#that last drawing is old thats why dazai's design is different
mishiami · 1 year
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bzzt bzzt new soukoku au dropped, this time featuring YOKAI
dazai is a kitsune who lives in the forest and watches over the shrines of his predecessor (that he lowkey inherited), chuuya is an oni who accidentally d worded a guy on one of those shrines and then got stuck with a fox forever
chuuya's design is mostly his oni design from mayoi's pandemonium night, i just added the corruption tattoos
(au skk backstory info under the cut)
oni are servants of hell and, before they were oni, were the most vile and sinful of humans on earth. as oni, their jobs are to punish humans that are JUST short of being awful enough to become oni as well, and they can eat souls so that's fun
chuuya, for a long time, works with other oni (it's the sheep) to eat, seal away and punish souls. he meets dazai one day, an annoying and secretive kitsune in the forest, accidentally gets a mess on his shrine and dazai decides to annoy him for the rest of time
then one day, out of nowhere, dazai sets all the souls of the sinners loose in the name of an ambiguous "greater good", and offs the sheep to make sure they don't seal up the sinners again. he tries to do the same with chuuya, but chuuya is fueled by his anger and.......... retaliates
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chuuya's anger summons fire, he leaves dazai engulfed in them, and that's how dazai gets his bandages in this.
chuuya also swears that he'll hate dazai forever for what he's done, which, like, he does, but it's that typical soukoku hate where hate = i want to punch and kick you stupid and then make out with you
and a hundred or so years later dazai is back to annoying chuuya like normal anyway because this is skk, but now they just have more baggage
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