#that's just 'yeah sometimes Maul tries to kill his spouse and everyone's fine with that since he never succeeds.'
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I want to read more fics where people have arranged age-gap marriages that are like. Pleasant.
Not mega horny. Not unhappy. Not strained. Just… okay. We Can Work With This. Yes this is a younger person who married a rich older individual without falling in love, but both parties went into it knowingly and willingly, who didn't really want a charmed romance or an escape from anything, they just. Saw an option for whatever they actually needed (a beard, an heir, a cushy lifestyle, protection from unwanted suitors, whatever), and decided to sign a contract and make it work..
There's a "married a friend of my dad's for the money" thing in a show I'm watching and I just. That one ended poorly, but it got me thinking about how I want more variety in arranged marriage plots.
Where is that "Yeah, he needed an heir, I didn't mind a pregnancy, and I wanted a cushy lifestyle that he could provide if I just had the kid and did my part in managing the estate" landed gentry energy when you need it.
I just want "we had a convenient contract signed and cohabitated without any real issue afterwards"
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