#that kinda stresses me out in the sense that i feel rushed a bit??
inavagrant-a · 2 years
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Today is the day I continue to work on my teapot.
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
I’m a sucker for a fake marriage AU but what if Harry married us for real but because he had to? Or because he was drunk? Then he falls for us for real?🥹😍
Hiiii babes!! I too love a fake marriage AU they just like hit a special spot in my soul! So I changed this slightly, I hope you don’t mind? 😬💖
A/N: This is kinda short but if you want a part 2 let me know and it’ll go into more detail about everything✨
-find all things Lonely here✨
Summary: Harry is just tired of being lonely and well..he knows you are too so what could it hurt to just be together? Aka Harry asks his bestfriend to marry him✨
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“Harry please stand up.”
“You didn’t even let me finish what-”
“I don’t need to let you finish to know what getting down on one knee means Harry.” Your words are rushed as you feel your breathing begin to become more rapid due to the overwhelming sense of panic that’s settling in your chest. “Please stand up.” You hear him let out a sigh as he reluctantly stands up but stays standing right in front of where you’re sitting on the edge of the pink and orange striped cushion of your outdoor loveseat, you watch him as he reaches over so he can place the ring box on the table next to you.
“Will you just let me explain myself please?” He asks with a raised eyebrow as he watches how you place your hands in your lap and being messing with the ring on your pinky, a habit he knows you do when you’re nervous or stressed. He immediately takes a small step closer to you when he realizes he’s the cause behind you feeling so uneasy, he kneels down so he’s eye level with you and places a hand over both of yours.
“I’m sorry for just dropping to one knee like that.” He gives your hands a little squeeze as he ducks his head down a bit until you finally meet his gaze. “That was a bit dramatic even for me but I just need to get this out okay? And then when I’m done you can do that thing you love to do and ask me a million questions and I’ll answer all of them.” He looks at you and when you just give him a small nod he smiles and stands up after giving your hands one more reassuring squeeze.
Harry clears his throat and readies himself to give you the detailed explanation as to why he showed up to your house for lunch dressed as if he was headed for an event in his powder pink suit with blue button up underneath, roses in his hand and then before you could even serve him a glass of wine he was down on one knee with a box in his hand. You take a few deep calming breaths reminding yourself that the man in front of you is Harry, your bestfriend and he doesn’t do things for no reason so you’ll sit and listen to him because he’d do the same for you if it was you who’d been down on one knee in front of him not even five minutes ago. He runs a hand through his hair as he finally lets his eyes find yours just as a playful smirk takes over his face as his eyes flicker to the roses on the table next to the loveseat you’re sitting on before returning to you.
“We’ve been friends for what? Eleven years now?” You know by the playfully tone of his voice that he doesn’t actually want you to answer him. “I remember we met at that house party and I was so flattered that you were going to let me be the first frat boy to take you home.” You roll your eyes as the memory of meeting Harry replays in your mind.
It was at a college house party and he was in the kitchen with a red solo cup in his hand, a backwards SnapBack covering up his beautiful head of curls, a red flannel half buttoned and a pair of black skinny jeans. You thought he looked actually like the fraternity boys your fiends had warned you about but there was something different about him, the way his smile seemed so genuine when he saw you walk into the small space and offered you a drink and it was when you saw the dimples and heard his accent that you knew you were in trouble. The two of you stuck together the rest of the party and when it was starting to get too wild for your taste you told him he could take you home and Harry who’s always been a gentleman, said his place was closer.
“Then you had to go and ruin the moment by throwing up all over my boots.”
“I ruined the moment? It wasn’t the fact you weren’t even a frat boy but just a member of some boyband who liked to crash college parties?” This makes Harry let out a huff as he shakes his head at your teasing.
“Some boyband? That’s a bit rude love.” He playfully glares at you as you lean back and get more comfortable in your seat. “But that’s also the night we became bestfriends because as I helped you get home and held your hair while you got sick we just talked all night and if I remember correctly which we both know my memory is one of my strong suits then that’s also the first time you stole one of my shirts.” The playful smile that’s on his lips makes you look down at your hands in your lap and lift a shoulder in a casual shrug.
“You gave it to me.” You argue as you look up making Harry just nod as the smile on his face grows.
“I did didn’t I?” He asks and the look on his face tells you he was almost testing you to see if you remember the night the same way he does. “You remember the kiss right? In the backyard by-”
“The pool. Yes Harry I remember.” You don’t know why the memory of Harry kissing you drunkenly by a pool at a house party makes your cheeks get warm in embarrassment but it does. “What’s this have to do with you getting down on one knee?” You want him to get on with the explanation because going down memory lane with him isn’t something you’re sure you have the energy for right now.
“Right. Sorry.” He shake his head as if to try to refocus his thoughts on what he’s actually trying to get across to you. “I feel like I have everything I could ever want in life. I have more money than I know what to do with and I have a career that I love and I’m finally at a place where I can just sit back and enjoy all the hard work I’ve done over the last fifteen years of my life and relax a little but taking this time off has made me realize something.” Your eyes meet his as he lets out a sigh as he looks into your eyes and you swear you see a hint of sadness tucked away in the dark specks of his bright green eyes. “I don’t have anyone to share my life with. I know I have my family and friends but I’m still so fucking lonely.” His voice is lower than before and your heart aches for him, you know Harry isn’t one that’s ever dealt with being alone very well and all this free time has been a little harder on him than he intended it to be.
“I just want to be with someone that makes saying goodbye hard and that makes me want to rush home just because I know they’re there waiting for me.” The corners of his mouth twitch as he fights the small smile that wants to form. “I want to be someone’s husband and I think that someone should be you.” You feel your mouth drop open as your eyes widen at his statement.
Harry lets you have a few moments to let his words sink in as he takes a few steps towards the table the roses are on so he can grab the box he had in hands when he was down on one knee. He gently opens the top and reaches in and takes the simple gold band out and holds it between his index finger and thumb before placing the empty box back on the table. When he looks over at you he just gives you a reassuring grin when he sees you’re already looking up at him.
“I know you’re lonely too sweetheart.” You let out a shaky breath as he kneels down in front of you and gently grabs your left hand. “But you don’t have to be anymore.” Your eyes glance down at your hand as Harry starts to slowly slide the band on your ring finger. “We already have a great foundation because no one knows you better than me right?” He gives you a playful wink as he slides the band past your knuckle.
“Like I know how you take your coffee in the morning and how you need to be held when you’re upset. I know how to make your perfect bubble bath and I can tell if you’re in a bad mood just by the way you text me. I know when you need red wine and when you need white or when you just need a bottle of tequila and a lime. I know all your fears and I know all the amazing dreams you have and I’ll happily help you make them come true if you’ll let me.” You sniffle as you feel your eyes start to have that familiar sting letting you know you’re a few moments away from full on crying.
“I love you and I know you’re going to tell me it’s not the same as being in love with you but I think that will come with time? Don’t you? I know you love me too and I don’t see how this couldn’t work? It’s not even like the physical stuff would be weird because we’ve hooked-”
“You shouldn’t marry someone just because you’re lonely Harry.” You have to stop him from saying anything else as you feel a few tears escape from your eyes as they roll down your cheeks and before you can wipe them away Harry has his hands cupping the sides of your face and his thumbs are gently swiping them away.
“I’m lonely yes but that’s not the only reason why I want to marry you. I think you might be my person and I just spent too long trying to just keep you in my life anyway that I could and now I just can’t imagine myself being anyone else’s husband but yours.” He knows he sounds crazy but he also knows he’s talking to you, the one person who understands him the most.
“Why now?” You ask as you reach up and place one of your hands over his that’s still holding the side of your face.
“We aren’t getting any younger love so figured it was now or never.” His answer makes you chuckle as you lean into his touch. “I know this is a lot and if you need some time that’s fine.” You just nod as he leans forward and places a kiss to your forehead, you drop your hand from the top of his so he can release the sides of your face. “Just don’t take too much time yeah? You know how I get.” He half heartedly jokes as he stands up, you watch him look down at your hand and a small smile creeps onto his face as he sees the gold band sitting nicely on your ring finger.
“Call me when you’re ready sweetheart.” Is all he says as he leans down and kisses the top of your head before he turns and heads towards the gate of your backyard that will take to your driveway where his car is parked. You just sit there and stare at the ring on your finger as you hear the sound of his car starting up, you feel your eyes fill with a new wave of tears as the sound of his car backing out of your driveway hits your ears.
“Oh god.” You mumble to yourself as you place your head in your hands as the events of the afternoon really hit you, your bestfriend really asked you to marry him. You close your eyes as you come to the understanding that while he admitted he does love you he’s not in love with you, making you face something that you’ve been trying to avoid for years, the fact you actually are in love with him. So now you’re left with two choices, marry him and hope he does one day fall in love with you or tell him no and hope it doesn’t ruin the friendship the two of you have.
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latin5mamii · 3 months
Stadium Sweetheart- Jude Bellingham
Genre: fluff, comforting
Author's note: short and sweet🎀
Summary:Can your boyfriend help you choose your stadium's outfit?Of course he can.
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"Please recommend me something to wear”
“I don’t know what girls wear at a stadium, darling”
Oh and that was it, his english accent that could literally melt you in any second.But seriously, you literally wore every ‘sportive- girl outfit you have in your closet and you were stressing yourself,t rying to find something decent to wear.
“I might have an idea” you say, a sudden spark of inspiration lighting up your face. You dash over to Jude's side of the closet and pull out one of his jerseys, the one with "BELLINGHAM" and his number emblazoned on the back. Holding it up, you grin.
He raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Going for the full supporter look, are we?"
"Well, I want to be your number one fan, don't I?" You slip the jersey over your head, feeling a rush of excitement. It's a bit oversized, but that only adds to the charm. You pair it with your favorite mini skirt and a pair of white heels.
“Heels to a stadium, you serious?” he says giggling.Maybe that was a bad idea,but girls would do anything to keep the outfit on top.
“Shut up” 
“Yes sir”He says ironically, you can’t help but laugh at his words.
As you make your way to the stadium, the atmosphere is electric. Fans are pouring in, waving flags and singing chants. You feel a sense of pride wearing Jude's name on your back, knowing that you're part of something bigger.
At the stadium, you take your seat among the sea of supporters. The game begins, and you watch Jude on the field, playing with the skill and passion that made you fall for him in the first place. Every time he makes a great play, you jump to your feet, cheering and shouting his name.
When the game is over and your boyfriend’s team wins,you start searching for him on the field and so does he.As soon as he sees you, he blows a kiss towards your direction.
You can’t be more excited for him than you are now.You know how he loves football and achieving his dreams makes only you more proud than you already are.
you get off your seat and walk towards him, hugging him tightly as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“I kinda feel like you brought me luck, didn’t you?”
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lemonmaid · 6 months
Imagine being Sukuna's mate before his reign of terror.
Warnings: angst, omegaverse, gender neutral reader, Heian period, this was rushed, kinda child neglect
Imagine being Sukuna's mate during the Heian period.
Meeting him before he was a curse. When he was human, mating with him right before he became a curse and began his regin of terror.
Then it takes two words for Sukuna to leave, (or hence send (Name) far far away in the mountains with only a small staff).
"I'm pregnant".
After that, (Name) was sent away. (Name) thought of it as Sukuna's way to protect them and their child.
But Sukuna saw it as a way to keep a distraction far away from his plans. He couldn't kill his own mate without effecting his own body, after all.
(Name) gave birth to Yuuji, giving the young pup their last name.
(Name) dropped but since they had Yuuji a switch in their brain made them care for the pup but not be there emotionally. But their own scent was very VERY dim, to the point where Yuuji was a pup he would sob for hours on end being understimmulated. (Name) couldn't feel stressed or hopeless, they would just stare at Yuuji until he cried himself to sleep.
(Name) got worst, year by year. (Name) stopped talking when Yuuji turned seven.
It wasn't untill Yuuji got his second gender when he turned 13, (Name) finally had the strength to speak again to him.
Yuuji's eyes brighten up, rushing to his (mom'/dad's) bedside. Yuuji grasp his (mom's/dad's) hand, "No, (mom/dad) it's me, Yuuji-"
(Name) slowly turned their head towards Yuuji, smiling softy, "Yuu....promise me this".
"Yes (mama/papa)?".
"Never love someone as much as I love your father... mating... is the real-".
(Name) finally dropped on Yuuji's own birthday... the village doctor concluded that they had fell into a comatose state.
Yuuji mourned their (mom/dad) that day. Leaving his childhood home, set out to find someone who could help his parent.
Instead he found resistance fights against his father's rule; where they taught him how to use curse techniques, how to put curse energy into weapons.
"Yuuji, I heard a rumor when I went into town this week".
"Yeah? Rumors are rumors, so what? Toda-".
"If you kill a person's mate while they dropped, it could bring them back".
Yuuji felt something inside him snapped, like all the pieces of a puzzle was complete, the stars aligning. Everything made sense.
"Why do you come here brat?" Sukuna glared at the 15 year old from his throne.
Yuuji bit his lip, staring at the man above him; his father, in front of him.
Sukuna looked unamused, "Well. You've demanded an audience with me, no? You've killed my own curses? What have you come here, boy? "
Yuuji clutched the katana in his hands, 'why I am shaking'
"I'm not going to-"
Sukuna instinctively flinched before resuming his movements. His mating mark burned with irritation.
"What brings you. Answer before I'll kill you".
Yuuji let out a broken laugh, "After all this time? Are they still your weakness?".
Sukuna dashed towards Yuuji. His eyes glowing red eyes, gripping the boy by the throat and pinning him to the wall. "Speak boy!".
Yuuji winced, "I made a promise to them".
Sukuna glared at Yuuji, squeezing his neck tighter.
"I promise (mama/papa) that I'll fucking kill you".
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dearpyramus · 2 months
Dad!Carmy x reader oneshot
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notes: erm this is my first x reader fic ever so pls be nice, the ending is kinda rushed sry i just rlly wanted to get this posted, not beta read oopsie
tags: dad!carmy, postpartum!reader, insecurity, soft!carmy, afab!reader, 1.05k words
(fic btc)
Waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying wasn’t unusual lately. Your daughter had been born a couple months back and gone were the restful nights you had together. He wouldn’t have it any other way, however. When he looked into his daughter’s wide eyes, he knew this is exactly where he wanted to be.
What did strike him as odd, however, were the muffled sounds of desperate please coming from you. This caused him to practically shoot up in the bed. It was hard enough hearing the loud sobs of your daughter, but to hear his wife’s voice breaking too???
That caused his heart to shatter in a million pieces. It was clear you were struggling to soothe the crying baby. He didn’t think twice before rushing to the nursery. Sleep be damned.
As soon as he opened the door, he was met with wide eyes from you. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you bounced the crying baby cradled in your arms. His heart sunk.
You were quick to interrupt him, your voice trembling as you spoke.
“She—she—I-I c-can’t—“
You shook your head as the words struggled to come out. His face softened. He didn’t need an explanation from you to understand you were stressed because you couldn’t soothe your daughter.
“Hey,” his voice was soft, a coo as if he were talking to the baby. He outstretched a hand, gently placing it on your bicep. His thumb rubbed up and down comfortingly.
“Breathe. Deep breaths, dove,” he soothed, “It’s okay”
He took exaggerated breaths for you to follow. Your breaths were shaky as you followed. He tightened his grip on your arm slightly, thumb still stroking.
The baby continued to whimper in your arms, sensing your distress. He eyed his daughter and you, voice still impossibly soft.
“Can I…”
He trailed off. You nodded and gently handed her to him, still trying to calm down. Your breathing was better now. As he cradled the baby, you crossed your arms—a self soothing habit you had.
He gave you a reassuring glance before turning his attention to the baby. One of his hands cradled her head and begin to stroke softly there.
“Ssshh ssshh ssshhh,” he begins to lightly bounce her, “it’s okay, little one. You’re okay”
She cried softly in his arms, tiny hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt. His heart melts.
“I got ya, sweet girl. Everything’s okay. Ssshhhhh”
She nuzzles into his chest and her sobs slowly subside. The hand on her hand moves down to her quivering back, rubbing soothing circles.
“That’s it, there ya go. You’re okay, just relax”
He continues his coos of reassurances and soft shushing as he feels her calm down. He let out a sigh he didn’t know he had as he could sense the baby relaxing in his arms. He continued to soothe her as her cries subsided. He glanced back up at you and noticed how sad your expression was as you watched him. His heart absolutely ached. He stepped closer toward you and adjusted his hold on the baby so he could place a hand on your shoulder.
“Talk to me, dove”
Your breath hitched once again, causing him to almost instinctively squeeze your shoulder comfortingly.
“I couldn’t get her to calm down…I couldn’t do it…”
Your voice was small and broken, causing his heart to clench yet again. He was quick to shake his head and dismiss your anxieties.
“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong—“
You introjected him, holding up a hand to dismiss his reassurances.
“I should have—“
You shake your head in frustration as you’re unable to properly express your feelings. You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. Carmen begins to softly rub your shoulder, hoping that helps a bit.
“She hates me…”
This is what did it. Carmen couldn’t stand to hear you talk down on yourself. He wanted so badly for you to see what he saw: a mother who was so nurturing and kind and dedicated and care so so much.
“Babe, listen to me—look at me,” the hand that was in your shoulder moved to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his.
“She loves you so much. So much,” his voice is a bit firm now, leaving no room for argument. It still contains that gentleness that never wavered.
“You’ve done so much for this family, for her. You care about her so much and she knows it. Babies cry, a lot,”
He pauses and looks down at her with a smile.
“I think little one here sensed your distress. She doesn’t want mama to be upset,” he cooed. This caused you to chuckle slightly and he smiled, glad he could make you feel a little better.
“I just hope it’s enough. That what I’m doing is enough,” you mumble.
His hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing soothing circles.
“It is enough. You just gave birth and have been helping to take care of our little one. You’ve done so much, and I wish you could see that”
He looks at you with all the love in the world.
“There’s no one else I’d rather have this family with…”
He sighs and looks down, hoping his words are enough.
“I love you,” he continues, now glancing at the baby in his arms, now starting to drift off.
“We both do. So much”
His thumb swipes away a stray tear that falls down your face. You sniffle and look at him, and he knows by that look that you’re trying to believe him. He knows stuff like this takes time and reassurance. He knows all too well. But trust and believe he’ll be here with you through every step of the way.
Your hand reaches up to cradle his face as you plant a kiss on his lips. Another hand rests onto of your daughter’s head. You plant a kiss there and smile as she coos.
“I love you too. More than you can ever know”
Despite all of your insecurities and uncertainties, there’s one thing you know for certain: you would do anything for this family.
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yeonboy · 7 months
𝐚 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 ♡ choi yeonjun. ⇝ teaser
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For the past two years, you have been an ordinary—if a bit more stressed than others—college student with a life so normal, it almost falls on the wrong side of boring. And then in the middle of one uneventful night, your college’s darling ace student, ace sportsman, the ace cutie that every girl has a crush on, Choi Yeonjun decides to slip into your dorm room – and your life turns upside down.
❧ choi yeonjun x f. reader | 16+ | college!au ♡ strangers to lovers!au ♡ humor ♡ fluff
❧ words! 1 k for the teaser [~8 k for the entire fic]
❧ warnings! profanity, suggestive language, exams related anxiety, incorrect econ major related discord + and more in the actual fic (:
❧ note! hey, everyone! tho i'm not a fan of teasers without a concrete posting date, i needed to put sth out there for the sake of my brain :// mental health's been on a rollercoaster and writer's block been heavy this spring! i hope y'all enjoy this lil cracked up (and a lil concerning) bite of fluff and anticipate the actual fic!
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❧ masterlist | inbox ⁘
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Sighing again, you blindly move your hand towards the light switch in the room – only for a hand to wrap around your wrist. 
Heart stopping and brain freezing in bone-chilling fear, you unhinge your jaw to let out a scream. But not even a whole second later, a palm is placed over your parted lips and a body pushes you to the wall next to the light switch with an urgent hush whispered in your ear.
“Please don’t scream, I’m not gonna harm you, I just need your help!”
The stranger sounds and feels like a male. 
What the hell is a strange man doing in your very all-girls dorm?
You wanna scream louder, something that this stranger senses because he suddenly presses his body tighter against you, this time dipping his face into the crook of your neck, lips against the shell of your ear when he shushes you.
Okay, now why did that cover your entire body with goosebumps? Of the good kind?
“I’m not a creep I swear, I was just escaping an embarrassing situation and this room was unlocked so I slipped in, please let me explain!”
You try to calm yourself down, taking a deep breath which immediately lets you know that this not a creep actually smells really heavenly. You kinda wanna sniff him again, but catch yourself at the last moment.
Leaning your head farther away to press it against the wall, you narrow your eyes at the short-haired silhouette of the guy that is lit up at the edges due to the light entering the room from the window directly behind him. The hand which held your wrist moves, then, and flicks the light switch.
You immediately squeeze your eyes shut due to the blast of photons across the room, and the stranger slowly steps away from you, very tenderly letting go of your mouth – which had honestly started to hurt a little – at the end. Massaging the side of your jaw, you slowly open one of your lids, and then the other.
Then you blink. And blink again. And nearly have an aneurysm because damn does the campus It-Boy look even hotter up close.
Choi Yeonjun stands before you in his pale orange hair glory, wearing a fitted off-sleeves, off-white sweater. And, shit, are those pearls around his neck? Yes. Yes, they are.
While you’re still hovering in the limbo between shock and awe, the guy launches into a rushed and stuttered explanation.
“Th–thanks for not screaming. I’m… Ugh, I don’t even know where to begin, but like – I – I was trying to surprise my girlfriend who lives in this very dorm, a floor above—you know, where all popular seniors live—and, um, just as I reacher her door I heard sounds of the…sexual nature…echoing inside, so – so I investigated and guess what? My girlfriend is fucking my best friend behind my back!”
Your jaw drops open. “I… what the hell, man?” you whisper, stunned and disgusted. “That’s so awful…”
“Right? And embarrassing.” He shakes his head. Then his eyebrows suddenly fly up. “Oh! I am Choi—”
“Yeonjun, the uni’s ace Senior. I know. Everyone does.”
A faint blush rises up his cheeks, lips pursing as he shrugs one bare shoulder. Okay, damn, his biceps have got some good definition. “Yeah… well. So you know how I was—or still am, I guess—in a relationship with—”
“Kim Yerim? Know that too, unfortunately, all my friends in all the srats are obsessed with y’all.” You give a small sigh. “Her cheating is such a pity.”
“God, I know right? This is gonna be so horrible,” he murmurs, almost to himself, and bites down on his lip.
You snap your fingers in front of his face. “Um, excuse me? Is that all? I’m sorry for you, man, truly, but um, can you leave now? You’re really wasting my very precious time.”
He really is. The only reason why you didn’t flip out yet was because—as embarrassing as it—you were distracted by the guy’s astonishingly good looks. But his beauty isn’t gonna help you pass tomorrow’s exam.
Suddenly regretting wasting the ten minutes that you had saved by ditching Chaeryeong at the convenience store, you clap your hands together and reach for your door. “Great talk! Or not? I guess? See you around, Choi Yeonjun!”
His eyes grow very wide at that and both hands come up to stop you from unlocking your door, before you have even made the move to fully turn around, and—
Now you’re caged between the door and both his arms. The same arms with all that muscular definition you just saw up close. 
“Please don’t kick me out. Let me stay here. Please.”
This time it is your eyes that bulge out. “The hell? Why?”
He retracts his hands to brace one of them on his waist and pinch the bridge of his nose with the forefinger and thumb of the other. “I can’t leave…”
You lean away from him. “Dude, if you’re looking for a shoulder to cry on? You’ve come to the absolutely worst person. And if you’re looking for a rebound hook-up… well, could you wait till I’m done with tomorrow’s exam?”
Yeonjun’s face goes from confused to intrigued to humorous. “None of those, actually, but – I’ll keep your offer in mind.”
His wink shoots sparks through you and you immediately purse your lips. “It wasn’t an—okay, then what do you want? My econ exam is tomorrow and I stand to lose all my credits if I flunk this, so please—”
“Wait, econ?” He spins on his heels to peek at your textbook and the slides you had pulled up on your laptop, leaving you gaping behind him. “Ooh, Consumer Behavior? This is a good one. D’you have flash cards? Don’t skip decision roles, Professor Jeon is obsessed with ’em.”
You look at the guy with wide eyes. “Uh—what?”
Looking at you over his shoulder, Yeonjun flashes you a grin. “You’re talking to a 99 scorer in Consumer Behavior.”
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© yeonboy 2024 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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transwolfsmut · 6 days
CW. Force feminization followed by soft force masc, some intox. Older cis guy 4 younger trans guy; I imagine them as being around 45 and 22 but adjust as you please in your imagination.
This is an erotic fantasy. IRL I do not condone any way of disrespect towards trans bodies and identities; and I'm an adult trans man + gender fluid.
You've been for a while at the bar when you notice I've been watching you. You've come here on your own, unwinding after a though week. I've seen you have a cheeseburger and 2-3 beers while I drink some harder liquor. You are a cute boy and you catched my attention right away with your alt clothing, like you're trying very hard to look rugged and masc. I knew that you're trans, it's not my first time around you boys and I've never hidden how much I like your smaller hands, your curvy bodies, your chin fuzz, your masculine ways, your smell, your taste. You get startled when you notice you're being watched by a handsome middle aged man who smiles at you when you lock eyes with him. For a split second you feel this weird sense of opposing gender envy and sexual attraction, looking at my salt-and-pepper beard, the chiseled jawline, how good the shirt falls into my chest, the insinuated bulge in my jeans. The hairs of your nape stand and your eyes nervously go back to the remaining fries on your plate when you see me pick up my glass and walk towards you. I sit next to you and your heart is pounding.
I introduce myself and offer a hand to shake. You aren't the guy that is used to talking to strangers but there's something in my voice that makes you feel relaxed, almost hypnotized. You notice a tiny trans flag enamel pin on my denim jacket and you wonder if I'm trans or an ally- either way it makes you feel safe and start to relax around me. I offer to buy you a drink and when you ask for another beer I laugh a bit. "No, kid, you've gotta drink like a grown man." I ask for a couple more drinks, same of what I've been drinking before. I drink it down in a gulp and lock my eyes into yours, waiting for you to do the same. You do so, nervous. The liquor burns in your throat and warmth rushes beneath your skin. I smile, it's a pretty smile. I ruffle your hair. "There you are, my man." You blush. You didn't get annoyed at me ruffling your hair, it actually felt good to be petted like a good dog.
We go on talking and I go on getting you drunk. You know I am. You're getting dizzy, you laugh, you're enjoying the company, you finally feel relieved from the week's stress. Making a friend, that's something you didn't expect tonight. It feels good, the attention of an older man who actually shows interest in you, your chit chat about the stuff that you like. You lean your head on my shoulder for a second and then you jolt back to sitting straight, you've gotten too comfortable around me and feel ashamed. You don't even know if I'm into men, but you've felt kinda attracted to me. Is it the liquor? Is it the loneliness? Is it my musky scent, the protective aura around me? I grope your leg, a bit too close to your crotch. "Let's get somewhere more private." I suggest in a whisper. Your eyes widen, you blush and nod without looking at me.
I pay for the consumption and we leave the bar. "Are you out of your mind!?!?" Your brain screams at you, but you don't stop. You follow me into my car, you gasp when I lean into you and kiss you, you are melting at the way my beard tickles you and how I'm exploring the inside of your mouth with my tongue. I hold the hair of the back of your head brusquely and pull you away from me. "You ok with this, man?" I ask. You nod, speechless. I smile. "Fine, let's go home".
My place is nothing special, the small apartment you'd expect from a single man. I am groping your butt as I push you to the bedroom and into my bed. It's fluffy and comfortable. You'd happily sleep away the intoxication of the alcohol but I'm quickly on top of you and you realize my erection is rubbing on you bum. I lick your ear, and you roll on the bed to face me. "God, you're so handsome" I compliment as my hand creeps down between your legs. I rub on your bits through the hard fabric of your denim pants, and in the moment you moan, I step away. You're a bit perplexed, then you see me strip away from my jacket and shirt and go to the nightstand to grab a joint I carefully pre-rolled before I left the house. "You don't mind?" I ask, while already blazing it up. You shrug. You've done pot before, maybe had some edibles, but that shit I'm smoking definitely smells stronger than anything you've had before. I offer the joint. You take it, smoke from it and cough violently. "Good boy" I say while I again caress the spot between your legs. You smoke some more and the movements of my hand get more pleasurable. You soon realize I'm rewarding you- the more you smoke, the better it feels down there. You're feeling so relaxed, it feels good to let your guard down. You let me strip you from your pants and I start eating you out. I'm careful to only lick your clit, I'm not going anywhere near your hole. I mean your dick. But it's so small I can't think of it as anything than a clit. I notice you're getting wet. You're too high to offer any resistance when I grab you and place you in the middle of the bed, undoing your shoes and taking away every piece of clothing except for your binder. I take off the remaining of my clothing and lean on you, rubbing my boner on your pubic area.
"You want it inside of you". I whisper in your ear. You gasp. "You do want it inside, don't you?" You nod, you shake your head, uncertain. "Oh, puppy, don't deny it. Your body knows." I tap on your bits and a sweet splotchy sound confirms you're soaking wet. "You wouldn't be so naturally lubed up if you didn't want it". My cock is teasing at your hole. "It wouldn't feel so good if you didn't need to be filled". It's just one inch of me going inside of you, parting your labia. "You wouldn't spread open like this if your body wasn't made for this." You moan, as you feel me slowly penetrate you. "Your body wouldn't have this precious hole if it wasn't meant to be filled with cock". You feel it moving inside you. You suddenly realized I never put on a condom, but you're so dazed by the alcohol, the weed and the pleasure to care. I catch up speed, going in and out of you. "You wouldn't enjoy cock in your pussy so much if you weren't made for this... To pleasure males". You open your mouth, you want to protest but only more moaning comes out as I rub your clit while pumping my penis inside of you. "Oh you wanna say something?" I pull out and force you to open your mouth and take my cock covered in your wetness. "Can you detect those? The taste of your vagina, the smell of my balls? The natural distinction of your body and mine?" You're choking on my cock the further into your mouth I push it and face fuck you while I extend a hand behind me to reach into your clit and rub it. It feels both pleasurable and degrading. "I'm gonna pull out and you will say Yes, Sir" I tell you. I wait for one more minute before I do so. You gasp for air, confused and dripping spit. "Yes, Sir" you hear your own voice reply, but it doesn't feel like your own. "Good girl" I whisper in your ear as I ram back inside your pussy and it clenches around my shaft, your hips move by mere instinct in reaction to my own movements.
You hear your voice moaning, and yet it doesn't seem like your own. You're making high pitched girly noises while some guy you met in a bar is fucking your cunt. Perhaps it's the anonymity of being strangers what's allowing you to show yourself like this. Perhaps it's all the booze and the weed that's brought down your defenses. Perhaps it was me who saw through a crack in your stoic mask and knew what you needed. Some good thick cock pumping away all the worries. Your mind is drifting away when I pull out from you, panting. We're not done yet, and you know it so you just remain on the bed. You see me take something out of a drawer.
"It's ok, my man. Let her have this." I tell you before ripping your binder with a pocket knife. I have quickly and masterfully picked up the fabric with one hand while I ran the blade with the other hand, making it slide between your boobs. Just a tiny and swift caress of the knife on the center of your chest, and it feels like I just cut through some energetic field of yours. You fall into the mattress, your binder now like an open vest revealing your tummy and your chest, your tits bouncing liberated from the restriction. You feel ashamed and free. How come? This opposing sensations clash in your brain and before you can even start to process it, I'm grabbing your tits and my mouth latches onto one of your nipples. I lick on your nipples- going back and forth between the right one and the left one- I'm making a circular motion with my hands that feel just right and then I suck on your nipples and press on your breasts as if I wanted to milk you. "You're just divine, sweet one. To be praised, to be corrupted. I want to do so many things to you." My voice is jumping between need and authority. I start to finger you, circling between using a single finger to press directly into your G spot, using two fingers to explore deeper and three of them to dilate your pussy before I use it again with my cock. "I know you're a boy but let's be honest, you're enjoying being my sweet girl. Don't you?" You nod. You obey when I make you take off what's left of your binder and and get on all fours. "Say you want this". My dick is pressing at your opening, my hands are making circles on your buttocks. "I want this." You confess in a whisper. "I need this". Your teeth tighten around your words, you're too ashamed to actually say how much you need this and it feels so good to finally admit it. "You're such a good girl" I say when my cock slides back into you and you gasp with pleasure, feeling it go as deeply as possible and poke at your cervix. It's a bit painful but you can take it. "You were made for this. Your body was made to take cock like this. It's ok. Your body knows it's female and it doesn't matter your mind is that of a man. It feels good to be bred." I grab your titties and milk them while I fuck you deeper and faster. "A horny, eager female boy that was desperate to serve his purpose, her purpose. To be filled with cock and please a real male man". You feel me making circles very deep inside of you feel your body twitch in pleasure like never before. "Say you're my girl." I'm stroking your clit with one hand, grabbing your hip with the other and giving you additional movement so my cock digs more aggressively into your cunt. "Say you are my girl." You're so close. Your legs are shaking and your body is dripping sweat. You feel your heartbeat deep inside your vagina. "Say you are my girl". You feel it coming from inside, this heat, this thundering wave. You raise your upper body from the mattress. I'm sort of kneeling and you're sitting on my thighs, my penis buried inside of you. Your hips bouncing up and down, taking the penetration desperate for release. "I'm your girl!" You are almost screaming. "I'll be a girl for you!" You cum. It's massive. A release like never before. You've squirted on me and soon you realize my own cum is dripping from your cunt. The sticky heat makes you shiver, and you feel me make a few more circular movements around your cervix before I pull out and my cock rests between your labia. You look downwards and see your own body. Your exposed breasts and my penis between your legs. It sort of looks like if it was your own dick. Your brain is confused. Your mind, your gender and your sex feel like static.
I push you softly down into the bed, I caress your hair. Your eyes close, and your body goes limp with drowsiness. You hear me walk to the bathroom and move some stuff there. I come to you and lead you to the bathroom where I have set up a small chair, where you now sit. I make you raise your head, holding your chin. I gaze into your face, still blushing from the intense sex. I comb your hair and start trimming it. You're so deep down into your subspace you just let me do whatever I want to your hair. I use an electric clipper and some scissors on you, like a soft caress. "A man like you deserves a good haircut" I whisper in your ear as you feel the hairs falling on your shoulders. "You'll make one lovely gentleman". You feel the cool air in your scalp, it's refreshing.
I lead you into the shower and let the warm water carry away the trimmed hairs away from your shoulders. Your body relaxes and feels safe as you allow me to bathe you, a certain sense of danger that was lingering from having a stranger do all those nasty things to you is washed away. You know you are safe with me. The smell of soap and stereotypical male scented shampoo fill your nosetrils. I take a bit too long to wash your genitals, rubbing my hand between your labia and making you tremble from the stimulation, but I stop as soon as I see you're getting too excited about it. I wrap you in a towel, and take you back into the bedroom. You are smiling goofily when I show you a mirror and let you look at your brand new haircut. It suits you fine. A rush of gender euphoria jolts up your spine, and your sense of gender is no longer mixed up. The smells of the bath, the haircut- you already feel more manly.
You see me grab some stuff from my clothes drawer and you look in awe as I hand you a brand new binder, much better than the one I just ripped while fucking you. You had forgotten about it, distracted by all the pleasure. "You wouldn't think I'd leave you without any means to flatten your chest, right? Go, on try it". A thought crosses your mind: did I just have a drawer full of binders in different sizes or have I been watching you for days or even weeks and calculated your size? Do I do this often to other trans guys? You shake the thought away and you put the binder on. It fits great. You put your shirt back on and just before pull your underwear up, I get close to you coming from behind, feral. You feel a pinch in your buttock. You turn around hastily and find out I've got an injection in my hand. Your eyes widen, confused; your heart starts racing, afraid. It lasts only a second because I show you a vial of testosterone. The fear becomes surprise and then exhilaration. I've just injected you T. You hadn't started before, this is the first time the hormone enters your body. You want to get angry at me for doing so without telling but you can't, you're just amazed as the possibility of changes open up in your mind. I turn around to deposit the vial and injection in a shelf and grab something more from my closet.
I stick my hand down your undies and you feel something different: I'm shoving a packer in between your legs. You didn't have one when you arrived at my place. "A man needs his own dick" I whisper as I pull my hand out to rub your new soft dick over your clothing. I push you to the wall and masturbate your new dick while grinding my own on you. "Maybe next time I'll fuck you in the ass, make you take it as men do". You moan, about to cum again. "That shot I gave you will make you insufferably horny. You'll have to get back to me, to this place, so you can get more of that T-juice and to get fucked... Who knows? Maybe one day I'll allow you to top me". I squish your balls and jerk you off strategically, you feel the packer pressing against your bits in just the perfect way so it feels like it's your own penis. "Will you come back?" You nod. I rub you faster and harder. "You're such a good boy". You cum. You surrender. You're mine. My girl. My boy. All of you. Mine.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
‘i’m breaking up with you’
with fermín, nothing toxic maybe just a bit of angst but fluffy ending
Small blurb for Fermín, I kinda changed it up a bit. Hope it doesn't bother you! This was also very rushed, I wrote it in around 20minutes while at work so I don't really know if there's anything making sense!😭
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"Why did you do that?!" You had screamed "That was the last piece and I was looking forward to eat it with the second season of Gossip Girl!"
"I can buy you some more, no worries" He dismissed the comment and that only made you more upset.
A few minutes after lashing your anger out on him you both stood in silence
"I hate this" You shook your head watching the crime your boyfriend of 10 months just did
"No, you don't" His smile made you narrow your eyes at him
You couldn't help but be mad and yes, you yelled at him for it, however now that the situation calmed down a bit, you were glad Fermín didn't take it personal. You were a bit emotional because of your period and the poor guy eating your last piece of chocolate had to pay for everything that was bothering you
"If you keep teasing me, I'm breaking up with you" You said
"No, you aren't"
"How dare you steal my chocolate?"
"You stole my heart and I'm not saying anything!"
"Oh shush" You fought the urge to smile and failed "I'm supposed to be mad at you!"
"Don't be. I'll buy you some more"
"I want it now tho"
"The show's starting, I want to watch it as well"
"Fer!" You whine before you sigh softly "I'm sorry for yelling at you with no reason"
"Period is important and I understand it hurts a lot, you keep up with my stuffs when I'm angry, down, stressed, it's only fair if I love you back and take care of you when you're not feeling good. Let's do this, I'll cuddle you until you fell asleep and then I'll get some things for you and come back before you wake up" He lifted his shoulders as if it was nothing "What do you say?"
"Would you really do that?"
"Of course I would, why wouldn't I? Like I said period is normal"
"Tú eres hermoso, ¿lo sabías?" (You're gorgeous, did you know that?) You said smiling as he laughed softly
"Me lo dices a menudo" (You say that often)
"Y te quiero" (And I love you) "Muchísimo" (A lot) You grabbed his arms and made him hug you as you rested your head on his chest
"Y yo a ti, muchísimo" (And I love you a lot too)
"Y gracias por aguantarme" (And thank you for putting up with me)
"Don't say thank you. You own me €100"
You untangled yourself from him a bit as the both of you laughed "¡Diablos!" (Damn!!) "You are too expensive for me"
"Nah... Pay me with love and lots of kisses"
"I can do that"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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tzuyubit · 1 year
an: me if writing and publishing smut written at 3am thats kinda proofread was illegal
but fr i literally dfk if this is bad cause im lowk half asleep so if its ass… so sorry. but i hope i did okay?? and that it makes sense?? i feel like im better at writing oral rather than fingering LMFAO
warnings: 18+, top!tzuyu, fingering, grammar mistakes probably sorry
non idol college au btw
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staring at you from the comfort of your bed, it wasn’t difficult for tzuyu to tell that you were struggling with your studies. quiet sighs left your mouth every few minutes or so, and the frown painted on your face only made her want to help you more – though how could she? she knew nothing about biochemistry, but you were just so stressed, she needed to find a way to ease your mind.
the eraser from your pencil repeatedly tapped the bottom of your lip and you seemed to have no control over the up and down movement of your leg.
flipping the paper over, you adjusted your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
cute, tzuyu thought to herself before throwing her legs over the edge of the bed. she pushed off with her hands and made her way over to you.
she stood tall above you, but that was nothing new. her arms wrapped their way around your neck while her lips met the side of your cheek.
you closed your eyes, immediately relaxing into her touch. another kiss was placed, this time on your neck. then another, and another and another.
tzuyu was pleased with her effect on you.
“come on baby, you need to take a break.” she pushed, spinning you around so you were met with her face.
the first thing you notice is her lips, wet from the lick of her tongue and smeared lightly of blush colored lipstick. her eyes, however, were tinged with something you couldn’t quite place.
tzuyu cupped your chin gently, catching your attention once more. “break.”
you hummed with uncertainty. “my exams are a few days away.”
“you’ll do well, you always do baby.”
“but i still have so many units to go over, so many definitions to memorize, so much material i need to know like the back of my hand within the next three days.” you rushed out.
your girlfriend rolled her eyes, “you always forget to take care of yourself when you study this hard.”
“probably because its not that important.” you mumbled, though you regretted the words as soon as you finished speaking.
tzuyu was quick to react, dragging you to your own bed by a harsh tug of your wrist. she was the least bit pleased with your statement.
“fine. let me take care of you then since you won’t do it yourself.” she grumbled, pushing you flat on your back.
your shirt was quickly thrown on the floor and your pants were roughly tugged down your legs. you were left bare while tzuyu remained covered in silk panties and a see-through lace bra. it was unfair in your opinion, but you were still happy to be able to feel her skin against yours.
her tanned legs straddled the sides of your waist, hips grinding against the base of your abdomen. she bit her lip, leaning down to place her hands on your chest, giving your boobs a gentle squeeze.
“pretty girl.” tzuyu whispered, continuing her massage, occasionally tugging at your nipples.
and despite the damp spot forming between her legs, she halted her movements to smother you in kisses.
tzuyu was sweet like that.
she smiled down at you and took your hand, trapping it within the silk fabric she wore.
“you’ve made me a mess.” you wanted to feel her completely, but tzuyu had your arm angled just right so you couldn’t curl your fingers inside of her.
she shook her head, “have you already forgotten what i said? i know you want to help me, but i’m the one taking care of you.”
climbing off of you, her body rest to your right side. there was a smirk on her lips. you felt small the way tzuyu was staring at you.
“spread,” she demanded. “wider. there you go, so wet already.”
tzuyu slowly began circling your clit and you whined already wanting more.
she quickened her movements upon hearing the sound of your breathing pick up, only to slow down when she could see you attempting to buck your hips.
“don’t tease tzuyu… please.” your voice cracked.
why should she listen to you?
“just getting your body relaxed.” she shrugged, speeding up the circular motion of her fingers.
your body reacted like a magnet — eyes screwing shut, fists grasping at sheets, hips attempting to lift themselves up.
she repeated this process a total of three times. both of you knew she could’ve gone much longer, but tzuyu wasn’t mean, not now anyway.
when you started to crumble, she knew it was only fair for her to comply with her original statement.
“i’ll take care of you now, don’t worry baby.” she cooed.
slender fingers began teasing your hole and you almost cried out in frustration thinking tzuyu lied. she only proved you wrong when she began pumping them in and out of your pussy.
you could no longer be quiet for her. the repeated force of her curled fingers and the kissing and sucking on your neck was finally enough to bring you where you needed to be.
your legs clamped shut around her hand, but that didn’t stop tzuyu from continuing to finger you. however , this time she let you rock against her hand, this time she let you hold on to her, fingernails tearing at her skin, this time she let you cum.
“fuck, tzuyu!” your body trembled vehemently.
she slowed the pace of her fingers helping you ride out your orgasm.
when you finally met her eyes there was nothing but admiration found. this wasn’t unusual though, you often caught tzuyu staring at you with different forms of love in her eyes. she’d never admit that to anyone else though.
you snuggled into her side, eventually succumbing to a much needed nap, one that tzuyu would be happy with.
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aching-tummies · 1 month
Hunger RP-Starter
Hunger RP-Scenario Starter inspired by recent events. Been stressed to the nines lately and went to bed last night with my stomach finally feeling pure 'hunger' rather than hunger mixed with a dash of upset somewhere. It growled quite a few times for me at that point--wish I had a partner to enjoy them with. It was too late to bother hunting down something to eat--and eating at 2AM would have likely caused an upset that I didn't want to deal with. Woke up about six hours later to more hunger pangs and more growls. While the hunger pangs were intense, it felt really, really, really nice to not have any trace of upset anywhere in my guts. Felt 'clean' and 'light' if that makes any sense.
You hurry to the couch, still-steaming bowl of popcorn in-hand and a cold drink in the other. Less than an hour ago, you were at work, counting down the minutes before you could trade your work-pants for PJs and just chill out over a movie.
Finally--date night. Considering the cost of actually going out, the two of us opted for an at-home movie night. Streaming exists as well as the countless DVDs and other formats we've each collected over the years.
As you get settled, we start the movie. I've claimed the far right side of the couch, curled over on my side of the couch. Shockingly, I've turned toward the armrest rather than toward the middle of the couch. Closed-off posture. Seems a bit odd to you, but you're hoping that I'll unwind a bit as the movie gets underway and 'date night' vibes start to hit or something. Until then, you've got a warm bowl of popcorn to warm your lap in place of me.
"Babe--want some?" You ask, nudging the bowl toward me.
"Pass. Sorry--I love the way you make it and all…but I don't really wanna pick kernels outta my teeth tonight." I explain, curling up on my side of the couch and nudging the bowl back at you.
About ten minutes into the movie, you pick up on a sound and pause the movie. I curse under my breath, having hoped that this action movie would have enough explosions and fight scenes to drown out any noises made here on the couch.
"Babe? What's going on? You okay?" You ask with a frown.
"Fine--Fine!" I stammer. A loud growl from my stomach interrupts my statement--a clear cry that the tank is empty. I blush at the sound, curling defensively against the arm-rest yet again.
"So…you're…hungry? Wasn't the plan to eat dinner separately? If you'd said something, I coulda picked up something for you on the way home--I was at McD's anyway." You suggest.
"N-No…i-it's not that." I stutter, causing a frown to replace your features. If I don't come clean with an explanation soon, it'll probably ruin date night.
I palm at my belly with a sigh. "I…My stomach's been really nasty the last few weeks. Stress and whatever. Been kinda…uhm…messed up and icky the last week or so. Y'know…s-stuff not digesting properly or quickly, guts tied in knots…that kind of thing." I begin, you nod, waiting for me to continue. "I just…t-today's the first day in a week and a half where my guts feel 'normal'. No residual sludge just sitting somewhere, no awkward cramps or twinges anywhere. No sickly, sticky bloated feeling anywhere. Nah…it just…feels like it's finally cleaned house and…w-while I am hungry…I just…I don't wanna rush into putting something in it. Kinda just wanna enjoy feeling cleaned out in case it acts up again with the next meal."
My stomach snarls angrily throughout my explanation, clearly hungry.
"S-Sorry…I-I know you really like this movie. I can take a nap or something in the bedroom if you wanna watch the movie in piece." I suggest, moving to get up.
What do you do? Pull me onto your lap? Come with to the bedroom to advance 'date night' activities? You gonna respect my desire to leave my guts empty? Is the replacement entertainment for tonight gonna be my very, very vocal tummy? You decide. Send me your best responses.
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
Hellooo its me again, actually wanted to request something kinda fluff, kinda smut (a bit of both if i could say)
Kuai Liang helping the reader to relax after a very stressfull week with college and family stuff, how would that go?
Thank you for your time bye byeee ❤
Sure thing! ❤️❤️💕✨💜
Author’s note: Sorry I couldn’t do smut so I chose the fluff one! I hope you like it and enjoy reading this ficlet ;)
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You returned to your home after a vigorous week of college and family stuff.
You decided that you needed a break, and there was no better place to be than the Lin Kuei temple with Kuai Liang.
Kuai Liang watched in concern as you constantly tapped your fingers and bit them.
He is concerned about your health; after all, you are his partner, and he only wants to help you.
He quickly approached you, and with a smile, he asked you.
"Are you okay? You seem tired!" He asked with a bright smile.
"Not really, I’m just stressed out and..." You articulated, you couldn’t find the right word to end your sentence.
"I understand," He said, as he sat in front of you. "How’s your day?"
"There's nothing special about it," You replied dryly. Mentally and physically exhausted. It was a long-arse week.
Kuai nodded in understanding. In all honesty, He knew something was troubling you; it was clear as the sun.
An idea popped into his mind, and that is to talk it out with you, To talk about how you feel about him.
"I heard meditation helps to relax," He began.
As soon as he said that your attention was focused on him, you knew that he was talking about your stress indirectly. You smiled at him.
"Okay then! Let’s meditate!" You uttered.
Kuai smiled because his plan worked. He got up to fetch the meditation mat. He returned with two mats, one for him and one for you.
He gently put it on the ground, then gestured for you to come. You nodded and went to sit beside him.
"I hope this works," you said.
He didn’t reply, but he only gave you a reassuring smile. He hums deeply as he fixes himself into a meditation posture.
You did the same. You hummed deeply, like him. He is guiding you on how to meditate.
You don’t know what you are doing, but you follow his every guide. He told you to take a deep breath.
Surprisingly, you feel relaxed and happy, but you want more, and you crave something else.
But you are grateful; his meditating session helped you a lot. and you wanted to reward him for that.
After Kuai ended the session, he got up and put his mat in its place. You walked up to him and started to kiss him.
He was surprised at first, but he kissed you back.
You didn’t care if someone caught you or anything, You only care about satisfying yourself and Kuai.
You started to press on his lips more as you kissed him. He moaned in response to that.
Kuai is the best care provider in the world; he helps you, cooks for you, and makes tea for you!
Kuai sensed that you were touch-starved. So he decided to give you more physical touches and love.
He snaked his arms around your neck as he pressed his lips against yours; you could feel the boost of your "happy hormones". And serotonin hits your system.
You felt a rush of euphoria when he kissed you. His icy tongue added an extra sensation to it.
You wanted to kiss him forever and be with him forever. You wanted nothing more than to be with him; you wished that you could only leave everything behind and be with him. You couldn’t care about college or anything else. You only wanted to be with your lover, Kuai.
Kuai broke the kiss so that he could breathe, "Come on, darling~." He purred with a luscious grin, "Let’s release some of your stress~."
You knew what he wanted to do, and you wanted to do it too! Hell! How can you refuse to do something like this with him?
"Let’s do it," You muttered with a satisfied tone.
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Fragments - episodes 23-26 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
Obligatory ShB spoiler warning.
The general status quo hasn't changed since Vivi's arrival to the First: he still doesn't feel any land under his feet, Exarch still doesn't inspire trust, although there's no reason to distrust him either. Vivi isn't in a rush to meet the Scions because usually their perspectives don't help him at all. Hence he fucks around in the Crystarium instead of doing the msq.
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You can hear the sound of Exarch failing the dating sim once again.
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Talking about a mystel. Bumping into a mystel. They could get run over by a stampede of cats at this point and Vivi would still think this guy's probably a hume. He genuinely has No Idea. Had he had an idea, he would be actually more tactful. Maybe.
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Me: no graphic violence Also me: murder onscreen
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I hope the reference to episode 11 is clear, but here's a refresher: that's what ARRRaha is mostly remembered as. For multiple reasons. Mostly for magically killing himself and giving Vivi some mild stress and an even milder blow to his ego.
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Exarch's fate was to choke on his coffee there and then, he kept his composure by a miracle no less. Vivi doesn't know the meaning of what he just blurted out, he simply rolls the letters in his mouth, still struggling to remember "G'raha".
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HE MANAGED! The embodiment of intelligence.
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Vivi reflects on the events of previous episodes and the dangers of the fae folk, and decides to do a massive handwave at that. He's walking a fine line, but he legit doesn't care.
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Canon emoji user 🖤
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Exarch has a hate-hate relationship with sleep, however, when he feels like unwinding or resetting his mind, he turns to memories of moments when he felt safe enough to drift away.
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He must've felt the most warm and human when the young Lyna stayed with him all the time.
I sat on this self-contained story for a year. Officially the most wholesome episode ever. There's a bit of One Piece influence, if you remember Nami's backstory. Gen-san wore a pinwheel on his cap to appear less scary to the little Nami, and cheer her up.
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Someone read this as "crap glue", which brings me infinitely more joy than my original "craft glue" x'D
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There's a super subtle smile. He knows. He probably sensed Lyna approaching him, but remained still to see where this goes.
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Back to the present, where they refer to each other by titles.
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He's g'oogling.
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G'oogle results: 1 fae, 1 slacking idiot.
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Exarch isn't just jealous or yearning, he's also kindaaaaa in the middle of his grand plan, yet his hero isn't keen of jumping into action? And he doesn't know how to confront him about that. Luckily, Urianger also happens to be in Il Mheg.
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Vivi smacks a like on Urianger's outfit. Rated S for peak sluttiness.
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Nobody talks about Feo Ul's snot bubble so I will x'D
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Urianger doesn't wanna leave his comfy place for an adventure, he visually demonstrates that while telling a polite lie, trusting Vivi to interpret that as intended.
They have a special vibe of quiet, maskless understanding, even if they don't interact much. They've got nothing to butt heads over. Vivi's fond of people who don't "fit in" and go against the grain. Being smart and observant as he is, Urianger knows that Vivi's rather hopeless, and doesn't waste his energy on trying to debate, direct, or, gods forbid, fix him.
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Just a closeup because he looks cute here :> To keep your expectations grounded, though: this's one of the veeeeeery few Urianger episodes. He has little overall "screentime". This comic isn't trying to be a fanservice for every character, even if I personally like them. Gotta keep things focused.
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This one's kinda important: Vivi acknowledges how nice and quiet it feels (in the moment? In Il Mheg? On the First?), but the realization doesn't fully bloom in his mind yet.
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"Mmyeah there are definitely better cracks to ponder out there".
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Another closeup because *clutches at heart*
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Two things: his own, genuine excitement to reunite with fren, followed by self-reminder that she's no fren and that he has to maintain distance (Vivi who are you trying to fool you're bad at this).
Also mirroring. He sees Alisaie's face and drops his own.
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You peek inside Alisaie's brain and find a coin loudly rolling around, one side says "omg it's HIM!!!!!", the other "beat this mf up". Why? Because she can. And probably because the word of Vivi's arrival had already reached her. He spent a good week doing nothing in the Crystarium (and even Il Mheg) instead of rushing to meet her.
The new tumblr post editor (that wasn't forced on me until ~2 months ago) won't let me add anymore pics. I was thinking of making meatier but less frequent posts of this type, because they'll massively add up over time. Imagine a new reader looking at 300 episodes and 100 recaps. I'd feel overwhelmed. But I guess I'm left with no choice but to keep these recaps relatively short and frequent.
Anyway! Thanks for reading!!!!! I'm blessed to have people invested enough to interact with my work on this level.
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brandogenius · 7 months
Heyy I love your writing!! I was just thinking about phoebe taking reader camping! Maybe with the boys as well? Campfire and hikes all that cute stuff 💛
oh hell yeah!!!
BLURB - phoebe x reader - camping ft the boys
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- reader hasent ever been camping before and phoebe finds this out and demands they go camping for the weekend. it’s as simple to ask the boys, of course they are in.
- it was a bit more harder to convince you. you never been camping and are a bit cautious and worried. mostly due to spiders and the thought of sleeping outside. god knows what could be out there
- “it’ll be fine! it’ll be great trust me!”
- it didn’t go well. arriving at the destination, it’s raining, it’s cold 😭 you just want to go back home to your warm bed but phoebe jumps out of the car with a big grin on her face like “LETS GET GOING” “but it’s raining” “a bit of rain can’t harm us!”
- setting up camp in the woods, letting julien and phoebe set up the tent, you and lucy unpacking everything from the trunk of the car. maybe letting phoebe work in the tent was a bad idea. when you can hear in the distance, muffled screaming from phoebe about losing a screw and frustrated sighs from julien
- coming back to find the tents are up (how you don’t know you’re not gonna question it) it’s cold, you’re tired and hungry. you drank all your coffee and you kinda regret wanting to go camping now. maybe if it was on a warmer day you’d be fine but not now.
- deciding to take a minute in the tent to unpack and set out all the tents, phoebe popping her head in like “we’re going for a hike cmon” and you scowling up at her like ☹️☹️☹️
- deciding to go along anyway. no way are you gonna be left alone in the woods by yourself. you go with the boys on a hike
- “do we have a map?” “no, i was thinking we just yolo it” “that’s…not how it works” julien opening her phone to boot up a map with a sigh but having no signal. she decides to lead the group, following the footpath trail
- phoebe sensing your anger/ tiredness / frustration and feeling a little guilty. holding your hand as the two of you trailed behind lucy and julien.
- getting lost on the trail, somewhere in the forest because phoebe said the path connected on the left. the path stopped back at the forest, where? nobody knows but it has you stressing. you’re lost in the woods, no signal, no tent. there could be bears of wolves.
- lucy and julien talking amongst themselves quietly trying to figure out a safe route back. phoebe wrapping you in a back hug, chin on your shoulder, pouting like a puppy “are you mad at me?” “yes.” “i’m sorry..” “baby we’re lost in the fucking woods”
- funny enough, lucy manages to find a longer but trusty route back to the entrance of the forest aka where the camp sights are. top it all off it starts to rain heavier. trying to rush back to the camp sight while soaked with the rain was not a good idea
- however it was a little funny when phoebe slipped from the wet mud. call it karma if you will. even if she was frowning like a kicked puppy, you still helped her up and made sure she was ok.
- back to the camp y’all made it. wet and tired, cold and hungry. drying off with the extra clothes you brought, opting to just stay in your pjs. julien was trying to light a fire from wood and stone. phoebe and lucy were preparing dinner.
- coming out of the tent to have dinner. you were kinda quiet. the boys sending the tension but not wanting to say anything. carrying on as normal, chatter and laughter surrounding the campfire. you end up joining in too, calming down a bit
- phoebe bringing out the guitar, singing some rounds of songs. it did help calm the anger and nerves. knowin you were safe with the boys.
- even when it was time for bed, you huddled close to phoebe. she was hugging you tightly, apologies spilling from her mouth. “you made up for it when you slipped on that rock”
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catchyhuh · 11 months
THE ANSWER? IT’S COMPLICATED! car trips are such a delicate science that when i did this ranking in my head it fell apart almost immediately so instead i will present the information and YOU, yes YOU get to decide who you’d be able to put up with and who you’d murder before you even reached the highway
suggested reading for you: unbearable habits. keep this in mind as you go and venture safely 
well. it wouldn’t be boring at least. he can make conversation out of almost anything. you pass a weird tree and ten minutes later he’s going on about how one time he had to learn about some tree info to get this rare sap thing (fujiko said she heard it tasted yummy-- it didn’t btw it sucked but he just had to see y’know) and he found out that there’s like thirty types of maple trees, one of which is actually invasive in north america, which is weird because it feels like north america is the area that’s the BIGGEST on tree tapping so why would it be a problem if they had so many norway maples-- hey are you listening to m
actually not that bothered if he’s not the one driving. might poke at you about things like “obeying the speed limit” and such but he’s perfectly content to kick back. uh oh, did that lull you into a false sense of security? don’t sigh in relief yet, you have mr. passenger princess as your copilot. fucks with the radio, the ac, constantly adjusting his seat, messing with windows, all to HIS comfort level. after all, you’re only the person driving.
insists on stopping at a convenience store. if you try some fast food drivethru bullshit he’s gonna be like “what schedule are we on! why are you in such a rush? fucking-- live a little, man. there’s a sheetz here”
jumping off that last bit the payment method AT the store will change entirely depending on what type of comment you make to him beforehand. if you say “in what world is it worth it to steal a 5 dollar slushie” he’s stealing. if you say “in what world is a slushy worth 5 fucking dollars” he will be paying in full with his own money. guarantee
reclines his seat WAY far back. like crushing the person behind him’s legs, far back. like, would probably be a safety hazard even if he was in the car by HIMSELF far back. the reason airplanes have a locking mechanism to stop you from turning the seat into a twin bed far back.
not a horrible conversationalist but it will entirely rely on how much he “likes” (read: is kinda okay with) you and his mood. he won’t push you to talk, but if you want to talk and he DOESN’T, you are getting the driest answers. however if you are anything like me and only need minimal engagement to take as a sign to keep talking endlessly, he will whittle down to the point where he starts TALK talking to you a bit more.
can easily keep himself occupied regardless of mood. just grabs a crossword or some shit. miraculously doesn’t get a headache, but if you even make one remark about the fact that reading in the car gives people headaches, he’ll INSTANTLY remind you nothing could make his head hurt more than his current company. even if he doesn’t mind your company! it’s a reflex.
if you don’t let him drive he’s going to be a bitch. i promise. if you don’t let him drive he will grumble about every little thing so you know what. just make peace with it and hand over the wheel. pop it off the little stick thing and hand it right over to ol’ smoky. at the very least he’ll shave off a half hour from the ETA, somehow. it’s jarring because he doesn’t actually seem to be going faster but surprise! we’ve reached our destination.
well. if you were stressing over lupin never shutting up i have good news for you. it doesn’t matter who his company is, he’s just consistently a man of very few words, unless you get him off on some specific thing he’s passionate about (which is very, very niche, and will be harder to trigger than you’d anticipate), but hey, he’s okay with that. unfortunately if silence is torture for you i have equally bad news,
honestly cannot understate how likely it is you’ll forget he’s in the back if you’re both silent for more than a mile stretch of road. he doesn’t shift around a lot. when you first get in he might take about 5 or so minutes to really get comfy but he prefers the back seat. every time goemon has had a choice, he goes right for the back. more legroom. so, yeah, very easy to forget he’s present
going to act like he can keep himself entertained just tuning out his surroundings and meditating but that’s just. not true. he’s going to last an impressive amount of time, maybe three and a half hours? but he is ultimately human and when you have to make that first gas station stop the gross ass smell of gasoline is going to knock him RIGHT out of it. 
really the only way you’re pulling any significant interaction out of this is if someone ELSE is manning the car and you can either turn completely around to interact with him or if you’re both sitting side by side. mostly the latter, as he’ll be less tempted to kind of emotionally shut you out if you’re right beside each other. just don’t expect him to move to give you much more space to yourself lmao
unique problem where you might EXPECT her to be somewhat talkative (like a reasonable amount) but no. she’s not talking to you. she’s not even ignoring you with headphones or anything she’s just content in her own world. unless of course you made one comment that just barely slightly annoyed her, in which case she pulls out the biggest, shiniest, most obnoxious headphones and tunes you out entirely. tread carefully
if you get hungry you’re eating at a SIT DOWN DINE-IN MEAL. NO fast food NO convenience store and ESPECIALLY no 3 dollar mini dorito bags, not on miss mine’s watch. don’t even fucking pretend it’s an option. but of course, this adds like an hour to your drive time, so… half and half. you Will be dining and dashing
probably has some kind of car trip kit. firstly, the fact she’s actually taking a CAR trip must mean you need to be afraid of something, because that’s gotta be her last resort. she could fly, take a train, fucking fly a helicopter herself, fly ANYTHING herself she’s UNSTOPPABLE and she wants to kick her feet on the dash for a fourth of a very valuable day?? but beyond that. has a nice pillow (NOT a neck pillow. hurts her neck. just a real full pillow. she doesn’t nap anyway idk why she’s got that) some kinda heating thingy to keep her back from getting sore in that uncomfy seat, large cup with a delicious bev of choice, just anything you could imagine being convenient. oh my god remember the tiddy bear? google tiddy bear. she’s got one of those
very creative when it comes to filling up time without getting VERY silly. now, make no mistake, if you’re both exhausted enough multiple hours in, she MIGHT be ok playing some car color counting game (especially if the winner gets 20 bucks) but usually she’s gonna just come up with some shit like “everytime you complain about x i’m going to cut this blank check into confetti and when the ride is over i’m dumping it on you.” isn’t she such a catch!
well. it definitely won’t be the same moment to moment. either you’re about to be miserable for multiple hours or somehow accidentally unlock the most bizarre yet interesting information about him. no inbetween. maybe even both!
probably the only one who has even a tiny chance of falling asleep, and even then that’s gotta be a hiiiighly specific setup. most possible if you just shut up for long enough and then he’ll kinda doze, but don’t bring UP the fact that you’re trying to get him to chill the fuck out and nap for a bit, don’t even joke about it, because then if you try to employ the long period of silence he’ll just go “... wait a minute I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING” and it’ll be a whole thing
the most adamant about getting the damn thing over with. he’s not going to be a BITCH about it per se, but he IS going to be like “no no not that gas station look at that line. if we just wait till the next one it’ll save us like 15 minutes” and you look at the gas mileage and go “uh” and he goes “no we can make it. trust me.” and cut to 30 minutes later you’re both trying to push the truck to the closest pump which is STILL a good 700 feet away. save time my ass. because of this insistence he will be the one that takes the LONGEST to get from point a to point b, just because he WANTS to be the fastest and god is cruel
goes through like fifty highs and lows throughout unrelated to anything. traffic, the weather, fuck man the ac could be busted, and he’ll be fine, but then 20 minutes later he’s snippy about EVERYTHING. you are microdosing having him as a roommate. stay sane to the best of your ability because god knows he won’t
they ALL get bitchy about music, god help you if you try to fuck with the music
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buckera · 5 months
i'm ngl this is a big reason i would have preferred they just killed the bachelor party totally. i love buddie having fun but it felt rushed, like an idea they came up with before the crunch of the short season hit and something they didn't want to cut/compromise losing even though they didn't have the time to do it justice and it added nothing to the narrative. i loved the scenes and shenanigans but it also felt super out of character for both buck and eddie to be getting so drunk and irresponsible literally hours before a day they both would have cared a lot about going off smoothly for their friends and family. like buck was that uptight about the bachelor party but not his beloved sisters wedding??? he and eddie are both willing to trash his very expensive hotel room and let chimney wake up to that on his wedding day and didn't even bother to set an alarm? x to doubt. unless it was truly a reaction from buck getting cut out of any wedding planning or the wedding party and he was overcompensating it just doesn't sit right for me.
yeah I feel like there was more to the story about that party getting so out of hand, which I think would've became clearer if we had heard Buck's drunken ramblings to Eddie and not just the yet another uber advert lmao
but also don't forget that 1) the og party was meant to be karaoke and sliders with friends, it didn't look like getting totally shitfaced was on the agenda until everyone left and Buck and Eddie probably thought "well fuck, if they don't care, nor do we" which you can say it's out of character, but like... looking at all the goofy stuff they get up to when not being actively traumatised, I think it checks out, but I guess that's more of a personal taste kinda question.
cutting the party scenes wouldn't have made sense imo bc someone had to notice that Chim was gone and if we only got the boys waking up in the mess, that would've just left more questions (or if we flip the whole story and the news is found out differently than these two otherwise important characters need a whole another storyline to still be a part of the main one)
also from start to finish that entire thing (including the flashback when Chim tells Buck he doesn't want the party and up to the point of finding his empty room) was 5 minutes and 15 seconds — the rager being 1 minute 25 secs or so — personally, I think that is a very reasonable time slot to set up the story
yeah, I would've loved it to be a 2-parter instead of cutting all that out, but I also think the editors done a good job keeping in the important bits in and sometimes important bits barely move the story ahead, but provide relief from the stress of it all and that counts too
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causenessus · 2 months
hi my dearest loveliness !! good evening afternoon OR morning I HOPE YOUR DAY IS GOING WELL TODAY!! AND I HOPE YOUVE EATEN!! i literally just woke up (it’s 3pm…. my parents literally watched me come out of my room and were like ???)(you just woke up???)LMFAO BUT BUT i’m back to work tomorrow so i wanted to sleep in a lot today(I HAVE A 9-5:30 RIGHT OFF THE BAT)(MY WORK HATES ME??)but omg i just saw the ask from sav(sorry am i allowed to call her that too)(IM SORRY IDK) and i was like AWWWW “you and your mango anon” I AM NESS’ MANGO ANON idk why i thought it was so cute and sweet like YOU GIGGLE AND READ THEM?? THATS SO CUTE?? IM GONNA EXPLODE?? but let’s all yap together this is yap central(a safe place for yappers)
omg last night i got so many notifs if you answering every ask bat to bat and I FELT SO BAD BECAUSE I WROTE A LOT YESTERDAY BUT YOU STILL ANSWERED EACH ASK WITH LIKE SO SO MUCH PASSION??(idk if that’s the right word) but you always answer each ask with ur heart like non of it is halfassed(sorry am i allowed to swear)(IVE BEEN REFRAINING FROM SWEARING BECAUSE IDK I DONT THINK IVE SEEN YOU SWEAR OUTSIDE YOUR SMAUS???)(or idk i’m crazy i think i’m crazy)
I WOULD SHARE WHAT CONCERT IT WAS LIKE I WAS GOING TO but i was like omg i’m gonna dox myself LOL BUT actually you know what’s so funny i don’t even live in the states(LORE DROP) ALSO DECLAN MCKENNA?? THATS SO COOL THAT YOU GOT TO SEE HIM i think he’s on tour again right now?? or just performing right now (I THINK) im pretty sure i saw on ticketmaster! i would 100% go but literally my bank account is decreasing a little too much for my liking and it’s time to lock in and go ultra saving mode LOL BUT OMG MITSKI??? stop it if i was rich i would 100% fly over to your state and buy tickets for you and me and we could go together and have our losing dogs moment(on repeat by eggy always in my heart)(literally one of my fav smaus LOL)
ness i will read every single part of your response LITERALLY I WILL READ AND ABSORB EVERY PART SO do not worry your pretty little head(as i said this i imagined myself tapping your head with a pretty little fairy stick)BUT OMG ME AND YOU WORKING AT ILLEGAL AGES(actually actually hold on)okay because i started working my retail job when i was 15 but i was like a week away from turning 16 but they accepted me anyways? idk it’s kind of silly but i remember saying i was 15 but turning 16 in a “few days” (i think it was a week and a bit) and they were like mmmm okay! here’s your training days blah blah blah LOL listen i really wanted a job… i always felt bad asking my parents for money so i was like you know what ILL get my own money(here i am 2-3 years later still trapped in retail)also i totally get the hostess thing because my friend works at olive garden as a hostess and like it SOUNDS SO STRESSFUL? because like… you’re kinda in control of how much tips a person gets? (if that makes sense) and it just feels ITS TOO STRESSFUL FOR ME TO FANTOM LIKE i cant i feel like im too much of a people pleaser where id just be like oh! oh you don’t want this table? okay! oh i have you too many tables? i’m sorry! my bad! let me do it! ALSO IDK i hate fixed schedules like i like the random rotation every week LOL like it’s kinda a surprise!! like omg what days am i working today type of thing you know! BUT OMG THEM KEEPING YOU ON STANDBY IS CRAZY AFTER YOU QUIT LOL they love you so much they want to keep you <3 i can’t blame them <3 ness is a very lovable person <3 but restaurant environments are different from retail idk how you do it like I APPAUD YOU AND EVERY OTHER RESTAURANT WORKER because like dealing with hangry people everyday like… i already deal with impatient customers which make me wanna pull my hair like i remember one time during this rush we had everyone on cash like everyone on the tills right and this guy came up to my till and he’s like “yall need more workers” LIKE CANT YOU SEE EVERYONE ON THE TILLS RIGHT NOW??WE ARE TRYING OUR BEST !! and i was deadass like “haha sorry….. would you like a bag for 50 cents?”
ALSO YOURE SO BUSY WHAT?? your schedule is so jacked up HOW DO YOU DO IT??? like literally uni + job AND THEATRE??? and also the fact that you have more than one job?? PLS PLS PLS EAT AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF LOVE YOURE GONNA BURN OUT </3
omg if i worked lights with you it would’ve been so so so much better like i’m not discrediting the light people i worked with BUT it was the fact that they were a year younger right so they didn’t really know what they were doing since all our light crew graduated and for some reason people didn’t like doing lights as much? so they were just first years doing lights and i had to help out a bunch and kind of guide them BCUZ IDK WHY MY TECH TEACHER DIDNT DO IT RIGHT so i had to focus on sound PLUS helping the lights people which i don’t really mind too much when we’re just having rehearsals but like during shows i was a little more stressed because they weren’t that confident and was always asking just to make sure and it was 100% not their fault of course but I WAS STILL STRESSED and doing my hardest to help him while trying to also keep track of where the play was(sorry very messy)(i too am like you and i do NOT proof read these whatsoever) IF I COULD I WOULD DROP EVERYTHING AND FLY THERE !! we could be the light + sound duo because i literally miss my tech days like i lowkey thought about doing it in uni but IDK WHY I DIDNT !! I SHOULDVE !! also another suna smau would heal me (LMFAO NO PRESSURE) BUT I LITERALLY LOVE ALL OF INARIZAKI?? like they all have my heart(especially kita and osamu like oh my god)BUT OH MY GOD IF YOU DO I THINK ILL CRY LIKE “OMG THATS ME GUYS” “I AM MANGO ANON !!!” BUT you have sooooo much stuff lined up so DO NOT WORRY TOO MUCH!! what you’ve been giving right now (TRY AGAIN AND TONICS <333) is already so good like the idea and concepts AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THEM TOO AHH
THE CAST NOT BEINF ABLE TO PROJECT THEIR VOICES ARE SO REAL !!! maybe i’m just saying this because i only did plays in high school right so it was a bunch of kids right but it was soooo frustrating because like SPEAK UP but also the fact that some cast got better mics than others? like tell me why i can’t hear this lead but i can hear this random person playing a citizen like?? BUT LITERALLY WHEN MICS DIE I LITERALLY WANNA JUST FALL TO THE FLOOR LIKE and the director is just like “keep going” LIKE DONT KEEP GOING WHAT? I CANT HEAR? like i literally feel like i have to focus my energy like some type of anime character to my ears just to hear a SNIPPET of what they’re saying but then sometimes i get in trouble for missing cues </3 LIKE I’M SORRY IT ISNT MY FAULT LIKE MAYBE GET BETTER SPEAKERS AND MICS?? also not you literally running the whole tech crew like rewiring the motherboard and climbing stuff like ness mvp tech girl LOL BUT I GET NOT WANTING TO THINK ABOUT THOSE TIMES LIKE i swear all tech/cast crew environments are SO toxic like i literally remember one of the cast fainting because like we literally got no breaks at all so she was probably overwhelmed with the lighting and everything else then that’s when the director was like ok… let’s take a break like YOU THINK??
ALSO YOURE SO RIGHT if the previous men i’ve talked to is on tumblr reading cutesy little haikyuu x femreader stuff THEN THATS ANOTHER PROBLEM(NO STOP I LITERALLY GIGGLED SO HARD WHEN YOU SAID THAT LOL)(everytime i read your responses im always smiling and giggling like i always reread it too LOL) but omg ness… the quarantine online gaming breakout season is such a canon event like BECAUSE ME TOOOOO LOL(we are so soulmates) mine was a mix of minecraft and roblox and I LITERALLY MET A WHOLE GROUP ONLINE TOO IT WAS CRAZY the ptsd flashbacks is so real but THATS SO GIRLBOSS OF YOU LIKE YES!! CALL MEN OUT ON THEIR SHIT!!(sorry swearing again) BE NO MANS PEACE!! i will literally find him and politely beat him up for you <333 TIME FOR LORE DROP AND IF THE PERSON READS THIS THEN ??? WELL ??? oh well LOL but anyways so i was in this little online group idk i kind of just found them through twitter and i was like WHY NOT so i became friends with this guy he went by socks(discord names are so real)and like we got really close right and like he was the only person i really VC’d with (AND AND TO BE FAIR I THINK ITS BECAUSE WE WERE LIKE THE BABIES OF THE GROUP) like we were the same age while everyone else was like 19-25ish now(idk what i was doing hanging out with them as a minor but oh well)(i’m 18 now so it’s ok!)(but i literally don’t talk to any of them now LOL)but i remember this one specific conversation where he was like teaching me spanish?? because i don’t know i was teaching him viet too so it was just a silly little thing and i translated it(this was through texts like i still have the screenshot LOL) and he basically confessed to me through text in spanish right then afterwards they were like JK JK JK!! IDK idk if it was real or not but we drifted a lot after that so idk! sock if ur out there !! im sorry !! to be fair though they didn’t give me a chance to reply because i had to translate it then when i came back to the chat they were like IM JK IM JK SO idk! I GUESS WE’LL NEVER KNOW!! also i will def report back when i get a poke bowl but im very very picky about the way i eat raw fish bevause sometimes it’s okay but when there’s an overwhelming amount i kind of get scared and im like hmmm maybeeee.. not this time… LOL It really depends for me!! but maybe ill try the imitation crab one if i see it!
AND UR SO RIGHT ONE DAY I WILL COME TO YOU AND I WILL BE UR GUARD DOG AT WORK !!! i’m glad yesterday was better! hopefully it keeps getting better, i will fight off the bad omens for you ness i will stand in the front lines fighting them off I COULD NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED IN YOU but i will be a tiny tiny bit upset because I WANT YOU TO EAT WELL AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !! eggs and toast is so real but don’t worry :( a meal is a meal and you did good by getting up and making yourself something small! little steps are okay, i will be here along the way so don’t worry! take your time <333 I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR DAY!! (it literally took me an hour to write this because now it’s 4:30)(BUT i did eat in between writing) I HAD RICE AND CHICKEN YIPPPPEE!! i had to take a little break to eat then i continued writing LOL(but so real on saying ill go back but you never do because … me too)(i’m too lazy to look back on what i wrote so ill just trust myself) (mango anon loves you very much pls take care of yourself) (ALSO) i just realized i could make the font smaller (thank you again sav for the idea) so it would be easier to scroll pass these LOL BUT ANYWAYS MAKE SURE TO EAT AND REST WELL !!! xoxoxoxo
AND omg mango anon i just have to tell you like how honored i am <3 like i feel so seen by you!! the way you see the passion in my writing and like notice that i don't curse outside of my writing pls :(( my face is literally going :((( rn /pos i try not to curse outside of my writing just bc it's not my thing!! but ofc you can and like sometimes i still do!! definitely do whatever you want AND SORRY FOR ALL THE NOTIFS YESTERDAY AND TODAY SINCE I'M DOING THE SAME THING LMAO 😭 i'm the one that lets them bunch up so dw about them at all!! and mango anon i genuinely love talking and replying to you so so much AND I'M REALLY SO THANKFUL FOR EVERY ASK FROM ANYONE SO OFC I'LL BE ANSWERING IT WITH PASSION!! I GET WHAT YOU MEAN ENTIRELY AND I'M GLAD THAT GETS ACROSS WELL <3 I JUST APPRECIATE YOU ALL SM <3
AND YOU DEF DON'T HAVE TO SAY WHAT CONCERT YOU WENT TO!! I WAS WORRIED ABOUT LIKE THAT DOXXING U OR SOMETHING bc i had no idea you didn't live in the states!!! i definitely automatically assumed that and that maybe u had went to a different state since we were in the same timezone for a little bit but that makes total sense and that was my bad for assuming 😭😭 BUT AA YES!! I'D LOVE TO SEE HIM AGAIN AND MAYBE I WILL <3 LIKE HIS TICKETS DEF ARE NOT BAD PRICING AND HE'S AMAZING!!! i'm just insanely broke and like ik he's touring with sabrina carpenter rn or something??? which is super cool and good for him!! and sabrina's cool but i don't think i'd enjoy or be able to afford her concerts 😭 and that's okay!! maybe my tickets were cheap the time i went to see him bc it was a little more niche <3 AND AAA YES I WISH WE COULD SEE MITSKI TOGETHER!! the entire crowd would be in tears over i bet on losing dogs like that's our national anthem FRFR!!!!
I WAS IMAGINING THE PRETTY LITTLE FAIRY STICK WITH U thank you for tapping my head <33 AND I ALSO READ ABSORB EVERYTHING U TELL ME SO PLEASE YAP AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!! AND DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT SMALL FONT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO <3 YOU DO WHATEVER YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEART DESIRES!!! (i am giving ur heart a kiss rn mwah <3) BUT PLEASE THE ILLEGAL JOBS FR SOME PLACES BE CRAZY AND THEY STILL GET AWAY WITH IT!!! BUT YOU GET IT EXACTLY like at the restaurant i often work at we often just have a rotation with no server sections bc it's pretty small (i'd only be forced to do sections when i worked with my manager who made me want to DIE and made me cry once i literally ran out and cried next to a steakhouse across from us) and so basically i just sit people at random tables (i always ask them like "is this table okay?" and i'm not really asking them like girl i have better things to be doing than escorting you around this restaurant trying to see what table tickles your fancy the best. i just ask them so i don't sound super forward like "THIS IS YOUR TABLE SUCK IT UP." yk??) and whoever's turn it is next, they get it so i'll tell them like "table three for two people" so like I REALLY DO NOT CONTROL WHAT CUSTOMERS A SERVER GETS BUT THEY ALL COME AND COMPLAIN AT ME FOR HOW BAD THEIR TABLES ARE (probably bc they're trying to guilt trip me or be passive aggressive) BUT LIKE WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT?? I'M NOT PURPOSELY GIVING PEOPLE BAD OR GOOD TABLES LIKE 😭😭 and i'm sure it's even worse at places like olive garden which are way bigger! and you have to work with other hosts and more people so best of luck to your friend she's doing amazing <3 AND YOU GET IT!! LIKE IT'D PROABABLY BE NICE TO HAVE A FIXED SCHEDULE BUT ALSO I COULDN'T DO IT I LOVE BEING SCHEDULED ON RANDOM DAYS EVERY WEEK I NEVER KNOW WHAT'S COMING also the guy who told you you guys needed more workers??? THANK YOU SIR FOR STATING THE OBVIOUS!! I HAD NO IDEA, LET ME, JUST A PERSON WHO WORKS HERE, NOT A MANAGER OR ANYTHING, GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! IN FACT, WHY DON'T YOU JUST PUT ON AN APRON AND START HELPING SINCE WE NEED MORE WORKERS!! CONGRATS YOU'RE HIRED!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH MANGO ANON 😭 I ALREADY FEEL SO BURNT OUT I'M REALLY HOPING THINGS WILL CALM DOWN AFTER SEPTEMBER IG (WHEN I STOP WORKING TWO JOBS) OR BY NOVEMEBER AT LEAST (WHEN THEATRE IS OVER) BUT WE'LL SEE </3 i'm sure things will continue to come up but i fr just want to lay down and sleep until 3pm like u did today 😔😔 that sounds so nice </3
AND PLEASE WHY IS YOUR TECH THEATRE STORIES THE SAME AS MINE like i was a run and props kid until my school's musical sophomore year where we got these three boys who all wanted to do tech and we had too many run and props kids so i was like "yk what. let me go to lights so that hopefully u three can be together" which didn't even work out bc one of the boys got thrown into lights with me while the other two were on run and props but were on opposite wings LMAO and so that was my first show doing lights which i did board op for because it was also our last show of the year which was also our like senior who knew everything about lights' last show so after that she GRADUATED and i was the one left to figure everything out 😭😭 and then the year after we lost our senior that knew everything about sound so my senior year was a STRUGGLE omg...bad times. but then i left that department a mess bc i could no longer care. like that lights kid wanted my job so badly? fine, fend for urself bro i'm not teaching u anything (sorry i am spiteful against that kid still LMAO) I ALSO THOUGHT ABOUT DOING TECH IN UNI!! my junior year i was fully planning to go to school to get a bfa for lighting design (new grounds was such a self insert for me LMAO) and my tech director literally pushed me to do it but then i decided i really did not want to be in these toxic stressful environments for the rest of my life 😭 BUT IF I HAD YOU!!! I DEF ACTUALLY WOULDN'T MIND <3 WE WOULD BE THE BEST DUO EVER I KNOW IT!! WE'D BOTH KNOW HOW TO DO OUR JOBS AND THAT WOULD BE LITERALLY GROUND BREAKING!! i mean even just reading ur stories i could feel the stress of like managing EVERYTHING i am so sorry for u mango anon but i am with u completely and from one tech mother to another, thank u for ur services 🫡 (i say tech mother bc WOMEN IN STEM!! in my entire four years of high school our top of the mill techies were always girls until we had this one run and props guy ruin it 🙄 he's actually the same guy who i used to like and the one who my mutual friend tried to get us to go to prom together but like i would NEVER UGHGHGH sorry he's also so frustrating to deal with i need to stop thinking about those times and this is exactly why i didn't actually go into theatre for school LMAOO) BUT YES AAA!! I WILL UPDATE YOU ON THE SUNA TECH SMAU AND I LOVE ALL OF INARIZAKI TOO <33333 haruichi furudate really put his whole budget into that team like please everyone on there is so pretty and beautiful and amazing and pookie shaped i love them sm <33 AND LOWKEY i was feeling like a stage manager reader (probably usually audio head but is stage managing this show) x lights head suna...bc i think that'd just be a crazy dynamic of her lowkey being in a higher position than him and he's just teasing and messing with her the whole time..BUT IDK and ik like theatre works differently in college but THIS IS MY WORLD AND WRITING SO I'LL DO WHAT I WANT!! i also have absolutely nothing actually planned out for the smau so who even knows LMAO THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME TO TAKE MY TIME </3 THERE'S DEFINITELY SO MUCH I NEED TO DO AND TOO LITTLE TIME UEFBIEWIOEGLN
BUT I'M GLAD U HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCES WITH PEOPLE NOT STRUGGLING we did this one horror play (which was SUCH a mess. okay let me just say this. our stage manager full on just gave up like halfway thru and would sit next to me reading vampire books and so same lights kid that kept trying to steal my job decided that it was "UP TO HIM" to save the show HIS WORDS EXACTLY I REMEMBER HEARING ABOUT THIS when literally the entire show was going fine and so basically he was like overthrowing our stage manager and was taking it upon himself to stage manage instead and give cues and just OMG THAT SHOW WAS A MESS BUT ANYWAY) and our main character just would NOT project like she was always cranky the musical we did that year she would just not sing or talk and we were like bro...ur in a musical BUT ANYWAY she wouldn't project we literally ended up hanging a mic and putting a little speaker in the booth so we could hear her bc like it was so important that we heard her lines but we couldn't when we were in a booth behind four windows and a closed door 😭😭
BUT I ALSO DON'T LIKE RAW FISH DW AT ALL!! like they have a hawaiian poke bowl too or something with all raw tuna and i'm like...yeah i'm good actually... and so my only other choice is imitation crab unfortunately 😭 BUT I HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING GOOD AND LIKE IT!!
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