#the entire GFW2 draft jumps between 'edgiest fucking thing on the planet' and 'stupid fun bullshit'
transmasc-wizard · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
i was tagged by @akindofmagictoo (ty!!) and my words are strong, straight, stare, and stain. i'll be using GFW2 for this! which is slightly nerve-wracking! but oh well!
strong (fun fact! this narrator no longer actually exists and his POV will be given to tasya)
He took a sharp intake of breath. The cold was so strong it had a smell, and he knew the only reason it wasn’t snowing was because it had gone from warm autumn air to this cold snap in—well, a snap. His lungs hurt from breathing in the cold so deeply. But he felt alive, and this might be his last day. It would be if this plan failed. He began shivering more severely, teeth chattering as he pulled his coat closer around him. His legs trembled. His breath was a white fog. It still wasn’t nearly as cold as last winter had been, but it was still cold. And early. He wouldn’t have been surprised to see this weather mid-October in Lzhi. But this was Rosaflumen, and the early taste of winter surprised him. It wasn’t likely to last long, at least. That was good.
“You’re missing quite the party,” came a voice, monotone with a touch of dry sarcasm. “We’ve discussed thirty whole micro-details."
straight (yes i see the "six feet apart" in there, yes i hate it. also dimitri is the guy who doesn't exist anymore, RIP)
“How’s life been?” Oliver asked dryly, once they were standing about six feet apart. Voice saccharine sweet, he continued, “Because we’ve been great. We encountered two dragon nests, were almost eaten at least three times, trekked through dangerous jungle for six hours, were attacked by some murderous zombie dragon, were attacked by a spider that severely complicated my ability to walk, had three mental breakdowns among the four of us, and nearly died in a fucking flash flood!”
“That sounds amazing,” said Dimitri. It was quite possibly the hardest thing he’d ever done to keep a perfectly straight, sincere, positive expression on his face, especially as Oliver’s expression turned to one that signaled a longing for murder.
stare (this scene. this scene is supposed to be extremely serious)
The clearing was mostly green, with a few clumps of pink and yellow flowers, and almost perfectly circular. The trees around it grew tall and dark, perfectly pointed pines. Near the back of the clearing was a cottage, small and brown and seemingly abandoned.
And dead in the middle, surrounded by scuffed grass and dozens of bootprints, was a coffin of gold and glass.
“What the hell is that?” Angel questioned.
“It’s a potato, obviously,” said Oliver.
“I’ll kill you,” she warned. “And I have a place to put you, too.”
“No, you don’t,” said Tasya. She was the only one who’d gone close enough to the coffin to see the inside, and she now stared up at them. “It’s… occupied.”
stain/bloodstain (this was the only instance i could find, yes it's edgy as all fuck. rowan gets to be a little edgelord, she just found out a bunch of terrible traumatizing shit)
There were bloodstains on her hands that would never come off, and she didn’t want them to. She was proud of the scars she’d inflicted, the pain she’d caused, the lives she’d ruined. She was a machine, a demon, so she might as well be queen of the monsters. She’d sit on her throne of sin and sorrow, and she would be proud of it.
Because if she didn’t let herself wear her wickedness and her rage as her own crooked crowns, she wouldn’t have anything left at all.
tagging with no pressure: @cream-and-tea, @the-orangeauthor,@polyacery, and also ik i've tagged u alot but @albatris you said you like "find the word" tag games so you too.
plus anyone else who wants to!
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