#that or pandora because of the box thing(her 'destroying' olympus in the sense that she gets rid of the fucked up ass system to fix it)
punkeropercyjackson 7 months
Honestly i think transfem Percy Jackson where she dosen't have a relathionship with Persephone wouldn't have her name as short for hers(which i wrote her as having because i'm attached to it and the specific context is that due to her best friendship and found siblinghood with Nico,og Persephone realized she's trans so she gave her Metamorphose,food that's been blessed by Aphrodite to give the eater their ideal apperance so basically hrt and surgeries when it comes to trans people),she'd call herself Cookie or some shit
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derekscorner 5 months
Ghost of Sparta is Good
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I recently replayed it on PS3 and it's truly a shame this game is lost to emulators or the retro console owners.
The PS3 version in particular really highlights how hard those PSPs were churning to keep up the detail. I'm not one to care about graphics myself but it's hard to not appreciate how that was pulled off.
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Of course, I won't sit here and tell you the story is stellar. I do not think it's bad in the slightest but it can be silly like any GoW game.
Such as Kratos forgetting Deimos. I can buy that he assumed he had died and he even yells at his mother for her telling him so but to forget him is silly as can be once you learn that Deimos is the origin of Kratos tattoo.
That large, red, body size tattoo on his body was inspired by Deimos' birthmark. A reminder not to forget. lol
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Then there is Atlantis. You learn that Kratos is the one who sunk Atlantis in the GoW universe, you're controlling him as he does it. It's one more on the list of affronts that make you question why Kratos wasn't dealt with sooner.
Which this is a problem any prequel or interquel can have. Sometimes you have no good explanation for a thing that happened in the titles proceeding them despite being made after.
And this is classic GoW, few of us are here for air-tight narrative consistency. It's just a story thing I notice each time I play it.
The only story bits these prequels do that I feel takes away impact is Ascension and Chains of Olympus since Kratos not only kills three immortals, one demi-god/fury, and the god queen Persephone, but Ares' plot to attack Olympus is leaked.
This can make the necessity of Pandora's Box in GoW 1 seem just a flat out lie and it can leave you wondering why Ares was left be for the ten years between Ascension/Chains of Olympus and GoW 1.
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But, again, those are minor things. Each of these titles do something greater than their faults by showing Kratos' descent into madness in GoW 3.
Once you play Ascension to see how he escaped his oath, once you see him have to traumatize and forsake his daughter (again) in Chains of Olympus, and once you see him cause the death of his mother and brother in Ghost of Sparta it makes sense.
Kratos was never a great person but he valued family more than you'd expect given his character so when a man with that many flaws and rage loses his humanity you get what you saw in GoW 3.
He is no anti-hero in GoW 3. Kratos is a villain, you are helping him destroy the world and the consequences be damned.
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Though I am aware of how some find Deimos' heel turn in the game rushed I do still think the story is decent.
I personally like it because I think it's button mapping is the best in the classic series making it more fun for me to play. And, truth be told, it's the only title where you actually play as the god of war.
It's just fun to go on an adventure as a god in the classic series....I have no clever way to end this. Bye!
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meaningful-negativity 3 months
The moon sat high as the servants of Gaea did their business calling forth a darkness thought locked away forever by the gods. The thrones of the mortal world were occupied for far too long by those who praised the Olympians. The time for their fall was near and only their dark father could achieve it. The titan was back on the mortal plane along with siblings born of the sins once housed within Pandora's box.
The city was never a good place yet the number of attacks linked to the supernatural real had increased as demigods and demons wanted to gain favor. Good magic was at a standstill as those counted as the most powerful took losses yet never fell. The fates knew that was happening having spoken the prophesy when the world was new and with each war of the heavens. A child of great power will decide the tide of battle as only his power along with that of Olympus can defeat the darkness
Rico knew of the pains of humanity yet felt powerless to do anything about it. Having ascended to his full power he did what he could though most of it was small. Standing he saw the land's curst by the titan. The mand was foul and nothing would grow as it only drew in flies and plagues. He knew that humans needed food but also wanted to see how strong he had become.
"I call to thee, pure witch's fire, through vortex flow the heavenly mire. Cleanse brackish aura of debris, from dark to light, sweep history!"
His eyes glowed blue as he began to speak. Flames raged across the grounds destroying the darkness. This had gotten the attention of the Titans yet also Olympus signaling that he was there. Both sides knew that he was their greatest ally or enemy and as such needed to get to him before the other could.
Athena sensed a wall of magic traveling toward the part of the forest that she was standing in. "So, the child has come but now what side will they choose when given a choice between the Gods and the Titians." She changes into the form of an owl and flies in the direction of the power that she sensed until she finds a boy or to her he is a boy. Athena then lands in the tree beside him before hopping to the top of a rock under said tree, changing to her human form.
"So you are the one that could kill either the Gods or the Titians, i hope that you have made your mind up as to who you will be helping because getting rid of someone as powerful as you would be a bit of a bother for us." She moves over to him to inspect his work then tilts her head to the side with a cocked eyebrow "is this at your full power and don't be cocky around a Goddess. You may help us with our salvation but i can still kick your ass square."
"My name is Athena and i am here to help you get to Olympus. it will be a perilous journey being who you are and what you can do the enemy will also be looking for you. i have no thoughts on this at the moment except that you are powerful, maybe to powerful but at least you seem to be using it for good instead of for their purposes." She shakes her head "i never thought that i would see the end of the world or even get close to it but here it is."
Athena then points over her shoulder "We will need to go into town and get horses for the journey for it is a part of your quest to come to know yourself and your powers that we should take the long way to get to Olympus. i can teach you some things on the way and i'm sure that we will be meeting with more Gods and Goddesses than just me." She then takes the time to smile "You will be very busy little one and so will i. it has been a long time since i had a student."
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