#that's supposed to be shoe yes.... sorry i dont think it's that close tho what he looks like;;;;;;
dailyedgeworth · 2 years
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today, two special cats are in a competition!!! go support them!!!!!
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening all :)
Hope you all had a nice few days :)
Anyway, here is the next part.
Enjoy your evening!
The sun was out already when i woke up the next day. Jake was still asleep next to me. He looked so peacful, no worry showing on his face. I smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek, running my hand through his hair. „'Morning, sleepyhead.“ I said, nibbling softly at his ear. He smiled, his eyes still closed. „Are you trying to kill me? I'm so sore from all the fun we had yesterday, i'm not sure i'll be able to get out of bed.“ I laughed at it „Don't worry, i'll let you rest.“ Adding, kissing him on the neck „At least for the morning.“ Now he laughed, taking the pillow form under his head, throwing it at me. „You're crazy.“ He said turning, giving me a long kiss. „You're welcome to take a shower.“ I told him „it might ease some of the soreness off.“ „That's not a bad idea.“ He gave me one more kiss, getting out of the bed. As he neared the bathroom doors, i asked „Is it ok if i turn my phone now?“ „Oh, i forgot.“ He said, going to the desk, unpluging my phone, handing it to me. „It's fine, you can use it normaly.“ „Thanks.“ I turned it on, checking a few messages i got while it was off. One was from Jessy, asking if i contacted Jake. I chuckled, thinking how Jessy will be thrown out of her shoes when i tell her about all that happened with him. I replied to her, asking if she wants to meet for coffee later. I checked other messages, and tensed a bit when i saw the one from Phil. „Hey gorgeous, hope you ok. Havent heard from you for a while, just checking up on you. Don't be a stranger ;)“ Shit, i tought, i forgot about Phil. I threw my phone on the bed, burrying my face in the pillow. Ah, crap. I will have to talk to Phil soon, and i dreaded it. He was always nice to me, and i was willing to give him a chance if things with Jake didnt turn out like this. I took my phone back, replying to Phil „Hey, hey, all is fine. Been bussy working. But thanks for checking up on me! Will come to Aurora for a drink soon, promise! :) „ Jessy replied in the mean time, telling she is free arround 13h, and i replied confirming our meeting. Phil also replied. „Glad to hear you ok! Dont work yourself out, take a break ;) See you soon, gorgeous.“ Bah, i tought, throwing my phone back to bed. I so didnt want to have another talk with Phil. Even tho he said he would be fine, i knew it wouldnt go easy on him. He really was into me, and i didnt feel good knowing what i had to do. I got lost in my toughts, that i havent noticed Jake was standing at the bathrom door, looking at me curiously. „Everything ok?“ he asked. I sighed, giving him a small smile „It will be.“ „You sure?“ he asked, and i could see he wasnt sattisfied with my answer. „Yes, Jake, im sure. Its nothing that cant wait.“ I said giving him a bit better smile. He looked at me a bit skeptically „Alright, if you say so.“ My phone rang then, and i was grateful for it. I really didnt want to talk to Jake about Phil, at least not right now. Jake got agitated at my phone as i took it, answering it a bit surprised. „Hannah?“ i said, and i saw Jake was being confused as much as me. „Hello, Maya.“ She replied cheerfuly „Hope i'm not disturbing you.“ „Ofcours not.“ I told her „Whats up?“ „Well, i called to ask if you are free tonight? I'm inviting everyone for drinks at the Aurora. I'v got some good news to share with you all.“ „Ofcourse!“ i told her cheerfuly. „Great.“ She chimed from the other side. „You we'r the last one i needed to call. I tried yesterday, but your phone was unreachable.“ „Yeah, i turned it off, wanted some peace while working, sorry.“ I said sounding apologetically, looking at Jake. He just grinned at me. „No need to apologise, i understand. Well, i do have someoe else to contact.“ She said „I dont suppose you heard from or seen my half-brother recently?“ „Jake?“ i asked, trying to sound surprised, and he looked at me rising his eyebrows. „No, sorry, i havent seen him, or talked to him recently.“ „Hmm, i called him few times, but he didnt answer or called me back.“ She said, sounding a bit worried. „Im sure hes fine.“ I told her, grinning at Jake., him shaking his head at
me. „Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway, i have to go now. Cya tonight, arround nine.“ „Cya tonight, Hannah.“ I lovered my phone, Jake asking „What was that about?“ „Well“ i started „Hannah wants for all of us to meet at the Aurora tonight, she has some news she wants to share.“ I looked at him inquiry. „Dont look at me, i have no clue what she wants.“ „Hmm, i guess we'll find out tonight then.“ I said. I looked at him „By the way, was it ok i told her i havent seen you? I mean, we havent really talked ourselves about all of this.“ He smiled, sitting next to me. „Its fine, Maya.“ He took my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. „Maybe we should keep it to ourselfs for a while.“ He said, but looked at me with a grin „Even tho i dont care who knows.“ I grinned „Same here.“ „Hmm, you sure about that?“ he asked, and i looked puzzled at him. „Well, we are meeting Hannah at Aurora tonight, and i know one person there who would care.“ Shit, i tought. „If you mean Phil, im very well aware of it.“ I said, getting up from the bed. I got a bit annoyed by Jakes words, even tho i knew he was right. „Maya“ Jake started, and i looked back at him. His eyes met mine, and my heart skipped a beat. I could see insecurity written all over his face, his eyes gloomy. „Do you still feel the same about Phil?“ he asked. I walked back to him, taking his head in my hands, leveling his eyes with mine. „Do you really have to ask me that, after all that happened?“ i told him witha a smile and kissed him. I moved back, meeting his eyes again. „It was always you that i wanted. Only you, Jake.“ He pulled me to him and kissed me, and this time it felt different. Before, his kisses wer packed with desire and lust. But this time his kiss was deep, tender, i would dare to say full of love. „You're amazing.“ He told me „I'm lucky to have you.“ He kissed me again, with that same depth and tenderness as earlier, sending tingles. This time, every move we made was slow and gentle. This time, we made love.
I was getting my sneakers on, as Jake was zipping his hoodie. „Will you be ok tonight? At the Aurora?“ i asked him. „I mean, seeing Phil acting as he would arround me.“ He groaned a bit „Not really, but i'll survive.“ I walked to him, putting my hands arround his neck, saying teasingly „I'll make it up to you later, if you promise to behave.“ He raised his eyebrow at me „That sounds tempting“ he started „But i cant promise you i wont be tempted to not behave.“ I grined at him, giving him a quick kiss „Well, do your best.“ „That, i can promise.“ He said, grining back. I let go of him, grabing my phone checking the time before throwing it at my purse. I took the car keys „I'm gonna be late! You ready?“ „Yes, lets go.“ I gave him the car keys, and he drowe us to the towns center. „Are you gonna tell Jessy about us?“ he asked. „I dont know.“ I said „She was the one who begged me to contact you about the calls, so she knows abou that.“ I paused for a while, a smile creeping to my face „And Jessy can be quite perceptive, she might figure out on her own that something is up.“ I looked at him „Would it be alright with you if she knew?“ „I wouldnt mind“ he said „If she can keep it to herself, for now at least.“ „If i ask it of her, she will.“ I told him. „You two became really close.“ He said , as we came to the parking in the center. „We did , she means a lot to me.“ He turned to me, taking the keys from the ignition. „But you are on top of my 'special people' list.“ I said leaning in for a kiss. He kissed me back, moving away, giving me the keys. „Good.“ He said, grinning „Now off you go, you're late already. And before anyone sees us.“ We left the car, and i started walking backwards from it, blowing him a kiss „See you tonigh.“ He smiled „See you, Maya.“
Jessy was already at the cafe when i came, sitting myself on the chair accross from her „I'm late, i know, i'm sorry!“ I looked at her appologeticaly. „Its fine“ she said, smiling „I got here few minutes ago myself, to be honest.“ „Good.“ I told her. „So what have you been up lately?“ i asked, her face getting cheerful. „Well, as a matter of fact, i have some good news.“ „Yeah? Well, out with it allready!“ i chimed happily. „Ok, ok. Well you know i had to find a new job, after all that happened.“ Her face got a bit gloomy as she said it, and i understood it. I gave her a small smile, thinking how much her life must have been affected by all that have happened. Jet, she stayed so positive through it all. „Anyway“ she continued „I had a job interwiev today.“ „Oh, Jessy, that's great!“ i exclaimed cheerfuly „Where at?“ She smiled „At the library.“ I clapped my hands at it, i knew how much Jessy liked that place, and books, too. „Thats excellent, not just good news, Jessy! I'm happy for you.“ i told her, smiling sencerely. „Well, i havent gotten the job, jet.“ She started „But i have a very good chance for it.“ „I'm sure you will get it.“ I told her. „Anyway, enough about me. Did you contact Jake already?“ she asked, getting all serious on me. „I did.“ I said, a small smile appearning at the corner of my lips. „Good.“ She said, not noticing „And, what happened?“ A lot, i tought to myself. „Well, he checked my phone, to see if it was hacked or something.“ „Did he find anything?“ I sighed „Unfortunatly, no.“Thats not good.“ Jessy said „Can't he do anything else? I mean, isn't that like his expertise?“ „He is trying one more thing.“ I told her. „He connected' to my incoming calls, again.“ I started, and Jessy looked inquiringly at me. „We're hoping he can figure out the location from where the calls are comming like that.“ „Hmm, that would be usefull.“ „Indeed“ i said „I just wish all would end soon, i'm getting terrified by it all, Jessy.“ „I know, Maya“ she said „I'm sure Jake will be abel to find something.“ „I hope so, Jessy.“ I said. „He will.“ She said, smiling reasuringly at me „We all know how skillful he is.“ Indeed, i tought, and not just with computers. Jessy was looking at me now, like she could read my toughts. She squinted her eyes at me „Something else is up.“ „What do you mean?“ i said, trying to sound as calm as i could. „You look different.“ „Different how?“ i asked. „I dont know“ she started „It's like, you're glowing.“ She continued looking at me, and i got a bit fidgety. She was staring intensly at me. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened wide, a grin on her face. „You hooked up!“ she almost screamed. „What?“ i tried to sound confused, but she didnt bought it. „You and Jake, you hooked!“ she chimed again. „Dont denie it!“ she said, grinning at me. I groaned „Fine! Yes, we hooked.“ I looked at her, and we both started squilling like a teenage girls. „Finaly!“ she said laughing „Im happy for you, Maya.“ „Thanks, Jessy. Im happy ,too. But, please, keep it to yourself. At least for now.“ I said pleadingly. „Ohh, i'll try my best, i promise.“ she said. „Give it your best, at least for tonight.“ I pleaded her again. She got serious „Uh, oh, Aurora tonight.“ „Yes, Aurora tonight.“ I said, dreadfully “It can never be simple for me.“ She gave me an akward smile, squizing my hand. We stayed silent for a moment, before a smile started creeping back to Jessys face. „Sooo“ she started „Jake and you? Talk! And i want to hear everything. And i mean, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.“ I laughed, Jessy looking at me with the biggest grin on her face. „Alright.“ I said, Jessy clapping her hands excitedly.
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yooka-kazooie · 4 years
liveblog of me watching the sonic movie courtesy of me yell-typing at my friend on discord
#long post #spoilers 
6:48 PM] Me: well guess I'm gonna rent it on cable [6:50 PM] Me: ok so far the cc works [6:50 PM] Me: which is good news on optimum [6:50 PM] Friend: good [6:50 PM] Me: upp spoke too soon [6:50 PM] Me: where did the cc go [6:51 PM] Me: first the sound didn't work and now the cc goes I keep having to close the movie and resume [6:51 PM] Me: I already dont know this owl character [6:51 PM] Me: like I'm not a HUGE fan of sonic but who is she [6:51 PM] Friend: I don't think she was in the games [6:52 PM] Friend: just an owl who adopted sonic [6:52 PM] Me: oh no is she from the original archie comics [6:52 PM] Me: I've also never seen sonic younger than like 15 [6:52 PM] Friend: no idea [6:52 PM] Me: were those echidnas [6:53 PM] Friend: the old sonic show (the good one) had an episode where sonic goes back in time and meets himself as a kid [6:53 PM] Me: oh good he's a cop good /s [6:53 PM] Me: the urkel one? [6:53 PM] Friend: yeah echidnas [6:53 PM] Friend: yeah [6:53 PM] Friend: there were two urkel ones [6:54 PM] Friend: aired at the same time [6:54 PM] Friend: or same year [6:54 PM] Me: he was in both of them??? [6:54 PM] Friend: yep [6:54 PM] Me: I never watched the "good one" [6:54 PM] Me: sat am? [6:54 PM] Friend: yeah [6:54 PM] Me: yeah I literally never saw it [6:54 PM] Friend: I think [6:54 PM] Me: til Nostalgia Critic [6:57 PM] Me: did crazy carl's drawing look like sanic I can't rewind with ondemand [6:58 PM] Friend: yes it did [7:05 PM] Me: whoops sonic emp [7:07 PM] Me: I assume these old people are describing eggman [7:07 PM] Me: so eggman is human [7:08 PM] friend: yeah [7:10 PM] Me: whos stone [7:10 PM] Me: like did Eggman need a human y.. [7:10 PM] Me: wait is he a robot [7:10 PM] Me: "a human yesman" is what I was going to say [7:10 PM] Me: it seems weird to me that he'd pay a human yesman instead of building a robot yesman [7:11 PM] friend: to be fair he has a human yesman in that old show too [7:11 PM] Me: the show I didnt watch? [7:11 PM] friend: yeah [7:11 PM] Me: I watched the pumpkin show [7:11 PM] Me: and sonic boom cartoon [7:12 PM] Me: and I played sonic adventure 2 [7:12 PM] Me: and sonic 06 [7:13 PM] Me: I'm just letting you know what I know [7:13 PM] Me: what sonic media I've consumed [7:13 PM] Me: I never played the 2D games [7:13 PM] Me: never saw Sonic Sat Am [7:14 PM] Me: uhh meow [7:14 PM] Me: oh neat I didn't know that's how the rings would work [7:14 PM] Friend: lol nice to know where you are in the movie [7:15 PM] Me: donut lord shouldn't be so confused this is at least his second time finding a small talking furry animal-like creature [7:15 PM] Me: I'm sorry but the fact that this dude had the same role in hop is hilarious [7:15 PM] Me: how do you get typecast like that [7:16 PM] Me: "where are the mushrooms and why am I still on earth" is a mood [7:16 PM] Me: his eyes are cool looking [7:16 PM] Me: I can't remember what the old design looked like and I'm scared to look it up [7:17 PM] Me: did I tell you someone proved that it wasn't a stunt and that was the actual real design [7:17 PM] friend: someone told me that [7:17 PM] Me: because they found the merch they were making and they actually made some with the old design [7:17 PM] Me: that was intentional [7:18 PM] Me: oh I like those videogame control gloves [7:18 PM] Me: they need to make those for VR [7:21 PM] Me: raccoons are so cute [7:21 PM] Me: I want one for a pet [7:23 PM] Me: no I'm calling it, Stone is secretly a robot [7:25 PM] Me: the more he says mushroom planet the more I realize it's a nintendo joke [7:25 PM] Me: the mushroom planet has to be the mushroom kingdom [7:25 PM] Me: he doesn't want to go where mario lives [7:26 PM] Me: now I want mushrooms (food) [7:26 PM] Friend: every time he talks about the mushroom planet I want them to make a nintendo cinematic universe [7:26 PM] Me: man Sonic's individual quills look weird? [7:27 PM] Me: whenever I focus on them [7:27 PM] Me: not that bad but it's weird [7:28 PM] Friend: the ones still on his body? I know the one not on his body was never changed [7:28 PM] Me: yeah the ones on him [7:28 PM] Me: it's fine looking when I don't focus on them [7:29 PM] Me: this movie has Antman vibes [7:29 PM] Me: similar humor [7:35 PM] Me: hipsters how do you even convince someone you're not that lol [7:35 PM] Me: oh here we go first standstill [7:36 PM] Me: it's really cool actually, like that one xmen scene [7:36 PM] Me: god that is just ridiculously fast [7:36 PM] Me: so far this movie is better than it looked [7:37 PM] Me: especially before the redesign [7:37 PM] Me: ugh [7:37 PM] friend: I do wonder how much, if any, the story changed with the design [7:37 PM] Me: I'm just guessing that it's the same but there could have been more changes [7:39 PM] Me: ok if mushroom world has no breathable air I'd say that's not a safe place to go [7:39 PM] Me: for sonic??? [7:40 PM] Friend: I do question how a planet full of mushrooms can have enough oxygen in it. there must be something producing more oxygen though [7:41 PM] Me: if Stone isn't a robot that eggman built I hope he's paid well [7:41 PM] Me: he literally just said it doesn't have breathable air [7:41 PM] Friend: I thought he said it did [7:42 PM] Me: ... [7:42 PM] Me: I can't rewind [7:42 PM] Me: a babysitter is infinitely better than a cop tho [7:42 PM] Me: acab [7:44 PM] Me: does he go super sonic in this [7:44 PM] Me: like gold [7:45 PM] Me: aaand he's flossing [7:45 PM] Me: how old is sonic [7:45 PM] Me: is this a child [7:45 PM] friend: idk they should have mentioned it somewhere [7:46 PM] Me: are those children fighting over a switch or a tablet [7:46 PM] Me: jesus sonic just killed eggman [7:46 PM] Me: like I understand but [7:46 PM] Me: oh he waasn't in that one [7:46 PM] Me: I guess [7:49 PM] Me: it seems weird that that exploded [7:49 PM] Me: what if it killed sonic [7:49 PM] Me: what if it damaged the remains [7:49 PM] Me: didnt eggman want to study him [7:50 PM] Me: ok well eggman just called Stone a human being so I hope he's being paid well [7:53 PM] Me: ok how is it fun to be chased by a holographic dinosaur [7:53 PM] Me: I literally have nightmares that are that [7:53 PM] Me: except in nightmares you can feel terror and pain [7:56 PM] Me: are those the shoes that had a deal with sonic adventure 2 [7:57 PM] Me: ah man this is the kinda guy who would either get fired because he's too good to be a cop or be corrupted by getting the job [7:57 PM] Me: I've been reading a lot of stories of what happens to "good cops" lately [7:58 PM] Me: and either they get fired for not being terrible or they become terrible [7:58 PM] Me: remember there are no good cops [7:59 PM] friend: well that is going to change soon [7:59 PM] friend: or it better [7:59 PM] Me: no more cops [7:59 PM] Me: abolish cops [7:59 PM] Me: freedom [8:03 PM] Me: oooo he called him eggman [8:03 PM] Me: took me a second to realize that wasn't just his name [8:03 PM] friend: he is eggman in japan and robotnic in america [8:04 PM] Me: I just think of him as Dr Eggman Robotnic [8:04 PM] Me: like bowser is King Bowser Koopa [8:04 PM] Me: Princess Peach Toadstool [8:04 PM] Me: ... I wasn't paying attention did sonic's speed just fail [8:05 PM] Me: *ring get noise* Me: oh no how many of those rings does he have [8:07 PM] Me: like not an infinite amount [8:07 PM] Me: wait [8:07 PM] Me: aren't the pyramids like [8:07 PM] Me: next to a city [8:08 PM] Me: and not in the middle of endless sand [8:08 PM] friend: yeah [8:09 PM] friend: from pictures there does seem to be a lot of sand around them [8:10 PM] Me: its the angle [8:10 PM] Me: the pyramids are like [8:10 PM] Me: inbetween endless sand and a city [8:10 PM] friend: sure [8:10 PM] Me: well he's going Blue Super Sonic [8:10 PM] Me: still not gold/yellow [8:11 PM] friend: well he does need all the chaos emeralds to go gold [8:12 PM] Me: so what is this form called [8:12 PM] Me: canonically [8:12 PM] friend: idk [8:12 PM] Me: blue lightning sonic [8:13 PM] friend: all that comes up is a truck [8:14 PM] Me: try tvtropes [8:17 PM] Me: well they're treating him like a child? I think? [8:17 PM] Me: like they adopted him [8:17 PM] Me: he's flossing and has a racecar bed [8:17 PM] Me: I think he's a child??? [8:18 PM] Me: hye look its eggman [8:18 PM] Me: he's gonna be so pissed when he gets back [8:18 PM] Me: pff stone isn't a human anymore [8:18 PM] Me: I guess the air is breathable [8:18 PM] Me: how does he get fat on msuhroom world [8:19 PM] Me: are the mushrooms edible [8:19 PM] friend: I would hope at least some of them are [8:19 PM] Me: wait why did he shave [8:19 PM] Me: I saw him do it but it's not explained why [8:19 PM] Me: did he get gum in his hair what did I miss [8:20 PM] friend: well if his mustache is any indication his hair might have gotten... idk weird, so he shaved it [8:21 PM] friend: remember end credit scenes [8:21 PM] Me: ah mood [8:21 PM] Me: I'm watching the credits yes [8:21 PM] Me: I mean I feel like shaving my head would feel infinitely weirder so I just buzz it short but mood [8:21 PM] friend: idr if there was a thing at the very end of the credits [8:21 PM] Me: oh here we go some woods TAILS [8:21 PM] Me: NO [8:21 PM] Me: they had to redesign tails [8:21 PM] Me: too [8:21 PM] Me: wait [8:21 PM] Me: uh [8:21 PM] Me: that was [8:21 PM] Me: really fast for tails [8:22 PM] Me: I guess he's not as fast as sonic but he's not supposed to be that fast [8:22 PM] Me: aaand more credits [8:22 PM] friend: well he can be fast in the games [8:23 PM] Me: he was slow in sonic boom cartoon [8:23 PM] Me: maybe???
0 notes
92 questions 💖 I was tagged by @howellldareyou Welp. Here ya go lads and laddies and mates LAST THING YOU:😯 1. Drink: good old fashioned water😂💦 2. Phone call: uhhhh me mum 3. Text message: 😘currently @logindawn 4. Song i listened to: Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood😜 5. Time you cried: prob yesterday. Or today?😪 HAVE YOU EVER 6. Dated someone twice: nope. As if someone who has already seen the horrors that is me would ever be dumb enough to love me again 7. Been cheated on: no, thankfully 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no! I kiss Bc I love you☺️ 9. Lost someone special: in so many ways. 10. Been depressed: every day.🌪 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: drunk on life. Threw up in word vomit. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS 12. BLUe (so many beautiful shades and you can mix it🌈 13. Pastels🌸 14. off-whites 🥚 IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made new friends: I think/hope so 16: Fallen out of love: well I mean.. typically I love someone and that love never goes away. It can only -subside-. Leads to a lot of pain😂 17. Laughed until you cried: yES I LOVE LAUGHTER💖 18: Found out someone was talking about you: yea 19: Meet someone who changed you: dEFINITLY 20. Found out who your true friends were: getting there💊 MORE 21. Kissed someone on your facebook: do not have FaceBook. Am I uncool?😂 don’t answer that 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: doNT HAVE U FACEBOOK STAHP DECEIVING MS 23. Do you have any pets: yepp! They fight but secretly are best friends! Ones a pitbull named Roxie and the other is a troublesome kitty named Shadow (she’s orange. Don’t get yer hopes up). Used to have 3 dogs but two died recently :’( 24. Do you want to change your name?: I don’t know. My name is so common that in school I don’t respond when I hear it anymore lol 25. What did you do on your last birthday: bowling party!! I entertained the whole time and danced to thriller… 26. What time did you wake up: around 9 am. 27. What were you doing at midnight: watching Markiplier play Joy of Creation 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I don’t know :( I don’t hope for much atm 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: a few hours ago before work 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: me 31. What are you listening to right now: the white noise of my air conditioner. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: … don’t remind me of him. But yes. 33, Something that is getting on your nerves: honestly, myself. 35. Most visited site: YouTube SCHOOL 35. Elementary: full of me gaining and losing friends every year😂 - Middle school: red face. Bullies. 36. High school: so far idk. Freshman was so bad… this past year had highs and lows. Luck for junior year 🌄 37. College/university: you thought 38. b l a n k ME Hair color: dirty blonde/light brown + blonde highlights 39. Long hair or short hair: medium 40 .Do you have a crush on someone: … I DONT KNKW DO I. (The answer is probably. Smh.) 41. What do you like about yourself: well. I’ll be working on this answer for a while. I dunno man. 42. Piercings: 2 in each ear! ^u^ 43. Blood type: O POS I THINK! 44. Nickname: Liv. (And now thx to @phandomnerd417 I have the name Livvie 😂❤) 45. Relationship status: single afffff 46. zodiac sign: gemini 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Fav TV show: ALWAYS SUPERNATURAL. Stranger things is up there tho ;)☺️ 49. Tattoos: none but i want a few like one on my hips/high upper thigh, arms, wrist. ;u; 50. Right or left hand: right FIRST 51. Surgery: the only one I can think of is tonsils - and that was hoRRIBLE. 52. piercing: ears 53. Sport: Kinder-gym (nastics). Then ballet. Then soccer! 55. Vacation: oh man. Uhh. I think Virginia Beach🌊 56. Pair of trainers (sneakers): How am I supposed to remember?? 57. Eating: boob food. 58. Drinking: still. I prob drank my mom’s milk😂 59. I’m about to: ARE THESE CURRENT NOW?? I’m about to be done with this tag it’s so long 😂 60. Listening to: the sound of my brother screaming in his live stream. FUTURE THINGS 61. Waiting for: my happiness to return. 62. Want: everyone to feel loved and happy and not alone 💖💖💖 63. Married: to everyone I adore tbh 64. Career: I don’t know yet YOUR TYPE 65. Hugs or kisses: HUGGGGGS🌺 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older or same age 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idk physical bodies are only a shell to carry your soul. I’ll love you despite any body you’re in ;u; 71. Sensitive or loud: hmm. Maybe a lil of both X3 72. Hook-up or relationship: I prefer relationships. I’m too clingy for just a hookup 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hmm. Again a cool balance of both 😂 74. Kissed a stranger: prob 75. Drank hard liquor: no I’m a goody two shoes smh😂 although I’ve stolen a lollipop out of a free box befoRE! 76. Lost contact lenses/glasses: I have both. Oh is this still someone I’d go for?? Either is cute 🤗 77. Turned someone down: uhhh. Hmm. As in dating?? I think so… 78. Sex on first date: I don’t think so, sorry 79. Broken someone’s heart: yea. I think. I hate to even imagine though 😰😢 80. Had your heart broken: o hell ya 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: do fictional characters count?? No one that I emotionally invested in irl has died yet. 83. Fallen for a friend: hahahhHAHAHAHAHA HAHA. HA. What. Nn-no… okay yes. DO YOU BELIEVE IN 84. Yourself: noPITY NOPE 85. Miracles: sometimes :’) 86. Love at first sight: maybe 87. Santa claus: oF COURSE HES MY GOD 88. Kiss on first date: well I have so yea😂 89. Angels: Castiel. That’s all. Maybe Luci or Gabe ;) OTHER 90. Current best friend’s name: I don’t know sometimes I worry I have no best friend and maybe just a bunch of good close friends?? 91. Eye color: dark blue. I hate it. I wish they were light and pretty 92. Fav movie: my sex tape… WUT. Jk.
i tag all these loves:::::: @phandomnerd417 @perhaps-trees-and-tea @blurryfaceanna @youaretypical @wiredaddiction17 @flaminghotcheetossss @logindawn
And of course anyone who is feeling pretty ambitious and ready for a tag!! 🤗✨🌻
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gxtsmxt-blog · 8 years
when a ladybug meets a spider [m]
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❛❛my pet tarantula escaped from my dorm room and i’m not even allowed to have a fucking goldfish here so what do i have to do for u to keep your mouth shut❜❜ AU
COUNT → 14.176
GENRE →  smut | humor
PAIRING → taehyung | reader
WARNINGS → theres a fcking tARANTULA | bad wiccan stereotypes | explicit language | graphic sex | offensive to those who like mushrooms and to shower at night
NOTE → um. so this is really weird. seriously. read the warnings and really think hard about if this is REALLY worth it. i have like. a lot of requests. but somehow this happened. i dont regret anything right now but i will soon. here u go. send me requests even tho i just said i have a lot
There are two types of people in this world: people who shower in the morning and people who shower at night. So, like, basically people who are right and people who are fucking wrong.
You—of course—fell into the first category. Thinking back to every night you had ever showered, you always woke up with gross, oily skin and frizzy hair. That might have just been a genetic problem of yours that you really should’ve talked to a professional about instead of shaming people that didn’t agree with you, but you just really fucking hated showering at night.
Showering in the morning, though, made you a productive member of society. And you did feel like a productive member of society one morning as the hot water continuously spouted from the shower head and fell down the curve of your back. However, you weren’t yet aware that you had a hairy spectator.
Just as you finished rinsing out the shampoo and combing your fingers through your wet hair, you glanced at the shower curtain and saw it.
It just had... so many legs.
The bottle of conditioner slipped from your hand as you let out a scream. It died on your tongue, however, when your back slammed into the back of the shower stall. You bravely stared down the tarantula until it retreated and scurried away from view. What the fuck was a tarantula doing in your dorm in the first place? No one was even allowed to have a fucking goldfish. You knew—of course—that some people snuck in a dog or two, but who the fuck owns a tarantula?
After the hammering against your chest from nearly having a heart attack calmed down, you shakily pulled open the curtain just in time to see a guy kneeling onto the floor and scooping up the eight-legged creature.
Just as he stood up, stroking the tarantula in his palm, he paused when he saw you. His eyes widened, mouth opening and closing in sheer panic. The cold air from the air conditioning hit your bare nipples but you didn’t care.
You might have been naked, but that was not the issue here.
"Is that... your spider?" you asked, grabbing a nearby towel to dry yourself off.
"Her name is Muffy."
"I take that as a yes," you grumbled.
Your feet padded across the bathroom floor, walking around him until you reached the doorway. As your hand gripped onto the door frame, you scanned the hallway to make sure your screaming hadn't woken up any of the RAs on your floor. When you came back inside the bathroom, you stood across from him with crossed arms. "You're not supposed to have a pet here."
His furrowed eyebrows told you he knew that already.
"I know," he began, trying not to make it obvious he was staring at your bare legs. "She never escapes but— I just— You're not going to tell on me, are you?"
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't."
"Because you—"
"What's your name?"
"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."
Who is this guy? James Bond or something? you thought to yourself and looked him up and down from the bottom of his worn jeans to his collarbones sticking out from beneath his black hoodie.
He had abnormal fashion taste, to say the least. Just as you thought that, you noticed a bunch of holes in his pants. That wasn’t the concern, though; it looked like he made those holes himself. Even more so, you were usually the first person awake to shower. What the fuck was he doing up so early?
Again, you wondered about the tarantula in his palm.
"I won't tell, but only if you do something for me, mushroom head."
His eyebrow shot up at that, then mouthed mushroom head? to himself. Placing your hands on your hips, you tapped your foot impatiently. You really needed to finish washing your hair before someone else walked in. It’d taken you an entire semester to figure out the best time to shower in the morning so you could scream along to Funeral Diner in solitude peacefully without interruptions.
It wasn’t that you were one of those girls who didn’t like other people seeing them naked, but showering was your time to masturbate—honestly. But the girls that didn’t like other people seeing them naked? Somehow, you didn’t think they would react too kindly to a fucking tarantula in the girls’ communal bathroom either, but there it was.
"What do you want?" he asked, hesitantly.
"Buy me lunch at the cafeteria for the rest of the month."
"The rest of the month?!" he yelled, almost dropping the tarantula in surprise. Muttering a quiet apology to it, he looked back at you with wide eyes. "It's... just a spider. Don't you think you're overreacting? And don't you have your own board meals anyway? Why do you need mine?"
"I'm cheap," you muttered. "Sue me."
When you crossed your arms, your covered breasts squished together and his eyes—although they tried very hard to make direct eye contact with you—strayed a little too far from the lord’s light, then. His eyes darted back up to yours and there was a knowing smirk tugging at one corner of your lips.
With a roll of his eyes, he begrudgingly nodded in utter defeat. "Fine."
"Good,” you said. You tugged off your towel, a cold chill running down your spine at the loss of warmth, and looked over your shoulder. “But if I see that thing in here again, I will consult the bottom of my shoe."
"I get it already." He turned his back to you so that he didn’t look at your boobs again, then told you his room number. "I guess just don't come in before noon."
"Any reason for that in particular?"
"Just please don't."
Maybe you were mildly curious but you also decided you didn’t care that much.
"Whatever," you said with a nonchalant wave of your hand, pulling at the shower curtain so you could resume your shower. "Now get out of here."
Your stomach was growling as soon as you woke up the next day. Although you didn't have classes on Fridays, it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to simply sleep past lunch time. When you remembered you had a free lunch ticket at the cafeteria for twenty-eight days, however, you sat straight up in your bed.
The specific meal plan you were on was cheap and only provided one meal per day at the cafeteria or other on-campus dining facility. The rest of your funds went towards snacks and junk food, which really wasn't doing anything for your figure. The part of you that felt guilt and empathy—albeit the very small part—wondered why he agreed so easily to buying you food. Surely he was in a similar situation and couldn’t afford to buy you meals for the next month.
Oh well, you thought. That’s what you get for having a fucking tarantula in the dorms.
You moved to stand in front of your mirror, running a hand through your hair a few times and opened your door; though, you weren’t trying to impress a guy that cut his pants with scissors and called that fashion. Not even bothering to change out of what you were wearing yesterday—which you had so eloquently slept in as well—you walked down the empty hallway, repeating his room number over and over in your head. Taehyung lived on the same floor as you apparently, but he also lived on the far opposite end of the hallway.
Don't come in before noon, you remembered he said yesterday.
Pulling your phone out of one of your sweatpants pocket, you read the time—11:42. You could heed his warning, but you were really fucking hungry. And who were you to listen to anyone? You didn’t know what that word even meant.
You glanced at an open door as you marched down the hallway to his room, rolling your eyes at some guys shouting and screaming. Eventually, your feet stopped in front of his door and you raised a closed fist to knock three times. There wasn't any particular reason for that number, but you had to make sure he heard you. You really wanted that fucking cheeseburger now.
When he didn't open the door, even after standing there for five seconds, you realized the door was actually cracked open slightly. Instead of waiting like a normal person, you proceeded to shove the door open with your foot.
"I want my cheeseburg—"
It was dark.
Not completely pitch black—as it was lit by candles strewn around the room—but enough that you had to squint your eyes to even make out a breathing life form. Upon further inspection, there was some guy sitting cross-legged on the floor, the same white candles surrounding him in an almost complete circle. Your fingers fumbled along the wall for the light switch and then you saw it.
He was sitting on a floor mat that appeared to be some sort of satanic circle.
Thankfully, though, it was not Taehyung that was sitting there. You could tell, even in the darkness, because his black cloak didn’t have holes in it. In fact, as you glanced around the room confusedly, you were quick to realize that he was not there at all. The bunk bed against the wall was completely empty.
“Who are you?” you asked, still looking around for Taehyung as if he would appear out of the demonic ritual circle. Maybe that’s where he came from in the first place. It was weird to you that he owned a tarantula—and at a college dorm, too. Why didn’t he just get a lizard or a poisonous snake? Maybe he wasn’t actually real but was instead summoned through dark magic.
You paused as that thought crossed your mind. Maybe that is—
“Hey.” A hand came to grasp your right shoulder and you jumped, then rolled your eyes at how easy it was for him to scare you. “Sorry. I was in the shower.”
You whirled around, surprised to see it was Taehyung. For some reason, you were kind of disappointed he wasn’t a demon. That would’ve been cool.
Just as you were about to yell at him for making you wait and almost being used as some sort of blood sacrifice by his wiccan roommate, you noticed he was naked from the waist up. Your eyes fell to his chest, following a single drop of water that trailed past one of his nipples. One of his hands tugged at the towel hanging low on his hips then, and you mentally punched yourself in the face for staring. You had to remind yourself the guy owned a fucking giant spider. Looking back over your shoulder at his roommate still muttering Latin under his breath, you remembered he was there and your eyes widened.
“Is he—” you started to hiss, but then he pulled you out of the doorway and shut the door behind you. You looked down the hallway to make sure no one would be listening, then leaned in close. “Is your roommate a fucking wiccan?!”
He rolled his eyes, as if he had been asked that a thousand times already. “No, but don’t tell him that. He just likes to think he is. And I thought I told you not to come before noon. Do you not fucking listen? At all?”
“I don’t like rules or structure,” you replied, dully.
“You know... I’m starting to understand that now.” He tugged at his towel again and your eyes fell back down to his bare chest. “I gotta change.”
“Right,” you said and took a step back. “Hurry up. I’m hungry.”
He chuckled lowly, then threw you a strange look that you couldn’t quite decipher before he closed the door again behind him. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. He definitely was better looking when he wasn’t wearing oversized sweatshirts with holes in them and carrying a tarantula. At the thought of the hairy creature, you remembered that he had it as a pet and his attractiveness went down.
A minute must’ve gone by, as you were lost in your thoughts, because then his door opened again to reveal him fully clothed, wearing a cyan sweater with holes torn in the sleeve and dark wash jeans. You didn’t stare long, though.
“You said you wanted a cheeseburger?”
And then he grabbed your hand and proceeded to drag you at a fast pace down the hallway, leading you to the door to the staircase.
The two of you made your way to the cafeteria without anything weird happening, which was shocking to you after the last twenty-four hours.
You approached the cashier, following closely behind Taehyung as he held out his ID for him to scan twice, and then you brushed past him to make your way towards the hamburger bar. Your university was one of the largest universities in the state, so the cafeteria actually didn’t have shitty food compared to other places. It was almost enough for you to cry tears of unadulterated joy at the thought of being able to eat there twice a day now—for a month at least.
Taehyung seemed to want a cheeseburger, too, so he just followed you. There was so much variety in food to choose from—salad, pasta, pizza, dessert. If you had five stomachs, you wouldn’t just stop at one fucking cheeseburger.
"So," you began, grabbing a clean plate and reaching for one of the burgers with a pair of tongs, "he does that every morning? Just pulls out his little magic demon mat and starts to curse people on our floor or something?"
"He doesn't curse people, only the ones who deserve it,” Taehyung replied.
Who the hell has that guy cursed?! you asked yourself, then wondered if it even worked in the first place. You definitely didn’t think that stuff worked at all, not that you had any experience with wiccans or magical entities.
He followed closely behind you in the line, almost breathing into your ear as he leaned over your shoulder to place two buns on his own plate, followed by a tomato and some lettuce. “Listen. He’s not that bad, all right?” You quickly put some space between the two of you when his back ghosted against yours. “He’s a cool guy. I don't really mind what he does. Sounds... weird, but it’s true. We actually talked about it on the first day and set up some ground rules and stuff. If he can handle my fucking tarantula, then he’s cool with me.”
You squirted some ketchup onto your bun, making a smiley face. Again, he followed after you towards the bar that served french fries and tater tots.
“Whatever you say.”
“And, like, he keeps the room really fucking dark. I’m a light sleeper so his black emo blanket really helps me sleep at night. That is, if Muffy already ate her crickets because those things are fucking loud sometimes.”
"Where the fuck do you even get crickets?”
“A pet store?” he asked, giving you a weird look. “You think I go hunting for them in a forest or something like a park ranger?” You glared as he let out a loud laugh. “No, I buy them at a fucking pet store.”
“I’m fucking sorry,” you sneered, throwing some fries beside your burger. “I don’t know what it’s like to have a tarantula or why you would even want one.”
As you followed him to an isolated booth in the back corner of the cafeteria, you both set your plates on opposite sides. He tossed his car keys on the table, then slid in across from you. It was silent for a few seconds, the two of you nibbling into your burgers and chewing on your fries.
“No, seriously,” you said after a long, awkward pause. “Why did you want a tarantula? I’m... I’m curious. I won’t judge you. I promise.”
You dipped a crinkly fry in some ketchup in circular motions, then glanced at Taehyung to see his eyes seeming to sparkle. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked.
He fell back against his chair, dropping the burger onto his plate. It fell apart slightly, the lettuce sliding out from between the bun and the patty. His head tilted against the back of the booth as if he was lost in thought, then said, “I just... think they’re really cool. Like, they’re kind of like fish, you know?”
“How the fuck is a tarantula like a fucking fish?” you asked, but you were grinning as you did. It was almost interesting to hear about his weird spider.
“Like...” he trailed off, gesturing with his hands but then dropping them back into his lap. He licked the seam of his lips, then leant forward to place his elbows on the table. “You don’t do anything with a tarantula. I mean, obviously you have to feed it and you have to clean its cage but... tarantulas are display pets. They’re fun to watch but they get really stressed out if you hold them.”
“Don’t they just sit there and plot how they’re going to eat you?”
“Where the fuck do you get this information from? Tarantulas don’t just sit there. They... dig tunnels and groom themselves. Muffy really likes to move the dirt around in her enclosure. Like, she put some on these leaves I got for her once and—obviously—dirt doesn’t go on leaves, so I thought it was funny.”
“Right...” you mumbled, biting into your burger. “That’s cool, I guess.”
“I know a lot of people don’t like spiders or anything with more than four legs, but she’s really cool. Owning a tarantula is awesome and it’s a great conversation starter, too. Like, ‘Guess what my tarantula ate today?’ Actually, that’s a bad example because I just feed her crickets, so there’s really no element of surprise there... but you get it, right?”
“I mean, sure. I guess I just don’t like spiders,” you said. Licking the ketchup from one of your fingers, you picked at the remaining fries on your plate.
“Nah. It’s cool. Not a lot of people do, girls especially. I can’t ever fuck a girl in my room because she thinks—”
You laughed. “You’ve tried to fuck a girl in a room with a tarantula?”
“—because she thinks my tarantula’s gonna escape and eat her face off in the middle of the night. Also, fuck you. Why do people hate tarantulas so much?”
“Because they are not as easy to step on.”
“I don’t know,” he said with a sigh. “It just gets kind of depressing, I guess. To always have to tell people about my tarantula before they come over just because she’s not a cute poodle or some shit like that.”
“Do you really expect people to be excited about you owning a spider?”
“I just don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Whatever, my dude.”
You grinned at each other and then you pulled out your phone so that he could continue to eat. Your plate was licked clean and you thought about getting another burger or something, but decided against it. There was always tomorrow when he would buy you another hamburger.
From over the top of your phone screen, you watched as his fringe fell over his eyes. When he first started talking about his tarantula, you felt skeptical. It’s not like you no longer thought they were creepy and beyond terrifying, but it was fun to listen to him talk about his tarantula—in his own cute, nerdy way.
"Oh, shit,” Taehyung suddenly said, standing up. “We forgot to get something to drink. You want me to get you something? Pepsi or—”
“I don’t drink soda actually, so a water?”
He didn’t move, but instead looked at you funny. “You... don’t drink soda?”
“I’m not about to be judged by a guy who owns a tarantula and has a wiccan for a roommate. Just go get me my water, bitch.”
Letting out a snort, he rolled his eyes playfully and went to do as you said. You couldn’t help but stare at his ass as he went. There might have been holes in his jeans but not where you wanted there to be ho—
Your back fell against the booth at that. What were you even thinking? You’d been staring at him for the past hour and were basically going crazy. It wasn’t even just that he owned a fucking tarantula but he just wasn’t your type.
But you couldn’t deny that he was a very hot tarantula owner.
“And I’m back.”
He slid over a glass of ice water to you, then handed you a straw. You quietly thanked him, leaning over your glass to take a sip. As you did, you looked back at him and watched in silence as he bit off the top of his straw wrapper. You also noticed he came back with a bowl of fruit—apple and banana slices, blueberries, and an orange. You raised an eyebrow at that.
“You don’t like strawberries?” you asked.
“I can’t eat strawberries,” he told you, tossing a few blueberries in his mouth. “I’m allergic. But sometimes I like to have a free day to eat them by the toilet.”
You laughed, smiling at him. “That’s gross but also hilarious.”
When you pulled out your phone again, he said, “Hey. Since we’re going to be seeing each other a lot over the next month, we should swap numbers.”
“Sounds good,” you replied, opening your contacts app and giving him your phone. He did the same and you quickly typed in your number. “Thanks, by the way. You really didn’t have to do what I said yesterday.”
“You threatened to step on my tarantula.”
“I wouldn’t come near that fucking thing with a twelve-foot pole.” You reached over to steal a blueberry, sucking it between your lips before chewing. “I know you told me why you have it, but I still think they’re gross.”
“Twelve-foot pole, huh?”
He grabbed your empty plate suddenly, save for a few burnt fries and crumbs from your bun, and put his own on top of it. You just sat there while he went to dump off your plates, then he looked over his shoulder. “You coming or what?”
“And where are we going exactly?”
“You’re going to come near my tarantula without a twelve-foot pole.”
"She's just sitting there."
"Will you be fucking patient?"
Somehow, Taehyung dragged you into his room to watch his stupid tarantula. His roommate was just gone—vanished like a shadow in the night. You asked him about that but he didn’t really have a good answer, telling you that he did that a lot. Apparently he unearthed a fossil once and kept it in his drawer.
Your heels dug into the back of your ass as you watched the hairy creature. All it was doing was sitting there, occasionally grooming itself. You were bored out of your fucking mind. Why the hell would someone want a giant spider just to watch it? You didn’t like spiders, but wasn’t it bored? Why would any living creature want to rely on someone to feed it and be trapped in a cage?
Taehyung sat down beside you but he held a container full of—
“Are those... crickets?!” you shrieked, wildly looking between him and the tarantula in horror. He wasn’t going to... feed it right now, was he?
“You wanted to see something.”
“Okay, first of all... I didn’t ask to be brought here. You dragged me here as some sort of power play to prove that your bug isn’t boring. I don’t want to watch it eat a cricket. I don’t want it to do anything, in fact.” You went to stand up, but he grabbed onto your hand, tugging you back down. Brushing some strands of hair that fell in your face, you glared at him. “Let me leave.”
“No,” he said, firmly. “Not until you watch her just for a little bit.”
He held your hand down against the floor, rubbing soothing circles into the back of it. As he removed the lid, you watched his side profile. You thought it was interesting that he had his ears pierced, since most guys you knew considered piercing their ears to be a girl thing. With the more you learned about him each day, the more you were starting to think he was all right.
“You cool?” he asked down to you, catching you staring at him. “I’m gonna feed her now, so you have to watch her and not stare at my ass.”
What ass? you thought but watched anyway—the tarantula, not his ass.
A single cricket fell through the container, and then he quickly closed it so the other crickets wouldn’t escape. Your eyes fell onto the creature as it wiggled around until it flipped onto its stomach, then immediately fled to a far corner. Anxiously, you squeezed Taehyung’s hand and he watched your reaction. When the tarantula suddenly leaped forward to eat it, you let out a shriek of terror.
You let out a quick breath. “That was... kind of cool, actually.” Looking over at Taehyung, you saw his grin widening and he let go of your hand. “I didn’t jump. That was merely a tactic to get you scared. It was a test round.”
“Oh, I believe you,” he returned, sarcastically.
Turning your head back to the cage, you watched in amazement as the spider started to dig her own tunnel, burrowing herself in the dirt. Then, she started to groom herself again. You wondered again if she liked living in a cage.
"Why is this... cute? She's a fucking spider."
He laughed, but didn’t say anything back. Offering you the palm of his hand, you silently took it and he pulled you to your feet. You glanced back at the spider a few times, finding how she groomed herself somewhat endearing.
“Thanks for giving her a chance,” he started to say, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “I know we’re not, like... friends or anything, but it was nice of you not to run out of here screaming. Muffy’s really awesome.”
“You kind of forced me to stay but you’re welcome. She’s not too bad.”
“Yeah,” he breathed and one corner of his lips lifted up. “She’s not too bad.”
“You’re not too bad either.”
Now that you actually had Taehyung’s phone number, you texted him to tell him that the next few days you couldn’t eat lunch with him because of exams and homework. He didn’t reply, so he almost slipped from your mind.
However, after spending the last three days cooped up in the library and staying there until midnight when they officially closed in nothing but your pajamas, you were ready to be stress-free—and nothing said stress-free like a cheeseburger.
You probably could’ve texted Taehyung ahead of time that you were stopping by his room and that he better be there so you could eat, but you decided you didn’t want to do that. Keeping him on his toes was fun for you.
As you stood in front of his door—and it actually being locked this time—you raised a fist to the door and knocked with the back of your knuckles.
Taehyung wasn’t the one answering the door, however.
His roommate was.
“Greetings,” he said and took a step back so you could come in. “You must be the girl that garnished our room the other day.”
Garnished? you asked yourself with scrunched eyebrows.
“I’m his roommate,” he continued, then gestured for you to give him your hand. When you did, he led you over to his weird satanic circle floor mat. “Would you like to have a reading? I’m training as an apprentice.”
Apprentice... for what?
“Uh... sure, I guess.” He pulled out an empty box from their shared closet and used it as a dividing table between the two of you. Retrieving a random candle and lighter from inside the lining of his black trench coat, he littered the box with candles before smacking down a deck of cards. “What kind of reading?”
“Please shuffle this deck of cards for me.”
He didn’t answer your question but you did as he asked. You weren’t familiar with how to shuffle in a fancy way like some people, but you did your best, cutting the deck in half. After handing the deck back to him, he whispered something you couldn’t make out, then asked for you to cut the deck again.
You went to reach for the deck of cards, but then he pointed a finger at you.
“Also,” he started to say, “please think of a question you want answered.”
There were many questions you wanted answers to and it all started with the elephant in the room—or more specifically, the tarantula. The way Taehyung’s roommate spoke was just weird, too. It was like he was from another dimension. You wanted to know how the hell these two got paired together to be roommates since all college freshmen were assigned roommates based on similar likes and hobbies. You and your roommate both liked screamo music, but what was it that the two of them had in common exactly?
“So, um...” you said, then handed him back the cut deck of cards. “Where is Taehyung? He promised me another cheeseburger today.”
“He’s cleansing himself.”
Why couldn’t he just say shower like a normal person? But at the thought of a shower, you remembered his bare chest that first day. Did Taehyung work out at all? It wasn’t like he had a sixty-five pack or anything, but he had well-defined muscles. You could tell just from that one glimpse of his chest. Though, you also wondered if his roommate was able to read your mind.
“I heard he made an oath of twenty-eight cheeseburgers.”
“I mean... if you want to be specific, yeah.”
It was awkwardly silent for a few seconds, then he held up the cards and asked for you to choose three, then lay them face down in a line on the table—or box. He watched you quietly as you did, then picked up the first card.
“Ah,” he said to himself. “The chariot. This specific spread tells me your past, present, and future. This card especially... I can tell that you’ve had control and dominance over most things in your life, correct?” You nodded silently. “I see someone else here. Your aura gives off that there was another person in your life that also gave off that same aura. A parent perhaps? A sibling?”
“My mother,” you answered quietly. Although you had agreed to it, you really didn’t like the idea of telling a stranger anything about your personal life.
Instead of asking you anything further, he looked at the next card. Turning it around so you could see it as well, it depicted an old man wearing a long, dark cloak as well as holding a walking stick and dimly lit lantern. “This specific card means solitude and soul-searching. How you are currently has been living as a hermit. You’ve stopped letting people in, always keeping them an arm’s length away. Is that how you want to be or do you want to change?”
“I... don’t know.” His eyes seemed to see right through you and a cold shiver ran down your spine. “I mean, you’re right but... I don’t know what I want.”
“I see,” he said after a long silence, then picked up the final card to show you. “Lastly, your future tells me that you’re hopeful. If, in the present, you’re scared to hold people too close to your heart, perhaps there’s also a part of you that is hopeful the future will change that—or maybe it already has changed. Have you met someone that has given you a different outlook on life?”
Your mouth opened and closed. Of course the both of you knew who that person was. Taehyung definitely had given you a new outlook on life but you didn’t think that was enough to change how you’d been for the last four years. A part of you was also afraid to admit that you two had become friends.
Then the door suddenly opened.
Taehyung said your name in surprise, blinking rapidly at the scene before him—you getting a tarot reading by his weird wiccan roommate. He was dressed, unlike the other day, but his hair was damp, telling you he had showered.
“Good evening, Taehyung,” his roommate said, then bowed.
“It is literally noon right now. If you would just open the curtains, you would remember what the sun is,” Taehyung said with a laugh. He walked forward and reached for your hand, pulling you to your full height. “Come on. Let’s go eat.”
As he dragged you out of the room, you glanced back at his roommate. You’d never gotten a tarot reading done before—or any kind of reading—but either he knew more about you than you thought or what he said was actually true.
And that made you nervous.
"So, your roommate is an interesting fellow."
"That’s a nice way of putting it.”
The two of you were making your way to his car again so he could drive you both to the cafeteria. He hadn’t said much on the way down the stairs, but you were lost in your thoughts as well—thinking about what his roommate told you. It wasn’t like you to be so caught up in something supernatural like that, but there was this really weird presence you felt whenever he looked at you.
“Don’t think too hard about what he said,” Taehyung suddenly said, looking at you from over his shoulder. “He gave me a tarot reading once, too. It’s just a load of fucking crap, if you ask me.”
“Nothing he told you was true?”
“Nah.” The two of you stopped and he opened his garage. As it opened torturously slow, he slid his gaze over to you standing beside him. “I just don’t think things are set in stone like that. I think you’re in charge of your own destiny.”
You nodded. “You’re right. I don’t know why I was even thinking about it.”
“Well, what did he say exactly?”
“Uh...” you trailed off, thinking about how to word it. “He said I’m a hermit basically and that I’m not open to emotion. My future looks bright, though.”
He laughed. “You’re not a hermit. Maybe you’re not as open to your feelings as other people, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Take it at your own pace.”
“Thanks, Taehyung.”
“You’re welcome.”
You looked up at him and gave him a warm smile, appreciating what he said. He looked the same as always but there was something about the strands of damp hair that fell into his face that made him look especially good looking. His sweatshirt was free of holes as well, so he looked passingly normal for once.
“If you want,” he began, keeping his eyes on the garage door, “I could give you a reading, too. I mean, I don’t have any cards or whatever the fuck else, but it might make you feel better about what he said.”
“And how would you do that?”
“I’ll ask you three questions and tell you your future from your answers.”
“Interesting. Go on.”
The garage door finally opened and he touched your lower back, gesturing for you to follow him into his car. He unlocked it with his keys but you opened the door right before he did, so the door was still locked.
“Press the button again,” you whined, pulling at the handle.
“God, you’re so impatient.”
He did, though, and the two of you squeezed inside his car from the restricted space you had to open its doors. Once inside, he turned the car on and blasted the heater, then put his arm over the back of his seat.
“What were you like as a kid?”
“You waste no fucking time,” you grumbled with a laugh. “Well, I kept mostly to myself. I didn’t like to talk to the other kids in my class. Believe it or not, but I was really shy and introverted. I loved to read during recess like a nerd.”
He looked you up and down, narrowing his eyes in deep thought. “You know, somehow I feel like I can really fucking see that. Don’t ask me why.”
“Next question?”
“Next question...” he trailed off, leaning his head against the windshield. “Next question is: What is your biggest regret in life?”
You didn’t like this game anymore. He was asking questions you weren’t expecting him to ask at all—questions that you hadn’t thought about in a long time. He seemed to sense your discomfort and told you that you didn’t have to answer, but for some reason, you didn’t feel that uncomfortable telling him.
It was like he was a stranger, someone you only met a few days ago, but you also felt like you knew him a long time, too. He felt comfortable to you.
“I guess this goes back to my childhood,” you started to say and blew out a puff of air onto the windshield to draw a smiley face absentmindedly. “I kept to myself and didn’t have any real friends until college. No one likes the shy kid, so I guess I regretted not speaking more and being so anxious about things. If I was more outgoing, I probably would’ve enjoyed school a lot more.”
“Damn.” He sighed loudly. “This is kind of depressing but I was that kid in school—always talking, always laughing. But you know what? I always wanted to talk to the shy kids. They were always doing their own thing, you know? I was surrounded by my friends constantly, so I wish I would’ve hung out with myself more instead just because it really wore me out after a while.”
He licked at his lips, then continued, “What was your first relationship like?”
“He cheated on me.”
“Fuck,” he groaned out. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“It’s fine, Taehyung. I don’t mind telling you. I was still shy and I had liked him for a while when he asked me out. I didn’t really talk much since I was just so fucking shy, so I guess he must’ve just gotten bored of me after a while.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He leant forward, grabbing onto your shoulder. “You don’t fucking cheat on someone just because you’re bored of them. That’s not fucking okay with me at all. That’s not fair to the other person.”
“Were you cheated on, too?”
“Yeah. Maybe that’s why I have a tarantula. Like, if I have her, the people that sick around... I’ll know they’re really sticking around for me.”
“That’s fucking deep, dude.”
“Says the person sticking around for cheeseburgers.”
You shoved at his shoulder playfully. He wasn’t wrong exactly but the cheeseburgers were just what reeled you in. And at the thought of the two of you never speaking again after the month was over, you felt... sad.
“I’m not just sticking around because of the fucking cheeseburgers,” you said with a laugh. “I mean, we only hang out to eat but I like hanging out with you. A lot of my relationships have just ended so badly, and maybe I’m just afraid to say we’re friends if you actually don’t give a shit about me at all.”
“Don’t feel too bad. All my ex-girlfriends tried to kill my tarantulas.”
“You've... had more than one?"
"Girlfriends or tarantulas?"
Your laughter echoed inside the car, and when it died down, he put the car into reverse and backed out of the garage. Just as he pulled out onto the road, he paused, then looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was behind him.
“I think...” he trailed off, then looked at you as if he was looking into your soul. “Here’s my reading: I think you’re afraid of having a relationship of any kind. Maybe you are a hermit, but don’t force yourself to change. Sometimes, we can’t fully change ourselves alone and we just need another person to help us.”
“That’s funny because your roommate said the same thing.”
“That you can’t force yourself to change?”
You shook your head. “No. Just mentioned that I’ll meet someone that will push me to change and give me a new outlook on life, or maybe I already have.”
It was at one o’clock in the morning that Taehyung texted you later that night.
TAEHYUNG [1:05:32]: are u up
You considered not replying and going back to sleep, but you were also intrigued at the same time. Why the fuck was he texting you so late?
YOU [1:06:01]: i am now thx
Then your phone was ringing, blasting your Crown the Empire by Millenia ringtone. You shot straight up in your bed and pulled back your covers. Looking over at your roommate, you were thankful that she snored like a fucking tornado and answered the call in a quiet whisper, then ran to your door.
"Why did you fucking call me?! My roommate's asleep, you idiot."
He hung up on you just as you said that.
You pulled your phone away from your ear at that, glaring at the screen angrily. Just as you were about to go back into your room and curl under your covers again, you heard some footsteps from down the other end of the hall.
He waved at you nonchalantly as he jogged down to meet you. The glare didn’t slip from your face, even when he stood only mere feet from you. Holding his phone in his hand, he locked it and slipped it into his back jean pocket.
Pressing your fingers to your temples, you whispered, “Why can't you just be a normal person and tell me when you want to hang out that’s not fucking one o’clock in the morning?! And that doesn’t involve calling me with a roommate asleep?! Am I a monkey with a cymbal for you to watch or something?!”
"You’re just cranky because I woke you up.”
Your mouth dropped open, about ready to scream at him and drag him to the parking lot just so you could beat him up, but then you felt the familiar warmth of his hand as he lead you down the hallway and to the staircase.
"What are we doing?” you asked, your anger vanishing with each second.
"I thought we could hang out,” he replied, looking back behind at you with a cheeky grin. He knew that’s not what you were asking.
“I want to fucking sl—”
“I have some alcohol in my trunk.”
“And what the fuck are we doing walking so slowly?”
He laughed as you basically dragged him down the stairs instead of him, but smiled at the sight of your emo pajama shorts, giving him a nice view of your ass. You didn’t know which garage his car was in, though, so once the two of you were outside the building, you looked over at him to lead the way again.
Glancing down at his hand tightly holding onto your own, you complimented him in your head for having such big, strong hands. His fingers were so fucking long, too, and his nails were almost stubby from how short they were. Maybe he had a bad habit of chewing on his nails or something. Now that you thought of it, all his features were big—his hands, his nose, his ears, his fucking mouth. His girlfriends probably stuck around just from the bomb ass oral sex alone.
"Why did you buy a garage?” you randomly asked. No one was outside—probably asleep like normal functioning people—but that comforted you somehow. “They’re, like, fucking $100. Why not just get a parking pass?”
"Obviously to smoke weed and fuck.”
You wondered if that was why he wanted to hang out so late in the first place—and the dumber part of you wasn’t opposed. At that thought, your heart rate started to pick up, almost pounding out of your chest. Would you fuck him without hesitation if he asked? Hell fucking yeah. Would you feel good about it in the morning? Hell fucking no. But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t.
The two of you stood there as his garage door opened, and when there was enough room for him to crawl under it, he bent his head under the door and opened his trunk to pull out a case of beer. Handing you a bottle, you thanked him and used your long sleeves to pop off the cap without injuring yourself.
He slammed his trunk closed, then sat on the rear of the car with a hop. You followed him, nervously sitting beside him as you continuously took large sips.
“Remember when we met?”
“In the girls’ communal bathroom with your fucking tarantula?”
He laughed. “Yeah. You were bare ass naked. I still remember.”
“I mean... I gave you some good masturbation material. I think being naked is very freeing. Obviously I’m not an exhibitionist but I’m not shy.”
“I can tell. You have a nice ass, by the way.”
“I know, and you don’t.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he said with a laugh. “My dick makes up for it.”
“Yeah? How big is your dick, then?”
You knew you were treading on some dangerous waters, but you blamed the alcohol. And funny enough, you took another sip as you thought that.
“I’m not fucking telling you,” he said, lying against his car’s back windshield. “You’d make fun of it even if it was the size of the loch ness monster.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Is it the size of the loch ness monster?”
He placed an arm behind his head, giving you a good view of his biceps flexing. Turning his head to look up at you, he grinned. “I’ve never gotten any complaints.”
You bit into your lip, trying discreetly to rub your legs together for some friction. He’d barely said a word about his dick but you already could tell your panties were drenched. Think about his tarantula, you told yourself. When you glanced down at his dick and saw it straining against his pants, you were doomed.
As you brought your eyes back to his face, he was staring at your bare legs rubbing together. When he looked back into your eyes, something changed. Setting his half-empty bottle of beer beside him, he reached for a handful of your shirt, tugging you down so you were inches away from his face.
“You wanna find out?”
You had never nodded so fucking fast in your life.
He sat up quickly, straightening his back and bumping his nose against yours, and then he was pulling you onto his lap and kissing the fucking life out of you. You brought your hands up to his face, stroking his cheeks as he angled his head and sucked your bottom lip into his mouth. Maybe you had been waiting for this a little longer than you admitted to yourself. You moaned softly from the back of your throat and he smiled into the kiss, reaching around your back to pull you impossibly closer to him. His beer bottle clinked against the concrete a few seconds later when it fell off the car, but neither of you pulled away.
Licking the seam of his lips, you slid your tongue into his mouth just as he parted his lips. You started with a quick lick to his tongue before you pulled back, the both of you breathing heavily into each other’s mouths. He quickly grabbed the back of your head, pulling you back in. This time, he was the one shoving his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around your own. Your hands fell from his cheeks and to the tops of his shoulders, both moaning out loud.
When you felt him lick at the back of your teeth, you laughed into the kiss and pulled away, cheeks ablaze. He stared back at you with half-lidded eyes and a cheeky grin, then moved one of his fingers to your stomach to play with the hem of your pajama shorts. You didn’t pull his hand away but instead palmed him over his jeans and looked at him coyly. With an eyebrow raised, he shoved you onto your back, leaning over you to give you a quick peck on the lips. Then he was yanking your shorts down to reveal your white panties, soaking and wet.
With one of his fingers, he pushed the material aside and slid another lightly across your outer lips, barely touching you. Even if it was light as a feather, you felt it and it felt so good. Your fingernails clawed into the bare skin at his arms, and he put more pressure on his finger as he slid it up and down your lips. His finger then easily found your clitoris and made sure it was lubricated enough before he pinched at it, earning a yelp from you below him.
You dragged one of your hands up his arm to his shoulder, slowly skimming down his clothed chest and held onto his hand, showing him the pace you wanted. His finger swirled around your bundle of nerves and your head fell against the trunk of his car, panting wildly. With your neck exposed, he leaned down to give an experimental lick, then bit into the skin there.
“T-Taehyung!” you yelled out, your thighs trembling.
He pulled away from your neck to give you a smirk, then kissed your lips. He knew what the fuck he was doing to you; he had experience. You opened your mouth for him easily as he slid his tongue inside and increased the pace of his fingers, continuing to pinch and circle your clit.
“Oh, God...” you moaned into his mouth. “R-Right fucking there.”
You heard a car door slamming and the sound of faint laughter, but you were too busy clawing into the skin on the back of his hand to care. They could fucking walk in and join you and you wouldn’t give a single fuck.
Your hand moved from holding his hand as he stroked you, palming him again.
“Taehyung...” you whimpered, “I need more.”
He pulled away from your mouth, the ends of his fringe tickling your nose. “I don’t have any condoms or anything, though.”
“Just do something.”
“Didn’t you fucking hear me? I don’t have anything, you crazy woman,” he breathed into your mouth, continuing to play with your clit.
“I’ve decided today is— Oh, fuck... Today is my birthday, so take off your fucking pants and make my birthday something special.”
“It’s not your birthday, though.”
“Really? You’re going to be a dick to me on my birthday?”
He rolled his eyes as he removed his hand from your pussy, licking at his fingers coated with your sticky juices, then pulled down his pants until you could see his boxers peaking through. You thought he was going to take them off, too, but then he was simply hovering over you, pressing his clothed length against your dripping center. He rubbed against your sweet spot, then slid one of his arms under your back to lift you so that you were sitting on his lap again.
Your pajama shorts hung around your ankle and you quickly flung them behind you as you ground down onto him. He thrusted up from below and your head fell back, giving him the opportunity to bite at the skin at your neck again.
“You really...” you trailed off, breathing heavily. “You really like b-biting, huh?”
The laughter got closer and without his finger directly fingering at your clit, your head was clearer. You cracked open your eyes and strained your ears, then grabbed a fistful of his shirt to yank him away from your neck.
“Close the fucking door. I think they’re coming over here.”
He reached into his front jean pocket to grab the opener, then frantically skipped over the button a few times because of you grinding down onto his dick. When he finally managed to press it and the garage came sliding down, it seemed to malfunction a little bit, then went back up overhead.
“Taehyung,” you growled. “Close. The. Fucking. Door.”
“I-I’m trying! It won’t fucking shut,” he said as he repeatedly mashed his thumb against the button, then tossed the useful device behind him.
“What are we going to— Ah, that feels so good...”
“What? Right here?” he asked, then thrusted up into you again just as he pulled you down onto his hardened length, some creases in the fabric hitting you in just the right spot. “Is this what you wanted?”
“Fuck you and your non-functioning door.”
With his hands wrapped around your back and yours dangling over his shoulders, the two of you paused in your grinding when you heard the footsteps getting closer, drunken laughter almost in your ears. Turning your attention back to each other, you leaped off of him to find your pajama shorts. Did you fucking fling them outside? You looked over your shoulder and... there they were.
“We don’t have fucking time,” he whispered. “Get in the car.”
And so he dragged you by the hand, unlocked the back door, and shoved you inside. You landed on your stomach, giving him another nice view of your ass in only your panties, then he followed in after you to close the door.
The two of you peaked over the backseat just as they walked by. However, one bent over to pick up your pajama shorts. You couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying but then they were laughing, tossing your shorts into the distance.
“I liked those shorts...” you grumbled, and then heard Taehyung laughing beside you. You slapped at his shoulder loudly. “Stop laughing at me!”
He held a closed fist to his lips. “Sorry. I think they’re gone now.”
The people or my shorts? you thought bitterly.
When he could still feel your glare digging into the side of his face, he opened the door and you followed after him. He rubbed at the fabric on your arms, leaning down to peck your lips once, then said, “I’ll get you some new ones.”
“What if I said my dead grandma got me those shorts on a distant island you haven’t heard of because it went up in flames after she fucking died?”
“I guess that sucks for you, then.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled up at him. “I know I said I don’t mind being naked but there’s something embarrassing about walking into a building in just your underwear. Do you have a sweatshirt in there I could put on?”
“Nah, but you could wrap my shirt around your waist or something.” He tugged his shirt off by the collar, revealing his tanned chest, and handed it to you. You tied it around your waist, glancing down to make sure your underwear wasn’t visible. “You look cute in that.”
“Thanks,” you said with tinted cheeks, shuffling your feet back and forth. “I should head back now. Thanks for... whatever the fuck this was.”
“You good to walk back by yourself?”
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
“I have...” he trailed off as he looked as his dick still pressing against his jeans. You followed his gaze, biting your lip at what could’ve been.
“Right. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Thanks. See you.”
“Bye, Taehyung.”
The last view you had of him before you walked back into the dorms was him lying on the back of his car, stroking his length up and down just as he came.
Ever since that night, you were on edge—on edge because of the weird guy with a pet tarantula. You’d never been manhandled so good in your entire fucking life. For one thing, he knew what the clitoris was and how to find it. Even your ex-boyfriends could barely do that much but they definitely couldn’t make you cum. But him? If those people hadn’t walked by, you definitely would’ve coated his fingers in an explosive mess of it.
Maybe the tarot cards were right; you were afraid of him.
You texted him the next morning with some bullshit excuse that you had exams coming up again and didn’t have time to eat lunch with him, as if you weren’t forcing him to eat lunch with you in the first place. And after that, it was spring break and you were beginning to forget what he even fucking looked like.
Pulling your suitcase full of clean clothes and body care products, you stumbled your way up the long set of stairs to your room. Your roommate wasn’t supposed to be back for another few hours because she got stuck in traffic, so you had the whole one hundred and fourteen square feet to yourself.
After unpacking, which basically just meant opening your suitcase, you fell against your bed with a sigh. He really was the fucking devil.
Then your phone vibrated.
TAEHYUNG [2:32:07]: when r u coming back from break
Your heart beat picked up at that and you just laid there, staring at your phone in complete silence. Did that mean he was already back? Most people didn’t come back until the last possible second, so you knew most of the floor consisted of empty rooms. If he was already here, then that meant—
Oh, no.
Biting your lip, you replied.
YOU [2:33:10]: i just got back actually
A few seconds later without missing a beat:
TAEHYUNG [12:39:02]: did i do something to upset u
He really doesn’t fuck around, you thought with a laugh.
TAEHYUNG [12:39:37]: we can pretend it never happened
He hadn’t even given you a chance to reply. Had he been thinking about this the entire time you were gone? Admittedly, you couldn’t stop thinking about it either but you were the one who got most of the pleasure, not him.
YOU [12:41:09]: i dont want to do that tho
TAEHYUNG [12:41:45]: then stop being a baby and talk to me
YOU [12:42:22]: wtf u think were doing right now
He didn’t reply for a while after that, but then five minutes later there was a knock on your door. You knew immediately who it was.
Even knowing that, you looked through the peephole on your door to look at him for a few seconds. His hair was damp again, as if he just showered, and his hands were tucked nervously in the front pockets of his sweatpants.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly when you opened the door.
“I don’t fucking understand you,” he started to say, brushing past you to walk into your room. “You avoid me for the past two weeks and then when I’m the one making the first move to talk to you, you act like nothing happened.”
“I’m... sorry...” you mumbled. You stared at him as he sat on your bed, kicking at your open suitcase in frustration. “I wanted to talk to you but...”
“But what? You’re confusing the living fuck out of me,” he said as he stood up. “I thought you— I thought you liked what we did.”
“I did!” you yelled, surprising him. He took a step back with wide eyes. “I did... I’m just— I don’t fucking know. I guess I didn’t know how to act.”
“Here’s a crazy idea: you could’ve fucking talked to me about it instead of ignoring me and making me feel like shit. I’ve been thinking about you for the past two weeks and I gave you your space, but I felt like complete shit.”
You really didn’t know what to say because he was right.
Your mouth hung open, looking at him with wide eyes. It hit you just then as he licked nervously at his bottom lip and looked about ready to strangle you that you liked him. You fucking liked the mushroom head tarantula boy.
Just as you got the courage to tell him that, the combination on your door was being punched in and in walked your roommate, five hours earlier than she told you. She paused when she saw what she walked in on.
“Should I come back later?” she asked, looking between the two of you.
“No,” Taehyung said but he only looked at you. “We’re done here.”
And then he was storming past her, slamming the door behind him, and taking whatever emotions you willed yourself to feel with him.
It was fifteen minutes after midnight and your roommate had just shut off the lights, turning over on her side as she started to lightly snore.
YOU [12:15:11]: are u up
You didn’t think he would reply, especially after how angry he got with you earlier, but for some fucking reason he did.
TAEHYUNG [12:15:46]: yea
You could work with that.
YOU [12:15:59]: im sorry
YOU [12:16:33]: for avoiding u
YOU [12:17:04]: i liked what we did
YOU [12:17:42]: what do i need to do for u to forgive me
His response was something you were not expecting.
TAEHYUNG [12:18:51]: stick ur hand down ur pants
You glanced over at your roommate asleep. She was just getting into that cycle of sleep where she really started to snore loudly, so maybe you could—
TAEHYUNG [12:19:01]: and put ur phone on silent
Not even a minute later and he was calling you. Immediately, you answered and you heard his heavy breathing on the other end. Biting your lip, you wiggled your hips to remove your pajama shorts, dropping them to your floor. Your underwear followed a second later and your fingers hovered over your center.
“What are you wearing right now?” he breathed into the phone, his voice at a low whisper as to not wake up his own roommate.
“I t-took off my pajama shorts and underwear,” you started to say, glancing over at your roommate again, “so all I’m wearing is a skimpy tank top. No bra either.”
"Fuck,” he said back, dragging the curse out as he sighed. “Are you touching yourself right now?”
“No.” He went to interrupt you, saying you really needed to start doing what the fuck he told you to do, then you continued in a smug whisper, “I’m waiting for you to tell me how you want me to touch myself.”
You heard a string of curses fall from his lips, and then the bed was creaking as he moved around, pulling at his boxers until he was naked from the waist down.
“Finger yourself and put the phone down there so I can hear you.”
You pulled your phone away from your ear obediently, holding it just a few inches above your drenched lips, then ran a finger along them until it was halfway inside of you. As you pumped it in and out of you, you heard a wet squelching sound. With nothing but the hum of your air conditioning unit in your room, it was like screaming into a megaphone. Looking over at your roommate again, you sighed when she didn’t wake up—or from something else entirely.
“You sound so fucking good,” he growled into your ear when you balanced it against your ear again, using your other hand to part your lips.
“I want to hear you, too.” Pulling your finger out of your tight hole, you moved it to your clit as you began to rub soft but firm circles around it. “Oh, my— Fuck.”
“Are you touching your clit now?” he asked, and you thought you heard the faint sound of him stroking himself. “I wish I was the one touching it.”
“I want you to so badly, Taehyung,” you whimpered. Your legs shook and a feeling inside the pit of your stomach told you the sensations shooting from the tip of your toes to the bottom of your gut were coming faster than you anticipated. Just the thought of Taehyung being the one to touch you had you gasping out. “I want you to fuck me so badly. I still don’t know how big you are.”
“It fucking kills me that we can’t even do anything about that right now.”
He was right. You both had roommates and neither of you wanted to get a noise complaint from one of the RAs. Just as that thought passed through you, however, it occurred to you there was another place you could go.
“We could. You could fuck me in one of the communal showers.”
Taehyung let out another string of hushed curses, stroking himself at a now frantic pace. When he felt like he could breathe again, if only to take in short, shallow breaths, he grunted, “You’re a dirty bitch, aren’t you? Would you like that if I followed you into the girls’ bathroom and fucked you against a wall?”
“Oh, G-God... Taehyung... I would. I really fucking would. I want you to fuck into me so fast that I can’t even fucking breathe properly.” Your fingers circled your clit faster, then one of your fingers from your other hand disappeared inside of you to curl against your inner walls. “Fucking spank me. Spank me as you call me the dirty bitch we both know I am.”
His strokes became sloppy as his orgasm approached, just from hearing you. “We can’t tonight but I swear to fuck, the next time I see you— The next time I s-see— Fuck me. The next time I see you your ass is mine.”
“M-Me too,” you whimpered. “Keep going. Please don’t stop. Oh, God... Don’t stop.” When the added stimulation of your finger inside of you and the pinching and rubbing of your other around your clit joined together, the tingly sensation inside of you felt tight and you all but exploded. You knew you would scream, so you quickly removed your finger from your hole to cover your face with one of your pillows.
“T-Taehyung! I-I-I’m cumming!” you screamed into the pillow.
You assumed he came as well because all you could hear on the line was both of your heavy breathing, your eyes closing in exhaustion. Then, you let out a quiet laugh and hoped that you didn’t wake up your roommate.
“You’re going to kill me one of these days, you dirty bitch.”
And then he hung up.
Your roommate didn’t look you in the eye the next day, not even when you asked her if she wanted to go to a party one of the guys’ on the floor below you was throwing. That left you no option but to go alone—or with someone else.
She had definitely heard you masturbating.
So, there you were, holding a half-empty red solo cup and watching Taehyung from across the room as a group of girls surrounded him with flirty smiles. Could they make him cum as fast as you did last night? Fuck no.
Although you were the one who invited him, he seemed to have forgotten all about you once he saw three pairs of bigger tits. Maybe yours could be bigger but he did tell you that you had a nice ass that one time. Was he a tits or ass guy? As it looked like he was looking down their shirts, you'd say the former.
Your cup almost crumpled to the floor from how hard you were squeezing it, some of the beer inside spilling onto the floor. You ran your tongue across your lips in an attempt to calm yourself down. Maybe things were a bit awkward when you knocked on his door a half an hour ago, but that didn’t translate to please ignore me for the rest of the night to make me feel better.
"You okay there?” someone asked and you looked to your side to see it was one of the boys in your same major that you had a class with this semester.
“I’m fine,” you grumbled. “I’m just having a rough night, I guess.”
As your gaze lingered on Taehyung in the kitchen, you knew you were being so fucking transparent about it. Who the fuck did he think he was?
“Is he a friend of yours? I haven’t seen him around.”
“You could say that,” you said into your drink, taking a large sip.
Just as you did, Taehyung’s gaze slid over to you, then landed on the guy standing next to you with narrowed eyes. You raised an eyebrow, as if to say two can play at that game. His attention drifted back to the girls in front of him, however, and you continued to seethe in complete and utter silence.
“I think I should go,” you told your classmate. “Before I drink too much.”
“All right. You want me to walk you back or anything?”
“That’s okay. I’m just on the next floor. See you.”
And then you dropped your cup in a nearby garbage can and opened the door, slamming it behind you. From the loud, thumping music, though, you doubt anyone heard you. Crossing your arms, angry tears brimmed your eyes.
Doesn’t matter if they own a tarantula or a fucking bunny, you thought, guys are all the same in the end anyway.
Just as you opened the door to the staircase leading up to the top floor, you heard your name being shouted from behind you. At seeing it was the devil himself, you rolled your eyes and slammed the door behind you.
Stomping up the stairs with tightly clenched fists, you prayed to any divine presence that he wouldn’t fucking follow you. Although, you also wanted him to just so you could yell at him and then leave. Unfortunately, though, you heard the door you just opened close a second time and knew he was on your heels.
“Would you hold on a fucking second?” he yelled after you, skipping over multiple steps at a time in order to catch up with you.
“Leave me alone, Taehyung.”
“What the fuck did I do now?” he demanded. Grabbing onto your shoulder, he whirled you around to face him, then took a step back at the sight of tears. “Please tell me what I did wrong. I don’t like seeing you upset.”
Running the back of your thumb under your eyes, you mumbled, “We went to that party together. Then you ditch me as soon as you fucking can.”
“I didn’t walk up to them!” he yelled, his voice raising with every passing syllable. “I was getting you a drink and then they started talking to me. I didn’t see you complaining when that guy with the stupid hair talked to you.”
You rolled your eyes, shoving him away from you. “Whatever, Taehyung.”
You just really didn’t have the energy to argue with him right now. Maybe they did come over to him but he sure as fuck didn’t stop them.
“No, no. Hold on a fucking second. We’re not done here.”
Ignoring him, you pushed open the door to your floor. Just as you took a step onto the hard carpet flooring in the hallway, he was yanking you back to him.
“Just let me fucking g—!”
The familiar taste of his lips infected your sensations, a cold shudder running down your spine. Walking you towards the wall by the door, he caged you in, attacking your lips and biting them as he pulled away.
“We’re not done here,” he whispered. Your eyes opened to see him looking down at you intensely, one of the hands framing your head dropping to your shoulder, then raising to stroke one of your cheeks. “I think I like you.”
You blinked, looking at his lips. “You make me so fucking angry.”
“Just fucking forget about those girls. You’re the only one for me.”
“They’d probably run away screaming when they saw your tarantula anyway.”
He leaned back, laughing. His thumb rubbed circles into your cheek, then skimmed down until he ran it along your bottom lip. “Not you, though.”
Your hands came to rest on his forearms, then you attacked him—not in the bad way but more in the way that you needed to kiss him in the next five seconds otherwise you were about to explode. He let out a surprised gasp, but then returned your kiss, his arms coming to wrap around your back as he anchored you to his chest. Your breasts pressed against him and the two of you blindly walked over to the door, opening it in an effort to find a lockable door.
“M-My room’s closer,” you breathed into the kiss.
“It is...” You almost fell over when he thought the empty space behind you was a wall and pressed his weight into you too strongly. His hand landed on your lower back, then shoved you into a wall. You let out a grunt but didn’t pull away. “But I thought we talked about fucking in the bathroom?”
“You’re a fucking kinky douchebag, aren’t you?”
“Says the dirty bitch who wanted me to spank her last night.”
You pulled back, tugging at his bottom lip as you did. “Is that a bad thing?”
“No,” he said, grasping your ass cheeks in his big hands and causing your center to brush against his hardened length. “I happen to like spanking.”
And with that, he pulled you away from the wall and let his hand come crashing down on your behind. The slap echoed down the hallway and although it hurt, a tingly sensation began to pool inside of you.
“Do it again.”
He spun you around, shoving you in the direction of the bathroom—either the boys’ or the girls’, it didn’t matter. Just as you reached the doorway, your eyes fell to the tiled flooring acting as a divider for the sin you were about to commit and from being a good child of the lord. With a firm spank on your behind once again, he pushed you over that line and into the bathroom. He didn’t even bother to check if anyone was using the bathroom.
Aggressively tugging at the zipper at the back of your dress, the black material quickly pooled at your feet a second later. When he noticed you weren’t even wearing a bra, he tilted his head back and let out a groan.
You looked over your shoulder at him, shooting him a coy grin as you walked towards one of the shower stalls and pulled back the curtain. Someone seemed to have left some shower gel inside, so you turned on the water and held out your hand make sure it got to the right temperature.
“We’re going to actually take a fucking shower?”
“Hell no,” you replied, shaking your hand and having droplets of water spray onto the sides of the stall. “But you need to get clean whenever you get dirty.”
“I am going to fucking die,” he muttered to himself before tugging at his shirt, his pants following closely behind.
You closed the curtain behind you just as you got a glimpse of his dick. It was about to do wonders to your insides that you didn’t even want to think about it. Tilting your head back, the water from the shower head rained down your back, making you think back to when you two first met. You had been bare ass naked that time, too—and conveniently enough, it had taken place in the same bathroom.
When the room grew silent, except for the sound of water running, the curtain was pulled back again by Taehyung. His eyes ran down the length of your body, stopping for a rest stop at your breasts. It hit him just then that he could actually fucking touch them this time instead of just staring.
The curtain shut once again and he settled himself behind you, reaching for the shower gel and squirting a sizable amount into the palm of his hand. Rubbing his hands together to create a sudsy consistency, he reached forward and palmed your breasts, lapping them up with the gel. Your head came down onto his shoulder as you let out a loud moan. One of your weaknesses was having your breasts groped, and he was groping them in the exact way you liked.
His fingers worked at your nipples, tweaking and pulling them until sigh after sigh escaped your lips. He maneuvered his middle and forefinger so that your nipples fit between them, as if his fingers were scissors. Finally, you knew why the good lord blessed him with big hands and long fingers. You reached behind you and blindly grasped his shaft in your hand, lazily stroking him in an attempt to return some of the pleasure he was giving you. Squirming under the twisting and pulling from his fingers on your nipples, you let out a yelp when one of his hands left your breasts and spanked you hard.
You pulled your lower lip into your mouth, ears perking up at the sound of him panting into your ear. Without any warning, however, the hand fondling your ass smoothed over until it was planted flat on your stomach, drifting downward. His middle finger slowly pumped in and out of your tight hole, the combination of his other hand still groping each of your breasts in turns and his finger curling against the top of your inner walls making your toes curl in pleasure.
“God... Taehyung. Keep fucking going.”
Then he was spinning you around, shoving you until your back fell against the wall of the shower stall, and lifting your leg to wrap around his waist. He raised a single eyebrow, as if to ask if you still wanted to go through with it, and you nodded through a lust-filled gaze. Glancing down at his erection, you reached forward and began to stroke him again at a steady pace. Your other hand grabbed onto his hip, pulling him closer to your center. He followed your gaze and watched with his jaw hanging open as you slowly slid him inside of you.
“Fuck,” he groaned in pleasure, bottoming out.
The arm framing your face fell to the single leg wrapped around his waist, then hooked his other arm under your other leg to fully anchor you to him. You whispered into his ear for him to start moving and he wasted no time, rocking in and out of you at a steady pace. It seemed like every single fucking inch of him was touching some part of you, shooting spikes of pleasure straight to your core. Your ankles locked around his waist and your gaze drifted to his arms, amazed how he was able to hold you up so easily. Whenever your exes even tried to have wall sex, it ended up with the two of you on the floor.
With his slow and steady thrusts, you took charge and began to bounce up and down on his length, and he made a moan from the back of his throat. He couldn’t even open his eyes because of the water spurting from the shower head, but feeling the sensations of you tightly squeezing the fuck out of his cock was enough for him. Still, he wanted to see your face when you came.
His arm twisted the knob so that the shower stopped raining water on both of your heads and he pulled a hand away from underneath one of your knees to brush back his soaking fringe. The water still trailed past his cheeks but he opened his eyes and almost exploded right there at the sight of you—your head tilted back and moving back and forth as your thighs trembled. Immediately, he reached down to rub at your clit in circles so he could hear you scream.
“You l-look,” you attempted to say, breathing heavily, “fucking sexy with your hair pushed back like that. I didn’t know you had a f-f-fucking forehead.”
Taehyung ran his tongue against his teeth, rolling his eyes, then he placed a hand against your own forehead. Your wet hair was pushed back in a tangled mess as he did. In retaliation, you reached to mess up his own hair, which caused you to clench down on his dick. He let out a loud groan and you smirked, repeating the action until he was whining at you to stop.
“Fucking stop, you demon,” he grunted, panting. “I don’t want to cum yet.”
“Gotta cum sometime.”
“But not now.”
And then his hand drifted down to your throbbing clit, rubbing at it furiously in an effort to get you to cum before him. You whined, squirming in his arms, and not even a few seconds later you were clenching down on his cock again, exploding around him. He pulled out when you groaned from overstimulation, then caught you when you fell face first into his chest from your shaking legs.
“You didn’t cum,” you breathed out shakily.
“I’m not wearing a condom.”
Your eyes widened at that because you did fucking forget to grab some in your horny dash to the bathroom. You thanked the good lord he was thinking clearly since you hadn’t been at all. Although, you didn’t think he had any diseases of the sort, the thought lingered at the back of your mind. You were just about to offer to go down on him so he could get off, but he stopped you.
“I’m clean,” he whispered, stroking your cheek. “Don’t worry.”
“I know.” You looked up at him and smiled. “I trust you.”
“Come on. Let’s go to my room before someone catches us in here.”
You probably should have talked to him about what you just did and what that fucking meant, but there you were bent over his desk, his tarantula watching.
He slapped a hand against one of your ass cheeks and you cried out, clenching around him in pleasure. For some reason, it turned you on to think that his pet could be watching the two of you fuck. Fucking thing was probably lonely without a male to bite the head off of after sex—or maybe that was black widows. They were both part of the same family, so whatever.
His dick continued to pound into you and the desk slammed against the wall with each powerful thrust of his hips. You were screaming out, almost near tears from how hard he was ramming into you, but it felt so good.
“Don’t be so loud,” you hissed up at him after he let out a loud moan.
In retaliation, he gave you a particularly deep thrust and your nails dug into the wood of his desk, screaming out as he kept up the same fast pace.
“’Don’t be so loud,’” he mocked, voice tight and breathy.
“Oh, go s-suck a cock.”
When your hand came up and accidentally smacked against the side of the tarantula cage, you let out a yelp of pain and he pulled you into his chest, then walked backwards until the back of his knees hit the edge of his bed. Quickly, he flipped you so that you were beneath him and slipped back into you. You’d already cum again and were simply waiting for him to finish himself off.
The only sound in the room was the sound of your mixed breathing and panting, but that changed when you ran one of your hands through his damp hair and smiled up at him warmly.
“I’m glad we’re doing this.”
He smiled down at you, lowering himself so that not one inch of your skin was separated. “Me too. My dick fucking thanks you right now.”
“Not that,” you growled with a glare. “Though, I like this, too... But I t-think...” Your voice became unsteady when his pace began to speed up. “Oh, fuck... I think I actually wanna go out with you. Ah, shit...”
It was almost as if that was all he needed to hear before he was spurting his cum into the condom, dropping his weight onto you for a moment before rolling over. He twisted the condom, then tossed into the trash near his bed.
Falling back onto the bed, he wrapped an arm around your neck. “Let’s do it.”
You nodded. “I really like you, Taehyung. Don’t make me regret it.”
He turned to look down at you, rubbing circles into your shoulder. “I won’t. I promise I won’t fucking screw this up. You just let me fuck you in front of my tarantula, so there’s no way I’m going to let myself fuck it up.”
You scooted up so that your faces were inches apart, then pecked him on the lips. “I won’t let you fuck it up.”
“Yeah,” he said with a laugh. “I didn’t think you would. But you don’t have to worry about that. Why the fuck would I let go of the only girl who would let me fuck her in the same room as my tarantula?”
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fish-nibbler · 7 years
Questions 1-150 *hugs* :3
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Right now? I don’t know.. 
4. Are you easy to get along with? No
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? No, probably not..
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? The  uh.. Butch Lesbian kind.. And the ones that are way out of my league and/or age range. Also, apparently the ones that already have a gf and have no idea who I am...
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? No.. Unfortunately for me.. I don’t think anyone will be able to put up with my shit..
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? The guys who tell me that I’m ugly, stupid, and should kill myself.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not anymore
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? No one.. People ignore me mostly
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “I’m sorry” -  But hey, what’s new?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Can’t think of any.. They all make me think of my ex..
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes, it’s very relaxing and it calms me down almost instantly..
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? No.. Not anymore..
15. What good thing happened this summer? Nothing. Nothing “good” has happened.. People are telling me to kill myself, my gf left me for someone else right before pride weekend.. All of my “friends” are going on long vacations and I can’t talk to them... I just want to give up..
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? God yes..
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I guess
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? No.. She uh.. She was pretty abusive..
19. Do you like bubble baths? Yes.. I haven’t been able to take one for a long time though..
20. Do you like your neighbors? No
21. What are you bad habits? Cutting, crying, feeling emotions..
22. Where would you like to travel? I don’t know.. It stresses me out.
23. Do you have trust issues? I did... then I got over it enough to open up to my crush but uh.. yea.. they’re back
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Don’t have a routine anymore other than self-destruction
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? All of it
26. What do you do when you wake up? Cry
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Lighter
28. Who are you most comfortable around? I was comfortable around my ex.. but she hasn’t wanted anything to do with me since she broke it off.. she’s probably ranting about me rn saying that I’m a clingy, annoying, slutty piece of shit that has a mommy kink... she she’s not wrong..
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? No.. But they have said they regret dating me..
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yeah.. But I know it’ll never happen..
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Not anymore
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? None
33. Spell your name with your chin. 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Nope
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yeah.. I try not to anymore though..
37. What do you say during awkward silences? Try to think about something they like to talk about and try to bring it up..
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Patient and loving.. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I don’t know.. I guess anime shops at the mall? Anime Eagle and stuff like that..
40. What do you want to do after high school? I was looking at St. Kate’s
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yeah
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? It means that I’m really really depressed..
43. Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes..
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer Space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Nothing
46. What are you paranoid about? Everything
47. Have you ever been high? Yes and I desperately want to be high right now..
48. Have you ever been drunk? Not yet
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? I don’t care anymore
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Blue and white
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yes, always
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Everything
53. Favourite makeup brand? Don’t really wear make-up much but I don’t know.. I guess Elf products are nice
54. Favourite store? Don’t have one
55. Favourite blog? I have a couple..
56. Favourite colour? Lavender and light blues.. stuff like that
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate? Rice
59. First thing you ate this morning? Uh... Sunflower seeds around.. 10-11-ish?
60. Ever won a competition? For what? No
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Suspended for attempted murder. Some girl told a teacher that I put a sharp pencil to her throat and threatened to kill her. I didn’t... But the school doesn’t listen to kids like me.
62. Been arrested? For what? Not yet
63. Ever been in love? Yeah. And then she tore my heart out and told me that she would be there if I ever needed her.. She hasn’t been there.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I was in a school bathroom.. perks of being a lesbian I guess..
65. Are you hungry right now? No.. I want to puke
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Yeah..
67. Facebook or Twitter? Neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? No
70. Names of your bestfriends?
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels? A very pale Jade Green
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear? Pink
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Pink and White
80. What colour pants? Black
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today? 
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate? my ex, my first gf/ex i guess
90. Name a person you love? also my ex, but a different one
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? myself
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
97. Favourite actor?
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets? 5
100. How are you feeling? Like I want to jump infront of a fucking train
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes, I cried over my abusive-ish ex the other day... at least with her I could pretend I was loved.. pretty sure relationships are suppose to be abusive..
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? no - i want to tho
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes
108. What should you be doing? dying
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes..
111. Do you have trust issues? yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom because i felt guilty for eating
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes
115. Do you play the Wii? no
116. Are you listening to music right now? no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? eh
118. Do you like Chinese food? no
119. Favourite book? dont have one rn
120. Are you afraid of the dark? kinda
121. Are you mean? I’m a completely heartless fuck
122. Is cheating ever okay? no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? hell no
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? not anymore
125. Do you believe in true love? nope
126. Are you currently bored? eh
127. What makes you happy? I don’t know anymore..
128. Would you change your name? yes
129. What your zodiac sign? aries
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? fuck him and then leave him because im a heartless slut. haven’t you been paying attention?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed, but cracked open for my cats
137. How tall are you? 5ft
138. Curly or Straight hair? ive got straight hair
139. Brunette or Blonde? im a brunette
140. Summer or Winter? both
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? dont have one
143. Are you a vegetarian? no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? no
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? 
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
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da1udr3amof-blog · 6 years
IsabellaAthenaRose Hi do I know you?  2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose–NO REPLY ? 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose–JUSTIFYING WHO SHE IS BEFORE SHES BEEN ASKED; Your Darius wife and I know his daughter 2 months ago Hello hru ntmu :) hun 2 months ago Just adding new friend because I stream is all–[THROWING A SNAKE OF THERE GAME] 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m good and yourself 2 months ago Im great thank you for asking😊 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose yw 2 months ago Im toni btw if you stream. I could like and comment on your pictures and I would appreciate if you did the same love, thank you 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose You are really beautiful 2 months ago thank you bella,  You are so kind 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose yw 2 months ago IsabellaAthenaRose—TRYING TO STROKE MY EGO hey beautiful a month ago Hello there bella hru? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m good a month ago That is good 2 hear🌹 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose yes a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose what you unfriend me or something?? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose ? a month ago [HONESTY][throwing the bait] Yes i did Bella, i cant do the back and forth I told you something, and you brought it back to Darius…I’m not going to say to much about it anymore because I understand that some things are better left unsaid a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I got mad at him a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn't  get mad at you tho a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose—O'KAY I TOTALLY MISSED THIS PART WAIT WHAT?😱 just told him, he shouldn’t  bring me into ya’ll guy relationship a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose Whatever, being mad at me tho a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I done with people on here a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose just told him he shouldn’t bring up girl into your guys relationship a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey my bad a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose lol a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose all said was girl don’t want to hear about other girl in a relationship a month ago You know your truth and that is all that matters at the end of the day. a month ago Huh? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m not bad person a month ago Unclear message a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I was looking out for you a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose whatever a month ago I didn't say you where, I just said when it comes to Darius, I will keep my thoughts to myself because how things pan out in the end when talking to you. I don’t engage in drama a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I would kick his ass a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose If he start anything with you tho a month ago And sometimes you have to look out for yourself before you can look out for other. Everyone intentions always come to the light at the end of day.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose OK a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose sorry a month ago 👌👍 a month ago No worries a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose OK a month ago Oh in the future please do not post anything @ in that natural to my stream, @asking me did i block? my inbox is available. Thank you a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose ok a month ago Gm thanks 4 the likes on my stream💋 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose yw a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose ugh a month ago what wrong hun are you okay ^^ a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I don’t get guys a month ago What happen love you want to talk about it? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose well I met someone and he got mad at me  because  I have a  picture of me and  Zac and  sadia🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose he think I was grabbing Zac cock in the  picture🤔 a month ago Damn but its just a pic & if you took that picture before you meet him why do he care? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I know right and zac is my bestie  and  he family to me a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows is your love life doing🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 a month ago We good all is well. He prolly territorial. Thats  the way sounds to me a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose He been hurt a lot a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m happy for you guys work thing out a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose xoxo a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose thank you hunni a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose ❤❤ a month ago Anytime love💋 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows u a month ago I’m blessed hun💝 a month ago Hru? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose that’s good a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose eh I’m ok a month ago Eh I’m okay, don’t said like it, you said it like you lost your best friend or something😟 a month ago I am taking a imvu vacations, I am mentally broken I’m sorry i unfriended you. But this man he got me on a mental lock n key. I tried to block him but it seems the more harder i try. The worse his behavior get towards me.🙍 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose it’s ok a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hugs a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I will miss you a month ago Thank u for understanding bella n im so sorry love. All I want is to feel like my old bubbley self again (he has mentally broken me)🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I know hows you feeling right now a month ago I will miss you 2 💋 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose please add me back when you feeling better a month ago Thank you for understanding a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose we are girl we supposed to understand a month ago Lol you sound more n more like the unbroken me. I miss her so much (Amen 2 that) a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose lol a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose well being in love suck balls a month ago Yes i agree, this why I morally stay single a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose yea a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey hunni a month ago hey there sweetie, wanna come hang out @ my place for a bit, seem like we can use each other company :) a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose be on soon a month ago okay love cya when you get here a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I like have a close girl friend who can talking to a month ago @who can talking to, not sure what you meant when you say this? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose meant I never have have friend who is a girl🕵 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose can be like lets talk boys and makeup a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose or idk a month ago Because its rare here this why the ones i find i cherish them a month ago Oh on the post? a month ago Someone did made up hmm? a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I agree  on that’s a month ago What about purses a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I love makeup a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose ooo girl dont get me start on purses a month ago Well put on your need i love shoes a month ago I cant live without a good shoe, ik what you mean a month ago 😂 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I agreed on that’s a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose good morning beautiful a month ago Good Afternoon, 🌺Beautiful🌺 Have a safe and Blessed day a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey beautiful a month ago Good morning love, have a safe n blessed day XD a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose you too hun a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey mommy to be a month ago Hey there bella hru a month ago Hey there beautiful wyd a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose nothing much a month ago Sounds good quiet is always a great thing😊 a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose yes a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows was your day a month ago great a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey hunni a month ago Hey beautiful hru a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m good and you a month ago Im bless ty 4 asking a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose that’s good a month ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey 25 days ago Hey wassup 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose watching my  bae with someone 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m Honry as  fuck 25 days ago What im lost why are you watching? Join them @ horny 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose no he is fight with someone 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose dude if I saw thats happened I would kill the bitch 25 days ago Oh i didn't know they where fight now it makes more sense. you didn't say what you were watching, than you added you were horny, so i just assumed what even you were watching him do was causing that. Ikdr 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose lol 25 days ago 😁😁😁😁 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose bitch is ugly 25 days ago Who? 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose girl who he fight with 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose lol 25 days ago Why is he fight with her? 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose she insult him because  of his race 25 days ago Idk his or her face, but it sound mean 25 days ago And why you watching her disrespect your dude in the first place. Drag her and make shut up 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I did thats 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose told her to keep her opinions to herself 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose and told him to  stop and leave the room 25 days ago She must be miserable and need some attention than 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose yes now he  pissed off with me  because  he think I don’t  understand and  when I do  understand 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose older guy look at me like a sex toy🤔💭🤔💭 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose now he mad at me 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose ugh I can shoot myself 25 days ago wait what? 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose can I shoot myself 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m done with bullshit 25 days ago what bs im lose child you killing me -tell me whats going on 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose 😭 I’m try my  best with this  fuck guy🤔💭 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I never can please him or make him happy🤔💭 25 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows did I spy on you 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose ? 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose greeze relaxing 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I want come in to said  hi to you🤔💭🤔💭 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose are you really try to make  me look like a creeper because  I’m not 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose all try to do being a  friend to you🤔💭 24 days ago🤔💭 IsabellaAthenaRose but whatever 24 days ago Friends respect each other  space and by you popping in n leaving that made me feel like you was spying.🤔💭 I have trust issues when it comes to people on imvu due to my past. Idk if your understanding this but real friends don’t do weird stuff n say whatever like they dont care. But it only take me back to how i meet you and maybe that is your reason to say idc whatever🤔💭 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows would I spy on you 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I don’t care what’s you do 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I have mine own problems right now🤔💭 24 days ago You to young to understand, you being selfish. & you are not listening to what i just said, you listen to reply without understand where I’m coming from….its was simply to say you wasn’t respecting my space. im sure you read the room before entering. 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose ok 24 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey hun 23 days ago Hey there bella hru 23 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m alright 23 days ago Thats good to hear 23 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose yea 23 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hey beautiful lady 22 days ago Gm love 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows was your pool date with Rico🙄🤦‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ 22 days ago :) its wonderful❤ 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose that’s good 22 days ago how was your visit with Rico smfh 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 22 days ago stay the fuck! away from me, i don’t deal with snakes🐍 🐍🐍 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose what’s did I do 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m your sissy 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows I’m fuck snakes 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose fuck you🙅 22 days ago you know exactly what tf you did why the fuck you add Rico bitch? do i add or ask you to meet any of your dudes🤔💭 22 days ago fuck you too you thirsty bitch😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m sorry sissy 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn’t do anything with him 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose greeze 22 days ago fuck sorry, fuck imvu, and you fuck  Darius  22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows did I fuck Daris 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I don’t be mad at me 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose you are was my friend 22 days ago fuck you adding him for??? you went ape shit when I comment on your page about that ugly nigga you fuck with 22 days ago I don’t share dick!!!!! that is not what friends do, not this friend 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I don’t want him so 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose yeah 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose be mad at me 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m tired of being shit on, opening up to you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m not cunt 22 days ago you wish you where me from the day you meet me. you hated me because of Darius and now you want to pay me back with Rico, so sad, for something you both lied to me about 22 days ago You hugged up on sadia’s ex man?? like what kinder friend are you really 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I work with his model company 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose nah I like be who I'm🙄🤔💭 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I don’t need to be  you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose just block me 22 days ago no hookah im'ma let u stalk me like you been doing 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose nah I’m good 22 days ago oh and everybody on imvu dont fuck each other, just you do “as you say” 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose though we are friend  like all girl  on here 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose leaves me alone diva 22 days ago bitch you don’t send my man a friend request are you slow or did i miss something and what i said…you smiling in my face while you in another chat room with him “hell no"  22 days ago you should leave me alone, fucking snake🐍 🐍 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose hows I’m snake when I listen to your problem 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose being there for you 22 days ago I don’t add your men and for certain had i know you had dealing with Darius before me I would fuck with him at all, but you lied and said you where just his daughter friend like wtf now this 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m his friend daughter 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn’t even touch him 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose he probably lying to you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose whatever 22 days ago If you are his daughter friend and you claim you have moral why would you be fucking him?? 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn’t even fuck him 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose believe what’s you want 22 days ago well that not what Darius said he claim you wanted to but you was to young and Now you trying to add Rico really 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose because we  are family 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose though I was your sister 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose whatever I have good  life 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn’t  wanted too 22 days ago bitch he ain’t your family nor did you ask was okay before doing it you went behind my back and did it 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose he invite me to the room 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose tho 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose whatever 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m your sister 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose bye 22 days ago karma you just remember that  22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose smh 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose he wanted to know who I’m so I’m your sister 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose that’s you meant a lot to me 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose —[THEBOLDFACELIE] we ain’t friend🎭 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose anyway 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose anymore 22 days ago No see you wanted to be in my business, fuck my dude, own it, your bs. idc no more like you said everybody on imvu fucks everybody and that the code and moral you live by. I told you I would introduce you but you went behind my back like sluts do and added him so it is what it is 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose he invite me 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose —-BITCH BECAUSE YOUR VISIT WAS NEVER ABOUT ME THAT WHY YOU HAD NOTHING BAD TO SAY ABOUT ME: I didn’t said anything bad about you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose —-NO ASKED YOU TO CHECK PPL I DATE RESUMES WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIPS AND WHY THIS OLDER NI55AS DOGGING YOU: he seem like good  guy for you 22 days ago If you add someone, ofc they going to invite you. you just dont get it im tired, i have nothing else to say because you had no business add my man point blank 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I’m sorry 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose please forgive me 22 days ago I cant trust no one, no more and thanks to you I’m braking up with Rico again!!! thank you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose because of me 22 days ago Yes, because of you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose because I said nice things about you 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose because  I was  be good sister 22 days ago You don’t get it do you???, you should've add him point blank I don’t need no one to be a resume for me I knew Rico before i meet Darius, Rico knows who I am 22 days ago I ask you before when we was in the restaurant to respect my space but i guess that went in one ear and out the other so whatever your low key intention is with Rico, have them, but revenge is served best cold on a plate  22 days ago @being a good sister no you was being a snake and got caught 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I didn't like him believe what’s you want 22 days ago hard to tell, you went out you fucking way to get to know someone, thats thirsty 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose omg 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose that’s is far from its hun 22 days ago exactly omfg bella 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose anyway it’s done 22 days ago I told you to respect my space 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose—BIG LIE[IF YOU DIDNT MEAN TO ADD IF, I GUESSING YOU DIDNT MEAN TO GO TO HIS INVITE EITHER; I didn’t meant to add him ok my phone is fucked up 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose ok 22 days ago lying bitch!!!!!! 22 days ago I hate people like you!!!! I hope ya’ll get whats coming for ya’ll, always trying to fuck people over 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I drop my vodka on its 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose last night 22 days ago Fuck you and your vodka!!!!, Die in your sleep bitch!!! 22 days ago IsabellaAthenaRose I done talk to you about this 22 days ago
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