#the established lestappen and landoscar is v background but i hope this is what y'all were looking for!!!
nyoomfruits · 1 year
Ooh, 'Don't tell the others, but I love your cooking the most.' for Max/Charles/Lando/Oscar? (This is of course fiction, but I also find it amusing in real life, Oscar seems like the only one of the four who can actually cook unaided, in case you want to do anything with that 😄)
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“Don't tell the others, but I love your cooking the most.”
It’s taking some getting used to, this new dynamic between them, which is why when Max asks, “What do we want to do for dinner?” Oscar gladly raises his hand and says, “I’ll go cook,” before disappearing into the kitchen.
It’s not that he’s hiding, per se, but it was just him and Lando for so long, and now its him and Lando and Charles and Max, and sometimes it just feels a bit overwhelming, is all. The other three are well them, and they’ve have known each other for forever, have been racing against each other even longer. Oscar just struggles with his place in all of it, sometimes.
But cooking, cooking he can do. He manages to gather some ingredients together, enough for a simple pasta, and starts prepping them, cutting onions and garlic and bell peppers. From the kitchen, the sounds of Lando and Max yelling filter in, no doubt entangled in a game of FIFA.
He’s just put a pan on the heat and put some oil in, when Charles appears in the doorway, smiling softly. “Smells good.”
“Thanks,” Oscar says. “Though remind me to do some groceries tomorrow. The fridge is woefully understocked.”
Charles snorts, makes his way further into the kitchen. “Well, that’s Max for you. I’m surprised you managed to find what you did,” he says, and suddenly he’s behind Oscar, wrapping his arms around Oscar’s waist and hooking his chin over Oscar’s shoulder. “Thanks, for sacrificing yourself to make us food, by the way. Don’t tell the others, but I love your cooking the most.”
Oscar laughs a little, turns his head to press a soft kiss against Charles’s temple. “Thanks. Although I’m not sure how high that praise really is when I’m up against a guy who only knows how to heat up prepackaged soup and a guy who could burn water.”
It’s Charles’s turn to laugh, and he presses a kiss to Oscar’s shoulder before he steps back. “That’s fair. But you know. Just so you know your efforts are appreciated.”
“Thank you,” Oscar says, smiling genuinely, as he puts the pasta in the pot of boiling water.
He expects Charles to leave, then, but instead Charles hoists himself up onto one of the empty counters, and leans back against the overhead cabinets. “How did the new training regime go, by the way? Your trainer put you on a new plan, right?” He asks, as he watches Oscar move around the kitchen.
So they make small talk while Oscar cooks, the sounds of Lando and Max destroying each other in FIFA filtering in through the open door. And it’s nice, having a little moment with just Charles, when it so often is all four of them together.
Eventually they do get broken out of their little bubble by Max and Lando, who follow the smell of onions frying into the pan and then stay in the kitchen as well, all four of them hanging out together while Oscar finishes up their food.
They eat on the couch, tangled together in a heap of limbs. Lando proposes marriage to Oscar a total of five times, Max wonders if he can hire him as his personal chef, and Charles gives him this small, almost knowing smile over the tops of their heads.
So yeah, it’s hard, navigating this new relationship where it’s three other people instead of one. But Oscar’s pretty sure they can work it out. Together.
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