#that's a hotel room don't cringe at my not-backgrounds
chadnoiraus · 2 years
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this is technically a companion piece to this because they're in the same outfits ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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elleoir · 2 days
Unknown Season 1 episode 3
A/N:Hi guys this is the ………. Episode I hope you guys enjoy
???: Hi babeeeeeeeeee
Y/n: Of course I missed you guys all of you okay kai
???3 I knew we should have just stayed in america
Y/n: When I get my hands on you soobin you are so fucked
Soobin: Can’t wait let go break a bed
Y/n: ewwww
Yeonjun: Babe I can't wait to kiss you and break a bed while I fuc-
Y/n: First of eww, Second of how dare you shamelessly flirt with me and lastly stop calling me that
Yeonjun: Uhh does my mimi babyyyy miss you me that much you must be lonely without me
Y/n: The only thing that misses you is my pink slippers on your checks
Yeonjun: *Dramatically gasped *OH MY GOSH Y/N MY PERFECT FACE HOW DARE YOU
Y/n:* Rolled her eyes playfully and smiled very brightly* Where is Tae and Gyu Oppa
Yeonjun: Oh they are raiding Itzy fridge together with Kai and soo see
Background Otp other side:
Lia: God my ears
Background end
Yeonjun: Well yeah
Y/n: Gosh it not up to one day you guys are there and you already raiding things
Chae: Y/n come fast and take them out of here
Y/n: To where?
Chae: One of your mansions duhh* sassy yet playful tone*
Y/n: Hell no I learnt my lesson enough just take them to a hotel or something am coming
Chae: Okay
Y/n: I can't wait to see my tae bear
Y/n: Umm- Holy Shit
Everyone ex Y/n: What!!
Y/n: Umm nothing how long were ALL of you standing there I thought you guys already left
Jin: Cooking
J-hope&Yoongi: Helping
Namjoon: Reading a book
Hyunjin: combing my hair
                FEW MINUTES LATER     
Wooyoung: Am I also supposed to make an excuse* Confused and innocent*
Everyone ex wooyoung and Mingi: * Gave him 'What the fuck look' *
Mingi: No one told me were making excuses
Y/n: *Laughs a little*  Well as I better get going * I carried my phone and was about to walk out of the kitchen door when-*
Jin: When are you coming
Y/n: Considering the distance and 5 psychopath plus Chae unnie lectures on some bullshits I never listen might take a little long
Jisso: Can you try please
Y/n: Okay
Jimin: Should I drive you
Y/n: N-n-no I have my motorbike. Plus I don't want to die at such young age* Mumbles the last part but everyone heard it
Yoongi: You have a motorbike? I thought you were just showing of
Y/n: No no no I actually do* Brings out her bike keys * see
Jungkook: Cool I wanna see it
Y/n: Uh sure I guess it in the garage
Everyone ex Y/n & Jk: We wanna see to
Y/n: SURE!!!!!
                         At the garage      
Taehyung: Woah it huge
Hyunjin: Wait this is a costume made………..
Y/n: Yeah It my beautiful hot baby like it momma
San: Okay that was both weird and cringe* Chuckled *
Namjoon: How did u get it
Y/n: Hate to much question but it was my best friends, those 5 dorks, woo oppa and eomma that bought it for me on my 16th birthday
Woo: Woah what age did you start to drive
Y/n: Oh 10
EVERYONE EX Y.N: 10 does eomma
Y.n: hehe busted * With that she climbed on her bike put her helmet on an drove with an incredible speed while shouting* BYEEE * And with that she disappeared*
Hyunjin: Oh my gosh HAIRR* dramatically
Jin: Guys I think Y/n is our lost sis
Everyone ex jin: Yeah
Jimin: Worst reunion ever
Chan: What do you mean by that
Lisa: Unnie & Oppa I think we should go to the living and seat we have something to discuss* Verge of tears*  
A/n: None of them said another word and the all went to the living room waiting for some speak in the awkward silent
Hoseok: Dude spill should we be worried
Jennie: Jisso Unnie do you think she will forgive us?
Jisso: What do you mean?
J-hope: Why are you so nervous
Jungkook: Yeah Y/n might actually be our sister you should be happy*cute tone*
Jimin: Kay promise you won't shout
Jisso: I promise you that you might not die
Taehyung: Good deal Jimin you say it
Jimin: Hell nahh Lisa you say it
Lisa: I aren't saying shit what am gonna do is start packing my stuff and dig ahole jinne you say
Hyunjin: Sorry I like my hair and face just the way it is Jen nonna you say it
Jennie: *Burst out crying* I did the one thing I said I will never do and I can't stand myself right now I used my everything my brain, my muscle my shitty mouth, my fucked up mouth, my bitchy hands I-I-I HURT MY OWN BABY SIS I PLANNED WITH SOME OTHER GUYS AND TOKE HER TO THE BASEMENT BIT HER CUT TOUC-
Jisso: What did you just say* crying*
Hongjoon: You, Jisso and j-hope went to shop and store up some snacks
J-hope: Okay but what of hyungs and unnies- Oh wait I get it because you didn’t care am sure they
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residentraccoon · 1 year
✨️ Eurovision 2023 challenge ✨️
Day 13: Best staging Will skip this one, I choose Serbia for this but I talked about it in Day 5 lmao
Day 14: Worst staging
Don't ask.
Warning, this one might get a bit negative.
It's an absolute trainwreck, you can see from a big ass distance that this year TVR gave literay 0 shits about our performance and appearance at Eurovision. This makes me so mad you have no idea.
No offense, but everything that happened on stage was very very kitsch and poorly-executed. The backgrounds, the LEDs, the static-ness of the show were just...geez...like geez. Don't get me started on the weird nightgown girls on the LED screen...bruh what. They kept saying that they invested like 300.000 euros iirc for the show but I can't see it at all 💀 were like 70% for the hotel room or transportation or what?
The Eurovision staging was just a tiny bit more bearable, but the national final one...oh boy. The absolute kitsch and cringe was off the charts. I liked the song in the studio version, but was immideately put off when I saw the staging. When I heard that they'll change it- oh sorry, my bad, when I heard Theodor will change it I was happy because I didn't wanted to see a whole cringey striptease show live at Eurovision...and I'm sure the people in the arena and watching at home wouldn't either.
In my opinion this song would have benefitted the most with a simple dark staging. Just like the first ever live performance that it had, at the auditions. Even if it would look empty. At least we wouldn't have finished last with 0 points that way. Or I don't know. TVR would have found a way anyway.
Btw, why did they force him to change the song, like it was performed half-acoustic half-normally? Please stop changing what doesn't need to be fixed, we did not need this, Theodor didn't either.
Again, absolute no shade to Theodor, he got enough trash talk and criticism this year, and he's an amazing artist that just began his career and has a great future ahead. That stage show just wasn't suited for Eurovision, it's not his fault that TVR is full of incompetent pricks. That's all I have to say.
Oh, and to finish this post on a great note, your daily and important reminder to fuck TVR ❤
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Happy Go Lucky || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF: @merakiaes)
A/N: Shoutout to @multiyfandomgirl40 and @firebenderwolf for making me do a taglist. I'm still in awe that people enjoy the fics I write. Be sure to check out their fics (or re-read them), you won't regret it! Grammatical errors are to be expected. Spanish Translations below, let me know if there are any errors. 
Characters/Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Reader ☆ OCs (readers best friends)
Summary: Wine just brings out a different side of (Y/N). Not that her boyfriend is complaining. 
Warnings: fluff, language, references to smut, tipsy reader
Word Count: 1638
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
The Mean Girls credits rolled onto the screen, so (Y/N) tossed the remote to Kyra as she got up and walked into the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, she looked through the selection Maelyse had brought with her. Unsure of what to get, Joy popped up beside her and grabbed the Merlot. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders and decided to grab the rest of the snacks instead. 
Tomorrow, the tight knit group of friends would officially have a wife among them. They were all excited for the big day, especially the bride to be Maelyse. The past few months had all of them busy. However, through it all, they all remained level-headed and it solidified Mae's choice in choosing them to be her bridesmaids. Instead of going to celebrate her last night of being a fiancé out in the city, Mae decided on having a quiet night in. 
Each of them had their own rooms within the suite, but chose to all camp out in the living room for the night.
"How are you feeling?" (Y/N) asked Mae as she placed the snacks on the coffee table that had been pushed to the side. 
She smiled, "great." 
Joy shook her head, "and to think you getting married is because Scott sent a text to the wrong number.
"I wouldn't say it was wrong," Mae flashed her engagement ring, "after all he ended up with the right woman."
(Y/N) and Joy both awed, while Kyra scoffed. 
"Okay, enough of the cheesiness, y'all know I'm lactose intolerant," everyone laughed at her, "let's give a toast for wrong numbers." 
"To wrong numbers!"
They all raised their wine glasses, clinked them together and took a drink. When (Y/N) placed her glass down, she noticed a notification pop up on her screen. With the quick flash she smiled down at her screensaver. A photo of her and Jose sitting on a mat with a picnic basket and a bouquet of daffodils beside them. (Y/N) leaning back into his embrace and Jose wrapping his arms around her. 
He had set his phone up to "capture the moment", he had told her. (Y/N) didn't really suspect anything of it considering she loved a good photo op. She remembered that day so clearly, as it was when Jose officially asked her to be his girlfriend. Bringing the bouquet of daffodils to symbolise the new beginning for both of them. 
Kyra noticed (Y/N) staring at her phone and nudged her shoulder playfully, "is somebody missing their novio?" 
"Shut up," she replied.
Mae laughed, "he's coming tomorrow, right?" 
(Y/N) nodded, "yeah, he'll be there." 
She was happy that Jose would join her. It would be the first event they'd be attending as a couple – Santos parties and dinners with her family didn't really count. Plus she was extremely excited to see him dressed up.
Joy smiled and grabbed some Doritos to munch on, "Nana Julie is gonna be disappointed when she finds out you're in a relationship. She's been trying to set you up with Carlos for years."
"Accepting the ring pop in front of her was the beginning of her attempts of getting the two of you together," Mae piped up. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "we were seven." 
Kyra smirked, "my favourite part was when you found out he gave Vivian a ring pop the day before and told him you weren't a homewrecker," she laughed.
"That just showed how committed I was, even back then," she replied, "I kinda felt bad after I stuck the ring pop in his hair. He had to shave it all off 'cause Nana Julie ended up giving him a bald spot when she ripped it out." 
They continued to drink, eat and talk. Laughing at the memories they created with each other and cringing when they talked about their awkward teenage years. All of which they agreed they were happy they were no longer living through it.
On the other side of town, Jose was chilling in his apartment. He wasn't really doing anything, other than making sure his outfit for Mae's wedding was put away nicely. He had just come back from his mother's house 'cause he needed help ironing it. While she was ironing, she kept talking about how proud she was of him for finding (Y/N). He laughed when she began to hint at grandchildren. His response was if it happened, it happened. Although, he already knew that (Y/N) was the only woman he ever pictured having kids with. 
Closing his closet door, he moved from his bedroom into the hallway. His mind on (Y/N) and hoping she was having a blast with her girls. When he began dating her, her friends were a bit apprehensive due to his association with the Santos. However, when they realised he actually cared for (Y/N) they eased up. Now, whenever he saw them there wasn't any awkwardness. 
Before he reached the kitchen, he felt a vibration against his thigh. Confused, he pulled out his phone and saw (Y/N)'s contact name pop up. With a smile, he quickly answered, "Hola, querida." 
"Ooooh did you hear that girls? Did. You. Fucking. Hear. My. Man? I don't think you did. He spoke Spanish! Fuck he sounds so sexy –" was all Jose heard before a bunch of giggles muffled his girlfriend's voice. He couldn't help but chuckle, quickly figuring out that he was on speaker and (Y/N) was tipsy (if her slightly slurred rambling was anything to go by). A loud shushing noise was followed by more rambling, "– like… he's just so ‐‐ urg! He's a snack… no h-he's more than that he's breakfast… and lunch… and dinner. Yeah! Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Wait, no… uh, what's that place – buffet! He's. A. Fucking. Buffet! Yes, he is. And I'll gladly eat all day long." 
Jose smirked, "you're everything and more bebe." 
"Oh shit, I forgot I was on the phone," she giggled, "hey, baby! I love you!" She let out a heavy sigh, "I miss you! Can I see you? I wanna see you." 
Never being able to deny her of anything, he quickly ended their call and switched to FaceTime. He only waited for a few seconds before (Y/N)'s face popped up, practically covering the screen. Jose laughed as she grinned widely, before shuffling back allowing him to see her surrounded by her best friends. All of whom were wearing matching pink pajama sets, except for Maelyse whose set was white. They all waved, Jose nodding back at them. 
"Isn't he handsome?" (Y/N) glanced over her shoulder, "and he's mine." She sighed happily focusing back on the screen. "I love you!" 
He smiled, "I love you too, bebe." His eyes spotted some wine glasses in the background with snacks. "You seem to be having a great time." 
"The bestest time ever!" She cheered, the girls cheering alongside her. "We're getting wine drunk and eating all the snacks. But, I wanna see you," she pouted. 
"Don't make that face," he sighed, "you're seeing me now, bebe." 
"It's not the same… I want you here!" She huffed.
He raised an eyebrow, "(Y/N)." 
"Ooooh, you called me (Y/N)." Her eyes widened, "you must mean business," she giggled. "I like it when you say my name… especially when you're –" 
"Baby," this time his eyes widened.
The girls in the background fell over each other laughing, while (Y/N) looked at them confused. This made Joy laugh harder. Maelyse leaned over and whispered in her ear. (Y/N) bit her lip, causing Kyra to wrap her arms around her shoulders and scream about 'the baby not being as innocent as everyone thought'. Shaking her head, she turned back to the screen and shrugged her shoulders. 
"I meant when you're sleepy 'cause your voice gets even sexier," she explained, "but… yeah, when we're doing stuff too. I really like that part."
The way she said it so nonchalantly made Jose snort and shake his head. His girl was something else. The camera shifted to show off a pile of blankets and pillows, before revealing her nude painted toenails. He patiently waited until (Y/N)'s face came back on the screen and once it did, she was laying on a bed.
"I can't wait to see you all dressed up," she commented, "like – fuck, you're already the sexiest man. But… imagining you in a suit and tie is doing things to me." 
He smirked, "is that right?" 
Biting her lip, she nodded, "yeah… a whole lot of things," she glanced over her phone before back at the screen, "after the wedding is when the real fun starts." 
"I look forward to it." 
"You should 'cause I brought your favourite set with me, so I can wear it underneath my dress." 
"Baby, don't do that to me," he groaned.
"Sorry not sorry," she giggled.
They chatted a bit more until Mae called out for (Y/N) that it was time to say goodbye and get back to celebrating. At the same time Oso gestured towards Jose that he was needed. With a reluctant sigh from both of them, they smiled at each other. 
"Looks like we've both gotta go, querida," he told her, "but I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Do you need me to bring anything to the hotel?" 
"Can I have some (fast food) for breakfast?" 
He laughed, "of course baby, anything else?" 
She shook her head, "no that's it," she blew him a kiss, "I really gotta go now 'cause I can hear Mae calling my full name," she huffed, "I love you!"
"I love you too, baby." 
Once they hung up, they both had the same thought; morning couldn't come soon enough.
-♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Novio - boyfriend
Hola, querida - hello, honey
Bebe - baby
On My Block Taglist:
@multiyfandomgirl40 // @firebenderwolf
If you'd like to be added, don't hesitate to message me!
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trackmymood · 3 years
Media I Consumed in 2021 (TV/Movies -- Netflix Edition)
The Great British Baking Show: Collection 9 -- still watching with Alyssa, the german guy with the unmoanable name is on this one
Money, Explained: Limited Series: "Credit Cards" -- just tryna scam the system
The Holiday -- it was ok, needed a bit more jack black
You: Season 1: "Pilot" -- alyssa couldn't get over the absurdity of lying about the non-existent 6 train stop at York Avenue, it wasn't really calling out to me besides the public hype
tick, tick...BOOM! -- stellar, sobbed, soundtrack on repeat, want a cages or wings tattoo of a young version of myself holding a finger up with a sparrow perched on it; vanessa hudgens
Cowboy Bebop: Season 1: "Asteroid Blues" -- every so often i try to get into this anime and I'll watch like 3 episodes but it's not clicking. came back because of the live action hype
Explained: Season 3: "Fairy Tales" -- background noise
Explained: Season 3: "Time" -- background noise
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson: Season 2 -- this show is really fucking funny, binged
School of Rock -- great amount of jack black, comfort movie
Hall Pass -- had never seen it, was on netflix recommended
Project X -- great movie, very hype, ends in disaster and i love it
Seinfeld: Season 5 -- background noise
The Circle: Season 3 -- actually did not care for this season, didn't finish it, i think i'm over the gimick
Sex Education: Season 3 -- fantastic, can't wait for season 4, binged
Explained: Season 3: "Apologies" -- background noise
Explained: Season 3: "The End of Oil" -- background noise
DEATH NOTE: Death Note: "Rebirth" -- alyssa and i started watching this and it was kinda funny but also kinda disturbing some of the artwork for some of the characters
Untold: Malice at the Palace -- alyssa convinced me to watch this with her, was hesitant cuz i don't really like sports but it kept my attention!
Dating Around: Season 2 -- cringe city, love it but not revisiting
Cooked with Cannabis: Season 1: "Global Eats" -- seemed like a fun idea and it just didn't catch with me
Explained: Season 3: "Sugar" -- background noise
Never Have I Ever: Season 2 -- did not finish
Never Have I Ever: Season 1 -- thought i would do a rewatch, only saw one or 2
I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson: Season 1 -- season 2 is superior
Grey's Anatomy: Season 3: "Time Has Come Today" -- alyssa might have put this on to show me a particular scene, or i had the momentary urge to catch up that did not progress
We the People: Season 1: "The Three Branches of Government" -- v much executive produced by the obamas/people who find hamilton to be earnestly radical, not my cup of tea
Baewatch: Parental Guidance: Season 1: "Kayleigh & Andy" -- super embarassing, grandmother/daughter put hidden cameras in their granddaughter/sister's hotel room and spy on her having a getaway with her boyfriend, very uncomfortable
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics -- background noise
This Is Pop: Season 1: "Auto-Tune" -- watched for the T-Pain episode, learned usher was a dick to him
Fresh, Fried & Crispy: Season 1 -- wtf is this
The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals: Season 1 -- one of those things i put on when me and mom would eat dinner and we couldn't stand the silence but needed SOMETHING but weren't actively watching anything together
Manifest: Season 1: "Pilot" -- terrible writing and silly premise
Sweet Tooth: Season 1: "Sorry About All the Dead People" -- wtf is this
Bo Burnham: Inside -- love Bo, made me sad and kind of anxious, very good
Survivor: Season 20: Heroes vs Villains: "It's Getting The Best of Me" -- i don't think we finished this
The Get Down: Part 1: "Where There Is Ruin, There Is Hope for a Treasure" -- background noise
Are You the One?: Season 1: "You Can’t Handle the Truth" -- didn't care about it
Explained: Season 1: "K-Pop" -- background noise
Explained: Season 1: "Extraterrestrial Life" -- background noise
Horsin' Around -- wtf is this
Tuca & Bertie: Season 1: "The Sugar Bowl" -- saw an episode and really WANTED to like this but i think it's cuz of peer pressure, not my cup of tea
Shadow and Bone: Season 1: "Show Me Who You Are" -- alyssa and I saw 5 episodes but we never finished it! it was good, filled a hole after binging all of the hunger games
In Our Mothers' Gardens -- background noise
Money, Explained: Limited Series -- background noise, remembered the credit card one ⊘
Rotten: Season 2: "The Avocado War" -- put this on randomly, i think about the avocado cartels every time i see an avocado now
The Game Changers -- had to look this up to remember it's that doc about plant based diets and how even athletes would benefit... kind of bro-y
Explained: Season 1: "Cricket" -- background noise
The Trial of the Chicago 7 -- very good movie! jeremy strong was in this apparently lol sacha baron cohen was really good
The Circle: Season 2 -- the right person won this! last good circle season
Accepted -- classic early 2000s movie, don't think i finished it but put it on for background nostalgia sound
The Half Of It -- really great coming of age movie!
The Great British Baking Show: Collection 5 -- background noise
Bad Trip -- i started to watch this and it was kinda funny at times but not Good
Yasuke: Season 1: "Ronin" -- wtf is this?? i really seem to try and get into anime every so often
If Anything Happens I Love You -- a short, it wrecked me
Superbad -- love this dumb movie
Marriage or Mortgage: Season 1: "A Second Chance" -- dumbass show where most everyone picks marriage, good for the hate-watch factor
Coded Bias -- i watched this but can't remember it
Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution -- really cool doc with a lot of footage from the 70s and contemporary interviews w people from that time
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey -- didn't watch, clicked it cuz a friend's boss wrote it
The Last Blockbuster -- enjoyed this, i hope they never close
A Love Song for Latasha -- made me very sad
Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal -- messy as fuck documentary, somewhere in between succession and the fyre festival docs
Tiffany Haddish Presents: They Ready: Season 2 -- enjoyed all the comics, but don't follow any of them now
The Big Family Cooking Showdown: Season 2 -- watched a few episodes with mom but didn't finish
The Final Table: Season 1: "The Finale" -- enjoyed this bougie cooking comp
Ink Master: Season 1: "Fresh Meat" -- watched an episode thinking i'd get really into it but i didn't care too much
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