#that's why they always think we're reaching when we say stuff like mike confessing his love to el quite literally caused hawkins to fall
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Mlvns also think El was telling the truth in her letters to Mike. Like, they believe skating is one of El's hobbies meanwhile the show tells us that she's never been to skating and she made that up to lie to Mike in order to impress him. Like bro... you are giving Mike Wheeler with this logic i am sorry.
give her a little credit she's skated before she's even been to a party here. for mom's work! but yes. lol
it's so funny because misunderstanding their relationship really leads to misunderstanding the season and basically the entire show...it's one thing to like a ship but to misread the entire narrative that surrounds it...what a bummer
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starry-clown · 2 years
Here's my version of a byler love confession
What if it's Mike who confesses his feelings first and then it was Will who showed Mike that he's reciprocated those feelings for years.
(Mike has poured his heart out to his best friend, Will after they're alone together right after the stuff they go through dealing with Vecna's curse.)
Mike let's out a breath of relief after confessing and Will is speechless, staring wide eyed at Mike.
Mike feels a touch of regret and thinking, oh shit what did I just do? so he awkwardly backtracks his words and before he could take it back Will starts laughing to himself which surprises Mike.
"Will, why are you-"
"Mike," … "you have no idea how much I wanted to tell you what you just told me."
Mike slowly tries to put two and two together but he's so damn oblivious. Will makes it easier by reaching and grabbing something behind him and reveals the rolled up painting that he kept in his back pack.
"What are you doing?"
"Remember when you asked me if I remembered the day we first met?"
Mike slowly nods his head at the question. of course I do, but why is he asking me that? Will hands the rolled up painting to Mike. "Here," … "This is your answer…"
Mike is stunned and shocked at hearing Will's words. Confusion is all over Mike's face as he goes through a mental breakdown in his mind as he begins connecting the dots. wait this is for me? but I thought…
Will can't stop fidgeting as he watches in both fear and anticipation as Mike begins slowly unrolling the painting. Mike hold's in his breath after he's done and stares at what's before him.
[ tender, emotional synth music plays ]
It's as if time had stopped, Mike just stares in awe at the picture, noticing every brush stroke and color and detail from the sky, to the trees, to the swings and to the two boys… his heart skips. wait a second.
"Is that-"
"The day we met?" … "Yes it is." Will says softly, finishing Mike's sentence.
Mike look's up back at Will, and freezes once he see's the tears falling down his cheeks. Mike wants to ask if Will's okay, like he's always have. Until Will nervously laughs and says "I do remember… because meeting you on the first day of kindergarten, and saying yes to being your friend, Mike… I-It was the best thing that I’ve ever done."
Mike quickly looks down at the painting with an overwhelming sense of understanding, it was like the sun meeting the moon, a lunar eclipse revealing all the stars in the galaxy ever so clearly.
This painting is of a special memory of something that him and Will mutually shared.
This is what love looks like.
Mike can't hold it in anymore, Mike breaks down in tears, some water droplets fall onto the painting where the two little boys were. Will notices and hurries to comfort and reassure him. and with no hesitation Mike lets the painting fall to the floor and rushes to warmly embrace his best friend whom he's loved so dearly his whole life. Then it was Will's turn to break down, he sobbed harder than ever. desperately clinging himself on to Mike, and burying his wet face into mike's shoulder. Both boys share a moment of releasing all emotions that were filling up inside of their hearts and finally spilling out from there soul.
"I-I feel like… I'm going c-crazy…" Mike shakily says.
"Me too." … "Hey, well, if we're both going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?" Will laughs softly at the memory, causing Mike to laugh at Will repeating his own words back to him.
"Yeah, crazy together." Mike responds happily with a feeling of security.
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kpopgurlz · 7 years
JB's reaction to you ( his "play sister") getting publicly rejected by your crush.
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The Situation: you're in your three year in college and since your freshmen year JB's parents have been your away from home family. You and JB get along like brother and sister and when ever the two of you are together your always laughing and bickering like really brothers and sisters do. JB is super over protective of your and you're the same way with him. You finally talk JB into going out with you and some friends from school and you're super excited because the guy you've been crushing on for the last two months has agreed to go out with you and your friends. You ask JB to come out because he's great at breaking awkward silences and when you're around him your the most comfortable. Tonight you're planing on finally telling your crush how you feel about him.
JB: and why do you think it's a good idea for me to be there when you confess to this guy?
Y/N: with you there everyone will be distracted and the two of us will be able to have time alone to talk.
JB: who says I want you using me like that?
Y/N: uh you did when you agreed to come out tonight... Come on man don't back out at the last minute, all my friends want to meet you. And some of them are suuuppper cute.
JB: I doubt their my type.
Y/N: you always say that... I'm starting to think you like guys.
JB flicks your thighs repeatedly as he stops the car at a red light. And the two of you exchange playfully hits.
You laugh at him as he tries to keep a serious face.
Y/N : GO dude the lights green.
Things like this may not seem like much but because you're the only child you never got to do things like this, and moments like this warmed your heart.
After a few hours of drinks and karaoke you and your crush slip away and you finally tell him that you like him to which he responds with he has to think about it. This wasn't the answer you wanted but you weren't going to let it ruin everyones night. JB was of course the center of everyones attention and you started to feel the sting of your confession being "turned down" so you kept to yourself. JB immediately notice the change in your behavior and came over and put his arm around your shoulder.
Y/N: having fun?
JB: are you? Let me know when you're ready to head home. And we'll get out of here.... I'm going to go to the bathroom.
When JB returns from the restroom you can tell he's upset. So you rush over to him to see what was the matter. JB grads your hand and begins to lead you toward the exit.
Y/N: Hey what's wrong with you?
JB: nothing I'm just ready to go. You got your stuff right.
Y/N : yea but we should at least tell everyone we're leaving don't you think.
Just as your about to say your good bys your crush appears and you smile sweetly and say good bye to him, but JB cuts you off.
JB: I don't do want talking to that ass hole.
Y/N: JB what the hell man? Why are you being so rude all of a sudden?
JB: well talk about it later let's just leave.
JB pushes between you and your crush an purposely bumps his shoulder.
JB: you're trash .
Guy crush: were you ease dropping on my phone call just then.
JB: maybe you shouldn't talk so loud
Y/N: what are you two talking about.
JB: don't worry about it. It's not important. Let's just leave.
Guy crush: your friend just heard me making a little joke on the phone.
And before you could say anything else JB turns towards your crush and punches him in the face. The two of them began to wrestle around on the floor and JB gets pinned to the ground and as your crush is about to punch JB back. You rush to his aid and punch the guy as hard as you can causing him to fall to his side. You begin helping JB up to his feet, as you drape his right arm over your shoulder.
Because of the fight all of your friends and all of the people in the bar are now gathered around you all. And your ex crush stands to his feet.
Your tempted to respond to that but you notice JB clenching his fist and as you look up to see his expression you can tell he's ready for round two. JB starts to pull away from you and you hold on to him even tighter.
Y/N: JB take me home please.
JB looks down at you and sighs.
JB: yea OK.
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The car ride home is quite and you don't even dare to look up at JB or even out the window. You just keep thinking that if JB gets into any kind of trouble it's all your fault. And before you know tears began to swell up in your eyes. Though you try your best to keep quite you can't help but sniffle, and you feel JB reach over and grads your hand. Neither of you say anything you just continue holding hands in silence.
The car stops and you look up and see that JB has driven to the dorms instead of his parents house. JB then let's go of your hand and lens over on top of you and sweetly kisses your lips.
JB: don't cry over guys like that. Your smart and funny, and beautiful inside and out, and if he can't see that he's stupid.
Y/N : I wasn't crying about him. JB you just got into a fight because of me . I don't want you getting in trouble.
JB: well you just got into a fight because of me too so we're even.
JB smiles and brings the hand you used to punch you ex crush to his lips and kisses your knuckles.
JB: come on little Mike Tyson let's go in the house. (Giggles)
Both of you burst out laughing and get out of the car and begin to walk toward the front door of the house.
Y/N: soo we just going to act like you didnt kiss me earlier?
JB: huh?
Y/N: that kiss
JB: I don't know what you're talking about.
Y/N: oh OK... Ok
JB opens the front door and the two of you go in and get ready for bed. JB tries to sleep in the living room so you can have the bed room to yourself, but after hearing you whining for twenty minutes about how lonely you would be by yourself, the two of you go to his room to sleep. You cuddle up next to him and before falling asleep you straddle his waist and kiss him passionately, and he responds by pushing his tough inside of your mouth while hold on tightly to your hips. The two of you lose yourself in each other for a moment and then you break away and casualy lay next to him with your head resting on his chest.
JB: what was that?
Y/N: what was what?
JB: oh I see how it is.
Y/N: (giggles) good night
JB kisses your forehead.
JB: night
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