#thanks for the ask! 💖
pomellon · 1 year
I want to put socks and a bow tie on Dragon Cross.
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You've immobilised him!!
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ninadove · 6 months
How did you first get into fandom?
Oh wow, that was so long ago! I feel old!
Once upon a time, during a not-so-fun period of my life, I became obsessed with the Professor Layton franchise. At first I would just lurk on Tumblr and DeviantART, but one day I found this crossover fic on Skyblog and decided it was the coolest thing ever. I wanted to get out there, make friends, share silly one-shots and bask in the magic of the series.
And… it worked! The Layton fandom was extremely toxic at the time, at least in the French sphere, but I’m happy to say the author in question is my best friend to this day. Clive became a consistent source of brainworms: I even hand-drew some animatics starring him! But I struggled to write anything more than a one-shot, and definitely did not feel comfortable sharing my work.
Feligami is what got me to actually finish my WIPs and get them out there. They are everything good and pure in this world. ❤️🐉💜🦚
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preciousbabyrat · 1 month
i feel so represented by your cat in your profile pic & she looks adorable spare another picture of her pls? 🤲
omg rip I already changed the pic because it was blurry as shit lol
but yeah, this is what I look like when Dan and Phil open the door I'm scratching on or whatever
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girl-monkey-odalys · 8 months
Hi so I can’t remember who it was but in your fic one of your characters was wearing a tutu because he lost a bet and I thought that scene was really funny and as been stuck in my head for a while and been meaning to draw fanart out of it because I thought it was hilarious
And was the tutu part inspired by one of the sing concepts of when jhoony was wearing one ?
That was Breck the gorilla 🦍 🩰 OMG I would love it if you drew that scene from my fic; it would be hilarious 😂😂😂
Actually I didn’t even know that there was concept art of Johnny in a tutu 😝 I guess it must have been for Sing 2? I wonder if he was supposed to wear it for Klaus’ class 🙈
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ifindus · 2 years
vi trenger mere norge med langt hår🤌🏻 do you think you could draw norway with long hair but in modern day?
of course 😎
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Hey ash um question how do you handle captain Nathaniel flint snoring just wondering?
lol it really depends on how loud he makes. 😆
First few nights I understands well why B.E.N doesn't get restful sleep due I can imagine Flint snoring like a loud lawnmower imao!
But I want to say for my self insert she gotten pretty use on his snores. She learns just to sleep though it X'D
And fun fact just like Flint she also sometimes snores loudly not realizing it.
sooooo sorry B.E.N your stuck on two snorers 😅
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morska-trava · 9 months
kaj je želimljecore?
želimljecore je an inside joke (želimlje as in katoliška gimnazija -self-explanatory), ki as a tag zelo vaguely zajema katoliške in katoliško-adjacent stvari ^^
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smokeys-house · 10 months
What did you drink? I like apple sake and tsingtao beer… I used to drink vodka too. I’m not allowed to drink anymore, but I miss it :-[
There's a brand of apple sake I like, Fuji I think it was! My preferred sake is Gekkeikan black and gold unless I can get my paws on some tyku, but it's usually a little expensive for my taste since the abv is pretty low compared to spirits. Bang for buck if you catch my drift. Tsingtao is good stuff too 👀 used to recommend that one for the beer packs at my old job at an imports store, whenever we did beers of the world.
Right now I'm drinking Smith and Cross, it's an authentic Jamaican rum. I just can't escape the pirate vibes 🏴‍☠️🦜 I'm making old fashioneds with it! I usually drink an old fashioned with whatever spirit and citrus I have on hand. Sorry you miss drinking! It's rough when you can't do something you like, although at least it's. Something that's bad for u. So health is a benefit!
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
For the fanfic ask:🎢,🦅,💔
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oh my god I need to finish writing Denial and Deterioration.
(DotF is in first because it's complete, but if I ever manage to return to my Naruto roots it's D&D, not even a contest)
🦅 Do you outline your fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Okay this is an interesting question because, yes, I outline and yes it's quite thorough--I leave room for improvisation of course but I have specific details locked in very early on. I do, however, sometimes waffle back and forth between major plot points. Up until actually writing the actual reveal scene, I wasn't sure if the DotF ghost was going to be the original Dead!Link or Aryll. You'll notice hints are pretty sparse for that particular plot point because I was keeping my options open lol.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
I'm kind of emotionally detached from the drama of my own writing, I guess? I'll cry like a baby reading other stuff, but if I wrote it myself I don't really go to places that would make me, specifically, that emotional. I guess one that makes me the most emotional is The Disappearance of Narumiya Mei but that's because it's intentionally a personal piece. Also I had to take a break from writing it because IRL events started mirroring it too closely and haha oops. I'll get back to it eventually, I've been writing ch4 on and off for a long time.
That being said, I do legitimately laugh out loud at my own writing.
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seiya-starsniper · 9 months
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic? :)
I think in every Hobrinthian fic I've written, Hob has a thing for the Corinthian's eyes lmao. I am certain there are more but that's the one that popped into my head first!
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pomellon · 1 year
What’s the koolish height difference like in the dragon au? :3
I want to imagine that they were originally the same height but after Karl’s crystallization he can use Foolish’s toe beans as a mattress or something XD
They were really close to the same height originally, foolish just being a teeny bit taller :D
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But yeah if we count Foolish's leviathan size it's closer to this XD
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I should mentioned that Foolish don't look the same when he takes his true size btw! He would definitely look older and more worn out if that makes sense, big and longer scales, spins, fins and horn!
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draculas-husband · 2 years
9: I’m so proud of you kiss
Having defeated Nidhogg and checking in with Estinien, Drac had returned to the manor with the hope of spending time with the man he had longed for. He went to his guest room to drop off his belongings, only to find his lover already there, waiting, with fine wine and plenty of love to offer the hero. Drac quickly got changed and joined Edmont on the bed, caring little for the wine and instead focused on relaxing into his lover's warm embrace. The former count smiled at his beloved hero before whispering against his horn. "I am so proud of you, my dearest." Edmont's tone was full of love and he placed soft kisses onto his lover's face, relishing the moment.
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mystery-salad · 2 years
I have a question! Your characters are amazing, do you come up with them on the spot or do you grow an idea before creating them?
Hi there! First off thank you 💖💖💖 nothing brings me more joy than others enjoying my ocs.
And the answer is both! It really varies by character. For example, Joel and Matthias were both products of quite a bit of forethought. They were made from concepts I workshopped, and I spent a lot of time in the character creator trying to nail down their looks to reflect the plot beats I'd determined for them. Meanwhile Ruan and Roiel both popped out of the ground with half a thought and like an hour of cc fiddling for fun, and their actual plots filtered in over the next several days/weeks. Then there's characters like Marta and Tvelle who appeared in a half hour haze of knowing exactly who I was making and who they were, where no extended time has to happen at all aside from finer details!
It really depends on the day and what aspect of a character has primarily motivated me to bring them into existence.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
munday ask: what's your favorite and least favorite thing about your muse? Got any headcanons about Cromwell you haven't shared yet? If you could take a single piece of treasure from Alexander's hoard what would you take and why?
It’s Munday lads. Consider this your invite to ask the mun anything.
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⭐My favorite thing about Alexander is that he’s hot af and can be really loving, but my least favorite thing about him is his has a nasty attitude and temper. I just cannot stand that shit, real talk.
⭐As far as I know, I haven’t explored or shared that Cromwell has a secret crush on Alexander, which is why he can be curt with a few of his lovers, or jealous. Think Pearl from ‘Steven Universe’. His feelings are very loosely based/inspired by that dynamic.
⭐REALISTICALLY I’ll be trying to shovel in as many gold coins in my little kirby print backpack as fast as I can, or grabbing the biggest shiniest jewels I can spot. Either way, my local pawn shop will pay handsomely for either or and I doubt I’d have a lot of time to browse. 😭
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|| ⭐Accepting⭐||
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ifindus · 2 years
Since Norway was ruled by Denmark and Sweden for so many years, how did Norway maintain its cultural independence and not become assimilated as Danes or Swedes? Were there nationalistic movements to emphasize differences?
I understand Finland/Iceland being different, but Norway is a mystery to me. (I'm really unfamiliar with the Nordic 5 and their history, so bear with me)
You're good! I am here to answer questions like this, I love them 💖
In my opinion geography has a lot of impact on this. As Norway was in a union with Denmark, it was still separated by ocean, and again separated from Sweden by mountains. Mountains and valleys also hugely impacted the langauge in Norway, separating it into dialects. Language also played a large part in identifying as Norwegian - Danes and Norwegians spoke different languages, though mostly mutually intelligible, still different languages. Before the union, Norwegians and Danes and Swedes were also considered different groups of people, and people were aware of these differences - we see them written about in the saga litterature too.
I think it was not very difficult to see Norway as its own country during the unions either - mostly because Norwegians got less status and rights than Danes, and so this discrimmination also could have contributed to greater unity among Norwegians. We also have instances where Norwegian troops refused to fight the war of a King they felt no obligation to, and were severly punished for this.
It was also a fact that the Norwegian climate and nature was a lot rougher than that in either Denmark and Sweden, and that the Norwegians were in turn rougher and used to harsher living conditions. Norwegians were more in contact with their nature; fishing, seafaring, timber, mining etc. Norwegians also got more credit in wars, having a huge advantage in battles at sea, with no nation fostering as many admirals as Norway.
To sum up: Geography separating the peoples from each other, different rights and benefits depending on where you were born, different nature and climate impacting living, and a common identity found in the saga literature.
Though, most of the building of the nation Norway is today took place in the 1800s during the rise of nationalism in Europe and the imminent need to have a separate, recognisable identity to keep the rights to be its own country.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Definitely in the hope of open hands, aka my Nancy/Marjan fic.
I really did love it, but getting the worst anon hate I’ve ever received immediately after posting it just really damped the excitement I felt at finally finishing it. Now that some time has passed and I’m fairly certain I blocked that person, I kind of wish I could do it over again. But it is still there, and I should re-read it more often.
Let’s get real fic asks
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