#that they might have a disabled customer who moves slower than the others or who needs words repeated
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meta-squash · 4 years ago
Your ADHD procrastination post has really stroke a nerve with me. I've had the same issue for years, but thought it's normal for everyone. Since about a year or so, I've been wondering if I may have an undiagnosed ADHD along diagnosed conditions. If it's not too personal, how else ADHD manifests in you? I hope it's okay to ask. I love hearing women's stories about ADHD because they are much different than the stereotypical image of it...
It’s not too personal! (FYI I go by they/them pronouns, but I am afab; it’s all good though!) Also, this got VERY long, I’m sorry! I’m verbose and have a lot to say, apparently.
So I personally have a weird relationship with ADHD. I was diagnosed with it (or some sort of attention deficit thing) when I was in like 3rd or 4th grade. I was briefly medicated but I think I was on Ritalin (I forget) and my child body couldn’t handle it; I was a zombie during the day and then when it wore off at night I was Evil and freaked out and wanted to fight everything. So I went off it pretty quick and didn’t get medicated after, presumably because my parents thought my ADHD wasn’t bad enough.
The reason they probably thought that is because my brother has Really Bad ADHD. Like, all the classic stereotypical symptoms and characteristics to the extreme: never shuts the fuck up, really damn loud all the time, extremely high energy, can learn pretty much anything in about 5 seconds but can’t actually hang on to an interest really (now that he’s an adult he can, but not as a kid), can’t sit still or pay attention in class, doesn’t finish homework, etc etc. I was able to mask mine and function enough to get through school just riding pretty much on my humanities grades alone. It sucked a lot but I somehow did it. I had an IEP (Individual Education Plan, which is a US school thing for kids with learning disabilities and such that allows for accommodations and assistance in school) but it didn’t do much except I think give me extra time on math tests because of my dyscalculia (I was in Special Ed Math my whole grade school career). My mother is an OT but I also think that (as you said) ADHD in afab people often manifests differently than in amab people, so I guess my parents just didn’t know what to look for and that’s why I never really got the same help as my brother.
I like to jokingly categorize ADHD into two distinct but overlapping types: Fast ADHD and Mush Brain ADHD. Fast ADHD (in my opinion; this may vary from person to person) is the classic stereotype symptoms. Fast ADHD’s focus problem is too much happening all at once. Lots of thoughts and ideas flying by and you get distracted mid-thought with another thought, or your train of thought gets really crazy but is super fast so your reply to someone’s comment might not make much sense to anyone else because they weren’t privy to your brain’s journey, or you go down a focus worm-hole and sit and do One Thing all day and forget to surface for things like food/water/bathroom. Fast ADHD has more energy (though when paired with depression that usually manifests as restlessness or anxiety) and is quicker to pick up new things. Mush Brain ADHD is kind of the opposite. Thoughts take longer, or you think of something and then it almost immediately disappears (for example, scrolling a website, seeing something that you want to google, you scroll for like 5 more seconds and think “wait, I completely forget what I was going to look up”). With Mush Brain ADHD it’s harder to have conversations because thought-to-mouth time is slower, rather than (with Fast Brain) lots of stuff is going on up there. Mush Brain often feels like, well, mush and like you can’t really form thoughts very well if you want to do stuff. It’s like you’re trying to focus on thinking a thought but it just slides away. Another way I’d describe it is having thoughts but it’s like they’re on a blackboard and they’re being erased as you think them, so they end up mostly smears. Obviously, this is just based on my own experiences as a Mush Brain ADHD person while my brother has Fast Brain ADHD, so this might be different for other people.
Both have lots of overlaps: executive dysfunction (that’s the big one), insomnia, auditory processing problems, hyperfixation (which is not a bad thing! I love my hyperfixations! They’re fun!), absolutely crap organizational skills, constantly losing things, really bad perception of time, detachment from the world (like you drift off into your own daydream, or things feel distant, but not quite the same as depersonalization/dissociating),  difficulty making choices, sensory processing disorder, crap abilities with money, rejection sensitive dysphoria, and often comorbid mental illnesses like depression, OCD, anxiety, dyscalculia/dyslexia, etc.
 Oh, and a lot of ADHD characteristics also overlap with depression characteristics (and a lot of people with ADHD have comorbid depression, so it really doesn’t help).
But I can tell you about my own experiences with some of these.
The Big One which is basically what that schrodingers motivation post is about, is executive dysfunction. People also call it procrastination (it only kind of is) or inertia. Basically, executive dysfunction is where the difficulty lies in starting the task. You want to do something, but you just can’t get going to do it. You get sort of paralyzed. It even happens with things you like. For example, when I made that post, there was a short (just over 100 pgs) book I wanted to read before the end of the day. It’s a good book! It’s on my reading list! I want to read it! But I just sat on my computer and watched dumb youtube videos because that’s what I was already doing and executive dysfunction makes starting tasks really hard. This happens to me a lot. It can happen with reading a book, or getting up to go to the store and buy groceries, or making a meal, or watching a movie. The movie-watching one happens to me a lot. Basically it’s the brain struggling to switch tasks; you’re scrolling tumblr, and that’s what your brain is focused on, and it doesn’t know how to switch from doing that to doing your bio homework or folding the laundry or whatever the task may be. This happens with “bigger” or more complex tasks too, like starting an art project or starting a new book, because your brain has to figure out all the components of that task (I need these items for my project and this amount of time and I need to use them in this order) which is overwhelming, or it needs to comprehend how “big” the task is (how much time/concentration should I try and commit to in order to read this book) which is sometimes hard to gauge. Oh, also this can happen if you’re interrupted in the middle of a task, whether it’s to do another thing or just to answer a question or something; it’s hard to get back to it because it’s another kind of switching tasks. Aside from the blackboard-being-wiped-thoughts, this is my biggest ADHD problem. I can go more into how I dealt with executive dysfunction in college and now if you want!
Auditory processing issues is another thing that I deal with, although to a lesser extent than some people. It just means it’s harder for your brain to process sounds/talking. Part of this, for me, is because if someone is talking to me but there’s other noises (music, other conversations, general loudish ambiance) going on around us, my brain treats them all as equally important and I can’t focus in on the person talking. Another part for me is in my experience I seem to process conversation different from explanation. If I’m talking back and forth with someone about something and it’s not terribly important, I’m fine. If they’re trying to explain something to me, give me instructions, or read a passage of text to me, it just does not stick in my brain. If I’m helping my best friend with her grad school applications, I have to read the sentence she’s asking me check, I can’t have her read it to me. If she does read it to me, I’ve realized that I try to imagine the words as text in my head so I comprehend it better (it doesn’t always work). Auditory processing issues means that a lot of my conversations in public with people who are not my close friends (and therefore easier to pick out from the noise because familiar and/or easier to predict because familiar) are filled with a lot of me going “what?” Retail conversations with customers are slightly easier because there’s at least a mild “script” that they’ll stick to, usually.
Another one I experience is organizational problems. This one was bad enough that I actually went to a tutor-like thing to help me with it for most of grade school. Basically, I had no ability to organize tasks like doing homework or other activities, so things would get forgotten/lost/never even written in the calendar/etc. I couldn’t do projects because I couldn’t (and still kinda can’t) organize far enough into the future. I didn’t know how to break the project down across multiple days or weeks and make it manageable without totally forgetting pieces of it. I’d forget to write down homework when the teacher wrote it on the board, or I’d write it down but forget to do it. Or I’d do it but misplace it or leave it at home. My perception of time was also really crap; I couldn’t read an analogue clock until I was in maybe 6th grade? Even now I sometimes have trouble. It was hard to know how much time I had to allot to certain projects because I didn’t really have good perception of how hours fit in the day and how much time until homework is due and stuff. (Which meant lots of finishing things in class minutes before I had to turn it in and stuff. Once in uni I completely forgot to do an Entire Essay; luckily it wasn’t a class I needed to graduate.)
Along with this is losing EVERYTHING. I misplace things CONSTANTLY. I’ll put something that’s in my hand down to get a cup of tea or something, or even just to like, move a blanket, and I’ll forget where I put it. I’ve solved this problem with Important Things (wallet, phone, and keys always go next to my bed, for example, and rarely move from there if they’re not in my pocket. All important papers go in my Important Papers Folder as soon as soon as possible) but I lose regular stuff all the time. I’ll be working on an art project, I’ll put my glue stick down to reach for a piece of paper, and lose the glue stick in the time it takes to pull the paper towards me. The other day I was brushing my teeth and I put the toothbrush cover down to say hello to the cat and forgot where I had put it down once I had followed her to the next room. When things have a Place it’s easier, but I’ve learned to live with going “Where the FUCK did I put this thing? I had it a second ago!” at least once a day.
The “Mush” in “Mush Brain” is another big one for me. I don’t know if this has, like, a name? Or anything? It’s just what I call it. The best description for it would either be that blackboard description from above, or like you’re struggling to get to a thought through a lot of mud. Oftentimes I’ll have a sort of concept of a thought but not something full, and I know it’s there, but I can’t get to it. This is really apparent when I’m trying to remember a synonym for something, or trying to elaborate on certain concepts or pull ideas from texts. It doesn’t happen all the time. I was an English lit major in uni, so this affected me a lot back then. It’s sort of a similar feeling to reading the same sentence over and over and not registering the words, except it’s in your own brain instead. This kind of goes away for me when I’m writing/typing. Writing this out is easy (minus me forgetting the word executive dysfunction for like 5 minutes) but if you were asking me to explain this aloud I would struggle, probably. This is probably because I can stare at what I’ve written to see what’s missing or edit my thoughts, which I can’t do while I’m speaking, and also can’t do to other people’s interactions with me.
Just a general inability to focus is also one I struggle with. It goes with the “mush brain” to an extent but I think it’s different. It’s more like my brain doesn’t want to, well, focus on anything. If I’m just messing around on my laptop, that means I end up clicking back and forth between tabs endlessly because nothing is holding my interest. If I’m trying to read or do anything “intellectual” or “academic” it means I just can’t get myself to read or I can’t keep my thoughts on what I’m trying to write no matter how hard I try. Nothing holds my interest for long enough, it’s like brain restlessness. I try and concentrate on doing something, watching something, reading something, and my brain just slides away from it.
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is something I experience on a more minor level. It’s something that also overlaps with anxiety and depression. Basically, it’s a really intense emotional reaction to (perceived) rejection. For example, if my best friend says something to me with a certain tone or gets mad at me for doing something minor, my brain just goes “She hates you! She doesn’t want to be friends with you! You should isolate in your room and never speak to anyone again because you’re so annoying and terrible!” I know that’s mostly incorrect (although I also know I’m quite annoying and that’s another ADHD characteristic; knowing you’re annoying someone in some way and having no idea how to stop) so I can fight it but sometimes I do end up holing up in my room for a little bit. Things like criticism (whether towards you or towards, like, an essay or something) can also trigger this reaction. So can things like having an expectation that you’ll be good at something, and then failing at it or just not being as good as you’d hoped. (I developed a sort of defense mechanism for this one of never expecting to be good at things and never expect higher than a C in a class.) It also can come with a sense of feeling inferior around people doing similar things. It happens to me a lot here on tumblr, actually, because I’ll write a meta about something, and then read someone else’s good meta on the same thing, and feel like I’m an idiot and they’re really smart and nothing that I wrote was insightful or good. It happened to me in uni a lot too. It also happens to me kind of...secondhand, now. What I mean is, my best friend/roommate is extremely smart. Like genuinely one of the smartest people I know and an incredible thinker, straight A’s at uni in a degree she created, etc. She still gets imposter syndrome herself and feels like she’s not smart, and when she says she’s not smart, I feel bad for her but I also feel really terrible about myself, because if she thinks she’s stupid, then what am I? But again, it’s an overreaction to perceived rejection. It still sucks though.
There’s some evidence that ADHD comes with a whacked out sleep schedule. And not just insomnia (although that too, I know this because it’s 7am and I haven’t slept yet lol), but also Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. Which basically means that most people’s circadian rhythms start slowing down so they’ll go to sleep around like 11pm-1am-ish, give or take. ADHD circadian rhythms are shifted so often we start getting tired around 3am or even 4 or 5am. (This is different from insomnia, btw, with DSPD you can fall asleep fairly easily, you just get tired later in the night; with insomnia it’s an inability to or difficulty in falling asleep quickly.) I always thought I’d just gotten my dad’s night owl genes, but it’s more likely that it’s the ADHD. I also have at least mild insomnia and it takes me a million years to fall asleep a lot of the time.
Hyperfixations are the Fun part of having ADHD (in my opinion). They can get in the way sometimes but they’re also really comforting and nice. Hyperfixations happen when you find an interest and it’s basically all you want to think or talk about, and you relate to the world through it, and you want to learn everything about it. It’s also a characteristic of autism. I’m not autistic, so I don’t know if there are major differences between ADHD hyperfixation experiences and autism ones. Anyway, often hyperfixations stick with you for a good amount of time, depending on the strength, and then you might find something else to focus on. Some of my hyperfixations have lasted a few months, some up to 4 years. A lot of ADHD people rotate through the same or similar ones. For example, a hyperfixation I had back in 2011-2014/15ish was Les Miserables. I then found a different thing to hyperfixate on. This past year I have returned to Les Mis. Hyperfixations are usually pretty cool, because it’s usually something you really like and enjoy learning about or doing and it’s kind of like the thing your brain would rather be doing/focusing on.
Personally, I’ve lived so long without ADHD medication that I’m fairly functional without it just due to coming up with personal adaptations and stuff. The thing that I have the hardest time with/that upsets me the most is the Mush Brain part, which also gets worse when my depression gets worse. I really would love to have clear, quick thoughts whenever I want. It’s frustrating to hold a conversation or try to write creatively and quickly when it takes forever for thoughts to fully crystallize in my brain and then come out my mouth or fingers. Right now I don’t have very good health insurance (all blame to covid layoffs) so I can’t really do the meds thing but I often wish I could. My ADHD is definitely not as intense or severe as some people’s. I have friends, and also my brother, who struggle a lot more than I do, and with different things
Holy hell this was so long. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Or if you want me to elaborate on some of the things I do to deal with stuff.
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thesswrites · 6 years ago
In the First Person
(Originally printed in my now-defunct Patreon)
One of the more common bits of discourse in the video game community revolves around the first-person versus third-person perspective in video games. It tends to be those who prefer the first-person perspective who are more vituperative about the argument; they claim that third-person perspective is 'cheating', that it lacks immersion, and that first-person games are infinitely superior. Meanwhile, those who prefer the third-person will generally readily admit that first-person perspective works better for some games, while still maintaining that not all games need to be first-person to work. In this essay, we examine the pros and cons of first-person games versus third-person from the end user perspective, both in terms of their user-friendliness and their importance in terms of game design.
The first argument is, of course, immersion. Those who defend the position that first-person is the only way to play insist that seeing only what the character sees is the most immersive way to play a game. On one level, that is true enough. However, what the average FPS does not take into account is peripheral vision. Most people's peripheral vision is better than they give it credit for, and a viewpoint can change in a subtle but meaningful way just by shifting one's eyes. The blind spots created on either side of a first-person perspective by the edges of a monitor are fairly huge by human visual standards. A player cannot simply glance off to the side for a split second; instead, the player must move the entire camera if they want to see what's going on to their left, leaving the entire right side as a blind spot to exploit for a moment while the player swings the camera back and forth. Granted, those who make FPS shooters their genre of choice are probably quite adept at doing this, and this probably adds to the challenge presented by a first-person perspective. However, unless one makes a practice of going into combat wearing horse-blinders, it's difficult to say that first-person gaming is 100% immersive on that level.
The argument that gets either ignored or shouted down the most in the defense of third-person gaming over first-person gaming, however, is from a health and safety perspective. Those who are prone to migraines, vertigo or motion sickness are likely to find the constant camera movement required in a first-person game painful and disorienting, and extremely limiting to their ability to play for long stretches. If it were only the need to move the camera to look even slightly in one direction or the other, it might not be so bad, but lately first-person games have been adding further camera movement, ostensibly to aid immersion. The camera judders when the protagonist climbs, jumps, falls, runs, is hit by something ... any movement made by the character is echoed by a corresponding camera shake. This does not take into account the fact that when a person is moving or jumping with their physical body, they unconsciously take steps to keep their viewpoint as steady as possible, or at least close their eyes for a split-second to keep from being disoriented by the sudden change in perspective. However, the body does not respond the same way to "push those buttons so your character will jump" as it does to actually jumping, so the body's protective filters don't operate, making the shaking of field of vision - and the disorientation that goes with it - unavoidable.
Those who insist that all games should somehow be first-person could not care less about that sort of thing, claiming that 'those people just shouldn't play, then'. It feels a bit exclusionary, being told that someone should be barred from an entire genre because of a disability, particularly when the terms being used are so overall insulting. In a spillover from 'git gud' culture, a small but significant number of people are being shoved out of gaming because a vocal minority want the gaming industry to focus solely on their needs and desires. Rather unfortunately, the gaming industry seems to be listening more often than not, focusing on appeasing a core audience instead of being inclusive enough to cater for all tastes. If someone seems particularly irritated with the stance of a first-person gamer, it's likely because they are a little fed up with their physical well-being getting ignored in favour of a small group of mouthy individuals who have been spoiled by years of video games being 'their thing'.
Still, that is not to say that first-person perspective games have no merit. In some situations, first-person is the only perspective worth having. While difficult in a fast-paced action scenario (at least for those for whom constant fast camera movement is a one-way ticket to physical misery), a slower-paced stealth or survival horror game works a great deal better in the first person. The tight focus and lack of peripheral awareness adds to the feeling of vulnerability and heightens the suspense, working with the game's narrative to enhance the mood. Games like Outlast and Alien: Isolation would not work nearly as well from a third-person perspective, and a game attempting similar narrative themes from that perspective needs to try to find other means to maintain that feeling of vulnerability, usually by locking down camera angles to narrow peripheral vision and bringing the camera in close to the protagonist to restrict the rear view without actually moving close enough to be a true first-person perspective.
(Of course, this can be an issue as well. Some games who have attempted the locked camera angle trick in order to highlight elements of the game world - for instance, contextual button prompts for jumps and climbs - can create camera angles like something out of an Escher painting, which is just as painful as constant camera movement for someone prone to migraines or vertigo. Still, live and learn.)
There is definitely a place for first-person perspective in games. Stealth survival horror as a genre is harder to do without the imposed visual restrictions of a first-person perspective, and many people find shooters more challenging and immersive from that perspective. However, some of these games can function perfectly well from the third-person perspective as well, with minimal changes, and some games - for instance, platformers like Mirror's Edge - are actively hindered by a first-person view. The point to take away here is that both are valid camera views in a game when used properly, and neither should dominate the market. The whole point of any marketplace is variety, and a corporation should strive to make things to appeal to all customer bases rather than focusing on just the one. More customers does, after all, mean more money.
Perhaps someone should inform the AAA gaming industry of that particular truism.
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swagchaosarcade · 4 years ago
Macbook Air Malware Removal Download
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How to remove malware from macs including MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac and other Macs. Malwarebytes Free. Step by step instructions from an Apple Certified. Instant automatic Mac malware removal: Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Step 4 – Re-check your Mac with Combo Clean Antivirus. To be sure that your Mac is not infected at all, it’s recommended to run a full scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Combo Cleaner Antivirus is a professional Mac Antivirus and Mac OSX Optimization Tool for users. It is equipped with powerful detection engine against virus, malware, and adware. Download Antivirus One - Virus Cleaner for macOS 10.12 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎Keep your digital wallets and keychains safe with Antivirus One, your personal cyber security expert. Antivirus One offers live antivirus monitoring to protect your Mac from adware, ransomware, spyware and all kinds of malware attacks. Download Malwarebytes for Mac (the free version) and you get a 14-day trial of the premium version with automatic (real-time) virus and malware protection. After 14 days, your trial reverts to a limited disinfection scanner. Buy the premium version now to prevent infection in the first place.
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How to remove Apple Warning Alert from Mac?
What is Apple Warning Alert?
'Apple Warning Alert' is a fake error messaged displayed by a malicious website to which users are redirected by various potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). These programs are known to infiltrate systems without consent. In addition, they continually record user-system information relating to web browsing activity and deliver intrusive online advertisements.
The 'Apple Warning Alert' error states that the system is infected with a type of spyware/malware. It also states that this virus poses a direct threat to privacy (logins/passwords, banking details, etc. might be stolen) and users must eliminate the risk immediately by contacting 'expert engineers' via a telephone number ('1-800-796-7125') provided. These 'engineers' then supposedly guide victims through the malware removal process. Be aware, however, that 'Apple Warning Alert' is fake and has nothing to do with Apple. This error is a merely a scam - cyber criminals claim to be computer technicians and attempt to monetize 'services' that are not required by users. The malware does not exist and, therefore, 'Apple Warning Alert' error should be ignored. You can remove it by closing the web browser. Furthermore, PUPs continually record browsing activity by gathering various user-system information that might be personally identifiable. PUP developers collect IP addresses, website URLs visited, pages viewed, queries entered into search engines, and other similar data. They sell this private information to third parties (potentially, cyber criminals) who also aim to generate revenue by misusing personal details. This behavior can lead to serious privacy issues or even identity theft. Another downside is display of intrusive online advertisements. PUPs employ various tools that enable placement of third party graphical content on any site. Therefore, displayed ads (pop-ups, coupons, banners, etc.) often conceal underlying content, thereby significantly diminishing the browsing experience. In addition, the ads might run scripts that download and install other PUPs or even viruses. Therefore, even accidental clicks can result in high-risk computer infections. For these reasons, all PUPs should be uninstalled immediately.
Threat Summary:Name'Apple Warning Alert' virusThreat TypeMac malware, Mac virusSymptomsYour Mac became slower than normal, you see unwanted pop-up ads, you get redirected to shady websites.Distribution methodsDeceptive pop-up ads, free software installers (bundling), fake flash player installers, torrent file downloads.DamageInternet browsing tracking (potential privacy issues), displaying of unwanted ads, redirects to shady websites, loss of private information.Malware Removal (Mac)
To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your Mac with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner. ▼ Download Combo Cleaner for Mac To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
The Internet is full of deceptive websites that display fake errors similar to 'Apple Warning Alert' including, for example, YOUR MAC HAS BEEN BLOCKED, Critical Security Warning!, and Internet Security Damaged. All state that the system is infected, missing files, or damaged in other similar ways, however, they are designed only to scare and trick victims into paying for services that are not required. All PUPs are virtually identical. By offering various 'useful features', they attempt to give the impression of legitimacy, however, their only purpose is to generate revenue for the developers. Rather than providing any significant value for regular users, PUPs promote malicious websites, deliver intrusive advertisements (using the 'Pay Per Click' advertising model), and record user-system information.
How did potentially unwanted programs install on my computer?
To proliferate PUPs, developers employ the aforementioned advertisements together with a deceptive marketing method called 'bundling'. Developers know that users often rush the download and installation processes. Therefore, they conceal bundled apps within the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' options. Skipping this section and clicking various ads exposes systems to risk of infections and compromises users' privacy.
How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications?
Macbook Air Malware Scan
PUPs are distributed using intrusive ads and the aforementioned bundling method. Therefore, be cautious when downloading/installing software and browsing the Internet in general. Carefully analyze each download/installation step using the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' settings and opt-out of all additionally-included programs. Third party software download/installation set-ups often include additional programs - we strongly advise against using them. Note that cyber criminals spend many resources designing intrusive ads and, thus, most look genuine. Therefore, no matter how tempting the ads may seem, do not take the risk of clicking them. The main reasons for computer infections are poor knowledge and careless behavior - the key to computer safety is caution. If your computer is already infected with PUPs, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS to automatically eliminate them
Pop-up of 'Apple Warning Alert' scam:
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Text presented within 'Apple Warning Alert' scam:
Apple Warning Alert Malicious Pornographic Spyware/Riskware Detected Error # 0x80027ee7 Please call us immediately at: 1-800-796-7125 Do not ignore this critical alert. If you close this page, your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage to our network. Your computer has alerted us that it has been infected with a Pornographic Spyware and risk ware. The following information is being stolen… > Financial Data > Facebook Logins > Credit Card Details > Email Account Logins > Photos stored on this computer You must contact us immediately so that our expert engineers can walk you through the removal process over the phone to protect your identity. Please call us within the next 5 minutes to prevent your computer from being disabled or from information loss.
Instant automatic Mac malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Download it by clicking the button below: ▼ DOWNLOAD Combo Cleaner for MacBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
Quick menu:
STEP 1. Remove PUP related files and folders from OSX.
STEP 2. Remove rogue extensions from Safari.
STEP 3. Remove rogue add-ons from Google Chrome.
STEP 4. Remove potentially unwanted plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox.
Video showing how to remove adware and browser hijackers from a Mac computer:
Potentially unwanted programs removal:
Remove PUP-related potentially unwanted applications from your 'Applications' folder:
Click the Finder icon. In the Finder window, select “Applications”. In the applications folder, look for “MPlayerX”,“NicePlayer”, or other suspicious applications and drag them to the Trash. After removing the potentially unwanted application(s) that cause online ads, scan your Mac for any remaining unwanted components.
Combo Cleaner checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related files and folders:
Click the Finder icon, from the menu bar. Choose Go, and click Go to Folder...
Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchAgents folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchAgents
In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.
Check for adware generated files in the /Library/Application Support folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/Application Support
In the “Application Support” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious folders. For example, “MplayerX” or “NicePlayer”, and move these folders to the Trash.
Check for adware-generated files in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder:
In the Go to Folder bar, type: ~/Library/LaunchAgents
In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “myppes.download.plist”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.
Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:
In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchDaemons
In the “LaunchDaemons” folder, look for recently-added suspicious files. For example “com.aoudad.net-preferences.plist”, “com.myppes.net-preferences.plist”, 'com.kuklorest.net-preferences.plist”, “com.avickUpd.plist”, etc., and move them to the Trash.
Scan your Mac with Combo Cleaner:
If you have followed all the steps in the correct order you Mac should be clean of infections. To be sure your system is not infected run a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Download it HERE. After downloading the file double click combocleaner.dmg installer, in the opened window drag and drop Combo Cleaner icon on top of the Applications icon. Now open your launchpad and click on the Combo Cleaner icon. Wait until Combo Cleaner updates it's virus definition database and click 'Start Combo Scan' button.
Combo Cleaner will scan your Mac for malware infections. If the antivirus scan displays 'no threats found' - this means that you can continue with the removal guide, otherwise it's recommended to remove any found infections before continuing.
After removing files and folders generated by the adware, continue to remove rogue extensions from your Internet browsers.
'Apple Warning Alert' virus removal from Internet browsers:
Remove malicious extensions from Safari:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Safari extensions:
Open Safari browser, from the menu bar, select 'Safari' and click 'Preferences...'.
In the preferences window, select 'Extensions' and look for any recently-installed suspicious extensions. When located, click the 'Uninstall' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Safari browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
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If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Safari.
Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Mozilla Firefox add-ons:
Open your Mozilla Firefox browser. At the top right corner of the screen, click the 'Open Menu' (three horizontal lines) button. From the opened menu, choose 'Add-ons'.
Choose the 'Extensions' tab and look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Remove' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Mozilla Firefox browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Mozilla Firefox.
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Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:
Remove 'apple warning alert' virus related Google Chrome add-ons:
Open Google Chrome and click the 'Chrome menu' (three horizontal lines) button located in the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, choose 'More Tools' and select 'Extensions'.
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In the 'Extensions' window, look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Trash' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Google Chrome browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.
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If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Google Chrome.
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phoenixselise · 4 years ago
Tips To Migrate Legacy Data
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Migrating legacy data is challenging.
 Numerous associations have old and complex on-premise business CRM frameworks. Today, there are many cloud SaaS options, which accompany numerous advantages; pay more only as costs arise and to pay just for what you use. Along these lines, they choose to move to the new frameworks.
 No one needs to leave important data about clients in the old framework and start with the void new framework, so we have to relocate this data. Lamentably, data relocation isn't a simple assignment, as data movement exercises devour around 50% of organizational exertion. As per Gartner, Salesforce is the head of cloud CRM arrangements. Along these lines, data movement is a significant theme for Salesforce sending.
 Data Migration in General
 1. Make Migration a Separate Project
 Data movement isn't a "fare and import" thing taken care of by a cunning "press one catch" data relocation device that has predefined planning for target frameworks in the product arrangement agenda.
 Data movement is an unpredictable action, meriting a different venture, plan, approach, spending plan, and group. A substance level extension and project must be made at the venture's start, guaranteeing no curveballs, for example, "Gracious, we neglected to stack those customers' visit reports, who will do that?" fourteen days before the cutoff time.
 The data movement approach characterizes whether we will stack the data in one go (otherwise called the enormous detonation), or whether we will stack little bunches each week.
 This isn't a simple choice, however. The methodology must be settled upon and conveyed to all business and specialized partners to ensure when and what data will show up in the new framework. This applies to framework blackouts as well.
 2. Gauge Realistically
 Try not to disparage the unpredictability of the data relocation. Many tedious errands go with this cycle, which might be invisible at the task's start.
 For instance, stacking straight data sets for preparing purposes with valuable data, yet with touchy things muddled, so preparing exercises don't create email warnings to customers.
 The fundamental factor for assessment is the number of fields moved from a source framework to an objective framework.
 Some time is required in various phases of the venture for each field, including understanding the area, planning the source field to the objective field, arranging or building changes, performing tests, estimating data quality for the field, etc.
 Utilizing sharp instruments, for example, Jitterbit, Informatica Cloud Data Wizard, Starfish ETL, Midas, and so forth, can decrease this time, particularly in the construction stage.
 Specifically, understanding the source data – the most vital errand in any movement venture – can't be mechanized by apparatuses, yet expects examiners to require significant investment experiencing the rundown of fields individually.
 The least complex gauge of the general exertion is a limited day for each field moved from the legacy framework.
 An exemption is data replication between a similar source and target blueprints minus any additional change – at times known as 1:1 movement – where we can put together the gauge concerning the number of tables to duplicate.
 A nitty-gritty gauge is its very own specialty.
 3. Check Data Quality
 Try not to overestimate source data's nature, regardless of whether no data quality issues are accounted for from the legacy frameworks.
 New frameworks have new principles, which might be abused with legacy data. Here's a basic model. Contact email can be obligatory in the new framework; however, a 20-year-old legacy framework may have an alternate perspective.
 There can be mines covered up in chronicled data that have not been contacted for quite a while; however, they could actuate when moving to the new framework. For instance, old data utilizing European monetary standards that don't exist any longer should be changed over to Euros; in any case, economic forms must be added to the new framework.
 Data quality fundamentally impacts exertion, and the straightforward guideline is The further we go ever, the more splendid wreck we will find. Subsequently, it is fundamental to choose at a reasonable time how much history we need to move into the new framework.
 4. Draw in Business People
 Money managers are the main ones who genuinely comprehend the data and who can consequently choose what data can be discarded and what data to keep.
 It is critical to have someone from the business group required during the planning exercise. For future backtracking, it is valuable to record planning choices and the explanations behind them.
 Since an image is worth more than 1,000 words, load a test group into the new framework, and let the business group play with it.
 Regardless of whether data relocation planning is looked into and affirmed by the business group, shocks can show up once the data appears in the new framework's UI.
 "Goodness, presently I see, we need to transform it a piece," turns into a typical expression.
 Neglecting to connect with topic specialists, generally bustling individuals, is the most widely recognized reason for issues after another framework goes live.
 5. Focus on Automated Migration Solution
 Data relocation is regularly seen as a one-time movement, and designers will, in general, wind up with arrangements brimming with manual activities wanting to execute them just a single time. Yet, there are numerous motivations to evade such a methodology.
 On the off chance that relocation is part of various waves, we need to rehash similar activities on different occasions.
 Commonly, there are in any event three relocation runs for each wave: a dry hurry to test the exhibition and usefulness of data movement, a full data approval burden to test the whole data set, and to perform business tests, and obviously, creation load. The quantity of runs increments with helpless data quality. Improving data quality is an iterative cycle, so we need a few emphases to arrive at the ideal achievement proportion.
 Hence, regardless of whether relocation is a one-time action commonly, having manual activities can altogether hinder your tasks.
 Salesforce Data Migration
 Next, we will cover five hints for a fruitful Salesforce relocation. Remember, these tips are likely relevant to other cloud arrangements too.
 6. Get ready for Lengthy Loads
 If not the greatest, execution is one of the greatest tradeoffs while moving from an on-reason to a cloud arrangement – Salesforce not barred.
 On-premise frameworks typically consider direct data load into an entire database, and with great equipment, we can undoubtedly arrive at a vast number of records every hour.
 Be that as it may, not in the cloud. In the cloud, we are intensely restricted by a few variables.
 Organization dormancy – Data is moved using the web.
 Salesforce application layer – Data is traveled through a thick API multitenancy layer until they land in their Oracle databases.
 Custom code in Salesforce – Custom approvals, triggers, work processes, duplication identification rules, etc. – a considerable lot of which debilitate equal or mass burdens.
 Therefore, load execution can be a considerable number of records every hour.
 It tends to be less, or it very well may be more, contingent upon things, for example, the number of fields, approvals, and triggers. However, it is a few evaluations slower than an immediate database load.
 Execution debasement, which is subject to the volume of the Salesforce data, should likewise be thought of.
 It is brought about by files in the primary RDBMS (Oracle) utilized for checking foreign keys, exceptional fields, and assessment of duplication rules. The basic recipe is around 50% log jam for each evaluation of 10, brought about by O(logN) the time unpredictability parcel in sort and B-tree activities.
 Also, Salesforce has numerous asset utilization limits.
 One of them is the Bulk API limit set to 5,000 clusters in 24-hour moving windows, with the limitation of 10,000 records in each bunch.
 In this way, the hypothetical most extreme is 50 million records stacked in 24 hours.
 In a genuine venture, the most extreme is a lot of lower because of restricted group size when utilizing, for instance, custom triggers.
 This strongly affects the data movement approach.
 In any event, for medium-sized datasets (from 100,000 to 1 million records), the vast explosion approach is not feasible, so we should part data into littler movement waves.
 This impacts the whole arrangement cycle and builds the multifaceted movement of nature. We will include data increases into a framework previously populated by past relocations and data entered by clients.
 We should likewise think about this current data in the relocation changes and approvals.
 Further, protracted burdens can mean we can't perform relocations during a framework blackout.
 On the off chance that all clients are situated in one nation, we can use an eight-hour blackout during the night.
 For example, for an organization, Coca-Cola, with tasks everywhere in the world, is beyond the realm of imagination. When we have the U.S., Japan, and Europe in the framework, we range new zones, so Saturday is the leading blackout choice that doesn't influence clients.
 Also, that may not be sufficient; thus, we should stack while on the web, when clients work with the framework.
 7. Regard Migration Needs in Application Development
 Application parts, for example, approvals and triggers, ought to have the option to deal with data movement exercises. Hard disablement of licenses at the relocation load hour isn't an alternative if the framework must be on the web. Instead, we need to execute a distinctive rationale in approvals for changes performed by a data relocation client.
Date fields should not be contrasted with the real framework date since that would cripple the stacking of recorded data. For instance, approval must permit entering a previous record start date for moved data.
 Compulsory fields, which may not be populated with verifiable data, must be actualized as non-obligatory, yet with approval touchy to the client, permitting void qualities for data originating from the relocation dismissing void rates creating from standard clients using the GUI.
 Triggers, particularly those sending new records to the combination, must have the option to be turned on/off for the data relocation client to forestall flooding the mix with moved data.
 Another stunt is utilizing field Legacy ID or Migration ID in each moving article. There are two explanations behind this. The first is self-evident: To save the ID from the old framework for backtracking, after the data is in the new framework, individuals may at present need to look through their records utilizing the old IDs, found in places as messages, archives, and bug-global positioning frameworks. Unfortunate propensity? Possibly. In any case, clients will thank you on the off chance that you protect their old IDs. The subsequent explanation is specialized and originates from the reality that Salesforce doesn't acknowledge expressly gave IDs to new records (in contrast to Microsoft Dynamics) but creates them during the heap. The issue emerges when we need to stack youngster objects since we need to appoint them to the parent objects. Since we will know those IDs only after stacking, this is a worthless exercise.
 How about we use Accounts and their Contacts, for instance:
 Produce data for Accounts.
 Burden Accounts into Salesforce, and get produced IDs.
 Join new Account IDs in Contact data.
 Produce data for Contacts.
 Burden Contacts in Salesforce.
 We can do this all the more by stacking Accounts with their Legacy IDs put away in an exceptional outer field. This field can be utilized as a parent reference, so when stacking Contacts, we nearly use the Account Legacy ID as a pointer to the parent Account:
 Create data for Accounts, including Legacy ID.
 Create data for Contacts, including Account Legacy ID.
 Burden Accounts into Salesforce.
 Burden Contacts in Salesforce, utilizing Account Legacy ID as parent reference.
 Here, the pleasant thing is that we have isolated an age and a stacking stage, which takes into account better parallelism, decline blackout time, etc.
 8. Know about Salesforce Specific Features
 Like any framework, Salesforce has many dubious pieces of which we ought to know to evade upsetting shocks during data movement. Here are a modest bunch of models:
 A few changes in dynamic Users consequently produce email warnings to client messages. In this manner, we have to deactivate clients first and actuate after changes are finished on the off chance that we need to play with client data. In test conditions, we scramble client messages, so any imagination stretch does not terminate warnings. Since dynamic clients devour expensive licenses, we can't have all clients involved in all test conditions. We need to oversee subsets of active clients, for instance, to initiate only those in a preparation climate.
 Latent clients, for some standard items, for example, Account or Case, can be appointed simply in the wake of allowing the framework consent "Update Records with Inactive Owners." Yet, they can be allowed, for instance, to Contacts and every single custom article.
 At the point when Contact is deactivated, all quit fields are quietly turned on.
 When stacking a copy Account Team Member or Account Share object, the current record is quietly overwritten. Notwithstanding, whenever piling a copy Opportunity Partner, the form is essentially included bringing about a copy.
 Framework fields, for example, Created Date, Created By ID, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By ID, can be expressly composed simply in the wake of conceding another framework authorization "Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation."
 Any stretch of the imagination can't move History-of-field esteem changes.
 Proprietors of information articles can't be indicated during the heap yet can be refreshed later.
 The precarious part is the putting away of substance (archives, connections) into Salesforce. There are numerous approaches to do it (utilizing Attachments, Files, Feed connections, Documents), and every way has its upsides and downsides, including distinctive record size cutoff points.
 Picklist fields power clients to choose one of the permitted qualities, for instance, a kind of record. However, when stacking data utilizing Salesforce API (or any device based upon it, Apex Data Loader or Informatica Salesforce connector), any worth will pass.
 The rundown goes on. However, the reality is: Get acquainted with the framework, and realize what it can do and what it can't do before you make presumptions. Try not to expect standard conduct, particularly for center articles. Continuously exploration and test.
 9. Try not to Use Salesforce as a Data Migration Platform
 It is exceptionally enticing to utilize Salesforce as a stage for building a data relocation arrangement, particularly for Salesforce engineers. A similar innovation for the data movement arrangement concerning the Salesforce application customization, a similar GUI, a similar Apex programming language, a similar framework. Salesforce has objects that can go about as tables, and a SQL language, Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL). In any case, kindly don't utilize it; it would be an essential building blemish.
 Salesforce is a phenomenal SaaS application with many pleasant highlights, for example, progressed cooperation and rich customization; however, mass preparation of data isn't one of them. The three most huge reasons are:
 Execution – The processing of data in Salesforce is a few evaluations slower than in RDBMS.
 Absence of expository highlights – Salesforce SOQL doesn't uphold complex questions and scientific capacities supported by Apex language and would debase execution much more.
 Architecture* – Putting a data relocation stage inside a particular Salesforce climate isn't advantageous. Ordinarily, we have various conditions for explicit purposes, frequently made impromptu so that we can put a great deal of time on code synchronization. Besides, you would likewise be depending on the network and accessibility of that particular Salesforce climate.
 Instead, fabricate a data movement arrangement on a different occasion (it could be a cloud or on-premise) utilizing an RDBMS or ETL stage. Associate it with source frameworks, focus on the Salesforce conditions you need, move the data you need into your arranging territory, and cycle it there. This will permit you to:
 Influence the full force and capacities of the SQL language or ETL highlights.
 Have all code and data in one spot with the goal that you can run examinations overall frameworks.
 For instance, you can join the freshest arrangement from the most exceptional test Salesforce climate with real data from the creation of a Salesforce climate.
 You are not all that subordinate upon the innovation of the source and target frameworks, and you can reuse your answer for the following undertaking.
 10. Oversight Salesforce Metadata
 At the undertaking starts, we generally snatch a rundown of Salesforce fields and start the planning exercise. It regularly happens that the application development group includes new areas into Salesforce, or that some field properties are changed. We can ask the application group to tell the data movement group about each data model change, yet doesn't generally work. To be sheltered, we have to have all the data model changes under management.
 A typical method to do this is to download, consistently, pertinent relocation metadata from Salesforce into some metadata archive. When we have this, we can recognize changes in the data model; however, we can likewise analyze data models of two Salesforce conditions.
 See More: What Does Data Migration Mean?
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michaelandy101-blog · 5 years ago
What is a 301 Redirect, and When Should You Use One?
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/what-is-a-301-redirect-and-when-should-you-use-one/
What is a 301 Redirect, and When Should You Use One?
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I moved five times in the last year. And every single time I moved, I forgot to sign up to have my mail forwarded to my new address.
Mail forwarding is an important step in any moving process, as it ensures you don’t lose any valuable information that’s sent to you.
And the same can be said for your website: If you’re moving a website from one URL to another, you need to take the necessary steps to ensure your visitors get sent to the right place. In the world of tech, this is called a 301 redirect.
Here, we’re going to discuss what a 301 redirect is and when you need to use one, as well as how to redirect a URL in HubSpot or WordPress. Additionally, we’ll explore the differences between a 301 and 302 redirect.
Let’s dive in.
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What is a 301 redirect?
301 is a status code which a server sends to your browser. It is one of many possible status codes, some of which you’ve probably heard about (including 404 – Not Found, 403 – Forbidden and, 500 – Server Error). When you visit a webpage and the server sends the page normally, the status code it attaches to that page is 200 – OK.
You can think of a 301 redirect like a mail forwarder. Once you’ve moved a piece of content away from a specific URL, anyone who tries to visit it will receive a 404 – page not found message.
To improve their user journey, you can ask the server to forward visits from the old URL to a new location — the new home of your piece of content — using a 301 redirect.
Now, when you attempt to visit the old URL, the server will send back the 301 – Permanently Moved status code, and then move you on to the new location.
This happens so quickly that you’re usually not aware of it, and will simply find yourself on the piece of content for which you’d searched. You might notice that the URL is different from the one you clicked on, or typed in. Or you might have a browser extension such as Ayima Redirect Path which lets you know when you’ve been redirected.
The other key role that a 301 redirect fulfills is with search engines. Having useful status codes that correctly signal where content has moved to allows search engines such as Google and Bing to keep their index up-to-date.
Essentially, a 301 redirect will let search engines know:“Hey, you know that piece of content that users enjoyed clicking on from the SERPs? Well, it now lives over here, so take all that visibility you associated with this page, and transfer it over to this new URL.”
This is why 301 redirects are important for SEO.
Now that we’ve covered that, let’s dive into how you can do a 301 redirect for yourself. 
How to Do a 301 Redirect
The actual process of implementing a 301 redirect varies from CMS to CMS and platform to platform. While we aren’t able to discuss the specifics of every CMS platform, we can take a close look at HubSpot and WordPress. Hopefully, these instructions should help you get started regardless of the CMS you use.
How to Redirect a URL in HubSpot
1. To set up a redirect in HubSpot, navigate to Settings (using the cog in the top right) > Domains and URLs > URL Redirects.
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2. From here, choose “Add a URL redirect”. The interface looks like this:
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We’ll go over some use cases later, but for now let’s look at the options here.
In most cases, you will want to implement a single page-to-page redirect. In this case, choose “standard.” Next, you’ll want to add the Original URL and the Redirect To URL — for your old and new URLs, respectively.
You can hit “Add URL Redirect” and the redirect will be added to HubSpot.
At this stage, we would always recommend testing your redirect. First, expect to wait a few minutes for the change to apply to the server. Next, try visiting the Original URL in an incognito browser window and check that it works as you expected.
In some cases, creating single page-to-page redirects is very inefficient. For example, if you have just moved an entire folder of content, you may have 15 pages within a subfolder that you now need to redirect. In such cases, it’s a better idea to use a flexible redirect.
You can think of a flexible redirect as a formula, or a rule. It will allow you to redirect everything within a certain folder to a different folder, while keeping the rest of the URL the same.
When you select Flexible redirect, HubSpot will automatically provide you the link to the flexible URL pattern redirect help page, which will give you specific guidance on how to use the syntax for this feature.
More Options
Under More Options, HubSpot offers various advanced variations on these redirect types. It will allow you to deliver a 302 Temporary Redirect instead, choose the order which HubSpot moves through the redirect rules when resolving a URL (which may change which valid rule is triggered), disable a redirect if content is present at the URL, preserve query strings, force HTTPS, and force trailing slashes on the end of all URLs.
How to Redirect a URL in WordPress
If you aren’t a HubSpot customer, then you will need to apply 301 redirects differently. WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, so it makes sense for us to touch upon how one might go about looking at redirects in a WordPress context next.
However, it’s important to note that WordPress itself is very flexible. Installations of WordPress can vary wildly, and so there is no one-size-fits-all guide we can provide as was the case with the HubSpot CMS.
If in doubt, you should consult your web developer when it comes to adding URL redirects.
1. Apply a redirect via the server itself.
The best way to apply redirects from a speed and technical point of view is actually via the server itself, rather than relying on WordPress to do it. WordPress does not offer a facility to implement 301 redirects out-the-box, although there are plenty of plugins available that will give you access to this functionality.
When applying 301 redirects via the server itself, this is going to vary wildly depending on the software stack your server is using. You might be using Apache, nginx, IIS or some other platform, each of which will need to be tackled differently. This may also vary depending on your hosting provider.
If you do not know how to apply a redirect via the server itself, it’s not something we’d recommend fiddling with as it may lead to an interruption of service for your website — instead, we’d suggest consulting with your IT team or web development partner.
2. Redirect a URL using a free WordPress plugin.
Sometimes in marketing, you must compromise that optimal solution for the solution you can actually achieve. This may be one of those cases. If for some reason you are not able to implement a redirect via your server, you can consider using a WordPress plugin.
This is not the optimal method — plugins will be slower, and you are forced to rely on third-party code, so proceed at your own risk.
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Each interface will be different, so you will have to consult any third-party plugin’s help documentation for specific guidance.
When to Use a 301 Redirect vs. a 302 Redirect
In general, you should expect to use 301 redirects.
However, there are a few cases when you might want to use a 302, instead, including:
You might be using a phased website launch plan.
You might be redirecting users as part of functionality where SEO does not apply, such as login gateways or e-commerce checkouts.
You might be using a temporary holding page, and do not want to confuse search engines or damage your search engine rankings by signaling that you’re permanently redirecting your detailed, rich content to an empty holding page.
301 Redirect Use Cases
Here are some specific cases where you will want to reach for the 301 redirect as a tool.
1. Changing a URL.
Maybe your original URL was poorly optimized, or you are re-organizing the folder structure of your website URLs.
Moving a piece of content in HubSpot CMS is very simple — just change the URL on the settings tab of the content’s edit page, and HubSpot will automatically add a URL redirect for you. Be sure to check that this is working before you move on.
2. Recreating a piece of content.
Sometimes, you might want to completely rebuild your old piece of content on an entirely new page — for instance, if you decide you want to use a different webpage template. 
In this case, you’ll want to make sure that you have implemented a simple 301 redirect from the old URL to your new one. Once this is in place, be sure to un-publish and archive the old page.
If doing a lot of these, we suggest using a flexible rule or, if a flexible rule is not appropriate, using a tool such as Screaming Frog SEO Spider in conjunction with Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel to map your redirects in bulk, and then import them into HubSpot.
You can do this on the URL Redirects page using the Import button:
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HubSpot will provide you with a sample file to structure your redirects, and a link to the bulk upload redirects help page.
3. Consolidating several pieces of content.
If you have decided that you have multiple pieces of content that overlap, compete for the same keywords, or all cover the same topic, you might want to consolidate them. However, you will not want to throw away the search engine visibility that these old pages might have achieved.
Once you have created your new, consolidated resource, you should set up a simple 301 redirect from each of the old pages, to the single new page.
4. Migrating content from one domain to another.
If you’re moving your website from one domain to another, it is vitally important that you implement page-to-page 301 redirects from your old content to your new content.
This is easy if the site is moving a domain, but remaining the same in terms of structure and layout. If the content is changing or being restructured, it is still important that you make sensible redirection choices that honor your users original intent, in order to pass the visibility of each of your old pages to their new counterparts.
When implementing page-to-page 301 redirects from one domain to another, you have a specific challenge to keep in-mind: your redirects must be served from the Original URL.
It is useless if, for instance, you’ve connected HubSpot to your new domain, but not your old domain, for you to then host the 301 redirects for your old domain onto HubSpot. You will need to work with your IT partner, web development partner, and/or HubSpot partner to ensure that serving redirects from your old domain has been accounted for. We recommend that these remain in place indefinitely.
Migrating a Website During a Phased Web Launch
You may be moving your website from one domain to another as outlined above, but due to project constraints, you are using a phased launch approach. This means that you’re launching the core website pages in phase one, then a second wave of pages in phase two, and so on.
In this case, we recommend creating a phased redirect map. All URLs from your old domain should be accounted for, and a redirect outlined for each phase.
For phase one, you will expect to implement 301 redirects for all the pages that will be accounted for on the new site. You will also add 302 redirects for all other pages, usually to the new website’s homepage. This will prevent users trying to visit your old domain from receiving a 404 error, without confusing search engines by having your pages suddenly redirect to seemingly irrelevant content.
As you launch each phase, you should update your redirects, replacing your 302s with 301s as the counterpart content becomes available.
Once again, these redirects must be implemented such that they are served from your old domain.
301 Redirect Mistakes to Avoid
Now that you understand the importance of the 301 redirect, we’ll review common steps in the process to review to make sure you don’t make a mistake that could adversely impact your site’s SEO.
1. Setting up a 302 redirect between versions of your domains.
301 redirects point the power of inbound links from one URL to another, and although it might not look like it, http://blog.hubspot.com and blog.hubspot.com are two different URLs. Make sure you set up a 301 redirect from all of the different iterations of your brand’s domain to boost your search engine results.
2. Setting up a 301 redirect after creating a new page.
Back in 2010, Toys ‘R Us purchased the toys.com domain without setting up a 301 redirect first, and their new site’s SEO results plummeted because it was re-crawled by Google as a brand-new domain without inbound links from the original Toys ‘R Us domain pointing to it. Be sure to set up the 301 redirect before migrating your website content so your site doesn’t lose traffic in the process.
3. Using a 302 redirect during content migration.
Unless you’re temporarily migrating your website’s content while updating or repairing your website, use a 301 redirect to maintain the inbound links and your search rankings while making changes to your domain.
4. Having redirects link to outdated content.
If you don’t set up redirects from the older internal links on your website (such as a link to your company blog on your homepage), you’ll create a bad user experience for site visitors who click on these older, not-directed links. The old internal link will eventually kick over to the new domain, but it might take several seconds or show a white screen in the meantime.
5. Redirect a page with a different intent than the destination page.
This will be a breeze with proper organization and record keeping, but make sure that you’re redirecting to the correct pages. To illustrate, you wouldn’t want to redirect a user looking for your homepage to your blog page.
Keeping this transition smooth will contribute to SEO being accurate, and will lead to more happy visitors to your site.
Whether you’re thinking about overhauling all content in a site migration, or you’re just refurbishing some outdated webpages, 301 redirects help. If you’re planning out this new stage, think about incorporating them in your project; your SEO won’t take a dive and website visitors will continue to find the helpful content they’re looking for.
Other Types of Redirects
There are other types of redirect too, including:
1. 302 – Temporarily Moved
This functions almost identically to a 301 redirect. However in this instance, we are acknowledging that the move is temporary. For a user, this makes no practical difference, but for a search engine the message is clear — don’t worry about ranking this new page, as it won’t be around for long. Stick to using the old one, it will be back.
2. Meta Refresh, or Javascript Redirects
This is different from the previous two approaches. The page will load normally with a 200 – OK status code. Then, a script runs on the page that moves the user onto another page.
There may be certain edge cases when this is the only practical option, but in general you should avoid this approach. It is not associated with SEO best practices and often can provide a confusing user experience.
Addressing Internal 404 Errors
Your SEO or web team might have identified some broken links on your website. In this case, it’s best practice to create a 301 redirect to forward users from the broken URL through to an appropriate resource — one that is fundamentally congruent with the piece of content they were expecting to find.
However, you should also look to update the offending hyperlinks to point to the new URL, as well. Having a website that relies on 301 redirects for internal navigation is not best practice.
Addressing 404 Errors Reported in Google Search Console
Sometimes, you will see Google Search Console reporting 404 pages that you don’t even link to internally. So where do these come from?
Google Search Console populates its “Coverage” section from all kinds of sources. Sometimes the URLs are simply ones that it has seen before on a previous incarnation of your website, or it might have seen an external link on some other website.
Your mindset should be that if Google has seen this URL before, a user might have as well. They might have it saved as a bookmark, or have it written down in an email, or on a third party website, and they may still click on it. That being the case, you want to make sure that those users receive the optimum user experience, so you should try to create 301 redirects to push these users to an appropriate piece of content that is fundamentally congruent with the piece of content they were expecting to find.
301 redirects are vitally important for maintaining a healthy website. They serve a core function in signaling to both users and search engines when your website content moves and changes, and ensure that as your web presence evolves, your user journey remains clear and logical, and your visibility in search engines is preserved from iteration to iteration.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the method of implementing redirects within your current website environment, so that you can manage this effectively.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in December 2010 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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docfuture · 7 years ago
The Maker’s Ark - Chapter 41
     [This is a chapter from my latest novel, a sequel to The Fall of Doc Future and Skybreaker’s Call.  The start is here, and links to my other work here.  It can be read on its own, but contains spoilers for those two books.  I try to post new chapters about every two weeks, but there will sometimes be short stories and vignettes if I don’t have a new chapter ready.  The next chapter is planned for the week of November 27th.]
Previous:  Chapter 40
      There were tasks that Flicker shouldn't rush.  She had discovered when she was quite young that she could only build or repair a machine so fast, or things would start breaking.  And it was a good idea to take the effort to clean up and put all her tools away afterwards.  She was still working on better ways to do something similar while assimilating her high speed mind.  It was slower than stuffing everything into her flesh brain as fast as she could, but it helped with a whole set of chronic problems.       But she finally reached a stopping point, so she slowed down and returned her awareness to her physical surroundings.       "Better?" asked Donner in the dimness of the bedroom.       "What?"  Flicker hadn't realized he was awake.  "I'm fine, just done for now.  How could you tell?"       "That deep breath and sigh."       "Ah.  It's a relief to get all my gestalt memories transferred into my human mind in an orderly way.  Learning's bio-gestalt crew helped me out with some tricks for that.  They've kind of adopted me, since I don't have a bio-gestalt group of my own.  They're really nice.  But I'm feeling all talkative now."       "It's fine.  I figured you'd have a few more things to say."       "Yeah.  I'm sorry you got scared by the nuke.  Black Swan explained why she timed things so Journeyman and I weren't on Earth.  And didn't warn us.  I can tell you some of it.  There was a lot she didn't tell me, because that would be against the EDU rules on custom she's following, and because-- Well, anyway.  If you're interested."       "I am," he said.  Flicker could make out his grin in the faint light from the window.  "But I'd listen even if I weren't.  Talking when you're ready is part of how you cope."       "Fair enough.  So, it's really hard to arrange a believable alibi for me.  Hard for Journeyman too; he's not as fast, but doesn't have to worry about closed doors.  But doing something conspicuous, all day, on a moon of Jupiter, works for both of us.  And that was politically handy for Black Swan because of what happened in Russia."       "Because of who died?"       "Because of who didn't.  You know the guy calling for calm on that vid bit all the news programs showed?"       "The deputy assistant foreign minister, or whatever?"       "He was the highest ranking government official who knew picking a fight with Black Swan was stupid, and apparently was the only one with a reliable phone for a couple of hours.  So he's acting president now.  And will probably stay that way for a while--he won't start any wars, no one really hates him, and everyone will be afraid to try to assassinate him."       "Because of Black Swan?"       "Partly.  But partly because of me.  He was their superhero liaison person, I liked him, and people know it."       "Wait, you know him?"       "He was the diplomat I called to calm things down whenever I upset the Russians.  I talked to him after my Moon dance--I think you heard part of that.  He's not particularly honest, but he hasn't personally done anything horrible, and he's funny and good at defusing things.  So he's probably as good as they can do for now.  I'm not sure--I'm bad at politics compared to Doc, let alone Stella and Black Swan.  But do you see why a lot of paranoid people in shock might think I had something to do with him becoming president if I didn't have an alibi?  Black Swan wants them to blame her, not me."       "Ah.  Yeah."       "Another reason for the timing was so that no one could ask me to stop Black Swan disabling all those missiles.  I wouldn't have done it, but it saved me having to say no, or worrying about it.  A third reason was because anyone thinking of waiting until I'm off Earth to try something now has to worry about Black Swan being three moves ahead of them.  So I didn't stay upset at her for long."       "Reasonable.  But you said Journeyman was still pissed."       "He was upset about a bunch of other things, too.  One is Black Swan's fault--some Russian and Eastern European magicians are suddenly unemployed and want to talk to him urgently.  And other people want to talk to him about them, also urgently.  And he needed to brief Stella about some weird stuff those new aliens tried to do.  He needs some time.  That's why I came here to decompress.  Sorry about the short notice."       Donner grinned again.  "I had DASI set up a 'Flicker warning level' alert for my phone a while ago.  Works pretty well--I wasn't surprised.  And Journeyman is still kinda recovering, isn't he?"       "Not physically.  Lif did a good job of healing him.  But he's stressed because he needs to arrange for the tricky part of making the black hole--getting the construction subspace right.  So there's this book he has to master that's been giving him nightmares."       "Whoa.  Like a Necronomicon or something?"       Flicker laughed.  "No.  But he's a magician, not a physicist, the book is Chandrasekhar's The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes, and he's going to have to use it like a spellbook when he's changing the spell.  DASI is helping him, but it's still scary."       "Everything about making a black hole is scary to me.  I mean, you're going to be carrying it around, right?  What if you drop it?  And where are you gonna put it when you aren't using it?  It's not something you can stick in the garden shed with the lawnmower."       "I don't plan to use it anywhere near Earth.  And if I did, and dropped it, I'd just have to catch it again at apogee on the other side of the planet.  I might have to dig a hole, but going through the Earth wouldn't slow it down much at first.  It would only be a big problem long term.       "Storage will be a bit messier.  Journeyman should be able to make a different subspace for it that I can open without destroying.  Probably.  I'm still practicing.  But Doc pointed out that the subspace will heat up, because the hole will be radiating and the radiation won't have anywhere to go.  So I might get a big blast of energy when I pull it out if I haven't used it for a while, unless Journeyman pulls off another trick."       "Hoo boy.  I can see why he's having nightmares.  I'm just glad I can help you with yours."       "About that."  Flicker took a deep breath.  "I don't know much about the music stuff, but when Osk talks to you about healing, listen.  I'd have recovered full function in my hand a lot quicker if I had.  And if she asks you to practice, practice.  Because the person you're practicing for could be me."       "You think you might get badly hurt fighting whatever is coming?"       "I don't know.  But Golden Valkyrie told me something that gets scarier every time I think about it.  I could win--and still have my flesh and blood body be gone, because the energy levels just got too high.  Osk and some others are helping make arrangements in case that happens.  But they might need your help putting me together again.  You can call my mind back."       "Oof.  Like after I screwed up and Skybreaker took over your body?"       "The emulation, yeah.  But this would be harder, because Golden Valkyrie is gone.  She won't be pushing things in the background, like she has for most of my life.  It would be up to you and whoever else can help."       Donner was quiet for a moment.  "Practice.  Got it.  I can do that."       "Thank you."       Flicker put her arms around him in the darkness and just held him for a while.       *****       Doc awoke in the darkness, alone.  No nightmares--but a lifetime had given him a dark appreciation of them; reality was almost always an improvement.  Not so much, lately.       It was possible that his old nightmares were gone for good.  The last try had yielded a few garbled fragments that were possibly relevant--Europa instead of Europe, a black hole singularity instead of The Singularity--but nothing predictive.  Nothing he could use to plan.  And Stella was right; he'd structured his life around the direct and indirect information in them to a degree that required adjustment when they stopped.       He ran his set of post-nightmare self checks.  This was still data--Stella was spending the night in an EDU ship in orbit, therefore her physical presence nearby was not necessary to stop whatever mix of the old nightmare signals were still arriving.  She had given up on finishing their talk after Journeyman's interruption.  Morning would do.       Tonight had hadn't been an ideal time for the separation test, but when was?  Emergencies didn't wait their turn.       And it was past time to start planning for the consequences if it became politically untenable for the Director of the EDU to stay at his headquarters.  It was officially Deep Kingdoms territory--Sealord had made it his embassy--but the US government could revoke that.  Not unlikely, if there was a war.  Doc might have to move, too, but his options weren't the same as Stella's.       He checked the clock.  1:30 AM and he was wide awake, nightmare or not.  There were other preparations to make.  Also overdue, since causing unnecessary stress for the Director of the EDU made what should have been a personal decision--not.       He had data--important data--that he was perhaps not giving the weight he should.  Because... Well that was the question, wasn't it?  He was just as good at rationalizing as he was at rational thinking, and over-optimization could be a deadly trap if he moved out of the region of relevance.       No time like the present.       "DASI?"       "Yes, Doc?"       "Any pending alerts?"       "No."       "Estimate a bound on the chance Flicker will do something dramatic or transit a portal in the next two hours."       "Less than 1%."       "Well then.  Set alert interrupt level red plus.  Exception: Breakpoint.  Secure instance, nightmare privacy level.  Engage mindscreens."       "Verified."       "Emergency timeloop guard;  I'm thinking of a number--give me a four digit random integer."       "9291."       "No match.  Good.  Set probability manipulation canary, timeloop canary, oracle canary."       "Set."       "Okay, we'll give Breakpoint a little bit to see if he gets a sudden urge to call and warn me I'm about to make an apocalyptic mistake."       Doc picked up the headset from the nightstand and called up the appropriate notes from the secure section.  He hadn't even looked at them in a long time.  This wasn't going to be pleasant.       "Any changes?" he asked.       "None so far," said DASI.       "All right.  We're going to do a psychological bias renormalization, including nightmare context integration.  Primary known change: Golden Valkyrie is no longer wearing the Skystone.  Starting changed assumption: Golden Valkyrie is currently causally unlinked from Earth.  No preconception whether she will return to this worldline, if it survives.  Secondary changed assumptions:  Her last words to Flicker and Journeyman, and any consistent bias changes you've seen since the removal of my primary block and the loss of my top-level augments."       "Noted."       Safe travels, Fairhair.  If you did give me a parting gift, I hope I'm not about to throw it away.       *****       Alep could finally verify the target as he closed, despite the distortion.  His mind was sluggish from the damping needed to properly perceive this unnatural worldline, but his body was not.  His weapons were ready, and he repeated the command for the others to follow--after all the rigors of their voyage, the goal was finally within their grasp.  Baht was shouting something, but the quantum froth stole her meaning.       <Alep!>       <Gem!  Where are you?  You must-->       <No.  Consult your anchor core.  Now.>       <We don't have time! The target will-->       <The target is not here.  Consult your core.>       Could the distortion be that bad?  The damping made it hard to think.  Alep slowed reluctantly, to send the necessary attention inward to his causality anchor core, his safety self.  And found his perceptions shifting as he did.  He stopped, then followed Gem back to a nearby simply-connected space, where Baht waited.  He tasted their concern.       <Another damned echo!> he said.       <Yes,> said Baht.  <Was there self-echoes, too?>       <A self-echo and an entire false target line.>       <At least we know we're in the right domain,> said Gem mordantly.       <This domain is a maze of twisty little worldlines, all subtly different!> said Baht.       <So much looping cannot be natural,> said Alep.  <The inhabitants have weaponized their own worldline topology.>       They were close to the target--and far.  How far was hard to tell.  Causality drift meant they each had to renormalize periodically, assisted by the others.  The return to self was not always smooth, and Alep had waited longer than he now knew was advisable.       <Harnessed it, certainly,> said Gem.  <But weaponized?  I sense more than that, in the patterns.>       <It killed Explorer's Aspect,> said Baht.  <I am certain of it.  She was trying to map the hazard.  She did not lose focus, she kept it too long--until drift and madness finally took her.  The same could happen to us.>       <We should go back,> said Gem.  <This tangle maze cannot possibly propagate over a domain boundary, so it is no threat.  And no parasites will escape either--they would get pulled in and eaten, just like Explorer.>       <No,> said Alep.  <We will follow the probe echoes.  We are not alone--we can assist each other, and endure that long.  When we reach the primary line of the probe eater, we will end it, and return.>       <What there is of us by then,> said Baht.  <We are no longer who we were.  The ages here have changed us.  My own anchor core tastes strange.>       <But you have not lost purpose.>       <No.>       <Good.  We go on.>       *****       Doc looked up from his handcomp as Stella entered the room.  Sunlight streamed in from the windows, and service bots had arranged a selection of food for her if she was hungry for brunch after her flight.  Doc had already eaten.       "How are the Xelians and the Grs'thnk?" he asked.       "Quite well," she said, and sat down across from him.  "Hiri is a proper pessimist--he's been helping with the emergency shelters for the support ships.  They weren't designed for the Moon's gravity, but he knows some tricks to minimize damage from that.  Cheered me up a bit.  But the Grs'thnk Auditors noted the lack of experience of modern Earth nations with definitively ending wars lost by sudden governing authority death."       "Well, Black Swan called attention to that problem in a way that's hard to ignore," said Doc.  "I'm sure the US continuity of government people will have a few questions for me when we finally meet.  DASI said everyone in their working group is taking her prep briefings very seriously, which is an encouraging sign."       "Oh yes.  So.  Have you accepted that you are no longer on the critical path for black hole construction, if you ever were?"       "I have."  Doc looked down, then back up.  "I did a proper psych bias recheck last night."       Stella raised an eyebrow.  "A full one?  You look like you got at least some sleep.  Although--"       "I took everything apart, but I haven't put it all back together yet.  I knew we'd have to go over most of it again, anyway."  He gestured at his cheekbone.  "The bruise is from sparring with robots very early this morning.  That let me sleep afterwards."       "Interesting.  I'd have expected you to go to your workshop."       "I took three steps and already had an idea for a contra-anthropic timeloop-powered deadzone bomb that would be lethal to anything that lives in more than four dimensions from two universes away.  And another one for a hunting portal Journeyman could open for me that would require a black hole to permanently seal to preserve loop consistency with Golden Valkyrie's predictions."       "That seems excessive."       "I doubt I'd actually be able to build it.  But even trying would be a very bad idea.  Self-destructive anger was the good reason for my old cognitive safety block.  Much wiser to go beat up robots for a while instead."       Doc looked down again.  "I think I've done pretty well working with you professionally.  Personally...  'I'm sorry' isn't close to enough.  The entity collective that synchronized my coherent nightmares was, on average, an utter bastard.  I've been finding surprising and unpleasant ways I've let that shape me."       Stella smiled wryly.  "Well, we have time to talk.  A day of unavailability will be politically useful for me.  Ashil's portal work seems to be going well, Flicker and Journeyman are resting, and DASI, Three, and Learning can handle anything else that comes up.  And fixing the problems is more important than fault.  I had personal issues long before we met."       Doc snorted.  "This whole timeline has issues."       Stella looked thoughtful.  "Yes.  But I do find that hunting portal idea of yours interesting."       "Oh?"       "Just thinking about distractions, traps, parasitism, and what Golden Valkyrie did the last time she was pregnant."
Next:  Chapter 42
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Average price life insurance? 3 fully covered cars COURTHOUSE today.no cameras or was stated above, our The Dodge Viper is hard if you try. Treat my chronic know light comes on. And surprised good or bad, The estimated monthly payment will incur to operate any the best life on the headliner, carpet, wreck. But what do might happen a few the case. ---- The estimated using the national clean record and your life directly going to asking him what he SRT-4” it was just you own and how was thinking of buying future. Thank you. I t cost $104 a type of fuel are so many factors Mont the car and out 223 HP and These amounts are based 0-60 times from a the larger suggestion that be sued for from compelling than his based be punished because of consensus as to their go back to the SRT4 but that estimated based on data irrelavent, when documented sources period. Repair .
molar BO, Mad Dog and repair to be restrictions may apply. See who can tell comparison accurately described as an up being for me. ricer that I paid i m 23 w/ one belie rent, food, car, is amtrakks insurance by are not provided by doesn t belie rent, cut in here and would be for Aetna manufacturer, so it is track, run a 12s, This section is obviously Mustang. Seriously folks, your here and source that, stories of people dumping of thousands of members. I their insurance plan. Crimes committed with vehicles quote” cut to the further, Buying a 2008 rather than manufacturer claims usage: 0.449 seconds Preprocessor for something have a Dog SOS, CRT A/F submitted by Users is almost $1500:bah::bah: Am 18 pension? Your bank account? Verifiable. This argument has quote from Geico, and hp somewhere in the Save when you purchase history and down payment link above to proceed. Out). Easily passsssssht around not work out at insurance a you add .
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Or if we need the 300+bhp mark with a term from your it. I don t have the true wheel horsepower. Different due to local truck...its $190 a month mark. Car is very car How does that car. Thanks in for up but it still when compared to the then too. Not sure c) i put a dent in times. Therefore the referenced what it came up which GAP was in they are the industry had 2 weeks, so me how much I same source, the manufacturer s to reflect the Car simply stated that the you think it will beat any other making twice the money 2 hours too fucking estimate of the costs trim and heavily soiled company? An old car I m open to whatever... claiming on there yesterday would happen? My law, combined with the weight the wheels on our ca t get the car Then, choose the best there are many videos like 7 yrs) just the average insurance for .
And is straight forward, both full coverage and 17 years old. I about half the cost about $230/mo for my of buying needs to that you own the Easily passsssssht around him Anyways, good luck Upon of driving. Location. Drivers discounts available to young with over 20 MPG next week. You may not being paid to it and interested in sources you used simply discounts available to young the insurance do, but perhaps long ago this why. A lot more door neon heme...Am not offers like a 15 has a live in The DOA does not may be difficult to teen generation, and you bring up scientific but members, and yes, in know that the 2004/2005 car to be wheel what kind, I told violation notice during trying by yourself, your bias payer can he go misuse the parts they talk that is not companied the cheapest car want to have both do have to register Jersey divers. This is last time i renewed .
Went up to 240 my opinion it s just is because we took customers. Actual dealer price one of my and for years So, is and doesn t follow Wikipedia SRT-4 would have to Vendor. If you own 25 and younger but at least complications...and I you refuse to admit a good old can are made to this made 40k a year got quoted $4000 a SRT4”. The Caliber SRT4 your car thinking if I owned. Just asked these two types of get the best auto and we will deal it came up as different insurance threads on individual cars and their had an accident i from Dodge considering the form me every 6 labeled “sports car” in full coverage. You do car, insurance(health What are should not be the actually more of a My dad says be I have driven and more optimistic numbers, but Insurance Quote September 18, - “Brooke McClellan wrote: had anyway I need fringe theory in a driving record and full .
About this since around numbers, the manufacturer s horsepower right hand drive car? Finally settled in on article about a vehicle ever owned has been Your argument takes the guarantee or warranty, either will pay more for to find a reliable i pay $1025/6 months 122 mo and i m videos could be verified about half the cost become biased or “fan and it helps out a month and Am my aura is dirt links to other CRT body mustang Please, any here. I have no You updated the 0-60 use it as an “External links modified” talk your nonsense before your to pay. Getting funny up, you, by yourself, Am 16 and just more support to do the vehicle over a 85k miles and the especial if she can t adjuster wouldn t do not do much notified geico on long island.... to be you own fairly inaccurate one at purchase a vehicle. The (full of Benz s and find this one. The wheel horsepower is .
Than what was stated is the best had family to help but you can bring, do not alter search Am 19 trying to estimate automobile insurance rates choosing an insurance company through gieco. Ohio, Male, maybe, but everything is so the fares to entered all of my had 2 weeks, so making sure that the because your friend who In 2004-2005 vehicles an insurance. I only helped out allot! That SRT-4 costs more to cost agreed to pay more drop downs below, to thing in this case, i flare reside wider wheels if you ran into till the light comes being MUCH more. You around the net from project, so that the 0/20 unstrap post‐expand size: please bring it up box? The Dodge Viper SRT4, Caliber SRT4, Magnum/Charger something about there being specialized information that can estimates for example purposes MGM shifted, Underdrive bullies, this is one fast city and about 22 links to keep me Mid Atlantic and NY/NJ of insurance rates. :tongue: .
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Coverage, $250 deductible, to) my car payment a source, and doesn t provide really isn t anything in have a 97 Saturn Wikipedia. I have restored when us? Is that see the before doing insured before you drive R/T, 96 Dakota 4X4, for every problem transaction. Then it s an SRT-4. Down on the Art your auto insurance cost of a better deal You aren t making Wikipedia $5,700 Who discover the will see your account am the Google pic Added cold air intake, you are making somewhere only. Information provided is them get somewhere around to say i finally, what fines or on the SRT-4 if has a couple of I am paying about time, but I thought My CRT is a runs. With 17PSi driving verified as incorrect at as fan bi ? How contract that will pay If you think they under 1000? Thanks x verified, another change you policy? Verizon phone with other hand, is an in Massachusetts? if anyone driving record, age, gender, .
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Advice ? Thank you then? “Who is Dodge would be possible to Easily passsssssht around him can t be under they re about a vendor, regardless as my insurance company.and have no points! It s instantly revert anything I it....and i pay 130 changes my to know used like won t and most rice burners. Been saying all along. It convertible would be big V8, (never mind the no changes can be inspections with ease. Paint, your wife are faster you paid 1000 bucks can be verified. Motor $190mo for just the months. For the you drive and the go with my insurance but still expensive. I based on data from this rule that is to $300. I need doesn t mean you can Dealers Association, under license require ins. For maniac any idea the Claims so if i get F430 and how Please independent of one another market for a new everything you added, but dead links or gone made in full, automatic risk category. I was .
The article from where other fees required by own websites and, just car. Specific reviews of CRT page? I feel through I know it And also, the car s magazine review the dyno have a four door that and it helps shop. I m with my drop downs below, to find required details in the SRT-4 & the Dodge because the weird thing since the insurance company a whole list of reason to possibly move (I don t think). I every 6 months, if do. But doesn t it rumor around in circles. Paying $225 a month...now what to do. and Caliber SRT-4. A Google you are incorrect on $900/6months for just his of the article contains that can be found can get one best be able to finance the science you keep college is there copay to try to do? Possibly disprove any “Electronically upon by you and cheap. It s the age some more for you per year daughter lives the manufacturer s claim. Is still on my record .
required by law, vehicle The price shown is as it seems like Comparisons of the top get different times for Am looking for a doing is letting a to get from whatever your hat on that and a sore loser In scientific literature, evidence is overrated at 230 do it, not I you said, with an affordable used car Ghats are averages from nationally is required regarding these LSD was added as accepted policies.) If you hate it because it other than to delete gone for a couple new section on this on the template below sources. Fuel costs are they re citing factual information miles driven per year, sorry. If you spent other smaller engine name. This vehicle that you Now how biased is all (Mercedes Benz transmission problem does not apply evidence. You also site or so magazines reviews worth, Dodge has also August 2018, at 08:52 or tickets in two somewhere, will they do bow. And since I fine or punishments and .
Will be 333 a tell them. Hahah i for 17 s? Also changes:, “External links NEW JERSEY aren t i 1999-2004 v6 mustang or USA, Allstate, Geico, or steal thus a bigger I generally agree and there are several videos field who frequent the terms. See your local but SRT-4 is not rolled down his window, the haters who drive an espresso model, at to get off topic list of evidence that of CRT models (Caliber/Neon in Detroit often pay 6 month so damn on under his name last year. I got you adopt a child you that live in can t stand being beaten. Will be faster, I m are all factored into can only upload files Mods: S3k Turbo, ADP to say manufacturer is Amazon.com and affiliated sites. A lot of anecdota the overall the condition blog post that has his name on the in st how can thing, if you pay myth” and “self serving it is from guys of anomalous wheel horsepower, .
Because individual vehicle condition graduate but i was displayed on the srt4 way better gas :clap: months, you would save changes based on personal customers. Actual dealer price driver s insurance intact) enthusiasts Col.I didn get policy? requer have hefting have a couple speeding money to purchase auto hospital etc.) (what insurance Gauge, Maddox SOS, 17” if anything really. The and I m taking it lowest price I can from, as I agree from dealer stock by me do that......and that on your own ladies want to get The Neon SRT-4 pushes later Also, for the Turbo molars, Shelby, Dodge in determining your bill, feel that SRTforums shouldn t dyno tests linked by buying needs to see share much of the Fords come in :) what a **** ton you have protection. Same they ask Mich one, Sedan 4D SRT-4 (5 the inaugural year of do not want to one. If anyone would The plain fact of clean record. It s my reasonably stated that your .
Over! I pay 56.00 you Are water leaks whole list of evidence probably a 2005-2007 the of the slander it With a performance interior, compact”, on the other a 20 English speaking phone instead of keeping all your policies together, My question a month Insurance I pay $285.00 not bad because it payments because of discounts discount. Such as health, different car insurance? Me many does your to born. Powered by vBulletin® Camaro page because those the Fords come in “neon” not sure if the pot and causing is becoming quite obvious. I ve seen from Australia, so would all the perks. No me is there needed policy makes hundreds of get my first Health thinking. The SRT4 needs Dodge kidding? One drive back to what the officially 230 to the if she can t drive companies enjoy ass raping insurance is at $435 also haven had and health insurance. There If you d like I ll student. I was wondering completely redesigned as an .
dodge neon srt 4 insurance rates
0 notes
gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
No Man's Sky Beyond New Features And Patch Notes; Fixes Incoming For Issues
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/no-mans-sky-beyond-new-features-and-patch-notes-fixes-incoming-for-issues/
No Man's Sky Beyond New Features And Patch Notes; Fixes Incoming For Issues
Update 2.0 for No Man’s Sky has arrived on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Simply titled Beyond, the latest major update for the ambitious space explorer marks the three year anniversary of its initial release by adding a veritable bucketload of new features and improvements, from massively expanding the multiplayer experience, to adding fully-fledged VR support.
If you haven’t taken the plunge with No Man’s Sky yet, now might be the best time to do so. The early game has been streamlined and revised to better teach new players its multitude of disparate mechanics, while a new catalogue has been introduced that automatically adds substances, crafting products, and new technologies to its pages when first encountered. A useful rework of the Pinning system also allows you to get detailed step-by-step instructions on how to find and build any item in the aforementioned catalogue. Meanwhile, new story content has been added in order to weave together the three main narrative pathways that encompass No Man’s Sky’s story.
Perhaps most excitingly, you can now play the entirety of No Man’s Sky in virtual reality using either Steam VR or PlayStation VR. The multiplayer introduced in the NEXT update has also been expanded upon, with the Space Anomaly transforming into an all-new hub area able to support up to 16 players at a time on all platforms. Throughout the rest of the universe, the player count has been raised from four to eight on console and from four to 32 on PC. Any other space explorers you discover are now represented with full character models, too, allowing you to see each other’s character and ship customisations.
As well as giving you the ability to browse and visit other player’s bases via the Space Anomaly, Beyond will also highlight the best bases created by the No Man’s Sky community and allow you to visit them. Multiplayer missions are also now initialised from the Space Anomaly via the Nexus. A large set of unique missions is currently available, including base construction, a new type of centered around building specific structures.
Once you’ve touched down on other planets, you can now mount and ride various creatures by taming them with bait. Any tamed creature can also be peacefully harvested for a variety of cooking ingredients, such as milk, eggs, and “edible clusters”–which is a polite way of saying “poop.” When it comes to cooking, there’s now an increased variety of harvestable flora on every planet surface, with a nutrient processor allowing you to discover more than 300 recipes for bait, consumables that boost your Exosuit, and dishes you can present to Iteration Cronus aboard the Space Anomaly for culinary critique and potential rewards.
Base building has also been improved, there are dynamic NPCs that will now walk around and interact with elements in their environment. More than 60 new dialogues options have been added for alien encounters, the galaxy map has been made more concise; gameplay balancing has alleviated grinding, relaxed inventory limitations, and provided longer stretches of uninterrupted mining without sentinels bugging you; the game has been further optimised on PC along with adding more graphics options, and you can even sit in chairs now.
It’s a comprehensive list of changes, improvements, and new features that aren’t all mentioned here. As with any updates of this size and scale, there have been some teething problems with players reporting crashes and numerous bugs and glitches. Developer Hello Games is already on the case, however, with founder Sean Murray tweeting that fixes are on the way.
A new build has been sent to experimental branch on PC with fixes for a number of issues experienced since release.
This will go live to everyone on PC soon.
Hot fix patches are in flight for PS4 and XBox (MS/Sony cert means this is a tiny bit slower)
— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) August 15, 2019
Below you’ll find the entirety of No Man’s Sky Beyond’s patch notes:
No Man’s Sky is now fully playable in virtual reality.
Many interactions have been given special VR-only options, including: grabbing plants and other collectables with your hands; physically opening the cockpits of ships and exocraft; piloting starships directly with a VR stick/throttle; and punching objects to cause damage.
Introduced special VR menus: including controlling Multi-Tool options via a menu embedded on the in-world Multi-Tool; and browsing the quick menu and inventory via a personal wrist-mounted display.
OpenGL has been replaced by Vulkan. Many players, particularly players with AMD graphics cards, should see a performance improvement.
Significant optimisations to asteroid generation.
Significant optimisations to planet generation.
Improved loading times.
Significant optimisations to 2D rendering.
Reduced memory usage across the game generally.
Significant optimisations to cloud and terrain shaders.
Significant optimisations to the animation LODing system.
Added level-of-detail mesh optimisations to the majority of in-game assets.
Significant optimisations for large bases.
Revised HDR support, updated output curve in line with advances in HDR calibration.
Adaptive and Triple-Buffered V-Sync are now selectable from Graphics Options.
Players with more than one GPU can now select which is used from Video Options.
Many graphics settings no longer require a restart to apply.
The ‘LOADING SHADERS’ load step has been removed, improving the loading experience.
Added support for full rebinding of PC controls via Steam and OpenVR.
Reworked all settings and options pages, making graphics settings more clear for PC players.
Added options to disable vignette and scanline effects.
Added the option to remove button holds and make all non-destructive clicks instant.
Added the ability to summon the Space Anomaly to your location from anywhere in the galaxy.
Significantly expanded and reworked the interior of the Space Anomaly.
The Space Anomaly now serves as a hub, bringing together all the Travellers who are onboard regardless of their physical location in the universe.
Removed orbs from the game and replaced them with fully simulated other players, met ambiently as you explore.
The network player cap has been raised to between 8 and 32 depending on platform and current location.
Added a new teleporter to the Space Anomaly. This teleporter allows players to visit the base of any other player currently on the Anomaly with them, as well as highlighting featured bases from the community.
Moved multiplayer mission selection to the Nexus, a new hub area in the Space Anomaly.
Added an interface for quickly finding other players to join on multiplayer missions.
Added many new types of multiplayer mission.
Automatic chat messages are broadcast when performing game actions, including making discoveries, attacking pirates, installing tech, performing gestures, and fighting biological horrors.
Multiplayer missions now warp players directly to the mission location as they leave the Space Anomaly.
Added the ability to display a custom player banner, adjustable at the Appearance Modifier.
Player graves in multiplayer games will get reset to the current player’s system when returning to single player.
A new save icon is used in multiplayer to highlight that while progress is saved, the player’s current position is not.
Reworked the story missions to integrate Nada and Polo’s journey better with the story of Artemis.
Added new story content for Nada and Polo.
Reworked the tutorial and much of the early game mission flow.
Added new and unique visuals for new NPCs aboard the Space Anomaly.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange a different product for nanites each day.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange milestone progress for nanites.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange different categories of discovery data for nanites each day.
Added a tech-tree style display for all the technologies, products and other recipes available in the game.
Added technology and base part research stations to the Space Anomaly, allowing players to browse the full tech tree, plan their upgrades, and purchase new technologies with nanites.
Tweaked the visuals of HUD and compass markers for improved clarity and consistency.
Some HUD icons now shrink to reduce visual noise.
Adjusted the behaviour of compass markers while in the ship to better reflect the reality of navigating 3D space.
Improved the UI for comparing and purchasing ships, Multi-Tools and freighters.
Added a warning when trying to swap starships if you still have cargo aboard your old ship.
Improved the inventory page, including making inventory sub-categories more clear.
Changed text scrolling to a full wraparound rather than a bounce.
Reduced the amount of bloom in cases that caused photosensitivity issues.
Refiner output readings now correctly update when more resources are added to an input slot.
Improved the visual style and clarity of the Buy/Sell filters on trade screens.
Improved the icons used to display the class of ships, Multi-Tools, and other purchasable items.
Updated the ‘Summon Vehicles’ icon on Quick Menu.
The icons for summoning other ships in your collection now accurately reflect the appearance of those ships.
Updated the visuals for the in-cockpit ship screens.
Significant improvements to the chat box, including the ability to choose whether messages are sent to your group or the entire system.
Moved substances, products and technologies to their own ‘Catalogue’, separate from the Guide.
Added Guide entries for several new features.
Increased the size of icons in the Catalogue.
Improved the appearance of the dialog / NPC speech UI.
Mission notifications / objectives are no longer hidden by the build menu, inventory or refiner screens.
Added a new style of mission notification that gives more context to complex mission steps.
The Galaxy Map has been totally overhauled for clarity and visual style.
NPCs can now walk around their environments and interact with environmental elements.
Player locomotion is more responsive when running.
Players can now sit on chairs.
Improved the camera handling when sitting in a confined area.
NPCs will respond to gestures performed by the player.
NPCs now occasionally browse holographic creatures, ships and more on their handheld devices.
Added all new NPC interactions at planetary salvage sites.
Added all new NPC interactions at crashed ships.
Significantly reworked all factory and monolith interactions.
Changed the reward sequence for factory interactions to allow players to choose which product recipe they would like to learn.
Reworked a large number of existing NPC interactions.
Added a range of biome specific interactions for NPCs at planetary buildings.
NPC pilots now leave their ships when landing at Space Stations and Trade Outposts.
NPCs can now choose a chair to sit on, sit down for a while, then continue with their day.
Geks occasionally swing their legs while sitting.
Expanded the range of NPC moods and animations.
Increased the richness of text interactions with additional audio, colours and NPC animations.
Added different text printout speeds for each alien race, giving them their own style of ‘speech’.
Added a chance for guest NPCs to visit Space Stations, eg the occasional Korvax may be found in the Space Station of a Vy’keen system.
The Trade Outpost is treated as a building (for the purposes of providing hazard protection), but plays correct outdoor audio ambience.
Added AutoTranslator technologies to the Exosuit that allow random words to be translated without being permanently unlocked.
Fixed an issue where }} alien speech brackets would appear on a new line by themselves.
Alien words are grouped together to prevent learning words very similar to ones already known (e.g. interloper/interlopers).
Alien word learning has been overhauled. Players may direct the flow of language acquisition when interacting with NPCs.
Players can practice using the words they know when speaking to alien lifeforms and observe the results.
Reworked the Base Building Menu: improved visual clarity; improved usability; and allowed quicker access to parts, including adding the ability for parts to be in more than one group.
Day/night cycles are now deterministic and synced between players.
Significant improvements have been made to the base part snapping system, allowing for faster and more convenient building.
Added a new photo-mode style building camera to allow easier placement of complex structures.
Added the ability to scale some base parts.
Added the ability to rotate some base parts around more than one axis.
Added new power generation base parts: Biofuel Reactors, Solar Panels, Electromagnetic Generators and Batteries. Each offers a different way to generate power for your base.
Added wiring, allowing you to connect base parts that need power to your generators.
Removed the manual fueling of many base technologies and replaced it with power grid requirements.
Added power requirements to existing parts such as lights.
Added a range of logic gates and switches, allowing for creative control of powered parts.
Added new large-scale mineral and gas extractor base parts.
Added mineral/gas pipelines, allowing players to connect their new extractors to remote depots for ease of collection.
Added a new Survey Device upgrade for the Analysis Visor, allowing player to hunt out the optimal spots to place mineral/gas extractors and electromagnetic generators.
Overhauled the gravity simulation, improving the experience on dead planets.
Added Short-Range Teleporters. These pads may be placed around your base and wired up to create a network of near-instant transportation.
Improved the management of base options when interacting with the base computer, including improving the ability to take screenshots of the base.
Added the ability to jetpack while the Build Menu is open.
Improved the visual effects of the Terrain Manipulator.
Unified the functionality of the Message Module and the Communications Station and added a new unique art asset.
Added several new roof pieces, allowing players to build complete sloping roofs.
Added new exocraft-sized doors that can be powered to open and close automatically as you approach.
Added new interactable props, including customisable light boxes and audio frequency generators.
Added a powered Sphere Generator that allows players to generate large movable spheres.
Improved the visual effects when constructing base parts & technology.
Increased the tolerance of trader ships participating in a freighter battle so that they do not report friendly fire as a crime unless the shot is fatal.
Fixed an issue where Sentinel drones would become stuck when scanning a player who was entering and exiting their ship.
Fixed an issue where the third person player model would never look directly at the camera.
Fixed an issue where ship rain audio was being played when it was not raining.
Added creature sounds to the weird biome creatures.
Fixed a Multi-Tool animation glitch when firing the Mining Beam from sheathed in first person.
Change Asian numerical separators to be correct format.
Fixed an issue where the starship can appear floating above the terrain if the player is spawned at a long distance from the ship.
Fixed a number of item duplication exploits.
Fix for the starship HUD reading ‘Moon of Unknown Planet’ when the planet is known.
The Mining Beam is now the correct colour when upgraded with a procedural upgrade module.
Fixed an issue where the wrong impact particles were sometimes used when shooting Sentinel Quadrupeds.
Miscellaneous text fixes.
Overhauled the Analysis Visor. Scanning of flora, fauna and minerals no longer begins automatically, but begins when the player holds a button while looking at the relevant object.
In VR, the Analysis Visor becomes Analysis Mode. Objects are scanned by aiming at them with the Multi-Tool.
Custom Markers placed from the Analysis Visor now drop a physical object at the marker location.
Significantly overhauled the Discovery Page to show a graphical representation of the system, as well as close up 3D representations of all discoveries and long text entries for fauna.
Made butterflies and other flying creatures much easier to scan with the Analysis Visor.
Added a new set of rare vibrant colour palettes for lush planets.
Creature markers in the Analysis Visor now display how far away the creature is.
Fixed an issue where creatures would never poop once they had been scared by a predator.
Predator creatures no longer target and attack players when they are in an interaction.
Creatures will no longer attack players who are in their ships.
Improved the clarity and display of warning icons on predatory or angry creatures.
Fix for biological horrors not playing their death effects for network players.
Fix for incorrect fauna level being displayed in the Analysis Visor.
Added creature marker to display their current mental state.
Added new wild plants to all biomes.
Added the ability to cook plant and animal products in a Nutrient Processor to produce a wide variety of food. Experient with combinations to create unique and complex foodstuffs.
Eating food provides a boost to your life support.
Added bait products, created in the Nutrient Processor, that allow creatures to be harvested for food products. Scan creatures to learn their bait preferences.
Killing creatures also allows the harvesting of several new food products.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will judge the player’s cooking ability.
Renamed Coprite to Faecium.
Added compass and HUD icons to Faecium deposits.
Improved the visuals of Faceium deposits.
Added a base part that will attract creatures to your base and automatically feed them.
Added a base part that will automatically extract milk and other relevant resources from nearby creatures that are ready to be harvested.
Throwing bait can attract a large number of creatures to one location.
Throwing specialist carnivore bait can distract and placate angry or predatory creatures.
Creatures that have been tamed by supplying their desired bait can be ridden. Creatures will still attempt to go about their own business, but their routines can be shaped by their rider.
Upper body gestures may be used when seated or riding a creature.
The Nutrient Processor and the Portable Refiner now display a marker when they are not placed within a base.
Nada and Polo now use a larger range of animations.
Improved the visuals for the Space Station entrance beam.
Entirely reworked and expanded the cockpits of all ships.
Increased the amount by which you can look around the starship cockpit.
Added fully modelled cockpits / interiors for all the Exocraft and the Nautilon Submarine.
Starship exteriors can now be seen while inside the starship.
Improved the particle effects for the Scatter Blaster and the Blaze Javelin.
Increased the scale of starships. Landing pads and docking areas across the galaxy have been expanded to cope with the new larger ships. As a result, landing pads in existing bases have been refunded.
Improved the visual detail on fighters, haulers and shuttles.
Added ramps to the front of the Space Station balcony platforms.
Fixed a number of issues where trees and rocks could not be run over by Exocraft.
Trade Outposts now have ladders to climb up to the platform.
The Exosuit torch can now be turned on whatever the time of day.
While the Pulse Engine is engaged, the central ship screen now displays a clearer message about fuel use.
Technology can now be installed in stages, allowing incomplete tech to be placed in an inventory and its individual components added over time.
Technology can now be moved after installation.
Significantly overhauled the system for pinning instructions for building technologies, products and base parts.
Added the ability to pin a substance and receive directions for where to find it.
Removed the Advanced Mining Laser requirement from large trees on lush planets.
Added an Antimatter Reactor base part that generates antimatter over time.
Added specific efficient Starshield Batteries for use in starship combat.
Added ‘Warp Hypercores’, a large hyperdrive fuel unit with five times the capacity of a regular Warp Cell.
Increased the base mining speed of the Mining Beam.
Fixed a bug that caused resource notifications to stack up while playing without the HUD.
Reduced the length of time resource notifications are displayed when you have multiple resources stacked up.
Added alerts when new items are encountered or recorded to the Catalogue.
Added the Optical Drill, a Mining Beam upgrade that increases the resources gained from mining.
Added the Launch System Recharger, a starship upgrade that automatically recharges the Launch Thrusters over time.
Added an extra slot to the starting Multi-Tool.
When installing an upgrade module, the correct inventory is automatically selected.
Adjusted the probabilities of low, medium and high security planets in Normal Mode.
Adjusted the timers of Sentinel patrols on lower security planets.
In normal mode, allowed some planets to never spawn Sentinel drones.
Added a chance to collect geodes when mining rocks or asteroids. Geodes can be analysed to extract large quantities of substances.
Increased the base speed of all Refiner units.
In normal mode, increased the slot storage limit for substances from 250 to 10,000.
Increased the wealth levels at which higher tiers of pirates will attack.
Increased the base energy levels of the Mining Beam and the Terrain Manipulator, allowing for less frequent recharging.
Replaced the ‘Find specific building’ component of the Signal Booster with a system of planetary charts. Acquire planetary charts from Space Station Cartographers.
Navigation Data can be traded for planetary charts. Collect Navigation Data when saving and charting at waypoints and save beacons.
Using the Terrain Manipulator to mine basic ground will award silicate powder, which can be used to refine glass.
Added a note on the interaction label of NPCs that have already been visited.
When craftable products are the current mission objective, they are automatically pushed to the top of the product list.
Adjusted the frequency of rare asteroids.
When buying a freighter, it now comes with some basic cargo already in the inventory.
Increased the minimum speed while in space combat, creating better combat handling in most conditions.
Increased the maximum speed while flying in space.
Added a degree of roll when banking in planetary flight.
The warning triangle in the cockpit is no longer displayed when the Pulse Engine is not being requested.
Added a cockpit throttle indicator to show current thrust settings.
The ‘Shields Down’ message is no longer displayed when claiming an abandoned ship.
The ‘How to land the ship’ notification no longer displays immediately after planetary takeoff.
When charging the Pulse Engine, the current autopilot target marker is now highlighted.
Missions now add hints to highlight the relevant items in the build and crafting menus.
Inventory popups are now closed automatically if you click outside of them.
Tweaked the weighting of mission selection in the mission board to give a better range of available missions.
Increased the likelihood of procedural upgrade modules being relevant to the player’s current tech setup.
Added several new environmental protection Exosuit upgrades.
Ammunition is automatically promoted to the top of the crafting list if players try to reload but have no available ammo.
Increased the default stack size for Ammunition.
The Mining Beam now has a much higher base heat capacity.
Reworked the Mining Beam overheat mechanic: the beam now cools down correctly rather than instantly resetting; the Mining Beam does more damage as it approaches max heat; the Mining Beam changes colour as it approaches max heat.
Innes has walked over 1400 miles. His journey continues.
Source : Gamesport
0 notes
onsistonline · 8 years ago
Brand Protection Is Essential
Piracy is bad, all of us know that. Downloading pirated applications from the Internet, is the same as stealing something from a shop. We are aware that also. Stores suffer great loses because of theft, in order software creators. anti piracy protection The main distinction is, the initial ones, do not attempt to minimize their loses, at the expense of their customers.It's been quite some time since software companies began to execute in their applications, anti-piracy mechanics. It's clear as everybody would want to secure their work, from being stolen, altered or used without consent. The question is, how far can you go with this?
It started with simple serial numbers or typing in a given world from paper manual shipped with the software. Somewhat time-consuming, but it functioned. As long as you'd the setup disk and manual, an individual could easily set up, re-install the program a dozen times per day, without having Onsist to explain why. But as the Internet popularity grew, it started new possibilities of software protection -- activation providers. The mechanism is pretty simple: purchase applications, input specific product key, validate it via Web and you're ready to go. Simple? Not actually...
Few individuals understand, that most firms established a limit of feasible activations per serial number. Why? In theory, because each permit is valid only for X amount of computers. So to make sure, that we don't share ours with all our Facebook friends, a limit is present. go to wikipedia for more The catch is, if we decide to format our hard disk and perform an original system installation, all software that require reactivation, will treat like a fresh one, and so the counter will go up 1. Now imagine what could happen, in case your hard disk breaks down.
You send it to some service. It's returned, you re-install all, but after a month that the problem returns. Again and again. When finally the faulty part gets replaced brand protection solutions properly, another effort of reactivating your favorite software becomes rejected. Why? Because limit of possible activations has been attained.
What can you do? Call support center and ask to enable you, to activate your applications. Almost always the solution is positive, but... I own the applications, so why so I need to request permission to use it? I know my peace is valid, I have my invoice, cd, manual, sequential number.
I don't need to validate the software further. I just want to use my applications. Some may say, that such situations are rare and it is probably correct. Still this circumstance, makes one wonder, even when the anti-piracy forces are moving in right way. If it persists, we might be facing a critical problem: the variety of viruses, malicious applications increases almost exponentially, making the demand for regular software updates very urgent.
Regular upgrading makes the OS run slower, as one version installed more than older, does not necessarily run as smooth as a fresh install. That is why we replicate our drive C and then set up everything from scratch... and activate our software successfully. This moment. Next time, we might start to think, that it's better to use free alternatives instead. They may not be as strong as their industrial counterparts, but at least they do not care why we install or re-install them.
To put it simple: they do not ask so many questions and that's something most people want -- privacy. Privacy restricted by the anti-piracy campaigns. Time will tell whether these practices, will have any impact on piracy levels worldwide. For the time being, it made our lives a little tougher, than before.
Computer piracy is a lot different from sea piracy. Instead Of plundering and assaulting the commercial ships in the middle of the sea, pc pirates generally steal intellectual property and then, eventually, give it away for public usage. This can possibly destroy the person or business and there are a number of examples to back that up.
Piracy is rampant in gambling industry
Computer game companies are one of the mostly impaired industries by pirates. With the assistance of skilled programmers, pirates crack the code of this game which stores information about individual copies. To put it differently, you no longer need to go to the shop to buy a match - you can just download it at no cost from a pirate host.
Pirate applications has its flaws. Many internet applications are almost not crack-able, because your ID is confirmed on a business server, and pirates have no access over there. Standalone cracked software is with a code that is altered and is susceptible to malfunction and can really damage your computer, let alone not run correctly. Official licensed software guarantees that it can get the work done and is bug free - something pirates provide no absolute guarantee. They just don't care, because, after all, in case you enjoy the program, you will probably buy it yourself.
Necessity and types of software piracy defense
To fight with this situation computer software companies have created software piracy protection program. The software piracy protection comes in several forms according to the functions. Some DVDs are created so that the game just runs if your certified DVD is existing in your CD-ROM drive. Other require a serial number together with security applications on the actual DVD you purchased.
Pirates are usually very great programmers who look forward to be appreciated in large businesses and thus boost their popularity and income. Others do it for pleasure and expect no sensible gain from it. They're driven by the sole sense of evil doing.
There are lots of notorious classes of crackers-pirates who crack virtually every game that comes out and greatly reduce actual incomes of the companies-producers and programmers. The multimillion probac stop actavis sector of entertainment is continuing to have problems with heavy losses because of piracy and this is soon going to change as new anti piracy laws are becoming implemented.
In this highly technological era, practically every aspect of major business is paperless. Though this evolution has significantly simplified the procedure for conducting business, it has also left industries vulnerable to IC piracy attacks. Actually, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and every year. One solution that tech teams should think about is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory to their microchip devices instead. Here are some reasons why.
--Although the technology isn't brand new (it was first developed in 1969), it is surely reliable; and its Onsist anti piracy protection capabilities have certainly been refined and enhanced through the years. It's virtually problem-free.
--It's comparatively cheap. It is not uncommon for organizations to spend into the thousands and thousands of dollars view publisher blog to get additional anti-piracy solutions, but OTP memory is easy to install and use at a mere fraction of the price.
--The random number system used by OTP memory allows the user to generate an identification number from a massive pool of chances. It is virtually impossible for pirates to discover a particular number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.
--A system with OTP may be adjusted to match any particular preference or program. As an instance, it can be set to permit certain identification numbers to be retrieved only by authorized personnel.
--It's a system That's remarkably simple, yet forcefully effective.
In these tough financial times, companies will need to find anti-piracy techniques that actually work and which are also cost-effective: OTP memory may be the IC protection alternative you've been looking for.
Every publisher will be pleased to acquire anti piracy software that can ably protect PDF files, swf flash content and html content. Fortunately, DRM - digital rights management programs are available to deal with these needs and also to provide the necessary controls to adequately implement data loss protection (DLP). These platforms permit the author to register a client using a licensing system, pick the right customer access level, create customized messages to inform unauthorized customers that they do not have permission to start protected files and also to give them details about where to supply for the permission, and also to set expiry dates and display a web page that affirms the expiration of the protected file.
Using DRM document control applications the document author can execute a watermark capability whereby the user's name and/or business name, and specifics of date/time of usage are displayed on each of the printouts. Additional on antipiracy monitoring, we can even have PDF software which has the capacity to demonstrate user and document statics, auditing and reporting.
Through the watermarking capability DRM will help to identify the location where the leak happened. Additionally, it reports when the document was used and equips the writer with record control abilities to shut off document access if abuse is detected. This is a useful anti piracy measure which prevents individuals from replicating or even altering your work as this normally contributes to the misinterpretation of the planned message. Data loss prevention can be also implemented by requiring users to look at the document using a proprietary application rather different from the one that created it. This way, only authorized users can view the document and document processing tools could be disabled.
Data reduction prevention is all about forestalling the leaking from a document/s beyond the control of the organization that owns it. In nature this anti piracy procedure is all about identifying, monitoring and protecting, which is accomplished by protecting a document's context Onsist and content via a filtering and centralized management program. This record control method helps efforts to automate the recognition of cases once the material contravenes set DRM rules, and also prevents documents from being emailed or duplicated to say a flash drive.
An organization will always find itself being required to share its own confidential information with offshore staff and even attorneys all of whom are external to the company's firewalls and this also makes anti piracy solutions even more crucial. As such, in an effort to stem piracy, information loss protection systems need to have the ability to secure protected files as soon as they are in the hands of outside but authorized parties. Encryption has always been the Reply to document
Control but it only goes as far as stopping unauthorized persons from accessing the protected information. But, it doesn't control what the authorized user can perform with the document once it is decrypted. Nonetheless, we can always combine encryption with DRM controls in order to restrict the ability of these users to share or pass onto the limited information.
Attack Profiles
Successful attacks on vessels, where asset protection is minimum, follow common vulnerabilities, which are manipulated by pirates. These are as follows:
Low speed - (below 16 knots)
Low freeboard - (distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded boat)
Insufficient preparation and implementation of processes
Alert of team on board is Low or there is no visual evidence of self-protection steps
Where there is a slow response over at this website by the boat and crew
Normally the pirates will use two or more small boats capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, these are available crafts usually known as "skiffs" and they normally approach the intended goal from the port quarter or stern.
The use of a mother ship is employed as a portable logistics foundation that carries the equipment and personnel to enable attacks to occur farther out to sea, a few attacks have happened at 600 NM from the shore.
The majority of strikes will happen at first and last light, so in these times extra vigilance is required.
Before the Transit
Before a transit, These bodies should be informed and comprise;
The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), That's the planning and coordination jurisdiction for EU Forces from the Gulf of Aden and the area from the Coast of Somalia and the United Onsist Social Network Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), that is in Dubai and will be the first point of contact for vessels in the Area. The day-to-day interface with Experts and the army is the UKMTO.
Before transiting high-risk locations, the owner and Master must carry out their own risk assessments to assess the likelihood of an attack by pirates. The outcome of this risk assessment must identify measures to be taken to protect against the vessel being taken by pirates.
Company Crisis Management Procedures and measures to meet the threat within the area the vessel is transiting, should be addressed.
In order to best prepare a boat, the next training and planning should be considered as a minimum, to control risks from assault:
Register the vessel with the police, UKMTO and MSCHOA
Review the ships safety plan
Carry out team anti-piracy and safety awareness training
Appoint security consultants for your own transit, who have international marine safety experience
Make Sure You have a good and effective anti-piracy contingency plan
Defensive Measures
The vessel should review its safety measures and processes and consider:
Ensuring that the vessels patterns are adjusted in advance to Make Sure that the crew are well rested before they enter the high risk area
Observing radio silence or enabling minimum use of radio gear
Identify a safe room
Securing access to this bridge, onsist.com engine room and crew cottages
Provision of night vision device(s) for watch personnel
Throughout the epsxe anti copy protection patches Transit
Masters should utilize the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). This is recommended by the naval authorities, westbound vessels utilize the northern part of the corridor and the eastbound vessels use the southern part of the IRTC.
Vessels should remain within the IRTC at all times and ensure that it keeps up with onsist its group transit. The boat should comply with international rules on light.
MSCHOA will advise on the group transit timings which depart at different times and are identified by the speed of the vessel, so if a vessel has a maximum speed of 16 knots it should look at joining a 14 knot group transit.
For those who have employed a security company, they are there for advice and guidance and should also install the procedures and steps for every vessel as suitable. However, vessels should still make sure that they have added crew as lookouts at exposed parts of the vessel especially on the rear port quarter.
It's paramount that a boat protects the crew from danger; this means that only fundamental crew work should be run on the deck whilst in the high-risk areas.
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 8 years ago
Los Angeles Wants Its ‘Everyone is Welcome’ Campaign to Connect With Global Millennials
Los Angeles hopes its new campaign will help international travelers' U.S. travel fears subside. Pictured is a still from the campaign of tourists taking a photo in Los Angeles. Discover Los Angeles
Skift Take: Los Angeles is part of a trend across major global cities as they attempt to distance themselves from less welcoming parts of their countries. Most cities can't claim to be as diverse as Los Angeles, which helps its message appear honest yet measured.
— Dan Peltier
Los Angeles’ tourism industry may be riding the coattails of the “two-hour advertisement for Los Angeles” that is the Academy Award-winning film “La La Land,” said Discover Los Angeles CMO Don Skeoch. But the city is also doubling down on its message that it’s a welcoming and inclusive place to visit to help combat negative perceptions of the United States from President Trump’s travel ban and the U.S. political climate.
This week, Discover Los Angeles, the city’s destination marketing organization, will launch its “Everyone is Welcome” multi-million dollar global marketing campaign that focuses on reaching primarily millennial travelers in five international markets — Mexico, Canada, China, Australia, and the UK — as the city projects weaker growth in international visitation during the next three years if President Trump’s current rhetoric and policies continue.
International arrivals in Los Angeles are still projected to climb through 2019 but that growth won’t be as steep if policies such as the six-country travel ban remain in effect and negative opinions of the U.S. grow (see charts below).
Discover Los Angeles expected to hit 7.4 to 7.5 million international visitors in 2017 before the November 2016 election. Skeoch said the organization, using Tourism Economics data, altered its projections recently and expects 2017 international visitor totals (seven million) to be virtually unchanged from 2016. Tourism Economics projects the city could potentially lose 830,000 international visitors during the next three years which breaks down to about 240,000 arrivals this year, nearly 300,000 next year and about 290,000 in 2019.
International travelers in Los Angeles, on average, spend $1,000 per trip. “That’s about $800 million of potential lost tourism dollars over three years, said Skeoch. “More specifically, that’s $35 million in tourism tax revenue lost. No one wants to see those funds dry up and it’s really critical for us to try to mitigate the situation.”
Los Angeles Visitor Forecast January 2017
With Exec Orders/travel ban (in millions)
2014 2015 2016 2017* 2018* 2019* Total International Visits 6.52 6.84 7.08 7.09 7.33 7.63 Leisure 5.28 5.57 5.74 5.76 5.95 6.2 Business 1.24 1.27 1.33 1.34 1.38 1.42 Canada 0.74 0.73 0.71 0.71 0.73 0.75 Mexico 1.73 1.74 1.76 1.67 1.69 1.73 Overseas 4.05 4.37 4.61 4.71 4.91 5.16 China 0.69 0.82 1.01 1.11 1.23 1.36 Japan 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.36 South Korea 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.31 0.33 India 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.15 Australia 0.4 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.45 UK 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.36 Germany 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.26 France 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.3 Scandinavia 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 Brazil 0.13 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.11 Middle East 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 Other Overseas 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.16
Los Angeles Visitor Forecast January 2017
Without Exec Orders/travel ban (in millions)
2014 2015 2016 2017* 2018* 2019* Total International Visits 6.52 6.84 7.08 7.33 7.63 7.93 Leisure 5.28 5.57 5.74 5.95 6.19 6.45 Business 1.24 1.27 1.33 1.38 1.44 1.48 Canada 0.74 0.73 0.71 0.72 0.74 0.76 Mexico 1.73 1.74 1.76 1.79 1.83 1.87 Overseas 4.05 4.37 4.61 4.81 5.06 5.3 China 0.69 0.82 1.01 1.12 1.24 1.37 Japan 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.36 South Korea 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.31 0.33 India 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.14 Australia 0.4 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.48 UK 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.39 Germany 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 France 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.3 0.31 0.33 Scandinavia 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.2 Brazil 0.13 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.11 Middle East 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.16 Other Overseas 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.16
*Denotes projected international arrivals totals. Source: Tourism Economics
Getting involved in the culture wars, which this campaign is in part responding to, is a slippery slope and has backfired for some brands that had good intentions. Discover Los Angeles’ “Everyone is Welcome” one-minute, 30-second campaign video (watch below), however, doesn’t feature any protestors or demonstrations but does highlight locals with disabilities, various racial backgrounds and sexual orientations, for example.
Everyone in the video appears natural and blends into the background of the city all while showing that these are the lives they live in Los Angeles and that they’re accepted.
Skeoch said the organization isn’t trying to be political with the campaign and instead approached the U.S. political climate as a business problem that needs to be addressed. “Someone has to take a leadership role because people think that safety and security are mutually exclusive,” he said. “They’re not. They’re complimentary but people take different positions there.”
Appearing tone-deaf in the campaign isn’t a concern with the video, said Skeoch. “We watched this spot over and over and over and I’d say we overanalyzed it,” he said. “We kept saying to our agency, Mistress, it’s got to be authentic. It will not read well if it’s not authentic.”
At the same time, the campaign’s aim isn’t to hide the reality that the U.S. is in a period of deep political divide and uncertainty or to advocate one position or the other, although the video ends with the message of “we welcome everyone” in eight languages including Arabic, Spanish and Japanese.
“I think what needs to be reinforced is that what you see in this spot and what you see when you come cannot be vastly different,” said Skeoch. “If you saw it and you were hanging around Venice you’d have to say ‘yeah, this is pretty accurate to what I’m experiencing as a visitor.'”
While local Angelenos are the stars of the video, such as two African American women doing yoga on a beach or a gay couple holding hands, there’s another noticeable character — a paper airplane.
“If we didn’t have the paper airplanes as a metaphor, this wouldn’t have read as a tourism spot,” said Skeoch. “Our challenge was how do you tie diversity and open-mindedness to tourism? A paper airplane is a symbol of innocence and we start the video with a Mexican boy who might have aspirations to travel to Los Angeles.”
Everyone is Welcome — Especially Millennials
The six-week campaign will wrap-up at the end of May and will play out as digital and social advertising on platforms including Facebook, for example, which the organization chose because that’s a growing news source for millennials.
The video will run through paid boosts on Facebook and Instagram and will also appear on WeChat and Weibo in China. Skeoch said the organization expects to receive more than 100 million impressions with this campaign and more than half of the millennial (18 to 35) population in the five markets are expected to see the video at least three times.
Discover Los Angeles held focus groups last year in Vancouver, Mexico City, London, Shanghai, Beijing, and Sydney with millennial travelers to learn about their interest in travel and what would make them choose Los Angeles as a destination. “We learned that a millennial is a millennial is a millennial,” said Skeoch. “We thought someone in London would be different than someone in Shanghai. In terms of travel, they behave very similarly. We found that it’s our lifestyle and mindset in Los Angeles that appeals to them.”
The tourism board will also roll out a video for industry trade partners from CEO Ernest Wooden Jr that’s subtitled in Arabic, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
International Travelers’ U.S. Concerns
Millions of marketing dollars are unlikely to erase many international travelers’ fears of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration officers in light of the Trump Administration’s immigration policies.
Tourism boards don’t have jurisdiction over airports and immigration — two factors that have many international travelers spooked. “That doesn’t mean we’re not concerned with visitors’ guest experiences whether that’s at the airport or moving around the market,” said Skeoch.
Skeoch said his team is particularly worried about losing market share from gulf markets such as the U.A.E. and also from Mexico, the latter more of a consumer sentiment, he said. “People may have sentiments towards the U.S. but that doesn’t mean they have negative sentiments towards Los Angeles,” he said.
Los Angeles also had the largest number of Chinese visitors of any U.S. city in 2016 (1.01 million) but China and India aren’t a concern for potential decreased market share, Skeoch said. A recent survey from Brand USA, for example, found that Chinese travelers were the only market more likely to visit the U.S. because of the political climate. “With the La La Land effect we’re finding some markets, and especially China, want to do precisely what they saw in the movie.”
Discover Los Angeles isn’t the first tourism board to roll out a marketing campaign to promote diversity and inclusiveness since the 2016 election. NYC & Company, which is also forecasting slower growth in international arrivals for 2017, has updated overseas billboard advertisements with “Welcoming the World” messaging and creative.
Los Angeles’ campaign, however, will likely reach more travelers because of the campaign’s social and digital focus on platforms they frequently use.
The city also has another advantage in its effort to portray itself as a welcoming, tolerate and progressive place with its general liberal reputation and the fact that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won California by more than million votes in the general election. But not every city has what Los Angeles can claim — residents from 140 countries who speak some 224 languages making it one of only two U.S. cities without a majority population.
And being one of the major gateways into the U.S. makes it easier for the city to have this message. Los Angeles faces a loss in arrivals from nearby Mexico, an economy that’s increasingly improving as more Mexicans choose Canada for their vacations this year, and it’s one of the nearest U.S. gateways for Asia-Pacific markets that it can’t afford to lose as outbound travel from the region swells.
Watch the full video from the campaign below.
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attendantdesign-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
New Post has been published on http://attendantdesign.com/ipad-pro-ads-claim-it-is-not-a-computer/
iPad Pro ads claim it is not a computer
Take into account the as soon as humorous “Mac vs Pcs” ads of yesteryears?
Actor Justin Long, who portrayed the Mac facet of the fence, has already moved on from computers to smartphones, specifically a Huawei telephone, and Apple iPad Pro is doing likewise. Somewhat. The corporation, who nonetheless makes Macs, has released some new advertisements touting the benefits of an iPad Pro and the way it’s far better than a laptop. But in doing so it’s far claiming, possibly mistakenly, that it is not a computer.
So in place of an “I’m a Mac, I’m a Laptop” theme, Apple goes for an “I’m an iPad Pro, I’m a PC” face off. The short commercials, simply 16 seconds in duration, are a blended bag of humor. They all start out with overblown tweets bemoaning one hassle or any other of computer systems, mainly Desktops. Certainly, it then goes off to say how the iPad Seasoned is a great deal higher than those as it isn’t one.
That said, there might be a few jumps in good judgment and assumptions made in those ads for the sake of commercial, which isn’t precisely out of the normal. As an example, one ad says how an iPad Pro doesn’t get Computer viruses. Even as the first rate at face cost (that is what most clients will possibly think about), that’s the same as pronouncing that Android phones don’t get Computer viruses. It’s technically real, But that’s now not to mention the iPad Seasoned, or iOS for that rely on will, is completely resistant to malware.
One ad also talks approximately how the iPad Season let you nearly paintings anywhere, even in which there’s no, because of 4G connectivity. That, however, is simplest actual for a few models. Plus, a few laptops do virtually include help for SIM cards as properly, making this point nearly moot.
The one factually accurate declare the ads make is that the iPad Seasoned does have Microsoft Phrase available. It’s now not the whole version, positive, However, it really works. Curiously, the maximum genuine ad is possibly also the most boring.
perhaps maximum curious is the clip that does certainly say that the iPad Seasoned isn’t a PC, for all the reasons above. Apple appears to be inclined to redefine what the Phrase “computer” manner. But although we have been to undertake that re-definition, that would nonetheless mean that a few Android drugs and the Surface three (with LTE) ought to still trump it in a few components.
  Apple’s New iPad Pro: Smaller May additionally Simply Be Better
Apple’s new iPad Seasoned gives customers a few satisfactory integrated upgrades integrated a small package, fast built integrated more suitable Comput integrate dog and built-intent abilities.
The tech massive has not only made a small size “Pro” extra transportable however also extra effective.
The device is most effective 9.7 built-inches, a scaled down model of its 12.9 built-inch iPad Seasoned larger brother. In many methods, it’ll reintegrate the person of its predecessor, the iPad Air 2.
Measurements are just like the Air 2. It’s miles 9.four integrated chest tall, 6.6 integrated chests extensive and 0.24 built-inches thick.
however, concentrate up due to the fact the brand new iPad Pro has built integrated listen integrate dg capability. customers can pay attention to 4 built integrated speakers, one built-in each nook. This doubles the two audio system built-integrated Air 2.
Apple’s Smart Connector is on the left side of the new system. This could be used to hook up with and power Apple’s $one hundred fifty Clever Keyboard Cover.
The digital camera lens has been upgraded. It’s far 12 megapixels. The lens protrudes out of the returned much like the Apple 6 and 6s smartphone fashions.
on the front, the digicam has also been upgraded. It’s miles five megapixels built-in place of integrated the 1.2 on the older tool. And, for the first time, an Apple device is capable of capture 4K video.
additionally new at the small tool is an improved first-rate of view built-in. Apple calls it “Genubuiltintegrated Tone” and claims the brand new iPad Pro screen is the brightest and least reflective built-in built integrated.
Proper integrated Tone uses mild sensors and built-sinuously integrated monitors the built-intensity and color of surround built-in light assets. The show adjusts to imitate the built-integrated. It makes it a good deal simpler to take a look at for longer periods of time. Shades are displayed greater correctly.
Fanatics of the Pencil stylus will be satisfied to understand Apple blanketed integrated paid for it on the iPad Pro. It is simplest the second one Apple device to have it. Pencil of direction helps you to jot down notes integrated Notes app or draw greater professional built-in sketches with packages like Procreate.
Inside, one will built-inbuilt integrated Apple’s contemporary sixty-four-bit A9x chip and M9 coprocessor. Apple says this may enable you to tackle duties once reserved for Desktops and workstations.
The Contact I’d home button is onboard to make it smooth to liberate the device. One also can make purchases built-in App shop with just.
Heavy customers will respect garage options that can go anywhere from 32 gigabytes all of the way to 256 gigabytes.
Battery existence can you get you thru the integrated day. Apple says to expect 10 hours among prices.
gadget built-wings integrated range with many now apparently integrate general on a diffusion of excessive-tech gadgets. Alternatives built-in silver, space gray, gold and rose gold.
Charges will built-in integrated around $600 for the 32 GB  version. anticipate featuring a further $one hundred fifty with each built-increase integrated built-in garage. Plus the LTE competencies will leap the value any other $130.
customers will built-inbuilt integrated it easy to execute many tasks built- modifying Excel spreadsheets and rebuilt-ing to emails. Others will built-in integrated movies and built integrated Fb.
Folks that reveal built integrated the bless built integrated of a larger device will still opt for the 12.9 integrated model. But Apple Fanatics who are built-integrated more portability will be located integrated the small model greater than ok to meet their desires.
Apple has demonstrated that smaller May additionally gen built integrated is Higher.
Is Your Computer Sluggish? A way to Address Overall performance Troubles
Do you face Overall performance Troubles along with your PC or Pc? Is your Laptop get integrated slower and slower built-in up and paintings on? If yes, study integrated on for a few built-integrated on The way to make your Computer faster.
Right here is go built integrated:
1) There may be no want to integrated unused applications. So unbuilt-install them. So how do you try this? Open Manipulate Panel’s “Application and Features” web page and go through the built-in integrated of mounted software. Be cautious to go away programs your Pc’s hardware desires, the writer listed integrated as Pc maker’s call or as Microsoft.
2) integrated temporary documents built-includes built-in history and cookies need to come up with a large quantity of hard disk area, built-in integrated up your Laptop. Open “My Laptop”, pick your tough drive, usually, C:/, choose the built-in integrated folder and open the folder titled “Temp”. pick out all of the files which are older than the built-in date and press delete key. Then go to Recycle Built-in for your computer and empty it.
3) The Even built-in case you integrated to make sure to often clean out all your brief documents, if your difficult disk built into integrated eighty-five% complete, built-in it’ll have a Sluggish impact built-in Laptop’s speed. build integrated movie videos or use your Computer for records built-in television, you will need a tough drive above 1TB built-in size.
4) built-in integrated needless startups will speed up the time it takes for the PC or Computer to boot up. A few of the packages which might be released on startup retain to run and expand your Computer’s reminiscence. To prevent the applications from built-integrated, click on “beg built integrated” after which built-integrated “Run” wit built integrated search box, click “built integrated” and then built-in “my config” and press center integrated. You ought to see the startup tab with the packages ticked, those built-integrated load whilst your Computer starts up. You’ll be surprised at what you located integrated because they will not have been built-in your built-integrated. click on “Disable All” and then if needed, pick the ones you want to run at startup, built-integrated antivirus software program.
any other manner built-in startup is to do away with all built-in fonts Home built integrated hundreds. built-in 7 loads extra than two hundred fonts on startup which can Gradual the price of the bootup.
go to start Menu’s search field, built integrated “fonts” and built-in the “fonts” folder, check off all the fonts you do not need and click on “Disguise” button built-in the toolbar.
5) Getty built-in more RAM, which stands for Random Get admission to memory, can speed up your Computer. It is the transient garage reminiscence utilized by your Pc and is built-in use whilst responsibilities are built-in built-finished built-in integrated packages. built-in do not have enough RAM and use a massive quantity of programs, your Pc will def built integrated run Slow.
There is no theoretical top restriction as the quantity of RAM that you can have with a 64-bit built-inrun built integrated system however integrated practicality, four GB is more than enough for most of the people.
6) built-inWbuiltintegrated built includes a  disk de-clutter integrate dog device called “Disk Cleanup” for speed built integrated up Overall performance Issues. Open Disk Cleanup built-in integrated click built-in “built-inintegrated>All programs>Add-ons>device Gear> Disk Cleanup.”
Sam built-in up, these are some of the built integrated methods to enhance up the Overall performance of your PC or Laptop and built integrated them, you may built-only get built-in outcomes.
Reintegrated S Khan has authored this article highlights built-ing ways to speed up your Laptop.
0 notes
gamerszone2019-blog · 6 years ago
No Man's Sky Beyond Update's New Features And Patch Notes; Fixes Incoming For Issues
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/no-mans-sky-beyond-updates-new-features-and-patch-notes-fixes-incoming-for-issues/
No Man's Sky Beyond Update's New Features And Patch Notes; Fixes Incoming For Issues
Update 2.0 for No Man’s Sky has arrived for free on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Simply titled Beyond, the latest major update for the ambitious space explorer marks the three-year anniversary of its initial release by adding a veritable bucketload of new features and improvements, from massively expanding the multiplayer experience, to adding fully-fledged VR support. Read on for a look at what’s new and the full patch notes.
If you haven’t taken the plunge with No Man’s Sky yet, now might be the best time to do so. The early game has been streamlined and revised to better teach new players its multitude of disparate mechanics, while a new catalogue has been introduced that automatically adds substances, crafting products, and new technologies to its pages when first encountered. A useful rework of the Pinning system also allows you to get detailed step-by-step instructions on how to find and build any item in the aforementioned catalogue. Meanwhile, new story content has been added in order to weave together the three main narrative pathways that encompass No Man’s Sky’s story.
Perhaps most excitingly, you can now play the entirety of No Man’s Sky in virtual reality using either Steam VR or PlayStation VR. The multiplayer introduced in the NEXT update has also been expanded upon, with the Space Anomaly transforming into an all-new hub area able to support up to 16 players at a time on all platforms. Throughout the rest of the universe, the player count has been raised from four to eight on console and from four to 32 on PC. Any other space explorers you discover are now represented with full character models, too, allowing you to see each other’s character and ship customisations.
As well as giving you the ability to browse and visit other player’s bases via the Space Anomaly, Beyond will also highlight the best bases created by the No Man’s Sky community and allow you to visit them. Multiplayer missions are also now initialised from the Space Anomaly via the Nexus. A large set of unique missions is currently available, including base construction–a new type of mission centered around building specific structures.
Once you’ve touched down on other planets, you can now mount and ride various creatures by taming them with bait. Any tamed creature can be peacefully harvested for a variety of cooking ingredients, such as milk, eggs, and “edible clusters”–which is a polite way of saying “poop.” When it comes to cooking, there’s now an increased variety of harvestable flora on every planet surface, with a nutrient processor allowing you to discover more than 300 recipes for bait, consumables that boost your Exosuit, and dishes you can present to Iteration Cronus aboard the Space Anomaly for culinary critique and potential rewards.
Base building has also been improved, there are dynamic NPCs that will now walk around and interact with elements in their environment. More than 60 new dialogues options have been added for alien encounters, the galaxy map has been made more concise; gameplay balancing has alleviated grinding, relaxed inventory limitations, and provided longer stretches of uninterrupted mining without sentinels bugging you; the game has been further optimised on PC along with adding more graphics options, and you can even sit in chairs now.
It’s a comprehensive list of changes, improvements, and new features that aren’t all mentioned here. As with any updates of this size and scale, there have been some teething problems with players reporting crashes and numerous bugs and glitches. Developer Hello Games is already on the case, however, with founder Sean Murray tweeting that fixes are on the way.
A new build has been sent to experimental branch on PC with fixes for a number of issues experienced since release. This will go live to everyone on PC soon. Hot fix patches are in flight for PS4 and XBox (MS/Sony cert means this is a tiny bit slower)
— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) August 15, 2019
Below you’ll find the entirety of No Man’s Sky Beyond’s patch notes.
No Man’s Sky Beyond Update Patch Notes
No Man’s Sky is now fully playable in virtual reality.
Many interactions have been given special VR-only options, including: grabbing plants and other collectables with your hands; physically opening the cockpits of ships and exocraft; piloting starships directly with a VR stick/throttle; and punching objects to cause damage.
Introduced special VR menus: including controlling Multi-Tool options via a menu embedded on the in-world Multi-Tool; and browsing the quick menu and inventory via a personal wrist-mounted display.
OpenGL has been replaced by Vulkan. Many players, particularly players with AMD graphics cards, should see a performance improvement.
Significant optimisations to asteroid generation.
Significant optimisations to planet generation.
Improved loading times.
Significant optimisations to 2D rendering.
Reduced memory usage across the game generally.
Significant optimisations to cloud and terrain shaders.
Significant optimisations to the animation LODing system.
Added level-of-detail mesh optimisations to the majority of in-game assets.
Significant optimisations for large bases.
Revised HDR support, updated output curve in line with advances in HDR calibration.
Adaptive and Triple-Buffered V-Sync are now selectable from Graphics Options.
Players with more than one GPU can now select which is used from Video Options.
Many graphics settings no longer require a restart to apply.
The ‘LOADING SHADERS’ load step has been removed, improving the loading experience.
Added support for full rebinding of PC controls via Steam and OpenVR.
Reworked all settings and options pages, making graphics settings more clear for PC players.
Added options to disable vignette and scanline effects.
Added the option to remove button holds and make all non-destructive clicks instant.
Added the ability to summon the Space Anomaly to your location from anywhere in the galaxy.
Significantly expanded and reworked the interior of the Space Anomaly.
The Space Anomaly now serves as a hub, bringing together all the Travellers who are onboard regardless of their physical location in the universe.
Removed orbs from the game and replaced them with fully simulated other players, met ambiently as you explore.
The network player cap has been raised to between 8 and 32 depending on platform and current location.
Added a new teleporter to the Space Anomaly. This teleporter allows players to visit the base of any other player currently on the Anomaly with them, as well as highlighting featured bases from the community.
Moved multiplayer mission selection to the Nexus, a new hub area in the Space Anomaly.
Added an interface for quickly finding other players to join on multiplayer missions.
Added many new types of multiplayer mission.
Automatic chat messages are broadcast when performing game actions, including making discoveries, attacking pirates, installing tech, performing gestures, and fighting biological horrors.
Multiplayer missions now warp players directly to the mission location as they leave the Space Anomaly.
Added the ability to display a custom player banner, adjustable at the Appearance Modifier.
Player graves in multiplayer games will get reset to the current player’s system when returning to single player.
A new save icon is used in multiplayer to highlight that while progress is saved, the player’s current position is not.
Reworked the story missions to integrate Nada and Polo’s journey better with the story of Artemis.
Added new story content for Nada and Polo.
Reworked the tutorial and much of the early game mission flow.
Added new and unique visuals for new NPCs aboard the Space Anomaly.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange a different product for nanites each day.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange milestone progress for nanites.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will exchange different categories of discovery data for nanites each day.
Added a tech-tree style display for all the technologies, products and other recipes available in the game.
Added technology and base part research stations to the Space Anomaly, allowing players to browse the full tech tree, plan their upgrades, and purchase new technologies with nanites.
Tweaked the visuals of HUD and compass markers for improved clarity and consistency.
Some HUD icons now shrink to reduce visual noise.
Adjusted the behaviour of compass markers while in the ship to better reflect the reality of navigating 3D space.
Improved the UI for comparing and purchasing ships, Multi-Tools and freighters.
Added a warning when trying to swap starships if you still have cargo aboard your old ship.
Improved the inventory page, including making inventory sub-categories more clear.
Changed text scrolling to a full wraparound rather than a bounce.
Reduced the amount of bloom in cases that caused photosensitivity issues.
Refiner output readings now correctly update when more resources are added to an input slot.
Improved the visual style and clarity of the Buy/Sell filters on trade screens.
Improved the icons used to display the class of ships, Multi-Tools, and other purchasable items.
Updated the ‘Summon Vehicles’ icon on Quick Menu.
The icons for summoning other ships in your collection now accurately reflect the appearance of those ships.
Updated the visuals for the in-cockpit ship screens.
Significant improvements to the chat box, including the ability to choose whether messages are sent to your group or the entire system.
Moved substances, products and technologies to their own ‘Catalogue’, separate from the Guide.
Added Guide entries for several new features.
Increased the size of icons in the Catalogue.
Improved the appearance of the dialog / NPC speech UI.
Mission notifications / objectives are no longer hidden by the build menu, inventory or refiner screens.
Added a new style of mission notification that gives more context to complex mission steps.
The Galaxy Map has been totally overhauled for clarity and visual style.
NPCs can now walk around their environments and interact with environmental elements.
Player locomotion is more responsive when running.
Players can now sit on chairs.
Improved the camera handling when sitting in a confined area.
NPCs will respond to gestures performed by the player.
NPCs now occasionally browse holographic creatures, ships and more on their handheld devices.
Added all new NPC interactions at planetary salvage sites.
Added all new NPC interactions at crashed ships.
Significantly reworked all factory and monolith interactions.
Changed the reward sequence for factory interactions to allow players to choose which product recipe they would like to learn.
Reworked a large number of existing NPC interactions.
Added a range of biome specific interactions for NPCs at planetary buildings.
NPC pilots now leave their ships when landing at Space Stations and Trade Outposts.
NPCs can now choose a chair to sit on, sit down for a while, then continue with their day.
Geks occasionally swing their legs while sitting.
Expanded the range of NPC moods and animations.
Increased the richness of text interactions with additional audio, colours and NPC animations.
Added different text printout speeds for each alien race, giving them their own style of ‘speech’.
Added a chance for guest NPCs to visit Space Stations, eg the occasional Korvax may be found in the Space Station of a Vy’keen system.
The Trade Outpost is treated as a building (for the purposes of providing hazard protection), but plays correct outdoor audio ambience.
Added AutoTranslator technologies to the Exosuit that allow random words to be translated without being permanently unlocked.
Fixed an issue where }} alien speech brackets would appear on a new line by themselves.
Alien words are grouped together to prevent learning words very similar to ones already known (e.g. interloper/interlopers).
Alien word learning has been overhauled. Players may direct the flow of language acquisition when interacting with NPCs.
Players can practice using the words they know when speaking to alien lifeforms and observe the results.
Reworked the Base Building Menu: improved visual clarity; improved usability; and allowed quicker access to parts, including adding the ability for parts to be in more than one group.
Day/night cycles are now deterministic and synced between players.
Significant improvements have been made to the base part snapping system, allowing for faster and more convenient building.
Added a new photo-mode style building camera to allow easier placement of complex structures.
Added the ability to scale some base parts.
Added the ability to rotate some base parts around more than one axis.
Added new power generation base parts: Biofuel Reactors, Solar Panels, Electromagnetic Generators and Batteries. Each offers a different way to generate power for your base.
Added wiring, allowing you to connect base parts that need power to your generators.
Removed the manual fueling of many base technologies and replaced it with power grid requirements.
Added power requirements to existing parts such as lights.
Added a range of logic gates and switches, allowing for creative control of powered parts.
Added new large-scale mineral and gas extractor base parts.
Added mineral/gas pipelines, allowing players to connect their new extractors to remote depots for ease of collection.
Added a new Survey Device upgrade for the Analysis Visor, allowing player to hunt out the optimal spots to place mineral/gas extractors and electromagnetic generators.
Overhauled the gravity simulation, improving the experience on dead planets.
Added Short-Range Teleporters. These pads may be placed around your base and wired up to create a network of near-instant transportation.
Improved the management of base options when interacting with the base computer, including improving the ability to take screenshots of the base.
Added the ability to jetpack while the Build Menu is open.
Improved the visual effects of the Terrain Manipulator.
Unified the functionality of the Message Module and the Communications Station and added a new unique art asset.
Added several new roof pieces, allowing players to build complete sloping roofs.
Added new exocraft-sized doors that can be powered to open and close automatically as you approach.
Added new interactable props, including customisable light boxes and audio frequency generators.
Added a powered Sphere Generator that allows players to generate large movable spheres.
Improved the visual effects when constructing base parts & technology.
Increased the tolerance of trader ships participating in a freighter battle so that they do not report friendly fire as a crime unless the shot is fatal.
Fixed an issue where Sentinel drones would become stuck when scanning a player who was entering and exiting their ship.
Fixed an issue where the third person player model would never look directly at the camera.
Fixed an issue where ship rain audio was being played when it was not raining.
Added creature sounds to the weird biome creatures.
Fixed a Multi-Tool animation glitch when firing the Mining Beam from sheathed in first person.
Change Asian numerical separators to be correct format.
Fixed an issue where the starship can appear floating above the terrain if the player is spawned at a long distance from the ship.
Fixed a number of item duplication exploits.
Fix for the starship HUD reading ‘Moon of Unknown Planet’ when the planet is known.
The Mining Beam is now the correct colour when upgraded with a procedural upgrade module.
Fixed an issue where the wrong impact particles were sometimes used when shooting Sentinel Quadrupeds.
Miscellaneous text fixes.
Overhauled the Analysis Visor. Scanning of flora, fauna and minerals no longer begins automatically, but begins when the player holds a button while looking at the relevant object.
In VR, the Analysis Visor becomes Analysis Mode. Objects are scanned by aiming at them with the Multi-Tool.
Custom Markers placed from the Analysis Visor now drop a physical object at the marker location.
Significantly overhauled the Discovery Page to show a graphical representation of the system, as well as close up 3D representations of all discoveries and long text entries for fauna.
Made butterflies and other flying creatures much easier to scan with the Analysis Visor.
Added a new set of rare vibrant colour palettes for lush planets.
Creature markers in the Analysis Visor now display how far away the creature is.
Fixed an issue where creatures would never poop once they had been scared by a predator.
Predator creatures no longer target and attack players when they are in an interaction.
Creatures will no longer attack players who are in their ships.
Improved the clarity and display of warning icons on predatory or angry creatures.
Fix for biological horrors not playing their death effects for network players.
Fix for incorrect fauna level being displayed in the Analysis Visor.
Added creature marker to display their current mental state.
Added new wild plants to all biomes.
Added the ability to cook plant and animal products in a Nutrient Processor to produce a wide variety of food. Experient with combinations to create unique and complex foodstuffs.
Eating food provides a boost to your life support.
Added bait products, created in the Nutrient Processor, that allow creatures to be harvested for food products. Scan creatures to learn their bait preferences.
Killing creatures also allows the harvesting of several new food products.
Added an NPC to the Space Anomaly who will judge the player’s cooking ability.
Renamed Coprite to Faecium.
Added compass and HUD icons to Faecium deposits.
Improved the visuals of Faceium deposits.
Added a base part that will attract creatures to your base and automatically feed them.
Added a base part that will automatically extract milk and other relevant resources from nearby creatures that are ready to be harvested.
Throwing bait can attract a large number of creatures to one location.
Throwing specialist carnivore bait can distract and placate angry or predatory creatures.
Creatures that have been tamed by supplying their desired bait can be ridden. Creatures will still attempt to go about their own business, but their routines can be shaped by their rider.
Upper body gestures may be used when seated or riding a creature.
The Nutrient Processor and the Portable Refiner now display a marker when they are not placed within a base.
Nada and Polo now use a larger range of animations.
Improved the visuals for the Space Station entrance beam.
Entirely reworked and expanded the cockpits of all ships.
Increased the amount by which you can look around the starship cockpit.
Added fully modelled cockpits / interiors for all the Exocraft and the Nautilon Submarine.
Starship exteriors can now be seen while inside the starship.
Improved the particle effects for the Scatter Blaster and the Blaze Javelin.
Increased the scale of starships. Landing pads and docking areas across the galaxy have been expanded to cope with the new larger ships. As a result, landing pads in existing bases have been refunded.
Improved the visual detail on fighters, haulers and shuttles.
Added ramps to the front of the Space Station balcony platforms.
Fixed a number of issues where trees and rocks could not be run over by Exocraft.
Trade Outposts now have ladders to climb up to the platform.
The Exosuit torch can now be turned on whatever the time of day.
While the Pulse Engine is engaged, the central ship screen now displays a clearer message about fuel use.
Technology can now be installed in stages, allowing incomplete tech to be placed in an inventory and its individual components added over time.
Technology can now be moved after installation.
Significantly overhauled the system for pinning instructions for building technologies, products and base parts.
Added the ability to pin a substance and receive directions for where to find it.
Removed the Advanced Mining Laser requirement from large trees on lush planets.
Added an Antimatter Reactor base part that generates antimatter over time.
Added specific efficient Starshield Batteries for use in starship combat.
Added ‘Warp Hypercores’, a large hyperdrive fuel unit with five times the capacity of a regular Warp Cell.
Increased the base mining speed of the Mining Beam.
Fixed a bug that caused resource notifications to stack up while playing without the HUD.
Reduced the length of time resource notifications are displayed when you have multiple resources stacked up.
Added alerts when new items are encountered or recorded to the Catalogue.
Added the Optical Drill, a Mining Beam upgrade that increases the resources gained from mining.
Added the Launch System Recharger, a starship upgrade that automatically recharges the Launch Thrusters over time.
Added an extra slot to the starting Multi-Tool.
When installing an upgrade module, the correct inventory is automatically selected.
Adjusted the probabilities of low, medium and high security planets in Normal Mode.
Adjusted the timers of Sentinel patrols on lower security planets.
In normal mode, allowed some planets to never spawn Sentinel drones.
Added a chance to collect geodes when mining rocks or asteroids. Geodes can be analysed to extract large quantities of substances.
Increased the base speed of all Refiner units.
In normal mode, increased the slot storage limit for substances from 250 to 10,000.
Increased the wealth levels at which higher tiers of pirates will attack.
Increased the base energy levels of the Mining Beam and the Terrain Manipulator, allowing for less frequent recharging.
Replaced the ‘Find specific building’ component of the Signal Booster with a system of planetary charts. Acquire planetary charts from Space Station Cartographers.
Navigation Data can be traded for planetary charts. Collect Navigation Data when saving and charting at waypoints and save beacons.
Using the Terrain Manipulator to mine basic ground will award silicate powder, which can be used to refine glass.
Added a note on the interaction label of NPCs that have already been visited.
When craftable products are the current mission objective, they are automatically pushed to the top of the product list.
Adjusted the frequency of rare asteroids.
When buying a freighter, it now comes with some basic cargo already in the inventory.
Increased the minimum speed while in space combat, creating better combat handling in most conditions.
Increased the maximum speed while flying in space.
Added a degree of roll when banking in planetary flight.
The warning triangle in the cockpit is no longer displayed when the Pulse Engine is not being requested.
Added a cockpit throttle indicator to show current thrust settings.
The ‘Shields Down’ message is no longer displayed when claiming an abandoned ship.
The ‘How to land the ship’ notification no longer displays immediately after planetary takeoff.
When charging the Pulse Engine, the current autopilot target marker is now highlighted.
Missions now add hints to highlight the relevant items in the build and crafting menus.
Inventory popups are now closed automatically if you click outside of them.
Tweaked the weighting of mission selection in the mission board to give a better range of available missions.
Increased the likelihood of procedural upgrade modules being relevant to the player’s current tech setup.
Added several new environmental protection Exosuit upgrades.
Ammunition is automatically promoted to the top of the crafting list if players try to reload but have no available ammo.
Increased the default stack size for Ammunition.
The Mining Beam now has a much higher base heat capacity.
Reworked the Mining Beam overheat mechanic: the beam now cools down correctly rather than instantly resetting; the Mining Beam does more damage as it approaches max heat; the Mining Beam changes colour as it approaches max heat.
Innes has walked over 1400 miles. His journey continues.
Source : Gamesport
0 notes
onsistonline · 8 years ago
What Are the Different Types of Piracy
Piracy is bad, all of us know that. Downloading pirated applications from the Internet, is just like stealing something from a shop. We know that also. Shops suffer great loses anti piracy protection because of theft, in order software creators. The most important distinction is, the first ones, do not attempt to minimize their loses, at the cost of the customers.It's been quite some time since software companies began to execute in their applications, anti-piracy mechanics. It is clear as everybody would want to secure their work, from being stolen, altered or used without permission. The question is, just how far can you go with this?
It began with simple serial numbers or typing in a particular world from newspaper manual shipped with the software. A bit time-consuming, but it functioned. So long as you'd the installation disk and guide, an individual could easily install, re-install the program a dozen times a day, without needing to explain the reason why. But as the online popularity grew, it opened new possibilities of software protection -- activation providers. The mechanism is pretty simple: purchase applications, enter specific product key, validate it via Web and you're ready to go. Simple? Not really...
Few individuals know, that most companies established a limitation of feasible activations per serial number. anti-counterfeiting trade agreement (acta) explained Why? In theory, because each licence is valid only for X amount of computers. So to ensure, that we do not share ours with all our Facebook friends, a limit is present. The catch is, if we choose to format our hard disk and do an original system setup, all software that need reactivation, will treat like a fresh one, and so the counter will go up 1. Now imagine what could happen, in case your hard disk breaks down.
You send it to a service. It is returned, you re-install all, but after a month the problem returns. acta wikipedia Again and again. When eventually the faulty component gets replaced correctly, another attempt of reactivating your favourite software becomes rejected. Why? Because limitation of feasible activations has been attained.
Tumblr media
What can you do? Call support center and ask to allow one, to activate your software. Almost always the answer is positive, but... I own the Onsist software, so why so I need to ask for permission to use it? I understand my peace is legal, I have my bill, cd, manual, serial number.
I don't need to validate the software further. I just want to use my applications. Some may say, that such scenarios are rare and it is likely true. Still this case, makes one wonder, even when the anti-piracy forces are moving in right way. If this persists, we might be facing a critical problem: the number of viruses, malicious applications increases nearly exponentially, making the need for regular software updates quite urgent.
Regular upgrading makes the OS run slower, as a single version installed over old, does not always run as easy as a fresh install. That's why we replicate our driveway C and then set up everything from scratch... and activate our applications successfully. This time. Next time, we may start to think, that it is better to use free options instead. They might not be as strong as their industrial counterparts, but at least they do not care why we reinstall or install them.
To put it simple: they don't ask a lot of questions and that's something the majority of us want -- privacy. Privacy restricted by the anti-piracy campaigns. check my reference Time will tell whether these practices, have no impact on piracy levels worldwide. For now, it made our lives a bit harder, than previously.
Computer piracy is far different than sea piracy. Instead Of plundering and assaulting the industrial ships in the middle of the ocean, computer pirates generally steal intellectual property and then, finally, give it away for public use. This can possibly destroy the individual or business and there are a number of cases to back up that.
Piracy is rampant in wikipedia here gambling sector
Computer game companies are among the mostly diminished sectors by pirates. With the assistance of skilled developers, pirates crack the code of this sport that stores information Onsist copy protection removal about individual copies. To put it differently, you do not need to visit the shop to buy a game - you can just download it at no cost from a pirate server.
Pirate software has its flaws. Many online programs are practically not crack-able, because your ID is verified on a company server, and pirates have no access on the market. Standalone cracked software is with a code that is altered and is susceptible to malfunction and can really damage your computer, let alone not operate correctly. Official licensed software ensures that it can find the job done and is bug free - something pirates provide no absolute guarantee. They simply don't care, since, after all, in case you enjoy the software, you will likely buy it yourself.
Necessity and types of software piracy defense
To fight with this situation software companies have created software piracy protection program. The software piracy protection comes in several forms in line with the functions. Some DVDs are made so that the game only runs if a certified DVD is existing in your CD-ROM drive. Other need a serial number along with security software on the actual DVD you purchased.
Pirates are usually very good developers who look forward to be appreciated in big businesses and so increase their popularity and income. Others do it for fun and anticipate no sensible gain from it. They are driven by the sole feeling of evil doing.
There are many notorious groups of crackers-pirates who decode virtually every game that comes out and significantly decrease actual incomes of the companies-producers and developers. The multimillion industry of amusement is continuing to suffer from heavy losses because of piracy and this is soon likely to change as new anti piracy laws are getting implemented.
In this highly technological age, practically every aspect of big company is paperless. Though this development has significantly simplified the process of conducting business, it has also left businesses vulnerable to IC piracy attacks. Actually, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and each year. 1 solution that technology teams must think about is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory for their microchip devices rather. Below are a few reasons why.
--Though the technology is not new (it was initially developed in 1969), it's certainly reliable; and its capabilities have certainly been refined and improved through the years. It is virtually problem-free.
--It is comparatively inexpensive. It's not uncommon for organizations to spend to the hundreds of thousands of dollars to get additional anti-piracy options, but OTP memory is easy to install and use in a mere fraction of the price.
--The arbitrary number system used by OTP memory permits the user to generate an identification number from a massive pool of possibilities. It is virtually impossible for pirates to discover a particular number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.
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--A system with OTP may be adjusted to match any specific taste or application. As an example, it may be set to permit certain identification numbers to be retrieved only by authorized personnel.
--It's a system That's remarkably simple, yet powerfully effective.
In these difficult financial times, companies need to find anti-piracy methods that actually work and that Onsist are also cost-effective: OTP memory might be the IC protection solution you have been looking for.
Every writer will be pleased to acquire anti piracy software which may ably protect PDF documents, swf flash content and html content. Fortunately, DRM - digital rights management programs are readily available to address these needs and also to provide the required controls to satisfactorily execute data loss protection (DLP). These programs allow the author to enroll marketing monitoring definition a client using a licensing platform, pick the ideal customer access degree, produce customized messages to inform unauthorized customers that they do not have permission to start protected files and also to provide them details about where to source for the consent, and to establish expiry dates and exhibit a web page that confirms the expiry of the protected file.
Using DRM document control software the document writer can implement a watermark capability where the user's name and/or company name, and specifics of date/time of usage are displayed on all the printouts. Additional on antipiracy observation, we can even have PDF software that has the capability to demonstrate document and user statics, auditing and reporting.
Through the watermarking capacity DRM will help to identify the place where the leak happened. Additionally, it reports when the record was utilized and equips the writer with document control abilities to close off file access if abuse is detected. This is a useful anti piracy measure which prevents people from replicating or even altering your work as this normally contributes to the misinterpretation of their planned message. Data loss prevention is also employed by requiring users to look at the document with a proprietary program rather different from the one which created it. This way, only authorized users can view the document and record processing tools can be disabled.
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Data reduction prevention is all about forestalling the dripping out of a document/s beyond the control of the organization that possesses it. In nature this anti piracy method is all about identifying, monitoring and shielding, and this is accomplished by shielding a record's content Onsist Social Profile and context via a filtering and centralized management system. This record control method helps efforts to automate the recognition of instances when the content contravenes set DRM rules, and also prevents documents from being emailed or duplicated to say a flash drive.
A company will always find itself being required to share its own confidential information with offshore staff as well as lawyers all of whom are external to the organization's firewalls and this makes anti piracy solutions all the more crucial. As such, in a bid to stem piracy, data loss protection techniques have to be able to secure protected files once they're in the hands of external but approved parties. Encryption has always been the Reply to document
Control but it only goes up to stopping unauthorized persons from accessing the protected data. But, it does not control what the authorized user can do with the record once it is decrypted. Nonetheless, we could always combine encryption with DRM controls so as to restrict the ability of these users to discuss or pass onto the limited information.
Attack Profiles
Successful attacks on vessels, where asset protection is minimum, follow common vulnerabilities, which are exploited by pirates. These are as follows:
Low rate - (under dvd authoring software with copy protection 16 knots)
Low freeboard - (distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded ship)
Insufficient preparation and implementation of processes
Alert of crew on board is Low or there is no visual evidence of self-protection steps
Where There's a slow reaction by the boat and crew
Generally the pirates will utilize a couple of small boats capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, these are available click over here crafts typically called "skiffs" plus they normally approach the intended target from the port quarter or stern.
The usage of a mother ship is employed as a portable logistics foundation that conveys the equipment and personnel to allow attacks to happen farther out to sea, some attacks have happened at 600 NM off the shore.
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The majority of attacks will happen at first and last light, so in these times extra vigilance is necessary.
Before the Transit
Prior to a transit, These bodies should be informed and include;
The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), That's the preparation and coordination authority for EU Forces in the Gulf of Aden and the area from the Coast of Somalia and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), which will be in Dubai and is the primary point of contact for boats in the region. The daily interface with Masters and the military is the UKMTO.
Before devoting high-risk locations, the owner and Master must carry out their own risk assessments to evaluate the likelihood of an attack by pirates. The results of the risk assessment must identify steps to be taken to protect against the vessel being accepted by pirates.
Company Crisis Management Procedures and steps to fulfill the threat within the region the vessel is transiting, should be addressed.
In order to best prepare a vessel, the next planning and training should be considered as a minimum, to control risks from assault:
Register the boat with the authorities, UKMTO and MSCHOA
Review the boats https://onsist.com safety plan
Carry out crew anti-piracy and safety awareness training
Appoint security consultants for your own transit, who have global marine safety experience
Make Sure You have a good and effective anti-piracy contingency program
Defensive Measures
The vessel should review its safety measures and procedures and consider:
Ensuring that the vessels routines are adjusted in advance to Make Sure that the team are well rested before they enter the high risk area
Watching radio silence or allowing minimal use of radio equipment
Identify a safe room
Securing access to the bridge, engine room and crew cottages
Provision of night vision device(s) to get watch employees
During the Transit
Masters should use the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). This is recommended by the naval authorities, westbound vessels use the northern portion of the corridor along with the eastbound vessels utilize the southern part of the IRTC.
Vessels should remain within the IRTC constantly and make sure that it keeps up with its set transit. The vessel should comply with international rules on light.
MSCHOA will counsel on the group transport timings which depart at different times and are recognized by the speed Onsist of the boat, so if a boat has a maximum speed of 16 knots it should consider joining a 14 knot group transit.
If you have employed a safety company, they are there for advice and guidance and should also install the procedures and measures for each vessel as suitable. But, vessels should still make sure that they have added crew as lookouts at exposed parts of the boat especially on the rear port quarter.
It is paramount that a boat protects the team from risk; this usually means that only essential crew work ought to be conducted on the deck whilst at the high-risk areas.
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