#the funniest part is that yoichi would never be 'his' not emotionally not physically (???)
ilovereadingandstuff · 3 months
Bro, wtf, AFO's words to Yoichi are so fucking romantic but toxic it's crazy!!!
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"I love you like no other!!"
Holy shit, if somebody told me that, I would blushed so hard and die of flusteredness, y'know?
The exclusiveness and individualization of AFO's feelings by and for Yoichi alone just are prove of the obssessiveness he had over his brother's existance.
The capital letters, the exclamation marks, the present tense, alongside his facial expression, the gesture with his hands in a possessive but gentle motion...
This pannels how everything he did was directed for Yoichi to see, his whole world focused on him.
I think this pannel is exactly we needed as proof to say with certainty that, yes, the main problem of BNHA's story (AFO's plans and OFA's existence) arises from the roots of these two brother's co-dependent relationship mainly by AFO's perspective but Yoichi's side could be given discuss...and I'm pretty sure that this also borders incest if they haven't just done it already, but we as readers, haven't been given the info yet).
"...I'm hopeless without you! I'm nothing!!"
This is the toxic side of it.
AFO's motives for doing everything he does and did is Yoichi. Yoichi is his simbol of hope, Yoichi is his reason to survive, to thrive for more and beyond, even in the disturbed way he does.
Yoichi was the only 'thing' AFO ever had the comprehension to considered his. Yoichi is that reason of why he survived his violent and hellish childhood: even by Yoichi being that source of nutrients he stole in the womb AND as that person who 'accompained him' (certainly not by his consent, but that's other story) when nobody ever did. He was alone, exposed to putrid violence, discrimination and never had anyone as a guide to know 'what was wrong and what was right'.
AFO was definitely always emotionally dependent to Yoichi as the world they lived build him that way.
And now, a little bit more than one hundred years of living, AFO was defeated by his brother's denial of reciprocity of feelings.
AFO....was defeated by breaking his supposedly non-existent heart by the only person who could thought of him having it: his brother.
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