#the barbara episode is *so good* to analyze if you want to think about dorothy's character & the way she approaches relationships
the-eclectic-wonderer ยท 5 months
I read your fic and this is just a part of the fic but the Barbara stuff is so on point, Dorothy's canon reaction to her can so easily be read as repressed queerness. And every time she's worried the others are pulling a cruel prank and gonna be disgusted with her (because of course its different when it's her, of course she thinks she's the weird wrong one)? Oh honey.
Hi anon, thank you so much for reading my fic!!
I agree!! I remember that the *first* time I watched the Barbara episode (before I knew what Barbara's whole deal was), the whole situation struck me as very queer-coded (you know, Dorothy gets a new special friend, they have long and profound conversations, they go on 'dates' to the theater and the restaurant...). Dorothy got very close to her in a very short time! In canon I suppose this can be explained as excitement -- she has a new interesting friend and she's also a bit in awe of her, because she met her as a fan of her works -- but a (repressed) queer reading seems very appropriate to me too. I rewatched some of S3 to do some research for this fic, and when I got to this episode, I knew I had to do something with it. :)
Ah, I know -- it's painful. Poor Dorothy has a lot to work through when it comes to accepting affection! I understand where she's coming from very well -- I would also think of a prank if anyone were to show any interest in me ๐Ÿ˜‚ and honestly, after the life she's lived, it's no wonder! You got it right -- of course she thinks the problem is all with her; the idea that Blanche and Rose might actually be interested in her is simply absurd. This also plays into how she avoids the issue with Sophia -- her Ma tells her clearly and openly that she wouldn't love her children one bit less if they were gay, but of course she doesn't really believe that applies to her too! Or, at least, not until the end of the fic. :)
My answer got a bit lengthy, I apologize -- and thank you so much for telling me what you thought! If you have any other thoughts you'd like to share, I'd love to read them!! <3
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