#that's the one thing i ain't mad about at least
nacrelysis · 1 year
how are you a billionaire and you still don't pay your fucking bills. god.
this is a level of incompetence i've never fucking SEEN before. and I'M the person who ends up carrying the group projects.
#yeah this is about twitter potentially being down bc elon musk didn't pay for the google servers he was using#elon musk#twitter#twitter outage#i'm really mad over this not least because of all the artists who're gonna be massacred#but this is just. pure incompetence.#it is literally just ONE MAN thinking that he can do ~anything~ even if he's not qualified#and firing the actual qualified people#and thinking ooooo it's so smart of me to force engineers to overwork themselves fixing problems //i// pulled out of my ass to create#the whole disaster of edited code? the promotion of blue checks and systemic fucking around with of people's engagement abilities??#twitter being evicted because rent wasn't paid? the site apparently ddosing itself because elon musk created a stupid feedback loop??#musk getting sued? cutting the twitter crew from like 8000 to 1500 individuals??#NONE OF THESE WERE PROBLEMS UNTIL MUSK BOUGHT TWITTER. BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T //EXIST//.#from an user's perspective it's infuriating.#from a technical perspective it's infuriating.#you could have just DONE YOUR GODDAMN JOB and PAID YOUR GODDAMN BILLS.#INSTEAD. YOU CUT CORNERS AND FAILED TO AVOID FINANCIAL ISSUES LIKE THE WORST CONTORTIONIST ACT I'VE EVER SEE. TO 'MAKE A PROFIT' OR WHATEVE#AND GUESS FUCKING WHAT?? YOU'RE LOSING WAY MORE GODDAMN MONEY THAN YOU WOULD'VE SAVED.#that's the one thing i ain't mad about at least#man dug his own grave#sighs#i just feel really bad for all the creators and journalists etc etc#independent or contracted or otherwise twitter was a huge source of audience engagement/direct info#and now it's basically unusable#like tumblr is passable for consumers but it's not good for advertisement At All#and it's literally entombing YEARS of archived fandom interactions and history that can't be recreated even if you have a new platform#can't believe i'm saying this but zuckerberg better hurry up w that twitter 2.0
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do an NRC Students (Except Ortho) x Reader, Where Reader and they are having a Romantic moment/Date, but it gets interrupted by Someone or Something?
Yeah of course!! Thank you for the req and for your patience, I know it's been FIVEEVER. My concrete sequential brain can't omit characters though, so Ortho is on here in a platonic like. babysitting/sibling outing way :D
I hope you enjoy <3
Ruining The Moment
**Every single one is different/written as it's own drabble. Apologies if some cut off abruptly, I struggle with knowing where to end things.
You and Riddle were studying together on one of the upper floors of the library. While quiet remarks had been made back and forth, more than anything, you both just enjoyed each other's company.
Neither of you had really noticed just how much time had passed since class had been out. Now, with the library being bathed in the warmth of the sunset, Riddle was about ready to pack up to ensure he made it back to his dorm in time for tea time. However, as he looked up from his work, he found himself pausing to study your visage.
The sunlight pouring in from the windows behind you made you look like you were glowing; ethereal. His eyes lingered on you, studying every inch of your expression, focused on the task at hand, which happened to be your history homework. The slight furrow of your brow, the sharpness in your eyes, determined to finish your work, the slight pout of your lips...
He found himself feeling shy all of a sudden, without much of an explanation. He wanted to compliment you - at least...to tell you how lovely you looked, his hand reaching gingerly across the table to try and hold your free one, but just as you noticed, he startled as a very distinctive voice cut through the other hushed chatter around the library.
"Eheee~ goldfishie!! And lil shrimpy, aww I get a two for one deal!! Whatchya guys doin'?"
Floyd came over, picking up one of Riddle's book and flicking through it, feigning interest, before looking bored and setting it aside.
"Blegh, have you guys seriously been here all d- eh?? Goldfishie, you're all red~ you're not mad though, are ya? Usually it takes more than that t'push your buttons."
Riddle seemed to be at a loss for words, opening his mouth as if to say something, then snapping it shut, just making Floyd giggle as he sat on the table and leaned backwards to talk to you.
"Ahhhha I see what's goin' on. You should ask goldfishie out, shrimpy, he ain't gonna do it himself otherwise."
Riddle somehow managed to flush even more, his cheeks nearly matching his face in colour.
"Yes I would! I just- I- If you hadn't so RUDELY interrupted our-"
Riddle's rambling was cut short by a soft peck on his cheek, causing him to sputter and look at you in disbelief. The rather smug look on your face combined with Floyd's rambunctious laughter was enough to render the redhead completely speechless, contemplating now, how the future would play out.
He would never admit it, but these late night rendezvous in the kitchen were some of his favourite moments. He was always concerned about your journey from Ramshackle to Heartslaybul, but you always stayed on the phone with him while he prepped everything and you walked over.
Being the voice of reason in the dorm, as well as Riddle's handler often left him drained, but your presence and an empty, quiet kitchen were more than enough to make him feel better. There was also a bit of a thrill to it, as nobody knew the two of you were dating yet. He loved knowing that the two of you would be left to your own devices...that he would have your full, undivided attention.
You let him know you were getting to the front door, so he made sure to go unlock it for you, before heading back to the kitchen.
You walked in on him measuring a tablespoon of vinegar into a cup of milk.
"Won't that curdle it?"
Trey hummed in amusement, pulling you in gently against him.
"Yeah, that's the point. Buttermilk in red velvet cake is a must."
He leaned down to kiss you softly. Admittedly, it likely lasted longer than it felt, but he pulled away rather quickly, pulling you to his chest and turning you away from the sudden flash of light from the hallway. Hushed giggles and whispers were heard afterwards, rather panicked sounding as Trey's glare penetrated through the darkness.
He was about to pull out his pen to stop the footsteps that were clearly booking it down the hallway, but you gently lowered his hand. Though embarrassed, it was nothing worth expending magic on.
"People were gonna find out one way or another..."
Trey sighed softly, his face softening as he turned back towards you.
"True, I just wish it could have waited a little longer."
You smiled a bit mischievously.
"Well they're gone now, and it's not like anything we do at this point will change what they do with the photos. Want to continue where we left off?~"
"Don't let me go."
"I'm not going to let you go."
"Don't let me go."
Cater laughed softly. "I couldn't let you go if I tried, you've got a vice grip on me right now."
He walked beside you slowly, letting you try and get used to the feeling of being on his skateboard, your forearms locked together to help you keep your balance, but you were still wearing a helmet as an added safety measure.
"Do you want to try giving yourself a little push? I'll still-"
"No, no thank you, this is still fine."
He couldn't help but chuckle again, finding you rather cute. He enjoyed being the person you were relying on for safety right now, and your focused face and determination to not fall were just too adorable to ignore! He tried to lean in to kiss your cheek, but you weren't expecting it, so you leaned away, tilting you backwards on the skateboard. Cater tripped over the skateboard as you tumbled backwards, but at the last moment, he managed to pull you on top of him and took the brunt of the fall instead, grunting a bit before laughing softly.
"Sevens, I'm sorry-"
"Are you okay??" You cut off his apology, more concerned about the fact he not only fell on the pavement, but that he had taken your weight along with it.
"Hm? Oh of course I am, Cay-Cay's taken MUCH rougher falls in a far less prepared manner. You can't get into skateboarding if you don't become an expert in how to fall properly." He hummed, rather satisfied with himself that you hadn't gotten hurt, sitting up and helping you sit up in the process.
You gave him a small, faux pout.
"Well, I'm afraid the only falling I'm an expert in, is head over heels for you."
You couldn't help but grin and wink as the ginger's face flushed a bit, a bashful smile a mile wide being hidden behind his hand.
He could hear you cheering him on from the stands as he crossed the finish line, coming in first place. Pure elation coursed through him; not only had his training paid off and he had beaten RSA's competitors, but he had done it in front of you.
As soon as he got the go-ahead from coach Vargas, he was jogging off to come meet you at the bottom of the bleachers, a little out of sight of all the hubbub. He was absolutely beaming as he approached you. You had a small hand towel in one hand, and his water in the other. Despite this, and the fact Deuce had just run a race, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around you, laughing.
"I did it!!!"
"You did!! And I got it all on video for your mom too!"
He laughed again softly, hugging you a little tighter before letting you go.
"You're the best, you know that right? I really appreciate you coming here."
He averted his eyes for a moment, before leaning in to try and place a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you for-"
"Deuce? Coach is looking for- ah-"
Jack averted his eyes awkwardly, his ears flattening, his tail tucking slightly, and rubbed the back of his neck a bit.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but coach said he needs everyone...uh...back, I'll give you two a minute though...sorry-...sorry."
Even though you couldn't see Jack's face, you could hear the embarrassment in his voice as he slinked back from whence he came. Not to mention, Deuce's cheeks were flushed from both being "caught" and from the race.
Deuce stuttered a bit, trying to recover, but failed as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek instead.
"You should get back to your coach before he sends someone a little less considerate than Jack to come find you. You can return the kiss later, okay?"
You giggled softly, gently pushing him to go join his team lest he get into trouble with Vargas.
Ace: (OTL this is a little different sorry)
"You know you could have just done this right the first time and we wouldn't be stuck redoing this assignment for Crewel."
Ace mocked you through facial expression before responding.
"Yeah well if you had shown up at lunch like you were supposed to, we wouldn't be stuck here after school."
You rolled your eyes.
"You knew I had to talk to Crowley at lunch, your poor planning and listening skills are not my issue. I know I told you that the recipe only called for mustard seed and bat fur, not snake tongue. How do you even confuse that??"
You searched his face for answers, but he just turned his face away from you, a light blush on his face as he mumbled something under his breath. You huffed and rolled your eyes.
"Oh come on, I deserve an explanation as to why you did it. There's no way it wasn't on purpose."
He sighed, puffing his cheeks just slightly and restating what he said.
"Maybe I just wanted to spend time with you"
With the cauldron bubbling, it was rather difficult to hear him, so you just shot him a confused look.
"Dude, speak u-"
"I wanted to hang out, okay?! Like. One on one. You're always so busy with your...rEspOnsiBilItiEs and...taking care of everyone and babysitting Grim, I feel bad trying to ask for some of your time when I know it's a precious commodity and this was the only way I could think of doing it, okay?! Just....we'll get this over with and then you can go."
His face stayed flushed, his safety googles too fogged up to see his eyes. You were stunned into silence for a moment, before you tried to reach for his hand. You startled away however, as Crewel's crop hit the edge of the cauldron.
"I take it you two pups are staying on task?"
You gave him a strained smile. "Of course Professor."
Ace silently added the last of the ingredients before using a funnel and ladle to help him add the brew into an Erlynmeyer flask, leaving it open to cool and nodding slightly at it as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"That should be it, it just needs to cool and then put a stopper on it."
Crewel grabbed the neck of the flask, his gloves thick enough to withstand the heat as he swirled the contents gently and studied the fluid. He nodded slightly.
"Get some tape, label it properly, then you'll be dismissed. I'll take care of clean up and storage. Well done."
The professor cracked a smile at the two of you as you nodded to acknowledge him, thanking him before moving to join Ace at the desk. He was writing your names, the date, the class - all as expected for the label, but now that you were a little bit away from the professor, you waited for him to put the tape down before holding his hand gently, speaking quietly.
"Ace, time might be a precious commodity, but you're precious to me too, okay? Grim should still be with Deuce and Epel for a little while. Once we get out of here let's go get slurpees or something, okay?"
It took Ace a moment to buffer, his hand coming up to cover his face in an attempt to hide just how flustered being called 'precious' got him. Near immediately, the crack of Crewel's crop was heard, making both of you startle.
"Gloves do not go near your face Trappola. That's a health hazard."
He gave the two of you a bit of a knowing smile as Ace nodded meekly at the reprimand, still reeling from the fact you had just asked him out.
You slid your gloves off and lifted your safety googles, grinning.
"Sound like a deal?"
Ace smiled shyly but tried to play it off as he followed suite.
"You sound like Azul. Yeah, sure, I GUESS we can go get slurpees."
"You really think you're hot shit, don't you?"
You couldn't help but laugh softly at the lion beastman. This man really tried to kabedon you and expected you to take him seriously. Yeah right. Amusement was written all over your face, which on one hand was a little unexpected, but on the other, just made it all the more entertaining for him too - he didn't mind a challenge if the prize was you.
"I might think something like that, yeah. You got an issue with that herbivore?" His voice carried a bit of a playful growl to it as he leaned in closer, going so far as to nip at your ear lightly.
His ear flicked slightly in annoyance as he backed up just a tiny bit; a group of panicked first years came barreling down the otherwise empty hallway.
Leona grumbled something about them being a nuisance, but you watched in horror as the poor boy holding the potion he was so urgently trying to get to Crewel tripped over his friends shoelaces. For everyone save for Leona, you're sure time slowed right down as the potion flew out of the boys hand, the stopper flew out of the bottle, and the potion landing all over Kingscholar.
At the very least, the boy who tripped didn't hit the floor as Leona yanked him up by the back of his shirt, growling.
"What the FUCK did you just spill on me?"
The boy was winded and whiplashed, but his friends seemed to be a mix of distraught and trying not to laugh. Leona growled, tossing the boy to the side gently to let him get on his feet, before nodding and growling at the group of bystanders.
You had to suppress your own laughter as Leona started to shrink in front of you.
One of the boys laughed nervously.
"It's a shrinking potion, it's really nothing dangerous!! And ah- we really really need the mark for Crewel's class so...we're really sorry but we're gonna have to take you in as proof we completed it!!"
Leona looked bewildered, his ears flattened against his head as he growled, though it sounded rather...cute as he continued to shrink.
"No! You touch me I'll turn you to sand!! You're going to regret this!!"
You couldn't help but join in on the giggle fit in the hallway, the once tall and mighty Leona reduced to mere inches. Despite his protesting, you lifted him by the back of his shirt like it was his scruff, poking his chest gently with your other hand.
"Mm, well, I think it's bad enough they'll be getting a 20% dock on their mark, so we're going to help them out and submit you as proof."
Leona growled, his hands holding your finger tightly as if it could do anything to stop you.
"....I'll make it up to you later, or you can choose to refuse but I'm going to tell Malleus about this."
Even at his minuscule size, you could see the flash of anger in his eyes at the mention of Malleus.
"Don't you dare bring this up to the lizard...fine. We'll....we'll go to Crewel's...but if ANY of you breathe a word of this to ANYONE else, turning you to sand will be a show of MERCY."
"And the crowd goes wild as Ruggie Bucci scores one more goal for Savanaclaw right before half time! He couldn't have cut it closer if he'd tried!"
The announcer kept rambling about one thing or another, but your eyes were on your boyfriend as he, (rightfully), showboated a little on his broom, working the crowd a bit. His smile was downright adorable as he did so, before he finally made eye contact with you and it got a lot more devious.
He shot up on his broom into direct sunlight, so when you tried to follow him with your eyes, it took a few seconds of blinking before you saw him hanging upside down by his knees on his broom in front of you. His tail had to be wagging a mile a minute as he giggled a bit.
"Shyeeheehee heya sweetheart~ you're a real pretty face to be showin' up around here. Y'got a boyfriend?"
This little shit
He knew he was just out of reach for a kiss, and while amused, you tried to conceal it under a mask of being jokingly mad.
"You know, if you had a significant other, they might not be too impressed with these shenanigans."
Ruggie stuck his tongue out a bit.
"I'm pretty confident I'm cute enough to get out of any sort of trouble with them."
Your expression was pretty telling that that was exactly what the case was. He snickered and came close enough to hold your face, teasing you with the possibility of a kiss before he just shed his jacket and tossed it at you instead. The whistle blew, and Ruggie sat back upright on his broom despite the indignant sound you made.
Even though the first time you had attended Magift practice at Savanaclaw you had been...given a concussion by Grim via magift disc to the head, it wasn't enough to keep you away for good.
Jack had invited you, (and reluctantly allowed Grim), to come watch morning practice. (But only if you wanted to.)
Before he had even seen you, his ear flicked and his tail started wagging just from recognizing your footsteps. He had to keep his attention on Leona during the brief as a sign of respect, but as soon as Leona dismissed the debrief, he flashed you a bright smile and waved at your spot on the bleachers.
It was clear to everyone playing, Jack was distracted, as he kept glancing over at you after every play, to the point where Leona had to stop the disc from hitting Jack square in the jaw and call a recess.
Jack didn't seem to realize the break was done because of him. You couldn't hear from where you were, but whatever Leona said to Jack made the freshman's ears flatten and tail tuck a bit. Leona shook his head a bit before gently shoving Jack in your general direction, Ruggie looking rather amused at the entire interaction.
Jack approached you, a little bashful and ashamed as he rubbed the back of his neck, averting his eyes.
"Ah...uhm...for some reason...Leona thinks you being around is a distraction to me...which is NOT true, but he doesn't think it's safe for me to play as long as you're here...which is dumb, because...I wasn't distracted."
You couldn't help but grin a little, using your height on the bleachers to meet him right at eye level. You didn't make him look at you, but you knew he certainly felt like he should.
"Wanna look at me and try saying that again?~"
Jack sputtered a bit, his cheeks feeling warm and feeling as if he needed to take a step back as you just gave him a bigger shit eating smile, stepping down from the bleachers until you were right in front of him, trying to get him to look at you, though he covered his face partially with his hand.
"Okay, that's enough, if you keep teasing him he's not gonna be able to focus for the entire day."
Leona sighed, shaking his head and holding his head with three of his fingers.
"I'm surprised his tail isn't sprained from how fast it's been wagging shyeheehee" Ruggie snickered, and you stepped back, shrugging innocently.
"I wasn't teasing, I was just-"
"That's enough I said. You can go wait by the mirror entrance or go back to Ramshackle. Somebodies puppy crush is a hazard to himself, so if he's still acting a fool he'll come meet you soon."
Azul: (extremely Flirty MC SORRY LKSJHFLKSDJF)
"It's good isn't it?"
As much as he detested that smug tone, there was no way he could deny just how much he had enjoyed the meal you had prepared, ready to offer a trade.
He sighed.
"You're obviously skilled. I would be willing to pay for the recipe in exchange for giving you free food at the end of the night."
The less food waste recorded the better, and you needed to save every cent you could...not to mention, just giving you the trash food at the end of the night would save him the trouble of hiring you, going through the onboarding process, and having to pay you. Hopefully you would go for the free food, considering it enough compensation for the rest of the time you were here.
What he didn't expect, was for you to laugh, taking a seat on his desk and serving another forkful of food, holding it up to his lips.
"Oh come on now Azul. Do you really think I can't provide for myself? I didn't come here for that type of trade~"
Azul felt his cheeks flush, gently pushing the fork aside as he averted his eyes, his mind deciding to entertain a train of thought that was more emotional than logical...surely you weren't implying what he thought you were.
He chanced a glance back at you, only to be met with that...infuriatingly conniving smile he found aggravatingly stunning.
Your smile only widened. "What's wrong Azul? Not in the market for a kiss or two?~" You leaned closer to him, a pathetic squeak leaving him before you heard a very polite clearing of the throat from near the entrance of Azul's office.
"I'm so very sorry if I'm interrupting something, but your next clients are here Azul. It would be rude to keep them waiting." Jade flashed a polite, but strained smile at you, hoping you would get the message.
You sighed softly, blowing a kiss over your shoulder as you left the room.
"Enjoy the rest of your meal Azul~ You've got my number if you want it again!"
Jade: (sorry this doesn't quite fit the bill but I think it's cute)
"It's not much further. Please, be cautious of where you step, the moss can be quite slippery."
You fought to not pant trying to follow Jade. You had only agreed to this hike because he said it was beginner-friendly, and he had seemed SO excited when he had told you about a mushroom species he was eager to find.
Yet here you were, scaling a small waterfall, watching Jade's every step to try and follow for the sake of not DYING.
Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but the point was, whether it was due to embarrassment, or not wanting to get hurt, you didn't plan on falling in front of Jade.
Jade made it up first, offering you a smile and his hand to help pull you up.
Part of you thought about how he might pull you close once you got up, but that was quickly dashed as he kept you nearly an arms length away. A small pout threatened to form on your lips, but you just smiled and thanked him for his assistance. He nodded slightly, before venturing forward.
"The mushrooms I thought I saw shouldn't be much farther. Do make sure you stay cl-"
A yelp left Jade as he slipped on the very moss he had warned you about. You weren't entirely sure what made you think you could catch him, but your body acted before your mind. It must have been the adrenaline, or maybe a desperate need to impress him, because somehow you managed to catch and support the merman before he hit the ground so you could gently place him down, you staring down at him in confusion, and him looking up at you in absolute bewilderment. You weren't exactly what took over, but before Jade could say anything, you could feel a shit eating grin grow on your face as your heart felt as though it was pounding out of your chest.
"Falling for me hard and fast, huh?"
Jade looked shocked, but amused, picking himself off the ground, before matching your height with a small smile as he spoke softly in your ear.
"Did it take you this long to notice?~"
It was 3am.
It was 3 in the fucking morning when you heard a crack from your front door.
And yet, your sense of self-preservation went completely out of the window as the smell of your favourite meal started to fill Ramshackle. Making sure you didn't wake Grim, you gingerly left your bed, curiousity getting the better of you as you made your way down the stairs.
You took a peek at the front door as you came down, expecting splinters, but from what you could see, it was completely fine. You could hear soft humming and scatting coming from the kitchen, giving you a pretty good idea of who was in there. You couldn't help the smile that played over your lips as you watched Floyd use your kitchen utensils as drumsticks, making sure to stop right before they made contact with anything while he vocalized the drumline instead. You assumed it was an attempt to be quiet, but as soon as he heard the floorboards creak, his attention locked onto you and he pushed his headphones back as he beamed.
"Floyd wh-"
"Shrimpyy!!! I got bored and Azul took my key for the Mostro Lounge so I came here. Gotta few recipes I felt like makin', 'nd I know you ain't comin' by food easily. Figured you could be my taste tester in exchange for me usin' your kitchen. Also I broke the lock on your door cuz I lost the key ya gave me, but I fixed it too so don't get mad about it."
If it were anyone else, you may have gotten a little pissy, maybe asked for more of an explanation, but Floyd's animated nature and excitement as he continued his little drumming session had you smiling fondly. You sat at one of the stools on the far side of the island in comparison to Floyd, watching him work.
"I'm fine by that." You couldn't help but wonder a little bit, what had kept Floyd up this late, but you knew asking would likely only kill his mood, and that was the last thing you wanted. Not just because he was cooking FOR you, but he seemed so happy doing so...it wasn't worth it, he was clearly distracting himself with whatever kept him up with this.
By serving you.
Your mind wandered to a few other times Floyd had looked out for you in his...unique way. You must have zoned out for longer than you thought, as you were brought back to the present as Floyd waved a piece of food in front of you. He looked at you expectantly.
"Well are ya gonna have a taste?"
Your eyes flicked up to his mismatched ones as you offered a mischievous smile.
"Of the food or your lips?"
His eyes widened slightly, before he started giggling, then leaned over the island.
"Well I wouldn't be opposed t'ya tryin' both~"
You were so close to him, your stomach and heart doing flips just as you leaned in and-
Possibly the fastest you'd ever witnessed Grim move, he launched himself at Floyd's face, managing to land a kick and effectively move you and Floyd apart.
The food he had offered you plopped unceremoniously onto the counter as Floyd made a spitting noise, and Grim stood protectively, panting, staring Floyd down.
"That's right! Ya better not be scarin' my hench human! You're lucky all you got was a mouthful of fur, I'll light you up next time!!"
After a beat of silence, Floyd started to giggle.
"Ehee~ Seaaaalie, ya sure got some nerve interrupti-"
"Aha, you were hidin' food!! I can't believe you did this, I thought you loved me prefect." Grim's ears folded down, the pout audible in his voice as he scooped up the food that had landed on the counter, oblivious to the now murderous glare Floyd was giving him.
You couldn't help but chuckle, getting up just enough to move closer to Floyd. With the cat distracted and fanboying over the food, it was easier to relinquish Floyd's anger without another interruption. You grabbed his shirt and tugged him to you, grinning.
"I missed out on tasting that bite, but I won't miss out on enjoying you~"
You were just sitting on the front steps of Ramshackle, watching as the sunset painted the sky in beautiful red, orange, pink and purple hues. A slight breeze kept the lingering heat of the day at bay, the only sound you could hear being the slight chirping of birds. Grim was currently, at least supposedly, with Ace and Deuce at Heartslaybul, meaning all three thirds of the braincell were not your responsibility.
God was life always this boring without them around?? Yeah, sure, the peace and quiet could be nice but it felt weird now, where was the drama, the tension, the shenanigans, the tomfoolery?? You rubbed your face with your hands, groaning a bit out loud. Were you seriously so wired to this world's madness now that a moment of peace felt like you were just waiting for something to go wrong?
Your head shot up, to the voice that was coming from above you.
"Kalim?? What are you doing here?" You smiled, moving to stand up as he descended slightly on his carpet, somewhat dismissing his concerned expression.
"Ah- well um, I was gonna come and ask if you wanted to come to Scarabia tonight for a party! But then I got in trouble with Jamil and he didn't know the party was gonna happen so I didn't want to throw it anymore, but I still wanted to hang out with you! If you're not busy that is. I can take you on a magic carpet ride!"
Oh thank the sevens, someone was going to relieve you of your weird, anxious boredom.
"Scooch over, I'm getting on." There was a lilt of amusement to your voice as you clambered on behind Kalim, wrapping your arms around him, gently resting your cheek against his shoulder. He giggled softly in response, making sure that the two of you rose slowly away from the ground.
"Where'd you wanna go? I can take you over the school, we could go to the field and cheer on the track team, we could even go to the beach! Ah, but if Jamil caught us he might get grumpy, so maybe we should stay on campus."
You hummed softly. "Honestly, I just want company right now. If you just take us to the top of NRC and let us watch the sunset together, that'll be more than enough for me right now."
"I can do that!! Hold on to me, okay??" You nodded a bit against his shoulder, and he took off.
Though he had to speak a bit louder over the rush of wind in your ears, you could hear him perfectly well as he spoke.
"You know, back home, there's a story about this sort of thing, there's even a song! I'll sing it to you if you want!"
"It might be better if you wait until we stop flying-"
"Nonono, part of the whole appeal is singing WHILE flying." He glanced back at you, his puppy dog eyes working their own kind of magic before you silently agreed. His expression lit up immediately as he began to sing.
"I can show you the woAGHOU"
Kalim's hand went to beat on his chest, causing you to yelp as the two of you started to careen forward. You reached forward and tugged up on the magic carpet, narrowly avoiding running into the school and sent the two of you sprawling into the grass instead.
You were glad your hands made contact with the ground first; it made it somewhat easier to help roll Kalim away from eating dirt, and to stop yourself from colliding into his back.
It took a moment for both of you to collect yourselves after you hit the ground, but in less than thirty seconds you were both on your knees, looking at each other. Somehow you managed to ask at the exact same time, "are you okay??!", followed by a beat of silence, and then laughter.
Jamil: (this killed me to write so I'm sorry it's not as good as the other ones/not quite the same)
Jamil had invited you to the Scalding Sands. Rather, Kalim had beat him to the punch, as there was an event going on he wanted you to attend. Jamil had offered to let you come with him a day or two before, seeing as he was supposed to be there early to assist his parents with preparations. As if he needed to entice you further, (and convince Kalim it was a good idea), he offered to give you a tour of the palace.... nobody wanted you to be victim to the expansive maze that the Al-Asim's property was after all.
Well, that was the excuse you both rolled with.
The streets were buzzing with energy, vendors calling out everywhere, sights and smells and sounds of the market filling your senses, but your focus was on something else entirely.
Jamil wasn't a touchy person, but he had been the one to take your hand. His hand held onto yours firmly, leading you with confidence through the bustling streets of Silk City. Despite the errands you were running with him, he insisted on being the one to hold everything. He was also incredibly patient as he stopped anytime you inquired about something.
However, it was him who slowed down upon seeing a small crowd congregate around what you could only assume was some sort of street performer, music playing. He had brushed past most others, but he worked his way through the crowd, seemingly curious to see who was at the center of attention. No sooner had you made it to the front of the crowd that one of the dancers lit up and called out to Jamil, greeting him as if they were old friends.
"Do you know them?"
Jamil had a bit of a mischievous smile on his face. "You could say that."
You quirked your brow as his 'friend(?)' came over, the two of them speaking rapidly in Arabic as they shared a quick hug. Jamil switched back into English, introducing you to his friend.
His friend wore a bit of shit eating smile. "You know Jamil dances, right? Did you ever wonder how he learned?"
"Now hold on, don't go crediting yourself for that, I taught myself."
"If you count flailing like a monkey as dancing, then yes, you did, but as an art? You only got to where you're at because of me."
Jamil tsked and rolled his eyes, waving his friend off, though it was clear it was light hearted.
"You haven't seen me dance in ages."
"Right, I'm sure you've had pleeeenty of time to practice at that fancy college of yours."
You couldn't help but interrupt their bickering by taking everything from Jamil's hands and shoving him forward a bit.
"Just let him show you what he's got."
Both of them looked at you in slight disbelief, but amused.
"MC we really don't have the ti-"
"Are you scared of embarrassing yourself Viper? Come on, if your date says you're as good as you claim you still are, you should have no issue joining us for one song. Just like old times."
His friend could see the gears in both of your heads come to a screeching halt, even if for just a moment. Sure, you had wanted it to be something like that, but hearing it put so bluntly...
You wrapped your arm around Jamil's waist with a shit-eating grin, ignoring the rising heat to your own cheeks.
"My boyfriend plays down his abilities all the time. I hope you're ready to be humbled." Before pushing him into the middle of the ring.
Despite his slightly flustered state, you could have sworn you heard him whisper about how he would get you back for that, a promise you could only hope he would keep.
"I told you to stop moving." His voice, though slightly irritated was just as amused as you struggled to stop laughing.
"But it tickles. Can't I just put it on with my hands?"
An offended gasp left Vil as he tilted your face slightly, brushing on more of the facemask. "No you heathen, we can't just apply it with our hands."
"What if. I washed my hands super super well." His expression left you giggling again as he sighed and pulled the brush away, his faux frustration melting away to a soft smile, shaking his head.
"Sometimes even I struggle to tell when you're just teasing or when you're serious." He chuckled softly, reapplying a bit of product to the brush to continue putting it on your face. You tried not to scrunch your nose, but sevens, he was applying it so lightly it felt weird!
As absorbed as you were in the feeling of the brush, he considered what your reaction might be if he were to kiss you this very moment. He knew that of all the people in the school, he was the only one who had achieved this level of casual intimacy. As good as he was at reading other people's emotions, the nagging anxiety of reading you, specifically, wrong could be the end of the friendship he held so dear. Of course, even if you were to reject him, you were both old enough to be mature about it, but rejection was not something Vil handled well.
He was pulled from his thoughts as he realized just how close he had gotten. Hell, your breathing had hitched at his closeness, eyes wide as your mind raced with possibilities. Vil SO wanted to kiss you in that moment, but his door flung open with a bang, startling the two of you apart. Vil shot the intruder a dirty look.
Epel was out of breath, bent over, pale and wincing as he looked to his housewarden in his P.E uniform, not noticing you there.
Vil's face went from mildly frustrated to near fear for his vice housewarden, until the mans laugh from down the hall echoed into the room.
"Oui. I believe it's nothing major, but you are more versed in healing magic than I am Vil."
Rook came into view, holding an arrow that was firmly lodged into his shoulder, his smile subdued from pain, but genuine.
Vil immediately came over, getting over his initial shock and ire in favour of helping Rook.
You got up from the bed, mostly with the intention of teasing Epel, but he took one glance at you and couldn't help but laugh breathlessly.
"You look like y'got mayo on your face."
"You're about to have disappointment on yours."
You nodded towards Vil , who evidently didn't feel confident in removing the arrow at the dorm, chiding Rook for coming to him instead of going to the infirmary.
"If that's the talking to Rook's getting, I can only imagine yours."
"....aw shit."
Rook: (insert distressed Sebek emoji I've become far too reliant on on Discord to convey my Feelings because I'm Just Hoping this suffices for the Rook Fans.)
You could hear knocking at the door, light, but insistent. You were slightly annoyed - Grim could open the door by himself...at least he could if he were home. You forgot that you had given him "permission", (AKA, you had begged Vil to let Epel keep him around for a night to give yourself a night to relax), to go to a "sleepover".
So who was knocking at your bedroom door?
You felt a wave of anxiety wash over you, until a soft voice came from beyond the door.
"Mon trickster, I know you are awake. May I come in?"
Your brain needed a moment to buffer before you responded.
As if there was any question about it, you chided yourself a tiny bit, but Rook took it as an invitation to come in, smiling warmly and waving a bit as he entered the room.
"Bonjour. I was hoping to whisk you away for a mome-"
"What are you doing here??"
Your question was as amused as it was...a little concerned.
"Why didn't you knock at the front door?"
Rook tilted his head a bit, as if he were surprised you were questioning him.
"Ah, I did, but upon not getting a response and knowing you were up, I let myself in. Do not fret, nothing is broken. I wouldn't want to leave you without a reliable lock on your door. However, I do respect your privacy, so I knocked before coming into your bedroom."
He smiled softly as you wondered just how reliable that lock was, before Rook continued.
"As for my presence in our home, I was hoping to treat you to a relaxing night. I know Monsieur Fuzzball is currently occupied."
He fully stepped into the room, and only then did you note the picnic basket in his hand, complete with a blanket on top. The flash of interest didn't go unnoticed by Rook - why would it? He smiled and held it up a little bit.
"These are the leftovers of the food I helped some of the dorm members make, undetected by Vil. I thought we could have a few snacks while we stargaze...then again, I could gaze at the most lovely star I know if we were to stay inside."
A sly smile grew as he winked at you playfully, causing you to look away a little bit.
"So? What do you say my dear?"
Somehow, when you lifted your head again to look at him, he was next to your bed and awaiting your answer with a fond expression.
You couldn't help but push his face away a bit, laughing a little flustered as you got out of bed, causing him to giggle a bit too.
"We can go up. I would love to stargaze with you."
At least, you would have.
Rook had shown you how to get up there, your common sense returning as you remembered just how dilapidated Ramshackle was when you showed up- you hadn't spent nearly as much time fixing up the outside of Ramshackle as you had on the inside. You scooted yourself nervously onto the ledge, just enough to be secure, though Rook reassured you he had done this dozens of times, (he had?), and there was no reason to worry.
Despite his reassurance, he let you stay where you were so he could set up the blanket, walking confidently and lightly across Ramshackle's roof. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you, crickets chirping and the buzz of other insects filling the air, as well as the now familiar creaks and groans of the old house settling beneath you two.
Rook hummed softly, satisfied with the set up and came back to get you, his hand outstretched. He smiled warmly, the moonlight only serving to make his already attractive features more stunning.
"Will you join me for our date, mon tri-"
Just as you reached out for his hand, both of you heard a loud creak. Despite his best efforts, Rook let out a soft, but discernable "Merde" as he fell through Ramshackles roof, laying winded in the attic on his back trying to gather his thoughts.
Obviously concerned, you peeked into the sizeable hole in your roof, peering down at the blond.
"....Are you okay????"
You tried to suppress your laughter, but at his slightly bewildered look, followed by a grin and thumbs up, both of you bubbled into giggles.
He stood up, then reached out towards you.
"I'll catch you. We can continue down here instead my dear."
You smiled and slid your legs over the hole, letting it be future you's problem as you hummed, giving him a cheeky grin.
"Promise? Because I've already fallen for you a hundred times before."
His eyes widened slightly, before smiling a little bit more.
"Then this time, I promise to catch you and never let you fall again, mon amour."
Epel: (this one is different sorry)
You could see him, just barely, peeking through the classroom doors narrow window. The tell tale purple poof of hair was hard to miss.
Evidently, Crewel's class had gotten out a little early, and here you were between Ace and Deuce, listening to Trein drone on about something he already covered. With Passion. You held in a ragged sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall, willing for the seconds to tick by faster.
Finally, the bell rang, Trein's voice being drowned out by the shuffling of bags and students making their way to the door.
In all the hubbub, you had managed to get squished in an Adeuce sandwich as they walked you out the door, Ace's teasing voice lilting in amusement.
"Where ya runnin' off to so fast preeeeefect? Got a special someone waitin' for you?"
Deuce chimed in, though gentler in his tone.
"I saw a certain someone looking at you through the window....mostly 'cus Lucius meowed at him peeking, but-"
You groaned, elbowing them both in the ribs as you saw fit, shaking them off your shoulders. Gods you hated to love them and loved to hate them the little shits. You and Epel were just friends. That was all there was to it. Grumbles and giggles followed behind you from the two of them as you managed to make it out of the classroom.
You were just friends.
....then why did your stomach do a flip when you looked at Epel and he greeted you with that boyish grin of his?
Idia: (also don't come after me for nobody recognizing Lilia's voice assume he has a voice changer or something idk)
"Brb, my brother needs me for something."
You and Muscle Red responded softly, hearing as "Gloomurai" AKA "Gloomy" AKA Idia Shroud got up from his desk, leaving you and his friend alone.
Now, you only knew it was Idia because you usually would game together in his room, so it wasn't like he didn't know it was you on the other side either, you just had finally had the means to get your own set up and wanted to test it out. Idia and Muscle Red had plans already, but neither of them minded you joining them as you had a couple times before.
But you and Red had never been left together before. And just like IRL, being left with a friends friend left some amount of awkwardness to be had.
You held in a breath of relief as Red spoke up.
"So, how long have you and Gloomy known each other?"
"Just under a year. We go to the same school together."
"Oho? You've met in person then? Forgive me if I'm being invasive, but please do tell, what's he like? We've been online friends for years, I can't help but be a teensy bit curious about the man behind the screen."
You waited a beat. You knew part of the reason that Idia didn't share much about his personal life was because of his reasoning behind not wanting to ever feel too close to the people he connecting with online...yet Red was one of his best friends. And you wouldn't overshare, you could just share your thoughts on him. Besiiiides it wasn't like Idia would hear you gushing about him to his friend, he had left his desk to go help Ortho with something.
"....well...Gloomy is a pretty introverted guy but...as I've gotten to know him better? He can be really sweet, and passionate about the things he loves. He's a little shy and awkward, but I think it's part of his charm. He's also, just. Gorgeous. But don't tell him I said that."
Mischievous laughter came from Red as an audible "Idia dying" sound came through your headphones.
"You know, after being able to know our dear friend, I would have thought you'd have known Gloomurai wears Bluetooth headphones." You felt a little embarrassed as Red chuckled again.
"I told you Gloomy, that they liked you back. You've got no doubt about it now. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone~"
The telltale blip of him disconnecting left the two of you in incredibly awkward silence, until Idia had the guts to ask.
"D...d-do you really think all that?"
Ortho: (platonic, obviously)
"Ah, there you are Prefect, I tried to call and text, I even dropped by Ramshackle to see if you were there, how courteous am I to have sought you out to hand deliver your tasks for the week, aren't I just the best?"
Ortho could all but see the light drain from not only your eyes, but your expression as a whole as Crowley continued to ramble on about his generous nature.
How dare he? This was supposed to be you and him time. You had even less time than Idia to dedicate to hanging out together, because of how hard you worked for the headmage.
Before you really had a chance to acknowledge the headmage, Ortho got in between the two of you, getting in Crowley's face a little bit, floating to ensure the man would see him eye to eye.
"You're interrupting my time with the prefect sir. This is my one and only warning for you to stop."
Crowley took a slight step back, flabbergasted at the boys behaviour before he brushed his outfit down as if he was calming ruffled feathers.
"Well...I really must speak to the prefect Ortho, it's no small matter and you're far too young to underst-"
"I gave you a warning Sir. If it's no small matter, then it's probably your responsibility anyways. Instead of pawning off your less than desirable tasks to the prefect, why don't you think a little harder about what sort of stress that puts them under when they've already dealt with overblots completely unassisted. They've done more than enough for you and the school, and will no longer be at your beck and call, mkay? My brother and I can make sure they get the money they need so they don't have to work for you at all anymore. So now, you know that they won't be doing your dirty work anymore, you and your shadow can go back to your office and be the pathetic mess of a man you are on your own because you've got no friends, no family, and no significant relationships in your life to ease the ache of loneliness. Goodbye."
Without waiting for a response, Ortho grabbed the headmage by the shoulders and turned him away from you, giving him a light push towards the school before returning to your side.
"I know where we can find some really cool rocks, follow me!!"
DIASOMNIA (RIP my braincells, sorry guys)
Malleus: I'm so sorry this man. It's more platonic than anything.
"See that one? It's modeled after Corvus corax, the Common raven. And that gargoyle is similar, though the subtle differences imply it's modeled after Corvus corone, the Carrion crow."
He smiled rather proudly at you, glad to share and show off his knowledge to someone he cared for so deeply.
"What do you think?"
"I think I like the fox grotesque more."
A small 'hm?' left Draconia, a bit of a look of shock on his face until he registered that you were teasing, a playful smile playing over his lips.
"Only you would jest with me so casually Child of Man." He chuckled softly, patting your head. "Thank you for accompanying me today for club hours. I've rather enjoyed having someone else to speak to."
He turned towards you more, gently taking your face in his hand, rubbing your cheek gently with his thumb.
"It's not often I feel as appreciated as I do with you. Thank you, for everything you've do-"
Sebek's pathetic bleating drew both of your attention, an almost annoyed sounding huff leaving Malleus as he let go of your face, though stepped closer to you as Silver and Sebek ran up to the both of you.
"Wakasama, we've been looking for you everywhere! We were so worried-"
"We were not..."
"That we may never find you again!!"
"You're so dramatic..." Silver shook his head a bit, sighing.
"Apologies Malleus. Fa- Lilia sent for you. He went to your meeting for you and wants to fill you in."
He wore a slight pout on his lips, but nodded.
"I understand. Thank you Silver." He turned towards you, offering a slight bow. "I'll see you in due time, child of man. Until next time."
Lilia: (a little different, sorry)
"Kehehehe, are you excited prefect?"
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes. Of course of all the people you could have been paired with for home ec. you got Lilia Vanrouge....not that you minded entirely, he was pretty cute.
But being cute didn't get you good grades, and it certainly didn't improve your cooking ability.
You tapped the end of your wooden spoon against his nose.
"I'll be excited if you and I can pull this off successfully. No experimenting with the recipe, okay?"
Lilia sighed dramatically, sticking out his tongue.
"Fine. Ruin my fun. That's fine." He giggled a bit afterwards, scooping the recipe card up just as Crewel placed it down, not giving you so much as a glance at it.
"Alright, you ready? Let me read the ingredients to you."
You gave him a bit of a dirty look, only to be greeted with a wide grin. He took the spoon from your hand, gently booping your nose back.
"Aw come on~ you trust me, don't you? And you already took away my other fun, let me have this!"
Despite your better judgement, you relented.
He kept his promise- everything seemed reasonable as he read it out to you.
"Whisk two cups of AP flour, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt in a large bowl."
"Got it."
"Then beat the eggs until aerated, and slowly add the sugar. While you add sugar to the eggs, give me a kiss to give me some sugar too. By the time we're done, the eggs should be triple their size."
"Got- huh"
You turned around, bewildered at what you had heard, to see Lilia's cheeky grin.
"Well prefect, are you gonna follow the recipe card?"
You gave him a playful smile, gently pushing his face away from yours, leaving you both in giggles.
"I'll follow what the card actually says....and if this turns out, maybe I'll give you that kiss."
"This is my favourite place to feed the wild rabbits....I know it's not great for them, but they deserve a little treat every once in a while just like everyone else."
Silver's voice was soft as a small group of wild rabbits hopped around the two of you, as if they were pets. The two of you sat under the shade of one of the many apple trees of Night Raven College. Silver used a dagger to expertly cut into the ripe, unbruised apples he had picked out for the rabbits, claiming they deserved better than the fallen fruit.
You watched him, how focused he was, yet how soft he looked under the dappled shadows casted on him from the leaves above. He caught you watching, glancing at you and cracking just the slightest smile as he cut a piece of the apple and handed it to you,
"The grey one is super friendly. You can try feeding it. You'll probably be allowed to pet her too."
You thanked him softly, so as not to startle your furry friends and heeded his advice. You weren't exactly surprised when his advice paid off, though you still let out a soft sound of content as the bunny hopped into your lap, allowing you to pet it gently.
You heard Silver hum softly. "She really likes you. You should come here with me more often."
You couldn't help but smile a little shyly at that. "I would lo-"
Kalim's piercing voice cut through the quiet, peaceful environment the two of you had, startling all of you, but most of all the rabbits as they scattered and disappeared into the bushes, making Silver sigh softly in disappointment before offering you a small smile.
"We can get them back after. Let me talk to Kalim. I'll be right back." His gaze lingered a moment longer than it should have before he got up. You felt a bit of a funny feeling in your chest as you entertained the thought of him kissing you, trying to erase the thought before he would be able to tell.
"How did you even manage this human?"
Sebek had to bite his tongue, trying to keep his voice down so as to not spook your horse.
Somehow, your boot had slipped all the way through the stirrup, but nothing you or he did got your foot or boot loose enough to pull it back through. He tried to pull your boot off too, but that had just hurt.
You were trying really hard to not laugh. Yes it was inconvenient and uncomfortable, but how you managed to get yourself in this position was as funny to you as it was frustrating to Sebek.
You had asked Riddle for assistance at first, but Silver had called his attention over for something more pressing, so he had appointed Sebek to help you.
Sebek let out a frustrated bellow as yet another attempt was met with no progress, your horse side stepping away from him anxiously. You patted your horse gently and just looked at Sebek apologetically.
"You can just wait til Riddle or Silver can help with magic. It's not like the pain is unbearable."
"No. I was tasked with releasing you from your saddle. I will complete what has been required of me. Excuse me."
He knelt down to undo the saddle from beneath, and you got the hint, trying to move your foot out of the way best you could to let him do so.
He stood back up, and gestured to get you to get your horse to lay down so he could be taller. He offered his arms to you.
"Hold onto me. I'll make sure the saddle comes with you so it doesn't tug on your ankle."
Of course, it was just as your arms wrapped around Sebeks neck that Riddle came back, making a bit of a flustered noise at the sight of the two of you so close to each other.
"What is going on here?!!"
Sebek reeled, ducking his head out from your hands, flushed.
You looked rather unamused between the two biggest sticks in the mud you knew and gestured at your foot, still firmly stuck in the stirrups of your saddle.
"I'm still just trying to be granted sweet release."
--------------------------------------- RAHHHHH GOOD GOD I FINALLY FINISHED IT
Hopefully it lives up to expectation <3
----------------------------- Tag list:
@fluffle-writes @my-cursed-brain
@nyx-of-night @sickle-stick @distant-velleity @nemisisnemi @amatsuchan-eiliniel @random-twst-and-oc-stuff
I'm so tired BYE I love you guys
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steddieonbigboy · 3 months
Stuff and Things
written for @steddiemicrofic june prompt 'stuff' wc: 483 | rated: G | cw: none | read on ao3
It's an enlightening phone call from Wayne that makes Steve drive over to the trailer park to see Eddie. It's not uncommon with their work schedules that they can go a few days without hearing from each other, so Steve didn't think anything of it until Wayne called.
It takes almost five minutes from his knock for Eddie to answer the door looking frazzled and breathing heavily.
“Hey, baby! I’ve not seen you in a couple of days, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, all good,” Eddie's eyes dart shiftily to his bedroom door and back, “Sorry, I've been kinda busy with stuff.”
“A-and things!”
“Oh yeah? What kind of stuff and things?”
“You know just, uh, the normal kind of, um, stuff.”
“And things?”
“Yup, that too!”
Steve just raises an eyebrow, hands on his hips, and watches as Eddie visibly wilts and sighs.
“Did Wayne rat me out?”
“He said you were acting the same kinda shifty as when you snuck a flea-ridden kitten into your closet as a kid, and now it's my turn.”
“Goddammit. Can't get anything past that old man.”
“Well, duh, you're the least subtle person I've ever met.”
“You can't be mad if it's true, dude.”
“Fucking yes, I can!” Eddie huffs then waves Steve in, “Anyway, since you know now you might as well come meet, uh, stuff and things.”
Nothing stands out as weird to Steve when he glances around Eddie's room. He's about to think Wayne was wrong, when all of a sudden a tiny black snuffling nose pokes out of the pile of blankets on the bed, quickly followed by a second. Eddie hurries over to them as they start to chirp and gently strokes a thumb around each of their masked eyes.
“It's okay, my babies! I'm back, don't cry!”
“Are they fucking raccoons?”
“Yeah!” Eddie grins, and scoops one of the little pups up, “Wanna hold him?”
“So, this lil guy is called Stuff,” Eddie rocks the raccoon in his arms and nods to the other, still tangled up in blankets, “And that's his brother, Things.”
Things chirps and reaches grabby little hands out at Steve.
“See!” Eddie laughs, “He wants you to pick him up!”
Steve has never held a baby raccoon before but it turns out it's not too different from holding a human baby, if a little furrier.
“Hang on a minute,” Eddie frowns suddenly, “What did you mean before when you said it's your turn?”
“Oh, Wayne said he's had long enough to 'deal with your stupid' so he deserves a break, and this is what I get for dating someone who 'ain't got the sense God gave a goose.'”
“Fuckin' rude.”
“You're literally hiding baby raccoons in your bedroom, Eds.”
“But look how cute they are!”
“Yeah, they're cute but they better not have fucking rabies, Robin will kill you.”
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acapelladitty · 5 months
Cooper gives big sub energy if you open your eyes wide enough, don't you think ditty?
A/N: Maybe not sub energy but please enjoy this little thing where Cooper is forced to eat his partner out for being an ass. (1.7k words)
(tw: face sitting, orgasm, oral sex, dirty talk, threat of violence, biting, come marking, playful snark, mild violence)
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Call Out Loud For You
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Standing at the foot of the large cot which you had both decided to claim as 'home' for the night, your hands felt heavy on your hip as you held your ground against the smug ghoul who lounged against the threadbare sheets.
It had been a rough day. A bounty hunt very quickly went sideways as an isolated raider turned out to be very non-isolated indeed. And his friends weren't willing to give him up without a fight. But, as always, when the dripping blood finally settled and the missing limbs had been counted, it was Cooper and yourself who emerged the victors.
But still.
He had been a prick about it.
"Apologise." You demanded, wounded pride making you determined to get at least that out of him.
Sucking his lips in to unleash a short whistle, Cooper was unrepentant.
"Ain't got nothing to apologise for, so I won't be wasting the words."
His arm is raised overhead, nude body laying out utterly shameless and reddened against the pale sheets. A rogue chain had caught him across the outer thigh and the marks there would take days to heal. Your efforts to help with the injury had been swiftly rebuffed as he realised you were still looking for an apology and he had instead elected to strip off and drop to the cot, claiming it as his own.
For someone who was so vilified and hated due to his appearance, it sure didn't seem to bother him when it suited his mood.
Deprived of your own clothes due to the sweltering heat of the approaching night, you stood before him with equal pride - refusing to back down.
He knew he was in the wrong.
Those little affectionate brushes against your back and casual grabs at your body that had punctuated throughout the day after the doomed raid had screamed his unspoken guilt. But his stubbornness was maddening.
As was how horny his little games had made you.
Fuck it.
You were getting yours, one way or another.
"You always told me that the only thing we get in the world is what we're willing to take."
Proclaiming the sage words from a scowling face, you throw the advice back at him like a horse kicking up dirt.
"That I did."
"Then lie your stupid ass flat out on that cot. Arms by your sides and legs straightened out."
Surprise crosses his face for only a moment before being swiped away by something lecherous as his right hand drops to cup at his cock, the thick length laying half-hard against his upper thigh.
"I don't see how riding this old stallion is going to get your point across but I ain't complaining."
Shaking your head as you climb into the cot, your body slithers up his own like a serpent coiling in the desert heat until you can straddle his waist - making a point to ignore his cock as you sit above it.
"I'm gonna sit on your face and you're gonna eat me out until I forget that I'm mad at you. You're going to treat my cunt like it's your last supper before they execute your stubborn ass."
Narrowing his brow, the missing hole where his nose should be flaring as he inhaled, Cooper shook his head with a somewhat playful defiance; most of his fire having been extinguished by your soft body atop his as his hands immediately flew to your hips and groped at the flesh there.
"The hell I am. That sounds like a sorry to me, darli-"
Your hand makes a resounding crack as it collides with his hollowed cheek. On a regular man, it would leave a livid mark, but on Cooper - his skin already a darker shade than anything you could accomplish - it is truly undetectable.
What is slightly more detectable is the sly smirk which curls at the corners of his ragged lips and the way his pupils seem to dilate as he inhales sharply once more.
"Oh, it's like that is it."
"Damn right." Running your thumb across the ridge of his cheek, neatly atop the area which you had just slapped, you enjoy the rough sensation of his skin against your own as his hands increase their grip of you. "And if I hear any more backtalk then I'll just smother you. End of all my problems."
A thoughtful hum rumbles past his throat, and you feel it through your palm as you spread your fingers across his chest.
"Not the worst way I've died." Cooper admits. "Alright, darlin', hop on. But don't say I didn't warn you."
Shuffling forward, your inner thighs burn as they swipe across his collarbone in their efforts to position yourself so that his face - eyes burning in the shadows of their sockets - was in a prime position to service your eager sex.
"Might be the last meal you get, handsome." Sighing out the words, you spread your knees wide as you take the time to ensure your own comfort. "So don't waste it."
His response is too low for you to pick up properly, the syllables more a growl than anything else, but you can hear the bitchy quality to his tone as he dutifully pushes his mouth up to brush along your cunt.
He immediately sets out to punish you for that earlier slap, sucking at your folds with his lips and teasing the skin with blunted teeth. It's a lot and your fingers curl against the wall which the head of the cot sits against as you resist the urge to press down harshly on his face.
He seems to be enjoying himself though, his tongue licking a sordid line from your hole to your clit in one solid stripe.
"Fuck, Cooper-" You whine, legs tightening around his shoulders as his tongue grazes your clit; a sensation which sends lightning up your spine as your body tenses involuntarily.
Knowing he hit a good spot, he repeats the feat. His roughened lips add a cruel intensity to his movements as he suckles at your most sensitive nerves. It's hot and intense and too fucking much-
Grinding your cunt down onto his face, you momentarily mourn his lack of nose as an amusing image of being able to swipe yourself across it for extra stimulation flits through your mind.
His tongue would do though and you press your cunt against his mouth with vigour, forcing him to abandon your clit and refocus his attention on your hole. You're already painfully wet, his tongue lapping up more moisture than it was providing, and you feel him growl against your sex as he tastes you properly.
A vicious cry slips free of your throat as he disobeys your earlier demands and his calloused hands wrap around your inner thighs, pulling your lips apart to allow him easier access to his apology. His skin is hot as hell, the leathered texture as delightful as ever as his mouth messily latches on to your skin - sucking, biting, licking, and teasing every possible inch of you until your words are broken and incomprehensible.
A sharp pain makes you cry out and you feel the full ache of a bite radiating from your inner thigh, the skin unbroken but no doubt soon to bruise due to the hard treatment. The dual sensation makes your head swim as the pressure of arousal builds in your cunt.
Discomfort and pleasure.
Ecstacy and pain.
Pure Cooper in his most concentrated form.
Nearing completion, you can't help the bucking of your hips as he struggles to hold you into place - your cunt grinding on his mouth and chin as you chase that high.
"Fuck, Cooper. Just so- so fucking good. Need to do this- FUCK- do this more. Put that mouth to good, ugh, use."
It's a babble and a mess. Words stuttering and pitching as his lips find your clit once more and his tongue flicks against the engorged nub, sending you careening over the edge of the abyss.
Hands scrambling against the wall as your orgasm hits, the hot pleasure cascades through your body in waves - tensing and relaxing your frame in sync as you press down on his face. Without much choice, he swallows everything, his busy tongue refusing to let up its devouring of your cunt as your thighs clench around his skull.
Earlier musings blown to the side, you take a moment to appreciate that his nose was missing as your frantic jerking across his face would have probably broken it in several places. You ride your orgasm out against him, allowing him time to breathe when he earns it as his face skilfully tilts to the side to pull in sharp intakes of air.
Eventually the tension in your legs dies out and your cunt grows too overstimulated to be fully enjoyable and you push your hands off the wall, forcing your cum-soaked thighs to slip along his chest once more as you collapse to the side of him.
His face is a sight. The raw-looking skin glistened in the low light as his mouth and chin remain covered by your mess. His eyes were bright, piercing through your relaxed features as you wrap your leg around his own - marvelling at the temperature difference.
"Not bad, old timer."
Blissed out by his efforts, your attitude was much more amicable and to show your forgiveness, you lazily grip at his cock; the length rock hard and visible leaking pre-cum due to his own untouched arousal.
Deciding that maybe he did deserve a treat as he wiped off his mouth with the back of his scarred hand - bringing the collected mess to his mouth for a final taste - you run the pad of your thumb across the flared head of his livid cock in a playful tease.
"Let's see if we can do something about this little problem here."
Cooper's voice came roughly, his own aggression mellowed out by how visibly pleased you were with his efforts.
Still, he couldn't resist the bait.
"Not that little, I gotta say." You reply. "In fact, maybe I should return the favour and-"
Trailing off, you wetten your lips with your tongue and make a lurid sucking noise, something obscene and nasty, as your thighs press together gently.
It's not really that much of a surprise when his hand moves like lightning, snaring around your neck and pushing your head towards his cock while a faint yet familiar smirk sits on the corners of his lips.
It was your turn after all.
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gundawifey-inactive · 6 months
𝕄𝕒𝕞𝕒'𝕤 𝔹𝕠𝕪
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Bo Sinclair x Fem! Reader Smut !18+! !MDNI! Syn. Bo has the tendency to compare his wife to his mom, and she's getting real sick of it. Tags. unprotected sex, p in v, housewife-reader, toxic/dysfunctional marriage, implied verbal abuse, mommy-kink, hurt/comfort, slightest breeding-kink, mommy-issues (Bo's, not child's), Bo & reader's son's name is Billy, (no use of y/n) Word Count. 2.9k
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Droplets of scalding oil fly off the heavily greased pan and hit your skin like prickles, shit hurts. Not as much as your eardrums do, though, same as your other arm you aren't using to hold the handle of the pan that's carrying the twenty-five-pound toddler in your other arm that's screaming bloody murder. 
"'Wanna play outside! MORE PLAYTIME!" another shriek of baby babbles wrecks the barrier protecting the shell of your ear. You groan, attempting to bounce Billy while also attempting to not burn the dinner on the pan, yeah that'd hurt more. Bo's been working 'round Ambrose all day, as usual, you don't need two temper tantrums to deal with over a burnt supper.
"God damn.." You suck in a breath when Billy knees into your side and you almost drop the food cooking. He's a growing boy for sure, pudgy small legs of his grown enough to land some fatal kicks. Bo would've laughed, except it's not funny, not when you're the one dealing with the kid all day. "You can't go outside, it's late baby." You try and reason with the kid, but you know, he's a kid.
"No! Wanna play! WANNA PLAY OUTSIDE!" He retorts, it's a nonexistent counter-point, not like he could make one anyway, his vocabulary is as small as he is. 
Another bubble of sizzling oil scars your wrist shaking the pan and you damn near snap at it. All things considered, to say you were overwhelmed is an understatement. The grip you have on Billy snugs and you let go of the panhandle, leaving the frying food on the stove, instead drifting your full attention to Billy's. 
"Enough." You elongate your words, mommy voice pitching deep and you wrap both hands around him, staring him down. "Daddy's gonna be home soon and that means supper then bed for you, no more playtime, 'specially when it's dark out." You scold. Billy whines and tosses around in your arms, dramatic showmanship but doesn't screech back at you anymore, at least. 
At this point, your patience is out the window, and while thank god your ears ain't bleeding, you need the toddler to just calm down so you can get back to finishing up dinner. About to burst, the door swings open first, cutting off the next little lecture you were going to dump on Billy, familiar taps on the old wooded floor, Bo's home. 
His boot turns and he grins at you and Billy, stepping to the kitchen quickly. "How're my babies?" Bo said before he could really process the exact situation he stepped into. 
Turning to face Bo rather than the miniature of him in your arms, your brows furrow at him, and Billy just keeps, whining. Squirming around in your arms while you glare at Bo, not that you're mad at him, okay maybe you are but not justifiably, at the moment you're just mad. Bo doesn't acknowledge it, instead looking around then to the stove. 
Shit, dinner. 
"You burnt supper," He gestures to the now char-blacked mix of ingredients inside the pan, nose and eyes crinkling in disgust at it. Funny, he's seen plenty of burnt shit, like corpses, but god forbid his dinner be burnt. 
You choose to ignore the statement. "Can you take him?" You ask instead, reaching your arms outward for Bo to take Billy out of them. He wails between your arms, tiny nails digging into your skin while you try to hand him to Bo, let him help out. 
"Can't handle him yourself?" Bo replies and doesn't take Billy out your arms, raising a judgemental brow at you. 
"Just take him so I can fix the food." You respond, nudging your chin up in the direction of Billy for Bo to take him, but he doesn't.
"Bo." His name parts from you in a restrained growl. 
Billy is out of your arms into Bo's now, but there isn't any sweetness in the expression Bo gives you when he does. Mercy isn't present in his gesture, taking the kid and giving you another judgy look in lieu of a willing expression as he does. 
Circling between the kitchen to living room Bo rocks Billy over his shoulder, letting him wail it out till he gets exhausted by his fit. Eventually, the whines soften to snores. A momentary silence as Bo rocks him in his arms, you opting out of remaking the earlier failed meal with Billy now sound asleep. For a second your eyes meet Bo's while you wash the burnt remains off of the pan, as he walks off with the sleeping toddler to put him to bed.
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"Need help with that too?" He balances himself against the hardwood kitchen counter clicking his tongue from behind you, there's the tiniest amount of condescension in his voice. See that, that shit hurts a lot more than hot oil. Can't control that mouth of his, has a mind of its own, he told you once too many times by now when, if, he'd bother to check up on you after airing out his bullshit onto you. 
"No." You've learned not to engage with whatever got him pissed by now, not with Bo. Vincent doesn't, hell even Lester doesn't, why would you? Would be stupid to. Not like he hits you or anything anyway, just mouths off sick filth with absolutely no filter. Got the worst of tempers but he does enough gutting and beating in his own time when getting Vincent his wax muses.
A mock laugh erupts from Bo and he tilts himself forward to your side of the kitchen, leaning over the sink to look you in the eye. Once again, you ignore the bubbling rage emanating from him, boiling up. But you can handle heat. Spend half your day on the frypan taking care of the boys, even if it means the boys just burn you twice as much. 
Bo sucks in his teeth, and you can feel the room getting warmer, not the arousing kind, Bo's signature can be being a horny fucking mess, but also an angry one. "I don't get it." He scoffs, shaking his head at the unsaid words he isn't even gonna try and hold back on. "It's one kid, for fucks sake."
Now this, you know where this one's going. Reuccering theme of your husbands, the never-ending need to nitpick at your parenting. He bitches about damn well everything, but there are those times you feel the tips of your nerves itch all wrong, like a sixth sense at this point when he's about to spit those abhorrent words. 
"My Mama managed fine with three so," Ah, there it is, your least favourite words to ever grace God's green earth. Broken record at this point with how often Bo brings it up. 'My Mama never-' 'My Mama did-' Words that seemed to toss any left sanity you had in you into the fire you thought you had grown used to, but no you didn't. Because it burns more hellish each time it's said. 
"I'm sure she did." Your teeth grit while you speak feigning little control as you try and remain docile, not to fan the flame any further. 
"Shouldn't be burnin' dinner, you know your way 'round a fire." He adds, voice raising with each sentence. Damn straight you know your way around a fire, dealing with Bo's frenzies all the time, you've gone numb to the temperature he inflicts with his tongue.
"Billy was having a tantrum." You gently defend.
"You call that a tantrum?" Bo snorts, taunting the notion. "Small lil hissy-fit at best, darlin'. My Mama ain't never burnt no meals over my tantrums." 
"Well, I'm not your Mama." You snarl cutting him off, pupils jolting away from the dish you were scrubbing to Bo's. Sick and tired is one way to describe the crazy you were experiencing right now at Bo's statements. A band snapping in the kitchen between you and him 
The edge of his shoulders stiffens into a line, and for the first time since you've known him, you think you've burnt him instead. A woefully pathetic air casts in his over his eyes, turning pitiable. "No, you're not." He replies as if he's testing the words, tasting them in his mouth as he verbalizes them, and they taste bittersweet sort of wrong. An unfortunate truth. 
Not sure if you're more shocked at yourself, or Bo right now you simply pause at the sight. Bo is, in fact, not yelling back at you. Shutting you up in some pseudo-volume battle that'd sure to have woken up anyone asleep in the house. Instead, he just looks at you like a kicked dog, not too far from what he was, his life considered.
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The air goes cold, bedsheets feeling extra plush around you, that sort of featherlight coolness engulfing you on the bed, odd. Rarely cold in Ambrose, even in the dead of night. Much less soft, you're more used to suffocating in heat, wax requires it to meld and shape, And Bo pours it out in all his hot-headed tantrums you get burdened with. 
Bed post creaking you look over your shoulder from your side and the familiar dip on the other side has Bo there finding his usual spot beside you. 
This isn't hellfire hot, this is limbo, off-putting quietude, yet not tranquil. A second passes and Bo just stares off at the rusted ceiling. Did you break Bo? Did you fuck it up this time, like seriously fuck it up with what you said? More disturbed by the blue tune of silence than hollering, you turn completely to him. 
"Uhm," You start, unsure of where you're going with your question. "You still mad at me?" If he was, you're sure you would've known it, Bo doesn't shy away from his anger or showcasing it. Still, you question. 
"I'm not mad at you, darlin'." Bo sighs, shutting his eyes to avoid yours, wrinkles of the eyelid creasing in some kind of negative emotion.
Gently rolling to Bo's side you land atop his chest pressing your cheek flat against it, hearing the thump of his heart, familiarized with it by now. His arm finds place around your side rubbing your back instinctively. "Just, you know, my Mama... My Mama was real different than ya. Different to how you're with Billy."
There's an internal tick being set off because you've heard him sing this song too many times, about his Mama. Not that you had anything against the lady, bless her for raising your man, and bless your man for respecting her, it's sweet. But it's the constant comparing that had you getting all worked up.
"Different to how you're with me..." He adds, swallowing back a lump, and perhaps if you haven't gone crazy officially, a tear as well. So, this is not where you were expecting the conversation to go. Bo's not mad, not picking at you for the expectation his mother set. 
"You're so, so patient. With Billy, with me." He praises, he's praising you. Not mad, not disappointed, grateful. "Don't hurt me, at all, only," He groans, the bridge of his brow pinching, eyes still shut as he speaks. A vulnerability in his tone. "You only do me good. Make me feel good."  He means it all, with complete genuineness. Almost as though he's shocked at you for it, 'cause Bo's never seen you hit Billy, the kid's only got scars from scruffy tree branches that scrapped his knees. Bo's are all too vivid, leather and duct tape that's no longer there but still stings in his wrists and ankles. Never knew a woman could get so gentle, not with how his mama was, yet you were.
You smooth a hand over his chest where you lay, up to his cheek, hovering over his waterline wiping off the tears before they've fallen with a soft motion. "Shh, Bo." You soothe.
"Christ darlin'. You're such a good Mommy..." Bo murmurs, releasing a shaky breath, opening his eyes to look at you. Disbelief apparent from the quake rumbling through the way he speaks right now. He mumbles something else intangible and pulls you flush closer to him. 
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Sweat salts your skin, snapping hips up and down against each other room re-enveloped with familiar warmth while you swallow him whole. 
"O-Ohh.. S'good, such a good boy, Bo." You warble in mixed moans, absolutely drenching the sheets under the round of your ass Bo pounding languidly into your gushing cunt. Tips of your finger pushing indents into the muscle of his back. 
Fervor spilled through his mind as you tugged him down closer, pussy sucking him in the same. Pulling then pushing his cock by the full till the tip nearly slipped out then slamming in deeper. "Fuck yeah, feels good Mommy? I makin' you feel so good, huh?" He purred, dipping his head into the crook of your neck breath fanning right over your ears fuzzing out the sound of his balls slapping against your ass. "Oh fuuuck, Grippin' me like crazy, Mommy." 
Saliva doused into the crook of your neck, Bo sucking in the skin and lapping at it. Wanting to kiss you whole, fuck you full. Maybe fill you with another baby, because you've done so well with the first he's given you. Another time, though, right now all that swelled was his cock lodged deep into you and awe in his mind. 
You tossed your legs around his waist, shivers twisting the inside of your abdomen, Bo fucks good every time. His mouth is so much more lovable stuck on the sensitive inches of your flesh making out hickeys and love bruises rather pissy words. "Close! Mommy's s-so close!" You gasp, tugging him closer, close as can be so his body heat can burn you right, the way you deserved it. 
Feeling you pull him till bodies melded like molten wax, and your insides warming his cock, clenching in a steady increase, Bo hugged his arms around your waist. Pelvis slamming harder, quicker against yours, increased pace jackhammering your cunt. 
"Cum f'me. Come on, Cum for me, pretty Mama. Cum all over my cock Mommy," His voice mumbled in a strained groan, bordering a whimper, heavy breathed against the sticky spot he'd left into the corner of your neck and shoulder while he pushes you to climax.
Felt good to burn like this, to be loved by Bo. Your brain turned to mush and white stars of bliss flooded from your spasming cunt to your brain. "Fuck, Ohh yes! Cumming! Cumming!" Gripping his cock so tight he almost came right there and then, but graced himself while he plunged deep into you restlessly, riding out the onslaught of euphoria that burned your veins. 
You were fucked out, that much was certain, first orgasm hit hard, harder than any words he could beat you with. Already stressed out day, Bo fixing that for you, dutiful husband the such. Rolling his hips in slower motions as you calm down from your high, your thighs clamp around his hips feeling the sting of sex continue passed your orgasm.  
"Stay wimme Mommy, gimme one more, yeah?" Bo tilted his head, raising it so it hovered over your forehead, staying atop you with a lustful adoration in his eyes. He was lucky, that much was certain. Not much luck in his life, crazy dead daddy and mommy, favourite freak of a twin brother, got you though. He got himself the sweetest baby mama a man could ask for. That shit is the best luck if he'd ever felt it.
"One more, sweet Mommy, and I'll fuck ya full. Mhm?" He cooed, pressing his lips to yours and snapping his cock into you, regaining his previous pace as your pussy relaxed around him. Building his thrusts back into quickness while hugging you close, kissing you with love.
You warmed impossibly hot, like an unbridled flame. Clinging to him while he does to you, because you're his everything, because you're his wife, his mommy, his darling. "O-Oh, Oh god Mommy, gonna... Gonna-" Bo choked out, cock throbbing in you with each slap of his balls against your ass. body churning and tense fucking you quick as could be.
"Me too- Oh fuck!" You felt it coming harder than a tidal wave this time, Bo nearing his as well. Your eyes rolled behind your skull and Bo slammed his lips to yours again to shut his own pornish moans from spilling out, your pussy driving him to pure rapture.  
Ecstasy ran through you two's bodies and he delved his cock straight into you in a final thrust of needed high, balls tightening and spilling deep into you with strangled cries of pleasure filling your lips that parted his. Teeth clattering messily against each other while he rode out his high in your spasming pussy, you washing into the second state of bliss the night cumming hard around his cock.
Bo could be a horrid husband at times, but God be damned, was he a grateful one. So grateful, wanted to send you to heaven, and push you through it over and over. Hoping to keep the fire churning in you forever. 
But for now, his dick was spent. And his Mommy was already exhausted as be taking care of his kid all day, and also getting fucked stupid by him. He pulled out with a grunt and flopped to his side in the bed. "Supper would've been good, now." He mumbles in a snort, wrapping his loose-jointed arm around your waist and rubbing a hand over your bare curves.
"Don't even start.." You grumble softly, before letting out a soft giggle, the type that makes him go stupider than emptying his balls in you. A dumb grin overtook his face and he smiled at you, rolling slightly in the bed to face you. 
"Sorry, darlin'." Sorry's only happen after Bo fucked you, not after he yells, never after he scalds you with words. But you'll take it, if it meant getting dicked down by the best man in Ambrose. 
"It's okay." You reply in a soft sigh, nuzzling against him. His perfect Mommy.  
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avianyuh · 22 days
Jeon Jungkook as a Boyfriend
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So I think we've moved past JK's 'baby' phase
Like, look at him
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So I'm not gonna spew any of that "He's scared of girls" crap
He was very young when he debuted and I know for sure he's grown out of that phase of his life.
In three years Kookie will be 30🤧
But, JK is an introvert
I think that's something he has always been and fame has probably made him become a more defined introvert
So I think if one were to be dating him, you would spend a lot of time together at home
Playing video games
If you play the same things as him, I think he'd get a little competitive
If you don't play the same things as him (or if you don't game at all) He would definitely teach you how to play
Would get so much enjoyment out of teasing you
I could see him trying to cook for you
He shares recipes a lot with army so I think he'd cook for you
And if you like to cook, I think he would look forward to whatever you make for him
He loves to be active
But I don't think it'd be a "dealbreaker" if you don't like to exercise
I see him with his gym time the same way I see him with his video game hobby
He'd love to bring you along with him to the gym
Or his home workouts tbh
And force you to do 50 pushups or something stupid
And he'd fake bully you if you couldn't do it
And if you did, he would do 50 more that you so he could still win
Like I said, very competitive
I think he'd like to draw for you
Probably get a tattoo of you once he was really serious about you...
Though he ain't no baby, he is still the member's baby and I think their approval would mean a lot to him
So he'd get nervous when it came to introductions between you and the rest of BTS
But obviously, it would go well so don't worry
You'd get aquatinted with Bam
And all of his other friends
Would do karaoke night at least once a week
Would try to find the perfect moment to say I Love You
But he'd end up putting to much pressure on himself trying to figure out the perfect time to say it
But he ended up blurting it out after he came home from a studio session and was greeted by the smell of you cooking
You had made dinner for him at 12 on the morning because you knew he'd be working late that night
So he just stood in front of the doorway of the kitchen watching you explain why you made dinner so late
And that's when he said it
Arms crossed, big grin plastered on his face as he shook his head
"I Love You"
And you dropped the wooden spoon you were using to stir your pot and you jumped into his arms, returning those same words
And then y'all ate and moved it to the bedroom
Where you then passed out due to being stuffed and exhausted from being up so late...
But speaking of the bedroom!
You guys know about the whole 1)Dom 2)Sub 3) Switch thing right?
Well, I think he'd be option 3
I see him as the type to take the lead most of the time
But, I think on days where he might be a little shy or who knows, maybe you upset him and got in a fight
I see him as the type who would want you to take the lead
But I think most of the time he would be dominate since he gives me control freak vibe
*Cough* Virgo *Cough*
Omg his arms
Imagine him like, lifting you
I see him as the type to be heavy with the eye contact
I think he'd put an emphasis on pace
I think if he was really trying, or was mad, he'd go faster
But if he had all the time in the world, he'd go slow and that's where he'd really lay on the eye contact
Would take sex as an opportunity to tell you how much he loves you
And yes, I do see him as the type to crack jokes during sex
And honestly my Tumblr friends, that is what you want in a man
Get freaky but at the same time have fun
Btw, have fun tracing those tattoos!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 11 months
Hello there sagau brain rot like in many sagau versions reader/creator are often to soft to kind to my taste and then Idea comes to my head what if creator reader shows his cruler uncaring side to the pepole he truly hates or thinks deserve thier wrath like I can image that in place of raiden shogun the creator kills Singniora after begin defeated by traveler, azar the grand sage after whole begin in that day loop, and scaramouche when he had audacity to think that by begin inside giant mech he is now a God becose even if the creator is the kindest begin in tevyat.....his wrath has no bounds
@zardas75 welcome back to my very dead mailbox LOL—Let me see what I can come up with with your brainrot.
I don't fully get the Raiden Shogun vs Signora part, so I'm going to (unfortunately) not include that in this post.
The Creator Being Moody Fr (Jkjk—Unless? 👀)
(Disclaimer: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Genshin Impact Archon Quest Lore!)
Boy oh boy...where to begin...
To put it simply: It's Azar's Fault. Blame and point your fingers to the rusty old man, bois, we ain't forgiving him any time soon. It all started with him.
The moment you saw him in the Archon Quest, you knew, without even needing the slightest hint of evidence, that you did not like him and he was sus.
And when things escalated throughout the Archon Quest, you swore so loudly it shook the entire nation of Sumeru, if not all of Teyvat.
Here were Some of the Sumeru People's Reactions:
He finished his confrontation with Azar and was waiting outside when you swore like your life depended on it. During his entire time being under your presence, Cyno was aware of how much you hated the guy—every moment you had gotten, you were seething and spouting insults from your mouth about Azar.
Even the General Mahamatra was stunned and shocked to the very core. He didn't you could and would do this.
And when you made it clear that your tantrum was yet to end, Cyno just braced himself for the fate of Sumeru to be in your hands.
"At least Azar is truly facing the wrathful judgement of the gods..." he mutters to himself, trying to convince himself of the situation at hand.
Scaramouche & Nahida
(Decided to add them both here since It's the False God Fight. This is kinda for the sake of convenience—)
Nahida never knew such intense emotion could ever erupt from Their High, Almighty Grace, and here you are, cursing and insulting Scaramouche. It wasn't as bad as Azar's, since you weren't throwing in any "I will have your head by morning" or anything similar threats, but it was still pretty intense.
Scaramouche, on the other hand, has heard you yelling at the old man Azar, and he already been yelled at for—quote on quote—"killing Teppei" (REST IN PEACE, TEPPEI 😭), so he knows what your wrath was like.
He did not like it then, and he still doesn't like it now. That much was a solid fact. Nevertheless, he has an image to uphold, especially in front of that Buer.
"Their Almighty Grace is really mad..." Nahida thought as they were confronting Scaramouche. (Cue you in the background still insulting Azar) "And it seems they won't be forgiving Azar anytime soon..."
"So, Their Grace still hasn't let go of their grudge against me..." Scaramouche mutters to himself once he was out of the view of Their Almighty Grace in his mecha. "Tch. Whatever...I'll make them see my true potential one I've squashed these insects."
She knew you were explosive. She's seen it happen by the way you were cheering to beat Rahman's ass and "save the kid's grandpa!"
She knew you were pretty emotional on behalf of them. She's pretty happy and honored about that—that means Teyvat meant a lot to you.
What she was not expecting was to hear you curse and scream at Azar at the top of your lungs, as if that was the only enjoyment you were able to indulge yourself in.
You sounded murderous, and yet here you were, just yelling. Dehya would've shrugged it off, since she understood getting things out of your system was good, but she was not expecting the world to shake with your voice.
She looks over at Rahman. "You think Their Grace is handling this well?" "Probably not...Hard to say, Dehya." "Well, we'll just have to wait it out, then. They'll get it out of their system...eventually..."
Dehya was not expecting to wait until after beating the False God for it to be truly over. Gosh, that was scary...
He sensed that you didn't like Azar the moment you saw him, and frankly, he's pretty glad you don't trust him too. What he wasn't expecting was your explosive personality.
For all the stories about the Almighty Creator's kind and gentle nature, you were ANYTHING but. And you were proving it HARD.
Tighnari thought he heard it all when he got struck by lightning. Boy, was he wrong, because you just one-upped his expectations with the amount of cussing, cursing, threats, and insults you were hurtling in one go, streaming out of your mouth like you were running a marathon with your words.
So here he was, waiting in some form of dread in Pardis Dhyai, waiting if you were going to strike down the Akademiya with your godly might.
"I hope they don't accidentally blow up all of Sumeru..." he mutters to himself as he prays to all the archons that the nation wouldn't be turned into water or something.
He should have taken account of your behaviour to the plan. You did play a crucial part. That was the sole mistake he overlooked.
Then again...it didn't seem like you were doing anything other than yelling at Azar...So perhaps the plan wouldn't change all that much.
He should keep in mind of how reactive you are, though. You...remind of his roommate sometimes...
"Hm. It seems Their Grace has yet to let Azar go of their scandal." He says it so calmly as he waits in Aaru Village. Candace stands a few feet away, looking unsure of what was going on—and probably praying that Their Almighty Grace won't strike down Sumeru in their anger against the rogue Grand Sage.
And let's not talk about the Traveler or Paimon. Those two are both used to it and still terrified. But they're okay with you dw 👍
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: IM COMING BACK WOOO! I'm so excited! There's been quite a few more requests than I usually got back in the past, so I'm a little stoked. They'll be out real soon, but I hope you enjoy this one! Hopefully I'll have time to do them all! :D
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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wonton4rang · 4 months
What would bnd be like as fwb?? 🤔
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oh my fucking god you are CRAZY but i think about fwb bnd EVERY SINGLE DAY, at least once, at least one member but EVERYDAY. so watch me rant about it below 😭
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut.
sungho; i don't see him being the typical fwb tbh, idek how you got him like that but if he is, i see him being this type of loner that no one would ever think is being someone's fwb, he's the type to give married vibes so it's not something usual to see him being a fwb. he would be loyal asf, you guys are just fucking but he ain't even looking to anyone else cause he's just that respectful. he would be the type to say a simple "hi" to you when you meet in public with a soft smile, you automatically receiving a text after he went out fo your sight saying "you look so beautiful today, as always". but he wouldn't be confusing tho, you guys would have things clear which is good to avoid any hard feelings.
riwoo; everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, will know you guys have something going on, the only reason they wouldn't specifically go for fwb is because they think sanghyeok has never seen a pussy before. he looks like a lost puppy behind you all the time so they know that he either likes you or you are leading him on. funny how he fucks the shit out of you while he lets out little whines "you feel so good, so warm" he would have a thing for fucking from behind, your ass pressing against his pelvis and you just know he's gonna loose it when his hands hold your boobs and his lips just keep kissing your ear and softly moaning.
jaehyun; contrary to sanghyeok, no one knows y'all have a thing, not because he's good at hiding it but because he's just always joking around and flirting with everyone and everything. i see you getting into an argument with him because of this too, it gets to a point where you don't feel comfortable knowing he's fucking and kissing others as well, he would just excuse himself by saying you guys are not dating so there's no exclusivity involved. was he a bitch? yes, were you going to leave him because of that? no. you loved every moment you spent together and he was so loving when he wanted to that even if it crossed your mind leaving a thousand times, a thousand and one times you'll stay.
taesan; dongmin is not a very clingy person, not even during an stablished relationship, let alone when he's just fucking you sometimes. the lack of response, of affection, of sympathy would be driving you nuts, but when you finally meet in person he's such a sweetheart that you just forget you were mad at him and let him do whatever he wants to do with you. he is VERY misleading, he would say a few lies to keep you close, making promises he doesn't keep but he still has you wrapped around his finger. he would be a little bit rough during sex but even if he's a bitch, he would make you feel good and take care of you afterwards. one of the main reasons of your confusion was that he acted like your boyfriend in private, being jealous over stuff and telling you you're his, only to ignore you in person and don't even read your messages.
leehan; the most misleading one by far. he would act like your boyfriend fr, say cute things to you, wink at you if he ever sees you in public, takes pictures with you, asks you out for dinner at his place without actually fucking you afterwards. all this for him to break your heart when you see him flirting with another girl at the library, getting close to him to ask what's going on and only earning a bad look before he held the other girl's hand and got away from there. he would drop by your place that night and tell you how much he cares about you and how sorry he is, kissing your tears away and making love to you in such a sweet way that you forgot everything he did before. he would stay with you overnight and you would wake up in his arms, only to see him back to normal, barely looking at you before he picked up his things and left you alone. at least he doesn't run away in your sleep and kisses you goodnight.
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Angst, self-image issues, mentions of childhood trauma, addiction, our mans has had it rough as fuck™
A/N: Brought on by this post from @tarjapearce and the comments i made (I'm sorry i am a ho for some angst sometimes) I'm merging ATSV stuff with comic stuffs because NO WAY IS HIS MOVIE DESIGN LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE WITHOUT IT POSSIBLY COMING UP IN FUTURE MOVIES ASDFGHJKL
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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You came home and it was quiet. Quiet and dark; and already you knew something was up. You left Miguel sleeping so you could attend to some meetings and paperwork at your office, and pick up a few groceries.
Miguel had been acting strange the past few days. You'd asked him if it had something to do with work and he simply shrugged the question aside, like it was a small chip on one of his broad shoulders.
You'd asked him what was bothering him again, and he simply stared at the carpet, muttering something you didn't quite catch, and he went straight to bed.
You were so worried you'd even texted Gabriel on your walk home:
Hey, Gabe...
Heyyyy! If it ain't my favorite brother's girlfriend!
You couldn't help but roll your eyes with a soft snort. You only have one brother, Gabe.
No no, chica, I meant that you're my favorite of any girlfriends he's ever had. 😂
Gabe that sounds a little... Bad. 😬
Does it? Woops! Anyways, what's up? My big dumb, brick-house brother do something to make you mad?
No, Gabe... He's acting weird. Has been for the past few days, and he won't open up to me. I'm worried.
You could see the chat bubble pop up over and over again with '...' signifying that he was in the process of texting. With how many times it popped up and went away you were expecting a bible scripture's length of a text wall.
But what you got instead made your heart sink.
He saw our mom. She... She brought up Tyler.
Oh, god. You knew that Miguel and Conchata had a rocky relationship. Miguel had told you why. It was so bad, even just recalling everything, that you felt Miguel's pain like it was your own.
You also knew that Miguel's biological father, Tyler Stone, was the one that manipulated him, that used him, got him addicted to Rapture and almost killed him...
But it wasn't even the real dose of Rapture. It was simulated. Just another manipulation tactic. It was overhearing that conversation that Miguel found out the truth of his heritage, and you could tell that nugget of knowledge permanently chipped his sense of identity.
Even moreso when he confessed to you about Gabriela--
Your phone pinged.
They fought. It was... It was ugly. I... I didn't know about Tyler. God, chica, I didn't know. Dad was...
You felt your heart flop, knowing poor Gabriel was shielded by Miguel for so long so he didn't have to suffer like he did at the hands of their gaslighting and manipulative mother, his sadistic sperm donor... Miguel wanted nothing more than to protect Gabriel from that pain.
Your fingers flew fast on the little keyboard, a few spelling errors here and there;
God, Gabri im sory you had to fidn out that way
I know. It figures Miguel would have told you, before me, tho. He loves you.
He loves you too, Gabri. God, more than you know. He loves you.
I know. He was trying to keep me safe and out of Mom's drama.
No offense, Gabri, but if I ever see that woman I'm rearranging her face with a shovel.
OMG. I mean... After the things she said to Miggy, I... Kind of want her to at least feel consequences of her actions, y'know?
Oh, she will. Don't worry. Thanks for telling me this, Gabri.
Go cuddle my big brother and tell him I love him, k? Let me know how he's doing.
OMW home now, I'll text you when he's feeling better.
KK, see ya.
Yeah. You knew for sure Miguel was still heartbroken when you came home after that.
You put the groceries away, a somber expression on your face as a million thoughts went through your head.
God, of course Conchata had to come see Gabriel at the same time Miguel was there. You wouldn't be surprised if either she could have tabs kept on him, just to... to try and lord her power over him somehow, like he was still that scared little boy, holding onto his baby brother, being his shield and buffer from their parents' fights.
That bitch had to have had a hand in Tyler using him the way that he did, that she had to have known about--
Your mind was knocked away from those dark thoughts when you heard glass shatter.
You dropped the bag of apples onto the ground, the fruits tumbling out and rolling across the floor as you made a mad dash to your bedroom.
Noting Miguel wasn't in there, you turned to the adjoining bathroom door, seeing faint light come down from below, small wafts of steam rolling out.
"Miguel?" You frantically called out, knocking on the door and leaning your ear against the smooth metal.
You could hear shuffling and the tinkling of glass shards, as well as the shower running; but no verbal reply.
You knocked on the door again, hurried and a little too hard, your fingers hovering over the control panel.
Before you could push a button, the door slid open.
Miguel was in nothing but a pair of boxers, leaning over your bathroom sink, his hands gripping the marble countertops, threatening to crack the material. Beads of water rolled down his muscular, tanned skin; droplets of water dripped from the ends of his thick, wavy chocolate locks, the natural curls more apparent thanks to the water.
That's when you noticed it. Your bathroom mirror, shattered into a hundred pieces, scattering the counter, floor, and in the sink.
Bright, scarlet droplets were on the floor, steadily building into small puddle from his right hand, his knuckles split, shards of the reflective material sticking out of it.
"I'll pay for it." His voice croaked out, unable to lift his eyes to meet your horrified gaze. "I just--"
"Oh, god! Miggy!" You breathed, reaching out, taking a step towards him, only to wince and hiss when the pieces of broken mirror stabbed the soft, delicate soles of your feet.
You gritted your teeth as the glass crunched, but you grabbed Miguel.
Instantly it was like a switch flipped inside of him, Miguel's head snapped up and he looked down at you, seeing the bloody footprints you now left on your tile.
He looked terrified at what he was seeing. How you just ignored the shards in your body in favor of frantically digging around one of the cabinets for your first aid kit.
"Bebita... I..." Miguel choked out.
When you found it, you killed the shower and stepped into the glass once again, pulling him into your room, and onto your bed, your feet leaving bloody prints as you walked, like macabre rose petals being left in your wake. Miguel had a large enough stride that he was careful to avoid getting any in his feet, but the smell of your blood permeated the air, it made him sick to his stomach. Not with disgust.
With guilt.
Of course, you checked him over first, plucking out the shards of glass from his knuckles and cleaning the cuts out with wound wash, ignoring the blood welling up onto the tile floor of your bedroom from.
You carefully roll his hand as you try to wrap the gauze around his knuckles. "Miggy, can you hold your--"
"I'm sorry." He interrupts.
You looked up at him, and only then do you see his face. Framed in his wet curls, his face was shadowed and haunted, his eyes dark and as tumultuous in a maelstrom of anxiety and fear.
You bring your hand to his cheek, caressing one of his sharp cheekbones with your thumb. "Baby, it's okay. It's just a mirror, I can--"
He shook his head, as if your touch to his face burned him like a hot iron.
He leaned over, grabbing your legs and pulling your feet into his lap so he can assess the damage, and return the favor of cleaning and dressing them.
"You're hurt because of me." He whispered sadly, dabbing the blood away.
"I'm hurt because of the glass, honey." You tell him gently, letting him apply the "honey" to the cuts in your feet, sealing them.
His massive hands encapsulated your ankles, his thumbs rubbing small circles as the rough pads caressed your skin. Like you were made of the delicate gossamer of a butterfly's wing.
He sits like that, not meeting your eyes. And god, did that hurt you so badly. You knew how important eye contact was with Miguel, he almost always went out of his way to keep eye contact when he was conversing with someone. Having him avoid your eyes... hurt.
Because you knew he was hurting.
"Miggy." You breathed. "Talk to me."
You move your feet from his lap and scoot closer to him, moving your face until he locked eyes with you again, and you could see the pain and the tears fill his own as he looked at you; his full, pouty lips trembling in an effort to hold his emotions at bay.
His shoulders dropped low, and Miguel leans forward until he was practically bent in half, clinging to you, burying his face in your chest as he fisted your shirt in his hands.
You rubbed his shoulder with one hand, biting your lip as he softly cried into your blouse, your other hand combing through his messy wet hair.
You stayed like that, for what felt like hours. You weren't sure how long it was exactly, with the blackout curtains drawn and the lights off. The only light that dimly illuminated the room was from your bathroom, and the open door.
He finally calmed enough to speak, to explain why he shattered the mirror.
"...I look like him." Miguel said, his heart in his voice, his soul stripped down and naked with raw pain.
"God, I look like him. That... that cabrón." He hissed, tugging your shirt in his fists.
"I look like that bastard that... that made me into this." The self-contempt in his voice broke your heart.
You kiss the top of his head, murmuring against him. "No, you don't, baby."
"Yes, I do!" He snapped, pulling himself away from you and throwing himself to his feet. He paced like an angry tiger in a cage, waiting to swat at whatever keeper dared enter his enclosure. He didn't notice that he was stepping into the sticky, dried blood trails you left.
"I have his--his face. His fucking face--" He said, gripping his hair in his hands, tugging as he started to hyperventilate. "My fucking nose, my fucking cheeks, my fucking lips--they're all him! I'm not allowed to be me, every time I look in the mirror I see him! I can't ever get away from him! He's a part of me, he always will be! I fucking look like him!"
You get to your feet, ignoring the throbbing in your soles as you dared to reach out, to touch the pacing tiger.
Your hands smooth up his back, gently, softly; then back down until they wrapped around his mid-section.
You feel him, how tense he is, how his muscles flex at your touch almost like he's bracing himself for some kind of blow that simply will never come from you.
You rest your cheek against his back, feeling how hot his skin was burning.
"Baby. You don't look like him. You aren't him, and you never will be." You whisper.
You plant kisses wherever you could reach, not letting him go, feeling his body shake with each shuddering breath as your soft lips made contact.
"More importantly, Tyler will never be you."
You cut him off. "Listen to me... Did Tyler figure out multi-dimensional travel, build a strike force of super-powered people from across the multiverse? Does Tyler, almost every day, work to keep dozens--no, hundreds--of universes safe from monsters?"
He didn't answer.
"And did Tyler Stone protect your baby brother from your mother all these years?"
No answer.
"You are Miguel-goddamn-O'Hara." You tell him. "I love you, with trauma, quirks and all. I love your little scritch-scratches you make, the way your bottom lip pokes out when you pout, your crooked teeth when you smile. I love your ridiculously large body, I love how you hug me. I love the little snores you make when you fall asleep at your desk, how you crinkle your nose when you're about to sneeze.."
You feel his hands slowly rise to touch your arms where they're almost-locked around his larger frame.
"I love how sweet and gentle you are. I love hearing you curse to yourself when you shock yourself with your soldering gun... I love listening to you bicker with Lyla, or complain about one of the other Spiders bugging you." You place more kisses after each sentence; hoping each one plants a seed of love beneath his skin, to bloom into a garden that he can admire and love, not hate for the very skin he was born with out of illegitimacy and infidelity.
"Tyler Stone is not you. He never will be. He will never be as good as you." You sigh against his skin, feeling the goosebumps form in the cold of your room, now that the adrenaline of his anxiety was beginning to fade, and his body became aware of the water that was slowly drying and cooling his skin.
"I love you, Miguel O'Hara. You and no-one else. Don't ever think for a second that you don't have your own identity because of your genes."
He slowly turns in your grasp, looking down at you with raw, unclothed emotion as his hand touches your cheek.
"You're more than that. You're you, and I wouldn't have you any other way." You say, your tone set and jaw tight; every word you spoke carrying a hefty weight of seriousness and honesty.
He smiles, almost sadly as you feel the rough pads of his thumb against your cheek, the little talon there poking you but not breaking the skin.
"...I..." He said, his voice stiff as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"I really will pay for your mirror, you know."
You grin up at him and turn your face so you can kiss the palm of his hand.
"I know you will, Miggy."
"But I am curious... I felt like you were going to keep going with the affirmations." He said, raising an eyebrow slowly.
"Well, the last one..."
"The last one?" Miguel tilted his head down at you quizzically.
You grin at him again, your teeth showing and eyes creasing as you barely manage to reach around him, swatting his ass playfully.
"I also love the fact you have the nicest ass I've ever seen on a man."
He couldn't contain the snort that came out of him, and he reached up to cover his whole face with his other hand.
You giggle as you step around him, giving a playful swat to his ass once again as you walk by.
"C'mon, Miguel O'Hara. You got a broken mirror to clean up."
His shoulders lifted as he watched you, his eyes softer than you've ever seen as he smiled.
Yeah. You were right.
He was Miguel O'Hara.
And he was certainly going to pay you back for the smacks to his ass.
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Smacking the Slashers on the 🍑
Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Severen Van Sickle, Baby Firefly, Otis Driftwood, Foxy Coltrane
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Bo Sinclair:
- "What in the goddamn hell?!-" He drew out after jolting under the hood of a car. He was bent over, his double cheeked up on a Tuesday ass on full display; how could you not? I hope you got one hell of a good smack too. He deserves it. Use one of the fanbelts on the wall. Make it count cause he's not gonna let you do that often without him getting payback. (Oh, but he smacks yours constantly and that's fine)
- If he hit his head on the hood so help you God you need to run and hide for awhile cause he's gonna rage.
- After the shock wears off that someone just smacked his ass... He gets a smirk on his lips and forgets whatever he's working on. "Oh, ya wanna play, do ya? C'mere." You just gave him incentive to hold you down and let his inner perverted sadist out on your ass. You ain't gonna sit right for the rest of the day. I hope you evade him or it turns to a sex thing...Yeah, it'll be a sex thing.
Vincent Sinclair
- He was so busy sculpting and had his Classical Music on high. You tried to get his attention and when that didn't work you swatted him on the butt. He jumped a foot in the air and you had to duck when he almost accidentally took your head off with whatever tool he was using. You startled the hell out of him!
- He's blushing under his mask but gives you a confused look...He's not mad he's just...Curious why you did that.
- He doesn't get revenge right away. Instead, he'll wait till your busy one day and do it back to you just to see your reaction and if it's a playful one then he's kind of happy about it. Not use to this type of dynamic with anyone
Lester Sinclair
- He was loading or unloading a carcass in the bed of his truck and it had been a boring day so you couldn't help it when you smacked him.
- He let's out the funniest noise, blushing like crazy clutching his rear and asks: "Youch! What was that for?"
- If you let him know it was you being flirty or cheeky; he's just standing there smiling a goofy smile and has an extra pip in his step while he works. He probably won't get revenge (At least not right away) but he will be tickled pink that you liked his ass enough to smack it.
Billy Loomis
- He gets so damn serious and overdramatic with certain things that when he was rummaging for something and irritated he couldn't find it; you decided to make him shut up in the best way you knew how.
- *SMACK* He flinched, his back stiffened and a glare instantly crept onto his face. "...You are so dead."
- You better run. He gets this shit enough from Stu, now you? He secretly enjoys it but he's a lil edgelord that can't let you know that.
- Que him chasing you around the house, jumping over and tripping over furniture to either smack your ass ten times harder or punch you in the arm or hold you down and tickle you till you can't breathe.
Stu Macher
- He is CONSTANTLY smacking your ass. CONSTANTLY. You walk sideways and backwards around him! So when he's sitting on his bed in a weird way on his stomach or something with his ass up? Hell yes you're getting him!
- He either releases a genuine gasp because you took him by surprise or the fakest turned 'aauuugh!' moan to be a smart ass cause he knew what you were gonna do (He liked it. He wanted it. He's a whore like that.)
- He giggled and gave you a sadistic smile. "Oh, that ass is mine!" and the chase is on.
- If he catches you; he is holding you down and goosing and feeling you up just as much as smacking you. He is a giant perv and holding you down while squeezing and spanking your ass is definitely on his cumbucket list im js
- Unlike Billy who knows when enough is enough; Stu does not. Just warning that if he catches you he's turning it into something very fucking horny. He is feeling you up one way or another.
Severen Van Sickle
- He was almost always playful and he would just give you a pat on the ass out of excitement on the regular not even thinking about it. So when you finally returned the favor his whole body stiffened a bit and a smirk formed on his face.
- "Oh?...Ya like what ya see, babydoll?" He'd tease you. Not getting revenge but not letting you run away either. He'd fold his arms in that leather jacket and smirk down at you with a twinkle to his blue eyes. Getting closer, cornering you into the wall with one hand bracing it as he leaned over you.
- "Wanna try that again?" He asked. Hell you weren't sure if it was a warning or genuine glee. Eitherway he wasn't mad he just loved seeing you get flustered.
- He definitely teased the hell out of you the rest of the night. Even telling his family and loving seeing you blush. He secretly wants you to do it again and purposely bends over near you not only to be a teasing ass but because it got him excited. He actually is curious if you have the balls to do it again because if you do that's just fun! He'll make it a big sexy flirty game from here on out...Definitely doing it more in private too.
Baby Firefly
- I would not...That's a level of sadistic crazy you cannot contain but if you did? It's 50/50 how she'd react. Most likely, she'd play it up after you spanked her while she was getting something.
- "The flying fuck was that for?!" She glared and when you get sheepish like she wanted then a grin would appear. "Hey...Are you flirtin' with me, honey? You wanna smack my ass again? C'mon. I know you like it." She will literally expose her ass for you and you aren't sure what to do because she LOVED to manipulate and play mind games to get you submissive with her so...Was this a trap?
- If you do smack her ass again, she's definitely going to make it a 'My turn!' and smack you twice as hard before whispering something sexy in your ear...May or may not lead to a game of ass slap where she's winning and you're running away from her because she hurts!
Otis B. Driftwood
- Grouchest Motherfucker to ever exist unless he really is in a good mood. When he was working on an 'art piece' and was ignoring you on purpose you took the chance of smacking his ass.
- He dropped his needle and thread and glared at you. "...Are you fuckin' serious right now? I ain't got time for this ya lil shit!"
- However. He's full of shit himself saying it because whether you get solemn, bratty, playful, annoyed. Does not matter. He's giving you a 10 seconds headstart and telling you "Run lil rabbit run." With a smirk. Especially as he gets older. Prison made him appreciate the little things including having an S/O that wanted to get frisky.
- Once he catches you, and he will in time, he puts you over his knee whether you're at. Outside in the barn, in the woods, in the damn living room in front of everyone. Does not matter. He will give your ass a few swats from his hand till your squirming while taunting you "Ain't this fun? Ain't this what you wanted?" all before doing it a few more times. He ain't done till your teary eyed and squirming and your ass is blood red. Then he's dipping his hand down. Rubbing soothing circles while whispering naughty praise in your ear. "That's a good lil girl/boy/bunny for me...How about we take this back to my room and you can show Daddy how much ya want his attention?"
Winslow Foxworth 'Foxy' Coltrane
- He was a bit hungover. Groaning like the oldman he is and bent over to get another beer from the mini fridge in the room when you took a towel because you showered and you aren't nasty like him and Otis and just...Rolled it up and smacked his ass.
- He yelped and jolted a bit before giving you the most unamused glare. "Really?...Really, you lil fuck- Ow!" You definitely smacked him again the second he got close enough. Something about that second smack has a smirk on his face. A husky chuckle escapinging him because you just made this a thing. "Ohohoo, you're fuckin' in trouble now. Come the fuck over here, asscakes. I think you could use a few lickin's yourself."
- He has good reflexes and a high tolerance for pain so he just jerks that towel out of your hand when you go to smack him and loops it around your waist. Pulling you flush against him where you can't get free.
- He uses his large hands to grope your ass and give it a good smack while you're up against him and he's smirking down at you. "Ya like that, baby? You must really want to give me an excuse to feel up this fine ass of yours."
- It is most definitely 100% leading to the most nastiest raunchy dirty but fun sex. The type of sex that you aren't keen on sharing details about. He smacked your ass the entire time while talking dirty to you.
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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They are not related by blood, no. (Blood? Frosting..? Filling?? Anyways-)
Red is actually Seafoam's great Nephew. And he joined the crew because of a tradgedy involving his mother,, Seafoam's niece..
When Red joined the crew he was very shy and scared of everything. Coco at this point was a rough and tough pirate gal.. but man, something about that kid.. she just adored him. She took it upon herself to take care of the little guy and be his guardian.
She loves him to bits and has definitely taken the role of "mother" in his world. When ever the ship is under attack, she is the first to swoop in and take Red to safety. She is the one Red goes to when he cant sleep or is scared. She takes care of him when he is sick, she cleans his clothes and feeds him too.
Seafoam has made it very clear that she does not have to do any of this. And that Red is 100% his responsibility. But she just ain't havin' it. She chooses to be involved in Red's care and wouldn't have it any other way. 💖
Its a good thing too, Seafoam has no idea how to raise little kids <XD
(Also thank you so much!! :DD )
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Sorry uh- I don't know that character. I made some OCs for Cookie run but I haven't played any of the games, I don't know the lore and I don't know/remember any of the characters- sorry!
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Ah,, I don't know? <XDD I don't know how the games work- are there other types of cookies?? I don't know--
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Judging by what I've heard/seen of that game? They'd run for the hills! They're not safe there <XD
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<:D Ah sorry- I don't know who that cookie is- remember I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore!
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Also thank you so much!! You are beary nice :}}}
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Thank you for the no spoilers!! :DD I have not seen it but I have heard of it :0 perhaps sometime I'll give it a go! :}
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Man, cookie run lore is WILD XDDD
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Thank you! My day today was better than yesterday at least! XD
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I've drawn them twice actually that I can remember! Once in my FNAF Recap/Repair part 2, and once in a doodle dump post thing! :00
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:0 eh? Huh? Til what?
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I actually haven't thought much about that :0 I worried that the group wouldn't feel very diverse if I had duplicate characters.. but the opposite personalities but same person is genius! But whompst would be duplicated... 🤔
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Hello! I believe I do write scripts, but if I'm being honest I don't think I can scrape together even one sentence of sound advice for you- 💔😭💔
I am known to be very bad at explaining how to do things. A lot of what I do is just taking random things and stapling them together and ripping off some parts and gluing this here and put that over there and tada! Comic! "How'd you do that" "...Honestly I cant really remember-"
The only think I can think to say is figure out what you want to come from the scene and.. do what ever it takes to make it happen..? Uhhh- for example, "I want these two characters to fight and character A to leave in a huff." Well then give them something to fight about, and make character B say something that would make character A mad enough to leave without saying anything..?? But that doesn't explain how I would figure out what the argument would be about- I
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I'm afraid I am of no use to you here-
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you like my minecraft guys and my cookie run critters! :DD And not to worry- He'll catch on XD right now the main thing keeping them some what apart is Seafoam's thoughts of "She's a beautiful mermaid, why would she be with an old Captain like me..? :( " And Blue's thoughts of "He's a well respected Pirate Captain! What would he see in a big whale like me..😔" But they get past that eventually-- XDD
And yes! I have drawn them before <XD although those drawings weren't made with my Mario AU in mind.. When they grow up they will definitely be more stylized. :0 Not sure how they'll interact with Bowser as they age, but they are intended to all be his biological children :)
As for the birth order, I haven't thought it through fully,, but I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest and next in line for the throne. And JR is the very youngest with Lemmy being second to youngest. And Larry being 3rd to youngest :00
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Thank you! And to be honest if the D.A was split and gender swapped, I would just slap on some eye lashes and make them both generally appear more feminine.
Glitchy sun tho.. man, how would Fazbear Entertainment deal with that? <XD
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Thank you!! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
XD Well? Did it work?
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imdead770 · 7 months
Dallas with a s/o who lived in NYC too and has a similar accent as him pls🙏🙏 (Also I love love love you’re writing keep doing what you’re doing!!!)
Dallas Winston x Reader - NYC
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Authors Note - I have like 3 asks before this but I love this and it means it get to write a NY accent and that's so fun
Sorry for never writing yall
No excuse I'm just lazy 💞
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¤ Just a warning this is super stereotypical
¤ I'm sorry I'm from the south I don't know yall so I'm going off stereotypes 😭😭
¤ First of all people can barely understand either of you
¤ I mean everyone else has a southern accent, they're used to that
¤ So an accent that sounds like you're drunk 24/7 isn't exactly easy to understand
¤ If you're both from New York, you already have a lot in common
¤ The fights, the accent, the road rage, the food, all that
¤ Now I'm from the south, I haven't met a lot of New Yorkers
¤ But the ones I have met always have such a resting bitch face
¤ So like whenever someone introduced you to Dal (or the other way around) you both had that same, natural glare
¤ And somehow you both got the 'holy shit, you're a New Yorker too??' message
¤ I don't know how but New Yorkers just know if you're a New Yorker
¤ It's like a 6th sense
¤ So naturally you're both mean to each other
¤ The others are like 'oh shirt they hate each other'
¤ You don't
¤ Like eventually you leave and Dals all
"She ain't bad."
¤ And everyone's all
"You just insulted each other like.. 25 times?"
¤ And he just nods and lights a cigarette like he didn't just meet his second favorite person in this town
¤ Naturally you both see each other at some pizza place
¤ Probably one that's closest to greasy NY pizza
¤ This is meant as a compliment, yall have such good pizza omfg
¤ You both realize just how much you have in common
¤ How thick the air is, the random guy getting his ass beat as you're just minding your business, the fact nobody here can understand certain words you say
¤ You two understand each other
¤ If Dallas would ever open up to someone about his trauma (he wouldn't), it'd be you
¤ He knows you've seen at least a sliver of the same shit he did
¤ Anyways, both of yall love to hype of New York together
¤ Like really play into the stereotypes
"Oh ya', a rat nearly ate m' face off once"
"Happen'd to me, too"
¤ You both think it's hilarious
¤ Plus yall love to make your accents thicker to confuse people more
¤ Slur the vowels together, mumble more then you need to, then watch people try to figure out what the fuck you just said
¤ Dal gets all mad if someone asks him to lighten up the accent
¤ I think you both like hanging out together because it reminds the other of home
¤ Like Dal almost forgot what a New Yorker who wasn't him sounded like
¤ Plus if Dal ever met your parents, even though he's rude and kind of dangerous, they might tolerate him more
¤ Yall intumidate so many people omg
¤ Like half of that town are sweet southern people
¤ So seeing two New Yorkers you get the classic
"Ew, they're yankees"
¤ Yes we really do say that 👍
¤ But people get all scared cuz they're like 'omg they're gonna shoot me'
¤ Again, you both think it's the funniest shit
¤ Like being yelled at by a New Yorker is scary enough
¤ But TWO
¤ It's like you two are so intimidating together it's perfect
¤ Of course Dal asks you on a date to some pizza place and you two walk around the block sharing a cigarette
¤ Another thing
¤ You're actually used to the cold and he's so, so grateful for that
¤ Everyone else in Oklahoma gets all shivery the moment it's less then 60
¤ Like you don't complain about it and he loves that so much
¤ Back to the topic
¤ Date goes great
¤ Once you two become a thing you fight a good amount
¤ I mean you're from the North, it's natural (I think?? This might be stereotypical so sorry)
¤ Even people from the South fight with Dal so this isn't any different
¤ But since you're both used to fights the insults are crazy
¤ Like the gangs jaws have dropped hundreds of times with what the two of yall come up with
¤ Like it's the most foul, disturbingly impressive, heart breaking insults
¤ Then the other returns it with a snicker and another just as horrendously good insult
¤ Match made in heaven
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Seeing doubles amiright?, like, wow that's familiar oh yea it looks near identical to my besties art that was posted earlier this year, I mean maybe the heads the other way it can't be THAT copy pasted I so thought
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Hm. Yea it IS that bad, now, I've not seen the movie in a long time but I am 99% sure that is not a pose from the genesect movie so it's not referenced from there
"But they have different art styles!" I mean pretty sure using an image as reference without consent or credit but altering it for your art style still infringes on copyright and the original image made by the original artist. And you're really gonna look at me with the art side by side and go well duh the art style is different even if they're near identical so can't be stolen (you can still, steal something while having a different artstyle???)
"but the head is the other way and the hands are closed!" and the posing is the exact same the angle is the exact same the mouth open the sternums pointing similarly the definition of the chest in illusion to chest plate
And as well the minor differences look pretty deliberate imo? Can't copy the exact posing 1 for 1 as somebody (read nobody (save for me bitches cause I'm pissed) since people don't like to call out bigger popular artists for things like this and just let it slide because 'wellll we like this artist better so they can steal allllll the time~!' which guys popular or not it ain't fucking on), but yea can't just do the exact same so alter just enough to make it pass off as original (didn't work literally saw it in passing and clocked it right away and had to scramble to check and make a comparison refer my beloathed)
I just wanna know like, why? What the fuck? And I know swearing might damage my point but, just, I can't stand seeing or hearing about my friends getting treated like this having their original content taken and warped by other people who know to some degree they can get away with it, it's gross, if you wanna take inspiration you credit that appropriately hell even ask permission and respect if the og artist says no.
I don't think this panel should've been made or it should've been a helluv a lot different. Things like this is exactly the reason I'm scared to share my original ideas online, in case it gets taken and used specifically by this artist because I genuinely can't trust them at this point from what I've seen I don't want my ideas to be taken and then be brushed off with a "oh I've always wanted to play with this idea/it's always been implied actually! Don't look into why it's only showed up now after somebody made a post about their ocs with the same idea" cause being the lesser content creator guess what? I'll be the insane one if I say anything, I'll be told I'm wrong and have people jump my content claiming I've stolen or something because that's unfortunately how the Internet works! I've already had my works warped in a way I cant really even talk about! I know I'd probably look mad or like I was grasping at straws if I said anything then or now and at the time I valued my safety my comfort online and enjoyment online over saying anything and hey maybe I was wrong and the ideas were simply similar, but I doubt it. I know I could dig up and provide my references at least for my work, at the time when asked they couldn't do the same.
But this is my friend, and I'm not gonna let this shit slide anymore, I know this isn't the first thing this artist has, 'taken inspiration from' I use with heavy quotation marks, and I hope to fuck it's the last. But I don't know. I'm not gonna sit in silence about it anymore though, I will be calling it out as I see.
Plugging other people's artwork and original ideas character designs traits ect into your own to replicate to boost your own art makes you no better than ai art, because it takes without consent and spits out something warped and stolen.
This might come off as angry and petty and bitter, because it is, but don't mistake that for jealousy, I don't want what they have I'm not talking about this like a jealous ex trying to sabotage their fame because I know this is probably gonna damage my online rep and experience far more than theirs (or maybe I'll be lucky and this will become a tumbleweed in the desert) I'm talking about this because I want this kind of behaviour to stop. More popular 'better' artists shouldn't get free reign to plagiarise and pocket concepts from smaller artists just because they can, my friends content is not your fucking strawberry patch to plunder, it's not yours to take ANYTHING from. Make your own fucking original content. You've got your fame. Stop taking from us, leave us alone.
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One day Adam is bored and decided to snoop through Lucifers search hisotry.
Adam: Hmm. Looks pretty normal for that dork. Begins depressing…
‘If your wife left and hasn’t made contact after seven years, does that mean she no longer loves you?’
‘How to talk to your astranged daughter?’
‘How to answer phone calls from said daughter and sound normal?’
Adam: pretty standard for him…okay he gets a bit aggressive later…
‘Best ways to kill a deer?’
‘How to kill a deer and not get caught?’
‘How to make sure your daughter likes you more than a fucking deer?’
‘How to get taller?’
Adam snorts at the last search option before clicking on the next month: okay. Seems somewhat normal. Very duck oriented
‘Cute duck pictures’
‘How to sneak ducks into a hotel without being noticed?’
‘How to confidence daughter to fill her hotel with ducks?’
‘Purchased ‘1’ duck onesie.’
Adam: huh. Okay, he’s pretty normal for a dork. Next month - wait
‘How to make your enemy like you?’
‘How to tell your enemy you want to climb him like a jungle gym?’
‘How to send divorce documents to heaven?’
‘Have to ignore your enemies chest.’
Adam awkwardly shifting on the chair: um please tell me he didn’t search up everything - and he did
‘How to not be your enemies enemy anymore?’
‘How to show you care for your not-enemy?’
‘Date ideas in Hell?’
Adam groaning: at least he never used my name. Anybody who happens to see his search history won’t be able to tell it’s me he’s talking about…oh for fuck sake
‘Secret Adam photos in Heaven’
‘Adam, the first man and father of humanity’
‘What things would Adam the first man like?’
‘How to win Adams heart?’
Adam whining: why is he so embarrassing? Okay it can’t get any worse then this can it?
‘How to tell your boyfriend you want to touch his chest?’
‘What is a breast fetish?’
‘How to stop thinking about boyfriends cute breasts?’
‘How to tell boyfriend you really like his breasts?’
‘Purchased ‘1’ cow onesie.’
Adam covering his face: for fuck sakes
‘How to tell boyfriend you fantasies about him pregnant?’
‘I want to knock up my boyfriend’
‘How to make sure your boyfriend doesn’t stay mad at you?’
‘I did it. My boyfriend is pregnant. How to tell him? He doesn’t know about the spell.’
‘How to control yourself so you don’t knock up boyfriend again when the baby is born?’
‘How to purpose?’
‘Best purposes spots in Hell’
‘Advise needed. I want my boyfriend pregnant again in our wedding day.’
Adam closing down the computer: that’s enough of that for today…
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Lucifer you ain't slick, delete your search history bud.
Adam is forever scared lol
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seokjinsonlyone · 10 months
most to least likely to want you to make the first move
tae: the thing about taehyung is that he's a coquettte like he 100% loves to be pursued like i swear this happened irl but it always feels like i'm making it up bc i can never find the post but i think in 2020 there was a time period of like a month or two and we missed him soooo bad and then one day he randomly popped up and was like yeah i be browsing through here but i ain't say nothing bc i liked seeing y'all say y'all miss me like 😐 so yeah he loves the thrill of it all he loves the thought of having you wrapped around his finger me thinks gonna tata mic in yo face until you have no choice but to conquer him
jk: we have him on record saying "if you want me, come get me" so there's that but also okay i know jk ain't super shy no more but at the same time social settings still aren't his forte like he still has trouble figuring out when to jump into conversations and you can definitely tell when he ain't got a single thought running through his brain so i feel like you initiating will take the pressure off also this man is literally a perfectionist and a procrastinator like i feel like he been done took so long to ask u out u not even interested no more gotta strike when the iron hot with this one skskkslks
joon: he loves people he loves making connections and he loves reciprocal energy so if he's feeling you and you reach out first i think he'd love that fr like someone bold not tiptoeing around him not afraid to express what they're feeling it's gon do it for him every time
suga: i bet yoon really doesn't mind either way like he's not afraid to go and get what he wants and he appreciates people with a similar mind set
jin: i don't think he's opposed to it it's just that he needs to have you figured out before there's any forward movement and then after he figures you out he needs to figure out how he feels about it and you if it's even worth progressing forward so if you were to interrupt that process by moving before he's ready it would confuse him and he'd be very hesitant bc he doesn't wanna just outright reject you but he doesn't wanna just go for it either LOL he just needs a lil time; if he already knew how he felt about you however you making the first move would be awesome it'd save him some time and energy
hobi: he wouldn't be mad at it right but i feel like he's more traditional with it like ugh i love him so much he's such a gentleman so i feel like he'd wanna do the whole asking out pick you up for your first date at your doorstep bouquet of flowers in tow like he doesn't mind you being bold so if u wanna be an obvious flirt or whatever do yo thang but i do think he wants to take the lead
jimin: don't get me wrong i know jimin likes to be liked he likes to know that you know he knows you like him 100% but i get the feeling he likes the allure of the chase even more like you coming on to him may intrigue him for a good time but if you really want him i get the feeling that you gotta play the long game like very much give and take tease play his game until he has no choice but to give into it
a/n: luh calm post sumn breezy sumn light sksskls crazy thing about this is i've had this idea and ranking in my drafts for like a year and then this morning i scrolled past and was like huh that makes sense and then my brain kicked into gear and told me why LOL sorry i'm slow as molasses but take this snack as apology and i maybe 👀 hopefully 🙏 may have something a little more substantial before the year ends <3
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
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Playlist screens are back and are here to celebrate over 800+ followers in the past year! Go to my page to see the specials. The Follower Event will be from March 1-25, 2023. Come celebrate with me!
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Meaning behind each song:
Heartslabyul "Then she aimed at my chest with love in her eye."- This song overall is catchy, a jumpy song that I'd think would fit Heartslabyul as a whole. Having that whole talk about madness but at the same time just playing it off and like its normal for them. This song sounds mischievous to me, something I see all peeps from this dorm are capable of.
Savanaclaw "We like it dangerous, we like to see you sweat, turn up another notch, you ain't see nothing yet."- This dorm is known for living life on the more rugged and rough side of things, hard work and often times by physical means to get what they want. And just like their dorm leader, they have a few tricks prepared when you least expect it.
Octavinelle "I don't belong among the angels, and baby that's just fine with me."- I like to think Octavinelle students are opportunistic as a whole, see something they like? they'll take advantage of it before anyone does. They can be as nice and as giving as the generous Sea Witch just remember not to go too far into the deep end cuz they sure know how to.
Scarabia "Can we go back, this is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight til it's over."- Honestly one of the best songs at a party sure to get everyone dancing which is why I wanted this song for Scarabia. I see this dorm as both fun and seriousness. Planning and carefully plotting so that they can give it their all and they would still have enough energy in the end. You can't contain them!
Pomefiore "Pop culture was in art now art's in pop culture in me."- I like to think each Pomefiore student has some form of creativity in them and they all would pursue it through hard work to have it in the image that they see fit. A song that I see fit this dorm (one of the reasons being because its freaking Lady Gaga) because everyone here wants to get recognition by showing their own kind of beauty.
Ignihyde "Looking to the ways of the ones before me, looking for the path of the young and lonely."- A dorm that revolves around updating and improving on pre-existing things so that it becomes more stronger and something to better even more so for the next gen of starry-eyed students. Though with their diligent work, it's not shock that this dorm is the most introverted out of all. Mostly focusing and tending to themselves with one another. (Another reason why I chose this song is because its from Wreck it Ralph with the tech and all)
Diasomnia "Tell you you're the greatest but once you turn, they hate us."- I could list a lot of why I chose this song for Diasomnia but generally, it's about the main theme which is...well, enemies. It even says on the wiki, that they have a track record of having students with a lot of magical capabilities. So in a school that trains wizards with said magic, it comes as no surprise that with their greatness comes with people trying to see them as competition *coughs* Savanaclaw *coughs*. But besides that, Diasomnia is a force to be reckoned with and I could see it with this song
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