#that's anIDeas btw
viviantimmet · 2 years
The wall is not, and the not comes, and so the not comes, because you made the wall open, at the part of the wall that opens (because only part of the wall opens and that part is- is- not wall, even if you’ve eaten, it’s eaten the word.) And the not is not it (the not is worse? the not is your way.. somewhere else.) The not is want, no- no- you are want, but not- Words.. there were so many words.. once. But. want is you and the not, so why is the wall- why is there- there is a wall between want and have. But we are want, you tell the not, and we eat walls.
[Cosmie opens the door. This door has never been locked, as it was meant to be to humanity’s benefit that Cosmie makes this mistake in desperation from time to time. There are no cameras in its room, it would be a risk to let anyone see it.
There are no cameras outside its door either, because Anideas would eat the images before they could be transmitted anyway. Anideas is why opening the door is a mistake.
What should happen is: Cosmie opens the door. Anideas appears in the doorway. Cosmie makes some awful dismayed noise and scrambles back. Anideas grows glittering eyes and a half-remembered grin out of its starved-blank nothing and just stares. Cosmie stills for a long long moment and then leaps to close the door. Anideas’ grin shrinks, and slowly, painfully, it fades away.
But Cosmie doesn’t move, this time. Instead, it meets Anideas’s blankness, and tries something new. It makes a sound with meaning: a question, a plea, an offer.
“But we are want..” Cosmie rasps, “and we eat walls”
Cosmie’s mind is a compost heap, where each thought and memory slowly decays into the same base firing of neurons. She (not it) has been so very careful these past many moments to hold on to a crucial selection of categories: ‘us’, ‘want’, ‘walls’, ‘have’… ‘eat’ was easier, despite its specificity.
From these categories, Cosmie crafted a few coherent thoughts, a plan, and finally, a message, which he then encoded in words, as humans do, and passed through that dreaded door, to its fellow in prison.
Anideas’s mind is a vacuum, hungry for any barest thought of sustenance. And once they decode the offered morsel, it takes a great effort not to swallow it down like all the other flailing crumbs Cosmie represents. But they manage long enough for the message to have meaning once again, and to spark, off some bare remnant of human reason, a response.
Not words. Not from Anideas. Only another great act of will. A peeling away from that doorway. An acquiescence.]
The wall is- open. The not has gone. Something stuttering and old, rare enough to still be other, rises in you (so many words gone… ‘good’, perhaps). There is a wall, a closed wall, but the not is here too, so you have not closed the wall, so this is a- a different wall. You open- you- you fail to open the wall. The not is here with you- You- It eats walls, it eats walls, you know it, so why… why?
[Anideas is still and faded as Cosmie pounds on its door, wailing. It nibbles at Cosmie’s words, at his questions and confusions, too weak to devour her whole as Cosmie has always instinctively feared. This door has always been locked, to humanity’s benefit.
But if a locked door were all that was needed to contain Cosmie, Anideas might still be free.]
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pjisskullourful · 3 years
New stained sheets 😱 what an absolute TREAT ❤️❤️❤️ as lovely and as filthy as always…. their relationship is just so cute and trusting and loving that it takes the filth to a new LEVEL..and the filth is EXTRAORDINARY as always darling I always feel like I’m watching a movie when I read your stuff <3 and btw not to shit on any other fics or writers because I love and consume nearly anything I can get haha but I do appreciate the 7k or 11k works of art you give us A LOT!!! it is so cool that you really delve into these fantasies and create whole universes…
I am curious… with how sweet d is with consent and asking if everything is ok and everything… I would love to see his reaction if gf uses her safeword - like if she’s being punished or something and she gets overwhelmed and needs to be reassured that he loves her and it’s only play or something like that… you know just a thought I had
would be just lovely if that is something you would be comfortable exploring :)
ok fantastic-- thats the plot for part12!!
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seriously i didnt know where/when to start that but immediately this sparked anidea& i know what this part is gonna be now so thanksheaps cutiepie❣️
thankyou for all your kind words. i can get insecure about my wordcounts[i feel like people with smaller wordcounts get more notes,etc] but im no quickie bitch& im really glad that you can see it all as clearly as a movie- i do like to set up a scene so that theres something to disappear into& i appreciate your wonderful feedback
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