#that doesn't like all charas excuse her actions of her 'shutting out everything' early - mid game.
hiotsukeru-a · 3 years
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new ps.d by @turbopirate​ / @zelotae​ . am coming back as i play again, i never actually beat it. i noticed back when it came out it was this huge rush to finish for writers when honestly? it’s a tal.es game to be blunt. it’s not going to take four weeks. it’s going to take a long time including sidequests.
my blog will have some canon-divergency and also explanation particularly the scenes with vholran.
1. shionne was not kidnapped. shionne let go of her will to live and let vholran take her. this woman used a rifle and shot him clean in the face, at a reception at a palace against a renan lord immediately took action and if not for dohalim having immaculate talent as well shionne would have killed him. it is not a damsel situation when alphen’s awakening was the final string in place that kept shionne, who finally knew touch and love, to suddenly lose it. she broke, and frankly this is one of the most tragic / broken tal.es characters i’ve ever seen yet still she is so incredibly resilient. it was not a kidnapping, it was a complete surrender of hope. 
2. shionne will still be wearing her regular clothes. i had no idea why the narrative had her suddenly change wardrobes ? it was kind of creepy. much less why she was muttering to herself unless she had entered the highest form of dissociation / ptsd which she has in my portrayal, and i have experienced both, so there is no romanticism. in my portrayal, shionne will still have her dark astral energy / thorns go out of control, but she will not be at vholran’s throne room. i don’t exactly know how i’ll handle the ganath haros situation, but if the thorns go unstable in one room? they’re likely to in the entire castle. remember aside from alphen, shionne arguably is the most dangerous character in the game because she is unwittingly the bringer of the apocalpyse hence her plan and desperation to end her immortal life so that she can take the ‘thorns out with her’ to prevent universal destruction of the world. 
3. there will be very dark themes present. shionne was a lab rat killed and resurrected countless times to test how she ‘ticked’. that’s only the tip of the iceberg. i will also address how shionne treated dahnans in the opening with the word ‘embedded’ and how i plan to implement her apologizing to everyone in caliglia / particularly nayth , for her prejudice. she openly admits she did not care and had prejudice for dahnans , and she overcomes this in a realistic manner, but will apologize to almost every party member in writing at some point / write out her conflicting feelings without trampling on my friends who are poc. trust me, i was wary to even touch shionne with the premise of this game. we’re going to damn well do this respectfully and carefully. and i trust my friends who are poc to let me know if i should touch up more on a topic in ar.ise.
i will not overlook this. shionne is an absolutely selfless, sweetheart of the cast, that does not mean she is without flaw. she grows and develops. 
4. i will be exploring until the game is beaten who knows how long -- her character in my spare time, as she is low activity with my best friend who mains my alphen . all triggers will be tagged and please tell me how you’d like your triggers tagged so i avoid making you feel horrible / uncomfortable / not safe. that is the least of my intentions. but yes, without romanticism as i am a brutally honest person? there’s going to be very very dark themes on this blog, and i won’t look away from them.
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