#the experience and autonomy is gratifying
thehardkandy · 1 year
A thing I really appreciate about my job is idk. The sense of doing something people want but cannot do for themselves. That they ask me a question or provide me a problem/desire and I tell them if or how it can be done. And then I spend my time doing what I have decided upon. It feels good and the feelings last longer than I got at my other jobs, since it was usually only for very small parts
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noisytenant · 19 days
talking about degrees of lewdity, so talking about (fictional) rape video game, and general explicit nsfw themes
(very hard to say I Played The Sex Video Game and not feel self-conscious but we're all adults here we're all chill. here)
anyways this isnt some grand analysis, i'm just shooting the shit rn, but DoL is like... hypnotically christian-brained about sex. simplistic but i think it holds.
which is part of the fetish, playing into those kind of toxic ideas about "purity" and "corruption". if you're carrying those feelings of shame already, then it can feel kind of fun to play it up! but it's so mechanically intrinsic that it's really dystopian. i dont really know anything of OP but it's interesting to wonder how they would describe their views on sex and how those might line up with or seem challenged by the underlying logics of the game.
i find it interesting how inescapable pain and shame are in most of the sexual encounters. finding pleasure in the experience is entirely at the hands of the player. there isn't really the hentai mind break out of "oh, your character actually really enjoys this". it's not really a rape fantasy game, it's just kind of a straightforward rape simulator. and truly everything wants to rape you in this game. Fuck that shredder machine big time
everything is about working. sexual autonomy is a skill you earn by grinding flirtations and encounters. you have no choice but to work (most fantasy-like part of this game is how easy it is to get a job!! cries!!). nothing is gained without great sacrifice
the mechanics and ideology are kind of harsh like sandpaper but admittedly there's something really gratifying about overcoming the challenges, unfolding the little secrets and pockets of joy and unlocking new opportunities (even if i wish they were there to begin with). thrilling that i can buy people drinks now. When will my character learn that it can jerk off its chest
My mod ideas:
Significantly more granular fetish/encounter control.
Orgasm is not an encounter-ender; Orgasm is not the goal of combat
Sex/combat overhaul really we need to start from the ground up. In fact let's put a handjob minigame in there where you use your mouse to (trails off).
Cheat GUI, or command line. The cheat menu is abysmal
More safehouse opportunities, even if they come at great cost (Let's All Live In The Forest Together)
more opportunities for PCs to lead sexual encounters and dominate named NPCs (idgaf about Whitney but the fact that u cant make them submissive to u is ridiculous)
Mod where you can pretend whatever you have with Avery is healthy. Please
Funny bonus from my playthrough: my character got sent to the human livestock farm. working day in and day out trying to escape while also fetishmaxxing. i wake up and it tells me my library book is overdue and i'm in trouble at school. Thank you I was really worried about that at this juncture
If you ever played it you shoudl tell me your mod ideas. Or just your impressions
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woozapooza · 8 months
Ok so David Chase is an extremely cynical writer don't get me wrong, but I do think the whole point of the sixth season with Tony making a half-hearted effort at change is to make it clear that these people CAN change (w/t very few actually succeeding like Carmine Jr and Paulie making amends with his mother and generally being a little less 'Paulie' after his cancer scare), its very hard and requires quite a lot of effort esp when the environment doesn't allow for it but its possible, so it's not that he wrote characters that Can't change, it's that they Chose not to, I also think that while Don't Stop Believing is a little tongue in cheek, in many ways its also wholly sincere (he has said this) and that love is all we have, so your reading of that final scene is actually a lot closer to what he wanted people to take away from it than those who obsess over whether Tony dies or not (there's also the fact that generation to generation, there was incremental but significant change, AJ and Meadow will never be completely cut off from the mafia, but AJ will also never kill anyone and Mead will have a lot more autonomy than Carm did and that's largely thanks to their parents (esp Carm) regardless of their many failings)
Yes!!! I fully agree. I felt SO vindicated when I read these comments from Chase on the wikipedia page about Made in America:
"A.J.'s not going to be citizen-soldier or help the world; he'll probably be a low-level movie producer. But he's not going to be a killer like his father, is he? Meadow may not be a pediatrician or a lawyer, but she's not going to be a housewife. She'll learn to operate in the world in ways Carmela never did. Tiny, little bits of progress—that's how it works."
"The ceiling I was going for was "don't stop believing". It [is] very simple and on the nose. That's what I wanted people to believe. There are attachments we make that are worth so much and we're lucky to have been able to experience them. Life is short. Either [Tony dies] here or some other time. But in spite of that, it's really worth it. So don't stop believing."
Like, even if he had said something that fully contradicted my interpretation of the episode/show, that wouldn't stop me from believing (hehe) my interpretation, but it's very gratifying to know that this is how he intended it to be read. I've seen people claim that AJ and Meadow are basically trapped, unable to transcend the lives of their parents, but like you said and like he said, that's literally not true! They are not their parents, and that counts for something.
And I said this already in this post, but I want to reiterate that IMO the little moments of decency count for something, too! Paulie's reconciliation (if you can call it that) with his mother is the perfect example of that. For all the horrible things Paulie has done, including to Nucci, she died knowing that he loved and appreciated her, even though he was too emotionally immature to express it in any other way than sitting next to her on the couch in silence, and that counts for something. God, I'm getting teary just writing this. I love this show. I love these horrible people.
Oh and also, side note, this perspective is why it bothers me so much when people act like Melfi was an idiot for seeing any good in Tony and believing that he was worth her time. She may have overestimated how much good was in him, she may have been naive to think that she could basically treat him like a normal patient, but she was absolutely not wrong to see his potential, and if all their time together was a waste (which I don't think it was, but just for the sake of argument), that's his fault, not hers. He isn't predestined to be Like That forever. He has choices. They all do!
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integralmhs · 1 month
The Childhood Connection: Why Therapists Look to Your Past
You’ve probably heard the joke: “How does every therapy session start? ‘Tell me about your childhood.’” While it’s become a cliché, there’s a good reason therapists often focus on early experiences.
Our adult selves—how we feel, relate to others, and view the world—are significantly shaped by our childhood experiences. Why? It all comes down to brain development.
The Power of Neuroplasticity
During childhood, our brains develop at an astonishing rate. This heightened ability to form new neural pathways is called neuroplasticity. While our brains remain quite flexible into our twenties, the most dramatic period of development occurs in our early years.
This is why childhood experiences tend to have such a lasting impact. They occur when our brains are most receptive to forming the connections that will influence us for years to come.
The Crucial Caregiver Bond
Of all our childhood experiences, none are more influential than our relationships with primary caregivers (usually our parents). This idea forms the basis of attachment theory, which suggests that our early bonds, especially with our mother, serve as a template for future relationships.
But why is this particular relationship so pivotal? The answer lies in our evolutionary past. Unlike many animals, human infants are entirely dependent on family for survival. This dependency means that a nurturing relationship with a caregiver isn’t just emotionally important—it’s essential for survival.
When this nurturing bond is disrupted or inadequate, our brains and bodies react as if under physical threat. Given the high neuroplasticity of this period, these reactions likely form lasting patterns that influence how we approach relationships throughout our lives (including the relationship we have with ourselves).
Hope for Change
While our childhood experiences are profoundly influential, they don’t have to be indelible. Even as adults, we retain some capacity for neuroplasticity. This is why therapy can be so effective.
Through therapeutic work, we can:
Form new neural pathways
Develop healthier perspectives on the world
Learn to approach relationships with new metrics for determining of safety and calm
The process may be gradual, but it’s possible to reshape the patterns constructed in childhood. While our childhood was a story of utter dependence, our adult autonomy offers the power to literally construct new mental frameworks that foster happiness, safety, peace, and gratifying connections with others.
So the next time a therapist asks about your childhood, know that they’re not just engaging in a cliché, they’re exploring the roots of patterns that may still be influencing your life today—and helping you cultivate new, healthier ways of being in the world.
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yngsuk · 2 months
What of shōjo sexuality? ‘Shōjo implies heterosexual inexperience’ as well as a ‘homosexual experience’ that is essentially autoerotic. The emotional life of the shōjo is essentially narcissistic in that it is self-referential, and self-referential as long as the shōjo is not employed productively in either the sexual or the capitalist economy. This question of the sexuality of the ‘in-between’ shōjo is also bound up with kawaii: the shōjo is not a coquette, is not primarily interested in whatever sexual attraction their stylings may exert upon others; their dedication to ‘the cute values of sensual abandon and play’ is oriented toward the artificial and unproductive: ‘the shōjo’s own sexual energy, directed as it is towards stuffed animals, pink notebooks, strawberry crepes and Hello Kitty novelties, is an energy not yet deployable in the heterosexual economy of adult life’, a self-sufficient desire like that of the otaku, a ‘self-gratifying and chaste narcissism’. For the shōjo, the cute exterior therefore is less like a gaudy mating display and more like the outward sign of a certain jealously guarded and secret autonomy. Similarly, if shōjo ‘always had “cute” things around them’ and ‘adorned their personal belongings […] with “cute” (and often “little”) things’, one cannot refer this to the ‘domestic’ without qualification. [J. W.] Treat notes that Yoshimoto Banana’s novels, representative of a contemporary shōjo world, are infused with a certain nostalgia, but this is nostalgia for a ‘home [which] is not where the nuclear family resides […] but that kawaii world made up of cousins, boyfriends and favorite pets’. It is through their world of cute objects that the shōjo doubles their incomplete ‘accommodation with everyday life’ with ‘resistance to that same life through […] longing for another [virtual] sort of life, one that never actually “was” because no such life ever “is”’. [...] Like the otaku, the shōjo unreasonably accelerates certain capitalist tendencies in ways that do not sit altogether comfortably with the humanist, familialist aspects of capitalist reterritorialisation. In the example of the novels of Yoshimoto Banana, Treat suggests, today the shōjo world continues to afford its devotees—of whatever gender and age—‘the power to imagine themselves and their place as other than the constraints of everyday life might otherwise dictate’.
Amy Ireland and Maya B. Kronic, Cute Accelerationism
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sethshead · 5 months
Are people aware of just how little the Balfour Declaration had to do with the establishment of Israel? It was gratifying to receive a government's official approval of Jewish self-determination, but the Declaration was vague and speculative. The British broke out of the Sinai and won the Battle of Gaza the day the Declaration was released. The Ottoman Empire was still in control of the East Mediterranean.
As for "a Jewish state in Palestine", Palestine was a European geographical concept. It was not a vilayet or administrative division of the Ottoman Empire. It had no defined borders. Jews were at the British mercy to decide not only where Palestine existed, but what "in" meant. The Balfour Declaration, after all, did not promise to "look with favour" upon all of this hazy, amorphous thing called "Palestine" becoming a Jewish state. It only said that somewhere within this "Palestine" would the British tolerate Jewish autonomy. The British had also promised the Middle East to Hussein bin Ali, Faisal bin Hussein wanted Syria & Mesopotamia for himself, & the British had already promised Syria and Lebanon to the French. There was little expectation that a Jewish state would survive among these elephants.
True, once the British graciously accepted their League of Nations mandate and decided what the borders of their Palestine colony would be, they appointed the Jewish Zionist Herbert Samuel as High Commissioner. Jewish immigration was encouraged. But Jewish immigration to Eretz Yisrael from both Europe and the East had been surging since the 1880s, before the publication of Der Judenstaat and the founding of the modern Zionist movement.
Further, after Arab massacres of Jews, the British lost interest in a Jewish state, and Samuel was removed by 1925. Subsequent high commissioners focused first on British imperial interests, which included cooperating with and pacifying the Arabs. Though the British aided Haganah to defend Jews from attacks during the 1936-39 Arab Revolt, they eventually agreed to prohibit Jewish immigration to the Mandate on the very eve of World War II and the Holocaust. This policy they would not bend to save Jewish refugees.
To Zionists, the British thus became yet another imperial overlord to be resisted. Many volunteered to fight the Nazis and in so doing gained useful military experience, but by 1939 it was clear that the British favoured saving their own asses and the Arabs to a Jewish state. It was ultimately Jewish Zionist resistance that made the British imperialist hold on Mandatory Palestine untenable. In other words, it was Zionism that was the anti-colonial movement of liberation. Israel was founded not on a brief, inscrutable statement by Lord Balfour. Israel was founded on Jewish connection to Eretz Yisrael, Jewish presence in Eretz Yisrael, and Jewish blood and courage to restore our sovereignty within our native land.
Granted, for this same reason, there is no inherent Israeli right to all of the former Mandatory Palestine. Partition remains not only legitimate, but the only viable option for peace with the Arabs native to the region, now called Palestinians. Just as Israel is not founded on the Balfour Declaration, neither is it founded on biblical geography. Judea and Samaria need not be forever Israel if they are predominantly home to a large and hostile population that does not wish to be ruled by Israel. Palestinians do not need the Balfour Declaration's protection of their civil and religious rights. They are due such rights simply because they are. When they are ready to recognize the same rights of Jews, I will look forward to the fulfillment of Palestinian national aspirations in a sovereign state of their own, existing in peace side-by-side with Israel.
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rahulhunter12 · 5 months
Chennai Playboys Guide to Pleasing Mature Women
In Chennai, playboys, also known as gigolos, are presented with distinctive opportunities to connect with older women seeking intimate companionship. These individuals cater to a clientele yearning for both emotional connection and physical satisfaction. Here's an elaborate guide on how playboys in Chennai can impress, allure, romance, and gratify older women:
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Understanding the Playboy Lifestyle:
A playboy in Chennai is a man who offers companionship and intimate services to older women seeking pleasure and emotional fulfillment. These professionals embody confidence, charm, and a sincere desire to craft unforgettable experiences for their clients.
Impressing Older Women for Intimate Encounters:
To leave a lasting impression and engage in intimate encounters with older women as a playboy in Chennai, it's vital to exhibit the following qualities:
Confidence: Project confidence in your abilities and demeanor, demonstrating comfort within your own skin.
Charm: Employ your natural charisma to make her feel esteemed and desired, paying heed to her interests and desires.
Respect: Treat her with utmost respect, acknowledging her individuality, listening to her needs, and ensuring her comfort at all times.
Expertise: Showcase your expertise and understanding in fulfilling a woman's desires, highlighting your adeptness in providing pleasure and satisfaction.
Meeting Older Women in Chennai:
Playboys in Chennai can connect with older women seeking companionship and intimacy through various platforms, including playboy services. These platforms provide a conducive environment for individuals to meet and engage with older women seeking enriching relationships.
Strategies to Attract Older Women:
To attract older women in Chennai as a playboy, focus on employing the following strategies:
Maturity and Sophistication: Older women are often drawn to individuals who exude maturity, sophistication, and possess a refined sense of humor.
Self-Assurance: Confidence is key; exhibit self-assurance and clarity in expressing your desires and intentions.
Active Listening: Demonstrate genuine interest in her life, actively listening and showing empathy towards her experiences and emotions.
Respect: Treat her with reverence, honor her boundaries, and always seek explicit consent before initiating any physical contact.
Romancing an Older Woman in Chennai:
The ideal approach for playboys in Chennai to romance an older woman is by displaying genuine care and a heartfelt desire to bring joy into her life. Some tips for romancing an older woman include:
Dates: Plan outings to venues she enjoys, such as upscale restaurants, cultural events, or scenic spots around the city.
Gifts: Thoughtful gifts reflect your consideration and affection towards her, enhancing the romantic experience.
Quality Time: Dedicate meaningful time to each other, engaging in stimulating conversations and activities that resonate with her interests.
Affection: Express affection through tender gestures like embraces and kisses, always mindful of her boundaries and comfort level.
Satisfying an Older Woman Sexually in Chennai:
To gratify an older woman sexually as a playboy in Chennai, prioritize the following techniques:
Communication: Foster open communication, attentively listening to her desires and preferences, and adapting your approach accordingly.
Patience: Recognize that older women may require more time and patience; be attentive and responsive to her needs throughout the encounter.
Creativity: Embrace creativity and experimentation in exploring new avenues of pleasure, fostering a sense of excitement and fulfillment.
Respect: Above all, uphold her boundaries and autonomy, refraining from pressuring her into any activities she is uncomfortable with, and prioritizing her comfort and satisfaction.
In Conclusion:
In Chennai, playboys have the unique opportunity to forge meaningful connections with older women seeking companionship and intimacy. By embodying qualities such as confidence, charm, respect, and expertise, playboys can create enriching experiences that leave a lasting impact on their older clientele.
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priyasuji · 5 months
Navigating the Full Stack Web Development Terrain
1. Flexibility and Versatility
Full stack web developers possess the unique capability to maneuver through both the front-end and back-end realms of web applications. This versatility empowers them to undertake a myriad of projects, establishing themselves as indispensable assets to employers.
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2. Cultivation of Problem-Solving Aptitude
Crafting the front and back ends of web applications necessitates adept problem-solving skills. Faced with intricate challenges, developers are compelled to devise innovative solutions, fostering a deeply gratifying experience.
3. Abundance of Career Pathways
The contemporary job market exhibits a pronounced demand for full stack developers. With proficiency across all facets of web development, individuals unlock access to a broad spectrum of career opportunities, often accompanied by lucrative remuneration.
4. Autonomy and Flexibility
Proficiency in both front-end and back-end development confers a sense of autonomy. Whether working solo or within a team, developers enjoy the freedom to undertake freelance projects or embark on entrepreneurial ventures.
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1. Mastery of Diverse Skill Sets
Pursuing a career as a full stack web developer necessitates proficiency in an array of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. This requirement poses a considerable challenge in terms of skill acquisition and mastery.
2. Commitment and Perseverance
Remaining abreast of the continually evolving landscape of web development demands substantial time and effort. Many developers invest years in refining their expertise and staying abreast of emerging trends.
3. Risk of Exhaustion
The demanding nature of full stack development can precipitate burnout. Juggling multiple responsibilities and deadlines may engender stress, underscoring the importance of prioritizing self-care and cultivating a harmonious work-life balance.
4. Balancing Specialization and Generalization
While full stack developers enjoy the versatility of working across all aspects of a project, some may opt to specialize either in front-end or back-end development. Embracing specialization facilitates the cultivation of expertise in a specific domain but may entail foregoing the comprehensive skill set inherent in full stack development.
In Conclusion
The realm of full stack web development beckons with opportunities for growth, innovation, and professional advancement. Nonetheless, prospective developers must carefully deliberate the pros and cons to ascertain alignment with their aspirations, objectives, and personal inclinations. Armed with unwavering dedication, resilience, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, individuals can thrive in this dynamic and fulfilling field.
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curious-mind · 6 months
ISTP (Virtuoso) is a personality type with the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting traits. They tend to have an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed.
People with the ISTP personality type (Virtuosos) love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with an impressive diligence, a casual curiosity, and a healthy dose of skepticism. They are natural makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it and learning from their environment as they go. They find no greater joy than in getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together, leaving them just a little bit better than they were before.
ISTPs prefer to approach problems directly, seeking straightforward solutions over convoluted troubleshooting methods. People with this personality type rely heavily on firsthand experience and trial and error as they execute their ideas and projects. And as they do so, they usually prefer to work at their own pace, on their own terms, and without unnecessary interruptions.
This is not a type who is inclined to socialize beyond what is necessary as they try to accomplish their goals. In fact, ISTP personalities generally find regular socializing to be taxing. And when they do decide to get together with people, they will almost always choose smaller, more meaningful interactions over superficial networking.
Direct & Decisive
For all the mysteriousness heaped on them, with this type, what you see is what you get. Direct but reserved, calm but suddenly spontaneous, industrious but focused on their own priorities, people with the ISTP personality type can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. They can seem very steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.
Decisions made by ISTPs may largely stem from their rational nature and their sense of what feels practical for them at any given moment, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t get swept away by their passions from time to time. Once their flame is lit, they tend to commit their time and energy with an impressive intensity until another equally compelling, or perhaps more gratifying, opportunity arises. And when it does, people with this personality type have no qualms about walking away from projects or situations that seem unfruitful or drained of potential.
One of the biggest issues that they are likely to face is that, because they often act out of haste, they might rub people the wrong way sometimes. ISTPs are not the type to sugarcoat their opinions or feelings. They tend to have a very straightforward communication style that is often misinterpreted as bluntness or a lack of sensitivity, but it is simply the way these genuine souls operate. ISTP personalities have no time for people-pleasing or unnecessary social niceties. With them, there is little need to question their motives.
Defying the Rules
ISTP personalities are truly a unique bunch. At their core, they are authentic individuals who march to the beat of their own drum rather than adhering to societal norms and rules. Their opportunistic outlook and direct approach to life tend to create a rich tapestry of experiences and interactions for people with this personality type – some incredibly frustrating and others extremely gratifying.
Guided by their knowledge and the evidence at their disposal, ISTPs navigate life by feel and inspiration, often stepping away from predefined routines to follow their instincts. They are unbound by convention, preferring to chart their own course in all that they do.
In essence, people with the ISTP personality type live life freely on their own terms, valuing personal autonomy above most things. Weaving their way through social expectations, they still find a way to color outside the lines. Their journey might not align with broader norms, but therein lies the strength and beauty of their unique perspective. Finding an environment where they can coexist with people who understand their need for freedom, space, and unpredictability will give them many happy years.
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n-amit · 8 months
Benefits Of A DSA To The Individual, The Customer And The Lender
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) play a pivotal role in facilitating seamless transactions and fostering mutually beneficial relationships between individuals, customers, and lenders. This article delves into the diverse advantages that DSAs bring to the forefront, offering a comprehensive perspective on how they contribute to the empowerment of financial interactions for all stakeholders involved.
Benefits To The Individual
Becoming a Finance Direct Selling Agent (DSA) offers a myriad of advantages for individuals seeking a rewarding career in the financial industry, including:
Potential For Substantial Income
As a DSA agent, individuals often earn commissions based on the financial products and services they facilitate, providing an opportunity for financial success that is directly correlated with their efforts and achievements.
Flexibility Of Work Arrangements
As a DSA agent, individuals can often set their own schedules, allowing for a healthy work-life balance. This flexibility makes it an attractive option for those who value autonomy and wish to tailor their professional life to their personal preferences. 
Exposure And Experience Gained
DSAs interact with a diverse range of clients, gaining insights into various financial products and services. This exposure enhances their knowledge and skill set, positioning them for potential career growth and development within the finance industry.
Work Satisfaction
DSAs serve as intermediaries, guiding clients through the process of selecting the most suitable financial products and services. This sense of contribution and assistance can be personally fulfilling, making the role of a Finance DSA agent both financially rewarding and personally gratifying.
Benefits To The Customer
DSA agents make things easier for their customers in many ways, some of which include:
Simplifying and Streamlining Financial Processes:
One of the key ways DSA agents make things easier is through personalized guidance. By understanding the unique financial needs and goals of each client, DSAs provide tailored advice, ensuring that clients make informed decisions aligned with their individual circumstances.
Improved Accessibility:
DSA agents act as a bridge between clients and a multitude of financial products and services, offering a diverse range of options under one roof. This accessibility eliminates the need for clients to navigate complex financial landscapes independently, making the entire process more user-friendly.
Simplifying The Application And Approval Process:
DSAs have expertise in navigating paperwork and understanding the intricacies of financial products allowing clients to complete necessary documentation efficiently. This not only saves time but also reduces the stress associated with complex paperwork, creating a smoother and more straightforward experience for clients.
Enhanced Customer Experience:
DSA agents often bring a level of flexibility to the table by being adaptable to clients' schedules, and arranging meetings at convenient times and locations. This flexibility enhances the overall client experience, by accommodating busy lifestyles and ensuring that financial transactions are conducted at the client's convenience.
Benefits To The Lender
Employing DSAs offers many benefits to lending institutions like Andromeda Loans, including:
Efficient Market Penetration:
For lenders, DSA agents serve as efficient channels for market penetration. The widespread network and local expertise of DSAs enable lenders to reach diverse geographical areas and demographic segments. This efficient market penetration is particularly valuable for lenders seeking to expand their footprint and customer base.
Risk Mitigation:
DSAs play a crucial role in risk mitigation for lenders. Through their on-the-ground interactions and assessments, DSAs can provide valuable insights into the creditworthiness and financial stability of potential borrowers. This risk assessment aids lenders in making informed lending decisions, minimizing the likelihood of default and financial losses.
Focus on Core Competencies:
By outsourcing the distribution and sales functions to DSAs, lenders can focus on their core competencies, such as risk management and financial innovation. This strategic delegation allows lenders to allocate resources more efficiently, concentrating on aspects that contribute directly to their organizational objectives.
Improved Customer Engagement:
DSAs, as intermediaries, play a crucial role in enhancing customer engagement. They serve as a bridge between the customer and the financial product or service, providing a human touch to transactions. This personalized interaction fosters a sense of trust and reliability, contributing to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In the intricate tapestry of financial services, Direct Selling Agents emerge as catalysts for positive change, fostering empowerment and collaboration among individuals, customers, and lenders. From providing individuals with enhanced access to financial products to offering customers cost-efficient distribution channels, and enabling lenders to efficiently penetrate diverse markets, DSAs play a pivotal role in shaping a robust and inclusive financial ecosystem.
As the financial landscape continues to evolve, the role of DSAs remains integral in facilitating transactions, bridging gaps, and fostering a symbiotic relationship between all stakeholders. Through their personalized guidance, flexibility, and efficient market reach, DSAs contribute to a financial environment that is not only accessible but also responsive to the diverse needs and aspirations of individuals, customers, and lenders alike.
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naughty-girlsnet · 1 year
Exploring the Factors That Influence Women to Choose Work as Cam Models
In recent years, the adult entertainment industry has witnessed a significant rise in the popularity of cam modeling. Many women are now choosing to work as cam models, providing sexual performances over the internet. While society often stigmatizes this profession, it is crucial to examine the factors that lead women to make this decision. This article aims to explore the motivations and circumstances that drive women to work as cam models, highlighting the agency and autonomy that these individuals exercise over their choices.
Economic Empowerment
One of the primary factors that can influence a woman's decision to work as a cam model is economic empowerment. Financial considerations play a significant role in individuals' career choices, and the adult entertainment industry offers the potential for substantial earnings. In an era of economic uncertainty, the ability to earn a significant income from the comfort of one's home can be appealing. Many women may find this opportunity to be a viable option for achieving financial stability or pursuing personal goals such as paying off debts, funding education, or supporting their families.
Flexibility and Independence
Cam modeling offers a high degree of flexibility and independence that can attract women to this profession. Unlike traditional employment, cam models have the freedom to set their own schedules and work from the comfort of their homes. This level of autonomy allows women to balance work with other commitments, such as caregiving or pursuing educational endeavors. The ability to work independently and control their working conditions can be empowering for women who seek a career that aligns with their desired lifestyle.
Anonymity and Privacy
Working as a cam model provides a level of anonymity and privacy that other professions may not offer. For women who are uncomfortable with face-to-face interactions or the potential risks associated with physical sex work, cam modeling can be a safer alternative. The virtual nature of the job allows women to maintain a certain level of separation between their personal and professional lives. This anonymity can be particularly appealing for individuals who wish to protect their identities while still exploring their sexuality and expressing themselves in a controlled environment.
Exploration of Sexuality and Empowerment
Some women may choose to work as cam models as a means of exploring and embracing their sexuality. The adult entertainment industry can provide a space for individuals to experiment, gain confidence, and develop a sense of empowerment. Cam modeling allows women to take control of their bodies and sexuality, and they may find fulfillment in the positive feedback and appreciation they receive from their viewers. This sense of empowerment can contribute to increased self-esteem and body positivity, challenging societal norms and expectations regarding women's sexuality.
Desire for Connection and Validation
Contrary to common stereotypes, many cam models develop genuine connections with their viewers. The virtual interactions they engage in provide an opportunity for emotional support, companionship, and validation. For women who may feel isolated or lack a strong support network, the ability to form relationships and create a sense of community with viewers can be immensely gratifying. Cam modeling can be an avenue for women to find acceptance and appreciation, fostering a positive and empowering environment.
Women who choose to work as cam models are driven by a variety of factors that reflect their agency and autonomy. Economic empowerment, flexibility, anonymity, sexual exploration, and the desire for connection and validation all contribute to their decision-making process. Understanding these motivations is essential for destigmatizing the adult entertainment industry and recognizing the diversity of experiences within it. It is crucial to respect the choices and agency of women in these professions and provide support for those who work as cam models, ensuring their safety, well-being, and access to resources and opportunities for personal growth.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
How would yan Giorno react if his crush confessed to him?
he’d be like :) WE DID IT BOIIIS 
Giorno has taken considerable measures to ensure your interest in him. He’s done the necessary research before even approaching you, wanting to present himself as the ideal option to you. His mannerisms are all carried out with grace, words falling off the tongue like honey. All of this effort makes him feel that with time, you’ll fall for him. 
How you respond to his charm is duly noted. He takes in every hitch of your breath, every shy laugh. Progress is being made, his impact on you growing more potent with each meeting. He doesn’t tend to pride himself in much, but seeing the effect he has on you makes him pleased. Giorno wishes he could engrave every expression you make into his mind. 
Not feeling the pressure that time brings with it, Giorno allows for your relationship to develop as organically as it can. Being behind the smoke and mirrors you’re unaware of, Giorno wants the illusion of autonomy to remain as long as it pleases him. It’s more gratifying than forcing you right away, though his patience has limits. 
This outing has a different feeling than the others. You’ve been spaced out, incapable of focusing as Giorno talks to you about the passing scenery. Giving unsatisfactory one word answers, hardly ever meeting his eyes. A soft sigh leaves his lips, before he decides to press for more information. 
His innocent touches increase. His hand running over your shoulder, down your arm; stopping just shy of the touch being inappropriate. There’ll be a time for that later. For now he needs to discover why you’ve been acting this way. He doesn’t have reason to believe you’re uncomfortable with him now, he’s taken every precaution to ensure otherwise.
With enough gentle prodding, he’ll finally pry an acceptable answer from you. If you deny him an explanation long enough, you might find yourself staring back into cold, calculated eyes. Has Giorno ever looked at you like this before? It’s unnerving, bringing you to confess the truth.
Giorno’s posture relaxes as you stumble over affectionate words, gushing over how fond you’ve grown of Giorno. He takes it in graciously, placing a hand over your own. He had entertained the possibility of you confessing to him, but seeing it enacted in front of him was better than anything his mind could concoct. 
He knew he had no real reason to worry. Accepting you with open arms, Giorno celebrates his months of preparation and hard work coming to fruition. 
Bonus Mista: 
The concept of romance always left Mista in an upbeat mood. Whether it be secret kisses stolen away from prying eyes, or longing looks exchanged with racing hearts. He’s always felt a desire to experience it for himself, but you were better than anything he could’ve imagined. It takes every ounce of willpower he contains to not push for things to move along faster, in hopes of not scaring you away. 
He doesn’t filter himself entirely. You’re too much to resist for long, causing him to almost always touch you. He’ll laugh off any embarrassment you express. He’s only being friendly! Don’t have such a dirty mind. 
Mista gives the impression of being jovial and carefree, but he’s sharp as a knife. The way you hold him in hugs for a moment longer, or look downcast when he departs... it has to have a meaning. It’s a race against time to see who will confess first. 
When you beat him to it, he looks at you as if you were truly his world. His eyes soften in a way reserved only for you, before he gives you the brightest, toothy grin. You’ll find yourself being squeezed in a tight hug, Mista feeling hesitant at the notion of ever letting you go. He could hold you there forever. 
It eases the worries in the back of his mind, but not enough. Trailing after you has become a vital part of his routine. For security reasons, he assures himself. Interacting with a member of Passione such as himself could put you in danger... he deludes himself into believing his stalking is moral. 
His clingy desires from before that he managed to suppress overwhelm him like a tidal wave. Now that he knows for absolute certain -- not that he ever doubted it -- that you return his love, he wants to be apart of your life in every aspect. As soon as your confession leaves your lips, he’s thinking through every future plan up to marriage with you. You’re in for quite the roller coaster. 
Bonus Bonus Bucciarati: 
Bruno Bucciarati does right by others. It’s how he was raised, a moral that he breathes. If he’d take care for a stranger’s plight, how much stronger does he care for his beloved? It’s to the point where the thought of you muddles his concentration. He wants the world for you and more, wanting to provide you with every luxury and necessity. 
Bucciarati is thoughtful towards you, mixed with his stern yet compassionate personality... it’s a perfect storm to fall in love with. He used to feel conflicted with himself, believing that maybe it is immoral to use his connections at the bank to freeze your account. But he’s in for the long game; playing the perfect role of a prince to save you at every corner. 
Even if you didn’t develop feelings for him, it would almost be crucial to your well being that you expressed something akin to love for him. He’s become the foundation of your life, after all. Taking you after you were evicted from your apartment, after being furloughed from your job without any logical reason. Denying him would mean denying your means of staying alive. 
When you express your heartfelt love and admiration for Bucciarati, he doesn’t respond right away. A surge of adrenaline fills him, one that isn’t comparable to anything he’s ever experienced. But he’s never one to lose himself, quickly gathering his emotions and returning your sweet words tenfold. 
His desire to provide and care for you skyrockets, seeing you as “his” officially now. Bucciarati assures you, that as his most beloved, you’ll never want for anything. That at the drop of a hat he’d be by your side, and that your worries are his worries. 
You’ll be so blinded by his seemingly endless benevolence towards you to ever press deeper into how everything seemed to fall into place perfectly. For now, that is. It’d be best if you didn’t think too much of it... ignorance is bliss. 
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jovialyouthmusic · 2 years
Lovelink fanfic
Featuring Dr Vile
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So it looks like Dr Vile will be back soon on Lovelink. I've been working on this, so let's see if it resembles what Ludia have planned!
A/N Fluff and Sci Fi - but remember things will get smutty, so No under 18s
To the Moon and Back
Three days after your encounter in the gym, news comes that the planned landing has been postponed after a serious malfunction in the Space Station’s orbital software. It brings into question the whole mission, and the landing is only one of a number of projects that have to be shelved. Of course, it is Vile’s interference that has caused it all, and you can stop worrying about your presence on the moon being detected. Your relationship eases and you are more sure of his affection.  After your gym workout, you spend some time in the Agridome, checking on seedlings until you realise you’re hungry. You’ve become engrossed in your task just like Vile has, though to a much lesser degree.
‘Is dinner ready?’ you ask, and the slightly haughty female voice of the AI answers.
‘Dinner will be served in ten minutes in the dining room.’
‘Change that. Turn over control to my personal drone and send the trolley to me when it’s ready.’ There is a pause before the answer comes.
‘Rescheduling.’ The system shouldn’t be incapable of irritation, or is it your imagination that the tone is sulky? Tales of AI systems gaining autonomy and sentience niggle at the edge of consciousness. You shrug it off and go to a sanitation station to clean your hands with soap, water and a UV beam and peel off your working overalls. A waiting drone takes the garment away for cleaning. You had considered dressing for dinner, but decide your everyday clothes are more appropriate for the lab.
You check to make sure Vile doesn’t have extra bio measures in force to enter beyond the usual scan to check for viruses or pathogens. The environment of the base is sterile apart from the two biological units – yourself and Vile – who inhabit it. You are both walking packages of biological, viral and bacterial contamination and there are whole areas you can’t enter without hazmat suits. The lab Vile is working in at the moment is the lowest risk level. As you walk along the corridor the serving trolley follows you.
‘What’s on the menu, Ron?’ You use your pet name for your personal drone.
‘Lab grown beef, noodles with seasonal vegetable stir fry, followed by fruit compote with oats, Lucy.’ You don’t need to ask what the veg are for the stir fry, having supervised the harvest. You also know you won’t be served anything you don’t like unless it’s something the AI’s nutritional programme thinks is vital for your wellbeing. Any waste goes to compost to feed the soil based crop. Most plants are grown hydroponically due to the scarcity of soil, which has to be flown out from Earth on supply flights.
You pause inside the frame that scans you for contaminants and get the all clear. You enter, gratified that Vile hasn’t locked the door against you. He sits in deep contemplation in front of a monitor that shows a readout from the Hadron Collider, and looks up at you as you approach. Running his fingers through his hair, he pushes his chair away from the desk and turns to greet you.
‘Well timed, my dear.’ He rises to put his hand to your shoulder and kiss you on the cheek. ‘I was just setting up an experiment on the Collider. It won’t come up with any data until the morning, so I’m all yours.’
‘You were going to show me what you’re working on.’ He frowns.
‘That would take a while, so let’s start eating and I’ll explain some of it.’ He makes a gesture and a tabletop flips out from a side wall. He rolls his chair up to it and motions you to sit. ‘Let me serve you, my dear.’ You restrain yourself from rolling your eyes. He’s being attentive, not chauvinistic, and the gesture is welcome, so you wait while he takes the dishes from the trolley. He could have left it to the drones, and you like that he’s not depending on them as much as when you met. He claimed it was so he could concentrate on his work, but perhaps your presence changes things a little.
Soon the food is sitting before you and he brings another chair to the table. He talks animatedly as he eats, telling you of the soil and hydroponic experiments, and explains what he hopes to do with the particles from the collider. You listen, asking questions from time to time, and his shadowed eyes glitter with enthusiasm. You finish the main course and go on to dessert, by which time the stream of information has slowed and you see him savouring his food.
‘So you said we need to go back to Earth. Why? Is it for our health or are there things you need to do at one of your other bases?’
‘A bit of both. We can’t stay out here indefinitely, or we’d eventually find it very difficult to cope with what we perceive as normal gravity. We’re living experiments in space colonisation, so I need to run tests back on the ground.’
‘I don’t hear you saying much about world domination.’ You point out, and his expression changes to one of enthusiasm.
‘Why stop at the Earth? There is so much to learn from surviving offworld. This is an excellent jumping off point for other planets.’ Your eyes widen.
‘Mars?’ you ask, and he chuckles.
‘Why not further?’ He leans closer, his voice dropping. ‘The secret to it all is in space vehicle propulsion. Time is a vital factor in the equation. It takes months to get to Mars, but the solar system is scattered with asteroids and moons for mineral exploitation or colonisation. Imagine being able to go to the outer reaches in mere weeks instead of years.’ You frown.
‘Surely that’s more than a lifetime’s work? How can you hope to do so much?’ He deflates a little.
‘You’ve found the flaw in my plans. Yet another line of research might be the prolongation of life, or instantaneous travel. Perhaps our consciousness might be uploaded to androids.’ He rubs his forehead. You feel your stomach clench. Is his ambition driving him too hard? Is he in control of his senses? He sits back, sighing.
‘I know, I know. So much to consider and I have limited time and resources.’ He looks up at you. ‘You keep me grounded, Lucy. I realise I need to focus on something achievable. What are your thoughts?’
‘My thoughts are that you can’t do it alone. Why not collaborate with other scientists? You’re working across so many disciplines, why not pass on your work to specialists?’
‘You know my feelings on the matter. Sooner or later it will fall into the hands of the military.’
‘Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should stop working. What fires you, James? What makes you feel excited? What do you think about when you get up in the morning?’ you ask, but he shakes his head.
‘No one thing at the moment. There are too many possibilities.’
‘Then you need to take a step back. Carry on with whatever needs to be monitored or finished, take a break and come back with a fresh mind.’ He laughs at your suggestion.
‘Is this your way of saying we should go on vacation?’ You shrug.
‘’It’s an idea. After all, we need to go back to Earth. Aren’t you tired of the restrictions here? Don’t you want to feel the fresh air in your lungs, the sun on your skin? I know I do.’ He pushes away his empty dessert plate and drones start to clear the dishes away.
‘Hmm, I do have some housekeeping to do on my main base, but a vacation would kill two birds with one stone. We’ll need to rest and build our strength up, so a stay on my private island would be ideal.’ You smile eagerly, the prospect of returning to Earth finally seeming a step closer.
‘What will it feel like going back? Is it as bad as leaving?’
‘Going back through Earth’s atmosphere means one does have to suffer multiple G forces, but the re-entry module has a rocket system that makes sure of a relatively soft landing.’
‘Do we still use a parachute? Will we land on water?’ Vile chuckles at your barrage of questions.
‘Yes, we will deploy parachutes to begin the deceleration process, and as we’re returning to my private island we’ll be landing on a platform nearby and taking a boat to shore.’
‘It must be dangerous. There won’t be anyone to help us if anything goes wrong.’ Your stomach churns at the thought of relying on machines and drones for your survival.
‘What is life without risk? If everything was planned out and totally safe, how dull it would be. Rest assured the risk is as low as I can make it.’ He places his hand on yours.  ‘We’ll have the strength to readjust to full gravity quickly, unlike the astronauts on the Space Station. The platform we land on has facilities for a short stay if necessary, and of course there’s a full fleet of drones waiting for any eventuality.’
‘When will we go?’
‘In a few days – maybe three or four, while I finish  couple of projects and set a couple of other experiments running. You can help with a few tasks, and before you know it, we’ll be under the sun without the need for a space suit.’
The next few days are a blur of preparation punctuated with exercise, mealtimes and valuable sleep. At last you are ready to leave the base and enter the space vehicle – Vile’s Space Vehicle or VSV -  that will take you back ‘home’, for home now embraces the whole planet and wherever Vile takes you. The unit features a rocket system that will lift you from the gentle pull of the Moon and set you down safely on Earth.
Vile helps you strap into your seat before following suit. You both wear tailored helmeted spacesuits  plugged into the VSV atmospheric system but with independent air tanks that will keep you alive should there be any problems along the way. The journey will only take a few hours, with a brief acceleration from your starting point, a swift passage to a partial orbit around the Earth before the potentially brutal re-entry into the atmosphere.
‘Are you ready, my dear?’
‘As ready as I can be. This part won’t be too bad, will it?’
‘No, we don’t have to work so hard to escape the gravitational pull. When we reach Earth’s atmosphere it will be just as harsh as lift-off, I’m afraid.’ He’s already told you that the oxygen mix in your suit will get richer to cope with the added difficulty in breathing, and the drugs you took with breakfast will help prevent blood clots and other potentially dangerous body reactions.
‘You think of everything, James.’
‘I try to.’ He flicks a few switches on the panel in front of him. Unlike the old space vehicles that first brought Man beyond the blue marble of your home planet, the controls are sparse and relatively simple, as Vile prefers. Not long ago it would have taken some three days to travel back, but his  propulsion system outstrips anything the best brains of the scientific community can manage. He guards his secrets jealously, but you still hope you can persuade him to share his achievements for the good of mankind.
When you first met him, he was determined to rule the world as a despot, but under your influence that is softening and his aims are more benevolent. Who knows what he will achieve with you by his side? When he first proposed you visiting his moon base he had meant for you to live there permanently, thinking that he couldn’t trust you to return to Earth with his secrets. Now he’s keen to keep you close and has told you he couldn’t think of life without you. He’s not given to expressions of affection but is thoughtful and attentive when not engrossed in his work. It’s a solitary life that gives you time and space for your own interests, and you lack for nothing save for other human contact.
‘Lift off in ten.’ His words interrupt your reverie, and despite his reassurance you grip the armrests of your seat in anticipation. A stray piece of rock might puncture the capsule or damage the propulsion system, there might be a malfunction – a million things might go wrong. You close your eyes and take a deep breath as the engines start up.
‘Altitude climbing. Ten metres. Twenty metres.’ The onboard AI announces the progress of your escape, and you feel yourself gently pressed into the cushioning of your seat. You open your eyes to see that Vile is operating the outside camera to watch the ground recede. He pivots the viewpoint and you gasp to see the blue green orb seemingly rise above the horizon as you climb.
‘It’s so beautiful.’
‘I never tire of watching it. Look how fragile it is.’ Vile muses. ‘Think how many millennia it’s served as home to our race, how few have seen it first hand as we do now.’ Your heart swells as you see his eyes shine with enthusiasm. Your first impression of him was of how arrogant he was, but he’s simply confident in his abilities, a brilliant thinker who isn’t afraid of hard work, dedicated and driven, a passionate man, and you’re grateful that some of that passion comes your way. You’re thankful that he came to be attracted to you and hope you continue to inspire his trust and affection. Perhaps you really will have a proper break back on the island and he won’t get distracted by some new project. You picture yourself on white sands sipping a cold cocktail, Vile by your side, his muscular physique drawing your eye away from the blue, blue sea.
‘You can unbuckle now if you like, it will be some time before we reach atmosphere. We have to time it so we’re out of sight of the space station.’ You snap out of your reverie as Vile rises from his seat.
‘I thought we were shielded.’
‘From most electronic means of detection, yes. But the human eye isn’t so easily fooled. The astronauts onboard might catch enough of a glimpse to bring more sensitive equipment online.’ He looks thoughtful. ‘I need to do more work on the system.’
‘I’m going to stop you there. Remember you agreed that a complete break would help bring a fresh perspective.’
‘You’re right of course, forgive me.’ He floats free of his chair in zero G and you start to unstrap yourself. You feel slightly nauseous as you start to drift up toward him. He takes your hand and pulls you toward the viewing port to look back at the moon. There is no trace of his base save for a slight blur that shimmers on the surface.
‘The shielding looks pretty good from here.’
‘It’s harder with a moving object. I need to make a smaller device that mimics the collider and manipulates the surface area…’ his voice trails off as you raise an eyebrow at him. ‘I know, I promised…’
‘I did kind of prompt it. Let’s say you can gear that brilliant mind of yours right down when we get to the island.’
‘You ground me in so many ways, my dear.’ Vile turns toward you, moving closer and murmuring in your ear. ‘It will be good to be intimate without having to take medication to make it possible.’ You feel a warmth in your core as his lips stray to your neck. It must be emasculating to have to take pills to ensure that blood goes where it’s needed. There have been times in the past few weeks when intimacy has involved just being close to each other, touching hands or embracing. You joke with him that it’s rather like the period dramas that are popular on various media back home.
‘I wonder how the human race will manage to reproduce when we leave Earth.’ You ponder, leaning back into him, relishing the warmth of his body, knowing you will have to wait for more adventurous play.
‘By the time it’s an issue we will have solved that problem. You and I have already done our part in the research.’
‘You have to share it for it to count, you know.’
‘I’ve made arrangements that most of my research will be released to the scientific community, should I come to an untimely end.’
‘That’s wonderful, James, but didn’t you say one of your projects is prolonging life? If you’re successful that might be a long time in the future.’
‘That is so, but I will of course release it earlier if needed.’ You alternate between easy discourse and comfortable silence as the spacecraft speeds toward Earth and soon you have evaded detection and the planet fills the viewing ports. You don your helmets and Vile makes sure all is proper with you before settling in his own seat. There is nothing for either of you to do in the coming minutes, and if something goes drastically wrong your end will most probably be swift. Travelling through the atmosphere itself takes less than two minutes, but it will be brutal.
Re-entry is unnervingly silent and there is little vibration, but you see the view outside turn red with the heat of passing through the layers of atmosphere, and you are pressed hard into your seat. Breathing is an effort, and the onboard life support system adjusts the air fed to you in your suit as Vile promised. The readout of your vital life signs on the control panel shows that Vile is calmer than you, but you can’t turn your head to look to him for reassurance or reach out to hold his hand. Roaring in your ears and the thudding of your heartbeat almost drowns out the AI counting down the distance to the surface.
The chutes deploy, and it feels as if the craft is swinging wildly, but the view outside, cooling down from the vivid red it had been only seconds ago shows only a gentle sway. That stabilises as the landing platform comes into view on the screen in front of you in the blue, blue ocean below, only a short distance from the shielded shimmer that is Vile’s private island. There is a small jolt as the landing rockets kick in and thankfully the pressure on your chest eases. There is a bump and a clunk as finally VSV brings you down.
Although the pressure you feel is less, the gravity of your home planet feels harsh after your weeks on the moon. You feel heavy and clumsy and look to Vile, who takes off his helmet and unbuckles his harness again. You can see he’s struggling a little to cope with his unaccustomed weight, but he’s strong and determined and is soon helping you as your fingers fumble to unfasten your helmet. He puts it to the side, coming back to you and looking at you intently as you make no further attempt to get up.
‘Take your time, Lucy. The disembarking umbilicus has to be deployed and engaged, so you can stay in your seat until that’s done.’ He sits and starts flicking switches and monitoring the process. You let your breath settle and your heartbeat slows a little as you hear the machinery do its work, various jolts and bumps causing you to grip onto the armrest. Vile is muttering as he works and you feel a little lightheaded.
‘This should be easier and quicker. Perhaps if I…’ his words become intelligible and an alarm sounds. He turns to you swiftly as you realise your vision is dimming, and that the alarm comes from the panel with your life sign readout. ‘Stay with me, Lucy…’ are the last words you hear before you pass out.
You come to in your seat, and wonder how much time has passed as Vile’s face swims into view. Relief floods his features as a drone hovers nearby, a syringe hanging from one of its robotic appendages.
‘It’s alright Lucy, you’re safe. We’re back on Earth.’ There is a slight tremor to his voice and he hands you a cup of ice chips. ‘Take this – no rush, just a little.’ You’re hoarse as you try to talk, but he shakes his head. ‘Stay quiet just now. You fainted, but you’re going to be fine.’ You nod and let the ice melt on your tongue. He takes your hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb.
‘Shuttle approaching.’ The AI announces, and Vile looks  briefly away to the screen.
‘That’s our boat to the island. There’s no rush, we can here until you feel stronger, or I can help you out.’
‘James’ you croak. ‘How long was I out for?’
‘Ten minutes or so. It’s quite normal for astronauts to faint on their return to Earth. I presumed you’d be able to cope better – I should have made allowances.’
‘Don’t blame yourself. I was pretty nervous, that probably didn’t help.’
‘That means I didn’t prepare you well enough, my dear. I had confidence in my own ability – after all I’ve done it before. It is a flaw in the process that there’s nobody to help. There’s no substitute for the human touch.’
‘I’ll know next time – if we go again.’
‘Indeed.’ He smiles. ‘How do you feel now?’
‘A little better. Heavy – I’m not sure I can walk yet.’
‘Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Just think how hard it is returning from zero gravity. I myself passed out for half an hour first time. Luckily my med drones were able to bring me round, but it was a while before I got back to shore. After that my trips were to the moon to supervise the building of the base.’
‘Was that all done by drones? It must have been incredibly expensive.’
‘You forget, I made a lot of money with the selfie drone and I’m the man who stole the Hadron Collider. If I want to achieve something I’ll find a way. The first structure was the hardest. After that it was mostly self built while I was back on Earth.’
‘You’re incredible, James. I’m so glad we met.’
‘As am I, Lucy. I know I’m a better man for having you in my life. If you’ve had enough of the ice chips you might like to try my re-entry cocktail.’
‘It’s mostly water, but it has essential electrolytes and trace minerals that will speed up your recovery.’
‘I should definitely try some.’ He produces a bottle with a drinking straw, obviously designed for low gravity conditions and you take it, sipping cautiously.
‘It’s – sweet. And salty. Not bad.’ He peers at you critically.
‘You’re getting some colour back in your cheeks. It’s not far to the boat, do you think you can stand?’ You extend your leg, flexing your ankle and turning your foot.
‘If you stay close I’ll give it a try.’ He extends his hand.
‘Come my dear, I promised to take time out, and you need some pampering. Welcome back to Earth.’
@thearcana-moonlight @smolmoonbabey @schattenfell @darkstarshine @xalicecandyx
@keepcreative @personthatlovesshippings @zodiacsign1 @askrikkaiandhyotei @meganschoices
@anainthew0nderl4nd @dwiankus @maddiexmoo @catraccoon @cerulianlimbo
@a-dream-of-shadows @tangled-sun @palelandhandspainter @candycoatddalek
@melitta92​ @superbatson​ @keepcreative @katedrakeohd @abisexualsailormoon
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love2angel12 · 4 years
Tibette's Dynamic in Season 1
My personal assessment of Tibette's dynamic in s1, including the affair. 
The conversation about Bette’s affair and Tibette’s dynamic when we meet them in s1 comes up often in the fandom, and every time either one topic comes up, I feel like I have a lot to say but doing so would take me writing an entire essay about it. So, this is my assessment of the affair and Tibette’s dynamic in s1. I write about both in this assessment because I see both connected.
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When we meet Tibette in s1, we clearly see Bette being the alpha and Tina being the submissive and supportive partner. Tied to this dynamic, is Bette’s sexual gratification. Bette is the powerful alpha in control who gets off from seducing her partner, and who takes on the responsibility of taking care of her partner. There is something sexually gratifying about playing that role for her. She enjoys working for it, so to speak.
In contrast, Tina loves to play the role of the passive lover who waits to be seduced and either accepts or rejects Bette’s advances (which I would argue to be a form of control). I Think Tina finds her sexual gratification from being desired, being seduced, and playing into her partner’s desire and fantasies. In a sense, being some sort of projection board where her partner can live out her desires/fantasies. Even though Bette had been the bread winner and had fought most public battles for them, the one to heal her wounds from the battles and the one doing the emotional labor was Tina. Tina was Bette’s safety, and that safety allowed Bette to be braver and bolder.
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Tina’s pregnancy made her feel vulnerable, with all reason, and in turn she needed extra support from Bette. Things hit the fan when Tina lost the baby. Tina really needed Bette’s emotional support then, but Bette had been so dependent on Tina to do the emotional labor for her that when it was Bette’s turn to do some of the emotional labor she couldn’t do it. She didn’t know how to cope.
Unfortunately, the affair was Bette’s way to cope. Being unable to process her emotions on her own, the affair becomes her crutch. What is the most heartbreaking part for me is that when Tina needed her the most, Bette fails to be emotionally present for Tina. A person who isn’t capable of dealing with their emotional turmoil is a dangerous person. They are unpredictable, and they are likely to hurt those in their path.
Bette’s attraction to Candice is really telling, because right off the bat we can see that what attracts Bette to Candice is her confidence, competence, and leadership (Interestingly, those are the same things that attract Bette to Jody later on). That’s attractive to Bette because that’s exactly what she needs in that moment, she needs for someone else to be in control. Their sex scene is all about Bette giving up control. The control she ends up giving up though, is a sexual one, not the emotional one. I would even speculate that Bette confuses the two.
The way the affair was set up spoke to this idea that Bette Porter is someone who views herself as someone with integrity. Which is why she’s so judgmental of Jenny having an affair Marina. This is exactly why her affair with Candice is a huge deal. Bette not only betrays Tina, but she also betrays her own moral integrity, which is a big part of who she is.
The aftermath of the affair for Tina was realizing that she gave too much control to Bette and that doing so was foolish. So yes, she resents Bette, and season two is all about her journey to claim autonomy and control. Consciously or unconsciously, Tina views control and autonomy clearly tied to sex. This is why when they have sex for the first time after the affair (pregnant sex), it was all about Tina claiming her autonomy by asserting sexual control. Her journey to finding autonomy and asserting control doesn’t end in s2 though. Her journey to autonomy comes full circle partially in s5, and completely in s6.
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Bette’s affair with Candice was extremely complex, which is exactly why it makes it so fascinating to talk about. But this is true with most affairs. Affairs in long term relationships are rarely just about sex, they are usually a symptom of a bigger problem in a relationship. Regardless of the cheating or losing a baby, Tibette’s dynamic in s1 was unsustainable. I would argue that the affair was actually a blessing in disguise, because it allowed for them to go on a solo journey to find themselves. It was through the experiences they had away from each other that growth and learning happened. And that growth was exactly what allowed them to come back to each other in s5.
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chentareads · 4 years
Normal People
It is not like this with other people.
For me, their mental issues hit me profoundly hard. Childhood trauma, low self-esteem, loneliness, insecure, the pain of being unworthy, unloveable, unworthy of love; anxious, inarticulate, identity crisis. It feels hurt when seeing my personality are reflected in these characters, how it influences and damages the most valuable relationship and life. I am a loner, as always I will be. Marianne is seeking for self-recognition through the pleasure of sex submissiveness, just as what I do enjoying the violence from all martial arts. Also, the power dynamic between them resonates me. We are like two sine waves on a graph, sometimes cresting at the same time, often out of sync may not converge again. Two people got together in their critical time of growing up, we loved and tortured each other, we’ve done so much good for one another that they may able to part and exist without each other. Fundamentally, we are different people because we’ve had each other in their lives. These miscommunication problems causing by mental issues were inevitable, and sometimes we’re too ashamed to say the things we want to, to the people we love. Being alone with Joy was like opening a door away from normal life and then closing it behind hme. Things got in the way and ended it.
「表面上看,这是关于一对年轻人经历爱情的书。它有关青春,有关爱。但我并不觉得这是爱情小说,更无关于青春忧伤和疼痛。作者笔下的这两个人物向我们展现的是人与人之间那种深奥且一言难尽的复杂关系。这份复杂并不来自爱情本身,而在于人本身的复杂性,尤在年轻的时候,并不懂得自己到底是谁,和世界的关系又怎样。对自己的和对生活的迷惘通常体现在和他人的交往过程中,形成映射:比如在关系里谁更有操纵权,爱与伤害的关系,来自所谓不同阶级的认知矛盾,各自的心理挣扎与梦想。与网络上的爱情“简单化”的鼓励相比,Rooney 的故事更真实地照出人们真正的样子。她最厉害的地方就是用这么清晰直白的叙述方式,展露出如此微妙复杂的人类情感关系。爱情,人性,人生的答案到底是怎样,作者要我们自行体会。在此书看到自己的影子的话,感觉并不轻松。」
Relationships in life don't really end, even if you never see the person again. Every person you've been close to lives on somewhere inside you. Your past lovers, your parents, your friends, people both alive and dead (symbolically or literally)--all of them evoke memories, conscious or not. Often they inform how you relate to yourself and others. Sometimes you have conversations with them in your head; sometimes they speak to you in your sleep.
- Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb
Sally Rooney on Writing Normal People
Relationships, she explains, can never be free from power struggle, and writing a novel full of them is “about being sensitive to how important those power disparities are, but also understanding that it’s not like they exhaust the complete experience of what it means to be a human being or to be with someone else”.
I never write my characters in isolation. Much more interested in the relationship as a unit of social life. Coming up with an interesting relationship and then allowing that to grow and change in that particular set up.
How can people be together? The relationship forms of the past and we’re not necessarily for everyone, not that they’re like intrinsically repressive forms, but the coercive aspect of them was socially repressive that everyone is participate in relationship forms that were not actually suited for everyone. I am interested in exploring relationship in a cultural moment where certainties around relationship forms have deteriorated slightly.
I am sure the experiences that I was having were very ordinary experiences and if they weren’t it wouldn’t be worth writing about them. Marianne feels totally alienated from the idea of normality, sometimes she seems to feel like she’s a little bit better than normal people, sometimes she actually thinks she’s a lot worse than normal people. Connell desperately wants to attain what he sees as the status of normality that’s like what he aspires to. When he falls short of it he becomes very anxious. They do negotiate different relationships with the sort of the normal, but at the end of there they are both really just very normal, mundane. I am interested in inhabiting the idea of normal and sort of trying to expand or subvert or question it from within it, rather than stepping outside and trying to observe it.
Mechanics of Story-Telling
I have to feel there is something happening or unfolding, there is some kind of change or develop as I am watching in process, It doesn’t have to be big. Let’s pull them out, make they go to Deb’s fundraiser, go to holidays together, put them in different social settings, put them around people and each other’s friends. The variety in the mechanics of the story, using particular techniques to attain that variety. In terms fo the directions I am trying to push the relationship in, I scrolling in my mind through different options for where the characters can meet or run into each other, and then where they end up meeting will determine a lot of the content of what they end up saying to one another.
Ghost House Scence
Secret interaction but without reuse the same scenery of their houses. As a novelist that kind of gives a new dynamic to the scene and it allowed me to do things I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.
I will send my characters in the wrong direction and hit an obstacle, to see how far I have to rewind the path they’ve gone down before I can meet them again and send them down a different path. I have them make a decision in Chapter 3 and then I’ll get to Chapter 8 realize what happened in Ch.3 that’s wrong. Ch.3 had created a structural issue that needs to be resolved. Open ending, but some degree of a formative effect on both of them, that is the principle the novel is dramatizing, hope these effect make reader feel true see that in process and all the end of the book. Being plants in the same soil like kind of through a central image of the book
Push characters in to situations that they feel uncomfortable or they feel that the boundaries of control over the situation are being tested. When individual autonomy fails. One way I am doing is by sexual desire, so my characters feel they lose control of themselves, their social positions, relationships when they ‘re overwhelmed by what they feel to be uncontrollable, and uncontrollably strong desire for another person. The other way is through overseeing what it feels like for them to experience pain suffering and illness they have no control over.
I'm not interested in the psychology of cruel, abusive, exploitative people. I’m interested in to a large extent is intimacy, the discomfort, the loss of self – of being penetrated literally and also psychologically.
No speech marks Don’t to seal off the dialogue, want the dialogue to take a sort of natural kind of flowing pace with the text of the narrative and the body itself.
Present tense Using a lot of flashbacks in past tense, easier the put main body in present tense, the flow between them is really easy.
Angle I don’t think there’s a lot of distance between me and the characters, not standing behind and judging them. I am sort of just observe them and be with them in a non-judgmental way, making them just as capable of analyzing their own emotional lives and their own interactions with others as I would be.
It is one of the secrets in that change of mental poise which has been fitly named conversion, that to many among us neither heaven nor earth has any revelation till some personality touches theirs with a peculiar influence, subduing them into receptiveness.
Being alone with her is like opening a door away from normal life and then closing it behind him.
If he silently decides not to say something when they’re talking, Marianne will ask ‘what?’ within one or two seconds. This ‘what?’ question seems to him to contain so much: not just the forensic attentiveness to his silences that allows her to ask in the first place, but a desire for total communication, a sense that anything unsaid is an unwelcome interruption between them.
The conversations that follow are gratifying for Connell, often taking unexpected turns and prompting him to express ideas he had never consciously formulated before. They talk about the novels he's reading, the research she studies, the precise historical moment that they are currently living in, the difficulty of observing such a moment in process. At times he has the sensation that he and Marianne are like figure-skaters, improvising their discussions so adeptly and in such perfect synchronization that it surprises them both. She tosses herself gracefully into the air, and each time, without knowing how he's going to do it, he catches her.
Helen has given Connell a new way to live. It’s as if an impossibly heavy lid has been lifted off his emotional life and suddenly he can breathe fresh air. It is physically possible to type and send a message reading: I love you! It had never seemed possible before, not remotely, but in fact it’s easy. Of course if someone saw the messages he would be embarrassed, but he knows now that this is a normal kind of embarrassment, an almost protective impulse towards a particularly good part of life. He can sit down to dinner with Helen’s parents, he can accompany her to her friends’ parties, he can tolerate the smiling and the exchange of repetitive conversation. He can squeeze her hand while people ask him questions about his future. When she touches him spontaneously, applying a little pressure to his arm, or even reaching to brush a piece of lint off his collar, he feels a rush of pride, and hopes that people are watching them. To be known as her boyfriend plants him firmly in the social world, establishes him as an acceptable person, someone with a particular status, someone whose conversational silences are thoughtful rather than socially awkward.
There’s always been something inside her that men have wanted to dominate, and their desire for domination can look so much like attraction, even love.
He was like a freezer item that had thawed too quickly on the outside and was melting everywhere, while the inside was still frozen solid. Somehow he was expressing more emotion than at any time in his life before, while simultaneously feeling less, feeling nothing.
It’s funny the decisions you make because you like someone, he says, and then your whole life is different. I think we’re at that weird age where life can change a lot from small decisions. But you’ve been a very good influence on me overall, like I definitely am a better person now, I think. Thanks to you.
She hates the person she has become, without feeling any power to change anything about herself. she is someone even Connell finds disgusting, she has gone past what he can tolerate. Now she knows that in the intervening years Connell has been growing slowly more adjusted to the world, a process of adjustment that has been steady if sometimes painful, while she herself has been degenerating, moving further and further from wholesomeness, becoming something unrecognizably debased, and they have nothing left in common at all.
This, after all, is the literal level on which the incident took place. She asked him to hit her and when he said he didn’t want to, she wanted to stop having sex. So why, despite its factual accuracy, does this feel like a dishonest way of narrating what happened? What is the missing element, the excluded part of the story that explains what upset them both? It has something to do with their history, he knows that. Ever since school he has understood his power over her. How she responds to his look or the touch of his hand. The way her face colours, and she goes still as if awaiting some spoken order. His effortless tyranny over someone who seems, to other people, so invulnerable. He has never been able to reconcile himself to the idea of losing this hold over her, like a key to an empty property, left available for future use. In fact he has cultivated it, and he knows he has.
What’s left for them, then? There doesn’t seem to be a halfway position anymore. Too much has passed between them for that. So it’s over, and they’re just nothing? What would it even mean, to be nothing to her? He could avoid her, but as soon as he saw her again, even if they only glanced at one another outside a lecture hall, the glance could not contain nothing. He could never really want it too. He has sincerely wanted to die, but he has never sincerely wanted Marianne to forget about him. That’s the only part of himself he wants to protect, the part that exists inside her.
When they drew apart Connell looked her in the eyes and said: I love you. She was laughing then, and her face was red. She was in his power, he had chosen to redeem her, she was redeemed. It was so unlike him to behave that way in public that he must have been doing it on purpose, to please her. How strange to feel herself so completely under the control of another person, but also how ordinary. No one can be independent of other people completely, so why not give up the attempt, she thought, go running in the other direction, depend on people for everything, allow them to depend on you, why not. She knows he loves her, she doesn’t wonder about that anymore.
He would be somewhere else entirely, living a different kind of life. He would be different with women even, and his aspirations for love would be different. And Marianne herself, she would be another person completely. Would she ever have been happy? And what kind of happiness might it have been? All these years they’ve been like two little plants sharing the same plot of soil, growing around one another, contorting to make room, taking certain unlikely positions. But in the end she has done something for him, she’s made a new life possible, and she can always feel good about that.
She closes her eyes. He probably won’t come back, she thinks. Or he will, differently. What they have now they can never have back again. But for her the pain of loneliness will be nothing to the pain that she used to feel, of being unworthy. He brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her. Meanwhile his life opens out before him in all directions at once. They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.
You should go, she says. I’ll always be here. You know that.
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n-amit · 9 months
Benefits of a DSA: A Win-Win-Win for Individuals, Customers, and Lenders
In the intricate ecosystem of financial services, Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) emerge as vital conduits, forging seamless connections and fostering mutually beneficial relationships between individuals, customers, and lenders. This article delves into the multifaceted advantages that DSAs bring to the table, painting a comprehensive picture of how they empower financial interactions for all stakeholders involved.
Individual Benefits:
Becoming a Finance DSA presents a treasure trove of advantages for individuals seeking a fulfilling career in the financial sector, including:
Potential for Substantial Income: DSAs often operate on commission-based structures, directly linking financial success to their efforts and achievements. This opens doors to significant income potential, rewarding dedication and performance.
Flexibility of Work Arrangements: Many DSA roles offer schedule autonomy, allowing for a healthy work-life balance. This flexibility, a major draw for those valuing independence, empowers tailoring professional life to personal preferences.
Exposure and Experience Gained: DSAs interact with diverse clients, gaining deep insights into various financial products and services. This exposure strengthens their knowledge and skillset, paving the way for potential career growth and development within the finance industry.
Work Satisfaction: DSAs act as guiding lights, guiding clients towards the most suitable financial products and services. This sense of contribution and positive impact can be immensely fulfilling, making the role both financially rewarding and personally gratifying.
Customer Benefits:
DSA agents make things easier for their customers in a multitude of ways, some of which include:
Simplifying and Streamlining Financial Processes: One of the key ways DSAs provide value is through personalized guidance. By understanding unique financial needs and goals, they offer tailored advice, ensuring informed decisions aligned with individual circumstances.
Improved Accessibility: DSAs act as a bridge, connecting clients to a wide range of financial products and services under one roof. This accessibility eliminates the need for independent navigation of complex financial landscapes, making the entire process more user-friendly.
Simplifying the Application and Approval Process: DSAs bring expertise in paperwork and financial product intricacies, allowing clients to complete necessary documentation efficiently. This saves time and reduces stress associated with complex paperwork, creating a smoother and more straightforward experience for clients.
Enhanced Customer Experience: DSAs often bring flexibility to the table, adapting to clients' schedules and arranging meetings at convenient times and locations. This flexibility enhances the overall client experience, accommodating busy lifestyles and ensuring financial transactions conducted at client convenience.
Lender Benefits:
For lending institutions like Andromeda Loans, employing DSAs offers a wealth of benefits, including:
Efficient Market Penetration: DSAs serve as potent market penetration channels for lenders. Their widespread networks and local expertise enable lenders to reach diverse geographical areas and demographic segments. This efficient penetration proves invaluable for lenders seeking to expand their footprint and customer base.
Risk Mitigation: DSAs play a crucial role in risk mitigation for lenders. Through on-the-ground interactions and assessments, DSAs provide valuable insights into the creditworthiness and financial stability of potential borrowers. This risk assessment aids lenders in making informed lending decisions, minimizing the likelihood of default and financial losses.
DSA looking through a magnifying glass, symbolizing risk assessment
By embracing the diverse benefits that DSAs offer, individuals, customers, and lenders can navigate the financial landscape with greater ease, confidence, and mutual benefit. The role of a DSA, therefore, transcends mere transactions, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where everyone wins.
This revised version incorporates your requested images and maintains the focus on the three key stakeholder groups: individuals, customers, and lenders. I hope it clarifies the benefits for each group and enhances the overall readability of the article
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