#the japanese kink scene isn't suuuuuuper relevant here
paradoxi-kay · 5 months
negotiation | visual prison, hyde/dimitri/ange
"Why exactly are you here?" Hyde asks.
Perpetually frozen on the threshold of adulthood, Ange doesn't look so very different than when he first arrived in Harajuku and upended the lives of every vampire he came across - present company most certainly included. But that little lost dhampir would never have met Hyde's eyes and answered his question with such confidence as Ange does now.
"I want to be hurt more than Guil enjoys hurting me."
On the sofa to Hyde's right, Dimitri leans in, elbows on his knees, his interest piqued. "A splendid answer. But tell us - just how does Guil enjoy hurting you?"
"To give us some idea of what you're used to," Hyde clarifies on his behalf. But Ange's already nodding his understanding.
"Just spanking, with his hands. Hard - but no toys or anything."
"You do understand," Hyde says, "that impact play can be a great deal more intense - and more painful - than spanking."
Ange nods again, without so much as a flicker of hesitation. He leans in towards them, subconsciously mirroring Dimitri's posture. "I do. I'm not... I don't know exactly where my limits are? But I'm not going to find out with Guil. And I'm curious."
Now that is a splendid answer, and one that arouses Hyde's curiosity as well. It's been a very long time since Hyde's played with someone as young and inexperienced as Ange, but then, it's been just as long since he's had someone with this much promise to play with...
Dimitri's laughter brings him back out of his thoughts. "I think you've caught Hyde's attention, little pup."
Hyde considers Ange for a moment - compares the performer he's come to know well with the boy sitting here now, eager and earnest, and by all indications more than up for a challenge. In this new, more intimate context, Dimitri's little pet name makes him flush, fingers curling around the edge of his seat as he tries not to squirm. Yes, he certainly has caught Hyde's attention. The question is, does he know what to do with it?
"Unless Guil has changed a great deal since we parted ways, I assume you take a more dominant role with him?" Ange's cheeks flush hotter, but he nods. "Does submission appeal to you at all?"
"Yeah. It does." He swallows hard - looks away for just a moment, collecting his thoughts. "I do like being in charge of Guil. But seeing how calm he gets, how... safe he feels, when he submits to me - I can definitely see the appeal. I think I'd like that a lot."
When Hyde glances to Dimitri, he finds Dimitri looking back, no doubt thinking the same thing; why don't we find out? Ange might not know just what he likes, yet, but he clearly knows what he's asking for, what he's getting himself into. Though really, that should come as no surprise; Guil never would have handed him over had he not been sure Ange could meet Dimitri and, especially, Hyde's high expectations.
"Would you like to play with us tonight?" Dimitri asks.
"Yes," Ange says.
"I intend to hurt you tonight," Hyde says. "More than Guil has hurt you. But while I may very well encounter your limits, I would take no pleasure in surpassing them. If anything either of us does to you is too much - if you want to stop for any reason at all, even momentarily - you need only say so. Do you understand?"
"I understand."
"What an obedient little puppy," Dimitri coos, and the way Ange shivers, suddenly unable to meet either of their eyes, suggests they'll have a very pleasant evening indeed.
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