#that's not all the elvis stuff i own it's all scattered around my room too hahahahah
mooodyblue · 1 year
hi friends !! thought i'd show u my fun little haul from today + my updated elvis shelf (which is struggling for her life)
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life is my favorite elvis song like .. ever and finding a 45 with it on it ... i almost cried in that record store yall. so many good finds today but my bank account is not very happy with me 😅
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starbuck09256 · 4 years
Paperwork and coffee
Fictober day 13
After detour before chinga
tagging @today-in-fic
I look over the mountain of paperwork in front of me. For months I thought about how that was the one thing I wouldn’t miss when I was gone. Needless forms poor trees whose sacrifice was wasted on blue and black ink littering pages of information already on pages 6 and again on page 10 and one more time on page 15. I wonder how Mulder does it, somehow some way that man always has all the paperwork done and on time. Mulder is a lot of things but he isn’t careless about the x-files. He makes sure every single thing is properly filed in his mess of an office. Organized chaos, I sigh heavily wishing I had just let Mulder fill these out too. I bit my lip looking at the clock, it’s still early only 9 the fact that he isn’t here yet makes me wavier about going to get a coffee. Will this be any less painful with a soul full of foam and creamy espresso. My appetite has returned in more ways than one. I chide myself again for making a pass at Mulder. I need a vacation, a real one. I’ve always wanted to go to Maine in the fall, see the leaves scattering in the wind swirling around the colors of sunset. I could use a giant Lobster with melted butter in every crevasse. A convertible so I can breathe the sea into my body. I push the paperwork aside, boot up Mulders computer and start to look for a small bed and breakfast where you can see the shore through those craftsman style windows. I turn the radio on low as I click through each page. Check the obscene large vacation time I have. I think of Mulder having to be forced to take 5 days off, I remember the giant Elvis sunglasses he bought me and think of taking a picture with them on the trip. Maybe I even buy him one of those giant Lobster claws. I chuckle to myself and the door clicks. Mulder is smiling at me. 
“What’s funny?” he asks as he is balancing a coffee and donut bag in his hands.
 I get up to help him. It's the good coffee from the coffee shop 3 blocks over. I take a sip and Mulder places his cup on the desk with the bag he’s standing close and chewing his lip. We didn’t talk about the wine or the cheese, or singing a song in the middle of the night, or what it really means for us that I’m still here, waiting. I gesture with my hand, sigh and smile up at him. 
“I was thinking about those Elvis glasses you bought, and umm maybe going on vacation. After everything that I..well we went through I could use some sea air. I was thinking maybe Maine.” 
I look up at him and he stares at me and touches my hand on the desk. 
“I love Maine,” he whispers. He traces my fingers and then his hand is up brushing against my cheek. 
“You do?” my voice is breathy like it’s lost in the fog. 
He nods and his face is leaning down to mine. I’m transfixed in my spot with one hand on the desk as he closes the gap between us, and then his lips are on mine and his fingers slide back into my hair and his tongue sweeps into my mouth. I can’t help but whimper against him as my own hand goes up to pull him closer. He pushes against me his body is warm and while normally I would be relatively alarmed at being trapped between a man and the desk right now I’m desperate to be closer. My body aches for more and oxygen as he explores my mouth. He pulls away caresses my hair with his other hand. I bite my lip in confusion. What just happened? What does that mean? Why after all this time of all the chances was it here in the office with a coffee. 
“I’m sorry.” he says and I am trying to think of a thing he did wrong. 
“What? Why? Do you..” the lump in my throat is so large and I want to run. 
“I should have done that earlier, so much earlier. You came into my room with wine and cheese and this morning when I was brushing my teeth, I just haven’t been able to stop thinking about how much I wanted that...this. Uh…..us.” his voice waivers at the end. 
“I’m an idiot, Scully. I have no idea why you are still here with me or how you don’t know how much more you deserve but I’ll try to make it worth your while for as long as I can.. And I can start with taking you on vacation to Maine or wherever you want to go.” 
I can’t help grinning at him. I loop my arms around his neck, try to tilt up to his impossible height and kiss him deeply. His hands press into my back and I try to remember if kissing was always this good, and why I’ve gone so damn long without it. I realize of course that it’s because I waited so long for the one man I swore I wouldn’t kiss, swore I would not let him be a repeat of past transgressions. But now as my tongue lovingly strokes his and his hands roam up and down my back spreading warmth all over my body. I realize I was the bigger idiot for thinking that I could ever not fall for the one person who is my equal. When we pull apart this time both grinning and a little shy. I let my fingers travel up his shirt to the soft blue tie that I got him 2 christmases ago.
 “So umm..” he’s nervous and chuckles as I slide my hand up and down his chest. 
“When are you thinking we could go?” I look past him to the pile of paperwork that is figuratively looming over my ability to leave with Mulder in tow right now. 
I could leave now to pull Mulder into my apartment and not leave for a week. I tap my hand lightly on his chest and sigh. I want to leave now, I want to explore every single inch of him with my fingertips and I want his lips everywhere and the last thing I want is to smell his cologne and feel his eyes as I sit awkwardly in that chair dodging papercuts like the plague. I look at him with a still sadness that I can’t just tell him to lock the door. 
“I have so much paperwork…” 
I want to cry because he is stroking my wrist and chewing on his lip that has a slight smudge of my lipstick on it.  He looks over the pile, the pile that waits on my normal clean in box that surely would never have more than 20 papers at one time. He laughs and I want to hit him. That he would wait until the one time I would absolutely have to stay in the office before turning me into a reckless employee who would leave at 9:45 just because she desperately needs a tryst with her otherwise platonic partner. I want to slap him in the arm for laughing. But he has pulled my fingers to his mouth and is kissing them and sucking on them a bit and watching his tongue has me slightly transfixed. 
“Scully…” my name spilling off his lips as he leans down once more and offers me a quick peck which is the last thing I need before the daunting task in front of me. 
“Honey, I just have to file those, I already finished all the paperwork.” He laughs again and picks me up spinning me around in our much too small office. We wouldn’t be able to do this if we had another desk down here. But he starts to kiss me again and his lips travel down my neck finding all my sensitive spots far too quickly. 
“What?” I can barely mutter as my body hums in deep pleasure. His hands find the top of my shoulder and he gives them a squeeze. 
“I did all of that already, even your parts. You’ve been sick for months, working when you could barely stand, I figured the least I could do was your half of the paperwork, you  are so very stubborn so I took over almost all of your stuff months ago. You already finished your version of the reports right?” I nod I had at least kept up on our case reports and my 3-4 page megar reports that certainly didn’t contain the dramatic prowess they once endured. Mulder picks up the phone and is already talking to Skinner. 
“Hi  I think Scully and I should take some vacation time after everything with Blevins and that seminar.  We have no new cases worth following up on so I would like to put in an immediate request for myself.” he looks at me holding up a 1 or a two. 
My lips fall apart, oh my god. Two full weeks with just him and I and his mouth and I can’t even control my own fingers as they hold up two. The grin I get from him could light up space. He passes me the phone. 
“Hi sir, yea just with my recent recovery I think it might be a good idea for me to take advantage of some time as well as things to settle here.” 
I can’t believe I’m doing this, that we are doing this. Mulder is already locking filing cabinets and eagerly shuffling the paperwork that I thought would be my nemesis. He is leaning over and clicking on some website I had up and pulling out his wallet. I forget sometimes how he can be when he has a mission, uncompromising, unyielding oh god. I will most likely be his mission later. I feel the flush in my chest as he takes another sip of coffee and hands me mine. I sip and it’s perfect, subtly sweet but clearly he has heard me say that I’m still cutting back on the sugar, but it’s creamy with a nick of cinnamon at the end. The sip calms me down and allows me to focus on finishing the rest of the conversation which is just that Skinner has no problem approving what we need since Belvins is dead and he has better shit to do than babysitting Mulder over the next two weeks anyway. I nod and find Mulder tapping his foot at our printer looking anxiously. He grabs the papers off the printer and drapes his jacket over his arm grabbing the bag of pastries and putting in his mouth.  
“Thanks sir,” he mutters into the phone and grabs my hand eagerly with the one free one he has left. I grab my coffee as he throws my coat at me pulling our office door and ushering me out. 
“We can slow down you know.” 
But god we have been going at glacier speed for years and truthfully if I had more coffee in me I probably would have bound up the stairs faster and already be tapping my foot while he fumbles for the keys. 
“Do you want me to go slow at first Scully?” He says he is already halfway up the stairway leaning down towards me. 
“How slow?” and his voice has dropped an octave I’m now on the step above him. 
He cups my cheek and kisses me so painfully slow I realize now I should have just locked the door downstairs so that the anticipation wouldn’t kill me. I shallow hard as his lips leave mine. “I’m driving.” I mutter taking the last three steps quickly and grinning at him from the parking garage door.
 “We gonna get a convertible Scully?” I already am halfway to my car with the keys ready to bring us and the car to life. 
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lonelypond · 4 years
Parent Trap, Ch. 2
NicoMaki, Love Live, 3.4K, 2/3
Nico and Maki and Dia: The First Date
Dia had mostly slept through date prep. Maki had her in the car seat in the walk-in closet while Maki went through an amount of outfit and coat choices she was very glad Dia was not old enough to count or comment on. Nico arrived on exactly on time, wearing a very sportif short coat and leggings, her hat and scarf hand knitted. The SUV wasn’t new, but was well kept up.
“Hi Dia.” Nico leaned over the carseat, waving, as Maki locked the door, “I’m Yazawa Nico, here to take you and your mom to one of my favorite places. Nico baked those cookies your mom told you about.”
Dia had woken up, her eyes bright and interested. She was making cooing noises at Nico.
Nico raised both hands to her temples, “Nico Nico Ni.”
Dia giggled.
“Don’t worry, Nico will have you Nico Ni’ing in no time.”
No baby talk. Points for that. Maki buckled Dia into the backseat and slid into the front. Nico pulled out, her handling of the car as smooth as Maki remembered. She relaxed.
“So, what’s Dia’s favorite Disney movie? My siblings used to love them and Cocoa says her students still talk about all of them, not just the new ones?”
What an odd question, Maki thought. Dia’s favorite Disney movies seemed to be Maki’s. “Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Cinderella. Why?”
Nico chuckled, “Interesting mix. My little brother loved Lilo and Stitch. He was never very verbal.”
“Dia is. She says Mama and Lunch and We go now and a bunch of words.”
Nico nodded, “So smart like her…” Nico paused, “Mama.”
Maki was probably blushing, but Nico was staring at the road.
“What’s your favorite Disney movie?”
“Well, Nico likes them all, but Frozen’s the best. Sisters are important. None of this evil step sibling stuff.”
As an only child, and the mother of a probable only child, Maki had nothing to say. Plus, Cinderella had evil step siblings in it and was an awesome movie.
“Radio?” Maki asked, eager to fill the silence. “Doesn’t have to be jazz.”
“Nah.” Nico put her hand over Maki’s, briefly, holding it until Maki pulled back, “Nico has a different plan.”
And then Nico started to sing, “Stuck On You,” then swung into the “Devil In Disguise” with a much deeper voice than expected and a very Elvis like flair. Maki checked over her shoulder, Dia seemed very calm, listening, and then when Nico broke into Stitch like growly, gaggy noises, Dia started to laugh.
“Sing with me,” Nico urged.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time”
Nico kept pushing, “C’mon, you can do it. Dia, don’t you want your Mama to sing?”
Maki was surprised at Dia’s immediate response, “Mama...sing”
Two votes against Maki’s undecided.
“All right.” Maki inhaled, “Start again.”
“You got it, cutie,” Nico winked, and rolled out her Elvis voice again.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine”
Maki glanced at Nico, bouncing a little in her seat, grin huge as she delivered a note perfect take on an Elvis Presley classic. So far this was the silliest date Maki had ever been on.
And now it was breathtaking. Maggie Daley Park in the center of the city. A Skating Ribbon, which Maki might have heard about when it opened, but had never been to. She hadn’t been on skates in years. Dia was spinning, wide eyed, fascinated by the contrast between the snow coating the pine trees, the climbing walls that looked like modern art, and the Chicago skyline.
“It’s gorgeous at night.” Nico had come back with skates for all of them.
“I can imagine.”
“Here, if you sit and hold Dia, I’ll help you get into your skates after you put hers on.”
Dia was being surprisingly compliant, spending most of her time watching Nico, who would notice and grin and do the Nico Ni gesture which would have Dia giggling. Maki shook her head at the silly. The skates were a little big, but Maki was planning to keep a good grip on Dia. Nico had a sleek pink slingpack that she promised was full of perfect foods for hot chocolate after skating.
Nico knelt and slid the skate onto Maki’s foot, winking up at Maki, “There you go, Makirella, just like the fairytale.”
Maki felt her stomach flip. This was ridiculous. How could someone slipping your wool socked foot into a skate trigger nerves?
“I don’t see a pumpkin carriage.”
“Oops,” Nico giggled as she laced up Maki’s skates, “Had to chop that up for muffins.”
“And the horses?”
“Happily chomping through leftover oats from cookies.” Nico stood and stomped around, tossing her head and making a neighing noise until Maki started laughing, then she offered her hand and helped Maki stand. Dia took a hesitant step forward.
Maki knelt down to hug her child, “Are you ready for this, bun?”
Dia pointed to the ice trail, where a couple of people drifted by holding hands, “We go.”
Maki nodded at Nico, “We go.”
“You betcha.” Nico stepped to the ice, zipped off, did a pretty spin, arms out, and then zipped back.
“I haven’t skated in years.” Maki muttered nervously.
“Dia, you want to hold Nico’s hand while your Mama gets her wheels back?”
Nico held out a hand. Having just seen Nico zip around with the confidence of an Olympic hockey winger, Maki didn’t object when Dia took a hesitant slide forward.
“And it’s as easy as that.” Nico announced, then offered her other hand to Maki, “Next?”
Maki shook off the hand, pushing off the railing. She remembered the gliding sensation and the joy of the chill against your face as the motion warmed you up and now there was also the full glory of Chicago, posing on a late February afternoon, sun warm as it glinted off architectural wonders.
Why yes, hot chocolate at the rink with cookies dipped in it had been excellent after a half an hour of skating, but now they were in Nico’s office, just five minutes from the rink. It was stunning, a renovated warehouse. Walking into the main space with dark floors and an efficient layout of desks, there was a glass wall and double doors that led to Nico’s office. Two shots of Nico’s first album cover were blown up and framed inside the office, clear glass allowing them to dominate the view from the first step into the office.
“Follow Nico.” Nico zipped down the hall into a small room with a huge window and a divan seat attached to the wall with angled rods. A clothing rack took up two walls. Nico took off her coat and tossed it on an armchair, “Nico’s going to make a quick lunch.” She pressed a button and blinds closed off the room. “Nico thought it might be fun to have an afternoon pajama party brunch so I got a bunch of outfits that I think will fit the two of you and you can pick your favorites.”
Dia was fascinated by the blinds that had come down over the window and toddled over to poke her fingers through.
“Good sense of curiosity.” Nico smiled. Maki nodded, arms wrapped around her chest, watching Dia try to bend the wooden blind slats.
“Too much?” Nico asked.
Maki shrugged.
Nico flopped back on the divan, pulling up her legs and propping her chin on her knees, looking contrite. “I was really just worried we’d all be too cold and wet. And this would be more fun than driving you back home.”
Maki decided to take a look at some of the clothes and pulled off a white hoodie with rabbit ears. She turned to Nico, “Really?”
“That’s for Nico. But you have good taste.” Nico winked. Dia had gotten bored with the blinds and wandered to the divan. She had her arms on it and futilely attempted to get her legs up. Nico reached over and easily pulled her up. Dia immediately sat next to Nico, ramrod straight, staring at Maki.
“Mama dress.” Dia waved at the clothes.
Nico leaned over to whisper, “Your mama’s clothes are very sharp.”
Dia showed Nico both hands.
“Is Dia trying to tell me you already tried on a bunch of outfits before our date?”
“No.” Maki blushed.
Maki had been talked into pajama pants with hearts scattered all over them and fuzzy red slippers, but she kept her gray turtleneck, Dia had chosen a navy blue romper with white piping, very sleep over with the Queen’s great grandchildren. Nico had opted for the rabbit hoodie and pink pajama pants with white spots. To wait while she cooked, Nico had led Maki and Dia to a large room with a couple of large sofas, another divan seat bolted to the wall, pillows scattered, and a large screen on the far wall.
“This is where we debut music videos.” Nico announced on her return. Maki and Dia had been flipping through an international fashion magazine.
“Is this your label’s office?”
“This is Nico’s office, no label.”
Maki was impressed.
“Nico’s been working since middle school on building this.” Nico swept her arms dramatically after she put a tray carefully on a low table. “Nico Ni is her own label now, with a K-pop influenced group we’re currently promoting.” Maki inhaled, everything smelled amazing, soup and gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. Dia reached forward for one as Nico put sandwiches next to soup bowls, but Nico managed to block the gesture “These are hot, Dia. Let Nico split it in half for you.” And Nico, after a look to check with Maki, handed Dia half of a half sandwich.
“Cookie.” Dia frowned as she examined the melty cheese.
“Cookies later.” Maki said, sliding forward to pull a bowl of soup near, ready to dip a whole half a sandwich in it.
“Listen to your Mama.”
And Dia settled. It was nice to have someone to support her, Maki thought, another adult voice in the room, not that Dia was terribly fussy. But Dia was stubborn. Nico seemed to be having a soothing effect...no, that wasn’t the right word, Maki thought. But Dia was watching every thing Nico did, even mimicking some of her gestures.
“So what are we watching.” Nico picked up the remote.
“Stitch.” Dia growled.
“Sounds good, if your Mama doesn’t mind.”
“S’okay.” Maki muttered as she finished another half sandwich dripping with tomato soup.
“You don’t just seem to be enjoying Lilo and Stitch in parent mode.” Nico teased, bumping Maki on the cushion they were sharing in front of the couch Dia was sleeping on.
“Parent mode?”
“Doing things because your kid likes them.”
“That’s dumb.” Maki twirled a curl of hair, glancing back over her shoulder at the sleeping Dia, “Dia would be able to tell if I didn’t like something so it would be a waste of time.”
Maki’s nose was too close to Nico and too perfect, but at least it distracted Nico from Maki’s lips. Nico wasn’t sure what the protocol was on first kisses with one year olds present.
“Do you want your daughter to only like the things you do?”
“No. But why not share things with her that I do like?” Now it was Maki’s eyes that had caught Nico, with their honest challenge.
“So you watched Lilo and Stitch before you were a Mom™️”
“Mom™️.” Maki snorted and shoved back at Nico with her shoulder, “You make it sound like I opened a box, added myself and some water, and became some kind of alien machine.”
Nico frantically pinballed through thoughts. Had she gone too far, was Maki annoyed, should she have gone in for the kiss, oh no, she was going to start talking now and Maki was giving off this prickly energy, but Nico had never been good at not talking through stress, “Nico didn’t mean that in a bad way, you seem super competent, and probably have so much good doctor info, Eli and Nozomi just…”
Maki sighed, “It was a lot more complicated.”
Maki changed the subject. “I wonder if Dia’s going to think I’m silly for talking to her all the time, once she’s older.”
“I’m sure she loves the sound of your voice. It’s lovely.” Nico noticed the blush.
“All the parenting books say just talking to your child helps build their verbal skills. And paying attention to their gestures.” Maki stretched her hand out, staring at her fingers. “I get that.” She dropped her hand over Nico’s. “My parents are always...concerned about developmental stages.”
“They’re really involved grandparents, huh, At least you have some support.”
Maki wasn’t looking at Nico anymore, but her hand was squeezing Nico’s, “They want to make sure the next generation of Nishikinos continues the family’s tradition of excellence.”
Nico glanced back at the sleeping child, “She’s continuing the family tradition of cute in pajamas.”
Maki smiled. “Sometimes I feel like the narrator in an documentary on single parenting.”
“Not a sitcom? Rin seems like a sitcom BFF.”
Maki shook her head, and dropped her voice, “Nope. Serious doctor voice.”
“So what would serious doctor voice be saying now?”
Maki frowned, her nose crinkling in what Nico realized was the most adorable way ever, “ Doctor Nishikino continued to hope that her date would remember an early promise of a milkshake for dessert.” Maki sighed, turning to Nico, eyelashes fluttering in luxurious slow motion over luminous pools of mischief. “I want to dip things in it.”
Nico didn’t register that she needed to stop staring and start speaking until Maki quirked a perfectly arched eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. Nico grabbed a recent word. “Things?”
“Cookies, brownies, strawberries, french fries.”
Nico bounced to her feet, “I’m going to break out the Air Fryer, ice cream and a blender faster than you can say “Nico Nico Ni.”
Maki leaned back, her arms stretched out along the couch, and started, “Nico Ni…”
Nico swivelled and faster than Maki could blink, pecked an interrupting kiss on Maki’s lips, skipping off with a wink over her shoulder, “Just stay put, Princess.”
Maki, hand raised to tingling lips, nodded, “Okay.”
Nico was cleaning up and Maki was watching Dia pull herself along the sofa when she heard Nico call out, “Bring Dia, Maki.”
Maki scooped up her daughter, heading to where Nico had stopped in front of the window. Snow had started, flakes drifting against a bold winter blue.
“Snow.” Dia pointed.
“Pretty.” Maki said.
They stood, watching as the fluffy, sparkling flakes began to fall faster. Nico had sneaked an arm around Maki’s waist and smiled when Maki had leaned in instead of pulling away. Maki lost track of the minutes, enjoying the Dia’s fascination with car windows being covered by white. As clouds scrunched together, gray and darkening, Nico got practical.
“I’d better get you both home or you’ll get snowed in.”
Dia looked at Maki, who smiled, “It’ll be fine, bun.”
“Snow.” Dia pressed a hand against the window.
“It won’t be like the cars, Dia. Snow won’t stick on here. It’s not sloped, like car windshields. It’s flat.” Nico demonstrated, one hand the window, one hand the car. Dia patted the car hand.
Maki sighed, “I wouldn’t mind being snowed in. This is a great space..”
“Maybe when Nico gets back, we can try a dinner date. Nico will cook. You can check out the architecture in my apartment. It's a different kind of great, cozier.”
“Cookies. Cookies.” Dia decided.
“Nico always has cookies.”
“Now cookies.”
“We can take some for the drive.” Maki smiled at Nico, “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow. Tonight, I pack. And do a magazine interview. And whatever else Cocoro set up since I demanded half a day off.”
“I’m glad you did. We had fun. Right Dia?” Maki put Dia down.
Dia nodded seriously.
“Let’s find your coat.”
Dia toddled away from the window. Maki didn’t immediately follow, but reached for Nico’s arm, “Text me when you’re done for the night. I’d…” Maki blushed, “love to talk about a dinner date.”
Nico practically bounced halfway to the ceiling as she kissed Maki’s cheek. But then they both rushed after Dia, who’d taken a turn into a room with breakable things.
“Try to take a tiger from his daddy's side That's how love is going to keep us tied Uh-uh-uh Oh yeah, uh, uh I'm gonna stick like glue Stick, because I'm Stuck on you”
Maki had to restrain a giggle. By the final verse of Nico’s over the top Elvis rendition of “Stuck on You” Dia had fallen asleep and Maki didn’t want to disturb her. So she left her favorite seat and moved the conversation to her bedroom, sprawling out along the bed while she let Nico keep singing in her ear. After Nico finished with “Burning Love,” Maki interrupted.
“Stuck on You” is not the lullaby I imagined my daughter would love.”
“She fell asleep. Good.” Nico chuckled. “Did Maki get a bonus song?”
“You were so deep in Stitch mode, I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Elvis mode. Heartthrob mode. Girls screaming mode. Can’t give enough autographs mode…”
Maki was ready for a new topic. “Sounds exhausting.”
“Um no, it’s exciting. Nico on top of the world. It’s such a rush, connecting with an audience, feeling them get riled up, dancing, singing...I love it.”
Maki could hear the thrill in Nico’s voice. She felt suddenly tired.
“You’re probably leaving early tomorrow. I won’t keep you up.”
“I like talking past my bedtime with you.” A honest warmth in Nico’s tone softened Maki.
“I’m glad. Maybe we can talk again soon.”
“Yeah, it’s too bad my concerts are in Philly and Brooklyn. Nico would love to give you a backstage tour.”
“I’d love it too.”
“Well, call Nico, if you’re in town.”
Hmmmm...could that actually be possible? Her parents were always willing to watch Dia.
Distracted by the thought, Maki’s tone was perfunctory. “Good night, Nico.”
“Oh.” Nico sounded disappointed, “Good night. Maki. Dream about Nico.
“Sure.” Maki cut the call, trying to remember where Nico had said she’d be in a couple of days. Philly? Maki had never really spent any time in Philadelphia. Maybe it was time for some historical sightseeing. She could tell Dia all about the First Continental Congress and the Liberty Bell when she got back.
Nico stared at the phone. Maki had gotten distant at the backstage tour suggestion. DId Maki not want to see Nico in concert? Obviously, it wasn’t an objection to Nico’s voice, sneaky Maki had gotten Nico to sing an extra song. Maybe it was too early to suggest travel? Maybe Maki thought Nico had groupies? The fan-Idol relationship was a chaste thing; Nico was there to bring joy, comfort, and smiles to her audience. What brought joy to Nico offstage was private. Maybe she should tell Maki that? Nico picked up her phone and hesitated. Maybe Maki had just been tired? Nico knew single momming made for long days. Nico decided a good night selfie would be the perfect nightcap for the tired, gorgeous doctor Nico wanted to dream of her.
A text from Nico. A snap. Nico in a camisole and pink flannel pajama pants, wrapped up in a fluffy pink and white blanket. Maki smiled. Today had been one of her favorite days. No time inside a hospital, skating and flirting with a charming beauty, someone to help with Dia, and Nico had been practical help, not feeling sorry for Maki or fussing too extravagantly over Dia, just there with a quick hand and a smile. It had seemed so natural. And Maki found herself wanting more time with Nico, alone time with Nico, a quiet dinner at Nico’s apartment, no Disney movie blaring in the background, to hear how Nico had pursued her dream, designed her office, what Nico listened to while travelling, what Nico’s favorite movies were, taste Nico’s favorite snack...
Maki typed a quick message.
M: You owe me a midnight snack.
N: ?!?!?!?!
M: For this.
And before she talked herself out of it, Maki snapped a selfie of herself blowing a kiss, unaware that her zip up hoodie had slid down her left arm, leaving her shoulder bare. Instant response.
N: Do that anywhere near Nico and you can have any kind of snack you want.
M: : )
Then Maki took a look at the snap she’d sent and blushed, falling on the bed, silent screaming into her pillow.
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Fate - {2}
{Part One} | {Masterlist}
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Taliyah finally made it home around midnight that night. She'd been tasked to stay late at the bar since no one else could cover. 
"Well Elvis, we made forty on tips today." Taliyah said, petting her orange cat on the way to her room.
"It's not much for a twelve hours shift, but we'll make due won't we bud?"
Taliyah walked into the bathroom to wash the day away, but didn’t get far.
The window above her bathtub had been broken from the outside, and glass was scattered around the room.
“Oh Elvis...this isn’t a way to end the day is it?  Fate was kind this morning, but mean to end the day.”
Taliyah sighed heavily as she went to grab the broom from the cupboard.
After carefully cleaning up any broken glass, she went to get a small piece of plywood to put over the window to keep any rain or animals from getting in until she could get it fixed.
By the time she had cleaned and repaired to the best of her abilities, it was nearing 2am.
She started a pot of coffee before showering quickly.  She knew she was not going to get any sleep, fearful of oversleeping for her early morning shift at the diner.
Taliyah spent the rest of the morning picking up around her apartment and writing in her daily journal.
Taliyah had started keeping a journal about three years ago.  It was the time she decided to give up on changing her fate, but enjoy the moments she had.  It was how she kept her thoughts in order.
But the one thing she never did was re read her entries.  It was too much and far too sad for her.
Anytime a memory popped up, she’d write it down.  She hoped that someday she would quit reliving those moments, and maybe writing them down and getting them out of her mind would help that.
Five came far too quickly again, even with not sleeping.
The train ride and morning were smooth, and Taliyah was on edge because of it.
She wasn’t sure if the paranoia came from her lack of sleep, or the easiness of the morning, but it was there no less.
“Excuse me.” Taliyah heard someone yell from beside her.  She wasn’t sure why he’d raised his voice so much, the diner was small.  You could talk in a normal voice to someone on the other side of the room and hear just fine.
“Yes sir, what can I help you with?” she asked, wiping her hands on her rag as she walked over to him.
“I ordered my eggs scrambled.” he said, pushing the plate towards you.
“Sir, you ordered them over easy. I’ve written it down.” Taliyah said, taking the notepad from the pocket of her apron.
“No. I’ve ordered them scrambled and you don’t know how to write or do your job. Not like it’s that fucking hard to begin with.”
“Sir, I wrote down what you said. Also, I don’t think you need to speak to me that way, even if I did make a mistake.  It’s common courtesy not to swear at people who are serving you.”
“Oh, is that so? I guess I didn’t realize I came to the diner for a lesson in manners.  Let’s see about this.” the man said before throwing the plate and all its contents on the floor.
“How is that for common courtesy?” he said.
“Well, I’d say my neighbors four year old has better manners than you, but that’d be rather obvious.  You go sit at another table and I’ll get this cleaned up. A different waitress will be over to take your correct order sir.”
“No, I don’t think I will. I think I’ll speak to your manager now.”
“Sure. You threw a plate on the floor and spoke to me in a demeaning manner, but now you want a manager. Give me just a moment. And please be careful, I’d hate for you to injure yourself on the plate you threw on the floor.” Taliyah said as she left the mess and went for a manager.
“Ma’am, there’s an unhappy customer that would like to speak to you.” she said, walking into the small office.
“Again? That’s the third time this month Taliyah.” the manager sighed.
“And for the third time this month it’s not my fault ma’am.”
The manager sighed but followed Taliyah out to the table the man was sitting at.
“What seems to be the issue, sir?” The manager asked, plastering on a fake smile.
“The issue is that your wait staff are rude and stupid. Is this really how you conduct your business?” the man asked.
“Of course not sir. Let’s get you to another booth and we can get someone else to assist you.”
“That’s more like it.” the man said, smirking down at Taliyah as she was picking up the broken plate.
“If I could butt in for a moment.” Taliyah heard a deep voice speak for the first time.
“The young lady already offered him the same assistance that you are, but he refused. She also rightly called him out on being rude and ill mannered and that’s when the plate ‘fell’. You should be reprimanding him for his behavior towards your staff, not watching as she cleans up a mess she didn’t do.”
“Sir, unless directly involved I’m going to have to ask you to stay out of it.” your manager spoke.
“Yeah, no of course.  That guy was a dick though, so...good to know you cater to them. Have a great day.”
Taliyah watched as the man got up and started walking for the door.  He hovered near the entrance for a moment before Taliyah finally looked away.
“And Tayliah.” her manager said quietly as she passed by “In case you didn’t realize, but you’re fired.”
“Yeah, got that.  In that case, you can clean this mess up.” Taliyah said, letting the anger get the better of her.
She went around the counter to get her stuff and throw her apron on the counter as her manager brought over a drink for the rude man.
Taliyah watched as her manager seemed to trip over nothing and spill her drink all over the man that had gotten her fired.
She thought she heard the tall man at the door laugh before walking out.
“So...how was it?” Kyuhyun asked the man sitting across from him.
“I can’t do it.”
“What can’t you do?” Kyuhyun asked.
“I can’t be her guardian angel.  She’s so...sad. And her fate is too dark for me to do anything about.  You know I’m low level, I can’t change her life.”
“Wooseok, please.  She just needs help with small things. Something that isn’t going to let the council know her fate is being manipulated.” 
“No, I won’t do it. I’ve never seen such horrible fate.  There’s nothing I can do to help her. I won’t do it.” Wooseok emphasized.
“You know as well as I do that fate isn’t set in stone.  Yes, everything is mapped out, but when people who are outside of fates systems intervene, it changes.  Not always for the best, but Taliyah’s life can’t get any worse than it is.  Please Wooseok, please help her.” Kyuhyun nearly begged.
“Why do you even care so much?” Wooseok asked.
“Because it’s not right. I’ve been doing this for 2,000 years, and I’ve never seen someone whos fate is as horrible as hers.  No one deserves that.  And for her to continue making the best of it.  She’s already changing her own fate Wooseok.  She should have died when she was 21.  But that was when she changed her mentality and started living her life to the fullest.  She’s already started changing her fate without even knowing, but Fate fights back. Please. If she's strong enough to be pushing back at the system, she's worth helping.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t do it.”
Kyuhyun sighed, sitting back in his chair.
“Fine. I understand, I really do. Please send in Kyungsoo.”
{Part Three}
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lennonknowsmysins · 5 years
Could I possibly request a John or Paul fic where one of them finds their SO after a rough day with a tear streaked face and puffy eyes, so they go and either make a lovely lunch/dinner/breakfast or buys a bunch of flowers to arrange around the room or something to make them happy?
i used teddy boy paul for this and slipped in some big brother john because i’m a bit of a whore for that troupe tbh. except an epilouge to this because it didn’t end where i wanted it too but it was starting to get really long and i didn’t want to make you wait for it!!! thank you for the request!! i hope you like it!!
Everyday after school, you waited by the front stairs for your brother John to bring his car around and take you either home or to the library while he practiced with his band so that you didn’t have to be home alone if Mimi wasn’t there. Today was supposed to have a library day but when you got to the stairs, John wasn’t there. Now normally you didn’t mind having to wait a little bit but today had been exceptionally rainy and cold and you were in no mood to get dumped on. Unfortunately, an hour later, you were still waiting for John and the doors to the school had been locked. Sighing, you accepted the fact that your brother had forgotten about you. A rumbling in your stomach accepted the fact that he’d also forgotten to give you your lunch earlier.
Begrudgingly, you set off on foot to where you assumed you’d find John - Paul McCartney’s house, where him and the rest of the band liked to rehearse. You were sure that John won’t be happy about you showing up, he didn’t like having to share his friends or his baby sister. That’s why he always made you wait at the nearby library. “It’d just be awkward,” He’d defended, “we’re trying to play songs about adult stuff and m’ little sister’s just sitting there. I can’t play that shit in front of you.”
You were pretty sure that he really just didn’t want to come off as a babysitter, worried that it would break the bad boy vibes. But no matter how pissed John would be at you crashing in, you were sure that you were more upset at being left at the school in the rain without your lunch. Besides, it wasn’t like you were going to stay for long, you were just going to let him know that you were still alive, if he bothered to care, and try to wrangle some money out of him for food - if you were to try and say no in front of his mates, that’d just make him look like an ass. Then you’d be on your way. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want an excuse to see Paul too.
You’d only met him a few times, but each time had turned your knees to jelly. He had big soft eyes and an even softer voice that made you swoon whenever you called you ‘love’. Boys didn’t normally call you pet names like that. Well, your brother did but didn’t count. Maybe he would stick up for you in front of John and invite you to stay and watch them rehearse. You would like that, you actually thought they sounded pretty good. Or at least Paul looked pretty good when he was playing. This was another reason that John didn’t like you being around his mates. He wasn’t about to let anyone, especially Paul, get into your pants. But the joke was on him, you were hardly as outgoing as he was when it came to people you liked. And you doubted that Paul would ever see you like that - after all, you were just John’s little sister. There wasn’t much promise in that.
The walk to Paul’s house was taking longer than you had anticipated. It was hard to see with the wind whipping your hair that wasn’t stuck against your face in your eyes and the rain had soaked through your flimsy jacket and your dress, pelting your skin. The violent shivers that rippled through you made it hard to concentrate on where you were going. Your school bag seemed to be tugging you downwards and you could have sworn that you heard it groan. All your papers must be soaked by now. The unpleasantness of the situation mixed with your hunger reminding you that your brother had really just forgotten about you brought tears to your eyes, only making seeing more difficult. You were wet, hungry, tired, and forgotten about.
Finally you reached Paul’s house, letting out a breath of relief when you saw John’s car parked out front as you trudged up to the front door and knocked. You felt nerves shoot through you when Paul answered, a grin on his lips.
“Oh hello - what’s happened?” Paul’s forever good-natured expression fell as he took in your red face which had been slapped by the weather, with your eyes puffy and teary, your makeup smeared every which way and your nose running for dear life. Not to mention you were soaked to the bone.
“H-hey Paul, is J-John here?” You asked, every word being agony as you were out of breath from the long walk and the constant shivering. Paul shook his head.
“’Fraid not, love.” He said with a frown, “You alright?”
His question made the tears well up again. Now you were wet, hungry, tired, forgotten about, missing your brother and standing in front of his handsome best friend looking like an absolute wreck. You let out a sob and looked at your feet, not bearing making eye contact with Paul. Paul, however, was not about to stand for this.
“Hey, hey, hey, come’ere,” He cooed, pulling you out of the rain and into a hug, “It’ll be okay, I’ve got ya, I’ve got ya.”
You let out a spew of mumbled apologies in his chest through your crying, clutching on to him like he was the only thing keeping you standing - which he basically was at this point. Paul had one arm holding you tightly and the other rubbing up and down your back, shushing into your sopping hair. You shuddered, struggling to catch your breath and he gave you a squeeze.
“Deep breath, love.” He reminded you, pulling away. You took a couple and he smiled a little, “Come in, you’re trembling.”
He led you into the living room then squeezed your shoulder, telling you to wait. He gave you a knowing smile before disappearing down a hallway. You stood there, hugging yourself as you sniffed. A few tears continued to escape down your cheeks but besides those, the cascade had ceased.
“John and George took me car to go see about a couple of guitars in Birkenhead. Said they might be able to book us a gig too.” Paul explained, reappearing with a towel. “You can wait here if you like, I know Johnny’s said that you don’t like being alone.”
You nodded, slightly embarrassed John had exposed your irrational fear to Paul (and you assumed George and Stu as well). Paul wiped up the tears, water, and makeup off your cheeks before wrapping the towel around your wet neck. You blushed when he smiled down at you, turning the corners of your own lips up a tad.
“There she is!” He said gently, catching your chin before you could look away from him, “You’re much lovelier to look at than John.”
It was all you could do to keep your breath from hitching. You’d heard that Paul could be a bit of flirt from girls at your school who knew him, but you’d never seen it in action, nor did you ever expect his charms to be used on you. Especially right after showing up soaking wet at his front door bawling. But you supposed he was right. You were the lovelier Lennon. A sad growl from your stomach interrupted the nice moment. Paul’s look of concern was back, crooking an eyebrow at you.
“John didn’t give me my lunch today and I didn’t have any money on me.” You said sheepishly, suddenly aware of how absurd you must seem to him right now. Paul chuckled, taking a step back.
“We don’t have a lot in the way of food, but I can make you some nice toast, yeah?” He offered. Not wanting to mooch to much off of him, you began to decline but your stomach wailed again.
“That would be wonderful, thanks Paul.” You grinned.
“You got it, darling.” As he turned to head into the kitchen, your face got a little redder, your stomach forgetting about its emptiness in its excited twisting and you couldn’t help the smile that began spreading across your face, although you attempted to hid it when Paul spun on his heel. “Oh, do you want to change your clothes? I’m afraid it’s me and me dad and brother, so we don’t have much in the way of girls clothes, I’ll bet I have sweatpants we can get to fit you and if you don’t mind the bagginess, I’ve got tons of shirts you can borrow and I can throw your stuff in the dryer so they’ll at least dry off a bit.”
“Okay.” You nodded, another batch of butterflies releasing themselves in you at the thought of wearing his clothes. ‘This is just a stupid crush’ you thought to yourself, ‘Stop getting caught up in it’
“C’mon, you can get changed in my room.”
This wasn’t the situation you pictured when you thought of being in a boy’s room for the first time. More boy, less water, pretty much the same amount of you undressing. It looked a lot like John’s room, but a little more organized. A desk sat in the corner, sheet music scattered all about, an Elvis poster hanging above it. Various concert posters had been tapped around the walls, among a Quarrymen one that you recognized as John’s artwork. Next to Paul’s bed was a picture of the band trying to look serious but George was clearly laughing at something - which was funny, George always came off a little scary to you. You continued looking around as you hiked up the sweatpants, tying the drawstring to a comfortable level before stepping out. Paul paused at the top of the stairs.
“I was just comin’ up to tell you that your toast is done,” He said blinking at the sight of you in his clothes. “And if you wanted any eggs with it, ya know, to complete the Breakfast for Dinner experience.”
“Some eggs would be delightful.” You smiled, “Thank you for the clothes by the way, I really appreciate not having to wait in soaking wet ones.”
“Well, I, uh, didn’t want you to catch a cold or nothing,” He said, trying to stay cool, “Your brother’d have a cow.”
He offered you his arm, leading you down the stairs to the kitchen. The presentation he’d set up for the simple plate of toast made you feel warm. Juice had been poured into a wine glass and a flower had been placed in a vase on the table. You looked up at Paul with what you were sure was a stupidly happy grin.
“You seemed like you were having a rough day.”
Then you were hugging Paul. Handsome Paul that you had a stupid crush on. Because he’d made you breakfast for dinner and lent you his clothes and let you into his house after you’d had to walk in the rain and comforted you without any hesitation and let your shitheaded brother borrow his car when John had a perfectly good one of own. “Thank you so much Paul. I know we don’t know each other very well but this really does mean a lot to me.”
“You know, love,” He began, pausing to kiss your head, “I think you’re my favorite Lennon.”
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maribricklove · 6 years
Trapped Under Ice - Part 7
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned),
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 1346
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Series Masterlist
 Reader’s POV
               The rays of the bright, yellow sun hurt my eyes as they streamed through the window of the motel. The scratchy sheets were warm, yes, but they were irritating. The only comfort I found laying there was him. Being with Sam, his arm draped over my waist, his slow, steady breath on my neck.  I could faintly hear his heartbeat as I lightly pressed my head against his chest. I couldn’t help but smile as I took in his scent: old books, beer, gun powder, and hints of green apple body wash. It was all déjà vu for me.
               Sweet memories of the past played in my mind. Memories of being in his arms, hearing his heart, feeling his breath. The most vivid memory is us at the dance.
               There I was, in the motel bathroom, getting dressed for an occasion I had only dreamed of going to. The winter formal was the talk of the school for the past two weeks. All the popular girls went out to go buy their dresses together, get their hair and nails done, and get pretty jewelry and shoes to go with their dresses. Me? I had Dean and not even one hundred dollars to buy all of my stuff for their dance, but I didn’t care. I was going to the dance with Sam, and I couldn’t ask for much more.
               My dress was a deep purple ball gown style that went down to right above my knees with rhinestones scattered across the bodice, and the skirt was made of a loose tulle fabric. I put my (h/c) hair up in a loose bun and let down a couple small pieces on both sides of my face. I put on light makeup, just a little grey eyeshadow and some rose pink lip gloss. For jewelry, I wore my mother’s heart pendant necklace that my dad gave to her when they started dating and my diamond earrings that he gave to me for my thirteenth birthday.
               “He would be proud of you, you know,” I heard from behind me. Dean stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “Your dad.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” I retorted as I started cleaning up my bathroom. “Do I really look that nice?”
“Are you kidding? You’re beautiful. Sam’s going to be speechless when he sees you.”
               And he was. Sam was literally stuttering when I walked out of the bathroom in all my glory. I think he tried to tell me that I looked beautiful as he gave me my corsage with small purple orchids and baby’s breath. I couldn’t hold back my smile as his hazel eyes kept looking into my (e/c) ones.
               “Thanks, Sam. You look very handsome.”
               “Well, he should. He’s a Winchester. It’s in our genes.”
               “Yeah, maybe not yours,” Sam retorted. I chortled as Dean gave Sam a bitch face.
               “Come, on you two. Let’s get you to the dance before I leave you here.”
               Okay, now, there may have been a bit more banter between the brothers before we all got into the Impala, but I didn’t hear any of it because I was too focused on how I was actually going to a school dance with Sam Winchester. After two years of hiding my feelings from him, he finally knew, and we were going on what could technically be called our first date. I was terrified, but at the same time, I was at ease because I knew that Sam would be there with me the whole time, and that was all that mattered.
               When we got to the school gymnasium where the dance was being held, Sam tried really hard to be a perfect gentleman and open doors for me, make sure my arm was wrapped around his as he escorted me to the party, and always made sure that I was having fun, but he didn't really seem to want to dance. Finally, I just took the initiative to ask the important question of the night.
               “Would you like to dance?” The second the last syllable left my mouth, Sam looked at me, stunned that he didn’t ask me that first.
               “Sure-I-I mean… Yes.” He stood from his chair and offered me his hand, and we walked out onto the dance floor. Suddenly, a new song starts playing. Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” What are the chances? Sam placed his left hand on my waist and held my right hand in his left, and we started swaying to the sweet melody. His embrace filling my heart with joy. I was actually dancing with Sam. I mean, we’ve danced together before, just never like this. So intimate, so sweet, so… romantic.
As the song went on, I felt the urge to close a gap between us, so I laid my head on his chest. At first, I was so embarrassed, I wanted to stop, but I was already to far into it, I couldn’t stop now. Suddenly, I felt Sam lay his chin on my head. We were so close that I could hear his heartbeat, I could feel his breath, and all of my troubles melted away. We couldn’t help falling deeper in love that night. As the song ended, I lifted my head off his chest and we just looked at each other. We looked deep into each other’s eyes, and the moment seemed to last forever.
Before we knew it, the dance was over, and Dean was waiting for us outside. Dean kept asking if we kissed or made out, and our answer was the same every time. “No, Dean.” But he wouldn’t drop it. The whole ride back to the motel was excruciating because I wanted to kiss Sam, but I didn’t want to do it while Dean was right there. I never wanted the night to end on a depressing note, but I guess no matter how hard we tried, there was nothing we could have done to change it.
We returned to the motel, and Sam escorted me back to my room and gave me a hug goodnight. “I had fun tonight, Sam.”
“Me too. Thank you for making it fun, Y/N,” Sam replied with a soft smile. “Well, goodnight.
“’Night, Sam.”
Suddenly as I as bout to close the door, Sam launched from where he was standing in the doorway and crashed his lips against mine. My heart seemed to leap out of my chest as Sam caressed my cheek with his soft hands, and I melted into his touch. I reciprocated and placed my hands on the sides of his face, this kiss different from our last. It was gentle, yet still a passion lied underneath it all, screaming our feelings for each other to hear, and we both felt as though a weight had been lifted off our shoulders.
After what seemed like forever but felt like an instant, Sam backed away but still embracing me as if he never wanted to let me go. He whispered, “I’ve been wanting to do that all night. I just didn’t want to make it awkward.”
“Yeah. Me too.” I was still shocked. I never thought Sam could be so bold. He was so sweet tonight, but just now, he was so passionate, so loving, so… romantic.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Sam.”
End of Flashback
I can’t help but wonder how our relationship would have ended up if he hadn’t gone through with the kiss that night, but I will never know.
As I lay here in Sam’s arms once again, I feel for the first time in almost twenty years, love. Our hearts beating for each other, our hands holding onto the physical being that love has possessed, a possession that not even the most powerful talisman can exorcise. I couldn’t help but wish that the moment would never end. I couldn’t help but fall in love with Sam all over again.
It’s the sweet memory of his embrace that keeps me going, not the medication, because as cliché as it sounds, love has healed me. Love has been driving force that keeps me from going into remission. Yes, I still have my nightmares, but their power is nothing compared to my love for Sam Winchester.
Part eight
Here it is. Part 7. It took me a lot longer than I wanted to get it out, but I did it. Thank you all for being so patient. I hope you like it. Feel free to message me, or send me requests. I need more stimulation so I can be inspired to write more. I love you all so much, and I hope you have a fantastic day.
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dentalrecordsmusic · 6 years
Starry-Eyed Curiosity: An Interview with Curtis Cooper
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Photo courtesy of Catherine Dempsey
"Every time Rancid puts out a new single, I feel like I've heard it so many times,” says Curtis Cooper. "They don't even care anymore. I think there's a limit to good creativity if you stick to the same genre, but if you're flexible you can write forever.”
Cooper is seated in a porch chair playing with their blond locks. Their Choking Victim t-shirt is a noticeable reflection of their roots, but not the end-all-be-all. Cooper lists their influences all over the musical map, from Elliot Smith to The Unseen, Amy Winehouse to Bright Eyes — wherever they find their home in the world of noise and sound is simply whatever strikes them with surprise and beatific style.
Cooper began playing music when they were four, learning Elvis melodies “because [they] couldn’t physically play chords yet.” After finding themselves in the midst of Beatles worship, Cooper discovered Nirvana when they were 12. “I just learned Nirvana songs for years and I got really into punk in high school when I was 16, and I started playing in bands but it was more like, ‘Let's get as drunk as we can.’ No one was paying attention to what was going on.”
Cooper’s first ever band was called Don’t Get Caught! when they were 17, an obvious nod at an Against Me! reference complete with an exclamation point for emphasis. "A lot of the songs were just about getting fucked up and drinking and drugs and they were nonsensicle and we didn't put in the time and we were just getting fucked up,” Cooper says. "That was just that point in time. At the time for me, music was secondary and drinking and drugs were the priority. It's a bit more focused these days,” they say with a laugh.
The 29-year-old Philly native has dipped their toe into genres and sounds that are scattered and yet oddly fitting. They first came to DRM’s attention back when they were fronting the punk outfit Community Service. The band released J-a.w/n< in August 2013 and found that they quickly became a staple of the Philadelphia punk scene. The band was fun, upbeat, no-frills punk rock with a silly sly smile and an undertone of ska.
"When I started Community Service it was a demo thing and it was just me playing dumb demo shit and then I started trying to focus more, and it wasn't just punk,” they say. "It was sad boy songs and punk and I remember when I got back to Philly [from Boston] and was playing with this nasty drummer Luke Dillon, after we graduated and moved back home I kept playing with Miles and Will and we did that for a couple years. We got all the stupid out of our system."
Touring was no easy feat for Cooper and their bandmates. Most baby bands tend to take any show they can get their hands on — Community Service was no different. "We would start in Baltimore and then we'd take a show in Rockhill, South Carolina which is like an 8-hour drive and sometimes the routes would take us close to home [in Philly] and that's what would fuck us up,” they say. "If we passed through Philly and had a day off, you'd be like, 'I wish I could be home now, why am I playing these stupid shows?’”
The band had a habit of playing hard in more ways than simply playing their instruments. "I was always fine mentally but you could see the others where slipping, after two and a half weeks in a car, we were just drinking [alcohol] and Red Bull, drinking and Red Bull,” they say. "I would get home and be like, ‘What did I do to myself?’ Some people would be in the van freaking out like, ‘What the fuck are we doing?!'"
Around the same time Cooper was playing with Community Service, they went on to write and perform solo acoustic-based music, releasing their first solo record, Laughing In Line in January 2016. "Right after I started doing my acoustic stuff I was like, ‘Ehh I'm kind of done with punk,’” they say. "I still go to punk shows every once in a while but the scene isn't as rewarding to me but it depends on the kind of punk. It was really into rewarding stupid behavior like how much can you drink? That makes you cool. How many studs are on your jacket? So stupid. Are you kidding me? Fuck you.”
Cooper’s disillusionment in the punk scene sent them on a path towards more expressive and sensitive songwriting. "I feel like I was faking it in the punk scene,” they say. "I'm not hardcore at all. Dip my toe in kind of thing. I have a bunch of songs I wrote for my friend Morgan [Ganou] to sing and in my head I'm writing for Amy Winehouse. I like the energy of punk, but that energy could come from all kinds of music."
An album as colorfully composed as its accompanying artwork, Laughing In Line was Cooper’s introduction to their more sultry, creative, and quietly shocking approach to music. With songs featuring another talented voice, such as Ganou on track three “Happy and Sane,” Cooper was able to reach for influences, sounds, textures, and stark silences to create an atmosphere fit for indie-pop-acoustic dreams made reality. "When you play loud people talk over you,” Cooper says. "When you play quiet people will shut up and then they talk right over you. But I've learned that if I play loud and then I just shut up really fast it grabs people's attention. When I was playing house shows that was my trick. Then I started writing songs around those tricks which I definitely did for Laughing.”
Then along came Messy, a noisy, turbulent, and dingy journey through one’s own insecurities and bouts with self-destruction which Cooper reluctantly dropped in November 2017 and largely written on electric guitar in stark contrast to the last release, Laughing In Line. "I was so suicidal and I hope I'm never there in my life again,” they say. "I don't wanna do that. I was drinking a ton during that record. I go to sobriety meetings every now and then these days. I would just get drunk, wake up the next morning, and I'm suicidal. There's real addicts and they're struggling to survive. I don't have that problem but it's just like a mental instability problem. I guess the big thing I've learned is I say ‘no' to a lot of things. I can't hang out with everyone I used to hang out with.”
Messy was a hugely intimate portrayal of Cooper, who was uncertain the record would be too intense for listeners to digest. "Messy was way too personal and I went way too far,” they say. "I've never been one to shy away from sharing personal stuff but it was just way too honest. Some of the songs I did change the lyrics too and it was still way too honest. I would've gone back and changed the lyrics and made them more convoluted and not so direct. Buried the vocals more in the mix."
Being a non-binary artist plays a role in how Cooper is able to create their art, often avoiding people and things that don’t stick out as enjoyable or pleasant for them. "I wanna hang out with people who are cool with me being non-binary and know how to use my pronouns properly and don't care what I'm wearing. Those are the people I wanna hang out with,” they say. "People get stuck in saying they'll hang out with certain people and then I'm like, ‘Why the fuck did I say yes to this?' That's another side. Saying ‘no' doesn't mean you're a dick and people could interpret that as being a dick, but that's on them. There are people who don't like you, that's fine, fuck them.”
Cooper is noticeably thrilled to have completed their latest record, which currently has no working title. After starting with 15 tracks, they wrote it down to ten. They say there will be two instrumentals and claim it’s "weird and fun to play." This one is slated to be acoustic-based but it's built on some "Elliot Smith worship" and "a million double vocals.” "I recorded it in my room and it's not very clean,” they say. "It's definitely gonna be like a 'bedroom pop’ record.”
Cooper has extensive plans to tour this summer, joining Thin Lips who will be opening for Hop Along for a month, then Slaughter Beach Dog immediately after. Thin Lips just released their new single "A Song For Those Who Miss You All The Time.” "I gotta learn these Thin Lips songs and it's way harder than I thought it would be,” Cooper says. "I really did not think it would take me so long. They're fucking tough! The chords are so fucking weird so I have to do that, and we get back from tour September 5 and then I have an Amy Winehouse set on September 14th which is an hour long. I have to learn all these Amy Winehouse songs which is so much fun. It's in Germantown on her birthday. It's gonna be sick.”
Cooper has always had a ton of love for Amy Winehouse — when they first heard her prominent single, “Rehab,” they quickly went out and bought her sophomore record Back to Black. "I feel like I'm the weak link in the Amy Winehouse band so I gotta get my shit together,” they say. "It's gonna be difficult but so worth it. I feel like learning someone's songs gets you into their mindset. You're getting better and diving deeper. This is what its like to be depressed and going through addiction and also being so talented and making something so beautiful out of it. Amy sounds like a horn and she can just wail."
The future looks as though it’s painted in gold for Cooper, though it’s uncertain and constantly changing. However, their persistent hold on creativity and artistry leads one to believe that they aren’t done yet, and they won’t be done for some time. "I'm gonna be doing this forever so you can only write for yourself and if you don't like what you're doing then you're not gonna have fun,” they say. "I wanna be in a Primus cover band and an Amy Winehouse cover band and that would be insane,” Cooper says with a laugh.
Cooper will be playing with their full band (Jack Zaferes on Bass, Scott Stitzer on Drums) on June 28 at Space 1026 with Mal Blum and the Blums, Teenage Halloween and Ramona. They will also be playing with Thin Lips on  July 24 opening for The Japandroids at Boot and Saddle, and August 25 at Philamoca opening for Slaughter Beach, Dog. Thin Lips with be on tour with Hop Along from July 28 - August 21 on a full US Tour, and then will be touring with Slaughter Beach, Dog from August 23 - September 2.
Keep up with Curtis Cooper on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.
Catherine Dempsey has been laughing in line. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Fools Rush In
So, in honour of our little Jodice reunion this week and free (and might I add unlimited) wi-fi on my holiday, I'm back with another Originals Season 5 drabble. Plus, I was so overwhelmed by all the birthday love (I am so bad with dates, so it's an absolute honour you all remembered) so thank you lovelies.
Caroline and Klaus head to Las Vegas together to try to stop Hope and Roman from eloping.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?" - EP
Somewhere between MF Virginia and LV Nevada
"Surely there must be something to listen to on the radio," Caroline complained, switching the dial back and forth erratically in the darkened car.
"Surely you could stop doing that," Klaus shot back, his eyes never leaving the road. "All of that white noise is doing my head in, Caroline."
"Well, I'm sorry I'm in need of some entertainment given my driver has been a brooding grouch the entire trip from Mystic Falls," she growled back, by way of response. "The least you could do is have some music on hand given how bad the radio reception is at the moment."
"You mean records? Funnily enough I don't have any here."
"No, this isn't the dark ages but a cassette tape or CD would even suffice at the moment," she replied in frustration. "Surely the Original Hybrid needs some music to get in the mood when he's about to go massacre a whole bunch of people. Let me guess, Metallica?" Klaus tilted his head slightly, finally tearing his gaze from the road to raise his eyebrows in her direction.
"So, you're actually condoning a massacre now? When I threatened to tear out his liver then slaughter him limb from limb you'd been so predictably bossy and judgemental, love. Oh and I'm partial to AC/DC for future reference, Highway to Hell is my personal favourite. Pity I don't have any with me at the moment given my blood thirsty mood."
"I'm not condoning any violence, in fact that's why I'm on this road trip to stop you from doing anything you'll regret," Caroline hissed. "I was only citing an example but at least it made you finally string a complete sentence together."
When Hope and Roman hadn't shown up for class yesterday, a frantic search of their rooms had found all their clothes missing. After Bonnie's locator spell had placed them on the highway to Nevada, their roommates had eventually spilled the shocking news they were eloping. Caroline knew Roman wasn't the smartest vampire but he certainly had some deranged death wish if he was willing to mess with the Original Hybrid's only daughter.
Klaus had arrived at the school in a frantic, testosterone fuelled rant. Caroline lost count of all the death threats he made while she attempted to calmly explain what had happened. He'd blamed Alaric and her initially for not paying enough attention and then his accusations spewed further afield. Kol apparently for corrupting his daughter, Rebekah for letting her wear too much make-up and Elijah for not being strict enough. The first two Caroline thought were plausible, the last not so much knowing the uptight, eldest Mikaelson sibling.
She'd managed to eventually calm him (although it took a good hour) and they'd bundled into his car headed for Las Vegas at practically double the speed limit. When you were Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline figured it didn't really matter if you broke the law.
"She's my little girl," Klaus bit out finally into the prolonged silence, Caroline a little surprised by his frank admission, even if it was said barely louder than a whisper.
"We'll get there in time, don't worry," she soothed, her hand finding his arm.
It had been a long time since they'd been in such close proximity and Caroline had to admit it was messing with her usually strong resolve. She had to remember that Klaus Mikaelson was only the father of one of her students, nothing more. He sent a small smile in her direction before turning back to the road. The resulting flutter she felt in her stomach was enough to tell her he was so much more. For the first time on the trip, Caroline didn't complain about the music deciding it was better to keep her thoughts to herself given any untoward consequences.
The Cosmopolitan Hotel, LV Nevada
"What the hell is this place?" Klaus snarled, looking around the grand hotel, accessorised with ceiling-to-floor, pink chandeliers and life size shoes scattered around the crowded lobby.
"It's called a hotel," Caroline muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. After such a long drive she was feeling decidedly impatient and desperate for a long, hot shower to wash some of her more questionable thoughts away.
"Really? I had no idea," he drawled. "Why can't we stay at the Palms? Now that is a hotel."
"If you're Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack and the year is 1950," she joked.
"Don't forget those Playboy Bunnies too," he smirked. Caroline felt something stab her sharply in the gut, it could have possibly been a little misguided jealously but she wasn't about to tell the smug idiot that.
"This is where your child is staying apparently," she growled. "Kids these days crave shiny and modern things, more than what your billion year-old ass likes," the concierge looked at them curiously, prompting Caroline to explain herself further. "He's an old soul."
"So, here is your key," he explained, choosing to ignore their petty argument. "Room 507, make your way to the elevator and turn..."
"Wait! Hold up," Caroline interrupted, holding up her hand for extra effect. "I asked for two rooms. You know separate rooms. Some place that doesn't involve me having to share any space with this guy. You know..."
"I think he gets the picture, sweetheart," Klaus quipped.
"Unfortunately, it's the last room available tonight," he offered, albeit feebly.
"What is this? Christmas night at the bloody inn? I'd even take a stable tonight instead of this weird arrangement." Before Caroline could compel his incompetent ass, Klaus had moved her away from the front desk and was making his way towards the elevators purposefully with her in one hand and the other their bags.
"I don't appreciate being man handled," she growled, coming to a complete standstill.
"Is it just me or do you two always pick up right where you left off?" A cheeky voice enquired, making them both turn towards the casino roulette table. "Red 27." They watched transfixed as the ball made its way around the spinning wheel even though they knew the outcome given his supernatural powers.
"Red 27," the Croupier called out making the crowd gathered at the table cheer with excitement. Caroline looked at the huge pile of chips at Kol's seat thinking a call to casino security really was in order. Even just to teach him about the perils of cheating, call it the teacher in her.
"Looks like I'm a millionaire, again," he grinned knowingly, taking a long sip from his whiskey.
"When I asked you to advance this particular mission, it wasn't to cheat in the casino."
"Way to ruin my winner's streak, Niklaus," he whistled, compelling the unwitting croupier before walking over to join them. "I'll have you know that I have been doing reconnaissance for you as directed bossy."
"And our beloved Hope is set to tie the knot at the Elvis Chapel tonight, 9pm." Caroline could make out his hands balled into fists, the mere mention of her upcoming and supposedly secret nuptials causing those angry thoughts to resurface.
"What room is she in, Kol," he managed to bite out, through the obvious rage given the increasing redness in his face.
"That I don't know, but it's probably best to surprise them at the chapel than risk her running away from the hotel beforehand and marrying the unwitting idiot elsewhere." Caroline had to admit that Kol was right. Which was unusual given his well-known immaturity.
"Although I hate to admit it, Kol does have a point," Caroline offered, finding her hand on his again comfortingly. She decided to blame her touchy-feely tendencies on the fact that they were currently in crisis mode. He hadn't spoken much afterwards (no doubt given his tendencies never to admit anyone else was right), they rode the lift and placed their stuff in the room. Klaus had paced back and forth in front of the impressive window like a caged animal. Caroline could hardly blame him given his protective nature but she was pretty sure he was going to wear out the carpet if he continued.
"You need to relax."
"I realise it's a foreign concept but it is something most people do at some point in their lives, even just to ease some of that tension in your shoulders."
"I don't have tension," he baulked. "But say I did, what would you do to get rid of it?"
"Good try, buddy," she joked. When he's sent her that sly smirk and a stray left cheek dimple, Caroline had been briefly tempted to rub his shoulders but knew that wasn't going to end well or appropriately given her teacher status. "I'm going to relieve some of my own tension and have a bath."
"Are you sure you don't need anyone to help scrub those hard to reach places, love?" He called out right before she slammed the door shut, a familiar tingle reverberating through her body. Damn him for returning and causing all those feelings to bubble to the surface. She could hear his laughter through the door and was relieved that he was at least beginning to calm down, even just a little.
The bath was glorious, the hot water and multiple bubbles seeping into her tired joints and relaxing her entire body. She'd briefly wondered what he was occupying himself with on the other side of the door but decided it was best to not think about it given the burgeoning arousal she felt when it came to the Original Hybrid in such close proximity. Wrapping a white towel tightly across her body, Caroline opened the door quietly. She hadn't heard anything so figured he'd no doubt gone to bother Kol or drink a much-needed shot of whiskey to calm his fatherly nerves.
"Lucky we're not paying for water," he smirked, taking in her scantily clothed appearance. He was lying on the couch, the whiskey she'd imagined propped in his hand.
"I didn't take a shower, genius," she growled sarcastically, holding her hands over her chest defensively. "I kind of figured you might have decided to get a life and explore the casino."
"I couldn't be responsible for my actions in public," he admitted, taking another swig of his drink. "I figured you were my safest bet, sweetheart." Caroline wasn't quite sure what to do with that comment, especially half dressed in his presence.
"Nice to see you've learnt some restraint finally, Mikaelson."
"Only with you," he murmured, his eyes trained on her again, Caroline struggling to control every urge she'd suppressed when it came to Klaus Mikaelson. Last time she checked he was the big, bad wolf and she was just a vampire trying to teach kids how to survive in the the big, bad supernatural world.
"Get out!"
"Last time I checked this was our room," he insisted, placing his hands on his head and leaning backwards lazily.
"By your design," she scoffed, deciding that his intense stare was too much to take, especially this scantily attired. "I'm going to go change before the upcoming nuptials."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean the interrupted nuptials," she corrected herself.
"So, stay out of the bedroom in the meantime, Mikaelson," she yelled before slamming the door shut. Caroline figured some extra clothing was the least she needed to combat his encroaching effect on her willpower.
"Talk about tacky," Kol drawled, taking in their surroundings.
The three of them had walked up the strip towards the famed Elvis Chapel and found themselves at their chosen destination which seemed to be pretty busy this time of night. Obviously this was the beginning of peak hour for wedding ceremonies. Klaus had been unable to take his eyes off her fitted, black dress ensemble and Caroline figured she should have been happy that his attention was distracted from his daughter but his longing stares weren't doing anything to calm the desire.
It was at this point she was kicking herself for getting involved in this situation and thinking Alaric was definitely the person for the job. Far less messy emotions involved on that front.
"We don't do threesomes," the officiant barked before they'd even spoken.
"These two could only be so lucky," Caroline scoffed, looking between the brothers. True, her gaze kind of faltered when it came to the brooding blonde but Kol she had no qualms in dissing. Especially with that annoying smirk plastered on his boyish face. "We're actually guests for the upcoming wedding."
"Well, wedding is such a final term," Klaus coughed.
"Mikaelson and..." Kol began slowly, obviously unaware of her betrothed's surname. Not highly unusual given the haste of their nuptials and his general lack of interest in the whole situation.
"Windsor," a voice interrupted. They all turned to face the young blonde who was staring at them, hands on hips.
"What? Like the Royal family?" Klaus hissed, attempting to come to terms with the fact his daughter was standing there before them in all her glory.
"Trust me, there's no Royal blood present," Caroline muttered. "You are in big trouble, young lady!"
"Who needs a father figure when I have Miss Forbes?" She drawled, her eyes rolling as she said it.
"That's no way to speak to her, Hope," Klaus growled. "You are in big trouble. Trouble that I'm not sure you'll never find your way out of this century, if not this lifetime or the next. Where is the bloody idiot I want to kill anyway?"
"Don't you Dad me..."
"What he means to say is..."
"I understand a death threat when I hear it," Hope reiterated, looking at her Uncle Kol pointedly. "Klaus Mikaelson is my father after all. It's kind of par for the course."
"And yet you seem so relaxed while I plot your punishment for the next few decades," he growled. Caroline felt bad for her student but at the same time nothing seemed to add up in this scenario. "And his slow and painful death."
"We're not getting married," she insisted. Caroline, Kol and Klaus all looked up in confusion at that particular remark.
"So, what exactly are we doing here, darling?" Kol asked curiously, looking around the room. "Not that I don't like an opportunity to come to Vegas and win some more money though."
"I thought it was time you stopped being so damn stubborn and decide to get married and make it official," she offered. "There's only so much sexual tension I can stand and from what I've been told by my aunts, uncles and various friends its being going on forever."
Caroline was shellshocked, not expecting their mission in Vegas to result in this particular ending. As torn as she was about Klaus, Caroline had no intention of marrying him and by Elvis of all people. She had a wedding planned out since she was five and this rushed Vegas plan didn't suit that dream. She looked towards Klaus, expecting him to be upset but he was decidedly annoying and calm. No doubt he was revelling in the fact his only daughter wasn't rushing to the altar like he'd suspected.
"So, you're not getting married?" Klaus reiterated.
"No but it seems like a waste to leave the chapel like this..."
"I have to agree," Kol agreed.
"We are not getting married," Caroline growled. Klaus looked at her, hopefully at first before his gaze returned to his daughter.
"Caroline is right," he coughed. "And don't think you're not in trouble, Hope."
Little did they know that exactly one year later, Klaus and Caroline would be married in the same small chapel in Vegas. Hope called it a win for her amazing intuition skills and breaking down Caroline's fear of Elvis. Meanwhile, Kol was happy to win another million dollars and when all was said and done Klaus figured he left Vegas far better than he'd arrived.
Read and review HERE
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bonesingerofyme-loc · 5 years
in which what the fuck happened
so i’ve finally gotten around to watching season 4 of the expanse, everyone’s favorite science fiction tv show. i shall not call it a space opera because i actually know what a space opera is.
i’ve just finished episode 8 and what precisely the fuck happened though
this season is a mess
in no particular order, we have
* the Ilus plot, in which it appears the Bezos Bux weren’t enough to afford a larger cast, so there’s three belters with speaking roles and a really, really bad rebellious teenager plot that makes me feel like i’m watching a fucking scalzi novel (which is not praise). The Ilus plot in which murtry swings between being a Bad Man with Justifiable Reasons to being a mustache twirling villain, where Holden doesn’t just hold the idiot stone, he fucking swallows it along with Elvi and also the TV show does that TV show thing where they make really, really stupid design choices that leave you scratching your head. more on this all later
* the earth plot, in which Chrisjen Avasarala is never wrong once but everyone around her acts like she’s executing her political opponents in the streets and trying to sacrifice babies to satan
* the mars plot, in which bobbie has a nervous breakdown over the course of about three days and resets all her character development to her first introduction
* the belter plot in which Dummer continues to be a national treasure and Not-Ashford is still very enjoyable and they prove they are the only competant fucks in the entire fucking Belt but the writers do their level best to sabotage every second of it
Right, so, specifically
Let’s start with Ilus
I think my overall issues here can be summed up with this statement
“The set design, knowing that the heroes would be riding out a world spanning tsunami and flood, decided the optimal way to adapt the descriptions of the shell buildings from the novel to be THIRTY FEET UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE FUCKING PLANET THAT IS GOING TO BE FLOODED.”
My brother and I looked at each other and burst out laughing at the end of the episode in which Holden gets yote across the room by the deluge of water. The deluge of water from the planetwide tsunami. The deluge of water from the planetwide flood that placed the water a good forty feet ABOVE the interior rooms.
The planetwide flood that did not begin to recede for days. In a building riddled with holes and also one big giant one they made. 
This encapsulates to many of the problems in this season in a single example. Writing choices and design choices that appear to be conceived of in the moment without any thought to the rest of the plot. Drama for the sake of drama. Convenient reveals after the fact to patch holes set up by the previous lack of foresight. 
We later see the entry area is flooded, appearing to imply that the room they descend into initially is just a lower area that totally flooded and that they are at ground level in the rest of the complex. As if to acknowledge that, oops, yes, maybe having this complex be situated forty feet under the water level with holes all the fuck over means everyone would drown, so here’s a solution - except, except
When everyone got in right before the flood, they were all standing packed like sardines down in that low entry room. Which started flooding due to the fucking firehose deluge that came in because hello a piece of reinforced sheet metal isn’t going to be watertight in the slightest. So you’ve got water pouring into a small contained space packed with about forty people and supplies - that’s going to be ruining supplies and equipment because it’s saltwater and people are going to be panicking. How do they climb out the other side? There’s no ropes or lines there, it would seem, since everyone was still shuffling around in the entry area when the flooding started. How do they managed to get ropes or lines up to the higher areas in the building before people are trampled or drowned or all their supplies ruined? Why the fuck didn’t the goddamn building just have openings on the ground level leading into a bunch of interior rooms like it fucking did in the fucking novel because the fucking authors despite their other fucking flaws at least fucking planned ahead and had fucking editors that fucking made sure that things were fucking intelligently designed?
Oh, right. So that we could have a fucking scene where Holden has to escape from a closing door or be smushed. Because Holden definitely was in danger of dying and everyone believed it. Fuck. PLAN MORE THAN ONE EPISODE AHEAD.
Related to that - I’m loving the insistence that TV and movies have to make everything related to the main character, and not even tangentially. Directly, directly related. Remember how Ilus fucking asploding was a major oops that wasn’t anyone’s fault? Now it has to specifically be Holden’s fault since he can’t stop sticking is dick in things, so all the deaths are directly on his shoulders. Great job. Really, really great. 
A nitpick here that doesn’t matter - remember when the moons were described as low-albedo and the nights were super dark? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
The Felcia plotline is awful too. Some random teenager stows away to orbit and then becomes instrumental in saving the Barbapiccola despite no experience and completely overriding the actual crew on board. Come on. Come on.
Also - thanks Holden and Elvi, you utter mouthbreathing nonces for not once thinking ‘Gee, maybe I should ask/tell about the MEDICATIONS THAT I AM CURRENTLY ON.’ It doesn’t make it an epiphany moment or a revelation when they realize his oncocidals are the cure, it makes them looking like absolute idiots. Holden, you shoot up daily. DAILY. You told Elvi about being a genetic hybrid. You didn’t think to tell her about the eighty gorillion rads you ate like soup on Eros and the fact that you’re swimming in anti-cancer meds?
Come the fuck on. Come. The. Fuck. On.
Stop making characters idiots to make the plot work. 
Leaving Ilus, there’s Earth.
Fucking Earth.
So Arjun is now Avasarala’s campaign manager and a completely different person. The lack of chemistry between the two actors is so profound that scientists are considering writing a thesis on it as quantum mechanics actually should forbid such an extreme effect. He’s also not Arjun, since he’s alternating between unctuous and judgmental about as often as Naomi switches between an English accent and a butchered attempt at Belter. So that’s swell, we have to deal with a new actor and a brand new character who is awful and should never have been because Arjun was a chill lad and didn’t deserve this.
On the poitical side is Avasarala, who literally cannot stop being right all the time. Seriously, why is everyone up her ass about THE MEANS AND THE ENDS AND YOU LIE AND ITS ALL ABOUT YOU.
I mean sure it is all about her but she hasn’t been wrong yet. And a person can be both selfish and helpful. I couldn’t believe with Arjun got asspained about Avasarala leaking confidential footage of ancient inimitable alien machines that melt moons and blow up hemispheres of planets when the 0 and 1s are switched as a completely reasonable attempt to instill a very healthy and very justified caution in the general populace over the gigantic alien relic that was made out of a hundred thousand people ground up into blue gatorade and marinated on Venus after it broke the fucking laws of physics several times to link up to a pocket dimension that casually rewrites it’s own rules. 
Like what the fuck Arjun, where do you get off judging Avasarala for releasing information about the extremely unpredictable and dangerous two billion year old alien doom machines that are scattered around the galaxy. Is it totally to her own benefit? Absolutely. Is it also totally the right thing to do? Also absolutely because you’ve got Gao hot under the collar about wanting to yeet every willing body through the ring gates into a hotbed of who-the-fuck-knows and acting like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Then we’ve got the marine raid. Avasarala is approached by her military advisors and generals who present to her a plan of action to go after a known terrorist who just attempted a direct attack on Earth’s defenses, defenses that I might add are not like ‘to keep people out’ but are actively existential defenses. So they bring a plan to her, lay it out, and she approves it, then when it goes tits up, the fucking General who planned it, brought it to her and executed it has the gall to blame HER for it failing (what) then resign because he can’t serve someone who plays loose with his soldier’s lives (WHAT) and then everyone gets assmad at her for costing like twelve marine’s lives in an attempt to capture a terrorist responsible for several hundred deaths already (WHAT) and then, and THEN siding with the OPA for Avasarala ‘breaking the peace’ when the UN went after a terrorist the OPA is known to have let go???
What the FUCK was going on in the writing room.
Meanwhile on Mars, Bobbie is going batshit insane. After btfoing a bunch of druggies to save her nephew she gets roped into some illegal stuff and then has a moral conundrum about it for maybe five seconds and then it like yeah nvm let’s steal this shit Y E E T. The very same Bobbie that was willing to go AWOL from her command, run to her own nation’s enemy during a cold war and refuse to ever budge on her testimony because the truth and honor meant that much to her.
Then she meets a dude on sunday, goes on a date with him monday and tuesday, they bang on wednesday, then on friday he gets a job on Europa and is gonna leave and they have a fight as if they’d been seeing each other for months.
Unless this show is doing completely different time scales for different plots, which they’ve failed utterly to communicate, we know how much time has passed. Bobbie met the dude like a fucking week ago, why is this full bore romantic drama as if they’d been in a committed relationship for months? They’ve literally banged twice in a hotel room and not even stuck around for cuddles.
I don’t have much to complain about with Drummer and Ashford. I really like them both and both are fun to watch. They’ve also been treated the most reasonably too in terms of not acting like fuckwits or being dealt retarded hands by the plot thus far.
This season is awful. The Expanse was always subtitled ‘The Expounding’ because of how characters could, at the drop of a hat, produce a minute long monologue about anything, but this season it’s taken that and cranked it to eleven. Every other sentence is an ingratiating platitude about ‘hopeful we’re hopeful future happy live we’ll live yay see each other again strong be strong and brave firm strong and hopeful’. Fuck. Naomi exists to look sad and give brave monologues to people, especially the now lobotomized Lucia who apparently did die and came back without agency. Alex sort of just exists, drifting from scene to scene as if saying ‘I’m still here, guys. Guys? Guys...’ every antagonist takes three minutes to lay out their life story and evil beginnings and rationale only to suddenly flip the tables a few episodes later only to play a reverse uno card and be mustache twirlingly diabolical right after. 
Oh yeah, and because this is my personal autism button:
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