#the greatest crime of p5 is that the only time we get to see the full bod of that beautiful boy is in cutscenes
First off, it's nice to see another imagine blog. I really enjoy your writing so far and wanted to tell you good luck with your blog ^^!! Can I ask for a imagine of the protags from P3, 4, and 5 in a love square with the same crush? Thought that would look pretty funny since they all would be trying to social link them.
I took way too long with this because so many ideas for this imagine came up.I was halfway through writing an actual oneshot when I realized I may never finish it. I probably wrote way too far than intended. I seriously love this idea too much ;-; Please send more asks about P3/P4/P5 mashing in together. I could’ve gone on and on about this, but I’m afraid it would be too long and this would’ve been overdue. 
Minato/Yu/Akira in love with the Same Person HC
Mentions of Spoilers of all 3 Games
Goodness, just what kind ofmess did you get into?
Being the center of these boys isgoing to be a hassle. It’s just a recipe for either disaster or a veryfulfilling relationship.
For a quick backstory, you werefirst involved in the world of Personas during P3. For the sake of this story,Minato just falls into a coma. Through the previous games,you knew that Shadows existed but didn’t have the right circumstances to fightwith them.  
Initially, you were in Tokyo forschooling and by then, you had become fairly acquainted with Akira Kurusu. Itwas no secret to you that he was the Phantom Thief ever since you foundyourself in the Metaverse. You never did tell him how you managed to survive inthere for a long time. Months passed, and it was still left unexplained.
You were having a quick snack with Akira in the morning, waiting for him to finish brewing coffee. He had been itching to ask you for a date at the Seaside Park for ages, and he finally had enough charm to do it. Looking at you straight in the eyes, he took in a breath. “Hey, S/O, what do you think about going to the Seaside Park with—”
Suddenly, some kid with a silver bowl haircut comes into Leblanc. ”How may I help you–”
“S/O, is that you?”
just who interrupted my proposal?
That was exactly how this little started, quietly and dangerously. 
After you introduced Yu and Akira to each other, the atmosphere was already tense. 
Yu wasn’t upset, but found this situation to be a challenge to your heart. Akira, on the other hand, was hoping he had enough Charm to keep himself composed. “Oh, so you’re the one who’s been looking after S/O?” Yu asked with a small smile. Mirroring his expression, Akira nodded. “I’m so glad that they have such a nice friend.”
Obviously, Akira wasn’t going to let this Inaba Guy stop him from asking you out. After regaining confidence, he looks at you. “S/O, I was wondering if you would like to come to Seaside Park with me.” 
“… Of course, I’d come! Can we bring Yu with us?”
Ah, look at that little smirk on Yu’s face.
“I haven’t seen him in a long time, Akira.” The Phantom Thief couldn’t deny you with that small pout on your lips. “Fine.”
Yu was very lucky indeed. How could we not forget how confident he was after the King’s Game Incident? He had a small crush on you during his stay in Inaba. However, your paths were forced to split up at the end of the year. While you two even exchange numbers, it would never compare to being able to see you in person.
On the way to the Central Street in Shibuya, there was a large crowd. Akira and Yu would try and get you to hold hands with them, but it would often end in silent arguments between the boys. Whenever you would look back, they would always be smiling at each other. You couldn’t help but notice Akira’s lip twitch out of irritation.
Somehow, they were too busy glaring at each other to notice you got lost in the crowd. 
“Well, I’ve got the Knowledge to impress her.” 
“Akira, is that so? At least I have maximum Charm to win this little game of ours. What do you think, S/O? …S/O?”     
This was one of the only moments when Yu and Akira would chill out. They suddenly start looking all over the street to find you. Deep down their calm faces, they were freaking out. What if you got kidnapped or hurt?
Little did they know that someone else had you in their grasp.
Sitting down on the pavement, the two boys looked at each other in desperation. They knew that they were in big trouble if they couldn’t find you. Akira glanced at Yu, seemingly apologetic. “I think we got off on the wrong foot.” 
The silver haired man looked equally as apologetic. “It was partly my fault. I’m sorry.” He sighed, hanging his head low. “Man, if that guy found out I let this happen, we’ll never get out alive.” Akira looked at him in confusion. “Who’s that guy?”   
“… We meet again.”
Shivers ran up the two protagonists’ spines as the chilly voice processed through their ears. Yu couldn’t help but pale, recognizing the voice. 
You stood beside a shorter blue haired man, clinging onto his arm for dear life. You smiled at the two boys. “This is Minato, my friend from Iwatodai. Don’t you remember him, Yu?”
God, have mercy on Akira. 
Minato looked at you with a gentle gaze before nodding. “I believe we have met before. Who is this?” 
After introducing everyone to each other, Akira couldn’t help but feel a click. Something just felt odd about these people, sensing some familiar energy within them. 
Introduction’s over, now with the General HCs.
Akira would be the most cautious and fidgety. Not only are they older, but they’ve known S/O way before he did. Towards Yu, he would be less tense. He sees Yu has a playful guy, sly but somewhat harmless. Minato was a different case, similarly to an overprotective brother. He wouldn’t show it, but he is a bit scared of him. Akira wouldn’t dare play an cheeky tricks on the eldest.
Yu wouldn’t be tense around these two. He takes this situation very lightly, and doesn’t really give a fuck. He’s in for the fun, and isn’t up for breaking hearts. He treats Akira as a little sibling, and treats Minato as a boss. Rather than disliking the two, he actually becomes fond of them. He loves teasing both of them, though.
Minato was somewhat aloof to this whole situation. He’s already used to Yu’s weirdness. He’s much more interested in Akira’s reasons of liking S/O, but it doesn’t matter. He’s sticking around to make sure Y/N doesn’t get hurt because of these two. 
This love square would consist of a lot of rivalries. Unknowingly, they would start up ‘friendly’ arguments about their stats. Akira does the best in intelligence, Yu is good at charming others while Minato wins when it comes to Guts.  
Divided, it becomes a war zone. Each of the three would never go far to using violence, but they will try to annoy each other in subtle ways.  
Yu is fond of sabotaging dates with his presence, often making situations awkward. Whenever you are on dates with another Protagonist, he would pop up out of nowhere. “Me? I’m just shopping for clothes. Yes, it’s perfectly normal for people to buy clothes at a beach, thank you very much.”
Akira looks innocent on the outside, but that small smile is just a front. Luckily for him, the S/O comes to Leblanc on a regular basis. If any of the other guys came with her, he wouldn’t hesitate on adding an extra spoonful of salt or pepper into their coffee. Like Yu, he may also sabotage dates with his presence. Sometimes, he would team up with Yu to bother Minato. “Is that a bit too sweet? Oops, I thought the curry would taste better with sugar.”
Minato wasn’t as immature as the other two. Rather than focusing on sabotage, he likes to make them jealous. Since he knew you the longest, he tends to be much more touchy with you. He starts off with the small things, like holding your hand or wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Then it gets more sweeter, especially when he pulls you closer when walking in crowds, or wiping that whip cream from the side of your lip. He’s got some guts. Another way he annoys the other two, is when he purposely makes up situations to shoo them away. “Is that your friend over there? You should go and check up on them, Akira.” “That’s not my-” “Hush, I know you must go. It’s okay.”
When they realize they are Persona Users with the Wild Card ability, everything gets intense. Not many people have his ability, and it rose tensions. They still try to compare each other in this sense.
“I steal the hearts of the selfish and force the unjust to admit their crimes.”
“Oh really? I hunted down a serial killer and saved my town from turning into shadows.” 
“Heh. I faced death without complaints. I saved the world from ending.”
In secrecy, these three would try to test their abilities. Yu would drag the two into the T.V world, Minato would make them stay up into the Dark Hour and Akira would take them to the farthest edges of Mementos. 
At some point, they would want to challenge each other, one on one. Minato would have the greatest advantage since he was trained as a Shadow Operative and had the longest experience out of the three. Normally, Yu and Akira would have to battle it out first before taking Minato on. 
They are usually neck-to-neck at the end of the battles, and often stop out of exhaustion. While they are rivals to your heart, they respect each other in terms of battle.
Being love rivals is hard, but it makes a fulfilling friendship. Whenever you are together with the Protagonists, expect them to act as your bodyguards. Yu would follow from the back, and the other two would walk with you by your side. The only people who could ever compete for you are those three, no one else.
United, they are very protective of you. Usually, it’s up to Minato to deal with anyone who bothers you. When it comes to people who are actually messing with you, Akira won’t hesitate in bringing these two to the Metaverse to deal with the problem. Yu, on the other hand, would also shield you if Minato wasn’t available.
When they’re not in the mood to bicker, they’re really sweet altogether. A favorite memory was when they went to Seaside Park together. You were always holding one of their hands, smiling at them. What mattered the most at that time was to make this a good experience for you. 
It gets pretty tiring to constantly fight for your attention, but at the end of the day, they know you’d have to pick someone, whether it’s one of them or not. They will support your relationship with little complaint, and will protect you nonetheless. 
That’s unless someone proposes a reverse harem. Now that’s another story. Actually, I wouldn’t mind writing something about this.
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thinktosee · 5 years
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Titian’s Fall of Man, c1550. Image courtesy Museo del Prado, Spain
This journal is a continuation of Part 3, which may be accessed via this link :
Journal to David
Dear David my Son,
“I always thought our fellow citizens were crazy about two things : ideas and fornication.” (The Fall, p5)
Albert Camus’ monologue of 1956, titled “The Fall” is arguably the most distilled exploration of his philosophical beliefs about Existentialism. The term, “arguably” is applied here as it’s possible you’d disagree. Yes, “The Stranger” is emotionally, yet intellectually stimulating – fused to mine the soul trapped within the reader, rendering it to explode to the surface, as a dramatic offering of our otherwise dormant passions! (1) “The Myth of Sisyphus”? Well, that’s absurd. It is exasperating and predictable like any ritual, religious or otherwise. Besides why do we have to repeat it again and again? Boring. Say what? That’s Life, ain’t it? In Sisyphus, Camus makes us see the folly of our ways, of our life, with a Dante-que’ twist.(2) It’s no doubt a revealing story, I agree. But let’s get back to The Fall, shall we?  That’s the real enchilada there. That’s the story of the fall of man.
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Sisyphus, burden and hope – Image courtesy reasonandmeaning.com
The Fall hints at the Garden of Eden when Google, oops pardon me, I mean Knowledge, made its entrance on the camouflaged stage following the supreme feast of the apple. And as in Sisyphus, that original fall is repeated forevermore everywhere, as if perfection and triumph are within our slimy grasp, each time we laboured. But hey, what do I know? You were the Camus-go-to-guy. You were the Existentialist, David (3). I am just following in your footsteps. Hence, our fall? Our never-ending search for Knowledge.
Camus’ The Fall takes the reader through the colourful musings of Jean-Baptiste Clamence, formerly a successful defence lawyer in snooty Paris, to his new digs in “Mexico City” a bar located in so very depressing Amsterdam. What in heavens caused this fall from grace? A couple of things, just like what happens on any given day to many of us, really, when Truth happens to cross our path, like a black cat :
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Our copy of Albert Camus’, The Fall. This excellent edition is translated by Robin Buss, Penguin Press, 2006. 
1. One day in Paree, Jean-Baptiste had an altercation with a motorcyclist. It was clear from a legal perspective, that Jean-Baptiste was quite right. However, an observer didn’t see it that way and rudely chastised him for his behaviour. While being distracted by the observer, the motorcyclist took a swing at our kind lawyer and sped off. The incident infuriated and also embarrassed Jean-Baptiste. Where did these negative and violent urges in him originate, he wondered? Wasn’t he a man for the common people? Were his professional and also personal support for the down-trodden superficial after all? Was all this service, for himself, rather than for them? To create and then foster a false image of oneself? The seed of knowledge took root when he began to ponder on these Socratic questions.
2. In the second example, which is recounted in Part 3, Jean-Baptiste’s utter and pathetic failure to act when the young woman jumped into the river, gave him cause to re-examine his bona fides – his life’s assumptions. What in today’s lingo may be dubbed as his “fake news” life. Our contrived persona, really.
With these in mind, Jean-Baptiste migrated, wandering, and finally ended down under. Sitting on a mound in water-logged Amsterdam, he meets a stranger one day. Being expansive, as lawyers tend to be, and over a series of lectures or monologue, he recounts his fall. These accounts trace his “regression” and amplify what the fall is to Jean-Baptiste, as it possibly was to Adam and Eve, or to any one, including me.
The Fall really is about a Socratic exploration to live a life without any pretence, or camouflage. A life of freedom and not dependency. Or as you admonished me to “Be Yourself!” That is the only constant. Adam and Eve’s fall in the Garden ushers the introduction to Knowledge, and away from a blissful dependency and ignorance. So is Jean-Baptiste Clamence’s. So is mine. 
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Image courtesy Sanskritimagazine.com
Let Camus tell us then what he means in a few selected passages :
“ ‘Do you want a clean life, like everyone else?’ Of course you answer yes. How could you not? ‘Fine. We’ll clean you up. Here’s a job, here’s a family, here’s some organized leisure’ And the little teeth bite into the flesh, right down to the bone.” (p6)
“There, give up. Mine is a double job, that’s all, just as humans are double.” (p7)
“I live in the Jewish quarter, or what they called the Jewish quarter until our Hitlerite brethren cleared a space in it. What a clean-up! Seventy-five thousand Jews deported or murdered : that’s vacuum cleaning. I admire such diligence, such methodical patience! You have to be methodical when you have no character. Here, the method worked wonders, there’s no denying it : I live on the site of one of the greatest crimes in history.” (p8)
“There is no denying that, at least for the moment, judges are necessary, don’t you agree? And yet I couldn’t understand how a man could appoint himself to exercise that surprising office. I had to accept it, since I saw it, but rather in the way that I accepted locusts….with the difference that the invasions of those orthoptera have never brought me a penny, while I used to earn a living by conversing with people whom I despised.” (p13)
“…but I would also only take their cases on the sole condition that they were good murderers, as others are noble savages.” (p13)
Fortunately, my profession satisfied this call to the heights.” (p17)
“Conversely, the indignation, talent and emotion that I expended relieved me of any debt towards them. Judges punished the crime, the accused atoned for it, and I, free of all responsibility, beyond judgement or punishment, reigned at liberty, bathed in a prelapsarian glow.” (18)
“I mean, relatives and in-laws (what a word!) – it’s a different tune. They find the right word, but it’s usually the one that wounds. They pick up the phone to you like someone picking up a gun. And their aim is on target.” (p21)
“Perhaps we do not love life enough. Have you observed that only death awakens our feelings?” (p21)
“That’s a charming house, isn’t it? The two heads there belong to negro slaves. A trade sign : the owner was a slave trader. Huh, they didn’t mince their words in those days! They came right out with it and said : ‘I’ve got a house on the street, I deal in slaves,  I sell black flesh!’ Can you imagine anyone nowadays stating publicly that that was his business? What an uproar! I could hear my fellow lawyers in Paris from here. They’re adamant on this matter and wouldn’t hesitate to publish two or three manifestos,……I might even add my signature to theirs. Slavery! Why, no, we’re against it! If we are forced to have it in the home or in factories, fine, that’s the normal run of things, but boasting about it, is going too far.” (p28)
“I’m well aware of the facts that one cannot do without dominating or being served. Every man needs slaves just as he needs fresh air.” (p28)
“Just between ourselves, servitude, preferably with a smile, is unavoidable. But we don’t have to acknowledge that fact. If a man can’t help having slaves, isn’t it better for him to call them free men? As a matter of principle, firstly, then so as not to drive them to despair. Surely we owe them at least that compensation? In this way, they will carry on smiling and we can keep our conscience clean. Otherwise, we might be forced to examine ourselves and become mad with grief….” (p29-30)
“The truth is that every intelligent man, as you know, dreams of being a gangster and ruling over society by violence alone. As this is not as easy as one might think from reading novels in the genre, people generally turn to politics and hurry to support the cruellest party. It matters little, wouldn’t you say, to abuse one’s mind if by that means one succeeds in dominating everyone. I found that there were sweet dreams of oppression within me.” (p35)
“There was no deception involved, or merely that blatant deception that they consider a mark of respect. As people commonly say, I loved women - which amounts to saying that I never loved any one of them. I have always thought misogyny to be both vulgar and stupid, and considered almost all the women I have known to be better than myself. However, while setting them so high, I exploited rather than served them. What does that mean?” (p36)
“Otherwise, there would be a solution and one could at last be taken seriously. Men are not convinced of your arguments, your sincerity or the seriousness of your suffering, except by your death.” (p46)
“If we are to end, doubt, we must stop existing, purely and simply.” (p47)
“The most natural idea for mankind, the one that comes naively, as if from the depths of one’s being, is that of one’s own innocence. In this respect we are all like the little Frenchman in Buchenwald who insisted on trying to lodge an appeal through the clerk, himself a prisoner……The clerk and his friends laughed : ‘Useless old chap. There’s no appeal here.’ ‘But, you see, Monsieur,’ said the little Frenchman, ‘mine is an exceptional case. I’m innocent.’ “ (p50)
“But above all because wealth shields from immediate judgement, lifts you out of the crowd in the underground, shuts you up in a chromium-plated car and isolates you in huge expanses of protected parkland…Wealth,..is not actually acquitted, but a reprieve.” (p51)
“How could sincerity be a condition of friendship? A liking for the truth at all costs is a passion that spared nothing and that nothing can withstand.” (p51)
“Dante allows for neutral angels in the quarrel between God and Satan : and he places them in Limbo, a sort of waiting room for his Hell. My good friend, we’re in the waiting room.” (p52)
“What we call elementary truths are the ones we discover after the rest.” (p52)
“I proclaimed my loyalty, yet I think that there is not a single person that I loved whom I did not also eventually betray. Of course, my betrayals did not get in the way of my fidelity.” (p53)
“I began to advise ‘transference of guilt’ as a tactic for the defence. Not that form of ‘transference of guilt’, I said, which has been perfected in modern inquisitions where a thief and an honest man are tried at the same time that the latter can be made responsible for the crimes of the former. What I meant, on the contrary, was defending the thief by bringing out the crimes of the honest man, in the event, the lawyer.” (p58)
“I had always lived a life of debauchery, since I had never ceased to desire immortality.” (64)
“The purely verbal references to God that I sometimes made in my pleas in court made my clients suspicious. No doubt they were afraid that heaven would be less qualified to look after their interest than an advocate…” (p66)
“I realized that the shout that I heard many years earlier echoing across the Seine behind me had not ceased to travel across the world,….I realized too that it would continue to wait for me…”(p68)
“...we cannot be certain of anyone’s innocence, while we can confidently pronounce everyone guilty. Each man bears witness to the crime of all the others.” (p69)
“Believe me, religions are wrong when they start to moralize and sound off with their commandments. We have no need of God to create guilt or to punish. Our fellow men are enough, with our help.” (p69)
“Don’t wait for the Last Judgement, it takes place every day.” (p70)
“But too many people are now climbing up on the cross just so that they can be seen from further away, even if in doing so they have to trample a little on the one who has already been there for so long.” (72)
“Judges are swarming over the corpse of innocence, judges of every species, those of Christ and Antichrist, who as it happens are the same, all reconciled in little ease” (p73)
“What does it matter, after all? Don’t lies in the end put us on the path to truth?” (p75)
“He announced that we needed a new pope who lives among the poor and needy, instead of praying on his throne…” (p78)
“…you see, the main idea is not to be free any longer, but to repent and obey a greater knave than you are.” (p85)
“The judgement that you are passing on others eventually blows right back in your face and may do some damage.” (p86)
“Since we could not condemn others without at the same time judging oneself, one should heap accusations on one’s own head, in order to have the right to judge others. Since every judge eventually becomes a penitent, one had to take the opposite route and be a professional penitent in order to become a judge.” (p86)
“Throw yourself in the water again so that I might have once more the opportunity to save us both!” (p92)
 If only, we have that opportunity once more, David. 
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1. https://thinktosee.tumblr.com/post/177348082353/david-and-camus-part-1-the-stranger
2. https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Sisyphus-Albert-Camus/dp/0848833481
3. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/existentialism/
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brokenrealitylooper · 6 years
Autumn Snow [p5]
Previously Here
Started here
With Team RWBY now all aware of Weiss’ mysterious leap back in time, they’ll have to get through Graduation before going to meet Roman and set more things in order.
“For me-” Weiss began, head bowed “-it started in a forest.”
With Blake on her bed, Yang in Ruby’s abandoned chair, their leader crouched before Weiss, and the Heiress seated on her bed, she told them.
Not every detail, of course, they didn’t need to know about her and Roman’s home life nor every conversation. But she told them about meeting him at the tavern in Riga.
Told them of calling him for help stopping a plot, and working for him as payment; missions, she recalled with a grin, that looking back were far too much like many Academy sanctioned missions, bar the ones where she had to save some of his more idiotic employees.
Mentioned his push for her to make her own mark, and how she founded FSI and what its purpose was. Glossed over the rogue SDC attack on her head office that almost cost her Roman, and her confession to Roman--which had Blake smiling and Ruby gushing--before rushing passed the two of them settling into the same house, raising four independent and strong-willed children, and eventually telling of Roman’s death.
“A week later, I was feeling exhausted.” she sighed, eyes on the curtain--still stitched back together, having never been replaced--as she finished, “Penny came home with me, and though she said she’d see me in the morning... we both knew I wouldn’t be there.”
“And then you woke up here, last night.” Blake closed the story, elbows on her knees.
“Right.” Weiss turned back to them, glancing at each before smiling at Ruby, soft and wistful, “I hope you don’t mind, Ruby, but I used your symbol, in pale blue, as my own for the rest of my life after I was disowned.”
Ruby didn’t have any words, instead letting the prickling of tears in her eyes answer for her as she got up and gave her partner a hug.
Sighing, the Heiress let her go and stood, a strength settling around her, “Hopefully in a week I’ll be able to speak to Roman, and we can work on stopping Cinder from attacking him and put down Neo. Even this far back, I don’t think Roman will argue with me.”
“You can’t know that.” Blake pointed out, “He hasn’t burned out yet, and you aren’t down and out like when he found you in Riga. If Junior is right, that and the fact you willing asked him for help are why he let you get close enough you two eventually got together.”
“Perhaps.” Weiss allowed, “But I still know him better than anyone beside Junior right now.”
“We’ll go with you to Riga.” Ruby’s flat command stopped Weiss before she could even argue against it, “We’ll wait outside, or downstairs if you wanna meet him in a private room, but you’re not leaving Vale alone. Too much can go wrong now that you’re changing the timeline.”
“Ruby has a point,” Blake added, looking between the other three, “The more changes you make to what you remember, the less likely things will go how you remember.”
“Alright...” the Heiress breathed out, slapping her thighs before turning to the door, “I should try to talk to Ozpin. The man always seemed to know more than he let on. Based on when I enrolled our daughter here, I think he might’ve known I was seeing Roman since my report to him about the White Fang-SDC plot I called Roman to help me with.”
“Ozpin will see you, Ms. Schnee,” Glynda said, stepping out of the lift, “But don’t be long. We all have things to do before the Graduation ceremony.”
“Thank you, Prof. Goodwitch.”
The entire ride up the tower had Weiss on edge. She knew Ozpin was probably older than he seemed, if only because even at Roman’s small funeral he hadn’t looked any older than the first time she’d seen him. She just couldn’t decide if she hoped he was the one with a Time-based Semblance or not.
“Ah, Ms. Schnee,” the headmaster greeted her warmly from his place beside the window behind his desk, and he turned to offer her a gentle smile as he waved her to come in, “It seems you might be the one I was hoping to talk to soon.”
That was far too much implication in one sentence for her taste, and she felt a chill as she moved to the desk, “Why do you say that.”
“I’m no threat, Weiss-” the use of her given name startled her, “-but as a man who has seen far more than any other, I’m quite certain I can recognize another whom Time has touched in a unique fashion.”
Honesty for honesty, Weiss squared her shoulders and replied, “In about forty years, something or someone sends me back to last night. I went from my death bed to my dorm in the blink of an eye.”
“Hmmm.” Ozpin frowned, took a sip from his coffee before continuing, “I’ll have to start retasking a few of my contacts, then. But before I do, perhaps you could tell me your story. Everything the future me was aware of before you came here.”
So she told him. She already knew Ozpin and Roman had been working together at least part of the time between the loss of Ruby and Yang and the founding of FSI, so she was willing to encourage Ozpin to be open earlier to the under-the-table cooperation.
Cinder’s attack on Roman, the White Fang stabbing her in the back, Ruby and Yang’s death, Neo’s death, her decade spent running herself into the ground on missions until she’d called Roman. She brought up her company--and here she’d felt a moment of pride at his compliment and proud smile--and how she’d worked with Roman to guide and employ civilians and Huntsmen alongside the Academies.
Everything, more than she’d told her team while still keeping her private moments with Roman to herself. Knowledge, she knew, was power, and Ozpin would be best able to wield it.
“I know it may not mean as much coming from me, Weiss, but as your Headmaster I am very proud of how far you went.” he offered his hand, shaking hers when she took it, “You are likely the single greatest success to ever graduate Beacon-” a twinkle of mirth in his eyes “-even if such is in a future once again unwritten.”
“That means more than you think, Ozpin.”
“Well, it should please you to know I am in the opening stages of setting up a... mutually beneficial agreement with your erstwhile companion.” his grin, Weiss thought to herself, was far to self-satisfied, “He did not answer Junior because he left his scroll here, and I was to have Glynda meet him north of Vale to return it in exchange for another scroll with some information on a crime ring. I can quite easily redirect him to Riga, where you and your team may return his scroll and bring back the other.”
Continued Here
I’m keeping these somewhat short, pausing at moments where I can somewhat easily pick up from later.
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Persona 5’ reviews are in and — surprise! — everyone’s a fan
Image: Atlus
Persona 5 is great.
Yes, that’s not exactly news. The game launched in Japan last September, so we already knew that Atlus nailed the series’ first full sequel in almost 10 years. But it’s finally out in the U.S. on April 4, and the English-language reviews are in.
SEE ALSO: ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ is a forgettable, tedious trudge
It’s very long. It moves slowly at times. If you’re not a fan of Japanese RPGs, it’s a flat-out tough sell. But the art is jaw droppingly gorgeous, the sprawling story is easy to get hooked on and the dungeon-crawling is driven by a nifty, uniquely Persona take on combat.
In short: Atlus did it. Here’s what the critics have to say.
Eurogamer (Kassandra Khaw)
Real talk: if you’ve played Persona, if you’ve enjoyed JRPGs, if you even have a passing interest in Japanese media, there’s absolutely no reason to read this frankly ponderous review. Persona 5 is everything you’ve wanted: style and substance distilled into an experience worth waging cultural wars for.
If you don’t like JRPGs, well, I can’t help you there.
Everyone else? Buckle in.
GameSpot (Lucy James)
Persona 5 is a game overflowing with style. From bold black and red menus that leap off the screen to the pop-and-lock of scene transitions that carry the player from one colorful corner of Tokyo to the next, it’s a game about youthful exuberance and the power that lies within it. But its beauty isn’t just skin deep. Persona 5‘s gameplay systems evolve and coalesce over its 80+ hours to deliver a confidently executed role-playing experience that is not only satisfying, but worth the almost decade-long wait since Persona 4.
Image: Atlus
Like its predecessors, it’s part social simulator, part dungeon crawler. By day, you’re a high school studentbusy taking classes, visiting cafes, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. But by night you are the leader of the Phantom Thieves, a ragtag troupe of idealistic teenagers that infiltrate a parallel reality called the Metaverse.
Kotaku (Kirk Hamilton)
Much of Persona 5 comes down to efficient schedule management. (Its more exciting than it sounds.) You attend classes by day, then after school you make a choice: do you go to your job at the flower shop, or do you head into an alternate dimension and do battle? Or maybe you just want to hang out with that cute fortune-teller girl you met in the seedy part of town? Which activity will yield the greatest dividends, and which will feel like a waste of time?
On a given day you are usually given two blocks of time to fill: the after-school block and the evening block. Whatever you decide, youre necessarily setting aside your other options for another day. Choose to go to the batting range after school and you wont have time to visit the sexy doctor youve befriended. Spend your evening reading or making thieving tools and youll miss out on the chance to be interviewed by a local crime reporter. And if you spend the day dungeon-crawling and demon-fighting, youll be too tired in the evening to do anything but sleep.
With each passing day, the games calendar moves forward, inexorably pushing you closer to the conclusion. You have a couple hundred days; do with them what you will.
Ars Technica (Steven Strom)
Persona 5 can get away with its slow pace thanks to a striking and effective frame narrative that ducks in and out of the plot from the very beginning. After the casino heist goes wrong in the plot’s first major beat, the protagonist, codenamed Joker, is carted off into police custody. Most of the rest of the game is told in flashback as a bruised, beaten Joker is interrogated about his actions and those of his teammates.
Image: Atlus
Said teammates are called “Confidants” in Persona 5, a slight rebranding of the “Social Links” from the last two Persona titles. These are the fore- and background characters whose relationships with the main character form the backbone of the Persona series these days.”
Arcade Sushi (Sarah LeBoeuf)
With each passing day, the games calendar moves forward, inexorably pushing you closer to the conclusion. You have a couple hundred days; do with them what you will.r. Before he can even get settled in, he has a run-in with an abusive coach, finds h series these days.ar-perfection in the previous Persona games to make fighting something of a game within itself. Discovering enemies weaknesses and how best to exploit them, leveraging your real-life friendships to get more out of your teammates in these alternate realities, managing health and SP (mana), and even deciding what to do with the shadows once youve knocked them down are all part of the battles.
Polygon (Philip Kollar)
Those dungeons are excellent, by the way, and by far the biggest single point of improvement between Persona 5 and its predecessors. Rather than the randomized dungeons of past games, each “Palace” in the Metaverse is a meticulously designed setpiece, a series of challenges ranging from stealth to puzzles to just plain combat. Exploring dungeons was often one of the most boring parts of past Persona games; now its a delight that constantly pushed me into new ways of playing.
Image: Atlus
If you miss the old randomized dungeons, they do still exist in a totally optional form. Since you cannot return to the main story dungeons once theyve been completed, grinding is relegated to Mementos, a labyrinth that gets deeper and full of more dangerous opponents the further into the game you progress. Mementos provides a nice space to search for loot and complete side missions including some that youll be sent on by your confidants to progress your relationship with them but you can also completely ignore it if youd rather not worry about it.
Digital Trends(Michael Rougeau)
Many of things that make Persona 5 compelling were present in Persona 3 or Persona 4 as well, but, mechanically, the game just feels better, and easier to handle. Many of the games biggest improvements technically amount to simple quality of life changes game developer speak for small improvements that make a big difference. When walking around Tokyo, for example, you can easily open the map to check which social links are at what locations, then easily fast travel directly to them. Friends and contacts who want to hang out will often text you directly, making your life a little less stressful as you deliberate what to do with your time.
Similarly, P5 retains its puzzle-style fighting system, which focuses on discovering enemies elemental weaknesses, but now once you do, you can tap a button to have the game select a good move for you, saving time. New abilities let you pass your turn to teammates to set up strategic timing, or even swap teammates out in the middle of battle. Plus, you now gain new personas magical spirits that grant your main character more powerful abilities through a fun interrogation mini-game.
The list goes on. New players will marvel at how easily Persona 5s interface and features keep the game accessible and easy to navigate, and series veterans will wonder how they ever lived without this stuff.
GamesRadar+ (Susan Arendt)
Persona 5 is just about perfect in every way it can be, with the sole exception of its pacing in the final acts. The last two dungeons are a slog, forcing you to solve a series of similar puzzles long after they’ve lost their ability to either challenge or intrigue. It’s an aggravating misstep at what should be the most thrilling part of the entire journey, but the revelation of the villain’s true identity reinvigorates the sluggish pace before it loses all momentum. It should also be mentioned that players already familiar with Persona‘s basic format will likely find themselves feeling constricted by the game’s opening hours, which gently ease newcomers into the many, many different systems at play. It’s a fair frustration, but the tradeoff is Persona 5 being an ideal entry point to anyone new to its peculiarities but intrigued by its promise.
Other than that, Persona 5 is simply phenomenal. The voice acting is outstanding, the music is genius, the art style is so slick it’ll raise your personal coolness level just from being in close proximity to it. Playing Persona 5 will make your hair glossier, increase your vocal range by an octave and add 7.32 years to your overall life expectancy. Play it enough times and you’ll likely not only be able to levitate but also make a perfect omelette while in midair. It’s that good.
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Read more: http://ift.tt/2obDxEW
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