#the 'protractor that your mum signed' always finds a way to come up
be cute if everytime satan needs to let off steam him n ik just have another fake massive blowout argument about the stupidest things
if lucifer pisses him off he just goes to ik's room and they pretend to yell at each other about whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich for half an hour and he feels better immediately after
sometimes satan will knock and ask hesitantly if ik would mind 'having a bit of a fight' - other times he walks in, says the stupidest sentence he can think of, and waits for ik to do the verbal equivalent of a tennis strike
at first the others get concerned about the shouting, but eventually they get used to it and just show up to listen in every now and then
(asmo starts calling these events their 'play-catfights' and satan likes it so much he starts using it as well)
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