#the '...'s as him giving proper weight to what the others say. WAH !
beeapocalypse · 11 months
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^ a snippet of downtown prehevil party talk dialogue
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^ bookshop party dialogue. GAH!!!!!!!!
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; Haunted Dark Bridal - Shuu Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts in the kitchen
Yui: Uhm...Next up I should get started on the preparations for the sauce...
( Cooking is fun once in a while. However, it’s a late-night meal, so I should be mindful of the portion. )
Ah, I have to prepare the hot water to peel the tomatoes. Uhm...A pot, a pot... 
ー Shuu enters the kitchen
Shuu: ...Oi.
Yui: Kyah!
Gosh...Shuu-san, please don’t scare me like that.
Shuu: ...
Yui: Do you need anything? I’m in the middle of cooking right now...
Shuu: Hm...You talk all high and mighty despite doing something so utterly stupid.
Yui: I’m not ‘high and mighty’...Besides, it isn’t stupid. Eating proper meals is not only important to me, but it is fun as well.
Although I suppose you guys might not understand that.
Shuu: ...Heeh, you talk as if you know our ins and outs. Are you a stalker perhaps? Disgusting.
Yui: We’ve been living together, so I’ve learnt that much by now!
( I went through hell at the torture chamber the other day, so I should try and be a little more assertive with him. )
Shuu: So, what have you been making this whole time?
Yui: A tomato-based pasta sauce.
Shuu: Let me have some.
Yui: You can’t have any of the tomatoes. I’ll be using them for the sauce.
Shuu: ...Stingy.
Yui: Stingy you say...I’m making this for myself!
Besides, you don’t have to eat, do you? Then why bother?
Shuu: ...Cold-hearted woman.
Yui: Whatever.
Shuu: Also you’ll gain weight. Well, if the fat sticks to your chest it’ll at least serve a purpose, but on the stomach it’s just ugly.
Yui: ( God...There’s so much I want to say, I shouldn’t just keep it to myself, right? )
→ Don’t give him any (M)
Yui: You can’t. I’m definitely not giving you any.
Shuu: You are my food. Which means, these tomatoes which are your food, are automatically my food as well.
Yui: Why does it work like that? Besides, I’m not having my blood sucked because I like it...!
Shuu: ...Haha. Very ironic coming from the mouth of the person who always makes such an ecstatic expression.
Yui: Wha...!? D-Don’t make it sound so suggestive!
Either way, no is no so why don’t you go listen to some music in your own room?
→ Make him beg (S)
Yui: If you want to eat it that badly, then ask for it with the words ‘Share with me, please.’
Shuu: ...Hah?
Yui: You want some, don’t you? In that case, I think it’s only appropriate for you to ‘ask’ me.
( He’s been having his way with me this whole time up till now, so it’s about time I stop doting on him and put my foot down. )
Shuu: Have you...lost your mind or something?
Yui: No. I’ve just stopped looking out for you all the time.
Shuu: ...Heeh. You sure learnt to stand up for yourself despite being even less valuable than livestock.
Yui: If you won’t ask nicely, I’m not giving you anything. Why not return to your own room and listen to some music?
Shuu: Even without you telling me, music is always right there with me. ...Move aside.
Yui: Ah! Like I said, the tomatoes are off limit!
Shuu: *munch munch* ...Disgusting.
Yui: If they’re bad then don’t eat them!
Shuu: ...Feed me something else too.
Yui: No. I’m going to boil the tomatoes next so please get out of the way.
ー Yui turns on the stove
Shuu: ...!
Yui: Hey, what are you doing!?
( What’s the matter? As soon as I turned on the stove (1), he immediately turned it off again... )
Shuu: Don’t use that thing.
Yui: Eh?
ー He closes in on her
Yui: Wah...Shuu-san! What are you doing all of a sudden...
ー Shuu suddenly kisses her
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–> If you are playing the Limited V edition or the Grand Edition, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“When I sucked your blood or when I kissed you...You always make this amazing expression. *Smooch* Come on, take a good look at yourself in the mirror.”
“The sounds you make while I’m kissing...Hehe...You’re becoming increasingly more lewd, aren’t you?...I don’t hate that.”
Shuu: ...Nn. ...Nn...
Yui: Nn...! Nn...Haah.
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Shuu: Human food is generally disgusting. But...Your lips are delicious.
Yui: ( My lips are...delicious...? )
Can’t you guys survive as long as...You have blood?
Shuu: ...Yeah, and?
Yui: Yet...You call kisses delicious...
Shuu: Isn’t that up to me? We shouldn’t need to justify every single little thing to you.
You should just behave and become my plaything...
Yui: Plaything...But that’s...
Shuu: ...What are you grinning for? Have you seriously started to awaken?
Yui: Eh...? What’s this ‘awakening’...?
Yui: ( Again...Whenever my heart beats loudly, I...feel so strange...What’s wrong with me? )
Shuu: ...You haven’t realized?
Yui: ...? I have no idea what you’re talking about...
Shuu: Che...Whatever.
Don’t stand there spacing out and quickly make something. ...If it tastes worse than the kiss, you’re in for a punishment.
Yui: Jeez...
( What was that just now? My heart...Do I have some sort of disease after all? )
( Could it be that this ‘awakening’ Shuu-san mentioned...Is somehow related to my heart? )
His overly arrogant and hasty actions.
You should just become my plaything ーー While I found myself
enraptured by his harsh words and forceful kiss, I even failed
to realize the truth concealed behind the hidden meaning of those actions.
Why did he get in my way of turning on the stove (火)?
There seems to be a special reasoning behind it.
Furthermore, the term ‘awakening’ falling from his lips.
Sounded very profound, as if it has some sort of hidden meaning behind it...
Right now, I don’t see myself getting to the bottom of it.
When will Shuu-san finally tell me (教えてくれる), I wonder?
ー To be continued ー
Translation notes
(1) The sentence 火をつける or ‘hi o tsukeru’ in this particular context means ‘to turn on the stove’, but the exact same phrase can also mean ‘to set something on fire’.
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girl-in-the-tower · 4 years
SR Card: Lab Coat Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV |
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Kore: I think... I think this is far enough...
Grim: Are you sure he’s not still following us?
Kore: Yeah, I think we lost him in the courtyard, but by then I just couldn’t stop anymore...
Grim: To think he’d just get bored in the middle of the race...
There is something seriously wrong with that guy’s head.
Kore: I’m just glad we made out of there... But I do feel bad about letting Ace down...
Grim: Grr! That manipulative- He was just using us to look good in front of his seniors!
Next time I see him I’ll definitely set his hair on fire!
Kore: Hey, don’t do harsh stuff like that. Ace’s our friend, you know?
Grim: Hmph! Yeah, right.
Kore: Ah, don’t pout like that...
Hm? Is this the sports field? 
Grim: Looks like it. You sure ran a lot, Kore. To actually get this far...
Kore: I guess I was so full of adrenaline that I didn’t notice.
But now that you mention it, I feel like my legs are really aching... Ugh...
Grim: Woah! Don’t just plop down all of a sudden like that! I almost fell off your shoulder.
Kore: Ah~ It feels so good just to sit down~
Jack: Kore? Grim?
Kore: Eh?! Jack?
Deuce: Jack, why did you suddenly switch route like- Huh? Kore-san? Grim?
Grim: And Deuce too?
Kore: What are you guys doing here? 
Jack: That should be our question.
We’re in track and field. Here’s where we usually hold our club activities. 
Kore: Oh, right. Deuce did mention that...
Deuce: Kore-san are you here to join the club too?
Kore: Huh? No, but... if you will have us! It sounds fun-
Grim: Wha?! ‘Join’?! No, no, no! Did you forget what just happened?!
Kore: How could I forget... We barely escaped... Brrr
Jack: Hm? Did something happen?
Kore: Ah, you could say that...
Grim: It was so scary...
Deuce: Are you in trouble? Is someone messing with you?
Kore: Eh, no, I don’t think so...
Grim: What do you mean ‘no’?! He is definitely messing with us! Grrrr... that Floyd!
Jack: Ah, I see. So you ran in Floyd-senpai?
Kore: We were checking out Ace’s club when we ran into him. Apparently he’s a member too. And then he started making fun of us like he always does!
Grim: Picking me up by the collar... What a rude guy!!
Deuce: He always seems to single out Kore-san with his teasing. I wonder why...
Kore: Ha~ I don’t know, but I wish he would just stop! I can’t stand it at all!
Ugh, now I’m in a bad mood all over again...
Grim: Then let’s just go home! 
Kore: Go home? Isn’t it too soon? 
Grim: No, it’s not! Let’s just go!
Kore: Ah, pushing me like that! I got it, I got it! I’ll just get up. Sheesh...
Deuce: What a bossy guy.
Jack: He’s surprisingly determined when he wants something.
Grim: Alright! Now, let’s just march right back home! You could make us some rice pudding when you get there and we can forget all about this day!
Kore: Oh, that doesn’t sound bad... It could be a great reward after all the hard work we’ll be doing today.
Grim: Huh? “Will be”? Don’t you mean “did”? 
Kore: No, “will be”, since we will be joining Deuce’s club!
Grim: Hah?! Are you out of your mind?! Did you forget what just happened?!
Kore: Ah, don’t remind me...
But this should be fine, since Jack and Deuce are members too! Besides we’re already here so it would be a waste not to check it out!
Grim: It would definitely not be a ‘waste’!!
Kore: Ah, you really are complaining about this a lot...
If it’s too hard for you, you can just sit on my shoulder, alright?
Grim: That’s not what I’m concerned about!!
Kore: It should be fine, right? Deuce? Jack?
Jack: I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with that. 
Kore: Eh?
Jack: If you two want to be a part of this club, then you should do things properly.
Kore: That’s true, but...
Deuce: Sorry, Kore-san, but I also agree with Jack. 
Kore:... No, I understand.
We’ll be taking our leave, then. Have fun!
Deuce: Ah, thanks...
Grim: ...Grrr! Fine!
Kore: Huh?
Grim: We’ll join this club, if it’s what you really want! 
Kore: Really?! Thanks, Grim!
Grim: Woah! Don’t squeeze me like this! I can’t breath!
Kore: You’re the best! The greatest! The Great, Magnificent Grim! 
Grim: Hehe~ Praising me like this is no use, yanno~
Ah, but I don’t mind, so you can go on!
Jack: This guy...
Deuce: It’s great that you’re joining Kore-san!
Kore: Hehe~ Thank you! I can’t wait to start!
What are we doing first?
Jack: We were just about to finish our warm up. You should join us too. 
It’s important to prepare the body before exercising so you don’t accidentally injure yourself.
Kore: I understand! I look forward to it, then!
Jack: Heh, it’s good to see you how excited you are about this. 
Deuce: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Jack: No-nothing! Forget about it! Let’s get back to work.
Kore/Deuce: Okay!
Grim:... Okay... Ugh...
Grim: Huff... Huff... Just how much running are we gonna do today...
Deuce: That’s pretty much it for now. Good job everybody!
Grim:... Finally, now I can just relax...
Jack: What are you talking about? That was just the warm up.
Grim: Argh! I forgot that! Why did you have to remind me...
Jack: Why? Wouldn’t you just have figured it out when we switched to a new activity, anyway?
Grim: I know that! I just wanted to enjoy my fantasy a little bit longer!
Kore: Wah~ That was super fun! I didn’t know running with other people was so pleasant!
Jack: Glad to know you enjoyed it. You did a good job keeping up.
Deuce: Yeah, I was surprised too. 
Kore: Hehe~ Thank you, thank you~
...Huh? Surprised? Why...
Grim:... Kore... water... please...
Kore: Ah! Of course! Here you go.
Are you feeling better now? 
Grim:... Huff... Huff...
Deuce: Grim looks like he’s about to die...
Jack: Yeah, I wonder if he’ll be able to participate in the next activity...
Kore: Oh? What’s next?
Deuce: The discus throw.
Kore: Discus throw? What’s that?
Jack: It’s an event  in which you try to throw a heavy disc as far away as you can. 
Kore: Throwing a disc... Isn’t that kind of like Magift?! 
Deuce: Eh? I guess.
Kore: Then I want to try it! Please! Can I? Can I?
Jack: S-So close!
Kore: Hm? Is something wrong Jack? 
Jack: N-No! I’m fine...
Kore: Are you sure? Your face looked flushed just a moment ago...
Jack: !!
A-Anyway, let’s go get the equipment...
Deuce: Alright. Kore-san, do you want to help us?
Kore: Yeah! Of course!
Let’s go Grim!
Grim:... It’s still not over?
Kore: Woah, these are pretty heavy.
Jack: Sorry, that’s all we have. Since this is an all-boys school, the size and weight are designed as such... 
Kore: It’s fine! I think I can manage! I’m pretty strong, you know!
Deuce: Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.
Kore: Oh, you have a good eye, Deuce! 
Since I was the one doing all the heavy-lifting at home, I built up a lot of upper body strength~
Jack: I see. That’s good, since it will help you out during this event.
Kore: Right! Let’s get to work! It’s time for Magi- I mean the discus throw!
Grim:... How can you even say something like that with a smile?
Jack: I’ll go first, so just watch. 
Kore: Alright! I’ll study you carefully then!
Jack:... Just looking is enough.
Kore: Eh? Okay... Jack looks flushed again... Is he really feeling fine?
Woah~ That went so far!! Did you see, Grim?
Grim:... Is he seriously expecting us to do that too?!
Deuce: 40 metres... Good job, Jack!
Jack:... Let me throw it again, Deuce.
Deuce: Huh? Are you unsatisfied?
Jack: Yeah. That was below my standard, so I can’t feel satisfied until I at least reach that.
Deuce: I get it. Go ahead.
Kore:... I thought 40 metres was pretty good...
Grim: Yeah... I guess meatheads are really concerned about their performance...
!! He threw it even farther now!!
Kore: You’re right! Look how it’s soaring!
Deuce: It landed... Looks like it’s 55 metres now. 
Kore: Is that better?
Deuce: That’s about Jack’s usual. Though he’s been improving a lot in the past weeks.
Kore: That’s so cool!
How’s about you, Deuce? What’s your usual?
Deuce: About 38 metres. I’m still pretty far behind... But I’m not giving up!
Grim: Actually, that’s pretty crazy too... I’ll never understand your kind at all...
Kore: I’m now excited to try it out too! 
Deuce: You can go next if you want, Kore-san.
Kore: Really? Is that alright?
Deuce: Of course. Now that you’ve seen Jack, you must have some idea about what you’re supposed to be doing.
Kore: Yeah! I think I got the gist of it.
Alright! I’m going for it!
Deuce: Do your best!
Grim:... Good luck.
Jack: Hm? Why are you moving further away, Grim?
Grim: For safety. You should too.
Deuce: What are you talking- Woah!
Jack: !!
Grim: Ah, it just missed the top of your head.
Deuce: Wh-What was that?
Kore: Sorry!! My hand must have slipped!
Deuce: Eh? That was you Kore-san?
Kore: Yeah... I’m really sorry about it.
Deuce: It’s fine... Just be more careful with your aim next time.
Kore: I’ll pay proper attention!
Then, I’ll give it a try again!
Deuce: Alright... Good luck.
Jack:... You’re moving farther away, Deuce.
Grim: Of course he is! Haven’t you see how close he was to getting an injury last time?!
!! Argh! Watch out!
Jack: Crap!
Grim: He ducked just in time.
Kore: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay, Jack?
Jack: Barely... 
Deuce: That one almost hit you, but you dodged at the last minute. Your instincts are something else...  
Kore: Ughh... I’m really sorry about this! I don’t know what’s happening... I guess I just have bad luck today.
Alright, I’ll give it one last try!
Deuce/Grim/Jack: No!!
Kore: Huh?
Deuce: Um... Kore-san. Just how good is your aim?
Kore: My aim? I guess it’s... average?
Grim: Ha?! There’s nothing average about it! You could kill a man with that aim! On accident, of course!
Kore:... You’re just exaggerating. It’s not that bad.
Grim: How can you say that with a straight face after you just almost killed those two?!
Kore: That’s kinda harsh... I don’t think it was that close...
Jack: Kore.
Kore: Yeah?
Jack: When... or rather how did you practice your throwing skills?
Kore: Practice my... what are you talking about?
Deuce: Ah, you know... like throwing objects in a specific direction? To make sure they land there?
Kore: Oh, that... Never.
Deuce: Never?!
Kore: Yeah... Why would I be throwing things around in my own house? That sounds weird.
Deuce: I... I see.
Grim: Haaa... Now do you guys understand?
Jack: What exactly?
Grim: Besides running and flying this girl has no talents when it comes to sports!
That’s why Vargas’ course are always so harsh...
Deuce:... Now that you say that, I’ve never seen Kore-san during our sports class.
Jack:... Yeah, me neither...
Deuce: So, does that mean...
Grim: Yes! Yes! She completely sucks at it - at everything!
Deuce:... Is that why Ace wanted Kore to join as a manager?
Grim: That guy is also in our class so he probably was aware of her abilities... Unlike you two.
Grim: Haaa... how troublesome...
Kore: Huh? Why do you all look so worried?
Deuce: Um... Kore-san...
Kore: Yeah?
Deuce:... I think it would be best if you tried out a different club. Like Diamond-senpai’s, maybe.
Kore: Eh? What do you mean?
Jack: We appreciate your interest... but it would be too dangerous for us to have you continue being in this club.
Kore: Dangerous?! 
Grim: That’s an understatement.
Kore: So... does this mean that...
Jack: I’m afraid so.
Kore:... That’s so unfair!!
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