#that's another thing: I like calling him that aksdjfh-
annie-quill · 5 years
Illinois Headcanons (AHWM)
I have an obvious favorite from the heist so have some hcs of Adventure Jones-
He has a fear of frogs; okay I know I'm lowkey stealing this from that post but I love it sm that its now in my hc list.
Illy loves all life despite that fear, he was always the one that took bugs out of the house for his mom. If you're scared of some animal he'll either extract you or it from the area, gentle either way.
He loves snakes and other creepy crawlies even! If he could’ve had a pet growing up, it would’ve been a big ol’ snake!
He was the only son to a single mother before he began his adventures, having two older sisters. This helps when Y/N is someone who menstruates, as he knows certain plants that help with pain relief and would happily cuddle you until you feel better enough to go on.
Illinois is a coffee in the morning kind of person. I actually wrote a longer hc of this and submitted it Here, but I’ll plop it here too: Illinois is the kind of person that isn’t approachable before his morning coffee, but as his partner he’ll happily share the time with you. Sitting in the opening of whatever cave you’ve both camped in, hands around a warm mug of joe (little bit of creamer but no more) and snuggled up to you under a blanket pulled from your tent. You two watch the sun slowly rise and each other perk up before your next adventure, sharing the cool morning air and coffee flavored kisses.
He's actually from Illinois, using the state for his name the way they do in Zombieland. He's afraid that giving you his real name will make him too attached to you, and make your inevitable death hurt worse.
He has the same curse as Abe the Detective, where every one of his partners has died. That's why he leaves you so quickly after you return the monkey statue. Making you his next partner will secure your soon death.
As much as he teases you about falling in love with him, Illinois is basically the opposite of demiromantic. He falls in love with almost everyone he meets, it just takes time and bonding for the love to solidate from attraction to pure devoted love.
He's bi. Next headcanon.
He loves fall/winter time. When it’s still warm in the day but chilly enough at night he can get out the heavy sleeping bag that just so happens to fit two,, uwu
He’s slightly taller than other egos, besides Google and Magnum, and the fact he wears boots with a lift and a hat make him appear even taller.
He’s strong. He’s always lifting rocks out of the way and holding up his own weight to climb, so he’s very strong and will show off by carrying you, even if you can walk.
His hat came from his dad, who passed away before he was born. Illinois only knows things that his mom and sisters told him about dear ol’ dad growing up. He can often be seen pulling an Indiana Jones and running back to save the hat.
If I can think of more, I’ll add them in- I just love my Mans. Also feel free to send asks talking about Illy uwu (read as: PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT HIM)
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Hi! I've been looking for fics where Loki saves Tony's life. Do you happen to know of any fics that match this? Thank you so much!
I just went through my bookmarks for a few pages, so there aren’t many here, unfortunately, but I need to start clearing out my inbox again alsdkf
Keeping Me Safe- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsThere's nothing like the end of a good secret, especially when it's for the right reasons.This is one of my fave frostiron fics, hands down, and I am not sorry for reccing it for the third time now lksdhf
Questions That Are Easy To ‘Pop’- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsFive times Loki and Tony proposed to each other without meaning it. And the one time that they did.This is hilarious, and sweet, and while there isn’t a lot of life saving, I do have it on this list for a reason.
Blackmail is a Harsh Term (Let’s Call it Chicanery) (series)- Star-Lord Stark (SpokkzMagenta), E, Graphic ViolencePuzzles had always drawn Tony, and there was no greater puzzle than the God of Mischief. What began as morbid curiosity, self-destructive impulse, and unsubtly veiled threats had spiraled into something even Tony Stark could not have foreseen. With a battle looming on the horizon, was the side he had chosen the right one? Even if it was... would he be able to convince his friends, and gain the allies that he and Loki so desperately needed? For each piece of the puzzle he managed to solve, he was left with more questions than he began with, and very few satisfactory answers. The fallen prince wasn't the most cooperative of allies, either.One of the first series I read, and one of the best, in my opinion.
(The Shortest Distance) Between Two Points (series)- ElegantFeatherDuster, E, Chose No Warnings, Graphic ViolenceWhen an incorporeal version of Loki starts showing up in his workshop to chat at odd hours of the day, Tony thinks there’s a chance he’s going crazy. But when there’s a dead man face down in a pool of his own blood on Tony’s bedroom floor and mercurial silver ships floating over New York, Tony is forced to come to terms with several things—among them his growing interest in the God of Mischief who’s so very different from what he remembers.Oh, but damn do I love this series, it’s just absolutely amazing.
Missing you- Crazylazydays, T, No WarningsIt was three weeks since Tony and Loki broke up their secret relationship.And the inventor was fine, really.Until the trickster's new and jealous fling decided to kill him.Tony tries to pretend he’s fine, and while it makes me laugh, it also makes me cry way too much aksdjfh
Catch and Release- Like_a_Hurricane, E, Graphic ViolenceHere unfolds a tale of war, desire, and warring desires.After the invasion of New York, Tony figures out Loki’s game, and he lays out an ultimatum that he realizes the trickster can’t escape from, maneuvering Loki into agreeing to be an ally, rather than a foe, if only when the time comes.A god’s sworn word is a promise that the god cannot break, but once Thanos’ head is parted from his shoulders, all bets will be off: no protections, no alliance, Loki free to do whatever he pleases, so long as he can still evade recapture at Asgard’s hands. So it’s simple, Tony tells himself: trust the war, not the god.It should have been simple. It was doomed to be anything but, because infatuation has no place in a war-zone, but Tony is prone to impropriety at all sorts of slightly impractical times, or he wouldn’t have wound up with the god of lies in his bed so frequently in the first place. Practicality and safe-distance plans are all going wrong, and Tony likes it too much to stop.Another one of my faves, no holds barred, this is truly an epic tale from start to finish.
Territorial Disputes- Like_a_Hurricane, E, No WarningsThe first time Tony had any sort of clue that Loki actually gave a fuck about him, involved a lot of fire. I gotta say, Like_a_Hurricane always manages to blow me away with all of their fics alkfh
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