#that's when this whole coquette lolita-esque girls-not-women shit kicked in
la0hu · 1 month
so many tiktok memes are insanely misogynistic but steeped in juuuuuust enough post-post-post irony for all these chronically online women to plead the fifth. "girl dinner." "i'm just a girl (in the world, that's all i'll ever be)." and now this "very demure" thing. like regardless of how self-aware, sarcastic, or genuinely critical of antifeminism the source material is, somehow these memed phrases become tools to reinforce the idea that women are delicate, soft, helpless, brainless, small creatures not worth taking seriously. that's how they're used. that's what the punchline always becomes. it's all so coquette adjacent, which is just repackaged white supremacist radfem trad wifery. even the whole "brat summer" thing is starting to become grating. i'd actually prefer someone called me a bitch rather than a brat, because at least a bitch sounds like she could actually do something, like she still has teeth
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