#the neighbourly thing to do
taintandviolent · 1 month
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Taco Tuesday ; Gambit x reader!
summary: You live across the hall from Wade Wilson, and one Tuesday, he invites you over for tacos. 🌮 And that’s where you meet him. The Gambit. Post-Void, everyone got out alive and everything is fine. [PART TWO HERE]
word count & w a r n i n g s: 5.4K | smut with very little plot, alcohol mention, slightly drunk (but very consenting) reader, French and typing out accents/dialects, pet names (cher, mon ami, mon coeur, etc.), dirty talk (cos he is a dirty talker, don't argue with me on this), fingering, unprotected sex, p in v, no use of y/n.
a/n: this is based 100% on Deadpool and Wolverine Gambit / Channing's version of Gambit!! sorry for the lack of plot here, he deserves better than this filth, but I am down ASTRONOMICALLY and I needed to get it out. I spent so much time trying to get his accent right, I hope it comes off the way I wanted it to... anyway! i'm not certain if anyone will read this, but if you do - thank you a million times over! as always, requests are open! - banner by @/strangergraphics, and Remy gif by @scintie!
↓ full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / I don’t have a taglist anymore, but please turn on post notifications if you’d like to be notified of future fics!
He’s handsome. Like really handsome. 
Your stomach does a flip as he smiles at you, reaching for the bottle of Jack between your legs — wait. Pause. Rewind. How’d we get here?
Living in the same apartment complex as Wade Wilson was a trip. Even more of a trip was living across the hall from him. The things you heard coming from that apartment... nobody would believe you. So, you never told anyone. 
He’s kind. Albeit, zany but kind. Your interactions have been cordial and nauseatingly neighbourly. But on one regular ol' Tuesday afternoon, Wade invited you inside. He said something about having a party later that night, making tacos and being neighborly. He assured you that it wasn't a sex party... which to be honest, you weren't worried about until he'd mentioned it. Against your better judgement though, you'd agreed, and said you'd bring some liquor.
So, that evening, you opened your door, one bottle of Jack tucked under your arm, and another in your left hand. You shut the door to your apartment and walked straight across to your neighbour’s door. Your fist had rapped against the wood only twice before the door swung open, revealing Wade, and a very… strange and very bald looking dog in his arms. 
"Oh, what the fuck?" You asked, looking down at the creature. "I didn't know you had a dog…?"
Wade’s voice rose an octave or two, in a cutesy tone. "She's a new addition, yes she is!" 
"I brought... well, this. Sorry, it was all I had in my cabinets and to be perfectly honest, I wasn't about to go out and spend money on this. I like… barely know you."
"HA! Brutal honesty. We love to hear it." 
Wade took hold of your shoulder and yanked you inside, harsh enough that you made a small sound as he did. He shut the door with his foot, and towed you towards the table, where everyone was gathered. And that was when you first saw him. He wore all black, save for a tan trench coat with a high collar. He lounged casually on one of the dining chairs, playing with a deck of cards. They fluttered from hand to hand effortlessly, and for a moment, you were stuck, mesmerized by the dexterous way he handled them. You weren't sure what was pulling you towards him harder, your heart or your cunt, but you felt an undeniable draw to the man.
Wade's arm wound itself around your shoulders, guiding you around the room to meet each of his friends. At that point, living next to him, mutants were a forced transition. You were used to the concept of them, so meeting a giant silver man, for example, wasn't unexpected. Vanessa was the most normal - you were pretty sure she was human.
Finally, he got to the one you really wanted to meet. The one that your eyes had been darting back and forth to the entire time, the one that when he briefly met your gaze, your heart thudded in your chest. 
"And this... handsome slice of man, is the Gambit. Good luck understanding him, he's a real mouthful."
I’ll bet he is, you thought. 
He pocketed the cards in a quick motion and stood up from his chair. With a syrup-smooth chuckle, the man laughed and said: "You can call me Remy." He did in fact have a thick Cajun accent and spoke quickly – almost too quickly. You blinked once, focusing hard on his words.
"Remy," you repeated finally, before saying your own name and extending your hand. He took it gently and as he shook it, your palm tingled with what felt like electricity.
"Enchanté." (Enchanted)
Your cheeks burned, and you knew they were flushing. You couldn’t control it. "De même..." (Likewise.)
His brows lifted, surprised. "You speak French, mon ami?" (my friend) 
"Heh, uhh... comme un enfant." (Like a child) You chuckled low, averting your eyes for a millisecond. "I took a few years of it in high school and again in college. I’m by no means an expert."
Wade's eyes were wide, flicking back and forth between the two of you. There was obvious chemistry there, and a knowing smirk drew itself across his lips. Abruptly, he yanked one of the bottles of Jack Daniels from beneath your arm, before leaning against the nearby wall.
"Oh, fuck me. You understand Gumbo here? That’s cute. No idea what either of you are saying though, someone forgot to turn the subtitles on. I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Whatever that meant. You scoffed, but turned your attention back to Gambit, looking at him.
“Sit a while, cher.” 
You happily took the chair that he pulled out, not caring that it was facing away from the others, and plopped down onto it, situating the other bottle of Jack between your legs. You gripped the neck of the bottle tightly, and looked at him with a timid, but a come hither sort of smile. After a moment, you twisted the cap off, and flicked it off somewhere to your right. Wade would find it later, or he wouldn’t. You didn’t really care. 
You two talked for hours, most of which consisted of him telling you about the Void, and how hard it had been, while you pretended to comprehend it. Between words, you passed the bottle back and forth, taking mouthfuls, and inadvertently swapping spit as you did. The thought occurred to you about halfway through the conversation, and your stomach tightened. You shook your head lightly and clenched your thighs together, trying to stave off the arousal that was bubbling in your core. 
There we go. That’s better.
He’s handsome. Like really handsome. 
Your stomach does a flip as he smiles at you, reaching for the bottle, which was still situated between your legs. His fingertips just graze the side of your thigh and his eyes flit to yours. He holds his smile, waiting for you to either protest or move the moment forward, and all you can do is gawk, because your cunt starts throbbing. 
As the evening wears on, though cautious, it’s obvious that Remy feels the same pull that you do. He remains cool on the outside, but internally, he was battling the magnetic tugging he felt from you. He couldn't shake it. He’d compliment you, you’d compliment him. At one point, in between sips, you casually drop that you think his accent is hot and he whispers something underneath his breath, something you don’t understand. Before either of you realized it, you had started to lean closer to each other, your faces inches apart, and you felt the warm rush of his breath over your cheeks.
It was as if you both realized it simultaneously. You rear back, an embarrassed expression plastered on your face. Remy clears his throat. His attraction to you was stifling; something that he rarely felt. He was powerless in his want for you, the draw you had was irresistible.
"Maybe we should... uh..." You murmur, looking deep into his eyes. In a room full of people that were starting to fade away the closer you two got to each other, you were thankful you were still sober enough to suggest a different setting. Any longer and you surely would’ve just straddled him and gone to town. 
Remy moves first. 
"We gon' take a walk." He announces to the others, getting to his feet. 
The conversation stops abruptly, silence hanging heavy. You straighten up, trying your best to avert your gaze, but you still see everyone’s reaction. Someone clears their throat and your heart sinks, feeling like you might die on the spot. The one that had been introduced as Logan, gruff looking dude, raises a single brow at you. In true Wade-character, he ugly cackles, shattering the moment. Your shoulders sink, embarrassed, as you head towards the door, doing the proverbial walk of shame. 
Remy meets you at the door and pulls it open, holding it for you. You duck underneath his arm, looking sheepish and as you exit into the hallway, you think you heard Wade mutter something about a fanfiction but Remy yanks the door shut before you can react. 
“You want to… get some air? Or um… I have… well, no I had liquor, but I brought it to Wade’s.” 
He smiles, and looks down at the floor, before lifting his eyes back to you. “We can do whatever you want, chère. You ain’t gon’ catch me complainin’ eitha’ way.”
You chew on the inside of your cheek, considering the options. Your heart was hammering in your chest at the prospect of just being near him without the others around. You two had been close to kissing in Wade’s living room, and now, you had the opportunity to continue that… or take a walk. The latter seemed less appealing. 
“Y’know what, why don’t we… just…” You take a few steps backwards, jerking your head towards your front door. Concerningly, you had forgotten to lock your door. However, it allows you to open it quickly, and walk backwards into the apartment. Gambit follows you in, his attention never leaving you. 
"You sure 'bout dis, mon ami? I can walk away righ' now." His words land heavy, a promise behind them. He was a gentleman at heart, you could tell. Fortunately for him, you were very sure, and wanted every inch of him.
Mon ami - something that in the few hours you'd spent with him, he'd called you often. Among other things. Mon ami meant my friend, but you knew you two weren't just friends. You saw how he acted with others, and the comments he made. Sure, he had a quick wit and a mouth on him, but the flirting... god, the flirting.
He stands in the doorway, his shoulders filling the frame. Silently, you nod and take another step back, giving him some room to enter. He takes one wide step towards you, leaving the door open behind him. He reaches for your hip, and you immediately take to playing with his large hands. Delicately, you pay attention to each long digit, trailing your middle finger along the knuckles, and up and down the length of them. You dip into the spaces between, your fingers barely ghosting over the webbing. 
Was that a shiver? Your eyes flit to his, searching them for a hint.
"You sure do know how to make a man feel good." 
Your heart flutters at his words. With his accent, even the simplest of things sounded charming. At least to you. You felt that he could ask if you wanted coffee or how the weather was and you'd be twirling your hair around your finger like a desperate schoolgirl. Embarrassing. 
You’re about to respond and defend yourself by saying that all you had done was play with his hands, which was hardly considered foreplay, but his fingers come up underneath your chin, gently closing your mouth with a dull click of your teeth. He tilts it upwards to an angle where he could easily kiss you. And kiss you, he does. 
It was the kind of kiss that makes your knees buckle, sends a violent shudder from the nape of your neck down to the base of your spine. It’s the kind of kiss that needs to come with a warning; Danger: Will Result In Sex. As his lips move against yours, you feel the urgency of his need, of his want, and hum into his lips. Remy takes that as a green light and deepens the kiss, moving his body so that it’s pressing flush against yours. The action leaves you immediately breathless and in response, you break the kiss, tucking your chin to your chest. Your hand finds his torso, pressing hard against the muscles underneath the shirt.  
"Ah, don't you be actin' shy now. You been teasin' me for hours."
“I have not!”
“You think I didn’t notice all ‘dem touches an’ looks you were givin’ me? I may ‘ave been born at night, but I wasn’t born last night.” 
He had you there. You couldn’t deny that, at all. Even if you’d wanted to. Which, part of you did. Part of you was very nervous, standing before this very handsome man, with the taste of his mouth still lingering on your lips but another part of you, the louder one, was delighted that he’d noticed. Furthermore, that he’d enjoyed them enough to come to your room.
You lift your hand behind him, pushing the door shut with a harsh shove. With a twist of your fingers, you activate the locking mechanism, sliding the deadbolt into place. Gambit chuckles, grinning down at you. Your heart leaps into your throat, but you press on bravely, lacing your arms around his neck. They trail down the front of his body, feeling the muscles as they twitch with each ragged breath. 
He quirks a brow as if to ask, 'Oh, really?' You simply smirk back at him. The contact is electric, and you find yourself resisting the urge to grind against him immediately. Instead, you focus on his hands again, bringing one of them up to your lips. You press a delicate kiss on the pads, before slipping one into your mouth and sucking gently. Remy makes a deep, husky sound in his throat, and brings his other hand to your hip, where he pulls you roughly against him.
For a man that uses his hands often, the sensations are high. The way your mouth envelops his finger, your tongue writhing around the digit had his jaw clenching, muscles fluttering on the side of his face. When you draw his finger into the confines of your throat, deep-throating it, his eyes roll back in pleasure. He pulls his hand back, shaking it off as if the inside of your mouth was hot to the touch.
"Woo, you nasty, huh? Nevah’ woulda' guessed... you been actin' like a good little girl 'uhround me." 
After that, it all happened very quickly. Gambit takes a step and connects his lips with yours again, pushing them into you in an act of desperation. Without breaking the kiss, he shrugs out of his jacket, tossing it onto a nearby surface. You push against him until his back hits the door with a heavy thud, definitely loud enough for any innocent bystanders to hear. Your fingers undo the button of your jeans, breaking the kiss for only a second to slide them down your legs. 
Once you return to his waiting mouth, the kiss deepens and the coil in your stomach winds tighter, claiming your body in a deep, fiery arousal. His big arms wrap around you, enveloping you in a heated embrace. Just for a moment, it’s tender — but shortly after, his hands drop to your ass, fingers slipping underneath the band of fabric to take greedy fistfuls of each cheek. 
Your hands find their way to his shoulders, gripping the roundness of them to use as leverage. Letting out a little hum, you sweep your hips across his groin, pressing tightly against him. His eyes drift shut, head bumping against the door as he leaned it back, a low growl coming from his throat. Keeping at it, you grind your hips against him, feeling the outline of his length as it hardens.
“You be drivin’ Remy crazy, grindin’ on me like ‘dat.”
“That’s the intention….” You stand on your tiptoes to pepper kisses on his lips, your warm breath fanning over his face, smelling faintly of Jack Daniels. Remy trails his hand carefully up your rib cage until he gets to the side of your breast, where he quickly slips around to the front, his large hand cupping the fullness of it outside of your shirt. Your reaction is visceral; your breath hisses through your teeth at the sensitivity. 
Remy laughs again and with his free hand, pulls your hips back to his. Swiftly, he spins you around, pinning you between his body and the hard surface of the door. He presses himself tightly against you, shifting slightly so that his thigh was between your legs. The sensation of something that close to your core is dangerous and brings a weak, mewling whimper from your mouth.
“We gon’ have ourselves some fun.” His voice is low, tinged with a new sort of lustful tone that you hadn't heard before. Your mind is spinning, growing dizzy with lust. The alcohol had certainly helped your nerves, you were never usually this brazen. Your core burns with desire at his words, silently begging for everything he was about to give you. His lips hover just over yours; you can feel his breath on your skin and the heat that radiates off his body as it presses into yours.
"Oh my god," you whisper into his mouth. "Fuck..."
His teeth nip at your bottom lip before he captures your mouth in a heated, passionate kiss again. His tongue explores the inside, swirling along your own wet muscle. With every passing second, your heart beats faster and his hands grip your hips tighter, thumbs massaging the flesh above your jeans.
“Wrap ‘dem legs around me, mon coeur.” (My heart) Remy’s voice is husky with want; amongst his playful, lilted tone, a possessiveness lingered, and the thought sends a chill down your spine. He nods once, encouraging you into his waiting arms. You jump up, and he catches you effortlessly, gripping your thighs tight and hoisting you up into his grasp. Feeling secure, you wrap both legs around his waist and encircle his neck with your arms. Your gaze meets his and you can see the wanton need mirrored in his own eyes, darkened with desire.
Remy's smirk is dripping with confidence. Your body's response to him was causing his ego to swell within his chest, and his cock to swell within his pants. He leans in close, his lips against your ear, nipping at the lobe softly before pulling back slightly. In one fluid movement, his hips buck up against your center, teasing you over the layers of clothing. You let out a moan, throwing your head back against the door.
He thrusts up into you again, chuckling low against your ear. The hard line of his cock grinds against you, making you stutter out expletives as it presses against you with a needy demand. 
"You like 'dat, cher? Talk t' me..."
You nod, swallowing and wetting your throat. "Y-yeah, fuck... I do... need you – it – so bad."
“Whaddya’ need?”
“N-need you… so bad.” 
“You can do betta’. Tell Remy what you need...” 
He presses you harder against the door, your back sliding against the wood as he kisses a trail down from your mouth to your shoulder, sucking and biting with all the right intensities. As his hips grind against yours, you feel the damp fabric slide across your cunt, alerting you to just how wet he’d made you. Fuck. 
“Need… need you to fuck me. Hard. Need to feel you everywhere.”  
A few hours ago, you’d agreed to Taco Tuesday at Wade’s. Now, you were getting dry humped by a really hot Cajun guy and moaning into the curve between his neck and his shoulder. You were positive that if someone opened their door, they’d hear you. Somewhere in your brain, the thought should have been moderately embarrassing, but you were far too invested in Remy to care. 
Without warning, Gambit lifts you away from the door and carries you to the nearby couch. He never breaks the kiss, still feverishly claiming your mouth as he moves. Your back hits the cushions and before you can process it, his body weight is on top of you. He slots himself in between your legs, and his hard-on bumps into your stomach as his hips rut against you, finding some relief in the friction. But not enough. 
Remy’s hand finds the hem of your shirt, lifting it just enough to allow his fingers underneath the fabric. You bite down on the pillow of your bottom lip and push your hips up into his. Thick, strong digits sweep across your skin, leaving a burning trail of fire in their wake. Every touch brings your temperature up, and it isn’t long before your entire body is consumed in flames. You sigh contentedly, arching up into his touch. 
Abruptly, Remy straightens up, crosses his arms over his torso and pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his tan skin and bulky muscles. His stocky stature makes your tummy clench with anticipation. He was fit, as you assumed, but that didn’t stop your jaw from falling open at the sight. 
“Wow,” you finally choke.
Remy grins. “You like what you see?” 
You nod furiously, hands snapping to his toned abdomen. He’s warm and his skin is soft, begging to be touched. The muscles flex underneath your fingers as you trace a long stripe from his belly button to his collarbone. Your hands claw at his shoulder, attempting to pull him back down on you, but he resists. 
He spoke with a playfulness, almost a sort of pleading. His thumbs flicks at the hem of your shirt. “Ah, c’mon, ‘dat ain’t fair. Enlève-tout toi, huh?” (Take it all off.)
You thought you understood, but if you didn’t, it didn’t matter. Remy was quick to translate his words, busy undressing you, pulling your worn t-shirt over your head, and reaching around your back to unclasp your bra. Most men would’ve fumbled with the clasp, but not him. His adept fingers make quick work of it, allowing your breasts to fall free. He throws your bra somewhere behind him. 
“Hooo, cher…!” His eyes light up at the visual and you feel heat blooming on your cheeks again, half expecting him to make a lewd comment. Instead, his hands cup your tits, kneading the soft plumpness like dough, thumbs grazing the nipples. He exhales through his mouth, jerking his head to the side. 
Finally, he kisses you again. It’s wet and sloppy and his mouth is consuming you, tasting you hungrily. His hips are still moving, sweeping into yours with a calculated precision. You try to spread your legs but the back of the couch thwarts your attempt. He notices this, watching as you struggle with the space. 
“You got a bed?” He asked in between smearing kisses along your neck and collarbone. 
“Yeah-yeah…. Down the hall.” 
“Remy be needin’ more room for what he wanna’ do t’you.”
His weight is suddenly gone from you, an unwelcome sensation, even though you know he’s about to carry you wedding-style down the hallway. He bends down, one arm sliding underneath your neck, the other in the crook behind your knees. For the second time that night, he lifts you into his arms.
You rest your cheek against his warm pectoral muscle, rocking back and forth, as he walks you both down the dark hallway. The only light in the room comes from the window, the city outside alive and humming. Carefully, Remy sets you down on the bed, unmade from this morning, your dark gray sheets cool to the touch. 
In nothing but your underwear, which at this point, are damp to the touch, you’re left feeling very exposed. But you can’t muster up any shame, not when he’s looking at you with such hunger, such want. Your tummy feels tight, and the feeling gets worse when Remy’s hands drop to his waist, unzipping and unbuttoning his pants. They fall loose at the waist, and he shucks them down the rest of the way, leaving him in nothing but a pair of deep purple boxers. Your eyes swing heavy to the outline that’s now presented to you. 
Oh my god. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise; Remy was a big guy, and that proved true downstairs, too. You can barely pull your eyes away from it, but you begrudgingly rip them away, to look up into his gaze. 
“Please,” you beg. “You’re too far away…” Your cunt is aching and nothing but him, his hands, his dick, will sate her. 
He leans forward, flattening both hands on the mattress and walks them back until his face is in front of yours. He sweeps you into another kiss and your heart races. His hands are perfectly positioned on either side of your hips, you feel them graze the flesh. His finger hooks around the elastic of your panties, twisting it around his pointer finger and gradually, he tugs them down over the curve of your hip.
You nod lazily against his mouth, as you feel the warmth of his hand near your core. Your legs drop apart, knees touching the mattress as you allow him access. One hand sweeps across your inner thighs, stroking them, while the other palms your soft mound. His other hand comes to pause at your knee, and pushes his weight into it softly, forcing you to stay spread-eagle for him. No way you could’ve done this on the sofa. 
There’s no hesitation in the way he fingers you; sweeping up through your slick folds, smearing your arousal around until she’s coated in it, splaying your pretty, wet cunt apart with his fingers, looking upon it hungrily. He knows what he’s doing, and how to do it right. You briefly wonder if that’s another mutant power he has… though being an expert at fingering someone seems outlandish. But he’s just so good at it. His middle finger barely touches you, circling the bundle of nerves delicately. Your back arches up towards him, a desperate groan vibrating your vocal chords. Delighted by your reaction, his finger flicks upwards at your swollen, sensitive clit, making your body literally quiver. 
“Uhugh – god…. Shit, oh my god.” 
He continues like this for several minutes, until your cunt is blazing hot and clenching with every moan you give. 
By the time he presses one finger inside, you’re teetering on the edge of an orgasm and your voice fills the room with needy, desperate sounds. You let out a shrill whine, and he slips in another finger, feeling the stretch of muscle as he does. His heart is pounding in his chest, overcome with lust. The way you sound, the way your body is moving and writhing on the bed, he can’t wait to sink himself into you. 
Amidst a laugh, he says: “People gon’ think we up in here watchin’ porn.”
Did he just insinuate that you sounded like a pornstar? You lifted your head, wearily, to look at him. Your chest heaves with each breath as you try to formulate a snarky remark to no avail. He looked so good – well, always – but he looked particularly good on top of you, his bright eyes lust blown and hungry. 
“We’re… we’re… porn… it’s…  oh god.” 
He shushes you. “You just lay back and keep moanin’.” 
Defeated, you huff and your head hits the sheets again, but not before you catch a glimpse of the way the muscles in his forearm ripple as it pumps back and forth into your cunt. You can’t help but moan at the sight, feeling a shockwave rupture your core. Your hips meet his fingers, rutting and writhing against the mattress in a needy rhythm.
Your first orgasm claims your body before you can stop it. You’re clenching around his fingers as they move, crooking upwards into your sensitive spots. Your slick coats his fingers and when Gambit pulls his hand back, thick, clear strands string from between them. He smiles down at you. 
Remy raises himself to his knees. “Turn ‘round…” 
You flip over and back yourself towards him, thinking that he’s going to go at it doggy-style, but to your surprise, he pulls you upright, pressing your back against his chest. His dick is hot between your legs, and when he reaches down to line it up, you let your head loll back against his shoulder. Gambit’s mouth finds the side of your neck, streaking it with wet, suckling kisses. He was taking his time with you, savouring you and you hum happily through closed lips, reaching behind you to thread your fingers through his hair.
“Fuck, you feel so good…” Instinctively, your hips undulate and his cock slips between your folds. Remy’s hips buck once, letting out a groan that comes from somewhere deep. 
“You ready, cher?” He asks, sweeping your hair away from your neck. You nod furiously. You’ve been ready – you were ready the moment you laid eyes on him.
Remy reaches down to sweep his fingers along your entrance briefly, before gripping himself and guiding the head of his cock into the slit. You keen at the feeling of his velvet-soft head pressing into your entrance, warm pre-cum leaking from the slit. He murmurs words of encouragement into your ear as you feel his hips press against your ass, urging his thick, veiny shaft inside your cunt. He does it gently, allowing you time to adjust to the girth, but the sting still makes you cry out. “Fffuck!”
He begins to thrust his hips shallowly, your cunt stretching around his cock. The feeling is all-consuming, and your body feels heavy in his grasp. One hand is gripping your waist tightly, the other, fingers splayed out on your stomach just above your cunt. There’s a pressure building in your cunt, and each thrust magnifies it. The sting of his cock fades to an ache, then to a dull throbbing that makes you want more and you lean forward slightly and press your ass into the curves of his hips, meeting his thrusts. 
“Mm, ‘dat’s it, cher…” His voice is hot on your skin. 
His thrusts get deeper, but there’s a lingering tension in his body that makes you feel like he’s not getting what he wants. You’re right; all at once, Remy pulls his cock from you and switches positions. 
You’re suddenly on your back, looking up at him as he looms over you, all muscle. His cockhead nudges your entrance again, but doesn’t penetrate. 
“Say my name, cher… I needa’ hear it leave ‘dat pretty mouth.” 
“Which one? Gambit? Or Remy?” You ask, breathlessly.
The way his eyes rolled back at the second option told you everything you needed to know. A smirk twisted your lips cruelly and you lifted your body slightly, just enough for your mouth to reach his ear. You moan his name over and over again, knowing full well the effect it’s having on the mutant man.
“Remy, Remy, Remy….” Your tone is high-pitched and whiny, but he seems to enjoy the lewdness of it all. He bucks his hips hard into you, and the fullness reaches an all-time high as he bottoms out, his pelvis hitting yours with a slap.
“Huhhh—!” You gasp, breathing ragged. “Fuck!”
“Gonna’ make you cum so hard you ain’t gon’ walk right for days.” His voice is low and filthy and leaves a stain on your mind. Your cunt clenches around him possessively, pulling him somehow deeper inside of you. 
As your head bangs into your headboard, the tip of his cock bumps your cervix over and over again, and your jaw goes slack, literally fucked silent. Remy hears the thudding of your skull and puts a hand between it and the wood, but he doesn’t stop his relentless, deep thrusting. 
The pleasure reaches a peak and your nails dig into his back, leaving crescent moon shaped indentations on his golden skin. Remy’s groaning loud into your ear as he cums, muttering in an almost incoherent melange of French and English. His accent is somehow heavier, and you can barely make out the words as he’s saying them into your skin. It doesn’t matter though, because you feel how full you are, and Remy’s hot, white completion is leaking out the sides and staining your sheets. 
He stays like that for a moment, hovering on top of you. His cock softens inside, completely spent and eventually, he slips it out, rolling over onto your bed.
“Ah, joi de vivre, huh.” (the joy of life), he says drowsily.
You laugh, and nestle underneath his arm, in the space he’s left for you. 
If you had your way, you’d do it all over again. 
Though he doesn’t say it, so would he. 
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eddiesxangel · 3 months
Noisy Neighbours | E.M
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Summary: Eddie has no idea what he’s getting into with the two new girls next door.
An: HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈 this is my first fic like this so im hoping you’ll like it! Today is my birthday and I wanted to do this as my little gay gift to you! And shout out to @xxbimbobunnyxx for listening to my deranged horny thots throughout writing this 😘💋
Cw: f!reader x f!readers girlfriend x Eddie. Reader and of gf are bi/pan/ whatever you want them to be. Threesome, oral ( fxf + fxm) fingering, , 69ning, ass play ,p in v.
4.3k words
Eddie felt a surge of frustration and disappointment when he learned about the impending arrival of new neighbours that would be moving in directly beside his apartment. Despite the several vacancies in the building, the landlord, Gerry, opted to place the new tenants next to Eddie. This decision left Eddie contemplating whether Gerry held a personal grudge against him, possibly due to his occasional late-night guitar solos that may have disturbed the peace of the building.
Eddie had grown accustomed to the absence of tantalizing food aromas wafting from his neighbour's kitchen and the absence of music that he imagined others endured. He found solace in the cozy life he had built for himself in apartment 3A. However, the impending arrival of new occupants in 3B threatened to disrupt the tranquillity he had carefully cultivated.
Eddie changed his tune the second he got wind of who his new neighbours would be. When he had seen the moving truck out front through his window, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Eddie watched and waited as one of the hottest girls he’d ever seen get out of the driver's seat; he soon learned her name was Sabrina. He continued to watch, his eyes begging him to blink but he couldn’t move as he watched you hop out. You had giggled at something at what the bombshell blonde said. His jaw hung open, and his tongue almost hit the floor like a cartoon character as he ogled you as well. The set of you sure was a sight for soar eyes. What karma Eddie had was finally coming for him, and he was so grateful.
Eddie felt he had to introduce himself, it was a neighbourly thing to do.
After two days, he worked up the courage to knock on the door of 3B.
“You expecting someone?” Your girlfriend pops her head up curiously. You’re both cuddling on the couch, exhausted from unpacking.
“Nope,” you emphasize the p sound.
She shuffled up and opened the door. “Oh, hello,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, and your morbid curiosity took over, needing to see who stood on the other side.
“H-Hi,” you hear a deep voice. "I'm Eddie.” He sounded hot. You quickly get up off the couch and make your way to where Sabrina stood.
“Who’s this?” You caught sight of the man before you and gave a small smile.
“This is Eddie; he lives next door.” You grab onto your girlfriend’s waist as she speaks.
“Hi Eddie, it’s nice to meet you.” You smile genuinely.
“Pleasure is all mine.” His eyes scan your body; you’re in tiny sleep shorts and a baby tee with no bra.
“Do you want to come in? I think we have something to drink around here.” Sabrina offers.
“Oh no, I can’t impose, I-uh… just wanted to come to say hi, but another night when you’re settled.” Eddie is trying so hard not to stare at both sets of tits laid out for him. The fabrics of your shirts were so thin he could see each of your nipples. And he can tell the AC is working, to his pleasure.
“Okay, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” You both smile and shut the door.
The second the door closed, you both gave one another a knowing look. He's hot.
You run into Eddie sometimes on the elevator, but you still haven’t had time to coordinate a time to have that drink.
Eddie will see you leaving and Sabrina coming, or vice versa. He figured it was a pretty sweet deal for you two to set up, each having your own space but maintaining a good friendship.
You’re both quiet and listen to decent music. At least one of you is seemingly an amazing cook because the food smells delicious each time.
He hasn’t thought much of how touchy the two of you were when he first met you. He was too focused on not getting a stiffy while meeting the both of you for the first time. He scolded himself for turning down Sabrina‘s offer for a drink, but he didn’t think he could conceal the ever-growing issue in his sweats.
It’s been a month since you and your girlfriend, Sabrina, just moved into your new apartment. It wasn’t much to boast about; sure, the wallpaper was ugly-but the rent was cheap, and so far, you haven’t seen any critters crawling around, so that was a huge plus.
You wished your schedules were more aligned, but with Sabrina’s new job and yours, life had gotten a little hectic. You’d hardly seen one another until tonight.
Tonight, you both ensured one another that it was date night. You haven’t had the chance to spend quality time with one another since you moved in, but that changes tonight. You will wine and dine and get that much-needed time together…
Sabrina and you are stumbling over your heels, trying to balance yourselves as you make your way through your front door without trying to break the kiss. It’s hot, it’s needy, and god, you missed her like this.
Her long, soft hair is tangled through your fingers as you pull her into you for more. You don't want to mess it up because she looked so pretty and spent so much time on it but that went to the wayside when she let out a soft moan.
You can feel Sabrina’s emerald green slip dress rub between your fingers as you grip her by the hip. This dress has been teasing you all night, and you can't wait to get it off of her.
Your lipsticks are smudged, but none of that matters because they’ve created a beautiful new pink colour on both of you.
Stumbling through the hallway to your shared bedroom, you land on the bed with a squeal as your girlfriend crawls on top of you.
“Oh, baby!” You let a moan a little louder than usual; you and some cocktails were starting to take effect- not that you needed alcohol to loosen up, but it definitely made you more vocal in the bedroom.
Her perfectly manicured hands trailed up your inner thighs and under your mini skirt, brushing over your bare cunt.
“No panties?” She whispered. “Naughty girl, hiding this from me all night.”
“Baby, please, I want you so bad.”
“Don’t worry, pretty girl, I’ll take care of you.” She sinks down, her glossy wet lips make contact with your pussy and you let out a cry of pleasure.
Just as Eddie is ready to fall asleep, he hears a sharp squeal through the paper-thin walls of his bedroom.
Maybe she saw a spider? He almost called out to see if you're okay, but-
“Oh, baby!”
Ok, maybe not a spider…
A pang of jealousy shoots through Eddie's chest. He wanted to be with the one to be on the other side of his wall. It didn’t matter what roommate it was; he wanted both of you.
Eddie listened and waited to see if he would hear anything more, but it was silent for a few minutes. Maybe Eddie was hearing things?
“Your pretty little clit is so puffy, begging for me to suck on it.”
“Baby, please stop teasing!
Nope, he heard right.
Eddie can’t help his curiosity. He presses his ear up against the wall to listen.
“Yeah, baby, just like that! Such a good girl f’me- OH YES!”
No way this was happening right now? No way he had the two hottest neighbours on the planet, and they were fucking?
"Sabrina!"—"Good girl, y/n say my name.”
Yes. That was 100% what was happening on the other side of the wall.
Both you and your girlfriend’s filthy words and moans fill Eddie's silent room, and he can’t help but touch himself. It was impossible to not be turned on. He can picture the both of you, how one is spread out under the other- Or maybe one of you has their ass in the air and is getting eaten out from behind? Or maybe you’re pussy's are rubbing together?
The sounds mixed with the images Eddie is mustering up in his own head have him whimpering and moaning. No longer aware of the fact that since he can hear you, you can hear him, he gets lost in it as he fucks his fist.
Eddie’s moans fill your bedroom as you’re about to go down in Sabrina. She’s on all fours facing the wall where Eddie’s bed lays on the other side. She quickly crawls up closer to get a better listen.
You follow suit and kneel beside her. “He’s so hot I want him to fuck us,” you pout.
Sabrina turns to you with a mischievous grin on her face, and you can’t help but lean into her touch. She starts twirling a piece of your hair. “Oh, my baby wants that pretty boy next door? I’ll get him for you; good girls always get what they want.”
“I'LL DO IT,” Eddie immediately blurts out, not realizing you don’t know he can hear you.
“What the?” You gasp.
“Eddie?” Sabrina taps on the wall like she knocking on a door.
“Yeah,” he answered, and you giggle.
“You naughty boy, have you been spying on us?” You giggle again.
But there was no answer. You wait a few more seconds before repeating his name, but you’re both startled when you hear a knock on your front door.
You both quickly get off the bed, not bothering to put on clothes and look through the peephole to ensure it’s him.
He stood in the hallway in only his boxers hands in front of his boner, as if that would do any good at hiding it.
Sabrina opens the door and you quickly grab him and pulls him inside before he could say anything and before anyone else could see you.
“Holy shit” his bold brown eyes go wide when he sees the pair of you standing there naked in front of him.
“Did you like listening to us?” You ask.
“Yeah,” he nods his head dumbly.
“I bet you did. You’re so nice and hard.” You both look down at his cock strained against his boxers.
“You wanna play with us, Eddie?” You ask with your voice, which is so silky and sweet. Stepping towards him, your fingers trace their way down his arm moving it from where his hands cup his cock so you can graze it yourself.
“Fuck yeah” he pants.
“Come” Sabrina takes his hand and you take the other and you both lead him to your shared bedroom.
I can’t believe this is happening Eddie thought.
“Better believe it, big boy”
Oh shit, Eddie didn’t think he said that out loud.
Eddie falls on the bed and watches as you and your girlfriend crawl up into the bed and hover over top of him.
“Like two goddamn succubus,” he lets out, and you and Brina can’t help but giggle.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Your girlfriend looks to you.
You lean in to give her a kiss as Eddie watches from below. His cock still growing by the second; it was like he was watching a live prono.
Nerves suddenly flooded Eddie. What was he allowed to do and not do? Would he get to fuck either of you? Maybe just one? Maybe none? Maybe you’ll only make him watch. Not that he minded, but go, he needed to fuck at least one of you.
“I think we’ve teased Eddie long enough.” She spoke as her hand grazed up Eddie’s cock.
“I’m sure he’s more than ready for us, don’t you think?” you counter.
Eddie lay there propped up on your pillows, too stunned to speak. He didn’t even know where to start. His mouth was getting dry and he did not want to fuck this up.
“What do you?-what can I?” His hands pointed between the two of you.
“You can do whatever you want to use, Eddie.” Brina took a loose tendril of Eddie’s hair and twirled it around her finger like she did with you; all the while, you were starting to remove his checkered boxers from his hips.
“Tell us what you want, sugar.” She purrs.
“I wa- I want to fuck you both.”
“Oh, tell us more” You plant a kiss on his upper thigh, moving towards his hard cock, which is painfully being neglected.
“I want to watch you fuck each other.”
“Mmmmm, that’s so hot.” Brina moaned before moving down to where you are and taking Eddie’s cock in her light grasp.
You make your way up Eddie’s body by kissing him inch by inch until your lips are latched on Eddie’s neck.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening.” Eddie whimpered.
“Want to taste this pussy, make sure it is real?”
“Please” he sighs.
You hear Brina moan around Eddie’s cock at your words.
It’s been a while since you had a cock in your mouth, and you wished you were the first one who got to go down on him, but the thought of sitting on Eddie’s face while your girl was swallowing him was too hot to pass up.
“Look at these nice big balls; I bet they’re filled with so much cum, just for us,” you hear her moan.
“Fuck me, you’re so hot,” Eddie brushes Sabrina’s hair out of her face.
You turn your body to face her so you can watch while you perch yourself right atop Eddie’s face.
“Yes, yes, come sit on my face,” you feel his big strong hands grip your hips and pull you down so your pussy lips meet his mouth.
“Oh fuck!” You laugh as the rough stubble of his face brushes the inside of your thighs.
Eddie wanted to waste no time. He needed to prove to you that choosing him was the right decision, and he needed to prove himself so you guys would let him play again; with much thought, he drags his tongue, moving through your folds to your clit, tasting every inch of you.
A loud moan left your throat as you looked down at your girl smiling up at you.
“He that good, baby?” Brina asks as she begins to jerk Eddie off with her hand.
“Oh yes, baby.” You grind your hips into his mouth, and Eddie smacks your ass before grabbing a handful of it.
“Oh!” You let out an excited squeal.
“Oh, you like a princess?” Eddie mumbled into your pussy.”
“Mmmph, yes, Eddie,” You were already so worked up by the situation you were already about to cum.
“Come on, Eddie, make my girl cum, and we will let you fuck us both.”
That piqued Eddie’s interest as he continued to flick his hot wet tongue over your clit while slowly sticking a finger up your dripping hole.
“Oh fuck!” You fall a little bit forward on your hands, your pussy in Eddie’s face, and your ass up in the air.
"Tastes so fucking good."
“Fuck that’s so hot"
You nod in agreement, unable to form words.
With Eddie's cock so close to your mouth, you can't help yourself but take it in your hand and bring it to your lips.
"fuck me, that is so good," Eddie speaks as your mouth finds his tip and Sabrina licks his balls.
Eddie needed to make you cum now, or else he wouldn't have the chance to fuck either of you if the two of your kept it up like this.
His long, thick fingers worked inside of you, hitting your g spot perfectly.
"Don't stop" You pop off his dick, drool dripping down your chin as your cry out.
"He making you feel good, baby?"
"Yes!" You shake as your orgasm hits you.
Eddie doesn't stop until Sabrina pulls his face away from your pussy.
"Let me taste." She moves his head to face her and kisses Eddie while you collect yourself.
"You taste so good, baby." She pulls away and leans into you, "Want to see?" You nod your head dumbly as she leans in to kiss you, sticking her tongue in your mouth.
Her soft lips pull away, and you whine at the disconnect.
"Wanna show Eddie how we play together?"
"Mmm, yes," you nod enthusiastically.
Quickly, Eddie moves to the end of the bed and steps off so Sabrina can take his place. She lays out for you, legs spread wide, showing you just how turned on she is. Her pink pussy is glistening, just begging for attention.
"Oh, baby, you're so wet for me" You lay down in front of her with your legs propped up to show Eddie your ass.
You slowly kiss up her inner thighs, teasing and biting at her skin until you reach the apex. You kiss around her pussy lips until she's grinding and begging for you to touch her.
"Baby, baby, baby." She begs until you give in. Placing your lips onto her clit and giving it a kiss before you poke your tongue out to finally run it along your girlfriend's sweet pussy.
The view in front of Eddie was enough to make him cum on the spot. He needed to stop stroking himself, or else he would be finishing before he even got started.
He was so tempted to fuck you right now. It would be so easy to slip his cock inside your pussy that was perched on display for him, but he also needed to commit this picture to memory. Nothing would ever let him forget this moment. Watching you go down on your girl and having her cry out from the pleasure you were giving her. Your skills are so good that her hips won't stay still on the bed. You need to hold her down as your fingers enter her weeping pussy. The lewd, wet sounds filled the room, along with Eddie's heavy breaths trying to hold back. His cock was so hard it was edging on the point of pain.
"Fuck I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum." She screamed.
"Fuking cum for her," Eddie growled.
The command was so hot it made you moan into her making her cum instantly.
"Good job, baby," you praised. You crawled back up to kiss her lips, and Eddie couldn't take it anymore. He needed to feel his release.
"Can I?" He looks at the both of you with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes.
"I think he's been a good boy; he deserves a treat. What do you think?" You ask.
"Oh, he's been a very good boy." She smiles back and moves to get a condom from the drawer.
"You guys just leave those around?" Eddie chuckles in disbeliefe.
"Never know when your hot neighbour will agree to have a threesome." You pull him into a kiss. His lips are so soft and supple that another rush of arousal courses through you as his hands roam your body. He pulls away to kiss down your neck to your breast, taking a perked nipple into his mouth while he grasps the other one in his large hand.
"Her tits are perfect, aren't they?" Sabrina hands Eddie the condom.
Eddie's tongue flicks off your nipple deliciously before he moves to answer.
"Can you fuck us now?"
"Yes!" Eddie said a bit too enthusiastically, but it was endearing.
"How do you want us?"
"Doggy," he points to you, "on top." He points to Brina.
You enthusiastically turn around in anticipation of his thick hard cock stretching out out.
"Fucking perfect." Eddie rolls the condom on, but before he gets to you, he watches as Sabrina makes her way closer to you.
"You know this is her favourite position because she loves a finger up her ass." She smirks, and a rush of arousal flooods your pussy once again. You hear her spit drip from her lips, and a warm wet liquid runs down your ass to your hole before you feel her tongue flick your small hole.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck," Eddie grounded, letting his head fall back, not knowing he could get any more turned on.
"Your turn, big boy"
Eddie walks to the edge of the bed; your pussy is at the perfect height, so he runs his cock up and down your folds collecting all of your slick so he can glide in easily.
You wiggle your ass into him, already cock drunk before it even begins.
"God baby, look how desperate you are for his cock."
You nod in agreeance.
"You just can't help yourself, can you? Greedy girl." your girlfriend leaves an open mouth and kisses you, watching and waiting for Eddie to enter you. She loves watching your pussy open up while taking cock, whether that be real or dildo.
"She is, isn't she" Eddie agrees while kneading your ass as he finally slips his cock into you.
A feral noise leaves your throat as Eddie's cock stretches you out.
Nothing occupied your mind other than how Eddie was making you feel now. His delicious cock, pumped in and out and out, not letting up.
"Fuck right there!"
"I think you found her special spot," Sabrina smirks before taking her fingers in her mouth to wet them. Too consumed to listen to what they were saying, your focus on only the feeling and when it intensifies because Brina's fingers enter your ass, you can't help but cry out again.
“Such a good girl. Take that cock, baby.” Sabrina praises as her fingers pump in and out of your ass.
The combination of Eddie's cock and her fingers made you feel so full. Nothing mattered other than how you were feeling.
"More" you cry.
"Oh, she is greedy." Eddie's hips slap into you at a more frivolous pace.
His balls hit your clit with every thrust until, out of nowhere, you feel a vibrator on your clit. She must have gotten it out while getting the condom, but you hadn't noticed or cared because it was just the thing to bring you over the edge.
"I'm going to cum!" you cry.
Not even a minute with the vibrator to your clit, and your pussy was clamping down hard on Eddie. It was like a tidal wave crashed into you; never had you cum this hard before. Your body shakes so hard under their touch that your arms and legs give out, and you collapse face down on the bed.
Mindless giggles leave your lungs as you ride out your high.
"Fuck did we break her?" Eddie looks at Sabrina.
"No, she's more than good. Never had cock that good, though." She smirked, and Eddie shuffled onto his back so she could get ready to be on top of him.
Exiting your daze, you see your girl already mounted on Eddie- and what a sight to see. A tit in his mouth as she bounces on his cock.
"God, that's so hot," you moan, and you sit up.
"Come here, princess," Eddie commands.
You obey and crawl your way over.
"Kiss," he instructs.
You lean into Sabrina, and she willingly takes your open-mouth kiss. Your tongues fight for dominance against one another, your lipgloss and hers are rubbed off, and your lips are swollen with a hint of colour flushed through them.
“Oh fuck I’m going to cum.” She pulls away.
"You're doing such a good job bouncing on his cock, baby," you praise before pressing your lips to hers once again.
“Mmmmm fuck her good; she’s been such a good girl she deserves to cum. Don’t you think Eddie?”
“Yes, she has,” he agrees while giving his ass a slap. “Fuck, you’re just my bunny, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she nodded her head. You can tell she’s so close, and you want her to experience cuming in Eddie stock just as you did.
“Come on baby, cum in his cock like I know you can.” You slip your hand between where she and Eddie connect to rub her clit, knowing it’s that little extra boost that will send her over the edge.
A loud cry leaves her lungs, and you know she’s cuming and cuming hard.
“Oh, good job, baby.” You purr before leaning in to kiss her neck.
“Fuck!” Eddie screams out, finally letting go as he allows himself release into the condom.
“Oh, Eddie, you did such a good job for us.” You praise sticking his hair out of his face before taking his lips into yours.
Eddie lay there in a daze as you helped Sabrina off his cock.
“Baby, did we break him?” You giggle.
“I think he’s reprogramming his brain,” she laughs.
“Nothing in my life will ever top this moment,” Eddie admits breathlessly.
“Oh yeah, wanna bet?” Sabrina challenged.
“You mean? You wanna do that again?”
“Not now, silly. I don’t think any of us would survive. But who said this has to be a one-time thing?”
“Best neighbours ever,” Eddie fist pumps.
After you all catch your breath, Eddie gets up and finds his boxers to go home.
“Wait, where are you going?" You pout.
“Uh, I thought?” He points to the door.
“Stay. Please?” Brina lifts up the blankets to invite him to sleep between the two of you.
“Really?” His eyes go wide with disbelief.
You both nod your heads enthusiastically.
“It will be like a sleepover!” You clap.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Eddie scrambled back to the bed between you. No one would ever believe him, but he will take everything to his advantage out of this new and exciting situation.
“We really like you, Eddie.” You smile and snuggle into his side.
“I really like you guys, too.” Eddie falls asleep soundly, smiling, and without a care in the world.
Tags: @strangerstilinski @voyeurmunson @espressomunson @littlexdeaths @lokis-army-77 @andvys @taintedcigs
@tlclick73 @penguinsandpotterheads @nailbatanddungeon @hellfiremunsonn @paybacksawitch @jamdoughnutmagician
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starleska · 2 years
how would wally react to a neighbor who uses ASL (sign language) to talk?
i love your head canons!
thank you very much!!! you're so kind :3c ooooh this is a wonderful idea, thank you for sending it in!! just to let you know - i'm British (unfortunately), and my personal experience of sign language is influenced by BSL, so i've tried to make this widely applicable for anyone who may use sign language. i hope you don't mind! 🥰
Wally Darling x Reader Who Uses Sign Language headcanons
⭐ Wally is versed in several types of sign language, as well as Makaton and lip-reading. as a neighbourly fellow who is ever-curious about the lovely people who stumble into his life, Wally realised early on that communication via voiced speech alone wasn't inclusive, practical, or possible for some of his friends. in fact, Wally first began learning sign language to communicate with Julie, who has a tendency to become nonverbal when overwhelmed. soon, Wally and the rest of the neighbourhood realised the enormous benefits of being versed in sign language, and began hosting impromptu classes to practice their signing. everyone in the neighbourhood is able to communicate well through sign language, but Wally is undoubtedly the most fluent! ⭐ when Wally first meets you, he is adorably excited by the way you talk. although he loves talking to his friends through sign, Wally finds conversations with you incredibly stimulating. you're interesting, and funny, and know just what to sign to make him break out into peals of his odd, halting laughter. indeed, Wally talks much faster via sign than he does through verbal speech. he often gets swept up in the act of signing; sometimes, you'll need to grab hold of his hands to get him to slow down, as he signs too fast in his excitement! ⭐ Wally is fascinated by the visuals of you signing. as we know, Wally eats with his eyes, but the things he visually devours are not limited to food. early into your friendship, Wally shyly requests that you ramble to him in sign so he can become more accustomed to your unique movements and sign-related dialect. you're happy to do so, but after a few minutes of talking to Wally, you realise his eyes have grown large: akin to an owl's eyes, absorbing all light like a black hole. you gesture to Wally to snap him out of his trance, and it takes a few blinks for his pupils to return to their normal size. he giggles, and apologises, signing: "Sorry! You speak beautifully. I was hungry." for the rest of the day, you press Wally to elaborate on what he means, but he just gives you a coy look and a shake of his head. awww i loved writing this one, thanks so much @xo-destiny!! we need more sign language headcanons in the world, and discussion of disability and non-voiced ways of communication too. hope you like this 🥰💖
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clazaries · 3 months
Just a Neighbour Thing
(MarcSpector! x f!reader)
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Summary: Your neighbour Marc Spector is a pain in your ass. Until he saves your life. w/c: 3.9k Warnings: a lil bit of violence but nothing too graphic. Fluff! a/n: I'll be posting a masterlist soon because I think I've got about three or four fics out now and a few to come!
Marc Spector is an elusive character. A man of very few words and an enigmatic personality - not that you know him well enough to judge his character - but from the rare occasions where your paths crossed in your apartment building, it can be summed up with a small smile from you and a smouldering glare from him. Often aloof, the opportunity to get to know him better as a neighbour never seems to present itself and it leaves you struggling to understand who’s to blame. It’s obvious personal defects are the cause; but his or yours? 
There’s been many occasions where you’ve had to confront his brick-wall disposition, mostly due to the fact that his ringer on the main lobby doesn’t work, so naturally people go for the next best option which is to press the ringer directly below it: yours. You deliberately leave his mail to accumulate at your door until it becomes an unavoidable mound of tax letters, local advertisements and rent notifications and only then do you brave the trip to the apartment above to deliver his post. 
It’s always the same. You knock on the door in a rhythmic pattern that’s become yours. Within seconds he answers the door with the same cold expression, wordlessly takes his mail no matter how hard you try to start up a conversation and before long, you’re staring face to face with the shabby wooden surface of his door. The only thing that changes with each encounter are the clothes that he wears. Different but fairly relative to his style. Purely functional and never dressed for any occasion.
You didn’t mind it for a while. There was some satisfaction and fulfilment to be found while doing your neighbourly duties and despite the fact that there was every possibility he wouldn’t do it for you, you weren’t someone who held a grudge or felt like they had ever been owed a favour. But the mailman had happened upon you on a very bad day and you didn’t feel like accepting his parcel. You had recently been made redundant after the company you worked for did a reshuffling of working positions and yours wasn’t to be included in the new phase they had turned over. So you wallowed at home, watched numerous brain-rotting films, ate a load of junk food and drank lots of wine. 
It was nothing personal towards the mailman when he chapped on your door and demanded a signature for Marc’s parcel, but you couldn’t pretend to be the ‘lovely-neighbour-from-downstairs’ any longer. 
“This is for 8B upstairs. Says there.”
“I know. I can read,” the mailman grumbles, “but I tried knocking on his door but there wasn’t an answer. The parcel needs to be left with someone and you’re the nominated designee.” 
“Can’t you just leave it with another neighbour?” 
“No, says it needs to be left with you.” 
You look at the large rectangular box and consider it. Aside from Marc’s address scribbled on the top, the box is littered with numerous stamps from various international postal services, few you recognize. It looks to be well travelled and handled with very little care yet there’s nothing to suggest what’s inside. With a sigh, you take it from the mailman. It could be important, especially if it’s gone through so many countries to get here and the fact that you would be to blame if it got stolen or damaged. “Fine, I’ll take it.” 
The mailman looks to his feet where a growing pile of letters addressed to Marc starts to spill over into the threshold of your apartment, judgement washing over his features. “Do you…do you normally take all of his mail as well?” 
“Do me a favour? If you ever see the guy from 8B, tell him to come collect his fucking mail.” 
There’s a part of you that feels slightly bad for the mailman when you slammed the door in his face, but then you remember that if Marc stopped being so fucking immature about answering his own door to receive his mail, then you wouldn’t need to feel bad about anything. You leave the parcel sitting on your hallway table, waiting for the day Marc grows some responsibility and asks you for it. 
When you placed the parcel on the hallway table, you didn’t expect that it would be sitting there for over a week collecting dust, nor did you expect the curiosity of what’s inside to completely consume you. You walked past it every time you left or entered your apartment. It was in the corner of your eye every time you sat in the living room. It practically radiated temptation every time you took notice of it, screamed at you like it was begging to be opened and you had to force your grubby hands to keep still and not reach for it. But you so desperately wanted to know what was inside. Why was it so conspicuous? Why has it suddenly become the most interesting thing in your apartment?
Perhaps Marc was testing you, sending you a little something of no importance to experiment with your curiosity and test whether or not he could trust to leave you with his personal belongings like he does with his letters. That’s certainly what it felt like by the turn of day eight of the parcel being there and you simply refused to be a rat in his experiment. 
That determination lasted for two whole days before it started to truly pester you. It was starting to get in the way and it felt as though it was getting impossibly bigger and bigger. On day nine you were ready to break it, smash it against every wall, rip every piece of cardboard that keeps it together and deliver it in that state to Marc yourself. From your sofa you stood, eyeing the parcel as if it was taunting you and with adrenaline thrumming through your veins, you stomped towards it. Hands outstretched, you were ready to throw it in any direction but something stopped you at the very last second. Something peculiar and completely out of the ordinary. You halted just centimetres out of reach from the parcel, centimetres out of reach from your door where you could hear the whispers of two or three men right outside. You could see the moulds of their bodies through the peephole. 
“Look, I’m telling you he lives here-”
“Are you sure?” 
“Positive. All his mail is sitting here. It’s definitely the right apartment. The parcel is in there.” 
The parcel. They’re here for the parcel. 
“C’mon let’s get this over with. He’ll be back soon. Where’s the crowbar?” 
In the very few heart-stopping, crucial seconds you have before anything happens, you quickly banish all hysteria and muster all rationality and flip over the keyless lock and quietly shuffle away from the door with the parcel in hand. You estimate you have about 15 seconds before they make any headway of getting into your apartment, not enough time for you to hide, but enough time to hide Marc’s parcel. After all, that’s what they are here for. With your heart pounding in your chest, your eyes scan over every nook and cranny of your apartment, quickly assessing each spot based on how likely the intruders are to find it and with the seconds dwindling into single digits, you make a snappy, slightly reckless decision. There’s a ledge just outside your kitchen window where you occasionally leave out some seeds for the birds and you think it’s just low enough that the parcel won’t be seen from the window. It’s risky but you’re running out of time, you have to move. 
Scrambling over counter tops and at the sacrifice of knocking over a few utensils, you manage to wrestle the window open and precariously place the box on the window ledge. It’s risky. The ledge isn’t wide and it’s windy, but whatever is in the parcel is just heavy enough that it stays rooted to the spot. 
Pulling back, your hand grazes the handle of a kitchen knife which, now that the intruders have made their way into your apartment, seems like a good idea to have. 
They round the corner into your living room and immediately start looking for the parcel, noticing you only a few seconds into their search. You point the knife in their direction standing courageously but your wavering breath tells a different story.
The three of them turn towards you from where they stand, and given their expressions, they are just as shocked to see you here than you are to see them. You weren’t supposed to be a variable in their plan. They were supposed to be burglarizing Marc’s empty apartment. Not yours. 
The two taller brown-haired men have similar features and builds, almost identical and you begin to wonder if they are twins. Brothers at the very least. But it’s the ageing stout man standing where the living room and kitchen divide who stares you down. He’s dressed smartly in a tweed suit with a golden pocket watch hanging from his waist coat, the type of man who doesn't like to get his hands dirty, because of course, that job belongs to the bulky twins behind him. This is a man who loves to watch it as it happens. He’s more business than manual labour. 
His facial features morph from shock to something sinister, his lips twisting into a smile that’s as greasy as the hair on his head as if the cruellest of ideas just crossed his mind. 
“I didn’t know Marc had a girlfriend,” he sneers. 
“He doesn’t,” you snarl, aiming the knife directly at him with two hands. “He doesn’t even live here either.”
“Oh, so his mail just gets delivered here on a daily basis?” The man hovers over to your coffee table and picks up multiple letters addressed to Marc, the ones that were delivered last week and remained there because of your stubborn nature. 
Okay, not off to a great start. “He doesn’t live here.”
He grins but it falls flat a split second later. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you. Now where is he?”
“I don’t know because he doesn’t live here.”
“Bullshit. Where. Is. He?”  
“Not here. I’m not afraid to use this knife.”
“Oh, not from there you won’t. Let me help you with that.” The man crosses the space between you in three long strides until you’re pressed flat against the counter and the point of the knife grazes the tip of his waist coat. The audacity of this man is staggering. “Save yourself the hassle and tell me where Marc is.”
“I’m telling you the truth. I don’t know where he is! Now get the fuck out of my apartment. Whatever it is you’re looking for isn’t here.”
“And have you call the cops on us? Not a chance, sweetheart.”
His hand reaches out to grab you, and he almost does, but with your quick reflex swinging the knife around, you knick the palm of his hand. The man stumbles backwards with a pained yelp, watching the blood seep from his hand and drip onto your kitchen tiles, enraged that you would even do such a thing. Despite your heart racing and the slightly dizzy feeling of adrenaline raging through your veins, you stand strong, holding the knife even higher in warning. 
“You bitch. Boys!” He shouts and the two brothers come running to his side, sizing you up. “Tie her up. We’re not leaving without that package and I’m certain she knows where it is.” 
It was easy enough to defend yourself against this puny man with a knife, but against two brutes who manhandle you as if you are lamb for slaughter, you don’t stand a chance. Relentless, you squirm and wriggle and fight to get out of their grasp, and while you had accepted that you were fighting a losing battle, there’s still some pride to be had about how hard you made it for them. Rather than tying you up unscathed, Thing 1 ties your hands with a bloody, swollen nose and Thing 2 ties your ankle with a forming black eye and a bruise developing on his ribs. 
With you strapped to the chair, they stuff a gag in your mouth to dim your screams while they scramble to ransack your apartment, turning it upside down to find the fucking parcel Marc left you with. After 15 minutes passes by, your home is a riot; furniture broken, plates, mugs and bowls smashed, everything you own on the floor. 
“Boss, it ain’t here. We’re searched everywhere.”
“It has to be!” The stout man shouts, eyes glaring at you enraged. He crouches down, fiery ageing eyes level with yours. He rips the gag out of your mouth and presents a new threat. A razor sharp knife, gleaning in the light as he holds it directly in front of your face. “For the last time. Where is the parcel?!” 
“I am telling you. I don’t know,” you spit, trying with all your might to sound as convincing as possible. “I don’t know what parcel you’re talking about. I don’t know where Marc is--I don’t even know the guy! And he sure as shit doesn’t live here. And if any of you had half a brain to actually read the letters will realise that his address is the floor above me. He never answers his fucking door and that’s why I have all his mess at my door.” 
The guy jabs the point of his knife underneath your chin, tilting your head upwards. A nauseous feeling stirs in your stomach, raising your body temperature and conjuring a little bead of sweat to drip from your hairline. Your teeth clamp down onto the inner lining of your cheek, hoping, praying, pleading for someone to burst through your door and save you.
You can’t see anything change within the man in front of you, not taking your word for gospel and the more frustrated he becomes, the more danger faces you. Temperament rising, the man grunts and knicks the skin of your chin, splicing the skin open. “Argh, fuck!” 
“Marc might not live here, but we know the parcel was delivered! And if you do end up with all his mail then it should be here. Now stop lying to me, you little bitch, and tell me where the fucking parcel is or you are going end up with a lot worse than a cut to your chin.” 
You watch in horror as he presses the edge of the knife over your wrist tied to the armrest of the chair and no amount of squirming can break the ties. Fuck, please tell me that I’m not going to lose a limb over a fucking parcel…
Tears pool in the corner of your eyes, your brave facade failing. You’re absolutely terrified
“I’ll give you some context then. That parcel contains something I want, an ancient Egyptian artefact that contains unimaginable power and would bring me a lot of wealth, and Marc Spector has no business taking it from me--” So that’s Marc’s surname. “And unless you want to keep your thieving hands, you’ll tell me where it is.” 
As he begins to press the knife’s sharp edge down onto your skin, you start to consider the depravity of the situation, the truth finding its way to your lips. There’s nothing more you want than for this to all be over, to be wrapped up warm and safe in your bed but you can’t shake the arrogance of this guy and his stooges, busting in here like he is entitled to, making a mess of your home, harming you, all to take something that was clearly meant for Marc, all because he thought it would be better with him than with Marc. 
No. Fuck that.
“I. Don’t. Know.” A glob of saliva gathers on your tongue and you spit it into the face of your capture, because if your words can’t send the message, hopefully that will. 
“You should believe her, by the way.” A voice emerges from behind you and simultaneously, all three men turn towards your front door in stupor. You try to twist your head over your shoulder as far as you can to catch a glance but he’s just out of your sight, however you don’t need to wait long before you get confirmation of who is standing at your door. 
“Marc Spector,” your captur states. “Finally.”
“Mind telling me what you’re doing in my neighbour’s apartment?”
“For the very same reason why you’re here, Marc. The parcel. Our parcel. The one you stole.” 
Marc snickers. Having gone so long without seeing what a smile looks like on his face, you’re itching to turn around and see him, but you only get as far as Thing 2 who stands with your back to you, blocking your view. “Torturing women for information? Tsk, tsk, that’s a little beneath your remit Donald, is it not? You’re wasting your time. I have the parcel locked up in storage.” An obvious lie, but not obvious enough to them. “She’s got nothing to do with it. In fact, I don’t even know her.” 
“I don’t care who I have to go through to get what is mine, whether it’s her or you, I will have it by the time the day is up. Boys!”
“Your mistake.”
In the space of a second, the three men in front of you disappear and you’re left to stare at the vast emptiness of your white walls as chaos erupts behind you. Grunts and groans of pain are spliced in between the sounds of punches and kicks being thrown, furniture breaking, bones crunching and bodies thumping to the ground, all of which you try to drown out by hunching your shoulders over your ears and closing your eyes. 
After suspenseful minutes of fighting, it’s clear one man stands victorious. Who? You don’t know. Aside from worrying about what kind of state of your apartment would be left in, you have no idea who you’ve been left in the apartment with and the likelihood of Marc succeeding against three men is slim and the anticipation is killing you.
At last, when a fully mummified figure with white glowing eyes kneels in front of you, you’re taken aback. 
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” His hand comes to tilt your head gently, inspecting the small cut to your chin with a small tut.
The mask that covers his face dissipates to reveal the Marc you recognise, looking more worried than you had ever thought he was capable of. He begins to make quick work of your bounds, easily ripping through them with a single fingertip where all the strength in your arms couldn’t. 
“What the…”
“It’s a lot to explain. I promise, I’ll explain later. Are you hurt? Are you alright? They didn’t do anything terrible to you, did they? Fuck. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry-”
“Marc, hey, I’m okay. Just a little shaken up I think.” Now free, you come to stand in front of Marc who, weirdly enough, seems to don this mummified Egyptian regalia as a suit of armour. You remember this ‘Donald’ guy mentioning something about an ancient Egyptian artefact and you assume it has to be related to whatever Marc is wearing. You even try to mention it, but you can’t seem to get a word in with Marc fussing over your safety and blaming himself for any harm that Donald and his men have caused you as he gently dabs the blood away from your chin. After futile attempts, you decide to leave it be, marvelling over the new Marc as he carefully handles you with care despite having treated you with such indifference up until a few minutes ago. 
Donald and his two bodyguards lie unconscious (...or dead?) on your apartment floor and you look over them with satisfaction, Marc’s unparalleled strength no match for them. Marc quietly lingers behind you, observing them over your shoulder with a similar resolve until he notices the complete disarray surrounding them. 
“Sorry about the mess.” 
You chuckle lightheartedly. “I’m just glad you came when you did. They got what they deserved.”
“Look,” he pulls you away from them to lock eyes, sincerity twinkling in his irises, “I really am sorry. I thought I was careful enough to not get anyone involved in my mess, but I guess I was wrong.” 
You crunch your eyebrows together, recollecting every instance of Marc giving you the cold shoulder. You always thought he was just an unfriendly neighbour, someone who had no interest in anyone but himself, who viewed everyone as an inconvenience. But it was his safeguard, his way of not letting anyone he knew or cared about come into harm. “So you being an asshole was on purpose?” 
“Completely. It was nothing personal.”
“I see,” you sigh, but with a gentle bump of shoulders, you add “I could’ve helped you, you know. You just needed to ask.” 
He shakes his head dejectedly. “It would’ve been too much of a risk.” 
“More of a risk than not asking me? I still got caught up in the crossfire anyway, if I had known why, or at least expected it, I could’ve been better prepared. I don’t need to know what trouble you got yourself into or what shady business you run, but I’m not just your neighbour, I could’ve been a friend if you had allowed me.” 
“It had never worked out for me in the past. I didn’t want to make the same mistake again.” 
“Okay, I get it. You’re forgiven. But Marc? A word of advice for the future? Just answer your fucking mail then maybe, just maybe, I won’t need to be dragged into all of this again, yeah? They thought you lived here.” You pick up a handful of unopened letters addressed to him and bluntly shove them against his chest with an appointed look and smirk. 
He reciprocates the smile with less enthusiasm and turns his attention to your door. “Speaking of, I’ve got a very important parcel I need to track down. I actually have no idea where it is. I can’t let it fall into the wrong hands.”
“About that.” You don’t say another word as you lead him to your kitchen window, awkwardly mounting your counter to reach for the parcel lying just outside your window. As soon as you bring it into view, Marc’s face lights up like you’ve never seen before. 
“You had it?! This whole time?! I heard you tell them you didn’t have it!” 
“I’ve had it for weeks, actually. Those clowns didn’t exactly take the quiet approach when breaking into my flat so I knew what they were here for. I just had enough time to hide it before they came in. And I can be quite the convincing liar when I need to be.” 
Marc quickly discards the parcel, throwing it onto the kitchen counter before throwing his arms around you, knocking the air out of you and squeezing tightly like his life depended on it. “You…are an angel. I can’t thank you enough.”
The two of you embrace for longer than what’s normal between two neighbours, partly in Marc’s resounding appreciation and partly because it feels nice. 
“In all honesty, I was two seconds from opening the parcel myself. The curiosity was killing me.” Marc’s laughter shakes his body, his warmth slowly leaving you as he draws back. 
“I can show you if you want. I figure you’ll be needing a place to stay while we get your apartment cleaned up. It’s the least I can offer for all the trouble I’ve put you through.” 
“Yeah. That would be nice.”
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who's that girl?
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you neighbour is too helpful, and too nosy, for your liking, but he's not your only problem.
Characters: Tommy Miller, Joel Miller
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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“You fixed it,” you say bluntly as you approach the fence. 
Tommy looks up from his knees, yanking out the deep roots of a weeds as his hair falls forward over his shining forehead. He quorks his head and narrows his eyes with a grin. He does that a lot. Smile. Especially when there’s no reason for it. 
“Fixed what? The hole in your life?” He winks. 
You don’t know what that means. You frown. 
“The birdhouse. My birdhouse,” you say. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. Saw that squirrel messing around the other day,” he shrugs and tosses the weed into the open compost bag. “What’s a nail or two and some paint?” 
“How much?” You ask. 
“What?” Now he looks confused. 
“For the work. Twenty? Fifty?” You offer. 
“Nothing. I’m being neighbourly,” he insists. 
You stare at him. Neighbourly. That’s what he calls all the unnecessary things he does. Like when he mows your lawn before you can or greased the rust hinge on your gate. Can’t he ask like a normal person? 
“I didn’t ask for it.” 
“I know,” he blows out between his lips, “it’s just a nice thing to do.” 
“But why?” You press. 
“Because I’m nice? I don’t know,” he’s further perplexed as he swoops back his hair. “You’re welcome, by the way.” 
“Thanks,” you take the prompt, “but I still never asked you to do that.” 
“Uh huh,” he nods as he raises one brow. “Well, if it’s better, I can go back and break it again.” 
You consider the offer, “no, that’s fine. The birds need to eat.” 
“Right,” his eyes search you and he smiles again. “Next time I promise, I’ll be sure to ask.” 
You back away and go back to your porch. You don’t get him. The worst thing about having your own place is the people. Why do they have to be so concerned with you? Why can’t they just let you be? Is the fence not a good enough signal? 
You go back through the house and onto the back deck. You sit on the top step to watch the red and grey cardinal couple peck at the suet and seed. That’s your favourite thing to do. You find the feathers pretty and their songs soothing. Birds are much better than people. 
As the evening wiles away, growing cooler and softer, and you mourn the waning time. Back to work tomorrow. Not that it’s very far. Just in your home office. Still, you’ll be pent up inside in front of a screen. It’s hardly stimulating. 
You yawn and make yourself get up. You’ll barbeque the chicken skewers and some veggies. You go inside to get all the fixings you need. You come out and light the grill, breathing in the pollen and hint of moisture in the air. 
You hear voices as the barbeque heats up. You lay the skewers and roasting pan on the grill and close the lid. The smell is comforting to you. It reminds you of your late father. 
“Huh, Tommy, see you’re still crashing into things,” a gristly voice comes from the other side of the fence as the loose slat is wiggled. You grimace. Looks like your neighbour has company. “Couldn’t put a nail gun to this thing?” 
“Oh yeah, the nail gun I lent to you,” Tommy chirps back. “Joel, leave it alone.” 
You wiggle the long tongues in your grip. You always thought of fixing it yourself but always forget. You’re surprised your handy neighbour hasn’t already, considering he could come right through and touch your birdhouse. Now you think of it, how did he even get to it? 
You glare at the loose slat. Ah. That could be the possible reason for his procrastination. The slat moves and a face appears in the space as it’s twisted on the loose nails. A man you vaguely recognises peers through. He comes to Tommy’s often. 
“Smells good over there,” he comments as he peers into your lawn. 
You don’t say anything. Why is he doing that? You should tell him to mind his business but that isn’t polite. Even if your father would have laughed. 
He hesitates before he drops the slat straight and retreats into his brother’s yard. You hear a whistle and low grumble. You can’t make out his words. 
“She don’t want you peepin’ on her,” Tommy chortles, “what? My steak isn’t good enough for ya?” 
“You overcook it. No one wants your grey slabs,” the other man, Joel, rebuffs. 
“Oh, is that why you drink all my beer?” 
“Gotta moisten it up.” 
“Whatever,” Tommy mutters. 
You hear his footsteps as he climbs his deck steps. That’s another problem. After last year’s cacophonous renovation, his deck is high enough that he can see you over the top of the fence. A privacy fence! 
“Hello, neighbour,” he calls over the sound of his barbecue lighting, “what’s for dinner tonight?” 
You glance over at him and back to the grill. You lift the lid and turn the skewers, stirring around the veggies on the pan. You close it and hang the tongues as you look out at the bird feeder. They’ve scared them all away. 
“Ha, looks like I’m not the only one she wants nothing to do with,” Joel remarks as the tab of a can cracks, “you ever get anything good? These craft beers taste like scum.” 
“You didn’t complain last week,” Tommy grumbles and shakes his head, approaching the rail of his deck, “smells like chicken.” 
You roll your eyes. You really don’t want to be rude. You just want to enjoy your time alone. 
“Yep, chicken,” you confirm as you sit on the chair against the house siding and put your sunglasses on. You can feel him watching you. 
“Delicious, you know, I make this Mexican chicken--” 
“Ah, Tommy, lay it on thicker,” Joel snorts, “look at her. She’s tryna block you out. The sun’s gone.” 
Is it that obvious? You turn your face away, embarrassed. Tommy sniffs and clacks his own pair of tongues, “uh, anyway, have a good night, neighbour.” 
“We’ll try to keep it down,” Joel adds dryly as he pulls Tommy back by his arm. 
You chew your lip and stare through the dark lenses. You wonder if you could get a bigger awning to block him out or something. You’ve dealt with mice and ants and wasps, but you still can’t get rid of that one pest. Just like the others, he only seems to multiply. 
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etherealily · 5 months
​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇱​​🇮​​🇳​​🇪​ // 𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘪 𝘷𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘺
Alexei Vronsky + fem!reader
Warnings : Cuss words.
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
'Cross that line for me, sweetheart?'
Desc. : You are not a temptress, but he is tempted.
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It was curious, to say the least, how land was divided. The conch next to you was half your property and half the Vronsky estate's property. It had remained that way for ages.
The waves lapped up the sand, like a heart reaching desperately for its other half as you sat watching the entire ordeal.
The Line - one drawn up every morning and marked by tiny flags as placeholders - had always pissed you off. Intrigued you. What would happen if you were to... just a finger? The hem of your dress. Would you immediately be shot at by concealed snipers? Perhaps you'd have to be tried in court.
You had never really noticed much about this Vronsky character before. Another handsome, manipulative bastard. Nothing much.
In turn, he'd also never noticed you. A face. One of many. Beautiful, of course, he was not blind, but never seen as worthy of his efforts. You were not rebellious. You were not adorably innocent. He could not entice you. He could not corrupt you.
In theory, your paths were never to cross. Different lives, same circles.
The key word : theory.
Because there are moments in life when you know that nothing will ever be the same again, when you know that your proverbial pathway is forever skewed and rerouted. These may appear to you embossed in calamities such as loss and grief, or these may be whispered in your ear by silent smiles, lovestruck looks across a ballroom, or the simple offer of champagne.
Or, in the case of you and Alexei Vronsky, all of the above.
And this was one of those torturous, life-altering moments.
"-And that's when I said, it was just a bloody goat !"
Booming, drunken laughter ensued from your left - the other side of the Line. Fuck. Keep drawing, shut up, keep drawing, shut up.
Your pencil made unintelligible sounds as it scratched out a somewhat passable depiction of the moonlit waves. The screams and guffaws grew louder, but the issue was that if you moved, he'd assume you did it because you were on his side. You were not, but it would look highly suspicious if you fled.
No. They'd quietened down. Meaning either they left - highly unlikely - or, they'd noticed you.
Don't respond, don't respond.
"You! Pretty girl!"
Drunk men are terrifying. How could such kind words be said in a way that made your skin crawl?
"Mate, maybe she's a mute. Or deaf. Or both."
"I know for a fact she's not. She's got quite a mouth on her, as I can remember from last year- HEY! LADY WITH THE SKETCHBOOK!"
And that was Alexei Vronsky. His story with the goat had ended, apparently. Ugh.
You turned. "Uh, hello."
"ARE YOU A MUTE?" his companion yelled.
"Are you daft? She just answered! How could she be mute?"
Drunk men are also idiotic.
Bellowing laughter followed.
For fuck's sake.
"I'm alright, THANKS!"
From what you'd heard, he does.
"Good night, Count Vronsky.", you called back, as you gathered up your things and stood, dusting the sand off your dress.
"Let'r go, mate, c'mon, we've got a party to get back to."
"What did you just call me?!", you yelled, turning. He looked back at you in a swaying, inebriated haze, trying to focus those glaciers he called eyes on yours in the darkness.
"A witch. You've cast a spell on me, bewitched me, so to speak. You're magic."
Ugh. "Whatever."
"Just come over here, or I'll have to come there, and you wouldn't like that.", he slurred, his friends chortling and egging him on.
Buggering Christ.
"You can't. See?", you replied defiantly, pointing deliberately at the faint white outline of the line they renewed every morning with chalk powder. "That would be trespassing."
"I'm Alexei Vronsky."
What was that supposed to mean?
"So? It's still trespassing. My family's had it in for you for a long time - we'll take you to court."
"Then you come here.", he shrugged, taking an unstable stumble closer. "Cross that line for me, sweetheart? Yeah?"
"You're a creep. And you're drunk."
"You're a beauty. And you're technically trespassing, so I need to punish you."
"HOW am I-"
"Your pencil." Fuck. How is it he's sober enough to notice that, but not sober enough to know that his buddy said 'the coat storage' not 'the goat story'?
"It blew in the wind."
"Yes. To my estate."
"You can keep it."
"Are you sure? Isn't this your, uh, fabulous pencil from Paris you were talking of?"
"No." Yes.
"No?", he frowned, picking it up. NO! Not in his grimy, disgustingly delicate fingers. "Seems pretty French to me."
"Are you actually inebriated or do you simply enjoy pretending to be so that you can get away with things?"
He stopped swaying, pointing the pencil in your direction as he placed the other hand behind his back. "You're sharp."
"So you're sober?"
Drunk Vronsky could have been molded. Sober Vronsky was a cunt.
"More or less. My friends feel left out because they are unable to hold their liquor as well as I can, so I act for them.", he explained, with a small look behind him, at his comrades trying to jump over the waves as they came.
"You should be in theatre, then."
"Adding performer to my resume is just a smidge too over-accomplished.", he retorted, an amused glint in his eye.
"So you're going to hold on to my pencil, then, I'm guessing."
"What? No, I know how much this means to you."
Trap. You'd bet your entire estate it was a trap.
"I will give it back.", he continued as he paced, his hand still placed behind his back as though he were planning war strategies. "On one condition."
See? Trap.
"Dinner. With me. Tomorrow."
Did he think this was a smart way to secure an evening with a woman?
"I won't be here tomorrow." Bold-faced lie, and he could tell.
"Then tonight. Right now." You couldn't think of anything you were doing.
"And I'll get my pencil back."
"That can't be it. There's a catch."
"You are... remarkable. Yes. There is.", he whispered, softly, as though impressed that you caught on. "Champagne. I wish to see you drunk. Drunk, in denial and... ruined."
Lot of darkness for someone who'd just been talking about a goat.
"In denial?"
"Nothing. Just... join me for dinner and drink a little, and I promise you shall have your pencil back."
"I do not drink."
"Then I do not return fancy French pencils."
"I can always purchase another."
"You do not have sentimentality, then?"
"No." Yes.
"I see. Then you may be on your way."
"I don't have to go anywhere. I have every right to be here! This is still my side of The Line."
"Suit yourself, darling."
The silence that followed was torturous and unbearable. "I do not like steak."
"Then you shall have no steak."
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His eyes focused on you from across the table, his spoon paused midway above his plate. Eyes like the ocean in a storm. Terrifying but alluring.
"Enjoying your not-steak?"
You hid a smile. "Yes, I am."
He nodded, bringing his spoon up to his lips as he watched you do the same.
"You've left your friends out there?"
"They know not to cross The Line. They will be alright."
"Why is it you wanted to have dinner with me? To trap me into trespassing?"
"I've wanted to speak with you since I first saw you." Lie.
"And I you." Lie.
"What was it you wished to say?"
"Simply a greeting. You?"
"The same."
He set down his spoon, scrunching up his napkin as he stood up and walked the short distance across the table to you, resting his hands on the back of your chair. "You promised you'd drink."
"I did?"
"You did.", he whispers, accepting the newly-uncorked bottle the servant handed him, and pouring it into the glass next to your plate, smoothly. "And you're a good girl who keeps promises, yes?"
You'd heard he loved using such degrading language, but this was the first time you'd seen it firsthand.
"What gave you that idea?"
"I just figured you were of proper breeding and were raised right."
Good answer.
"Well, the words 'I promise' never left my mouth."
"Well-bred women do not look for loopholes. And they most certainly do not argue."
Lord knows where he'd worked up the audacity to brush some hair off your shoulder, but perhaps he was born with it imbibed in his blood.
He narrowed his eyes at your unchanging expression. "Drink."
"I am not done with my food."
He breathes out loudly, taking your plate and thrusting it into the hands of the nearest servant. "Yes, you are."
"I still have dessert."
"No, you don't. Drink."
"This is not champagne. You said champagne."
"And you said you'd drink. We both have uttered falsities. Drink."
"I fear you may be trying to-"
"Poison you? I am not. I would not like to see you die."
Was that supposed to be some form of assurance? Romantic? Caring? That did not have the intended effect.
"Drink, lovely."
It irked you how invested he was to see you drunk.
You wrapped your fingers around the glass, bringing it to your lips. Tilting it upwards, you let the liquor cascade down your throat, and echoes of your sputtering filled the room - it burned.
He laughed heartily, shaking his head as he stroked your shoulder from behind you. "Do you know what that was?"
"No. But I do know I will not take another sip."
"It was vodka, my dear, and in a few moments, you will want more. Trust me."
"I'm not taking another sip of that ghastly liquid!"
"Not even for me? Not even if I begged?"
"You think your begging has any effect on me?"
"Doesn't it? I'm known to be quite persuasive, and- besides, aren't you supposed to be the empathetic one in the family?"
"And where did you hear that?"
"Just about everywhere, really.", he huffed, resting his elbow on the table as he knelt down by your side. "'Y/N is the nicest one. She cares the most. Empathetic.' Surely you are not telling me those are lies?"
"Not lies, but exaggerations, perhaps."
"I am quite literally on my knees, Y/N, and you should realize how rare that is. Drink more or I will have to force you."
You frowned at him.
"I will do it. Force you. Don't think that because I have let you in my house so courteously that I will continue to be a gentleman with you."
"How could you be? You're nothing but a cad.", you scoffed, as you took another stingingly painful gulp.
He watched the glass, your tongue, your throat, almost mesmerized as he replied. "A cad?", he questioned softly, amused but still fascinated by your every movement.
"A cad.", you nodded, trying not to show how much you were gasping for breath. It hurt, satisfyingly.
"That's a first. No one has ever said 'oh, Alexei Vronsky, that cad'.", he murmured against his palm as he observed you meticulously.
"Then they have met a different person."
"You say this out of personal experience, do you?"
"I've met him. The Alexei Vronsky. He only thinks of one thing."
A lilt of his lips. "And that is?"
He concealed a grin.
"Or perhaps...", he mused, fingertips on the back of your neck as though he were playing your skin as one would a piano. "He is one who shows different versions of himself to different people."
"So he is deceitful."
"I'd say careful."
"Would you, now?"
"I think we put up far too many false pretences anyway. No point in fighting it - it is necessary, to be part of society."
"And what false pretences am I putting up, in your expert opinion?"
He smiled, one too pure to match the description you had so harshly delivered a moment before, but you knew more than most that it was a ruse. "Drink more."
"You're an incredibly demanding man, aren't you? Dine with me. Drink more. Not a single please, nor thank you.", you retorted, as though that could take away from the fact that you obeyed.
"When you are incredibly in demand, you learn to be incredibly demanding."
If ever a smoother talker existed, you'd wager he'd simply be Alexei Vronsky in disguise.
"So tell me, then. Are you a gentleman, a cad, or an opportunist, Count Vronsky?"
You had to steer the conversation back to him, because whatever this vilely beguiling liquor was, it was shooting through your veins at a rate too fast to risk talking about yourself, lest any family secrets spilled out.
"I am whatever you want me to be. And you? Are the rumours true? Are you a virgin, a temptress, or a genius?"
"I am whatever I want to be. For tonight."
"Come morning?", he murmured against your neck as he slipped a finger under a loose strand of hair, and twirled it with such dedication you would think that were his only purpose in life.
"A memory."
"Well, we can't have that.", he pouted, as he stood up, gently taking the glass away from you and finishing the last of it. "What does it take for a memory to stay in the present?"
"A dance, perhaps, as they say you enjoy?"
If you weren't unsure of the functionality of your motor skills in your drunken haze, you'd have punched him right then and there.
"The rumours aren't true, you know?"
"What rumours?", he asked, feigning obliviousness.
He'd just spoken of them, but you were quite sure if you reminded him, he'd attribute it to the vodka. Tell you you were 'surely imagining things, dear one'.
"The ones that led you to come and have a go at me."
"Those? Oh, I didn't believe them for a second.", he grinned, his eyes examining the filthiest, most remote parts of your soul - ones that even you had never been privy to.
A moment washed over the both of you, tauntingly. You looked for any secrets in his eyes, and he looked for any in yours, albeit, more calmly than you.
"Come.", he mumbled, finally, offering his hand for you to get up out of his disgustingly well-crafted chair. "Let's get you back on your side of The Line."
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"There. Oh, and here. I am of proper manners.", he added after you'd leapt over The Line, handing your pencil back over to you.
It felt oddly anticlimactic after the events of the evening.
His icy blue eyes - striking, so striking that they pierced you - fell onto your lips for just a moment before landing on the pencil in your hand. "You don't want it back."
"What? Of course I do."
He had you. He was onto you.
"Let me rephrase. You don't need it back."
"Sentimentality. Of course I do."
"You really don't want it to stay in my possession, instead?"
"Liar.", he smirked, his lips curving deliciously, and you just about lost it. "You know I'll take very good care of it, no? Like I took care of you, tonight. No complaints, yes?"
"Besides the aggressive persuasion to drink a fiery liquid that most probably burnt my throat off, no."
"You exaggerate. Tell me tonight was just another of your dull nights. Tell me I haven't been a source of reprieve from your tedious, mundane days of fakeness and gossip."
You scoffed, refusing to dignify that with a reply, although you already knew that any response- or lack thereof - would be all too telling.
"You cannot, can you?"
There was nothing you hated more than when men were right.
Especially men who were as captivating as Vronsky. It was unnecessary and dangerous.
He beamed, clearly so fucking proud of himself, as he looked out at the waves. "It is a lovely dress you are wearing."
No, it wasn't. It was the most commonplace of dresses one could wear. But he'd say it anyway. Because that was his play.
"Thank you."
"It is disgusting, though."
"In what way? A disgusting display of my wealth, or disgustingly lovely?"
He knelt down next to you from the other side, on the sand. "It is disgusting that such beauty and purity like yours can exist and people continue to slander its name."
Had you been a lesser woman, you'd have fallen for it.
It seemed, however, that he knew you wouldn't. It was confusing, to say the least, whether he was being genuine or being genuinely fake.
"It is how I live."
If you'd read him right, he should say something along the lines of...
"It shouldn't be."
"However... the dress in itself is not disgusting?"
"No, it is spectacular- although, I must say, the woman wearing it is far more ravishing."
Games get boring when they are predictable.
"So. What is it you normally do after parties, since you cannot get drunk? Unless blackmailing women to dine with you and drink your vodka is your usual pastime."
He snickered, although a slight maliciousness infiltrated his gaze for a moment. "It isn't so much a pastime as... an unfortunately common occurence. Perhaps that's why you've got an opinion of me as a - how'd you put it?"
"A cad."
"Ah, yes, a cad. I wonder if your opinion has changed."
That was not hope in his eyes, no. That was a challenge. 'Go ahead, Y/N, say no. If you dare.', his look said.
"I wonder that, too. Perhaps it will if you keep your promise."
"Promise?", he repeated, raising a brow. He knew. He knew all too well what you were saying.
"False pretences.", you reminded, watching him as he watched the waves distort the light of the moon. "You said you would tell me what false pretences you think I put up."
He was far too close. The incredibly fragile, entirely imaginary Line wouldn't be able to stop him from reaching over and touching your shoulder once more.
"I think... do you want to know what I think?"
"I might."
"I think that you're lying when you brush off the rumours."
"You think I am a slut? A temptress?" Now, suddenly, the monotonous nature of everyday seemed far more interesting than the thousandth iteration of the same conversation.
"No, I think you brushing them off is the lie. They affect you far too much." Alright. That was... progress.
"Do they, now?"
"Very much. And there is one more, as well, although I doubt you will like to hear it. You crave to prove them right."
Congratulations, Alexei Vronsky, you've caught my attention.
"That is an extremely, extremely bold suggestion."
"Yet you are not denying it."
"I do not wish to have my virtue questioned, Vronsky, and us having dinner does not change that."
"But it pokes at it, does it not? A slight scratch, an itch, asking if that is what you really want. It blurred the lines, did it not?"
Shut up, shut up, shut up.
"You're an incredibly delusional man, Count Vronsky."
"A delusional cad."
You didn't miss the amusement in his tone, the laughter, the way he knew how perfectly right he was.
"Well, this delusional cad did not lie, earlier. You truly have bewitched me, my dear, and I do not think I shall ever turn you down."
He stood up, dusting the sand off his gloves and pants. You stood up too, not out of respect, but out of the desire to relish his face once more.
"Turn me down?"
"When you inevitably ask for me when your marriage is dry, lifeless and torturous."
Good lord. How long had he been- how far ahead was he thinking?
"I will be right here. On this side."
"Why are you so adamant that my marriage will be-"
"Because I'm the one you need. You've broken quite literally every rule tonight. Crossed the line, fraternized with the enemy, drank unfamiliar alcohol that could so easily have been poisoned or used against you."
"How does that make you the one I-"
"I'm taking you out of your comfort zone. Freeing you. What more would one want from a lover?"
So casual with that word. Lover. As though that was all you two had been, since the beginning.
"Have I mentioned that you're-"
"Delusional? Yes, you have. But you have also yet to mean it."
Who the hell allowed this man to be so confident?
His thumb rubbed against your cheek in pure tenderness that you are well-prepared for - you've learnt over the years he's unpredictable, and since his mercurial nature was the only predictable thing about him, it was easy for you to guess his next move.
Or at least, figure out that it would be the exact opposite of the tone of his words.
"I can help you, you see?", he said, words so faint they were almost whisked away in the sea breeze. "Honest."
"Was that the point of tonight?"
"No, the point of tonight was to get you so utterly inebriated that you would tell me your family's secrets, and hence, your own."
That was the only thing that had come out of his mouth all night that you could guarantee was the truth.
"And since that did not happen, you are doing this?"
"No, I couldn't let that happen. Unwrapping you, figuring you out, it is far too intriguing a task to complete with a glass of vodka and enticing words. I want to spend years, decades, the rest of my life, performing this task, revealing you slowly and addictively, until I have lost myself or driven myself crazy trying to reach the core of your soul."
The silence kissed you two over and over until you couldn't take it anymore. "You are terrifyingly good at this."
He almost looked like he was about to say 'at what', but it seemed his mood had turned too serious to coax a half-hearted insult out of you.
"And you are terrifying. You are like the eye of a storm, intricately, almost... sinisterly drawing me closer."
"I'm not sure what you want me to-"
His lips devoured your words, and you could not help but think that this night had progressed far too rapidly to your liking. He was a stranger, a random man who you shared nothing but a flimsy little line with, but here you were, letting him kiss you, letting him ruin you, letting him convince you with his words that this was a good idea.
"Come on, darling.", he murmured against your lips, his eyes still half-lidded in a triumphant haze. "Cross the line. I promise, I'll take care of you."
You surrendered, and all you could do was hope that his beauty was simply angelic in nature, and was not designed for the sole purpose of ruining you and every iota of self-respect you had.
Hard to tell, but perhaps he had meant it that way.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
merry smutmas series
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hi besties!! since I'm skipping out on kinktober this year, I figured I wouldn’t be fair for me to leave you guys without some sort of holiday treat so here we go again. 
I won’t be able to fit everyone into this series cause with would have taken me forever so between classes and other fics, I’ve been working on this since august lmao. I hope y’all enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing it &lt;33 // massive thank you to @oconso for the banners and to @themandaloriansdiaries for all the help plotting and for listening to my complaining <3
running from: November 1st to December 31st - every Tuesday, Thursday and on the weekends
tagged under: merry smutmas xoxo 
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November 1st: Sebastian Vettel - Sticky Fingers 
Your husband spends his first Christmas at home since his retirement and he went a little.. a lot over board. 
November 4th: Trent Alexander Arnold - As Red As My Stockings 
Trent’s crush on the pretty physio is well known amongst the players. They make sure to help him fulfil one last Christmas wish before you all head home for the holidays.
November 5th: Pato O’Ward - Snow Storms 
Your boyfriend insists the roads are fine to drive despite the massive incoming snow storm; as someone who grew up in cold weather, you knew better. yet, there you were stuck on the side of the road with him in the snow. 
November 7th: Ruben Dias - Miss Me, Miss Me
Your brother holds his annual Christmas party and you’re forced to spend the afternoon with the one person you had been avoiding all season but tis’ the season you guess. (stones!reader)
November 9th: Pierre Gasly - Cocoa
You have your boyfriend drive all around the city until you find the one thing you were looking for. When you finally find it, you decide you want something else. 
November 11th: Ben Chilwell - Snowflakes On The Glass 
Ben insists on having a snowball fight when he wakes up to the massive snowfall but you want nothing more than to stay in bed. 
November 12th: Kimi Raikkonen - Only The Best For You 
Kimi spends the holidays with his old friends. He doesn’t forget you; bringing you exactly what you had been wishing for and you make sure to thank him.. properly. (dad’s best friend!kimi) 
November 14th: Lucas Paquetá - Spin Me Around 
Lucas busts out the champagne and the streamers to celebrate the new years in your new place. 
November 16th: Yuki Tsunoda - Sous Chef 
Yuki finds himself more fascinated by the woman cooking than the food on his plate for once. (chef!reader) 
November 18th: Erling Haaland - Christmas On The Farm 
Erling takes you home to spend the holidays at the Haaland Family Farm and you two end up being the only ones there. 
November 19th: Lance Stroll - Old Friends 
Lance gets an invitation to an old teammate’s place to ring in the new year but he finds himself too distracted by someone in particular to care about the ball dropping (vettel!reader)
November 21st: Jude Bellingham - Ugliest Sweater Wins
Jude is invited to Luka’s Christmas party, an ugly Christmas sweater party to be exact. It took a bit of convincing but you got him to go. 
November 23rd: Daniel Ricciardo - The Flash Of The Camera 
You enlist Daniel to help you with your Christmas gift for him. 
November 25th: John Stones - Black Out 
Your boyfriend blows a fuse with the Christmas lights and you’re stuck in the dark, but you find a way to make the best of it. 
November 26th: Fernando Alonso - Your Pick 
Fernando enlists the help of a certain someone to get his Christmas shopping done but the list is oddly familiar (pr officer!reader)  
November 28th: Kostas Tsimikas - The Smell Of The Holidays 
You over baked for your niece’s holiday bake sale so you do the neighbourly thing and share with your neighbour, Kostas and his two puppies.
November 30th: Toto Wolff - Winter Wonderland 
Your husband skips out on Christmas every year due to work but this year, he ends up in London. You make it your mission to introduce him to some holiday fun.
December 2nd: Christian Pulisic - Ho Ho Hoe
You find a pair of Christmas boxers in Christian’s drawers and decide to tease him about it. 
December 3rd: Mick Schumacher - Merry Ruff-mas 
Angie goes missing the day before Christmas and Mick finds her at the neighbouring ranch, wrapped up with ribbon and bows. 
December 5th: Jordan Henderson - Shivers
Jordan comes in after shovelling the driveway and keeps trying to love on you. You tell him that you can feel how cold he is but he makes sure to show you what cold really feels like. 
December 7th: Lewis Hamilton - Tis’ The Season 
An old friend finds his way to you front door and no matter how much you try to get rid of him, you can’t. 
December 9th: Dominik Szoboszlai - Come Home 
The two of you are separated over the holidays and you’re missing each other a little too much to keep this going. 
December 10th: Charles Leclerc - The Night Before Christmas 
A massive snow storm delays Charles’ flight home for the holidays and you both begin to give up hope but a Christmas miracle occurs.
December 12th: Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Greetings 
You send your old friend a Christmas card every year and when he sees that a certain someone was no longer in the picture, he pays you a long overdue visit. 
December 14th: Mark Webber - A New Term 
You send your professor an email over the winter break and the man wonders why you’re still working, urging you to come out and relax like everyone else. (Professor!Webber) 
December 16th: Thiago Alcantara - Bubbles 
You find yourself aching from all the holiday prep and your husband being the good man that he was, makes sure you’re feeling okay after a long day. 
December 17th: Jenson Button - A Sandy Christmas 
Jenson takes you on a dream vacation over the holidays but still makes sure you’ve got a gift to open come Christmas morning. (Sugar Daddy!Jenson) 
December 19th: Kylian Mbappe - Family’s Growing 
Kylian finds himself swooning over how good you are with his niece and nephew, the thought of having a family with you spins around his head. 
December 21st: Carlos Sainz Jr - Traditions 
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
December 23rd: Andy Robertson - Mistletoe Means Kisses 
The overpowering smell of mistletoe hits you when you walk into he house, your husband came up with his own plan while you were out. 
December 24th: George Russell - A New Tradition 
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
December 26th: Jack Grealish - Always Around 
A wild new years night out leaves you bumping the same person over and over again. 
December 28th: Esteban Ocon - The Gift Of Giving 
Esteban takes a liking to the barista that works at the cafe near his place. He finally works up the courage to ask her out in time for the holidays. 
December 30th: Sergio Ramos - Secret Santa 
The players and the staff play secret Santa every year; they write a letter, toss in a box and everyone picks. Sergio some how lands on the person he’s always had a soft spot for. 
December 31st: Max Verstappen - Time Is Running Out 
Max wasn’t one for resolutions but as the clock counts down the hours to new years, he finds himself running to resolve the biggest resolution on his list; you. 
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green-typewriterz · 6 months
i would love literally anything sam winchester related the lack of fics r astounding.. maybe something fluffy?? ive had a bad week would so cheer me up
Best fake-real husband
Sam Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: You and Sam go undercover in a small town to find out what's been happening to the disappearing couples.
ASK: above
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, awkward moments, mid season sam (in my mind it’s season 5 so its not following canon plot)
Author notes: Thankyou so much for the ask!!! I hope this is good :))) also Sam is the leader of the Sassy man army and if you don’t think so you can leave. Also thank you to @midsummeranderson for helping me plan <3
word count: 4110
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You had always hated suburban houses, they just seemed empty, unforgiving. Though you didn’t have much of a choice. Bobby had a case and you two were to go undercover.
”Husband and wife…” Sam began, a glint in his eyes as he moved around the open plan kitchen, opening the windows to salve the heat that bit at their necks.
You smiled in reply, laying out weapons to move to the spare room. “Not awkward at all.” You replied and he laughed, shrugging his usual flannel onto a chair and digging into his bag.
Sam looked up, smiling, holding two rings in his hand. “Nope. I’m going to be the best fake-real husband ever. Dean thinks I can’t and I’m kinda determined to prove him wrong.” You sigh and shake your head, but there’s no annoyance behind it. Trust Dean to make a game out of it.
A piece of hair fell in front of his eyes - it’s so long now that it reaches his shoulders, princelike. “Well then I guess I’ll have to be a good wife.” He hummed in agreement and you tucked his hair back behind his ear and a smile spread across his face. “Looks like I’m off to a good start, Sam Heathcliff.”
You gently slipped the ring onto your finger, the metal slightly too big for you. It was your grandmothers, a mix of silver and sapphire. Sam places his dad’s wedding band on his own hand, fiddling with it gently. It made you smile softly, how the ring was cold against your skin - your grandmother had always wanted you to wear it.
A knock at the door pulled you out of your memories and the two of you looked to each other with confusion, Dean wasn’t meant to be here until later that evening. You opened the door cautiously, flitting into character when you saw a 57 year old woman holding a large pie in her hands.
She grinned cheerily, pushing the dish forward into your hands as she spoke, you didn’t really have another choice but to take it (you’d probably hand it off to Dean later.) “Hi,” the voice sounded fake, satirical. She never met your eyes, she was almost entirely focused on Sam. “I heard there was a new couple in town, thought I’d do the neighbourly thing and say hi.” She began, flicking her hair over her shoulder in a particularly suggestive manner. “We’d love to have you over this weekend, monthly barbeque.”
You looked at Sam, who looked entirely uncomfortable with the attention he was receiving and wrapped your arms around his waist. “We’d love to…” you waited for a name, the woman smiled with annoyance, as if she hated you speaking to her.
“Helen. Watson.”
The two of you introduced yourself and agreed to go, knowing the gathering would be useful to get information. With one last glance at Sam, Helen turned around and left, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Dean came round that evening, constantly grinning and mocking and (as you had expected) he greeted the pie with open arms. “Look you two,” he began, as if he were an expert on the subject, “You’re practically a couple already, just… act like you’re in your honeymoon phase for the old women.”
He stated this as if it were an obvious fact and you raised your brows at his use of the word ‘honeymoon’. Sam looked away in annoyance (Something Dean found extremely funny). It seemed as though the younger Winchester couldn’t wait to get rid of Dean and so, as soon as he had finished his pie, he was forced out the door and back to the impala. There was a second sigh of relief when the door closed.
Though it had seemed like a smart idea at the time, the two of you were sorely regretting filling the spare room with hunting gear as it had left you with one bedroom. “I’ll take the couch,” Sam said as he gathered some clothes to sleep in, you stood in the doorway, arms folded as you shook your head.
“Not a chance, you’d barely fit on this bed imagine how uncomfortable you'd be downstairs.” You argued and he shook his head, trying to claim that he’d slept worse. Eventually, the two of you came to an agreement. Sam would sleep over the covers, you’d sleep under them (he always got hot at night anyway - especially during the summer).
You excused yourself to the bathroom and by the time you had gotten back Sam was already asleep, long hair falling gently over his eyes. You lay down beside him and got comfortable, though you forgot just how much Sam moved in his sleep. He seemed to subconsciously move closer to you, warm, tan skin flush against yours.
His face was inches from yours, holding a gentle smile as if he were happily dreaming (though that was something that didn’t happen often). You gently moved the hair from his eyes and he moved closer still, broad shoulders brushing against you. You fell asleep in the comfort of his warmth and awoke with his arms wrapped securely around you. He wasn’t awake yet, you always woke up before him.
You eventually found it in yourself to move from his grip and headed downstairs, intending to make breakfast for the two of you. He was downstairs a few moments later, hair a sweet, tousled mess on his head. You smiled sweetly but neither of you spoke - there wasn’t much need to.
The two of you seemed to move around each other as if you had been married for years as you got ready for the barbeque, passing each other what you needed wordlessly. Chalk it up to years of hunting together.
“Todays gonna be entertaining for me.” You stated, a smirk on your face. He tilted his head in confusion as if he were a dog and you smiled, eyes drifting to his shoulders for a moment. “C’mon Sam, it’s a town of 47 year old women who hate their husbands and you’re a - very awkward - 6 '4 man. A handsome one at that.” He blushed and turned away, continuing to get ready.
His hands fiddled with the jacket in front of him. “Yeah, so?” You smiled at him, opening the front door as you spoke again.
“So, it’s gonna be fun watching you squirm.” Your smile turned to a grin and Sam shook his head, following you out the door.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
You were right, as expected. Although most were fine, one specific group of women made an exaggerated effort to fan themselves, whispering to each other about Sam. They almost immediately ushered you over. You sent a look to your best friend and headed toward them.
Immediately, they began to gossip, asking you about how you and Sam met and you could barely get a word in edgeways. There were compliments thrown at you too, but you knew they were just to stop you ‘feeling jealous.’
“How did you get so lucky?” One woman, Helen, asked. Her voice was wrought with envy as she stared over at Sam. Part of you understood why they were staring, Sam looked strangely good in the traditional small town husband attire. His white polo had a few buttons undone and the fabric was tight on his arms (Dean had ordered the wrong size) and his long hair was held back from his head by a pair of sunglasses, a few stray pieces falling over his eyes. The only part you weren’t a fan of was the khaki shorts…but it seemed to be the dress code in the town so you brushed it off - you and Dean would probably make fun of him for it later. He felt his gaze on you and turned to meet your eyes, smiling softly and winking. The women around you giggled and you rolled your eyes, to which he laughed.
It turned out that talking to the four women was the best thing for the case, they absolutely adored gossip. “Couples have been going missing, it always starts with the husbands.” Margaret whispered excitedly, “It happened to the couple who were here before you, sweet things.” she continued, sipping on a glass of wine.
You tilted your head, something Sam recognised from a distance, you’d had an idea. “Do they leave anything behind? People can’t just disappear?” You asked, pulling your hand through your hair.
Helen shook her head. “The damn council barely clean out the houses.” You nodded. Bingo. If the house hadn’t been thoroughly cleaned, chances are there’d be evidence. Helen continued to ramble and you were listening intently, until a hand gently slid onto your waist.
You let out a gasp but the strong smell of cedarwood and amber calmed you down. You knew exactly who it was. His grip pulls tighter around you and you lean into him, head resting on his chest. You felt your face flush - something you were praying he didn’t notice.
“How did you two meet?” One woman asked and you looked at each other, making sure without ever even speaking that you had the story right.
Sam leaned his head on yours and sweetly said, “why don’t you take this one, honey.” his eyes sparkled with mischief, he was trying to throw you off and the hand that was massaging your side was proof of that.
You met his eyes with the same excitement, if he wanted to play, you were really going to go for it. “We both worked as government agents, met on the field. Hence all the scars.” The women nodded in realisation, looking at some of the injuries you hadn’t quite managed to hide. “He wasn’t the biggest fan of mine at first but I grew on him, isn’t that right darling?”
Sam nodded, his eyes not leaving yours as he replied, “and now I don’t want to be without her ever again.” He found that sentence to be more true than he thought.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Sam sent an exasperated look your way as he raked a hand through his hair (and sadly took the glasses off his head). “How were the boys?” you asked with a smile and he turned to make sure no one was watching before dropping the facade.
“I’m actually shocked how much I don’t know about football.” He replied and you both laughed, him leaning into you as he smiled. He looked outside at the group of gossipping women before adding on, “they seemed…friendly.”
You laughed, “to you, sure, but I think it’s because they want you in their bed.” The sentence was blunt and Sam’s eyes widened, cheeks blushing a strong red. You, however, continued as if you had never said anything, “I think it could be witches? We’d have to search for hex bags though.” He nodded, not meeting your eyes (he was slightly flustered).
The two of you eventually said your goodbyes and made your way down the street, Sam looked annoyed with himself. “What’s up?”
He sighed, “this one guy, Glenn, roped me into holding a housewarming party…” You stared at him incredulously, did he not try to say no? Sam recognised the look in your eyes and defended himself, “the man was incredibly persuasive!” You shook your head but knew there was no way out of it. You weren’t the best at party planning.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
The long stretch of grocery store met you as you and Sam stood in the doorway. You didn’t often do this as hunters so it was a slightly daunting task. You looked at each other with tired eyes and went your separate ways, deciding to cover ground as if it were a hunt…just for nachos.
You rounded a corner only to see Helen stood there. Not wanting to be stuck in conversation again, you instantly turned on your heel, hiding behind a row of sauces. Though, something caught your eye. In Helen’s basket, clearly hidden just not very well, was a large amount of herbs and salt. What got you interested was the extreme amount of basil and sage.
Witches. Had to be.
Sam approached you, smiling gently. Something about the situation made him look so… domestic. You tried to motion to him what you were thinking but he seemed so fixated on you, his reaching out for yours. “Can you do your job?” you spoke, the words sounding harsher than you had intended. He instantly pulled back, face twisting with annoyance.
“Take the hint, Sam. Behind me.”
You continued to whisper back and forth in annoyance, alerting Helen who watched in confusion. You quickly turned to look at her and sighed as she approached, hiding the herbs with the rest of her groceries. “Lovers quarrel?” she joked and the two of you laughed in the same way Bobby would when Dean told another of his bad jokes.
Sam made excuses as you looked at her, trying to see if you could spot any witch runes on her. It seemed as though she was trying to do the same to you. “Well isn’t that tattoo…neat!” She said, trying to hide the venom in her voice as she pointed out the anti-possession tattoo on your collarbone. Great.
You looked at Sam in annoyance and turned back to Helen. “Thanks! I saw it in a magazine!” You tried to explain away but you knew you’d been caught, she had spotted you and you her. Though she was very keen to stay in conversation, Sam made a quick excuse and you both left as soon as you could.
“Told you it was witches.”
Sam didn’t reply. The car journey back was completely silent, an unspoken annoyance building in the both of you. Neither of you said a word until the front door closed. “Nice job letting her see the tattoo.” Sam said annoyedly, turning to look at you.
You sighed and turned away, packing away the groceries. “Maybe if you spent less time flirting and more time actually hunting we’d be done by now! This isn’t exactly a hard case, we don't need more bodies to our name.” The reply was sharp and annoyed.
He suddenly grabbed your wrist so you’d look at him. “I’m doing my job just fine.” His eyes were locked with yours. You stepped closer.
“No, you’re not. You’re distracted.” Sam scoffed, his minty breath fanning against your cheek from how close you were. His hand was still firmly on your wrist.
An annoyed smile spread across his face and a muscle in his neck tensed. “Oh yeah? And why would I be distracted?” You stared directly at him, from his long hair that fell over his unreadable gaze to the smoothness of his bronzed skin.
You found yourself stepping closer again. “You tell me.”
There was a crushing silence, the only sound being your sharp breaths. Suddenly, Sam’s grip on your hand moved to your waist and he pulled you into him, his lips colliding with yours. You leaned into him, hands grabbing his hair harshly. He kissed you as if he were hungry, as if he had been waiting for years - maybe he had. He lifted you easily and sat you on the kitchen counter, leaning back from the kiss for a split second. His chest rose quickly in hot breaths as he kissed you again. You bit his bottom lip - letting blood drip as his hands gripped your skin.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
The party was loud and irritating, there wasn’t a moment where you had time for yourself, not one point where you weren’t ’y/n Heathcliff’. You and Sam had barely talked after the evening before - you didn’t know what to say.
You knew Helen would be at the party, not only would it be good to keep up appearances but she could get her next victim from it. Sam sent you a look and you nodded once, heading toward the spare bedroom in search of weapons, just in case.
A small, easily hidden knife was being placed into your waistband when Sam opened the door, closing it harshly behind him. “Sorry,” he said quietly, “had to get away from Miriam.”
You laughed gently and went back to preparing, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Helen’s here.”
“I know.”
Silence again. You sighed, “and you just left her out there? Alone?” His brows furrowed and he offered a witty remark, starting another hushed argument between the two of you.
On the other side of the door, Miriam and Margaret pressed their ears to the wood, giggling like school children at how the argument sounded to them. Through the muffled walls, all they could hear was gasps and sharp noises - of course they assumed what they wanted.
Sam’s hands pushed through his hair as he sighed, uncertain of what to do, when suddenly the door started opening. He rushed forward and pushed against it, rushing out a quick, “one moment!” All he heard in reply was laughs.
“What do we do?” He asked nervously and you stood still, nervous, until a thought popped into your head. You held your hands out - asking for permission and, once he nodded, you placed your hands gently in his soft hair, ruffling it. It annoyed you how he still managed to look good.
Then, once he had done the same for you, you looked him up and down, deciding his outfit was far too…tidy. First it was one button undone, then another (you unbuttoned a third for personal reasons). A blush rose on the tips of his ears.
He went to open the door when you realised something was still missing and, in a quick moment of panic, you rushed forward and grabbed his face, kissing him harshly on the lips (you were purposely trying to smudge your lipstick onto him). Sam made a noise in shock but found himself leaning into it, eyes lingering closed for a moment longer after you had pulled away.
Shit. He thought. He definitely liked you.
Eventually, the door was opened and Sam met the two women with an awkward smile. “Oh!’ Margaret began, giggling, “I was going to offer a drink, but I see you’re occupied…” The woman looked at one another, laughed again and walked away, leaving Sam blushing with embarrassment. The door was closed once more and when you were both sure they had walked away, laughter spilt into the room.
He shook his head and smiled, stepping closer to you. “Close one.” You smiled gently, staring into his eyes (the light was hitting them perfectly). There was silence again - neither of you knew what to do.
”Are we ever going to talk about last night?” You asked, thinking about how his hands felt on your skin. His features turned more serious as he sat down on the bed.
He stared at you, lipstick still in a smudge on his face. “I’m not sure what to say about it.” You neared him, hands trailing over his shoulders. Then, slowly, you leaned into him, lifting his chin with your finger as you felt his soft lips against yours. There was something impossibly gentle about it and you weren’t sure anyone had kissed you that softly before.
”Maybe we don’t need to say anything.”
He smiled. You kissed the corner of his grin and headed back downstairs, attempting to fix your hair as you went. You were met with stares as you entered the kitchen - Miriam had most definitely told everyone… at least it sold the cover.
Time passed with an almost excruciating level of slowness and Sam not making a re-entrance back downstairs wasn’t helping either (you had no one to distract you). Eventually, the party cleared out yet Sam was nowhere to be seen - now you began to panic.
You said goodbye to the final few neighbours and headed back upstairs, calling Sam’s name. The lack of response worried you. The first door by the stairs - the one that unfortunately led to your weapons room - was ajar, scratches around the lock. You pulled the dagger from your waistband and slowly opened the door, sighing as you saw the bloodstain on the floor. You had a feeling you knew who had taken him and where he had gone.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖ng 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
You had managed to track him to Helen’s house, hiding around the back to get a good view through the sliding glass doors. Sat, tied to a chair in the middle of the main room, was Sam. His face was bruised and bloody and his expression looked annoyed, chest heaving with sharp breaths. Helen, Miriam and Margaret circled around him, playing with his hair and gathering items they needed for the spell.
”Poor Sam,” Helen began - you assumed she was the leader, “you’d think you’d be able to fight back against three 57 year olds.” Miriam headed into the kitchen as Margaret laughed, they almost reminded you of the witches from Macbeth.
”You’d also think, considering she’s a hunter, that your ‘wife’ would be better at hiding.” Suddenly, a surprisingly strong pair of hands grabbed you, pushing you against the wall.
You struggled against the grip but it was no use, your hands being painfully tied behind your back. Miriam ushered you into the living room, retiring you to a chair beside Sam. You met his eyes with an apologetic gaze and he returned it.
It was your turn to feel the bunt of the witches’ fun now, knives sliced at your skin and hair was cut from your head, you knew they’d done it somewhere visible on purpose. They grabbed at your face, nails digging into flesh and smiling as Sam protested.
Eventually, the three left the room and you and Sam began planning. You shuffled your chair toward him, trying to see if he could reach the dagger you always hid in your shoe. His hand brushed over your shin but he couldn’t reach any further.
With one final attempt, Sam tried to lean on the chair to reach, which ended with him toppling both chairs. He landed on top of you, his chest flush against yours. “Sorry.” He spoke, words hoarse from lack of breath.
Luckily for you, the fall had broken the ropes around your ankles and - though it hurt like hell - you manoeuvred your leg just enough to read the blade. Sam's hair tickled against your face and his lips tickled your neck - but that was something you’d have to think about later.
“Nice try you two.” Helen spoke as she waltzed back in. You hid the blade in your sleeve as your chair was fixed once more and while the three were busy working, you managed to slice through the ropes. you waited patiently, watching with a newfound confidence. Luckily for you, Maragaret was the type of witch to intimidate - her favourite tactic being getting as close as she could.
You took the opportunity and thrust the blade forward, stabbing through her throat. She screamed out and you stood up making your way over to the other two to fight. You took a fair few punches, but it was nothing new and soon enough the two others were on the floor too, holding onto the last of their life.
The large salt circle was immediately broken and Sam was freed, you apolising every time you accidentally touched any of his injuries. “That was badass.” Sam complimented and you laughed, leaning your hair back tiredly.
You turned away, starting to destroy the spell further as you spoke, “Ready to finally stop being husband and wife?” You asked and a small smirk rose on his face, hands snaking back over your waist again.
With sudden passion, he spun you back around, his eyes glinting. “Not really.”
With that, Sam lifted you off the ground, hands securely gripping your thighs as he kissed your neck. You had your back pushed against the wall as he moved to kiss your lips, your hands pulling at the back of his hair. He sighed and went to kiss you again when the front door swung open, revealing a disgusted (but slightly relieved) Bobby and a grinning Dean.
”We can explain?” Sam offered, gently lowering you back to the ground. You couldn’t look at one another.
Dean shook his head, smiling like a madman. “I don’t know Sammy, seems pretty obvious to me.” Then, with the same giddy happiness he turned to Bobby, who had since fished a ten dollar bill out of his pocket.
Typical. You and Sam shared an annoyed look as The other two hunters headed back out the door. ‘“C’mon you lovebirds,” Bobby began, “There’s a vamp nest in Chicago.”
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kelcemenow · 2 months
Return To Sender - Chapter 2.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1551
Warnings Nothing, we're still setting the scene. But there's a smidge of flirting!
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The radio played softly in the background as you meticulously proof-read the last paragraph that you had quickly typed. You had woken up early, motivated and determined to have your first draft finished and sent to your editor, meaning you hadn't even changed out of your pyjamas before sitting down at your desk to work.
Reggie was still snoozing in his bed when you leaned back in your chair, scrolling carefully to check again for any obvious spelling errors or punctuation mistakes. You adjusted your posture and attached the document to an email to Sarah, your editor, clicking the send button with a small smile. Rolling your neck, you rose from your chair and glanced around your office, a small collection of brown boxes piled in one corner and a stack of framed photos and pictures that you hadn't gotten round to hang onto the walls yet. As you checked your watch for the current time, your doorbell rang, causing Reggie to lift his head excitedly.
"Stay there, Reggie." You said, holding your palm out with the verbal command.
The old, original wooden floorboards creaked as you paced towards the front door, the sound from the radio growing louder as you approached the living room. Turning the key in the lock, you opened the door to see your neighbour standing on your front porch.
"Hey, I...uh...brought your mail again. They keep delivering it to my house." He said with a sheepish grin.
You took the small stack of letters from him, "Thanks. Although, you could've just left them in my mailbox again?"
His eyebrows lowered slightly, "Yeah. But I figured bringing them to you was the neighbourly thing to do?"
You smiled, biting your bottom lip awkwardly in the short silence.
"Anyway-" He started.
"Would you like to come in for some coffee?"
His eyes twinkled for a moment and he lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck, "Uhh...sure. Thanks."
You turned around and headed for the kitchen, leaving him to close the door behind him and instantly wondering if the coffee invite to a complete stranger was a mistake.
Meandering around the large dining table that was situated in the middle of the kitchen, you reached your coffee maker and opened the cabinet above it, your hand ghosting over the myriad of options, "Latte, cappuccino, americano?"
He stood in the kitchen doorway with his hands in his pockets, "Americano, please, thank you."
You nodded towards one of the dining room chairs as you grabbed the correct coffee pods that you needed, "My Mother would be so disappointed in me. She always told me not to invite strange men into my house for coffee."
The man laughed as he sat down and dipped his head, resting his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers, "I suppose I should've introduced myself first, huh?"
"It's only fair. I mean, you know my name from snooping at my mail."
"Hey, I was being a good neighbour and bringing it to you!"
Your shoulders shook as you chuckled, "I'm just messing with you! I appreciate it, really."
"Travis. I'm Travis."
You pushed the coffee pod into the machine with a soft click and turned to face him, "It's nice to meet you, Travis."
He smiled back at you, the creases around his eyes deepening, "So, you like it here?"
"Yeah. I mean, I only moved in on Sunday so it might still be too early to tell. But so far...all good." You carefully filled the mug with coffee before placing it down onto the table.
He grabbed the drink with his large hands and pulled it closer to him, nodding his head in appreciation, "So, where are you from?"
You finished making your own drink and took a seat opposite to him, "Chicago, originally. But my family moved down to Atlanta when I was young. Then I went to New York, Buffalo...Kentucky for a little bit. And now I'm here." You shrugged.
"Wow, that's a lot of moving."
You laughed under your breath and glanced at another stack of unpacked boxes by the refrigerator, "Yeah, you'd think I'd be better at it by now."
Travis' eyes darted towards your outfit, "Are your clothes still in boxes?"
You looked down, confusion washing over you before noticing that you were wearing your pyjamas. A warmness rushed to your cheeks and your hands flew upwards to cover your face subconsciously, "Oh my God, I didn't realise I was still wearing these."
"It was either that or it was some new fashion that I didn't know about."
"Well, this is embarrassing." Your head dropped, shaking from side to side.
Travis sipped his coffee quickly, "Nah, it's kinda cute."
You looked up at him through your eyelashes, your chest burning from his comment. Almost immediately, Reggie came bounding into the room, seemingly impatient from waiting in his bed.
"Awww, hey big guy!" Travis called out, allowing Reggie to place his front two paws on his knees as he praised him, "You're a good boy aren't you? You're a good boy!"
You smiled as Reggie's tail swayed wildly, "I take it you're a dog guy?"
"I love dogs. I got two at home." His head tipped towards the window that faced the street, "If you ever need a dog walking partner, I'm your guy."
"That would be awesome. Reggie needs a lot of walks so sometimes we are out for hours just walking for miles." You stood up to retrieve a treat from the glass jar on top of the refrigerator, "Luckily, I work from home and for myself so my days are pretty flexible."
You handed the treat to Travis, which he accepted gladly, as did Reggie, "What do you do?"
"Oh, I'm a writer." You said, almost coyly.
"A writer?" His eyebrows lifted, "That's impressive. Would I have read anything of yours?"
You folded your arms, "Probably not, unless you read romance novels often?"
"Hey, I can be a romantic guy!" He winked, causing a tightness again in your torso. "Wait...Y/N L/N?"
You winced, unsure of his reaction, "Yeah?"
"My Mom loves your books!" He called out, his eyes wide and his hands gesturing towards you, "She's read like...all of them!"
"Yeah, I get that a lot." You nodded and rolled your eyes, "My demographic is single working women and Moms."
Travis smiled, "She's going to be blown away when I tell her that you're my new neighbour!"
"I could sign a couple of copies if you think she'd like that?"
"Are you kidding? She'd love that!" He clapped his hands together, "Imma get some serious good son points for this!"
You giggled, "Glad I could help with that!" You took another sip from your coffee, "So, what do you do? Apart from being a part-time mail man?"
Travis smiled widely, "I'd be a great mail man! I'd sing on my rounds, I'd tell jokes, I'd dance down the street, people would love me as their mail man!"
"I expect that tomorrow morning then!"
"You got yourself a deal." He tipped the rest of the coffee into his mouth, using his thumb to wipe away a drop that escaped onto his bottom lip, "I play football."
You leant forward slightly, intrigued, "Like, play football? Or play play football?"
Travis' lips thinned as he smiled, "What's the difference?"
"Do I have a football star in my kitchen, is what I'm asking?"
He shrugged slightly, "Well, it depends what you mean by 'star'?"
Your mind suddenly flashed with information, and Travis' face became instantly recognisable, "Travis Kelce? Oh my God, you're Travis Kelce? I can't believe I didn't recognise you, I saw you on SNL!"
He rubbed his beard with his left hand, his right one still gripping his empty coffee mug, "Yeah, that's me."
"Oh my God, I...I can't believe I'm having coffee...in my pyjamas might I add, with Travis Kelce." You choked slightly on your words, "My brother loves you!"
"Hey, invite him over! I'll get my Mom here, we'll have a barbeque and make our families happy!"
You laughed, leaning forward to lightly tap his arm, instantly noticing how solid his muscles were, "We could get married and maybe their brains would explode!"
Travis' laughter bellowed out as he slapped his hand down on the table.
"Wow, that was weird." You pressed your fingers to your temples and stared straight ahead at Travis, who was clutching his stomach, "I don't know why I said that!"
"Relax, Y/N. It was funny." He said breathlessly.
The corners of your mouth lifted and you exhaled a relieved sigh.
"Listen, I gotta go. But thank you for the coffee, it's been really cool getting to know you."
You picked up the two empty coffee cups from the table and placed them into the sink as Travis said his goodbyes to Reggie. Smoothing over your pink satin camisole top, you made your way to the front door and opened it, letting the fresh air and bright mid-morning light pool into the hallway.
"I'll see you around?" Travis said as he arrived next to you at the door, "And try and have some clothes on next time, huh?"
You blushed as you watched him skip down the few steps and onto the pathway, turning quickly to flash you another smile.
Not much to say for this one, it's still building somewhat! I am always open to suggestions as to what should happen with my ongoing series' so feel free to send a message or an inbox with any ideas!
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kellycataclysm · 4 months
How does harvey seduce lyra? What's his favourite way to bang her?
Okay so this was absolutely the most fun to write.
Here’s a little list of all the things he has in his repertoire, other than simply existing, with a few bonus head canons and thoughts thrown in. 
Setting the Scene. Lyra’s Harvey is romantic, polite, gentlemanly. The cliches work. He’d light candles, play soft music, bring her flowers, slow dance, watch the stars with her, open the door for her. Some may see this as old-fashioned, he just sees this as being sweet and attentive to the person he loves the most.
Words - Part One. Flirty banter. They’re smart dorks. The words are part of the attraction. Bonus points if there are bad jokes, puns, nerd chatter. 
Visual stimulus. Harvey will catch her eye with cliches that he knows work for her. The tie loosened, the rolled up shirt sleeves, a little peek of that chest hair, a spark in his eye from behind those glasses, and Lyra is FLUSTERED. Plus, he likes to look smart, even when he’s casual Harvey. So, if they’re out on a date you can be sure he’s looking smart and that moustache will be perfect.
Eye contact. The way he looks at her, like he’s still trying to figure her out but, goodness me, if he wasn’t entirely smitten from the second she walked into the clinic and awkwardly asked him for a neighbourly coffee. Plus, you can be sure he's going to do the finger hook under the chin for this, which leads to...
Physical touch - Part One. Harvey is all about the gentle caresses; he’ll hold her hand intertwining their fingers, touch her waist or the small of her back, brush her hair behind her ear, his fingertip lingering on those star earrings Lyra wears. The man is straight up handsy, especially first thing in the morning when they have just woken up.
Words - Part Two. Harvey has no problem telling Lyra that he loves her and saying things he knows will make her melt. We also know that she loves his voice. Deep, calm, firm but gentle. He’s well-spoken and to be honest, she’d listen to him read the phone book. 
Physical presence. Our man is tall in a way that makes her giggle and twirl her hair and he will use this to his advantage. He is 6'4. She is 5'3.
Slow. Sure, he’s ready to rock and roll with little more than a suggestive look from Lyra, because when he knows that she wants him, that definitely gets him going. However, Harvey loves to take his sweet time, setting the mood, making her feel like she is the only person on the planet for him, completely worshipping her. Then let’s also acknowledge that once he gets started, he is a massive tease. Yes, there are plenty of moments in which my spicy dorks are positively desperate for each other, but he loves to hear her begging for him.
Control. He’s bossy in the bedroom and she gets the full benefit of this. Making her feel good does it for him.
Physical touch - Part Two. Harvey really does have lovely hands and he knows exactly how to use them. You can guarantee she is getting off more than once. Don't look at me. I don't make the rules.
Words - Part Three. He loves to whisper things in her ear. Our girl has a HUGE praise kink and he knows this. He also loves to talk dirty to her. If the man drops an F Bomb in the heat of the moment, she will straight up dissolve. Readers may also have noticed that he only ever calls her Lyra when they are in adult situations. It is like she is in trouble. The best kind of trouble. 
By this point, Lyra is a mess and absolute putty in his hands. He can do absolutely anything he wants to her and whatever he chooses will make her feel incredible.
(Okay, did someone say soft dom Harvey?)
So, his favourite position. Lyra’s Harvey isn’t afraid to be a little adventurous. There was the time with the mirror. The video call when he was away. The time in the woods. The other time she made him watch. The time in front of the fire. The time of Harvey’s birthday in which there were many interesting things explored. Plus, you just know the desk in his office has seen more than just paperwork. He would eat her out for days and is also more than happy to try new positions. However, while he isn’t averse to bending her over the armchair, his favourite are the more intimate positions. The ones where he can hold her close (the man loves to spoon) and where he can look into her eyes and kiss her senseless. So, while he absolutely loves to pin her against a wall or have her on top of him so he can ogle her, his favourite and most frequently used is missionary. He’s in love with her and wants to watch as she falls apart for him, because of him. 
Thank you so much for sending this positively delightful question! It was so fun to answer! <3
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scarletttries · 1 year
Kendall Roy x Neighbour! Reader Headcanons
Pairing: Kendall Roy x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Smut, Dark!Kendall obsessive vibes, dub-con, reader discretion advised :)
Request: "Hi Scarlett! I was wondering if you could write a scenario when you just moved in Kendall's apartment and became a neighbor and he is obsessed with u emotionally and sexually??🥵🥵
Author’s Note: Thank you for this intense request, it was a lot of fun to write some dark Kendall as we all know this man would be capable of ANYTHING. Please don't read if you might feel upset by dark/obsessive/coercive themes :)
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Dark! Kendall Roy x Neighbour!Reader Headcanons:
- Kendall Roy had lived in his building as long as he could remember, but he was sure he'd never met any of his neighbours, let alone learned their names. Maybe it was his weird hours of operation, maybe his security usually kept him from chance encounters, or maybe none of them ever seemed noteworthy enough to remember. Before you.
- He's not sure exactly how the stars aligned perfectly enough for him to end up bumping into you the day you moved into the one rent-controlled apartment in his building (he'd always found that surprisingly progressive for the otherwise snooty building, sure it must be to exploit a tax loophole), but from the moment he saw you carrying a box and directing delivery people with carefully wrapped up furniture, he knew he had to have you.
- He'd heard the commotion from the stairwell after returning home one day, curiously following the noise to see which rich, old, white man he'd be living across an expansive hall from now, surprised to find young, beautiful you. The picture of innocence, drawing him in with your magnetic energy until he clears his throat, making you jump and sending a dark shiver down his spine at the reaction. He watches you smile so so brightly as you crouch to the floor, setting down the boxes in your arms before springing back to your feet to shake his hand, but not before Kendall can enjoy the opportunity to stare down at you from above, sure he'd have you in this position again, if it was the last thing he did.
- All night your simple conversation would rattle through his mind, the way you repeated his name after he said, politely pretending you don't know exactly who he is, his name on your tongue sounding sweeter than it ever has before. It leaves him wondering how sweet your tongue would be on him in any other circumstances, and before he fully realises what he's doing his hand has slipped into his shorts and he's picturing you back on your knees, choking around him.
- Ever the gracious neighbour Kendall would send you an elaborate basket of expensive gifts to welcome you to the building. There'd be innocent things like designer home fragrances and fine imported coffee, but Kendall being Kendall, there'd also be chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of champagne, and spa-quality cocoa butter massage oil. Everything he'd need to make you feel right at home for the night. When you appear at his door to thank him, almost bouncing for joy as you gush about his generosity, he's so sure he can smell a trace of cocoa butter, picturing you rubbing it all over yourself and thinking only of him.
- His infatuation with you only gets worse when his sexual desires become more emotionally founded: One night you'll knock on his door, later than a normal neighbourly conversation and Kendall will think you've finally come to return his primal feelings. As he flings the door open you look almost apologetic - you saw a headline about Waystar offices being under investigation and you wanted to check that he was feeling okay. It's a simple enough gesture, but it's one that cuts right to the core of Kendall, who so rarely has anyone check in and ask him how he's doing. And here you are, his perfect neighbour, cooing sweetly as you tell him it's going to be okay, and gently squeezing his hand, the embodiment of kindness and empathy, the antithesis of his family. And he knows you must be his and his alone, that he needs this from you every moment, of every day.
- After that night his obsession starts to get worse, barely able to make it through the night without a barrage of sweet, sensual dreams playing over and over in his mind of exactly what you'd do to take care of every part of him. He can't bear the thought of you with anyone else, installing a doorbell camera so he can keep an eye on your routine, making sure you don't bring home anyone that might get in his way. He learns your comings and goings so he can bump into you at his favourite times, usually on your way back from the gym, drinking in the way your exposed skin glows with a thin sheen of sweat, sure he could give you just as good of a workout if you let him. Sometimes he'll arrive home just in time to help you carry groceries inside, peering inside your bags to find out a little more about what you like, and thinking about a world where he gets to be the person you make homemade meals for.
- He finds himself obsessing over how to take the next step with you, how to secure you as his, sexually and emotionally. He thinks about sending more gifts, this time a lingerie set and a vibrator for when you want to think of him alone at night. Sometimes he thinks about trying to install a camera in your apartment when he knows you're home, waiting for a glimpse of you touching yourself and knocking on the door to give you a hand. In the end he goes for something a little bit more subtle, just hoping all the dominoes will fall into place.
- The wait for the perfect moment is agonising though, and some nights Kendall can't help but picture just tying you to his bed frame and keeping you there at his mercy for as long as it takes for you to accept that you belong to him. He's sure if he can make you cum enough times then eventually you'll see that he's always going to take care of you, and you'll have everything you need with him.
- But instead he waits until one day when you come back from the gym, avoiding his usual attempt to bump into you and letting you get straight home and into the shower as always. Then with a well-timed, and urgent, knock on the door he draws you out of your apartment in just your towel, having safely retreated to his own, watching through the doorbell camera as you take one, two, three steps into the hall, dripping from every inch of your skin, an absolute vision. And as if the universe is rewarding his genius, right on time, your apartment door locks shut behind you, leaving you in the hall in just your towel, no keys, no phone, no way back inside.
- Kendall has stop himself from ripping the door off its hinges the second you rap your knuckles gingerly against it, pretending to look confused by your state of undress as you explain, mortified, that you got locked out and you'd been in the shower, and does he have the number for the building manager or a spare key? Kendall ushers you inside, saying he'll make a call to the building manager, but 'he might be a while because he always takes Wednesdays off' offering to put on coffee while you wait. Wrapping yourself tightly in your towel you hover awkwardly in the doorway, trying not to think about what your one cute neighbour must think of you.
- Thrilled with how this is going so far, you almost naked in his home, with nowhere else to go, he offers you a seat, insisting you try this new massage chair he's just bought for himself, telling you it's the best money can buy, completely top of the line and will melt your worries away. Feeling so bad for intruding already you can hardly say no, tucking as much of the towel around you as possible, accepting that there's no way to sit that won't have all your most sensitive skin pressed bare against the satin soft fabric. Perching on the arm of the chair beside yours Kendall starts to toy with the small remote, telling you you're going to feel amazing in no time. Surely enough as he presses the controls the chair starts to vibrate all over, kneading against your shoulders and inner thighs, a strong vibration emanating right against your entrance.
- Kendall notices the way your whole body jolts as the sensations start, the way your cheeks start to flush rosy pink as every nerve in your body is stimulated to perfection, your bare skin rubbed and massaged by the tiny movements of the chair. You try and take a breath to ground yourself, now even more embarrassed at how incredible the vibrations felt, sending tremours through your centre that made every inch of you feel endlessly sensitive. Clenching your thighs together didn't help, only amplifying the waves of bliss washing over you, but Kendall certainly noticed when you did.
"Feels great right!" He laughed darkly, watching you squirm as your bare pussy rubs against the shaking fabric, no escape from the overwhelming pleasure no matter how you shift your body. You could only hum in agreement, biting your lip to stop a moan following it, trying desperately to keep hold of yourself, not wanting your hot neighbour to see you make even more of a mess of yourself today.
- The soft kneading down your spine had you arching your back, your nipples getting more and more obvious through the thin wet towel the more cold and sensitive and excited you got. Kendall could see the shame and powerlessness and embarrassment building on your face as your body betrayed you, your hands gripping the side of the chair as if maybe you could hold on long enough if you just really focused.
"Kendall, I-" You tried to stand up while your legs could still hold your weight, hoping you could pretend to be more comfortable standing, and praying the water dripping off your body would cover up any wet patch you might have left. But as you leant forward, Kendall stepped in front of you, barely having to push your trembling thighs back down to keep you in place, a devilish grin on his face as he watched your eyes widen at his actions.
"You can't move yet sweetheart, I haven't even shown you all the settings. I think we can make you feel even better." The glint in his eye made you want to run out the door for help, but as he pressed one button and the vibrations whirred faster and stronger you found yourself fixed to your spot, the feelings of ecstasy building inside you and leaving you completely at his control.
"See, I can take care of you. I promise, you've never had someone take care of you like I can." Kendall cooed as his fingers stroked lazily up your thighs, adding to the overwhelming sensation already coursing through your veins. "Say the word, and I'll take care of every part of you, every fucking day." His voice was laced with such intensity you could feel yourself getting wetter as he spoke, unclear about how you ended up in this position, but starting to get the impression none of this was accidental. You watched his fingertips graze along the edge of your towel, looking up to see what you made of his offer and breaking into a wide grin as you nodded your head back at him, trying to speak but only being able to moan out his name in response.
"Good girl." He teased back, turning the dial up one more time before unceremoniously pulling open your towel just in time to watch your whole body shake with pleasure as your release cascaded through every part of you, your pussy throbbing from the release around nothing, thighs twitching under Kendall's hands as he kept you firmly planted in that spot until he was positive you couldn't take another second. Finally helping you rise to your unsteady feet he'd plant his lips against yours, hungry to taste you, unsure how he'd waited even this long to finally feel you lean into him, lips soft and warm, your skin sensitive everywhere his hands met it. Looking down at your wet naked body, cheeks still flush with a tinge of shame, he licked his lips and chuckled, "We're going to have so much fun, neighbour."
- Once that threshold is past, there's no going back for Kendall. He'll steal all your underwear and make you sit on his lap just so he can toy with you, watching you squirm like the first time, peppering your neck with kisses until you can't keep still. He'll hide your clothes when you're staying over at his so you're stuck there, wandering around his penthouse naked until he's seen enough.
- He'll wake you in the night with his fingers inn you, teasing your folds and strumming your clit until you beg him to fuck you, waking up the next morning full of his cum. He'll insist on pushing it back into you again and again, hoping that if he can get you pregnant, you'll stay by him forever.
- It's not just a sexual obsession, Kendall will come to you in all his darkest hours, collapsing on your lap and lamenting about the world while you stroke his hair and reassure him that the world hasn't ended on even his worst days.
- You are everything Kendall Roy has ever wanted for himself. He knew it from the moment he laid eyes on you, and he knows it every time you blush at his relentless teasing. And he'll never let anything take what he wants away from him.
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beefrobeefcal · 4 months
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Being Neighbourly feat. Frankie Morales x neighbour f!reader
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: 18+ | word count: 1,681 warnings: f masterbation, feeding, belly rubs, belly kink, oblivious people liking each other
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday, y'all! Here's a ditty that's been sitting in my wips for months. It's not Mouse and Frankie, but similar dynamic.
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It was only a matter of time until you fell for one of your neighbours. And in doing so, you had proven that food was the way into a man’s heart… or bed.  
It started when you cooked up a batch of meatballs to freeze for future use on a Saturday afternoon. You had all the windows open to avoid overheating your apartment. Leaning out the window that faced the parking lot of your complex, you watched as Frankie parked his truck. As he walked towards the building, he looked around then up and waved at you. 
You gave a small smile and a wave, thinking that would be the end of it, when he called out to you. 
“Hey! Neighbour! Uh… is that you making something that smells good?” 
“Just meatballs.”, you called back. 
“Just meatballs, my ass. They smell amazing!” He looked like he wanted to say more but just smiled back at you. 
“Thank you! Um… do you want one?”, you said back, not sure why you only offered one when you had four trays of them. But his eager nodding and scampering into the building made you happy you did. 
You’d seen Frankie around the building in the usual places you meet your neighbours: the laundry room, the parking lot, the mailboxes. He was tall and lean minus the small tummy he sported, but still looked like he hadn’t had the comfort of a home cooked meal in a while. He seemed sweet and helpful, once even helping you bring your groceries up the stairs when the elevator was out of service. He lived in the suite right below you, and some nights, you’d hear him and another male voice out on the balcony, enjoying a blunt or a cigarette. Beyond that, you didn’t know much about him. 
After the initial introduction to Frankie as a guinea pig for your cooking, you found him to be quite handy to have around. For every issue you had in your suite that the landlord had ignored, Frankie had a fix. For every fix, you had a thank you meal ready for him. This became a regular occurrence and slowly turned into either you made enough food for both you and him then delivered it to his suite, or him joining you for dinner and you giving him the leftovers. This carried on for a while, and you noticed that Frankie’s small tummy was not so small anymore. The topic came up after he completely annulated an entire baking dish of your home-made enchiladas in one go. 
Sitting back at your table, his belly pushed out and stuffed, he sighed a little laugh. “Fuck, I just can’t help myself. You cook too good.” 
All you could do was smile and look down, trying to stop him from seeing the bashful glee on your face. You’d watched him eat the entire thing and all you wanted to do was go to his side, rub his stuffed belly, and feed him yourself. It had been a running theme in your head when you laid in bed at night, vibrator on high while you cried out his name. You’d never gotten off on anything like this, but it worked. You just wished it wasn’t a fantasy. 
“I mean it. I had to get new pants last week. Not that I’m complaining at all about your food.”, he reasoned, making sure you knew that he was not upset. “But if we’re gonna continue to be neighbours, I need a spandex wardrobe.” 
You both laughed at his little joke as he rubbed his belly, signalling an end to this topic. But god damn it, you wished you could just reach out and touch it, feel his belly and tell him he’s got more room in there, and then feed him. But you didn’t, and he continued to come around throughout the week for dinner; you both played this same routine: you made the food, and he ate it. It wasn’t lost on you that Frankie liked to eat, but what you didn’t notice was how much he really liked that it was you feeding him.  
On one Saturday summer night, you were sitting on your balcony, far later than you normally would be, enjoying a sangria. You heard the sliding door open below you from Frankie’s and could hear him and that other male voice talking.  
“Drop it, Pope.” 
“Dude, I can tell. It’s written all over your fucking face when she comes up. You’ve got it bad for this chick.“ 
“Fine. Yes. Happy?” 
“Sure. But you have to tell her. There’s no way-“ 
“Yeah, and have her laugh in my face? She’s not into me like that.” 
“And how the fuck would you know?” 
“Because she’s too fucking gorgeous and out of my league.” 
Your heart dropped; Frankie was head over heels for someone - someone who wasn’t you. Before you could quietly leave your balcony and mope inside, you heard the other voice, Pope, say, “No one feeds you like that if they don’t at least like you, Francisco.” 
You froze.  
Frankie sighed. “Fuck you, man.” 
“All I’m saying is if a beautiful woman like that keeps inviting you back to her table when you’re getting fat on her cooking, you’re in. You just got to make a move.” 
The last thing you heard Frankie say as they began their exit from the balcony was, “Shit, Pope. I’m fucking hungry.”, followed by the two men laughing. 
You sat silently on your balcony and let a breath out that you didn’t realize you were holding in. You ventured inside and laid in your bed.  
You had made yourself scarce the rest of the weekend, no sure how to interact with him after what you had heard, but you’d returned home exhausted from work on the following Monday to find a note on your door form Frankie that read: 
Want to go out for dinner? You can have a night off.  
x F  
You grinned to yourself, hopeful that this was Frankie trying to make a move and went into your apartment, got changed into a more casual outfit, and headed down to Frankie’s. 
He opened the door and gave you a big smile while telling you where he was going to take you - his favourite Tex-Mex restaurant.  
The car ride over started a little awkward, but you soon fell into an easy conversation. 
“So why the dinner out? Sick of my cooking?”, you poked, watching to see how he would react. 
“Fuck no!”, Frankie barked out laughing. “I just figured that maybe I could get dinner for you, and since there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell that I could even compare to you in the kitchen, I thought I’d take you to my favourite place to eat… other than your table, of course.” 
You felt your cheeks turn pink and you could feel Frankie smiling at you. You felt bold as you thought of what you’d heard on Saturday night and wanted to test the waters. 
You reached out and put your hand on his that was on the gear stick. “Thank you, Frankie. You’ll have to show me your favourites on the menu.” 
Frankie sucked in a breath at your touch and nodded. “Yeah… uh, I pretty much like everything they have.” 
You smiled and nodded. 
“Recommendations?”, you asked looking over your menu. 
“Well, like I said, I pretty much like everything. But my favourites are, uh, the burritos and fajitas. Can’t go wrong with those, and the elote is great, too.” 
Once again, you felt bold. Without the restrictions of what you had cooked and the ingredients you had on hand, Frankie could really let himself loose in here and you were more than happy to encourage him. 
“How about you order, Frankie? I normally decide what I’m cooking, so you get to decide tonight. Order to your heart’s content – I’m in.”, you say, leaning forward and cocking your head. 
Frankie’s eyebrows twitched and his lips parted. His tongue flicked out and he nodded. “You sure you’re up for that? It’ll be a lot of food.” 
“I’ll be fine, Frankie. The question really is will you be okay. Because food is more of a spectator’s sport for me when I’m with you.”, you say with a wink.  
Frankie just stared back at you, his breathing getting quicker. His brain was trying to wrap around that fact that Pope was right: you were into him and like to feed him. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. 
Before he could pinch himself, the waitress approached the table. Frankie placed the order – it was a lot of food - and you just sat back and smirked as he spoke. 
“You sure you’re gonna be able to handle all that, Frankie?”, you questioned with a wry smile and teasing tone. 
Frankie gave you a flirtatious grin and took your hand. “Yeah, and there’ll even be room for dessert.” 
By the time Frankie had eatten two plates of food, he was sitting back in the booth, finishing his pop.  
“How’re you doing? You still got another plate.”, you gave him a coquettish smile, pushing the plate forward to him. 
“Oh, honey. I’m full.”, Frankie chuckled, patting his belly. 
He watched as you got out of your side of the booth and slid in next to him. Throughout the meal, you and Frankie dropped silent hints as to where you both wanted this to go. You again felt emboldened and reached out to rub his belly. He watched you, his eyes pleading with you to keep going. 
You leaned in and purred into his ear before nuzzling it with your nose, “Oh, Frankie. You’re not that full, are you?” 
Frankie shivered and gulped. Once he had cleared the last plate, Frankie huffed out a breath and tried to hide a small burp. You sat at his side, continuing to console his overstuffed tummy, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. 
“What’s next?”, Frankie asked, looking at you with a lazy smile.  
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sxfterhearts · 5 months
neighbourly visits
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ idol!jiung x non-idol!reader ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
♡ genre/warnings: fluff inspired by recent events, childhood-neighbours!au
♡ word count: 2,422 words
♡ author’s note: ah choi jiung i wish you only good things. >_< i hope you get better soon and no longer feel any pain... i'm sure it was hard for you to stop activities, but i hope you take the time to rest and relax!!! i have not known you for long, but i want to know you for a long time ♡ also pics cred to the lovely tumblr owners!!!
♡ sequel: backstage visits
“Hey stranger,” You called out from behind the sliding door that was left ajar, your head peeking through the gap to peer inside the hospital room.
“Hey yourself.” Jiung replied with a light chuckle.
You walked in. Walls covered in flowery 90’s wallpaper greeted you warmly, along with a mounted television playing news silently in the background, a small sofa and coffee table set in the corner and a large window with views of skyscrapers dotted along the side of the Han River. And of course, a single hospital bed with your ex-neighbour-turned-idol lying right on top of it.
“It’s a nice room.” You commented, curious eyes scanning your surroundings.
He scoffed. “Yeah, except now there’s a stain at the bottom of the walls from yesterday.” Jiung admitted sheepishly, hands coming up to rub the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.
“Ah…” You trailed off, setting down the two plastic bags you brought with you on his overbed table. “From when you flooded the bathroom?” You questioned, gentle and careful, nose scrunching up adorably.
“Don’t remind me…” He looked away. “I was so embarrassed! Oh my goodness… The head nurse laughed right in my face! I mean, it sounds like she thought it was funny, but I felt so bad.”
“I’m sure it’s fine, plus, who doesn’t like Krispy Kreme donuts?” “I hope so…”
“Anyways, I brought the goods, like you asked.” Your eyebrows cocked towards the bags, while you dragged a fold-up chair closer to his bedside.
Jiung’s eyes lit up at the mention of this. “You did?”
“Of course, who do you think I am?” You laughed, fingers moving to unpack the food. “Half and half wings, gold king and bburinkle flavoured, one pack of bburinkle cheese balls, and a large tteokbokki.” As you announced the order, you brought out the takeaway boxes one by one – soy sauce, sweet honey and garlic flavoured, then cheese powder flavoured wings; the mozzarella cheese balls that you both enjoyed and the large container filled with spicy rice cakes. “Oh, and Cass beer!”
“Y/N…” Jiung uttered, his mouth quickly salivating at the mention of his favourite meal: chicken and beer. “Are you an angel?”
You laughed out loud, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. You turned around, heading to the adjoined bathroom, hoping to hide your flustered expression. Too late, though, Jiung thought that shade of pink looked the cutest on you. “I think you’re just hallucinating from all the drugs they’ve put you under.” You replied. 
“I have been dreaming about this meal since I got admitted last week. You’re really saving my life, neighbour.” Jiung breathed out, still amazed at the generous spread of food. 
As you walked out, you saw Jiung swinging his legs to the edge of the bed. “Woah, hold on soldier, where do you think you’re going?”
He stopped, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. “To wash my hands.”
“No need for that. Sit down and rest – doctor’s orders, remember?” You reached into your handbag and pulled out a hand sanitiser, passing it over to him. “Use this instead. Plus, it’s BHC. They’re professionals. There’s gloves.”
At that, Jiung rolled his eyes at you. “I’m fine,” He drawled out, yet accepting your offer and sanitising his hands. “It’s not like I’m severely injured or anything.”
You gave him a pointed look, fully sceptical. “Right.” 
“I’m serious!”
“A ruptured thigh muscle, Jiung. You ruptured your thigh muscle.” You deadpanned, your motherly instincts firing up. “That’s a big deal! Just sit down and eat your chicken, okay?”
“Fine…” He grumbled, pouting as he pulled on his gloves. 
“So, how are you feeling about it?”
“About the leg? It’s fine. Honestly, it doesn’t even hurt that much.” Jiung paused to take a bite of the cheese ball, eyes closing in pure bliss as he did so. “So good. This always hits.”
“Okay, but that’s not what I meant.”
“What do you mean?”
You sighed, reaching for a can of beer and opening it for him. “You know what I mean…”
He accepted it, taking a big gulp as he thought through his response. “It’s… fine.” Jiung looked down, suddenly taking a lot of interest in the box of fried chicken in front of him.
“Are you really okay? You were preparing for such a long time. Your mum even told me that you were practising non-stop, even on Seollal, and most of Christmas through to New Years. She said she could only send you banchan this year and was really sad about not seeing you back home.”
“Hey,” He looked up. “Are you here to visit your sick neighbour or to guilt trip him for not visiting his family?” Jiung said before biting into a bburinkle flavoured wing.
“Firstly, ex-neighbour. You moved out years and years ago. Secondly, I’m not trying to guilt trip you. I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well, why do you care if you’re just my ex-neighbour?” Jiung countered in a quiet voice.
“That’s not what I - ” You stopped, sighing. “Okay, we both know you’re not just my ex-neighbour.”
“What am I then?” He looked you straight  in the eye.
The two of you engaged in a tense staring contest before the eye contact and the intensity behind his lids freaked you out. “My… My friend, okay? Geez, that’s not the point. Stop deflecting, Choi Jiung. I’ve known you for over a decade and you’re still the same. Always trying to avoid talking about your feelings.” You huffed, passing a pair of chopsticks to him and sliding over the container of tteokbokki. 
Jiung nodded his thanks, accepting the cutlery and digging in.
Silence ensued as the words hung over the pair of you. You ate quietly while Jiung slurped up his rice cakes like a starved man. He set down his chopsticks once he took a big bite, sighing. “Okay, fine. You got me. I’m not okay.”
“See! Jiung, you have to talk about your feelings.” You stopped, hands coming up to make vague gestures in the air to emphasise your point. “It’s important! You can’t just keep everything inside. Like,” You picked up a can of unopened beer. “Like this. If you keep it bottled inside and shake it too much, it’ll explode completely and make a mess. Please, just talk to me about it. How are you feeling, Choi Jiung?”
He grimaced internally at the use of his full name, the name his mother would use whenever she got mad at him. “Yeah, I’m not okay. I’m so not okay, Y/N.” He sighed again. At this point, you grew slightly concerned that he would then hurt his nostrils from heavy sighing. You shook the silly thought away to focus. “I’m not okay, because, you know what, yeah. You’re right. We have been practising for so long, and so hard. And I was so excited, and had so many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to do my solo, and what lyrics would go well for the song, and how to set up the stages, and what outfits would go together, and, and…” He took a deep breath to calm himself. Jiung could feel his eyes heat up and the corner of his lids prickling, tears beginning to gather slowly but surely. “And for all that to be taken away from me, it just feels so, so unfair.” His voice sounded so small and vulnerable, your heart cracked a little bit for him. A stray tear escaped, rolling down his cheeks.
Immediately, you use the ends of your sleeves to dab away at his tears. Nodding, you encouraged him to go on.
“And… And I really wanted to visit Japan. Shota was gonna bring us to all these places, we were gonna have dinner with his family, and I was really looking forward to being back in America. I really wanted to walk around LA again, and see the huge trees, and…” Jiung paused again, trying to compose himself. “And I’m just really sad I can’t see the fans. I feel so bad, like I let them down, and I know that for some of them this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing to see us and I let them down and - ”
You didn’t allow him to continue - you simply stood up from your seat and sat next to him on the bed, enveloping him in a hug. “And that’s enough, I’m not gonna let you continue talking down to yourself like that.” You said in a hushed voice. You weren’t too sure why you were whispering, but it felt like the right thing to do.
Jiung shut up promptly, closing his wet eyes, and burying his face in your sweater. He breathed in your scent, a mixture of your fabric softener and jasmine, and felt at ease. He was transported back to simpler times - growing up in a high-rise apartment in the outskirts of Seoul, catching cicadas by the stream next to your house, and running around the parks until the sun went down.
You stayed like this for awhile, and it was like time stopped for you. You could barely breathe from how close you were to Jiung, someone you had admired for a long time now - initially from up close, close enough to count the eyelashes on his pretty face. And now from afar, through a screen. Initially, you wrapped him in a hug to stop him from talking about how he let his fans down, but now, you were just enjoying his warmth. Jiung hugged you back tighter, and you could feel the ends of his orange hair tickling your neck.
It was Jiung who broke the silence. “You feel the same - smell the same, even.” He mumbled, lips too close to your skin for you to maintain a healthy heartbeat.
“Yeah, well…” You hated yourself for pulling away, but you had to do it to check up on him; make sure he was okay.  “Moving out to the big city made me crave familiarity. So I had to ask Mum to send me a picture of the softener she used for our clothes when we were growing up.”
Jiung smiled at that. “That’s nice.”  He liked the idea of you calling your mum about something as simple as laundry. Often, he felt like his calls back home were the opposite of mundane - his mother would ask him where he was flying to that weekend; he would reply with the destination and tell her that he was working on a few new songs. She would tell him to eat well and not sleep too late; he would reply in the affirmative, hiding the fact that most of the time they were recording in the wee hours of the morning. It seemed like you were worlds apart. Yet, he couldn’t help but feel more than grateful to have a friend like you in his life to keep him grounded. Someone from his previous life, as a child, before he was P1Harmony’s Jiung - when he was just himself, just plain old Choi Jiung. A boy from Anyang. A boy with big dreams. Just a regular boy.
“Also, I’m sure your fans understand. And they’d want you to rest! Trust me,” You paused, “Everyone on SNS has been commenting to wish you a speedy recovery but also saying that this is a great opportunity for you to get some well-deserved rest. You guys never seem to rest these days. A comeback and a tour? You must’ve been so busy..”
Jiung laughed, amused. “You read the fan comments?”
“What? Of course! Why are you surprised?”
“Wow…” Jiung replied. “You know, we kinda lost contact when we were in high school but when you reached out again a few years ago I really did think it was because you suddenly missed me. Now I know why…”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you reach out because you were a fan? I always believed your story - I thought it really was because you bumped into my mum back in Anyang and she passed you my new number.”
“I mean…” You fumbled. Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. “That happened! I swear!”
“No buts! That is definitely what happened.”
“Right… So who’s your P1Harmony bias? Tell me.” Jiung teased, lips curling into a cheeky grin. He passed you the beer, urging you to drink. “Drink up and tell me. Don’t worry, I can set you up with them. Just tell me.”
You took a huge gulp as you whacked him on the arm.
“Hey! That hurt!”
“You deserved it.” You mumbled.
“So, who is it?” Jiung still wouldn’t let it go. 
“You don’t need to know.” The tips of your ears were warming up now. You distracted yourself by munching on some wings, hoping he would just drop the topic already.
“C’mon, I deserve to know, at least.”
Just then, your phone, which was on top of the table, lit up with a Kakao notification. Your eyes widened in alarm, suddenly remembering that you had just recently changed your wallpaper to a (very cute) photo of Jiung from their most recent music video. With your clean hand, you reached over to grab it before Jiung could see it.
But alas, you were too slow. “Oh…” Jiung mused, getting all cocky. “I get it now.”
“What do you get? There’s nothing to get.” You forced out a laugh, flipping your phone the other way and burying it under your seat.
“Y/N…” Jiung drawled out the syllabus of your name in a teasing yet slightly dangerous way, as if he had an evil master plan. “Tell me something, and be honest.”
“Nope, I refuse.” You said, shaking your head vigorously.
“Do you like me?”
You continued shaking your head no and chewing in silence.
“Be honest, I’m not gonna judge you. Am I your bias?”
“Shut up, I refuse to answer.”
“Ah, so I am right.”
“That’s not what I said!”
“You didn’t have to say it, Y/N. I can tell… Just admit it. You like me.”
“No! This is so embarrassing…”
{ epilogue }
The nurses filling out their charts at the station giggled and gossiped over their dinners. 
“So, what do you think is gonna happen?”
“Gosh, watching them is so frustrating. Like, just confess already!”
“I know right! I almost want to do something about it. Like slip them a note or push them into each other or something.”
“Ah, the beauty of young love…”
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helladirections · 1 year
hey angel
could please make a list of the best smuts you know? pleaseeeeeee
girl i gotchu!!!
Brother’s Best Friend by @helladirections (that's me) Inspired by 'choke her with a sea view', soft dom Harry is YN’s brother’s best friend, and YN isn’t a little kid anymore. Ft. dom/sub, rough sex, and soft words.
I Dig Your Cinema by @helladirections (me again, it's my list so I can do what I want) mostly f receiving oral YN as Harry’s PA on set of DWD around shooting the eating out on the table scene 
other people.......
Us Again second part to You Again by @freedomfireflies rough This part is literally just smut. and TBH you don't have to read the first part if you don't want to (but it's good too!)
Teach Me by @freedomfireflies series - lots of different kinks Harry needs a little practice in the art of Eating Pussy, and who better to ask for help than his best friend?
Something to Gawk at by @cherryjuiceblues some dom-ish harry's grown in some places and y/n is more than obsessed.
Eavesdropper by @lukesaprince honestly just hot af Where your neighbour Harry happens to hear you masturbating to his music and decides to do the neighbourly thing and lend a helping hand… or something else.
Mechanicrry by @jawllines one of my favorite soft doms of all time Harry is a grumpy mechanic and Y/N just can’t stop talking
The Rich Series by @lukesaprince age gap, daddy, anal, etc Neighbour/Older!Harry. A Summer dogsitting job for Mr. Styles is a dream come true for any broke uni student. He's rich, gorgeous and finally fucks you after your weekly dinner together. A series that follows two neighbours who end up in a sexual relationship.
golfrry pt. by @atharryshouse short but good
Need Your Hand by @harrycore
honestly the list could on but I don't want to clog up your dash
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silverseaming · 2 months
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Away from the roads, where buggies and carts stir up dust in their hasty journeys, the lanes and pathways of the Brindleton countryside remain wild. Quenched by recent rain, the hawthorns and witch-alders are once again green, with little red rosehips swelling on the dogrose bushes. Branches hang low overhead, brushing Kit’s head as Chestnut picks her way through the undergrowth.
He makes a habit of riding this way when he’s by himself. In the seclusion of the paths there’s little chance of meeting others — he knows they mean to be neighbourly with their greetings, but he prefers the quiet of the paths, where the only noise comes from the rustling of leaves. Chestnut requires no more conversation than the odd gentle encouragement or pat on the neck.
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All too soon his route emerges from the trees, into the sun of an early Autumn afternoon. The way back home passes by Bridgebend Farm, so Kit isn’t entirely surprised to see Zachariah Miller leaning against the yard fence.
“Hello, Kit.” A warm smile crinkles the corners of Zachariah’s eyes as he recognises horse and rider. “I haven’t seen you around here too much lately, though I’ve seen enough of your Meg and little Daisy. You been avoiding me, son?”
“Not at all, Zach. Just been busy, that’s all.” says Kit as he reins in Chestnut.
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“Well, I can’t begrudge a man any hard work. How’s things up at Maple Farm?” Zachariah’s weatherbeaten brow and craggy face put Kit in mind of his father, but they’re where the comparison starts and ends. The crow’s feet at the corners of Zachariah’s eyes come from laughter, and there’s a kindly aspect to his face that means he could never be mistaken for John Calloway. Depsite that, memories surface unbidden of the cold, hardened man for whom nothing was ever good enough.
Do you think you’ll ever mean anything to me, boy? The words ring in his ears as fresh as the day they were said.
“Good enough, thank you. The wheat’s done well, and our potatoes were better than last year’s.” says Kit brightly, conscious of how long he’s been silent. No need to mention how much of the profits went into the decoration of the farmhouse. It was worth it, to see Meg smile.
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“I’m glad to hear it. And while you’re here, I’ll let you know something that might make next year even better — there’s a Mr Allen out in Rockland who’s just started a tidy little crop export business, and I reckon if you went down to see him he’d be willing to make a deal for some of your next year’s harvest if it’s a good one. It may seem like a hassle, but selling abroad will earn you much more than only selling locally.” says Zachariah.
“If that all’s true then it’ll certainly suit us well. I can spare the time now, so I’ll be sure to head over. Much obliged, Zach.”
“You’re welcome, son. You’re doing a fine job with Maple Farm, and I don’t see why you shouldn’t profit from it.”
“I guess not.” Kit smiles ruefully. He’s pleased by Zachariah’s approval, but it’s tempered by the knowledge that if Zachariah knew what was really behind his success at Maple Farm, he may not be so liberal with his praise; the thought makes his stomach lurch. “I better be getting on now, Meg will be wondering where I’ve got to.”
“In that case, you better had be on your way.” Zachariah chuckles.
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Zachariah’s suggestion plays over and over in Kit’s mind as he turns Chestnut down the lane to Maple Farm. It’s a good offer, a great one, even. Father Blackett might call it divine deliverance, but church has never been anything more to Kit than somewhere you go on a Sunday. But it is some sort of deliverance, a chance to do right by his family. To provide, like all good husbands and fathers should.There’s no guarantee that it will work out — but hell, what’s another risk on top of the ones he’s already taken?
The part of him where harsh voices of bygone arguments echo begins to quiet, replaced by the steady beats of Chestnut’s hooves. The yard is hardly quiet, filled with the squawks of chickens and the occasional low from Bluebell in the cow-pen, but it bring the warm feeling of coming home. A home that even closer to being fully theirs.
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In the barn, Chestnut nickers affectionately as he rubs her down. She at least demands nothing but oats in the morning and hay in the evening, her loyalty unwavering as long as her stomach is full.
“You’ll always love me, won’t you girl?” He whispers somewhere into her nose.
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libraryofolive · 2 months
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𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 - 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓸
Featuring: Choso Kamo x fem!reader Chapter 1 Genre: Fluff Word count: 6.1k Like this? You can find my smaus here and my drabbles and other fics here! Do you have a request? You can find my rules for requesting here!
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It was only Choso, you reminded yourself. Just Cho. You guys had been neighbours for a few months now, and you’d become good friends at this point, so why were you so nervous? You had been pacing in front of your closet in your underwear (which in itself proved a challenge for you to choose - was wearing sexy underwear to presumptuous? You didn’t expect to go that far on a first date. But what if things did go that far, not that you would be complaining, and you were in your frumpy comfortable underwear? That could totally ruin the mood) for almost fifteen minutes now, displacing all of your nerves onto choosing an outfit for a dinner date you had agreed to almost two weeks ago now. Choso had apologised profusely that he wouldn’t be able to take you out for two weeks - Yuji’s uncle, his go to babysitter, had gone away, and he didn’t really want to leave Yuji with a stranger. You understood, but that meant you had had two weeks of building this date up in your head, over-sensationalising it in a way that did not help your nerves.
Red dress or black jumpsuit? The red dress hugged your curves better, but the black jumpsuit was look so good with those new heels you had just bought and were desperate to wear out for the first time. But if you wore the red one, you could wear an older pair of heels that you had managed to break in to the point of comfort - God, why was this so difficult? You eventually decided on the pretty red number, and could finally move onto doing your make up - painting on look that was your go-to for nicer events like this, not having to think that hard about it. But now that you had managed to stop fretting over your clothing for the night, general anxiety of what was to come settled back over you. What if you spilled food all over yourself and completely humiliated yourself in front of him? What if you run out of things to talk about? What if it was really awkward and your blossoming friendship was over forever and you were destined for awkward neighbourly interactions for the rest of you life?
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock on the door. You checked your phone - he was right on time. You opened the door, any greeting you might have had for your neighbour dying on your lips as you took him in. His dark, silky hair was out of his signature pigtails, and instead was loose, framing his face perfectly. He was in dark slacks and a white dress shirt, with his sleeves rolled up above his forearms. You audibly gulped at the sight of him - you already knew he was attractive. For crying out loud, you’d seen him half naked when Yuji had broken in to your apartment in the middle of the night, but damn. He cleaned up better than you could have imagined.
Choso was in a similar frame of mind when he saw you, too. Drinking in the curves that your dress framed oh so deliciously, the way your eye make up complimented the brightness of the eyes he could get lost in forever. There was a moment of silence as the two of you appreciated each other, both dressed up in a way the other had never seen before. The tension filled silence was broken by you inviting him in.
“So, erm, do you want to come in for a sec? You’re a bit early, I still need to put my shoes on and grab my bag.”
“Oh, erm, yeah.. sorry about that.” He looked sheepish as he followed you into your apartment, “Just couldn’t wait to see you.” Your heart sped at his words, biting your lip to avoid squealing at the nonchalant way he admitted to being excited just to see you. He had you giddy like a schoolgirl, a way you hadn’t ever felt before through your numerous blind dates and dating app hook ups. You went looking for your shoes, finding them buried at the bottom of your closet. Damn, I really haven’t been on a date in a while, you thought, seeing just how smothered they were under your pile of not-clean-but-not-quite-dirty clothes. You took them back into your living room, plopping onto a chair opposite Choso, who had situated himself onto your couch, where he always sat during visits with Yuji. He was sat awkwardly, almost hovering, as if he was unsure whether or not he could sit down. His hands were jittery in his lap, one leg shaking up and down - it almost calmed your own nerves to see that they were echoed in your neighbour. It proved that he cared about this just as much as you did, something you were certainly thankful for.
“You don’t have to be so nervous, Cho. I don’t bite.” You started as you slid your shoes onto your feet, “at least, not on the first date.” You looked up at him in time to see his face grow scarlet at the implications of your words, and his reaction had you grinning. Once you knew that your feelings towards him were reciprocated, flirting with him had become a favourite past time of yours, seeing how badly you could fluster him. It was revenge for every time he accidentally flustered you, you reasoned. Well, that and the fact that he looks adorable when he blushes, of course. Both your shoes were now on your feet and you stood up, clapping your hands.
“Ready to go?” You asked him, excitement taking over. Choso stood too, nodding, and then taking a deep breath. He was trying to ground himself, to stop himself succumbing to the nerves and running back into the safety of his own apartment. Choso had never really been one to date - sure, before he cared for Yuji full time, he had gone on the occasional first date, but he had never really liked anyone enough to have a long lasting relationship. He knew it was different for you, though. He didn’t know how to describe it other than his feelings being much deeper - it was as if you had seeped into his bones. When he was young, Choso’s quiet, and to an extent even off-putting aura had resulted in a struggle to make friends. Then Yuji came into his life, and all of a sudden he had someone to think about. Whether it was a toy that caught his eye in a shop window, or even just a funny cat video he knew Yuji would find hilarious, he saw his little brother in everything around him. And now, he was seeing you everywhere. He found himself smiling when he read your favourite dish on the menu, making a note to tell you about it later, or when he saw a trailer for a film you might like. If he was being honest with himself, it scared him, how quickly you had wormed your way inside his heart. He really didn’t want to screw this up.
The restaurant he had chosen was the perfect mix of intimate but atmospheric, with its exposed brick walls, warm lighting, and laughter ringing throughout. As you looked around, admiring it, Choso couldn’t help but admire you. The fairy lights that encapsulated the room reflected in your eyes like stars, adding to the twinkle that shined whenever you were happy. Choso admired that twinkle a lot; it always seemed to appear around him and his younger brother, and he found it breath-taking. You were shown to your table - Choso had apparently requested a window seat - and Choso, ever the gentlemen, pulled your chair out for you. You complimented his choice of restaurant, and he said he had scoured the internet for the best place. His usual go-to restaurants were much more child-friendly than the sophisticated establishment you were to dine in tonight, and he did not want your first date (hopefully of many) to be in a family restaurant.
The two of you ordered your drinks, and then you food, settling on sharing a starter before your main courses. The conversation flowed freely, and you basked in Choso’s company. But, as the two of you tucked into your appetizer, Choso’s phone went off.
“I’m so sorry, I could’ve sworn I put it on do not disturb.” He said as he fished around in his pocket for his device. His heart sank when he read the contact name, though. “I- I’m really sorry. It’s Yuji’s uncle - he’s staying there tonight. I really have to take this, I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, no, it’s okay. Yuji comes first, I get it.” You watched Choso listening to the man on the other end of the phone, his face falling. His brows furrowed, mouth downturned, as he spoke.
“No- I’ll come get him. He needs to go home. Y’know he’s fussy sleeping over sometimes anyway, he definitely won’t sleep now.” You couldn’t help but feel a twang of disappointment at the idea of your date finishing prematurely, but worry for the small boy overrided it. Your face was full of questions as Choso looked at you apologetically. “No, I’ll set off now. We’re probably about ten minutes away, just tell him I’ll be there soon. Yeah - see you in a sec. Just try to keep him calm, right, bye.” He hung up, putting his head in his hands.
“I- I’m sorry. Yuji, he’s not well, started throwing up. I need to go get him - is it okay if we go straight to him? It’ll take me an age if I drop you off first, and I don’t want you getting a taxi by yourself.” Pain, worry, and apology was etched into his face.
“Oh, Cho, don’t be silly. We’ll head straight there - how bad is it? Has he been unwell today? We could’ve rescheduled, y’know.” You flagged down a server, explaining that you had to leave early so wouldn’t be having your main courses, so could you please have the bill now. Choso answered you after they left, saying that he had been fine all day, and even excited about spending time with his uncle. The two of you hurriedly piled into your date’s car, barrelling towards his sick younger brother. The car ride was tense with worry, coming from the both of you. A date cut short was the last thing on your mind, which was instead filled with what could possibly be wrong with the younger of the two brothers.
The car eventually came to a halt, and you got out of the car with Choso. “What are you doing?” He asked as you followed him into the apartment complex his Uncle’s flat must be in.
“I’m coming with you - I mean, unless you want me to wait in the car. I thought you might want a hand, and I want to make sure Yuji’s okay for myself. If that’s okay?” Choso thought he might combust on the spot at your words. Anxiety over Yuji’s wellbeing laced them, and if it weren’t for the sick little boy in the building above the two of you, he might have considered how that affected his feelings towards you. They buried deeper into his bones as he saw your almost maternal care over his little brother, knowing that many potential partners would be less worried and much more upset over what could be described as a disaster of a first date. But now was not that time, so he just nodded at you and carried on walking.
He walked straight into what you assumed was Yuji’s uncle’s apartment, you following behind him sheepishly. He shouted for Yuji, and a reply came from the bathroom. Choso went straight in, and after a minute a large pink-haired man emerged. He was built like a brick wall, with dense muscle and a sinister look on his face, emphasised by almost alarming face tattoos. He was the definition of intimidating, and you were the intruder in this scenario.
“Who are you?” He grunted.
You told him your name. “I’m their neighbour.” You carried on explaining when your name elicited no reaction, “the one Choso was out with when you called.” He grunted again, and you were unsure what that meant. Did he know about you? Or were you just a strange woman he wanted out of his home? “Is Yuji okay?” You asked, trying to change the subject to something more familiar.
“You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” He said, not answering your question. You gulped, unsure on what to say. “What, nothing to say to that? But you were such a chatterbox a second ago.” He walked towards you, like a predator stalking towards its trapped prey. Your palms started sweating and you avoided eye contact, trying to look anywhere other than at the man in the room with you. He stopped just before you, close enough for you to be able to feel his breath on your face. “It’s rude to look away when someone’s talking to you.” He lifted his hand towards your chin, but was interrupted by a sniffled cry of your name.
You jumped backwards, away from the man whose name you didn’t even know. Your head whipped to the side, where you saw a shivering Yuji, one hand clutching a penguin plushie, the other holding tightly onto Choso’s hands. His face was tear stained, and he was pale - too pale. “Hi, Yuji.” You cooed, glad for the buffer between you and his uncle, “how’re you feeling, bud?”
“Not good.” His voice was devoid of the innocent joy it was usually overflowing with. You could hear the pain in it - and not just the nasal twang it had due to a stuffy nose. It heart your heart, to see such a bright boy all sickly. You crouched to his level before speaking again.
“Aw, I’m sorry. Why don’t Cho and I get you home, yeah? I bet you’ll feel better once we’ve tucked you into your own bed.” He just nodded, tucking himself into his older brother’s side. You opened your arms towards the boy, offering a hug, which he shyly accepted. You used the hug as leverage to lift him up with you as you stood, his legs instinctively wrapping around your waist. You heard Choso ask the other man for something to use as a sick bucket on the way home as you rubbed the back of Yuji’s head, trying to soothe him.
“Say bye to Sukuna, Yuji.” Choso said as the three of you made your way out of the apartment, the younger brother still in your arms.
“Bye, ‘Kuna.” He said over your shoulder, waving weakly with one hand.
“Bye, brat.” Your face soured at the name Sukuna had for his nephew, but you decided to stay quiet and ask Choso about it later. “Keep me updated with how he is, yeah?” Sukuna told Choso, “and I hope I’ll see more of you.” The last part of his speech was aimed at you, said with a sly grin that made you want to shiver. The door was closed on the three of you without any more of a goodbye.
You gently lifted Yuji into his car seat, trying not to jostle him too much in case it trigged another vomiting spree. You had decided it was best to sit in the back with him, keeping watch over him as his older brother drove the three of you home. Luckily, Yuji managed to keep anything left in his stomach down, the white noise of a car journey gently lulling him to sleep. You and Choso didn’t really speak more than Choso occasionally checking in during the car ride, but it wasn’t awkward. The two of you were just worried, not wanting to disturb the rest the young boy obviously needed. Upon arriving at your own apartment building, you followed Choso as he carried his younger brother into their apartment. You helped him open both his front door and Yuji’s bedroom door, him appreciating the thoughtfulness of the act. The two of you stayed in silence until Yuji was tucked into bed and his door was closed - Choso leaning his back against it and sighing.
“It’s been a disaster. We were supposed to have a nice evening, and everything went wrong. It was worse than a disaster, it was a catastrophe-”
“Oh, shut up.” There was no malice in your voice, but you had to interrupt Choso’s spiral. “You couldn’t have predicted this happening. And I had a very nice time up until Yuji spewing his guts up-” Choso cringed at your words, “so, no. It wasn’t a disaster. We can always reschedule, Cho.”
“I had it all planned out, and it was going so well-”
“Exactly, it was going so well. If anything, I got a taste of what a date with you is like, and it’s only made me hungrier for the whole thing.”
“Oh my God, you haven’t even had any dinner-”
“Cho, it’s only what, half past eight? I’m not exactly dying of hunger over here-”
“Have dinner here? I know it’s not the fancy restaurant I promised you, but I’d still like to spend more time with you tonight. I just can’t leave Yuji. I totally get if you don’t want to, though! I don’t know if Yuji’s gonna need me in a bit…”
“I’d love to, Cho. And never worry about having to look after Yuji when you’re with me, okay? I care about that little bugger more than I’d like to admit - trust me, if something’s up with him, I want to help.”
“We can order in? And thank you, I really appreciate that. I know a lot of people who wouldn’t be as cool about all this as you.” ”Ordering in sounds great, and it’s a good job I’m not one of those people.”
Half an hour later you were sat tucked up on Choso’s couch eating your dinner. You had spent 25 minutes slowly inching closer to Choso on the sofa, until you were almost under his arm, but then the stupid deliveryman showed up with your food, making Choso stand to get it and thwarting all of your plans. You had ended up on opposite ends of the couch again, and you were plotting how to get closer without it being weird or too obvious. You were pulled out of your plotting, though, at Choso’s voice.
“So, erm, what was going on with Sukuna back at his apartment?” He asked.
“Oh yeah, that.” You grimaced at the memory. “I don’t really know. He just appeared, and then started, hitting on me? I guess? And then he got a bit too close, but you and Yuji interrupted before he could really try anything.”
“I’m sorry about him. To be honest, I don’t like him much, but Yuji adores him. He’s the one that made him want to get those Hello Kitty plasters.”
“Yeah, exactly. I’m still confused about it.” He chuckled, “But he does actually care about Yuji. I don’t like him babysitting often, but I’d trust him with Yuji more than a stranger.”
“He has a funny way of showing it. What did he call Yuji again, brat?”
“Yeah, I know. To be honest, I think that might just be for show. Goes against his tough guy vibe if he has a soft spot for his young nephew, eh?”
“Yeah, true.”
“I am sorry about how he spoke to you. I didn’t really want him to meet you, but…”
“Hey, it’s okay. I know tonight didn’t go as planned, but I really enjoy your company, Choso. And you owe me a complete date, yeah? If you forget about it, I know were you live.” You fake threatened, pointing your cutlery at him menacingly.
“Oh no. I’m so scared.” Choso’s voice was monotone, dripping with sarcasm.
“You should be. I’m such a threat. Gonna kick your door down and force you to go out with me again.”
“Why not use the spare key to break in and wake me in the middle of the night, Yuji-style?”
“Darn, you’ve uncovered my back-up plan! Whatever shall I do now?” You overdramatically wailed. Choso laughed at your antics, a low and melodious laugh that had your heart skipping a beat.
“Maybe you need to keep me on my toes and break-in in broad daylight.”
“What a great idea!” You gasped, “you’re being promoted to my evil sidekick. I have faith in your capabilities for this role, but you must take it seriously.”
“Does the position have future opportunities for promotion?”
“Such as?”
“I don’t know… I’m sure I’d like to move up to the ‘boyfriend’ role at some point down the line.”
“You smooth fucker.” You shook your head at him, looking away to hide your heated face. Your reaction elicited a chuckle from the dark haired man, who was still admiring you, even as you avoided eye contact.
“You’ve not answered my question, boss.”
“I’m sure we could figure something like that out. In a few dates’ time, of course. I have to take you on a trial run to make sure you’re a suitable candidate.” You tried to sound nonchalant, but it came out strained.
“At the way things are currently going, that’ll be in six months!” Choso complained, “and I really don’t think I can wait that long.” He shifted closer towards you, his gaze intense. It had your breath catching in your throat, it was simply hypnotising - you couldn’t look away. Your food was long forgotten as Choso’s eyes flickered towards your lips, and then back to your eyes, catching himself. He crept closer and closer, goosebumps rising on your arms in anticipation. When you could feel his breath tickling your face - close, but not close enough - he hesitated.
“Can I?” You nodded frantically, and then Choso’s lips were pressing against yours. The kiss was slow, but passionate. It wasn’t a fiery, blazing heat, one that burns itself out almost as soon as it is lit. Instead, it was a slow, fulfilling warmth, like sinking into a comforting bath on a cold day. You eventually pulled back, but his lips momentarily chased yours, meeting them again. One kiss turned into two, which turned into three, Choso nipping at your bottom lip, asking for entry. You let out a small gasp, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth. The two of you stayed like that, making out on Choso’s sofa, until he begrudgingly pulled away,
“I should go check on the little guy.” He sighed.
“Yeah, er, I should probably go to. It’s getting late, and I don’t want you to be too tired to look after Yuji tomorrow.”
“Oh.” Choso’s voice had a hint of sadness that you couldn’t help pick up on.
“I’ll see you tomorrow though, yeah? I’ll stop by to check on Yuji. I hope he feels better.”
“Yeah, me too.” The conversation died off, an awkward silence filling the room. You slapped your knees and stood up, heading towards the door. Choso followed you, internally cursing himself for ruining the moment.
“So, um, we’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” You leant in to give Choso one last kiss, but were met with a hug instead. You were taken aback - his tongue was in your throat not even ten minutes prior - but wrapped your arms around him nonetheless.
“See you later, Cho.” You said, pulling out of his arms. You didn’t want to let go, not really, but there was an unwelcome tension in the atmosphere all of a sudden, one that you wanted to escape. Did he regret kissing you? Did he regret even asking you out in the first place? Were you a bad kisser? A storm of anxiety swarmed in your head as you made you way back into your own apartment. What the fuck had you done?
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