#the best one smile wise is the grass pic lol
camera headcanon
I’m writing  this because it just came to my mind and my beadtime head canon is starting to look a little forced so I decied to work on something else for right now
inspired by a pic of china with a camera(wow that’s sound so obvious lol)
when Uma first found out about this they didn’t know what to make of it
Uma gil and harry were out strolling through auradon looking to buy some stuff
clothes, junk food , the new movie that was picked out (peter pan 2004 Uma thinks this is hilarious, Gil curious and harry has mixed feelings but is was picked out so their seeing it )
when they walk past a electronic store and there it is sitting at the window
she thought it looked interesting so she goes in to the store to check it out
after looking throughout the store she gets a electronic one and a vintage polaroid
she loves it
she takes photos of tress , birds, buildings hell everything (you can’t lie you would take pictures of the most stupidest things if you got a camera)
soon she was stopping them every five minutes to take a picture
gil and harry didn’t mind they loved the look of pure childlike wonder in her eyes when ever she took a new picture
they were just content with the fact that she was having a good time because they almost never got to see her this happy on the isle when they weren’t all alone.
soon she started to use her new camera to educate the people of auradon about the isle of the lost.Uma harry and gil asked king ben if they could all visit the isle for a day to take pictures of the poor conditions there
ben of course said yes saying that this is what the people auradon need a good dose of reality
once there Uma went to work taking pictures of
rotten food ,
the sick people stuck on the street
the broken down building
they even took  pictures of the insides of some of the houses showing that people actually live in them
the children in rags looking like they haven’t eaten in weeks
she took pictures of the same children stealing because its the only way they could survive
went they got back she started making posters to post around auradon prep and the kingdom alike
she called it “the true isle of the lost” ( cur me a break on the name its 4 am)
some had captions like
“this is what your making them do to survive”
‘this is  where we’re forced to live’
'this is  what we’re forced to eat’
'this is how we’re forced to stay because we have no medicine’
ending with either ’ Are you happy now?“ "is this justice?”
this made the citizens of auradon realize that its not just the villain suffering there but there children as well who have done nothing to deserve this.
this give the kings campaign a much needed boost it needed and more people came on broad but they still face challenges with who should be let off the isle or not its slow but there making progress
now I bet you’re wondering what is she using the polaroid for then
this is her personal camera
she uses it to take pictures of her and her boys on movies nights
she got a perfect one of when the popcorn was about to enter gils mouth
of when there out chilling
she has one when they were all laying the grass of harry looking out with sun just making his eyes…light up its beautiful
gil reaction to his first A+ (his smile was so wide she thought his face would break) 
off guards are her favorite to take
sleeping ones next (she has tons of photos of gil and harry sleeping)
especially of harry since he can and will fall asleep anywhere
she keeps of these in a plastic zip lock bag in a shoe box in her closet
what she doesn’t know is that gil and harry do the same thing and have there own little uma stash of there own
harry has ones of her
giving a speech for there isle of the lost campaign with a megaphone
doing homework because he loves that look she gets
smiling when no ones looking ( those are one his most precious ones)
and laughing the way her eyes lit up and even shine with unshed tears of joy is something he cant explain with words
gil takes more odd ones he finds her the prettiest when she not even trying
he loves taking them when she’s eating( don’t tell her but hey who doesn’t love a girl who can eat)
when she’s sword fighting with harry or other wise but he finds it 10x better when their with harry because he always ends up shirtless
he even has a nice set of photos of when she got in to a fist fight with a princess who said that harry should be put in an asylum. ( just think of the scene in lilo and stitch two when stitch does the same thing)
harry doesn’t pull her off until he absolutely has too but gil has some pictures of his face when Uma throws the first punch its a mixture of pride, awe,and love
he even catches the kiss harry gave her afterwards as a thank you for sticking up for him (god he loves them)
his favorites are the ones when she catches his taking them
he would proceed with quickly running away with the photo while harry video tapes it all while laughing the whole time.
the best ones are of all of them together smiling.
hope you like it
ps pass it on Gils official sprit animal should be stitch 💓💓
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