#that begs the question of why presumably extant Greek demigods didn't take care of whatever was happening in Greece
clonerightsagenda · 2 months
Next up on my middle grade madness list is PJO, but the first season isn't out on DVD, and if I ever get free streaming trials it'll be when I'm in recovery and can make the best use of them, so I'll skip over that for now. As an adult I do want to interrogate its central premise that the gods are in the US because it's metaphysically the most important place on Earth, which is an extremely USAmerican take and not meant to be considered critically. But I will anyway.
That makes the next one Lockwood & Co. I only read that a year ago, but I've only read it once, and I like to be up on my details before viewing adaptations so I can nitpick effectively. Plus I have to stay up until midnight for medical reasons and reading ghost stories seems like a fitting way to do that. In honor of that person who got mad at me for saying Lucy thinks dead girls are hot, and because two of my passions are making shitty mspaint diagrams and being a bitch, perhaps I'll track everyone she says is hot by gender and mortality so we can see who wins this argument.
Last on my list if I ever want to laugh and/or cringe really hard, I heard the Animorphs tv show is godawful, but idk how to find that. Could be a good time. Might not commit to rereading 40+ books though.
Setting all of this aside, though, what I really need to do rn is clean the kitchen.
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