#the fact that they're not high schoolers is the best thing in the universe oh my god finally
gutsfics · 1 year
Since you write for multiple Choices stories, I'm curious: (how) do they all intertwine? Do your various MCs know each other? How do they get along? How did they meet? If any of your stories don't exist in the same universe, how would the characters get along if they did?
aaaa i love this question!!!! i love figuring out how these stories all fit together even if they don't interact <3
they do all intertwine, but in some places what's 'canon' and what isn't gets a little muddy. like for example, for me both RCD and HWU are equally canon, but its impossible for them to both exist in the same timeline, but that doesn't mean that there isn't connections that happen in both versions. Simon is Hunt's nephew in both RCD and HWU, but how he met Avalon is different because how Hunt met Avalon is different. and that's not even touching on all of the different versions for It Lives I have, and how those different endings would change how It Lives connects to all of the other stories. plus also: all of my sillies fun aus (which i will not talk about here at risk of this post going wayyy too long)
this might get a little messy, my mind is bouncing all over the place. under a read more bc i Will talk way too much about this <3
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anyway since i mentioned Simon by name I'm gonna start with him. im ignoring choices HSS for him & his friends, bc i don't like that it kind of retcons some of HSS prime + makes all of the original friend group just People Who Go To School Together And Barely Interact.
obviously, he is Thomas' nephew, his dad is Thomas' older brother. they're very close, Thomas is his favorite uncle & he's very supportive with Simon figuring out his gender stuff. in fact, he's the person who buys Simon his first suit and the person who helps Simon find a good surgeon for his top surgery, as Thomas himself had issues with his own and didn't want Simon to experience the same things he did (more on this later)
in the HWU world, Simon meets Avalon over his spring break, which he used to sit in on a few classes of Thomas' classes. they know who each other are in really simple terms, just "there's that tall guy from that one class Thomas teaches, he sure is a nice dude :)" "oh, there's that high schooler who's sitting in on classes that Ethan wants to be the agent of. i hope he doesn't feel too pressured to make a decision right now, he's still got plenty of time to figure things out". they do eventually form a stronger relationship but that's only after Thomas and Avalon end up together officially- Simon thinks Avalon is really cool, and Avalon likes that his daughters have a cousin they can look up to (Simon LOVES babysitting/hanging out with Dawn and Lily btw theyre defo The World's Most Chaotic Cousins)
in RCD world, Simon was very small when Avalon and Thomas were together the first time and he knew Avalon just as Thomas' Cool Fun Roommate. he was absolutely DEVASTATED when Avalon "moved away" (read: they broke up) bc he thought Avalon was just SO COOL. but alas, since he was so small at the time he doesn't really remember Avalon all that well. But he is excited when Avalon reenters Thomas' life, and even more excited to find out that they're getting married (he'd be about early/mid 20s by this point). he may not remember Avalon too clearly, but he remembers how much he loved it when Uncle Thomas and his Best Friend Avalon came to visit
in both worlds: one Dr Bryce Lahela does Simon's top surgery (i'd say he gets it maybe mid/late 20s). he specifically chose an Edenbrook doctor bc Thomas knows Dr Banerji and he asked if there were any surgeons that Dr Banerji would trust to do the surgery properly, and he recommended Bryce :) more on how Thomas knows Naveen later
Baxter & Reigan
theyre getting a whole section to just them bc theyre BoyBestFriends and there's a lot about em (but ill try to keep it short)
Baxter and Reigan met in high school, after Baxter was deemed healthy enough to actually attend school instead of just being homeschooled in a hospital room (it was absolutely 100% Baxter's idea and want to do this, their parents wanted to keep them in the hospital 24/7 bc they were worried they'd immediately get sick)
at the time Baxter had been super standoffish and did not like being around people, so Reigan was the one to approach Baxter first. he was fairly well liked and respected by their classmates & he wanted to make sure that they didn't have an awful experience in school. eventually Baxter ended up asking Reigan out, not because they were particularly attracted to him (they were a bit of a late bloomer in that regard) but because they wanted to have all of those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) and they did like spending time with him. and he said yes, bc even though he didn't feel any attraction either (he's ace/aro), he did like spending time with them as well (and to some degree was hoping that attraction might happen eventually)
dating for them just looked like how hanging out did, although they did hold hands a bit more and kiss at some point, when Baxter decided that they were at The Point In A Relationship Where You Kiss. they also went to prom together.
they broke up shortly after graduating high school, half bc Baxter achieved all those Normal Teenage Experiences(tm) they wanted to and half bc Reigan felt bad that he felt no attraction to Baxter, although he didn't mention it at the time bc he didn't want to hurt Baxter's feelings. there was a bit of a pause in their friendship after this, as both of them felt that they had to give the other some space to get over the romantic part of the relationship, but in the end they realized that neither cared? and went right back to being close good best friends :)
their friendship ended up being long distance for a while, as both college and career choices got in the way of being physically near each other. but. the week that Reigan got the job offer for McGraw Byrne was the week that Raf broke up with Baxter AND Ethan left for the Amazon, and the idea of being just a three hour train ride from his best friend defo played a role in him deciding to take the job. he actually flew to Boston instead of NYC so he could spend a little time with Baxter before he got too busy with his job. Baxter, Aurora, and Bryce actually spent one of their days off helping Reigan's dad furnish Reigan's Cool New NYC Apartment :)
speaking of Reigan's dad. Baxter is actually WAY closer w Reigan's parents than they are w their own. in fact, when Baxter went NC with their parents, Reigan's parent's were like "cool WE'RE your parents now :) we love you kiddo"
anyway. the attack in OH year two happened to line up w the end of LOA book one/beginning of book two (at least it does in my timeline) & Reigan immediately dropped everything to head to Boston to make sure Baxter was okay. while he was there, Martin kept trying to give Reigan really petty cases that were a waste of time, even though Reigan had taken time off and given a reason for it. he ended up chewing Martin out over the phone and quitting, deciding that he'd just look for a job in Boston to be closer to Baxter anyway. he stays in Boston for a bit to help take care of Baxter after they're discharged from the hospital, and when he gets back to New York he learns that Aislinn and Gabe also quit & have started their own law firm, which Reigan has been given a job offer for. he takes it only after Baxter assures him that they will be fine if he stays in NYC
Baxter is the reason that Reigan and Tobias meet (but not the reason that they end up in a qpr together) and they're also the Best Man Of Honor at both the weddings they end up having (Reigan and Tobias marry twice-- once in a Boston courthouse bc they decide that the legal benefits of being married work with what they want from the relationship w each other (Baxter's role here was just a witness), and a second time a more traditional wedding (more of an exchange of vows than a legal process this time) a year or two later to appease the parents)
and this does Not have to do with Baxter and Reigan's friendship but it doesn't really warrant it's own section: Reigan and my Bachelorette Party MC, Hallie, are friends from law school :) and speaking of Hallie, she's the twin sister of one of my Lovelink MCs, Harvy, although Harvy and Hallie were separated at birth bc their bio mom didn't know she was having twins until giving birth & she was unprepared to raise both so Hallie was put up for adoption & raised in the US (Harvy was raised in Vancouver, Canada). it takes em a while to find out about each other (Hallie knew she was adopted but didn't know she was a twin (her adoptive parents didn't know either) and Harvy just straight up Didn't Know he was a twin as his mom didn't tell him). also Harvy technically is just A Character I Have Now bc i really don't care for Lovelink anymore
It Lives
ok so here's where it gets messy. also i might kind of be vague here sorry
the It Lives series has a bunch of different ways to end (zero thanks to pb, this is 100% itlivesproject's win [blows a kiss for the itlivesproject crew <3]), all of which i really like.
so tbh for my world. each and every one of the endings is both canon and non canon, depending on which one i feel like writing for. bc sometimes i wanna write some cute soft fluff where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma. and sometimes i want Noah to fucking wallow in his pathetic meowmeow sopping wet sadboy misery where [SPOILERS] bc [SPOILERS] and [SPOILERS] (seriously pls go read the it lives trilogy theyre so good, especially It Lives Within)
however. It Lives IS canon in my worlds. i like the idea of a very mundane world having some kind of exciting magic to it, even if its mostly unknown. just. a magic that touches everyone's lives in little ways and connects us all together :) and that's EXACTLY what the Power is
anyway the ending where the It Lives characters get to interact with characters from other stories is the one where Noah and Devi get to overcome their trauma, and they open up a restaurant together <3 basically i think at some point All of my characters will end up having a meal at Baby Jane's. not all together, but they'll make their way there eventually :)
also there's my au where It Lives is a tv show which I KNOW i said i wouldn't talk about aus BUT i just want yall to know that the actor who plays Devi (i don't have a name for him yet, bc hes not technically Devi) sees Avalon as a mentor figure :)
Thomas & Naveen
(tw for medical malpractice and transphobia)
hey so remember when i said i'd talk about Thomas' top surgery later? and that i'd also talk about how he knows Naveen? well.
my Thomas took a gap year between his senior year of high school and his freshman year of college to medically and legally transition. he was moving to a new place and he wanted to be as stealth as he could be. so as soon as he turned 18, he got his name legally changed and started on testosterone, and got his top surgery scheduled. his plan was that by the time he started college, he would have recovered from his surgery and he'd have been on T for long enough that he'd be going through most of the changes he'd want from it
he specifically found a surgeon in the same town his older brother (Simon's dad, his name is Jonathan) had moved to so he'd have some company/a caretaker while he recovered. unfortunately for him, that surgeon... kind of sucked. his surgery was done wrong, and wasn't healing properly, even though both Thomas and Jon were making sure they were doing everything right. but when they tried to talk to the surgeon, the surgeon would just say "nope everything's fine nothing is wrong you are delusional :) its SUPPOSED to be all rotten and nasty :) stop bothering me" and no one else in the clinic seemed to care at all?
anyway one day Jon just had Enough, bc he'd heard from other people who'd had this surgery how recovery typically looked, and his brother was just wasting away, too weak to do anything bc of how his surgery got fucked up and he kind of just. snapped. and started yelling at the surgeon to Please Fucking Do Something.
while the surgeon didn't do anything, Jon's yelling attracted the attention of a different doctor, one who had only heard bits and pieces about this patient who's brother kept stopping by to ask over and over again if a surgery was healing properly, one who'd heard said surgeon being kind of a dick about it in the breakroom, and he decided that someone needed to do something to help these brothers
that doctor being a young Dr Naveen Banerji, pre diagnostics team and pre Edenbrook employment
he caught Jon just outside after Jon had been..... "politely" escorted out and asked what, specifically seemed to be wrong with his brother's recovery
immediately recognizing the problem caused the surgeon's incompetence/prejudices effecting the health and safety of a patient, Naveen helped Jon find a hospital to take Thomas to, one that would actually help him with what was wrong and set him onto a proper path for recovery
he also quit his job at that hospital. he'd noticed things similar to that happening before, but this was just the final straw. he helped as many patients as he could there, but at some point you have to know when to walk away. but that was a good thing for his career, as he was able to start the diagnostics team at Edenbrook, not to mention that other hospital ended up getting shut down for medical malpractice
Thomas and Naveen stayed in touch, and now whenever Thomas ends up in Boston for whatever reason, he'll stop by for a visit :)
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percyjpotter · 4 years
Otherside Picnic: my scattered thoughts
here are my unwanted opinions and thoughts on the manga and light novel so far. read the manga in one day (up to most recent chapter 20 i think) and read light novel volumes 1-4 in one day as well (skipped almost all of volume 1 bc it was basically the same thing until the ending)
spoilers obviously up to volume 4 part 7 ..lmao im just bored 
1. FUCK SATSUKI. ME AND MY HOMIES HATE SATSUKI!!!!!!!!!! (props to the author tho for making me hate a character who is barely seen and mostly mentioned by name so much)
2. in this house, we love and respect kozakura (funniest third wheel and the cutest tsundere ever)
3. oh my god every time sorawo and toriko hold hands i cry,,,
4. also whenever they get protective of each other... 
5. i get where sorawo is coming from in terms of not wanting to tell toriko about satsuki bc yeah she’s not a real person anymore. i kind of realized it since the beginning that satsuki wouldn’t come back either bc she was dead or turned into some monster. i’m still not completely sure satsuki was even a real person tho bc she was sketchy as hell before sorawo turned up and sorawo never met her but still
6. i constantly think about that scene of toriko showing sorawo how to use a gun. sorry im gay.
7. the descriptions sorawo gives every time she talks about toriko’s appearance is soo cute... and when sorawo said ‘the me when i was acting alone and the me when I was together with toriko were like two entirely different people’...
8. volume 4 is so far my favorite purely bc we’re getting the cutest interactions b/w sorawo and toriko, but also ninja cats bc it was just too funny
9. sorawo realizing that toriko was acting like her ‘boyfriend’ almost made me cry.. when i see the word ‘girlfriend’ in the novel,, it’ll be over for me
10. uh the creepiest part was definitely the one with the monkeys in the train bc what in the actual fuck 😭😭 
11. im still on the fence about runa tho, fuck runa but also i feel really bad for her.. but it’s satsuki’s fault i feel bad for her so. oh yeah, add satsuki k1lling runa’s mom as the creepiest moments too
12. idk sometimes i can’t tell wtf is happening bc i can read the words on the page but there’s no way i can imagine the type of horror imagery lmao
13. karate girl is cute+ her friend getting jealous of sorawo staying over lmaooo
14. sorawo not contacting toriko bc she doesn’t wanna bother her. also i definitely noticed this was gay panic from sorawo’s side 
15. toriko saying i love you..................
16. kozakura best girl for dealing with the two useless gays 😭still cute she went with them to the hot spring
17. im glad symptoms of ptsd showed up in both of them but its still not as accurate as real life would be. 
18. sorawo being super smart is actually very iconic of her ( they way she used mattress spring and toilet handle (?) to get out of where the cult was keeping her)
19. migiwa should be best man @ sorawo’s and toriko’s wedding bc he is best man
20. man i really hope nothing happens to them at the hot spring (unless it involves gay behavior) ... these girls can never catch a break.
21. also i am 100% sure i will be crying when their first kiss happens btw
22. toriko has such top energy but sorawo also does, ugh i love them so much
23. help.. the first time they slept together i thought they had sex and i was like ‘wow this moved very quickly’ but then sorawo still had clothes on... toriko sleeping with no clothes.. very h*t of her to do so when they were on a ‘vacation’ alone..
24. sorawo calling toriko pretty/beautiful every time she looks at her ... me when girls
25. i, for one, am VERY happy toriko has two moms,,, i think this is the first time i’ve ever read a yuri with two moms in it (oh wait just remembered they’re not alive anymore :((((((( but still when toriko explained and sorawo was so confused 😭😭😭😭)
26. overall, very good slow burn. it’s picking up the pace now in volume 4 which i am excited about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
27. can’t get over how funny kozakura is smh. also the fact that she can’t handle fear well at all is so ironic
28. i’m also excited on how the anime’s gonna look
29. the manga is so far behind tho idk how long its gonna take for it to catch up 😭i think the series’ll be over by that point lmao
30. am very saddened by sorawo’s past :(((
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