#the 3 day weekend was amazing i'm so happy that i got to spend it with my partner and i had a wonderful time
peach-thief · 1 year
everyone we are back at it again
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yeostars · 4 months
When ATEEZ members give you back hugs, reaction post! [hyung line ver.]
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<3 Hongjoong
•Hongjoong had invited you to visit him in his new studio when you were free from work. It was getting pretty hard to spend time with your bf nowadays, and the only way you could be together was if you visited him in his studio while he was working. You took up on the offer because, why not? You would also get to see how his new studio looked like and you were excited.
•When you finally reached, hongjoong welcomed you warmly, showing you around his new studio proudly: the brand new gigantic sofa, the decorative lights, the new computer setup, everything looked amazing. You couldn't take your eyes off your surroundings, hongjoong had decorated it on quite a minimalist manner yet it looked stylish, you definitely felt that it was truly his style.
•Your breath almost hitched in your throat as two arms wrapped around your waist, slowly, as you examined a few paintings he hung at the top of the wall. "Looks good, doesn't it? Do you like it, babe?" He asked, his voice low. You placed your own palm above his arms wrapped around you, caressing it softly. "It looks amazing, joong. You're surely gonna love working here from now on." You said, a blush creeping up on your cheeks when he pulled you even closer to him.
"I missed you. It's sad that the only way we can spend time nowadays is when you visit me while I'm at work." He sounded frustrated. You felt disappointed about that too, ofcourse, but thats just how it was: your work timings and his were different so the only time when you truly got to spend time with him was during the weekends.
"I missed you too, love. Lets plan a short trip for this weekend, even if it's two days, we'll make the most of the time we have together." You tried your best to sound enthusiastic. Hongjoong always loved that about you, how you tried to be happy in front of him even though he knew you were disappointed sometimes.
"That sounds great. Now that you're here, let me order your favourite food, then we can plan the trip today itself." His arms left your waist, and his fingers naturally intertwined with yours, as he led you towards the couch. You both sat comfortably there, spending your precious time together to the fullest.
<3 Seonghwa
• You had a pretty bad day. Might just be the worst day of your life, nothing seemed to work out the way you wanted it to- you accidentally dropped your favourite mug and hot coffee spilled all over your brand new work outfit, you were late for the bus at the bus stop and you barely managed to get work and reply to mails at work, your senior had asked you to take over an absent employee's work but you couldn't get it done efficiently and got a lot of hearing from your boss regarding the same.
• Hence, here you were, sitting at the edge of your bed that you shared with your bf, your head buried in your knees as you quietly sobbed. Seonghwa was going to be home soon and you wanted to stop crying and try to be normal because you did not want to make him worry, he was going to be quite tired himself from practice. But you couldn't help it, you cried half of the time and half of the time you cursed yourself mentally.
• You almost started to get a migraine because of how much you had cried till now. You didn't even notice that Seonghwa came back home, calling out for you. At this point, you felt that you were about to have a bad anxiety attack.
"Y/N, you're already home?" He called out, searching for you and cautiously approached your shared bedroom, entering only once he noticed that the door was slightly open.
"Sweetheart? What are you doing here?" He asked, noticing your hunched shoulders, your back faced him as he entered. Without another word, he sat behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer to his chest. Seonghwa did not need to say anything else, he knew how you were when you were at your lowest and knew exactly what you wanted- physical affection. You immediately leaned into his embrace, your head resting against his shoulder.
"Breathe in, and out- yes, that's it. You're okay. Everything's okay, I'm here." Seonghwa hummed in satisfaction as your breathing was under control, and if he hadn't come now you would have already had a pretty bad anxiety attack. His hands moved on slow, comforting circles on your arms, his embrace truly was the most comforting thing in the world.
"I got pretty worried when I reached home and didn't see you in the living room. What happened, love?" He asked after a while.
"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." You let out, slowly facing him as you felt better and calmed down. Seonghwa reached out for your face, his fingers gently wiping your tear stained cheeks. "Please, don't apologise for this. You know that I'm always here for you. Wanna talk about it?" You nodded, but before that Seonghwa quickly got up and bought you a glass of water, watching you with a soft smile at the corner of his lips as you slowly chugged the water down. "Good. Now tell me who i have to deal with, who made you cry like this?" He asked, sounding quite serious.
"It's nothing, hwa. I just happened to have the worst day ever, all because of my clumsiness." You let out with a huff, and Seonghwa placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. He listened to you rant about anything and everything, all night- your worst day had apparently become so much better because of Seonghwa.
<3 Yunho
• It was the weekend, you got up quite earlier than usual instead of staying in bed and sleeping longer. Your stomach grumbled violently, you remembered how you barely had dinner last night because you were trying intermittent fasting to loose some weight. As you thought about whipping up a breakfast that was healthy and could make you full as well, you slowly untangled yunho's arms around your shoulders, careful not to wake him up and headed towards the bathroom to brush first and then made your way towards the kitchen.
• The first light of dawn streamed towards the kitchen window, as you softly hummed to yourself while flipping some eggs and reached the cutting board to slice up a few avocados to add on top. All of a sudden, a pair of strong arms encircled your waist, making you flinch. "Geez, can you atleast give me a warning!!!" You let out, calming down instantly as you saw Yunho's adorable still-sleepy face and he backed down a little, rubbing his eyes. You chuckled, placed his arms around your waist once again and continued slicing up the avocados.
• "You seriously get scared by the smallest stuff, don't you?" He teased, now fully awake. "Not my fault that you hug me from behind out of nowhere. You know I flinch easily."
"Good morning to you too." He replied instead, placing his chin firmly on your shoulder, observing your every little move on the cutting board. You hummed, now reaching out for the whole wheat bread packet. Yunho's eyes landed on your neck, and he detached his chin from your shoulders, smirking to himself. A noticeable, reddish spot, a hickey- at the right side of your neck. "What are you doing?" You asked, as your eyes met his and you glanced down sideways, trying your best to see what exactly he was staring at and tracing that made him so smug. He now placed a kiss exactly at the spot where he gave you a hickey, admiring it.
•"You're insane, you know that? I'll have to cover that up with makeup now, I have work tomorrow..." You sighed, but at the same time you couldn't hide the blush that formed on your cheeks as you remembered what exactly had happened last night.
"I'll do it more often now. How about I suck at a spot right besides this one?" Yunho teased, as you swatted your arm playfully at his, he lightly stumbled behind. "That's what you get for being mean first thing in the morning." You pouted, but reached forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek regardless when he flashed you his best innocent puppy face smile.
"Go brush and sit, I'll cook some eggs for you too." You said and he nodded, practically running towards the bathroom because apparently he was very hungry, too.
<3 Yeosang
• It was a day off for the both of you. Regardless, you had to get some work done from home because you had been procrastinating for the same. After having breakfast together, yeosang was sitting on the couch, gaming in your living room and you sat at the work desk in your room, carefully reviewing mails and getting such work done.
• You spent 2 hours consistently working, and although your chair was quite comfortable your shoulders started to ache badly. Right when you were groaning about your shoulder pain, Yeosang entered your room, passing you a gentle smile. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms all around your neck, and you giggled when his breath tickled your ears.
"You've been working since hours, y/nnie~ come on, it's time to have lunch." He said, staring at your laptop screen and you typed hurriedly, your stomach grumbling at the mention of lunch, you were quite hungry.
"Just a few minutes, then we can order something. Ah, my shoulder hurts, can you move behind a little?" You asked, and Yeosang immediately removed his hands from your neck, resting them gently on your shoulders instead.
"Sorry, I didn't realise. You want me to massage them? I'm sure you'll feel relieved if I do, I'm quite skilled." He added.
"Yes, please. Thank you in advance, yeo." You sighed in pleasure as he bagan to knead your shoulders with him thumbs, applying gentle pressure to the knots that had formed from hours of tension. His fingers worked expertly, finding the tight spots and easing the stiffness with slow, deliberate movements.
"Make sure to take breaks in between. You overwork yourself sometimes." He said, continuing to massage your shoulders skillfully. "I will, thank you. You're the best." You continued to work for a few minutes more as Yeosang sat on your bed, watching you. When your work was finally done, you got up, and Yeosang reached for you, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let's order something, I'm starving."
"How about we watch the drama you're currently watching, while having lunch?" You said, knowing how much Yeosang loved watching that drama. "That'd be perfect, let's go." He smiled, leading you towards the living room.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Omg can I please have some fluff like Kylian and reader visit his parents house for the weekend and it makes Ethan really happy to see reader because she’s his bestie, when they get there Ethan takes her away from Kylian and he gets jealous they spend over 3 hours together and then reader comes back to Kylian in his childhood bedroom where they watch movies and have cuddles💕
"Can you say it again?"
You laugh, making him repeat words in english. You love the way his accent sounds, loving the way he pronounces the words.
"I love it." You laugh, squishing his hand. "Don't forget to call your dad."
You were driving to his mother's house. He planned this weekend exclusively for his family and you two to be together.
Since the beginning of the season, he has had so much stress, making him crave some family time.
His mother and brother lived remotely close to his house. Sometimes, even spend nights with him.
But this season, everything changed, Ethan was practicing with the first team, but he was traveling with the second team a lot, and his mom was busy with his foundation. Making the time very much tighter for them.
Fayza went to Bondy. She wanted to get some paperwork and some things ready to sell the house. The thing that made Kylian sad.
His mother's house was the first thing he ever bought with his hard earned money. He wanted his parents to have their own home. So he gifted them the house.
His mom kept the house during the divorce, so it was hers now. Kylian didn't have a say because, as he says, it was theirs and not his.
Before the divorce of his parents, they all used to live there. Even their older brother and Melissa.
But when he moved from Monaco to Paris, Jires went to Turkey and Wilfried to another place closer to Paris. The house felt different.
Melissa and the kids stayed there with Ethan and Fayza. But to him, it was still weird not having his father with them.
"Oui, mon amour."
He was in charge of the music, being the passenger princess he was, refusing to only sit and relax. So he took the dj job.
The call was quick, Wilfried and him exchanged some words and then hang up.
"I want some waffles with whipped cream." He says, stomach roaring.
"Well, you could have had it, but you refused to eat."
"I wasn't hungry. You knew that."
"Maybe because you chose to wake up like ten minutes before leaving."
He pouts, not answering, but his facial expression was enough of an answer.
"We are almost there, bébé." You say pointing at the GPS. "And knowing your brother, he's probably waiting for us."
"Correction, he's waiting for you."
Ethan and you have an amazing relationship. He sees you as an older sister he can trust. Always stealing you and making you two do all sorts of things while visiting.
"He is." You sigh, turning your head to him quickly. "It's not my fault your family loves me more than you."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He knows you're joking. He actually loves how close you're with his family.
He never met someone who was so perfect with his parents, brothers, and even extended family.
The drive continues for another twenty minutes. Thankfully, the roads were pretty empty, making the drive a fast one.
"Look, we're here." You smile, squishing his arm. "Ready to have an amazing weekend?"
He nods, smiling like a kid on Christmas day. "Oui, I'm so happy."
He helped you with the bags, asking you to go onside and announce yourself, but two little laughs beat you at that.
"Y/n" Lana yells, she throw herself at you.
"Bonjour, mon petit fille." You spin her around. Kissing her cheeks.
You look for her brother, noticing he is in Kylian arms. He's welcoming his uncle. "Bonjour, Isayah."
You got closer to them, kissing his cheek just like you did with Lana. Making him laugh.
Fayza was standing at the front door. The scene was adorable to her. She can easily picture you and kylian in a few years with your own children.
Living in a house with a big garden, she thought about it maybe a little too much. But she can't be blamed. After all, Kylian was the one who described how he pictures your life together.
"Bonjour, my babies." She says, catching your attention. "Come here, let me help you."
She hugs you tightly, repeating the actions with her son. She took Isayah from Kylian arms, following you to the living room of the house.
"Melissa, hello." You say happily, she has become a close friend for you. Always counting on her for everything.
"We literally saw each other like three days ago." She laughs, hugging you.
"She's obsessed with you, that's why."
"You're just jealous, kyky."
He rolled his eyes for the second time, going upstairs to leave the bags and to wake Ethan up.
"How was your exams?" Fayza asks, curious about your life.
"It was good, I think I did a good job."
"You did, don't doubt about yourself." She says, kissing your cheek.
She was like a mom to you, always caring and loving you since you met her. She was extra special to you, knowing you were there to stay since the beginning.
You can hear kylian laughing from the second floor, probably doing something to Ethan or laughing at some joke.
"Boys." Fayza shakes her head. "Come help me, sweet. I can guess Kylian didn't eat breakfast."
"You know your son." You laugh, walking with her to the kitchen where she was cutting some fruits and making waffles.
You chat with her and Melissa, who joined you. Kylian and Ethan were in the living room chatting with their dad.
Wilfried and Kylian were messing with Ethan. He recently changed his style, so he felt a little more confident than usual, which Ky loved.
"Let's eat everybody." You call.
Wilfried shared some stories about his most recent trip, Melissa worked with Kylian, so her stories weren't new for the family.
Ky told them about the next matches, feeling like his stories were kind of repetitive, but you enjoyed them.
The way he was very into creating new ways and opportunities for him and the team to score and win.
"But the news here is, this mademoisell right here." He pats your knee. "Is going to be a valedictorian again."
They all got so excited at the news, Fayza and Wilfried telling you how proud they're of their "daughter."
As the day continues, you spend the rest of the morning helping Ky and Wilfried to prepare the meat and veggies for the barbecue.
It was Ethan the one with the idea of making a big family barbecue and everybody agreed with him.
"After this, you and I are going to play some fifa. This time, you're not beating me." Ethan lightly pushed you, making you laugh.
"Yes, and I want to know about that girl you texted me about." You whisper in his ear, making him blush at the thought of his crush.
"Deal, but first a fifa game."
After lunch, Lana and Isayah wanted you to join them on the pool. Wanting to play with you and their uncle like always.
"Oh, mon bébés." You say sadly, you wanted to swim with them but also you promised Ethan days before to have a chat with him. "As soon as I finish with Uncle Ethan, I'll be here, okay?"
Kylian pouts more than they do. You send him a kiss while you walk inside the house.
Ethan and you have an amazing relationship. He trusted you with his life. Sometimes, when Kylian was away and couldn't get a hold of him, you were there for him. Ready to help.
When it comes to girls, you're his go-to person. Maybe because he knows how much Kylian is a master with the football but not that much in the dating area.
"Okay, pause pause pause." You laugh at him, pushing you in order to make you lose the goal. "You, young man, own me a story."
"I own you anything, woman." He laughs, imitating your tone.
"C'mon, tell me, did she like the roses?"
"She did." He smiles. "Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what I would do without you here."
"Probably be the best at fifa." You say, making both laugh at that. "But don't worry, E. I'm here for anything you need."
The fifa game took hours, hours Kylian didn't got to spend with you. Hours he was pouting like a child.
He's sitting on the couch hearing the laughs and screams you and Ethan are making. Feeling left out.
He knows feeling like this is dumb, but he's been so busy lately that even spending time with you was a bit difficult.
He helped his parents with picking up the plates, washing them and even helped Melissa with the kids.
And still not you.
"Bonjour, Monsieur Mbappe." You say in this funny accent. He was in his old childhood bed, a single one. He looked so big for the bed.
He turns to the wall, feeling left out and being jealous. "Go play fifa."
"Yeah, it was fun, I had to pick your player." You tease. "But maybe I should have picked Olivier. He's faster."
He turns back to you, eyes narrowed and pout. "Did you just call me slow?"
"You're such a baby, come here, mon amour." You throw yourself on top of him. He hugged you like a koala bear. "God, you're crushing me."
"Good, so you don't go."
"What if we moved and watch something?"
He thinks about it for a few seconds, making you squeak. "Can we watch that scary movie I like?"
"If I say yes, would you let me breathe?"
He laughs, softening the hug, making you sigh and breathe deeply. "Can you get some popcorn?"
You nod, getting up from the bed. But first, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. "Some soda too?"
"You're making me break my diet." He laughs. Kissing your lips.
"Good, once in a while." You return the kiss.
Going down to the kitchen, you notice that Fayza is there, sitting at the kitchen island with a book in her hands.
"Hi, I thought you were asleep by now."
"No, Ky wants to see a movie, and he's kinda grumpy from all the attention everyone is getting from me. Everyone but him."
"Well, he's a man. They always want more but never know how to ask." She laughs, winking at you.
You laugh with her, making a little chat while the popcorn is getting ready at the microwave.
"I'm gonna miss this house. I feel like it was yesterday when Kylian brought me here to meet you."
"Oui, so many memories. But I think it is time for us to move on."
You nod, thinking about the amazing memories you shared with Kylian and his family there.
You place the popcorn in a bowl, grabbing two sodas and leaving Fayza and her book alone.
The movie was good, it has a scary factor. But your mind was still roaming through the memories.
You scratch lightly Kylian arms, something you do when you're cuddling while watching a move or a show.
He's focused on the movie and the popcorn. Not noticing how you're so lost into nothing.
"I wish we could stay longer. I know this is not my family home, but this place has something that I love."
"I get it, I feel like a part of me hurts from thinking about letting this go."
You stayed quiet for a while, trying to focus on a little bit of what's left from the movie. Kylian, on the other hand, got lost into his thoughts, he loved this place.
He wanted to make this a vacation home, to bring his kids to the place where he grew up, where the people supported him.
He wanted to save his childhood house. He wanted his, well, your kids to be able to hear the stories you created there, to be able to feel the magic you two feel there.
He takes the remote, turning the TV off, making you protest. "I have an idea."
"We're not pranking anyone, Ky."
"No, that's not it." He gets up. "Well, that's a good idea, you can't deny."
"No." You laugh.
His hands found yours, intertwining them and looking at you in the eyes. "Let's buy the house."
"What?" You say, taken aback by the sudden proposition.
"Oui, we can use the house for weekend getaways, we can use it for vacations. For special occasions."
"But I thought."
"I know what I said." He interrupts you. "But I can't deny that there's a special something, and in the near future, I want to create more memories with you here. I can't wait for our kids to enjoy this place like we did."
"Oh, bébé." You let his hands go to press your palms to his cheeks, kissing him slowly. Feeling all the emotions. "We have to talk to your mom about it."
"Can you believe that? If she says yes, this will be our first house together."
"This will be your house, Kyky." You laugh, even tho he always told you that what was his was yours, this was different from a t-shirt, this is a whole house.
"No, bébé. This will be ours."
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
The Art of Love Chapter 4
Chapter 3 here
You typically wore a blouse, pants, and ballet flats to school; it was the most comfortable type of outfit to move around and teach in. On Monday, though, you opted for a different outfit. There was no special reason, you thought to yourself. Today, you decided to wear a pale blue, flowy sundress with a white cardigan, and wedge heels. You took a look at yourself in the full-length mirror in your bedroom, did a little spin, and thought you looked presentable enough. Again, you thought to yourself, there was no special reason for the change in outfit; you just wanted to try something different today. At least that's what you told yourself.
You made it to work at your usual time, and as the students started trailing in, many of them complimented you in their own adorable ways. "You look pretty today, Miss L/N!" one student exclaimed. They always knew how to bring a smile to your face in one way or another. That morning, Mirio dropped Eri off again at school, just as he did on her first day. "Good morning, Miss L/N!" Mirio said with a wide smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him; he had such an infectious personality. "Good morning to you, Mirio. It's nice to see you again." His smile beamed even more when you said that. "Mr. Aizawa will be picking Eri up at school today; he mentioned having a meeting with you?"
"That's right," you replied to him. "That's good! Well, I'm off, I have classes to get to myself." With that, he gave you one last dazzling smile, gave Eri a small hand squeeze and a wink, and took his leave. After Mirio left, you looked down at Eri and gave her a sweet smile, "and how was your weekend, Eri?" She beamed up at you; she seemed a lot happier now than she did during her first week. "It was amazing! I got to spend time with Mirio and Izuku, who gave me candy apples! And I trained with Mr. Aizawa! He said I'm growing stronger every day!" Your heart beamed at her sentiment; she seemed so genuinely happy.
"That's wonderful, Eri! I'm so happy to hear you had a good weekend!" She beamed up at you again; she seemed like such a sweet girl. You couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of trauma that she has been through to bring her to your classroom, but you were grateful she was here. The bell finally rang, so Eri and the rest of the students took their seats. That day, you asked them to draw self-portraits. You were interested in how they viewed themselves.
While they drew their self-portraits, you reviewed their work from the previous week. You looked at Eri's colored mandala once again, thinking of Shouta stating the color choices she made were interesting. Those colors seemed to be the general theme of the majority of the creations she made; variations of purple, green and black. You were interested in talking more to Shouta about her past, and why she seems to normally choose these color themes. You stopped yourself mid-thought; why did your mind keep going to Shouta?
Even though you asked yourself this question, you couldn't lie to yourself; you found him intriguing. You were mesmerized from the moment you laid eyes on him. No man has made you feel anything in years, not since your dear Kento passed. You frowned at the thought of Kento; all of these years later, you did still miss him, and you felt guilty at the thought of even entertaining liking another man. You remembered Kento's funeral, how you decided then and there to close your heart off to relationships from that point forward.
But were you being fair to yourself in this decision? Kento loved you, and would want to see you be happy. You were happy…overall. You absolutely loved your job and your life, but you had to admit you felt lonely at times. You knew that, deep down, Kento would want you to find someone that will open your heart back up. That's not saying that it would necessarily be Shouta Aizawa; you don't even know the man, but Kento would want you to eventually open your heart back up to someone.
You were so lost in your thoughts that day, that you didn't even notice that the bell rang and school day was over. Suddenly, you had a line of students standing in front of you, waiting to hand in their self-portraits. While the students' parents came in to pick them up, you collected their self-portraits, telling them all you would see them the next day. Eri was last in line, and handed in her portrait; it had a child in a light tan dress, wearing what looked to be white bandages going down both arms and legs, and the background was solid black. "Eri…" you trailed off, when you noticed Shouta and another man in the doorway.
You put the drawing down, stood up and welcomed both men in. "Eri, did you have a good day today?" Shouta asked her. She beamed up at him and nodded her head. On the outside, she appeared to be a happy little girl; you could tell that the staff and students at the U.A. took good care of her. However, based on her artwork thus far, this poor little girl is definitely still experiencing inner turmoil. Shouta then turned to you, "hello, Y/N. This is my friend, Toshinori Yagi, or All Might, as you may know him." Toshinori bowed down to you, saying, "it's a pleasure to meet you, young Y/N." You bowed to him, returning the greeting.
Shouta spoke up, "Toshinori is going to take Eri back to the U.A. while you and I talk." He turned to look at Eri again, "Eri, I will see you back at the campus. You'll be on your best behavior tonight, right?" Eri beamed up at him and exclaimed, "I will!" Eri took her leave with Toshinori, leaving you and Shouta alone. You know he was there to talk about Eri, but you couldn't help but feel nervous. Shouta turned back to you, looked you up and down, saying, "you look very nice today." Your heart practically pounded out of your chest at the compliment. What was wrong with you? "Thank you," you breathily replied, "please, have a seat," as you motioned to the seat on the other side of your desk.
To be continued…
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
A angst fic based on All too Well.
Plot- Y/N is haunted by the memories of her past relationship with Eddie. A man that was older, hurt her, and left her scarred.
I've been dying to write an older Eddie fic based on this song and I loved how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoy it and it paints a picture for you all. The song is amazing, as well as the short film. If you read it, thank you so much <3
This is all angst
I walked through the door with you The air was cold But something about it felt like home somehow And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house And you've still got it in your drawer even now
Y/N shivered in her oversized coat as she snuggled into Eddie's warm body. His arm over her shoulder as he walked her through the door of his sister's house.
Y/N took in the smell of the gingerbread candle that burned near the door. The room lit up with white Christmas lights around the archway. Photos of Eddie's family covered the walls as he helped her take off her coat. Her scarf unraveled as she took in the Christmas tree in the corner. Y/N placed her scarf on the stair railing, her attention back on Eddie as he hugged his sister. The warm smile on his face as he laughed with his brother-in-law.
Something about the moment felt like home. Like she was Eddie's wife and they were at the in-laws to celebrate Christmas. Their kids would be running around, screaming, and becoming best friends.
Y/N loved that she walked into a real home. And hated leaving it behind. She couldn't smell a gingerbread candle without being thrown back to his sister's house. She remembered how she left her scarf there, expecting to return. No idea in her mind that she'd never see Eddie's sister again.
Oh, your sweet disposition And my wide-eyed gaze We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place And I can picture it after all these days
Y/N walked around the small park, hot coffee in her hand as she took in the scenery around here. The autumn leaves cover the ground, crunching beneath her boots. The oranges, reds, and yellows were beautiful but she couldn't help but hate it all. The leaves remind her of the falls she used to spend with Eddie. Even after all these days, she could picture it all.
Y/N's eyes were focused on Eddie as he drove. Another trip upstate, something they did every weekend, and she never asked why. The town left behind them as they sang their hearts out. The speakers were loud, the leaves were falling, and her heart was blossoming.
And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all 'Cause there we are again on that little town street You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me Wind in my hair, I was there I remember it all too well
Y/N knew she and Eddie were done and the magic they once had would never come back. They burned out as fast as they lit up. The pain she felt with Eddie was something she knew she'd never recover from. It was a cut that bled and bled.
She hated that she saw him in everything. Whenever she was stopped at a red light, she swore she felt his presence in the car with her.
The music was loud, Eddie's fingers hitting against the steering wheel. All the windows were down, and Y/N's hair blowing everywhere. She kept laughing as she tried to keep it all in place but never bothered to put it up. Eddie smiled as he watched her. She looked so happy, and carefree. Her laughter silenced the music around him like his ears only wanted to hear the sweet sounds of her enjoyment.
The tires rolled fast down the little town street, the gps leading them far away from home. Hours spent on the road as they listened to music. His hand in hers. He couldn't stop the huge smile stretching across his lips. A slight chuckle left his lips. The deep sound caught her attention, her head back in the car as she looked over to him. She smiled as she caught him smiling at her. It was like time stopped. She saw their future in his eyes.
Then his head turned and he slammed on the brakes. An apologetic smile on his face as he looked back at her, but all she did was burst out into more laughter. The red light reflected on the windshield.
If only she knew he'd slam on the brakes every time she pictured their future together.
Photo album on the counter Your cheeks were turning red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me
Black and white photos are held behind some pieces of plastic. A thick book on the counter as Eddie's mom's red nails pointed to each picture, revealing the story behind the pose. Y/N listened to every word and memorized every detail. Eddie's cheeks were fiery red as they flipped through the photo album. Pictures of Eddie growing up right before their eyes.
"You had glasses!" Y/N said, she never once saw Eddie in glasses, not even sunglasses. But there he was in a white striped uniform and baseball helmet. He held a bat bigger than him and a big smile towards the camera.
"Yeah! Realized he needed them when he never saw the ball coming at him." Eddie's mom joked, Y/N laughing but Eddie didn't look pleased. He groaned and covered his face. But he knew Y/N loved every second of learning about his past.
"Hopefully our kids won't need those." Eddie joked, his arm over Y/N's shoulder as he turned the page. She felt butterflies in her stomach, Eddie thought of them having kids. She was in awe that he pictured a future for them.
We were always skippin' town And I was thinkin' on the drive down: Any time now He's gonna say it's love You never called it what it was
She should have questioned why all their dates had to be in a different town. She shouldn't have thought nothing of it.
Every single drive was just the two of them. Alone on the open road she always felt something dropping in her stomach as they reached the next town.
It was a relationship, but he never called it what it was. He never admitted it was love.
And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to 'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light Down the stairs, I was there I remember it all too well, yeah
In the end, Y/N knew there was nothing she could do to save them. She was slowly losing herself trying to be a version of herself that he'd love enough to show off. But that wasn't on her, that was on him and his insecurities. Sometimes she felt peace, with her mind on other things. She could feel her body healing cut by cut, her brain closing out his memory. The peace of forgetting why she was so scared.
But one trigger sends her right back. Her ghost of a body standing in the refrigerator light, a bottle of water in her hand. She got what she needed, yet her body couldn't move. She was stuck in a trance, his ghost touching her shoulder.
"May I have this dance?" Eddie asked, his warm hand on her shoulder as he spun her around. She giggled and placed down her water. Her hands laced together in his as he hummed the beat of a song. His warm body against hers as they slowly danced in the dimness of the refrigerator light. He twirled her around and around. She giggled as she felt the air in her hair and the warmness of his eyes on her. The way he held her close and kissed her lips.
She couldn't help but feel like that was what true love was. Even if they never danced anywhere but in the refrigerator light.
And there we are again when nobody had to know You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath Sacred prayer and we'd swear To remember it all too well, yeah
Laughing in the park as they walked down the dark streets. Late past midnight but the night was young for them. Y/N loved the lights and the glow on the pavement from the rain. Her hand was in Eddie's as they followed the trail.
"Why don't we ever do this during the day?" She asked, thinking nothing of it as she kicked the rock in front of her foot.
"Like to have you all to myself." He said, his hand unlocking from hers as he threw his arm over her shoulder. He snuggled her closer, as his eyes watched all around them.
She scoffed thinking about it now. He wanted her all to himself because she was a secret. She was something he didn't want strangers seeing or someone he slightly knew. She wasn't allowed at the holidays or the dinners because he didn't want people to know he was with someone way younger than him.
She was vowed to him. She'd do anything for him and he couldn't even be public with her. She hated how stupid she was. She hated how blinded by his charm she was. She'd shout from the rooftops how much she loved him and would keep his love like an oath. While all he did was find ways to keep her a secret but give her just enough love to latch on to.
And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well
"I don't understand why I can't go with you!" Y/N pushed. But it was like everything she said ran through Eddie's ear before his brain had time to process it.
The wedding invite was on the counter, a small piece of paper that started one of the biggest fights of them all.
"I don't see the big deal! I was invited and that's it. It's just a cousin's wedding, you don't need to come." Eddie argued, his voice was loud but he wasn't yelling yet. But he was frustrated, and she didn't know from what.
"It's your family, Eddie! I'm your girlfriend and it has a spot for a plus one. You got a fucking plus one! Why don't you want me there?" She was hurt, and she couldn't understand why he didn't want her there. Why didn't he ever want her there? It wasn't just the wedding. He didn't want her at birthday dinners, holidays, work parties. He didn't want her anywhere unless it was in a home where they were hidden or in a different town.
"I'm not talking about this!" He said, slamming the front door as he walked out of her apartment. She ran to follow him, but he was gone.
That's what he always did. He ran and ran.
She dropped it, letting him attend the wedding on his own. Maybe she was asking just a little too much for him to go out of his comfort zone.
She didn't bring it up. Her friends were dying to meet him so she had them all over for dinner. They brought their boyfriends and she even went through Eddie's phone to ask his friends to join. A couple date night and she'd prepare dinner. She never met his friends and he never met hers.
That night she could tell Eddie was on edge. He barely spoke a word to her, he spent all the time talking to his friends. She couldn't help but see how all the couples were snuggled up, holding hands and whispering in each other's ears. She felt alone as her boyfriend kept moving his chair further from her.
Eddie was lost in a story he was telling, his right hand on the table. Y/N didn't think anything of it, sliding her hand in his like she'd done countless times. He continued the story with no interruptions, but his hand slipped out of hers and he gently placed her hand on the table. Next to his.
His right hand was now busy with holding his glass of wine as he laughed.
When the guests left, she couldn't hold it back. She was screaming and crying. Begging for a reason why he shoved her off like she was nothing. But Eddie never had the answers. He denied everything and tried to make it seem like she made everything up. She felt like she was going crazy. Was she upset about things she shouldn't be?
"I DIDN'T DROP YOUR FUCKING HAND! I GRABBED MY DRINK!" he screamed, his face inches away from hers.
And just like every fight, he slammed the door and ran.
Piece by piece he was destroying everything they painted together. The relationship they were building was losing a level by level.
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here 'Cause I remember it all, all, all Too well
She held the phone against her ear as she sobbed. She regretted picking up the phone when he called. Because every time she did, all he did was break her apart more. His apologies never had the word sorry or any realization of his mistakes. Just more excuses for the way he was. He liked to make it seem like he'd never lie to her so he always gave the hard truth, thinking he was never in the wrong since it was honesty.
They say all's well that ends well But I'm in a new hell every time You double-cross my mind You said if we had been closer in age Maybe it would've been fine And that made me want to die
Y/N despised how easy it was for Eddie to move on from her. She hated that there wasn't any hurt left on his part. She took all the hits and had to suffer with the cuts he left her with.
Somehow every time she thought of him, it hurt worse than before. She found new lows and suffered from no highs.
All he left her with was, if they had been closer in age she'd have the relationship she wanted. And she hated him for that. He went after her, he knew of her age the whole time. He made her fall in love, he pursued her and knew she wanted a future with him. He knew all of that and still was with her.
She wanted to die when the words left his lips. All of a sudden, the age was the deal breaker, but it wasn't sudden. It was in the back of his head the whole time. And he was the monster who let her be naive.
You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes Sippin' coffee like you're on a late-night show But then he watched me watch the front door all night Willin' you to come And he said: It's supposed to be fun Turning 21
She smiled as she watched Eddie and her dad laugh over a cup of coffee. The way her dad hung on every word Eddie had to say. She couldn't help but feel so much joy to see Eddie winning over her family.
But now she sat at the table with the cake in front of her. The same table Eddie and her dad sat at as they talked for hours. The flames of the candles burned her eyes, but not as much as the tears that threatened to fall.
She took in the room of people, so many family and friends. She should be happy, and she should feel fine. But he wasn't there and it ruined it all.
"It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one, kid." Her dad said as he pressed a small kiss to her head.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it
She missed who she was before him. She was put together, strong, and not touched by the destructive hands of a man. But now? She's all crumpled up and hated knowing she'd never be able to be the same again.
Because she always remembers it all.
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
Y/N continued her walk toward home. The fresh air felt amazing as it traveled into her lungs. She passed by a small shop, with thousands of plaid shirts on sale. She felt herself shiver. She hated this time of the year and when everyone would go back to wearing plaid. Because all it did was bring her back.
Eddie held her hips softly as he pushed himself inside and out of her. His rhythm was slow and gentle as she clenched around him. Her hands were in his hair as she gasped against his lips. The way she came around him, his name on her lips was like a prayer. The night he truly made her his own.
She wore his plaid button-up the next morning, his arms around her as she made breakfast. The radio playing as his soft lips kissed her neck.
She tried to shake off the memory as she made it inside. The box he sent weeks ago was still at her front door. She still walked past it without another glance.
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence And it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah
As every day passed, Eddie never took the scarf out of his drawer. He took it off the stairs after the night Y/N met his sister. He tossed it in the backseat but forgot to give it back. Months and months that scarf sat in his backseat, neither moving it. She liked that a piece of her was in his car at all times. Like there was a memory of her.
So she never grabbed it.
The night they broke it off, Eddie took that scarf inside. He didn't want to part with it so he kept it in his drawer.
He's over the breakup and he's fine. He's got a new girlfriend and he barely thinks of Y/N.
But yet, every morning he takes out the scarf. He holds it gently in his hands like the way he used to hold her. He knew it was stupid to keep it.
The sweet innocence of the best time of his life. The realest relationship he's ever had. But he knew it would never end with them together. She was too young and he couldn't stomach the stares of everyone knowing. He didn't want to be that guy dating a way too young of a girl.
But the scarf brought happiness and a sense of safety. He remembered every moment between them and it was a relationship that would continue to haunt him, for as long as he held that scarf.
So he sent it back to her in a small box. His final goodbye to her and the haunting memory of his mistakes. A clean state without her ghost taunting him.
Because he remembered it all too well.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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coimbrabertone · 4 months
Motorsports Christmas: An After-Action Report.
May 26th, 2024 was one of the biggest days in motorsports, and it was freaking exhausting in the best ways possible.
So, everybody knows that the Monaco Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500 are on the same day, well, the Charlotte 600 is on that day too, making for the triple. This year, the Catalan Motorcycle Grand Prix also fell on that weekend, so there was a quadruple of racing, and I was ready to watch it all.
I woke up around 5:30am - the joys of the Mountain Time zone - in time to watch MotoGP at 6am. Aleix Espargaro took pole on the factory Aprilia and Raul Fernandez on the Trackhouse Aprilia satellite bike lined up third, but it was Pecco Bagnaia in second that turned into the protagonist of the race. Bagnaia held off the likes of Jorge Martin, Marc Marquez, and Aleix Espargaro behind to take a calculated victory.
I was happy for Bagnaia, however, with Jorge Martin in second having a dominant championship lead, it did sort of feel like a pyrrhic victory. Bagnaia gives this controlled, smart victory ride but it doesn't really matter since he only scored five more points over his main championship rival. Add in the fact that Marc Marquez, who is toe-to-toe with Bagnaia in the fight for second, finished third. This means that Bagnaia leaves the Catalan Grand Prix 39 points behind Martin and just 2 ahead of Marquez.
That's not even the worst part.
Enea Bastianini - the rider I support - kinda had a meltdown this race. First, he starts eleventh, loses places off the start, and then got pushed off at turn one by Alex Marquez. Enea cuts the track to rejoin, receives a long lap penalty, refuses to serve it. He then gets gets pushed off again in a second attempt. Enea receives a double long-lap penalty for failing to serve the penalty, serves one but not the other, and then gets a thirty second penalty post race.
In his interviews, he called it a protest against unfair stewarding decisions.
On track, it led to him finishing eighteenth and out of the points.
This is particularly devastating as Jorge Martin and Marc Marquez - the guys in second and third - are fighting to take his seat for 2025. I already did a blogpost about this a few weeks ago and I have a lot to get to today, so I'll keep this brief, but yesterday was not a good day for Enea Bastianini.
The Monaco Grand Prix also happened. Swiftly moving on...
Joking. I'm joking. Monaco was actually pretty good this year. The Ferraris and McLarens qualified 1-3 and 2-4, respectively, so we got a fight between them rather than Red Bull dominance. Unfortunately, they decided to fight by going as slow as possible to prevent anyone else from pitting once they all got a free change of tyres under red following a scary first lap incident between Sergio Perez and the two Haas cars.
Still, it was a fight between Ferrari and McLaren and the top seven all put a lap on eighth place. That was as vintage F1 as you could get. It was also at vintage speeds with them running around four seconds off the pace, but hey, strategy shenanigans are fun.
Charles Leclerc won and proceeded to drop the Monegasque flag in front of the Prince of Monaco, twice. That is objectively funny and probably my favorite F1 moment of the weekend.
So, the Indianapolis 500.
Normally it would start shortly after Monaco, however, a rain front in Indianapolis delayed the 500 into the afternoon. This would wreck Kyle Larson's attempt to do the full 1100 mile double at Indy and Charlotte - more on that later - but it did actually lead to some great moments for me personally. Spending the hours in discords with other motorsports fans talking about when the rain might stop, when the track might dry out, when the race should start, whether Larson would stay or go...it all gave a very wholesome, community feel that I really enjoyed.
Then the race itself. It was amazing.
The clouds cleared, we got a partly cloudy afternoon with filled grandstands and a full 500-mile race around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. We got a little bit of everything. Crashes (where thankfully nobody was hurt), engine failures, competing fuel strategies, sixteen different leaders - that's half the field! - and a last lap, penultimate corner pass for the win.
Now, I'm an Arrow McLaren fan. Alexander Rossi was a driver who I followed in F1 because I was excited at the prospect of seeing the first American driver in a decade. Rossi's F1 hopes with Marussia didn't work out, but he went on to Indycar and won the Indy 500 in his first attempt. Between the peak Andretti years where he had the knife between his teeth bringing the fight to the likes of Josef Newgarden and Scott Dixon, to now, where he's in that beautiful #7 white and orange McLaren, bringing the fight to the likes of...Josef Newgarden and Scott Dixon.
Then there's Pato O'Ward, the exciting, young, charismatic Mexican charger in the #5, driving an awesome orange and black car. It's perfect, he and Rossi have night and day cars, and they were slingshot passing each other in the Indianapolis 500 to save fuel. That was the happiest I was during the race, watching my two favorite Indycar drivers in my favorite team leading 1-2.
Then Alexander Rossi made his final pitstop for fuel.
They were racing to keep track position, so they fueled him just a bit short, and I fear that ultimately decided the course of the race.
Josef Newgarden cycled out in front at the end of the fuel cycle, Alexander Rossi attacked first, got in front, but immediately got overtaken again as he had to save a bit of fuel. Rossi would try again, but Newgarden would nose ahead, as would Pato O'Ward.
Pato O'Ward was a student of the Indy 500, so he knew he had to make the pass as late as possible to ensure that Josef Newgarden wouldn't be able to respond. Pato would lift in turn one on a number of final laps to stay second and keep the draft, before finally making the attack in turn one on the final lap...only for Josef Newgarden to come back at him in turn three.
There was nothing Pato could've done at that point.
Josef made the pass in turn three, got a good exit off turn four, and Pato didn't get enough of a draft to the finish line in order to stop him. Pato was rightfully devastated, Rossi ended up in fourth, behind the lead two in addition to third placed Scott Dixon, as a result of his fuel strategy.
It was utterly devastating.
But that's motorsport. The days that you lose are what make the days that you win more meaningful. The Indianapolis 500 happened in its entirety despite all the rain and the worries. Not only that, but NBC is saying that the preliminary ratings look to be over 5 million viewers for the race. A last lap pass, a back-to-back winner, and a ratings bump over last year. As much as I wish Pato or Rossi could've won that race, I've spent the last day making my peace with it. For now, I'll just be happy that Indycar as a sport snatched a victory from the jaws of defeat.
Then there was the Coke 600 at Charlotte.
I tuned in late thanks to the late Indianapolis 500, and I was pretty emotionally drained at this point, but a charge from Brad Keselowski at the end of the second stage got me motivated again. Brad Keselowski, the owner-driver of the #6 for the team I support in NASCAR - Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing, also known as RFK Racing - pushed his way up the field. He moved into second, and he was hunting down the leader, Christopher Bell.
I began to believe that, after a 1,113-day winless streak, Brad Keselowski would win two races in three weeks.
Unfortunately, as soon as he caught up to the back of Bell, it started raining.
To add insult to injury, Kyle Larson, who had run the Indianapolis 500 earlier that day and completed all 500 miles, finishing 18th after a pitlane speeding penalty, had just arrived at Charlotte. He was about to take over the #5 from replacement driver Justin Allgaier, only he never got the chance.
At this point, I was emotionally drained after three and a half races, so at around 8:45pm, I fully embraced my grandmother era and went to bed.
That wound up being the right decision, because despite waiting out the rain and attempting to dry the track, NASCAR would end up calling the race anyway when they hit the end of Fox's TV window. Christopher Bell would win the race, Brad Keselowski would have to settle for second.
I quite literally missed nothing by going to bed when I did.
So, I sorta got the result I wanted at Catalunya, a full-on positive result at Monaco, and narrowly had my picks finish second at both Indianapolis and Charlotte.
In the grand scheme of things, that's not a bad Motorsports Christmas.
And on June 14th and 15th, we have Motorsports New Years with the 24 Hours of Le Mans, so the Racing Holidays aren't quite over.
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zjpg · 1 year
you and your brain
summary in which you're a study vlogger and he's your biggest supporter.
pairing lando norris x fem! psych student! reader
genre fluff, smau
warning hate comments for like 1 second. might be cringe i hope not tho lol
a/n in honor of me starting my psych journey next week🫡 ps. not the biggest fan of the tweets but yanno.
yourusername posted!
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liked by landonorris and 214,494 others
yourusername exams stacking up before winter break. STUDY TIP: study with someone that cares about you! even if they aren't even in school (cough lando couch). they'll make sure you take your breaks and hydrate :) happy studying
view all 12,393 comments
landonorris always making sure you're not killing yourself over a textbook 😁 -> yourusername thanks love
landonorris i love you and your brain -> liked by yourusername -> user1 i need a lando in my life -> carloszains55 me too.
user2 idk how this girl travels to like half the races and still finds time for schooling🥲 -> yourusername my classes are online and don't require me showing up to in-person class. plus most races i go to are during my summer breaks 😊
user3 lando = wag materiel -> landonorris thank you.
user4 i could never study psych 😭
user5 oscar and y/n are so cute :(
oscarpiastri when is your holiday? -> yourusername like a week -> landonorris 1 week, 3 days, 4 hours, and 23 seconds as of typing. -> oscarpiastri but who's really counting right?
landonorris posted!
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liked by yourusername and 322,493 others
landonorris shopping and studying season!
oscarpiastri that all you've been doing during holiday mate? -> landonorris just until her exams are over :)
user1 so she's making him spend his holiday watching her... study. -> user2 she's not making him do anything. and if she supports him weekend after weekend why can't he? -> user1 he's worked hard all season and he can't even relax because his gf is dragging him down. -> user3 bro what💀 she's literally a psychology student, she's been working hard too. and she isn't dragging him down, she's literally just studying and he's supporting her.
yourusername thank you for being my support system🥹 -> landonorris of course baby🧡
user4 i do not regret dropping out...
user5 these two are so cute
yourusername posted!
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liked by oscarpiastri and 122,495 others
yourusername exam season is OVER. new vlog will be out tonight, i hope you all did amazing on your exams and if you haven't had them yet i hope the vlog helps you with your study dumps. YOU GOT THIS!!!
view all 10,293 comments
user1 i got a C on my big exam 😔 -> yourusername that's okay love! remember tests do not define you! try some new studying techniques next time around, until then try your best to relax -> user2 lando i'm stealing her from you. -> landonorris no.
user2 the flowers🥹 -> yourusername he's the sweetest
landonorris i'm proud of you and your brain -> yourusername 🥹
landonorris my favorite (future) psychologist🧡
oscarpiastri congrats brainiac! -> yourusername thanks you osc!
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lando.jpg posted!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername and 343,394 others
lando.jpg i love you
view all 32,493 comments
yourusername and my brain??? -> lando.jpg always.
yourusername i love you i love you i love you -> lando.jpg 🧡
user1 lando jpg making a return just for yn🥹
user2 stop they are THE couple.
oscarpiastri how adorable -> liked by lando.jpg and yourusername
carlossainz55 my favorites! -> yourusername gracias 😏 -> carlossainz learning faster than lando! -> lando.jpg HEY!!
yn.jpg posted!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by landonorris and 102,494 others
yn.jpg i love you (and your brain) more.
view all 12,303 comments
danielricciardo learning from the best eh? ;) -> yn.jpg meh 😊
landonorris my big brained baby🧡 -> yn.jpg my... baby!😁🧡 -> landonorris ynnn...
mclaren oooh, do we have to hire a new photographer 👀 -> yn.jpg i already have too many things going on bro😭
oscarpiastri can you take cool pics of me next?? -> yn.jpg sure!! -> landonorris no.
taglist: @enhacolor @bibissparkles @blueanfield @peachiicherries
141 notes · View notes
maturemenoftvandfilms · 11 months
The Senator from Montana
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Featuring Sen. Jon Tester
The end of harvest is always stressful and with Sen. Jon Tester recently announcing that he will run for reelection. My life as is Executive Assistant sometimes require me to spend nearly every waking hour of a workday together with him to ensure the senator’s time is spent efficiently. A lot of the time it’s serious and a lot of time it's fun… mainly the sex we’re having. Today I had come down to Sen. Tester’s Family Farm, to help prepare him for his reelection run and end up working on weekend projects that needed to be taken care of. Right now I'm helping with a 25-year-old grain auger.
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While helping him (like I know what I'm doing), admiring big Jon. And big he was! Tall and bulky, he is nearly 300 pounds, standing six feet, tightening a bolt. He was whistling and seemed extremely happy. I didn't want to interrupt this happy man so I just watched for awhile. Then he caught a glimpse of me eyeing him and turned towards me.
"I know that look." Jon said, adding, "You're not going to let me get some work done. "
Noticing my erection through my pants, he said with amusement, beads of sweat dripping from his close-cropped hair, "I know what you're like when you get like this. Let's take care of that."
Then he winked at me and walked away, heading towards the big barn. I immediately snapped out of my day dream and followed him. Just as I entered the barn, I heard from an empty stall at the very back of the barn, “Get your ass over here Jake.”
I hurried over and found Jon sitting on bales of hay shaking his dick back and forth as it swelled up. Forgetting my hard on, I found myself kneeling down in front of him, taking a hold of his beautiful dick and closed my lips around his pale cut dick.
"Fuck! That feels wonderful." The senator exclaimed as I deep throated his cock.
I loved the taste of the senator's cock. It was fresh and masculine. His body smelt slightly of sweat as I pressed my nose against his open fly as I continuing deep throating his cock. With my cock still confined in my jeans. I quickly stood up, jerked my jeans and boxers down. My dick sprung up and stood straight out from my body. It was so hard it was throbbing when Jon grabbed a hold of my dick and pumped his hand back and forth over the head of my dick. I relished the feel of his rough workman hand on my dick.
"Turn around." Sen. Tester ordered.
Wanting Jon to fuck me, I got on all fours in front of him, jetting my butt in his direction as he began digging through a bag. Seconds later he was behind me with a tube of KY jelly.
"Want to try it something new?" He said, squeezing a big handful out and smear it on my asshole and then all over his own big right hand.
"Sure." I said, not knowing what's in store.
"Just lean back and we'll take our time." Jon said as he slipped a couple of slippery fingers into my ass.
I was thinking he was only going to finger fuck me. But after his pinky finger disappear into my asshole and he began to force his entire hand inside of me. His hand was so thick that I couldn't imagine getting it inside me. The pain was intense and it burned like mad. Damn! It hurt! But I didn’t tell him to stop. I wanted the old man’s big, rough hand inside of me. I wanted to be his. To belong to him.
"Fuck!" I hissed, unable to say another word at that moment as he forced the oversized hand deeper into my young asshole. I felt like I was going to split in two and I gasped as the pain spiked up through my spine.
The pain made me attempt to pull away. But the senator grabbed my hips and held me in place as he forced more of his hand inside of me. I couldn’t believe that my ass could possible take the old farmer’s big hand. But slowly, ever so slowly, Jon's big hand disappeared inside of me until the old farmer’s entire hand was up my asshole. And even then, Jon didn’t stop. I was in amazement as he forced his big hand deeper and deeper into my asshole until his arm was buried half way into me. He started pumping his hand in and out of me, causing my back to arch each time he rammed it back inside of my asshole.
Jon fist fucked me without mercy, hard and deep, pounding a quarter of his arm into my ass for a good two or three minutes. My hard cock, dangling between my legs, suddenly began to spray cum up onto the bale of hay beneath me as Jon continued his assault.
"Fuck, I can't take any more!" I cried.
"Hell. You're good and open up for my cock now." Jon said as he pulled his hand entirely out after a few minutes.
Jon leaned back, dropped his cock head down against my gaping ass hole and began to slowly mount me. His thick cock slide in effortless as his fist fucking had me as open as I had ever been.
“Damn, I did a good job opening you.” Jon added as he started slamming his fat dick hard into my ass, stopping only when his low hanging balls slapped against my ass.
The senator started fucking me slowly at first. Then he shifted his weight and suddenly he was like an engine firing all it's pistons at once, ramming his thick dick in and out of my asshole. I loved it. I pushed my asshole hard against his crotch driving his thick dick ever farther into me. I wanted more dick. I want all of his dick inside me.
“Fucking hot!” The old farmer called out as he fucked my ass savagely that had me bucking and moaning.
“Fuck me, Daddy. Give it to me.” I called out as he grabbed my hips so that he could slam his massive pecker even harder into my gapped opened asshole.
“Hell, I’m cuming already!” He said as grabbed me by the top of my shoulder, pulled down on me as he rammed his cock violently into me.
Grunting, Jon began spraying my insides with his hot cum. This was the first time Jon had shot off this quickly. Too quickly for me as I was just getting excited and starting to enjoy it. I lay unmoving, enjoying the delicate feeling of his cum flowing into my ass. Then he pulled his cock out and got off me.
“Damn it. I didn’t want to cum so fast. Your ass was just too hot to resist for long.” Jon said as he stood up and pulled back on his under shorts. He reached down and grabbed his boxer shorts and put them on as I watched. Then when he started to put his pants on, I sat up on the bed.
“Thanks!” I replied as I sort of winch as I tried to shift my position to one more comfortable for my ass. “Come on and help me up. Damn, my ass haven't hurt this much my first time.”
“Come on boy. Let’s get back to work." He said with a big smile on his face as he turned to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
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zombeesknees · 3 months
currently in the life of the angie bee:
my sense of time is strangely broken, because it's almost 6pm but my brain is all, "gosh, it's not even noon yet!" and i have no fuckin idea why.
i've been deodorizing and washing and cleaning the house all day because i feel like there's a particularly sour smell throughout it, but now i'm wondering if it's me, and i don't know why i'm suddenly smelling so sour??? like, it's not a sweat smell, it's a sour, musty smell, and i'm still using the same shampoo and body washes i always do, and it's not as if my diet's changed significantly, so wth is going on??? IS IT A SIGN THAT I'M DYING OF SOME WEIRD DISEASE??? i know folks with diabetes sometimes smell strangely sweet, but i've never heard of something that makes you smell sour. OR IS IT ALL IN MY HEAD AND PSYCHOSOMATIC??? i'm not just gonna go up to someone and be like, "do you think i smell weird?"
quint remains one of the Characters of All-Time (and a Happy Jaws Day to all who celebrate it).
(yeah, i don't celebrate the 4th, what a bullshit holiday, we have nothing to be proud of as a country, especially these days.)
dropped $288 this morning on two and a half weeks-worth of groceries for one person. and that was buying basic, off-brand shit. how the fuck did we get to this.
slight silver lining: i have today, tomorrow, and the full weekend off, and i get to spend time with joel tomorrow AND see shara and nichole on sunday.
i set my reading goal for the year at 50 books (something i didn't come close to achieving last year, thanks to a reading block that set in in march and didn't let up for the rest of the year). and in the last two weeks i hit 54 books (almost all of them new-to-me, which is ALSO amazing). my unmedicated ADHD bullshit may still be preventing me from watching new shows and movies, but at least it's eased off on the reading front.
a new dude joined our book club this week and he's CUTE and likes fantasy and is a high school social studies/history teacher, and we discussed character archetypes for like ten minutes. maybe next club meeting i'll actually give him my number and ask him out.
wimsey has spent a full week in the flower donut collar thanks to scratching his chin raw and bloody. vet recced treating him with revolution in case it's because of mites, washing the wound with a special antibiotic flush, and keeping him in the collar until everything's fully healed/his fur grows back in. makes for a hella grompy flower:
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god, leverage really is just the best show. doesn't matter how many times i watch it; i'm forever delighted and impressed with just how well written/constructed/everything it is. that's my emotional support family of thieves, your honor.
i'm getting SO CLOSE to filling out the final gaps in the current sections of my hazeldine WIP, and i really do think i'm gonna have to split it into two volumes instead of making it all vol. 6 as i had originally planned. but IF i do that, that means vol. 6 is gonna HAVE to end on a significant cliffhanger, which i typically try to avoid. (yes, technically all of the previous vols have ended on cliffhangers, since this is a continuing story spread over several volumes. but they haven't been LITERAL cliffhangers, with someone on the verge of death or something.) i don't like when books in a series i'm reading do that, so i try not to inflict that on my own readers. but perhaps i can mitigate it slightly by making sure both vols 6 AND 7 are fully polished/ready for printing, and release them like a month apart or something, so there isn't a huge wait in between...
FINALLY finished the replacement cross-stitch sampler of lighthouses for a gal from work (the first one got lost in the mail beginning of last month). now i can continue working on the Yee Dudes series for my bud jordan <3
but also i'm gonna try to design a pattern for myself re: a dracula joke that keeps popping into my head: descending the castle, lizard-fashion. i'm probably the only person who is THIS delighted/amused by that joke, but i'll enjoy stitching something for myself for a change, lol.
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kfedup · 10 months
Ginger is struggling today. Typically on weekdays she gets to spend a few hours with Bowie at my ex's house. This weekend we put Bowie down. His cancer progressed very quickly over the last few weeks and it was past time. Chris found an incredible retired vet couple who came to the house and helped make it all so kind and normal. Ginger was there and got to sniff him before and after, but she also has limited object permanence and misses her time with her buddy. We all do, sweet girl. We all do.
I really struggled with it. I think I'm through the worst of it, but holy shit I was not expecting how this would bring up so many feelings about my marriage ending. Fuck off, it's been 9 years already. But I realized that I haven't actually cried much about it and hoo boy, this last week has been a real soaker. I once again need to thank Peter Gabriel for opening something in me that's been locked up for years with his amazing i/o concert.
A huge part of the struggle came from having to share the process with his wife and the energy of ownership she brought with her. I wonder if she struggled with my energy, too. I don't care enough to ask. I don't like her. I've never liked her. And earlier in the week we crossed paths and she complained about him to me in a way that seemed like she wanted me to commiserate with her. Over the man she... well... anyway, I'm ready to stop telling that story, so I'll start now and just say some people are too dumb for words.
I just got back from my bi-annual primary care well visit and my doctor and I both agree that I'm doing amazing, sweetie. Most of the long covid shit has finally begun to clear. I'm still having a hard time with cardio/heart rate issues and still getting week-long clusters of ocular migraines, but otherwise, I am better than ever. Coming up on 3 years of sobriety and nearly a year into daily exercise and meditation on top of the long-established dog walks. Sleeping better. Eating slightly less emotionally. Working to bring the meditation practice into the day outside of my sitting time; to walking, cooking, eating, working, listening, talking, or whatever the hell I'm doing in the process of living, is honestly geeking me the fuck out. Planning ahead to do a nice long silent meditation retreat next year.
That said, the wanting/craving for connection is constant. I keep seeing that meme that says something like don't awaken the love in a woman unless you intend to actually work to love her and goddamn. Trying so hard to not be a giant ball of resentment about it, but phew, it realllllly sucks to have someone make the play and then back off.
There's a spectacular golden hour happening right now. We just walked in it for a bit.
What's for dinner? I'm ravenous and I do not want to cook.
Happy Monday, mutuals.
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uarmyhopx · 7 months
Letter for ♥︎
Today is the day where usually couples are all lovely to each other, spend the day together and appreciate each other with gifts. But why only today? Why can't it be everyday? It shouldn't be only one day in a year to appreciate your loved one, it should be every single day from the morning you wake up together until you say good night. It's funny how sometimes you don't believe in love or that you will ever find that someone that completes you. And mostly when you least expect it, when you don't even look for it that special someone steps into your life.
That someone, stepped into my life as a friend 6 months ago. Sure I didn't take it at first that this person will complete my other half and yet...after talking to him for 3 months actually I thought oh hey, he's really amazing a real good friend. And then? Some things happened that I'm not proud of and not all was my fault. He caught me when I was about to fall and spawned into my life as ☆ anon. Picked the cheesiest pick up lines ever and that even got me interested in him. Never would I have thought a friend that suddenly flirted could turn into who he is now. My lover, my boyfriend and somehow already my other half. Even if it is on saturday only a two monthed being together. Before it was friends that occasionally had fun and one day the 'I love you' changed everything. It was so random, accidentaly that I couldn't believe it at first and thought it was an affect and I panicked, more than I should have that I realized. Because now? I can't see myself away from him. I don't need only one specific day to be lovely with him, appreciate him or gift him something. It happens every day. The way he shows me his love, appreciates me every day it's truly a blessing. A blessing that I thought I would never get to have by myself. He is the gift that I receive daily. I joked saying why he didn't fall from heaven earlier to become mine and got a chuckle in return saying he came the moment I needed him the most and it's true. I didn't look for him but paths knew I was ready and needed the half that would complete me. The effort he puts in various things...taking me to dates as an aquarium and forcing me to touch a stingray so I'd get a kiss on the cheek, ice rink, lights festival, a dinner...lastly made my heart explode and fall so deep, I don't think I can ever get out of this again. But I don't want to. I thank him everyday for coming to my life as friend and lastly as my boyfriend now. And even if we cannot spend every day together because well I have my military service to attend and he got work with a stressy boss, the weekends...I appreciate them like heaven. I appreciate them like the best delicious ice cream, the tastiest americano or the coziest fluffy blanket, the best beautiful view as the sun goes down. I don't need one special day when I have him everyday. And now is really my time to thank him. I know he will act tough reading this and will say he didn't lose one single tear. I know him better though.
I wish everyone a happy valentine's day. May you not only love your partner today but everyday and show them how much they mean to you everyday.
And you, who I reffered to in this letter, I will see you on saturday to our second month.
I love you.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hi jelly!!! I hope you had a super wonderful weekend <3 I am curious if you are doing a letter event right now?
I am just now getting back to tumblr after several months and I’m so happy to see you are posting so much! I’m a huge fan of your writing and was very excited to see your blog upon returning :)
If you are doing letters, I have a request if you can fit it <3. So the reason I was gone so long is because I was applying to med school and I just got in a few weeks ago!! Can I please have a letter from Levi reacting to this? :) particularly with planning for the future or something Bc I am all over the place lol. you can make it canon or modern au, as fluffy or as spicy as you want! I’m just sooo excited you are doing an event and am going to spend the next hour diving through your lovely writing <3 thank you!!
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You are absolutely incredible, you know? I told you that you'd get in. I knew you would. You are so smart and you work so hard. I never doubted you for a second. I know you were deeply worried and your anxiety consumed you, but you did it!
You know, I am so proud of you. I have been telling everyone about it and I told my mother as well. I'm just so excited for you. You deserve the world, you really do.
Now, I know your mind is a mess right now and you're a bit confused about where to go. I know you planned to get into med school and you didn't plan after, so now I have a little list for you so you can stay focused. I know you love planning and I'm here to help because I love you.
Do amazing at med school
Love your boyfriend
Take breaks when you need to so you don't get too tired
Contact your boyfriend when you get to each lecture cause he worries so much about you
Contact your boyfriend when you're done for the day so he can bring you home.
Let your boyfriend cook for you because you are amazing and deserve to be spoiled.
Go on a holiday at the end of every school year with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will be paying for it.
Move in fully with your boyfriend
Marry your handsome and wonderful boyfriend
Maybe have some kids with your boyfriend who will be your husband cause he would love little kids
Grow old with wonderful husband
I hope you like my list for you. I just want you to be happy and to live a life of love and joy with me. I want you to go for your dreams and goals. I will support you through everything. I will love you through everything.
You are absolutely wonderful in every single way. I know you'll be perfect at medical school. I will stand by you through everything. I will support you through everything.
I love you more than anything in this world...doctor.
All my love
Levi x
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marvelandponder · 4 months
hii, ask game :)) - List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!
Hiii, stranger! (::totally didn't just get off a call with Bevin::) Aww this is so sweet! Okay, yeah, here are my 5 right now, in no order:
My best friend! :3 Bevin makes me extremely happy, I can always relax and be myself around her and vice versa, and we always have the best conversations whether it's about life, or things we're obsessed with, or analyzing media or philosophy, or making cool shit for each other, or talkin about our creative projects and passions, or anything!! Nothing makes me happier than getting my Bevin time on the weekends, or chatting during the day during the week. And making fun stuff for her to react to and getting to talk about it? The. Best. Shit. 10000/10, Bevin's an AMAZING person and best friend
My boyfriend, Nick! He's super sweet and genuine, I feel like I can relax around him too, and we've been getting to know each other better and trying all sorts of fun things together. I love our time together and it's really healing to have such an understanding partner. Dating someone I love and feel supported by!! What the hell!!
My writing projects!!! Omg, I'm SO happy when I work on Haunted, the sequel book to Empathy!! It's so fulfilling and fun!! Listening to good music and just going to town on a project like this, omg. Working on an original story, too, it's been a really cool project!! Writing will always have my whole heart, and if I could do it all day every day, I would. I love my day career too, but writing is my REAL purpose in life ;D
Learning to draw!! I love art and it's been so cool this year learning how to draw digitally! I've drawn every day this year so far and my inner child is so happy since I loved drawing so much as a kid and still do!
My friends and family! My family sure as hell keeps me busy since I've got so many of them but yeah, I love spending time with them!
Riding my bike, going for a swim, good walks, etc. - I love going for a ride, listening to good music, or a podcast!
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doinbetter · 6 months
Everyone on here has probably forgotten me but here are some updates from my life now :)
I'm all done with school and living back with family. I got a fellowship with a government agency doing environmental data analysis! It was really challenging at first. (challenges: remote work, wasn't getting a lot of support from my mentor, general first full time job woes) BUT I've been putting in extra effort to meet the team. I'm feeling more supported and motivated because of that.
Also started getting back into a productive headspace after not really identifying with that mindset for a while. Honestly COVID threw me off for several years there (+ the general stresses of grad school + stoner life). I just didn't feel as driven as I used to, but luckily I could coast off my past accomplishments for a few years and end up in a good place. I was tired of the grindset mentality. It was too much with the pandemic. I realized it's important to start my career off right though :) I want to do a great job on my project & make a good impression. (while still having balance in the rest of my life!! like you won't catch me working after hours but from 9 - 5... i'm ON IT!)
My main goal in life right now is working on my FINANCES! mainly I'm obsessed with paying off my student loans. I give myself plenty of money for groceries each month. One of my goals for this year was to be hot, so I also give myself like $2-300 each month to invest in my appearance. I made a list of essential beauty / clothing items and I'm working through it month by month. Other than that... I'm dumping THOUSANDS into student loan debt to hopefully be debt free by end 2024 or early 2025. Then I save save save and move out of my family's house by Fall 2025. <3
On the note of being hot goals: started showering nightly, weekly face mask monday routine (nails, hair mask, face mask, foot soak, shaving everything, and a weed gummy to top it off!) and buying a few cute clothes that fit me at my current size instead of putting it off until I reached a lower weight (unhealthy thought leftover from obsessive weight loss days :( ) My favorite purchase so far is CUTE PJS FROM VICTORIAS SECRET <3 <3 I got a slip and a shirt/shorts combo that help me feel sooo cute in the evenings when I'm doing my hygiene routines, journaling, reading... <3 I also got a bra that actually fits me and I'm a fucking DD. who??????
My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years now. I've gotten really close to his family and I spend most weekends at his place. I'm very happy and at peace in this relationship. Working on doing more little acts of kindness. He's very generous with me so I wanna match his energy more. we're working on being more independent now in this new busy era for us. unfortunately we can't be unemployed students forever.
also my best friend called me her best friend so i officially have a best friend in my hometown. she is so funny and drama-free. I love her. WOO!
So that's life! I'm a full on financially independent woman now. it feels AMAZING!
love, Jillian
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yourlegalbestie · 1 year
how i'm studying for the lsat
hi all ! i just wanted to share some things that i’ve found are helping me study for the lsat. if you have any tips or advice for me, please let me know ! i’m always looking for more ideas on how to improve. anyway, here are my lsat tips :
daily drills : i’m taking the lsat in november which is coming up fast, so at this point i’m now trying to drill for at least an hour every single day. i’ll usually give myself the weekend off (because breaks are essential too <3), but sometimes if i’ve got nothing planned and i’m up to it, i’ll do some light drills
double revision : after i complete a section, i’ll go back to my incorrect answers and review them before moving onto the next section. but i also make note of those questions so that i can attempt them again another day that is dedicated to that section type.
reading : i do have the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim which is an amazing resource i would recommend if you’re self-studying like me. some study days i’ll just spend time reading a few chapters and attempting some questions with his tips and advice
practice tests : these are super essential ! i’m signed up with Khan Academy and LawHub.org (both of which i 100000% recommend !!) so i have access to several practice tests. some i’ll do while timing myself and mimicking testing conditions, and others i’ll use almost like a study guide. for example, i recently saved one practice test purely to go through and see if i can identify the question types, argument types, main ideas/supports etc.
note for LawHub.org : while this is undoubtedly an amazing resource, it isn’t free like Khan Academy. it was quite expensive for me but i was fortunate at the time to have the money to spend on it, but even just using Khan Academy on its own is more than enough. personally, i mostly use LawHub.org for the online courses it offers, but i love the extra practice tests i have access to as well !
that’s pretty much it ! i hope this is helpful, and again please feel free to give me a shout if you think i’m missing something beneficial
happy studying everyone, we got this !!
with love,
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petits--oiseaux · 1 year
In Deanna fashion, this will be rambly lol. A long winded story of sleeping over at J's place yesterday.
First thing's first, a weekish ago, J asked me if I wanted to spend the night. I told him that I am not good at sleepovers (which is true); I can never get comfortable, the circumstances are never quite right, and it takes me forever to fall asleep. This was before I knew he was moving and before he said he would come to visit me on weekends if we want to keep seeing each other when he leaves. Yesterday, I started thinking about how I've told him I don't like sleepovers and, omg does that mean he doesn't think I'd absolutely visit him, too?? So then I thought about for the rest of the day and how I would tell him that I am totally willing to visit him. I didn't want it sound presumptuous so I didn't want to just blurt it out, I wanted there to be a natural way to say it. WELL the other day he sent a screenshot of a text with his parents and how they are going to MKE to do apartment searching on Saturday. He mentioned yesterday that his parents were coming down for the whole weekend and I thought AHA! So last night I asked "Oh, am I remembering correctly that the screenshot said you're going apartment hunting on Saturday?" And he said yeah... we're going down to look in mke. This was my in... I texted him "You know, I was thinking today that learning to get better at sleepovers wouldn't be the worst thing... I have a friend who just moved to MKE, too." (true) He hearted it :) then said he would help me practice lol
I got home last night around 9:30 after being with family. When I got home, I showered, smoked, and then was getting ready for bed. He messaged and asked when I was thinking we could try the sleepover. I originally said next week sometime. Then he said, "What about tonight? I can pay for an uber" At this point I am STONED as FUCK lol and I'm like... I think I want to do it. But, I didn't want to be in a car with a stranger with how stoned I was. I told him that and he said he'd come pick me up and bring me over. And he did. I brought my fan with me because I need it to sleep, lol, and he didn't even judge me. We had stoned sex and it was AMAZING. When we were getting ready to go to sleep, he asked me when I'd like him to go to sleep. I told him he could sleep whenever... but he said, "No, I know you have trouble falling asleep other places so I'll wait for you to fall asleep first". LIKE WHAT. Then this morning he took his dog for a walk. He started getting ready, so I started getting dressed and he said that I didn't need to get ready to leave; I could stay in bed while he took the dog (I did ask if he wanted company on the walk or if he wanted it to just be him and the doggo and he said he'd like time with the dog which is legit). I just chilled in his cozy bed and then he got back. Since he had offered to pay for an uber last night, I wasn't 100% sure if he was giving me a ride home or not, but he didn't say anything so I assumed I didn't need to get an uber. Which I didn't :) He drove me home and he kissed me goodbye! This part made me especially happy because I also am not sure how situationships work with that kind of shit, so I'm happy to know this one works that way <3
TBH this is probably the most spontaneous thing I've ever done, which feels sorta sad but whatever lol! But I'm honestly really proud of myself and I'm very happy that I went. I did not sleep well, as I expected, but I don't regret going. I feel very positive about everything today!
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