#the bunny onesie was honestly just a silly idea i had early on even before i thought of Moon's body upgrades
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 year ago
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I’m curious about the onesie now
also @pizzaplex-stargazer cuz you noticed too!
here's what Moon was rocking before Clip started making clothes:
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after their PizzaPlex went under, the DCA bois had to figure out a lot of things, one being: clothes. unfortunately, Moon's really big, so he struggled to find things that fit him and were comfortable. the onesie is the first thing he found that fit him and made him feel really cozy. so he still wears it at home (he prefers comfy clothes at home anyways) when he needs a pick-me-up.
of course, he can't work at the salon in a bunny onesie, so here's what Clip made him (under Sundrop's direction):
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Moon does prefer comfy clothes, but he has to admit, sometimes he likes the attention these clothes get him. he's iffy about them though, he feels that they show too much of him and he prefers the specific kind of comfort that comes from being an amorphous bundle of coziness.
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Underneath The Spotlight- A Sanders Sides Fic
Chapter 7- All It Took was One Waltz
(Read chapter 1 here!)
Read here on ao3!!
Warnings for this chapter: kissing, brief mentions of anxiety, nothing else tbh this one’s just a whole bunch of fluff
A/N: .... I don’t know if anyone saw but a while ago I reblogged a post about that “one scene” in every Fic that you’re super excited to write, and you almost base the whole story around that scene? Anyways, I said I wasn’t able to share it for my fic because it hadn’t been posted yet... now this chapter might, just might, contain that scene. Happy reading ;)
Another dance that took place relatively early on in the show was the ballroom number. This time, it was an elegant, some might even say romantic waltz. The usual pairings for partnered dances were Logan and Roman, Patton and Janus, Virgil and Remus. The teachers all agreed that those were the couples that worked best, and the boys... didn’t mind dancing together in those pairings either. They were all wearing fancy suits with bowties in their respective ‘signature colours’, as the teachers liked to say. They had been assigned them a few years ago and everyone agreed that they matched their ‘energies.’ Roman’s was red, Janus’ was yellow, Remus’ was green, Patton’s light blue, Logan’s dark blue and Virgil’s was purple. For this particular dance, they all entered from different wings and each of the couples had around a minute alone together before they had to go onstage. And it wasn’t awkward at all, especially considering how hopelessly gay all six of them were.
Remus was chuckling silently to himself. Virgil looked up at him.
“Still can’t believe you wore that bunny onesie.”
“Would you quit making fun of me?”
“I’m not!”
“Remus, please-“
“Virgil, I’m genuinely not! I’m saying I admire you for what you did! You obviously didn’t want to, but Patton needed you, so you did it anyway. I honestly... I’ve never seen you in this way before.”
What? What the hell was Remus saying? He was notoriously known for his complete lack of filter, but Virgil had always been grateful for the fact that he could take everything Remus said at complete face value- no subtext, no hidden meanings. It eased his social anxieties a bit. But what Remus had just said then seemed... different, somehow. There was nothing to read in to here, right? Right?.....
Roman rushed into the wing after just having had a quick costume change, and Logan breathed a visible sigh of relief.
“You’re here.”
“Indeed I am.” Roman immediately went up to Logan and took his arm. Logan looked up at him, half-embarrassed, half-skeptical.
“We still have around thirty seconds, you know. We don’t need to be ready just yet.”
Roman let go, looking away to hide his blush. Logan tried to change the subject in order to divert from the undeniable awkwardness between them.
“You know, since we were allocated as dance partners I haven’t had the opportunity to lead due to the traditional rule that it must be the tallest dancer. Perhaps, one time, we could practise with me leading?”
Roman fought a blush at the thought of him and Logan dancing together outside of the necessary rehearsals.
“I’d like that,” he said. “And there’s not really much difference between us, height-wise, so maybe by next show you’ll be taller.”
“Indeed, maybe, although I’ve never seen the point in traditions like that myself.”
Patton was clinging to Janus’ arm long before they had to go onstage, and the taller boy was repressing a blush. It calmed Patton’s nerves a lot, he was always generally less nervous for any partnered dance. Having someone else to dance with was comforting, especially when it was Janus. The lights went up and the two prepared to go onstage, Janus guiding Patton into position as they bowed to each other before starting to waltz. As he led Patton across the stage, he thought about how much he loved dancing with the smaller boy. Patton didn’t have the natural grace or ability to effortlessly glide across the floor that dancers like Roman had, but he truly put his heart and soul into his dancing, and the two of them seemed to fit so well together in a way Janus could never quite explain. He twirled and even lifted Patton with ease, the two of them truly complimenting each other perfectly.
Virgil and Remus were waltzing swiftly towards the front of the stage, and the taller boy saw the signs of Virgil becoming nervous, Remus assumed because of being near the audience. He let his already poor posture go and leaned in towards his partner.
“Don’t look at them, Virge,” he said. “They don’t know anything about you, so don’t ever give them the chance to judge you. Just look at me, keep on dancing, you’re doing amazing. Just look at me, Virge.”
Virgil did look at him, although admittedly not in the same way as he did before. He had no idea what was going on with the way he viewed Remus, but it was terrifying him to no end.
Roman and Logan’s dancing was practically perfection, and they captured the attention of most of the audience. Posture, footwork, seemingly effortless grace- it had all the ingredients for a flawless ballroom waltz. However, not in the eyes of these two perfectionists.
“You forgot a heel lead,” Roman critiqued Logan under his breath.
“Well, you’re not quite straight,” Logan retorted.
Roman looked into Logan’s eyes with an expression the slightly shorter one couldn’t read.
“You’re right, I’m really not,” he said.
Logan became immediately flustered. “I meant your posture!” he snapped.
“I know,” Roman chuckled, as he led Logan into a series of fast turns, preventing them from speaking any further.
Patton kept smiling at Janus as they waltzed, the other trying his best to deny the flutter in his gut every time the shorter boy beamed at him. Patton’s energy and positivity had definitely been a good constant for him throughout rehearsals. He was truly someone Janus could rely on, and he struggled to imagine a better dance partner.
Both Patton and Janus were secretly extremely disappointed when the dance came to an end and they walked off stage arm in arm, knowing they’d soon have to let go. Janus didn’t know what had overcome him- perhaps it was the pressure of performing, maybe it was just the romantic atmosphere and the fact that they’d been waltzing together, or perhaps he’d accidentally inhaled a few too many hairspray fumes, but, as they walked back towards the dressing room, he found himself leaning towards Patton and kissing him on the lips. Patton immediately froze with shock. Janus soon came back to his senses and pulled away, a realisation hitting him like a bus. He loved Patton. Cute, sweet, innocent, kind, selfless Patton. Patton who he’d been dancing with for years, leading to him only falling more desperately and hopelessly in love with him. And... oh, great job Janus! So much for keeping it a secret and never acting on it! He couldn’t believe what he’d just done. Patton was simply looking up at him, eyes wide, mouth gaping in surprise. When Janus finally caught his eye, he melted into giggles.
“Looks like we’re gonna have to redo our lipstick, huh?”
“And that’s... your only complaint?” Janus dared to ask.
“Pretty much, yeah,” Patton shrugged, before collapsing into his dance partner, hugging him tight. Janus gladly reciprocated, unable to believe how lucky he was to have the sweet, kind boy he loved so much seemingly like him back.
The two of them returned to the dressing room, covering their mouths with their hands to hide their smudged lipstick.
Janus quickly ducked into the room, sneakily grabbed his and Patton’s makeup bags and and exited again, taking Patton to the bathrooms in order to redo their lipstick in secret. Before covering up the evidence, however, they shared one last kiss, with hopes of perhaps more to come after the show. Janus looked in the mirror to do his own lipstick, and placed his hand under Patton’s chin while doing his. Patton was pretty bad at staying still normally, but this time was another level- he became a giggling, blushing mess every time Janus so much as looked at him.
“So,” Patton said. “You kissed me.”
“That I did,” chuckled Janus. “I... I think I’ve always loved you, Patton.”
The smaller boy’s blush was visible even beneath his heavy foundation.
“I think I love you too,” he said.
“Patton, would you be my... partner?”
“We’re already dance partners, silly!”
Janus raised an eyebrow, waiting for Patton to realise.
“Oh. Oh, you mean like... yeah, Jan, I’d love to.”
Patton closed the distance between him and Janus and the other held him tight, the two of them doing a mini waltz around the bathrooms for a few minutes before having to return to the dressing room and prepare for their next dances.
A/N: ....you see what I mean now?
@sophiexwrites , I just wanna thank you once again for your support with all my writing! Your sweet comments really motivate me to keep creating, same with everyone else who’s left comments on my work
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