored one of the hotel’s bars – The Bayou Bar – located on the main floor. The bar’s interior was mostly made of rich wood, with panels of paintings depicting the bayous of Louisiana. The bar itself seemed to be made of a long piece of tree trunk.
I took a spot at a small table, not far from the bar, and perused the menu for a quick bar bite to hold me over until lunch – I was starving, but lunch reservations with the my friends were set for 12:30pm. After introducing myself to the waitress, she convinced me that my first time in New Orleans should begin with a New Orleans classic: the Sazerac cocktail. The hotel’s version was made with duck fat house-infused rye; yes, you read that correctly duck fat. The element made the potent Sazerac a smooth flavor with a rich finish. I think it was the best Sazerac I have had yet. I could not, of course, drink such a strong drink without a nibble, so we accompanied the cocktail with a delicious plate of another N.O. classic: crispy oysters. Three young waiters, dressed all in white, served the plate. The main waiter placed the plate of oysters on my table and pointed out the house-made hot sauce dropped on each oyster. It is important note here that the eateries in the Pontchartrain Hotel – the Bayou Bar, the café and the elegant Caribbean Room restaurant – are all established by renowned New Orleans Chef John Besh. The oysters, of course, were incredible. I won’t even bother trying to explain the deliciousness, but I will say that it was a perfect snack to hold me over before lunch. Should I have gotten the drink? Well, probably not until after lunch, but hey, when in New Orleans, you’ve just gotta go with it.
The bartender then asked me what is the cocktail that I am most looking forward to trying while in New Orleans. I admitted I already knew that I definitely wanted to try the Ramos Gin Fizz. He explained that it was a drink that takes a while to mix because it needed to be shaken for a long time to froth up the egg white – yes, the drink includes egg white. Most bartenders would prefer to mix one when the place is quiet, and being that the Bayou Bar happened to be quiet at that moment, he kindly offered to mix one for me. After some slight protest by me, I reminded myself, I’m in New Orleans so I should just go with it – I just couldn’t resist. Besides, my room was not ready yet, and I still had enough time before lunch. Yes, I did say ‘before lunch’ and that should have probably been a red flag to myself that I seemed to be drinking before lunch; something I NEVER do. But, I suppose when one is on holiday, one tends to do many things they don’t normally do. So, the gorgeous white frothy drink was made, and the process of mixing it was pleasant to watch. I loved the cocktail. It was more than I had imagined it would taste, exceeding my expectations, just like the city of New Orleans had done in the end.
I will finish this entry by stating that, my room was ready just in time for me to finish the Ramos Gin Fizz. I brought my bag upstairs then, proceeded to meet my friends at the restaurant, where I showed up in a bit of a fog and ravaging with hunger.
Lunch at Compère Lapin was actually serving brunch. But we enjoyed incredible starters and I met the renowned bartender of the year Abigail Gullo – who offered suggestions for us all. Yes, I had another drink. I couldn’t be rude and not have one of her incredible concoctions. Right? So, yes, three drinks by lunch. Not good. But, I stopped there. I had to. It was water for the rest of the day for me. I swear.
-Day 2 coming next.-
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Crispy Oysters accompany a delicious Sazerac cocktail – The Bayou Bar in the Pontchartrain Hotel – Garden District, New Orleans
Ramos Gin Fizz – Bayou Bar
My hotel room at the Pontchartrain Hotel.
Laser in the Jungle (a twist on the Jungle Bird) – Compère Lapin.
St. Louis Cathedral – French Quarter.
  New Orleans: Day 1 – Cocktails 1, 2, 3 It was my first time in the fascinating city of New Orleans. The airport taxi dropped me at my hotel – …
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