#the claws behind him are the ones of his dragon form's tail btw :)
zefirart · 9 months
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12/31 Happy birthday Rafal!
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bunny-rambles · 3 years
may i request for 19, kaeya, fluff from ur 200+ celebration event?? congrats on 200 followers btw<33
19- “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
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characters; Kaeya, Klee, gn reader
cw/tw; Kaeya is called a princess, but it’s all fluffy fluff
word count; 700+
notes; hello !! ah thank you so much, and thank you for requesting. this is very very fluffy so I hope you enjoy it hehe,,,
event; 200 milestone
please reblog this if you liked it !!
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When you were faced with a panting, exhausted knight telling you that the Cavalry Captain needed your urgent assistance, you really weren’t expecting what you had stumbled upon in the Favonious Headquarters.
Well, Kaeya definitely needed urgent assistance, that was for sure. But not for the reason you’d expect. And thankfully so, if you were being honest with yourself.
Within the chambers of The Spark Knight’s self confinement room sat a navy haired princess, adorned in the finest of silks, waiting for her one true love to come and set her free. Or well, that’s how you supposed Klee saw the situation. Kaeya sat on top of a rather high cabinet with a tiara on his head, the fluff of his cape wrapped around his neck to create a lovely boa, his body draped in a table cloth. His head perked up from his palm when he heard the door squeak open, his bored frown perking up into a small smirk.
“Hello, darling.”
You sent a confused, little wave to him before diverting your attention to the giggling blonde tugging at your shirt. She was wearing a matching set of black horns, a handmade dragon tail and tiny red claw gloves that fit snugly around her small hands.
“Y/N, Y/N!!” She chanted as she shoved a cardboard sword in your hand, bouncing up and down excitedly. “You gotta save your princess!! Dragon Klee is keeping her captive!” The pieces of the puzzle were starting to match up. Kaeya sent a wink in your direction, his way of saying ‘play along’.
“The princess is in danger? Guarded by a ferocious dragon?” You started, before raising your sword. “This is no match for my mighty sword! I, single-handedly, will slay the dragon and have your hand in marriage, my love!”
Kaeya was slightly taken aback when you jumped right into character, raising an eyebrow at your theatrics before chuckling behind his hand. Before he could respond, the youngster jumped into action, hopping on a cardboard box. “Grr! Klee is a dragon, and this is Klee’s princess!” She raised her hands to form claws, her mouth twisted into a large cheshire grin. You gasped dramatically before putting your hands up to your face.
“Oh, no!! A dragon!” You squealed before turning tail and running when Klee leapt off her pedestal. And so the chase commenced. The princess watched in amusement, listening to the both of you laughing and squealing in delight. He was thankful you had come so quickly, Klee was definitely more entertained being chased than protecting him. When the young girl caught up to you, she grabbed your fake sword and plunged it under her arm. This shocked you, but you tried to remain in character. You just hoped she didn’t actually hurt herself when she did that. She fell to the floor with a groan, tongue rolling out of her mouth as she closed her eyes and gripped her chest where her heart was.
“Klee…?” You asked quietly, hovering over her. She peaked one eye open, scowling adorable at you.
“Get the princess!” She whispered loudly before closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out again. After a small sigh of relief, your gaze moved up to the cross legged beauty in front of you. You offered your hand towards him, and he gladly took it, stepping down from his tower gracefully.
“Now kiss!” You hear another hushed whisper, the blonde now sitting up and watching eagerly. The two of you shared a small laugh before looking back at each other. And then, you leaned in, true love’s kiss forming as the both of you locked lips. You only pulled away when you heard a loud cheer coming from The Spark Knight and the frantic clapping of her small hands.
“What a performance… Where did you learn that?” Kaeya chuckled, slipping his tiara off and placing it gently onto your own head.
“Babysitting and looking after my younger siblings. You tend to pick this stuff up.”
Once again, he chuckled. “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“Likewise.” You chimed back before pressing another gentle peck to his lips.
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tinydragonsnake · 6 years
Crumbling Revelations - Chapter One Current Draft
This is the current version I have for my book Crumbling Revelations. I'd like you guys to read this and see if you like it! If so, I'll be posting the chapters as I complete them to BetaBooks.com. So, without further ado, here you go! (Btw, Seiche is pronounced "say-sh")
Snowstorm stretched and looked out the window. The skies had been gray for the last two days, and she could smell the storm ready to wash over the mountain. A storm meant almost no flying. Even with her smaller wings, Snowstorm did enjoy flying. Seiche was still asleep. Snowstorm heard her coming into their dorm a few minutes before twilight started cracking open the clouds. In the gray light filtering in, the royal blue dragon looked a sickly bluish gray.
"Seiche, I'm heading out." Snowstorm said to the sleeping dragon.
Seiche didn't reply. She only snored softly and twitched her tail. Snowstorm smiled and shook her head. Outside the dorm she could hear the other early risers making their ways into the hall. A green-blue body lazily plodded by and waved at her. Snowstorm didn't recognize her, but she waved back regardless. It was easier to keep track of the few dragons she knew; there were always too many colors to assign names to. Only more unique colors caught her eye enough to remember, or she was around them long enough to remember. Seiche looked liked any other blue dragon at first glace, whereas the nip eater Silvervine was a startling pale green color unlike the other dragons.
Another dragon, this one a burnt orange that she vaguely remembered seeing in one of her classes, slipped by and looked at her. His eyes were a deep navy blue, and they nearly looked black with his evident lack of sleep. Snowstorm frowned at him and shook her head. She was never a fan of any one staying up to the point of exhaustion. The orange dragon gave her a grin and kept moving along. He didn't seem very concerned with his sleep patterns. Even so, Snowstorm was sure she'd take the time to talk with him about sleeping better.
Finally joining the band of those-up-way-too-early-for-their-own-good, the small black dragon began imaging how her day would go. At some point in the day her and her cousin Avalanche were due to head back to the Valley with their distant uncle Quake. That was most likely going to happen close to sunset, since the three had quite a lot to get done that day. She wanted to stop by Silvervine's dorm before she had to leave, since the pale dragon said she had a gift for her. The idea of the nip eater giving her a gift made her giddy and excited. She would have flown around with Leo or Cliff, but they'd both headed back to their homes the week before. Even the foreign exchange student Archer went back to his forest kingdom. Snowstorm didn't know if Seiche was going to head back to her home, either. The only dragon that was guaranteed to be at the school was Silvervine. Her family home was barely an hour's flight away.
Snowstorm had walked into the dorms' lobby without fully realizing it. She was lost to her thoughts and hadn't noticed the walls pull away and form into the large open cave. Fresh air wafted in, carrying the promise of both rain and eventual sunshine. Her wings suddenly itched and Snowstorm realized just how excited she was for the day. She smiled and rushed past the other dragons, leaping into the air and diving towards the forest in the middle of the school's valley. The others laughed and quickly followed her lead. Dozens of blues, greens, yellows, and reds jumped into the air and flew for the river, the forest, and the tiny plains that dominated the school's valley courtyard. Birds cried out in shock as dragons grabbed them in their claws or simply spooked them from their branches.
"Hey Snowstorm!" A voice called out.
She didn't dare look behind her as she twisted and turned through the trees. She was afraid of smacking into a tree, and at her speed she would've broken an arm or her wing. The voice called again and she recognized it as Silvervine's. Snowstorm clung to the side of a tree and watched the pale green dragon zipped past her. Silvervine turned and looked around. Her vibrant eyes seemed to shine brightly in the dim forest as she met Snowstorm's own icy blues.
"Pit!" Snowstorm said.
"See ya there, Snowy!"
Silvervine laughed and flew towards one of the plains. Snowstorm let a soft smile grow as she let go of the tree and fell into the river. Salmon and bass swam by her, completely uninterested in the sight of a dragon among them. They had more important things to do. Important fish related things. Certainly much more important than a dragon snapping up a few of them and swimming away as if nothing had happened.
Snowstorm chose to simply poke her head above the water as she swam. It was easier to swim with the fish in her claws than struggle in the air keeping them from falling. Following the river out of the forest and into the currently dull plains, Snowstorm hauled the fish out and held them against the sandy bank. She thought it was a bit cruel to let them struggle, but she didn't have a bucket to keep them in and she was hungry.
"Over here, Snowy!" Silvervine called out. She was happily walking around one of the fire pits, grinning and bouncing on her feet.
"Give me a minute, fish take a minute!"
She called back.
Silvervine pouted but quickly smiled again. She ran over to the black dragon and giggled. She snatched a couple of fish and ran back to the pit. Snowstorm only shook her head playfully and grabbed the other three.
"Hurry up with those, Snowy!" Silvervine laughed. Her tail was sweeping the stone around the pit, and she couldn't seem to sit still.
When Snowstorm didn't answer, Silvervine sighed and bumped her wings. She still didn't respond to the oddly energetic dragon. She only plopped the fish down and started descaling them.
"I have a feeling that this is you without the nip," Snowstorm said. "Am I right?"
"Mom didn't want me flying off a cliff when I first hatched," Silvervine answered with a grin.
"That explains a lot!" Snowstorm snickered.
Silvervine's grin turned into a gentle smile as she shuffled closer to the smaller dragon. Snowstorm's scales suddenly felt too small for her and she wanted to run away from her friend. Her claws weakly began ripping apart the fish in them as her mind flew in a thousand different directions. Was Silvervine even a friend? Was she a best friend? Did friends act like that, get this close to one another? Did friends smile like Silvervine does? The smile that always seems to say "I've missed you so much! I can't wait to spend time with you!". Why was her heart beating so fast in her chest? Why-
"Snowstorm, is something wrong?"
Sivervine had grabbed her face in her claws. Green eyes were locked on icy blues. She didn't look away or blink, and it made Snowstorm feel even more agitated and confused. Questions buzzed through her head. She wanted to lean in closer, let Silvervine wrap her up in a hug, and forget the world around them.
"I'm... I'm fine!" She hurriedly mumbled. She wiggled free from Silvervine's gentle touch and looked down at the fish.
"You're not acting fine, Snowy." Silvervine said.
"It's nothing, just some weird thoughts is all!"
Silvervine frowned and sighed. She looked hurt by the way her friend was acting, but Snowstorm couldn't allow herself to feel Silvervine's innocent touch. She didn't want these thoughts, not towards her friend. She just wanted her friendship and nothing more. Snowstorm pushed away the feelings and focused on the fish. She pressed her wings closer to herself and tried shuffling away from Silvervine as subtly as she could.
"So, do you have any plans?" Silvervine finally asked.
"Avy, Uncle, and I are gonna fly off back to the Valley tonight," Snowstorm sighed. "I just hope we can actually leave before dusk sets in."
"You don't like flying at night?"
"It's not that I dislike it, it's that it's hard to keep track of a flying black dragon in the midst of a black night." She replied.
"You do know the moon exists, right?" Silvervine giggled.
Snowstorm huffed and swatted the pale green dragon's side with her tale. Silvervine only let out a loud laugh. The air around them had returned to normal, and Snowstorm couldn't be happier about it. She was already awkward enough on her own, she didn't need a bunch of dumb feelings making things worse.
"Hey, down below!" A voice screeched above the two.
A tremor of fear made Snowstorm immediately stand up, her head whipping upwards as she felt fire bubbling in the back of her throat. Her face contorted into a growl as whoever had yelled dipped into a dive. She focused on only the dragon now barreling down towards her and her friend. If need be, she was going to fight.
"Snowstorm, you left early!" Seiche's voice laughed. The blue dragon landed off to the side of the pit her and Silvervine were at, before spinning around and wrapping her roommate up in a hug.
"Seiche you scared me!" Snowstorm growled. "I almost fly up there and ripped your wings off!"
Seiche snorted and laughed, hitting Snowstorm with her wings before letting go to hug Silvervine. Seiche didn't seem to notice how her roommate had moved away a bit to calm herself down. Snowstorm felt as if fire was tearing down her spine, and her own flames were beginning to burn. Snowstorm took a glance at her friends and slipped away towards the river.
The water was cool, and the light shining through from the rising sun made the fleeing fish glimmer like stars. Snowstorm opened her mouth. The rush of cold water sent a shock through her body, but it felt better than standing around with a fire on covering her body. Slowly she swam upwards and poked her head out of the water. She spit out the water in her mouth and made her way back towards the bank. Silvervine was looking towards her as Seiche went on about the differences between trout and bass.
"You went swimming." Silvervine said.
"I did."
Silvervine frowned and stood. She stretched her wings and stalked towards her friend. Dark green eyes stared at icy blue. Why did you go swimming and leave me alone with your roommate?, Silvervine's eyes asked. Why did you up and leave me?
The nip eater didn't receive an answer. Snowstorm instead walked past her and sat at the pit with Seiche. The blue dragon hadn't seemed to notice, as she kept talking about bass, trouts, sunnys, and bullheads. Silvervine plopped beside them, frowning at her friend.
"Oh, and have you two heard?" Seiche gasped. "Fallow and Thresh have been having these really bad nightmares!"
"Do tell." Silvervine growled.
"They keep talking about delving under the earth, and seeing some... thing!" Seiche said. Her claws clicked on the stone of the pit, as she suddenly seemed uncomfortable. "A voice calling them into the darkness, telling them they'd serve it, they'd kill, they'd eradicate the pests."
Snowstorm felt a chill wash over her wings. Worry and fear pricked at her heart. She glanced at Silvervine and she could tell that the pale dragon had the same feeling wash over her.
"Well, I'm sure that Fallow and Thresh are just having weird dreams together." Snowstorm mumbled.
"My sisters and I used to have the same dreams, too, after we hunted or had dinner or whatever!" Silvervine added.
Seiche flicked her tail and looked up at the sky. It was clear that she didn't want to easily let the subject go, but even with her slightly oblivious mind she knew her friends wouldn't speak further on the subject. So the blue dragon instead hummed and tapped the stone of the pit. If she'd had any truly mean bone in her body she would have glared at the two. Snowstorm and Silvervine let their wings droop with relief.
"They were terrified." Seiche mumbled. The blue dragon shook herself and sat up a bit straighter, grinning at her friends.
"Sei..." Snowstorm started. Seiche frowned at her and thumped her tail on the stone.
"We can talk it over later, Storm." Seiche grumbled. "Let's talk about sunnier things."
"What're you plans?" Silvervine immediately asked.
"Oh, I was gonna head to the Citadel with Fallow!" Seiche answered. "We have family there, so we wanna meet up with them before joining the caravan!"
"You're from a caravan family?" Snowstorm asked. "I thought you were from the Tribs."
"Gran is, but I was born traveling!" Seiche giggled.
"Speaking of grans, mine is visiting home this month." Silvervine hummed.
"Is she now," Snowstorm said. "I thought she hated your dad."
"She does, but she likes nip."
Snowstorm let the tiny laugh in her chest bubble to the surface, her shoulders shaking ever so slightly. She never had the joy of knowing her grandparents, on either side of the family. Rainstorm, her grandfather, had died long before her egg was ever laid, with her grandmother Wildflower passing away not too long after him. Her father Thunderstorm was the patriarch of the family. Her mother's side of her ancestry was a mystery still. Monsoon never spoke about her parents, aside from vague descriptions of her hatchling days. She slightly envied Seiche and Silvervine.
"Snowy, what are your plans?" Seiche asked. She gave the black dragon a grin and excitedly wagged her tail.
"Avy, Quake, and I are gonna head to the Valley." She answered simply.
"Fun." Silvervine huffed. A bit of smoke trailed out of her mouth.
"The Valley is fun, thank you very much!" Snowstorm said. "In my opinion, it is the single most fun-filled place in all of Drecail!"
Seiche and Silvervine couldn't hold back their laughs. Their wings shook and they bowed their heads. Silvervine almost fell over onto Snowstorm as she rocked side to side in her cackling.
"Your valley is full of farmers and fishers!" Seiche giggled. "They're not exactly the most fun!"
"They are if you know how to talk to them." Snowstorm growled.
A roar sounded out from the mountains. Silvervine pouted and stood, shaking herself off and giving Snowstorm a smile. She took off into the air. Listening to her wingbeats made Snowstorm feel uneasy and upset. She didn't want her friend to fly off away from her. Heavy wingbeats carried by a large shadow swept over Seiche and Snowstorm. Another roar, directly above them, and then a loud thump.
"Avalanche." Snowstorm said. She hadn't even bothered to turn around and face her cousin.
"Snowstorm." He answered back.
There was no need for either of them to speak. Something had changed, and Quake wanted to see them both immediately. Snowstorm quickly bid Seiche a good day and launched herself into the air. It was harder with her smaller wings, but Avalanche helped her gain some lift before he followed her. They turned and flew as fast as their wings could take them towards the school, and Quake's office.
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Snow stuff! Genji hanzo and mccree playing in the snow with their s/o? Hcs please! (Btw happy birthday baby! -3-)
Thank you, love
At first he’s really hesitant when the first snowflakes fall
He pretends to not like winter, to hate snow…
But you know better. Hanzo has told you all his stories as Genji grew up- including the winter ones
And from the stories, it was winter that Genji loved the best, even just because of the snow
It took him a week to admit that it reminded Genji of the past
It was difficult sometimes for him to look at something that reminded him of the past
But slowly you managed to get him to come outside, saying it was time to make new memories in the snow instead
Wrapping his scarf around his neck, he followed you
The pond near the house you two lived in was completely frozen over, and instantly you looked excited
Getting out the ice skates you both had, you asked Genji to teach you how
It was something he’d been meaning to teach you for awhile now
At your request, he put on his skates and over the next four hours, began teaching you how to ice skate. It was beautiful, and despite the cold you loved every second with him
It was interesting how skilled he was, doing figure eights and even gliding backwards
The man was showing off, you eventually realized, but smiled because it was the first time he’d been boastful about anything
When the two of you were at last too tired to ice skate, you two laid in the snow together, hand in hand, and made snow angels
Between the two of you, Soba seemed to stare from the covered porch, eyes glittering in the light with curiosity and uncertainty
Finally, after having just sat there for hours, put one claw delicately and you saw a shiver ripple through her
Then she slowly slunk over, confused by all the little claw-prints she left in the snow, dashing over until she could jump and land on your stomach
Grunting, you smiled as you pet her, Soba’s tail swishing like that of a cat as she crouched and continued poking at the snow
Though it was now night, with the snow and the purple sky above, you felt like the world was different and magical
And seeing the look in your eyes, how your eyes sparkled with wonder as the two of you lay there beneath the gently falling snow, he could believe it
Surprisingly, the man loves winter and the snow
There were few things that his old memories didn’t taint, but it seemed the winter wasn’t one of them
At the first sign of snow, Hanzo went and took your hands quite seriously
“The moment there is a layer of snow…” he said, then hesitated. “We must go build a snowman. It is tradition,” he said gravely. 
Giggling, you found how serious he was to be cute and nodded
Of course the two of you were going to go build a snowman! 
The moment there was a solid layer and it had hardened just enough with the cold, the two of you bundled up in your winter gear and headed outside
You saw Hanzo stand there for a moment, his eyes closed and his face tilted up toward the sky
In a way, he looked so peaceful…so happy
Taking his hand, you brought it to your lips and pressed a soft kiss to it
“Lets make snow angels,” you said, eyes shining brightly. The look in his eyes told you that he wanted nothing more then to kiss you
Without hesitation, Hanzo laid to make snow with you, making snow angels in the soft white powder
Anyone who knew Hanzo would be surprised to see how much he seemed to enjoy this right now
When the two of you got up, you grinned at the snow angels. They were so perfect!
Immediately the two of you got to work on snowmen
You worked on the head while Hanzo worked tireless on the body, starting by forming a large snow ball that took both hands to hold before rolling it in the snow
It took perhaps fifteen minutes, twenty even to get the three balls for the snowman, and you gently dusted and helped curve its edges so it was rounder while he grabbed the clothing
Together, we wrapped a blue scarf around its neck and he let me do the honor of pushing in its carrot nose after he’d given it pebble eyes
Stepping back, we assessed our work, leaning into each others warmth and grinning like fools
A noise made you both turn to see two blue dragons leaping in the snow. Both were the size of cats, and one slowly wiggled its bum before leaping- and disappearing into the snow, sinking with only a little squeak of surprise
You couldn’t help laughing, and even Hanzo had a smile at the sight of the dragons making a fool of themselves in the snow
Honestly, hadn’t always really been a big fan of snow
It got in the way of missions, and usually was just a pain in the ass
So when it started to snow, it was only an annoyance for him
Until he saw you there at the window, staring out in awe and joy at the falling flakes, and immediately his throat went dry
You had that effect on him, where sometimes the raw expression in your face, always so honest, just made his heart thump erratically in his chest
After a moment you turned and spotted him in the doorway
Immediately you started toward him, and the moment he saw those pleading eyes he started to back up, but not before you managed to take his hand
“Please?” you asked, your voice soft as you stared into his eyes pleadingly
Grimacing, Jesse knew there was no point in trying to fight it. “Fine,” he said with a long sigh, “But bring Bambi. She could use some exercise.”
Beaming, you went to find the child you and Jesse had- a russet colored coonhound, who was almost a year old now. This would be her first snow
“Bambi!” you called, and after a moment the scrape of paws on wood floors echoed as the dog appeared from your bedroom door, tail wagging
Getting dressed, the two of you went outside into the back yard as you waited for Jesse, who was still grumbling behind you
Watching Bambi, Jesse saw her stare at the snow ahead, before a look of challenge rose in her eyes…after a moment she bunched up her legs and, like a deer, propelled herself right into the snow and started rolling in it
Laughing, you looked up as the snowflakes fell softly around you, before spinning, arms spread wide
It’d been awhile since you’d seen snow, since you had mostly moved continents before meeting Jesse, and when the two of you had last began dating, you’d been in India working on a mission for over a month
“Can we go inside now?” Jesse called, though he had to admit you liked like an angel, twirling in the snow there with your head high
“Not unless you don’t want sex for four months,” you said, your eyes closed and the last time he’d challenged you to something like it, he’d suffered.
There was a moment before he grumbled and walked into the snow, watching the dog with a scowl…but you couldn’t help smiling. How grumpy he looked
Unnoticed when you slowly bent to pick up a bunch of snow, you molded into a ball before taking aim…and firing
Jesse had just turned to you when the ball hit him smack in the face…and you gasped, not having meant for that
“I’m so sorry! I just-I don’t know, I just wanted us to have some fun and-” you blathered, looking down now when you got hit with a snowball right in the chest
Gasping, you looked up at him. He was already holding another, but there was the hint of a smile on his face. The dog had taken interest in what looked like a ball in his hand
“You’ll be sorry,” he said, winking, and you squealed as he started a full out snowball fight. The dog tried chasing every single snowball, failing
The two of you played in the snow till you were both too tired to lift another arm
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quethenogard · 7 years
I wish you would make a fic where Papyrus turns into a dragon and Sans finds him and is quite suprised/maybe doesn't even know it is him? 😶✨
Ahh! Pst. I like this idea/au thing, btw. Not sure what it’s called specifically though. Thank you for giving me the suggestion! :3 XD~~~~~“SANS! I’M HOME FROM TRAINING! I AM GOING TO RETIRE TO MY ROOM EARLY TODAY!” Papyrus cried from the entryway, already making his way past his brother, who sat on the couch, reading some sort of physics or joke book. Papyrus really couldn’t tell anymore.
Sans glanced up from his reading to his brother’s retreating form. “sure thing, bro.”
Sans watched the taller skeleton drag his feet all the way up the stairs, tugging on his scarf to loosen the tangled red fabric from his neck. Sans found it odd to see Papyrus so worn out. He was always so uppety and excited about everything, especially after a training with Undyne. His little brother never seemed to run out of energy. Maybe he just overworked himself today.
“you need anything, paps?” Sans asked before he disappeared into his room for the night.
With that, Papyrus shut his door and locked it, something he usually never did, but he wanted privacy today. He slid down against the door, shaking. He looked down at his gloved hands and how they trembled. He pulled them off, watching as his phalanges began to morph into claws once more.
Papyrus had been so shocked earlier today when he had started coming back from training. He’d felt his bones ache, and at first he’d congratulated himself of the pain, thinking that he’d succeeded in working out hard enough, but the ache began to burn in his marrow, making him stop halfway through waterfall. He had held his sides, feeling his soul expand and contract wildly, his form seeming to shift and bones cracking. He nearly screamed when he fell to his knees, catching a glimpse of a gaster blaster skull in the reflection of the glowing blue waters. He grew even more confused and afraid when that skull screamed with him. 
Papyrus, panicking, cut off the magic that was flowing from him and fought back this change. In a matter of long minutes, Papyrus somehow had himself under control and was breathing hard, his armor slightly pulled apart at the seams, but he was back to normal. He ran home furiously, in a blurred state, the adrenaline to get someplace safe making him go faster despite his exhaustion.
His stretched out red gloves lay below him, as if mocking normality. Papyrus whimpered, afraid as his hands returned to their average shape.
He wondered if he should ask Sans about this. Maybe it was a skeleton thing, maybe it was normal. If so, then it was nothing the great Papyrus couldn’t handle! Right?
Suddenly a sharp pain drove through his chest and he gripped his ribs as they shook against his armor. Papyrus held his head, which only made his panic worse when he could feel his bone crawling and moving beneath his hands.
From downstairs, the half asleep older brother jumped in alarm when he heard a scream coming from Papyrus’ bedroom.
In a flash, Sans was in front of the taped up door with signs and writing in the wood. He rapped his boney knuckles against the frame.
“paps? are you okay in there?” He called.
There wasn’t any answer other than some sort of scratching on the door.
“paps, i’m comin’ in.” He said, turning the knob, but it didn’t budge, “papyrus? the door’s locked?”
Sans began to panic, pressing the side of his skull to the door when it went silent after a moment.
“papyrus? i’m gonna teleport in there.”
There was a loud “NO!” but it turned into a gargle and roaring noise.
Afraid someone was in there hurting the skeleton brother, Sans ignored the protest, eye flashing yellow and blue and the world clicked around him until he was standing by Papyrus’ bed, back facing the race car frame.
“paps?” He called, glancing around the room.
His brother’s armor was strewn about, ripped and ruined, massive claw marks decorating the wooden floors.
Behind Sans, orange mist drifted up and out of the nostrils of a large skull, muzzle long and narrow and jaw clamped shut as dagger like teeth interlocked in a deadly smile. The large sockets held two little orange lights that burned bright and afraid as they stared at the little skeleton below him, who seemed even smaller in this state. His back was arched like a cats, the long vertebrates making a tail that curled twice around one of the canine looking ankles. All four paws were pressed to the center of the race car bed, frightened that the claws could unwillingly damage anything in the room. Pressed to the narrow cage of ribs were two extra limbs, the un-membraned wings hugging the bone dragon’s chest.
Papyrus was afraid to move, not wanting to alert Sans, but he knew that only Sans would be able to help.
Shakily, Papyrus raised a claw to tap Sans’ shoulder.
It was as if in slow motion, that Sans turned around and locked on the monster that stood on his brother’s bed.
There was a moment of silence, and Papyrus almost sighed, thinking that Sans recognized him, until the shorter skeleton let out the loudest scream Papyrus had ever heard.
Papyrus flinched so hard that he rolled off the bed, and Sans’ eye flashed blue and yellow as he aimed to capture Papyrus’ soul. When it pinged blue, Papyrus yelped as his newfound body became heavier.
“where’s my brother! where’s papyrus!?” Sans cried, smile tight and angry.
The large bone dragon let out a roar, trying to explain, but Sans didn’t understand.
He pushed the soul away from him, sending Papyrus into the far wall.
The oversized skeleton let out another yelp and and he scrambled to get to his feet.
“what did you do!?” Sans growled, hand clenched.
Papyrus curled up, whimpering. Sans didn’t know it was him. And Papyrus hardly recognized his usually lazy brother as well. This short, blue clad skeleton was angry, strong, calculated. Papyrus didn’t know what to do, and his tail curled around his front paws as a few orange tears slipped from the giant sockets.
Sans recognized those fat tears. They glowed with the same brave, energetic magic that his brother used.
Sans’ magic fell, releasing this skeletal creature.
“p-paps?” he asked in shock, reaching out to set a hand against the creature’s muzzle.
Papyrus’ sockets closed and he leaned into the hand, frightened and feeling alone.
“gods, paps, i’m so sorry!” Sans cried, wrapping his arms around hit little, uh, bigger brother.
The dragon’s paw slammed against Sans’ back, in a supposed to be gentle pat.
“heh. you’re trying to comfort me? paps, you’re the one crying and... like this. what happened?” he asked, making motions to his new body.
Papyrus went to explain, but all that came from between his sharpened teeth were roars and growls.
“uh, i can’t understand ya, paps.”
The dragon slapped his face, and he sat on his tail, raising his arms in an ‘I don’t know’ gesture.
Sans stroked the muzzle and a rumbling purr came from Papyrus’ chest.
“can ya... change back, paps?” he asked, and Papyrus crouched.
Papyrus leaned down and closed his eyes, trying to calm his rapidly pulsing soul.
After a few minutes, Papyrus whined and shook his giant head.
Sans sighed. “we’ll... we’ll figure this out, paps. i promise, i’ll help ya. gez, i guess you’re gonna need a bigger bed, huh?” Sans tried to joke.
Papyrus glared at him.
“i mean, you don’t want any limbs to /drag on/ the floor do you?”
Papyrus’ little eye lights expanded and he growled.
“what, i may be /winging/ it, but i ain’t telling a /tail/.”
Papyrus let out a screeching roar, eyes bulging and Sans laughed.
Yup, it definitely was his Paps.
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