#the grape colored pony's name was twilight sparkle
cextra-loz · 1 year
quirked up brony boy with a little bit of pony posts busts it down pony style. is he sparkled by the twilight?
I don't know how or why but the concoction of letters and symbols you placed before me tickled the part of my brain that is associated with this song but I don't think its because the two somehow match spiritually or metaphorically but rather the beauty of the sentence you sent me is unfathomable and iconic
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: Cults, Child Neglect.
Name: Atsu Kaigan (圧開眼)
Cult Title: “Servant of the Gods”. (神のしもべ)
Username: elementofmagic
Nicknames: Atsu-Chan (圧-ちゃん), Yuru-chara (ゆるキャラ).
Age: 22.
Pronouns: He/Him (In English)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral I pronoun, usually seen as formal.)
(Will sometimes switch pronouns when dissociating.)
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: GNC, Guy.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Separation Anxiety, ADHD, CPTSD, Autism, OSDD 1b, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Depression, DPD.
OSDD Information: Atsu’s OSDD is mostly fragmented dissociation, He does not have any fully formed alters that have separate identities from him. His OSDD tends to manifest in certain emotions or memories which causes him to not fully understand where he is or who he is.
Recovering Addictions: Hoarding.
Religion: None.
Job: Fashion Designer, Public Relations for Suka’s Sukeban.
Major: Fashion.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese, JSL.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Shitamashi. (Will sometimes switch accents when dissociating.)
Weapons: Pastel Purple Bat with ribbons and glitter, Purple sparkley pistol, Purple Brass knuckles shaped like a cat.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Purple.
Main Animal: Horse.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Plushie Making, and Collecting MLP Merchandise.
Diet: Vegetarian.
Favorite Drink: Apple Cider.
Favorite Fruit: Star Grapes.
Favorite Meal: Daisy, Dandelion, and Pansy Sandwich, Spring Rolls, Jelly Noodles, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches.
Favorite Candy: Lollipops, Bubblegum, Rock Candy.
Favorite Dessert: Mizu Manju, Oiri Candy Icecream, Rolled BlueberryIcecream.
Favorite Flower: Lilacs.
Scent: Twilight Sparkle Perfume.
Handedness: Right.
Blood Color: Red.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 4th 2002 (Gemini, Horse, A, Loyalty.)
Fun Facts: Has basically every J-Fashion imaginable in his closet.
Special Interests: MLP, J-Fashion.
Stims: My Little Pony Stim Toys. Fabric Stims.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: His Set of MLP Plushies, His Takara MLP figures, His fashion dolls, Unicornos.
Extras: He has those super rare MLP figures that were only released in Japan.
Family: Kida Asahara, Yukimori Asahara (Birth Parents)
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara. (Aunt and Uncle)
Uru Nanamo, Hwan Asahara, Keh Spo. (Cousins.)
Friends: Uru (BFF), Kagayaki, Hana, Ryu, Boru, Otoko.
Romance: Suka Ringu (Girlfriend)
Enemies: A good chunk of the gangs in the area, The Cult.
Pet: Twilight Sparkle (トワイライトスパークル) (Sugar Glider)
Brief Personality: Atsu has a very bubbly personality, you wouldn’t really tell he is apart of a gang by the way he speaks, He’s kinda goofy, he has a tendency to tell other gang leaders about the lore of my little pony while in the middle of territory disputes. He loves hanging out with his friends and fashion and He generally tries to have a positive outlook on life.
Brief Backstory:
Atsu was born into a religious cult, he wasn’t quite sure who his birth parents were, he would be switched around from couple to couple depending on who took care of him.
He was very neglected in the cult, he didn’t have really any set of parents, just adults that would come in and out and occasionally take care of the bare essentials. He was severely neglected, nobody really taught him basic things like the alphabet or how to read for a very long time.
However. He had one friend in the cult, “The Prince”, aka the Leaders son, Uru, him and Uru got along really well, always playing together and Atsu felt very safe with Uru. He tended to follow him around wherever Uru went, which they both enjoyed. It was nice for both of them to have a break from the cult in a way.
Eventually the leaders got arrested and Atsu was sent into foster care, he didn’t really have any guardians who tried to understand him though. As a kid he had a tendency to daydream about far off lands often times not being able to get out of bed.
When he got to high school, He met his childhood friend again, they both were kinda in the same place mentally. Both shy socially awkward kids with little to no friends. They really relied on eachother. And that caused both of them to blossom into their own people.
Atsu later met his girlfriend Suka, and eventually started to become a fashion designer after finding his love for J-Fashion and also sewing plushies.
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sherbetgreeceuh · 4 years
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These were some mlp next gen designs. They were more of a what if kind of thing. I didn’t actually ship any of these characters, I mainly just wanted to design some next gen characters, some of them were paired together purely for the aesthetic purpose. There’s two different ones for Fluttershy just cause I wanted to design some for her and Discord and the other one I just some nurse pony that I liked the color scheme of. So all of these can be considered AUs separate from each other. The orange one is Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter. And the last two were Rainbow Dash and Soren that I did way before all the other ones.
I’ll just add the description of them from my Deviantart
1: I decided to pair Twilight with Star Tracker for this because I think their color schemes looks nice together. The oldest is an alicorn but he has trouble learning and controlling his magic. He is quiet and is stressed out a lot. He feels like he has a lot to live up to because of who his mom is. He is worried he will disappoint everyone. He is smart but doesn't like to learn and study. He doesn't like to be in crowds, and is a bit shy. His cutie mark is a moon and stars. The youngest loves to read and study science, her eyesight is bad because she spends so much time reading. She loves books as much as her mom. She wants to be a great hero like her mom, and is a bit jealous of her brother because he's an alicorn and she's not. Her magic is not as powerful as an alicorn but is a bit stronger than a regular unicorn. She has a secret love of comic books, and wants to be a superhero. Her cutie mark is a sun.
2: I paired Rarity with the spa pony guy for this just because I like his design. And Rarity does go to the spa a lot, so I can say that's where she met him. I don't really care too much about shipping. I just really wanted to design some next gen kids, I will probably do some for the other main six too. I'm going to be pairing them based on what colors look good together not by who I ship them with. So this isn't about shipping, I just like to design ponies. I won't be pairing any of the main six together or put them with other mares because it wouldn't be possible for them to have kids. I know some people design kids for mare couples anyways, but I'm just going to pair them with a stallion instead. So, yeah, this is just for fun, don't take who I pair them with too seriously. I also didn't pair her with Spike for this, because it just seems wrong. I really don't like the ship at all because I'm pretty sure Rarity is an adult and Spike is a child. He is referred to as a baby dragon. I don't have names for the kids, I'm terrible at naming. The youngest has a grumpy personality. She spent way to much time around Opalescence growing up and the cat's personality rubbed off on her a bit. She is sarcastic and likes to think she's smart. She doesn't have many friends because she is not very pleasant to be around. But she will eventually make some friends and her personality will change for the better because of them. The oldest is very dramatic and kinda smug. He likes to be the center of attention. He likes acting and has stared in many plays. He acts confident but is actually a bit insecure. He likes to star in plays that will entertain other ponies and make them happy. His cutie mark is a shining gemstone. 
3:  I decided to Rainbow Dash with Thunderlane for this because I thought a rainbow mane with a black coat would look cool. The oldest has a pretty chill personality. She loves to fly through clouds and watch sunsets. She's cheerful and loves to have fun. Her cutie mark is a heart shaped cloud. The other two are twins. The girl with the blue coat is older by a bit. I gave her the color scheme of Rainbow Dash Destroyer of Pies, because I thought it would be funny and it looks cool. Her cutie mark is a flying cloud and rainbow lightning bolt. She has sort of an extreme personality, she likes to go fast and is a bit of a dare devil. She wants to be as cool as her mom. She wants to be able to do a sonic rainboom but is frustrated because she hasn't been able to. The youngest acts a lot like his twin sister, and most ponies think they have the same personality, but he mostly just tries to be like her because he looks up to her and she is his best friend. He likes to spend time relaxing and reading. He enjoys racing for fun but doesn't really care if he wins or not. His cutie mark is a rainbow tornado. The twins find out later that they can make a sonic rainboom if they fly fast together.
  4:  Next gen Pinkie Pie kids I designed for fun. I decided to pair her with Party Favor for this just because they look nice together. For the kids I wanted to be reverse of Pinkie's family, with three kids more like Pinkie and one like her sisters. I don't have names for any of them. The youngest likes to fix hair, she did Pinkie's hair for this pic. She is kind of a creepy kid. Often appears out of nowhere. She doesn't say much, but when she does it's always something weird. Her coat color is similar to Pinkie's mother's. The second youngest has a kazoo cutie mark. He likes to sing, dance, pretend, and KAZOO! His personality is basically that kazoo kid, www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRpdIr… He eventually starts a Kazoo cult. The purple one has a gloomy personality, she takes after Pinkie Pie's family, she likes rocks. She is interested in the magical properties of rocks and gemstones. Her cutie mark is a gemstone and sparkles. She studies magic and rocks. When she was younger her Aunt Maud was teaching her about rocks and mentioned that with the right stone one could rule all of Equestria, she has secretly been trying to find the right stone. For her colors I just combined, Pinkie's and Party Favor's, I usually don't like to do that because the colors end up not looking anything like the parent's or family member's, but here the colors looked similar to Maud or other members of Pinkie's family so I used them. The haven't really come up with much of a personality for the oldest, I guess he likes to party. His cutie mark is a slice of pie. 5:  Fluttershy and Nurse Pony. I don't have a name for her son, the daughter's name is Blossom. I just chose the stallion sort of randomly, I thought their colors looked nice together I might make a different alternate universe Fluttershy family with her and Discord. Blossom is a cheerful pony, she loves nature, and loves to grow flowers and plants. Her cutie mark is a flower blossom. She likes to grow flowers that attract animals. I haven't really thought up much more for her personality. The foal is a bit shy, he has trouble speaking to other ponies. He is kind of secretive and spends a lot of time alone. His cutie mark is three ghosts because he is often invisible to others because of his shy personality and because he secretly practices necromancy. 
6:   Applejack. I literally just chose this stallion to pair with her because I think the colors look nice together. I have no idea what his name is, I don't think he even has one. This isn't about shipping, I just wanted to design some next gen kids, so I chose the stallion based on the colors. I don't have names for either of the kids. The youngest wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves the animals on her mom's farm and wants to be able to care for them when they are sick or injured. She is calm most of the time and very patient. The older one's cutie mark is an apple, orange, and grapes. She wants to grow and sell lots of different fruits. She is also interested in tree grafting, she wants to be able to graft different fruit trees together. (I'm going to say it's possible to make a tree with more than one type of fruit in mlp because magic) 7: Big Mac.  I haven't come up with cutie marks for the younger two. The oldest has sort of a tomboyish personality. She loves the outdoors, animals, and running through mud puddles. Her cutie mark is an pie and an apple slice. She is good a making desserts with apples. The middle child, is calm and doesn't talk much. She is not shy, she just doesn't like to say much. She prefers to listen to what others have to say. The youngest has a personality similar to his mother Sugar Belle, he's very sweet and likes to help others. He loves helping his mother cook desserts. I used the color of Granny Smith's coat for the youngest, and the color of Big Mac's father and Apple Bloom for the oldest. The oldest one has the same color eyes as Big Mac's mother.
8: They didn’t have descriptions
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