#that's the face of a man with woohoo protection in his inventory
windslar · 1 year
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Virus Control - Part One
For reference, all the people included in this story are: Alayna, Nate, Ariana(Adrian),Bianca, Jimena, Zak, Darryl, Vincent, Clay, George, Nick, Spifey, Zelk, Mega, Vurb, Finn, Techno, Phil, Wilbur, Harvey, Tommy, Fundy, and Tubbo.
  A few years ago, the world was normal. Everyone was happy, trees grew, grass swayed, animals grazed, children laughed. But then what happened? The dragon broke through, bringing the disease with her, the dragon broke through and brought her world with her. The disease so optimistically named 'The End'. We lost the badlands first, the miners and their families succumbed to the virus. It's a wasteland, not that it was much before but now it's awful, it's like walking through a portal with no borders. One second you're in a beautifully lonely landscape of reds browns and golds and the next second the sky is gone, it's a suffocating purple static and the ground beneath you is cold and blanched. The plains next door to the badlands was stolen easily, and soon the vast birch forests fell with it. The last time she struck, she struck closer to home than she ever has before. Lone adventurers build houses for their families, dotted around the infinite landscapes. Our group of 25 thought we were too far away to worry. Apparently not.
 Flashback yeet
  Market, ugh, I grimace, avoiding the gazes of greedy villagers, their hungry stares searching for emeralds. Nate grips my hand, pulling me further through the crowd, "Where are we going?" I shout over the hubbub of chattering voices. "Zak said they'd meet us here, we're already late!" He shouts over his shoulder, "Just trust me," I sigh, adjusting the shimmering iron helmet adorning my head, holding it down with my free hand. Our glowing wings draw some eyes, jealous gazes from fellow adventurers, wondrous gazes from children. "Nate! There you are!" Another voice makes me direct my gaze upwards to a certain diamond clad flyboy. "Zak! You're gonna crash!" I shout, he's flying too close to people's heads, "Pull up you idiot!" He lights another firework, "FOLLOW ME!" He shouts as it rockets him forwards and upwards, "WOOHOO!" He screams, making Nate laugh. We continue running for a couple of minutes, following Zak's firework trail, and then we watch as he circles around a clearish patch of grass and makes a smoothish landing, beckoning us over.
  The others come into view as we clear the crowd, brushing off our shirts and checking our pockets to make sure we didn't lose anything. "What are we doing? An elytra show or something?" I giggle, pointing out that every one of us is wearing our elytra’s. "You say that every week Alayna," Clay grunts, adjusting his hoodie sleeves. "Right, everybody know their pair and their items?" Darryl says, looking around the group. I nod, pulling my list out of my pocket, "Got Nate and I's," Every week on a Sunday, we go to the market 10,000 blocks from our base and split into pairs, each pair sent off to find items they are knowledgeable about so we can always get the best deals. "Vincent and I are food as usual, any requests?" He asks. I smile, "Sugar berries!" "Bacon," George says sarcastically. Techno rolls his eyes, "Sure, eat my people," He mutters, folding his arms. "Any enchanting book requests?" Bianca asks, Adrian by her side. "More mending," Tommy says. "You always want more mending, shut up pissboy, anybody else?" I shrug, "Fire protection would be useful," Nate looks around, "Did we really have to come? Alayna and I never end up buying anything anyway, we've already got all the animals we need," He says.
  "You guys are free to go home, or you could join patrol," Vincent suggests, looking around the boundary at the number of volunteer watchers high in their watchtowers. "Ooh yes! Patrol!" I squeal. "You just wanna go on patrol cause of Eric," Nate teases, nudging my side. I blush, "I do NOT have a crush on Eric! Leave me alone! He won't even be there, he said he was gonna explore for a couple of weeks," Nate laughs, "Come on nerd, we'll see you guys back here when you're done," Nate spreads his wings and takes to the sky with a single firework, heading up to the floating watch island for elytra users. AKA us and a few select others because apparently we're the only people that have elytras in a 10,000 block radius that actually bother going to market. Nick takes my hand before I can follow, "Be careful, please," He mumbles, "I don't want to lose you," I smile warmly, hugging him quickly, "We'll be careful," I turn away and crouch, lighting a firework before diving forwards and letting it carry me upwards. I whoop as I let the air currents carry me upwards to the island where Nate is waiting. "You do know that like, four of the guys we live with have a crush on you, right?" He asks as I land.
  I jerk my head in his direction, "What?? Who does?" He laughs, "I'm not telling,that's for me to know and you to wonder," I smirk, "Two can play at that game!" He frowns, "What?" "I know a certain pair of men who enjoy your company very much!" I say smugly, picking up a quill and writing my name on the roster and todays date. Nate snatches the quill from my hand, "Vincent," He mutters, writing his name down under mine, "Nick," My eyes widen, "They do?" "Clay and George," "Spifey?" "Not Spifey," I blush, looking out over the towers surrounding the market square, "Zak and Darryl," I mumble, conceding the names of the two men I mentioned earlier. He gasps, "You're capping, no fucking way!" "I'm not joking," I reply, scanning the horizon, spotting two patrols of pillagers, too far away to worry about, and yet... I let out a shrill whistle and a small green parrot appears in front of me. Two pillager patrols, one southeast the other to the west, I write on a small peice of paper, tying it with a ribbon to the parrot's leg. "Go on now girl," I mumble, stroking her neck feathers before she takes off, taking my note to the northernmost watchtower. She will take it to each tower in a clockwise direction until everybody on patrol knows.
  It happens so fast. A purple shot like a needle pierces the bird, she bursts into a cloud of feathers, dead. I let out a shriek, pulling out my bow and aiming it at the sky, "DRAGON!" I scream, "THE MARKET IS UNPROTECTED!" Behind me, Nate pulls a lever attached to the ceiling, letting off a series of loud, massive, purple fireworks. A warning: take cover. Dragon raid. There's only ever been one of these here, long before I was born. The watchtowers burst to life as elytra-bearer's leap out of them, flying up towards us to aid with keeping the dragon at bay, archers positioning themselves strategically to avoid shooting a flyboy. My first shot lands at the base of the dragon's tail and it roars out, catching my eye: it's not the mother. "I'LL TRY LEAD IT AWAY, YOU DEAL WITH THE PATROL!" Pulling my mask up over my face, I shout towards Nate over the cries of the sick, the twisted and the damned. After the sickness was discovered: Mega made all of us masks to keep us as safe as possible. I pull out my fireworks, running and leaping off the edge of the tower and instantly lighting one, letting it carry me up and away. I crane my neck to look over my shoulder, feeling the piercing breath of the dragon as she flies after me, slow with her large reptilian body. "That's right girl, follow me," I mumble, leading her further away from the rest of her patrol.
  Another firework is set off below me and I look down, spotting the afore-mentioned mute man. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE WITH THE OTHERS?" I yell as he joins me. He shrugs, miming slitting his throat and pointing back at the dragon. "YOU'RE INSANE! YOU KNOW THEY'RE STRONGER NOW THAT THE MOTHER IS OUT HERE, WE NEED AT LEAST FIVE OF US!" He shrugs again, miming coughing, "YOU'D RATHER DIE TO HER THAN LOSE TO THE SICKNESS, I'M SURE WE ALL WOULD," I grit my teeth, angling my wings directly up and setting off another firework. I loop up and over, landing with a flourish on the dragon's back, gripping the spines running down the length of her body. Mega lands beside me, miming twisting his finger next to his head,"YES, WE'RE ALL CRAZY, NOW ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME OR NOT?" I  yell, driving my glowing sword downwards between the thick scales. He does the same, sickly purple blood spraying out, staining his hoodie. We move upwards as she twists and bucks underneath us, trying to throw us off as we pierce her hide every opportunity we get, eventually reaching her head. Mega looks towards me and I meet his gaze, "TOGETHER," I cry and he mimes counting down from 5, before we drive our swords into the dragon's eye sockets.
  We're too far away from the market to do any damage at this point so as she falls we steer her into the desert for a crash landing. At the last second we dive upwards, using fireworks to land softly a safe distance away. Mega grabs my shoulder, pointing at the ground beside the dragon as it begins to shimmer. The haze settles, revealing a pulsating purple dragon egg, "She was a mother..." I mumble, going over and using a torch to pick it up. Mega mimes cradling something and I shrug, "Is it even possible to hatch a dragon egg?" He shrugs and I add the egg to my backpack inventory as we begin to fly back. The chaos is still in motion, a second and third dragon having appeared in our absence, raining hellfire on the market village below. I frown, spotting the trio of George, Nick and Clay atop the largest dragon, Nate and Zak upon the second, trying to drive it away. "THE VILLAGERS ARE UNDERGROUND!" A voice cuts through the confusion and I meet Vincent's eyes as he flies beside us, "IT'S JUST PATROL AND US LEFT OUT HERE, WE SHOULD GET OUT WHILE WE STILL CAN!" Mega shakes his head, miming using a shield and then pointing to the village. "WE HAVE TO PROTECT T-" A shot whizzes over my head and smacks straight into Vincent and I scream as Mega pulls me away, using a firework to pull the both of us away as the poison takes over Vincent's body.
  I watch him struggling as we fly away, his eyes turning a glowing white, his skin paling. He's gone. The monotone way he drops his backpack as it it's worthless tells me everything and I dive, grabbing the bag before it hits the ground. It weighs me down slightly but Mega grips my arm, keeping me in the air. His eyes are sad and I frown, "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" I catch sight of Techno chasing a screaming Phil and a tear slips down my face. I cast my gaze around and spot more backpacks falling from the sky. None of them should be full to the brim so Mega and I collect them as we spot them, staying out of the way and not making eye contact with anybody. "JIMENA NO!" I hear Nate shout through the quieting chaos. I look up after casually wrestling Adrian's bag off of his writhing form. Nate crashes into Darryl mid flight as he chases Jimena, a ravenous and violent gleam extremely foreign in his white eyes. He struggles against Nate, desperate to reach his target. "GO AFTER HER! I shout to Mega, "I'LL HELP NATE!" Finn beats me to him, diving and grabbing Darryl, slingshotting him to the ground where he lays, mostly motionless. "I'M SORRY DARRYL!" Nate shouts, the crack in his voice breaking my heart.
  Mega catches up with Jimena as I reach Nate, "YOU OK?" He nods, "KINDA, IS JIMENA ALRIGHT?" I nod, pointing to Mega, "We have to go, now, there's nothing left for us here," He says as Finn returns with Wilbur's bag. "Is that all the bags?" I ask and he nods, "I followed your lead, collected the ones you missed," "GO NOW!" I hear Fundy shout as he dives past us, "THE DRAGONS!" Nate and I whip out heads to look back, our flight slow enough that we can keep up with each other. We exchange a glance, "Let's not stick around," Nate suggests as the dragons start scanning for survivors. I nod grimly, lighting three fireworks in quick succession to catch up with the other three. The six of us gain altitude, leveling out as we pass through the clouds, "Back to base! We hole up underground!" Finn shouts, "We should be alright if we hide out for a week,"
I’m in the process of writing part 2 it should come out today so don’t kill me
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