#that's my cue to give a special thanks to my lovely patreons and loyal serial rebloggers (I'm watching you)
seirindono · 2 months
Hi, hope you're doing well! Your comics is one of my favs, I really love your art style.
Not to make you feel pressured, but just a general question: would you be opening commissions again sometime this year? I'd love to support you more! ❤️
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Way to hit me in the feels anon, hehe. Thank you!
Jokes aside, I've been too busy these last few months (and will be for the better part of the year) to take any commissions but I'm thinking of re opening them for a short while, yes!
Probably in July (summer break). Some slots are already reserved but I'll open a few more for last minute comms! You can also ask/remind me to tag you when they open so you don't miss it.
Anyhow, they're a nice help for sure and I'd be more than happy to draw your favorite skele, but no pressure on your side either, alright? They're many ways to show support, big and small, and I'm very much thankful for all of them (*´︶`*)╯
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