#that he'd defy Muzan's direct orders just to see him is... definitely something I'm obsessed with lmaoo
belovedmuichiro · 2 years
I’ve see you’re a fellow RenAkaza fan, and wanted to pick your brain. I have a couple of headcanons that I haven’t seen in fics re; these two :)
One, flowers: something about a boy looking for a flower has my captivated. What do you think about:
Akaza asking to look through the Rengoku library for info about flowers, accidentally (intentionally) giving away Muzans intentions..
Akaza having tons of knowledge about flowers since he’s been searching for them for so long, maybe knowing about medical uses for some flowers and not knowing why.
Akaza leaving flowers for Kyojuro that he’s found along during his search, that have a very specific meaning and our flame Hashira having no idea about it, but enjoying the attention. (Aka, Akaza loses track of who he’s looking for flowers for.) Eventually out of habit he finds the flower Muzan wants, and Akaza gives that one to Kyojuro too.
And if that’s not enough, I have an idea about Muzan telling Akaza that he’s done messing around with Kyojuro, and the next time he sees him, he’s ordered to kill him or something, so Akaza has to avoid “seeing” Kyojuro, but tries to work around loop holes so he can stay around him. This has the added benefit of Kyojuro being like the sun, another thing he’s not allowed to look at anymore.
Anyway, those what has been bouncing around my head. Thank you for your time, 😂
HRRNG YES the flower one is fucking me up bc like?? it's just hitting me now that Akaza's mission is to hunt down this flower, of course he has to have a basic knowledge of flowers from his research alone. Combine that with how ridiculously down bad he is for Kyojuro and Akaza may as well become a florist omfg.
I really do love this idea, especially if Kyojuro knows it's from Akaza but like, he's so convinced Akaza is his enemy that he assumes it's his way of taunting him or somehow a threat (maybe the first flower he gives also has a kind of bittersweet connotation to it that Akaza didn't consider so now Kyojuro thinks they all have bad meanings) and it really messes with him bc he's already mad that he's kind of crushing on a demon of all things, and now he's giving him mocking gifts? Great.
And he keeps thinking this until Akaza leaves a HUGE bouquet, one with many different flowers, and Mitsuri happens to be over that day (she totally knows flower language by heart I know it). She's beyond impressed by Kyojuro's secret admirer and jumps to be like, "wow, Kyojuro! Someone must really love you!" and when he asks what she means, she details that the flowers he's been given mean things like admiration, eternal love, etc. And Kyojuro is FLOORED. How can a demon love him? And Akaza? A kizuki??? He almost faints asjkhfkjdk
So uh, good luck with that when you see Akaza next, Kyo. I'm sure it'll be fine :)
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