#the nik one is so blurry looking I'm sorry
kusosthings · 9 months
Holy shart guys it's creatures from smashing success series katamari
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I like thinking Daisy and Foomin actually hung out a lot during tmk hence Foomin's cow era
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infinite-riches · 8 months
In Every Lifetime
Summary: In all their time working together– being together– Soap had only seen Ghost cry a handful of times, mainly after nightmares.
He saw the tears and he knew.
It's just a lot of angst featuring a MCD... I'm sorry? <3
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x Simon "Ghost" Riley
Word Count: 673
Warnings: non-graphic depictions of gore, MCD
A/N: This lovely one-shot was inspired by a prompt from adhd_coyote on the CoD babygirls server, much love to her!! <3
And as always feel free to leave feedback/constructive criticism <3
AO3 Link (if you prefer): In Every Lifetime
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Ghost knew pain. It had never been like this before.
A strangled cry into his radio. Pavement still warm from the last light of day. Stars mockingly bright in the night sky. Crimson never meant to be seen outside his veins. A blinding heat and then mind-numbing cold.
He knew. 
The moment it happened, he knew. 
Everything was so loud followed by an almost painful silence when his head hit the asphalt. A wave of nausea hitting as the stars blurred together.
They stayed blurry too long, shaking hand lifting to find wet skin– tears.
In all their time working together– being together– Soap had only seen Ghost cry a handful of times, mainly after nightmares. 
He saw the tears and he knew. 
There was so much screaming all around him and… and fear in Johnny’s voice.
“Johnny?” Ghost’s voice was soft, a barely there whisper as he tried to make the world stop spinning.
“‘M here LT…” Johnny was a blur of motion, ripping into the med kit on Ghost’s vest, desperately pressing gauze into the gaping wound in Ghost’s stomach. Blinding pain lit up every last nerve, an anguished whine slipped from the Brit’s lips.
“Johnny…” somehow his voice was even softer, tear-slicked hands stilling blood-slicked hands. “Lie to me, Johnny… Tell me it’s gonna be okay…”
“It- it is going to be okay, LT. P- Price is calling for exfil now… Nik… Nik will be here soon and… and-”
“Johnny…” his name was like Simon’s last prayer. Johnny could hear the desperation in Simon’s voice now, fear starting to spill out through the cracks in the armor of his ever-strong Lieutenant.
“Simon…” Johnny’s free hand cradled Simon’s face so gently, blood staining the fabric with ease. “Everything… everything’s gonna be okay, Mo ghràidh…”
Simon’s lashes fluttered at the soft pet name, not needing a translation to understand what his Johnny was saying. “The mask… take it off, love…” His eyelids felt heavier now, each blink lasting longer than the last. Johnny saw it, knew there was nothing he could do but ease the pain and fear, so he obliged.
Gentle hands softly bunched up worn fabric, carefully peeling it away to reveal pale skin littered with silver scars. Moonlight over top the buildings made his tears look like stars.
“You’re so beautiful, my love… always so beautiful to me…” The tears fell easily down Johnny’s face, making no move made to hide them or brush them away. 
“Kiss me one last time…?” there was a waver to Simon’s voice and it snapped the last ounce of strength Johnny had– seeing the strongest man he knew be so quickly cut down, made small again.
“Never for the last time… I’ll find you in every lifetime, Simon.” 
Simon’s lips felt cold on Johnny’s. A silent sob racked his body as he kissed his lover, tears melding together on flushed cheeks. 
“I love you, Johnny. I’m sorry I couldn’t be better for you…” his words were broken up by rattling gasps for breaths, Johnny dug his fingers deep into the thick fabric of Simon’s useless vest, trying to hold back his own pain. 
“Shh, shh, shh… none of that, my love. I love you. More than you could ever know.” 
Simon set a shaky hand down atop Johnny’s, “I want you to have my tags… and… and there’s a box in my desk for you Johnny… if you want it…” Simon was gasping for breath now, every minute more was an agonizing fight.
“Just rest, my love…” Johnny pulled his lover into his lap, bloodied hands gently playing with soft blonde strands, listening, waiting for Simon to take his last breath.
One more. Barely audible. It felt like Johnny’s death sentence. 
The real death sentence came when Johnny got back to base. 
Took a week for him to work up the strength to go into Simon’s office. There, tucked in the top drawer, was a simple, forest-green, velvet box.
Johnny wore two sets of tags and one golden ring from that day on.
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smuttyfandomgalore · 1 year
Hey love, I'm sorry for this sudden spamming on my part, I hope you'll forgive me
But I couldn't resist when I found out there was someone I could talk to about TVD.
So I've always been interested in hybrids and how they were made. And I started to wonder what if such a hybrid had been created like Klaus? I mean, she would have been an unturned werewolf but she would have been killed and become a vampire, in later years she would have killed someone, thus activating the curse.
I know that by Esther, a hybrid can only be created from the blood of the original hybrid and the blood of a doppelganger but I really doubt that such a case as I have given has ever been explained and here enter my little request
I see you don't take longer fics at the moment, so could you make a little drabble of Klaus and Stefan traveling across the states with the reader as well? She is a recently turned vampire, so her control and emotions are always inflated. During one of the "dinners" with Stefan and Nik, she killed the victim because of thirst. At first she doesn't know what's going on, only to fall to the ground a moment later writhing in pain, activating her werewolf side. Stefan is horrified by her condition, while the original is shocked and frustrated, wanting to know how it happened and how she behaved differently from the werewolves he turned before.
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“Hmm, I always knew she would lose herself.” Klaus purred; his enjoyment of the situation easily read. He did not need to look over at Stefan to know he was unimpressed. His smirk tugged on his lips as he gracefully moved to stand. “It is not funny, Klaus.” Stefan whispered out; his wide eyes watching the scene.
The hybrid only hummed; his amusement only growing as did his smirk. The whimpers of the servant girl had now fallen silent. Her body soon dropped to the floor as you slowly began to look up; still in such a daze of hunger. “Hmm, pretty girl, did you enjoy that?” Klaus couldn’t help but tease some more as he stalked closer.
Your soft, plump lips stained red as his eyes stayed on them. Your eyes were dark in hunger and something else you couldn’t explain; a near rage-like feeling. “Klaus….” His name fell from your lips breathlessly. “Hmm?” He only purred. His eyes were so dark as he only stalked closer to you. The audience from Stefan hardly noticed.    
“Some…something’s wrong.” You stuttered out; pain was beginning to move through your veins now. The carpet was soon on your knees as you fell to them. His hands reached for you instantly and if you were of sound mind; it would have had your heart skipping a beat. His hand was gentle as he cupped your face; his thumb stroking your cheek.
He was so warm, you thought. So, so warm. A near whimper escaped you as you began to lean into his touch. The confusion was still on both of your faces as Stefan softly stepped to the side and watched the scene in front of him. “What is happening?” Stefan finally asked; trying hard to keep his emotionless state without much success.
Klaus was far too busy to notice such a thing as he completely ignored Stefan. Mostly because he did not know the answer himself. His thumb brushed over your plump, bottom lip as your eyes locked onto him once more. His thumb slowly moved into your hot mouth which only had your pretty eyes widening some more.
“Have you been hiding a little secret?” Klaus purred but if you listened closer, you could hear a hint of rage. “Klaus…” Stefan began to call out. The hybrid’s head snapped up and glared coldly towards the ripper. Blurriness began to move over your eyes now as you grabbed tighter on Klaus’ arm. Fear begins to move through you now.
“What is happening?” You whimpered; echoing Stefan and this time Klaus’ reaction was slowly…and softer. A cry escaped you once more as you collapsed onto his chest. His hold only tightening around you. It is only a moment later that you cried out again; eyes widening as you fall onto your knees. Your hands reach for the floor.
“You are turning.” Klaus finally found his words as he continued to look at the scene in front of him. It seemed all you felt was confusion as it flashed through your eyes once more. “Turning?” You whispered out. “Into a little wolf…now, how is that possible?” His tone was becoming darker and usually it had you shivering for all the wrong reasons but now it was fear.
You could only shake your head. No, this was not possible..it couldn’t be happening. The thoughts were racing through your mind as soft whimpers escaped you. “Tell me.” Klaus ordered now, not believing you did not know. “I don’t know!” You cried out, louder than intended but the pain and annoyance of Klaus not believing you came over you.
“Klaus, she’s telling the truth.” Stefan as ever tried to come to your aid as the hybrid reached out for your arms. You missed the look Klaus gave him; dark and threatening as he slowly moved you back to your feet. You were still shaking; the pain slowly becoming less now but still there as your eyes turned to burnt orange.
“Please..believe me.” You whimpered out; heart pounding in your ears as you reached for his own hands. Your eyes locked onto his as you gulped. “Hmm, shh, I believe you.” Klaus whispered; his lies are always so pretty. His hands moved up and down your sides as you were finally calming down. Your heart is no longer racing.
“Leave us.” Klaus’ eyes never left your own as he dismissed Stefan without missing a beat. Your own eyes looked towards the ripper. Your heart was beginning to pick up as you slowly moved your head towards him. Stefan could only do as he was ordered and without a second passing; he had disappeared from the room.
“Love…hmm, you can tell me.” Klaus whispered into your ear as you clutched onto his shirt as the pain still washed over you. “I don’t know anything.” You could only whimper out; shaking your head as you silently pleaded for him to believe you. His hand moved to the back of your neck and gently grabbed you there.
“I believe you.” Klaus whispered and for the first time since the road trip had begun; you were unsure if you believed him. Those big eyes of yours locked onto him as you softly gulped. “I’m telling the truth.” You whispered out, babbling as you clutched at his hand now. Klaus watched on with a soft hum escaping him now.
His free hand slowly moved down your side as you stared into those dark eyes of his. “It seems you are full of surprises.” You could only gulp. It was not as if you could deny it now and the thought only brought you fear. “What will happen now?” You whimpered out; a soft gulp escaping you as you looked to him for guidance.
“It seems we have another mission on our hands. But you have nothing to worry about.” Klaus purred his promises.You could only nod in that moment; there was nothing useful you could give. You were just as confused as he was. “Will it hurt?” You couldn’t help but whimper; the fear of the transition engulfing you completely.
His hand slowly reached for your own now as you were finally calming. Your heart soon goes back to normal. “I will make sure it doesn’t.” Klaus whispered and brought you against his chest as his mind was racing. How was this possible, he thought to himself whilst hiding that curiosity from you; for now anyway. There would be a time for that later.
Klaus kept his frustration hidden as he slowly stroked your back again and again as you rested your head on his chest. His familiar scent is only becoming stronger now. “We should leave now.” He whispered into your ear whilst still keeping you impossibly close for a moment longer. An act you appreciated as you tried to steady yourself.
You could only nod; a soft but tight smile coming across your face as you stepped away. “I think that’s best.” You whispered out; chewing nervously on your bottom lip. Klaus’ usual smirk tugged on his lips now as he moved to take your hand. “Hopefully the ripper is not being sulky.” The hybrid purred and you couldn’t stop the giggle escaping you.
“Hmm, that would be a miracle.” You couldn’t help but lighten the mood. What had happened would have to wait for another time; you needed time to focus. Klaus moved his hand to your lower back and sweetly opened the door for you. The rage that had just appeared only moments ago seemingly disappeared just as quickly.
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