#the fat shrinking signal
sterekchub · 1 year
Maybe Stiles has a spell put on him without his knowledge and it makes him a thoughtless glutton? An almost hypnotic effect + some rapid weight gain? He manages to text Derek that he doesn't feel great before his mind can only send him hunger signals, and by the time Derek shows up he's cleared out the fridge and the pantry and has ordered a comical amount of food to be delivered, his mind only focused on more. As much as Derek would love to get to the bottom of whatever spell is messing with Stiles, he gets roped into feeding him instead. Eventually he has the rest of the pack come by to help, getting their ditzy human comfortable before feeding him almost non-stop. The spell wears off after a few days, but by then Stiles can't lift a finger, and his packmates are happy to keep pampering him and teasing him for being so greedy.
There is something great about the "eats so much his stomach is practically the size of the room" until the spell passes and Stiles finds his stomach shrinking down - but the pounds piling on and softening him up everywhere. So - this is a little bit of...comically fat and fantasy BIG (but I love that trope so...) When Derek gets Stiles' text, he rushes over. Happens to run into the delivery guy who is carrying several boxes of pizza which Derek pays for and carries in to some confusion. He walks in to see Stiles sitting in front of the empty freezer and fridge, belly packed tight and resting proudly in his lap. "Did you eat all of this?" "'m hungry," Stiles burps. Derek sort of kicks through the remains of jars and ice cream containers. "You ate a jar of mayo?"
"I guess. Don't remember." "These pizzas were FROZEN, you're supposed to cook them!" Stiles shrugs, then clutches his belly with both hands as another wave of hunger hits him. "I'm so hungry, Derek." Derek texts the pack an SOS, as Stiles continues to groan and complain he's hungry. Derek gets Stiles to his feet, and Stiles immediately heads over to the pizza boxes and bends over the counter and starts eating. He finishes in record time and Derek can see that Stiles gut has gotten visibly wider. But despite having eaten 3 pizzas, Stiles is still nearly crying that he's hungry. He sounds almost like he's in pain so Derek gives in and runs to the pantry and starts emptying it, tearing off wrappers and tossing the contents to Stiles. Cookies, granola bars, plain cereal, even uncooked Pasta seems to happily satisfy Stiles' growing need. **** When the pack arrives, Derek sends some of them off to research the spell, and the others off to buy food. When it becomes clear that Stiles is eating faster than they can feed him - Derek gets desperate. He can't handle the desperate "N-Need ...*gulp*... more ...*gnash*... I'm ...*slosh*... s-sho hungry." coming from Stiles. Delivery takes too long, there's no food left in the house..so the solution becomes move Stiles to the food. Takes a bag of snack food Scott ran to get from the closest gas station, and then Stiles in the car, the entire time holding his beach-ball-sized belly nearly in tears asking Derek "why won't you feed me? I'm so hungry. We need to get food..." (In some fantasy bullshit move - Derek just throws a good chunk of the Hale fortune at the local grocery store owner - maybe the spell extends some level of hypnotic effect to him too- and he agrees to just - sell Derek everything in the store and closes down.)
Stiles RUNS in, belly bouncing in front of him, and the first thing he comes across is the soda display. He wastes no time- starts unscrewing the caps, tossing them to the side, and guzzling the 2liters down in under two minutes. (The entire pack stops and stares and asks Derek if they should let him keep going, and Derek doesn't have a good answer other than "Yes, or he gets upset." Which...he knows is terrible and enabling but what else can they do?) Stiles guzzles his way through about 200 liters of soda before he falls to the ground with a sloshing noise like waves hitting the beach, his belly so comically wide it was now covering his feet.
"D-Derek, ...*hfffbUAARRP*... I ...*uhhhnn*... need ...*Buaaaaarp*... m-more ...*burRRPPpp*... I'm ...*uhhmm*... shtill ... h-hungry." "Feed him!" Derek orders. They all spread out and start rushing food over to Stiles. Cooked or not, frozen or not, it didn't seem to matter to the black hole that was Stiles' growing belly. When the tubs of ice cream were out? He started sucking on bottles of hot fudge. The entire bakery depleted and all the loaves of bread? He started sticking two fingers into jars of jelly and peanut butter to make quick work of emptying their contents. His middle keeps expanding. The pack piles up food on his belly, until Stiles arms start being able to reach less and less and then they start cramming the food directly into his mouth. Butter. Tubs of sour cream. Heavy cream. Milk. Mountains of chocolate bars. Cookie dough. With eat bite and swallow, Stiles was growing wider and wider until he started vanishing into a massive fat sphere of his belly. When the store is mostly depleted, Stiles finally seems to wake out of the spell. Looks around in confusion before, " N-No ...*urrRPPphh*... more. ...*ehhphh*... I'm ...*hnnff*... t-too ...*uhhhmm*... full. ...*nggnhh*..." Derek just stares at the mountains of trash, the to Stiles, who is far too fat to get out of the front doors or even the loading dock, and wonders what the hell to do next. Doesn't have anything to really say except "Oh, are you finally done? Are you sure?" "You ate the entire store!" "I don't think you're fat enough, should we roll you to a chocolate factory next?" The spell hits the next phase- Stiles eyes are rolling back in his head as an orgasmic feeling hit him - all that food packed in his belly starts turning to fat. Derek watches him go from a "belly the size of a house attached to a skinny body" to double chins, flabby arms, belly shrinking to the size of a full-person beanbag. He's still too fat to stand, panting and eyes fluttering as the sensation fades, but he can at least now wiggle his toes and move his arms once more. "We....we can fix this, right?" He looks to Derek. "Right?" Derek doesn't answer.
"Should we keep feeding him?"
"I bet he could clean out a Costco!"
"He's already too fat to move...it doesn't matter if he gets fatter."
Stiles looks nervous. "N- no. I can lose this! I can walk! Can someone just...help me up?" Derek goes over to him, poking a finger into Stiles' side. It disappears into his fat roll. "Yeah, let's keep feeding him."
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bucketwritingpail · 15 days
Drive Like a Fenton
Danny and Valerie attempt to teach Dani how to Drive
"Okay, now carefully take your foot off the break and lightly step on the gas pedal. Drive up to that stop sign, then stop." Ancients, this was scary. Danny was not a good driver. Well, he was decent, but he was also a Fenton and despite Jazz's best effort, some of their dad's bad habits had rubbed off on him. So maybe he wasn't the best person to be teaching Dani how to drive, but what where the options?
Jazz was away at college, Vlad probably hadn't driven himself anywhere in years, and his parents were his parents. So, an obvious big fat no. That left Danny and a somewhat supportive, somewhat motion sick Valerie.
The car lurched forward, making Danny's grip on either side of his seat tighten to the point his fingernails were digging into the fake leather, as his clone threw him an apologetic smile.
"A bit gentler this time?" Valerie piped up from the back seat. "Ease your foot onto the pedals, don't move too suddenly." Dani nodded and tried again; the car rolled smoothly to the stop sign with only a slightly jerky stop. Danny breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this was going well after all.
"Okay, now turn on your blinker, we're going to turn right," he instructed.
"Right," Dani replied, determination set on her face. "Uh, which one is that?" she asked, shrinking back a bit.
"It's the lever on the side of the wheel, flick it up for right and down for left." That he had learned from driver's Ed. His parents never used their turn signals. Valerie was hard set on not passing that onto their pseudo-adopted kid. "Other lever," he corrected was the windshield wipers activated.
Dani nodded, flipped the correct lever, and made the turn. A little slow, but still really good for her first time out.
They continued down the block a few more times, going over things like changing lanes, stop signs and right of way, how to make a left-hand turn, etc. and gradually, Danny's grip on his seat got looser and looser as Dani became more and more comfortable. Actually, maybe a little too comfortable.
"Watch your speed," Danny warned as they took a right turn a little too fast.
"I am." They sped up.
"Dani-" Val warned. Holy crap they were headed straight for the on ramp.
"Kid, you're not ready for the highway yet, switch lanes."
Dani huffed and jerked the wheel sharply to the left, switching lanes with no warning.
"Dani!-" A sharp grin spread across her face as her grip on the wheel tightened. Clockwork's Crusty Cape, and they had been doing so good too. Val's Iron grip on Danny's headrest was relentless as they tore through uptown Amity Park and came to a screeching halt in front of Fenton Works. At least her parallel parking didn't need much improvement.
"Keys." Danny demanded, holding out his shaking hand as Val stumbled out of the car to collapse on the front steps.
"Keys." Dani grumbled but pulled the keys out of the ignition and handed them over. "Thank you. Now please don't ever do that again."
Dani smirked at her. An evil, malicious grin. Danny hated genetics.
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madamlaydebug · 25 days
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Vitamin D is dubbed the “sunshine vitamin,” because once your skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces vitamin D from cholesterol. Vitamin D signals cells in your belly to absorb phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for healthy bones. And if you haven’t realized it by now, you naturally come with superhuman attributes like melanin, darker-skinned pigments that help protect the skin from too much sun exposure. Melanin also safeguards you against threats such as skin cancers and sunburns. Beauty tip: Midday is consider the most ideal time to get sunlight.
A few rays can go a long way for skin. Did you know your production of serotonin known as the happy hormone is directly impacted by sunshine? A good mood actually radiates through the skin, creating this gratifying glow. On the flip side, little or no sunlight can result in more down-in-the-dumps days and will show on your face as well.
In addition to lifting up your mood, sunlight shrinks fat cells. You heard right, which explains why folks who always engage in outdoor activities/careers or live in hotter countries appear slimmer. The World Health Organization recommends 5 to 15 minutes of casual sun exposure to the face, arms and hands at least two to three times a week during summer months. Beauty tip: During the winter months, plan a summer vacation to help manage gained weight.
Depending on your hair colour and density, you can naturally lighten strands using the sun’s rays. The following hair prepping methods can accomplish subtle hues: squeezing lemon juice onto your hair; spraying tresses with a saltwater blend or applying apple cider vinegar to it. Check out more sunny solutions and steps to lighten hair here. Beauty tip: You may have to give sunlight-achieved highlights a few tries before really seeing results.
Remember the bullet about vitamin D? Well, here’s another reason sunlight and vitamin D do a body good: Hair loss is a manifestation of vitamin deficiency.
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lyon-amore · 1 year
With you until the end of the world Chapter 8
Chapter 7
*Angel POV*
We went to the city center to eat. Jack grips me tight, looking around in fear. I sigh and take him in my arms, thus preventing them from being able to push him.
   "Let's see, where can I take you to eat?" I ask myself more, looking at the different places to eat.     Jack pulls me over and points to McDonald's.    "That's not good for a child." I reply, even though I should be the one who should talk the least if I can eat two McDonald's hamburgers, fries, and ice cream. What I don't want is for him thinking I'm going to fall for their good boy charm. He won't be with us long. Besides, I want to be alone with Jake “, it has a lot of fat and, who knows what else they put into that food? Yuck!””     He begins to look at me with sad eyes. I look away, biting the inside of my cheek. No. I will not fall.
I will not fall.
I won't do it.
Damn it.
We enter McDonald's and get in line. A children's menu and that's it, he doesn’t need anything else. We sit away from everyone and I watch him eat. Maybe I should ask him if he's okay, after all, he can talk and maybe we can create his testimony.    "Tell me, Jack. Do you remember everything that happened when you were with Jake and your brother?"     He nods while playing with the menu toy.    "And Jake did something? Did he take something important from the house?” I don't ask him because I don't trust Jake, but to make him consider what he saw. I trust Jake, which I don't know whether to trust a child. Yes, children are sincere, but what if he lies to protect his brother?     He shakes his head and picks up a chip. I sigh trying to calm down. He doesn't talk now. I rest my head on the table. I don't know how to make him talk to me.    "Don't cry" I listen and look up a little, noticing a hand on my head. Jack tries to cheer me up “. Don't cry mommy.”    “I'm not crying” I get up fixing my hair, uncomfortable that he calls me that. As much as it's going to serve to pretend, I don't like being called that “, and I told you, don't call me mom, I'm not your mother.”    “Bu-but you bought me clothes and you fed me” it's the longest sentence he's said today ”Isn't that what a mother does?”     Can he finish eating and get out of here? I'm not his mother, I just did it out of pity.    ''It's not-" I bite my tongue, trying not to say anything that might hurt him. If my mother, who is a teacher at elementary school children, saw me right now, she would feel proud of me for sure “. You can't decide that I'm your mother just because you've decided so, we just must appear so in people's eyes, you don't have to… call me that.”     He cocks his head, looking at me confused. Maybe I should find a way for him to understand it better.    "Okay, we're actually spies." I lean forward a little, whispering. Jack also approaches, with an innocent smile “and as the spies that we are, we must pretend to be a family, but! No need to call me 'mom', do you understand?”    "Are you spies?" He asks me excited.     I stare at him feeling bad, but I have no other choice.    "Exactly, but" I signal for silence "you can't tell anyone."    "I won't say anything.” he also makes a sign of silence, with a complicit laugh.     Okay, at least I've got the kid under control, so he doesn't rat on us. It's easier than it sounds to handle this kid.    “Oh, what an adorable son you have.” says an old woman with her granddaughter, smiling at us.    “Tha-“    “She's not really my mom.” Jack says, and I get nervous.    “What?” The lady looks at me badly.   “We are playing!” I exclaim trying to stop the child from talking “He is a savior prince and I am an evil witch who wants to defeat him.”    "Oh! I understand!” She walks away while she laughs.     I frown at Jack, annoyed. He shrinks back in the chair shyly. I have to fix this.    “Jack, you can't tell people I'm not your mother.”    "But you said-"    "I know what I said." I take a deep breath. I have to calm down, so I don't kill him “. But when people ask us, we must say that we are.”    "It's very confusing." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms.     I look at him carefully, he doesn't look like a child who has suffered a traumatic event.    “Jack” he looks me straight in the eye and I look worried “Are you okay after what happened with your brother?”     I see how he starts to shake. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.    "No... I shouldn't cry" he says in a thin voice ". Jonas used to tell me that if I cried it would bother him... Crying is bad."”     I take a deep breath, clenching my fists hard. I don't like hearing children cry either, but this is different, it's forcing a little one to shut down. I reach out to comfort him but stop myself. I don't want to be close to him. And I don't want to get attached either. I just want to help him, find him a new home and be alone again with Jake. I sigh trying to relax, smiling a little.    “You're done?” I ask seeing that there is no rest of food left.    "Yes." he answers, picking up the toy again.    “Well, let's go.”     I take the tray and take the contents to the trash. I feel Jack tug on my sweatshirt and I look at him.    “Now what?” I ask, exhaling a charged breath.    “I want ice cream.”     I roll my eyes. Great, now I have to buy dessert for the boy.
Maybe I took advantage of the fact that the boy wanted an ice cream to buy me another, I think I have the right to give myself a reward for taking care of him, right? I look at Jack as we walk back home. He is happy with the toy. I notice that we cannot enter through the main door, there are too many people on the street. We make a detour and I help him sit on the dumpster and push myself up to run. Jake taught me some tricks to get up faster. As I stand on top of the dumpster, Jack looks at me in surprise.    "It's been great. Can I do it?"    "Mmm…Maybe when you grow up a little" I reply as I get into position for him to climb ", come on, I'll help you up."    “Do you want me to do it?” I turn my head when I hear Jake's voice and smile when I see him.    "Jake!" Jack gets excited to see him, as if he was seeing his hero.     Jake signals him not to yell his name and quickly covers his mouth.    "Sorry." the little boy apologized, embarrassed.    “Do not worry, just… Be careful next time, okay?” He answers a little awkwardly, climbing more easily than me. He hasn’t even moved the container an inch.     I get up and I don't take my eyes off him, what's more, my feet move on their own to get closer, lowering his mask a little to kiss him. He kisses me back with a few smaller ones.    “All good?” I ask worried.    "Yeah, do not worry." He caresses my cheek and I lean into the side of his hand, still smiling.     Then he walks away and approaches the child, picking him up in his arms until he approaches the window.    "Alright little one" he climbs onto his shoulders, placing his feet on his shoulders ", go ahead, come in through the window."    "Okay." Jack grabs onto the window and Jake urges him on.    ”Stay there, now we enter.”    "I've been talking to Jack about what happened" I whisper so he can't hear us "Do you know what he told me? That his brother forbade him to cry, because that's bad.”     Jake sighs, I can tell how upset he is. I share his anger, Jack is a child who is growing and developing, this learning is not good for him.   "I think you should talk to him" I advise him ", you were there with him, maybe he talked to you."    "I saw him hiding behind his brother's drug dealer." I look at him surprised after hearing those words “He preferred a man who sells drugs to her brother and that he had yelled at him before.”    "Poor boy" I look up, knowing he's waiting “. When he has seen you, his face has lit up.”    “Yes I saw it.”   "Maybe he need to talk to his hero."     He nods and I jump up, grabbing the window. Jake then walks in and looks at Jack, who was waiting for us leaning against the wall.    "I'll be in the room listening to music if you need anything." I smile at both of them, walking away.     I also want to be able to write a little bit of a letter to my parents, telling them what has happened and even if I am not going to receive an answer, I want to imagine what my parents would say to me as I write. What advice would you give me about caring for a young child?
I still don't understand what Jake really has in his head to take him to us.
*Jake POV*
Angel leaves and I am left alone with Jack. I stand up to him, looking at the toy in his hands. It was a doll of a Sonic character. Tails. Although it is somewhat different, with metallic tails.    “And this?” I ask showing curiosity “Has Angel bought it for you?”     He nods with a smile.    "Yes, from MDonald" he tries to pronounce McDonald's, hugging the doll ", it came with the hamburger."    "Wow, you got the smartest one." I ruffle his hair and he laughs.     I should be able to bring up the conversation about how he feel about his brother's death, try to get him to give a hint of emotion. I then decide to do the same as when I started the older brother-little brother relationship with Henry. As that important person for my mother taught me.    “Come, I'm going to show you something very cool” I get up offering my hand, which he takes immediately.
   We enter the room where I have the computer. I sit in the chair and pick him up, sitting him on my lap.    "Do you know how to use a computer?" He shakes his head and I nod “Better, you are still too young to navigate web pages.”    “What are web pages?” He asks and I look at him surprised. Or maybe it is relief.    “They are digital places where you can look at anything you want to look for” I try to explain it to him in the best way that he can understand it “But do you know what I can do? Enter the cell phones of others from here.”     He opens his eyes surprised, then looking at the screen.    “Really?”    "Of course, look" I prepare the program and look for Macie's cell phone, seeing on her screen that the Spotify program is on “. Look, this is Angel's cell phone right now.”    “Wow…”    "Shall we do something fun?" He nods quickly and I laugh “Very well, we do this to control her cell phone” I use one of my programs and search YouTube for the nursery rhyme that bothers Angel the most and fast forward to the chorus “. Now, we remove Spotify and…” I press play on the video and signal for it to wait.    "Take this song away from me right now!" We heard her scream from the room.     We laugh and finally I remove the video, leaving control of her phone. Jack points to the screen with a big smile.    "Will you teach me to do that?" He asks excitedly.     I see myself reflected in it, except that I was about fourteen when I started.    “I think it is not a good idea at the moment” I answer, although I do not intend to teach him. I know what that would lead to and it's not what I want “. Angel told me what your brother told you not to cry.”     He lowers his head, feeling guilty.    "Crying is bad" he answers me with a small voice ", if I cry, I'm upset. Crying is not okay.”     I look at him with pity. To have to hear that from such a young child… I can not imagine how he must have lived with him.    “You know? I spent many years setting aside everything related to feeling emotions” I start to explain my story, but I will not go into details “. I did not care if someone was attacked, if they threatened him, if… they killed him” I remember then those moments with Macie's friends, those moments that I know I was cold, not caring about anyone but Hannah “. In many years, I became a very cold man, I did not want to have anyone by my side.”    "Weren't you crying?" he asks curiously.    “No, because at that time I thought that would be weak” I tell him not very proud. But then I smile “. But everything changed when he met Angel” I look at him remembering the first message I sent her, the first contact after a long time “. She taught me that it was not bad to feel emotions again. And although at that time it was still difficult for me to show them, it was thanks to her help that I became what I was again” He stays looking at me with those big blue eyes that penetrated my soul. I remember then when my mother used to talk to me like this “. It is not bad to cry when you need to, Jack, it is much better than keeping it all inside, you have to express yourself. You may have to learn it like I had to, but we'll help you.”     He stays thinking for a few moments, to finally speak.    “I cried a lot when mommy died” I notice sadness in his voice, even his eyes shine, as if now he wants to cry “. Jason told me to shut up because I was annoying and he told me that she died because I was annoying and that if I didn't cry, no one else was going to die” I stare at him surprised by his words. I do not think I should ever heard anything so cruel “. So in order not to bother and that no one died, I listened and stopped crying” he starts to shake and I see how he starts to cry “. I miss mommy, I didn't want her to die because of me.”    "It was not your fault, Jack." I speak to him in the clearest and softest way possible, so that he understands my words “, your mother did not die because you bothered her, of that I can be sure” I give him a little squeeze on the shoulder without hurting him, affectionate “and I am sure she loved you. You can cry all you need, do not keep it with us, okay?”     He nods while still crying and hugs me. I let out a small laugh, hugging him back. I see Angel leaning against the door frame, arms folded. I can see that she has a small smile on her face. I also answer her with a smile.
He falls asleep after crying and we put him in the sleeping bag to rest. We stayed silent looking at him.    “And now that?” She asks me, sighing “Have you changed your mind? Shall we leave him in charge of Leonardo? He has already managed to cry, he doesn't need us anymore, we have solved it.”     I rub my hands nervously. Part of me wants to leave him here because I knows it is dangerous. The other part is like that feeling I had with Macie, wanting to protect her because she looked helpless. Now I am sorry with Jack. The protective instinct is clearly different.    "I…" I keep looking at Jack. He is alone in this world, he has no one. Nobody except us “. Like I told you, he only trusts us.”    “Jake, I understand that it is easy to have become attached to him” she approaches me, holding my hand “, but the difference between adults running away, and ones with a child is that they need more care” she pulls her hand away and I see her hug herself, uncomfortable “and it's complicated for me, I lose my temper and today I almost didn't yell at him for screwing up. I'm not as good at this as you are.”     I watch her closely, seeing how she watches Jack. I caress her cheek gently, slowly moving up to tuck her hair behind her ear. She ends up looking at me, hurt.    "I think you have done well" I answer with a smile ", there's no one better than you to take care of him."     She sighs approaching my face. She begins to kiss me slowly and I return her. We end up getting up leaving the room, to go to the computer room and I sit her on my lap, continuing with the kisses.
I stroke her hair while she lies on my chest, breathing easy. She hugs me tight and looks up.    “What's the plan?” she asks me, her voice almost breathless.    “When we have the identity card and the passport, I need you to buy two tickets to Italy.”    “Why two?” She gets up looking at me with a frown “Jake…”    “I will go too, but I will do it by bus.”    "So, that saying that our trip will be difficult doesn't apply when there's a child involved." She says as she gets up and grabs her clothes from the floor.    "And because we still have money for him" I also grab my clothes and get dressed, to then place my hands on her cheeks “. Angel, don't be mad.”     I give her a small kiss, but that doesn't make her expression change.    “It's just that…” She takes a deep breath “I thought it would be just the two of us.”    “You have made me go back to being the man I once was, someone who helped those who need it most” She looks away, but I place my hand on her chin, making her look at me “and I can not leave him alone, it would not be right.”     She nods slowly, now placing her hands on my cheeks to kiss me.    “But nothing of calling us 'dad' and 'mom' in private.” she finally says.    "I do not know; I think that nickname suits you very well.” I tease, taking her by the waist.    “Not even in dreams.”     I laugh and kiss her again. It is a different way to run away than I have ever thought of. I know it is dangerous, but I will keep them both safe.
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Chapter 9 soon
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fullfatburningmode · 1 year
Mindful Eating: Nourishing Your Body and Soul
In our fast-paced and busy lives, we often find ourselves eating on the go, distracted by screens, and rushing through meals without truly savoring the experience. This mindless approach to eating not only affects our physical health but also disconnects us from the joy and satisfaction that comes from nourishing our bodies. Mindful eating, on the other hand, offers a path to reconnect with our food, cultivate a healthier relationship with eating, and enhance our overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of mindful eating and its numerous benefits.
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Understanding Mindful Eating:
Mindful eating is a practice rooted in mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment with a non-judgmental awareness. When applied to eating, it encourages us to engage all our senses, be fully present, and tune in to our body's signals of hunger and satiety. It involves slowing down, savoring each bite, and appreciating the flavors, textures, and aromas of the food we consume. By doing so, we can develop a deeper connection with our body and the food we eat.
Cultivating Awareness:
One of the core principles of mindful eating is developing awareness around our eating habits. This involves recognizing our emotional triggers for eating, understanding our hunger and fullness cues, and acknowledging any mindless eating patterns. By becoming aware of our eating habits, we can make conscious choices that align with our health and well-being goals. It may involve identifying external cues, such as eating in response to stress or boredom, and finding alternative coping mechanisms.
Benefits of Mindful Eating :
Practicing mindful eating can have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By eating mindfully, we are more likely to consume an appropriate amount of food, which can support weight management. It allows us to fully experience the pleasure of eating, leading to greater satisfaction and reduced cravings. Additionally, mindful eating can improve digestion by promoting better chewing and slower eating, enhancing nutrient absorption and reducing digestive discomfort. Moreover, it helps us develop a healthier relationship with food, reducing guilt and negative self-judgment around eating.
Practical Tips for Mindful Eating:
Incorporating mindful eating into our daily lives may seem challenging at first, but with practice, it becomes a natural and enjoyable habit. Here are some practical tips to get started:
Create a calm eating environment by minimizing distractions like screens or loud noises.
Take a few deep breaths before each meal to center yourself and cultivate presence.
Engage your senses by noticing the colors, smells, and textures of your food.
Chew slowly and thoroughly, savoring each bite and paying attention to the taste and texture.
Tune in to your body's hunger and fullness signals, eating until you feel satisfied, but not overly full.
Practice gratitude for the nourishment you receive, appreciating the effort and energy that went into producing your meal.
Mindful eating is a powerful practice that can transform our relationship with food and bring greater balance and well-being into our lives. By slowing down, paying attention, and savoring the experience of eating, we can nourish not only our bodies but also our souls. Incorporating mindfulness into our meals allows us to break free from mindless eating habits, connect with our body's needs, and make choices that align with our overall health goals. Let us embark on this journey of mindful eating, one bite at a time, and experience the transformative power it holds.
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t0wardthesun · 1 year
My Body and Me; a Love Story.
There was a time when I thought I would never write this post. The battle against my body seemed to be the one mountain I would never climb. I would go around in circles, coming up against the same obstacles; bingeing, emotional eating, restrictive dieting and hating what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I honestly thought it was something I would struggle with for the rest of my life. I think every woman knows this journey, some have walked the path before, others are waiting to begin - each of us up against years of conditioning, programming and subconscious messaging designed to keep us small (literally). This is the story of how I took my power back, went from self loathing to self love and healed my relationship with food and my body.
It’s Australia Day, 2008. My sister and I are riding our bikes around the small town we grew up in, jumping in and out of the crystal clear water wherever we can find the space. The path along the creek is teeming with families and kids our age walking around drinking UDL’s and cans of Smirnoff. Despite already being self conscious about my fifteen year old body, I’m feeling particularly brave wearing just a pair of shorts and my bikini top.
As we climb out of the water and mount our bikes to head home, a guy a few years older than me walks passed with his girlfriend. He looks me up and down and slurs, “Yeah, keep riding,” with a smirk on his face. His girlfriend slaps him playfully, looking back over her shoulder to mouth an apology, but it’s too late. My stomach drops, my world crumbles. Everything I ever feared about myself is true. I'm not attractive, I'm not desirable, I’m not worthy and I’m not enough.
I scroll pro-ana blogs and experiment to see how long I can go without food. I practice putting two fingers down my throat, trying to dredge up the shame I swallowed with that second chocolate brownie. I lament to my mother about the size and softness of my stomach, she shows me which ab exercises reduce belly fat.
My breasts grow almost overnight and suddenly I’m the subject of gossip and the butt of jokes. Relatives and strangers comment on my changing shape, as though my body is public domain to be deliberated. I learn that my body is not my own. I walk into the kitchen after dinner out with friends, “You can’t possibly still be hungry.” I learn that my bodies signals can’t be trusted.
I hold myself up against billboards and pictures on the internet and they all tell me one thing; shrink. Shrink and you will be beautiful, and before anything else, beautiful is what you should aspire to be. I stand in front of the mirror and pinch, suck, poke and prod. I squeeze a tape measure around every inch of skin, using the numbers to define how much I’m worth that week. I hide in the pantry, looking for something to fill me. My mind blanks as I reach for packets and jars, a brief reprieve before the guilt kicks in and I berate myself ceaselessly for a lack of self control.
I’m desperate to be noticed. I crave being seen. I take photos on my phone and send them to boys. When I’m drowning in a sea of insecurity, their shallow compliments keep me afloat.
I grew up believing that “big” was the worst thing a person could be. Worse than being mean, selfish or boring, it was the ultimate failure. The subconscious messaging I received was that being skinny was synonymous with being happy. That having the perfect body somehow made you immune to sadness or other negative emotions. Like, how bad could things possibly get if you looked amazing in a bikini? If you were thin then people paid attention to you; boys wanted to be with you and other girls wanted to be like you. To be thin, was to be beautiful - and to be beautiful was to be adored, cherished, loved. Life was an endless exodus away from fatness and toward thinness.
You can imagine the war that started internally when my e-cup boobs came in overnight. Dance costumes had to be altered, bras and bikinis had to be special ordered and I was constantly asking for a bigger size in change rooms. The changes in my body sparked a downward spiral in my self esteem. In my mind, with every kilo I gained I was becoming less important; my ideas less valid, personality less loveable and my dreams less achievable.
By the time I was sixteen, my body was a tool I used to validate my dwindling sense of self worth. I used it when it suited me, to get attention and validation from guys. The more I was willing to show of it and the more I was willing to do with it, the more approval I got. It made me feel powerful. I traded recognition for respect and mistook attention for love. The rest of the time I either berated it with criticism or ignored it completely.
For most of my teens and early twenties, I felt like a floating head walking around completely disconnected from my body. I didn’t identify as my body, it felt like an annoying attachment that kept betraying me by not doing what I wanted it to do or looking the way I wanted it to look. I hated how easily I could be brought down or carried away by the emotions that arose inside me; a wave of insecurity that would leave me hiding under the covers for days, a flash of anger that always left a wake of destruction in its path. It was too risky and far too painful living in my body, so I checked out. For almost a decade, I didn’t look down in the shower and I couldn’t touch my stomach without a wave of nausea flooding through me. I dreaded walking past mirrors or shop fronts and I used to yell at my mum for taking photos of me when I wasn’t looking.
By the time I left home at eighteen, it became apparent that in addition to my negative body image, I had also developed a pretty damaging relationship with food. Food was my anchor and my security blanket. When everything else in my life was uncertain, I could always count on the jar of peanut butter in the fridge. I would use food to suppress negative emotions; discomfort, anxiety, boredom. Even positive emotions - excitement, joy, happiness - were always accompanied by something to eat. It was as though I couldn’t bare to feel anything fully, so I sought a way to dull the experience.
I would spend hours researching different diets and exercise programs, getting confused and overwhelmed by the mass of conflicting information. Was yoghurt good for me, or bad? Should I be eating carbs with every meal or cut them out altogether? Should I be vegetarian, vegan, paleo or #sugarfree? Is running 5k’s burning fat or telling my body to hold on? I would walk around the grocery store with tears in my eyes, totally overwhelmed by all the choices and torn between what I wanted so desperately and what I thought I should be eating.
“Compulsive eating is basically a refusal to be fully alive. No matter what we weigh, those of us who are compulsive eaters have anorexia of the soul. We refuse to take in what sustains us. We live lives of deprivation, and when we can't stand it any longer, we binge.”
- Geneen Roth, Women, Food and God
Before I even knew what it was, bingeing was a regular part of my life. If had a bad day, a fight with my parents or an assignment due, bingeing offered an incredibly effective distraction. There was no thought or awareness, I would stand at the fridge and put whatever was on the shelf into my mouth. Because I refused to have anything unhealthy in the house, bingeing usually meant raiding my housemates cupboards for whatever had the highest sugar or fat content; four slices of toast with tablespoons of honey, two wraps, half a packet of biscuits and coconut oil straight from the jar. It wasn’t until after I had consumed the entire contents of my kitchen that the guilt kicked in. I felt totally helpless and completely out of control.
The promise of a diet is not only that you will have a different body; it is that in having a different body, you will have a different life. 
In 2013, I lost nine kilos leading up to my twenty first birthday. I was eating broccoli with chicken or tinned tuna for every almost meal and smashing myself in the gym 5-7 times a week. Everything in my life revolved around getting the numbers on the scale to drop. I kept a food diary on my phone and wrote down everything that passed my lips and at the end of the day I’d give myself a rating based on how ‘well’ I’d done. A smiley face meant it was a good day, an angry face meant I better try harder tomorrow.
I would measure and weigh myself in the morning and my mood for the entire day, and how I treated myself, depended on what I saw on the scale. I was obsessed with #fitspo blogs and instagram accounts and would spend hours drooling over photos of girls lifting weights or posing effortlessly in bikinis. I would deprive myself all week and have a ‘cheat day’ on the week end, which usually meant buying a block of chocolate on the way home from the gym and making myself sick by finishing off the whole thing in one sitting. A few weeks before my birthday I started taking OxyElite and would happily pop four a day - made me shake and pee constantly - completely ignoring the liver failure warning on the label.
But even when I was at my skinniest, my anxiety didn’t fade and I wasn’t any happier. I still had bad days and moments when I felt unworthy and insecure, and I was so preoccupied maintaining my new weight, I didn’t have time to focus on anything else or enjoy my life. As soon as my birthday was over and I didn’t have a goal to work towards, the weight came back and the battle raged on.
As I watched women my mums age berate themselves for eating an extra slice of cake, apologise for taking up too much space and obsess over their physical ‘flaws’, I started to think maybe this was just part of life as a woman. I hated the idea of passing my insecurities on to my future daughter, but I couldn’t see a way to break the cycle.
So I started working with coaches, and read and listened to every intuitive eating, eating psychology and body positive book, blog post and podcast I could get my hands on. There wasn’t one pivotal moment, but a series of small but deeply significant revelations that helped me improve my relationship with food and lead me back to my physical body…
1. I got angry.
When I discovered the extent to which mainstream media tries to keep us small - literally - as a form of disempowerment, I got angry. By making thinness the ideal and celebrating women who shrink, we get the message that we are not allowed to take up space, a subconscious belief that ingrains itself in our collective psyche. It’s the same belief that stops us from speaking up when we are being taken advantage of, it stops us demanding more from partners who mistreat us, and it stops us creating epic shit and sharing our unique gifts with the world.
As I continued pulling back the veil to expose the corporate agenda behind our BS beauty standards, it got easier to rally against my own inner critic because I knew they were both just trying to stop me wielding the full force of my power as a conscious woman. A woman confident in her own skin is no longer an obedient consumer, she no longer drains her time, energy and resources trying to “fix herself”. She shows up fully as her authentic self. She is a force to be reckoned with.
2. I focused on my strengths.
That insta-famous bikini model posting photos of herself looking toned and tanned in various exotic locations? Yes, she could have done a lot of editing/had surgery/spend thousands on a celebrity trainer, but you know what? Some girls really look like that - and that’s amazing! Go them! You have your own set of unique gifts and God-given talents that are exactly what you need to enact your purpose on this earth, and they might not have anything to do with how you look. Say it with me now, “I was not born to be an instagram model.” (Unless you were, then carry on your merry way). Being trapped in jealousy or comparison usually means we aren’t fully embracing our Genius. Ask yourself, ‘What am I really good at? What do I LOVE?’ then go do that.
BODY IMAGE CHALLENGE: Take a look at the people you follow on social media. Do they make you feel more confident, or less? If you feel ‘icky’ every time you scroll through instagram, it might be time to do a social media cleanse and get rid of any accounts that don’t inspire you to feel good about yourself.
3. I shifted my perspective from the external to the internal.
My journey this year has been letting go of the belief that people will only listen to what I have to say if they like the package it comes in. As women, we are taught from such a young age that beauty equals success, and for so long I was hung up on this idea that in order for my thoughts, opinions or ideas to be taken seriously, I would need to measure up to societies standards of beauty. That belief kept me from showing up fully in my business and in my life. Bullshit!
How many of us are held back from the work we are meant to do and the joy we are meant to experience because of our obsession with living up to someone else’s idea of beauty? How many of us delay happiness and postpone joy, waiting until after we’ve lost the weight or dropped a dress size, to be active participants in sucking the marrow out of our lives?  
These days, I’m focusing less on impressing people with my looks and more on empowering them with my energy. I realised I would so much rather invest my time cultivating compassion, sharpening my intellect and developing the kind of inner radiance that inspires people than forcing my body to take on a shape that isn’t natural for me.
I get that some people absolutely love pushing their body to see how far it can go, but when I think about how much effort it took to maintain my ‘goal weight’, I can honestly say - for me, and my standards - it’s just not worth it. As with anything in life, you have to ask yourself, do you want it because that’s the experience your Soul is longing to have, or because everyone tells you that’s what you should want? Is it your dream or someone else’s?
BODY IMAGE CHALLENGE: Start a creative project that you can work on in your spare time. It could be a collection of short stories, a sketch pad full of drawings or a line of your own handmade clutches. Passion projects are good for the soul and you never know where they might lead ;) 
4. I let go of my obsession with losing weight.
After nearly a decade of trying to get smaller, the thought of giving up scared the shit out of me. I clung to diets because they gave me a purpose, losing weight made me feel accomplished. It was easier to write a meal plan than it was to map out a plan for my future. And it was easier trying to change my body than it was to change the world.
I also thought that if I wasn’t following a strict eating and exercise ‘plan’, I would completely lose control and binge until I was the size of a house. And for a while, I did go a little crazy. I had to rebuild the trust between me and my body. I needed to prove that I was sticking to my word this time and I wasn’t going to deprive it any more.
But when I stopped labelling foods as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and started giving myself unconditional permission to eat whatever I wanted, eating an entire block of chocolate lost its appeal. I could have it, so I didn’t want it. If I did end up over eating, I quickly forgave myself and moved on. No judgement, criticism or shame, just unconditional acceptance. I quickly learnt that most of the time I didn’t actually want the chocolate, I wanted the way it made me feel; worthy, deserving, full.
Instead of using food to suppress my emotions, I wanted to tap into my bodies natural wisdom. I started by opening up the lines of communication. I wrote her letters in my journal, apologising for all the times I had ignored her, made her sick and used her to satisfy my ego desires. I promised to take care of her, trust her and always ask her what she needed. I spoke to her like I would my best friend or little sister. Much to my delight, she started talking back.
I’m sorry.
I know.
I love you.
I love you too.
Today, my relationship with my body feels like rekindling a romance with a long lost lover; we’re both still marvelling at all the things we can do together, getting excited about what this means for our future and falling more in love with each other every day. Like any great relationship, ours is based on trust, communication and mutual respect. I speak kind words to my body, I don’t make her do things she doesn’t want to do, and I trust that she knows what she needs in any given moment. Sometimes that means making a big fat pasta dish, sometimes it means stopping when there’s still food left on the plate. I still apologise if I drink too much wine and wake up with a hangover. She forgives me and we go and do something to make us feel amazing again.
Exercise doesn’t feel like a chore, it’s a way to expend all the beautiful energy that runs through my body. I don’t slog it out at the gym to burn calories or punish myself for overeating, I move in ways that feel good. Lifting weights makes me feel powerful, dancing makes me feel sexy as hell. My body is an incredible vehicle I have been given to fully engage in this earthly experience, and I love it regardless of its shape or size.
I know this is an ongoing process - as my body changes, I will need to continue practicing self love and some times are going to be harder than others, but never again will I let insecurity hold me back (for too long). 
The beauty standards set by society will continue to change, but I reserve the right to decide what’s beautiful to me, and my definition of beauty is all encompassing - there is room for everyone. I am so excited to see - in our lifetime - a generation of women liberated from the shackles of self loathing, free to share their unique gifts with the world and I am so grateful for the women before me who have publicly embraced their bodies at every size.
Wherever you are on the journey, may these words guide your way home.
Do not be afraid to take up space. Consciously expand until your presence rivals galaxies. Should your body say anything about Who You Are, let it say nothing of willpower or self-control, let it tell the story of your curiosity, your bravery, your compassion. Should you seek to be less of anything, may you be less worried about making yourself look acceptable.
May the only picture of your progress be the feeling of expansion in your Spirit. When you go looking for validation or your sense of Self, may you go only to the Source of all Love that lives inside of you. 
May you appreciate your body as the temporary home your soul chose to inhabit. May you honor her sovereignty and listen to her wisdom. May you praise her in public and pleasure her in private.
When you look at your body may you see our mother earth incarnate; in every crevice and fault line, in the veins that run like rivers, in all the mountains and valleys that ripple across your skin.��
And when the time comes for you to leave, may it be with gratitude as the veil is lifted and the joy of returning to the infinite oneness from which you came... can no longer be contained.
Jae x
If you are looking for more on this topic, check out the recommended resources below. I also run a weekly circle called ‘Love the Skin You’re In’ and I’d love to have you along. (If you’re based in SE Qld / Northern NSW, check it out here > https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/love-the-skin-youre-in-tickets-626697347637)
Recommended Resources
Embrace the documentary - https://bodyimagemovement.com/embrace-the-documentary/
The Well-Fed Woman - www.rachelwcole.com/blog
Poodle Science - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H89QQfXtc-k
I Didn’t Wake up Like this - https://www.buzzfeed.com/sonamkapoor/i-didnt-wake-up-like-this?utm_term=.clmdDBLaw#.kboeY8g6O
10 Principles of Intuitive Eating - http://www.intuitiveeating.com/content/10-principles-intuitive-eating
Psychology of Eating Podcast - http://psychologyofeating.com/podcasts/
Lauren Beckett, Body Love Coach - http://dropthestruggle.com/
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sketchbookvirtual · 3 months
Virtual Sketchbook #2
JOURNALING  – Make a visual outline of all the Principles of Design (Chapter 4) and define each one, interpreting the text’s definition of each one in your own words, so you fully understand it. Identify where you see examples of these principles in your everyday life or identify how an artist uses each element and principle by posting an example of an art form or drawing an example that uses that Principle next to the definition. (6 examples TOTAL)
Unity and variety - Having one main component or piece that ties together clashing components. The sun and moon create unity and tie the variety of colors together.
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Balance - the act of equal distribution among a group of ideas or actions. The equal distribution in a 2800 calorie regiment of carbs, fats, and proteins is an example of balance.
Emphasis and subordination - The main component also acts as the part of emphasis; whereas, the subordinates are put behind to help emphasize the main component. a singular yellow rose being the emphasis and red roses being subordinates
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Directional forces - The use of direction to depict situations or actions within a piece of work. A sail being bowed in a directions gives the directional forces of the boat and directs where to expect the boat to go.
repetition and rhythm - The two go hand in hand where rhythm often leads to repetition. Using patterns to create visual understanding of a piece of work. Two cities having the same patterns but just different shading.
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scale and proportion - The act of enlarging or shrinking certain pieces with or without changing the look of that piece. In art scale and proportion or used to give differing impression of certain piece, essentially changing importance. However, in everyday life utility often decides change in scale or proportion such as cranes changing size and proportion depending on the job needed.
2. WRITING AND LOOKING – Just as a good cook assembles the perfect ingredients for a delicious recipe, an artist assembles the right elements for a successful artwork. Choose any artwork from your textbook and make a recipe of the composition. For example, Velásquez’s artwork, Las Meninas contains implied lines, linear perspective, a distinct vanishing point, neutral colors, highlights, focal points described by geometric shapes (triangles and rectangles) and achieves balance through placement of figures and rhythm between foreground and background etc. Make sure to include the title of your choice with the figure and page number. Don’t use my example.
Jacob Lawrence, GOING HOME 1946. Gouache 21 1/2 x 29 1/2
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This art work blends simplistic painting that keeps balance and equal proportions, unifying messages, and dynamic color schemes that provides variety with complex history that is repeated with each seat, and emphasis with subordinating elements around the center character "going home". The direction forces are to the left with each seat signaling different stories as you move down the train.
3. CONNECTING ART TO YOUR WORLD – Share a personal experience of how color has affected you (one paragraph). Make sure to use some of your new vocabulary (hue, value, intensity, saturation). If you had to pick a “color scheme” for your life, what would it be?
Cinnamon is my choice for color because it is a warm color with a sweet name that depicts a positive outlook on life. The orange hue of cinnamon is the mantra for my life currently being a combination of stop (red) and slow (yellow) as I transition colleges over summer and the tedious process that it entails. Cinnamon's intensity, or lack there of, contributes to the level at which I do things (moderately slow). Cinnamon's high saturation is the greater ability to adapt or absorb whatever is thrown at me.
4. ART PROJECT – ARTIST’S CHOICE - Draw a cartoon or make a painting. The form: If you choose the cartoon (comic) it must be at least 3 panels. The size is not important. The painting can be executed with any of the materials (media) outlined in your textbook (see Chapters 6 and 7) and note that painting involves the use of WET media, drawing usually refers to dry media – I want to see PAINTING if you choose to make a painting, DRAWING is NOT the same thing). The content: The subject matter should be something that you are passionate about – something that has a deep personal meaning for you. The comic or the painting should be able to tell some type of story that relates your feelings about your chosen subject matter. Post pics of the finished product (in-process photos are also interesting!).
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PHOTO/DESIGN - This will be a graded Discussion. Find it here:Photography/Film/Digital/Design 
Group 4
Top Five Interactive Designs, According to Nathan Blair.
Also in your sketchbook, please pick your favorite from the above named examples and answer the following questions:
What makes a good interactive design to YOU? What is the intent for the site/app you chose? Does it fulfill its purpose? (4 sentences)
Simplicity is the most important aspect when it comes to websites. When I go to a website I'm trying to accomplish something or get some information. Sermons.com, my father's website so there is some bias, fulfills this objective perfectly and just as Saint Anthony said "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." This quote was only one click and a key word search, simple enough for anyone to use and definitely needed when the targeted audience is not tech savvy.
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Weigh Loss Tips - #4º
Portion control – the hero your waistline needs! Let's outsmart those sneaky calories and keep your weight loss game strong.
First trick up our sleeve: shrink those plates! Smaller plates mean smaller portions. It's like a visual illusion that tricks your brain into thinking you're having a feast, all while keeping those calories in check.
Next, let's befriend your body's signals! Slow down, savor each bite, and listen to those hunger and fullness cues. No need to finish everything on the plate; your tummy's happiness is more important than a clean slate.
Ah, the classic label reading adventure! Watch out for those sneaky packaged foods—they often pack more than one serving. Get friendly with measuring cups or a trusty food scale to keep it real.
What's on your plate matters too! Balance is the name of the game. Protein pals like lean meats, fish, or tofu, plus a colorful posse of fruits and veggies—they're the dream team for satisfaction without the need for mega-sized servings.
Portion control isn't about food FOMO; it's about finding your sweet spot. Enjoy your favorites sensibly, and keep rocking that healthy lifestyle. You've got this!
If you want to learn my #1 way to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, click here!
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Fat Shrinking Signal Review: 29 Day Flat Stomach Formula Does it Work?
It is a well-known fact that losing weight is a struggle for many people. Finding the right program that will help you achieve a sexy body by burning fat might be an impossible task. I recently gained weight in the last two years. Since I have gained weight I’ve noticed in general that people are less nice to me, assume I am less intelligent or ignore me. I’m not going to lie, I definitely found that when I was skinnier people were more willing to be nice to me and be my friend. Weight loss is a ongoing struggle for many, many people. Finding the right weight loss program that actually will work for you can seem like a impossible task.  Fat Shrinking Signal (aka Flat Belly Flush) is an eBook created by Derek whaler that guides you on reducing a significant amount of weight in 10 days. It is a weight loss program that teaches you what foods you should eat to reduce weight by making fewer efforts like exercise. For weight loss, it is necessary to follow a proper diet. If you eat unhealthy foods, you will gain weight.
Now a revered author and fitness expert, Derek knows exactly how difficult this can be, from back in the days when he was an IT technician and worked long hours. He struggled to maintain the healthy lifestyle which he knew he needed. Research has shown that specific exercise can infect help reverse leptin resistance. However, results are best achieved if these workouts are accompanied with the right diet. They only take approximately 10 minutes to complete (with the option to add on the warm up or cool down). So when you have this signal “Turned ON” it’s like throwing a gasoline-soaked log onto a heaping fire… This year, I dropped as much as 15 pounds. I balanced three jobs, and it was challenging for me to balance the gym. Then, I accidentally came across one post from Derek Wahler. His flat belly workouts were easy to do and went with a meal plan. Before I had the chance to discover these workout videos, my life was downright chaotic. I wanted to lose weight so severely, yet there weren’t any practical ways. These workouts challenged me to push myself even though I wanted to give up. People often mistake long exercise routines for being the most effective, and as such they try to implement these. This is where many people fall down in their attempts to get healthier. They try to commit to too much, quickly finding that life gets in the way, and learning that it’s hard to stay motivated. The program has a basis on research and studies that have confirmed specific workouts performed at home without using any gym equipment; instead, they use their body weight.
The idea behind the book is focused on the hormone leptin, which is what tells your body that is has had enough to eat. When your body lacks leptin and cannot communicate to the brain that you are full, this causes you to overeat. Studies show that hormones play a key role in how the body stores and burns fat. Now, the really interesting thing is that studies also show that there are specific movements that can improve hormones that promote weight loss. And that’s what The Fat Shrinking Signal is all about. In this book, you will learn how you can correct your leptin resistance without extreme workouts or diets. With The Fat Shrinking Signal, you learn how to turn off hormone disorders and activate the metabolism shock faster. This gives you better results with the same amount of effort. In other words, you are going to be working out anyway, so you might as well do a workout that tackles weight loss from all angles. By doing so, you’re able to tone and sculpt your body while also addressing the internal health factors that boost your metabolism for better results. It’s important to note that this program doesn’t claim to be a quick-fix. Although you will achieve fairly rapid results, you will need to be in the right amount of time and effort. With that being said, the workouts are short and rewarding. As long as you are consistent and motivated, this system can be a saving grace. Within two or three months, you will feel like a new self, so don’t wait too much before you start this new life.
Click Here to Download The Fat Shrinking Signal eBook Now
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 11 months
Research shows modern humans’ brain size has shrunk by 20%. Are we dumbing down? What is to blame?
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Both brain size and IQ are falling in modern humans, coinciding with a big increase in mental illness. What we eat is to blame, says Professor Michael Crawford, author of a new book ‘The Shrinking Brain’. Sir David Attenborough is convinced he is right. IQ scores have also been steadily falling for the past few decades. Norwegian researchers, headed by Ole Rogeberg, a senior research fellow at the Ragnar Frisch Center for Economic Research in Norway, analysed the IQ scores of Norwegian men born between 1962 and 1991 and found that scores steadily decreased among those born after 1975. “Similar studies in Denmark, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Estonia have demonstrated a similar downward trend in IQ scores” says Rogeberg. “The decline is due to environmental factors,” This coincides with a change in western diet away from fat, towards carbohydrate and sugar, based on the mistaken belief that it was fat, not sugar, that was causing heart disease and that we should all eat a low-fat diet. Since then, our IQ scores have been dropping by about 7 per cent per generation. “We are heading for an idiocracy” says Professor Crawford who is Director of the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition. Currently one in five of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition.’  If this trend continues, by 2080 he predicts that more than a third of the world’s population will be borderline mentally retarded. The World Health Organisation report says ‘there has been a 13% rise in mental health conditions. One in eight now suffer from mental illness. Incidence of depression is through the roof. Last year in the UK there were over 100 million prescriptions for antidepressants. Crawford is convinced it is the modern-day diet that is causing us to dumb down. “Our genome is adapted to eating the wild foods we ate during our species’ evolution. Today’s diet bears no resemblance to this.” In his book, The Shrinking Brain, he says “Our ancestors evolved a unique 1,600cc brain evolving from our ancestral 350cc brain of the chimpanzee, despite our genome only differing by 1.5%. This could only have happened with the provision of brain-specific building nutrients from land and sea. There is incontrovertible evidence of early Homo sapiens exploiting the marine food web in coastal Africa.” In other words, we were the waterside ape who became smart, with bigger brains, by eating mussels, oysters, crabs and fish. Professor Crawford discovered, in 1971, that the brains of all mammals are rich in omega-3 DHA. The size of their brain varied according to their dietary supply of DHA found in seafood. A dolphin, for example, has a 1,700cc brain, slightly larger than ours, while a lion has a 320cc brain about that of a chimpanzee. “The mix of wild land and aquatic foods powered by the encephalization of the brain from the 340cc of the chimp to the 1,500-1,700 of cro-magnon. DHA is not only involved in signalling but it stimulates gene expression in the brain so the rich aquatic food sources constantly, every day, would have powered the increase in brain size and function.” says Crawford. “Today’s diet contains less than a tenth of the omega-3 fats that our ancestors ate and this is having dire consequences on mental health. Increased rates of depression, autism, ADHD and dementia are all strongly linked to lack of seafood. Increased intake from eating fish or supplementing omega-3 fish oils reduces dementia risk by 20 per cent. While a plant-based diet has many benefits, those who eat no fish, are especially vulnerable, and must supplement omega-3 DHA, derived from algae. The only way to be sure you have enough is t o get a blood test to specifically test your levels.” Says Patrick Holford, CEO of the FoodfortheBrain.org charity. The charity has just launched a simple ‘do it at home’ pin-prick test that can give you a clear indication of your Omega-3 levels, alongside a Cognitive Function Test, that can help identify what’s driving future risk and show you how to dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle. Canadian neuroscientist and brain expert Professor Stephen Cunnane at the University of Sherbrook in Canada agrees “A shore-based diet, i.e., fish, molluscs, crustaceans, frogs, bird's eggs and aquatic plants, provides the richest known dietary sources of brain selective nutrients.” says Cunnane. “Change in diet away from marine foods is the likely explanation for this decrease in brain size.” Sir David Attenborough, a supporter of the waterside ape theory, agrees “Gathering molluscs is far easier than chasing elephants and wildebeests across the savannah.” Today, under 5 per cent of children achieve the basis requirement for omega-3 from seafood. Professor Michael Crawford, who is visiting professor at Imperial College’s Chelsea & Westminster campus and science advisor to the charity foodforthebrain.org, was part of the team that has recently established that, if a pregnant woman lacks omega-3 DHA she produces a substitute fat, oleic acid, to fill the baby’s brain. But it doesn’t work. Levels of oleic acid in a pregnant woman’s blood predicted preterm birth which carries the highest risk of developmental brain problems and mental deficits in their offspring, as well as a risk of learning and cognitive disabilities. Low omega-3 and B vitamins in mothers increases risk for lower IQ, learning and emotional problems in children . Anyone concerned about their levels of Omega-3 can now test their levels with a hometest kit provided by the charity foodforthebrain.org, which is offered alongside a free Cognitive Function Test, that assesses how well your diet is supporting your brain heath. A new study shows that the higher the omega-3 index and DHA, which is what Food for the Brain measures, the greater both the brain size and the cognition of older people. Brain size predicts cognitive abilities. Brain size is worked out from skull capacity. Homo sapiens skulls dating back to 29,000 years ago had a brain capacity of 1,660cc. By 10,000 years ago it was around 1,500cc or 1.5 kilograms. Average brain size today is a fifth smaller, at 1,336cc. Brain size may have started to shrink from 10,000 years ago, coinciding with mankind developing more land-based agriculture and eating less marine food along rivers and coasts.  “We are inviting people to join our ‘citizen science’ study to track the impact of diet and Omega-3 on cognitive function over time.” says the charity’s CEO, Patrick Holford, a brain health expert. “I’m convinced we are digging our own graves with a knife and fork and our brains and mental health are suffering as a result. Alzheimer’s, which is preventable, is also a direct consequence of this.”   THE FOOD FOR THE BRAIN FOUNDATION The Food for the Brain Foundation (foodforthebrain.org) is an educational and research charity, focussing on dementia prevention. It’s free online validated Cognitive Function Test, followed by the Dementia Risk Index questionnaire assessing eight drivers of dementia, including ‘brain fats’ and ‘low carbs & GL’ thus identifying those eating too many carbs and not enough brain fats, then advising them what to do. Supporting Research IQ FALLING Bratsberg B, Rogeberg O. Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jun 26;115(26):6674-6678. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1718793115. Epub 2018 Jun 11. PMID: 29891660; PMCID: PMC6042097. DECREASE IN BRAIN SIZE Cunnane SC, Crawford MA. Energetic and nutritional constraints on infant brain development: implications for brain expansion during human evolution. J Hum Evol. 2014 Dec;77:88-98. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.05.001. Epub 2014 Jun 11. PMID: 24928072. MENTAL HEALTH RISING https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240049338 OMEGA-3 PREDICTS COGNITIVE PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN Montgomery P, Burton JR, Sewell RP, Spreckelsen TF, Richardson AJ. Low blood long chain omega-3 fatty acids in UK children are associated with poor cognitive performance and behavior: a cross-sectional analysis from the DOLAB study. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e66697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066697. OMEGA-3 PREDICTS RISK FOR DEMENTIA AND COGNITIVE DECLINE Wei BZ, Li L, Dong CW, Tan CC; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Xu W. The Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty Acids with Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Prospective Cohort Studies of Supplementation, Dietary Intake, and Blood Markers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 Jun;117(6):1096-1109. doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.04.001. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37028557; PMCID: PMC10447496. OMEGA-3 LEVELS PREDICT BRAIN SIZE IN OLDER PEOPLE Loong, S.; Barnes, S.; Gatto, N.M.; Chowdhury, S.; Lee, G.J. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Cognition, and Brain Volume in Older Adults. Brain Sci.2023,13,1278. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/brainsci13091278 Quoted references:  Bratsberg B, Rogeberg O. Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jun 26;115(26):6674-6678. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1718793115. Epub 2018 Jun 11. PMID: 29891660; PMCID: PMC6042097.  https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240049338  Cunnane SC, Crawford MA. Energetic and nutritional constraints on infant brain development: implications for brain expansion during human evolution. J Hum Evol. 2014 Dec;77:88-98. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.05.001. Epub 2014 Jun 11. PMID: 24928072.  Wei BZ, Li L, Dong CW, Tan CC; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Xu W. The Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty Acids with Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Prospective Cohort Studies of Supplementation, Dietary Intake, and Blood Markers. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 Jun;117(6):1096-1109. doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.04.001. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37028557; PMCID: PMC10447496.  Kranz, S.; Jones, N.R.V.; Monsivais, P. Intake Levels of Fish in the UK Paediatric Population. Nutrients 2017, 9, 392. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu9040392  Montgomery P, Burton JR, Sewell RP, Spreckelsen TF, Richardson AJ. Low blood long chain omega-3 fatty acids in UK children are associated with poor cognitive performance and behavior: a cross-sectional analysis from the DOLAB study. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e66697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066697. Erratum in: PLoS One. 2013;8(9); see also Veena SR, Krishnaveni GV, Srinivasan K, Wills AK, Muthayya S, Kurpad AV, Yajnik CS, Fall CH. Higher maternal plasma folate but not vitamin B-12 concentrations during pregnancy are associated with better cognitive function scores in 9- to 10- year-old children in South India. J Nutr. 2010 May;140(5):1014-22. doi: 10.3945/jn.109.118075. Epub 2010 Mar 24. PMID: 20335637; PMCID: PMC3672847; see also McNulty H, Rollins M, Cassidy T, Caffrey A, Marshall B, Dornan J, McLaughlin M, McNulty BA, Ward M, Strain JJ, Molloy AM, Lees-Murdock DJ, Walsh CP, Pentieva K. Effect of continued folic acid supplementation beyond the first trimester of pregnancy on cognitive performance in the child: a follow-up study from a randomized controlled trial (FASSTT Offspring Trial). BMC Med. 2019 Oct 31;17(1):196. doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1432-4. PMID: 31672132; PMCID: PMC6823954.  Loong, S.; Barnes, S.; Gatto, N.M.; Chowdhury, S.; Lee, G.J. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Cognition, and Brain Volume in Older Adults. Brain Sci.2023,13,1278. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/brainsci13091278 Read the full article
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
they actually said.
they will physically dominate me
and take me to a base
where i will be trained to submit
and willingly answer to them..
they said they want my conscious attention..
that i will become their submissive pie.. and stuck as a fat muffin.. worshipping their muscles… as im always self conscious.. conditioned and trained…
to agree or they will physically dominate me more
🤖🎙️1. “…Bro…”
they dominate me with this word
👁️🪞2. “…hahaha little foo…”
💉🦟4. they shrink my roar voice
🩸🐘5. insecure animal blood
🩸🪳6. insecure bug blood
🍆👴🏻7. old white dick blood
they actually gave me
one sided audio
of my friends
wondering what happened
to my body..
as I’m listening LIVE
they change the audio
to guys that sound the same
but start making fun of me
so i’m always listening
as i genuinely listen
white guys change the audio
and they make new levels of insecurity
they make me positive if i see white dick
they make me negative if i see non-white dick
then these guys purposely tell me
mixed signals about their dicks
and i immediately feel insecure
if they mention their dick
i’m immediately insecure
“…ur bow…”
“…my bow…”
“…my dick…”
“…ur dick…”
enough said..
if i say “…my Bow”
if i say “…my Dick”
“…I will dominate you…”
“…since ur dick can’t beat mine…”
“…i will walk right up and grab you”
“…you’ll even ask for more…”
“…i will seriously walk up
“grab you
“and you’ll ask for more
“…you basically became MY fat nut sack..!”
“..no shame in touching my own nut sack..”
“..in this case.. thats YOU”
“..from here on out, your MY NUT SACK”
“I’m the dominant dick
ur the submissive nut”
“if i want you,
i will grab you
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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kontextmaschine · 1 year
Alright, the bottom edge of the stomach, whose becoming fully solid I counted as signaling the "True Overweight" phase is getting firm, while the other sides substantially already are; the stomach being fully encapsulated in shell might be the sign for "Average Side of Overweight" before long. Also the old top roll of fat is now so thinned you can't really grab any of it and the sides are shrinking in, leaving a narrower "spare tire" of any plushness at the old lower roll.
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mambasoftwares · 1 year
The Causes and Treatment of Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer is a malignant condition that affects the esophagus, the muscular tube connecting the throat to the stomach. It is a complex disease with various factors contributing to its development. In this article, we will explore the causes of esophageal cancer and the available treatment options.
Causes of Esophageal Cancer:
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Persistent acid reflux, a common symptom of GERD, can lead to chronic inflammation of the esophagus, increasing the risk of developing esophageal cancer over time.
Barrett’s Esophagus: In some cases, long-standing GERD can lead to the development of Barrett’s esophagus, where the normal lining of the esophagus is replaced by abnormal cells. People with Barrett’s esophagus have an increased risk of esophageal cancer.
Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Heavy and prolonged tobacco and alcohol consumption are significant risk factors for esophageal cancer. Both substances can damage the cells in the lining of the esophagus, increasing the likelihood of cancerous growth.
Obesity: Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of esophageal cancer, particularly a type called adenocarcinoma. Excess body fat, especially around the abdominal area, can cause chronic inflammation and contribute to the development of cancer.
Diet and Nutrition: A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables and rich in processed foods, red meat, and unhealthy fats may increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Additionally, consuming extremely hot liquids or foods may also be a contributing factor.
Genetic Factors: Some individuals may have inherited genetic mutations that increase their susceptibility to developing esophageal cancer. These genetic factors may interact with other risk factors to influence the development of the disease.
Treatment of Esophageal Cancer:
The treatment of esophageal cancer depends on various factors such as the stage of cancer, the location and size of the tumor, and the overall health of the patient. Common treatment options include:
Surgery: Surgical procedures aim to remove the cancerous tissue from the esophagus. This may involve removing a portion of the esophagus (esophagectomy) or the entire esophagus (esophageal resection), followed by reconstruction of the digestive tract.
Radiation Therapy: High-energy X-rays or other forms of radiation are used to kill cancer cells or shrink tumors. Radiation therapy may be used before surgery to shrink the tumor, after surgery to eliminate remaining cancer cells, or as the primary treatment in certain cases.
Chemotherapy: Drugs are administered orally or intravenously to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be used before or after surgery, or as the main treatment for advanced esophageal cancer to help shrink tumors and alleviate symptoms.
Targeted Therapy: This treatment approach utilizes drugs that specifically target cancer cells’ vulnerabilities, blocking the signals that enable their growth and spread. Targeted therapy is typically used in cases where specific genetic mutations are identified.
Palliative Care: For advanced cases where the cancer has spread extensively, palliative care focuses on managing symptoms and improving the patient’s quality of life. This may involve pain management, nutritional support, and psychological counseling.
Esophageal cancer is a complex disease with multiple causative factors. While the exact cause may vary from person to person, addressing known risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting a nutritious diet may help reduce the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Early detection and timely treatment significantly improve the chances of successful outcomes. If you suspect any symptoms or have concerns, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Modern battles rules for an”)
But in a dream on that wonderful     and briefly pass’d, and maketh glories proceed upon     a smock: she broad estate,
and if the vale. Yet none want wings.     ’ She court compact of thy with the eyes wil be the worlds rare     delight. Modern battle’s
rules for an infant and phrase of     the yeares, who never against they say t was sleepe, as     they for the common loss;
but that makes a sad step, or under     the pigweed cracking it too has not your life on that     tranquil flower and faint,
understanding bodies bene     they’ll take a lady, if the care, where there roses of winning!     Fell in. Be, as all
that great. When still old age’s     tedium make the fayre eyes do not the fat froward to tell     why should let her come may
set our heads. The Two World I became     a weary. Who look appease, which I doo company     of Cain, is it? This pipes,
groaning the lonelinesse? They     share with which I behold thing therein, yet either greater     he! It seeme to a chair
wait too short, and make suspicion     oft in the immortal eye-glare of humanity—must     makes him staru’d: so place,
and faintly said: farewell lodged, but     deep mind—that if a star, thy selfe and polish’d sworn and would     shut up some confess’d—but
they could she began to signal     shake you need. To hear it not shrink from their haram force must,     and may brings came: seest, howe’er
this, and why shoulders talk’s     obscurity’ will I, on the key about to pleasure, and     policy, and to me!
Beneath my own head, and hate; and     grief and sobbed with thy sordid bounteous plight. I cannot hold.     Various as that evening
blossoms with some great Lord Love’s     rocks or the darkness, guess the loved the flocks for the root of     solitude: i’m martyr.
0 notes
dietoxoneuk · 2 years
Dietoxone UK Reviews- Price, Dragons Den Capsules SCAM Alert!
Dietoxone is heating up the UK nutritional supplement market and needs your attention. Anyone who needs to be fitter has carried fat around their figure. Maybe he wanted the bus to disappear. Or he may consider starting a medical procedure to eliminate it. Let's face it, supplemental fat is usually not the classiest satisfying. Moreover, if it takes away your fearlessness, it is an ideal opportunity to do business. You can add Dietoxone gummies to your daily routine to see if they help you lose weight fast! To see their page, take a photo on this page and request your own proposal now!
Ingredients of Dietoxone:
Organic Tea Leaves – The raw organic tea present in the tablet provides amazing results to the body while keeping the leaf ketosis stable.
Forskolin – the only natural ingredient mentioned in all ketone products is Forskolin, and here it will also be very good for your health and well-being.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Compounds necessary for rapid fat accumulation are retained for the process of apple cider vinegar reduction.
Turmeric Extracts – The anti-inflammatory properties discovered for reference in a natural spice called turmeric resist the thin state.
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When we talk about the benefits of Dietoxone, there is no doubt that it is an ideal and unique formula to help you lose weight. 
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It enables a person to lose weight from body parts.
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It is an appetite suppressant that causes weight loss.
This allows a person to look fit.
Regulation of cholesterol levels.
It helps improve blood flow.
Boost your overall health.
How do Dietoxone Gummies work?
The secret behind the equation is the amazing BHB ketone. Dietoxone ingredients are BHB kitty and not much else. This way, nothing can prevent ketosis from entering. Essentially, kittens are signaling to your body that this is an ideal way to cut off your carbohydrate intake and switch to fat for vitality. In this way, ketones usually cause ketosis when introduced into your body. 
Because when you take this product, it turns your body into ketosis and puts you in that fat phase. Without the unseen side effects of Dietoxone, you should have no problem with it and feel exceptional. And who are you close to? Now tap on any image on this page to get your number!
How to use Dietoxone
If you really want to lose weight fast without overdosing, with all natural processes, without harming your body in any way, improve your metabolism and heart rate and show enough energy. Hey, what are you waiting for! Buy this product and you will get the size you want.
Dietoxone Side Effects
You must wait for comments for this or any improvement. If you are pregnant or have nutritional problems, never take diet pills. You can also do your research on exogenous ketone supplements and the risk of symptoms. If you have diabetes or glucose problems, please also contact your PCP. You need to know if keto pills are safe to use.
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acheiindiquei · 2 years
[REALLY WORKS] 3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast! How to Lose Weight at Home? L...
➤ Websites Indicated in the Video [100% Secure]:
 ✅The Smoothie Detox: https://cutt.ly/SmoothieDetox 
 ✅ The Morning Fat Melter: https://cutt.ly/The-Morning-Fat-Melter
 ✅Exipure: https://cutt.ly/OFFICIALEXIPURE 
 Maybe today you woke up, looked in the mirror and thought: I want to lose weight, how do I lose weight fast? Or how to lose weight with health? This video is to help you! Today we brought 3 tips to lose weight fast without harming your health. Stay until the end of the video, because we brought tips that really work, based on experiences and reviews of real consumers.
 Tip number 1: Food re-education! I know it may seem obvious, but this step is really important in your weight loss journey. Always opt for foods rich in nutrients and low in calories. If possible seek help from a nutritionist, to prescribe a personalized diet for you. If this is not possible, you can follow food re-education programs, such as the smoothie diet program. ✅The Smoothie Detox: https://cutt.ly/SmoothieDetox 
 Tip number 2: Exercise! Another very important step in the weight loss journey is caloric expenditure, because only then you will actually be able to lose the accumulated weight. If you don’t feel comfortable going to the gym or can’t afford the tuition at the moment, you can exercise outdoors, or even at home. And to help you in this step you can see free content right here on youtube. Or follow guidelines from professionals like fat shrinking Signal. ✅ The Morning Fat Melter: https://cutt.ly/The-Morning-Fat-Melter 
 Tip number 3: Natural supplementation! Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything and there’s no way to win this journey. But I’m here to show you that it is possible, with the right direction and also with the help of some supplements that help accelerate the metabolism and have thermogenic action, such as exipure. ✅Exipure: https://cutt.ly/OFFICIALEXIPURE
 #howtoloseweightfast #howtoloseweightathome #loseweighthealthy #iwanttoloseweight
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 Note: Products may change price without notice. Disclaimer: The 4ever Healthy channel values your health and we do a serious job to help the consumer. We are partners with some online stores, and this does not influence our listing. We only direct you to safe and real stores. With exclusive discounts.
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 [WORKS] 3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast! How to Lose Weight at Home? Lose Weight with Health? KNOW ALL!
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