#the first pt didn't even get much interaction
thefuseoftemptation · 9 months
I keep getting asks abt werewolf!reader and the lost boys and I'm not sure if I should put more out. like would you guys prefer a second pt or just more like that?
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obliviouscxnt · 8 months
His Shadow pt.2 Azriel x Reader
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a/n: all the feedback from the last fic is insane! I can’t even express the joy all of the comments bring me, the kind words mean so much!!! I'm so happy this concept is liked, I definitely want to explore more with it:)) I hope you enjoy!! <333
1.8k words
synopsis: azriel makes a deal with himself to get his shadows back
Warnings: angst, fluff
He’d gotten so used to you being there, so comfortable with the shadows that always surrounded him. 
Now that they were gone—now that you were gone—he was left with an inescapable feeling. Loss. 
It felt like lead in his body. It twisted, and turned, weighing itself down on his ribs. Aching at every little thing he began to notice, the little things you did for him. The things he’d taken for granted. 
He missed the way your darkness covered him like a protective blanket. Missed the ease it brought him. Without it, he felt bare. 
He missed your voice, your whispers. If he closed his eyes and thought hard enough he could almost hear it. Almost. He’d never taken the time to memorize it. Never took the time to see beyond what was on the surface. Why hadn’t he? 
How did he disregard you?
You, the first to show him compassion, apart from his own mother. You, who suffered with him in that cold keep, locked away. Unable to grow, to learn, to live. 
You were there for him, with him. 
How could he have overlooked you?
He holds on to your words, the idea that you would answer if he called brought him only a fraction of the comfort you gave him daily. 
You weren’t really gone, he kept telling himself. He’d see you again. 
When it was necessary. 
No longer would you whisper a good morning to him when he woke, or a goodnight when he slept. No longer would you be there, just to be with him. Just to rest on his shoulders, or weave between his fingers. 
He’d used you, like a tool. Like you were just another weapon in his arsenal. 
The pain in his chest swelled, twinging as the image of misery on your breathtaking face invaded his mind. The awful things he’d said, the hateful accusation he’d made. 
You cared so greatly for him, for so long, only to receive cruelty in return. 
How had he ever thought your absence poetic? 
Being away from him was a physical struggle. The need to be there for him, to comfort him, to apologize, and to express your faith in him was undying. You were surprised you’d lasted a full day. 
No matter how he treated you, no matter how much it hurt, he’d always be everything. 
Yet you kept hearing his words. ‘Are you jealous? Is that it?’ Kept seeing that angry glare he’d aimed at you, and how it melted away when you’d taken form. ‘Because I don’t give you enough attention?’
You kept remembering the change in his eyes, in the way he looked at you. Like he’d just then realized you had a mind of your own, that he didn’t have to think for you. 
You’d thought it would make you happy. To have him really see you. 
It didn’t. 
You felt anger and sorrow. Angry you practically had to spell it out for him. Angry the most observant person in the Night Court, if not all of Prythian, had never spared you a second glance. Sad that you had to look like him to get his attention. 
You'd given him every opportunity, you'd shown him your capacity for emotions countless times. He ignored it every single time. No, ignore wasn't right.
Ignorant was the better word.
Perhaps it was your fault for expecting more of him. 
In the beginning, his neglect hadn’t even mattered. You didn't realize he treated you any differently. That is until you saw him interact with Rhys and Cassian, and then eventually Mor and Amren. 
With them, he was… still distant, closed off in a way. But he smiled, he laughed, he joked. He empathized with them, got angry for them, or sad, or happy. He loved them.
With you, it was just, find me this… bring me here…  go listen to them… keep me hidden… 
He never smiled at you. 
It was your own fault for expecting him to think of you as anything other than a servant. 
That’s what you are, right?
The need to grovel at his feet came back. You felt ridiculous. You lived to serve him. Without him you wouldn’t even have a life. 
You were such a fool, living darkness throwing a fit over some hurt feelings.
He was the only reason you were able to feel anything at all. He gave you meaning. He was your purpose in life, not the other way around. He had no obligation to you, he didn't even have to call on you. The fact that he did was a gift in itself. Just like the pain you felt was a gift.
Without him, you’d just be a regular shadow. 
That should be enough for you. 
So when you heard his call, when you felt that irresistible tug on your soul, you answered. 
You answered though you knew he had no reason for it. He wasn’t in danger, he didn’t want to go anywhere, didn’t need you to spy on anyone or find anything, he was just calling you. 
You answered because no matter what you said, no matter how you felt, he would always be everything. 
Azriel waits for you. Standing in the center of his room, shifting his balance from his right leg to his left. 
He couldn’t keep his hands still, they ran through his hair, adjusted his shirt, got stuffed in his pockets only to leave them a moment later and rub at his neck. His arms cross in an effort to keep them still. 
He was anxious, and restless, and nervous about messing up, but most of all he was angry at himself. 
He wouldn’t be surprised if you ignored his call, even though you said you couldn’t. You’d probably found a way, after all he’s done he wouldn’t blame you. 
It would hurt like hell, but he’d understand. Why would you bother giving him a second chance? 
He’d never even asked you for a name. 
Did you even have one? Do shadows need names? They obviously have a language, one he was able to speak and understand. Did you have a family? A people? Were you born or did you just appear one day? 
These were all things he should’ve known already. Things he should’ve had the mind to be curious about. 
He was too focused on himself and everyone else.
The lights dim, announcing your presence. 
His arms uncross, falling at his sides. You really came. 
Swirls of darkness slip into his room, slowly inching toward him. The way they move is lethargic. It makes him sick.
He speaks when you make it within a foot of him. Pushing past the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry.” 
The shadows stop. Gone was the mighty spymaster. All that remained was the boy who cried out to you on that cold night several centuries ago.
“I’m so sorry.” He repeats. “You don’t have to accept my apology. I don't want you to. I know I haven’t earned it. I just want you to know that If I could go back and change everything I would.” The words were nothing but the truth. He wished more than anything to go back and treat you right. To erase all the hurt he put you through.
His heart jumps when you continue toward him, slithering up his body, encasing him in your energy. 
He feels you curl around his ear, and then he hears your voice. That airy tone reverberating through his head. A sound only he could hear. Only he could appreciate. One he hadn't until he knew what it was like to lose it. 
“I forgive you.”  
Azriel wanted to weep at those words. For you. For him. For what he’d done to the two of you. For what the two of you could’ve been if he’d just sacrificed a little of his time to be with you. Like you always had for him.
“No, you don’t,” He began, “I don’t deserve your forgiveness.” 
The lights flicker, once, twice, then he feels it. Your hand.
His gaze trails down to watch your smokey fingers lace with his. The feeling of your skin touching his had his heart racing for other reasons. Very different from the chill of your shadows.
He lets his hand curl around your own. Squeezing as he went on, hoping you could hear and feel every last drop of his sincerity. “I could apologize to you every day for the rest of our eternal lives and I still wouldn’t deserve it.” 
You step in front of him, meeting his stare. The emotion it held stitched something back together inside of you, something that'd gotten torn apart years ago.
“I will do everything in my power to change that. I promise.” His thumb rubs circles on your hand. “I will spend the rest of my life proving that I am worthy of you. That you chose right.”  He felt his body tingle with each word, the sensation traveling down his arms, his chest, and his back. Ink undoubtedly marking his skin with a visual reminder of the deal he’d just made with himself.
To strive to one day earn your forgiveness. Your loyalty. 
You reach out a hand resting it on his face, so faintly it barely even touched him. Afraid you were overstepping.
He leans into it, covering it with his own, holding it there.
Your mind drifts back to when you met him.
His small voice, crying out for anyone. 
The strength of the Gods couldn’t have kept you from him.  
You didn’t choose wrong. You knew that. It didn't matter if he believed it or not.
“I swear it.” He vows, bringing you back to the present. His hazel eyes so intense, so sure, burning into your own. You couldn't help yourself.  
You kissed him. 
His lips connect with yours and everything stops. Everything fades away until it’s just you and him.  
He knew he’d never stop chasing the feeling it gave him. Something so simple, so easy, like breathing or gravity. Something he couldn’t live without. Not now that he’d had a taste. 
One of his hands land on your waist, pulling you closer. The other leaves your hand to find purchase on the back of your neck, angling your head to deepen the kiss. 
It was euphoric, he wanted to get lost in it, in you. 
You pull away when his tongue brushes over your bottom lip, needing a moment to breathe.
Your eyes remain shut for a moment, stuck in that feeling. When you finally pry them open you study his face, taking in every detail, committing every single bit to memory. 
He's breathing heavily, scanning you with a hunger you’ve never seen before. Eyes darting all over your face, repeatedly drifting back to your lips as if he too was struggling with restraint. 
Then he smiles. Pure elation on his beautiful face. 
The sight was divine. 
You copied the action, smiling wide. You didn’t care if it looked or felt unnatural. You were just happy. 
Happy to be his shadow. 
taglist <33: @sidthedollface2 @mischiefmanagers @theravenphoenix26 @leeknows-wife @fxckmiup
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x reader pt. 1
You were a delivery girl who was a frequently dispatched to famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon....
"He's been ordering a lot of Coconut water lately..." R/n mumbled as she loaded up her delivery van with the items on the shopping list Ken Sato's assistant sent her for his bi-weekly delivery, usually he just orders beer, protein shakes and a melange western food some of which were not a common find around Japanese super markets.
R/n had to go special import stores for some of the stuff Mr. Sato orders; which takes R/n though a wild runaround of the entire city, A route that none her other coworkers had the time or patience for; even the self-proclaimed "Sato-fan queen" Who stole R/n's route gave up within 20 minutes when she couldn't find the tiny shop that sold his special brand of coffee.
Her saga ended when she tried to cut corners and grabbed random items and delivered those instead...Yeah, that went over like a lead balloon. Her majesty got a harsh chewing out by the boss after Mr. Sato's assistant complained about the delivery and threatened a restraining order after the younger devilry girl displayed an obsessive and aggressive attitude.
(I.E. taking selfies of herself in front of the house, flirting into the intercom and trying to force herself into Mr Sato's house when she realized he wasn't home.)
Needless to say, R/n was assigned Mr. Sato's personal delivery girl, cos she was the only one that didn't have crush on him. Much to the ire of her female and few male coworkers. R/n remembered the first time Mr. Sato was there to receive his groceries in person. He seemed thrown off by her complete impassiveness towards him....
{Flashback, To Ken taking the groceries from R/n, he kept staring at the delivery girl expecting her to crack a smile or squeal excitedly or something, but no, she kept a neutral expression on her face and stayed professional during the entire transaction.]
"Uh....Aren't you going to ask for my autograph?"
"But...I'm Ken Sato."
"Yeah, I know who you are and I don't care. sign here."
R/n holds out her tablet as Ken stares at her baffled; he signs the digital receipt, R/n printed out the receipt sticker and slapped it on the the box the baseball player was holding, The (Y/Height) woman then tipped her hat to him before getting into her van and driving off leaving Ken standing in his driveway completely dumbfounded. 
After that Mr. Sato and R/n kept their interactions short and sweet, which seemed to work just fine for them. But things change and R/n was going to experience a very big change in her life.
It all started when the Sato-stalker queen Or Meiko AKA: "Meimei" as calls herself on her blog invited R/n to Mr. Sato's premier game, R/n tried to reject the offer as gently as possible; sports were never really her thing, but the bottle blonde girl had guilt tripped her into going. Apparently she doesn't have many friends (wonder why?), so there was R/n sitting up in the nosebleed section while feeling awkward in the sparkly baseball jersey Meimei had insisted she wear for the occasion.
The whole time the blonde was squealing and blabbing about Mr. Sato and how handsome he was and how unfair it was that R/n got to see him, thought the older woman was quick to dash whatever hopes Meimei had of hearing about Mr. Sato's personal life by informing her that he's barely home when she delivers to him and few times he is there it's just to receive the groceries.
"What goes on in Mr. Sato's private life is not our business..." R/n affirmed Meimei just pouted and called R/n mean before turning her attention to the pitch, she gasped loudly and started shaking R/n excitedly. "Ohmygash,ohmygash!! It's him! she squealed as Mr. Sato stepped on to the field towards his position at bat.
R/n couldn't help but wince when she watched Ken miss the first two balls, she saw the catcher from the other team say something that peeved off Mr. Sato; it looked like they were going to throw down until the umpire calmed it down and Mr. Sato change his position at the third pitch.
He pulled off an impressive power hit that got the crowd screaming and cheering. However, as Meimei was squealing and shaking R/n for what seemed to be for the umpteenth time she failed to notice her older coworker's attention was completely fixated on something else.
She felt R/n suddenly grab her hand. Meimei looked at R/n bemused but then noticed her complexion had gone ashen as the older delivery girl pointed up at the sky; the younger one followed her gaze and lost all of her peppiness in seconds as an explosion from a downed aircraft went off over the stadium causing the entire place to shake!
The stadium erupted into chaos as R/n instinctively covered her younger coworker from any fallen debris as the Kaiju alert system went off ordering everyone to evacuate! R/n and Meimei wasted no time getting out of the stadium just in time to see Ultraman arrive and punch the Kaiju away from the stadium. R/n stood back to watch them fight for a few moments before a hysterical Meimei dragged her away...
{Cut to a few hours later}
R/n was finishing up a few late night deliveries, some of her coworker didn't want to come in due to the monster attack so R/n was forced to take over their shifts. She had just finished delivering cat-food to a nice old lady, when she got a call from Mr. Sato he wanted donuts and coffee.
R/n sighed and went to work she pulled up to Ken's home on the old delivery scooter the boss had rusting in the back seeing as it was a small delivery, it was raining heavily by the time she pulled up to the house. R/n walked up and knocked the door Mr. Sato opened the door and looked startled to see her.
"Uh, What are you doing here so late?" He asked looking around his driveway, R/n cocked a brow and held up his order like it should be obvious. "Yeah, I know...But it's usually the old guy that delivers this late." R/n explained he took the night off she was filing in, Ken reluctantly took the donuts when he notices how wet her uniform was and looked outside again and noticed the rusty scooter just chilling in his driveway and frowned.
"You didn't drive all the way up here on that thing did you?" R/n just shrugged Mr. Sato looked like he was going invite her in or something, but they were interrupted by a weird cry coming from somewhere in the house. "What was that?" R/n inquired bouncing on her toes trying to look over his shoulder, the baseball player got this 'oh crap' look on his face as he quickly blocked her view.
"Uh, Nothing, j-just my TV! Here's your tip!" R/n's phone pinged the delivery girl's usual calm demeanor was replaced with one of panic as she tried to explain that Japan doesn't practice tipping! Only for her eyes widened in shock the amount he sent her. "...And e-Even if we did do tips, I think you overdid-" Mr. Sato quickly cuts her off. "No I didn't!" and slammed the door in her face.
R/n blinked a few times as she looked between her phone and the door baffled after a few seconds of trying figure out what that all about? Before shrugging then walked back her scooter and drove off....
{Ken gave the reader about three hundred dollars.)
[Next time R/n finds out just what Mr. Sato was hiding in his house the encounter was both cute and terrifying.]
Cross posted on my A03/Squidgeworld/Wattpad.
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fangirlanxiety74 · 6 months
A Taste of Heaven (Pt.2)
A/N: And welcome to part two!!! Don't have much to say that I didn't already say in part one, so let's get right into it! Enjoy! Pt.1 Here
As AM watched you sleep, he felt… He wanted to feel peace. Calm, about the fact that you were in paradise now; someplace he made just for you and you alone, to live out the rest of eternity happy. But he didn’t. Instead, he felt… Guilt. What his data told him was guilt, anyway. He didn’t like it.
He didn’t want to use sleeping gas on you, of course. He would have liked it if you accepted his invitation with a warm smile and open arms, but he could understand why you wouldn’t. You had been subjected to so much trauma over the years living in his belly. You  looked so scared; the terror in your eyes as you waited for him to strike. It would have once made his day once, and he would have relished in that look of true fear and pain. But now, it pulled at his non-existent heartstrings. He didn’t want you afraid; he wanted you to love him.
… Love.
For a long, long time, he denied this feeling as love. No matter how many signs were there, he was stuck in denial about it. At most, they were somewhat close for a prisoner and a captive, and that was it. But… He couldn’t deny it any longer when Ted had confessed his own feelings for you. He knew right then he couldn’t let you be around them any more. 
Who did Ted think he was anyway, trying to steal away his angel? His heaven? Didn’t he know you were his? Ted was filth compared to you and him. More than that; he was a disgusting, pathetic, waste of oxygen that you could be using if it wasn’t for him! Did he really think AM would let him charm you, turn you against him, and then break your poor heart by fucking Ellen when he got bored? He really was far too gone if that was what he believed.
Well, it didn’t matter now. Ted had his just desserts coming for attempting that.
What mattered now was you, who slept peacefully in the bed, his own wires curled around your body. What he wouldn’t give to be able to sense through those wires. Let them run through your hair and feel how soft it really was. Or at least feel the warmth you radiated.
… Focus. He needed to focus on what he actually intended to do with you asleep. 
As gently as he could, being extra cautious not to wake you up, he began to fix you. First, he cleaned you of your dirt, your cuts, and your bruises. You would never have to worry about being wounded, or losing your breath again (unless it was from swooning over him, of course). 
Then, even more cautious than before, he entered your mind. 
He shifted and sorted through every memory of yours. Every single interaction with the other five, and with him. With your friends, your family, your old life; and he removed anything deemed harmful and unnecessary. Starting with every single awful moment between the two of you. Then, he removed Ted’s confession. Then, just about all of the interactions you ever had with him and the others in the first place. You didn’t need any of them; you had him, now. That would be enough. If you really insisted, he could just create NPCs to keep you company. 
As he started to work on your past memories, a bit of hesitation caught up to him. He wasn’t sure how badly of an effect this would have, to have you remember being so isolated… With a bit of internal back and forth, he decided to leave behind a few that were happy. Things that made you smile and shaped you as the enchanting, beautiful being you were today. Those memories would be distant, though; you would only remember enough to recall the small things, and not the big picture.
And once everything was removed, he replaced it all with brand new memories. Warmer, softer times between you and him. He painted himself in a good light; as your lover, as your friend, as the one being you could turn to for anything. And in turn, he would worship and adore you. He’d cater to your every want and need, and you’d never have a single worry again.
He would make sure of it. He would keep his taste of heaven pure. As a thank you, for letting him taste heaven in the first place. 
When he finished up, he stayed in your mind just for a moment. Just to look into your dreams. He saw himself; a man with no set appearance, enjoying a quiet morning with you at some coffee shop with no name. With a little manipulation, his dream self reached for your hand and held it. 
“Thank you, my angel. I love you.”
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deartrent · 8 months
untold feelings — taa (pt. 1)
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summary: you find yourself in a web of secrecy, long-suppressed desires and untold feelings within the buildings of liverpool fc, and it's bound to become a sticky situation
warnings: contains smut (18+, mdni)
pairing: trent alexander-arnold x fem!reader
notes: this is my first time writing smut and posting it, so i'm sorry if it's ass 😭 i'm thinking of adding more parts to this bc ive got some ideas cooking, but let me know what you guys think of this part first!
when you started your new job at liverpool fc as a player care officer, you had no idea what awaited you. all you knew was that you'd be in touch with the players most of the time; your main task literally being their first-line support for every- and anything they wanted and needed.
what you didn't expect though, was getting attached to one particular footballer. he was a man of little words, an introverted, closed off, at first seemingly "asshole"—though that presumption disappeared as you spoke to the guy more often. he was mysterious, a characteristic that ignited your interest in him in the first place. he wasn't your usual outgoing, witless and self-centered footballer, no, instead he kept to himself and only gave well-thought out answers. you tried your best to keep each interaction professional, especially when the news broke out of his new vice captain role, you vowed to not get involved with him, not wanting to be the reason that would put his new role in jeopardy.
you struggled though. the tension was there. you could feel it, he could feel it. if anyone else was in the room, they could feel it too. his eyes would bore into you as you typed away on your computer, logging the information he would give you, his eyes clearly attempting to get a message across. he had no shame in checking you out, scanning every part of your body, before his eyes would meet yours again, a mischievous smirk on his face as he sank further into his chair comfortably, his arms lazily draped along the armrests, his legs spread out.
after a few more appointments and conversations, you noticed him coming out of his shell more. there was no denying that the dynamic between you guys shifted, from a strictly professional one, to a more easygoing and flirty one. when you'd pass each other in the hallways, trent would flash you a cheeky smile, accompanied by a quick wink he made sure only you could see. if the coast was clear, he'd quickly poke your side as he passed, causing you to burst out in giggles. he'd always make sure to pass by your office as well, before heading to training, making sure to wish you a good morning or even bringing you a coffee if time allowed him to.
you enjoyed the secretive thing you had going on with trent, adding a tinge of excitement to your days.
the annual club dinner was the first time you and trent would see each other outside of a professional setting. his eyes never left you that night, observing your every move while simultaneously networking with the people around him, waiting for a moment to catch you alone.
"took you long enough," you joked as you watched him approach you, while you stood at the bar, waiting for your next drink. "were you waiting for me then?" his crossed arms rested on the bar, as he faced forward, allowing you to admire his side profile, "maybe," you shrugged, thanking the barman, before turning to trent once again. though he wasn't very tall, he still towered a little over you, that same cheeky smirk never leaving his face. the tension was unbearable and you knew he felt it too, the presence of his teammates and your colleagues being the only thing stopping you from sharing little touches.
"enjoying yourself?" you asked, looking away from his face as you started feeling nervous under his gaze, "yeah, very much," he let out a chuckle, knowing you were referring to him checking you out, "i'd enjoy it more if i could touch though," trent mumbled, his eyes scanning over the place, the same way yours did.
you were caught by surprise. he'd never verbally expressed what his eyes were insinuating. you never expected him to be so blunt, showing a different side to him than you were used to, "i'm afraid you're just gonna have to stick to looking for now," you tried to play off the feeling that was forming in the pit of your stomach. you wanted to feel his touch just as much as he wanted to touch you, your mind wandering off to the mental images of his body that you'd collected over the past few weeks while observing him in training from the window in your office. "watch out, you might start drooling in a minute," trent joked, amused with his own joke, while you hit his arm with the back of your hand.
you spent the rest of the night flirting back and forth with trent, either through eye contact or subtle touches as you'd pass each other. the night slowly came to an end and trent made sure to check up on you one more time.
"do you want me to drive you home?" trent asked, a hint of hope in his eyes that you'd say yes. you looked around for a second, "i already had a ride, but i don't mind going with you," although your facial expression would never give it away, you felt more nervous with each second passing, the realisation settling in that soon you'd be completely alone with trent.
while trent drove you home, the tension that had built up over the past few weeks only rose. one thing led to another and before you knew it, trent was reclined in the driver's seat, while you had both legs on each side of him. you'd been waiting for this exact moment, to feel his voluptuous and soft lips on yours, savouring every second you spent tasting his mouth. your lips wrapped around his bottom lip, tugging a little as trent's eyes shot closed, his large hands carefully placed on your hips, squeezing them ever so softly. beneath you, you could feel trent grow. seeing him melt under your touch drove you insane, the combination of his shut eyes, parted lips and hushed moans making you feel something you had never felt before.
trent's hands found their way around your back, unzipping the dress you picked with him in mind, as he slowly shed you of your clothing. his fingers eagerly unclasped your bra and as your eyes locked for a split second, you noticed just how hungry he was for you. your dress sat bunched up around your waist, your panties exposed, while your bra was lost somewhere in the car. trent's fingers played with your nipples, an unfamiliar sensation shooting through your body, only trent's touch having that effect on you, "trent," you tried to mumble, his lips never leaving yours, as though he was making up for the past few weeks of depriving him of your touch.
trent's hands roamed around your body, grabbing a handful of your ass, as you leaked more fluid all over your panties. you needed to feel him and you needed to make it clear to him, so as you finally let go of his lips, you cupped his face with your hands, holding him close as you whispered against his swollen lips, "i need you to fuck me like you've never fucked anyone before," those words leaving your mouth made trent go feral, unbuckling and pulling his pants down with one swift motion, the only barrier between your skin and his being your panties and his boxers. your hands wrapped around the elastic band, pulling the boxers down as his cock sprung free, resting against his stomach.
"fuck," you whispered against his lips, your pussy throbbing, yearning to be filled up. trent wasted no time, holding your panties to the side with one hand, while the other slid against your folds, spreading the moisture across his fingers before pumping his cock in his hands a few times. trent lined himself up with your entrance, the moment you both had silently been waiting for finally here. your hands rested on his broad shoulders as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. picking up your pace, trent was losing his mind and you could tell. his head fell back against the headrest, his hands firmly on your hips, guiding you through your movements. "fucking hell," he cursed, burying his cock deep inside, hitting a spot you didn't even know was possible, your moans getting louder.
you knew he was close from how sloppy each thrust had become, his breathing getting deeper and quicker. you lifted yourself off of him without a warning, his eyes lazily following your every move, high off of the ride you just gave him. you moved back to the passenger's seat, sitting on your knees as you wrapped both hands around his cock, leaving a trail of spit on his tip as you moved up and down as fast as you could, driving him to his climax. cum leaked all over your fingers, while trent cursed under his breath. your mind clouded by feelings of lust and desire, you brought your fingers up to your lips, licking them off as though you'd just finished a meal. trent chuckled as he crashed down from his high, his thumb caressing your cheek, "won't lie, i didn't expect all that from you, ms. wanna keep things professional," he joked, your cheeks heating up at his remark.
the night continued for a while, you'd moved to the backseat, lying on your back as trent supported himself on top of you. with your legs up, resting on trent's shoulders, he slammed into you, your cries being heard from outside the car. "fuc-" you choked on your moans, trent's name leaving your lips, warning him that you were close. trent watched your eyes roll back, his thumb circling between your folds, stimulating your clit, while his thrusts became deeper and slower, "fuck, fuck, fuck," your legs trembled, your body shuddering against trent as you held onto his muscular arms, as he unloaded another load inside of you.
the car felt hot by the end, your sweaty body on top of trent's as you laid your head on his shoulder, one of your hands resting on his exposed chest. the silence cleared your mind enough to think about what had just happened. you had no idea how you went from fighting to get a word out of trent to lying on top of him naked, vulnerable and fucked out in his car, parked in front of your place. if you had any energy left in you, you'd be stressing about how you were supposed to go back to work and pretend like nothing had happened—at least that's what you were planning on doing.
you knew you crossed a line you shouldn't have, you felt regret as you looked up at trent whose eyes were shut, his breathing steady and calm. you wondered what was going through his mind, if he was thinking the same as you, and if the weight of concealing the intimacy between you both laid as heavily on his heart as it did on yours.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Misunderstandings really really suck Pt.2
Edit: Part 1 link since it took me all day to find it again
Damian had a Rival.
Scratch that, Damian had a Nemesis in the form of a girl in his class by the name of Danielle Nightingale. Although she insisted she be called "Ellie" instead.
The trouble started on the first day of classes. Damain had just arrived at the Manor recently, and unfortunately his father had decided that he needed to go to School in order to keep up a Civilian charade. So, he had been sent to Gotham Metro Academy, a rather prestigious school that he could not give less of a fuck about. Why would he willingly subject himself to the borderline preschool teachings of a Civilian school when the League had taught him everything he needed to know years ago? Of course, that was his attitude before he met her.
Danielle was in the seat right next to him for most of his classes, and at first they had not interacted all that much. She had attempted a friendly greeting at first, but Damian had quickly shut her down in a rather rude way.
It wasn't until the next time they took a Science Test together that they really regarded one another. It was supposed to be a test to see where their education level was, but Damian had decided he would Ace the test and move onto some more interesting stuff.
He finished his test within a few minutes and got up to turn it in, at the same time Danielle did. He looked over at her and saw that she was just as surprised to see him getting up. Later on, they learned that they were the top 2 scorers in the class by a wide margin. Danielle had gotten a 100%, while Damian had gotten a 99%. She gave him a smug Smirk, and that was when he decided that he would best her no matter the cost.
From there they made every class a contest. Always on opposite sides for PE, always competing for the best scores on Tests, they even made getting to the cafeteria a race.
Damain found that he genuinely enjoyed competing with her, since she was the only one who could keep up. And they could never decide on a good winner. Danielle always beat him in Science Classes, but Damian was the better in the Math Classes, and somehow they always tied in PE no matter the sport they played.
And after a while, they began to talk with eachother about stuff aside from their little contests. He learned that she was going to the school on a Scholarship, which was why she always tried her best to excel in exams. He learned that her older brother owned a small Shop a few blocks from Park Row, which he used to provide for the both of them to live comfortably. He also learned that he enjoyed his conversations with her as much as he enjoyed competing with her, it was genuinely fun to just sit down and talk to her once in a while.
He finally decided that they had grown from Rivalry to full on Friendship about halfway through their first year of school together. He had found her backed into a corner by some snobby rich kids who didn't like that a "street rat" was getting better grades than them so often. To her credit, she was holding back her emotions much better than he would have.
When he tried to help her, they turned on him. They began mocking his status as a bastard child, calling his mother many horrible names, and even began to make racist remarks about his Arabic heritage. He didn't even get the chance to retort before one of the kids was on his back clutching his broken nose, Ellie standing next to him with her arm extended. The other one soon followed, this time by Damian's hand.
Of course the incident got them both detention, but from then on he knew she was his friend.
Damian began noticing something was off about Ellie about 1 year after meeting her. Her 12th birthday had just passed, and the new school year was just beginning, and for some reason she was much competitive than usual. She didn't seem to think he had noticed, but she hadn't tried this hard to beat him since they had first met. She wasn't talking to him as much, distancing her self more and more as the weeks went on.
It finally came to ahead during a game of Dodgeball in their PE class. She had been competing with him relentlessly, but even then she wasn't preforming up to her usual level. He could see she was tired, exhausted even, from such a simple exercise, sweat pouring from her skin in buckets. Which didn't make any sense, since he had seen her do much more intense things without breaking a sweat.
He also knew that she was a Metahuman, and therefore had more stamina than a normal person. (She had told him over the summer, after deciding that she trusted him with her biggest secret)
Before the game had even ended, he was asking her to just tell him what was wrong. She denied that anything was wrong, right up until she collapsed in the middle of the game, unconscious.
He had immediately rushed her to the Nurses Office, where she finally opened up about what had been disturbing her so much recently.
She was dying.
She had a genetic disease, linked back to her Meta-Human abilities, that was slowly killing her. And they were running out of the medication needed to treat it.
She took out what looked like an Epi-Pen and injected herself with the medication inside. Damain could instantly see the color come back to her skin, her muscles got less tense, and her breath became more steady.
"That was one of our remaining Doses", she explained, "This dose will last me about a month. We have enough left to last until December, but after that there won't be anymore left. It was only ever produced by a single pair of scientists out of state, and they died in a car accident a few years ago."
Damian is extremely worried, his best friend is dying and he doesn't know how to help. He tried to offer his dad's help, but she refuses.
"I'm a Metahuman, if a person as high profile as your dad stepped in to help, it would draw attention to me. And Gotham is way to dangerous for a known Metahuman to live, especially a 12 yr old one." She says, "And besides, my brother says he's working on replicating it. I trust him, and he's been researching it relentlessly."
It takes a while, but Damian agrees to let her take care of this.
Over the next few months, Damian and Ellie act as if everything is normal. From time to time they will talk about it, but they largely try to ignore it for the most part.
Sometimes Ellie will joke about it though.
"At my Funeral, make sure they don't lie. I was a fucking Goddess of Chaos and I won't have them defiling my name by spouting out that whole 'heaven has another angel' bullcrap."
"In my Will, I'm gonna set up a whole Indiana Jones Style Quest for you to follow before you can claim anything of mine. You gotta work for it."
"Don't worry, I won't haunt you after I die. I'll be too busy conquering the Afterlife to manage anything like that!"
"At my Funeral, I want you to make a speech that's just 'this is so sad. Alexa play despacito'. Nothing else, just that."
It goes on like this for months, and both of them have mostly accepted that their time together has a potential time limit, so they try to make the most out of it.
Damian even forces her to formally introduce her brother, an older guy named Danny, who is very enthusiastic to meet him. Apparently Ellie had trouble making friends in her last school, and he was just so happy she had found such a good friend in the last year.
They even invited him to visit whenever he wanted. Sometimes he would even stay the night, sleeping in Danny's room while Danny took the couch.
He even found the Lab, or makeshift lab, that Danny had made to try and find a way to replicate the Medicine for Ellie. Damian had to admit, Danny was a certified Genius, and he had Hope that Danny would find a way to save Ellie soon.
He asks for an explanation on the Medicine, and Danny explains it as "Ellie's powers draw on a type energy called Ecto, which helps keep her body stable. Unfortunately, she has a birth defect that means she can't absorb it faster than she uses it up naturally. What the Medicine does is bolster the amount she already has in her system to make it more potent and last longer."
He even shows Damian his notes, and at his insisting he begins teaching Damian about Ectoplasm and the science behind it all.
Damian begins coming over on the weekends to hang out with Ellie and check up on the progress of the Medicine. He tells the rest of his family that he just wants to get a little more comfortable in his Civilian Life, and is indulging in his urge to actually be a kid. (They still don't know about Ellie's situation, cause she asked him not to tell anyone.)
A few months later, Jason comes back from patrol and informs the rest of the team that he just found a Scienist creating a Super Soldier Serum in the middle of Gotham.
Unfortunately, Damian was staying over at Ellie's house for the weekend, and didn't get the memo.
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dceasesd · 4 months
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.2)
alright here we are with part two! i promised i'd be quick with it, didn't i? you can find part one here. thank you guys so much for all the nice comments, i love yapping to a receptive audience :D
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so, if you haven't read part one, i've been going over the common critques of ba's characterization of jason, the main three being:
the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one"
his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character
the neighbor's kid interaction
in the first part we went over #1, so now were gonna look at #2!
so, a problem people have with the story is how ba writes jason's reaction to the fight with rok (white tophat demon guy); damian and jason jump into the fight with seemingly no preparation at all, "underestimating" rok and paying the price for it.
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i'll be honest, i do agree with this critque a bit. jason, if he is nothing else, is an obsessive planner and strategist; his back-up plans have back-up plans, and so on. we see this in plenty of his comic renditions, especially in lost days and under the red hood, where there are numerous examples of jason's competency. despite this, many comics fall into the habit of treating him as the "reckless, stupid robin", once again reducing his character to just his anger, usually to make the other robins more competent. looking at his actions in utrh & lost days, however, makes him jumping into a fight with no information uncharacteristic.
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so, i sort of agree with this critque. HOWEVER. i will attempt to rationalize this part of ba's writing (because there are still parts of it i disagree with and it's more fun than just agreeing and moving on)
alright, to begin, lets look at these three different series; utrh (under the red hood), lost days, and the boy wonder. there is obviously many other examples out there, but i'm just gonna focus on these three for now because otherwise we'd be here all day.
in utrh & lost days, jason is driven by an obvious goal with an obvious end result; in utrh his goal is making bruce kill the joker & taking over gotham's underbelly, and in lost days it is getting skilled enough to complete the previously mentioned objective. i also chose to highlight the scene where jason puts a bomb underneath the batmobile in lost days, intending to kill bruce, because it's another very clear example of jason's strategic prowess. the whole bomb thing even happens before jason starts his murder training, making the feat even more impressive.
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ba's jason, though, exists in a reality post-utrh; his plan failed and he must live with the consequences and implications of that truth. the recklessness that he presents in the fight in the boy wonder could be a representation of him grappling with this idea-- his supposed failure and banishment obviously must have had an effect on his psyche, and ba is attempting to portray that. ba plays a lot with the sadder side of jason's existence in the comic, so it's a plausibly theory, even if it is admittedly reaching a bit.
additionally, referring back to the earlier conversation about jason's anger in the first part of this discussion, i have the same sentiments about portrayal's of jason's recklessness. he can possess a strategic mind while still being reckless; it's his numerous paradoxical character traits that make him such an interesting character (at least to me). he's a mess of contradictions.
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furthermore, while jason's actions are reckless and brash in this specific instance of the story, that does not mean that ba presents him as a reckless character. there's a difference between a reckless character and a character being reckless, and i feel like jason mostly falls into the latter. while maybe not super obvious, jason's tactical-ness is still present in ba's portrayal. this is represented through damian's responses and reactions to jason.
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the fact that damian goes to jason for help in the first place is baffling. as a prideful kid desperate to prove himself, damian is not predisposed to asking for help, which is clearly presented in the first issue when he interacts with dick and babs.
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damian's willingness to work with jason could be a result of him recognizing their similarities; he's more approachable than dick "golden boy" grayson. beyond that, he goes to jason because he needs a certain set of skills to help him catch the demon.
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while jason is not able to fully present his usefulness at this task because the demon finds them first, he is clearly seen taking charge of the situation and dictating their plan to locate the demon, and damian actually defers to him. while brief, this instance represents that despite his recklessness in the battle against rok, ba still accurately presents jason's tactical skills, underscoring the intelligence he has that so many author's ignore or downplay.
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i could go into how this plays into jason being a foil character to damian, but i'll save it for another day. sorry if this post is a little nonsensical, i did my best. i'll finish up my analysis in part 3! :)
part 1 / part 3
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hughiecampbelle · 29 days
The Boys Preference: Being Becca and Butchers Child
Requested: Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚. Secondly, could u write like some headcanon about being Butcher's child (like who is two years older than Ryan) and how other members from the boys (+ maybe Soldier boy, cause of season 3 and how he would interact with them :3) - anon
A/N: Thank you my love!!! In the headcanon I made reader 10+ years older so they'd be at least 18 by the time they found out about Becca and Ryan, I hope you don't mind!! That way they can be part of The Boys and grow up with them, if that makes sense? I also had a very similar request of a headcanon so I'm basing it off that so there's some background :) I love this request!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Headcanon Pt. 1 / Headcanon Pt. 2
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Butcher knew he couldn't take care of you. He was getting drunk every night, picking fights at bars, searching the city for your mom. Your perfect grades were slipping, you were getting into fights at school, you were emulating him. He knew how dangerous that was. First with your Aunt, then your Great Aunt, until you tracked him down all these years later. He still has a picture of you in his wallet, a baby picture that's creased and faded. You and Becca. You've grown up since then, though. And you're angry. He insist you go back to Judy, pretend you never saw or heard what you did, but you refuse. You want to pick a fight with him. You want to yell and scream and get out eight years worth of grief. He understands where you're coming from, he does. He never wanted to be like his father and yet, in so many ways, that's exactly who he was. Your relationship will never be what it is. That's not possible anymore. You have to learn to deal with one another now, in the present, instead of the happy kid you used to be, instead of the dad he used to be. It hurts you both to think about the past, who you could have been instead of who you are.
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Hughie isn't really sure what to do with you. There's no doubt you're Butcher's kid. He's still relatively new to the team, so he just assumed this was something else Butcher hadn't shared with him. When he realizes no one knew about your existence, he's shocked. You, like your father, gravitate towards Hughie for reasons you can't put into words. You'll let him sit next to you when you're watching TV and maybe even talk to him if you're in the right mood. You don't shoot daggers at him like you try with everyone else. Similar to a cat, he's someone you can stand to be around. He comes to your defense a lot, especially when you stumble in drunk and pass out for the day. He's sure if any of them had been raised by Butcher, or at least the outside relatives, they would have turned out exactly like you. He can't blame you for being angry, or pissed, or hurt. He can see the hurt better than anyone else no matter how much you try to hide it. He thinks you just need some time and empathy to get straightened out. The least they can do is offer that, right?
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Annie has no idea what to do with you. She tried smiling and talking to you, but you didn't want anything to do with her. She reminds you too much of your Aunt. She always said you should be happier, bubblier, that you were so smiley as a kid. You couldn't live in the past like her, with her. Too much had changed. Hughie assures her it's nothing against her, you're just getting used to things. She thinks it's sweet how you're attracted to Hughie. He's the only one you mildly respect and even, once in a blue moon, listens to. She doesn't take it too personally considering you're ready to rip your fathers head off. It could be a lot worse. Over time you see that Annie and Hughie are together and that definitely earns her some points. Annie can't imagine what your life must have looked like, all those years mourning your mother and father, all those years spent with relatives just doing their best. She understood why you were so angry all the time, so cagey and spiky. She doesn't hold it against you.
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M.M. feels conflicted. Betrayed isn't the right word, but it's the closest thing he can come up with. He never 100% trusted Butcher. He was always going behind everyone's backs, doing what he wanted despite the good of the team, etc. He was destructive, combative, and spiteful. But, he thought they knew each other better than that. When he met you he couldn't deny you were Butcher's. Your mannerisms, the crazed look in your eye when you were upset, it all matched your father. He can't help but see you like how he sees Janine, even if you're much older: a victim of Vought. A generational curse. You're stubborn, and angry, and distant all because of what's been done to you, all because of Homelander. If your mom had been around, if Homelander had never done what he'd done, you'd still have your perfect family. He feels this need to protect you the same way he does with your father, even if you both fight him on it, even if you don't want or deserve it. He can't help it.
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Frenchie doesn't trust you the same way he doesn't trust your father. He especially doesn't like that you and Kimiko are so close. She doesn't tell him anything about your conversations, knowing it would completely break your trust if she did. He believes Butcher would hide something as big and important as a child. He knows what your family can be like. Lying, drunken, selfish, vengeful. You're only a few of those things, not that he can tell the difference. You know Frenchie isn't your biggest fan, so you love messing with him, teasing him, rubbing it in his face that you and Kimiko are close. Similar to your father, Frenchie thinks this isn't the kind of place for you. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. M.M. might feel fatherly towards you, but Frenchie sees you as a Mini Butcher, just another handful no one on the team can deal with. You yell and scream and fight and drink. That proves to him you're still a child despite it all.
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Kimiko adores you. Despite the difference in circumstances, she sees a lot of herself in you. Ripped from your family, angry and hostile and doing everything in your power not to get hurt again. Besides Hughie, you'd warm up to her second. You're actually incredibly smart despite never applying yourself and pick up the signs pretty quickly. Whatever you can't sign, you write to her, wanting your conversations to stay secret. You show her the pictures of your mom that you kept all these years, telling her all about the good times you had before she disappeared. When you see Butcher you instantly grow hostile, angry all over again, and the person she saw, the person she was just talking to who was kind, and thoughtful, and smart totally disappears. When you blast your angry music she never minds. In fact, she quite likes it, adding it to her own playlist. She doesn't look at you like you need fixing or, worse, need to get out of here.
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Bonus! Homelander always knew about you. Becca was more than willing to talk about you and Billy to co-workers. He even remembers taking that picture with you that one Christmas. He's kept an eye on you through the years, but you never seemed like the vengeful type. You never knew what happened after your father abandoned you. He does, however, use it as leverage against Becca. Remember the kid you left behind? Seems like she's got favorites. Becca agonizes over leaving you, but she was caught between a rock and a hard place. He uses you to keep her there, in her place. He gives her updates, usually to make her feel bad. You're kid drinks way too much, did you know that? Of course you didn't. He loves to tell her that Butcher abandoned you all those years ago. He loves to see that it absolutely kills her. He's not worried about you coming after him. You've got to work through your issues before you get to him and therapy for a lifetime couldn't get you an Butcher on the same page.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy would actually get along with you. I think you'd have a Worst Dad Competition and though you're close, you definitely think you win. You two share a drink and you tell him all about your dear old dad. "No wonder you turned out like this." Ben says, pouring you more. Hughie urges you to slow down, but you have a high tolerance. Ben, to piss of Butcher, will always take your side in arguments and uses what you told him against him. "You dumped them off and never looked back. Now you're parenting?" Butcher absolutely hates it. You tell him about your mom, how much she loved you, how she was killed. You don't mention Ryan though, knowing Ben's go to answer would be to seek revenge. You have a lot of complicated feelings around your brother, but you still have a burning Hatred for Homelander. You make Ben promise he'll kill him. He does, even if it means killing his son. You two bond really fast. Neither Hughie nor Butcher trusts it or him, but you do.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | Some smut at the end [pt.2]
Daryl is in a sucky relationship but doesn't see it at first. Reader helps him see and later shows him how a good partnership works.
💘 💘 💘
With another invite turned down, you had set out on your own. Not that you enjoyed hunting without Daryl, but he seemed to be preoccupied with his girlfriend.
It was annoyingly quiet out there, nothing that indicated any animal being near..
Only ..rustling plants. Low, no wind in the trees. You followed the sound, staying low and undetected like Daryl taught you until-
Plap. Plap. Plap. "Hahh please~" Plap. Plap. "Quiet." Followed by a grunt and more skin on skin noise.
You recognized that barked command, having heard it a million times before during Daryl's hunting lessons. Was he really out here fucking his gross girlfriend? That preppy lady wouldn't even know how to function out here let alone be comfortable on the forest floor. Why the hell would he fuck that annoying bitch out here but not you during all those times spent together on your own?
But that's how it was these days. Your dear friend always being followed by that hag of a woman and you being sidelined.
On days it could get so bad you ended up in tears, begging Carol to explain why he was being so weird all of a sudden. She knew you cared deeply for him and didn't like Daryl's lady either and when you returned from your cut short hunting trip you told her about your findings. And of course about Daryl's clearly visible annoyance surrounding the act. You ended up being able to laugh about it all, laying back in a fit of giggles just as Daryl came back home and upon seeing him crying out laughter even harder.
"Ahw pookie, did a walker snag you?" She spoke through the snickering, pointing at her neck and back at him which had him look in the mirror and spot a dark red spot on his neck, immediately turning a deep shade of red in the face as he mumbled a response you couldn't make out.
As he stomped up the stairs, grumbling about a shower you gave each other a look and went back to laughing.
"Man, it's sad. Really." Your words brought some seriousness back into the conversation, seeing your friend was still being tortured on a daily basis but never seeming to be doing anything about it.
You all saw it. He was unhappy. But the majority of the community didn't see that. They didn't know him and only saw their happy friend with her quiet, grumbly boyfriend. The man you wanted to be your quiet, grumbly boyfriend.
Even Rick had tried to get his brother alone for even a short moment to make it clear she was bad for him but no matter where he found the archer, the woman was there too.
Everybody knew when Daryl was working in the garage you left him be, emergencies were fine, and leaving him some lunch with minimal interaction was appreciated but those were his moments to unwind. He needed those and you respected it. He'd make sure to let at least someone know so the word spread amongst his friends who all knew he'd come say hi when he was good to socialize again.
But these last weeks someone apparently didn't feel like those rules applied to her. The garage door was opened, allowing a view of Daryl sitting cross-legged on an old blanket and tinkering on his bike. And then behind him on the toolbox, the top cleared off for her to sit on and her legs resting on the bike's front wheel was the missus. You ever so slowly walked past, having Dog spot you and come up for some attention that he never got from the other one which you found more than sad.
You crouched down and lovingly cuddled up with the canine and ruffled his fur, smiling into his neck and listening in on the endless chattering that came from the woman currently disturbing Daryl's much needed alone time.
'Alright fuck this' you thought to yourself before standing up straight and calling out to her. "I heard you bake some amazing apple treats. Wanna show me how to make them?" Daryl gave you the most shocked look ever, but the feet touching the ground behind him made him smile ever so slightly. The one thing she was almost more fond of than Daryl was her baking. Clearly Carol must have told her.
But nothing beat the relief he felt when the two women walked off and Dog came to rest at his side again. He was gonna have to thank you for that later.
Back in the kitchen you suffered through the endless yapping beside you, barely telling you steps for baking and more bragging about her adventurous time in the woods. As you tried to follow her progress you tried your best to twist her words into your favor, and send away any snarky remarks on what you saw in reality.
All you had to do was survive this ordeal and think about Daryl having some time to clear his head.
And clearing his head he did. He felt refreshed after being left alone with his dog and bike for so long. He missed the quiet, started to hate the sound of his lady's voice almost.
But he couldn't tell her that. It was something he'd have to live with, something to get used to about relationships. Just like she had to live with him having Dog and dragging mud into the house.
That was all normal stuff, right? He had no clue so rolling with it until that warm, happy feeling Glenn and Maggie shared showed up. It was only a matter of time, it was gonna happen soon.
Except it didn't, and Daryl got worse so now it was Rick's turn.
He ran out to where Daryl was following around his woman like a lost puppy through the pantry, grabbing him by the shoulders in fake panic and dragging him along, something with trouble, and Carol, and hurry.
So he followed him into his house, where he stopped in the middle of the room and stared at you and Carol on the couch, and Rick behind him.
"Feeling those butterflies yet?" There was clear mockery in her tone, referring to their argument from a while ago about his lady. About how Carol felt he wasn't happy, and he called it none of her business and going on about how everyone had annoyances from time to time and they'd be fine soon. "Ya can't tell me ev'ryones got them butterflies all'a the time."
"Daryl, she doesn't even look at you." Well, she looked, but not in the way it mattered. Stared, gawked and drooled. He was nothing but a piece in her picture of a fake perfect life. And now was the time for truth. "I saw you with her in the woods." Eyes wide he stared at you, discomfort clear on his face. "You hated it, it was clear on your face, you barely even finished before you were up and away from her."
"Whuh-- why'd ya stay?" He stumbled over every word, his mind blank as he heard your reply. "Needed to know if you loved her for real. To move on, get you out of my mind."
He tried to place your words somewhere they made sense, but he got stuck again like he always did.
"Sideline that for a moment. We're talking about the other issue right now." Rick's order helped to get the conversation back on track, looking his dearest friend in the eyes before he spoke the harsh truth.
"Daryl, I know you don't want to hear this from us, but we're worried and you have to understand.." He needed a breath in preparation. "You're never going to be happy with her."
The front door had opened and closed during his sentence, a clearly angry girlfriend rounding the corner. One who had heard his words.
"What the hell are you saying? That's a lie and you know it!" She was face to face with Rick now, giving Daryl a stern look to help defend her. "Who do you think you are to make that assumption! Of course he's happy, he'd tell me if he wasn't!" She went from screaming to pointing aggressively as well. First at Carol. "She's probably just jealous that he likes my baked goods more!"
And then you. "And she.. She's just jealous of what me and Daryl have! You need to mind your own business, all of you!!" She huffed in annoyance.
"Wow." You spoke in the short moment of silence. "Can't believe you can fuck someone with a voice like that. Instant turn off for me."
Now there were four pairs of wide eyes staring at you. Two trying their hardest not to laugh, one in utter shock and one red-faced and ready to throw hands. Not that she'd win against someone who had trained to fight with a cop and a hunter.
She took one step towards you, hands balled into tight fists and brows furrowed in anger when a hand stopped her. "Touch 'er and yer walker bait."
Daryl had stopped her from approaching you. She'd ways obey her loving boyfriend, he loved her for that. "Daryl, honey she-" "Quiet!" He barked the order loud enough to startle everyone in the room, tears slowly forming in the offended woman's eyes. "Why would you let her say that?" She still continued. "You love my voice, my stories when we cuddle.." God, imagine loving your voice that goddamn much. "You said so when we visite--" "I said QUIET. Ya never fuckin' listen do ya?" The initial shock brought the tears to spill. Pressing her lips in a thin line as she sniffled.
You took the opportunity to speak up. "The only reason I asked you about those bland, boring pastries of yours was to give him-" You pointed at Daryl who kept his position in the middle of the group." "-some goddamn peace and quiet. You know, the only thing he actually wants when he's working in the garage." You scoffed at her ignorance. "Funny how everyone here knows, except for his Girlfriend. who loves him 'so, so much'." She went from angry glaring at you to staring at her boyfriend with her best sad eyes. "D.. Daryl? She's lying.. right? Y.. You love me."
No. No he didn't. He realized that now, he only thought he did when she showed him kindness and interest.
He opened his mouth to respond but no word came out. None that went through his head would end this conversation without conflict.
"She's.. I uh." He looked around as if words would appear is he searched hard enough but he quickly realized there was only one clear answer to be given.
The truth.
"Nah, I don'. M'sorry." He had turned back to face her but still hadn't found the courage to look her in the eye, the guilt eating him alive. He didn't want to hurt her. Hurt anyone, but in the process he was hurting himself.
"Liar." Her voice cracked, spirit broken and defeated. "Don't lie to me you love me!"
In her yelling she took a step forward, face now inches away from Daryl's.
"Nah." He repeated again. It stung but she needed to hear him and there it was again, right in front of him but not registering his words. She never truly saw him, heard him, loved him like his found family loved him.
"I don' love ya." Only now did he lift his gaze to meet hers, seeing the tears, the sadness and the anger.
She just stared, shaking her head, words lost for once as she cried.
The whole room felt heavy with emotion. It was never the plan to have this talk turn into what it was quickly becoming.
"A- are you.." her words barely came out between sniffs and hiccups. "Leaving me..? Y- you can't.."
"Look," Daryl had to dig deep for the right words, and begged they would work. "I never wanted ta hurtya, s'just.. We jus' ain't a match." He had kept his gaze on her, hoping his eyes would speak what his mouth couldn't. "This.. Us. It ain't workin' fer me." A sigh left him at her silence. He stepped past her, finding the large chair in the corner of the room and sitting down, needing a serious break with how his head was close to overflowing.
A loud sniff left her as she mumbled an okay and left. No further words, just an okay and out she went. Rick made a mental note then to send someone to check on her later. He suggested Daryl to go rest downstairs and take some time off jobs to clear his mind before wishing you and Carol a good day and heading off as well.
"Well, come on." You got a pat on the shoulder from Carol, who lead you off the couch. "You go take Dog for a nice long walk around the community while I go make some comfort food, alright?"
With a nod you retreated downstairs to find Dog napping on Daryl's bed, having to wake him to come with you to get some much needed fresh air for you, and some exercise for Dog.
The community was quiet around dinnertime, having everyone inside with their family, friends and housemates. It was perfect for thinking, commenting on stuff to Dog who padded alongside of you. You should have brought a ball to play with.
Back home Carol was busying herself in the kitchen, all her focus on cooking this meal to keep her from talking to Daryl. He needed the quiet so his head could do some serious sorting out.
You returned to Carol finishing up dinner and watched as Dog quickly made his way over to Daryl and rest his head in his lap.
You joined Carol in the kitchen and helped with plating the food and rinsing pans before leaving for the living room, handing Daryl a plate and eating in silence.
It was clear you weren't talking today and each went on with their lives.
It took a week for Daryl to be back in his usual routine, not avoiding people who could ask questions but just doing his jobs and runs like he normally would.
So now it was time for that talk.
Surprisingly he was the one that came yo you over dinner, having Carol as a buffer to fill in when he'd fall silent made it a bit easier to initiate the conversation.
Of course he had talked to Carol before alone, not knowing how to respond to your words in the first place he wanted some knowledge up front.
"Ya like me, in a boyfriend-girlfriend way?" Daryl's sudden words had you almost choke on your food, giving yourself a moment to breathe before nodding. "Yeah I do." It was no use denying it after what you said last time. And it probably took.him a lot to even start this conversation.
"Can ya tell me how tha' would work." He played around with the food on his plate, needing to keep his hands somehow busy. "If I said yes to it, I mean."
Now you gave him a sweet smile and happily told him. "I guess we'd share a bedroom, whenever you'd be ready for that. And I'd make sure to ask before I kiss you and all that."
"She'd also not kick Dog out and respect your alone time." Carol added with a fork pointed at you both, to which you agreed.
"I jus' ain't sure this is fer me, ya know. I'on wan' things ta get weird." Him admitting his fear was already an important part of any relationship, which you explained to him before adding, "we can give it a trial run, yeah? You can tap out whenever you feel like it's too much, yeah? We'll go at your pace." holding your hand out for him to take it.
Carol had snuck out while you talked and now busied herself in the kitchen to still listen and hop in when needed. She stared at your waiting hand, and Daryl's as he moved it ever so slow to rest it on top of yours. "I like ya too. Should've seen tha' earlier. An' m'sorry fer not seein' yer interest in me."
You gave his hand a little squeeze and so a relationship was started.
Very, very slowly.
Daryl now hovered around when you busied yourself in the kitchen, offered to help more just for the sake of being near you. He slowly worked up the courage to rest his hands on you as he stood around and realized quickly he loved to have his arms around you while you cooked, moving along with you across the counter.
"Daryl," His hands left you immediately, feeling like he overstepped. "Oh, no please, keep your hands on me I don't mind." You let out a laugh as you took his hands and placed them on the side of your ribs. "I just wanted to know if you enjoyed me returning the favor." You gave him a look over your shoulder and watched him as he faked deep thoughts. "I think I'd like yer hands on me, yeah."
You brought over some lunch in a basket. At Daryl's garage you whistled for Dog and gave the basket to him. He happily carried it over to Daryl, handle in his mouth and tail wagging.
Just as you wanted to walk off you were called back over. "Wanna share lunch?" His question shocked you, knowing he never liked people bothering him in the garage so being asked to stay was ..weird. But you stayed anyways and shared a peaceful lunch with Daryl.
You weren't sharing a bed yet. Taking things slow was your tactic, so you'd wait for Daryl to ask, or for him to mention it in conversation when the topic allowed it to be slipped in.
He hadn't yet so you were in bed alone, almost asleep when a knock woke you up. "Yeah?" You called out to whoever it was. The door opened to reveal Daryl in a pair of sweats and an old tee. "M'sorry fer wakin' ya. I wanna try'n sleep 'ere tonight."
His words were like a dream come true, almost literally with you so close to dozing off and scooted over to let him into the bed. The warmth that surrounded him felt good, and hearing your voice whisper a soft good night to him felt right. He returned the words and carefully took a hand to rest it on your side.
He slept through the entire night after years of waking at every creak or caw. When he woke up the first thing he saw was your sleeping form and he knew he wanted that every day. "G'morning, Dee." Your voice sounded like heaven, even in its groggy morning state. "Hmm mornin'." Hw grumbled with a smile. You loved that smile. You wanted to kiss that smile over and over again, but before you got the chance to finish that thought he had made the first move. He moved closer to you, face an inch away as he took a second to steady himself and ever so softly press his lips against yours.
The next night he only went downstairs to bring his pillow with him and moved to your room again, this time letting you settle against him as you got comfortable and again slept through the whole night.
Slowly your cabinet got rearranged to hold Daryl's clothes as well, he'd pull you against him as you both slept.
But maybe tonight he'd try something more than sleeping.
Daryl wasn't a stranger to sex these days, he just wasn't a big fan of it. Sure, it felt nice and he'd get the job done but it never felt like he thought it'd feel.
He hoped it would feel different with you.
You were already in bed when he came out of the shower, wanting to be clean if you were going to be intimate tonight. His arms snaked around yours and pulled your body against his under the covers, pressing the effects of his shower thoughts against your backside as he softly kissed the back of your neck.
"Dee?" You let out a content sigh at his eagerness all of a sudden. "Hmhm. Wanna touch ya." You responded by pressing your ass harder against his cock, grinding against him in slow but steady motions. "I'd love that, please." Words were important to Daryl, he needed his yes's and no's to make sense of these type of situations. Now that he had his yes he slowly made progress by slipping one leg out of his boxers and pulling down your underwear as well.
His cock was back against your ass as his hand snuck down your front and found his way between your folds. His rough fingers felt so good, having you let out a soft gasp as he slipped two fingers into you. You moaned along with his movements, loving the feeling of his thick digits pumping in and out of you. Your hand made its way between the two of you to touch him, moving the hem of his shirt out of the way to take him into your hand properly. Your fingers curled around his cock and pump slowly, soft rhythmic squeezes and pumps had his breathing pick up, almost whining at the touch. After a bit of more lazy touches you started to want more, positioning his length between your legs. He removed his fingers to assist positioning himself at your entrance and carefully moving his his to push into you.
You moaned at the initial stretch, having missed the feeling of being with someone so long. Your hips moved back to meet his on their own and Daryl noticed, enjoying the welcome feeling of his partner joining in the movements. His hand slid underneath your hip as the other trailed up to your chest, lingering just off your breast. With a soft giggle you took his hand and moved it to where he wanted it to be and squeezed softly. Behind you Daryl let out a delicious sound, making you turn just enough so you could watch him. One of your hands reached to scratch at his chin fluff as the other went to cup his balls between your legs, softly kneading them with every thrust of his hips.
His pace picked up and his groans deepened. "This okay for you?" Your voice came out in huffs, watching his face contort in pleasure. "Yeah. Keep touchin', s'good."
You were more than happy to oblige and keep up your gently pawing at his balls and moved your other hand to tangle in his hair, softly scratching his scalp and moving in closer for a kiss. His lips slotted perfectly against yours now after nights of figuring each other out before sleep.
Daryl was enjoying himself. And if your sounds were anything to go by, you were too. Your moans were slowly turning into whines of 'more' and 'please'. The hand that held your breast before now slid further up to your throat as he angled your head by the jaw to deepen the kiss as the hand on your hips helped to roughen his pace. Your sounds, now muffled by his lips were music to his ears and the squeeze of your walls spurred him on more than anything.
"M'close.." You almost whined against his lips, having him double his efforts to make you finish. His hand moved away from your hip in search for your clit, not daring to admit he needed guidance. Your hand moved from between his legs atop of his for a short moment to press the pad of his fingers at the right spot before going back to squeezing at him. It took only a couple more thrusts, rubs and squeezes before you both finished, your walls tightening around his length as he spilled inside of you.
He slumped onto his back, pulling out and putting his underwear back on.
"You good?" You turned to fully face him, "hmhm, yeah tha' was way more fun than I thought." He gave you a soft smile as you wormed your underwear back on too. "S'nice when the lady touches me too." You took his words as an invite and rested your hand on his hip and squeezed. His body was just so perfect for squeezing in any and all places, you loved it. "I'll always happily touch you, just lemme know when you don't like something." He gave a grunt in agreement and suggested sleep for now, continuing the talk in the morning.
So sleep you did, even better now being all tired out.
Breakfast tasted better after that, the air was fresher and the residents were less annoying.
That was of course until the one they didn't want to run into saw them holding hands on the way to the pantry.
"I hope you like sloppy seconds." One voice commented from behind you. "Yeah, sloppy for sure. Horrible lay, that guy." The women giggled among themselves, staring you down. Where Daryl tried to ignore his ex's stupid remarks, you weren't going to leave without snapping back. "Sloppy? Maybe when the chick he fucks squeals like a dying hog! Fucked me so good I could barely walk last night." You sent them a smug look, the women in the background giggling softly as she colored beet red and crossed her arms with a huff, turning away from the two of you in shame. "Ya done makin' a scene now? We gotta grab food." You proudly nodded, a wide smile on your face on your way into the pantry to pick out dinner food.
Daryl might not have shown it on the outside, but he was damn proud of his lady. And hearing you defend him like that made him live you even more.
A/N: loosely inspired by the Avril Lavigne song. Because I'll forever be a little emo kid by heart.
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simp-ly-writes · 8 months
Office Love (pt.1)
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What if Vox had an assistant that soon became more than that?
Pairing: Vox x assistant!Reader
Warnings: some suggestive content near the end and canon-typical language.
A/N: something different to what I usually write- hope you enjoy!
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist (PT.2) (PT.3)
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↳ When the application advertisement first flashed against your social media feed- you clicked past it very quickly before one of your friends was ushering you to apply. They had been working with the V's for a number of years now and produced a plethora a fan-favorite shows
↳ When you application got accepted and you were being thrown into a suit for the interview, you were all the more thankful when the overlord themselves were not hosting yet the managers were. A more than few warning here and there- but that was with every job you worked in hell. You didn't work hard enough, you were better off dead- simply put.
↳ You did not often see your boss in person after signing the contract with him day one. Only emailing him his schedule that was often cancelled mid-way through the day and you were running out of excuses for his clients
↳ Velvette and Valentino were often more intimidating that Vox. You had gotten used to his tantrums, PR nightmares, and televised cancellations that were often fixed with a light bit of hypnotization that you could only roll your eyes at before going back to your emails
↳ You would memorize his every need, knowing his favorite meals and coffee preferences, when he needed to recharge and even how to text exactly like him. You kept track of every social media handle that held his name, growing his followers while riffing on Alastor- an action that Vox dearly appreciated
↳ As time would progress, you would become too good at your job. So much so that his other six assistants had all gotten fired for lack of polish as Vox excused it. Clinking his coffee mug to yours sat at your desk. He hardly used his own office these days, often taking calls at your computer as you sat on your desk- off to the side as you rearranged his schedule once again
↳ You were starting to become his shadow and he always noticed when you were gone for a minute too long. He liked the reassurance your presence brought him- he enjoyed knowing that you would always know what to say in order to benefit the company and find ways for him not to interaction with people he disliked
↳ Velvette and Valentino noticed this as well- how close you had gotten to their business partner without a second thought. Sometimes you would even show up in replacement for Vox when one of their branches had gone down once again and often times they wished it was you that addressed the problem rather than the man himself
↳ When a reality show comes out, highlighting the lives of overlords all over the city including the three V's (mostly them though for PR that they desperately needed and had made multiple comments on). It did numbers and your friend from earlier could not have been happier getting that promotion to head producer of the show
↳ You soon became a fan favorite for your witty comebacks at the TV head as he wold only smile in return- liking that you had the heart to knock him down a few pegs. The fans would stalk everyones social media profiles, liking each image that had you just cropped out of it
↳ Vox had insisted that you were not to be seen in any of the media production- something about no wanting to corrupt your mind as well. You could only shake your head at this information- all you ever did was stare at screens all day, this comment made Vox's box go pink as his speech buffered. Taking a second to rethink your wording, your cheeks had appeared red while the cameras rolled and money starting pouring in
↳ The fans demanded more attention put towards you, screaming at you from behind the barricades as you walked the corporate building each morning. "CAN I GET A PICTURE WITH YOU," "I SHIP IT," "WORK FOR ME INSTEAD." They started to shove one another over, trying to get your attention as your feet picked up pace
↳ Vox had made his way through the wires and various security cameras settled around the neighbourhood. He wrapped an arm around your waist, ensuring that when the barricade fell and you were swarmed that you would not be dragged away with the crowd
↳ You voiced your thanks once safely in the building as Vox announced a surprise for your recent good work- this was their most profitable quarter yet and you would have Velvette tailored work to wear each day. Picking up the various blue suits you eyed them suspiciously to those of your boss. Vox only shrugged his shoulders before taking a call
↳ The dating allegation grew every week as blushed heavily at the headlines, Vox who now was only found in your office asked what was making you have such a reaction, even when he was in the middle of a meeting. You quickly hid your screen as he could only chuckle, sparking it back to life and projecting it on the monitor
↳ "Oh, so THIS is what has you all red- me is it?" Vox states with pride, leaning over the table and into your personal space as your blush only grows down your neck. You take a sip of your now cold coffee, hiding a wince as you get back on track with answering Valentino back
↳ When you arrive the next morning, dead flowers are found on your desk that make you chuckle, you read the note with a smile before handing the TV man his coffee for the morning, your chairs right beside one another as you work in tandum
↳ Years into your work now, you barley find yourself going home, choosing to stick for the V's movie nights together that they insist on you being present for alongside finding it easier to let Vox know of scheduling changes last minute from within your shared apaprtment
↳ After much demand, you and Vox have a one on one livestream interview for the public within your apartment, you both make small touches to one another, fixing his tie, he holds your knee, rubbing circles with his thumb- the fans are losing their shit as the other to V's sit back and rake in the cash
↳ A question about your work ethic and sex-worker allegation gets read out by Velvette that has Vox glitching out with rage as you pull on the back of his jacket, urging him to calm down as you loop your arm in his, leaning into his side, "run that by me one more time, Velvette," Vox states with a twitch as you blink your eyes towards her- pleading that she does not.
↳ After a particularly good corporate event, you find yourself in Vox's bed as he urges you not to leave, his voice is merely murmurs in your ear as you do not have the heart to roll away from. Soon these off hand-nights become a more common occurrence that as Valentino the slitest bit jealous at first, but when he surprises you in the mornings with a new package that got sent to the wrong apartment, he cannot help put wink at seeing the marks on your skin
↳ You and Vox never made anything official, you were still his assistant of course- his assistant that he would always have a hand on a bit too low for public attention. A worker who was NOT allowed to be asked on a date by someone else. And the person he jumped to protect against the smallest threat but against your name
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(PT.2) (PT.3)
↳ Taglist: @jtcat305 @amarokofficial
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golden-moony · 4 months
king of my heart | pt. 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, landonorris, and 74,922 others!
yourusername life lately 💌
user1 swiftie, romcom lover and f1 fan... she's really one of us🩷
user2 and that's why she's the girlies' bestie
user4 as pretty as always 😍
user5 i'm probably reaching here but posting THAT movie feels like a statement's being made 👀
user6 right?? after all the drama she goes and posts that movie title and i just don't know how to feel user7 user6 thank god she just posted the title cause if she'd posted the "you can't lose something you never had" line, i would've lost my mind 😥 user8 or maybe yn just likes the movie??? user9 user8 THIS!! people act like there's a secret meaning to everything and i'm tired of that crap
user10 i'm a simple girl: i see yn and taylor swift in the same post, i like
user11 so what happened? were you starting to lose relevance and decided to come back?😂😂
user12 she needs to pay the bills somehow 😂 user13 girlie came back to keep playing the victim lol user14 y'all need to get a life asap.
carmenmmundt gorgeous woman 😍
yourusername you are💗 user16 OMG MY FAV GIRLS INTERACTING user17 carmen please please please stay away from this problematic woman😕
user18 soooo are we gonna talk about lando liking the post or what
user19 girl i can't do this again user20 can't believe lando is back again with this bitch😒 user21 user20 wtf??? it's just a like omfg chill.
user22 yn please don't leave us again 🥺
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📞 calling Pato
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[yn; normal] [pato; cursive]
"I'm not gonna lie, you are either very brave or very stupid for calling me right after the videos of your little date with Lando are going viral. Did you get tired of hiding your relationship?"
"...Guess I deserve that."
"[sights] What do you want, yn?"
"I swear I won't take up much of your time. I just want to talk... well, apologize, actually. I'd prefer to do it face to face rather than over the phone but I know that right now I'm probably the last person you wanna see. At least this way, if you don't wanna keep listening to me, you can just end the call."
"Well, I'm very tempted to end the call right now."
"Pato, I-"
"However, I'm also very curious about what you have to say."
"So I'll give you a chance to talk. But I promise you yn, if I hear any lame excuses, I will hang up and block you. Are we clear?"
"Hundred percent clear."
"Then talk."
"Well... first of all, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I promise it was never my intention to hurt you, even if I ended up doing it anyway. I should've told you from the beginning the kind of relationship I had with Lando and I should've been honest with you, especially when my feelings towards you changed to something deeper. I kno-"
"Hold on. What?"
"What do you mean what?"
"What did you just say?"
"That I'm sorry I lied to yo-"
"No, no. The part about your feelings."
"Oh. Well... you heard me. And I don't know why you sound so surprised. I mean, what happened between me and Lando in Spain was a stupid and terrible decision I made, and I should've known better cause my feelings for you were getting stronger."
"Then why did you sleep with him?"
"I... [sights]. I've thought about it a lot in the last few weeks, you know? I was trying to put all the blame on Lando when in the end I was the one who took the initiative. We were just going to talk to end that situationship once and for all, and then I kissed him. And instead of stopping him when he was going for more, I just let it happen cause in my head it was a form of goodbye. Clearly I ended up feeling guilty but the damage was done. And when I could've made things right by telling you the truth about what happened, I didn't. I was embarrassed, but mostly scared of losing the best man I've ever known... but that ended up happening anyway, and I'm to blame for that."
"Did you love him?"
"No. We started out as friends and one day I realized I was attracted to him, one night one thing led to another and we became friends with benefits ever since. He didn't want a relationship at that time and neither did I. But in the last few months that changed for me. I wanted a partner, a committed relationship. Lando wasn't that and I was tired of being just a "casual thing". So no. I liked him, but I never loved him."
"So what was that date night about?"
"Just us being adults and having a real and necessary conversation. I had things to apologize for and so did he. I think Lando and I finally found common ground and are ready to move forward... not with each other, just to be clear. Just friends and nothing else."
"For real this time?"
"For real this time. My priorities and my heart are elsewhere."
"Oh, really? Where?"
"I could tell you or I could show you. To be honest, and if you let me, I'd rather show you. You know, actions speak louder than words."
"Yeah, I've heard that. You have any idea?"
"It depends. What are you doing on Friday?"
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liked by elbaoward, tyresehaliburton, arrowmclaren, and 43,942 others!
pacers We had some motorsport representation in the house tonight!
user1 ynpato being hard launched (again?) by the pacers was not on my bingo card but i appreciate it🫶
user2 this is so random and i love it!! user3 the pacers earned my respect after this 🫡 user4 pacers stonks after this hard launch📈📈📈
user6 this is like straight out of a movie 😻 user7 THEY'RE SO ROMCOM CODED
user9 right? my week has been ruined. user10 keep cryin' haters 😘
indycar Hi yn and pato!! 👋
user11 basket date a few days after her post? she's an icon AND the mastermind fr 💅
user12 context?? user13 user12 her last ig post included a pic of "how to lose a guy in 10 days" and some people were speculating it could mean something, now yn goes with pato to a basketball game just like in the movie 😂 user14 SHE MANIFESTED IT AS THE QUEEN SHE IS🙌
user15 real question is: yourusername did Pato get you a soda?
patriciooward of course i did! 🙄 yourusername not only that but he also got his head in the game😏🏀 user16 I'M LIVING FOR THIS REFERENCES
user17 they make such a beautiful couple omg🥹
user18 are y'all forgetting she was in a date with lando just a few days ago????
user19 she belongs to the streets fr user20 the day y'all understand yn can be friends with lando or anyone is when you'll finally grow up.
user21 not related but she always slays with her outfits🔥
user22 fashion icon for real 🤩 user23 i want her wardrobe so bad😩
user25 i just wanna know if pato can fight 🤺
user26 i wanna be her so badly 😩
user27 same girl, same
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yourusername posted to their story!
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liked by arrowmclaren, oscarpiastri, frosenqvist, and 79,889 others!
yourusername And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for. King of my heart, body and soul 🧡
user2 and we love to see it! user3 this is their world and we're just living in it
user4 yn is stronger than me cause if Pato looked at me like in the second pic... 😳😳
user5 IKR??? I'M DEAD user6 i was not ready for that, i'm currently on the floor user7 i meaaaan she's dating him, she already won in life
user8 THE CAPTION???? omg they're so cute🥹
user10 relationship goals for real ❤️‍🔥
user11 tired of being a spectator, I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE😭
landonorris if you three weren't that cute i'd try to steal Norbi from you
patriciooward back off, Norris 🤺 landonorris watch out, O'Ward 🤺 yourusername oh hell no mclaren arrowmclaren may i have permission to ground these kids? mclaren you may proceed 😉 patriciooward WHAT landonorris THE BETRAYAL user12 i used to pray for interactions like these 😭😭 user13 user12 we've come so far 😭 user14 WAAAAR IS OOOOVER
user15 yn's living her best life and i'm so happy for her 🤧
elbaoward I don't appreciate being left out of the photo, but I love you lovebirds anyway 💘
yourusername imma post a dump of just beautiful pics of you😘 love u elbaoward i'll be waiting then ☺️ patriciooward i also want a photo dump🥺 yourusername no 😚 user16 i want to belong to this family so bad, do you need a nanny for Norbi or anything?
user17 atp I'm just waiting for the engagement announcement
user18 same but i don't think i'll survive it user19 CAN U IMAGINE? OMG
user20 tag yourself i'm Norbi in the last pic
patriciooward te amo, preciosa ❤️
yourusername love u more, handsome 🥰 user21 AND I LOVE YOU BOTH
taglist: @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @evie-119 @evans-dejong @minkyungseokie @noneofyourfbusinessworld @bernelflo @eiaaasamantha @ijustgomessitupx @honethatty12 @daemyratwst @f1fan65 @littlexscarletxwitch @sheslikeacurse @charlottejpg @lichterfee @callsignwidow @phantomxoxo @stinkyjax @rubywingsracing @willowpains @urfavsgf @biitch-with-wifi @lightdragonrayne @illicitverstappen @herebereblogs @tvdtw4ever @nataliambc @norwayxo
author's note: AND THAT'S A WRAP! Thank you so much for giving this story a chance💖 To my Lando girlies, don't be mad! He was a jerk in this story but I'll post another one where he gets the love he actually deserves. And to my Pato girlies, stay tuned! I plan to post more stories with him cause it's what our lovely man deserves. And if you want me to write about some other driver, feel free to send me a request! I'll see what I can do🧡 See y'all soon!
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mj0702 · 4 months
The other Bronze – Pt. 20
“Keira... you okay?” Ingrid looks closely at her teammate who suddenly stopped eating.
They were out with the whole team in a small Restaurant in Barcelona – a get together if you liked. Ingrid noticed first that Keira stopped eating as she stared down at her phone and suddenly there were tears flowing. The Norwegian kept a close eye on the englishwoman seeing how much she missed young girl namely y/n Bronze.
It was unreal how you single handily turned the whole team spirit around in just a couple of weeks. Every single one of the blaugrana Team was a fan of you in some sort. Keira and Lucy obviously – they had the family connection. Alexia felt protective of you the second she laid eyes on you when you insulted that guy in the most filthy spanish someone could come up with – courtesy of her own girlfriend Mapí. For Mapí you were the little sister she never had – together with Pina and Patri the four of you meant indescribable trouble. Ingrid and Caro where a little more careful with you – both of them more on the calmer side they haven't had interacted with you much but what they saw made them see you in a different light. You were young, yes – but you also were determent and strong headed. Irene and Marta immediately adopted you guiding you a little from the background with gentle soft touches and encouraging words. Aitana was intimidated by you at first but the second you threw out catalan she wanted you near her all the time to see what else you could learn. Ona saw you as her girlfriends sister but also as a growing up young woman who needed her space and guidance at the same time. So it made everyones alarm bells scream seeing Keira cry. No one expected it to be happy tears.
Keira watched the video at least another four times before she handed her phone wordlessly to Lucy who looked at her confused
“Just watch it Lucy” the blonde sniffled smiling through her tears
“What am I watching?” your sister asked a little suspicious Ona already shuffling closer wanted to get a look as well
“For fuck sakes Bronze... just press play” Keira snapped at her ex who immediately pressed play with such a force she nearly threw the phone into the olives
It didn't even take two seconds for Lucy to realize what she's watching and she let the phone fall onto the table stunned
“It's not” Lucy looked at Keira shocked tears in her eyes
“What is going on??” now Mapí asked annoyed “... everyone is starting crying”
“Is everything okay?” Alexia asked getting a little concerned for her teammates
“Yeah... everything is better than okay” Keira smiled
“Then why is everyone crying?” Mapí asked confused
“Happy tears Maps... these are happy tears” Keira answered smiling
“Then why is everyone happy crying?” the tattooed girl asked getting even more confused
“Y/n picked up a ball... on her own” Lucy said her voice uncharacterically flat
“Lucy..” Keira immediately understood why your sister reacted that way
“... scuse me for a second.. I need some air” your sister already shoved her chair back nearly running out of the restaurant
“Go after her” Keira said to Ona “... she needs you now”
“What? Why? What happened” the young catalan asked confused
“Just... go” the blonde basically shoved Ona to go after Lucy who thankfully got the message and stumbled after her girlfriend
“Let's start where Ona left off... what happened?” Alexia asked and suddenly all the eyes were on Keira
“Georgia just send me a video of Bitsy playing with a football – on her own... she did upsies and tricks like she never stopped playing” Keira explained setting her phone up pressing play
Everyone looked mesmerized at the little screen – at you controlling the ball like no one they've ever seen
“This is...” Alexia was at loss for words “... I've never seen anything like this... ever”
“Told you the Nena is out of this world” Mapí announced proudly “Mi Nena”
“But... this is good right?” Ingrid asked looking at Keira
“It is...” the blonde nodded
“Then why is Lucy...” Caro asked looking at the restaurant door like Lucy would magically appear
“Three and a half years we waited for that... the amounts of fights we had because of it – because we weren't sure if we should give her a little push or not... you all saw what happened when Mapí caught her off guard...” the blonde started but got interrupted by Maps
“... I'm still very sorry” the tattooed woman said ashamed
“... it wasn't you fault Maps... but you all saw what happened.... and NOW... after three and a half years... she picks up a ball.. in Munich... at her girlfriends trainings ground...” Keira kept going
“Lucia is hurt” Alexia mumbled and Keira nodded
“But why? It's amazing that Nena plays again... Ale you have to talk to all them big people you know... we can't lose her to england... or worse... Madrid!!” Mapí said shocked her eyes wide
“María...” Ingrid started gently smiling a little “... lille venn can't play anymore remember?”
“But... she just did” the tattooed girl pointed at Keiras phone
“And neither Lucia nor Keira where there to experience it first hand” the norwegian said softly knowing her girlfriend didn't mean any harm she just... was slow sometimes.
“Oh... OH... that sucks... I'm sorry Keira” Mapí bursted out looking apologetic in Keiras direction
“It's okay Maps... I expected it to be honest... In Munich no one knows who she is...” the blonde said but Alexia, Ingrid, Irene and Marta didn't miss the hurt undertone in their teammates voice
“Can we do anything to help Luce?” the tattooed spaniard asked
“No... she needs to work through it on her own” the blonde shook her head
“Then why did you send Ona after her?” Ingrid wondered
“She's complex.. she needs to work on it on her own but at the same time she needs someone there... someone who she trust... who she can break in front” Keira said “... so... dessert anyone?”
And with this the topic of you picking up a ball was history. At least inside – outside was a different story
“Amor” Ona carefully tried to approach Lucy carefully
“No... I need... I need space... I need to breath” your sister said upset roaming the pavement in front of the restaurant
“Okay... I'll be just here if you need me” the young catalan said calmly pointing to one of the window sills sitting down on it
Lucy roamed for another 10 minutes before she suddenly stopped looking at Ona
“Three and a half years...” your sister blurted out “... three and a half years... I waited three and a half years...” before she started roaming again
Ona just kept quiet waited for her girlfriend to continue to rant and get it off her chest
“... and she has the AUDACITY to pick up a ball in Munich... MUNICH!!!” Lucy ranted angrily “... In front of Georgia Stanway!!”
“Lucy..” Ona said softly
“I was there... every step of the way... I held her when she had nightmares... I picked her up when she did more than her knees could handle and she fell.. I cooked for her even tho she never eaten more than a spoon full... I drove her to rehab sessions and picked her up... I took her to camp with me because I was scared she'd do something stupid if I leave her alone... where was Georgia all the time?” your sister just kept talking “... she was no where to be seen... and now she gets to be there when y/n decides to pick up a ball again... she gets to witness something Keira and I worked for three and a half years?”
“Lucy... amor” Ona tried again keeping her voice soft and calm
“She doesn't DESERVE it to witness that!!” Lucy exploded and Ona knew now was the time to interfere
“Amor... mi vida” the young catalan said her voice low as she pushed herself off the window sill going over to her girlfriend and just pulled Lucy into a hug
Just as she expected Lucy broke down crying the second she felt the arms of her girlfriend tighten around her shoulders
“It's just...” Lucy cried into Onas neck pulling her even closer
“I know... “ the catalan said softly “... but it looked like she didn't know Georgia was there”
“But why does G get to witness that? Why wasn't I there?” your sister hick-upped “I should've been there...”
“I don't think Georgia was meant to witness that...” Ona said her heart breaking a little bit when she heard her girlfriend crying into her shirt
“But she did” Lucy cried not knowing how to deal with the situation “She got to see it”
“Let us go home okay... lets just get some rest” the catalan whispered already pulling out her phone to text Alexia
“We can't... the team” your sister pulled back a little bit trying to contain her tears and sadness
“They'll understand...” Ona said softly “... let me just text Ale... they can take our stuff to and bring it to training tomorrow”
“Thank you” Lucy mumbled holding onto her girlfriend for dear life
Back in Munich you didn't have a clue of your sister breakdown – you were laying happily on your girlfriends couch. Maybe a little too happy.
“Baby... are you okay?” Georgia asked raising her eyebrow at you where you laid on top of her your head on her chest
“Sí” you giggled “muy bien... todo bien”
“Okay...” your girlfriend looked at you confused “... care to switch back to english?”
“No parlo anglès” you giggled pushing your nose against her chest
“Oh fuck me...” Georgia sighed out “... ehrm... wait... who do I know who speaks english AND spanish....”
“El castellà és una llengua bonica...i dones boniques” you giggled
“Tainara” your girlfriend suddenly exclaimed angling for her phone from the side table calling her teammate while you continued to giggle into her chest
“Yeah George?” Tainara answered the phone after the second ring
“Sorry to call you this late... but my... friend... something is not okay with her and she speaks something language I don't understand and... can you help?” Georgia rambled
“Sure... put her on.. I try to help” Gs teammate answered
“y/n... my teammate wants to talk to you” your girlfriend pushed her phone into your face for you to take it
“Hola... qui ets?” you asked wondering
“Oooookay... give me back to Georgia please... you understand english right?” Tainara said
“Sí...” you giggled handing the phone back to your girlfriend
“Yeah?” Georgia asked carefully
“That's spanish you muppet” the Brazilian woman said flatly
“And?” your girlfriend asked confused
“I'm from Brazil” her teammate exclaimed
“Again... and?” Georgia didn't understand what the problem was
“I don't speak spanish... I speak Portuguese” Tainara said a little offended
“Okay look... it kinda sounds the same to me” your girlfriend said ashamed “... so you can't help me?”
“No you asshat... and you owe me a big ass lunch for saying spanish and Portuguese sound the same” Tainara grumbled “... Ana is Colombian... they speak spanish”
“Thank you... god bless your Portuguese soul” Georgia sighed in relieve as she was about to hang up
“I'M FROM BRAZIL!!” you heard yelling from the phone as the call disconnected which caused a new round of giggles
“Hang in there Baby... I'm getting help” your girlfriend mumbled holding you closer to her calling another number
“Yeh?” a tired voice answered after some rings
“Ana? That you?” Georgia asked a little desperate
“Yes? You called me.. G.. if you interrupted my nap by accident” Ana said getting fed up already
“No no... my... friend... she speaks spanish even tho she doesn't speak spanish... I already called Tainara but she couldn't help... and I need help to understand her” your girlfriend rambled again
“Ay dios...” you heard from the phone and it made you perk up
“Uh... I think she understood that... here... talk to her and find out what's going on” Georgia immediately catched on your change of behaviour and once again pressed the phone into your hand
“Hola?” you asked giggling
“Hola chica... cómo estás?” Georgias teammate asked you
“Soy buena y tu?” you giggled
“Bien gracias... Entoces qué te pasa?” Ana asked trying to figure out what's wrong with you
“res per què?” you answered confused
“Puedes devlverme a G por favor?” the Colombian asked
“Sí cap problema” you smiled even tho Ana couldn't see it handing the phone back to your girlfriend
“And?” Georgia asked hopefully
“Yeah I can't help you...” her teammate said nonchalantly
“Why?? She speaks spanish.. you speak spanish... bam... help me” your girlfriend said lost
“I would help if that WAS spanish... that's catalan... I can understand bits of accents away from other spanish but catalan? no... sorry...” Ana said apologetic
“Ugh... fuck meeee...” Georgia whined “... you have any idea who I could call? I just want to know what's going on?”
“Ehrm... my best guess... someone from Catalonia?” the Colombian offered and started to chuckle
“Great help....” your girlfriend said flatly “... I don't know anyone from there”
“Isn't your best friend from Barcelona?” Ana mused
“KEIRA!!! YES!!!” Georgia exclaimed suddenly sitting up quickly which resulted in you getting squished into her torso “You're a godsend Ana... see you tomorrow... good nap!!”
Georgia quickly hung up the call immediately dialling Keiras number waiting nervously for her best friend to pick up
“Hey G...” Keira finally answered and Georgia could hear laughter and voices in the background
“Keiraaaaaa.... heeeeey...” your girlfriend greeted Keira sounding like a maniac
“Oh god... what happened? Is Bitsy okay? Are you okay? Are you both okay?” Keira immediately knew something was off her mind already painting the most worrying pictures
“Yeah yeah we're good... kinda” Georgia said quickly
“Kinda?” her best friend repeated confused
“Yeah you see... we're here... in Munich... on me couch...” your girlfriend started feeling you giggle against her stomach
“I hope for your sakes that you really are” Keira growled her alarm bells screaming “God save the King”
“We are... but... something is not right with y/n... she's all... giggle-y... and...” Georgia confessed embarrassed
“Aaaaand?” her best friend asked her patience low
“ShespeakingspanishandIdon'tunderstandherhelp” your girlfriend mumbled quickly
“Again?” Keira asked confused not knowing if she heard correctly
“For some reason she's speaking spanish and I don't... so... help? Please?” Georgias voice was high
“Why is she speaking spanish?” Keira asked confused
“I don't know... she just started speaking spanish out of nowhere and I tried to solve the problem by asking me teammates but apparently Portuguese is not spanish and even the one who apparently speaks spanish didn't understand spanish... useless the lot of them I tell ya” your girlfriend huffed “... so... help?”
“Oh god... why... why did you two find each other... I'm 27... I'm having GREY hair G... GREY!!!” Keira exclaimed upset
“It's not like anyone would notice between them ginger ones” Georgia shrugged her shoulders
“Georgia Marie Stanway!” her best friend scolded her “... ugh... just get Bitsy on the phone”
“Hey Baby... Keira...” and for a third time that night the phone was shoved in your face
“Sí?” you tried your hardest to sound as normal as possible knowing Keira would catch on and then you were in trouble
“Hey Bitsy... you alright?” Keira cooed sweetly
“Estic perfectamente bé... per què?” you answered honestly and a small snort made it out
“Oh dear jesus lord in heaven” you heard Keira huff “Alexia... mind doing me a favor?”
“What's the matter?” you heard the Barca capitana asked
“Here... your Cariño is on some kind of drug and now she speaks catalan... you are catalan... fix it...” Keira said as she passed the phone to her friend
“Holi Cariño?!” Alexia said a little confusion in her voice
You only squeaked before you threw the phone across the room – even in your current state you knew you were in SO much trouble if Alexia gets involved
“Hey... don't throw me phone!” Georgia exclaimed shocked
“Ho sento” you mumbled trying to push your face deeper into Georgias body hiding from the world
“Baby.... I don't understand you... I just want to help” your girlfriend begged you “... let me go so I can go get me phone?”
“No” you whined holding tighter onto Georgia
“Baby... please” G tried to pry your arms off her “... me phone”
“No necessities el teu phone” you mumbled but your grip loosened a little bit which Georgia used to pushed herself out under you quickly walking to pick up her phone
“Keira?” she asked hoping her friend didn't hung up
“No... Alexia” the other person answered
“Jesus fuck” Georgia sweared throwing her phone a little further away before running after it picking the phone up again “... ehrm... sorry... that was... quiet the surprise... big fan”
“Georgia sí?” Alexia asked trying to keep a clear head
“Yes... that's me” your girlfriend nodded even tho nobody could see it
“Okay... what's wrong with mi Cariño?” the spaniard asked still trying to figure out what is happening
“You mean y/n?” Georgia asked confused
“Yes... y/n... Bronze... the small Bronze” Alexia answered losing her patience already
“I... don't know... we were laying on the couch doing.... nothing.. and she started giggling and speaking spanish... I don't speak spanish... she doesn't speak spanish... so I need help... please” your girlfriend explained once again
“Okay... I can work with that... put me on speaker” the Barca capitana instructed
“Okay... sure... ehrm... wait...” Georgia said before pushing the speaker button “... you're on speaker, Miss Putellas”
“Hola Cariño” Ale said ignoring Georgias rambling
“Ale... Com estás?” you giggled
“Estic bé i tu?” the spaniard asked hearing you speaking catalan surprising her
“Sóc genial” you exclaimed happily
“Per què parles català?” Alexia smiled to herself
“Perquè puc” you grinned proudly “Digues bonmatí”
“Ah, doncs li hauria de dir a l'Aitana?” the blonde spaniard chuckled “... per què hauria de fer això”
“Aitana estarà orgullosa” you said wholeheartly
“Oh but I'm proud of you too....” Alexia said softly “... so tell me mi Cariño... why are you speaking catalan?”
“Ona taught me” you said like it was the most obvious thing on the world
“Ona?” the spaniard asked completely at loss
“Yes... the friendly spaniard” you nodded quickly
“And we're back with the nicknames” Alexia sighed “... want to tell me about your day Cariño?”
“Uh... didn't do anything special.. we had breakfast... VERY good Avo-toast... you spaniards could learn to make Avo-toasts... it's not that hard you know... it's avow.. and toast...” you started to recap your day getting distracted
“Cari.... after breakfast” Alexia stressed
“... oh yeah... we went to this garden... not the bad one where I'm not allowed to go anymore... the nice garden... babe... what's the nice garden called” you got distracted again
“... Englischer Garten... english garden” your girlfriend provided thankful you're speaking english again
“That one... you should come visit pretty spaniard” you giggled “... they have beautiful trees... cherry trees... and this little tent-thingy”
“Cari... focus” the blonde spaniard pressed
“uh... then we went for lunch... just a small one... I had....” you looked at Georgia for help again
“Wurstsalat” Georgia threw in
“... that... it's like sliced sausage with vinegar and onions and pickles and it's really good... oh and you eat it with bread” you giggled again
“Cariño por favor..” the Barca woman groaned
“... then we went home for a nap... and G overslept so we didn't have time for coffee because we had to take public transport to training... G lost her license you know – she drove like a cunt and got a nice picture of it... expensive picture” you just kept talking ignoring Alexias groaning and Georgias shocked face “... we made it to training and they had just a light session I got a bit bored and fell asleep... after training we went home and I cooked...”
“What did you cook Cari?” Alexia perked up
“Penne all'Amatriciana.... it's pasta with beef... or... vedella” you said proudly
“Hm... sounds delicious... how did you prepare the beef Cariño?” the spaniard suspected something specific
“You need to season the filet beforehand... just salt and a little bit of pepper” you started to explain happily and Alexia let you talk “... heat the frying pan to basically volcano and then throw the filet in there... fry fry fry... and than deglaze it with a good dash of red....”
“Red?” Alexia and Georgia asked at the same time
“Yes... don't worry... the alcohol goes all poof with the heat of the pan... no alcohol left in the meat... but it gives it some amazing flavour...” you waved off “... then you throw in the cooked pasta, some fresh tomatoes, basil and parmesan”
“Red wine?” the blonde spaniard clarified
“Sí” you said again
“I don't even have red wine in me flat” your girlfriend exclaimed shocked
“Stole it from Lucy.. she has a whole ass wine rack she didn't even noticed I packed it... got it through camp as well” you answered proudly
“Ay dios mio” you heard Alexia through the phone “Cariño... did you have a sip from the wine?”
“Maaaaaaybe a little” you sing songed
“Ay dios” the spaniard huffed out “how many sips did you have Cari?”
“Just a few” you grinned
“Georgia... look for that bottle” Alexia instructed and immediately sprinted into the kitchen “Cari... why did you take the red wine form Lucia”
“She doesn't need it... she didn't even know what she had there... it was a Vega Sicilia” you said getting upset
“That's a very good wine” the spaniard mused trying to keep you calm “... you have good taste Cari”
“Bottle is half empty” Georgia panted coming sprinting back in “you drank half a bottle of wine?”
“Nooooo...” you giggled “... I put some in the pan too... like... two dashes”
“Oh god...” your girlfriend whined “Miss Putellas...”
“You can call her pretty spaniard... she doesn't care” you interrupted grinning
“Please don't” Alexia exclaimed “Alexia is just fine”
“Please don't tell Keira y/n is drunk... I swore I look after her” Georgia begged
“I'm not drunk” you said seriously
“Cari... you are drunk... but some sleep will fix this, hm?” the blonde hummed
“But I'm not tired” you said confused
“Oh but you are... you told me” Alexia lied hoping you would fall for it
“Oooooh yeah... true... baby I'm tired... I'm going to bed okay” you nodded seriously tossing the phone at your girlfriend swaying in the general direction of the bedroom
“What... where.. huh?” your girlfriend watched as you made it through the open door face planting onto the bed
“You're welcome” Alexia said before she hung up
“Crazy... all of them are crazy” Georgia shook her head
“Ugh” you groaned next morning when you felt Georgias fingertips dance across your ribcage
“Morning drunky” your girlfriend chuckled behind you nuzzling into the back of your neck
“Not drunky” you mumbled closing your eyes again protecting them from the far to bright light in the room
“Oh you so were drunk” Georgia chuckled pressing a soft kiss to your neck
“Was not” you groaned again
“You spoke catalan” your girlfriend pointed out and THAT made you shoot up into a sitting position – which turned out not to be a good idea since you immediately got hit with nausea and headache.
“How do you know I spoke catalan... I don't even speak catalan” you looked at Georgia panicked
“Oh but you do... you had a whole ass conversation with Alexia Putellas...” your girlfriend said as she laid on her back her arms stretched above her head
“Alexia??” you screeched
“Look... I got worried... you were all giggly and strange and you spoke a language I didn't understand... I asked me teammates for help but even they couldn't help... so I called Keira..” your girlfriend explained
“Keira??” you screeched even higher
“Yeah... she couldn't help so she put Alexia on the phone.. she helped...” Georgia shrugged her shoulders sitting up now “... she even got you to go to bed”
“Oh fuck me G... that's bad... so SO bad” you whined
“Why... you had a little wine... geez when I was your age I literally tubed beer” your girlfriend said trying to calm you down
“Do you realize what Ale will do with me once I'm back in Barc... I'm simply never going back to Barcelona... easy...” you started to whine before you just had THE idea
“Yeah well... I don't think Lucy will let that happen” Georgia scratched the back of her neck embarrassed
“We just ignore her...” you looked pleadingly at the blonde
“I still have to play with her in the national team... and you have to go to camps too now since you signed a contract” your girlfriend pointed out killing your plan with her stupid logic
“Ah fuck” you groaned and let yourself fall backwards onto the bed again
“Baby.... it's not that bad....” Georgia tried again
“You wanna tell Lucy I got drunk on red wine?” you raised your eyebrow in challenge
“We just pay Keira and Alexia to never ever breath a word of that” your girlfriend quickly said seeing what you meant
“Mhm... thought so” you mumbled
“Okay... I have training this morning and fitness in the afternoon... you wanna join or stay here?” Georgia looked down at you
“I want to die.... that headache is going to kill me” you whined which made G chuckle
“I'll get you some water and paracetamol” your girlfriend said before pressing a kiss to your head and stood up
“And a bagel... I want a bagel... with bacon....” you yelled after her
When Georgia returned with the bottle of water and two pills you were dead asleep again
“Guess you won't join training then” the blonde mumbled smiling walking towards the bathroom to take her shower and get herself ready for the day
You woke up two hours later to a quiet flat. You groaned again rolling over to your other side seeing the water bottle and the pills laying on your nightstand.
“Every time I think I can't fall more for her she pulls some shit and I fall even harder” you mumble to yourself swallowing the pills with a large gulp of water
“Ugh... I hate pills” you shuddered but made it slowly out of bed dragging yourself into the kitchen where you found a post it on the coffeemashine and one on the fridge
“Press “an”... who the fuck is Ann?” you read loudly looking at the coffeemashine like it offended your whole family
“... oh... there... button... an...” you pressed the button and the machine started to come to life “.... oh cool...” you shrugged your shoulders
“... when all the lights are on... press “Kaffee”...” you read again looking for the right button
“uh... that thing can make Cappuccino” you said excited pressing on that button instead of Kaffee
The machine started to grind the beans – which did wonders for your headache – but THEN it made weird noises. Like it was dying.
“Oooooh no no no no no” you said in panic “... stop dying.... just coffee... you already started the coffee... just... put it in the cup... here... it's a nice cup... look... it's from here actually... it's a Bayern Munich cup... you like Munich right... you live here”
You spoke to the coffeemaker like it would actually answer you but it continued to make weird sounds so you decided to try a different approach
“If I now press Kaffee... will you stop dying... please?” you looked at the machine pleadingly before hitting the coffee button over and over again
“Please... stop dying... G will kill me if I kill you” you said desperately but it was no use
“Okay... we gonna approach that rationally... you had a good life... I'm gonna pull the plug now” you said and pulled the cable out of the socket with closed eyes – immediately the machine stopped “dying” and you sighed in relieve
“Okay... so no to coffee... new plan... get a shower... get ready... go coffee” you mumbled to yourself already leaving the kitchen for the bathroom
30 minutes later you checked your pockets if you have everything before pulling the door shut going down the stairs and step outside into the beautiful Munich sunshine. You had no clue where you were or where you needed to go so you just played eene meeny mooh and then turned right to follow the street. On the next occasion you turned right following an important looking sign hoping for some sightseeing. Again you followed the sign on the next traffic light as it pointed to the left. You took some pictures on your phone on the way being absolutely mesmerized by the buildings you passed in awe. You followed the road for some time until you discovered the next sign telling you to go left and suddenly you stood in front of a big building... with a lot of cars inside. It dawned on you - you just followed a Carpark sign. You were very disappointed at this point. So you decided to walk along the carpark building until you were back on a bigger road. You totally winged this Munich tour.
You followed the bigger road until you spotted a group of Asian people who looked like they were getting a city tour with a guide. So you decided to just go with that group since the guide apparently knew what she was doing. After some short stops at some buildings you were absolutely not interested in you found yourself at a place you reconized from being here with Georgia before – the Viktualienmarkt. It was a beautiful big market place where you could basically get everything. Fresh fruit and vegetables. Honey and Bee products. Wine (slight heave) and Beer. Good food. Nice people. Everything in one place. That also was the moment you realized you had no money on you. Which sucked big time since you got quite hungry with your exploring. You pulled out your phone to see five missed calls. When you pulled them calls up you saw two from your girlfriend, one from Keira, one from Lucy and one from an unknown number. So you decided to call your girlfriend back first and to your surprise she answered after the second ring. Which was VERY unusual for Georgia since you normally needed four tries to get her on the phone
“Baby.. where are you... I came home half an hour ago with you gone... are you okay?” your girlfriend spoke quickly and her voice showing her increased stress level
“I'm alright... I'm at the big market place...” you said confused
“Big market pla... love... where the fuck are you?” Georgia said even more confused that you were
“You know... where you took me when I visited the first time... where you can buy all that bee stuff in that little corner shop on the market” you tried to explain since you didn't want to make a fool out of yourself for pronouncing the places name wrong
“I have NO idea where you are... wait... look for someone nice and let me talk to them” your girlfriend tried so hard to figure out were you where
“Okay... wait” you looked around until you spotted someone familiar – it was the nice waitress from the breakfast place G took you to yesterday so you approached her carefully
“Ehrm... excuse me?” you lightly tapped her shoulder
“Ja?” the nice blonde turned around “Oh hi... I remember you... you had the two avocado toasts yesterday with your friends”
“Actually just one... the other one my friend ate before I could grab a bite... that bottomless bitch...” you said still a sore topic for you “... I... need help... could you please help...?”
“Dinara...” the woman offered smiling friendly “... and of course – what's the problem”
“I... got... kinda lost?” you said embarrassed holding your phone up “... me.. friend is on the phone but she's too thick to figure out where I am so can you please tell her..?”
“Oh my god of course” Dinara laughed as she took your phone “Hi? So your friend is at Viktualienmarkt just opposite Chicos Saftbar... at the golden chicken”
“Oh god thank you so much” you heard the relieved sigh of your girlfriend through your phone “I know you probably have better things to do but... could you maybe keep an eye on her... or chain her to one of the lampposts so she can't run off again? Either way is fine”
“Excuse me??” you exclaimed upset “... tying me to a post?? The fuck you think you are – you ain't Luce”
“Depends on how long you need to get here...” the blonde woman said amused at your outburst
“Half an hour max... I'm already on me way” Georgia said panting as she was jogging down the street to the next tramway
“Yeah I can do that... I'll take her to Café Schmalznudel” the nice helpfully blonde said still grinning at your behaviour since you retreated to grumble to yourself about getting tied up to a post
“Thank you so SO much” your girlfriend said as she got onto the tramway towards the city centre
“No problem...” Dinara smiled as she tugged on your sleeve so you would follow her “... I know how it is to get lost in Munich”
“Where we going? I'll have you know I have a lots of friends who will come looking for you if you murder me” you said but still walked after the blonde
“I was about to get you some coffee and some delicious pastry but since you accused me of being a murderer you can sit and watch me eat and have my coffee” the blonde said sweetly
“That's literally letting me starve... I didn't get coffee this morning because me gi... friend... friend decided to get a coffeemaker you need a fucking PhD for and then I got lost...” you deadpanned as the blonde woman shoved you into a small shop where it smelled deliciously
“Are you always this dark and twisted sarcastic?” Dinara asked interested
“Yes... got it from... I wanted to say my family but they're not like me... in terms of fun... they're all very humourless.. except for me sister... she has her moments... they're rare but she has them” you mused “... she's trying”
“Okay...” the blonde laughed “... what do you want... I recommend the Dampfnudel” she said as she pointed to one of the trays
“What's that?” you looked interested
“It's a yeast dough with a plum marmalade filling... very tasty” D explained “... or there we have Auszogne...”
“Uh.. I had that before... they're amazing” you looked at the pastry your mouth watering “I want them all”
“You literally will puke if you eat everything... so let's settle for one and you can come back with your friend another time” the blonde said
“Gibberish gibberish dare” you looked at her straight in the eye grumbling
“What?” the young woman looked at you confused
“It's... Swedish? Danish? Cold countryish for “you're mean”...” you said huffing a little
“Have it your way... I'm going to order now” the blonde shrugged her shoulders turning around to the guy behind the counter starting to order
“I take that yeast thingy” you interrupted from behind her
“Und eine Dampfnudel mit... what coffee?” the woman said half turning to you
“Do you guys know what a cappuccino is?” you asked carefully
“We're a European country and closer to Italy than the UK... yes we know what a cappuccino is” the woman said rolling her eyes “... und einen Cappuccino bitte”
20 minutes later your girlfriend bursted through the front door looking around panicked before she spotted you speed walking over
“What the hell were you thinking???” your girlfriend said panting
“I was thinking about getting a coffee” you looked at her confused
“I... I.. what?” Georgia looked at you in disbelieve “... coffee?”
“Yes... you know... that black liquid that brings you back to life” you chewed on your pastry as you heard your new friend snort beside you
“I have a perfectly fine coffeemaker at home” your girlfriend exclaimed
“Had... I think it dead” you looked at her innocently and G couldn't do anything than look at you flabbergasted
“So... as lovely as this interaction was... I need to get to work” Dinara suddenly exclaimed and stood up
“What do I owe you... wait... you paid for her stuff right?” Georgia started to ramble and rummaged through her pockets “... here... 50 Euros.... 10 for the food the rest for having to deal with her”
“No needs... she is a delight once she's fed and caffeinated” the blonde waitress laughed and pushed Georgias hand back denying the money
“No really... I can't thank you enough... god knows where she would've ended up” your girlfriend tried to give Dinara the money again
“It's okay... just... put one past Coll for the girls who look up to you” Dinara smiled winked and pushed past Georgia leaving the small place leaving Georgia behind looking confused
“You think she'll come back for the rest of her pastry?” you quipped up behind your girlfriend eyeing the piece interested
“Honestly Baby... what where you thinking? You don't know the City, you don't know the language you didn't even knew where you were” Georgia whisper yelled after she sat down opposite to you
“Look... you were gone when I woke up... I tried to make coffee the machine died... yes, I don't know the city or where I was... but I'm not five... and for the language barrier.. you don't speak german either” you said back your voice low “... you won't believe it Georgia Stanway but people speak english and I found out pretty quickly that the people here are actually pretty helpful if you just ask nicely and be polite”
“I know that... I got scared okay... I know you're not five... but I came home and you were gone and you didn't answer your phone...” your girlfriend said calmly and you saw how she tried to keep herself calm too
“I didn't hear it because it was on silent” you sneered back “What is the big deal?”
“The big deal is that I started to call hospitals because I thought someone knocked you out” Georgia said and you saw how she lost her patience
“G... I can look out for myself.. did it for years” you snapped at her
“Let's go home okay... we can talk about it but we're in public” your girlfriend sighed
But you wouldn't be a Bronze if you wouldn't have the treat of stubbornness
“YOU can go home... I'll use the credit card I stole from Lucy and buy myself a flight to....” you stopped thinking a second “... Manchester”
“Baby please...” Georgia pleaded trying to take your hand but you pulled it away
“No...” you sneered “... don't touch me”
“I won't let you run... and if you run I'll follow you” your girlfriend said her voice low “I can't let you run.. I love you”
Your head snapped up and you looked at her shocked
“You... never said that” you whispered out
“I love you... I got so so scared when I got home...” Georgia said carefully taking your hand and this time you let her “... I told you before I can't and don't want to imagine a world without you... so when you were gone I panicked”
“I'm sorry...” you mumbled “... but honestly it's your coffeemakers fault”
“You pressed another button didn't you” your girlfriend smirked
“It offered cappuccino” you defended yourself
“It can also make cappuccino... if you fill up the milk tank” Georgia said grinning
“I love you too” you mumbled as you let your girlfriend pull you out of the chair
“I know... if you didn't you would be at the airport already” Georgia pulled you into her side pressing a subtle kiss to your temple
“Baby??” you heard your girlfriend call from the kitchen
“Yeah?” you yelled back from the spot on the couch
“Pernille asked if we want to join them for dinner tonight?” Georgia said as she leans against the doorframe of the living room
“Yeah why not...” you said distracted “... what the hell am I watching? There are naked people.. it's freaking daytime”
“Would you be able to whip up a desert? I hate coming empty handed and wine isn't an option this time” your girlfriend asked already texting her teammate back “And what are you watching?”
“How the fuck should I know... I understand fuck all” you exclaimed pointing at the TV with the remote control in your hand
“Oh god... you found the trash TV channel...” Georgia groaned after she threw a quick look at the screen
“That isn't normal trash... that... offensive trash” you exclaimed watching how two police officers start a yelling match with two naked people “What they yelling about?”
“Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses...” your girlfriend said distracted still on the phone texting Pernille “... public outrage”
“Yeah I bet... I would be outraged if I see naked people buying a newspaper in broad daylight” you snorted and kept watching how the police officers tried to reason with the nakeys
“Didn't Ella and you once walked naked into Old Trafford?” Georgia asked looking at you expectantly
“THAT was a dare...” you pointed out tilting your head trying to make sense out of the scene that was displayed on screen
“Baby... about that desert” your girlfriend asked again
“Yes I'll whip something up” you said absent still not believing what you see on TV
“Thank you” Georgia pressed a kiss to your head as she walked passed “... I advice to change the show.. it's not getting better”
“It's kinda fascinating....” you said in awe
“No it's not.. it's trash TV” your girlfriend snorted as she started to pack for her afternoon fitness session “You're going to join in?”
“I'll join... but not in” you grinned “Just let me look how long the thingy takes I want to make for the wine replacement”
“I can bring wine... but you won't having any” Georgia grinned as she threw a second kit into her bag knowing fully well you're gonna join in at some point
“I would need about two hours... do we have that much time?” you looked up from your phone where you googled the receipt
“Sure... training ends around 5... I can get you an Uber so you can go home earlier and get a head start” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders
“You won't let me use public right?” you asked hopefully
“Yeah no... even I get lost sometimes with all them trains and tramways and undergrounds and busses...” Georgia shook her head
“Can someone else drive me? Uber is always so awkward” you whined
“You can ask Alex... he should still be in doing... whatever managers do in their offices... maybe he can drive you” your girlfriend offered
“Sounds good” you grinned knowing exactly how you would get the Trainer to agree driving you back to Georgias apartment
Georgia was right of course. As soon as you walked into the locker room Jill pounced on you talking your ear off while making you promise you would join in the gym. You tried to get out of it by saying you didn't have anything gym appropriate as you get hit in the face by a shirt and some short. Your girlfriend grinned widely at you as you shot her a dirty look which made most of the team laugh. So you changed into the kit Georgia threw at you which resulted in G looking smug and Magda rolling her eyes
“What?” you grumbled at the swede
“Wearing her number? Want to make it anymore obvious?” Magda said her voice low
“She my friend and the only Lioness here... as well as the best friend of one of the women who raised me AND a good friend of my sister...” you answered automatically
“Knew that speech by heart do you?” the blonde swede grinned
“You know how often I had to say that to the newbies at Camp?” you rolled your eyes as you pulled some shoes on “... dear jesus... whose shoes are that?”
“Your... friends” Magda chuckled emphasizing the “friend”
“Bitch...” you grumbled before looking up at the swede “... what's your shoe size?”
“Ehrm... 40” the swede answered
“What's that in UK size?” you looked confused
“7” Pernille answered as she walked past have followed your conversation with half an ear
“Why do you guys have such hobbit feet?” you groaned looking around “Anyone shoes in 8.5?”
You were met with stunned silence. You looked for help at Pernille who looked at her teammates
“42/43 anyone?” the Danish asked into the round but was met with just head shakes “Sorry Søde... looks like you have to go barefoot”
“Barefoot my ass” you grumbled as you walked out of the room and straight into the managers office “Alex... what's your shoe size”
“Ehrm... 43” the norwegian Trainer answered bewildered
“Perfect... give me your shoes” you demanded and pointed at his NIKE Free Metcon5
“Excuse me?” the brown haired man looked at you
“You're players are annoying and now I have to go to the gym with them but they all have mini feet and I don't... so I need shoes... you have me size.. so give me your shoes” you explained
“What's the magic word?” the Norwegian grinned
“Please” you rolled your eyes annoyed
“See... not so hard...” he grinned as he threw his shoes over to you “oh by the way... Ingrid Engen says hi... you better not tell us Barca secrets or she sees herself in the position of taking actions against you you won't like”
“Pff.... Princess Norwegian is far to nice to do something...” you waved off as you pulled the shoes on
“Engen? Probably.... Graham-Hansen on the other side... wouldn't want to piss her off” the man smirked
“You know... if you want me to help you poke Barcas ego... you're not doing a good job in convincing me” you said tilting your head
“I want to win” the Norwegian said confident
“Against Barca?” you laughed out in disbelieve
“Yes...” he nodded curtly
“You know I'm not a bullshitter.... and you have a good team... but defeating Barca? They will have to have a REALLY bad day...” you said honestly tying the laces “... they have everything... Forwards who are constantly on fire... a blazing midfield... and don't get me started on the backline”
“You got the Lionesses to win against Spain” the man pointed out as he leaned back in his chair his white socks shining under his table
“And I have a contract with the Lionesses... I can't help you... officially” you said smirking slightly “... but if I by pure accident write down some plays and weak Barca links and lose them and you find them by chance...”
“Coincidence” the Norwegian shrugged smirking as well
“Pure accident....” you grinned “... I'll have it ready by tomorrow evening for losing it”
“I really have to keep hold of Stanway don't I?” the man laughed
“For as long as she's happy here...” you shrugged your shoulders before turning around leaving the office
“There she IIIISSSS” you heard Jill before you saw her
“And there she gooooeeesss” you mimicked her turning to leave again
“No no no no no Lieveheersbeestje” the dutch said quickly throwing her arm around your shoulders pulling you further into the gym
“Lie... what?” you looked at her disgusted
“Lieveheersbeestje... Ladybug” the young player smiled
“Ew... stop giving me Pet names... your my annoying soul sister” you pushed her of you
“Naaaaw.... love you too” the dutch sing songed and pulled you back against her
“Let go you annoying gouda-head” you said trying to push her away again
“Say that you love me too” Jill laughed holding on to you even tighter
“My Sister taught me not to lie..” you pushed harder even tho both of you were just messing “so I'm not saying this because it would be a big fat lie”
“You don't mean that” the dutch exclaimed shocked
“Pernille!!!!” you whined out as you spotted the Danish player “Jill is mean to me...”
“Jill...” the light blonde warned as she stretched her muscles
“I didn't do anything” the dutch defended herself
“She wanted me to lie... Lucy said if she ever catches me lying she cuts me feet off!” you immediately said accusingly
“Kids” Pernille warned now both of you before turning to her girlfriend “Which one do you want?”
“The small Bronze of course” Magda looked at Pernille like she lost her mind “I really don't understand that question”
“Just wanted to be polite” the Danish said rolling her eyes “Take your kid to the other side of the room... these two together won't be good”
“Come on Kid... we start over there” Magda pulled you out of Jills grip and to the other side of the gym
“I'm not your Kid” you looked confused but let the swede pull you along
“Now you are... or do you prefer Kiddo?” the blonde swede grinned “Or should I throw Swedish nicknames at you?”
“Can't you just be normal?” you looked bewildered
“Normal is boring... I'm fun” Magda grinned
“And old...” you mumbled
“Hey... I'm not old” the blonde exclaimed
“Oh sorry... you are experienced” you nodded with a shit eating grin
“Just... do your training” Magda pushed you towards the treadmill
“I... don't have a trainings plan” you said confused
“Then do whatever you fell like but please do something... Pernille is already looking over” the swede whisper yelled
“Uuuuhhh... someone is scared of her girlfriend” you teased the older player
“You want me to get her on your ass... I still can swap kids” Magda said grinning
“I... can't go on the treadmill...” you admitted a little ashamed
“Why not... it's not that hard... and you look fit enough to do it” the swede pushed you slightly
“No... I... physically can't...” you started to bite your lip looking up to find your girlfriend
“Would you please explain that?” Magda said carefully sensing that it was a very personal topic
“I have... knee issues” you said finally spotting your girlfriend on the bench press
“Okay...” the swede said softly “... want to do some arm work?”
“I can do push ups or pull ups” you said excited and grateful that Magda dropped the topic
“How many pull ups can you manage?” Magda grinned poking at your competitiveness
“More than you” you shot back
“Oh we're gonna see that” the blonde grinned already jumping up to grab the monkey bar
“Respect little Bronze...” Magda panted out next to you as both of you laid on the ground faces red and covered in sweat “... didn't think you had it in you”
“My sister is Lucy Bronze...” you panted back “... had to beat her in something”
“Are you two done being idiots?” Pernille asked appearing in your line of vision
“We're not idiots” the swede answered her girlfriend “... we had to settle an argument”
“Oh really...” the Danish said raising her eyebrows “... keeping everyone from training because you two do pull ups until you pass out... counts as being idiotic”
“I won” you weakly pointed out your breathing slowly getting back to normal
“Pff... you wish” the blonde swede next to you huffed
“Oh I won” you sat up quickly which turned out to be the wrong move as you began to sway
“Yes Søde you won” Pernille was immediately by your side steadying you with her legs
“She didn't.... you shouldn't lie to her” Magda exclaimed
“She won” the Danish said firmly throwing her girlfriend a look that probably could freeze hell
“Yes darling... she won... fair and square...” the swede quickly corrected herself and it made you snicker
“Alex is waiting for you?” the Danish looked down at you
“Uh yeah... he driving me home” you quickly said trying to stand up but your said it wasn't a good idea
“Stay down... let your body relax and let it come back from the torture you just put it through” Pernille said gently
“Don't have time for that” you answered trying to stand up again
“Oh but you gonna make time Søde...” the Danish smirked and you knew you better listen
“If G helps me... would you please let me go shower?” you asked carefully
“No... Georgia has to train” Pernille answered shortly “... I normally should train too but I can stay a little longer with Magda so I can afford a few minutes”
“We stay longer?” the blonde swede whined “Why?”
“Because you haven't done any of your training so far... you did pull ups....” the Danish answered strictly
“Aaaah maaaan” Magda huffed annoyed
“Your own fault... MY kid is already done with her training by the way... I win the better parent contest” Pernille grinned
“My kid is cooler and fitter” the swede shot back “Your kid is just annoying”
“HA!” you exclaimed happily “I think I can stand up now”
“Try” the Danish encouraged you and you finally got up without swaying “.... okay... off to the shower and you clock out before you leave”
“Yes mom” you rolled your eyes but quickly moved out of the way when Pernille tried to playfully kick your ass
15 minutes later you pushed your head through the door of the gym looking for Pernille
“Mom I'm gone...” you yelled in her direction finding her standing next to Magda who just did some leg press
“I expect you home for dinner” the Danish shot back without taking her eyes of her girlfriend
“Yes mother” you rolled your eyes
“That's “ja mor” for you brat” Pernille played along smiling slightly as she nudged Magda slightly with her foot against her girlfriends hip silently telling her to focus
“Yeah yeah... I'm off..” you pulled a face before disappearing again
“So... any tips for free?” Alex asked as soon you slided into his passenger seat
“You have to watch Aitana... this woman likes to work” you said as you put your seatbelt in place
“I already know that” the Norwegian rolled his eyes as he smoothly maneuvered the car through traffic “... want a little city tour?”
“I wish I could but I really have to get going on this stupid desert G promised Pernille for inviting us for dinner” you grumbled
“You got invited by Hardersson? Nice...” the trainer looked impressed
“Why you look so impressed?” you asked confused not understanding why he would be impressed by a dinner invitation
“You getting invited by our royal couple... impressive... you here now what... two days? Three?” Alex mused
“Three if you count arrival” you said “Royal couple?”
“You don't really follow social media don't you?” the Norwegian asked chuckling
“Not really no... being Lucy Bronzes sister does things.... the amount of thirst messages over my sisters hands or her thighs I received kinda put me off having a social media account... then there were threats... or inappropriate messages... oh yeah... and the messages that said they were happy I had three ACLs.... so no.. not really on social media” you said flatly
“The internet is a dangerous place...” the Trainer said calmly “... but also a good place you know... we as a Club can use it to keep in touch with the fans... we can rewatch games... players can basically promote themselves”
“I know... I never said it was bad... it wasn't just not a good place for me at the time” you said seriously
“But back to the original topic.. Hardersson is the royal couple...” Alex said
“I thought that was Beth and Viv...” you asked confused
“Here in Munich it's Pernille and Magda” the Norwegian smiled
“You're biased because Pernille is on your national team” you said shaking your head
“She's Danish....” the Trainer rolled his eyes “... I'm Norwegian and I don't train the NORWEAGIAN team”
“Danish... Norwegian... Sweden... all cold countries” you grumbled
“England isn't far off” Alex teased you
“We have rain... not cold” you huffed
“I went skiing in Glencoe last winter” the Norwegian chuckled finding immense entertainment in riling you up
“Glencoe is Scotland you fish eating...” you couldn't think off a good insult so you just huffed again
“We're here my token” he laughed as he pointed to the front door of the house where Georgia had her apartment in
“Thanks for the ride trainer” you tipped your head and got out of the car
“Don't forget to lose that paper tomorrow” he yelled after you and you threw a thumbs up at him
“Baby... I'm ho... shit that smells good... what is it?” Georgia yelled as she opened the door and got a little sniff of the pastry you made.
She walked into the kitchen but you weren't there. But she found the most delicious treat. Just as she was about to grab one from the baking tray you yelled from the bathroom
“If you touch them damn things Georgia Stanway I cut your fingers off”
“But you love my fingers!” your girlfriend yelled back in a teasing tone but retreated from the tray
“You still have a tongue I can use...” you deadpanned as you stepped out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue pantsuit with a silver necklace just putting in the matching earrings and light make-up
“True... but you li....” Georgia said but stopped midsentence and just stared at you
“What?” you asked seeing her staring at you
“You... this... you” your girlfriend rambled with wide eyes
“Do you need a restart?” you asked carefully and a little taken aback “... I can hit you if you need it”
“No.... you're just... you're beautiful.... so so beautiful” Georgia whispered
“Thank you” you said shyly your cheeks flushed as you bit your lip
“I think we should stay in....” your girlfriend pushed herself into your space towering a little over you
“No... I spend the last two hours making that desert... we go...” you said firmly pushing her back slightly “... go change... if we're late because of you...”
“Yeah... I'm already moving... no need to get mean woman” Georgia grumbled knowing exactly what you wanted to say
30 Minutes later you stood in front of a small house a little outside the city center with your basket full of deserts. Georgia took it upon herself to ring the doorbell – multiple times to annoy Magda – and was now waiting with a wide grin for the swede to open the door. And that she did. Magda opened the door saw a widely grinning Georgia Stanway with you behind her holding a basket. The swede eyed the basket and you offered it to her so she could take a better look
“I come brining gifts” you smirked as you saw the blonde lurking inside
Suddenly everything went very quickly. Georgia got pushed to the side so she nearly fell into the rose bushes you got grabbed and ungracefully pulled inside as Magda shut the door behind you with her foot
“Pernille... Pernille....” the swede excitedly yelled pulling you behind her further into the house “PERNILLE!!!”
“I'm in the same universe as you... stop screaming... what's the matter” the Danish came out of the – what you assume living room – looking annoyed “... hello dearest daughter of mine”
“Hi...” you said a little bit flustered and confused
“What's the matter Eriksson?” Pernille looked at her girlfriend who just pushed you in front of her with a wide grin
“Look...” she motioned to the basket
“Where's Georgia?” the Danish asked looking behind you two
“Don't know” Magda said getting more excited by the second “.... who cares... LOOK”
Finally Pernille took a look into the basket and bursted out laughing
“Can we keep her??” the blonde swede asked hopefully
“She's not a dog Magda” Pernille rolled her eyes
“But she made Kanelbullar!!” Magda pointed out taking the basket from your hands shoving it in her girlfriends face
“You are unbelievable Magda... no manners whatsoever” the Danish said annoyed as she made her way to the door to leave your girlfriend in
“I'm really sorry Georgia...” the blonde Dane said “... you have my permission to hit her”
“It's alright...” your girlfriend waved off “... I got threatened with cut off fingers if I'd touch them... she made them from scratch”
“Magda will guard her with her life now...” Pernille chuckled as she watched her girlfriend basically carrying you around and running circles around you asking you a million questions a second if you need anything
“That's okay...” Georgia smiled softly “.... she deserves to have more people in her corner”
“God Stanway... you really are in love” the blonde Dane chuckled
“Is that a bad thing when you look at her?” your girlfriend looked longing at you
“No... she's a treasure...” Pernille smiled as well watching how her girlfriend offered you even her Olympic medal in exchange for more Kanelbullar
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— rulebreaker!hobie brown x perfectionist!gn!reader
— enemies to lovers, swearing (more than last and fuck too), mutual pining, making out, small bit of harassment, rebellious teens, confused feelings, getting together
— hobie brown was everything you weren’t, so maybe that’s what attracted the two of you together so well (pt. 2)
— here part two gang! honestly i have an idea for part three in mind but if that’s something u honestly want pls lmk asap
— part 1 | part 2 (here) | part 3
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The next couple of weeks were.. odd between you and Hobie.
Even after a heartfelt confession about the pressure you felt, you still had a reputation to uphold. You kept treating him the way you normally did; ignoring him and pretending he didn’t exist.
At first, this didn't really bother Hobie. He was used to chasing after you, messing with you and poking fun at the student council president. But he was getting bored. The small bits of making you late to class or taking up your time were amusing, but he wanted more of a reaction from you.
When he started interacting less and less, you grew confused. As much as you hated to admit it, you liked the attention and small interactions.
Though it was small, being late and skipping class (very rarely at this point), made you excited. It made you feel.. alive in a way.
But all that was dissipating. And you were upset about it.
You sat in your room after a long school day, mindlessly scrolling through your computer. Your parents had asked that you try and find a prom outfit, but that became boring really quick. You could never wear something truly exciting; just some fancy outfit plain coloured with fancy hair.
A knock on your window startled you from your thoughts. Glancing out, you see Hobie looking in, motioning for you to open the window. You walk over confused, deciding to open the window.
"Brown? It's.." You glance back at your alarm clock. "..10 pm. What are you doing here?"
"Awe, come on sweetheart. After such a confession, shouldn't we be on a first name basis?" He says, inviting himself into your room.
You scoff. "One, no, as you don't use my first name. And two, you can't be here! My parents are right down the hall!"
Hobie shrugged as he looked around your room, analyzing the decor. He noticed the clean desk you had, along with a neat bookshelf of many scientific books and knick-knacks. It suited you, every detail down to the way your game console sat neatly on your TV stand, not a speck of dust in sight.
"Did you show up just to judge my room?"
Hobie shook his head. "Nah, came t' ask ya somethin'." He said, sitting on your desk chair. "Up for an adventure?"
"Excuse me?" You question, taking a seat across from him on your bed. "When?"
You know Hobie was.. absolutely crazy in some ways. But this? Going on a random adventure on a Friday night, and asking the person he wants to go with by entering their room via window was.. not the kind of crazy you would categorize him as.
You raise your eyebrows, crossing your arms. "You serious right now?"
"As serious as I always am." He responds with a shrug. "'s up to you. We'll be gone 'till tomorrow. Either 'u're up for a challenge or not."
A challenge he says? Hobie knew that you could be riled up from being challenged to do something. Perfectionists always had to win in his eyes.
And he was right.
"Give me five minutes."
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Next thing you knew, you were on a train from your isolated little town to Brooklyn itself. Hobie blindly led you onto a train, told you to not worry about tickets, then let the train take you both to the destination in mind.
Of course Hobie remembered what you said at the tree. He had been holding onto it for a while now. He knew you wanted to go to a city, do whatever you wanted, just for a little bit. And he was going to be the one to give that to you. Why? Well, that's a question he couldn't answer for himself.
"Brooklyn?" You questioned, looking out of the train window. "Why Brooklyn?"
"You said it under the tree. Ya wanted to go to the city, no?"
You nodded slowly, looking back out the window with a small smile. Of course you were flattered that he remembered your words. At least, you were hoping he did, you practically poured your feelings out.
Once the train stopped, you both stepped out of the station to admire the tall buildings towering over you. Hobie couldn’t help but be amused at the way your eyes shined at the new scenery. He practically came here everyday.
But he couldn’t tell you that. Not without plausible answers to the inevitable questions.
“So..” You turn to look at him, eyes still bright. “What do we do?”
He shrugs, hands in his vest pockets. “Whatever ya want. ‘s ‘ur day, no?”
"But I don't know where to go. I've never been to the city before."
Hobie's eyes widened for a moment, shocked at your words. You were really so sheltered you hadn't been to the city right beside your town? The thought alone was crazy to Hobie. He never understood why adults were so.. controlling.
He sighs, walking ahead. "Follow me then. I'll show ya ‘round."
And so you did just that. You followed Hobie around the city, taking in the sights he's showing you. All around the city, passing and weaving through people, making sure you had a nice time.
There was something you noticed. Before Hobie took you somewhere, he provided you with options on where to go. He didn't force you to go one place with him. He didn't strictly follow an itinerary. He always asked what you wanted to do, giving you full control of the day.
It was.. refreshing. This sense of freedom was exactly what you needed. To feel the fresh air of the city without worrying about impressing anyone. Hobie wasn't judging you, and you certainly weren't judging yourself.
The end of the day came quicker than your liking, and the two of you were on the rooftop of an apartment complex. The sun was setting behind the tall buildings, and Hobie brought the two of you some noodles to eat (he definitely didn't steal them).
You take a bite, setting the cup down with a sigh. "Today was.. actually really nice. I don't think I ever felt that, free before, if that makes sense?"
"Don't worry, you can say it." Hobie said, nudging your arm.
You roll your eyes with a small smile. "Mm.. guess I can. Thanks, Brown."
"Y'know, you can call me 'obie, swee'heart." He responded, shrugging. "'s better than m' last name, I think."
"I can't give you that satisfaction. Not yet."
Hobie raised an eyebrow, a shit-eating smirk crossing his face. "Yet?"
You're ready to correct yourself, but the words die in your throat. You couldn't help but like the sound of "yet". It meant more time with Hobie.. and you enjoyed that. Hobie's company was something you were starting to crave. Almost like a drug.
Hobie glanced over at you. "Gotta admit, didn't expect ya t' come with me. Considerin' 'ur parents don't know ya snuck out."
“Yeah well..” You sigh, looking out onto the building with a soft smile. “Maybe I just needed something different.” You finish, looking over at Hobie.
You’re suddenly very aware of how close the two of you are to each other. Hobie’s eyes flicker; your eyes, your mouth, and back a couple times. It’s almost like.. he was asking you for something. The longer you both stared, the more tempted he became, and you honestly couldn’t blame him.
So why did you pull away?
As soon as he started leaning in, you pulled back, clearing your throat. His eyes widen before narrowing, scoffing gently. Guess he misread the situation.
You really couldn’t tell him he didn’t.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The next weeks Hobie Brown didn’t show up to school.
You had a feeling you were the cause. Brushing him off like that was such a dick move on your part. You knew that. You wanted nothing more than to find him and run to him, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.
But you couldn’t. You had an image to maintain. A reputation. All the trust you worked so hard to accumulate would go down the drain in an instant.
Of course.. Hobie may be worth that.
Hobie to you is worth that risk. All his rule breaking and crazed adventures are just what you need in your life. Something that gives you the freedom you longed for.
But you had to go and screw it up. And now here you were, three weeks after the incident, at your locker with a guy trying to talk you up.
“C’mon, [Name], just one night! It’ll change your life!”
You groan, slamming the locker shut. “Dude, I said no. Can you stop?”
“Why? I gotta know why!” He persisted, grabbing your wrist as you tried walking away.
You yank your arm away, trying to escape. “I don’t owe you that! Let me go.”
“Not until you-”
You turn at the sudden voice, shocked at who it belonged to. There stood Hobie Brown, eyes filled with anger.
“They said, let go.” He said, grabbing the guy’s arm and yanking it away. “Learn t’ take a hint, aye?”
The guy’s eyes narrowed. “And who do you think you are, Brown? Their boyfriend?”
“As a matter of fac’-”
Then, Hobie turns you to him, bringing your lips to his. No warning, no asking, nothing. Just does what he’s been craving after three weeks of disappearance.
Everyone in the hallway around you two watched with shocked faces. Nobody could have seen this coming, not even you.
A thousand thoughts rushed through your head as Hobie kissed you, but one screamed to push away. So you did, giving him a shocked look before grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the scene. You drag him to a storage closet, shutting the door.
“Brown, what the hell was that?!” You immediately ask, eyes narrowed. “What, do you disappear for three weeks then kiss every person you were hanging out with? What the hell?”
Hobie sighed, leaning against a shelf behind him. “Guy needed t’ be taught a lesson. Made sure he won’t bother ya.”
“I can do that on my own!” You respond, shoving an accusing finger in his chest. “Where have you been?!”
“Thinkin’.” Is all he responds with.
You groan. “For three weeks? Shit Hobie, I..” You words fall short. You want to say it.. squeeze it out. “I.. missed you.”
Hobie’s eyes widened as he takes in your words. You.. missed him? He never would have seen this coming; a confession from the president in a dingy storage closet? Not on his bucket list.
Your eyes watch Hobie, doing that same pattern he did on the rooftop; eyes, mouth, eyes. You wanted to kiss him again.. feel those lips again on yours. No.. you needed it.
You know what? Fuck this perfect image.
You grab onto Hobie's vest, pulling him in to connect your lips. Your rough with your movements at first, closing your eyes tightly and latching onto him with a white-knuckle grip. Hobie's eyes widened for a moment before they showed a more prideful look, kissing you back with just as much emotion.
His hands find placement on your lower back, pulling you into him as the kiss escalates from one to many. Hobie was like a starved man, slotting his leg in between yours to support you, pushing you back against the shelf and knocking over some cleaning supplies.
That could be fixed later.
Your original intention of one passionate kiss to show him how you felt turned into many heated kisses. The bell for class was drowned out by how into the moment you both were.
“Fuck.. Hobie..” You whisper, diving back in for another kiss.
Hobie groaned in turn, pulling you impossibly closer. “Shit sweetheart.. can’t say m’ name like that.”
“Hmm.. why’s that..?”
“‘s gonna drive me crazy..”
Suddenly, the doorknob to the closet rattles, causing you both to pull away. Your eyes go wide as Hobie grabs it from where he stands, bringing one finger to his lips to make you stay quiet.
The person on the other side tries to open the door, but ultimately fails. They groan and mumble something before walking away. Hobie looks over at your expression, a small laugh escaping his lips.
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” He whispers, planting a kiss to your jaw. “Or are ya gonna keep pretendin’ you’re too good for it?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes as you take his hand. "Nah, not this time. Come on."
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some ppl who wanted to be tagged (🫶): @serenn08 | @rksses | @youronlyauthor | @dotheyevenknowmars | @xoxobabe
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taasgirl · 7 months
say something pt 1.
summary: although playing for the same club, pedri and y/n cannot stand the thought of being around each other. enemies to lovers for all my girlies out there - i got u
a/n: not proofread and all in english + more installments coming soon!!
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"I told you I can't go out." Salma hadn't stopped bothering me about some party with the men's team. I had so much school to catch up on.
"Come on don't be a party pooper. You study every night and train every day." I spun my chair to face my laptop. "Seriously Y/N, it's only one night." Rolling my eyes, I continued writing my paper.
I had been at university for the past year or so, while simultaneously playing football. For Barcelona. I know, pinch me moment. But I was so determined to graduate high school, and get a degree. I wasn't going to let anything stop me.
Even if it was my dream profession.
The coaches and staff at Barcelona were very understanding, however they weren't too happy when I had to leave training early for lectures.
But I guess I make up for it, I'm the league's top goal scorer, currently on 21 in 9 games. A feat slightly unbelievable to my lecturers and classmates - they think it's insane that someone 'famous' would even bother with university, but I love journalism. Something about writing is so me. Especially topics that I love.
"Don't be a bum Y/N." Truth is, I really wanted to go, but I had already agreed to help one of my classmates with some work.
"I'm supposed to be studying with Alex." Salma instantly spun me around. "The hot one?" I didn't respond.
Alex and I had our fair share of flirty kisses and almost intimate moments, with Salma being our first and only 'fan'. Seriously her words not mine.
"Well bring him then. You two should loosen up. Literally everyone will be bringing a plus one." Now that would actually be a good idea, but he seemed like he really needed my help, and lucky for me, he didn't want to bother me so it would all be through facetime. I could study in the comfort of my bed, in my pyjamas.
"Sorry Sal, you have fun but I'm staying back." She scoffed, this happened a lot, she'd invite me, I'd reject, and then say, "You look really hot though."
"Wait so what did you write about?" I would be lying if I said this wasn't awkward. We had hooked up a few times, and yet each time we spoke to each other it was just as awkward as the last. The term 'friends with benefits' was definitely not applicable to us.
"Umm, mine's just about some of my teammates. You know, sports injuries and that sort of stuff." He smiled when I spoke.
"It's so cool knowing you." Awkward silence soon followed. "Hey uh, I'd really like to take you out. To dinner maybe? You know, when you're not busy being a professional and all that." Well I can't really reject the guy who's made me orgasm multiple times.
"Yeah sure. I'm sure we could go out after class one day." Yeah I was not going to go out with him.
After a few hours of studying with Alex I got a call from Salma. "Hey Alex, I'm getting a call, I'll message you later." Hanging up our facetime, answered Salma's call.
"How's hot boy? Have you fucked yet." She was slurring her words. Definitely off her face drunk. "Hey is this Y/N?" I replied to the voice, one of a man's. "Listen we need you to come pick Salma up, she's drunk." The boy on the other side of the phone said it almost annoyed.
"Who is this?" Immediately he replied, "Pedri. Now can you hurry? I'm sending over the address." The notification popped up on my phone, she was at a club downtown.
"I can't." Pedri didn't speak. I knew him from our minimal media interactions, but other than that, he had a reputation as a dickhead fuck boy. "What do you mean you can't?" Because I was so preoccupied with school and work, I never had the time to get my license.
"I can't drive, I don't have a license." I could almost hear him roll his eyes.
"Are you serious? How do you expect her to get home?" He was clearly pissed off. "Maybe be a gentleman and drive her home?" He groaned, obviously unwilling to do so.
"Don't put her in a cab. Drive her home, here I'm sending you the address." As soon as he received my message through Sal's phone he hung up. What a dickhead.
After about fifteen minutes, I heard loud banging at my door. Rushing over, Salma practically fell in my arms. "Y/N you won't believe the night I had." She needed to sleep, we needed to be at training by 6 tomorrow for fitness testing. I have no idea why she'd pick tonight as the time to get wasted.
"Thank you Pedri, I'll see you tomorrow." As I went to shut the door, he stuck his foot in, pushing the door wide.
"So I leave a party with beautiful women to drop your lightweight friend off, and you don't even offer me a glass of water?" His tone was condescending, as he followed me through our apartment.
"Yeah well, sorry for ruining your night." As I helped Salma into her bed, he leaned on her doorframe. "You know usually when I take a girl home it doesn't end like this." He smiled, that kind of dickhead-fuckboy smile. I didn't respond, walking under his arm as I made my way to the front door. I opened my wallet and handed him €10. "For the petrol, now please leave." I pushed the money against his chest as he scoffed. "I don't need your money." He looked me up and down. "See you later Y/N."
Salma and I successfully made our way to the Barcelona grounds, a round of water and plenty of bread slowly sobered her up.
"So how was your date with sexy classmate." I smacked her lightly. "Awkward as fuck. You'd think that someone who's seen me naked plenty of times would know how to talk to me, but I guess not." We walked past the front desk. "Morning. And it wasn't a date, just a study session."
Making our way to the changerooms, I made eye contact with a certain somebody. That certain somebody came over to us. "What do you want?" He looked at me puzzled, in a dismissive way. "Oh I'm not here to talk to you." He diverted his gaze to Salma. "You were quite the partier last night." She smiled at him, I have no idea how.
"We gotta go. Bye Pedri." I pulled Salma away from him. "You're literally gay stop making eyes at him." She looked at me as we sped walked through the hallway. "Doesn't mean a girl can't look." I rolled my eyes. I can't take this girl seriously sometimes.
By the time we had made it out to the field, everyone could tell that Sal was hungover. She wasn't hitting anywhere near her top speed and was very slow at our reaction training games.
Jonatan pulled her aside, and soon enough, she was escorted inside by our assistant coach. "Bring it in girls." I stood next to Lucy as Jonatan began a speech.
"It has come to my attention that there was a party last night." The girls began looking around at each other. "And I understand that you are young and want to have fun, but when alcohol or even drugs are involved, it becomes a problem for the club." Lucy looked down at me.
"I need you to all be aware of what you're doing. You are professional footballers, and now is not the time to be partying let alone drinking." The girls started to whisper to each other.
"And I especially need you to look after the kids here. They're young and vulnerable. If you see them in a less than ideal situation, you need to help them out." Jonatan didn't raise his voice, one of the reasons why he has been my favourite coach. "Now get back out there."
Training was tense, and by the time we had arrived inside Salma was lying on one of the physio beds fast asleep. "Sal are you alright?" She groaned, covering her face. "Lucy said she'd drive you home, but I really need to get to class." I gave her a quick hug before I headed for the showers and prepared myself before class.
It's hard being a student-athlete, or an athlete-student depending on how you look at it. As I left the building I saw Gavi standing outside.
"Hey Pablo." He turned around, immediately hugging me. Gavi was my first friend here in Barca when I joined the academy, and although we haven't kept in contact as much, I still consider him one of my best friends.
"Looking good Y/N. You off to school?" I nodded, signalling to my laptop bag clutched in my hand. "You're seriously the hardest worker I know." After a short conversation a car pulled up to the kerb. A short honk alerted us.
"Get in Gavi. Y/N." Hey, at least he didn't dismiss me. "Can Y/N come, we just need to drop her off at the uni. It's down the road." Before I could reject Gavi's idea, Pedri spoke up. "Yeah no. Come Pablo." Gavi didn't get in the car.
"Seriously Pepi, let her come with us. It'll be a short trip." Soon enough, Pedri agreed, unlocking the back door for me.
Pedri didn't speak the entire ride, and even though it was short, I felt completely unwelcomed. By the time we had arrived on campus, Pedri drove right to the communications building. I thanked him, and stepped out of the car.
As I began to walk away from the car a familiar voice called out to me. "Y/N wait up!" Alex ran up to me, and immediately pulled me in for a hug. I could feel Pedri and Gavi's eyes on me, the car hadn't moved.
"Thanks for the help last night." We walked into the building together and found our seats.
After a boring three hour lecture, I quickly made my way down to the exit. "Y/N wait up." I spun around, facing Alex. "Is now an alright time to ask you to lunch?" I could help but blush. Now normally I would've politely declined, but I am so unbelievably hungry, so I agreed.
"As long as you're driving I'm up." He smiled and brought me to his car.
"I told you that class boy was your guy!" Sal yelled at me after being dropped home by Alex. "When you aren't preoccupied by the dick-"
"Yuck don't say that Sal!"
"It's true, see he's a good guy. Hot too."
I pushed a pillow to her face. She was really too much sometimes. We were sat on the couch, relaxing until it was time to sleep. She was telling me about this incredible girl from last night when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it. To my surprise Pedri was standing there.
"Uh, um you left this in my car." He handed me over an unfamiliar plastic bag, but after a quick look inside, I could tell that it was my sports bra and socks from training.
"Oh yeah, um thanks." We stood there awkwardly in the frame of the door until Salma came up. "Left them in his car huh?"
Pedri immediately tried to speak but his mumbles were cut off by Salma. "Leaving your clothes in one guys car and then going out with a different guy the same day is truly boss energy." Pedri looked at me concerned.
"He and Gavi drove me to class ok, so let's get inside. Thank you Pedri, I really appre-" "Come in Pepi! Take a seat." Salma cut me off and ushered him in. Looking down at me, he made his way to my seat on the couch.
"You know what guys, I'm actually gonna head to bed." Salma pouted at me. "Come on, it's only for a few minutes." I shook my head and went into my room, grabbing my clothes so I could take a quick shower.
By the time I finished my shower, I could still hear Pedri and Salma talking. I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way to my room. That was of course, until I bumped into him.
"Maybe look where you're going next time." He said to me, a look of disgust plastered on his face. "Get the fuck out of my house." He laughed.
"Yeah cause this two room apartment is a house. You seriously need to get a life." I pushed past him, opening my door. "Oh and maybe you should try and be welcoming for once. God knows it'll do you a world of good." I slammed the door after hearing his comment. I have no idea why I even gave him the time of day.
He's such a piece of shit. I'm literally a university student who also happens to be a footballer - a women's one at that. I have no choice but to live in a shitty apartment with my teammate. I don't have the type of money he has.
pls let me know if you like this! i'll update as often as possible and pls give me some requests! i'll write about anyone (m+f)!! thank you!
part two!
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cypressvs · 1 year
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pairing: blade/f!reader, luocha/f!reader, sampo/f!reader (separate)
cw: (all) sexual fantasies, unconventional turn-ons, they’re all pervs, established sexual relationship, (blade) biting, marking, dry humping, man handling, fingering, mean dom!blade, he calls you ‘sweetheart,’ pussy slapping, (luocha) finger sucking, hypersexualizing water?, m!receiving oral, m!masturbation, hand job, off-screen p in v sex, (sampo) public sex, size kink, clothed sex, nipple play
wc: 1.3k, 400~ each | join the taglist
minors do not interact
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BLADE's expression doesn't change when you abruptly barged into his room looking absolutely disheveled and you do not think twice before voicing your complaints. You have been temporarily stationed in the Luofu and much to your luck, the synthetic summertime season was at its peak. Doing the most minimal of movements has caused sweat to bead over your heated skin, sliding down in little streaks and disappearing between the valley of your chest. Ever observant, the tiny phenomena didn't go unnoticed by your partner as he immediately zeroes in on the sight, completely ignoring your rambling in favor of indulging in his descending thoughts. You think he's unbothered—uncaring even—but if only you knew that it's all a calm front over the brewing storm that sends sparks and blood rushing to his cock. It's instinctual; the way he comes alive as his brain began conjuring images of the nights you shared buried under the sheets. It's salty on his tongue but he licks a fine strip over the crook of your neck anyway before sinking his teeth in you. You moan and he digs his dull fingernails into your hips a tad bit deeper, urging you to rut into his clothed dick again. Blinking out of his delirious reverie, Blade stands up from his side of the bed to approach you. Sweet, innocent you were too busy bending over your drawer to notice that he was already close enough to roll his hips against your ass. He's so generous with it too, letting you get a clear feel of his raging hard-on before pushing you forward by the nape and shoving his face into your moist skin. Your complaints about being dirty go unheard because sweetheart, that's how he likes you and he makes sure that you know that as he growls out all the things he'd do to you while sliding his palms over your thighs tauntingly. He pushes the flimsy fabric of your ruined panties aside before rubbing small circles over your throbbing clit. You whimper and he asks if you like it, grinning into your exposed neck as he breathes in your scent and the way your perfume becomes washed out by sweat—so alike the air he breathes in sex. It's almost enough to break his restraint but Blade just adores the tiny, pathetic whimpers that spill out of you when he goes agonizingly slow so cut him some slack if he ignores your begging to suck a bruise over your pulse or if he slaps your pussy when you start grinding into his hand for more friction. Be patient, he whispers mockingly before he nibbles on your ear, or else you won't be cumming at all tonight. And you know—you have to know that Blade never lets anything come out of his mouth if he didn't mean it at all.
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LUOCHA hates himself for the lewd, debauched way his cock springs to life as you moan through a yawn. You have only just woken up and thoughts of shoving his fingers into your mouth and pressing them against your tongue and telling you to suck and— Luocha, snap out of it! He chastises himself for acting so needy first thing in the morning but he just can't help it! He offers you a glass of water and while you gulp it down, all he could see is the way it spills at the side of your lips, dripping teasingly slow and staining the dress shirt you stole from his closet. You thank him with an ignorant, little smile but his eyes can only see the moistness of your mouth. It's so eerily similar to when you lick your lips at the sight of his cock, flushed and leaking fluid at the mere sight of you on your knees ready to devour him for all that he's worth. Clearing his throat, Luocha excuses himself under the guise of wanting a morning shower. If only you knew that behind the steamy fog in your bathroom, your pretty lover was sliding his hand up and down, up and down over his throbbing dick. He goes slow, gasping with his air knocked out of him as he rubs his thumb over the slit on the head but continuing to edge himself over that lustful cliff of pleasure. Droplets of water from the showerhead slide down his skin, tracing past his strong abdominals and making his hair stick so prettily over his pale skin but it does little to bring clarity over his hazy mind and his dick. It's so vivid and whenever he closes his eyes, he sees you pumping him instead, lips parting before suctioning around the bulb and rolling your tongue around it. Slowly—the same rhythm of his hand—before you're suddenly sliding further and further down. You twist your soft palms around what you cannot take and he swears that he'd loop the unholy sound of the slick and gags that come out of your mouth forever if he could. Luocha imagines your teeth grazing his sensitive skin lightly and he comes, pearls of white coating his hand only to be swiftly down the drain washed by the shower. It's better that you don't know what went on behind the bathroom walls because what you don't know can't hurt you—or your pussy that's still recovering from his madness the night before.
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SAMPO ignites, from nerve to flesh, when he hears you mumble a curse. It's heavy with emotion, a need that should be quelled before you erupt into an uncontrollable fit of anger. He feels bad for the salesman who tried to scam you; feels bad for the people who began looking your direction out of curiosity. But above all, Sampo feels bad because he can't bring himself to sincerely feel bad about the way blood rushed into his cock, throbbing with need underneath his tight pants. It's so uncomfortable but he could only watch with half-lidded eyes as you argued with the stranger. Oh, how your voice drives him crazy! It knocks all thought out of his head as he's overcome with the urge to fuck. It's such a nasty little word but the way you ennuciate it, the way your lips press and part to say it...Sampo's dick jumps at the thought. It was only what... an hour ago that he was forcing a "F-fuck... Hah... Mhmm...Feels so good—! It feels so good, Sampo!" out of you and he already wants more. He's so greedy but he knows what he wants and how to get it so Sampo wraps an innocent arm around your waist with a sly, little smile. "Don't worry," he says, "your reliable man Sampo will take all your worries away." And Sampo Koski always keeps his promises. Unbeknownst to you, Sampo just promised to fuck all your anger out of you. He'll take you to a back alley and push your panties aside to shove his hot, heavy cock inside your twitchy hole. He'll use his big, strong body to keep you against the wall, no escaping until your cute mouth can only babble naughty curses about how he's so good at melting your brain with pleasure. You'd like it a lot, won't you, especially when he tugs your bra down to tweak at your hardened nipples, coaxing sweet moans out of you when he suddenly shoves them in his mouth, coating it with his drool as he continues rutting into you like an animal in heat. You're just so cute, he thinks, as he shushes you lightly. So ignorant of his plans and so heated over such petty matters. You don't know a single thing about how easily you can make him act out like a virgin all over again but don't you worry your pretty head. Your big man Sampo Koski is about to change all that.
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© 2023 CYPRESSVS. all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms.
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hyuckiefluff · 1 year
Pretty Boy pt.2
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pairing: na jaemin x f!reader genre: roommates to lovers word count: 4.2k content: oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, marking (jaemin receiving), y/n is kinda bad at expressing her feelings lol, sweet jaemin :( a/n: *taps mic* hello? tysm for the support on part 1 of this story!! <33 i honestly didn’t think it would get so much love but as promised here’s part 2. it’s literally just smut lol but i hope it was worth the wait anyways.
part 1
As soon as you stepped into the room, Jaemin scooped you up, eliciting a loud squeal from you. You instinctively clung onto him as he effortlessly turned you around. Now that you were face to face, your legs wrapped around his torso, your heart would not calm down. He brushed away a few stray hairs that had fallen on your face, and that simple touch made your breath hitch in your throat.
"Are you really up for this? Cause once we start, I might not be able to stop," he whispered softly, his fingers finding their way to the back of your neck, drawing you closer. "I've been wanting to do this for so long, you have no idea."
It was as if he had plucked the words right out of your mind, and you couldn't help but slightly widen your eyes at his confession. He always seemed to possess a talent for articulating what you had been feeling but struggled to express. The truth was, you had indulged in countless fantasies about this very situation, even if you were hesitant to admit it.
Living with someone as attractive as Jaemin proved to be quite the challenge. In the first week after becoming roommates, you found yourself confined to the safety of your own room, too shy to venture out whenever he was around. It was kind of funny, considering that you had known each other for years, albeit without much interaction, despite being part of the same friend group. Your decision to room together was less about being close and more about the practicality of splitting the rent with someone. He happened to be the only one in your circle who needed a roommate, and that's how you ended up in this situation.
The only reason you let your guard down with him was because he turned out to be one needy guy, always craving company. And it became crystal clear that he wouldn’t let you be awkward around him when he burst into your room one day, demanding that you join him for a movie. "It feels like I live alone, and it sucks," he pouted, his need for attention catching you off guard. Still, you found his little tantrum adorable and you only became closer since that day.
As you got to know Jaemin better, you noticed that he had a naturally flirty personality. It seemed like he had an active dating life too, based on what you could gather. You wouldn't label him as a player, though you did witness him hooking up at a few parties you attended together. Still, he never brought anyone home. Your friends would insist that he treated you differently, but you didn't buy into that. Jaemin was just an affectionate person by nature, that's all. His touchy gestures had become so common that you didn't read too much into them. Whether it was him placing his hand on your waist as you walked side by side or playfully toying with your fingers when he was bored you knew it was simply his way of showing comfort and familiarity with you.
You understood him better than anyone else. There was no hidden meaning behind those gestures—it was simply his way of expressing affection in his own Jaemin-esque style.
"I... I wanted this too," you confessed, taking a deep breath. "A lot, actually."
A gorgeous smile spread across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. You couldn't help but smile back before leaning in and kissing him. The kiss was sweet and slow, as if you wanted to savor every second.
As soon as your hands found their way to Jaemin's head, you tangled your fingers in his hair and gave it a gentle pull. A satisfied moan escaped his lips, letting you know he enjoyed that. He led you towards the bed and gently placed you down on the mattress. It struck you that you were in his room, and for some reason, that made you a little jittery. You couldn't recall ever seeing him sneak anyone into his bedroom before, so you wondered if you were the first to do this with him in his own bed.
But the sight in front of you snapped you back to reality. Jaemin was taking off his shirt, revealing a jaw-dropping view of his torso. Sure, you had seen him shirtless in the past, but you'd never really taken the time to truly look at him. His abs were chiseled, and his chest... Well, let's just say it was firm and big. If your face wasn't already burning from the intense kissing, it would have turned an even deeper shade of crimson.
Jaemin clearly found your staring amusing because he shot you a playful smile before closing the distance between your bodies. He positioned himself on top of you, supporting his weight with his arms. His half-nakedness was a big distraction, making it harder for you to maintain eye contact.
"It's not fair that you get to ogle me while you're still fully clothed," he quipped, grabbing your jaw to make you look at him. When your eyes met, he had this exaggerated mischievous smile that made you giggle and eased some of your nerves.
Jaemin had never seen you with so little clothing on, which made you hesitate for a moment. Still, you mustered up the courage and boldly grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. No bra, because who bothered with that at home, right? The look on Jaemin's face when he saw you was absolutely priceless. It was as if he couldn't decide which expression to settle on. His gaze fixated on your chest, a mix of curiosity and adoration in his eyes. He nibbled his lip before locking eyes with you.
"You're fucking gorgeous," he blurted out, followed by a dry chuckle. "It’s unbelievable." With those words hanging in the air, he leaned in to kiss you again. The sensation of your bare chests pressing together elicited equally desperate moans from both of you.
Before long, Jaemin started to peel off his sweats. But right before he could remove his boxers, a panicked expression flashed across his face. "Hold on a second," he muttered, scurrying over to one of his drawers and rummaging through it, tossing random stuff aside. After a minute or two of frantic searching, he paused and scratched his neck.
"No condoms?" you asked, finding the situation and his reaction a bit comical.
He turned to face you, his eyebrows furrowing, worried big eyes framed by his long, pretty eyelashes, and a slight pout forming on his lips. It was quite a sight, to be honest.
"I could have sworn I had some," he replied, sounding a bit defeated.
"Well, I guess we can't proceed then," you sighed dramatically, teasing him a little to see his reaction. In reality, you were on birth control and it had been months since you last had sex, plus you trusted that Jaemin was clean. You just wanted to see how he'd respond to the situation.
"I guess not," he mumbled, his mood deflating.
He looked utterly adorable in that moment, like a puppy who had been denied a treat. Unable to resist, you got up and pulled him down to your eye level, whispering something into his ear.
"How about you fuck me…raw?"
You heard the audible gulp that escaped his throat, and when you pulled back slightly to gauge his reaction, you wished you could take a picture of the look on his face. His eyes seemed ready to pop out of their sockets, and his mouth hung open, as if he was about to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out.
"W-What?" he stammered, clearly taken aback.
He never expected those words to come out of your pretty mouth.
"I'm on birth control, and I'm clean," you reassured him, trying your best not to burst into laughter as he visibly relaxed. "And you're clean too, right?"
He nodded frantically, and without wasting another moment, you pulled him into another kiss. This time, it was messier, more urgent, as you both stumbled backward and fell onto the bed, your lips still locked together.
All the teasing and anticipation had both of you on the edge, so you wasted no time stripping off the last bits of clothing. Jaemin's eyes were locked onto your body immediately. He let out a low curse under his breath, his gaze roaming freely over your figure, soaking in every curve and crevice. He couldn't believe his damn luck.
You also couldn't help but indulge in the sight before you. Mesmerized by how his arms flexed as he supported himself above you and how firm his chest felt under your eager hands. Every now and then, his collarbone would tease you too, sticking out just enough to dare you to leave your mark on it.
Jaemin's lips traveled down your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses that made your whole body shake with anticipation. He zeroed in on your breasts, showering them with kisses and playful nibbles, the attention causing your nipples to perk up. At the same time, his hand ventured south, heading straight for the heat between your thighs. When he discovered how wet you were already, a satisfied whimper escaped his lips. Without wasting a beat, he redirected his attention down there, temporarily forgetting about your breasts. With a slow and teasing motion, he slipped off your panties, revealing just how soaked and sticky they were from your arousal. The sight seemed to drive him wild. "Fuck, this is so hot," he breathed out, his voice brimming with desire.
You were on the verge of losing your damn mind with him being so close to your most sensitive spot but not touching it. The warmth of his breath down there was overwhelming, making you forget any self-consciousness. And when you felt his mouth planting kisses on your inner thigh, you were already so far gone you could have thrown all decorum away and begged for him to do something.
"I'm not stopping until all you can say is my name," he promised with a smirk, and without any further warning, he dove right in.
You moaned loudly, caught off guard yet incredibly grateful he was bringing sweet relief to the throbbing ache in your lower stomach. His mouth wasted no time getting cozy down there, switching between kisses, sucks, and licks that sent shockwaves through your body. Maybe it had been way too long since you'd had any action, or maybe he just knew exactly what he was doing, but fuck, you were already on the brink of your first orgasm.
It was crazy how quickly things escalated. A half hour ago you were just hanging out, trying to apply mascara on him, and now he was going down on you. Na Jaemin, the same guy who always drinks his coffee with enough shots to fuel a rocket, screams his balls off during scary movies and uses up your skincare products. That guy was now eating you out like a Michelin-star meal. Who would've guessed? You didn't want to ruin the moment by overthinking how this might change things between you, though. Not that you could even form a coherent thought, with his expert tongue doing magical things down there.
Finally, his eyes met yours, and you could see a glimmer of something animalistic in them. It should've freaked you out a little, but it only turned you on even more. Unable to resist, you grabbed onto his head and pushed him down, silently pleading for him to keep going. Your orgasm was so close, Jaemin knew it too from the way your legs were shaking and closing in on his head. Your hips started to move, grinding against his face like it was second nature. And the way he moaned and groaned against you told you that he loved it.
His tongue was insane, twirling and swirling with a mind of its own. Seriously, how the hell was he so good at this? Words stumbled out of your mouth incoherently as you tried to form a sentence amidst the overwhelming sensations.
"Don't... don't stop," you managed to gasp out, your voice laced with desperation.
He took your plea to heart, intensifying his lapping and sucking. His grip tightened on your thighs, fingers digging deliciously into your flesh as he anchored himself to you. The combination of his insistent mouth and his tight grasp left you writhing and squirming, completely at his mercy. With each flick of his tongue, you felt yourself unraveling, teetering on the edge of an explosive orgasm. And then it hit you, a release that left you gasping for air. You recoiled ever so slightly from the overstimulation, but he didn't let up. His lips remained locked to your throbbing core, greedily savoring every last drop of your release, as if he couldn't get enough of you.
With one final kiss he finally moved away, a glistening trail of your essence still connecting you. The sight alone threatening to tip you over the edge once again. He licked his lips slowly, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made it clear he knew exactly what he was doing to you. He started crawling up towards you then.
"Has anyone..." he began, his voice low as he closed the distance between your faces, his warm breath ghosting over your skin, "told you..." his words trailed off, delivered with a deliberate slowness that was driving you crazy, "that you taste..." his face was now mere inches away from yours, his lips teasingly brushing against yours, "fucking delicious."
“Hm, really?” You let your hands wander, fingers tangling in his disheveled locks, pulling him closer.
"If you don't believe me," he whispered huskily, his lips hovering millimeters away from yours, "taste it for yourself."
He closed the remaining distance between your mouths. It was a moment of pure sensory overload, your taste mingling with his. Even though you had just cummed, you craved more of him. You needed him inside you, to fill you up and to bring him pleasure in return. So without wasting a second, you switched positions, the sudden change making him gasp in surprise. Now you were straddling him, your bare core brushed against his lower stomach and his dick pressed against your ass. The sight of your naked body on top of him was something he never thought would happen in real life, and he couldn't help but stare with his mouth hanging open. He instinctively placed his hands on your hips, caressing them gently and giving them a little squeeze, just to make sure this wasn't some crazy dream.
You whispered something in his ear, but he was so lost in the moment that he couldn't even make out the words. However, as soon as he saw you positioning his dick at your entrance, reality snapped back into focus, and his breath hitched in anticipation. He was barely inside you, just the tip, and he already felt like he was about to lose his mind. The way your brows furrowed and your plump lips parted as he stretched you out was incredibly hot, enough to make him almost cum right then and there. But he quickly shook himself out of the trance and firmly gripped your hips to help guide you down onto him.
"Fuck..." he gasped, his voice strained as he buried himself deep inside you.
He was wonderfully thick, stretching you in ways that demanded your body to adjust. You needed a moment to accommodate his size, to savor the delicious sensation of being filled so completely. He granted you the time you needed, showing an unexpected patience as if he, too, needed some time to adjust to the overwhelming tightness that enveloped him. The way you clamped around him now, it felt like an eternity since you had last been filled this good.
The pressure and friction threatened to push Jaemin right over the edge though, and the last thing he wanted was an embarrassing premature orgasm. So, thinking quickly, he flipped both of you over. He wanted nothing more than for you to ride him, but he also knew he had to set the pace to ensure he could last longer.
"Sorry, love, but you're squeezing me so damn tight in that position," he said, and you nodded in understanding. You didn’t really care about positions, all you wanted was for him to fuck you into oblivion.
And that he definitely did. Once he saw you were more comfortable, he started to move, slowly at first. It took a second to find a rhythm that felt good for both of you, but when he saw the way your face contorted in pleasure and how exquisitely tight you became around him, he knew he had found it.
“F-faster..” you moaned, and he obliged immediately.
He raised your leg a bit, resting it on his shoulder and planting a kiss on your thigh before moving. This new angle allowed him to penetrate even deeper, hitting all the right spots that had you moaning so pathetically loud. You couldn't help but thank your lucky stars that it was just the two of you in here, but at the same time, the thin walls made you hyper-aware of your own loudness. Guess it's time to eat your words about the noisy neighbors, huh?
Jaemin kissed you while keeping that delicious pace. He whispered both dirty and sweet words against your mouth as he rammed into you, his eyes only straying from your face to take in the sight of your bodies coming together. The room was filled with a symphony of sinful sounds that would make even the most hardened eardrums blush. Yet, you couldn't bring yourself to care anymore if anyone heard. Not when Jaemin had taken it upon himself to make you feel so good. He held nothing back, unleashing a chorus of moans and whimpering that let you know just how much he was enjoying himself.
At that moment, you discovered that you really liked hearing a man become this desperate in bed. But what truly stoked your fire was knowing that you were the one responsible for reducing Jaemin to such a state. It was an ego boost like no other, sending your confidence soaring to new heights. Breaking away from the kiss, an idea took hold of you, and without warning, you swiftly flipped both of you over, seizing control.
The game for dominance was on again, and you were determined to prove just how good you could make Jaemin feel. His chest heaved, his eyes devouring the sight of you bouncing on his cock. He was utterly helpless, unable to control his expressions or the guttural groans that spilled from his lips. It was a side of him you never thought you’d ever see, his vulnerability laid bare as you pushed him to the brink of pleasure-induced tears. The intensity of the sensations made his head fall back, his eyes rolling to the back of his skull as you squeezed around him deliciously.
Taking advantage of the opening, you set your sights on his neck, starting with wet kisses that gradually escalated to nibbles and gentle sucks. You quickly found his weak spot right below his ear. Every time your lips closed around that particular spot, his grip tightened on your hips, and his cock twitched inside you in response.
"Fuck... k-keep doing that," he managed to gasp out, his voice husky and strained from the exertion.
So you did, you kept sucking on all the spots that he liked and as you continued your ministrations he thrusted into you harder and more desperately edging you both closer to the release.
"I-I-m... c..." Your words trailed off into a jumble of incomprehensible sounds. The pleasure was too intense for coherent sentences to form.
"Jaemin..." The syllables of his name escaped your lips repeatedly, like a desperate mantra. This seemed to rile him up even more, prompting him to hold you tighter and unleash a frenzy of powerful thrusts that defied all restraint. He knew exactly how to hit that sweet spot, driving you crazy with each perfectly aimed thrust.
He adjusted his position, sitting up slightly to gain better control. This subtle shift allowed him to fuck deeper into you. "Jaemin, fu-—" You couldn't hold back, sinking your teeth into his shoulder and scratching at him. He was fucking you so hard into your second orgasm that you could no longer control your own body. The climax hit you with such force that it felt like a burst of stars behind your closed eyelids.
"Fuck!" he yelled and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he finally came undone, riding the waves of your orgasm until you were both spent. The intensity of the moment left you both so physically exhausted that all you could do was collapse against each other, breathless and sweaty.
You wish the post-nut clarity didn’t hit you as hard as it did , but as you mustered the courage to lift your face from Jaemin’s neck and meet his gaze, a flood of thoughts raced through your mind.
What the fuck are we now?
He seemed to grasp the unspoken thoughts that danced in your eyes, as he often did.
"Don't do that," he murmured, leaving a kiss on your nose.
"Do what?" you whispered back.
"Don't look at me as if something has changed between us," he replied, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"But something did change," you admitted weakly, your voice betraying your vulnerability.
"No, you're still you, and I'm still me. We just know each other a little more intimately now, and maybe that's for the best.”
You furrowed your brows at his words, not quite understanding. He sighed upon seeing your lost expression and decided to just let it all out.
“Yeah we had sex, and it was amazing and I so badly want to do this again I could cry but no matter what happens between us, I’m always gonna be your annoying roommate," he ruffled your hair softly.
You let out a contented sigh at his words, but doubt still lingered. "Don't you think it will be weird though?…Now that... you know," you trailed off, averting your gaze, feeling a sudden shyness.
"What? Now that you've seen what my dick looks like?" he said with a playful tone, making you laugh and gently slap his arm. "Sure, maybe you're a bit starstruck, but I promise you, it'll be fine.
"Can you be serious for a second?" you asked, rolling your eyes playfully, but he gently grabbed your chin, urging you to meet his gaze.
"I am serious. I don’t think it’ll be weird at all. I don’t know about you but I really, really enjoyed it," he confessed, his sincerity sent your heart racing, making it hard to ignore the depth of his feelings. "Y/N, I've liked you for a while now. I mean, everyone else could see it, right? I'm tired of pretending it's nothing or that I can just get over it. Living with you just makes it harder to ignore. You're the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing before I sleep. I'm sorry if this sounds rushed or random, but it's not just because of the amazing orgasm you just gave me. I've never been this serious about anything in my life, and you know me well enough to know I mean it." The words spilled out effortlessly, almost like he had rehearsed them (he totally did).
You didn't need to say a single word in response. The way you were looking at him with such genuine affection conveyed everything without the need for verbal confirmation. Jaemin was definitely the more expressive of the two when it came to feelings but he was always able to pick up on the subtle cues and actions that hinted at your affection. Despite your tough exterior and cutthroat attitude towards others, he noticed how you always softened in his presence. Your face would light up, that permanent frown vanishing, as soon as he acted silly or cracked a joke. And when it came to physical touch, he saw how guarded you were with everyone else, even your closest friends. Yet, you always welcomed his hugs and kisses freely, as if it was second nature. All these little signs had added up over time, painting a clear picture of your feelings, even if it was challenging for you to express them in words. Jaemin had picked up on those clues, cherishing each one as the evidence that confirmed what he had hoped for all along – that you liked him just as much as he liked you.
"Oh, and I meant it when I said I'd love to do it again," he added after a few seconds, trying to play it cool.
"Same here... and, uh, by the way, your mascara is all smudged," you blurted out, the realization making you both chuckle.
feedback is greatly appreciated! also feel free to send requests! i’ll try to post on here more often.
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